sony vegas pro v12.0

28/1/2015 SONY Vegas PRO v12.0.670 Multilenguaje (Español), Cree Vídeos HD, Audios y Discos Bluray IntercambiosVirtuales 1/36 Recomienda IntercambiosVirtuales +10m Seguir Buscar en intercambios Inicio Foro Busqueda Info Legales Reglas F.A.Q. Juegos Staff Contacto julio 24 SONY Vegas PRO v12.0.670 Multilenguaje (Español), Cree Vídeos HD, Audios y Discos Blu ray Posteado En: Software por jimmy_criptoy Datos Técnicos SONY Vegas PRO v12.0.670 Multilenguaje DE, ES, FR, EN, JP | Medicina Incl. | 226 MB | Win Vista/7/8 | NFO 148 458 Recomendar

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    Datos TcnicosSONY Vegas PRO v12.0.670 Multilenguaje

    DE, ES, FR, EN, JP | Medicina Incl. | 226 MB | Win Vista/7/8 | NFO



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    DescripcinVegas Pro proporciona un entorno de creacin de contenido eficiente, intuitivo eintegrado para profesionales de vdeo y televisin. Ahora con rendimiento acelerado deGPU con dispositivos compatibles con OpenCL, Vegas Pro impulsa las tareas deprocesamiento de vdeo y renderizado con facilidad.Con innovadoras herramientas 3D estereoscpicas, compatibilidad con formato amplio,control de audio sin precedentes y efectos de transformacin y procesamientoimpulsados por la GPU, la coleccin de Vegas Pro optimiza el flujo de trabajo comonunca antes.Con su enfoque nico, visual para la produccin de audio y vdeo digital, Vegas ofrece unpoder tremendo, una velocidad increble y una productividad mxima en una plataformaeficiente y sin complicaciones.

    Requerimientos del Sistema

    Sistemas operativos Microsoft Windows Vista de 64 bits con SP2, Windows 7 de64 bits, o Windows 8 de 64 bitsProcesador a 2 GHz (se recomienda una CPU de varios ncleos o procesadores paraHD o 3D estereoscpico)500 MB de espacio libre en el disco duro para la instalacin del programa4 GB de memoria RAM (se recomiendan 8 GB)Tarjeta IEEE1394DV compatible con OHCI (para captura de DV y HDV e impresinen cinta)Conexin USB 2.0 (para importacin desde cmaras de vdeo de AVCHD, XDCAM EX,NXCAM o DVD)Memoria GPU de 512 MBTarjeta de sonido compatible con WindowsUnidad de DVDROM (solo para la instalacin desde DVD)Unidad de grabacin de CD compatible (solo para la grabacin de CD)Unidad DVDR/RW/+R/+RW compatible (solo para la grabacin en DVD)Unidad de BDR/RE compatible (solo para la grabacin en Bluray Disc)Microsoft .NET Framework 3.51 (incluido en el disco de la aplicacin)Apple QuickTime 7.1.6 o posterior, para la lectura y escritura de archivosQuickTimeConexin a Internet (para el servicio Gracenote MusicID)La renderizacin y procesamiento de vdeo acelerado por GPU requiere una GPUcompatible con OpenCL de NVIDIA AMD/ATI, o Intelcon 512 MB de memoria oms. (consulte la pgina de aceleracin de GPU para obtener informacin detalladade las especificaciones y los requisitos del controlador)

    FuncionalidadHerramientas de edicin innovadorasEdite material de SD, HD, 2K y 4K en 2D o 3D estereoscpico con la funcin de arrastrar ysoltar, o en los modos de edicin tradicionales de 3 puntos y 4 puntos. La interfaz deVegas Pro 12 ofrece una impresionante gama de herramientas innovadoras y toquesagradables con un espacio de trabajo que se puede personalizar por completo con el fin

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    de llevar a cabo una amplia variedad de tareas de produccin. Anide los proyectos deVegas Pro dentro de la escala de tiempo, personalice y guarde comandos del teclado, yutilice la creacin de secuencias de comandos de aplicaciones para automatizar tareasrepetitivas. El nuevo modo de edicin expandido divide la pista de forma temporal en supunto de edicin para que pueda aadir o eliminar fotogramas de forma dinmica aambos lados del punto de edicin al mismo tiempo que se reproducen los medios,ofreciendo una experiencia de edicin interactiva de gran precisin.

