sustainable construction - · pdf fileintegrasi sistem struktur modern dengan kulit ......

3/4/2014 1 UPH 2014 Davy Sukamta Principal, Davy Sukamta&Partners Structural Engineers SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERS Structural Engineers Kalau sustainable construction tapi bukan untuk arsitek gimana dong Green Building tuh apa ya?? Dicat hijau semua aja kali Kalau Green Construction? Kita punya keterbatasan sumber daya dan tekanan ekologi Apa yang kita bangun di masa sekarang harus dapat berlanjut di masa depan Sustainable construction mempunyai lingkup yang lebih luas daripada green building, mencakup seluruh aspek pembangunan mulai dari perancangan, pemakaian sampai daur ulang UPH 2014 Apakah yang dinamakan SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION UPH 2014 UPH 2014 Sustainable construction bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hunian manusia pada masa kini, termasuk jaringan infrastrukturnya, tanpa mengorbankan kemampuan generasi mendatang untuk terus dapat membangun Davy Sukamta&Partners Structural Engineers

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UPH 2014

Davy SukamtaPrincipal, Davy Sukamta&Partners Structural Engineers


DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

Kalau sustainable construction tapi

bukan untuk arsitek gimana


Green Building tuh apaya??

Dicat hijau semua ajakali

Kalau Green Construction?

Kita punya keterbatasansumber daya dantekanan ekologi

Apa yang kita bangun di masa sekarang harus dapat

berlanjut di masa depan

Sustainable construction mempunyai lingkup yang lebih luas daripadagreen building, mencakup seluruh aspek pembangunan mulai dari perancangan,

pemakaian sampai daur ulang

UPH 2014

Apakah yang dinamakan


UPH 2014 UPH 2014

Sustainable construction bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hunian manusia

pada masa kini, termasuk jaringan infrastrukturnya, tanpa mengorbankan

kemampuan generasi mendatang untuk terus dapat membangun

Davy Sukamta&Partners Structural Engineers



UPH 2014

Vernacular Architecture

UPH 2014

Kebijakan nenek-moyang dalam membangun

dengan memperhatikan

sustainable construction

UPH 2014

Kota Tua Kyoto

Memilih bahan yang ada di sekitar

UPH 2014

UPH 2014

Bangunan dari batu di Sarlat-en-Caneda:

Pasangan batu gascon dengan warna spesifik

Memberi tatanan kota yang indah

Material didapatkan dari wilayah sekitar

UPH 2014 UPH 2014

Pont-du-Gard, 53 S.M.

Dibuat dari pasangan batu yang banyak terdapat di daerah setempat

Menggunakan konsep busur karena pasangan batu bisa menahan tekan

Berfungsi mengalirkan air bersih dari sumber ke kota Nimes

Contoh sustainable construction pada masa Romawi



UPH 2014

Viaduct du Millau - 2004

Dibuat dengan sistem cable stayed

Baja tegangan tinggi berfungsi sebagai support dari jembatan

Berfungsi untuk memperlancar lalu lintas di lembah sungai Tarn – Perancis

Contoh sustainable construction pada masa modern

UPH 2014UPH 2014

Tirta EmpulContoh sustainable construction di Bali:

Dibuat dari bahan bata bali

Tahan ratusan tahun

Berfungsi sebagai tempat pemandian suci

Memelihara nilai-nilai penduduk setempat

UPH 2014




• Progress

• People

• Planet

• Prosperity

• Proficiency


UPH 2014


• Konsep yang innovatif dalam rancangan, integrasi bahan dan

produk, struktur bangunan, kulit bangunan dan instalasi

dalam gedung

• Pendekatan terhadap teknologi konstruksi dan prosesnya,

operasi serta pemeliharaan

• Kontribusi terhadap disiplin ilmu dalam bidang konstruksi

• Evaluasi terhadap tujuan awal lewat peninjauan jangka


• Penyebar-luasan ilmu pengetahuan

Innovation and transferability

Davy Sukamta&Partners Structural Engineers



DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

Shanghai Tower632 meter high


Double skin façadeSelf-supporting zonesVertical transportation

Pemanfaatan lahan secara maksimalRancangan untuk green buildingKonsep yang innovatif dalam rancangan,integrasi struktur bangunan, kulit bangunandan instalasi dalam gedung

DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

Konsep yang innovatif dalam rancangan

Menggunakan teknologi terowongan anginuntuk mendapatkan efisiensi bahan struktur

DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

Composite steel-RC core wall

Inner Facade

Outer Skin Structure

Outer Facade

Integrasi sistem struktur modern dengan kulit bangunan

DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers



UPH 2014

Sustainable post-tsunami reconstruction

This master plan was

developed after the 2010

earthquake and tsunami

that struck Constitución,

a city of 46,000 people

located on the shore of

the Pacific Ocean and

300km southwest of

Chile’s capital, Santiago.

