strategi publikasi di jurnal internasional bereputasi

STRATEGI PUBLIKASI DI JURNAL INTERNASIONAL BEREPUTASI Prof. Dr. Trina E. Tallei Perhimpunan Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler Cabang Manado

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Prof. Dr. Trina E. TalleiPerhimpunan Biokimia dan Biologi

Molekuler Cabang Manado

➢ Dosen di Jurusan Biologi, FMIPA – UNSRAT➢ Anggota Perhimpunan Biokimia dan Biologi

Molekuler Cabang Manado

Prof. Dr. Trina E. Tallei


Amanat Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi:

- Dissemination of science and technology

- Benefit principle

Disseminate scientific findings to:

- academic community;

- general public

- stakeholders

Media komunikasi ilmiah (Makalah, Buku, Diktat, Majalah,

Jurnal, Abstrak, Prosiding, Pamflet, Leaflet, dsb)


Similarity index

Plagiarisme checker

Original writing

No copy -paste



• Hingga tahun 2019, dari 4.607 perguruan tinggi serta 177.000 dosen dan peneliti yang terdaftar di Science and Technology Index (Sinta), Indonesia hanya menghasilkan 34.007 artikel di jurnal yang terindeks Scopus.

• Kementerian Keuangan (2019) menyatakan bahwa alokasi dana riset masihdi bawah satu persen dari Pendapatan Domestik Bruto (PDB) Indonesia, sedangkan negara seperti Jepang dan Korea sudah di atas 3-4,5 % dariProduk Domestik Bruto.

• Dua hal ini mendasari bahwa penelitian di Indonesia perlu ditingkatkan lagidan masih banyaknya peluang untuk menjadi peneliti

• Peneliti Indonesia tidak harus selalu mengadakan riset yang sophisticated, karena banyak penelitian yang lebih berdampak bagi masyarakat walaupunkadang dinilai kurang keren. Tetapi hal tersebut memberikankebermanfaatan yang lebih besar


• Every research results needs good and proper documentation;

• To attend conferences;

• To share results with colleagues;

• To obtain some degree;

• To get recognition and promotion.


• Ideally : to share research finding and discoveries.


• To get funding

• To get promoted

• To get a job

• To keep your job


• Theses: MSc.• Dissertation: Ph.D. / Dr.

• Conference publications: focus on a piece of work with limited discussion;

• Journals : more complete (extensive) discussion;

• Monograph/book chapters/text books;• Literature review;

• Research note (work in progress);

• Working paper;

• Note to editor;

• Book.

Where to publish your work• Journals• ConferencesA good journal/conference usually has rigorous review process.

Important criteria when choosing a journal that matches your research area✓What is the aim and scope of the journal?✓Has the journal published articles that are similar to

yours?✓What is the article type?✓What is the journal’s impact factor? Understanding the paper publishing process

might be crucial for many new authors.

Main factors to consider

1. Visibility → open access (more visitors, more download compared to subscription-access articles;

2. Article Publication Charge;

3. Prestige (Impact factor, Cite score, SJR Quartile)

4. Speed

Acceptance 36%Rejection 58%Refer to other journal 3%

This paper publishing process post might be helpful for many authors seeking to submit their research work in Scholarly Journals by adhering publication ethics.

The average number of weeks it takes for an article to go through the editorial review process for this journal, including standard and desk rejects. There are two key periods:

1. From manuscript submission to the initial decision on the article.

2. From manuscript submission to the final editorial decision.

Final decision 8.4 weeks

Subject Coverage in Scopus

Publishers indexed in Scopus

What makes a good research paper?

• Good science, good research

• Good writing

• Good review process

• Publication in reputable journals

While writing• Time to write article?

✓ has a significant advancement been achieved?

✓ Is the hypothesis straightforward?

✓ Did the experiments test the hypothesis?

✓ Are the controls appropriate and sufficient?

✓ Can you describe the study in 1 or 2 minutes?

✓ Can the key message be written in 1 or 2 sentences?

✓ Tentative title and summary

• Tables and figures✓ Must be clear and concise✓ Should be self-explanatory

• Read references✓ Will help in choosing journal✓ Better insight into possible

reviewers• Choose journal✓ Study the instructions to authors✓ Think about possible reviewers;✓ Quality of journal impact factors

Points to ponder prior writing for reputable journal• What is my article is trying to say;

• Target readers?

• A new / novel message?

• Is the message of value or potential value or trivial (of little value or importance)?

• Why writing this article?

What do editors want from articles?

• Research importance;

• Originality;

• Relevance to others;

• Usefulness to readers;

• Truthfulness;

• A wow factor;

• Clear and engaging writing

Journal Rejection

• All authors get rejections

• Rejection is a path to acceptance

• Do not take it personally or blame the reviewer

• Competition for space in journal is intense

• Use the feedback from reviewers to IMPROVE your article

• What is the rejection rate of journals?

Rejection rates range from 30%-90%. Journals with good to high standards have rejection rates of around 90%. Open-access journals tend to have lower rejection rates.

Reason for Rejection

• The topic does not relate to the journal’s aims;

• The paper does not appear to have engaged with the work of others in the same area and may therefore be repetitious – no novelty;

• The paper’s purpose is unclear;

• The argument in the paper is under-developed;

• The claims made by the paper are not justified;

• The style/length/format is not what’s requested by the journal;

• The paper is poorly presented with missing references, typos, poor grammar, etc

Reason for Rejection✓ Writing is not systematic; ✓ The results do not match the data, or are not

supported by good data processing; ✓ Tables, pictures, graphs do not match the results or

are not informative.✓ Writing does not match the style of the journal. ✓ Does not reflect the scholarly or competence of the

author; ✓ The research results are illogical and have no benefit; ✓ Too much opinion or speculation; ✓ Ideas are not packaged in good coherence ✓ Drawing conclusions inconsistent with results

International Collaboration

Overview of steps of the collaborative process

Here we outline the steps of the collaborative process. You can use these questions to focus your thinking at each stage.

