solon ardittis - eurasylum ltd · solon ardittis 130, rue vervloesem, b-1200 brussels, belgium...

Solon ARDITTIS 130, rue Vervloesem, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium [email protected] +32-477315918 solon.ardittis2 Current Position: Managing Director of Eurasylum Ltd ( @eurasylum) Co-editor of ‘Migration Policy Practice’ Research Fellow at the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) Fellow at the Global Labor Organization (GLO) Qualifications: MA in European Employment Law (University of Leicester, UK) BSc (‘Licence’) in Sociology (University of Paris, France) Key experience Solon Ardittis has over 30 years of policy research, evaluation, technical cooperation and project management experience in the fields of immigration and asylum policy internationally. He has directed or participated in over 100 research, evaluation and technical assistance assignments in over 50 countries, on behalf of various Directorates-General of the European Commission (DG Migration & Home Affairs, DG Employment and Social Affairs, EuropeAid, DG External Relations, DG Education and Culture, DG Regional Policy, DG Research, DG Environment, DG Development, DG Enlargement and the Secretariat General), the European Parliament, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, Frontex, national government authorities, international organizations (ILO, UNDP, IOM, NATO) and academia. He is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), a Fellow at the Global Labor Organization (GLO), and the author of over 100 publications on migration and asylum policy. He is a regular commentator on the current EU migrant/refugee crisis in a wide range of European and US media, as well as the Joint Managing Editor of Migration Policy Practice, a bimonthly journal directed at senior officials in Government, EU institutions and international organizations published jointly with the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Positions held Since 2001: Managing Director of Eurasylum Ltd 1994-2000: Associate Director, ECOTEC Research and Consulting Ltd (now ECORYS) 1992-1994: Senior Research Manager, ECOTEC Research and Consulting Ltd (now ECORYS) 1990-1992 : Joint Director of Bureau de Recherche sur l'Immigration dans la Société Européenne 1989-1990: Expert, European Commission and International Organisation for Migration 1988-1989: Researcher, European Centre for Work and Society (Maastricht) 1986-1988: Independent consultant on international migration issues 1985-1986: Consultant, International Labour Office (Geneva) 1983-1984: Stagiaire, International Labour Office (Geneva) 1983: Stagiaire, Intergovernmental Committee for Migration (Geneva)

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Page 1: Solon ARDITTIS - Eurasylum Ltd · Solon ARDITTIS 130, rue Vervloesem, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium solon.ardittis2 +32-477315918 Current Position: Managing Director


130, rue Vervloesem, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium

[email protected] +32-477315918 solon.ardittis2

Current Position:

Managing Director of Eurasylum Ltd ( @eurasylum)

Co-editor of ‘Migration Policy Practice’

Research Fellow at the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)

Fellow at the Global Labor Organization (GLO)


MA in European Employment Law (University of Leicester, UK)

BSc (‘Licence’) in Sociology (University of Paris, France)

Key experience

Solon Ardittis has over 30 years of policy research, evaluation, technical cooperation and project

management experience in the fields of immigration and asylum policy internationally.

He has directed or participated in over 100 research, evaluation and technical assistance assignments

in over 50 countries, on behalf of various Directorates-General of the European Commission (DG

Migration & Home Affairs, DG Employment and Social Affairs, EuropeAid, DG External Relations, DG

Education and Culture, DG Regional Policy, DG Research, DG Environment, DG Development, DG

Enlargement and the Secretariat General), the European Parliament, the EU Agency for Fundamental

Rights, Frontex, national government authorities, international organizations (ILO, UNDP, IOM, NATO)

and academia.

He is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), a Fellow at the Global Labor

Organization (GLO), and the author of over 100 publications on migration and asylum policy. He is a

regular commentator on the current EU migrant/refugee crisis in a wide range of European and US

media, as well as the Joint Managing Editor of ‘Migration Policy Practice’, a bimonthly journal directed

at senior officials in Government, EU institutions and international organizations published jointly with

the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Positions held

Since 2001: Managing Director of Eurasylum Ltd

1994-2000: Associate Director, ECOTEC Research and Consulting Ltd (now ECORYS)

1992-1994: Senior Research Manager, ECOTEC Research and Consulting Ltd (now ECORYS)

1990-1992 : Joint Director of Bureau de Recherche sur l'Immigration dans la Société Européenne

1989-1990: Expert, European Commission and International Organisation for Migration

1988-1989: Researcher, European Centre for Work and Society (Maastricht)

1986-1988: Independent consultant on international migration issues

1985-1986: Consultant, International Labour Office (Geneva)

1983-1984: Stagiaire, International Labour Office (Geneva)

1983: Stagiaire, Intergovernmental Committee for Migration (Geneva)

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Main research, evaluation and consultancy projects (1983-2018)

Study on employers’ sanctions legislation in the USA (International Labour Office - ILO, 1983). Evaluation of the UNDP/TOKTEN Programme for Highly Qualified Expatriate Migrants (International

Labour Office - ILO, 1983).

