static stochastic assignment: scilab...

29/11/2002 1 Static stochastic assignment: Scilab implementation Elina M. Mancinelli †‡ Collaborative work with P. Lotito and J.-P. Quadrat École d’automne: Modélisation mathématique du trafique automobile CONICET

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29/11/2002 1

Static stochastic assignment: Scilab implementation

Elina M. Mancinelli†‡

Collaborative work with P. Lotito† and J.-P. Quadrat†

École d’automne: Modélisation mathématique du trafique automobile


29/11/2002 2


• Rθ semirings • Cost measures and decision variables

• Decision variables• Characteristic functions, Fenchel and Cramer transform

• Traffic Assignment• Probrit assignment• Logit assignment

• Dial’s logit• Improved Dial’s logit • Bell’s logit• Markov chain implementation

• Stochastic user equilibrium • Examples

29/11/2002 3

( , , )θθ = ∪ +∞ ⊕ ⊗

( )1 log θ θθ θ

− −+⊕ = − a be ea b

Semiring family

For each θ > 0, we consider the following :

where operations ≈θ and ƒ are given by:

⊗ = +a b a band verify:≈θ:associative, commutative, with zero element ε = +∞.ƒ: associative, with a unit element e = 0 and distributive over

≈θ and zero is absorbing.

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For each θ we can consider over a finite set Ω = ωj j=1,n a cost measure

( ) 0jc eθ ω⊕ = =

( ) ( )

1 1

1 log 0 1j jn n

c c

j je eθ ω θ ω

θ− −

= =

= ⇔ =

− ∑ ∑

:c θΩ →Ω is a normalized set if

Through the e-θ . application it is possible to map this in thestandard algebra and to make computations as probabilitiesit can also be seen as linear computations over Rθ .

The limit of this family of semirings as θ→+∞ is the min-plusalgebra, Rmin , composed by (R∪ +∞ , min, +).

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Cost measures and decision variables

We call a decision space the triplet (U, U, K) where U is a topological space, U the set of open sets of U and K a mapping from U to Rmin such that

1. K (U)=02. K (∅ )=+∞3. K (∪ n An)=infnK (An ) for any An ∈ U .

The mapping K is called a cost measure.A set of cost measures K is said tight if

sup inf ( )c

KCcompact UC

∈⊂= +∞


A mapping c: U → Rmin such that K (A)=infu ∈ A c(u ) ∀ A⊂ U is called a cost density of the cost measure K.

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Theorem (Akian, Kolokoltsov) Given a l.s.c. c with values in Rminsuch that infu c(u ) = 0, the mapping A:U→ K(A)=infu ∈ A c(u )defines a cost measure on (U, U).Conversely any cost measure defined on a topological space with acountable basis of open sets admits a unique minimal extension K*to P(U) (the set of subsets of U) having a density c which is a l.s.c.function on U satisfying infu c(u ) = 0.

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Decision variable

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Characteristic Function, Fenchel & Cramer Transform

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Traffic assignment

Given a transport network G=(N,A) and a transport demand Dthe traffic assignment problem consists in determining the flows fa on the arcs a ∈ A of the network depending on the time spent in each arc ta.In the static stochastic case the perception of the travel time overlinks is random. Let Ta(f): perceived travel time on link a, the perceived travel time on route r ∈ Rpq.


Pr( , / )pq pq pqr r l pqP C C l r R c= ≤ ∀ ≠ ∈

( ) ( )

pq pq pqr r r

pq pq pq pqr r r r

C c

E C E c c


= +

= + =

29/11/2002 13

Cpq is normally distributed with a mean cpq.. This distribution can be

derived from the distribution of links travel time.

( , ')T MVN t Σ∼Let T=(...,Ta,...), t = (...,ta,...), Σ’=[β.t.I]. Assuming

Let ∆pq be the link-path incidence matrix for O-D pair pq .

(..., , ...) .pq pqr

pqC C T= = ∆

( , ) ,pq pq pqaT MVN c p qΣ ∀∼

Probit-based assignment

Let the joint density functionis given by

'. , .[ . ].pq pq pq pq pqc t t Iβ= ∆ Σ = ∆ ∆

The path-choice probability PX > x, for P a Gaussian law is not explicitly known. Computation of probit assignment is done by Monte Carlo simulation process. [Sheffi85]

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Step 0: Initialization. Set l:=1Step 1 : Sampling. Sample

Step 2 : All-or nothing assigment. Based on , assign dpq to theshortest path connecting each O-D pair p-q. We obtain the setof links flows

Step 3 : Flow averaging. LetStep 4 : Stopping test

a) Let

b) If stop. The solution isOtherwise, set l:=l+1 and go to Step 1.