    Potente motor de composicin y efectosCombine hasta 32 efectos de alta calidad, a los que se les pueden aadir fotogramasclave, por cadena de efectos y aplquelos a eventos, pistas, medios o proyectos. VegasPro 12 incorpora una avanzada arquitectura de plugins basada en el estndar OpenFX quepermite aplicar cientos de efectos opcionales diseados por los principalesdesarrolladores VFX de plugins de efectos visuales. Los modos de pistas principalessecundarias y de composicin 2D y 3D sofisticada ofrecen un potente entorno de efectosflexibles. Las herramientas de enmascaramiento de formas y las funciones deenmascaramiento de efectos se incluyen por primera vez en Vegas Pro 12, junto con elplugin Coincidencia de colores, con el fin de hacer que las caractersticas de color de losclips de vdeo coincidan.

    Intercambio de proyectosImporte y exporte una amplia variedad de archivos de proyectos desde y hacia Vegas Pro12. El software integrado puede realizar conversiones entre el archivo original .veg y AAFpara Avid ProTools; XML para Apple Final Cut Pro 7, Final Cut Pro X (soloexportacin) y DaVinci Resolve 8; y .prproj para Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 y AfterEffects CS6.

    Titler Pro 1.0 de NewBlueFXCree ttulos de alta calidad con Titler Pro 1.0, aplicacin de ttulos con funcionescompletas de NewBlueFX. Titler Pro permite a los usuarios aadir animaciones, plantillasde estilo profesional y efectos a sus secuencias de ttulos. Trabaje en tiempo real conefectos y transiciones acelerados por GPU, y mueva texto con facilidad en los ejes X, Y yZ, todo ello en el espacio de trabajo de Vegas Pro 12. Gracias a sus funciones de 2D y 3D,Titler Pro 1.0 es la incorporacin perfecta al conjunto de herramientas de 3Destereoscpico.

    Concebido para ofrecer altas prestacionesLos sistemas operativos de 64 bits resultan ptimos para obtener un rendimientomximo. Al dirigirse en exclusiva a los sistemas operativos de 64 bits, Vegas Pro 12supera muchas de las limitaciones que imponen las arquitecturas de software/hardwarede 32 bits tradicionales, lo que permite a los usuarios disfrutar de un rendimientosuperior y una estabilidad mejorada con formatos y proyectos que requieren un usointensivo de memoria.

    Vegas Pro 12, que funciona en dispositivos compatibles con OpenCL de AMD y NVIDIA,aprovecha la aceleracin de GPU para efectos especiales de vdeo, transiciones,composicin, panoramizacin/recorte, movimiento de pistas y codificacin, lo quepermite un flujo de trabajo significativamente ms rpido. La aceleracin de GPUoptimiza la experiencia de la edicin de vdeo en Vegas Pro 12 con ventajas en el

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    rendimiento de reproduccin y tiempos de renderizacin ms rpidos, lo que resultaideal para los profesionales del sector que trabajen con plazos ajustados en los que cadasegundo es muy valioso.

    Edicin de contenido 3D estereoscpicoCree proyectos de contenido 3D estereoscpico alucinantes con la misma facilidad yvelocidad que el flujo de trabajo 2D de Vegas Pro. Vegas Pro 12 le brinda la posibilidadde importar, ajustar, editar, obtener una vista previa y generar medios 3Destereoscpicos fcilmente, todo ello con los formatos de presentacin profesionalestndar del sector, entre los que se incluyen los archivos nicos o dobles concodificacin en paralelo, superior/inferior o de lnea alterna. Tambin se ofrece laposibilidad de supervisin y salida anaglfica. El emparejamiento estereoscpicoautomtico permite emparejar en grandes cantidades subclips de vdeo en 3Destereoscpico en la escala de tiempo, con la posibilidad de emparejar de formaautomtica medios en 3D estereoscpico creados con la cmara Sony PMWTD300 o unapareja de cmaras PMWF3 por medio de la funcin de enlace 3D.

