sub gramatica en

  Major Functions of Verbs and Verb Phrases Of the twelve possible functions, verbs and verb phrases perform six major functions: four verbal, one adjectival, and one adverbial. The six major functions are: Ve rb phr ase hea d, Pre dic ate, Noun phr ase mod ifi er, Adj ect ive phr ase complement, Verb phrase complement, Adverbial  Verb Phrase Head Verbs first function as the heads of verb phrases. The followin italici!ed verbs are examples of heads of verb phrases: read eat  the coo"ies to study listen to the music wake up V e rbs alwa#s function as the heads of verb phrases.  Nominal Functio ns of Verbs and Ve rb Phrases V e rbs and verb phrase s also perform six nominal functions. Nominal functio ns are functions protot#picall# performed b# nouns and noun phrases. The six nominal functions of verbs and verb phrases are: $ubject, $ubject complement, %irect object, Object complement, &ndirect object Prepositional complement The Copulative Predication A. 'opulative Predication is characteri!ed b# the followin features: it is a discontinuous, binary structure made up of two constituents: - The Copula ( a meaninless or )uasi(meaninless intransitive V, li"e *+ and other 'opula(li"e Vs which carries out the formal tas"s of predication - The Predicative ( reali!ed b# an adjectiv al or nomi nal phrase which conve#s the meanin of the  predicate, thus performin the lexical t as"s of predication Consider: The show was quite successful . The show was a great success. The Predicative ma# be reali!ed b# one of the followin Phrases: Adjectival Phrase AP-  Noun Phrase NP- simplenon(clausal constituents Prepositional Phrase PP- 'omplementi!er Phrase 'P- clausal constituents finite or non(finite-  Examples: a- This teacher is absent-minded. - AP  b- This teacher is the ead of the English !epartment. - NP c- This teacher is in need of money. - PP d- The problem is that this teacher has n ot attended refre shment courses. ( 'P 1

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Post on 05-Jul-2018




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