study planner 1mavo/havo...assenstelsel en grafiek tekenen • vermenigvuldigen en delen met...

STUDY PLANNER 1MAVO/HAVO Schooljaar 2019-2020

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Page 1: Study planner 1mavo/havo...assenstelsel en grafiek tekenen • Vermenigvuldigen en delen met negatieve getallen SE week examenklassen 43 Herfstvakantie 44 • Volgorde en herhaling


Schooljaar 2019-2020

Page 2: Study planner 1mavo/havo...assenstelsel en grafiek tekenen • Vermenigvuldigen en delen met negatieve getallen SE week examenklassen 43 Herfstvakantie 44 • Volgorde en herhaling

Wat heb ik in de les nodig?

In deze les gebruik ik mijn lesboek en mijn schrift.


Week toetsvorm gewicht Wat moet je leren

38 PW lezen hoofdstuk 1 + 2

3 Lezen hoofdstuk 1 en hoofdstuk 2

41 SO grammatica zinsdelen + woordsoorten

hoofdstuk 1, 2,3

1 Grammatica zinsdelen en woordsoorten hoofdstuk 1, 2 en 3

44 SO woordenschat H1

en 2

1 Woordenschat hoofdstuk 1 en

hoofdstuk 2

45 Leeskring 1 Leesboek en literaire begrippen

Vak- en taaldoelen

1 Ik kan het onderwerp, deelonderwerp en hoofdgedachte in een tekst vinden.

2 Ik kan woordbetekenissen zoeken en vinden in een tekst d.m.v. woordraadstrategieën

3 Ik kan de volgende zinsdelen benoemen: persoonsvorm, onderwerp en werkwoordelijk gezegde.

4 Ik kan woordsoorten benoemen.

5 Ik kan spellen volgens de regels.

6 Ik kan hoofdpersonen en bijfiguren onderscheiden in een verhaal.

7 Ik kan hoofd- en bijzaken onderscheiden, kernzinnen herkennen en een

tekst samenvatten.

8 Ik kan tekstverbanden en signaalwoorden herkennen en gebruiken.

EIO Competenties

Activiteit/opdracht competentie Portfolio




Leerjaar 1 mavo/ havo

vak Nederlands


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Week Inhoud Oefeningen Opmerkingen ✓

34 Laatste week zomervakantie

35 Maandag-woensdag

geen les Introductie schooljaar

36 Lezen hoofdstuk 1 (3

lessen) Testles hfdst 1

Opdracht 1 tm 4

37 Lezen hoofdstuk 2 (3 lessen)

Testles hfdst 2

Opdracht 1 tm 4 Kies leesboek voor de leeskring

Leer voor de toets

38 PW lezen hoofdstuk 1 en hoofdstuk 2

Nabespreken toets (1 les)

Grammatica zinsdelen hoofdstuk 1 (2


1 tm 4

Vanaf deze week:

elke les een leesboek mee

39 Grammatica

woordsoorten hoofdstuk 1 (2

lessen) Grammatica zinsdelen

en woordsoorten hoofdstuk 2 (2


1 tm 5

Zinsdelen: 1 tm 6 Woordsoorten 1 tm 4

40 Grammatica zinsdelen

hoofdstuk 3 (2 lessen)

Grammatica woordsoorten (2


1 tm 7

1 tm 5

Leer voor de toets

41 SO grammatica

zinsdelen + woordsoorten hoofdstuk 1, 2,3

Woordenschat h1 (3


1 tm 4

42 1 tm 11

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Woordenschat h2 (3 lessen)

43 Herfstvakantie

44 Testles hfdst 1 en 2 (1 les)

SO woordenschat h

1 en h2 Voorbereiding


45 Leeskring

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Test EIO/portfolio Vakantie SE week

Page 7: Study planner 1mavo/havo...assenstelsel en grafiek tekenen • Vermenigvuldigen en delen met negatieve getallen SE week examenklassen 43 Herfstvakantie 44 • Volgorde en herhaling

What to bring to the lesson?

- Notebook

- Pens

- Gold Experience student’s book

- Gold Experience Workbook

- Handouts

- Clementine

- Clementine Workbook

- KET reader


Week Form of test weight What to study?

39 Descriptive writing journal

U/S/G Immersion camp

46 Irregular verb test 1 X Irregular verbs

47 KET test 2 X Reading test

49 Starter + Unit 1 test 1 X Starter p.6-10, Unit 1, p.11-p.22, Vocabulary list p. 10

49 Written: Reflection journal

1x Rules on how to write a journal

51 Written: Hand in poem

1x Poetic devices

Subject and language aims

S1 Is able to ask teachers questions in English related to what is discussed in

the lesson

S2 Is able to talk to students in BICS

L1 Can understand the teachers directions

L2 Can understand the students participating actively in class

L3 Can understand the students when discussing ideas.

R1 Can read a text and basic comprehension questions (Gold Experience)

R2 Can read a text and answer basic grammatical features related to the

text. (Gold Experience)

W1 Can create descriptive text

W2 Can write a short text giving information (people project)

W3 Can write / able to write about themselves and others

W4 Can write a journal entry following its features (diary assignment)

EIO Competences

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio

People Project All Skills Yes

Immersion Camp Writing Yes

year Mavo/Havo

Term 1

Subject EN

Teacher THR/PSS

Page 8: Study planner 1mavo/havo...assenstelsel en grafiek tekenen • Vermenigvuldigen en delen met negatieve getallen SE week examenklassen 43 Herfstvakantie 44 • Volgorde en herhaling

All about Me journal Writing Yes

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Week Content Exercises/EIO Remarks ✓

34 Last week of summer

35 Monday – Wednesday lesson free Classroom language


Classroom English

picture dictionary

Alphabet + picture dictionary

36 Explain how to write a diary

Alphabet & Classroom language

(Immersion Camp 04-09/06-09)

37 Introduction to Gold

Experience Explain how to write a journal.

