spm 2008 chemistry k1

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  • 8/14/2019 Spm 2008 Chemistry k1



    ffi ,&"^l["$gti^1,*-"'$lrrHff,itfJ$,^s-a$:gas-*:z'*l&Yic"tSIJIL PELAJARAN MALAYSIA 2OO8 454urCIIEMISTRYKertas 1Nov./Dis.Il ; jam Satu jam lima belas minit

    JANGANBUKA KERTASSOALANINI SEHINGGADIBERITAHU1. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa.2. Soalan dalam bahasa nggeris mendahului soalan yang sepadan dalambahasaMelayu.3. Calon dikehendakimembacamaklumatdi halomanbelakangkertassoalan ini.

    Kertassoalanni mengandungi 9 halaman ercetak an3 halamanidakbercetak[Lihat sebelah454lll @ 2008Hak cipta KerajaanMalaysia SLILIT


  • 8/14/2019 Spm 2008 Chemistry k1


    STTLIT 454u1Whichsubstances anelement?Bahan manakah ang merupakan uatu unsur?A Air

    UdaraB Steam

    StimC Carbon

    KarbonD Naphthalene


    Which of the following shows he arrangement f the atoms n an alloy?Antara yang berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan susunan atom dalam aloi?


    Do,rcoccb ocooo c

    C-.9 OO(rcco9o

    454lll @ 2008Hakcipta KerajaanMalaysia SULIT

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    SULIT 3 414ttl3 which of the ollowing statements re rueaboutvulcanized ubber?

    Antarapernyataanberikut,yang manakahbenartentanggetahtervulkan?I Easilyoxidized

    Mudah dioksidakantr Not heat esistantTiadaketahananerhadaphaba

    ru SffongerthanunvulcanizedrubberLebih kuat daripadagetah tak tervulkan

    IV Moreelastic hanunvulcanizedrubberLebih kenyaldaripada getahtak tervulkan

    A IandIII danIlB I and III danllI

    C II andIVlI danIY

    D IIIandIVIII danIY

    4 which compositematerial ontains mixtureof cement ndsteel?Bahankompositmanakah ang rnengandungiampuransimendan keluli?A Fibreglass

    Kaca gentianB Superconductor

    SuperkonduktorC Reinforced oncrete

    Konlcrt diperkukuhkanD Photochromic lassKqcafotolcromik

    [Lihat sebelahST,LIT54lll @ 2008Hakcipta KerajaanMalaysia

  • 8/14/2019 Spm 2008 Chemistry k1


    SULIT5 Whichsubstancesreelectrolytes?

    Bahan-bahan nanakah dalahelektrolit?I Glucose

    Glukosatr AcetamideAsetamida

    ru Lead(II) bromidePlumbum II) bromida

    ry SodiumchlorideNatriumklorida

    A Iandl lI dan\I

    B IandII II danIII

    C II andIVlI danlY

    D IIIandIVIII danlY


    What s themeaningof covalentbond?Apakahrnalcsudkatan kovalen?A A bond ormedwhenmetalatomscontributeelectronso eachother o achievea stableelectronarrangement.

    Ikatan yang terbentuk apabila atom-atom ogam menyumbangkan lefuronkepada'satisama ain uituk mencapai uatususunanelekronyang stabil.B A bond formed when non-metal atomsshareelectrons o achievea stableelectronarrangement.

    Ilratan angterbentuk pabilaatom-atom ulmn ogarnberkongsi lektronuntukmencapai uatususunanelektron ang stabil.C A bond ormedby weakVan der Waals orcesbetweenhenon-metalatoms.Ikatan yang terbentuk oleh daya Yander Waalsyang lemah di antaraatom-atombukan ogam.

    D A bond ormedwhenametalatom ransfers nelectron o anon-metalatom.Ikatan yang terbentukapabila satu atom logam memindahkan atu elektronke satuatombukan ogam.

    454lll @2008Hak cipta KerajaanMalaysia ST]LIT

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    SULIT 5 454III7 Table 1 shows he pH valuesof four acid ic solut ionswhich have thesame oncentration.

