subject: compact disk (cd) of acae certificate of conformityabb sace spa-via baioni 35-24123 bergamo...

MOD 137 E Revisione 01 Subject: Compact Disk (CD) of ACAE Certificate of conformity Please take note that only the document on paper support shall be considered as the authentic ACAE Certificate of conformity. ACAE General Secretary Virginio Scarioni

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  • MOD 137 E Revisione 01

    Subject: Compact Disk (CD) of ACAE Certificate of conformity

    Please take note that only the document on paper support shall be considered as the authentic ACAE Certificate of conformity.

    ACAE – General Secretary Virginio Scarioni

  • C E


    Via Tito Livio, 5 - 24723 BERGAMO (Italy)Tel. +39 035 4775244 e-mail: [email protected]


    This Certificate applies only tothe apparatus tested. Theresponsibility for conformity ofan] apparatus having the samedesignation with that testedrests \\ tth îhe manul'acturer orresponsible vendor.

    Onll integral reproduction ofthis Certificate or reproductionsofthis page accompanied byan] page(s) on u'hich are statedthe tests perlormed and thea:signed rated characteristics ofthe apparatus tesied. arepermined * ilhout u rittenpennission tiom the ACAE.

    Certificate of conformify tro A I of 1

    Apparatus: MV bushing "Plug-in inside cone"24kV - 250A for MV/LV transformers

    Designation: VEGA/S 3018 ENEL Code 305631

    Manufacturer or responsible vendor: ELETTRORESIN S.r.l.Via 302 Zona Indus. Basso Marino - 63100 Ascoli PicenoProduct manufactured by ELETTRORESIN S.r.l. in the factory at ZonaIndustriale Basso Marino - Ascoli Piceno -Italv

    Tested for: ELETTRORESIN S.r.l.

    Tested by: Elettroresin S.r.l. LaboratoryABB Sace S.p.A. - ACAE IA 01 LaboratoryOmeco S.r.l. LaboratoryCMTE of "Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica" - GenovaUniversity Laboratory

    Standard and technical specification :-ENEL DJ 11l l Ed.2 March 1994-ENEL DJ 1561 Ed.ZMarch 1994-ENEL DJ 4855 June 1994 draft-ENEL Global Standard GSTOOI Rev.01 of 2012.10.31

    This document certifies the compliance of the tested Apparatus with the abovementioned Specifi cation and Standards.This certificate is based on the ACAE "lnspection and evaluation repolt,' :N. RIV 13.06318Issue Date :23.04.2014 carried out according to the ENELDistribuzione S.p.A. procedure CERT/01 Ed.l- September 2006.

    PRD NOOTOBSignatory of EA, IAF and ILACMutual Recognition Agreements

    The General Secretary


    MOD 006 I pag.1 Revisione

  • ACAE



    Rtv 13.063/E


    23.04.2014Pagina1 di3












    Place and date of the inspections

    Reference Specifi cations

    Verification of the Laboratory ability

    Tests performed

    ldentification of the specimens

    Minutes of the inspections

    Non conformaty

    Conformity assessment of the product

    Emitted and verified by the ACAE Technical lnspector

    Approved by the ACAE General Secretary

    Emani Besana

    Virginio Scarioni

    À iÌtil['^iftS'î&r,rr*" É.Firmatslon. ........'....u...J....^


    MOD 083 Revisione 00

  • ACAE



    Rtv 13.063/E



    1. Object

    This report is to show the ACAE operations canied-out a@rding to ENEL CERT/OIprocedure forthe verification of the tests canied-out on the MV bushing plug-in inside @ne 24 kV fortransformers MT/BT according to ENEL Specificatio DJ '1111 manufacÍured by Elettroresin SrLThe dimentions of the product are shown in the drawings VEGA/S3018 (Annex l),SCHER301B(AnnexlA),SCHER301 B-T (Annex I B),GUAR301 B (Annex 1G)