    Control de audio de mxima calidadAcceda a pistas ilimitadas de audio, audio de 24 bits/192 kHz, grabacin por pinchazos,mezcla surround 5.1, automatizacin de efectos y compresin/extensin de tiempo,mientras aplica efectos de audio personalizables en tiempo real, como Ecualizador,Reverberacin, Retardo y muchos ms. Ample las opciones de procesamiento y mezclade audio con plugins de audio de DirectX y VST compatibles. Vegas Pro 12 escompatible con las nuevas versiones de 64 bits de Puerta de ruido 2.0, Martillo de onda yAcoustic Mirror de Sony, entre otros programas. Utilice la mesa de mezclas para lograrun control de audio exhaustivo con precisin basada en muestras.

    Amplia compatibilidad de formatosVegas Pro acu el concepto de edicin en formato original y su ltima versin ancontina con esa herencia al ser compatible con los formatos actuales de videocmarasms comunes, incluidos XDCAM, NXCAM, AVCHD, HDCAM SR, DSLR h.264 QuickTime yRED. Como novedad de la versin 12 se incluye la compatibilidad con los mediosPanasonic P2 DVCPRO y AVCIntra. Ahora, se pueden codificar proyectos en archivosHDCAM SR MXF, funcin disponible para los profesionales de la edicin de calidadptima.

    Potente funcin de creacin de Bluray DiscGrabe pelculas en Bluray Disc directamente desde la escala de tiempo de Vegas Pro 12para conseguir una produccin en alta definicin. Utilice el software DVD Architect Pro(incluido en la familia Vegas Pro 12) para crear proyectos de DVD o Bluray Disc consubttulos, distintos idiomas y diversos mens de reproduccin. Obtenga una vista previade su trabajo y prubelo en tiempo real. Importe archivos de capas .PSD de Photoshoppara utilizar botones y otros elementos grficos. El codificador MainConcept AVC ahoraes compatible con velocidades de bits variables de hasta 40 Mbps y una velocidad de bitsmedia de 25 Mbps con el fin de conseguir una calidad HD sin precedentes.

    Novedades versin 12.0New Features in Version 12.0

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    VideoAdded new video plugins:

    LAB Adjust allows you to manipulate colors in the Lab (L*a*b* or L*, a*, b*) colorspace.Color Match allows you to automatically match the color between clips.Layer Dimensionality allows you to add depth to video and images that containalpha transparency.Added Lightness/a/b histogram view, allowing you to analyze your video in the Lab(L*a*b* or L*, a*, b*) color space.Added Set to 0% velocity to the video velocity envelope point shortcut menu.Hold Shift (for trim) or Ctrl+Alt+Shift (for adjacent trim) while dragging an eventedge to ignore event grouping for fast J and L cuts.Added tools for creating rectangular and oval masks and for moving, scaling,rotating, and feathering masks in the Event Pan/Crop plugin.You can now use the Apply to FX control in the Event Pan/Crop plugin to maskvideo event effects.You can now pair stereoscopic 3D subclips at the track level.Additional multistream 3D formats are now supported.Added support for automatic 3D pairing of singlestream clips from the PMWTD300,PMWF3 with 3D Link option, and cameras that append _L and _R to left and righteye clip names.You can create video proxy files in the Project Media window for optimized editingand playback.Added support for the new OpenFX GPU render extension for third party GPUaccelerated effects.


    You can now preview audio through supported AJA and BlackMagic Design videopreview devices.Added 64bit Gracenote support.Added support for 64bit Noise Reduction (Audio Restoration, Click and CrackleRemoval, Clipped Peak Restoration, and Noise Reduction), Acoustic Mirror,lastique Timestretch, and Wave Hammer plugins.


    Expanded edit mode provides fast, accurate event trimming: the in and out framesare displayed in a splitscreen Video Preview window and unused, available framesare displayed in the timeline,Simplified edge trimming: press Alt+[ or Alt+] to trim the beginning or end of theselected event to the cursor position.You can press Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+] to navigate selected events on the timeline, orpress Ctrl+Shift+[ and Ctrl+Shift+] to create time selections from selected events.When you rightclick a file in the Project Media window and choose Select TimelineEvents from the shortcut menu, the cursor now moves to the first event that usesthe media and the timeline scrolls to the cursor.

