
1. How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. (Phim ảnh và tivi tác động thế nào đến con người, đưa ra lập luận và ví dụ) Nowadays, people watch movies and television’s shows more than they set together and have a cup of tea! This increases the impact of media in general on individuals and the whole society. People’s behavior is totally influence by what they get from watching movies or television. They have their one impact on children, youth and elder people. Firstly, for children, a picture paints a thousand of words, this means when a child watches a certain attitude on the television for example, he or she starts to imitate directly . It can be good or bad depending on what that child is watching! This forces parents to keep an eye on their children and take care of what their children are watching on television. In addition, theories proves that the media has great effect on kids behavior, a violent kid most probably watches violent movies, also a hesitated kid gets affected by watching horror movies and so on. As a result children should be away from bad influence of media. Parents should recommend some cartoon and baby songs instead. Secondly, for youth, again movies and television’s shows affect the young people a lot. Especially, when they are teenagers, romantic movies play with their feelings and may be give them bad or good experiences about love . Hence, they may behave in a fabricated way with their partner assuming that they build a perfect relationship. However, they may destroy their one! Besides, Violent and action movies also play a huge role in youth’s personality. It makes them a bite aggressive and with a prompt reaction which may cause a lot of problems. Moreover, some youth become addicted to watching movies and television. Due to, they waste a lot of their time instead of hitting the books and become running out of steam. They should balance their time between watching movies and studying their lessons. Last but not the least, elder people love watching news and talk shows on television. Some of this news adds fuel to the fire and makes them lost their head becoming nervous, which affects their healthy life style . In

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Post on 27-May-2017




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Page 1: Speaking.docx

1. How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. (Phim ảnh và tivi tác động thế nào đến con người, đưa ra lập luận và ví dụ)

Nowadays, people watch movies and television’s shows more than they set together and have a cup of tea! This increases the impact of media in general on individuals and the whole society. People’s behavior is totally influence by what they get from watching movies or television. They have their one impact on children, youth and elder people.

Firstly, for children, a picture paints a thousand of words, this means when a child watches a certain attitude on the television for example, he or she starts to imitate directly. It can be good or bad depending on what that child is watching! This forces parents to keep an eye on their children and take care of what their children are watching on television. In addition, theories proves that the media has great effect on kids behavior, a violent kid most probably watches violent movies, also a hesitated kid gets affected by watching horror movies and so on. As a result children should be away from bad influence of media. Parents should recommend some cartoon and baby songs instead.

Secondly, for youth, again movies and television’s shows affect the young people a lot. Especially, when they are teenagers, romantic movies play with their feelings and may be give them bad or good experiences about love. Hence, they may behave in a fabricated way with their partner assuming that they build a perfect relationship. However, they may destroy their one! Besides, Violent and action movies also play a huge role in youth’s personality. It makes them a bite aggressive and with a prompt reaction which may cause a lot of problems. Moreover, some youth become addicted to watching movies and television. Due to, they waste a lot of their time instead of hitting the books and become running out of steam. They should balance their time between watching movies and studying their lessons.

Last but not the least, elder people love watching news and talk shows on television. Some of this news adds fuel to the fire and makes them lost their head becoming nervous, which affects their healthy life style. In addition, it takes much of their time to care of their work, family and their health. One can be worried about a certain situation in the news and then discovers it was fake. News is very important but one should follow a trustful source to get his or her news from. Also, don’t let bad news affect their mood and makes them very nervous during the day. It is much better to spend a lot of their time caring with their actual life. And just give a drop in the bucket for news to be updated with what happened surroundings.

Without a doubt watching movies and television is an interesting activity in one’s day. However, people should be away from its sides effects and don’t let it to change their behavior by fitting a suitable time slot into their life schedule.

Page 2: Speaking.docx

2. Do you agree with the following statement ? the best way to travel is in a group led by tourgiude use specific reason to support

Whether to travel alone or in a group is an intriguing question to most of the travellers nowadays. They take into account of many external factors such as security, safety, and geography of the place before deciding how to visit that place. Although, considering these factors is important, in my opinion, ‘purpose our visit’ should be the main criteria to decide whether to travel alone or in groups.

We often visit new places for different purposes. Some of us may go to a beautiful & serene location to spend their honeymoon in private. Some may visit a city, which has historical importance, to better understand its culture and history. We often go on a vacation along with our family to take a break from our busy work and spend quality time with them. 

If we want to have privacy during our visit then it is advisable to travel alone. Travelling in groups along with a tour guide will deprive us from having privacy. For example, when a couple goes on a honeymoon, they don’t want to get disturbed by others. They neither want to explore that place or town nor would they be ready to go for any adventurous trip. All that they want is to have a nice and peaceful environment to spend quality time with each other. 

On the other hand, those people who go on an educational tour would like to explore the city. They may want to interact with the locale; delve deeply into city’s culture and history. Having a guide will help them in many ways. He can explain the historical importance of various places or monuments in the city. He will make sure that the group don’t miss any important places while skipping unimportant places in the city. If they can’t understand the local language then he will act as a translator and help them in communicating with local people.

Similarly, whenever we go on a vacation with our family,security and safety of our children is paramount for us. Purpose of our visit is not only to have fun with the family but to enjoy in a secure and a safe environment.Sometimes,we may need help from others incasse of any emergency.Hence it is better to travel with a group rather than alone.

While travelling alone bestows us with privacy and much needed rest, Travelling in groups is safe, secure and entrust us with more information of that area. Both types have their own merits and demerits. Hence, before planning our travel, rather than taking a blind decision, it is advisable to ask ourselves “why are we going to a place?” .We should plan our travel based on its purpose.

3. Some people prefer to live in a small town others prefer tolive in a big city which place do you prefer to live

4. Describle a game sport you enjoy playing

Page 3: Speaking.docx

5. It is sometime said theat many broblems would dissapear if the would spoke one language. Do you agree

6. Describle some one in your family who you like you should say how this peson it ralated to you wait this person looks like what kind of person he/she is and explain why you like him/her

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