stellenbosch gazette 12 junie 2012

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore Year 14 • Tuesday 12 June 2012 | Tel. 021 887 2840 Usiko vier 11 jaar van groei ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN ELF jaar sedert Usiko sy eerste jeugpro- gram vir die kinders van Jamestown be- gin het, is die organisasie steeds besig om te groei en veral ’n verskil te maak in hon- derde kinders se lewens. Dié program is deur inwoners van Jame- stown in 2001 van stapel gestuur toe dit duide- lik geword het dat die jeug, veral seuns, lei- ding en mentorskap benodig. Vandag het hulle verskeie programme vir die jeug wat betrokke is by bendes of wat die gevaar loop om by bendes betrek te word. Ook vir die jeug wat reeds in konflik was met die gereg. Hul fokus is om jong mense te rehabili- teer met behulp van kampe, mentorskap en ondersteuning. Die naam Usiko kom van die Zoeloe-slag- spreuk: “Jy is die stories wat jy oor jouself maak.” Volgens Clenn Vermeulen, ondervoorsit- ter van die direksie, het hy in 2001 as een van die eerste mentors begin. “Ons grootste doel is om tieners te leer dat dit nie jou omstandighede is nie, maar jou besluite is wat jou toekoms bepaal. Ons ver- ander hul manier van dink, maar nie net van individue nie, maar ook van vriendekringe sodat hulle ’n positiewe invloed op die hele gemeenskap kan hê. “Miskien is dit nie so duidelik van buite nie, maar ons kan sien hoe die programme hier ’n verskil gemaak het. “Die groot probleem is steeds gebroke fami- lies en ons probeer deur Usiko dié gaping te vul deur ’n mentor óf ’n vaderfiguur aan dié kinders te gee.” Arnold Okkers, Usiko se projekbestuur- der, is ook reeds van 2001 af as mentor betrok- ke. “Aan die begin was daar slegs een pro- gram en ons het nou gegroei tot 19 program- me waar ons probeer om alle aspekte van die jeug te bereik. Ons kry hulle betrokke by ‘groen’-klubs, lewensvaardigheidklasse en sportkampe. Ons raak nou jaarliks sowat 1 000 kinders se lewens waar ons begin het met slegs 20 seuns. “Nou, 11 jaar later, is ons op ’n baie goeie plek. Ons het ’n sterk span en gaan van krag tot krag.” Hulle volgende doel is om die program so uit te brei dat hulle hul eie kantore kan oprig waar hulle onder meer rekenaarklasse kan aanbied. Hulle help ook die kinders om hul bestuurderslisensies te kry. “Ons probeer vir hulle die nodige vaardig- hede leer – soos om ’n motor te kan bestuur en ’n rekenaar te kan gebruik.” Vernon Adams, voorsitter van die direk- sie, is baie opgewonde oor die rigting waarin die organisasie beweeg. “Almal hier by Usiko is meer soos ’n uitgebreide familie. Jy kan elke dag die verskille sien wat die organisasie teweegbring.” Volgens Justin Newman, die voormalige skoolhoof van Hoërskool Stellenzicht, waar die program begin het, kan die verskil wat die organisasie maak duidelik gesien word. “Deur deel te kon wees van die kampe en uitstappies kon ek die kinders nie net beter leer ken nie, maar ook die potensiaal besef wat die kinders inhou.” Hy het sedertdien as skoolhoof afgetree, maar is steeds betrokke by die program. Vir nadere besonderhede rakende die pro- gram besoek gerus die webblad by stb.usi- Hier is van Usiko se direksie tydens hul verjaarsdagvieringe Vrydagaand. Voor (van links) is Mericia Carstens, Vernon Adams, Yvonne Cloete, met Hilary Williams, Sam Juan Carstens en Clenn Vermeulen agter. Foto: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

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Stellenbosch Gazette 12 Junie 2012


Page 1: Stellenbosch Gazette 12 Junie 2012

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 14 • Tuesday 12 June 2012 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Usiko vier 11 jaar van groeiELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

ELF jaar sedert Usiko sy eerste jeugpro-gram vir die kinders van Jamestown be-gin het, is die organisasie steeds besig omtegroei enveral ’nverskil temaakinhon-derde kinders se lewens.

Dié program is deur inwoners van Jame-stownin2001vanstapelgestuur toeditduide-lik geword het dat die jeug, veral seuns, lei-ding en mentorskap benodig.

Vandag het hulle verskeie programme virdie jeug wat betrokke is by bendes of wat diegevaar loopombybendesbetrekteword.Ookvir die jeug wat reeds in konflik was met diegereg.Hul fokus is omjongmense te rehabili-teer met behulp van kampe, mentorskap enondersteuning.

Die naam Usiko kom van die Zoeloe-slag-spreuk: “Jy is die stories wat jy oor jouselfmaak.”