Evaluation of Policies implemented by the Southern European Governments for the Assisted Return of their Expatriate Nationals (International Labour Office - ILO, 1984).

Management of a research programme on labour migration in Europe (European Centre for Work and Society, Maastricht, 1988-1989)

Evaluation of the EC/IOM Programme for the Return of Expatriate Professionals to five Central American Countries (Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama) (European Commission, former DGI, and IOM, 1989).

Evaluation of EC Structural Funds' Interventions in Favour of Human Resources in Objective 1 Regions (European Commission, former DGV and an inter-service group composed of former DGVI, DGXVI, DGXXII and the Task Force "Human Resources", 1992-1993).

Member of the SYSDEM central analysis unit (European Commission, former DGV, 1993-1995). Analyst in the ENVIREG Programme (“Environment in Objective 1 Regions”) (EC, former DGXVI,

1993-1995). Analyst in the Network of Employment Coordinators (NEC) (European Commission, former DGV,

1993). Analyst in the RECITE Programme ("Regions and Cities of Europe") (EC, former DGXVI, 1993). Analyst in the External Support Unit on Regional Policy (SIS) (European Commission, former

DGXVI, 1994). Study on Mobility of Occupational Groups within the European Union (EC, former DGXXII, 1994). Study on Migration from Maghreb Countries (European Commission, former DGI, 1993). Evaluation of the Education and Training System of Belgium's new Objective 1 Region (Hainaut)

(European Commission, former DGV, 1993). COST project on Internal Migration and Regional Development in Hungary (European Commission,

former DGXII, 1994). Co-editor of ECOTEC’s Working Papers series (1994-2000) Assessment of Job Competition between Unemployed and Employed Job-Seekers and the Role of

Public Employment Services (UK Employment Department, 1995). Study on Job Creation and New Occupations in Different Sectors of the European Union's

Economy (European Commission, former DGV, "Employment Framework Task Force", 1995). Management of project on Exchange of Experience between Andalucia, Macedonia-Thrace and

the Russian Federation on the Reintegration of Returning Migrants (EC, former DGXVI, ECOS-OUVERTURE, 1994).

Evaluation of the Euroform, Now and Horizon programmes in all the member states (EC, former DGV, 1995).

Evaluation of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme (European Commission, former DGXXII, 1996). Evaluation of the European Year for Lifelong Learning (European Commission, former DGXXII,

1997). Management of Tacis Project on the Development and Implementation of Russia's Migration Policy

(European Commission, former DGIA, 1995-1997). Co-management of Tacis Project on Social Protection and Integration of Migrants in the Russian

Federation (European Commission, former DGIA, 1997-1999). Evaluation of the Tacis Policy Advice Programme in Russia and Moldova (EC, former DGIA, 1999). Study on the EU Member States' Policies and Legislation on the Admission of Third-Country

Nationals for Employment Purposes (European Commission, DG Justice and Home Affairs, 1999-2000).

Management of the consortium holding one of the Lot 8 Framework Contracts on social development in all the non-EU countries (European Commission, EuropeAid, 2000).

Management of the Support Office of the European Refugee Fund (European Commission, DG Justice and Home Affairs, 1999-2000).

Co-management of the transnational networks on asylum-seekers under the EQUAL Programme of the European Commission (European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs, 2001-2002).

Evaluation of the Grant Applications for the European Refugee Fund’s Community Actions 2002 (European Commission, DG Justice and Home Affairs, 2002).

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Thematic Evaluation of Population and Development Programmes in EC External Cooperation (European Commission, EuropeAid, 2002-2003).

Study on International policies for the removal of rejected asylum seekers (Home Office, UK, 2002-2003).

Mid-Term Evaluation of the European Refugee Fund (European Commission, DG Justice and Home Affairs, 2003).