Pre-writing process

✓Share ideas and brainstorm together;

✓Formulate a draft or arguments;

✓What is the purpose of article;

✓Who is the intended readers

Overview of steps of the collaborative process

Planning and logistics:

✓ decide together who will write which parts of the paper;

✓What will final article will be?

✓Arrange meetings

✓Scheduling: when will be the deadlines;

Overview of steps of the collaborative processResearch/data collection:

✓ How will the group find appropriate sources (books, journal articles, newspaper articles, visual media, trustworthy websites, interviews)? If the group will be creating data by conducting research, how will that process work?

✓ Who will read and process the information found? This task again may be done by all members or divided up amongst members so that each person becomes the expert in one area and then teaches the rest of the group.

✓ Think critically about the sources and their contributions to your topic. Which evidence should you include or exclude? Do you need more sources?

✓ Analyze the data. How will you interpret your findings? What is the best way to present any relevant information to your readers-should you include pictures, graphs, tables, and charts, or just written text?

Overview of steps of the collaborative processDrafting / writing:

✓ Separately (each group member has his/her own portion of writing to do)

• Note that brainstorming the main points of your paper as a group is helpful, even if separate parts of the writing are assigned to individuals. You’ll want to be sure that everyone agrees on the central ideas.

• Where does your individual writing fit into the whole document?

✓ Together (the group actually meets to compose text collaboratively)

• Writing together may not be feasible for longer assignments or papers with coauthors at different universities, and it can be time-consuming. However, writing together does ensure that the finished document has one cohesive voice.

• Talk about how the writing session should go BEFORE you get started. What goals do you have? How will you approach the writing task at hand?

• Many people find it helpful to get all of the ideas down on paper in a rough form before discussing exact phrasing.

• Remember that everyone has a different writing style! The most important thing is that your sentences be clear to readers.

Overview of steps of the collaborative process

Revising, editing, and proofreading

✓ If your group has drafted parts of the document separately, merge your ideas together into a single document first, then focus on meshing the styles. The first concern is to create a coherent product with a logical flow of ideas. Then the stylistic differences of the individual portions must be smoothed over.

✓ Revise the ideas and structure of the paper before worrying about smaller, sentence-level errors (like problems with punctuation, grammar, or word choice). Is the argument clear? Is the evidence presented in a logical order? Do the transitions connect the ideas effectively?

✓ Proofreading: Check for typos, spelling errors, punctuation problems, formatting issues, and grammatical mistakes. Reading the paper aloud is a very helpful strategy at this point.

Find a convenient and effective way to share files

✓ Email attachment;

✓ Google documents;

✓ Dropbox

✓ Common server space

Try separating the tasks of revising and editing/proofreading

Do not leave all the end work to one person

How to submit in Scopus-indexed journals1. Search target journal, how many issues per year and number of

articles in one issues/volume (beware of predatory journals)

2. Check aim and scope

3. Read carefully guide for authors

4. Check review speed

5. Prepare manuscripts according to journal style (Don't create bibliography manually)

6. Make sure your manuscript is proofread (professionally)

7. Write an excellent cover letter

8. Prepare the names of prospective reviewers

How to find out Scopus indexed journals

• Check on SCIMAGO

• Check on SCOPUS

click source

Journal suggester



JejaringBekerja sama dengan

penelitian dalam dan luar negeri

Content is the Key

Produce a piece of well written, top quality, original research

Perbanyak Publikasi

No publication, no citation

Promote your work

Blog, tweeter, instagram, Facebook

Publikasi Review Paper

Good review papers are often highly cited


Choose your title carefully

Longer, more descriptive article titles generally

attract more citationsi

Carefully choose your keywordsChoosekeywordsthat researchers in your field will be searching for so that your paper will appear in a database search

Cite, and You will be Cited

Cite your past work when it is relevant to a new manuscript

Make it openMake your work open

access so everyone can read it

Publish Where It CountsPapers in high impact titles tend to attract more citations and sooner


Ask others to cite your papers

Team-authored articles get cited more

Use a consistent form of your name on all of your papers

Using the same name on all of your papers will make it easier for others to find all of your published work

Papers with a larger number of “tables, figures,

sketches” be likely to receive a higher number of


Use a standardized institutional affiliation and address

Citation databases extract address information automatically from a paper

➢ Dr. Ismail Celik, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Erciyes University, Kayseri 38039, Turkey

➢ Talha Bin Emran, Ph.D., Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong 4381, Bangladesh

➢ Prof. Dr. Raffaele Capasso, Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Portici, 80055 Naples, Italy

➢ Prof. Dr. Jesus Simal-Gandara, Nutrition and Bromatology Group, Department of Analytical and Food Chemistry, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Vigo—Ourense Campus, E32004 Ourense, Spain

➢ Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sippl, Institute of Pharmacy, Martin-Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany

➢ Dr. Rohitash Yadav, Department of Pharmacology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh 249203, India

➢ Dr. Zekeriya Duzgun, Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Giresun University, Giresun 28100, Turkey

➢ Dr. Sarah Albogami, Department of Biotechnology, College of Science, Taif University, P.O. Box 11099, Taif 21944, Saudi Arabia

➢ Dr. Ali M. Alqahtani, Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia

International Collaborators

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