students handbook - ·...

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الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

Students Handbook2014-2015


Word of Chairman of the Board


Student Commitment Document

Student Rights and Duties

Outstanding Students

Students Council

Academic Integrity

Duty Times


Facilities and Services

Controls of Use of Information Technology


Students Behavior



















الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science


الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

To achieve the vision of our wise leadership in the development of generations of dedicated scientists abreast of all modern technology and maintaining our Islamic and Arab culture and identity, Al Resalah International School of Science was founded. This �irmly established scienti�ic edi�ice is characterized by maintaining customs and traditions which contribute to building a distinct society that possesses the virtues of morality and ethics and has the scienti�ic competence and life skills to succeed and contribute to the construction and development of the country.

Our pride of you is increasing whenever we see you getting good conduct and academic excellence as this has a positive impact on the building and development of the community.

Your role prominent and active role in understanding your classmates and your teachers and school staff is a title of civilization, progress and advancement. So I encourage you to respect all those in the school and support them for goodness and work with them as a team, and not to form an obstacle in the promotion spread of virtue and good morals inside and outside school.

Every day that passes brings you closer to graduate from this great scienti�ic edi�ice where you have spent the most beautiful days of your life and got acquainted with your lifetime friends. So I would like to remind you that the School Leaving Certi�icate is achieved only by those who have maintained, committed to, and initiated into good.

I wish you a distinctive academic year bursting with distinction and knowledge

Chairman of the Board.

Word of Chairman of the Board

الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

Student Commitment Documentpreface

Dear students,We welcome you to Al Resalah International School of Science, and we wish you a

successful endowed study and booming scienti�ic future.

As a reminder, joining the school that strives to occupy the most prominent center

in the country in the �ield of education means that you have chosen for yourself the right place to provide you with scienti�ic educational environment that gives

you the skills and distinct functional academic that �its and the labor market,

which is one of the foundations of career success in the twenty-�irst century.

Your joining the school means: Compliance with the regulations and instructions of the school to ensure the safe

and productive scienti�ic environment.

Acceptance of responsibility and honesty to be one of the builders of this country

dedicated to its service.

Your creativity and efforts are to be determined by the extent of your love for your

study and how much you see the challenges imposed on you and your enthusiasm

to accept those challenges.

Your future career success depends on your credit of knowledge, especially in the

area of your specialization. So make sure to achieve rates and take advantage of

all the available sources of knowledge. This will not going to be ful�illed to you

unless you have determination and vigor, resulting in high pro�its for your


All students enrolled in school should sign the Student Commitment Document of the

school and abide by the rules and instructions that have been enforced to guide the

students to abide by the rules of ethical and academic behaviors. When the student or

student and his/her parents sign this commitment document, this may be briefed and

agreed upon the following:

Respect and follow school instructions and regulations as they provide a productive

learning environment for all.

Respect for others and their views and that is one of the duties of a good citizen.

Respect the property of others and not to damage it.

No theft, cheating or impersonating others.

No use of technology and communication resources owned by the school (download,

spread, access to others’ information) without permission.

Know that you belong to the school is to develop your academic and social abilities so as to

become an active member of the community.

Accept races diversity in the community, and know that any offense to others will have

undesirable consequences.

Should strive to maintain a positive atmosphere inside the campus.

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الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

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الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

KG student’s RightsMaintaining the cleanliness of the place surrounding the student of healthy facilities and classrooms. Maintaining the student's physical, psychological, and social safety. Provide assistance in each class to provide adequate support to them inside and outside the classroom. Providing healthy food in the cafeteria of the school. Processing internal and external activities to develop their mental and physical abilities.

KG student’s DutiesAdherence to school attendance (schedules attendance). Compliance with school uniform and sports by the course scheduled for the student. Not to wear gold ornaments of all kinds and even the silver ones to safety. Attend regular meetings for following up on student scienti�ic and behavioral aspects. Bring extra clothes for a student taking into account the row and write the name of the student. In a suit disease nurse will review and report pinpointed the medical report.In case a student is infected with (lice), they must respond to the advice provided by the nurse and the child should be absent during the treatment period need to prevent the spread of it among students.