    Jadual I menunjukkan ilai pHbagi empat arutanasidyangmetnpunyai epekatanyangsama.SolutionI-arutan pH valueNilaipH

    K 1.0L 3.0M 5.0N 6.0

    Table IJadual IWhichacidicsolution as hehighest egree f dissociation?Larutanasid manakah ang mempunyai ariahpenceraion angpaling tinggi?AKBLCMDN

    8 Which factor doesnot affect the rate of reaction?Fahor manakahyang tidak mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas?A Sizeof the solid reactant

    Saiz bahan tindak balas yang berkeadaanpepeialB Volume of the reactant

    Isipadu bahan tindak balasC Concentration of the reactant

    Kepekatan bahan tindak balasD Temperatureof the reactant

    Suhu bahan tindak balas

    [Lihat sebelahSt]LIT54lll @2008Hakcipta KerajaanMalaysia

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    stilrr 6 4s4lllg Whichgas s themainagentof pollutionwhichcauses cidic ain?

    Gas manakah ang merupakanagenutamabagipencemaran ang menyebabkanhujanasid?A Ozone

    OzonB Methane

    MetanaC Sulphurdioxide

    SulfurdioksidaD Carbonmonoxide

    Karbon monoksida10 Whichsubstances an oniccompound?Bahanmanakah ebatian anik?

    A Ethanol,C2H'OHEtanol,C2H'OH

    B Sulphurdioxide,SO,Sulfur dioksida,SO,

    C Tetrachloromethane,CCloTer akloromeana, CCIn

    D Magnesium xide,MgOMagnesium ksida,MgO

    454lll @2008Hak cipta KerajaanMalavsia SI]LIT

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    454u1l1 The following statements escribe he characteristics f an element.

    P ernyataan berikut mernperihalkanciri -ciri suatu unsur.

    . Aqueous olutions f its onsaregreen r brown ncolourLarutan akueusbagi ionnyaadalahberwarnahijau atauperang

    . Usedascatalystn theHaberProcessDigunaknnsebagaimangkindalamProsesHaber

    . Has wo oxidationnumbers, 2and+3Mempurryai ua nombor engoksidaan,+2 an+3

    Which of the following shows he position of this element n the Periodic Table?Antarq yang berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan kedudukan unsur ini dalamJadual Berksla?

    12 What is the general ormula for an alkane?Apakah formula am bagi alkana?A CnHznB CnHzn*zc cnH2n+1oHD CnH2n+ICOOH

    [Lihat sebelahSTTLIT

    A B D

    454lll @2008Hak cipta KerajaanMalaysia

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  • 8/14/2019 Spm 2008 Chemistry k1


    SULIT15 Whichelements an orm acidicoxides?

    (Jnsur-unsurmanakah ang bolehmembentuk lcsida ersifatasid?I Magnesium

    Magnesiumtr Sulphur

    Sulfurru Sodium

    NatriumIV Phosphorus

    FosforusA I andII

    I danIlB I and III danllI

    C II and VlI danlY

    D III andlVIIIdanlY

    16 Whichof the ollowing s anoxidation rocess?Antarayang berikut,yang manakah rosespengoksidaan?A Carbon ioxide oses xYgen

    Karbon diolcsida ehilanganolrsgenB A bromineatomgainsan electron

    Satuatombrominmenerima atuelehronC A chlorinemolecule ainshydrogen

    Satumolekulklorin menerima idrogenD A sodiumatom osesan electronSatuatomnatrium kehilangansatuelektron


    [Lihat sebelahSI'LIT54111 @2008Hak cipta KerajaanMalaysia

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    10 454llrSULIT17 Whichprocess bsorbs nergY?

    Prosesmanakah ang menyerapenaga?A Evaporation

    PenyejatanB CombustionPembakaran

    C NeutralisationPeneutralan

    D DisplacementPenyesaran

    18 What s thestructuralormulaof amonounsaturatedattyacid?Apakahformulastrukturbagiasidlemakmonotaktepu?

    ot lA CHr- (CH2)7 cH:cH(cH2)7- C-OH

    B cH3-(cll)r4- c-oHt', ?cq-(cHr)r+- cH c-oHD cHr- (CH2)4 cH: CH- cHr- cH: CH- (cH)1- c-oH

    oI I

    ot l

    454lll @2008Hakcipta KerajaanMalavsia STJLIT

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    SULIT 11 454lll19 Diagram1 shows he structural ormula of a substance.

