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  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV





  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV


    Definitions of Research

    According to Clifford Woody researchcomprises defining and redefining problems,

    formulating hypothesis or suggestedsolutions; collecting, organising and evaluatingdata; making deductions and reaching

    conclusions; and at last carefully testing theconclusions to determine whether they fit theformulating hypothesis.

  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV


    D. Slesinger and M. Stephenson in theEncyclopedia of Social Sciences defineresearch as the manipulation of things,

    concepts or symbols for the purpose ofgeneralising to extend, correct or verify

    knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in

    construction of theory or in the practice of an


  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV


    Meaning of Research

    An original contribution to the existing stockof knowledge making for its advancement

    The pursuits of truth with the help of study,

    observation, comparison and experimentThe search for knowledge through objectiveand systematic method of finding solution to

    a problem

  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV


    The systematic method consisting of

    enunciating the problem,

    formulating a hypothesis,

    collecting the facts or data,

    analyzing the facts and

    reaching certain conclusions either in the form

    of solutions towards the concerned problemor in certain generalisations for sometheoretical formulation.

  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV



    1. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or toachieve new insights into it

    2. To portray accurately the characteristics of a

    particular individual, situation or a group3. To determine the frequency with which

    something occurs or with which it is

    associated with something else4. To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship

    between variables

  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV


    Motives for Research

    Desire to get a research degree along with itsconsequential benefits;

    Desire to face the challenge in solving the unsolved

    problems, i.e., concern over practical problemsinitiates research;

    Desire to get intellectual joy of doing somecreative work;

    Desire to be of service to society;

    Desire to get respectability.

  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV


    Significance of Research

    Helps remove doubt by conducting inquiry which leads toformation and establishment of new knowledge

    Solves operational and planning problems by means ofoperations research, marketing research and motivation

    research Helps social scientists in understanding the social


    Helps in the formation of government policies

    Helps in understanding the problem or phenomenabetter

    Makes predictions and suggest remedial measures

    Facilitates establishment of scientific planning

  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV


    Essentials of a Good Research

    Clearly defined goalsOutline of the research process

    Plan of the research design

    High ethical standardAnalysis of data

    Systematic presentation of findings

    Highlighting limitations

    Justifying the conclusions

    Reputation of research

  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV



    Descriptive vs. AnalyticalDescriptive research-

    Surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds

    Major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of

    affairs as it exists at present Also termed as the Ex post facto research

    Researcher has no control over the variables, can only report what hashappened or what is happening

    In analytical research- The researcher has to use facts or information already

    available and analyze these to make a critical evaluation ofthe material

  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV


    Applied vs. Fundamental

    Applied research aims at finding a solution for an immediate

    problem facing a society or an industrial/business organisation Fundamental research is mainly concerned with

    generalisations and with the formulation of a theory

    Quantitative vs. Qualitative

    Quantitative research

    Based on the measurement of quantity or amount.

    Applicable to phenomena that can be expressed in terms ofquantity

    Qualitative research

    Is concerned with qualitative phenomenon, i.e., phenomenarelating to or involving quality or kind

  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV


    Conceptual vs. Empirical

    Conceptual research-

    Related to some abstract idea or theory

    Generally used by philosophers and thinkers to develop newconcepts or to reinterpret existing ones

    Empirical research-

    Relies on experience or observation alone, often without dueregard for system and theory

    Data-based research, coming up with conclusions which arecapable of being verified by observation or experiment

  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV


    Some Other Types of Research One-time research

    One-time research is confined to a single time-period Longitudinal research

    Longitudinal research is carried on over several time-periods

    Field-setting research

    Deals with creation and collection of actual and authenticinformation by field of operation in any organization

    The process involves determining what precise data isnecessary and from where this information needs to beobtained

    After determining this information the data is actually


  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV


    Laboratory research

    Also called clinical research

    A research in which the researcher seeks to controlconditions and variables to determine whether aclinical intervention produced the desired effects or ifother factors were responsible for the desired

    effects.Simulation research

    A research in which mathematical models are used to

    recreate a situation, often repeatedly, so that thelikelihood of various outcomes can be moreaccurately estimated

  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV


    Exploratory research

    A research in which hypothesis is developed ratherthan tested, whereas formalized.

    Formalized research

    Research with substantial structure and with specific

    hypotheses to be tested

    Historical research

    Research which utilizes historical sources like

    documents, remains, etc. to study events or ideas ofthe past, including the philosophy of persons andgroups at any remote point of time.

  • 7/30/2019 Sybms Sem IV


    Conclusion-oriented researchA researcher is free to pick up a problem, redesign

    the enquiry as he proceeds and is prepared toconceptualize as he wishes

    Decision-oriented research

    Decision-oriented research is always for the need ofa decision maker and the researcher in this case is

    not free to embark upon research according to hisown inclination