storm clouds from pseudo secularists dr babu suseelan and aron


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Page 1: Storm Clouds From Pseudo Secularists Dr Babu Suseelan and Aron



Dr. Babu Suseelan

(with an Introduction by Aron)

Page 2: Storm Clouds From Pseudo Secularists Dr Babu Suseelan and Aron



By bringing in a debate on whether hindus should also go in for an avowed hindu state to rectify the many maladies afflicting the Hindu Society that imperil the only homeland of hindus in the world this American Psychiatrist had stirred a hornet’s nest –which he hopes to set at rest with further elaborations.

Most of critics to his suggestion of a hindu state however seem to justify the status quo that defeats their own grounds of objections-

The status quo is that Hindus alone have a homeland where they continue to exist and survive overwhelmingly-some 98 % of them are concentrated at India –and yet they alone are left without any State support.

Christian States are seemingly secular- Western states have an inbuilt church linkage to state policies and an unspoken commitment to Christian values that goes beyond its visible affirmations like the vestment of state power at swearing in ceremonies of their elected heads of States by their archbishops.

The opponents of Hindu state idea are also comfortable with avowedly Islamist states that are based upon the Islamic Sharia.

This Status Quo of India alone should retain its Secular aloofness to Hindu Society and its faith system suffers from fairness and objectivity and can be seen standing not for genuine care of secularity but the Status Quo –of a world where all other Faith systems are tolerated by it to acquire and have Statehood support but only Hinduism alone must suffer the lack of it.

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This Status Quo of Theocratic States for non-hindus and a Secular state for Hindus and sister Dharmic faith systems such as Sikhs, Jains and Parsis (there are many Bhudhist States) comes to a mere denial of Statehood to Dharmic faith systems on one hand and endorsement of a Status Quo of Abrahamic States such as Judo Christian and Islamist States on the other-which is a laughable stand?

The Status Quo secularists go further than that- this endorsement of Abrahamic states are compounded by a crusade against even whatever little state sponsorship that Hindu faith systems can obtain- not just at India but at Nepal which for long retained its State commitment to Hindu Dharma –that was dismantled and made to disown its Hindu statehood and turn back on that commitment.

Done by the Marxist Maosits we see there behind this a vested interest in denying state support to hindu faith systems by its Ideological Foes and the internalization of their illogicity by well meaning but misguide sections of Hindus.

As a senior most psychiatrist Dr Babu Suseelan could not have missed noticing in this near universal trait of Hindu intelligentsia to display classic symptoms of the Stockholm Syndrome.

Where the patients are hostages of a foe who due to proximity with their tormentors during captivity –mal adapt to the reality of their being such helpless victims by starting to bond with their own kidnappers.

This is a symptom of desperation and defeat, and a false solution to resolution of their plight- to identitfy themselves with the enemy so that this identification of themselves with the enemy is imagined to

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have solved the situation. Since they now endorse and share the objectives of the kidnappers and are at full sympathy with them and to the point of even standing up to fight for it.

Any attempt to rescue them from their captivity by a friendly hand itself is seen as a hostile act.

When this syndrome was detected first at Stockholm, the hostages who were being attempted to be rescued by the cops reported seeing victims taking up positions to fight them and with a view to even kill and get killed defending their kidnappers.

The bondage and sympathy and identification with their kidnappers was so complete, in such a short time of captivity by a bunch of kidnappers.

In psychology, Stockholm syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness.[1][2] The FBI’s Hostage Barricade Database System shows that roughly 27% of victims show evidence of Stockholm Syndrome.[3]

The syndrome is named after the Norrmalmstorg robbery of Kreditbanken at Norrmalmstorg in Stockholm, Sweden in which bank employees were held hostage from August 23 to August 28, 1973. In this case, victims became emotionally attached to their captors, and even defended them after they were freed from their six-day ordeal. The term "Stockholm syndrome" was coined by the criminologist and psychiatrist Nils Bejerot, who assisted the police during the robbery, and referred to the syndrome in a news broadcast.[4] It was originally defined by

