student’s’s book ช นม...

ʧǹÅÔ¢ÊÔ·¸ÔìμÒÁ¾ÃÐÃÒªºÑÞÞÑμÔ พมพครั้งท่ 1 ISBN: 978-616-203-520-3 ÃËÑÊÊÔ¹¤ŒÒ 2212128 หนังสือเรียน รายวิชาพื้นฐาน ภาษาอังกฤษ Student’s Book ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 2 กลุมสาระการเรียนรูภาษาตางประเทศ ตามหลักสูตรแกนกลางการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐาน พุทธศักราช 2551 ผู เรียบเรียง Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley ผู ตรวจ ดร. ฉัตรแกว เภาวิเศษ รศ. ดร. ธีรวุฒิ เอกะกุล ผศ. พรสวรรค สีปอ บรรณาธิการ นางสุภาภรณ สิปปเวสม Express Publishing-ACT. Copyright © Express Publishing, 2015 © Aksorn Charoen Tat ACT. Co., Ltd. 2015

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Page 1: Student’s’s Book ช นม ธยมศ กษาป ท 2 กล มสาระการเร ยนร ภาษาต


พิมพครั้งที่ 1

ISBN: 978-616-203-520-3

ÃËÑÊÊÔ¹¤ŒÒ 2212128

หนังสือเรียน รายวิชาพื้นฐาน ภาษาอังกฤษ

Student’s Book

ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 2กลุมสาระการเรียนรูภาษาตางประเทศ

ตามหลักสูตรแกนกลางการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐาน พุทธศักราช 2551


Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley

ผูตรวจดร. ฉัตรแกว เภาวิเศษรศ. ดร. ธีรวุฒิ เอกะกุล

ผศ. พรสวรรค สีปอ

บรรณาธิการนางสุภาภรณ สิปปเวสม

Express Publishing-ACT.

Copyright © Express Publishing, 2015© Aksorn Charoen Tat ACT. Co., Ltd. 2015

Page 2: Student’s’s Book ช นม ธยมศ กษาป ท 2 กล มสาระการเร ยนร ภาษาต


● มีบทอานที่หลากหลายและทันสมัย เชน ขาว จดหมาย email บทความ และบทกลอน พรอมแบบฝกหัด● ฝกทักษะการอานอยางเปนระบบ เชน การอานจับใจความสําคัญ และการอานเพื่อหาขอมูลที่ตองการ


● มีการนําเสนอไวยากรณในบริบทของการใชภาษากอน แลวจึงนําเสนอรูปแบบโครงสรางประโยคและวิธีการใช ในกรอบคําอธิบายที่กระชับ เขาใจงาย

Unit a สอดคลองกับ

สาระท่ี 1 ภาษาเพื่อการสื่อสาร

สาระท่ี 4 ภาษากับความสัมพันธ กับชุมชนและโลก

Unit b สอดคลองกับ

สาระท่ี 1 ภาษาเพื่อการสื่อสาร

สาระท่ี 4 ภาษากับความสัมพันธ กับชุมชนและโลก


● แนะนําคําศัพททั้งในบริบทของความหมาย และหนาที่ของคํา● ฝกทักษะและมีกิจกรรมการเรียนรูคําศัพทที่ หลากหลาย


● ฝกทักษะการฟงผานรูปแบบกิจกรรมที่หลากหลาย● เนนการใชคําศัพทและไวยากรณที่เรียนรูมาแลวในสถานการณจริง


Topics ที่จะเรียน

นําเสนอสาระการเรียนรูของแตละ Module


แนะนําเนื้อหา ภาพและกิจกรรมบางสวนที่จะปรากฏในหนวยการเรียนรูเพื่อกระตุนความสนใจของผูเรียน




Access เปนสือ่การเรยีนรูภาษาองักฤษสาํหรบัผูเรยีน ในระดบัชัน้มธัยมศกึษาปที ่ 1-3 จดัทาํขึน้ใหสอดคลอง

กบัสาระและมาตรฐานการเรยีนรูของหลักสูตรแกนกลางการศึกษาข้ันพ้ืนฐาน พุทธศักราช 2551 ซึง่จะเนนการสอน

โดยผานกจิกรรมทีเ่นนใหผูเรยีนเกดิการเรยีนรูผานการทาํงาน (Task-Based Learning) มจีดุประสงคใหผูเรยีนเกดิแนวคดิ

ทักษะ และสรางความเขาใจในองคความรูรวมกันในกลุม เพื่อสื่อสารออกมาดวยลักษณะสํานวนภาษาของผูเรียนเอง

สื่อการเรียนรูชุด Access พัฒนาทักษะทางภาษาทั้ง 4 ทักษะ (ฟง พูด อาน เขียน) ผานการปฏิบัติ

กจิกรรมสือ่สารในรปูแบบท่ีหลากหลายและเปนระบบ โดยนาํคาํศพัทและโครงสรางประโยคทีไ่ดเรยีนมาแลวมาทบทวน

ใชอยูตลอดเวลา เพื่อใหเกิดกระบวนการเรียนรูแบบปฏิบัติจริง (Active Learning) เชน การแนะนําคําศัพทใหม

โดยใชบริบทของสถานการณในชีวิตประจําวันท่ีเกี่ยวของโดยตรงกับผูเรียน การเรียนรูแบบเปนองครวม (Holistic)

เพื่อกระตุนการทํางานของสมองซีกซายในการเรียนรูภาษา และสมองซีกขวาในการพัฒนาความคิดสรางสรรคของ

ผูเรียนควบคูกันไป และการเรียนรูแบบยึดผูเรียนเปนศูนยกลาง โดยเนนการฝกฝนภาษาผานกระบวนการการทํางาน

