surah # 76 surah al-insaan

S urat Al-Insaan (The Man) Surah Number 7 6 Number of Vers e s: 31 English Translat ion By Shakir

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Arabic Script + English Translation by Shakir


Page 1: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

Surat Al-Insaan (The Man)

Surah Number 76

Number of Verses: 31

English Translation

By Shakir

Page 2: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ن� م� ين� ح� ان� �نس� اإل ع�ل�ى �ت�ى أ ه�لا } ذ ك�ور� �م ي ئ�ا ش� ي�ك�ن ل�م ر� {1الد�ه

[1] There surely came over man a period of time when he was a thing not worth mentioning.


Page 3: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ة& ن*ط ف� م�ن ان� �نس� اإل ن�ا ل�ق خ� �ن�ا إيع�ا م� س� ع�ل ن�اه� ج� ف� ن�ب ت�ل�يه� اج& م ش�

أ�ا } ير� {2ب�ص�

[2] Surely We have created man from a small life-germ uniting (itself): We mean to try him, so We have made him hearing, seeing.


Page 4: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ا اك�ر� ش� إ�م�ا ب�يل� �الس د�ي ن�اه� ه� �ن�ا إا } ور� ك�ف� ا �إ�م {3و�

[3] Surely We have shown him the way: he may be thankful or unthankful.


Page 5: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ال� س� ال� س� ر�ين� ل�ل ك�اف� أ�ع ت�د ن�ا �ن�ا إا } ع�ير� و�س� ال� أ�غ ال� {4و�

[4] Surely We have prepared for the unbelievers chains and shackles and a burning fire.


Page 6: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

س& ك�أ م�ن ب�ون� ر� ي�ش ار� �ب ر� األ �إ�ن

ا } ور� ك�اف� ا ه� اج� ز� م� {5ك�ان�

[5] Surely the righteous shall drink of a cup the admixture of which is camphor


Page 7: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

الل�ه� ب�اد� ع� ا ب�ه� ب� ر� ي�ش ع�ي ن�اا } ير� ج� ت�ف ا ون�ه� ر� ج� {6ي�ف�

[6] A fountain from which the servants of Allah shall drink; they make it to flow a (goodly) flowing forth.


Page 8: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ا ي�و م� اف�ون� ي�خ� و� ب�الن�ذ ر� ي�وف�ون�ا } ت�ط�ير� م�س ه� ر* ش� {7ك�ان�

[7] They fulfill vows and fear a day the evil of which shall be spreading far and wide.


Page 9: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ب�ه� ح� ع�ل�ى الط�ع�ام� ي�ط ع�م�ون� و�ا } ير� أ�س� و� ا ي�ت�يم� و� ك�ين�ا {8م�س

[8] And they give food out of love for Him to the poor and the orphan and the captive:


Page 10: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ن�ر�يد� ال� الل�ه� ه� ل�و�ج ك�م ن�ط ع�م� ا �ن�م� إا } ك�ور� ش� و�ال� اء ز� ج� نك�م {9م�

[9] We only feed you for Allah's sake; we desire from you neither reward nor thanks:


Page 11: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ا ع�ب�وس� ا ي�و م� ب�ن�ا �ر م�ن اف� ن�خ� �ن�ا إا } م ط�ر�ير� {10ق�

[10] Surely we fear from our Lord a stern, distressful day.


Page 12: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

م� ال ي�و ذ�ل�ك� �ر ش� الل�ه� اه�م� و�ق� ف�ا } ور� ر� و�س� ة� ر� ن�ض اه�م �ل�ق {11و�

[11] Therefore Allah will guard them from the evil of that day and cause them to meet with ease and happiness; NEXT

Page 13: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ا ر�ير� و�ح� ن�ة� ج� وا ب�ر� ص� ب�م�ا اه�م ز� و�ج�{12}

[12] And reward them, because they were patient, with garden and silk,


Page 14: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ال� ائ�ك� ر�� األ ع�ل�ى ا يه� ف� ت�ك�ئ�ين� م�

ا ر�ير� ه� م ز� و�ال� ا م س� ش� ا يه� ف� و ن� ي�ر�{13}

[13] Reclining therein on raised couches, they shall find therein neither (the severe heat of) the sun nor intense cold.


Page 15: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ذ�ل�ل�ت و� ا ل�ه� ظ�ال� م ع�ل�ي ه� د�ان�ي�ة� و�ت�ذ ل�يال� } ا ه� {14ق�ط�وف�

[14] And close down upon them (shall be) its shadows, and its fruits shall be made near (to them), being easy to reach.


Page 16: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ة& �ف�ض م�ن ب�آن�ي�ة& م ع�ل�ي ه� ي�ط�اف� و�ا } ار�ير� و� ق� ك�ان�ت أ�ك و�اب& {15و�

[15] And there shall be made to go round about them vessels of silver and goblets which are of glass,


Page 17: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ا د�ير� ت�ق ا وه� د�ر� ق� ة& �ف�ض م�ن ار�ير� و� ق�{16}

[16] (Transparent as) glass, made of silver; they have measured them according to a measure.