Volgens Clenn Vermeulen, ondervoorsit-ter van die direksie, het hy in 2001 as een vandie eerste mentors begin.

“Ons grootste doel is om tieners te leer datdit nie jou omstandighede is nie, maar joubesluite is wat jou toekoms bepaal. Ons ver-ander hul manier van dink, maar nie net vanindividue nie, maar ook van vriendekringesodat hulle ’n positiewe invloed op die helegemeenskap kan hê.

“Miskien is dit nie so duidelik van buitenie, maar ons kan sien hoe die programmehier ’n verskil gemaak het.

“Diegrootprobleemissteedsgebrokefami-lies en ons probeer deur Usiko dié gaping tevul deur ’n mentor óf ’n vaderfiguur aan diékinders te gee.”

Arnold Okkers, Usiko se projekbestuur-der, is ookreedsvan2001af asmentorbetrok-ke. “Aan die begin was daar slegs een pro-gram en ons het nou gegroei tot 19 program-me waar ons probeer om alle aspekte van diejeug te bereik. Ons kry hulle betrokke by‘groen’-klubs, lewensvaardigheidklasse ensportkampe. Ons raak nou jaarliks sowat 1000 kinders se lewens waar ons begin het metslegs 20 seuns.

“Nou, 11 jaar later, is ons op ’n baie goeieplek. Ons het ’n sterk span en gaan van kragtot krag.”

Hulle volgende doel is om die program souit te brei dat hulle hul eie kantore kan oprigwaar hulle onder meer rekenaarklasse kan

aanbied. Hulle help ook die kinders om hulbestuurderslisensies te kry.

“Ons probeer vir hulle die nodige vaardig-hede leer – soos om ’n motor te kan bestuuren ’n rekenaar te kan gebruik.”

Vernon Adams, voorsitter van die direk-sie, is baie opgewonde oor die rigting waarindieorganisasiebeweeg.“AlmalhierbyUsiko

is meer soos ’n uitgebreide familie. Jy kanelkedagdieverskillesienwatdieorganisasieteweegbring.”

Volgens Justin Newman, die voormaligeskoolhoof van Hoërskool Stellenzicht, waardie program begin het, kan die verskil watdie organisasie maak duidelik gesien word.

“Deur deel te kon wees van die kampe en

uitstappies kon ek die kinders nie net beterleer ken nie, maar ook die potensiaal besefwat die kinders inhou.”

Hy het sedertdien as skoolhoof afgetree,maar is steeds betrokke by die program.

Vir nadere besonderhede rakende die pro-gram besoek gerus die webblad by

Hier is van Usiko se direksie tydens hul verjaarsdagvieringe Vrydagaand. Voor (van links) is Mericia Carstens, Vernon Adams, Yvonne Cloete, met HilaryWilliams, Sam Juan Carstens en Clenn Vermeulen agter. Foto: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Page 2: Stellenbosch Gazette 12 Junie 2012

Stellenbosch Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 12 June 20122

How hot is too hot?With temperatures plum-meting as we approach thedepths of winter, Dial DirectInsurance is urging home-ownerstobecarefulwhenus-ing heating appliances.

“The risk of fire as a resultof the careless use of heatingappliances remains an over-arching threat for home-owners,” says Bradley duChenne, senior executive ofDial Direct Insurance. “Weoften hear heart-wrenchingstories of people being hurtor killed, and property beingdestroyed in shack fires.

“But what a lot of peopledon’t realise is that the aver-age family home is also atrisk of catching fire, particu-larly in winter when peopleuseheaters, firesandelectricblankets to keep themselveswarm.”

Heating equipment is theleading cause of home firesduring the winter months ofMay, June and July, and isthe second-leading cause ofhomefiresyear-round.Cook-ing is the number one causeof home fires.

Half of all home-firedeathsoccur at night. “Almostevery single South Africanhousehold uses some sort ofelectric heater, fireplace orfuel-fired heater for spaceheating in winter,” says DuChenne. “It is important forpeople to remember thatwhenever theyusegasor firein their homes, they need tobe vigilant.

“Homeowners should alsoensurethatallheatingequip-ment is properly maintainedand fit for the job. Fireplace-related incidents account fora big portion of house fires inSouth Africa, and often thesecan be put down to poormaintenance.”

The main causes of housefires include:

) heaters, stoves, irons,

electric blankets and otherelectrical equipment left onand unattended;

) candles left unattendedor near curtains;

) leaking gas heaters orstoves;

) paraffin stoves left unat-tended;

) an overheating compu-ter that ignites;

) cellphone chargers leftunattended in the socket;

) electrical overload on apower source;

) children who play withmatches or lighters nearflammable objects; and

) falling asleep with a litcigarette in bed.