Systems and instructions have been imposed at school to ensure a safe and productive environment. All students at school must sign the Student Commitment Document that contains the ethics of school and its rules and instructions after reading and understanding its content.Students have many rights for some of the duties required by the learning and educational environment.

Boy Students’ Rights Securing an appropriate, effective learning environment.Respectful treatment. Clarifying the vision and goals for the material they learn is a must.Obtaining a progress report of the academic performance of the student every term. Guidance and counseling according to their needs.

Boy Students’ Duties Respect for others, and to maintaining the school property, and compliance with regulations and laws. Refrain from seeking or bringing any food or drink from outside school without prior permission from the administration. Active participation in academic activities: (school broadcasting, cultural competitions, studsubjects competitionand the Ministry of Education competitions).Commitment to wear the school blue jacket, and it is strictly forbidden to wear any other jacket. Bringing any electronic devices or mobile phones is strictly prohibited. Not to tamper with the school facilities (Writing on tables or walls or doors of classrooms).

Students’ Rights and Duties-BoysKindergarten Student’s Rights and Duties

الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

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Girl Students’ RightsSecure learning environment is suitable and effective. Respectful treatment. Clarifying the vision and goals for the material they learn is a must.Obtaining a progress report of the academic performance of the student every term. Guidance and counseling according to their needs.

Girl Students’ DutiesRefrain from setting adornment of all kinds (such as accessories, dye, lenses, nail polish, nails lengthening, cosmetics, all kinds of make-up, etc.). Commitment to wear the veil consistently, even inside the classroom. Refrain from seeking or bringing any food or drink from outside school without prior permission from the administration. Commitment to school uniform and wearing long pants and do not modify them at all.Commitment to wear black shoes and white socks. Commitment to wear sport clothes through Physical Education periods. Commitment to wear the school blue jacket, and it is strictly forbidden to wear any other jacket. Bringing any electronic devices or mobile phones is strictly prohibited. Not to tamper with the school facilities (Writing on tables or walls or doors of classrooms).

Al Resalah International School of Science is keen to honor the distinguished and outstanding students at the school, the region and the state levels in the academic, sports and cultural aspects. So in a a glittering ceremony VIPs are invited to celebrate and honor the outstanding in the presence of their peers and parents.

The honored categories are:The winners of cultural and scienti�ic awards outside of school (such as Sheikh Hamdan Award, Sheikha Fatima Award, Sheikha Latifa Award, Sharjah Award for Excellence in Education, and others).

The top three of each class.

The winners of the competitions organized by school (such as the Holy Qur’an, the Hadith, rhetoric, and others).

Those who are behaviorally and morally outstanding.

Those who have achieved the greatest number of hours of volunteery work.

Participants in any new activities and competitions.

Outstanding Students Students’ Rights and Duties-Girls

الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science


Academic IntegrityStudents Council

It is important to have communication in a school in a smooth and purposeful way. The Students Council, secures the communication between students and teachers on the one hand , and the teachers and of�icials on the other.

The Council prepares for students activities. Moreover, the participation of students in the council entitles them to develop their leadership, management and self-con�idence skills.

Membership interviews are held in September, and for those wishing to enroll, can apply through the Of�ice of Student Services.

Note that the candidature terms be run by the following: To be of a good study level. To have a commanding character. To have active participation in school activities. To be committed within the school. To have no record of punishments or penalties.

Mechanism: Through fair elections within the classrooms followed by the formation of the School Board.

The study at Al Resalah International School of Science requires integrity. When the students do the work required from them by themselves and without cheating, they are not worthy of appreciation, except when they do their own effort themselves.