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psychiatrist Frank Ochberg to aid the management of hostage situations.[5]

Stockholm syndrome can be seen as a form of traumatic bonding, which does not necessarily require a hostage scenario, but which describes "strong emotional ties that develop between two persons where one person intermittently harasses, beats, threatens, abuses, or intimidates the other."[6]

The Hindus who had for over a millennia to endure scores of Islamic invasions and a cruel unkind rule of sharia under Emperors like Aurangazeb can easily be excused if they should now display unbecoming sympathies to Islamist cause and enemity to an assertive Hindu who seeks to break free his community from its dhimmitude.

But a persistence on such pathological maladaptations as a National thought stream by and large by Hindu minds as their self chosen way of behavior and a creed is inexcusable-simply because it is destructive of mental health.

It is then the duty of both social scientists and social psychologists to help them understand their pathological thought currents and self destructive ideas-and apply pressure to help them quit their fanatical subscription to ill thought out ideations.

A sympathetic understanding cannot however miss see also that this is not unique to Hindus alone.

Even the otherwise shrewd and self preserving instincts of the Judo Christian societies are prone to this Stockholm syndrome.

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Few would have realized that when the Public Prosecutor asked Geert Wilders to step on the Trial box as an accused for his Critical views on Islamism and the threat of such large masses immigrating into the open dutch society subscribing to Islamist doctrines-as a Hate Preacher, this very same psychopathology was displayed- but more than that history was being made.

In the Inquisitional hearings against Geert Wilders Western civilization had come in full circle- from hardwon Emancipation from Theocratic Oppression of Freedom of Thought- to a State Inquistor on behalf of the Islamist Infallibilty and Immunity to Free and Critical Enquiry.

Bruno was burnt at the stake for questioning Christian dogmatism and Galileo tried for questioning the then universally held word of God in the Gospels as more accurate than what Scientific enquiry showed, that the world was indeed not flat and revolved around the Sun.

Political correctness and all prevailing ignorance could not last that challenge of heresy.

Is it not then so cruelly ironical that Western states that gained so much out of scientific freeing of minds from sacrosanct domination and immunity from enquiry, must come in full circle to witch hunt another Heretic of political correctness and a fearless questioner of another similar theological entity that is Islamism and the quite obvious implications to an open society in the increase in numbers of people subscribing to such theological dogmas as the very words of God not unlike the position of the medieval Churches?

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So we find this tendency of masses, State agencies to internalize the logic and rationale of hostile ideologies and entities as not peculiar to just the secular sophists of Hindus.

Just like the Dutch Public Prosecutor sprang in protest over Wilders critical views of Islamist doctrines and its repercussions in immigrants entering his free society subscribing to them, the puppets of hostile dogmas and victims of half truths among hindus have sprung in defense of a Status quo- of Hindus alone to remain without any state support in the world where all other rival Faith systems should enjoy state sponshorships and continue to utilize those advantages to decimate the stateless hindus in their only homeland through conversions and expulsions.

The one real question that stands before us therefore is not whether a Hindu state at their only homeland is necessary or not.

Whether like the long persecuted Jews who almost lost one third of their numbers had acquired a State and a homeland after its inevitability dawned on them and the world after that Holocaust.

The real question is not really whether hindus like Jews need a Hindu state in their only homeland like at Israel but whether to convince them that would require a similar Hindu holocaust.


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Dr. Babu Suseelan


Since I have written an article “Why we should declare India as a Hindu Rashtra”, I have received several emails, letters and comments both positive and negative from our friends and foes. It was expected.

Some of the comments are violent, virulent, vicious, vacuous, deceptive and diabolical. Some made predatory and genocidal comments and threats. These phony secularists offer only lip service to our Vedic ideals. Suffering Hindus mean nothing to them. Truth, real facts, honesty, integrity and creative ideas make no more sense to them.