Dial Direct Insurance of-fers the following tips toavoid fire in the home:

) install smoke alarmsthroughout your home;

) have a fire extinguisheravailable on every level ofyour home, and specificallynear the kitchen;

) take gas bottles to yournearest gas retailer to havethem checked for leaks on aregular basis – this includesgas bottles used for heaters,braais and stoves;

) unplugandswitchoff allelectrical appliances thatarenot in use;

) do not overload a powersource;

) ensure that electricalwiring is intact;

) keep clutter to a mini-mum in and around yourhome;

) never leave heaters,electric blankets or stovesunattended;

) check your heating ap-pliances for damage beforeyou fire them up this winter;and

) make sureyouhaveade-quate residential buildinginsurance in place to coveryou in the event of a fire atyour home.

CPF elections: speak upTHEStellenboschpolicearecall-ing fornominations foranewex-ecutive committee for the Stel-lenbosch Community PolicingForum for the 2012–2013 period.

Application and nominationformscanbeobtainedfromLieu-

tenant Natalie Martin at room116, Stellenbosch Police Station.Completed forms must be sub-mitted toroom116before theendof the day.

To find out more call Martinon 021 809 5061.

La Colline vergaderDIE Stellenbosch-polisie hou opDonderdag 12 Junie ’n gemeen-skapsveiligheidvergadering teLa Colline.

Die vergadering sal om 19:00

begin in Laerskool AF Louw sepersoneelkamer.

Bel AO J.E. Pietersen by 082443 6926 vir nadere inligting oordie vergadering.

KLEUTERS VERRAS MET GROOT BEDERF: Die graad R-leerlinge van Devonvallei Primêr en Graceland Primêr is Vrydag lekkerbederf. Elize Anthony van Simonsberg Gastehuis in Cloetesville, het self daar skoolgegaan en het besluit om deur dié tweeskole, iets aan die gemeenskap terug te gee. Die jongspan het lekker warm sop, lekkers en speelgoed gekry, maar ookbaie geleer. Kapt. Maria Goossen, maatskaplike werker by Stellenbosch SAPD se afdeling van gesins-, kindergeweld en seksuelemisdrywe, het die kinders toegespreek. Agter (van links) is Keith King, Devonvallei Primêr se hoof, kapt. Maria Goosen, ElizeAnthony, Elizabeth Solomons, Graceland se hoof en Jennifer April, Devonvallei se graad R-juffrou. Foto: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Thief hits sugar crashAMAN’ssweet tooth landedhimin trouble when he was caughtstealingat a supermarket inClu-ver Street last week.

Themanwascaughtnear19:00on 5 June, when StellenboschWatch officer Solethu Mkehlewas called to the shop by theowner after the sugary subter-fuge was caught on camera.

The thief was still on thepremises when Mkehle arrived,and the officer quickly corneredhim for a search.

He found two boxes of choco-lates hidden in his trousers.

Mkehle then contacted his

company’s central monitoringcentre and asked for policebackup. The thief was handedover to the police for furtherinvestigation.

“CCTV cameras are an effec-tive way to monitor and detershoplifting, and improve thesafety of customers, staff and as-sets,” says Stellenbosch WatchCEO Glenn Schooling. “Anotherpractical feature is that the cam-era footage can be monitored on-site and around the clock.

“Importantly, camera footagecan also be used as evidence ina criminal case.”

Metal thieves move on FranschhoekTHE Franschhoek police are call-ing on the community to come for-ward with information that couldhelp them catch metal thieves inthe area.

This follows a spree of thefts onthe south side of Franschhoek,

where a number of farms were tar-geted. Constable Marize Papier,police spokesperson, says thethieves appear to be targeting tapsin particular. “We request infor-mation from the public and farmworkers. The public is urged to

come forward with places wherecopper pipes, taps and electric wir-ing may be sold.”

You can call Constable JacoStadler or Warrant Officer LeonBoonzaaier at Franschhoek PoliceStation on 0 021 876 8060.

GESOEK: Die Franschhoek-polisie is opsoek na dié man wat hulle moontlik kanbystaan in hul ondersoek rakende ’n roofvan ’n motorvoertuig vroeër vanjaar. Dievoorval het op 5 Mei op die hoek van LeRoux-weg en Boonzaaierstraat in Groendalplaasgevind. Enigiemand wat weet waardié man hom bevind, kan die ondersoek-beampte, adjunk-offisier Reinhard Prins by021 876 8060 bel.

POLISIE-VRIENDE: As deel van die Franschhoek-polisie se Safer Schools-projek, hetkonst. Marize Papier op 7 Junie ’n veiligheidspraatjie gehou by die Bumblebee Kleuter-skool, vir kinders tussen twee en vier jaar oud. Sy het hulle onder meer gewaarskuom nie met vreemdelinge te praat nie, teen onsedelike aanranding en dat die polisiehulle beskerm. Sy het ook seker gemaak hulle ken die polisie se noodnommer: 10111.