และหัวขอที่นาสนใจ เพื่อตอบสนองความตองการและความรูสึกของผูเรียน

สื่อการเรียนรูชุด Access ประกอบไปดวย บทนํา (Starter Unit) 1 บท และหนวยการเรียนรู 10 หนวย

(Modules) ซึ่งในแตละหนวยการเรียนรู จะประกอบไปดวย 6 บทเรียนยอย (Units) รวมท้ังมีแบบประเมินตนเอง

(Self Check) ในตอนทายของแตละหนวยการเรียนรู

Page 3: Student’s’s Book ช นม ธยมศ กษาป ท 2 กล มสาระการเร ยนร ภาษาต


● มีแบบประเมินตนเองในตอนทายของทุก Module


● เชื่อมโยงหัวขอที่เรียนใน Module กับสาระวิชาอื่น● มภีาระงานทีส่รางสรรคและเพลดิเพลนิทีจ่ะกระตุน ใหผูเรียนฝกฝนภาษาที่เรียนมาแลวตลอดตอเนื่อง


● มีกิจกรรมฝกการออกเสียงเพื่อชวยใหผูเรียนจดจําเสียง และจําแนกความแตกตางของเสียงในภาษาอังกฤษ ไดถูกตองและนําไปใชไดอยางคลองแคลว

Unit e สอดคลองกับ

สาระท่ี 1 ภาษาเพื่อการสื่อสาร

สาระท่ี 4 ภาษากับความสัมพันธ กับชุมชนและโลก

Unit f สอดคลองกับ

สาระท่ี 3 ภาษากับความสัมพันธกับ กลุมสาระการเรียนรูอื่น

สาระท่ี 4 ภาษากับความสัมพันธกับ ชุมชนและโลก

มีแบบประเมินตนเองในตอนทายของทุก Module


● มีเพลงที่มีเนื้อหาสอดคลองกับ หัวขอใน Module และภาระ งานที่เกี่ยวของ● ฟงเพลงที่สนุกสนาน จะทําให ผูเรียนเกิดเจตคติที่ดีตอการ เรียนรู และซึมซับภาษาได งายขึ้น


● มีการออกแบบการจัดกิจกรรม จากงายไปหายาก โดยเริ่มจาก การฝกพูดตามแบบที่มี โครงสรางกําหนดให ไปจนถึงการฝกพูดสื่อสาร ที่มีโครงสรางนอยลง● การสนทนาตามจุดประสงค ของการสื่อสาร (Functional English) เนนบทสนทนาที่ใชจริง ในสถานการณชีวิตประจําวัน



Learning to learn

● มีเกร็ดความรูสั้นๆ คําอธิบาย และ เครื่องเตือนความจํา ในหลากหลาย ประเด็นตลอดทั้ง Module● เรียนรูแบบเปนองครวม และสงเสริม การเรียนรูดวยตนเอง

Unit c สอดคลองกับ

สาระท่ี 1 ภาษาเพื่อการสื่อสาร

สาระท่ี 4 ภาษากับความสัมพันธ กับชุมชนและโลก


● เรียนรูวัฒนธรรมและเรื่องราวของประเทศ เจาของภาษาในประเด็นที่สัมพันธกับ หัวขอใน Module● มีภาระงานและโครงงานที่สรางสรรค เพื่อเปดโอกาสใหผูเรียนประมวลความรูที่เรียนมา


Unit d สอดคลองกับ

สาระท่ี 2 ภาษาและวัฒนธรรม

สาระท่ี 4 ภาษากับความสัมพันธ กับชุมชนและโลก


● ฝกการฟง การพูด การอาน เพื่อนําไปสูการ พัฒนาทักษะการเขียน● ฝกคําศัพทที่จําเปน แลวจึงฝกฝนการเขียนตามรูปแบบ ที่มีแนวทางในการปฏิบัติอยางชัดเจน● มีตัวอยางงานเขียนที่ไดรับการวิเคราะหอยางละเอียด● มีแผนการเรียนรูใหเปนแนวทางแกผูเรียนและผูสอน● มีกิจกรรมการฝกเขียนตลอดทั้ง Module ที่เปนรูปธรรม

และมีรูปแบบที่หลากหลาย● เริ่มตนการฝกเขียนจากประโยคสั้นๆ เปนยอหนา


Page 4: Student’s’s Book ช นม ธยมศ กษาป ท 2 กล มสาระการเร ยนร ภาษาต

ñ Mystery Inc ― Do you knowthem?

ñ Busy Bee or Couch Potato?

ñ I � Sundays

ñ postcards from holidayresorts

ñ a message boardñ a speech about the Moon


ñ Superheroesñ Supermanñ George Lucas

ñ Strange Dreamsñ The Flying Dutchmanñ The Voice

ñ Global Warmingñ Supervolcanoesñ Rubbish, Rubbish,


ñ messages from holidayresorts

ñ advertsñ Taipei 101 mall

ñ Craig’s Travel Blogñ The Accidental Heroñ an email

ñ Canstructionñ Fashion Good Enough to

Eatñ an email

ñ Smart People Play it Safeñ The WEEE Manñ Should every teen have

a mobile phone?