( )2( ) ( ) ( )


( 1)l

l m la a

ma X x l l a Aσ


= − − ∀ ∈∑

( )( ) ( 1) ( )(1 ) −= − +l l la a ax l x X l

( )( ) ( )max σ κ≤l la a ax ( )l


( ) laT

( ) from ( , )la a a aT T N t tβ∼

Probit-based stochastic network loading algorithm

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Another approach to consider the logit assignment is considering that the error in estimating the path travel time has a Gumbel distribution:

θ- x-eeG X > x=



∈ =∑

trpq tr

r Rpq

er Re


Logit-based assignment

In this case la probability to chose a path r to join the OD pair pq is given by

where tr is the measured travel time for path r

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θ is the dispersion parameter, it is inversely proportional tothe standard deviation of the perceived path travel time.

If θ is very large the perception error is small and users willtend to select the minimum travel-time path ( logit assignmenttends an all-or-nothing assignment).

In the limit, where θ → 0 the share of flow on all the path willbe equal independently of the path travel-time (a uniform sharingamong all the possible path).

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Implemented logit-based assignments

Dial’s logit: [Dial 1971] only efficient path are consider.A path between pq OD pair is efficient iff1... pp p q=

1 1............ andi i i ip p p qp p p q it t t t+ +< < ∀Denoting Gpq=(N,Apq) the graph obtained eliminating the arcs for which this condition is not satisfied and Opq the node-arc origin incidence matrix (resp. Dpq for destination), we can define the transition weight matrix

Wpq = Opq T (Dpq)’

( ), ataa aaT diag T T e a Aθ−= = ∀ ∈


29/11/2002 18

We have, ( )pq

ij aaW T a i j A= ∀ = → ∈

0( )* ( )pq pq i

iW W∞

=∃ = ∑

The logit assignment over efficient path is given by:

∈= ∑ * * *( ) ( ) /( )pq pq pq pq

ij pq pi ij jq pqpq D

F d W W W W

*( )pqpqW : total weight of all efficient path from p to q

* *( ) ( )pq pq pqpi ij jqW W W : total weight of all efficient path using i→j

* * *( ) ( ) /( )pq pq pq pqpi ij jq pqW W W W : probability for a path from p to q of

using i→j for the logit distribution on the efficient paths

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Improved Dial’s logit: [Sheffi 1985]: a new definition of efficient path is consider. A path from node p to q is efficient iff

Defining in a similar way a new graph Gp=(N, Ap) and incidencematrices Op , Dp and weight matrix Wp the flow can be computedwith the formula

1... pp p q=

1...... i ip pp p it t +< ∀

∈= ∑ * *( ) ( )p p p p

ij pi ij jpq D



* if/e

)0 ls


pp pq pqq

d W pq DD


29/11/2002 20

Bell’s logit [Bell 1995]: in this implementation all the paths are used,by remarking that is not necessary to enumerate the paths but to be able to compute star of matrices. But W* = (I-W)-1 is well defined as soon as the spectral radius of W, ρ(W ), smaller than 1.Denoting by W the transition weight matrix for the original graph G

− −

∈= − −∑ 1 1( ) ( ) p

ij pi ij jp N


with− − ∈=

1 ifelse

/( )0

p pq pqq

d I W pq DD

The parameter θ must be chosen large enough such that ρ(W ) < 1.

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Markov chain implementation:A Markov chain can be built on G depending of the parameter θ whose trajectories converge to the minimal time trajectories as θ → +∞.Let us consider the transition matrices

τ θτ− −= ∑ij ijµqij

jM e e

with τ = + −* *ij ij iq jqt t t

◊ −= −∑ †1( )q q qij q ij

qF D I M M M

Dq : row-vector of demand from any node to qM◊q : matrix obtained skipping column and row q in matrix Mq

M†q : is the q-column-vector of matrix Mq skipping entry q

the flow can be computed with the formula

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− −

∈= − −∑F 1 1( ( )) ( ( )) ( ) ( ( )) ( )p

ij p i ij jp N


Stochastic Equilibrium

If the travel times depend on the flow to solve a stochastic assignmentproblem we have to solve an implicit function.Given ta(Fa) for a ∈ A we have to solve equation F = F(F )

where, for example in the 3rd case is F given by

This equilibrium admits an arc-route variational formulation

0min log( ) ( )aF

r r af r af f t q dq+∑ ∑∫

, , 0a pq

a r r pqr R r R

F f f d f∈ ∈

= = ≥∑ ∑under the constraints:

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The fixed point algorithm

Fn+1 = an Fn +(1- an) F(Fn)

F(Fn) is solution of

min log( ) ( )( )nr r a a a af r a

f f t F F F+ −∑ ∑

which is a partially linearized version of the original minimizationproblem. From the convexity of this last problem we obtain that F(Fn ) - Fn is a descent direction of the original problem.

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ExampleLogitB θ =4 LogitB θ = 25


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SUE LogitB θ = 10, iter=150 UE DSD Assignment


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LogitD θ =5

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SUE LogitD θ = 60, iter=50UE DSD Assignment

29/11/2002 28

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