Page 3: Stellenbosch Gazette 12 Junie 2012

Stellenbosch GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 12 June 2012 3

JEUGDAGVIERINGE: Die CYM Stellenbosch hou Saterdag 16 Junie ’n Jeugdag-viering in dieVGK in Cloetesville. Alle Stellenbosse jeug word uitgenooi om die geleentheid by te woonen hul talent te kom ten toon stel deur te sing, dans, “rap” of poësie voor te lees. Deelnemersmoet voor die geleentheid hul CD’s by die klankman inhandig. Die geleentheid begin 09:00.Almal is welkom. Vir nadere besonderhede of om ’n stalletjie by die geleentheid te bedryfbel Rhea by 073 843 5153.

Keep your cholesterol levels in check this winter RESEARCHintohowseasonalvariationsin-fluence health shows that cholesterol levelsvary with the seasons, reaching their high-est levels in the winter months.

Seasonal changes in plasma volume arelargely thecauseof the increase inbloodcho-lesterol levels in the winter months, particu-larly in women. “High cholesterol is danger-ous as it is linked so closely to heart disease.Latest statistics show that 5,5 million SouthAfricans are at risk of heart disease due toelevated cholesterol and the medical frater-nity estimate thatup to 30%ofpatientsdon’teven know they are at risk, says Peter Jor-daan of Fedhealth.

He adds that it is important to regularlycheckyourcholesterol leveland ifnecessaryadopt measures to lower it before it becomesa problem.

According to him, there are many factorsthat increase the risk of having high choles-terol levels. By making a few simple lifestylechanges, you can substantially lower yourrisk he says.

“Giving up smoking can lower your cho-

lesterol levels, as well as help boost yourgood cholesterol (HDL) levels. Through add-ing exercise to your daily routine, you canalsomodestly loweryourLDLandraiseyourHDL, or “good” cholesterol. In addition, itwill help you to shed excess weight. Somechronic conditions can also cause your cho-lesterol levels to increase. Managing theseconditionswill alsohelpyou tomanageyourcholesterol levels,” he says.

Jordaan emphasises how modifying yourdiet can greatly improve your health andyour cholesterol levels.

He advises that people eat small, regularmeals and follow a healthy, balanced dietwhich include a variety of fruits and vegeta-bles, as well as foods that are high in fibre.Fatty foods should be avoided, especiallythose that are high in saturated fats such asfull cream dairy products, meat, chickenskin and fried foods. Salt intake should alsobe limited to less than one teaspoon a day.

Irrespective if your cholesterol is heredi-tary or lifestyle / diet-related it can easilybe measured by means of a simple blood test.

Gewilde boekverkopingDIE JS Gericke-biblioteek hou weer syalgemene boekverkoping by die biblio-teek tot Woensdag 13 Junie.

Boeke uit ’n wye verskeidenheid vak-gebiede word te koop aangebied vanaf

slegsR5 ’nboek.Slegskontantwordegteraanvaar.

Vir meer inligting rondom die boek-verkoping bel Niel Hendriksz by 021 8084401 of 2 [email protected].

Lynedoch turns 10 years oldLynedoch Primary School will hold its 10thanniversary celebration dance on Friday.

The dance starts at 19:00 in the AF LouwSchool hall. Tickets to the event cost R80 perperson, and guest are asked to take their ownxyz and glasses. The Elgineers will keepeverybody dancing with their swingingtunes. Call 021 881 3515 or 021 881 3663.

Winter ball THE Stellenbosch Community LearningCentre will hold its winter ball on Friday29 June in aid of school funds.

The warming fund-raiser kicks off at20:00 in the hall of AF Louw PrimarySchool. Entrance costs R70 per person;guests are asked to bring their own plat-ters and xyz. To book your tickets, or tofind out more about the upcoming winterball, call 021 883 3892 or 074 580 8227.

Reunion of Class of 2002Cloetesville Senior Secondary School is get-ting ready to hold its Class of 2002 reunionbash this Friday.

The party will get started at 20:00 at ClubBoulevard inBirdStreet.Amongstall theex-

citement, there will be lucky draws offeringloads of prizes.

Entrance costs R30 per person.If you’d like to find out more, you can call

Jenna on 0 073 226 9095.

Dié groep jong mense het Vrydagaand saam met Usiko hul elfde verjaarsdag gevier by die WeberGedenk-skoolsaal. Hulle is (van links) Russel Cloete, Litha Bhebhezam, Clario Julius, JonwhinMeyer, Alicia Philander en Darius Sylvester. Foto’s: Elbé van Heerden

USIKO VIER 11 JAAR: Talle lede van die Jamestown-gemeenskap by Usiko se feesvieringe. Hier(van links) is Sam Juan Pietersen (een van die bestuurslede), sy vrou Althea Pietersen, LesterAllies (Stellenzicht Hoërskool se hoof) en sy vrou Theresa Allies.