Cheating: Cheating is the use of illegal means to get grades in the exam or during the academic achievement, or when helping others to do so. Examples of cheating:Exchanging answers among students during exams. Copying the work of others and presenting it as self-work, or allowing others to copy their work and attribute it to themselves. Bringing tools or materials to be used the examination hall is not allowed.Doing the exam on behalf of others or allowing others to perform the exam on your behalf or help to facilitate this for any student. Using any illegal means or methods, technological or others to perform the exam.

Plagiarism Plagiarism is to present the work of others as an act of self, without reference to the source. Therefore, students must ask teachers for legitimate ways to transfer and quote from other sources without infringing the others’ copyright.

We warn students that commit the error of cheating and plagiarism by: Homework. Individual and collective projects. Exams. Using the work of others (books, Internet).

Note: The punishment of cheating or plagiarism may lead to dismissal from school.

الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

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Sports Shirt

Sports Coat


Black Shoes


Formal Shirt

Formal Pants

Black Shoes

Duty Times

The of�icial working hours for students for kindergarten is from 7.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.Be the of�icial working hours for students for the other grades is from 7.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.School closes its doors on Fridays and Saturdays and of�icial holidays. Students are not allowed to leave except for an excuse accepted by the school administration. In the event a student goes out of school without permission, guardian and the student bear full responsibility towards the consequences.

The student is dismissed in the following cases: Student's absence is connected to twenty continual days or sporadic twenty-�ive days. Do not count the days of excused absences of the total days of absence. Excuses are accepted by the school principal bearing in mind that the request should be in writing and attached to the student’s �ile.

Excuses Accepted: Illness medical reports are stamped by the Ministry of Health. Travel or accompanying a parent or brothers, not to exceed one month, and with the prior approval of the school. The death of a relative of the �irst class, three days.To appear before one of the authorities with reason and time proved.

School Uniform

Every student, boy or girl, has to wear their uniform during their stay in the school campus unless asked otherwise. Uniform is one of the school symbols of school and a guide of students’ discipline. Students must wear safety shoes within scienti�iclaboratories. Moreover, they are allowed to wear uniform on the days when they have Physical Education periods only.

Boys Formal Uniform Girls Formal Uniform Sports Dress

Athletic & Black Shoe

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الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

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Controls of the Use of Information Technology

Computers and related accessories is the ownership of the school. Their usage by students is stipulated with the instructions issued by the administration.The use of the Internet is to study only within the bases and instructions.The use of information technology to receive or send or distribute any materials inconsistent with the rules and regulations and applicable laws is strictly prohibited. Note that the violation of these instructions may be punishable by up to �inal dismissal from the school.

Facilities and Services

Our school spares no effort in employing the best means to prepare an academic environment characterized by various practical applications that do not rely on memorization, but urge the student to think, research and innovate. Therefore, numerous scienti�ic laboratories and computer labs have been established in every section of the school. Each laboratory has been provided with modern equipment.

In addition, the school library has been supplied with computers connected to the Internet, which the student can use in scienti�ic research.

And in order to provide an integrated learning environment, new school buildings were set up according to modern architectural designs with sports �ields in the middle, not to mention the air-conditioned gym, and the distinctive internal playgrounds.

The restaurant (cafeteria): The school cafeteria offers healthy foods and drinks during break, and the cafeteria is closed during classes.

Health clinic:There is a nurse at least in each section of the school during school hours. A student can be checked at the time of the classes when necessary. The nurse does not give any medications without a prescription. The clinic provides �irst aid, and transfers emergency cases to hospitals.

الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

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الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

Students Behavior

All students should be in compliance with school instructions and regulations, because any violation will make the student liable to punishment. For administrative purposes, the school is divided into two sections:

Procedures related to behavior and educational attainment.

Procedures related to the degree of the offense, which is calculated by the number of points for each violation.

Major violation: directly and very negatively affects the educational environment of the school, and the student himself and his classmates.

Minor violation: has an impact on the level of the student's behavior and hinders carrying out their duties.


