supranumita si ziua pacalelilor

Fools Day Day 1 April Fools Day is recognized as the United States of America, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Germany and France. In France, who falls victim to a hoax is called a "poisson d'Avril (April fish) in England is called" Noddy ", while in Scotland says it is" April qowk "or"April cuckoo" (cuckoo in April ). Also called Fools Day, April 1st is next June 1 and one children's favorite day, every year trying to fool their parents and teachers. For those with a sense of humor and a taste for farce, April 1 is a very good opportunity for fun. For those with many "enemies" or playful

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Post on 13-Jul-2016




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Page 1: Supranumita Si Ziua Pacalelilor

Fools Day Day 1 April Fools Day is recognized as the United States of America, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy,

Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Germany and France. In France, who falls victim to a hoax is called a

"poisson d'Avril (April fish) in England is called" Noddy ", while in Scotland says it is" April qowk

"or"April cuckoo" (cuckoo in April ).

Also called Fools Day, April 1st is next June 1 and one children's favorite day, every year trying to fool their parents and teachers. For those with a sense of humor and a taste for farce, April 1 is a very good opportunity for fun. For those with many "enemies" or playful friends, might be rather a day to not wanting to leave the house. One of the hypotheses on the origin of the 1st of April is related to Noah, who seems to have sent the dove to find dry land in the wrong way after the flood began to withdraw from land.A second hypothesis, accepted by the majority, said the origin of April 1, the day is about changing the Gregorian calendar. In the old Gregorian calendar, New Year's Day was celebrated on April 1 instead of Jan. 1. After changing the Gregorian calendar, the initial problems people had to get used to celebrating

Page 2: Supranumita Si Ziua Pacalelilor

the new year on January 1. Some people celebrated New Year on April 1 were called "April Fools" (crazy in April). Fools Day is now celebrated in France, through gifts or cards consisting of fish, either in the form of chocolate candy over. There is a tradition in France and to catch a fish behind the fooled paper with a pin.Tradition says that gimmicks have made up at noon. Gimmicks made after lunchtime, so after 12 o'clock, says the unlucky one who fools. Also, marriage is not recommended for April 1: they say that the man is getting married April 1 will be under the thumb all my life.


A bag of hot chips, a tablespoon of cayenne pepper mixed bag and thrown into the well and a tablespoon of finely ground black pepper. Leave the bag of a group of colleagues with the words: "I go to the bathroom, you me know it, you can serve. "