Page 4: Stellenbosch Gazette 12 Junie 2012

Stellenbosch Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 12 June 20124

12 tot 13 Junie)JS Gericke-biblioteek algemeneboekverkoping. Boeke uit ’n wye verskei-denheid vakgebiede word te koop aangebiedvanaf R5. Slegs kontant. Niel Hendriksz: 0021 808 4401 of 2 [email protected].

12 June)La Leche League International invitesall pregnant and breast-feeding mothersto join the breast-feeding support group.09:30. Francia: 0 082 940 9685.

)Franschhoek Rate Payers’ meeting.Groendal Community hall at 19:00.

14 Junie)VLV Stellenbosch-vergadering by Stel-lenbosch Welgelegen Kerk. Professor Con-radMattheeisdiegasspreker.Gastewelkom.0 021 881 3252.

15 June)Lynedoch Primary School ten-year cel-ebration dance. 19:00 until late, AF LouwSchoolhall. R80perperson, takeownxyzandglasses. Elgineers band will provide the mu-sic. 0 021 881 3515 or 021 881 3663.

16 Junie)VGK Stellenbosch nooi alle jongmense

na hul geestelike Jeugdag-feesvieringe inCloetesville. Neem deel en wys jou talent insang, geestelike dans, rap en digkuns. Dit be-gin 09:00 by die VGK in Langstraat. Die kosteom stalletjies te bedryf is R30 per stalletjie.Rhea: 0 073 843 5153.

22 June)Bob and Soup at the Woodmill LifestyleMarket. Intimatetributetoall thegreatBobsof the music world – Dylan, Seger, JohnsonandMarley.TicketscostR60 (includessoup).Entrance to the market in Vredenburg Roadis free. 17:30 to 22:30. 0 083 755 2877.)Speelkring pre-primêre skool karaoke-aand vir fondsinsameling. DJ Jacques Mc-Gregor sal optree. 20:00 tot laat in die Laer-skool Rietenbosch-skoolsaal. R30 per per-soon. Bring eie piekniekmandjie en xyz.Lizette: 0 021 887 5292.

PRETLOOP VIR KANSA: Die jaarlikse Kansa Relay for Life het onlangs met ’n Purple Fun Walk deur die strate van Stellenboschafgeskop. Die oogmerk van die pretstap was om mense aan te moedig om in te skryf vir Kansa se Relay for Life wat in Septembervanjaar vir die derde keer in Stellenbosch aangebied sal word. Met die Relay neem spanne deel aan ’n deurnagstaptog om geldin te samel vir Kansa. Kansa gebruik dié geld om onder meer geregistreerde kankerpasiënte in die Stellenbosch-omgewing te ondersteunmet voedingsbehoeftes, mediese toerusting, pruike of borsprosteses. Enigeen wat belangstel om ’n span in te skryf vir vanjaarse Relay for Life kan die koördineerder Christa Claassen by 023 342 7058 of 082 945 3844 bel.

SOMETHING FOR THEYOUNG: Dibongs BongaTshemese Feleba Om-khule Clever Matwetwe,the owner of BongaThanks Records, will puton a performance at CaféArt on the Braak on YouthDay this comingSaturday.During his show, whichkicks off at 13:00, anumber of speakers – in-cluding business peopleand role players in Stel-lenbosch Municipality –will be there to lend theirexpertise to the minds ofthe next generation. Ifyou’d like to find out moreabout Matwetwe’s up-coming performance,send an email to [email protected].

Page 5: Stellenbosch Gazette 12 Junie 2012

Stellenbosch GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 12 June 2012 5



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Page 6: Stellenbosch Gazette 12 Junie 2012

Stellenbosch Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 12 June 20126

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Ons Gee Om.Ons Gee Om.

DIE Gazette vra Stellenbossers mooi omdie volgende welsyn- en gemeenskapsor-ganisasies te ondersteun. Hulle het u hulpdringend nodig.

Hier volg hulle behoeftes:)Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie: Sop-

mengsels, geurmiddels, pasta, rys, broods-mere, blikkieskos, olie, brood en groente.0 021 886 8986 / 071 322 0747.

)Jeuguitreik Kinder- en Jeugsorg-sentrum: Brood, suiker, pasta, broods-mere,varsvrugteengroeteenblikkieskos.Werkende ketel, winterklere vir meisiesen seuns (ouderdomme 8–16 jaar),onderklere, papier en tydskrifte vir akti-witeite. 0 021 886 6216.

)ACVV Stellenbosch: Warm komber-se en klere word dringend hier benodig.0 021 887 6959.

)Stellenbosch Safe House: Vry-willigers is nodig wat kuns en hand-werkvaardighede een keer per week kanaanbied.Lewensvaardighedeook.DieSafeHouse het ook iemand nodig wat bereid salwees om ’n koek te bak wanneer een vandie inwoners verjaar. ’n Voëlhok virvoëltjies in die huis. 0 021 883 2574.