Let us examine several erroneous flaws (points) held by several secular Hindus. One liberal secular Hindu from Bangalore wrote; “Who will declare India as a Hindu Rashtra?” Many people, Christians, Marxists, and secularists, Muslims live in Bharat. As a Hindu, we should support and respect their opinions no matter how poorly they declare and conceal their intentions.

Rejoinder: Respect does not mean that an opinion is right. More importantly the right to hold an opinion or blind faith does not guarantee its truth, or that is as valid as our opinions. In India, people

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have the right to have their own opinions, and all ideas are subject to critical examination.

A secular lady from Mumbai wrote that “your thoughts and ideas are often just against Muslims and Christians. I have so many Muslim and Christian friends”

Rejoinder: You may have Muslims and Christians and Marxists as your friend. There may be truth to this claim. However, the spirit of critical thinking has the impetus to explore such issues. They usually come up with slick, simplistic massages that proclaim some unfounded truth, and get fertile ground for many prejudices that promote distorted thinking including terrorism and coercive religious conversion.

Another Hindu from New Delhi wrote “can you solve all the problems of corruption, power shortage food scarcity, unemployment by declaring India as a Hindu Rashtra?” What do we do with converted Christians and Muslims in the country? Hindus are faced with severe problems and many Hindus have a special style of their own. They encompass fallacies, behavior that detracts from critical thinking and fall prey to such traps.

One lady who claims to be devoted to Sai Baba claimed to be a real Hindu who believes in Truth Is One and many call it by different names”. She accused me that I am not a real Hindu.

Few phony liberal Hindus are overcommitted to pseudo secular ideology. There are times when such over commitment can become both limiting and all consuming. Excessive commitment to pseudo secularism can be seen among some Marxist Hindus, phony liberals, atheists and few secular Swamis. Their excessive commitment to

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pseudo secularism does not allow new ideas to enter their minds. They perceive everything through their lens of pseudo secularism (attribution Creep) rather than objective lens.

Once over commitment and confirmation to pseudo secularism are established, zealousness is not far behind. Under this spell, individual Hindus either refuse to listen to counter arguments (A closed mind) or simply cannot understand or accept alternative explanations... Either way, nothing that contradicts their false belief system is allowed in their minds. They rely on one liners and catch phrases and their stance has extraordinarily dangerous implications for our Hindu Rashtra.

Our friends and foes know that India’s plagues and polarization can take time to cure. Declaring India as a Hindu Rashtra is the first step to end the toxic thinking patterns and polarization created by pseudo secularists. We can have a great Indian nation if all Hindus take the concept of Hindu Rashtra seriously and create a positive environment we want o live in and desire our children and grand children to inhabit.

Indians have notoriously suffered from escapism and tolerance. Escapism and irrational tolerance rob us of psychological and political maturity and our wisdom. It is in dealing with reality that one develops the wisdom that begets understanding and it is clear-correct and critical understanding that citizens can mature enough to deal problems on a long term basis with reality. Escapism, irrational tolerance of intolerant people and toxic ideology, and head in the sand approach will lead us into more ignorance and political immaturity.

By declaring India as a Hindu Rashtra, Hindus can practice spiritual Dharma without interference or fear. We can continue our critical thinking, spirit of curiosity, and we can critically examine what is right

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and wrong, what is good and what is bad for the country. If India is declared as a Hindu Rashtra, Hindus can distinguish among different elements of their own thought process and Hindus can ponder clearly where my link of thought taking me is? Is what I am thinking best for my country?

Nothing less than the freedom, National Identity by culture, and moral principles can ensure economic progress and prosperity. Japan for example has no natural resources of its own... But it is one of the economic giant of the world because Japan is very proud of their culture, national identity and no coercive religious conversion is allowed in the country. Can anyone ever imagine a Vatican agent become a national leader in Japan?

In our ever changing, challenging and dangerous world, the need for right ideas to solve the most pressing problems that facing India has been taken on a new urgency. Declaring India as a Hindu Rashtra will invigorate citizens and creative ideas to solve common human problems.