ñ Jamie’s Picks of the Weekñ Jack Hanna’s Animal

Adventuresñ an email

ñ greetings & introductions

ñ phone friendsñ Pronunciation: 3rd person

singular present simple/s/, /z/, /æz/

ñ make a speechñ invite ― accept an

invitationñ Pronunciation: /µ/, /∂/

ñ describe past activitiesñ describe a film you sawñ Intonation in questions

ñ narrate past experiencesñ express emotions ―

respondñ Pronunciation:


ñ make predictionsñ make suggestionsñ Pronunciation: ’ll

ñ describe places ñ describe your holiday ñ Intonation: exclamations

ñ express concernñ Pronunciation: /∑/, /≥/

ñ discuss what to buyñ give directionsñ exchange clothesñ Pronunciation: /¥/, /ª/

ñ buy electrical/electronicequipment

ñ Pronunciation: linkingsounds

ñ make arrangementsñ Pronunciation: /±/, /∑/

ñ your favourite cartooncharacter

ñ a typical Mondayñ your favourite dayñ capital letters

ñ a description of a pictureof a family celebration

ñ festivalsñ a speechñ sequence connectors

ñ what you did/didn’t doyesterday

ñ design a superheroñ a biography

ñ a strange dream you hadñ a storyñ make your own mythñ time expressions

ñ predictions about life in2100

ñ an opinion articleñ an endangered animal

ñ a postcardñ how you like to travelñ a passage about a buildingñ order of adjectives

ñ email to a friend (opinion)ñ what you have/haven’t

done this weekñ an interview with a famous

skaterñ avoiding repetition

ñ describe your clothesñ an email describing your


ñ school rulesñ a for-and-against articleñ a paragraph about a TV


ñ your plans for the weekendñ your favourite TV programmeñ an email about your

favourite bandñ using apostrophes

ñ Teenage Life in Britainñ (Science) Time Zones of

the World

ñ US Food Festivalsñ (Art & Design) warm/

cold colours

ñ Excaliburñ (History) Ancient

Egyptian Kings

ñ Superstitions in the UKñ (Literature) The


ñ The Bald Eagleñ (Citizenship) Why

should we recycle athome?

ñ (British) Landmarksñ (Geography) The Inuit

ñ School Sports in the UKñ (PSHE) Healthy Eating

ñ Famous Markets inLondon

ñ (PSHE) Alcohol

ñ The Wonderful World ofDoctor WHO

ñ (Science) Electricity

ñ Traditional MusicalInstruments: Bagpipes

ñ (Science) How our earswork

Reading & Listening Speaking & Functions Writing Culture/Curricular

American English ― British English (p. 132)

01_Access 2 INT Contents A+:Access 2 INT Contents 1/23/15 11:08 AM Page 3

Modules Grammar Vocabulary

Starter Unitpp. 4-10

ñ countriesñ nationalitiesñ objectsñ clothesñ homeñ family membersñ numbers

ñ daily routines/choresñ likes/dislikesñ free-time activitiesñ days of the week/the timeñ appearance & character

ñ celebrations & traditionsñ special daysñ weatherñ fruitñ colours

ñ abilitiesñ biographiesñ life events

ñ emotionsñ dreamsñ animals & parts of the bodyñ storiesñ superstitions

ñ environmental actionsñ wild animalsñ volcanoes ñ environmental problems

ñ geographical featuresñ placesñ means of transportñ houses

ñ illnesses, aches & painsinjuries

ñ sports & equipmentñ parts of the body

ñ products & materialsñ containersñ food/drinkñ accessories/clothesñ shops

ñ computer useñ electrical/electronic equipmentñ electricity

ñ musical instrumentsñ types of musicñ TV programmesñ sound & hearing

pp. 11-19

pp. 21-29

pp. 31-39

pp. 41-49

pp. 51-59

pp. 61-69

pp. 71-79

pp. 81-89

pp. 91-99

Self Check 1 p. 20

Self Check 2 p. 30

Self Check 3 p. 40

Self Check 4 p. 50

Self Check 6 p. 70

Self Check 7 p. 80

Self Check 8 p. 90

Self Check 9 p. 100


Self Check 5 p. 60

pp. 101-109

Self Check 10 p. 110

ñ there is/there are, some/any, a/an

ñ prepositions of placeñ possessive adjectives/caseñ be, have got, question wordsñ subject/object pronounsñ pluralsñ this/that ― these/thoseñ possessive pronouns, ’s

ñ present simpleñ adverbs of frequency

ñ present continuousñ present simple vs present

continuousñ present continuous (future


ñ past simpleñ used to

ñ past continuousñ past simple vs past continuousñ time expressions to show

sequence of events

ñ will/won’tñ conditionals (types 1& 2)ñ question tags

ñ comparative ― superlative ñ as ... asñ too/enoughñ much/very

ñ present perfectñ present perfect vs past simple

ñ countable/uncountable nounsñ there is/there areñ a, an, some, any, every, a lot

of, (how) much, (how) many,a few, a little

ñ can/couldñ must/mustn’tñ have to/don’t have toñ should/shouldn’tñ relatives (who/which/whose)

ñ the passive (present simple ―past simple)

ñ going to ― willñ present continuous (future


Songsheets (pp. 111-113)Optional Listening Practice (pp. 114-115)

Optional Vocabulary Practice (pp. 116-120)Grammar Reference (pp. 121-129)

Irregular Verbs (p. 130)Pronunciation (p. 131)

01_Access 2 INT Contents A+:Access 2 INT Contents 11/29/14 3:32 PM Page 2

Page 5: Student’s’s Book ช นม ธยมศ กษาป ท 2 กล มสาระการเร ยนร ภาษาต

John (16) London, England

Moira (18) Rome , Italy Pierre (29) Paris , FranceRosa (25) Madrid , Spain

Workbook Starter Unit a

see p. 121Grammar

ñThe verb ‘to be’

9 a) Read the table. Then complete sentences 1-5 with the correct form of the verb ‘to be’.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short Answers









I’m not

you aren’t

he isn’t

she isn’t

it isn’t

we aren’t

you aren’t

they aren’t

Am I ...?

Are you ...?

Is he ...?

Is she ...?

Is it ...?

Are we ...?

Are you ...?

Are they ...?