    Rajah I menunjukkanormula struktur bagi suatubahan.oil-s-o-I Io

    DiagramRajoh IWhat s the substance?Apakahbahan tu?A Soap

    SabunB Detergent

    DetergenC Sulphuric cid

    Asid sulfurikD Carboxylic cid

    Asid karboksilik20 Whichof the ollowing s apropertyof potassiumluoride?

    Antarayang berikut,yang manakah ifat bagipotassiumluorida?A Volatile

    Mudah meruapB Insolubleinwater

    Tidak arut dalam airC Hasalowmeltingpoint

    Mempunyaiakat ebur rendahD Conducts lectricity n the moltenstate

    Mengalirkanarus elektrikdalam keadaaneburan

    [Lihat sebelahST'LIT54lll @ 2008Hakcipta KerajaanMalaysia

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    sr]Lrr 122l Which substances usedasafoodpreservative?

    Bahanmanakahyangdigunakansebagaipenganetmakanan?A Sodiumnitrite

    Natrium nitritB AzocomPounds

    SebatianazoC Ascorbicacid

    Asid askorbikD Monosodiumglutamate



    22 Which substances commonlyused o manufacture yesanddetergents?Bahanmanakah ang lazimdigunakanuntukmembuat ewarnodan detergen?A SulPhuric cid

    Asid sulfurikB PhosPhoriccid

    Asid osforikC Sodiumchloride

    Natrium kloridaD Ammoniumchloride

    Ammonium lorida

    454lll @2008Hak cipta KerajaanMalaysia ST]LIT

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    SULIT 13 454lll?3 The following statementseferto the contributionsof a scientist n the developrnentofideas about atomic structure.

    Pernyataan berikut merujuk kepada sumbangan seorang ahli soins dalamperkembangan idea tentang struktur atom.. Discovered rotonMenemui roton. Most of themass f the atom s in thenucleusKebanyakanisim atombertumpudi nukleus. Theelectronsmove n emptyspaceElektronbergerakdalamruangkosong

    Who was he scientist?Siapakahahli sains tu?A NeilsBohrB JohnDaltonC J.J.ThompsonD ErnestRutherfordDiagram2 showshe symbol or elementX.X is not he actual ymbolof theelement.Rajah2 menunjukkan imbolbagi unsurX.X bukansimbolsebenar agi unsur tu.

    Diagram2Rajah2Whichof thefollowing shows he electronarrangementnd henumberof neutronsin an atomof X?Antarayang berikut,yang rnanakahmenunjukkan usunanelektrondan bilanganneutrondalam suatuatombagi X?

    ElectronarrangementSusananelektron Numberof neutronsBilangan neutron2.8.1 112.8.2 1t2.8.1 122.8.2 T2

    [Lihat sebelahSTJLIT


    454lll @2008Hak cipta KerajaanMalaysia

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    sul,rT 1425 Diagram3 shows heelectronalrangement f aberyllium atom'

    Rajah3 menuniukkan usunanelektronbagi satuatomberilium'

    Diagram3Raiah3Whichof the ollowing s trueabout hisatom?Antarayang berikut,yang manakahbenar entangatom ni?A Theprotonnumbers 2

    NomborProton alah2B ThenucleonnumberisNonbornukleonalah2

    C Thetotalnumberof electronss 4Jumlahbilanganelektron alah 4

    D Thenumber f valence lectronss4Bilanganelektronvalensalah4

    26 Whichof the ollowingparticles ontain10electrons?[Proton umber:Ne = 10,Na = 11,MB = I2lAntara zarahberikut,ysng manakahmengandungi oelewron',!lNombor roton:Ne = 10,Na= 11,Mg = I2 lINa

    trNem Na*




    I, II and IIl,I l danll lI, II and Vl, I I danIYI, III and VI,III danlYII, III and VIII, II danlY

    454111 @2008Hakcipta KerajaanMalavsia SI]LIT

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    SULIT 15 454lll27 Table2 shows heprotonnumbers f elements andY.X andY arenot heactual ymbols f theelements.

    Jadual2 menunjukkan omborproton bagi unsur X dan unsurY.X danY bukan imbolsebenar nsur-unsurtu.