Senior expert in the Phare project on “Technical Assistance to the Bulgarian National Customs Agency and National Border Police Service for Facilitation of Danube River Border Crossings” (European Commission, DG Enlargement, 2003).

Evaluation of the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) (European Commission, EuropeAid, 2004).

Co-management, with ESN, of the consortium entrusted with the development of “Information and Communication Operations relating to activities supported by the European Union in the field of Justice and Home Affairs in 2004, 2005 and 2006” (European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice and Home Affairs, 2004-2006).

Study on “European Union Policy-Making on Asylum”, on behalf of the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR, London, 2004).

Co-management, with CKP Ltd, of the CARDS project on “Technical Assistance to Develop and Implement a National Action Plan for Migration and Asylum in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)”, on behalf of the European Commission (EuropeAid - European Agency for Reconstruction, 2004-2005).

Co-management of the “Final Evaluation of the first phase (2000-2004), and the definition of a common assessment framework for the second phase (2005-2010), of the European Refugee Fund”, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Justice, Freedom and Security, 2005-2006).

Co-management, with CKP Ltd, of the CARDS project on "Institutional building support to the Commissariat for Displaced Persons in Montenegro”, on behalf of the European Commission (European Agency for Reconstruction - EAR) (2006-2007).

Senior expert in the team implementing a fact-finding mission, and the design of an EU action programme, on “Control of illegal migration and countering of document fraud in Ghana”, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (Asylum and Migration Section, Directorate for People Trafficking and Transportation) (2006).

Co-management, with CKP Ltd, of the CARDS project entitled “Follow up of the Functional Review of the Return Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, on behalf of the European Commission (2007-2008).

Senior Expert on justice and home affairs (migration, asylum, border management, trafficking in human beings, customs, drugs trafficking, money laundering and crime prevention) in the consortium led by Egeval II entrusted with the "Evaluation of the EC Country Strategy in the Republic of Moldova (2000-2006)”, on behalf of the European Commission (2007)

Co-management, with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), of a research project on “Public Evaluation Policies and Practices in the field of Migration”, funded by the International Organization for Migration (IOM, Geneva, 2006-2007).

Management of three Framework Contracts with the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, for policy research and studies on ‘Policies relating to immigration, integration and citizenship’ (Lot 29), ‘Policies relating to social inclusion, equal opportunities and non-discrimination’ (Lot 30) and ‘Policies relating to human/fundamental rights and minority rights’ (Lot 31) (EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, Vienna, 2007-2011).

Study on ‘The protection of trafficked children’, on behalf of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (2007-2008).

Study on ‘The protection of irregular immigrant minors and asylum seeking children’, on behalf of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (2007-2008).

Evaluation of ’The use and effectiveness of automated passenger border entry and exit systems internationally’, on behalf of the UK Home Office (Immigration Research and Statistics – IRS – and Home Office Scientific Development Branch – HOSDB) (2008).

Study on "Recent measures taken to address irregular migration in Europe, with a special focus on irregular migration from China", on behalf of the International Organization for Migration (IOM, Geneva) (2008).

Study on "Administrative and technical aspects of land border checkpoints in the United Arab Emirates", on behalf of the Ministry of Presidential Affairs of the United Arab Emirates (2008).

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Evaluation of "The implementation of the EU External Borders Fund in Greece", on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Justice, Freedom and Security) (2009).

Co-management of a project on the ’’Establishment of custody centres and temporary holding facilities for irregular migrants in Ukraine’’, on behalf of the European Commission (EuropeAid) (2009-2012)

Co-management, of a “Study on the feasibility of establishing a mechanism for the relocation of beneficiaries of international protection”, on behalf of the European Commission (DG Justice, Freedom and Security) (2009-2010)

Management of two Framework Contracts for the ‘Provision of external expertise to the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (the LIBE Committee) in the field of Justice and Home Affairs including Impact Assessment studies – Lot 3 (Asylum) and Lot 4 (Immigration, Integration and Management of the EU’s External Borders), on behalf of the European Parliament (DG Internal Policies) (2010-2014)

Preparation of an EU-Ukraine Twinning Programme on “Enhancing the Public Authorities’ Efficiency in the area of Migration Processes Management, in particular in the context of the Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Readmission Agreement”, on behalf of the European Commission (EuropeAid) (2010)

Study on "The implementation of Article 80 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) on the principle of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility, including its financial implications, between the Member States in the field of border checks, asylum and immigration", on behalf of the European Parliament (Directorate-General for Internal Policies) (2010-2011).

