stefan luchian- the painter of flowers


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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Stefan Luchian- the Painter of Flowers
Page 2: Stefan Luchian- the Painter of Flowers

Un zugravA Housepainter (self-

portrait), 1907

Romanian National Art Gallery, Bucharest

Page 3: Stefan Luchian- the Painter of Flowers

Ştefan Luchian - (n. 1 februarie 1868, Ştefăneşti, Botoşani - d. 28 iunie 1916, Bucureşti), pictor

român, denumit poetul plastic al florilor.

La sfârşitul secolului XIX şi începutul secolului XX Ştefan Luchian era deja recunoscut drept pictorul român cel mai important. Un succesor inspirat al

lui Nicolae Grigorescu şi Ion Andreescu, consideraţi "părinţii" picturii româneşti, Luchian îşi făcuse

simţită prezenţa în peisajul artistic prin lucrările sale remarcabile. A pictat peisaje, portrete, naturi moarte, mai ales flori. Peisajele sale demonstrează

interesul său pentru natură şi pentru simbioza dintre vegetaţia abundentă şi fiinţa umană.

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Yellow garden flowersArt Museum in Cluj, Romania

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He was born in Ştefăneşti, a village of Botoşani County, as the son of Major Dumitru Luchian and of Elena Chiriacescu. By the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, Stefan Luchian

was the Romanian painter with the most remarkable creation. He was an inspired follower of Nicolae Grigorescu and Ion Andreescu, the two famous fathers of the Romanian painting. He did paint landscapes and portraits as much as he did

paint compositions and still life, especially flowers. His landscapes equally show the interest in

picturesque sights of nature for once and in the symbiosis between abundant vegetation and

human appearances for another. 

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Starting autumn 1889 Luchian studied for two semesters at the Munich Fine Arts Academy,

where he created copies of the works by Correggio and Rembrand housed in the

Kunstareal. After his return to Romania, he took part in the first exhibition of the Cercul Artistic art

group.He showed himself unable to accept the academic

guidelines imposed by the Bavarian and Romanian schools. The following year, he left for Paris, where he studied at the Académie Julian,

and, although taught by the academic artist William-Adolphe Bouguereau, became acquainted with impressionist works of art. Luchian's painting

Ultima cursă de toamnă shows the influence of Édouard Manet and Edgar Degas, but also echoes

of the Société des Artistes Indépendants, Modernism, and Post-impressionism (also obvious

in works created after his return to Bucharest).

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Ultima cursă de toamnăThe Last Autumn Race 

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Portret de femeiePortrait of a Woman

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Portret de femeiePortrait of a Woman, 1901

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Safta Florăreasa

Safta the Flower Girl, 1901

Romanian National Art Gallery, Bucharest, Romania

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Bătaie cu flori la Bucureşti (1909 - 1910) Beating with flowers at Bucharest

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Poteca spre cimitir

Path to the cemetery, Art Gallery in Cluj, Romania

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Sălciile de la Chiajna

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Flori (1908 - 1910)

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ANEMONE, 1908Anemona Flowers, Romanian National Art Gallery, Bucharest

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"Profile of a girl (Lica)" (c. 1911). Oil on canvas. Brukenthal

Museum, Sibiu (Romania). 

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Zambaccian Museum, Bucharest, Romania

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Crizanteme si mereChrysanthemums and


Zambaccian Museum, Bucharest, Romania

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AlbăstreleCorn flowers, Art Museum in Cluj, Romania

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Trandafiri albi, 1908White Roses, Art Museum in Cluj

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Garoafe, 1907Carnations, Romanian National Art Gallery, Bucharest

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TrandafiriRoses, Zambaccian Museum, Bucharest, Romania

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Laura CoceaZambaccian

Museum, Bucharest

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Crizanteme galbene

Yellow Chrysanthemums, private collection of Elena and Dr. I.N. Dona

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Garoafe cu maci, 1912

Carnations and poppies, private collection Gh.Dumitrescu

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LăutulHair Washing,


Zambaccian Museum, Bucharest

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Fetiţa cu portocalăLittle girl with orange


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Interior (Lorica), Luchian's last painting (1913)

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Maci, 1914Poppies, Zambaccian Museum, Bucharest

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Straw flowerBrukenthal Museum, Sibiu, Romania

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Anemones, 1910Regional Art Museum,

Brasov, Romania

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Scurteica verde

Page 36: Stefan Luchian- the Painter of Flowers

Realization by Raissa

music:Intima Union - Ernesto Cortazar

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