Yes, you are./No, you aren’t.Yes, I am./No, I’m not.Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.Yes, she is./No, she isn’t.Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.Yes, we are./No, we aren’t.Yes, we are./No, we aren’t.Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.

1 Anna ............. from France. She’s from Spain.2 They aren’t Brazilian. They ............. Italian.3 Max ............. 18. He isn’t 20.4 I ............. British. I’m Canadian.5 Rosa and Maria ............. 14. They’re 15.

b) Complete with the correct form of the verb ‘to be’.

1 A: ............ she from Greece?B: No, she ............. . She

............. from Spain.

2 A: ............. they Finnish?B: No, they ............. . They

............. Polish.

3 A: ............. you Spanish?B: Yes, we ............. .

4 A: ........... Bill thirteen yearsold?

B: No, he .......... . He .........fourteen.

5 A: How old ............. you?B: I ............. sixteen.

6 A: ............. Hans German?B: Yes, he ............. .

ñQuestion words

10 a) Read the table. Matcheach question word withthe correct sentence.

b) Complete the gaps withthe correct question word.Then answer the questions.

1 ...............’s your name? 2 ............... old are you? 3 ............... are you from? 4 ...............’s your telephone

number?5 ............... is your birthday?6 ............... is he?

6 Listen and write each person’s age.

® A: Where’s Moira from?B: She’s from Rome, Italy.A: How old is she?B: She’s 18.

Laura Billy MarcusSue

87 36 897672


5672 198365 567 1897

8 In pairs, ask and answer, as in the example.

7 Listen and say which numbers you hear. Read thenumbers aloud.

1287 128

Who? It’s 2296678.What? She’s my best friend.When? I’m 13 years old.Where? Because I’m tired.Why? He’s from China.How (old)? It’s on 4th May.


02_Access 2 INT Starter เเเเเเเ:Access 2 INT Starter 11/29/14 2:33 PM Page 5

ñGreetings & Introductions

1 Complete the dialogue withthe words/phrases below.Listen and check.

ñ How are ñ name ñ And you

ñ This is ñ Where are ñ fine

Jane: Hi! I’m Jane. What’s your 1) ...............?Mary: I’m Mary.Jane: Nice to meet you, Mary. 2) ............ you from?Mary: I’m from London. 3) ...............?Jane: I’m from Cambridge. 4) ......... my friend, Sue.Mary: Hi, Sue. 5) ............... you?Sue: Hi. I’m 6) ..............., thanks.

® A: What’s the capital city of Spain?B: It’s Madrid.

4 In pairs, write the nationalities for thecountries in Ex. 3.

-an/-ian ® Italian, ................................................

-ish ® Spanish, ...............................................

other ® Greek, .................................................


5 Write the missing numbers in words. Listen and check.


1) .............


2) .............


3) .............


4) .............


5) .............


6) .............


7) .............


8) .............


9) .............

a/one hundred

a/one thousand

a/one million

two thousand three hundred and sixty-eight

In pairs, ask and answer.

2 In groups of three, actout dialogues similar to theone in Ex. 1.

ñCountries & Nationalities

3 Match the countries to thecapital cities. Listen and check.












a Berlin

b Paris

c Athens

d Warsaw

e Madrid

f Ottawa

g Brasilia

h London

i Ankara

j Rome

k Helsinki



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Workbook Starter Unit b

b) Complete the gaps with this, that, theseor those.

2 ........ are laptops and ........ are video cameras.

3 ........ is a mobile phone and ........ are watches.

5 ........ are skateboards and ........ is a bike.

b) Complete the sentences with theappropriate pronoun or possessiveadjective.

1 Where is Brian? ........... is in the garden.2 My name is Pierre. ........... am French. 3 This is Mark’s skateboard. It’s ........... . 4 Fiona is in her room. Is Katie with ...........? 5 Sarah and Lisa are friends. ............... are

14 years old. 6 Mary’s coat is on the bed and ........... scarf

and gloves are on the table. 7 Helen is my sister. ........... is 17 years old. 8 Look at Jim. Look at ........... .


8 a) Read the table. Are the rules the same in your language?

6 Point to objects in your classroom.Your partner says what each one is.

® (points to an eraser on his/her desk)This is an eraser.

Subject Pronouns

I you he she it we you they

Object Pronouns

me you him her it us you them

Possessive Adjectives

my your his her its our your their

Possessive Pronounsmine yours his hers ― ours yours theirs

ñPronouns/Possessive adjectives

7 a) Read the table. What are these wordsin your language?

ñ We use subject pronouns before the verb. She’s got a jacket.

ñ We use object pronouns after the verb. Look at her!

ñ We use possessive adjectives before nouns. Weuse possessive pronouns at the end of thesentence. This is her jacket. It’s hers.

To show possessionñ singular noun + ’s

Sue is Mary’s cousin. (She’s her cousin.)ñ plural noun + ’

The girls’ hair is long. (Their hair is long.)ñ more than one noun + ’s

Anna is Sue and Mary’s friend. (She’s their friend.)

b) Choose the correct word. Then answer the questions.

1 What colour are your father’s/fathers’ eyes?® His eyes are blue.

2 What colour is your mother’s/mothers’ hair? 3 What are your best friend’s/friends’ names? 4 Where is your grandparent’s/grandparents’

house?5 What is the name of your favourite singer’s/

singers’ album?

� �

� �

� �

1 ........ is a telephone and ........ is a television.

4 ........ are digital cameras and ........ is a CDplayer.