Clementine Explain theme ,

characters and plot Introduction people project


This is me (TB, p. 6-10+WB p. 4-7) Grammar:Present

simple (TB, p. 14.+WB p.9)

Clementine:Ch 1+2 Journal

entry:1xweek ( what you have done this

week) (100 words)

Classroom etiquette &

Present simple

38 Introduce past tense

+ irregular verbs p.159

People project

Grammar Past simple

(TB, p.38, WB p.25) Clementine:Ch 3+4

Journal entry:1xweek ( what you have done this

week) (100 words)

-Unit Check:

Language Mock test (not graded)

-Past tense

39 Written task:

Immersion Camp People project

Descriptive writing

based on photos. Clementine:Ch 5+6 Journal

entry:1xweek ( what you have done this

week) (100 words)


40 People project TB, p. 61+ WB, p.40 Clementine:Ch 7+8 Journal

entry:1xweek ( what

Compare & contrast words

Page 10: Study planner 1mavo/havo...assenstelsel en grafiek tekenen • Vermenigvuldigen en delen met negatieve getallen SE week examenklassen 43 Herfstvakantie 44 • Volgorde en herhaling

you have done this week) (100 words)

41 People project

Unit 3 p.42, Useful

language p. 41, Numbers + time:

handout OWS basic, p. 14/15 Answer keys p.205

Clementine:Ch 9+10

Journal entry:1xweek ( what you have done this

week) (100 words)

Timeline words,


42 Unit 3 TB, p.30, WB

p. 31 (Listening) Handout KET reader Journal

entry:1xweek ( what you have done this

week) (100 words)

People Project week

Questioning: Why, How, What, Where

43 Herfstvakantie Practice KET Journal entry:1xweek (what

you have done this week)

(100 words)

44 Unit Check (WB, p.14,

TB, p.22) Journal entry:1xweek (what

you have done this week)

(100 words)

People Project hand in

reflection form USG

45 About the Island

Journal entry:1xweek (what you have done this

week) (100 words)

People Project

presentation U/S/G

46 Practise KET + irregular verbs

Journal entry:1xweek (what you have done this

week) (100 words)

Irregular verbs test (1x)

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47 KET Test (2x)

48 Introduction to poetry Haiku, shape TB p. 66-68, WB

p.45 Recap Unit 1

Hand in all about me journal.

49 Introduction to Checkpoint 2

Revision: Unit Check1 Hand out Checkpoint


Gold Experience: Language Unit 1 test


50 SE-week

examenklassen 12/12-19/12

Practise Checkpoint

51 Hand in poem (x1)



2 Start reading Unforgotten Coat

Read Ch 1+2 Revision Checkpoint 2

3 Proefwerkweek exclusief


Checkpoint 2 Test





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11 SE-week examenklassen 10/3-











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Test EIO/portfolio Holidays SE week

PS.: Changes to programme can be made at teacher’s discretion.

Page 14: Study planner 1mavo/havo...assenstelsel en grafiek tekenen • Vermenigvuldigen en delen met negatieve getallen SE week examenklassen 43 Herfstvakantie 44 • Volgorde en herhaling

Wat heb ik in de les nodig?

In deze les gebruik ik een ruitjesschrift, pen, potlood, geodriehoek, ….

Tekenen met potlood en liniaal/geodriehoek/passer, schrijven met pen.


Week toetsvorm gewicht Wat moet je leren

Proefwerk H1 3x Paragraaf 1.1 t/m 1.5

Schriftelijke Overhoring H2 1x Paragraaf 2.1 t/m 2.4

Proefwerk H2 3x Paragraaf 2.1 t/m 2.6

Schriftelijke Overhoring H3 1x Paragraaf 3.2 t/m 3.5

Proefwerk H3 3x Paragraaf 3.1 t/m 3.7

Schriftelijke Overhoring H4 1x Paragraaf 4.1 t/m 4.4

Proefwerk H4 3x Paragraaf 4.1 t/m 4.6

Proefwerk H5 3x Paragraaf 5.1 t/m 5.5

Proefwerk H6 3x Paragraaf 6.1 t/m 6.5

Proefwerk H7 3x Paragraaf 7.1 t/m 7.5

Proefwerk H8 3x Paragraaf 8.1 t/m 8.5 (8.6 havo)

Schriftelijke Overhoring H9 1x Paragraaf 9.1 t/m 9.4

Proefwerk H9 3x Paragraaf 9.1 t/m 9.6

leerjaar 1 Mavo/havo

periode I t/m III

vak wiskunde

docent LSN

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Week Inhoud Oefeningen Opmerkingen ✓

34 Laatste week


35 • Introductie vak



woensdag geen les

Neem je

geodriehoek en potlood mee!

36 • Voorkennis H1

• Kubus en uitslag • vierkant

• Balk, plakrandjes en rechthoek

37 • Diagonalen tekenen, cirkel tekenen, cilinders

• Piramide, driehoek tekenen

• Prisma, aanzichten

• Herhaling

38 • Proefwerk H1 • Introductie H2

• Getallen en cijfers

• Delers en veelvouden, even en oneven

39 • Decimale getallen en afronden

• Afronden gehele getallen

• Bewerkingen en rekenvolgorde

Page 16: Study planner 1mavo/havo...assenstelsel en grafiek tekenen • Vermenigvuldigen en delen met negatieve getallen SE week examenklassen 43 Herfstvakantie 44 • Volgorde en herhaling

• Negatieve getallen en positieve getallen

40 • Negatieve getallen optellen

en aftrekken • Groter dan en

kleiner dan • Herhaling 2.1 t/m


• SO 2.1 t/m 2.4

41 • Breuken optellen

en aftrekken • Breuken hele

eruit en vereenvoudigen, vermenigvuldigen

met hele • Herhaling

• Proefwerk H2

42 • Introductie H3

• Coördinaten in een assenstelsel

• Grafieken in een

assenstelsel en grafiek tekenen

• Vermenigvuldigen en delen met negatieve


SE week


43 Herfstvakantie

44 • Volgorde en

herhaling SO • SO 3.2 t/m 3.5 • SO bespreken en

herhalen • Grafiek en


45 • Letterformules

• Herhaling • Proefwerk H3 • Proefwerk


46 • Introductie H4

• Loodrecht, evenwijdige


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• Kijkhoeken, soorten hoeken