Page 18: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ك�ان� ا س� ك�أ ا يه� ف� و ن� ق� ي�س و�ب�يال� } نج� ز� ا ه� اج� ز� {17م�

[17] And they shall be made to drink therein a cup the admixture of which shall be ginger,


Page 19: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ب�يال� } ل س� س� م�ى ت�س� ا يه� ف� {18ع�ي ن�ا

[18] (Of) a fountain therein which is named Salsabil.


Page 20: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ل�د�ون� خ� م* ل د�ان� و� م ع�ل�ي ه� ي�ط�وف� و�ا ل�ؤ� ل�ؤ م ب ت�ه� س� ح� م �ي ت�ه� أ ر� �ذ�ا إ

ا } نث�ور� � {19م

[19] And round about them shall go youths never altering in age; when you see them you will think them to be scattered pearls.


Page 21: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ل ك�ا و�م� ا ن�ع�يم� �ي ت� أ ر� �ث�م �ي ت� أ ر� �ذ�ا إ و�ا } {20ك�ب�ير�

[20] And when you see there, you shall see blessings and a great kingdom.


Page 22: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ر� ض خ� ند�س& س� ث�ي�اب� م ع�ال�ي�ه�م�ن او�ر� س�

أ� ل*وا و�ح� ق� ت�ب ر� إ�س و�اب�ا ر� ش� م ب*ه� ر� اه�م ق� و�س� ة& �ف�ض

ا } ور� {21ط�ه�

[21] Upon them shall be garments of fine green silk and thick silk interwoven with gold, and they shall be adorned with bracelets of silver, and their Lord shall make them drink a pure drink.


Page 23: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

و�ك�ان� اء ز� ج� ل�ك�م ك�ان� ذ�ا ه� �إ�نا } ك�ور� م�ش ع ي�ك�م {22س�

[22] Surely this is a reward for you, and your striving shall be recompensed.


Page 24: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

آن� ر ال ق� ع�ل�ي ك� ل ن�ا �ن�ز ن� ن�ح �ن�ا إ {23ت�نز�يال� }

[23] Surely We Ourselves have revealed the Quran to you revealing (it) in portions.


Page 25: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

م ن ه� م� ت�ط�ع و�ال� ب�ك� ر� ك م� ل�ح� ب�ر اص ف�ا } ور� ك�ف� و

أ� ا {24آث�م�

[24] Therefore wait patiently for the command of your Lord, and obey not from among them a sinner or an ungrateful one.


Page 26: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

يال� أ�ص� و� ة� ب�ك ر� ب�ك� ر� م� اس اذ ك�ر� و�{25}

[25] And glorify the name of your Lord morning and evening. NEXT

Page 27: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ه� ب�ح و�س� ل�ه� د ج� اس ف� الل�ي ل� و�م�ن�ط�و�يال� } {26ل�ي ال�

[26] And during part of the night adore Him, and give glory to Him (a) long (part of the) night.


Page 28: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ل�ة� ال ع�اج� ب*ون� ي�ح� ء ؤ�ال� ه� �إ�نيال� } ث�ق� ا ي�و م� اءه�م و�ر� ون� ي�ذ�ر� {27و�

[27] Surely these love the transitory and neglect a grievous day before them.


Page 29: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

م ه� ر� سأ� د�د ن�ا و�ش� ن�اه�م ل�ق خ� ن� ن�ح

ت�ب د�يال� م ث�ال�ه� مأ� ب�د�ل ن�ا ئ ن�ا ش� �ذ�ا إ و�


[28] We created them and made firm their make, and when We please We will bring in their place the likes of them by a change.


Page 30: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ذ� ات�خ� اء ش� م�ن ف� ة� ت�ذ ك�ر� ذ�ه� ه� �إ�نب�يال� } س� ب�ه� ر� �ل�ى {29إ

[29] Surely this is a reminder, so whoever pleases takes to his Lord a way.


Page 31: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

�إ�ن الل�ه� اء ي�ش� أ�ن �إ�ال اؤ�ون� ت�ش� ا و�م�ا } ك�يم� ح� ا ع�ل�يم� ك�ان� {30الل�ه�

[30] And you do not please except that Allah please, surely Allah is Knowing, Wise;


Page 32: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

ت�ه� م� ح ر� ف�ي اء ي�ش� م�ن ل� ي�د خ�ا �ل�يم� أ ع�ذ�اب�ا م ل�ه� �أ�ع�د و�الظ�ال�م�ين�


[31] He makes whom He pleases to enter into His mercy; and (as for) the unjust, He has preparedfor them a painful chastisement.


Page 33: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

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Page 34: Surah # 76 Surah Al-Insaan

Please Recite Surat AlFatiha On Grand Ayatullah Sayed Muhammed Kadhim

Al-Yazdi, Grand Ayatullah Sayed Mohsin Al-Hakeem, Ayatullah Sayed Ibrahim Tabatabai, Ayatullah Sayed

Muhammed Mahdi AlHakeem, Ayatullah Sayed Muhammed Baqir

AlHakeem, And All The Martyrs Of The Family Of AlHakeem.

The End