)Stellenbosch Nagskuiling: Truie,warm baadjies en broeke in groottes 30–34vir mans. Skoonmaakmiddels, badseep enenige smere vir brood. 0 021 886 6173.

)Stellenbosch Hospies: Die Hospiesbeplan ’n tuin vir hul winkel in Borchard-straat. Hulle benodig dus: potplante, saad,stiggies, grond, kompos en leë potte. Vry-willigers om sowat twee ure per week ineen van die Hospies-winkels te werk. 0021 886 5994.

)Kindersorg SA, Stellenbosch: Enige

kantoortoerusting, asook nie-bederfbarevoedsel word benodig. 0 021 887 2816.

)Kayamandi Traumakamer: Driek-wart- en enkelbedmatrasse, waaier, ver-warmer, beddegoed, gordyne, komberse,eetgerei en borde, tweedehandse klere enonderklere,kos, toiletwareenskoonmaak-middels. Mev. Bakubaku: 0 074 717 9676/ 021 889 7686 of Mary: 0 083 945 5811.

)Marcelino Singh-stigting: Brood,broodsmere, vars groente, tweedehandseklere en meubels. 0 021 889 9555 / 072 8887188.

)Stellenbosch Werksentrum vir vol-wassepersonemetgestremdhede:Beno-dig vervoergeleenthede vir twee personevanaf Koelenhof, verf vir gebou, Kruide-niersware vir driedaagse Vaardigheidson-twikkelingkamp wat in Oktober gehouword. 0 021 887 8688.

Bel Samantha van den Berg by 021 8872840 of e-pos [email protected] vir nadere besonderhede.

Geyser control now on a roll THE Stellenbosch Municipality and Es-kom’s geyser control project, currentlybeingimplementedinStellenboschtohelpreduce electricity demand during peaktime, is gaining momentum.

Altogether 963 of a total of 10 500 units wereinstalled by the end of May 2012.

Stellenbosch Municipality requests resi-dents to join forces with Eskom and the Mu-nicipality by supporting the programmeaimed at connecting appliance control devic-es (also called switches or relays) to their gey-sers.Thedevice switchesoff thepowersupplyto geysers during times of peak demand,which is between 18:00 and 20:00.

The Stellenbosch Municipality and EskomappointedPowertech IST, anEnergyServicesCompany (ESCo), to implement the pro-gramme in Stellenbosch. According to MrGerard van der Merwe, manager of the utili-ties, municipalities and commercial businessunit at Powertech IST, qualified installerswill visit homes in the following high-con-sumption areas to install relays during Juneand July:

) Onder-Papegaaiberg (Saturdays)) Welgevonden (Saturdays)) Paradyskloof) Kleingeluk (Die Boord)) Die BoordThe appliance control device is installed

next to the distribution board in the house.Provision is made for the installation of sucha device in the Municipality’s bylaws.

A qualified contractor with a StellenboschMunicipality, Eskom and Powertech ISTidentity card will do the installation. It is freeof charge and takes approximately 20 min-utes. The power of the house will be switchedoff before installation and switched on againafter the installation is completed. The con-tractor does not work on the geyser itself andthe installation has no effect on electricalequipment and appliances.

For more information please call 083 2280268.

HUIS HORISON HOU WINTERKERMIS: Huis Horison het die afgelope naweekweer sy immergewilde jaarlikse winterkermis in Onder-Papegaaiberg aange-bied. Hier kon besoekers alles van koffie, koek, ’n heerlike ontbyt, tuisgebaken selfs afval en skaapkoppe geniet! Daar was ook verskeie handwerk-itemste koop. Hier (van links) is Brenda Visser, Annamarie de Vries, Leon Nelen Helene O’Kennedy met Sue-Mare Visser (voor) wat al die pad van Porter-ville gekom het om hul gewilde skaapvleisprodukte te verkoop.


Huis Horison se gewilde boekestalletjie groei ook jaarliks en het nie vanjaarteleurgestel nie met ’n wye verskeidenheid goeie tweedehandse boeke wathier te koop aangebied was. Vir meer inligting oor Huis Horison, ’n residensië-le en beskutte werksentrum vir mense wat leef met ‘n primêre intellektuelegestremdheid in Stellenbosch, bel asseblief 021 887 5080.

Page 7: Stellenbosch Gazette 12 Junie 2012

Stellenbosch GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 12 June 2012 7

Blackpages reeds beskikbaarDIE derde uitgawe van Suid-Afrika segids van besighede wat in 100 persentswart besit is,Blackpages, is reeds be-skikbaar.