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objects clothes colours

® dictionary trousers green

see p. 121Grammar


3 Read the table. Then fill in a/an.

ñ We use a before nouns whichbegin with a consonant sound.a book

ñ We use an before nouns whichbegin with a vowel sound. anumbrella

1 ® a skirt2 ... sharpener3 ... dictionary4 ....... pencil

5 ....... jacket6 ....... atlas7 ....... eraser8 ....... bike

ñ Most nouns take -s in the plural. cup � cupsñ Nouns ending in -s, -ss, -sh, -x, -ch and -o take -es.

bus � busesñ Nouns ending in a vowel + y take -s. day � daysñ Nouns ending in a consonant + y drop the -y and take

-ies. cherry � cherriesñ Nouns ending in -f/-fe drop the -f/-fe and take -ves.

knife � knivesñ Some plurals have irregular forms.

man � men, woman � women, child � children,person � people, tooth � teeth, foot � feet

b) Write the words below in the plural.

1 tooth ® teeth2 wallet ― ...................3 box ― .......................4 glass ― .....................5 boy ― .......................6 child ― .....................

7 baby ― .....................8 magazine ― ...............9 shelf ― .....................

10 watch ― ....................11 man ― ......................12 potato ― ...................


1 Write the words in thecorrect category. Which ofthese words can you see inpictures A-B?

ñ trousers ñ skirt ñ dictionaryñ atlas ñ green ñ pencilñ black ñ ruler ñ Walkmanñ red ñ coat ñ dress ñ watchñ yellow ñ blue ñ jacketñ orange ñ eraser ñ bikeñ sharpener ñ scarf ñ glovesñ schoolbag ñ helmet

ñThis/That ― These/Those

5 a) Read the examples.

Singular Plural

�NEARThis is achair.

�FAR That is

a clock.

These arechairs.


Those areclocks.�





5A B


4 a) Read the table.

2 Complete the sentences. Usewords from Ex. 1.

1 In my schoolbag I have............. .

2 My favourite clothes are............. .

3 My favourite colour is ......... .


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Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers

Iyou}’ve got

heshe}’s gotitweyou}’ve gotthey

I haven’tyou} got


she} gotitwe haven’tyou}got


have I / you /we / theygot?

has he / she /it got?

Yes, I / you / we /they have.{No, I / you / we /they haven’t.

Yes, he / she / ithas.

{ No, he / she / ithasn’t.

on in



next to

in front of

behind opposite above

There is a wardrobe 1) next to/in front of the bookcase. There isa painting 2) above/opposite thebed. There’s a bed 3) opposite/next to the desk. There is a pillow 4) on/under the bed. There is acomputer 5) above/on the desk.There is a TV 6) in/next tothe bookcase. There is a chair7) between/behind the desk andthe bed.

4 In pairs, ask andanswer questions about Jill’sbedroom.

® A: Are there any books on thedesk?

B: No, there aren’t. There’s acomputer on the desk.

b) Look at Jill’s bedroom in Ex. 1.Then read the text andunderline the correct answers.

6 Fill in have got, has got, haven’t got or hasn’t got.

1 Jane ® has got a chair in her room. (�)2 Tom ® hasn’t got any paintings in his room. (�)3 Jerry ...................... a computer. (�)4 Tony and Stella ...................... skateboards. (�)5 Phil ...................... a digital camera. (�)6 John and Laura ...................... mobile phones. (�)7 Sue ...................... a telephone in her room. (�)8 Bob and Bill ...................... a CD player. (�)9 Anna ...................... a bike. (�)

10 Bart and Steve ...................... a video camera. (�)

ñHave got

5 Read the table. Say it in your language.

7 a) Look at the table. Put the words in order to form complete questions. Then answer them.

ax elen ary usdigital camera � �

computer � � �

skateboard � �

CD player � �

video camera � �

1 Max / got / digital camera / has / a?® Has Max got a digital camera? Yes, he has.

2 Helen and Mary / got / have / CD players?3 Helen and Gus / a digital camera / got / have?4 Gus and Max / have / skateboards / got?5 Max / got / video camera / has / a?6 Mary / a / has / video camera / got?

b) What about you? Which of these have/haven’t you got?

® I have got ..., but I ... .


ñPrepositions of place

3 a) What are these prepositionsin your language?


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Workbook Starter Unit c

14 sofa

16 armchair17 coffee table

13 cushions

15 vase

12 painting

21 fridge

18 cupboards

20 cooker

19 sink

11 bath8 washbasin

10 shower

6 bed

2 wardrobe

7 lamp

3 pillow

1 bookcase

4 desk

9 toilet

GrammarñThere is/There are ― Some/Any

2 a) Read the table. Are there similar structures in your language?

Singular Plural

Affirmative There is/There’s a lamp inthe bedroom.

There are some lamps in thebedroom.

NegativeThere isn’t a lamp in thebedroom.

There aren’t any lamps inthe bedroom.

InterrogativeIs there a lamp in thebedroom?

Are there any lamps in thebedroom?

Short Answers

Is there ...? Yes, there is./No, thereisn’t.

Are there...?

Yes, there are./No, therearen’t.

b) Look at Jill’s living room in Ex. 1. Complete the gaps insentences 1-8 with There is,There isn’t, There are, There aren’t.

1 ......... a sofa in the living room.2 ................ any magazines on

the coffee table.3 ................ two cushions on the

sofa.4 .............. a bookcase.5 ................. a vase on a table.6 ........ some flowers in the vase.7 .............. three armchairs.8 .............. any cupboards.

VocabularyñRooms & household objects

1 Listen and repeat. What arethese words in your language?

see p. 122

ñ We use some in theaffirmative.

ñ We use any in thenegative andinterrogative.




5 chair

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Which of these activities do you like? Tell your partner.Use: every day, at the weekends, once a week, in theevenings.

® I like playing sports. I play sports at the weekends.