• Hoeken meten

47 • Hoeken tekenen • Herhaling

• SO 4.1 t/m 4.4 • Hoeksom

48 • Bijzondere lijnen • Herhaling

• Proefwerk H4 • Introductie H5

49 • Eenheden van lengte, omtrek

• Eenheden van oppervlakte,

oppervlakte berekenen rechthoek

• Oppervlakte driehoek

• Oppervlakte driehoek stompehoek

50 • Eenheden van inhoud, inhoud

berekenen kubus • Eenheden van

snelheid • Extra • Extra

SE week examenklassen

51 • Extra • Extra

• Extra • Kerstactiviteit

52 Kerstvakantie

1 Kerstvakantie

2 • Extra • Extra

• Extra • Extra

3 Proefwerk H5

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4 • Introductie H6 • PW H5 bespreken • Breuken en

procenten • Rekenen met


5 • Percentage

berekenen • Breuken met de


• Herhaling • Proefwerk H6

6 • PW bespreken • Introductie H7

• Kwadraten • Kwadratische


7 • Parabolen • Rekenen met

letters • Herleiden

• Herhaling

8 Voorjaarsvakantie

9 • Herhaling

• Proefwerk H7 • PW bespreken • Introductie H8

10 • Lijnsymmetrie en

vlakke figuren • Spiegelen

• Draaisymmetrie en puntsymmetrie

• Schuifsymmetrie en patronen

11 • Hoeken berekenen

• Havo zwaarte- en hoogtelijn / Herhaling

• Herhaling • Proefwerk H8

SE week examenklassen

12 • PW bespreken • Introductie H9

• Regelmaat • Grafieken

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13 • Formules met letters

• Formules

veranderen • Herhaling

• SO 9.1 t/m 9.4

14 • SO bespreken

• Formules maken bij een grafiek

• Formules maken

bij een tabel • Herhaling

15 • Extra • Extra

• Extra • Extra

Goede vrijdag

16 • Extra • Extra

• Extra • Extra

Tweede Paasdag

17 Meivakantie

18 Meivakantie

19 • Extra

• Extra • Extra • Extra

20 • Extra

• Extra • Extra • Extra

21 • Extra

• Extra • Extra • Extra


22 • Extra

• Extra • Extra

• Extra

23 • Extra

• Extra • Extra

• Extra


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24 • Extra • Extra • Extra

• Extra

Laatste les week

25 Proefwerk H9 SE week


27 Laatste week voor


Test EIO/portfolio Holidays SE Week

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Dans cette classe, j’utilise : le cahier d’activités, un petit cahier (A5), un

crayon, un stylo et une gomme.


Mois Sorte de test Coëfficiënt Ce qu’on apprend

Octobre Vocabulaire 1 Sections A, B et C.

Novembre Vocabulaire 1 Les idiomes : les chiffres, les jours,

les mois, les couleurs, le temps.

Décembre La participation (le

comportement et les devoirs)

1 -

Semaine de test


Vocabulaire 2 Sections : A, B, C, D et E + les idiomes.

Février Production orale 1 La pièce de théâtre « Salut mon

ami ! » (pour mavo : 3 scènes / pour havo et vwo : 4 scènes)

Mars Littérature (compréhension écrite et production


1 Questions sur la pièce « Salut mon ami »


de test juillet


(compréhension écrite et production

écrite) et grammaire

2 « Comment y aller ? » et la

grammaire :

Objectifs linguistiques et généraux

1 Je connais des mots/phrases qu’on utilise en classe.

2 Je peux dire mon nom.

3 Je peux saluer.

4 Je peux compter en français.

5 Je connais les jours et les mois en français.

6 Je peux parler du temps.

7 Je connais les couleurs en français.

8 Je peux parler des sports.

9 Je peux refléter sur la participation, le comportement et les devoirs.

Classe 1 m/h/v

période 2019-2020

matière Français


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10 Je peux jouer 3 ou 4 scènes de la pièce « Salut mon ami ! »

10 Je peux

EIO Compétences

Activité/exercice compétences Portfolio

Réflexion sur la participation, le comportement et les


Refléter Oui/non

Production orale la pièce de

théâtre « Salut mon ami ! »

Samenwerken, acteren,

écouter et parler


Mois Sem. de test Test À préparer

Septembre Section A + B

Octobre Vocabulaire Section A+B+C

Novembre Vocabulaire Test idiomes : les chiffres+ les jours de la

semaine + les mois de l’année+ les couleurs + le


Décembre Note par élève pour la participation, le

comportement et les devoirs.

Commencer La pièce « Salut mon ami!»


X Vocabulaire

Section A+B+C+D+E

Les idiomes : les chiffres+ les jours de la

semaine + les mois de l’année+ les couleurs + le


Février PO La pièce de théâtre : production orale (3 scènes

mavo / 4 scènes havo+vwo)

Section A+B+C+D+E +F

Idiomes : la famille, (le corps)

Mars Littérature Questions sur l’histoire « Salut mon ami! »

Mai Après les vacances de mai : Commencer

« Comment y aller ? »

« Comment y aller ? » exercices


« Comment y aller ? » exercices

Juillet X CE Texte + questions (comment y aller et


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What to bring to the lesson?

I need the following items….


Week Form of test weight What to study?

46 Test 2 Chapter 1

3 test 2 Chapter 2

12 Test 2 Chapter 3

16 Test 2 Chapter 4

22 Test 2 Chapter 5

25 Test (testweek) 2 Stage 7: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Subject and language aims

C.1 I can name the parts and functions of a typical cell, of the microscope, the human skeleton, the eye, the ear and flowering plants.

C.2 I can properly use a microscope and draw a biological drawing.

C.3 I can name the different Kingdoms of species and members of the Kingdom of animals.

C.4 I can name the five senses, their corresponding sense organs and stimuli.

C.5 I can name different types organ systems.

R.1 I can read my biology textbook and workbook questions.

R.2 I can answer simple comprehension questions.

L.1 I can follow instructions in English.

L.2 I can understand my classmates when discussing related biology topics.

S.1 I can describe different types of sports injuries, their causes and treatments.

S.2 I can explain what a habitat is.

S.3 I can describe process of photosynthesis.