Study on ‘The reception of and social benefits for illegal migrants and rejected asylum seekers in Belgium, Denmark, France, and the Netherlands’, on behalf of the Dutch Government’s Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (ACVZ, The Hague) (2011)

Study on ‘The situation of third-country nationals pending postponed return/removal in the EU Member States and the Schengen Associated Countries’, on behalf of the European Commission (DG Home Affairs, 2011-2013).

Study on ‘The feasibility and legal and practical implications of establishing a mechanism for the joint processing of asylum applications on the territory of the European Union’, on behalf of the European Commission (DG Home Affairs, 2011-2012).

Study on ‘The requirements specific to minors travelling alone or accompanied, legally entering or leaving the Member States and Associated Countries', on behalf of the European Commission (DG Home Affairs, 2011-2012).

Member of the SACO consortium entrusted with a ‘Framework contract COM 2011 Lot 1, for studies and technical assistance in all fields covered by the EC cooperation and development programmes for countries outside the European Union’, on behalf of the European Commission (EuropeAid, 2011-2013).

Framework contract for the ’Supply of Impact Assessment, evaluation and evaluation related services in the area of Home Affairs (Lot 2)', on behalf of the European Commission (DG Home Affairs, 2011-2013).

Co-management, with Ramboll, of a “Compilation of the national evaluation reports on the results and impacts of actions co-financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country nationals, from 2007 to 2010, and the European Refugee Fund, from 2008 to 2010, and production of a report at European Union level for each Fund”, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs, 2013).

‘Monitoring of the implementation of the European Return Fund (RF) in Ireland’, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs, 2014).

Framework Contract on the “Provision of external expertise to the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (the LIBE Committee), in the field of Justice and Home Affairs including Impact Assessment studies – Lot 4 (Immigration, Integration and Management of the EU’s External Borders)”, on behalf of Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the European Parliament (2014-2018).

Co-management, with Ramboll, of the ‘External Evaluation of FRONTEX’, on behalf of the EU Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX, Warsaw, 2014-2015).

‘Monitoring of the implementation of the External Borders Fund (EBF) and the European Return Fund (RF) in Portugal’, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs, 2014).

‘Study on key priorities for the development of Libya’s migration policy’, on behalf of the International Organization for Migration (IOM, Geneva, 2014).

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‘Monitoring of the implementation of the External Borders Fund in Sweden’, on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate-General for Home Affairs, 2015).

‘Contribution to NATO’s Strategic Foresight Analysis Report’, on behalf of NATO (Allied Command Transformation – ACT, Norfolk, Virginia, 2015).

‘Preparation of a draft strategy for the Greek government in the event Turkey suspends its implementation of the EU-Turkey agreement on migration’ (Greek Permanent Representation to the European Union, 2016).

‘Evaluation of project proposals under the ‘Integration’ strand of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund’ (AMIF), on behalf of the European Commission (DG Migration & Home, 2017).

Co-management, with Ecorys, ICMPD and MPI-Europe, of a four-year framework contract on “Consultancy and technical support services in the area of irregular migration” (Lot 1), on behalf of the European Commission (DG Migration & Home Affairs, 2017-2021).

Contribution of a series of articles on irregular migration to Europe for IOM’s Global Migration Data Portal, on behalf of the International Organization for Migration (Global Migration Data Analysis Centre – GMDAC, 2017).

Co-management, with Ecorys, ICMPD, MPI-Europe and the Migration Policy Group (MPP), of a four-year framework contract on “Consultancy and technical support services in the area of legal migration and integration” (Lot 2), on behalf of the European Commission (DG Migration & Home

Affairs, 2017-2021). Drafting and management of Eurasylum’s “Monthly Policy Interviews” series (2004-2013). Joint Managing Editor of Migration Policy Practice (a bimonthly journal published jointly by IOM

and Eurasylum), since October 2011.