    ElementUnsur ProtonnumberNomborprotonX l lY l9

    Table2Jadual2Which statementsare true about elementsX and Y?Pernyataan manakahysng benar tentang unsur X dan unsur Y?I Atoms X andY have one valenceelectron

    Atom X dan atom Y mempunyai satu elektron valenstr Element X is more reactive han elementY

    Unsur X adalah lebih reaktif daripada unsur Yru Atom X hasa biggeratomic size han atomY

    AtomX mempunyaisaiz atomyang lebih besar daripada atomYMlements X and Y are n the samegroup n the Periodic Table

    Unsur X dan unsur Y berada dalam kumpulanyang sama dalam Jadual BerkalaA IandII I

    I danll lB IandIV

    I danlYC IIandII I

    lI danlIlD II andIV

    lI danIY

    [Lihat sebelahSULIT54lll @2008Hakcipta Kerajaan alaysia

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    SULIT 4s4ll128 Diagram4 is anenergyevel diagram'

    Raiah4 ialah gambar aiah arastenaga'EnerryTenaga

    Diagram4Rajah4WhichofthefollowingcanbededucedfromDiagnm4?Antarayang berikut,yang manakahbotehdisimpulkandaripadaRajah42A Heat s absorbed

    HabadiseraPB Theproductsaremorestable han hereactants

    Hasil tindakbalasadalah ebihstabil daripadabahan indakbalasc Thesurroundingemperaturencreases uring hereaction

    Suhupersekitaranmeningknt emasaindak balasD Thetotalenergyof thereactantss more han he otal energyof theproducts

    Jumlah enagabahan indakbalasadalahtebihdaripadaumlah tenagahasil. tindak balas

    29 Thefollowing equation epresents reaction'Fats+ Alkali -+Fatty acidsalt+ GlycerolWhat s thenameof thereaction?Persamaan erikut mewakilisatu tindakbalas'Lemak+ Atkali + Garamasid emak+ GliserolApakahnama indak balas tu?A Fermentation

    PenaPoianB Esterification

    PengesteranC Saponification

    Saponi/ikasiD Vulcanization



    454lll @2008Hakcipta KerajaanMalavsia STTLIT

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    STJLIT30 Which of the following contains 6'02x1023 atoms?

    Antara yang berikut,yang manakahmengandungi 6.02x1023 atom?A I mol of nitrogen gas

    1 mol gas nitrogenB 1 mol of chlorine gas

    1 mol gas klorinC 1mol of ammonia

    l mol ammoniaD 1 mol of neon

    I molneon

    31 The following equationshows he reactionbetweencarbon andzinc oxide.persamaan berikut menunjukkan tindak balas antara karbon dengan zink oksida-

    C + 2ZnO -) COr+ 2ZnWhichstatements trueabouthis eaction?Pernyataanmanakah ang benarmengenaiindakbalas ni?A Zincoxideisoxidisedtozinc

    Zink otcsida ioksidakankepadazinkB Carbons thereducingagent

    Karbon ialah agenPenurunanC Theoxidationnumberof carbondecreases

    Nomborpengoksidaan agi karbonberkurangD Theoxidationnumberof oxygen ncreases

    Nomborpengoksidaan agi oksigenbertambah

    l7 454llr

    [Lihat sebelahSULIT454lll @2008Hak cipta KerajaanMalavsia

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    SULIT32 Diagram5 shows he apparatuspotassiummanganateVII) with

    Rajah 5 menuniukkan usunanmanganat YII) berasiddengan

    18set-upused o investigateheiron (II) sulphateolution.radas untukmengkaji indakIarutan erum(II) sulfut.

    454lllreaction of acidifiedbalas antara kaliurn

    hon QI)sulphate olutionLarutanferum (II) sulfat



    Acidifiedpotassiummanganate(VII)Kalium manganat(YII) berasidU - TubeTiubU

    Diagram 5Raiah 5Which of the following is the colour changeof the two solutions?Antara yang berikut, yang manakah perubahan warna bagi kedua-dualarutan itu?