S.4 I can describe the movement of different types of joints in the skeleton.

W.1 I can compare and contrast plant and animal cells, different vertebrates, fast twitch and slow twitch muscles fibres & cones and rods.

W.2 I can write a lab report about a chicken wing dissection.

W.3 I can write a short story about a plant or animal under threat, and

suggest how the organisms living there could be protected



Subject biology


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Week Content Exercises/EIO Remarks ✓

34 Laatste week


35 Introduction to the program and to the People’s Project

in weeks 35 - 42

Monday-Wednesday no classes

36 1.1 The Human Body 1.2 Major Organs

(book 6)

WB Assignments 1.1 and 1.2

37 1.3 Body Systems

(Vwo only) 1.4 Locating Major

Organs (Book 6)

WB Assignments 1.3

Assignments 1.3 cells

Evaluation 1.1 – 1.3

38 1.3 Cells (Bricks)


Microscope: plant cells

Microscope: cheek cells

Biological drawings plant cells and cheek


39 2.7 Our Senses 2.8 Using our Senses

(book 1)

WB Assignments 2.7 and 2.8

40 2.7 Your Senses

(book 3)

WB Assignments 2.7 Senses experiments

41 2.8 How your Senses help you (book 3)

WB Assignments 2.8

42 1.5 The Nervous System and the Brain

(book 6)

WB Assignments 1.5 Evaluation Senses SE-week

examenklassen 11/10-18/10

43 Herfstvakantie

44 Start chapter 1


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45 1.2 1.3 repeat chapter 1

46 Test chapter 1 Start chapter 2 2.1

47 2.2 2.3 (part 1)

48 2.3 (part 2)

49 Assignment organ system

50 2.5

51 2.6

52 Kerstvakantie


2 review chapter 2 2.7

3 Proefwerkweek Test chapter 2

4 3.1


5 3.3

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6 Project week: 7 days circular

7 3.4 3.5

8 voorjaarsvakantie

9 3.6 3.7

ILP gesprekken

10 3.8


11 3.11

Review chapter 3 3.12

12 Test chapter 3 Start chapter 4 4.1

13 4.2 4.3

14 4.4 4.5

15 4.6

16 Review chapter 4 4.8

Test chapter 4

17 meivakantie


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19 Start chapter 5 5.1

VAS toetsen

20 5.3 5.4

VAS toetsen

21 5.5 5.6

22 5.7 Review stage 7 Test chapter 5

23 Rehearsing for test week

24 Rehearsing for test


25 Toetsweek

Test stage 7 Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 and


Test EIO/portfolio Holidays SE week

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What to bring to the lesson?

Pen case including scissors, glue.

A4 notebook




Week Form of test weight What to study?

42 Notebook 1x See checklist

46 PB3 Test Unit 1 1x PB3 Unit 1.

3 PB3; Test Unit 0,1,2,3 2x PB3 Unit 0,1,2,3

7 Notebook 1x See checklist

14 PB4;Test Unit 1,2 1x PB4 Unit 1,2

25 Notebook 1x See checklist

25 PB3 and PB4 Test 2x PB3;0,1,2,3 PB4;1,2,3,6

Subject and language aims

Students can divide geographical subjects into physical geography and human


Students can describe the term ‘geography’ in their own words.

Students can recognise and describe different types of vehicles.

Students can gather information from different types of map.

Students can understand the principle of zooming in and zooming out. (working with scale)

Students can draw a map including scale, key and landmarks.

Students can compare mars, the moon and earth.

Students can describe and recognise different types of landscape.

Students can draw their own map of an island with different types of landscape. (including key, scale and wind rose)

Students can compare the landscapes of The UK and The Netherlands by using google earth.

Students can describe the 3 different states of water.

Students can understand the water cycle.

Students can write down solutions to make the Haarlemmermeer more rainproof.

Students can understand short teacher instructions on A1/A2 level.

Students can convert spoken text into notes. (teacher, video)

Students can understand written instructions on A1/A2 level.

Students can understand A1/A2 level text about geography and answer basic

questions about the text.

year 1

Term 1,2,3

Subject GEO


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Students can answer simple questions using mainly BICS (A1/A2) Answer does not have to be fluent yet, nor have a lot of subject jargon.

Students can ask questions about class material/subject.

Students can give short presentations in groups.

Students can give their opinion about geography related topics on A1/A2

Students can have class discussion using BICs.

Students can answer closed questions and assignments in complete sentences.

Students can answer open questions by repeating the question in their answer.

Students can write a summary of a text on A1/A2 level

The students are able to describe in their own words what weather/climate is.

The students are able to explain the difference between those two

The students are able to recognize different type of climates

The students are able to compare climate types

The students are can describe two different climate types

The students are able to understand what a biome is.

The students can describe two reasons why there are different biomes/climates on earth

The students understand the differences in seasons

The students are able to explain living conditions of nomads and inuit

Students can understand short teacher instructions on A1/A2 level.

Students can convert spoken text into notes. (teacher, video)

Students can understand written instructions on A1/A2 level.

Students can understand A1/A2 level text about geography and answer basic questions about the text.

Students can answer simple questions using mainly BICS (A1/A2) Answer does not have to be fluent yet, nor have a lot of subject jargon.

Students can ask questions about class material/subject.

Students can give short presentations in groups.

Students can give their opinion about geography related topics on A1/A2

Students can have class discussion using BICs.

Students can answer closed questions and assignments in complete sentences.

Students can answer open questions by repeating the question in their answer.

EIO Competences

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio




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Week Content Exercises/EIO Remarks ✓

34 Summer break

35 Friday – lessons start

Unit 0. What is geography

A.Geography Alphabet B.Word cloud ‘Geography’ C. Venn Diagram


36 Monday and Tuesday

Immersion Camp

Unit 0. What is geography

D.Geography pictures

Classroom English

37 Map skills PB3; Unit 1.


A.Solar System B.Earth And Moon

Adverbs and


38 People project

‘My perfect island’

PB3; Unit 1.