Dit is ’n erkende gids om te gebruikwanneerdaarnabesighede in 100 per-sent swart besit gesoekword.Vanjaarse uitgawe toon net besighede wat on-afhanklik hul 100 persent swart besitbevestighet enwat ’ngeldigeB-BSEB-sertifikaat het.Blackpages is ’n selfstandige projek

wataangepakisdeurShandukaBlackUmbrellas, ’n gevestigde projek watklein-, mikro- en makro-onderne-mings (KMMO) in swart besit, onder-steun en adviseer.

Een van die hoofdoelwitte van diedepartement van handel en nywer-heidseB-BSEBKodesvanGoeiePrak-tyk is die volhoubare ontwikkelingvan maatskappye in swart besit deurdie verkryging van voorkeur en on-dernemings-ontwikkeling.

Die meeste maatskappye in Suid-Afrika is bewus van die vereistes vanSEB-wetgewing. Suid-Afrikaansemaatskappye ervaar egter ’n grootaantal uitdagings ten opsigte van diebereik van al die punte wat nodig isvir albei dié afdelings van die B-BSEBpuntekaart.Blackpages is aanlynbywww.shan- beskikbaar.

Debt got you in a squeeze?amount you pay back monthly on yourdebts. This will result in you taking longerto pay off your debt, and you will pay moreinterest as well.

In the end, you could spend up to sevenyearspayingashort-termdebt, likeacloth-ing account or a cash loan.

If you are lucky, you may have creditorswho will lower their interest rates to helpyou, but don’t count on it.

THE National Credit Act is the start ofa debt advice programme for South Af-ricans who cannot pay back their debt.

The ideaof theprogramme is tohelppeo-ple who have too much debt find their wayout of it – and take control of their moneyagain.

If you are struggling with debt, this maybeyourwayout of a tight spotwithouthav-ing to see your things taken away or beingput on a list as someone who cannot betrusted because of bad credit. It’s usuallya process that takes a lot of time, but whenit’s over, you’ll be free of debt and yourcredit record will be clean.

The debt advice programme helpspeople restructure their debt so thatthey can pay household costs andstill be able to pay off some debt atthe end of the month.

It’s a good option if you arereally in a tight spot, but youshould think of other ways ofdealing with your debt beforeyou enter the debt advice pro-gramme.Youcanaskyourcred-itors – the people who lent youmoney – to change the wayyou’re expected to pay themback.

You should only choose thedebt advice programme whenyou have no other options, be-cause it usually lowers the

The debt advice programme is not free,so you do lose money by entering this pro-gramme. It will cost you up to R6 000 at themost.

Don’t think of the debt advice pro-gramme as an easy way out. You will haveto show the court that you are seriousabout paying off your debt and makingchanges in the way you live to reach thisgoal. For example, you may need to giveup your car for a cheaper one, or make dowithout your DStv.

Alsokeepinmindthatwhileyouarepartof the debt advice programme, you will not

be able to get more credit or make useof your credit cards.

Everyone entering in the debt ad-vice programme will end up incourt – this is so thatyournewwayof paying off your debt can beapproved.

Before you decide to use thedebt advice programme, speakto your creditors and tell themyou are struggling to affordyour payments. If they are notwilling to help, talk to a debtadviser. To make sure youradviser can be trusted, checkthat they are registered withthe national credit regulator.

For more information,phone 0860 587 587 or [email protected].

Page 8: Stellenbosch Gazette 12 Junie 2012

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 14 • Dinsdag 12 Junie 2012 | Tel. 021 887 2840

KYLEMORE’S BLUE BULL: Born in Kylemore, George-Lee Erasmus (centre) has been selected to play for the BlueBulls u.18 team in the upcoming Craven Week, which will be played from 8 till 13 July in Port Elizabeth. Erasmusis a scrumhalf and now lives in Pretoria, where he attends Centurion High School. Here Erasmus is picturedwith his parents George and Lorraine. Photo: Soyiso Maliti

AF LOUW SE STERRE: Drie leerlinge van Laerskool AF Louw het verlede maandmedaljes by die Tygerberg Ope-judokampioenskap verower. Hier is AyabongaMfunda (silwer en bronsmedalje), Lubabalo Mpiliso (silwer en brons) enSinethemba Ngele (silwer en brons). Foto: verskaf

Goeie seges virPniel en VDSDIT was ’n goeie naweek vir ver-skeie rugbyspanne van Stellen-bosch.

Pniel Villagers en Van der Stelhetoorwinningsbehaal , terwylKy-lemore met Blue Stars afgerekenhet.

Cloetesville het ’n gelykop-uit-slag teen Skiereiland afgedwing.

Van der Stel het ’n indrukwek-kendevertoninggelewerom’nsegein ’n wegwedstryd teen Milnertonmet 27-10 te behaal.

PnielVillagershet tuisveld-voor-deel benut en Goodwood met 15-12geklop. Kylemore het ’n goeie tuis-sege met 18-14 oor Blue Stars be-haal. Die telling tussen Cloetesvilleen Skiereiland was 17-17.