    Iron (II) sulphate olutionLar utan er um (ll) sulfatAcidified potassiummanganateVffJKalium manganat(YII) berasid

    GreentobrownHijau kepada erangPurpletocolourlessUngukepada idak berwarna

    BrowntogreenPerangkepadahijauPuqpletoolotrlessUngu repadaidak berwarna

    BrowntogreenPerang cepada ijauOrangeto reenJinggakepadahijau

    GreentobrownHijau kepada erang OrangetogreenJinggakepadahiiau





    4$4lll @2008Hak cipta KerajaanMalaysia STJLIT

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    ST]LIT33 Alkali Y of concentration mol dm-3 hasapH of 13'

    Whichstatements trueaboutalkaliY?AlkatiY dengankepekatanmol dm4 mempunyaiH 13'Pernyataanmanakah ang benartentangalkali Y?A SlightlYsolubleinwaterLarut sedikitdalarnairB Reacts nlYwith a weakacid

    Hanyabertindakbalasdenganasid etnahC The degree f ionization n water s high

    Darjahpengionandalamair adalah inggiD Hasa ow concentrationfhydroxideons

    Mempunyai epekatanon hidroksida ang rendah

    34 A patientcomplained f apaindue o anexcess f acid n thestomach'Whichsubstance ill help o relieve hepain?Seorang esakitmengadu akit disebabkanebihanasiddalamperut'Bahanmanakah ang bolehmernbantumelegakan akit itu?A Ammonia

    AmmoniaB EthanoicacidAsid etanoikC Sodiumchloride

    Natrium kloridaD Magnesium Ydroxide

    Magnesium idroksida

    19 454llr

    [Lihat sebelahST]LIT454lll @2008Hakcipta KerajaanMalavsia

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    SI]LIT 2035 Diagram6 shows voltaiccell.

    Rajah 6 menunjukkan ebuahsel voltan.

    AluminirnnplatePlat aluminium


    CopperplatePlat kuprum0.5moldmrsodiumchloride olution0.5moldm{ larutannatriumklorida

    Diagram6Rajah6Which of the ollowing increaseshe voltageof the cell?Antarayang berikut,yang manakahmeningkatkan oltanbagi sel itu?A Replacehe copperplatewith a silverplate

    Gantikanplat kuprum denganplat argentumB Replace he aluminiumplatewith a zincplate

    Gantikanplat aluminiumdengan lat zinkC Increasehe concentration f thesodiumchloridesolution

    Tambahkan epekatan arutan natrium kloridaD Increasehe emperature f the sodiumchloridesolution

    Naikkan suhu arutan natrium klorida

    454lll @2008Hak CiptaKerajaanMalaysia SI]LIT

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    454llr36 Whichcompound as hecorrect ormula?

    Sebatianmanakah dng mempunyaiormula yang betul?CompoundSebatian X'ormulaFormula

    BariumnitateBariumnitrat Ba(NO3)2Lead II) oxidePlumbum lI) olcsida Pbo2

    Copper II) oxideKuprum(Il) olcsida curoSilvercarbonateArgentum arbonqt AgCO,

    Whichof the ollowing is not a redox eaotion?Antarayang berikut,yang manakahbukan tindakbalasredoks?A 2Fe+3C1, -+ 2FeC1,B 4FeO+ O, -) 2FerOtC FeCl, + Mg -+ MgCl, + FeD FeSOo 2NaOH + Fe(OH)2 NarSOo

    what is the numberof molesof copper II) nitrate n 56'4 g of copper II) nitrate,Cu(NOr)r?[Relativeatomicmass O = 16,Cu = 64,N = 14]Berapakahbilangan mol kuprum(lI) nitrat dalam 56'4 g kuprum (lI) nitrat'Cu(NO3)2?[Jisimatomrelatif : O - 16,Cu = 64, N - I41A 0'30molB 0.32molC 0'45molD 3.33mol

    [Lihat sebelahSI]LIT


    454lll @2008Hak cipta KerajaanMalavsia


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    ST]LIT39 Diagram7 showsheelectrolysis f silvernitratesolution.Rajah7 menunjukkan lektrolisisbagi rarutanargentumnitrat.

    rlCarbonelectrodeElehrod karbon0.5moldmasilvernitatesolution0.5 mol dm-3arutanargentum nitrat

    22 454ltl

    CarbonelectrodeEleknod karbon

    DiagunTRajahTwhich halfequationepresentshe eactions t heanode nd hecathode?Setengahersamoanmanakah qng mewakili tindak balasdi anoddan di kotod?

    At the anodeDi anod At the cathodeDikatodAg+ + e--+ Ag 4OH--+ 2H2O+ O, + 4r4OH- -+ 2\O + Oz + 4e- Ag* + e- -+ Ag2H+ + 2e- -+ \ 4OH- + zHrO+ O, + 4e-4OH- -> 2\O + Oz + 4e- 2H+ + 2e- -+ H,


    ---1 r-----1 r_-

    454lll @ 2008Hakcipta KerajaanMalaysia ST]LIT

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    sul,rT 23 4s4ll140 Diagram8 showshe ormationof bondsn a carbon ioxidemolecule.