A love D like F not mind G not like J hate

Day after day

� What’s in this module?ñ appearance & characterñ activitiesñ likes/dislikesñ habitsñ present simpleñ adverbs of frequencyñ British teenagers’ lifestylesñ time zonesñ making an appointment

Which of the pictures 1-10 canyou find in Module 1?

� Find the page numbers for

ñ clock faces

ñ a quiz

ñ film characters

Vocabulary ñActivities

� Listen and repeat. What are these phrasesin your language?

surf the Net

watch a DVD

play computer games

go to the cinema

hang out with friends

play sports

go to the library

learn foreign languages

send text messages go shopping












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2 Look at Lyn’s family tree. Complete thesentences with the correct name.

3 ...................... is Lyn’s grandmother.4 ...................... is Ted and Carol’s uncle.5 ...................... is Tony’s wife.6 ...................... is Marion’s husband.7 ...................... is Ted and Carol’s cousin.8 ..................... is Eve and Tony’s daughter.9 ..................... is Marion and Charlie’s son.

10 ..................... is Marion and Tony’s father.11 ...................... is Marion’s brother.12 ...................... is Ted’s sister.13 ................... is Tony and Marion’s mother.

1 ® Marion is Lyn’s aunt.2 ...................... are Carol’s parents. 3 draw your family tree. Present your family

to the class.

VocabularyñFamily members

1 Listen and repeat. What are thesewords in your language?

1 grandfather ― grandmother2 father ― mother3 brother ― sister4 uncle ― aunt5 husband ― wife6 son ― daughter7 cousin ― cousin









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Workbook 1a

7 Use the text on p. 12 to correct thesentences (1-5).

1 Daphne likes computers. ® Daphne doesn’tlike computers. She likes martial arts.

2 Fred drives slowly.3 Velma wears sunglasses.4 Shaggy drives a Mercedes.5 Scooby wears a red collar.

VocabularyñAppearance & Character

4 List the words under the headings. Use themto describe the Mystery Inc characters.

ñ easy-going ñ tall ñ teenager ñ oldñ short ñ long ñ thin ñ slim ñ cleverñ brown ñ plump ñ curly ñ fair ñ sportyñ careful ñ clumsy ñ elegant ñ friendlyñ funny ñ sweet ñ cool ñ silly ñ polite

Grammar ñPresent Simple

5 Complete the table with the words in thelist. Check in the text in Ex. 2.

ñ doesn’t ñ likes ñ Do

see p. 123

Affirmative I/You/We/They He/She

like 1) ............. martial arts.


don’t like2) ......... like


Questions3) .............Does


know them?


I like + -s � he likes I go + -es � he goes

I watch + -es � he watches I study + -ies � he studies

BUT I say + -s � he says

6 Read the table. Then write the thirdperson singular.

1 solve2 teach

3 play4 cry

5 speak6 do

7 try8 kiss


9 Put the words in order. Ask yourpartner to answer the questions.

1 do / like / you / pizza? ® Do you like pizza? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

2 Net / your / surf / the / does / friend?3 basketball / does / your / friend / play?4 speak / do / Italian / you?5 a / drive / car / you / do?


10 Portfolio: Who’s your favourite cartoon/film character? Write six sentencesabout him/her.

My favourite character is ... . He/She is (tall)... . He/She is (clever) ... . He/She likes ... .He/She can ... . He/She doesn’t like ... .

build height age hair character

8 Form questions. Look at thepictures and answer thequestions.

1 Jane / read magazines?® Does Jane read magazines? Yes, she does.

2 Jane & David / play sports?3 David / surf the Net?4 David / speak Spanish?5 Jane / play the guitar?6 Jane & David / have dogs?

Ask and answer questions based on the text.


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get into trouble

3 Explain the words in the list. Use them to make sentences about the characters in the pictures.

2 Read the text again.Who likes sports?Who is good at languages?Who likes eating? Whohates ghosts? Who is rich?Who is clever?


1 What do you knowabout the characters inthe picture? Listen andread to find out more.

or ‘Danger-prone Daphne’ comes from a rich family. She’s very beautiful and polite. She likes fashion andgoing shopping. She also likes martial arts. She often gets into trouble and asks for help. She can’t runfast.

or ‘Freddie’ is the leader of the Mystery Inc gang. He is quite handsome and friendly. He likes sports, especiallyfootball. He can drive very fast. He drives the Mystery Machine. He really likes mysteries! His catchphrase is“Let’s split up, gang.”�

She is the brains of the Scooby gang. It is usually Velma who solves the mystery. She loves computers andstudying foreign languages. She can’t see well without her glasses. Her catchphrases are “Jinkies” and“My glasses! I can’t see without my glasses.”�

or ‘Shaggy’ is Scooby Doo’s close friend. He is an easy-going teenager and he likes eating. He also drives theMystery Machine. He is afraid of ghosts but he manages to overcome his fear and help the gang. Hiscatchphrase is “ZÔiks!” when he is surprised or scared.

or ‘Scooby’ is Shaggy’s best friend. He wears a blue collar. He likes eating pizzas and Scooby snacks. Hedoesn’t like ghosts. He pronounces most words as if they begin with an ‘R’. His catchphrase is “ScoobyDooby Doo!”





solve the mysteryeasy-goingbrains

overcome his fear

politemartial arts


danger-prone catchphrase12

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0% I never 1) ® cook dinner.25% I sometimes 2) ................... the table.50% I often 3) ........................ the dishes.75% I usually 4) ......................... the dog.100% I always 5) .......................... my bed.

Position of adverbs of frequencyWe put adverbs of frequency:ñ before main verbs. I often go shopping.ñ after the verb to be. I’m never late for school.