    This product was certfied by ACAE with number 409-034 and issue date 23.07.2009The scope of this new certification is to verify the performance of the product without thesilver application on the surface of the conductor drawing PAS2G Mod-1 issue date 21.03.13(Annex 2)

    2. Place and date of the inspections

    rhe inspect'""-" nil:,ffi:J"ffs:ffiY#-*"tJ'bn"ff:igre Basso Marino 63100 Ascori piceno

    ABB Sace SpA-Via Baioni 35-24123 BergamoOMECO sd -Via Monviso 56-20052 Monza (Mi)CMTE del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica dell'Università di Genova Via

    in the ti,'. ort;st all:offir;

    ,l;?;n i:;J?.T8#ind in the day 12.o4.2o13

    3. ReferenceSpecifications

    . Procedura per la certificazione dei materiali destinati ad Enel DistribuzioneCERT/01 Ed.1 Settembre 2006

    . Specifica ENEL DJ 1111Ed.2Marzo 1994 "lsolatore passante con presa a spina 24kV250A per trasformatori MT/BT

    . Specifica ENEL DJ 't561 Éd-2Marzo 1994" Prescrizioni per il collaudo degli isolatoripassanti con prese a spina 24kV,25OA per trasformatori MT/BT

    . Specifica ENEL DJ 4855 Bozza Giugno 1994 "Prescrizioni per le prove dei componentidegli accessori per cavi di energia"

    . Global standard ENEL GST001 "MV/LV Trasformers Rev.01 del 31 .10.2012

    4. Verificatio of the Laboratory ability

    -The Laboratory ABB Sace SpA has been qualified by ACAE with number lA01.ThisLaboratory is also accreditated by SINAL with number 062-The Laboratory Elettroresin srl is part of the factory operating in compliance of the standardISO 9001 accreditated with certificate number 9191 ELRE issue date 06.09.2006-The Laboratory CMTE is part of Dipartimento di lngegneria Elettrica dell'Università degli Studi diGenova-The laboratory OMECO srl is accreditated by SINAL with number 0003.The ACAE lnspector witnessed the tests canied-out in Elettroresin and CMT Laboratories.

    5. Tests performed

    The product has been subjected to the type tests of the ENEL Specification DJ 1561. All the tests

    A ilt'-lt'^tMOD 083 Revisione 00ACA۔.lrlme/Name E.

  • ACìAE



    RIV 13_063/E



    have been canied-out in the Laboratories of the point 2

    The tests results are shown in the test reports-Elettroresin srl 005/08 issue date 03.07.2009 Annex 3-ACAE lA 01 08.178 issue date 2009.01.29 Annex 4-CMTE I2ZCMTEST issue date 08.07.2009 Annex 5-OMECO SPT/0834/09 issue date17-07.2009 Annex 6-Elettroresin srl 004/13 issue date 12.04.2013 Annex 7

    ldentification of the specimens

    After the end of the tests the ACAE lnspector has verified the characferistics of the specimensThe documentation is annexed to this report-Documentation ENEL A&B Annex 8-Photograph documents Annex 9-Dimensionaland electricalcharacteristics Annexl0-List of the components Annex f I-lnstructions for the assembly Annex l2-List of the drawings Annex 13-Conformity declaration Annex f 4

    All the documents and drawings have been stamped and signed by the ACAE Inspector and by thetechnical responsible otf Elettroresin srl.One sample of the tested product will be kept by themanufacturer for the entire validity of the Certificate.

    Minutes of the inspections.

    According to ACAE procedure,the tests in the Laboratories have been witnessed by the ACAElnspector who composed the minutes with description of the procedure and results of the tests.Allthe minutes will be kept in the ACAE archive.

    Non conformity

    During and at the end of the tests the ACAE lnspector didn't find non conformity,

    Conformity evaluation of the product

    The positive results of the tests,the general performances and the verifìcations of thecharacteristics made by the drawings and documentations certifies the compliance of the testedproduct to the mentioned ENEL Specifications.

    lsptîT0 rEciltc0





    MOD 083 Revisione 00