Landscapes C. Compare and contrast D. Landscape challenge E. Differences in landscape


A.Around the school B.View from space

39 People project

‘My perfect island’

Mapstart C.Key D.Making a mao E.All sorts of maps

40 People project

‘My perfect island’

Mapstart F.Wind directions G.Directing the way

My perfect Island A.Design your island

41 People project

‘My perfect island’

My perfect Island A.Design your island

42 SE-week

examenklassen 11/10-18/10

My perfect Island B.Roadtrip

Notebook deadline

18 october 2019

43 Herfstvakantie

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44 Volkenkunde Focus on Africa A.The continent B.Sahara desert

45 Volkenkunde Focus on Africa C.Zooming in D.Challenges

46 PB3; Unit 2. Water U2L1 Water Fact Sheet U2L1 Find The Answers

PB3 Test Unit 1.

47 PB3; Unit 2. Water U2L1 Condensation Experiment

48 PB3; Unit 2. Water U2L1 Water Cycle

49 PB3; Unit 3. Weather U3L1 weather and climate U3L1 Biomes

50 SE-week

examenklassen 12/12-19/12

PB3; Unit 3. Weather U3L2 Nomads and Inuits U3L3 Locating different biomes

51 PB3; Unit 3. Weather U3L3 Sunshine matters Biome pitch

52 Holiday break

1 Holiday break

2 PB3; Review Unit


Review Unit 0,1,2,3

3 Proefwerkweek

exclusief examenklassen

PB3; Test Unit


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4 PB3; Unit 6. Protecting Wildlife

Big issues Deforestation

5 PB3; Unit 6. Protecting Wildlife

How green are YOU? Plastic Soup

6 PB3; Unit 6. Protecting Wildlife

Protest poster Speaking Frame

7 PB3; Unit 6.

Protecting Wildlife

Protest pitch Notebook deadline

14 february 2020

8 Holiday break


9 PB4; Unit 1. Coast U1L1 Describing


10 PB4; Unit 1. Coast U1L2 Video report erosion

11 SE-week examenklassen 10/3-17/3

PB4; Unit 1. Coast U1L2 Differences dutch/UK coasts

12 PB4; Unit 2. Rivers (NL river map)

13 PB4; Unit 2. Rivers U2L1 What is a river U2L1 video questions

14 PB4; Unit 2. Rivers U2L2 How do people use rivers

U2L2 Irrigation

Test PB4; Unit 1,2

15 PB4; Unit 3. Extreme


U3L1 Extreme


16 PB4; Unit 3. Extreme


U3L2 weather


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17 Holiday break Meivakantie

18 Holiday break Meivakantie

18 PB4; Unit 3. Extreme Weather

U3L2 Hurricane and tornadoes

20 PB4; Unit 6. Caring for towns

U6L2 Making improvements

21 PB4; Unit 6. Caring for towns

22 PB4; Unit 6. Caring

for towns

23 Review PB3 Review PB3;U1,2,3,6

24 Review PB4 Review PB4; U1,2,3,6

25 Proefwerkweek Test PB3 and PB4 All we have learned

this school year

Notebook deadline 15 june 2020


Test EIO/portfolio Holidays SE week

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What to bring to the lesson?

I need the following items: textbook, workbook, notebook (A4), pencil case and

the study planner.


Week Form of test weight What to study?

35-43 People project Excursion RMO

x Chapter 1 and excursion Feedback history teacher

45 SO 1 2.1 2.2

47 Practical Assignment Ancient Greece

48 Test 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

3 SO 1 3.1 3.2 3.3

6 Practical Assignment Ancient Rome

7 Test 2 Chapter 3

10 Practical Assignment 1 4.1 4.2

11 Test 2 Chapter 4

14 SO 1 5.1 5.2 5.3

16 Practical Assignment 1 Chapter 5

21 SO 1 6.1 6.2

25 Test 2 Chapter 6

Year 1 MAVO

Term 2019 2020

Subject History


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Week Content Exercises/EIO Remarks ✓


Immersion camp Alphabet, Classroom

language and etiquette

Introduction to

history, classroom etiquettes, alphabet.

Immersion camp Alphabet, Classroom language and etiquette

Immersion camp Introduce yourself in English and what is

history – introduction people project: The


36 1.1 – The first people WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 how to read a text

vocabulary/key terms

1.1 – The first people WB: ex. 7, 8, 11

how to read a text vocabulary/key terms

1.1 – The first people Vocabulary

37 1.2 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11

The life of a hunter-gatherer on your


Keep your drawing neat!

• Drawing is for your Island.

1.3 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

6, 7. The life of a farmer on your island

Drawing of the people on your island

Who are living on your island? Hunter-

gathers or farmers?



Drawing of the people

on your island

Who are living on

your island? Hunter-gathers or farmers?

• Use the

description for your diary.

Present or past tense?

Describe the people on your island

Present or past tense? Different

sources - Explanation

Sources – written, unwritten, primary,


39 5

Present or past

tense? Different sources - Explanation

Sources – written,

unwritten, primary, secondary

• Use the two

sources for

your Island.

The sources of your


Create two sources

that describe the life of the people on your

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island. Adjectives and adverbs.

The sources of your


Create two sources

that describe the life of the people on your

island. Adjectives and adverbs.

Ages of time timeline WB: ex. 1, 3, 4a, 5,

6, 8. use of periods, years, times.

40 6

Compare and Contrast

The different islands within your class –

feedback Words, structure,

adjectives and adverbs.

• Use the


Compare and Contrast

Integrate feedback and work on compare and contrast.

Compare and Contrast

Integrate feedback and work on compare

and contrast.

41 7

1.5 WB: ex. 1, 3, 4a, 5,

6, 8. organizing history,

use of periods, years, times.

The era of your Island In what period of time do our people live?

• Use this in your diary.

The diary of a person of on your island

Linking words • Use this in your diary.

42 8

SE-Week / Projectweek

End of the Island: - Diary of a person that lived on your

Island - Two sources of

your Island - Drawing of the

people and culture on your Island.