Instructions for students in the event of a �ire: There is a contingency plan, that must be followed to ensure the safety of everyone.

Inside the classrooms:On hearing the continual alarm bell, the teacher directs students to leave the building. Follow the teacher out of the building. Don’t be busy collecting your belongings and be contented with collecting your valuables only. Do not run and be quiet. And remember that there is no need to panic. Do not think about returning to the classroom for any reason.Stay close to the teacher, and listen to the instructions. Stay with the group in a safe place so that the teacher can check everyone. Go directly to the designated assembly points. Stay away from the places where there are civil defense personnel’s entrances and exits. Stay outside with your classmates until the teacher informs you that the place has become safe.

Outside the classroom: On hearing the alarm bell, get ready to leave the building or stay outside. Do not use the elevator, but use the stairs to go to the ground �loor. On hearing the continual alarm bell, start leaving the building using the shortest and safest way and follow the signs allocated, and join the �irst group of students led by a teacher. Do not go to fetch your private stuff.Do not run and stay calm and remember that it does not need to panic. Do not enter the classrooms. Stay out until you hear the instructions and that the place has become safe. Go directly to the designated assembly points. The instructions and guidelines of evacuation are for everyone's safety. And it is important for the survival of the student to stay with his classmates and follow the instructions of theteachers and staff. If you are outside the building, join the nearest group of students.

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الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science

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Violations Points Category Actions Taken

• Delay for morning assembly or not participating in it and the delay for any of the classes.

• Lack of commitment to school uniform.

• Lack of vigilance during classes.

• Lack of commitment to politeness and good manners during classes, or on the bus, or during activities.

• Bringing mobile phones or any other electronic devices.

• Failure to do homework



According to a cumulative total of points: Multiple offenses lead to the accumulation of points. And any repeating of offenses would lead directly to a final warning.

• Giving out incorrect personal information.

• Absence from school without an acceptable excuse.

• Not wearing school uniform approved by the school or ill appearance.



Written Warning

• Not bringing books or school supplies or maintaining them.

• Entry or exit from the classroom the teacher without permission.

• Exit from the section without the supervisor’s permission.

• Using the Touch screen for non-educational purposes.

• Bringing a deck of cards or dice to school.

• Fetching (seeds or the like) and soft drinks.

• Lack of respect for the teacher in the classroom.

• Assault on classmates’ private properties or theft.



Written Warning

• Destroying school property. • Cheating and plagiarism of

others’ works. • Using or possession of

fireworks over the presence in the school or the bus.

• Fabricating reasons and excuses to get out of class and wasting time.

• Escape from school.

• Smoking or bringing a narcotic substances within the school.



Written Warning & and parent calling

Violations Points Category Actions Taken

Violations Violations

I, the undersigned …………………………………………………….


I promise to abide by the laws and regulations of Al Resalah International School of Science. Also, I am legally and conventionally responsible towards the others in case of violating the laws contained in the student handbook and what emerges in it. I acknowledge and agree about its contents.


I promise to fully comply with the laws and regulations of the school in order to reach attainment outstanding. I am on the lookout for everything that came in the student handbook. I acknowledge and agree about its contents.

Parent’s Name: ………………………......... Parent’s Signature: ………….

Student’s Name: …………………………… Student’s Signature: …………

For Of�icial Use

Registrar: ……………………………………………… Date: ……….........

• Dissemination of obscene


• Bringing any materials that could be classified as a weapon.

• Sexual harassment to others, or come up with movements disturb public morality.

• Verbally assault or act on any of the school staff.



Written Warning & and parent calling

• Possession of alcoholic beverages or narcotic substances, use or promoting them inside the school or on the bus or while wearing school uniform.

• Mocking the rituals of the school.

• Embracing destructive beliefs and ideas or spreading them out.

• Mocking the homeland or one of its symbols.



Dismissal from school


Violations Points Category Actions Taken

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الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science


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الدولية العلمية الرسالة مدرسة Al Resalah International School of Science