Everyone in Bharat, young or old, farmer or captain, rich or poor, call Bharat as Bharat Mata. Our Mata will not let us rest. Bharatmata keeps prodding us, challenging us with problems to be solved, and demanding that we act wisely or be destroyed by forces which want Bharat to be destroyed.

But we cannot rest contented with the divisive forces and destructive elements with apocalyptic ideology destabilizing our country inhabited by great Rishis, Acharayas, and sanyasins.

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Intervention strategies will be developed automatically once we declare India as a Hindu Rashtra. Strategies to protect our Vedic culture, to preserve our sanathan Dharma will automatically come out and strengthen our resolve. Swami Vivekananda moved swiftly and quickly, traveled all over Bharat from Katmandu to Kanyakumari and laid the foundation for a vibrant Bharat Rashtra. Swami Vivekananda’s ideology of Hindutva has entered upon the new modern era.

If you believe that change is not possible in Bharat, you are not alone. The way politicians in India behave seems to indicate that Indian political organizations and pseudo secular politicians seemed to have vaccinated against any change. It is an isolated place where fresh thinking and departure from pseudo secularism, corruption and illogic arguments are unwelcome. India is the only place in the world where new thinking and innovative ideas are punished, while those committed to maintain Italian, uneducated aupar lady Antonio Maino government, and maintaining Islamic appeasement, Jihad war, coercive religious conversion, corruption and economic downward spiral receive awards from the President and applause from our enemies.

There are no Chanakya, Shivaji Maharajah or Jhansi Rani, Veera Pandya Ktta Bhomman, or. Dr. Ajaya Ghosh with a sword in one hand and new ideas in the other. Nor anyone is like Veer Savarkar or Dr. Hedgewar, or Dr. Ajaya Ghosh with pertinent fiery words demanding change.

The world is changing with new ideas. But Hindus are still in deep sleep refuse to wake up. India is a democratic country and change is possible only through ballot box. And democracy in India elect, reelect anti National, corrupt and criminal politicians like Mayavathy, Lalu Prasad

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Yadav, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Karunanidhi, and Nithish, and Mamatha Banerji.

In India, the pressure to conform to existing phony secularism, where Muslims and other religious groups are appeased, rewarded for their coercive conversion techniques, subversive activities and terrorism. The pressure to continue existing colonial rule is relentless. Everything seems to be against Hindis who want to promote pluralism tolerance, peace, harmony and tranquility. How can we resist such relentless pressure to continue existing oppression and Hindu slavery?

The first step is to declare India as a Hindu Rashtra.

Each of us has an important responsibility o bring Hindu values to life. Facing the challenge is not easy. Our enemies have spread certain misconceptions about our Dharma, Vedic values and our role to act like a zombie.

We, Hindus have values, beliefs, and a sense of what is right and wrong. They are unique, sublime, noble, and make us different from Muslims, Marxists, Pseudo secularists and Christians. They are what make us humane. But while having principles of Dharma may be natural for Hindus, actually practicing these principles is difficult in a country ruled by Vatican agents, Jihadis, pseudo secularists, and anti national Marxists. Behaving according to our Dharma, spiritual values, and with good intentions is one of the biggest challenges each of us faces everyday in Bharat. It is true for every aspect of Hindu life in Kashmir, West Bengal, Nagaland, Tripura, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Kerala from individual life, family life, religious life, education, banking, industry, sports and politics. In every state Hindu temples are controlled by phone secular governments. Temple wealth is looted,

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temple land is sold by politicians, and religious Hindus have no control on the operations of Temples. Pseudo secular organizations created by the anti Hindu government have their own values, mission, operating principles, and what types of working relationships with political groups they too have. They play a larger part in shaping our behavior than most of us realize.

Declaring India as a Hindu Rashtra we might actually get a whole lot more than we might think. One thing is certain those who cling on to their distorted pseudo secularism, will produce nothing but more frustration, jihadi terrorism, crises, subversive activities, more polarization and perpetuation of the broken system.

So why did I write? Partly, of course, to demonstrate the truth and I value of my own position as an avowed Hindu. To that extend, I don’t trust many phony Secularists, and leftis

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