GrammarñAdverbs of frequency

see p. 123

3 Use the verbs to complete the sentences.What are the words in bold in yourlanguage?

ñ cook ñ make ñ set ñ wash ñ walk

4 How often do you do the following? Writesentences. Use adverbs of frequency.

water theplants

cut the grass tidy your desk

makebreakfast do the laundry

iron yourclothes

® I sometimes water the plants.

5 Write the words in the correct order.

1 Tony / eats out / never ® Tony never eats out.

2 usually / she / for school / is / late3 they / computer games / play / sometimes4 Ann / to the library / goes / often5 always / Bob and Steve / are / happy

6 Write sentences.


best friend



tidy ...make ...mop ...walk ...dust ...

® My dad sometimes mops the floor.


9 What’s a typical Monday for you? Use thephrases below to write a short paragraph.You can use your own ideas.

ñ get up ñ make my bed ñ have breakfastñ walk to school ñ have lunch ñ tidy room ñ water plants ñ do homework ñ take out rubbish ñ play computer gamesñ watch TV ñ go to bed

® I get up at 7:00. I usually make my bed. ThenI have breakfast. I often walk to school. …


7 Listen to the conversations and choosethe answer A,B or C that best answers thequestion.

Workbook 1b


8 Work in pairs. Does your friendhelp in the house? Use the phrases inExs 1 and 4 to ask and answer questions.Then tell the class.

® A: How often do you tidy your room?B: Never. I don’t like it.

1 What does Ben do inthe evening?

A walk the dogB take out the rubbish

C water the plants

2 What time does Annhave dinner?

A 8:00B 8:15C 8:30

3 Where’s Steve?A B C


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1 Listen and repeat. What arethese phrases in your language?

Every time you answer A, you can give yourself 20 points, for B give yourself 10,and each time you answer C give yourself 5.

0-25 = You’re a couch potato! Turn off the TV and help around the housea bit!

26-50 = Not bad! You’re seldom lazy enough to fall asleep on the couchbut you do need to pick up the pace from time to time!

51-100 = You’re a busy bee. You rarely sit still and are always on the move!Keep it up!

1 – Do you watch a lot of television each day?A Not really. I prefer to go out with my friends in the real world!

B I sometimes watch TV, especially when the weather is bad.

C I always watch TV! I can watch it from morning until night!

2 – How often do you make your bed?A I always make my bed. It doesn’t even take two minutes.

B I sometimes make my bed, but sometimes ªum does it,


C I never make my bed – beds are for sleeping in, not tidying!

3 – Do you help around the house?A I usually clean my bedroom. I want it to be neat and tidy.

B I often help with small chores around the house – if I have to!

C I don’t help with cleaning. That’s what mums and dads are

there for!

4 – How often do you go shopping with your parents?A I always go shopping with them.

B I sometimes go if they ask me to.

C Never. I just hate it.

5 – How many hours do you sleep a day?A I don’t sleep a lot unless I am very tired.

B I sometimes sleep in at the weekends.

C I always sleep more than 8 hours.

Are you someone who just can’t sit still or are you lazy? Take the quiz to find out.

set the table

mop the floor

tidy your room make your bed

walk the dog

wash the dishes

take out the rubbish dust the furniture

go shopping

clear the table

cook dinner

2 Do the quiz. Check your score.Explain the words in bold.


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2 Read the text. Replace the words in bold in sentences (1-6) with words in the list.

ñ teenagers ñ families ñ soap operas ñ school ñ to the cinema ñ a school uniform

1 They are not big.2 They help with housework.3 They like watching them.4 It finishes at 3:30.5 They always wear it at school.6 They enjoy go there with their

friends on Saturdays.


4 Portfolio: Make notes aboutteenagers’ family life, schoollife and free time in yourcountry. Use your notes towrite a short article for anEnglish teenage magazine.

3 Explain the words in bold.Make notes under theheadings in the text. Use yournotes to tell the class aboutBritish teenagers’ lifestyle.

Workbook 1d

1 Look at the title, theheadings and the pictures inthe text. What would you liketo know about Britishteenagers’ family life, schoollife and free time? Think of a question for each category.Listen, read and see if youcan answer them.

School life

School starts at 8:45. Pupils study

some really interesting school

subjects, like IT*, Citizenship and

Food Technology. When school

finishes, at about 3:30, many pupils

go to an after-school club, like

‘French club’ or ‘Drama club’. Pupils in

Britain always wear a school uniform.

* Information Technology (computers)

Free time

Like all teenagers, British teens lovewatching TV, playing computer games andsurfing the Net! But many also belong toclubs such as karate or dance clubs or theydo skateboarding or rollerblading. OnSaturdays, many teens enjoy goingshopping or to the cinema with their friends!

Family life

Families in Britain are usually small, but familylife is sometimes very busy! Both parents in afamily often work, so teenagers have to helparound the house a bit. In the evenings, manyBritish families watch soap operas like‘EastEnders’ on ‘the telly’* together. * TV


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Writing (a passage)

5 Portfolio: Use your answers in Ex. 4 to write a passageabout your favourite day.

... is my favourite day. I usually ... ., In the afternoon ... ., In the evening

... ., ... are fun.

Capital lettersWe use capital letters: ñ to start a sentence. He is 16.ñ with people’s names. Sallyñ with countries & nationalities.

Scotland, Scottishñ with days & months. Monday, Mayñ with languages. Spanishñ with the pronoun I. I’m John.

Learning to learn

Learning to learn

2 Read the article and completethe table.

1 saturday is mary’s favourite day. 2 sue’s birthday is in march.3 we usually go out on sunday

afternoons.4 i’m jane. i’m from canada.5 i can speak french and italian.

1 Look at the titleof the text. Which of theactivities in the pictures doyou think Amy does onSundays? Listen and read tofind out. Label the pictures.