8.8 Earthquake Chile -


reconstruction master

plan proposes a strategy

to respond with

“geographical answers”

to the “geographical

threats” of the

earthquake and tsunami


UPH 2014Base Isolation System untuk Gudang Garam Tower

Teknologi konstruksi anti gempa

Bahan karet ber-laminasi pelat baja

Mencegah kerusakan saat gempa

Konsep struktur yang innovatif

Kontribusi dalam ilmu rekayasa

Penyebaran ilmu pengetahuan

UPH 2014


• Patuh terhadap patokan etika dalam setiap fase pada siklus

hidup proyek

• Kontribusi terhadap pembentukan lingkungan dan nilai-nilai

dalam masyarakat

• Kualitas lingkungan kerja

• Transparansi politik dan kebenaran

Ethical standards and social equity

Davy Sukamta&Partners Structural Engineers UPH 2014

Definition – Ethical standards and social

equity – People

The project must adhere to the highest ethical

standards and support social equity at all

stages of construction, from planning and

building processes to long-term impact on the

fabric of that community. The project has to

provide an advanced response in terms of

ethical and social responsibility.

Adherence to ethical standards in all phases of

the project's life cycle.

Contributions to the formation of socially

viable environments and the values of


Participation of stakeholders (client, users,

neighborhood, local authorities, non-

governmental organizations and others).

Quality of working conditions in the suppliers'

workshop, on site and during operation

(compensation, safety, basic needs, gender


Political transparency and correctness

Especially in poor countries,

sustainable construction means

building to supply urgent and

basic needs: shelter, water,

schools, access to goods and

services, and medical care. In

other countries, affordable

housing is a main issue. In still

others, the problem is wasteful

and excessive consumption,

which might be financially

affordable but is irresponsible.

Leaving sufficient materials and

resources for others, including

future generations, is a moral




UPH 2014

Clothing factory in Sri Lanka – MAS Intimates Thurulie

This clothing factory in Sri Lanka is a

visionary departure from standard

approaches. It claims to be the world’s

first clothing factory powered solely by

carbon-neutral sources, with the

payback period for the extra cost of

making the building sustainable of only

five years.

The health and well-being of staff is

central to the design of the factory. The

building offers a comfortable

The health and well-being of staff is central to the design of the factory. The building offers a comfortable,

healthful, and attractive indoor environment for all users. As part of its service to employees, the plant

provides bus transport to and from the factory for staff, as well as on-site meals, medical care and banking.

The production floor is divided into separate areas where works collaborate in autonomous teams,

enhancing productive and employee satisfaction. The eco-factory is an ethical response to consumers who

called for stronger environmental stewardship. The beautiful and stimulating environment is uplifting: the

factory is a place where people are considered with respect and dignity.

UPH 2014UPH 2014

Bangunan Pasar

Kualitas tempat kerja

Keselamatan dan kesehatan pengguna

Memelihara tradisi interaksi sosial

UPH 2014

Incremental housing and decentralized sewage

infrastructure improve lives of urban poor

A community cluster-based

sanitation system won the “Next

Generation” 3rd prize for Asia

Pacific in 2011. Since then, the

prize money from the Holcim

Awards competition was used to

develop the project: to survey

the site, engage with an

engineer, mobilize the

community and support the

project author for more than a


The aim of the project is to improve people’s lives through the provision of sanitation

which is at the core of dignity and health. The next phase of the project will involve

retrofitting households to accommodate the new toilets in Savda Gherva. The aim is to

implement a viable system that will become a transferable model sanitation solution for

unconnected (off-grid) low-income settlements, especially suited to the context of slum

redevelopment and upgrading.

UPH 2014


• Meminimalkan dampak buruk terhadap lingkungan selama

siklus hidup proyek

• Efisiensi dalam energi dan material

• Lebih memanfaatkan renewable energy daripada fossil


• Penggunaan lahan yang efisien

• Produk dan teknologi yang kokoh

Environmental quality and resource efficiency

Davy Sukamta&Partners Structural Engineers



UPH 2014

Hotel yang


surplus energi:

Dari PV cell ke



Davy Sukamta&Partners Structural Engineers UPH 2014

Davy SukamtaPrincipal, Davy Sukamta&Partners Structural Engineers

UPH 2014

Bahrain World Trade Center: Harvesting wind energy

In the future, it is not about how tall we built,

but what we do with it

UPH 2014Davy Sukamta&Partners Structural Engineers

A showpiece of modern architecture incorporating sustainable design,

green construction practices and advanced technologies



UPH 2014

Ruang Terbuka

KDB 20%

Atap Penghubung Hijau

Double Skin Façade

Penggunaan Fly-ash

Davy Sukamta&Partners Structural Engineers

The building features rainwater harvesting, double skin facade, HPC, local

construction materials, and many other green systems. The structure is a

veritable showcase of modern and emerging concrete technology, featuring

recycled concrete, use of high dosage flyash and green construction.

DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

HPC with less Portland Cement

Nearby sources for basic materials:sand, split, etc

Closest batching plant to work site

UPH 2014 DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

Metal Formwork

The repetition for using the same formwork

Avoid the utilization oftimber and plywood

Reducing the cuttingof the trees



DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

The cutting and bending of rebar must beplanned to obtain efficiency

through less waste

Computer program for bar cuttingwill help the contractor to achieve this aim

DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers



DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

Important chain to create green building

• Method of construction which consume less energy in the process

• Use recycle/renewable material whenever possible

• Produce less waste material

• Manage the site and construction equipment to prevent polluting the environment

DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

Important chain to create green building

• Avoiding disturbance and damage to the surroundings during construction

• Avoiding waste of time and material in repair and/or rework in defect areas

• Considering the choice of materials and its impact on our earth

DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

Produce less waste material

Make method statements and review it to avoid mistakes

Mistake is one of the biggest contributor in waste material

The importance of Planning and Quality Assurance system

UPH 2014


• Proyek harus feasibel dan mendatangkan kedaya-gunaan ekonomi jangka panjang

• Model innovatif untuk pembiayaan

• Sumber daya finansial dalam seluruh siklus hidup proyek danimpak regionalnya

• Fleksibilitas terhadap perubahan di masa depan

• Ketahanan terhadap kondisi ekonomi

• Ekonomi sumberdaya yang diterapkan dalam konstruksi

Economic performance and compatibility

Davy Sukamta&Partners Structural Engineers



UPH 2014

Economic performance and compatibility –


Definition – Economic performance and compatibility – Prosperity

The project must prove to be economically feasible and innovative as far as the deployment of

financial resources is concerned. Funding must promote an economy of means and be compatible

with the demands and constraints encountered throughout the construction’s life span.

Innovative models for financing.

Financial resources over the project’s life cycle and their regional impact.

Flexibility with regard to future changes (user, ownership, laws and regulations).

Robustness to economic conditions (interest rates, taxes, inflation).

Economy of resources deployed in construction.

Through efficiency of design, construction, maintenance, operation, reuse, and recycling, sustainable

construction seeks feasible projects that provide long-term economic benefits for owners, users, and

communities. Such benefits can take many forms besides profits or lower costs, for example:

strengthening the economic base of a region, boosting the local economy, giving residents more

control over their housing costs, or even giving people a financial base.

Innovative deployment of financial resources, durability, adaptability, lifecycle cost planning, “free”

low-tech natural resources, and other attributes can work together to make sustainable construction

not only financially feasible but the preferred choice and a sound long-term investment in the future.

UPH 2014

High-efficiency concrete formwork technology

The Wasteless Free-Form Formwork construction technology combines existing processes

and materials in a new way to fabricate non-repetitive free-form cast-on-site concrete

structures using re-usable and digitally-fabricated wax formwork. The approach enables

highly accurate, complex and free-form geometries of contemporary architectural production

to be fabricated at lower cost.

UPH 2014

August 30, 2012 | Example

High-efficiency concrete formwork technology

Zurich, Switzerland The construction technology combines existing

processes and materials in a new way to fabricate non-repetitive free-

form cast-on-site concrete structures using re-usable and digitally-

fabricated wax formwork.

The proposed technology developed by Gramazio & Kohler, Architektur

und Digitale Fabrikation – ETH Zurich, is based on a concept of mass

customization rather than mass production. This means that there is no

inherent difference in costs whether all elements fabricated are the same

or different. The technology also focuses on economic feasibility in

comparison to the state-of-the-art for free-form geometries, while

implementing a completely waste-less, cyclical process, meaning that

production costs go down, as usage increases.

The technology enables complex and free-form geometries of

contemporary architectural production to be fabricated using designs

that are highly optimized in terms of material consumption, energy

efficiency, and usability.

Davy Sukamta&Partners Structural Engineers UPH 2014


• Perbaikan kondisi yang ada dalam konteks alam dan buatan


• Keterkaitan lanskap, infrastruktur, jaringan urban dan


• Restorasi dan perubahan yang hati-hati terhadap lingkungan


• Strategi program penggunaan

• Kualitas arsitektur dan impak estetika-nya

Contextual and aesthetic impact

Davy Sukamta&Partners Structural Engineers



UPH 2014

Keterkaitan lanskap, infra-struktur

dan arsitektur


Gedung parkir yang tidak merusak tatanan kota

Atap gedung ditutup rumput seluruhnya

DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

- Menumpuk satu kawasandi atas kawasan lainnya- Setiap kawasan merupakanself contained unit

DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

Strategi program penggunaan dapat menghasilkanefisiensi pemakaian energi

UPH 2014

Integrasi sistem transportasi

dalam satu kawasan terpadu

Pemanfaatan lahan

Kualitas hidup



DAVYSUKAMTA & PARTNERSStructural Engineers

News /Article /Pelita Harapan