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    Vegas Pro allows you to match your project video properties to a video clip:You can choose to match project video settings to the first video clip you add tothe timeline.You can rightclick a video clip in the Project Media window and choose MatchProject Video Settings from the shortcut menu.Added projectinterchange tools to allow you to exchange projects with otherpopular editing platforms.Added support for importing and exporting text in the Credit Roll plugin.Video plugins that include 2D positional controls can now be adjusted by dragginga point in the Video Preview window.Added support for reading orientation metadata in stillimage formats. If a stillimage contains orientation metadata, the image will be oriented correctly whenadded to the Vegas Pro timeline. Orientation metadata is represented by theRotation dropdown list in the Media Properties dialog.Render progress is now displayed in the Windows taskbar. If the render time isgreater than a minute, a sound is played when rendering is complete.To change the sound, go Control Panel in Windows and click Sound. Click theSounds tab and expand the Vegas Pro 12.0 entry. When you select the RenderComplete event, you can preview the current sound, assign a new sound, or turnoff the Render Complete sound.You can now import media from Vegas Pro project files.You can now tag media files in the Project Media window.Additional search fields for media bins and new smart bin feature.You can now edit properties for multiple media files.The Explorer window has been redesigned.Extensions are now saved in window layouts.You can now simultaneously adjust the fades of all selected events.Multiple rows of docked windows are now supported.Display of thumbnail images in the Project Media window has been refreshed.


    Added support for Intel Quick Sync Video accelerated rendering for Sony AVC/MVCwhen using a supported Intel processor.Added Bluray Disc rendering templates for the Sony AVC/MVC and MainConceptAVC/AAC formats.Added support for AVCHD 2.0.Added support for rendering HDCAM SR (SStP) video using the Sony MXF HDCAM SRformat in the Render As dialog.Added support for reading Panasonic P2 files and browsing P2 devices with theDevice Explorer window. DV, DVCPRO, DVCPRO25, DVCPRO50, DVCPROHD, andAVCIntra formats are supported.Added support for choosing a color space and view transform when working with SLog encoded images. Color space settings can be made in the media properties andcustom rendering templates. The view transform setting is made in projectproperties.

    New Features in Version 12.0

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    3.0 Known Issues

    The Windows Media Audio 9 Voice codec is not included with the Windows MediaPlayer 11 update. If youve installed Windows Media Player 11, rendering toWindows Media Audio 9 format will produce an error. For more information, pleaserefer to Knowledge Base article 932390 on the Microsoft Help and Support site.If you are printing a rendered file to HDV tape, the file must precisely conform tothe target HDV device and file type requirements, or the printtotape operationwill fail. Rendering using the provided HDV MPEG2 render templatesunmodifiedin any wayis required to successfully print to HDV tape.Vegas Pro templates for rendering multichannel audio in .wav/.wav64, .avi, and.mxf formats may be visible in other Sony Creative Software Inc. applications thatdo not support multichannel audio. Using these templates in other applications willnot produce the desired result and should be avoided.Under some uncommon conditions on multiprocessor machines, you may encounterstability problems when using some Waves 5.2 plugins. In most cases, the stabilityissues can be resolved by clearing the Enable track buffering check box in VegasPro 12 (Options > Preferences > Audio Device).You may not be able to render files larger than 4 GB using some combinations ofsettings in the Sony AVC encoder.If you have multiple Sony applications (such as ACID, Sound Forge, CD Architect,etc.) installed, uninstalling other Sony applications may cause your audio pluginsto be removed from Vegas Pro. To restore your audio plugins, uninstall andreinstall Vegas Pro.When the Show Video Monitor button in the Trimmer window is selected, video thatyou preview from the Vegas Explorer and Media Manager windows is played back inthe Trimmer. Because the Trimmer is placed in the same window dock as theExplorer and Media Manager, you will not see your video preview. To previewExplorer and Media Manager video, you can drag the Trimmer to a new dock group,or you can turn off the Show Video Monitor button to preview in the Video Previewwindow.The Step Forward and Step Backward buttons in the Capture window are notsupported by all HDV devices.If your project contains stillimage sequences, segmented .r3d files, or P2 MXFfiles, do not select the Copy media with project check box in the Save As dialog.Some frames or segments may not be saved when this check box is selected.Installing driver 2.21 for the PDWUI XDCAM drive can prevent Vegas from starting.Uninstalling the driver or upgrading to version 2.3 will resolve the issue.If youre running two instances of Vegas Pro, external control devices are availableonly to the first instance of the software.When using the Stereoscopic 3D Graphic Card as your preview device with an nVidia3D Vision for Quadro or 3D Vision Pro setup on a Windows Vista machine, the 3Doutput may stop when opening another window (such as a video FX property page).If this occurs, please make sure you have the latest graphic card driver and 3DVision USB driver installed. If installing the latest drivers does not fix the problem,try switching the primary and secondary monitors. There is also a known issuewhere content on the main window will flicker. This can be fixed by movinganother window over the portions of the window that are flickering and then