• Feedback: How do I formulate

questions? Answering


43 Herfstvakantie

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44 2.1 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3 Learn how to take notes

2.1 WB: ex. 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 Learn how to take


2.2 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4

comparing and contrasting




WB: ex. 6, 7, 8, 9 vocabulary list of types of government

Bring your dictionary

Practise test

Study skills


Study 2.1 2.2 Reflection on the test

46 2.3 WB: ex. 6, 1, 2, 3, 4,

5, 7, 8, 9 how to take notes while watching a


2.3 WB: Task 2 p. 69

Source analysis, comparing and


Practical Assignment A guided tour in

Athens Writing a journal of the days in Athens.

47 Practical Assignment A guided tour in Athens

Writing a journal of the days in Athens.

Turn in your Practical


2.4 WB: ex. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Test preparations Study skills

48 Test Study 2.1-2.4 Bring your dictionary

3.1 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4

The use of descriptive language by explaining the story

of Romulus and Remus

3.1 WB: ex. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

49 3.2 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4

3.2 Julius Caesars’

Facebook profile

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3.2 WB: ex. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

50 3.3 WB: ex. 1, 3, 4, 5,

3.3 WB: 6, 7, 8, 9.

3.1 3.2 3.3 Workbook check


Christmas celebrations



Christmas Break

1 Christmas Break

2 3.1 3.2 3.3 Preparation for the test

3.1 3.2 3.3 Preparation for the


3.1 3.2 3.3 Preparation for the test

3 Proefwerkweek

3.1 3.2 3.3

4 Test discussion

3.4 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6,


3.4 WB: ex. 9, 10, 11,

12, 13

5 3.5 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

6, 7.

3.5 WB: ex. 8, 9, 10, 11


Practical Assignment

6 Practical Assignment

Practical Assignment

Test preparations

7 Test Ch. 3

Test discussion

Start of ch. 4

8 Krokusvakantie

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9 4.1 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

4.1 WB: ex. 8, 9, 12

4.2 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4a,

5, 6, 9,

10 4.1 4.2 Practical assignment:

The difference between feudalism and the manorial


4.4 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

6, 7, 8

4.3/4.5 The difference

between Christianity and the Islam

11 4.3/4.5 The difference between Christianity and the Islam

Test preparations

Test 4.1 – 4.5

12 Test discussion

5.1 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

5.1 WB: ex. 7, 8, 9, 10,

11, 12, 13

13 5.2 WB: ex. 1, 2b, 3, 4,

5, 6, 7, 8, 9

5.2 WB: ex. 10, 11, 12

5.3 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

14 5.3 WB: ex. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Test preparation

Test 5.1 5.2 5.3

15 Test discussion

Practical Assignment

Practical Assignment

16 Practical Assignment

Practical Assignment


17 Meivakantie

18 Meivakantie

19 6.1 WB: ex. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,

6.1 WB: ex. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


20 6.2 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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6.2 WB: ex. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Test preparation

21 Test 6.1 6.2

Test discussion

6.3 WB: ex. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6,7

22 6.3 WB: ex. 9, 10

6.4 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,


6.4 WB: ex. 7, 8, 9, 10

23 6.5 WB: ex. 1, 2, 3,

6.5 WB: ex. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

6.4 6.5 Timeline

24 Test preparations

Test Preparations

Test Preparations

25 Toetsweek

Ch. 6

EIO/portfolio Holidays SE week

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What to bring to the lesson?

I need the following items….


Week Form of test weight What to study?

36-37 Practical assignment 1 A:Frontpage Design

38-39 Practical assignment 1 B1:Colour Wheel

40-44 Practical assignment 1 Collaborative project;Perfect Island

45 SO 1 B3: Test Colour/vocubalary

46-50 Practical assignment 1 Collaborative project;Cultural Showcase

2-10 Practical assignment 1 C2: Wood Tower construction

11-14 Practical assignment 1 D1:practice cross-hatching &Jungle drawing

15-20 Practical assignment 1 D2:Clay tile of Jungle

21 SO 1 D3: Test, shape,colourbor

Subject and language aims

1 Can understand the teachers instructions

2 Can write short notes describing what he/she has done during a lesson

3 Can create a descriptive composition at the end of each project in the first person

4 Can present to the class in a interesting manner their art work describing what, and explaining how and why they have made their work for at least

one minute.

5 Can understand the students participating actively in class

EIO Competences

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio

Perfect Island En/Art/History Yes

Cultural showcase En/Art/History/Geo Yes


Year 1

Term Year 2019-2020

Subject Art/creativity


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What to bring to the lesson?

I need the following items….


Week Form of test weight What to study?

40 Ms Word Cyber Bullying and Stalking

2 Module Media veiligheid

44 Powerpoint Presentation

2 Module Hardware

46 Chapter test 2 Module Software, Module hardware

49 Basic HTML website 2 Module Basic programming

Subject and language aims

C.1 Students can utilize start, login to and utilize school pcs.

C.2 Students can use the office software MS Word and MS PowerPoint to a

level where it can be used for school assignments.

C.3 Students describe the correct and safe use of social media.

C.4 Students can explain the risks and causes of game addiction.

C.5 Students can write basic Html code.

C.6 Students can describe the basic construction of a computer.

L.1 Students can understand my instruction and show this by making notes


Students can use the scaffolding to describe the content of videos

watched in lessons.

R.1 Students can understand the written instructions to a level of

independence that allows them to finish assignments at home.

S.1 Students can introduce themselves.

S.2 Students can orally answer questions to a (A1/A2) level using BICS.

S.3 Students can ask questions concerning the content in order to get the

information they need to achieve understanding.

S.4 Students can have a class discussion on the nature of cyber bullying and


S.5 Students can give PowerPoint presentations on IT related subjects.

S.6 Students can answer questions asked in full sentences with the proper structure.

W.1 Students can formulate test questions in English.

W.2 Students can answer test questions in the correct manner.

W.3 Students can summarize small articles.

W.4 Students can write a diary entry.

W.5 Students can copy down notes perfectly as related too coding.

W.6 Students can fill in a class evaluation at A1/A2 level.

year 1

Term 1/ 2

Subject IT Skills

Teacher RLN

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W.7 Students can write an essay with a proper structure like introduction, body and conclusion.