    Rajah 8 menunjukkanembentukankatandalamsatu molekulkarbondioksida.

    Diagram 8Rajah IWhich statement s not true?Pernyataan manakahyang tidak benar?A The oxygen atomshavesix valenceelectronsAtom oksigen mempunyai enam elektron valensB The carbon atom has a stableoctetelectron arrangement n the molecule

    Atom karbon mempunyai susunanelekton oktet yang stabil dalam molekulC Each oxygen atom accepts wo electrons from the carbon atom

    Setiap atom oksigen menerima dua eleWron daripada atom karbonD The carbon atom forms a double covalent bond with eachoxygen atom

    Atom karbon membentuk suatu ikatan kovalen ganda dua dengan setiapatom oksigen4I The massof threeatomsof elementX is equal to the massof four carbonatoms.X is not theactualsymbolof the element.

    What is the relative atomic massof elementX?[Relative atomic mass C = 12]Jisim tiga atom bagi unsur X adalah sama denganiisim empat atom karbon.X bukansimbol sebenarunsur itu.Apakah jisim stom relatif bagi unsur X?lJisim atom relatif : C = l2lA48B36c16D12

    [Lihat sebelahSTTLIT454lll @2008Hak cipta KerajaanMalavsia

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    SULIT 454u142 Sodium eactswith chlorine o form sodiumchloride.

    Natrium bertindakbalasdenganklorin untukmembentuk atriumklorida.2Na + Cl, -+ 2NaCl

    What is the massof sodiumchloride ormedwhen 2-30 of sodium eactswithexcess hlorine?[Relative tomicmass Na= 23,Cl = 35.51Berapakahisim natriumklorida yang terbentukapabila 2.30g natriumbertindakbalas engan lorinberlebihan?fJisimatom elatf : Na = 23,CI= 35.5]A 2.93B 5.85C 9.4OgD 11.70

    43 The ollowing sathermochemicalquation.Berikut ialah suatupersqmaanermokimia

    Fe + CUSQ + FeSOo Cu ; AH :-l5OkJmol-rwhat is theheatchangewhen3-2gof coppers formed n this reaction?[Relative tomicmass Cu = 64]Berapakah erubahanhabaapabila 3.2g kuprum erbentukdalam indakbalas ni?fJisimatom elatif : Cu- 64]A 1.37kJB 7.50kJc 46.90kJD 480.00kJ


    454lll @ 2008Hakcipta KerajaanMalaysia ST]LIT

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    STJLIT 454u1to electroplaten ron ring4 Which of the following shows he correctapparatuswith silver?

    Antarayang berikut,yang manakahmenunjukkan usunan odasyang betul untukmenyadur ebentuk incin besi denganargentum?' l





    Iron (II) nitrate solutionL arutan erum (II) nitrat

    Iron (II) nitrate solutionLarutanferum (lI) nitrat

    lronringCincin besi

    Iron ringCincin besi

    SilverplateKepinganargentumIron ringCincinbes

    Iron ringCincinbe

    Silver nitratesolutionLarutan argentum nitrat

    Silver nitrate solutionLarutan argentumnitrat


    45 Themolarityof a solutionof sulphuric cid s 2'0 mol dm-3.What s theconcentrationf theacid n gdm-3?[Relative tomicmass H = 1, O = 16,S = 32]Kemolaransuatu arutan asid sulfurik ialah 2'0 mol dm-3.Berapakahkepekatan sid itu dalamgdm-37lJisimatom elatif :H = 1,O = 16,S - 321A97898c r94D T96

    [Lihat sebelah

    ffi ,r_:_

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    STILIT 4s4ur46 The manufacturef sulphuricacid n the ContactProcessnvolves he ollowing steps.

    Penghasilan sidsulfurik dalamProsesSentuhmelibatkanangkah-langkah erikut.S -> SO, -) SOt -) H2SO4

    Which of the ollowing shows he correctsequencef changesn oxidationnumberof sulphur?Antarayangberikut,yangmanakahmenunjukkan rutanyangbetulbagiperubahannomborpengoksidaan agi sulfur?A 0-)+2 -)+3-)+4B 0 -) +2 -+ +6 -+ +6C 0 -> +4 -) +6 -) +6D 0 -+ +4 -+ +6 -+ +8

    47 The fol lowing equation shows the reaction between copper (II) oxide andsulphuricacid.Persamaan berikut menunjukkan tindak balas kuprum (II) oksida denganasid sulfurik.