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    closing the overlapping window.We recommend Windows 7 for nVidia 3D Vision for Quadro setups.Rendering CineForm Neo3D files requires CineForm NeoHD, Neo4K, or Neo3D 5.1 (ornewer) or GoProCineForm Studio, Studio Premium or Studio Professional. TheCineForm Neo Player is not compatible with other CineForm products. Do notinstall Neo Player if you have another CineForm product installed.CEA608 and CEA708 closed captions are supported over HDSDI on AJA cards only.Line 21 captions are supported on AJA and DeckLink cards.Rightclicking a media file and choosing Edit Source Project fails to load the projectpath saved in the media file for media rendered using the following settings:MainConcept AVC/AAC and Sony AVC (Memory Stick templates only).In order for some devices to appear in the Device Explorer window, you may needto change the devices USB Connect setting from Automatic or MTP to MassStorage.The Tools > Burn Disc > DVD with Menus and Tools > Burn Disc > Bluray Disc withMenus commands are unavailable if DVD Architect Pro is not installed.If you want to use RAW camera files in your project, the Microsoft Camera CodecPack will allow you to view RAW camera files and add them to the timeline.When previewing through an SDI video preview device, audio and video qualityissues may occur when previewing 720p video.When using an AJA SDI device, AJA driver version 10.1 is required for audio andvideo preview. Do not use driver version 10.3.For best results when previewing audio through an SDI video preview device, pleaseturn off Video Preview on External Monitor before loading a project or changingproject formats.24p pulldown removal is not currently available for Panasonic P2 files.

    Mas info:

    Cambios Recientes

    Added support for exporting nested Vegas Pro projects as compound clips whenexporting to Final Cut Pro X format.Added support for importing compound clips as nested Vegas Pro projects whenimporting from Final Cut Pro X format.When importing a Final Cut Pro X project, a Vegas project is created for the mainproject using the same base name as the .fcpxml file, and separate nested Vegasprojects are created for each compound clip and for each clip that contains anaudio and a video stream.Added Anchor point setting to the Titles & Text plugin. Text now scales relative tothe anchor point, which does not move.Added support for reading and rendering up to 16 channels of audio in HD MXF files.Added support for reading Sony XAVC files. You can use the Device Explorer windowto browse and import clips from XAVC disc images.Added support for timecode in P2 MXF files. If youre using a project that wascreated in version 12.0 (build 394) or earlier, please update P2 clip timecode asfollows:

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    If you imported the clip from a disc image, rightclick the clip in the Project Mediawindow, choose Replace, and then select the clip from the disc image.If you imported the clip using the Vegas Device Explorer, delete the .mxf file fromthe C:\Users\\Documents\Imported Media\ folder and reimport the clip using theDevice Explorer.The Documents library and custom libraries from Windows Explorer are nowavailable in the Vegas Pro Explorer.File Open dialogs have been updated to allow you to browse and open files frommobile devices.Fixed a bug that prevented the Sony Stabilize plugin from working when 32bitfloating point (video levels) or 32bit floating point (full range) was selected in thePixel format dropdown list in the Project Properties dialog.Improved performance when using audio preview through SDI video previewdevices.Fixed a bug that prevented the Sony Stabilize plugin from being applied duringplayback.Fixed a bug that could cause Vegas Pro to crash when loading some projects.Fixed a bug that could reset event effect automation envelopes when splittingevents.Fixed a bug that prevented some fonts from previewing correctly when using theTitles & Text plugin.Fixed a bug that could start a different version of Vegas Pro when rightclicking anested project and choosing Edit in Vegas from the shortcut menu when multipleversions of Vegas Pro are installed.Fixed a bug that could cause the incorrect images to be displayed for selected Muteand Solo buttons in the Assignable FX dialog.Fixed a bug that prevented the PlugIn Chooser from closing when Esc is pressed.Fixed a bug that could cause all HDCAM SR templates to be marked as favorites inthe Render As dialog when selecting a single template as a favorite.Fixed an issue that could cause the None of the files dropped on Vegas Pro couldbe opened error message to be displayed incorrectly in the Vegas Explorer.Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when using the FBmn Software White Balanceplugin.Fixed a bug that could cause Stereoscopic 3D Camera settings to be displayed inthe Track Motion window when working with 2D projects.Fixed a bug that prevented the Use audiocapable preview device during externalvideo preview setting from being saved when exiting Vegas (Preferences > AudioDevice).Fixed a bug that could cause Vegas Pro to hang when rendering MVC video for aBluray Disc.Fixed a bug that could cause Vegas Pro to hang when dragging a .mov file from theVegas Explorer to the timeline if QuickTime was not installed.Fixed a bug that could in some circumstances prevent the application fromstarting after registering.Fixed a bug that could cause image sequences to have black frames in VideoPreview and rendered output after zooming in with the Event Pan/Crop plugin andtime compressing.Fixed a bug that could cause P2 MXF video to be opened without its associated

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    audio streams.Fixed a bug that could prevent the application from being uninstalled properly.Fixed a bug that could prevent the application from entering expanded edit modewhen pressing 5 on the numeric keypad.Fixed a bug that could cause the first frame of an MVC file to appear briefly at theend when previewing the file from the Explorer window.Fixed a bug that could cause XDCAM clips to have an incorrect timecode.Fixed a bug that could cause the Video Preview window to flash when startingplayback.Fixed a bug that could cause doubled audio to be recorded after changing a tracksinput monitoring mode.Fixed a bug that prevented regions being dragged from the Explorer window to thetimeline.Fixed a bug that could cause the application to freeze when changing the capturedevice in the Capture Preferences dialog.Fixed a bug where the timeline did not show only the current edit track (at thedefault track height) when entering expanded edit mode for some screenresolutions and for usermodified track heights.Fixed a bug that could cause the current edit track height to decrease after exitingand then reentering expanded edit mode.Fixed a bug that could cause application extension windows to be hidden afterloading an extension.

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    elkeygennomefunciona noseabreenelwindows8.1obuenonoloehpodidoabriryyatratedetodoalguiensabecomoarreglarlo??



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  • 28/1/2015 SONYVegasPROv12.0.670Multilenguaje(Espaol),CreeVdeosHD,AudiosyDiscosBlurayIntercambiosVirtuales 31/36















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  • 28/1/2015 SONYVegasPROv12.0.670Multilenguaje(Espaol),CreeVdeosHD,AudiosyDiscosBlurayIntercambiosVirtuales 32/36






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  • 28/1/2015 SONYVegasPROv12.0.670Multilenguaje(Espaol),CreeVdeosHD,AudiosyDiscosBlurayIntercambiosVirtuales 33/36




  • 28/1/2015 SONYVegasPROv12.0.670Multilenguaje(Espaol),CreeVdeosHD,AudiosyDiscosBlurayIntercambiosVirtuales 34/36


  • 28/1/2015 SONYVegasPROv12.0.670Multilenguaje(Espaol),CreeVdeosHD,AudiosyDiscosBlurayIntercambiosVirtuales 35/36






  • 28/1/2015 SONYVegasPROv12.0.670Multilenguaje(Espaol),CreeVdeosHD,AudiosyDiscosBlurayIntercambiosVirtuales 36/36