Stellenbosch Coronations het ’nriller-stryd teen Macassar verloormet 23-26, terwyl Evergreen Stel-lenbosch ook net-net met 21-25 teenWamakersvallei vasgeval het.

Evergreen Stellenbosch speel indie Boland-liga, terwyl die res vandie spanne in die Westelike Provin-sie se liga speel.

Die Maties is steeds eerste in dieWP se Superliga A, terwyl die Vicsvyfde is.

Pniel Villagers, wat in die Super-liga B speel, is ná hul derde sege niemeer onderaan die punteleer nie.

Die klub wat tans die meeste vor-dering maak, is Van der Stel. Diéklub was tot onlangs heel laaste inPremierliga B, maar het nou al am-per ’n handvol seges behaal en isweer in ’n veilige posisie wat rele-gasie betref.

Stellenbosch Coronations, watook in dié liga speel, is egter tanstweede laaste.

Cloetesville bevind hom veilig indie middel van die puntestand vanAfdeling 3.

Die komende naweek se wed-stryde: SATERDAG: Blue Swal-lows t Excelsiors; Lanquedoc tLlwandle; Kayamandi t Spartans;Primrose t Pniel Villagers; Lagu-nya t Stellenbosch Coronations;Van der Stel t Franschhoek; Wats-onia t Kylemore; Retreat t Cloetes-ville; Young Blues t Evergreen Stel-lenbosch.

Stellenbosch JWC matches moved to Cape TownOWING to adverse pitch condi-tions, the South African Rugby Un-ion(SARU)andtheIRBhavejointlymade the decision to move the re-mainder of the IRB Junior WorldChampionship 2012matches sched-uled for the Danie Craven Stadiumin Stellenbosch.

Withthesurfaceat theDanieCra-ven Stadium having cut up signifi-cantly after two rounds of threematches in the flagship age gradecompetition and bad weather hit-ting the Cape Town area, the deci-sion was agreed by all stakeholdersfollowing an inspection of the sur-face.

The Newlands Stadium will nowhost both semi-finals and the fifthplace semi-final on 17 June, and the

third place play-off and IRB JuniorWorld Championship 2012 final on22 June. Kick-off times and broad-cast arrangements remain thesame.

Cape Town Stadium will host the12 June final round of pool matches(Irelandv Italy, SouthAfricavEng-land and France v Australia) previ-ously scheduled for the Danie Cra-ven Stadium.

Matches at the University ofWestern Cape Stadium in CapeTown remain as scheduled.

IRBJuniorWorldChampionshipTournament Director PhilippeBourdariassaid:“Withpitchcondi-tions having deteriorated and littletimefor it torecoversufficientlybe-tweenroundsand threematchdays

left to play at the Danie Craven Sta-dium, includingthesemi-finalsandIRB Junior World Championshipfinal, all stakeholders, includingthe venue, agreed that it is in thebest interests of the teams and theChampionship to switch venues.”

“The Danie Craven Stadium hasbeen an outstanding and welcom-ing host and I would like to thankall of their staff for theirhospitalityand dedication to staging fantasticmatch days. It is a shame to move,but unfortunately the pitch couldnot withstand the demand placeduponit, giventhepoorweathercon-ditions.”

“Newlands and Cape Town Stadi-um are world-class venues and Iwould like to thank SARU and

Western Province for making themavailable. I am sure that it will bea fantastic host enjoyed by teamsandfans.Thistournamenthasbeenwonderful so far and I have nodoubt that it will progress to be re-membered as a resounding successand an exceptional event.”

SARU has confirmed that fanswho bought tickets for the remain-ing matches at the Danie CravenStadium will be able to swap themfor tickets at other venues.

Andy Marinos, the SARU Gener-al Manager for Commercial andMarketing,confirmedfanscanpur-chase tickets for the remainingmatches at UWC, Newlands andCape Town Stadium from any Com-puticket outlet or Money Market

counters, as well as online.“We are obviously disappointed

that we had to move matches fromthe Danie Craven Stadium becauseof the deteriorating pitch condi-tions. SARUwants to thank theMa-ties Rugby Club and the Universityof Stellenbosch for their hard workduring the past few months.

“Western Province and the Cityof Cape Town were also fantastic intheir support and efforts to find asolution and SARU wants to thankthemformakingtheirvenuesavail-able at such short notice.

Marinos said that there is still agreatdeal of rugbyaction to seeandthat fans should buy their ticketsasthoseforthesemi-finalandfinalswill be snapped up quickly.

PAUL ROOS BO: Paul Roos Gimnasium het die afgelope Saterdag teen Hoërskool de Kuilen gespeel. Die Stellenbossershet die wedstryd met 55-0 gewen. Hier is Paul Roos Gimnasium se Michal Haznar in aksie. Die komende naweekspeel Paul Roos teen die Hoër Jongenskool Paarl in Stellenbosch. Foto: NIC DE JAGER