3 Read the table. Find examplesin the text. Then add capitalletters to the sentences.

Use the completed table to talkabout Amy’s Sunday activities.

WorkbooK 1c

In the morning ® get up late

In the afternoon

In the evening

4 Which is your favourite day? What do you do?Complete a table like the one in Ex. 2.

I Sundaysby Amy Holmes

Sunday is my favourite day. I usuallyget up late and have a big breakfast.Then I do my homework for school. Ialso help my mum cook lunch.

In the afternoon I usually meet myfriends and play basketball. Wesometimes hang out at the mall if theweather is bad. I never go out onSunday evenings. My friend Laura oftencomes round and we play computergames or we watch a DVD. Then I surfthe Net and chat with my friends onlinebefore I go to bed at 10 o’clock.Sundays are fun!

Reading & Writing A





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Workbook 1f


4 What did weuse to tell the time in thepast? Work in groups tocollect information. Thenpresent it to the class. You can visit this website: on: The History of Clocks


1 Is time the same in all countries? Why not? Listen and read to find out.

half past

quarter quarter

When you travel east or west to a different country, you have to change the time on your watch. This happens because the

Earth turns, so when it is daytime in some parts of the world, it is night-time in others.

We divide the Earth into 24 time zones, one for each hour of the day. All the places in the same time zone have the same time.

We start counting from Greenwich, England. When it is 12 pm in Greenwich and you travel east to a place in the next zone,

Rome for example, it is 1 pm. If you travel west to a place in the next zone, the Azores for example, it is 11 am.

Note: am from midnight to midday pm from midday to midnight

3 In pairs, ask each other the time.

to past

2 Look at the map. Imagine it is 1 pm in Greenwich. What time is it in: Los Angeles? New York?Nuuk? Perth? Moscow? New Delhi? New Orleans? Istanbul? Explain the words in bold.

1 ® A: What time is it, please? B: It’s twenty to one.








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Workbook 1e

5 Portfolio: Work in pairs. Telephoneyour friend to ask him/her to go to a partywith you on Saturday evening. Your friendaccepts. Use the dialogue in Ex. 3 as amodel. Record yourselves.

Mrs Smith: Hello?Dan: Hi, it’s Dan. Is Laura there,

please?Mrs Smith: Hang on a minute. I’ll get her.

Laura: Hello?Dan: Hi, it’s Dan.

Laura: Hi, Dan! How are you?Dan: I’m fine. Are you free on Saturday

evening?Laura: Yes, I am.

Dan: How about coming to thecinema?

Laura: Yeah, I’d love to. When wouldyou like to meet?

Dan: How about 7:30 at the train station?Laura: Sounds great! See you there.

Pronunciation /s/, /z/, /æz/

6 Listen and repeat. Think of two morewords with the same sounds.

/s/ likes, speaks, asks

/z/ drives, solves, loves, begins

/æz/ teaches, manages, pronounces

ñPhoning friends

1 Listen and repeat.

ñ Hang on a minute.ñ I’ll get her. ñ Yes, speaking.ñ Are you free on Saturday evening?ñ How about coming to the cinema?ñ I’d love to.

4 Say the sentences in Ex. 1 in your ownlanguage. In pairs read out the dialogue.

2 Listen to the dialogue. Where does ittake place?

at school on the phone

3 Read the dialogue.Replace the phrases in bold with thephrases below.

ñ Hold on a moment. ñ Do you fancy coming ...?ñ Yeah, that’d be lovely.

Everyday English


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2 Choose the correct word.

1 My father is a curly/tall man.2 Jack is very clumsy/elegant.

He always breaks things.3 My mum has got slim/long hair.4 David Beckham is very sporty/plump.5 Be funny/careful! There is a man behind you.6 Supermodels are short/thin.7 Don’t be sweet/silly!8 I have got friendly/straight hair.

( )Points: ___8X3 24

( )Points: ___10X3 30

4 Complete the sentences with the words inbrackets.

1 Carl ........................ (never/drink) milk.2 School ............... (sometimes/be) boring.3 Mum ........................... (often/cook) my

favourite meals.4 We ..... (usually/play) football after dinner.5 Sam and Pat ............ (always/be) on time.

Now I Can ...

... in English

ñ describe a personñ talk about my likes/dislikesñ write a passage about my favourite dayñ make an appointmentñ talk about British teenagers’ lifestyle

( )Points: ___5X4 20








A shopping


C the table

D a magazine

E your bed

F a text message

G your room

H a foreign language

1 Match the words.

( )Points: ___8X2 16

3 Write the verbs in brackets in the presentsimple.

1 Mary .................... (go) to school by bus.2 .............. (you/tidy) your room every day?3 Marc ....................... (not/speak) Italian.4 James and Ann .................. (read) books.5 My father ................. (not/walk) to work.6 ............................. (Bob/play) football?7 I .......................... (not/cook) very well.8 We ....................... (eat) breakfast every

morning.9 Babies .......................... (sleep) all day.

10 ........................ (Helen/do) her homeworkin the afternoon.

5 Complete the dialogue with: I’m afraid Ican’t., I’d love to!, Would you like to go tothe cinema?, Yes, speaking., Are you free onFriday..

Mum, does God goto the bathroom?

No, hedoesn’t.Why doyou ask?

Because Dad goes to the bathroom every morning, knockson the door and shouts: “Oh, God! Are you still there?”

A: Hello?B: Hello, is this David?A: 1) ...................B: Can you come to

my house tonight?A: 2) ...................B: 3) ...................

A: Yes, I am.B: Would you like to

do something then?A: 4) ...................B: ......................A: Sounds great! See

you on Friday!

( )Points: ___5X2 10

( )My score: ___100










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