EIO Competences

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio

Powerpoint Presentation To be determined Yes

Basic HTML website To be determined Yes



Week Content Exercises/EIO Remarks ✓

34 Laatste week zomervakantie

35 Maandag-woensdag

geen les

36 Introduction to school systems and computers.

Write an introduction

37 Module software Fill in Eio profile and upload introduction

38 Veilig media gebruik Type out notes abouts

cyber bullying.

39 Veilig media gebruik Start Essay

40 Module Hardware Turn in Essay Cyber Bullying.

41 Module software Write the concept for your powerpoint,

based on People.

42 SE-week

examenklassen 11/10-18/10

43 Herfstvakantie

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44 Module software Present powerpoint

45 Module Hardware and



hardware and software

46 Module Hardware and


Test hardware and


47 Module Basic programming

Create your first website including header and


48 Module Basic


Finish a website with

a picture a link and a list.

49 Module Basic


Finish and turn in


50 SE-week examenklassen


51 Module Lego Mindstorm

First steps



2 Module Lego


Every group shows

their code working.

3 Proefwerkweek

exclusief examenklassen

Test EIO/portfolio Holidays SE week

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What to bring to the lesson?

I need the following items….


Week Form of test weight What to study?

9 Ms Word Cyber Bullying and Stalking

2 Module Media veiligheid

12 Powerpoint Presentation

2 Module Hardware

14 Chapter test 2 Module Software, Module hardware

18 Basic HTML website 2 Module Basic programming

Subject and language aims

C.1 Students can utilize start, login to and utilize school pcs.

C.2 Students can use the office software MS Word and MS PowerPoint to a level where it can be used for school assignments.

C.3 Students describe the correct and safe use of social media.

C.4 Students can explain the risks and causes of game addiction.

C.5 Students can write basic Html code.

C.6 Students can describe the basic construction of a computer.

L.1 Students can understand my instruction and show this by making notes


Students can use the scaffolding to describe the content of videos watched in lessons.

R.1 Students can understand the written instructions to a level of independence that allows them to finish assignments at home.

S.1 Students can introduce themselves.

S.2 Students can orally answer questions to a (A1/A2) level using BICS.

S.3 Students can ask questions concerning the content in order to get the information they need to achieve understanding.

S.4 Students can have a class discussion on the nature of cyber bullying and stalking.

S.5 Students can give PowerPoint presentations on IT related subjects.

S.6 Students can answer questions asked in full sentences with the proper structure.

W.1 Students can formulate test questions in English.

W.2 Students can answer test questions in the correct manner.

W.3 Students can summarize small articles.

W.4 Students can write a diary entry.

W.5 Students can copy down notes perfectly as related too coding.

W.6 Students can fill in a class evaluation at A1/A2 level.

year 1

Term 2 /3

Subject IT Skills

Teacher RLN

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W.7 Students can write an essay with a proper structure like introduction, body and conclusion.

EIO Competences

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio

Powerpoint Presentation To be determined Yes

Basic HTML website To be determined Yes

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Week Content Exercises/EIO Remarks ✓

3 Proefwerkweek

exclusief examenklassen

4 Introduction to school

systems and computers.

Write an introduction

5 Module software Fill in Eio profile and upload introduction

6 Veilig media gebruik Type out notes abouts cyber bullying.

7 Veilig media gebruik Start Essay


9 Module Hardware Turn in Essay Cyber


10 Module software Write the concept for

your powerpoint, based on People.

11 SE-week

examenklassen 10/3-17/3

12 Module software Present powerpoint

13 Module Hardware and Software

Assignments hardware and


14 Module Hardware and Software

Test hardware and Software

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15 Module Basic programming

Create your first website including header and


16 Module Basic programming

Finish a website with a picture a link and a list.



18 Module Basic


Finish and turn in


20 Module Lego


First steps

21 Module Lego


Every group shows

their code working.

22 Module Lego Mindstorm


23 Module Lego Mindstorm


24 Extra week Extra Week


Test EIO/portfolio Holidays SE week

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What to bring to the lesson?

I need the following items….


Week Form of test weight What to study?

Period 1 Practical test 1 Lake run

Period 1 Practical test 1 Sport skills mark

Period 1 Practical test 1 Attitude mark

Period 2 Practical test 1 Sport skills mark

Period 2 Practical test 1 Shuttle run test

Period 2 Practical test 1 Attitude mark

Period 3 Practical test 1 Sport skills

Period 3 Practical test 1 Attitude mark

Period 3 Practical test 1 Lake run

NOTE The kind of sport that you will be graded on

depends on different factors. This may effect

the program as stated above.

Subject and language aims

1 Learning the basic vocabulary that is needed to understand P.E. lessons





EIO Competences

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio




year 1


Subject P.E.


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Week Content Exercises/EIO Remarks ✓

34 Laatste week


35 Maandag-woensdag geen les



38 Sports class of the year


Tournament For whole year 1



41 Lake run Training program You can ask your

teacher for a training program to practise

42 SE-week examenklassen 11/10-18/10

43 Herfstvakantie


45 Dodgeball Tournament For whole year 1

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46 Sports Mark period 1 Attitude Mark period 1


48 Shuttle run test


50 SE-week

examenklassen 12/12-19/12





3 Proefwerkweek exclusief





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10 Sports mark period 2 Attitude mark period 2

11 SE-week examenklassen 10/3-










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22 Cricket Tournament For whole year 1

23 Lake run Training program You can ask your teacher for a training

program to practise

24 Sports Mark period 3

Attitude Mark period 3


Test EIO/portfolio Holidays SE week

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What to bring to the lesson?

I need the following items…

Drama workbook

Vocabulary list




Week Form of test weight What to study?