Other current professional activities/affiliations

Research Fellow at the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA, Bonn, Germany) - Since 2006 Joint Managing Editor of Migration Policy Practice, a bimonthly journal published jointly by IOM

and Eurasylum - since October 2011 Fellow at the Global Labor Organization (GLO) – since 2017 Regular referee for various international journals on migration and asylum affairs

Additional training

Certificate in Design and Evaluation of Development Cooperation Projects (International Labour Office - ILO, Geneva) Certificate in Conflict Management and Negotiation (Inter-American Defense College, in association with the Institute of World Affairs, USA) Certificate in the Conduct of Humanitarian Relief Operations (United Nations Institute for Training and Research - UNITAR, New York) Certificate of the Institute of International Human Rights Law (Strasbourg, France) Certificate on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (Trinity College Dublin) Certificate on Global Systems Science and Policy (UNESCO/UNITWIN Complex Systems Digital



(1981) "Ville libre Christiana est devenue ville morte", in Libération (Paris), no.116, 28 September 1981, p.20.

(1984) "Les Clandestins et les sanctions à l'encontre des employeurs aux Etats-Unis: l'anti-modèle des lois d'Etat", in Studi Emigrazione/Etudes Migrations (Rome), Vol.XXI, no.74 (June 1984), pp.153-174.

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(1984) Annotated Bibliography on International Return Migration (Geneva: International Labour Office, 1984), 59p.

(1985) The Assisted Return of Qualified Migrants to their Countries of Origin: the UNDP and ICM Multilateral Programmes (Geneva: International Labour Office, 1985), 60p. (Also published in French)

(1985) "Pour une régulation concertée des courants de compétences entre pays en développement et pays d'emploi", in Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (Poitiers, CNRS), Vol.I, no.1 (September 1985), pp.103-121.

(1988) Migration de retour en Europe du Sud (Geneva:International Labour Office, 1988), 67p.

(1988) "Towards a Definition of Optimal Modes of Know-How Transfer in Developing Countries through Temporary Return of Expatriate Brains", Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on the Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate Nationals, organised jointly by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of the Government of India (New-Delhi, 3-8 February 1988), 12p.

(1988) (with S. Grudzielski) "Perspectives et enjeux d'une intégration des effectifs migrants en Europe", Proceedings of the 8th Seminar on the Impact of Migration on Social Structures, organised by the Intergovernmental Committee for Migration (Geneva, 13-16 September 1988), 16p. (Reprinted in NEWS, Maastricht:ECWS, no.16, February 1989, pp.3-8.)

(1988) (with D. Van der Werf) Migration in a European Perspective: Selected Issues and Prospects (Maastricht: European Centre for Work and Society), 50p.

(1989) "Tendances et nouveaux enjeux de l'exode des cerveaux des pays en développement", in Studi Emigrazione/Etudes Migrations (Rome), Vol.XXVI, no.94 (June 1989), pp.272-281.

(1989) "Attirer les compétences, éviter l'exode des cerveaux en Chine populaire", in Le Monde Diplomatique (Paris), no. 425 (August 1989), p.16.

(1990) Evaluation of the EC-IOM Project for the Reintegration of Qualified Latin American Nationals in Five Central American Countries (Brussels and Geneva: European Commission and International Organization for Migration, 1990), 119p. (Also published in Spanish).

(1990) "Exode des compétences, migrations internes et gestion des ressources humaines en Chine populaire", in Studi Emigrazione/Etudes Migrations (Rome), Vol. XXVII, no.98 (June 1990), pp.277-288

(1990) "Labour Migration and the Single European Market: a Synthetic and Prospective Note", in International Sociology (London), Vol.V, no.4 (December 1990), pp.461-474

(1991) "Targeted Reintegration of Expatriate Brains into Developing Countries of origin: The EC-IOM Experience in Central America", in International Migration (Geneva), Vol.XXIX, no.3 (September 1991), pp.371-388

(1991) "Needs and Scope for future Research on New Migration to Europe, Proceedings of the Expert Meeting on International Migration, organised by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (Geneva, 16-19 July 1991), 5p.

(1991) "Prospects and Issues in Skilled Migration from Eastern to Western Europe", Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on the Transfer of Knowledge Through Expatriate Nationals (TOKTEN), organized jointly by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines (Manila, 13-17 November 1991), 28p.

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(1992) "The New Brain Drain from Eastern to Western Europe", in The International Spectator (Rome: Institute of International Affairs), Vol.XXVII, no.1 (January 1992), pp. 79-96.

(1992) "The Institutional Management of Linguistic Communities in Belgium: Any Lessons for Former Yugoslavia?", in Medunarodni Problemi (Belgrade: Institute for International Politics and Economics), Vol. XLIV, n.3-4, (July-December 1992), pp. 243-251.

(1993) Les migrations dans la Communauté européenne et au Sud de la Mediterranée (European Commission, Directorate-General for External Relations, 1993), 86p.