    CuO+ IISO, -+ CUSO.+ H2O6.0g copper II) oxide s addedo 50.0cm3of 1.0mol dm-3sulphuric cid.What s the mass f copper II) oxide eft at he endof the eaction?[Relative tomicmass O = 16,Cu = 64]6-0g kuprum(Il) oksidaditambahkepada50.0cm3osid sulfurik l.O mol dm-3Berapakahisim kuprum(ll) oksidayang tinggalpada akhir tindak balas tu?lJisim atomrelatif : O = 16,Cu = 641A 0.3gB 2-09C 2.89D 4.Og


    454lll @ 2008 Hak cipta Kerajaan Malaysia ST]LIT

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    SULIT 27 454u148 Which of the ollowing s a characteristicf a catalyst?

    Antarayang berikut,yang manakahciri suatu mangkin?A It changeshe amount f productsn the eaction

    Mengubahkuantiti hasil tindak balas dalam tindakbalasB Chemically nchangedatheendof the eaction

    Tidakberubahsecarakimiapada akhir tindak balasC Equalamountof catalystand eactants reneeded or thereaction

    Kuantiti yang satnabagi mangkindan bahan indak balas diperlukanuntuktindak balasD The amountof the catalystdecreases t the end of the reaction

    Kuantiti mangkinberkurangan ada akhir tindak balas

    49 Table 3 shows nformation about hree chemical cells.Jadual3 menunjukkan maklumat tentang tiga sel kimia.

    Chemical cellSel kimia

    Pair of metal electrodesPasangan elektrod logam Voltage/VVoltanN Positive erminalTbrminalpostttfI J,K 2.7 KI J,L 1.5 Lm L,M 0.6 L

    Table 3Jadual 3Which of the following is the correct descending order of these metals in thelectrochemical series?Antara yang berikut, yang manakah susunan secara rnenurunyang betul bagilogan-logam ini dalam siri elektrokimia?A M,L,K,JB J,L,M,KC J,M,L,KD K,L,M,J

  • 8/14/2019 Spm 2008 Chemistry k1


    SULIT 4s4ul50 50'0cm3of 0'4moldm-3 potassium ydroxidesolution,KOH, is titratedwithsulphuric cid, I,SOn.

    What volumeof 1'0mol dm-3sulphuric cid is neededo neutralisehispotassiumhydroxide olution?50'0cm3 larutan kalium hidroksida,KOH, 0.4mol dm-3dititratkan denganasidsulfurik,H2SO4.Berapakah sipaduasidsulfurik l'Omol dm-3yang diperlukanuntukmeneutralkanlarutankalium hidrolrsidani?A 10.0 m3B 20.0cm3C 40.0cm3D 50.0cm3



    454lll @ 2008Hak cipta KerajaanMalaysia SULIT

  • 8/14/2019 Spm 2008 Chemistry k1







    INtr'ORMATION X'OR CANDIDATESMAKLAMAT ANTAK CALONThisquestion aper onsists f 50questions.Kertassoalan ni mengandungi 0 soalan.Answerall questions.Jawabsemuasoalan.Eachquestionsfollowedby our alternativenswers, , B, C orD. Foreach uestion,chooseone answeronly. Blackenyour answeron the object iveanswersheet rovided.Tiapliap soalandiikuti oleh empatpilihan iawapan, iaitu A, B, C dan D. Bagisetiapsoalan,pilih satu awapan sahaja.Hitarnkanawapan andapada kertasjawapan objektif yang disediakan.If you wish to changeyour answer,erase he blackenedmark that you have made.Then blacken he new answer.Jika anda hendakmenukar awapan, padomkan tanda yang telah dibuat.Kemudian hitamkan awapan yang baru.The diagramsn thequestions rovidedarenot drawn o scaleunlessstated.Rajahyang mengiringisoalan idak dilukis mengikutskalakecuqlidinyatakan.You may useanon-programmablecientificcalculator.Andadibenarkanmenggunakanalkulatorsaintifikyang tidak bolehdiprogram.