41 Period 1, performance 1 People project

formative Assignment description given by teacher

45 Period 1, performance 2 – fairytales

2 Assignment description given by teacher

45 Drama books handed in

2 All handouts and assignments given by teacher

48 Test 1 – improvising with your character

2 Assignment description given by teacher

50 Period 2, performance 1 – site specific


2 Assignment description given by teacher

50 Group work elements 2 Group work (attitude)

2 Written test -


formative Terminology and techniques learned

until this point

7 Period 2, performance

2: using techniques to create an atmosphere


15 Period 3, performance 1 text and site

specific theatre

2 Assignment description given by teacher

16 Written test 2 Terminology and techniques learned

until this point

22 Drama book Extra


Completed book gives an extra point

on one priod 3 grade

22 Period 3, performance

2 location and site specific theatre

2 Assignment description given by


Subject and language aims

year 2019/2020

Term 1

Subject Drama


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S.1 I Can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where they live and who they know

S.2 I can interact simply provided the teacher can help

W.1/R.1 I can fill in forms with personal details

S.3 I can communicate simple and routine tasks on familiar topics

S.4 I can handle short exchanges

S.5 I can develop my language skills through vocal expression

S.6 I can improve my fluency in speaking skills

C.1 I can build on my confidence in my own creativity

C.2 I can develop my self expression

C.3 I can choose strategies to aid working together

EIO Competences

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio

Performance 1 peer reflection on you as a team player

I am prepared to work as a team on new ideas. (EIO-



Self reflection in Period 2 to decide on a successful partnership for the test


I can work with fellow students in reflecting on my informal learning and create

new learning objectives for myself.





Week Content Exercises/EIO Remarks (language aims)

34 Laatste week zomervakantie

35 Maandag-woensdag

geen les Preparation for

immersion camp

Theme: my island

Topics: News, Vlog, traditions, true life


Short impro’s 5

groups per class

36 MON/TUE – develop camp ideas WED-FRI - camp

Students work on their scenes to prepare for show


37 People project Body language

Facial expression Focus

Tableau P1 front page design

Drama exercises fairytale tableau

Alphabet Adjectives and


38 People project Classroom language

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Begin-climax-end Who

Fairytale in one

minute, 30 seconds Reflection on climax

and who

Drama exercises. Improvisation showing ‘who’.

Written reflection

Classroom etiquette

39 People project

Revise camp performances with

new information learned in class

Written exercise:

building tension (identifying tension

build in their own stories)

40 People project New groups Performance 1

assignment – my island

Assignment given Improvise a new story/presentation

41 Rehearse performance 1 assignment

Finalise presentation

42 SE-week examenklassen


Present my island assignment and reflect

Feedback uploaded to EIO portfolio

Homework: Performance

assignment 2 and groups to brainstorm

during the holiday (teacher makes groups)

43 Herfstvakantie

44 Performance

assignment 2 rehearsal

45 Performance 2 test

and drama books

Performance 2 test

(2x) Drama book (2x)

46 Museum exhibition Mise en scene assignment based on

museum visit

Students have been to Leiden to the museum, this is a

shared assignment across different


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47 Period 2 Introduction to p2 creating characters

Working with stimulus (props/costume) to aid characterisation

Homework: Period 2 front cover Use inspiration from

characters to create a front cover collage

48 Create a character Improvisation

character work

Work with t-card

(how to work in groups)

49 Character talkshow

(with presenters in each group) Create questions for

another group – topic given by teacher

Test 1 – improvising

with your character

50 SE-week examenklassen


Test: Group work (attitude)

Performance 1-improvising with your character (2x)

Group work grade (2x)

51 Christmas theme improvisation

(Or museum visit assignment)

Exercises with character and

improvisation in the theme



2 Formative written test.

Reviewing vocabulary list and techniques

Use information in drama book to

answer questions and write a story

Test x2

3 Proefwerkweek exclusief examenklassen

4 Technical theatre

Exploring possibilities of the classroom equipment.

Areas of the stage

Examples of theatre performances for

inspiration Written observation

Areas of the stage worksheets

Complete work assignments

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5 Creating a performance

Adding light or music to create an


Learning how to use light and sound equipment

Make a lighting plan

Complete work assignments

6 Switch techniques

music or light

Learning how to use

light and sound equipment

Make a lighting plan

Complete work


7 Performance 2 Music and light along with performance

Performance 2: using techniques to create

an atmosphere


9 Period 3 Repair week.

Review techniques learned in previous


Creating a scene

using all techniques

Presenting the


10 Site specific theatre

intro and drama book front page

Examples of site

specific theatre performances Written observation

11 SE-week

examenklassen 10/3-17/3

Using the classroom for improvisation in a

site specific manner

12 Using text as a

stimulus for site specific theatre Rehearse

Rehearsing using text Pronunciation and


13 Using text as a

stimulus for site specific theatre

Present and reflect


14 Using photos as a

stimulus for site specific performance

Rehearsing and presenting

Creating a

performance using photo’s

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15 Period 3 performance 1 assignment

Assignment using skills used in block 3

16 Period 3 performance 1 test

Test x2



18 Written test -


Answering questions

and writing a script based on vocabulary and techniques

learned so far

Test x2

20 Outside lesson 1 –

sensory stories

Using the senses to

help create atmosphere

Adjectives and


21 Outside lesson 2 – site specific theater test assignment.


Using the physical environment to inspire storywriting


22 Period 3 performance

2 test

Assignment given by


23 Presentation lesson in

preparation for balloon debate

Presentation of test


Test x2

24 Test resits/catch up Improvisation

Written/performance test redone if necessary. Otherwise,

improvisation exercises


Test EIO/portfolio Holidays SE week

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What to bring to the lesson?

I need the following items….


Week Form of test weight What to study?

36-37 Practical assignment 1 A:Frontpage Design

38-39 Practical assignment 1 B1:Colour Wheel

40-44 Practical assignment 1 Collaborative project;Perfect Island

45 SO 1 B3: Test Colour/vocubalary

46-50 Practical assignment 1 Collaborative project;Cultural Showcase

2-10 Practical assignment 1 C2: Wood Tower construction

11-14 Practical assignment 1 D1:practice cross-hatching &Jungle


15-20 Practical assignment 1 D2:Clay tile of Jungle

21 SO 1 D3: Test, shape,colourbor

Subject and language aims

1 Can understand the teachers instructions

2 Can write short notes describing what he/she has done during a lesson

3 Can create a descriptive composition at the end of each project in the first person

4 Can present to the class in a interesting manner their art work describing what, and explaining how and why they have made their work for at least one minute.

5 Can understand the students participating actively in class

EIO Competences

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio

Perfect Island En/Art/History Yes

Cultural showcase En/Art/History/Geo Yes


Year 1

Term Year 2019-2020

Subject Art/creativity


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