(1994) "European Immigration Policy", in PMI Paper n.3 on European Monetary Union (Brussels: Philip Morris Institute for Public Policy Research), March 1994 (published in English, French and German).

(1994) (edited by) The Politics of East-West Migration (with a foreword by Jacques Attali), Basingstoke: Macmillan Press and New York:St Martin's Press,1994, 280 p.

(1994) (with S. Grudzielski) "Pour un new deal européen sur l'immigration", in Studi Emigrazione/Etudes Migrations (Rome), Vol. XXXI, no. 114 (June 1994), pp.327-330.

(1995) "Les circuits et les besoins d'information sur les migrations méditerranéennes dans l'Union européenne", in Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (Poitiers),Vol. XI, no.1, pp.179-194.

(1995) Immigration of Third Country Nationals into the European Union: The Prospects for the Adoption of a EU Common Policy, Birmingham:ECOTEC Papers 2, 18 p.

(1995) "Exchange of Experience between the Russian Federation and Southern European Regions in the field of Migrant Reintegration Policies", in International Migration Review (New York), Vol. XXIX, no.4, pp.1049-1056

(1998) (with Cécile Riallant) "Issues and Prospects of a Common European Immigration Policy", International Conference on Europe: The New Melting Pot", University of Notre Dame, Nanovic Institute, 22-24 March 1998

(1998) "Belgium's Federal Way" (in Serbo-Croatian), in Medunarodni Problemi (International Problems) (Special issue on National Problems: Some European Experiences) (Belgrade:Vol. L. no. 3-4/1998), pp. 413-421

(2001) Book review of "Outsiders: A History of European Minorities" (by P. Panaya), in International Migration Review (New York), Vol. 35, no. 2 (Summer 2001), p. 617

(2005) (with R. Lewis and C. Manchip) From Rome to the Hague – EU Policy-Making on Asylum, London: Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), 2005, 51 p.


(2008) (co-edited with F. Laczko) Assessing the Costs and Impacts of Migration Policy: an International Comparison (with a preface by Brunson McKinley and a foreword by Antonio Vitorino), Geneva:International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2008, 204 p.


(2008) (with F. Laczko) How are the Costs and Impacts of Migration Policies Evaluated, Washington: Migration Information Source, April 2008.


(2008) (with D. Ingham, C. Manchip and L. MacKellar) The protection of the rights and special needs of irregular immigrant minors and asylum seeking children, Vienna:EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), April 2008, 67 p.

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(2008) (with D. Ingham, C. Manchip and L. MacKellar) The protection of the rights and special

needs of trafficked children, Vienna:EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), April 2008, 68 p. (

(2010) (co-edited with F. Laczko) IOM/Eurasylum Monthly Policy Interview Series on: “The Future of Migration: Building Capacities for Change”, Geneva:International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2010, 39 p. (

(2015) “Ethiopian migrants' massacre triggers discussions about EPRDF’s policy effectiveness” (interview of Solon Ardittis), in New Business Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), 30 April 2015 (

(2015) Solidarity Vouchers for Greece, Berlin: Atlantic-Community, 8 July 2015 (

(2015) “Profughi, e ora?” (interview of Solon Ardittis), in Q Code Mag (Italy), 11 September 2015 (in Italian) (

(2015) “On the future of EU asylum and free movement rules”, in The EU Observer (Brussels), 15 September 2015 (

(2015) “How can refugees be distributed fairly among EU member states?”, in Euractiv (Brussels), 17 September 2015 (

(2015) “Migranti, non esiste una sola Europa” (interview of Solon Ardittis), in Il Fatto Quotidiano (Milan), 19 September 2015 (in Italian) (

(2015) “Réfugiés: il faut repenser la politique européenne”, in La Tribune (Paris), 23 September 2015 (in French) ( (re-published in Euractiv-France: “Repenser la relocalisation des réfugiés”,

(2015) “Migranti, nel Def il governo chiede all’Ue flessibilità per 3,3 miliardi. Ma l’Italia ne spende solo 1,1: lo dicono i ministeri” (interview of Solon Ardittis), in Il Fatto Quotidiano (Milan),15 October 2015 (in Italian) (

(2015) “Hungary shows EU aid does not 'buy' solidarity for refugees”, in Euractiv (Brussels), 22 October 2015 (

(2016) ”The resurgence of nationalism in Europe” (interview of Solon Ardittis), in I Epohi (Athens), 24 January 2016 (in Greek) (

(2016) “Taking stock of the Refugee Crisis”, in Euractiv (Brussels), 25 January 2016 (

(2016) “The financial costs of a two-year Schengen suspension)“, in Vocal Europe (Brussels), 29 January 2016 (

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(2016) “Migranti, report segreto sul grande flop di Frontex” (interview of Solon Ardittis), in Il Fatto Quotidiano (Milan), 31 January 2016 (in Italian) (

(2016) “On the future of Schengen”, in The EU Reporter (Brussels), 05 February 2016 (available in 27 languages) (

(2016) “On the new EU humanitarian aid fund for refugees”, in New Europe (Brussels), 07 March 2016 (

(2016) “Three questions on the draft EU-Turkey agreement on Syrian refugees”, in Euractiv (Brussels), 11 March 2016 (

(2016) “From Turkey to Libya : The EU refugee crisis’ never-ending domino effect”, in Vocal Europe (Brussels), 22 March 2016 (

(2016) “Rethinking the EU’s approach to refugee resettlement and relocation policy”, in The EU Reporter (Brussels), 13 April 2016 (

(2016) “Matteo Renzi’s ‘Compact Migration’ proposals: a step closer to a viable and comprehensive solution to the EU migrant crisis?”, in New Europe (Brussels), 20 April 2016 (

(2016) “The EU-Turkey agreement on refugees three weeks on: Too early to judge but a potentially promising start”, in Vocal Europe (Brussels), 22 April 2016 (

(2016) “Towards a sustainable and fair system for processing asylum claims in the European Union?”, in Global Policy (Durham), 29 April 2016 (

(2016) “A global resettlement scheme for refugees in the EU”, in News Deeply (New York), 10 May 2016 ( (republished in The Atlantic Council’s MENA Source, 16 May 2016:h; and in the CGS Monitor, 17 May 2016:

(2016) “Has the EU-Turkey refugee deal collapsed?”, in Euractiv (Brussels), 13 May 2016 (

(2016) “How real is the new irregular migration threat from Libya and what do the figures exactly say?”, in New Europe (Brussels), 18 May 2016 (

(2016) “Humanitarian Summit Must Address Border Management”, in News Deeply (New York) (Special series on the World Humanitarian Summit), 19 May 2016 (

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(2016) “Avtalet EU-Turkiet hänger på allt skörare tråd” (interview of Solon Ardittis), in Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm), 23 May 2016 (in Swedish) (

(2016) “Any new refugee policy leads emerging from recent UN initiatives?”, in Global Policy (Durham), 26 May 2016 (

(2016) “Is it time for a public referendum on the future of EU immigration and asylum policy?”, in Europe’s World (Brussels), 08 June 2016 ( (republished in Europost, 17 June 2016 :

(2016) “On the strategic significance of recent EU initiatives on migrant integration policy and highly skilled migration”, in Global Policy (Durham), 23 June 2016 (

(2016) “Will the new European Border and Coast Guard Agency restore trust in the EU’s ability to protect its external borders?”, in New Europe (Brussels), 30 June 2016 (

(2016) “Can the new EU Resettlement Framework face up to the challenges and complexities of

the current refugee crisis?”, in ESharp (Brussels), 21 July 2016 (

(2016) “Can Obama’s Pledging Summit rescue global resettlement policy?”, in News Deeply (New York) (Special series on the UN Summit on Refugees and Migrants), 02 September 2016 (

(2016) “Verdens ledere tager fælles ansvar for flygtninge” (interview of Solon Ardittis), in Kristeligt Dagblad (Copenhagen), 17 September 2016 (in Danish) (

(2016) “UN must look beyond national solutions to the refugee crisis”, in Euractiv (Brussels), 09 September 2016 ( (republished in The New Nation, 18 September 2016

(2016) “Should Greece be reinstated in the Dublin system?”, in Global Policy (Durham), 14 September 2016 (

2016) “Flexible solidarity: Rethinking the EU refugee relocation system after Bratislava”, in Europp – European Politics and Policy (London), 21 September 2016 ( (republished in New Europe, 25 September 2016:,and in LSE Brexit, 10 October 2016:

(2016) “Is the EU migration crisis coming to an end?”, in ESharp (Brussels), 04 October 2016 (

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(2016) “EU får ingen gavn af Orbáns nederlag” (interview of Solon Ardittis), Kristeligt Dagblad (Copenhagen), 04 October 2016 (in Danish) (

(2016) “Vers quel système de relocalisation des réfugiés va l'UE?”, in The Huffington Post (Paris), 07 Octobre 2016 (

(2016) “Has the EU Improved External Border Protection?”, in World Policy (New York), 24 October 2016 (

(2016) “Isn’t it a bit early to condemn the EU Migration Partnership Framework?”, in Euractiv (Brussels), 25 October 2016 (

(2016) “How to monitor the EU's new border security strategy”, in The EU Observer (Brussels), 26 October 2016 (

(2016) “Is the EU gradually renouncing its fundamental values in order to better protect its external borders?”, in Ethics & International Affairs (New York, Carnegie Council), 14 November 2016 (

(2016) “Should asylum seekers be returned to Greece under the Dublin system?”, in International New York Times-Kathimerini (Athens), 10 December 2016 (

(2016) “EU migration policy: Effective solidarity or ineffective implementation of existing Treaty provisions?”, in openDemocracy (London) (

(2016) “Evropska komisija z dvoličnim predlogom za vračanje migrantov v Grčijo stopnjuje pritisk” (interview of Solon Ardittis), in Dnevnik (Ljubljana), 28 December 2016 (in Slovenian),

(2016) “Must-Read Stories on Refugees from 2016”, in Refugees Deeply (New York), 29 December 2016 (

(2017) “EU needs greater input from refugee groups”, in The EU Observer (Brussels), 05 January 2017 (

(2017) “The EU-Turkey migration deal one year on: is the jury finally out?”, in International New York Times-Kathimerini (Athens), 22 March 2017 (

(2017) “Why Marine Le Pen will never be France’s President”, in ESharp (Brussels), 10 May 2017 ( (republished in openDemocracy, 17 May 2017, Video version:

(2017) “Terrorism in Europe: What we know and what we should stop assuming”, in New Europe (Brussels), 28 May 2017 (

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(2017) “Rethinking current approaches to terrorism in Europe”, in Euractiv (Brussels), 08 June 2017 (

(2017) “Migrant relocation ruling raises many questions”, in The EU Observer (Brussels), 08 September 2017 (

(2017) “Live and let die? The end of the EU migrant relocation programme”, in openDemocracy (London), 26 September 2017 (

(2017) “Direct cash grants to refugees: The EU experience in Turkey one year on”, in Humanitarian Law & Policy (Geneva: ICRC), 07 November 2017 (

(2017) “EU migration policy cannot meet everyone’s expectations”, in Euractiv (Brussels), 10 November 2017 (

(2017) “When will Greece’s refugee emergency descend the EU policy agenda?”, in Global Policy (Durham), 28 November 2017 ( (republished in Refugees Deeply, 01 December 20017:

(2017) African migration to Europe: How can adequate data help improve evidence-based policymaking and reduce possible misconceptions?, Geneva:IOM GMDAC Data Briefing Series No. 11, November 2017, 7p. (

(2017) “UN migration global compact for migration must be made fit for purpose”, in Irinnews (Geneva), 18 December 2017 ( (republished in The Citizen, 27 August 2018:

(2017) “It’s time to consider a two-tier EU immigration and asylum policy”, in Europe’s World (Brussels), 21 December 2017 (

(2018) (with Chris Catrambone) “How to solve our broken refugee resettlement system”, in Thomson Reuters (London), 30 January 2018 ( (republished in Rights in Exile, March 2018:

(2018) (with Chris Catrambone) “De nouveaux modèles d'accueil et de réinstallation des réfugiés existent, cessons de les critiquer et mettons-les en œuvre!”, in The Huffington Post (Paris), 02 February 2018 (

(2018) “How Blockchain can benefit migration programmes and migrants”, in IOM Global Migration Data Portal (Berlin: International Organization for Migration - IOM), 22 February 2018 ( (republished in Refugees Deeply, 26 February 2018:

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(2018) (with Chris Catrambone) “Rohingya Refugees and Socio-Economic Regeneration in Cox’s Bazar”, in Global Policy (Durham), 06 April 2018 ( (republished in The Dhaka Tribune, 11 April 2018:

(2018) “The end of EU migration policy”, in Euractiv (Brussels), 25 June 2018 (

(2018) Interview of Solon Ardittis and other experts on the Trump administration’s immigration policies, in The Atlantic (Washington D.C.), 29 June 2018 ( Video version: