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t ) I? m .mm - S - ilimilHia imr eaar, - -- .- rrm v . v - ,. Jl l ejaBssBisBt - rem . ,,, I dLmnma wmm 7- - 1 n a r . - - .5RH.: I III Hi iippfr v V BY S. C. & CO. REM PHIS by Da Tc s bo ! M tsf I will B!On cc ar a I e.': G Ch F. G H it. J. J.' M' m M M. iiu P.'" j l Tea I me pat- - a. a O. HOOAN CO. mil deal o uf who correal . , now : : : ff :;:;! MM : . r.scrla'U mm mai. en Vltitl! I I t M isnaMttr after lonpentl eomUtnW ' Office, Vo. 4. Main KJ 1"tl i Block, Memphis. Tenia. rarer low a Apfbal must mnfms ft pM Be w.tekly paper nix, per or mi, by special iWnartA. : i.sethe'rbeat tcri ." and flu Qi our rsr-- d Kuy turn. ! uewe i ial imprtan. e to e&aU L KECTO H Y fls Business Houses OF MEM r HI. ik. t'oraer of Kjiekv. Qatuivare. A f.ilri,liJ!enswre, iit It A I i c . 1 uruet Agency, ni Trlmmiajs. Hlfttee. DniiV ktaas Jeweler. l etliural ln- - Faelor. rntrt j Lw, 2(0 b. Produce, U Monroe i. KmfcUlouaole Clolb- - Jgube. T A. Couoa tutor, J76 Tront JPL- - "wi ki la tiers, Tbcoo Cigars, MO Frost g JTTer.ii .ra Renee. CB Galloway, propne-- t.ii A ;aaaa. MASOnO DIEICTORf. HE3REW Kl- - orders CALENDAR. ji . 3i er, ran. rlL N'lGDI KOTO RY. XBV7. Friday M MonlaTii'") ', Mm i Meets Jobn Zest, ' jpvet, Vol!- - and And reel So, Jlo and iff Ufe (.. seas. ar.r B ncend. lay Zen:. ltUj, Ko. isaMaa.l'Kb.; aatj tb., Con.ui.-- . lAidse KILLS. LUMBER, ETC. mni wi.vs toitfB, Pinning and LumixrVard, 161, 16S WatlilbKloi tit., MEMPHIS, TEKIT. VC alwatk on Uanil general aasgrUaet Fioorti!. W si hi pi1s;. LI'MBr.B, L1TIIS, SB1.6LKS, (Uar Post, riooriDic, CtlllBe, liiior and Bllads Mr., HiurKit ia:. ever at V. E. i J. W. HRAI'S, Footer KsakiBSsee etreel. TAILORING, SCOURING iA STITi U FN TIJtii SAVES SiSE." DVEIKO, hCXJTJEIKG, ana IEPAI BINS, iu-- i nouoa by bAAO ISAACS, All Aui Inn roa Etrex.1. with nest and dls. etxn jiiAi-oioi- l In- - if. Hunt IXIUBT. UeeUameu t parlor eraolfe 1 St.. published week ird U UorJ 317 sio1 a. Tohu :Vot, M. N. J BITS. i, ; 1. . ; o. L M T Toss- - K b, ; ; W asl a aWs : . ii : 7 . C0( fj 1- - 1 - I i Itoue at 1 mm- - iff near when marl HANBOS Co., REM I UM BILK AND WOOLEN GOODS 2M Seoi NtreM, Ftl J uaa errle. v 'or li d- -i f due .ers. of no ta ot 1! C. of J3 ifcJ ua fl E. X . u lAtst' ( iijAt e. leAiieo yoncju. gxad erUl mpp-j- at t ja January BH tbe Ccaai; Ooarl of BLaiLy a, vo sioaaia tie IftU of AC. THF JOHN HOGAN DR. LUKE P. BLACKBURN, Office : No. 361 Main street, (OVER FALLW DRUG STORE.) A. W UIOWT, L TV M CISICK. WRIGHT. M KldHT, KrKlSlCK A rVKlfiBT, Attorneys at Law, the Ktt Williams Block, Soi. a aasl 4, 1)g Mad mo n t.ret. . AW MARLAND L. PERKINS, SOLICITOR IN BANKRUPTCY, PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY. Waldran n"v5 tr J. B. WA&SON & WM. WA8SON, DENTISTS, rrinoved thetroflloe to t heir oli stand, HAVE u.elrirniior,o. S18, alani street, a tt HINSON & SMITH XI3XTI8TS, Main ot root, (iovernment is that Uiey prepare t'LAY il.l'.Nw. 8. A. KM tTl! , late wlta Dr. A. Wewon. pt mil" (twly llMfri aV jRljiif, DK1STTISTS e. SI7 Carver SWp Adam. Mia., J. C. H ATtR'l III BLCH'K. E. TEMPLE, Attornoy .t Ijaw, 8olleltor kt Bankrn ijioyao Commissioner OFFICE -- No. Jetrereon street. Room No 17 W.ory. Titos Block. nc,v viKttrik, - UIc(MV.iur; VViN hFTKU HATCH EK, TTOR LAW General sonnd Btreet, Heav AUMBBT Utile Koek. L PIKE, ATTORNEY AT 1AW Solicitor Little Rook. practice In Federal Court., promptly tended to. tf a. i DIXON rnni nnder'pned would 1 lusfrien-- . pared to F an an A Interest Bkaakaas I Mi" rean LI a. i c. J 12 A EV8 AT and aar flKK i son. Ark. in a. h A i w t h. :; MempUiA. H. Chancery, - Arkansas. Will the and stale Ion. a tubs dev, lng mark enei a h Cktv ASV PERCY. i-- Hi.Aia. J. Thlrtl Dixoa. Main St., li AT LAW, Oreenvll'.e Miss, etloe In tht Court of Tnnlca. WaahlngloB and laaquenna deelt It Architect and Engineer. THE respectfnlir Inform the that be Is pre- - wnoie a;ieniio.i 10 g Building, with id attention to bii patroim' or Cue Cly's lnteient while Orrica tttill man Block, aeoend and strae-ji- . t hargei, reaeocable. J. H. McCLCKE, Ar.hilA.I Anrt KnsinAi-r- . JOHN K. WINCHELL, ARCHITECT, 317 Second Street. and speetnrattona for all PLANS of private and public buildings fur- nished on Fhort notice. Reruodfllng of old buildings also attended to. H pet linen of work can be seen at tbe otflce as above All kinds of building opera- tions superintended in person. nov2i "lm TORACCO AND CIGARS i". C. Fabtzk. B. Frank HAaBitRT. Late Vernon, PArtec A Clay. Memphis, PARTEE & HARBEBT. Cotton and Tobacco Factors, AND GENEKAX. Commtislon Merchant, 14 Monroe aMreef, Bet. Main and Front, MEMPH1H. TENN. roan Advance, made on Consignment, aagelni. Rope and Supplies rurnUned. ocIO wtniAdJm FOSTER & CO., TOBACCO FACTORS AND OKNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 7 IMonroe street. Western and Virgin Tobacco MAYKB, MABSHIETZ A Aicee). (0.. I M POKTKf&H and Wholesale Dealer. :n Me- -i gar. Tobaeoo, Flpea, and tbe largeel stock of hawkers' Articles in the Moult, Corner Second -- ... Ji-- son BjkflSBw Mai NO GIFT ENTERPRISE Ov any other kwtndle ! yivMiiki ixw liyriTKT state akd HATA5IA LTfKKIE8. ONLY LE6AL L0TTKRIK8 IN B. B. I lendrawu for over KOKTV VKAKM Bond, most be and are deposited with V Collector a. nwuwj. Tbe nnm sre drawn KUBMT Tenn. In public by sworn fininisKi'i'iersapKlutad by tbe Htate Mul :j II tlcxets are sold or 00L ae2l 8. PRIZEH ALL, CASH. nere are two Htate Drawings each day, and two Drawings each moutb. Drawings can be seen two hours alter pur-tina- of ticket. One-ha- lf the Tickets are Friaea. Frtaes psi1 an day of purr haw. T Aets II 10 T&k seeordlng to Hcheme. l'nteef1 tolJUUilUO, aeeoruiog to Hcbeuse. Frtnclpal Agent, Gfcy. W. AN VOAIsT. No. lol.wvraon Ktreet. SHANE BELL 'i CO. Cotton and Tobacco Factors, OEKERAL COMMIflSIOW awl Forwarding Merchant, o. 254 Front MtrtMN, MEMPHIS, : : : : TENNESSEE. Liberal van mad on Froduce In More. Uriel attention paid to Orders. Sen. T. H Bell. R. F Dr. A. Merron, Harrla KE mm ad oea J. A Khaue, Harris, Miller & Co., Urn. W. lens atreel. nets la CUKB1QIATI. OHIO ROKR 4t PRINCE, (ovtjt o r. paawoaiT a co.'s,) Deaie in, and Manufacturer of. Tie, (topper and Sheet-Ironwar- e, No. AOJeflerson Htr)t. OF wo UK snwDllf attended to. Farllcu- - 1 1 ir s ;. .:r-'- . cnuon paid to Koocng. uutwnng sun W a T orders ln w'tii O. F. FRESCO TT A X). will be attended to immediately. deals lm ROBERT A. MOON, Cotton Factor MERCHANT, Re. S78 Front Btraet, MEMPHIS, TENN. I lUKHAbi ADVANCES Huppilas at Wool- - JLi aaU ftlnsf VtBimssiou lorselliagCtHton, (sae Ooliai Bala. j bus WHITE MAN BROS. or and tlalari In PRINTING PAPER, aAMrta)aar. iM,? iih MM Jiastovftie , KM 1 APPEAL PR0FESSIf3 telegraph. THURMOND, M oon I iHat'ehcH. New York. January 2 The TitVi' 'OTli,f Yokohama, Japan, special of December puaUc - i 6th. reoeivtxl at Han Francisco on Jatiu irv 1 iivr f tin Tl'nrviwi nf laiiati lm- - rn. risrnesJ lila govitiuiug powera into the hands of tbe Mikado. The government .f the empire will henceforth be carried on undei Mikado by a Council of DaattaOj There are many rumors afloat of trouble at the ujtr nolia of the empire. Home aaaert that the death of Stair. Yalbhe haa taken place, but il la not gen- erally believed. The inland aea will certainly be opened to foreign oommerce on the tlrxtday of January. The I tilted State Minister, with aeveral of his ool- - league, will proceed there, to be prea- - ent on the occasion. On their arrival a large naval force will be preeent, in case of trouble. The openiug at Jeddo is deferred until the ti; t cf April next. The new port to be iened on the west ceast of the aanplre hi Neagata, as named in the orig- inal treaty, but the harbor of that plaue unsafe for foreign shipping coming in, Ebisunlto, on the Island of Bodo, thirty miles distant, ia to be made a port of entry instead. This port and harbor are to tie opened the first day of April. T",..i v.... . on I . ,aiu.- - , 1. I kin ...... No. oo cannot Havana Filling rteinir the KellleinrutP liefere that time There are a great many robbers in Jed-- I do, and it is feared that they will route to Yokohama. The Herald's Hong Kong special, of November 2(5th, rHa San Francisco, Jan- - uary ls-t- , say : 1 have to report the death nf Mr. II. L. Canfield, consul of the ' lTnitel States at Foo Cboo, which took place on the 12kh of October. Gen. Van Valkenburg, United States Minister in Japan, was married Novem- ber 2oth, to Mrs. Kchager, widow of the lute Raphael Kchager. Commander Jas. T. Watklns died on board the steamer Costa llica on her passage from Yokohama to Shanghai, fnni. injuries received trom falsing down a hatchway. The demand for arras and ammunition ha been good since the receipt of the news of the abdication of the Tycoon. The banks of Yellow river in the Sbangting province have .buret at some points, and the entire country in the neighborhood if submerged, and in kanawa fears are entertained that the city will he submerged. The United State Minister' at Pekin was to leave in a short time, to Inspect ' all the port open to foreign trade. Advices from the foreign portiou of the empire say that the Imperial troops have sustained several severe repulses from the Nienfo, who took fix camps and captured a battery, organized and equipped at the Hong Kong amenai. Owi.ig to the failure of the crops, great distress prevails in the extreme north. A mission school and chapel having Keen opened ty the Uible Missionary Society, the Bishop of V ictoria was pres- ent at 'the exercises and took part in the services. The natives in Canton use the fact of the granting of Hong Kong gambling-hous- e license by Christian authorities as an argument against the missionaries, with superiority over the foreigners and their system. The latest market review states that the import trade in cotton fabrics is very-dul- l ; yarn active but low ; gray shirting limited ; white shirting and fancy cot-- , ton, no improvement. I YVtSHDVUTO.V. W An ini.To!, December 31. Tbe statement of the public debt will be published 011 Tuesday, January 17th. It is reported thut there will be about $o0,000,0li0 in itod on hand at the begin-niu- g M the new year. Out of this are to be paid about f:u,t)00,(WKI to meet tbe interest on the public debt ; the principal of the bondsof 1967, maturing on tbe 1st proximo: the twenty-fou- r years bonds of MCI the semi-annua- l interest on the botwia of ISM, and the semi-annu- inter- est on the s. Senator l.,r 11 addressed the Soldiers' and Sailors' nntoa of this city last night, on political topies. He said tbe issues of the next campaign would be the same that they bad em since the commence- ment of the war. The Repuclican party would represent the rightfulness of the war. Tbe Democratic party would represent the rightfulne of the attempted seces- sion. The farmer would contend for the right of C'ougrt - la restore loyal gov- ernments to the South, while the latter would contend fur the unconditional restoration of the rebels to power. Cniigress will settle the financial ques tion satisfactorily before i's adjournment and leave no weapon of that kind in the bands of tbe Democrats. He favored the paaige of the (rending bill to stop contraction, and expreased the general views on finances contained in a letter published by him a few months since. He believed theexpeuses of the govern-men- t might be greatly reduced by a re- duction of theartnyand navy, especially tbe lattr, which wa much larger than was needed. In the BMM of his apeeeh be alluded to the proposed purchase of St. Thomas an unnecessary and unwise. The 1'resident has under consideration the propriety of seeding a special mes- sage to ( 'ongress relative to the destitu- tion at il it- - Houtb, and suggesting that some legislation may be had to relieve it. He proposes to accompany the message witlj tbe ofllcial reports ou tbe subject re- ceived from offlcora of tbe army and the Freedmen's Bureau. And the measures j discussed is that of making a direct appro-- j prialiou by (Topgrees or effecting a loan. If the president conclude- - to send in a message be will probably not submit any (ecific plan of islief. Gen. tiillem was in attendance at tbe White House yesterday, to confer with the Kxecutive'reniec'ing the affairs of the Fourth Military District, to the com- mand of which he is assigned as tbe tem- porary successor of Gen. Ord. Gen. Mc- Dowell will not be able to assume com ujatiil for several months. Gen. Gillem left for Mississippi last evening. It is announced that Gen. Sherman will remain here until about tbe middle of January, for the purpose of getting up bis report of the Indian Ptace Com i. He says the accounts of the Indian war have been greatly exaggera- ted, ond that the war was principally fought in the Lewspapera and in Con- gress. The cost of the real war in the West was very much less than has been represented. The internal revenue receipts y show a much more healthy condition of the revenue than has been exhibited for several months past. They exceed one million dollars. Tbe Postmai-te- r leiieral is now having a revision of the affairs in a large number of postofllces throughout the country made, it being the time foe the settle- ment of the semi annual accounts of the Postmasters with the Department. In many offices the business has greatly in- creased, which eiug shown to the satis faction of the department, the salaries of Postmasters at such offices will be in- creased. In other offices, where business has decreased, a corresponding reduction will be made in the salary of Postmasters. The President has signified his inten- tion of being preseut at tbe 8th of Janu- ary celebration to be given here by the Democracy. All the members of the Senate, (ieneial Grant, also Generals Hhernian, Meade, Hancock, and others of tbe army, and Hon. George H. Pen-dltto- Charles O'Connor, Governor Sey- mour, of Connecticut, and one 'hundred and fifty prominent persons have been invited. lien. Baste filed y in the Admi- ralty Court a hi;-- ! of information on Ad- miral Farragut aud the Western Gulf squadron, as it existed in 12, to recover s bounty of two hundred dollars per man, under tbe statute, for the destruc- tion of a small force of rebel vessels in front of Forts St. Philip and Jackson, on the 2Kd of April, 18tt. The libel prayed that a monition be Issued 10 all parties concerned to Bhow cause, etc. Tbe court decided that the monition be issued, in compliance with the request. Several members of the National Dem- ocratic Committee, Belmont, Chairman, authorize the announcement of a meeting of tbe committee In Wellington un the 22d of February, as heretofore. The probability ia that Cin- cinnati will be designaUtd as the place of holding tbe convention notwithstanding strong efforts aie being made by rival Western cities. Thad Steveos is again indisposed, but his physician thinks be will be able to resume his seat In Congress on its re- assembling Gov. Morton's speech last night is accepted as the policy of the extreme V jdfoals for tb'fcseeHenttal campaign ; a id the forthcoming speech of Senator I oolittle, in the Senate, 'tis said, will be ai 1 iuspitaiiou of the Preeldent'suand It iiniK tbt may be placed In their hands, tl will rind that w shall attend to :ir interest a well as any tiperial Agent that iv could employ. st Kind ol llalmor irroasU Sclititen. rn , tn Conpetmay and Kellabtlit?, refer iny of Me old Lawyer and clime 01 Metn- - tuP' w pBawBWaaBr ad aimw 4HOMATIC YEWE'i ABM-- . Mip CouibtniMt el for I be (u lit aie, fain ol' and 3, hlldreu. In Tout' fthermnn In his True ( ulonrn. The following letter from Lieutenant General William Tkcumshh Subkman needs no commentary, other than the paragraphs which follow it : WASWISOTOK, D. ( .. liac. 18, 1SH7. Men. a U.Burhrldte, Lexington, Ky. Dear General; I now have the pleasure to enclose you a copy of the let- ter I addressed you on the 21st of June, 1864, when you were commanding iu Keutucay, sutiject to my oners. The instructions contained in that let-t- er were commands to you, binding on you under tbe articles of war, ana for which you were no more responsible than for the execution of any other order. alone am mpowtible, rim 1 have no fear but my orders were ngntand appro-- ! priate. 1 hear tbe people of Kentucky blame yon for your acts under my urders. If so, they are very fool should be thankful that you were too lenient. I recall with pleasure your early effnits in the cause of our couolry in ISfil. You ' were one of the first Keutuc klaua to take up arms in defense of our common na- - tionality. I remember you, also, when j commanding a brigade during all j tbe operations at Vicksburg ; aud also when commanding in Kentucky while I was engaged down in Georgia. For these services you are entitled to tbe thanks and gratitude of every well-wish- of his country, aud I doubt not you will yet receive them. Very truly, your friend, W. T. Sherman, Lieut. Gen. The following paragraphs are from Sherman's instructions to Bckkriduk, dated, Mid. Div. of the Mississippi, Big Shanty, (ia., June t 1864: Of course we have recognized the Con federate government as a belligerent power, b'lt we deny their right (0 our lards, territories, rivers, coasts and na- tionality ; Admitting their rebellion and the right to move to some other country whers lands aud customs are more in accordance with their own ideas aud prejudices. Y'our military commanders, .provost marshals and other agents may arrest all males and females who have encouraged or harbored guerrillas and robbers, and you may cause them to be collected In Louisville, and when you have enough, say three or four hundred, I will cause them to be sent down tbe Mississippi, through the guerrilla gauntlet, aud by a sailing ship send them to a land where they may lake their niggers aud make a colony, with laws aud a future of their own. If they won't live in peace in such a garden as Kentucky, why, then we wiil kiudly send them to another, if not a better land, and surely this would be a kindness and a blessing to Kentucky. These letters prove General Shkrman to be utterly unfit to bo President of the I uited States: and if tbe Democrats party desires any support for its nominee, he must be, we think, some other man than Sherman. At any rate, we recall all that we have ever said in his favour, and sincerely hope that neither he nor auy other man of the same reckless and despotic and Inhuman nature may ever be elected President of the United States ' York and Paris I'nsliloiis for Jiliui- - arv. A new idea ia so rare a thiug that it deserves special nieDtioD whenever acd wherever it is found. This particular idea, however, is not quite new, except in the made in which it has been carried out, but still in the abxence of anything j better, it will do. It consists of gaslihr. exhibitions in I lia ilait tima I,,, n.nmttibnt ml!im.r .....I ' modistes. Hince bonnets became small, tbe profits upon them reduced, ami the large num- ber made by ladies themselves, 1: has been common to associate dress-makin- with millinery in all tbe large esutilish- - ments, especially as with the introduc-- 1 tion of gored dresses, came the almost absolute necessity of employing an j artiste, at least, to cut and fit them, and, as a consequence, the profits upon dress- - making increased, as those upon millinery went dwn. The association of these two department" proven a most fortunate conjunction iu these difficult imes, aud renders gaslight exhibitions very effec- tive. The usual method i.t to exclude every particle of light from the larKe and ele- gant showrooms, arrange complete cos- tumes at one end, and dress oouuets, bridal vails, wreath?., head-dresse- s and the like at the other, with figures in opera, evening, street, or indoor toilettes everywhere. The rooms are then bril- liantly lighted with gus, and cards of in viution having beeu previously sent round, are thronged all day by ladies, who are frequently tempted into an extravagant purchase by seeing the full effect of a complete evening costuine. Among the uovelties displayed at one of these exhibitions was a mantcau de ta cour attached to a rich evening uress of white uuwalered metre. Tue manteau is a long square train, one nod of which is laid in plaits across the back of a low-neck- ed dress. The trail is from one to two yards long from the bottom of the skirt, and requires considerable skill and adroitness to manage. A trimming of rich lace is usually added to the edge, which enhances the cost some hundreds of dollars, but, in this case, the edge was simply scolloped and bounded with white satin. Tbe lining was also white satin. A costume of rich green faille (a thick silk with a fine cord) was much admired. It was trimmed with a flounce of white point applique lace, headetg. with a rot-lea- u of green satin, a wide sash of lace. and a lace shawl was draped about tbe shoulders. The price of the entire cos- tume as it stood was one thousand dol- lars. The new French sleeve was at- tached to this dress. It reaches to the elbow, where it is slightly gathered on the inside of the arm aud a lace of fringe attached which falls over. It is called tbe Watteau sleeve, and always accom- panied by a square body low or cut out a la Jmpadour. Long white gloves are worn with this sleeve, which only leaves an inch or two af space upon the arm visible. A new method of ornamenting a dress is to drape a scarf across the front of the corsage and allow the two ends to fall from the right shoulder, forming an open Roman sleeve, made in white merino, bordered with gold, the point ends finished with gold tassels. The effect is decidedly classic, particularly in con- junction with the gold Greek band, which is now the most fashionable orna- ment for the hair. Rut tbe taste for ornaments is not by any means confined to tbe classic and antique. The most absurd fancies pre- vail, and a design is valued not for it beauty but for Its eccentricity. Tbe broad sashes, looped low, and often used to tie up the overskirt or tu nic, ou the left side, or at the back, and now passed through enormous gilt or velvet cevered rings, and, the being an object, huge furniture rings are resorted to, and rings made of wood and after- ward gilded or covered with velvet. To tbe small rings of fire-gil- t keys or a single silt key is attached in imitation of tbe ancient housekeeping method of hanging a bunch of keys at the side of the drees. There is something profane however, in adopting as a caprice of fashion, tbe insiguia of an virtue. Chains and cbatelains are also, worn, the former consisting of not leas than five, from the ends of which are uspendud a scent bottle and a bunch of enlarged "charms." The wide sasb ends which descends low on the skirt are now made of either piece satin, silk or velvet, and are embroidered upon the ends with the mon'-rra- colors or coat of arms of the nearer. The cbatelains are a much older in- stitution. It is several ueaaons ainae they were introduced and this friuter they have beeu again revived. They consist of a sort of pouch of silk, satin or velvet, embroidered and suspended by two embroidered bands from the waist. They hold the scent boUio and tbe lace handkerchief. A new style for morning is made of Vienaese leather, and consists of belt and chatalaine ornamented with very small gilt or steel nails. Keys, small vessels fully rigged, jockey cat mounted with sporting emblems and the like, are tbe latest Parisian inventions for ear-rin- and tbe desigus are embroidered in the corners of tbe pocket haudkerebiefs. Very new handkerchiefs have centers of unbleached cambric, aud wide hems of lilac, red. violet or blue, of course they are only used for morning or indoor wear. Handkerchiefs for the streets are embroidered with crest, monogram or device, and lacee are used for tbe even- ing, with only the smallest center of cambric. Such handkerchiefs aa these last are not intended for use. A fine lady employs it like ber fin and boquet, as a means of fascination and not as a vulgar necessity. Allusion has been made more than onoe to the difficulty of procuring ladies' c.flidy made clothing even In the large I'Oiee. Kstablishmenut for ladies outfits .'"je advertised and talked of, but tbere liae none where complete outfits of differ- - It grades or even of one grade can be Ruined at once and tbe price immedi- - ely aacerUtned. Gi Work im New Zealand. Olaga ( New Zealand I Witnett. In the arrival of two emigrant , (.tips saya: st" The female doniestm servants were SI engaged the day after their arrival ut 30 to 86 per annum. Thn demand for servants Is o great that one tiun- - i Jed ano re would readily find employ - Co,. JI. Y. uiisnt lf ,hy W9re avaUabS. fttlti Of mi Ztr ' tuulturai laprirtrs oy . ttio i demand, and wl s par annum res agrl-shl- p were XX to DAILY MEMPHIS, TENN.( FRIDAY, JANUARY 1868. ish.forsomeofthem "Headquarters Enouncing INSURANCE. Three-fourth- s or tee froflti Ketiraed to the Policy Holders la the Georgia Home Insurance Co., OF COLUMBUS. OA. INCORPORATED IKtf.i Cash Capital and Surplus, . . I4M.M0 IBERAL COKDITIONB EQUITABLE Jf j Hues, and Prompt Melilenvnls. Parties iisnrliig In nun company will get their pro- portion nf prod is in Scrip, whioh will c tHken at par vaiueon renewaia. MOOKK A WM', AgtnU. H Madio jtrent- - Mouthern LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE KKMOVKO TO HO. 17 MADT30W STHBl'T. AT THE ANNUAL KM RDM OK THE ttockboUlers of the Soatnern Lire Insurance Company ' Memphis, held on th 3d instant, tbe follow nig named gentlemen were unanimously eaotel Directors for tbe ensuing year : It C. Brlnkley. Araa Woodruff, 0. f. NrrlH, L. Howes, P. B Willi, i. W Kraxer, Jacob Waller, A.Gwyn, Hpencer, Porreet, aniHcotent meetlnitoi the Director following oUt'ier were unanimously 1'iesHent Vice PrelldeuU rtecreiaey Treasurer nt UNITED STATES Fire and Marine Insurance Co. IDIOBK, Capital In, Surplus Asaeta, at Hawley, W. niudulpk. H. Catbcart, A. Coleman, T. Randolph, Hherwood, A.H.Sebali. sx Davis, W. O. W. McCarn. N. . H. De BeVolne. the elected : KM BRINK and TaTK, MA V, F. DAVId. OP 11 Alpil lt, IM.r. Cash Paid - - R. T .lohu Wm. lieu. The Jaa. John S. Phi lip Sum. ThO. V H. C. C. H. AI , W Mn'l R.C. 8AM BEN . II - $250,000 S105,892;58 Board of Directorr-t- , (Elected 18C7): harlee Morrll, Booz, Oilman, white. LEV novas July, Dean, John J. Abraham. Hopkins Richard Fonder, 11. T. Moiton, Ja- - O. Hauiitay,i Robert AsBero.'t , Astin Turn'mll, Jr., Caleb B. Hynes, Alfred Ray. li. CROOK, Agent, 27W Main street. ii : soto Insurance and Trust Company OF MEMWdia, ufflceiu Company Building, No. 48 Madi son street. OAPITsAsL, $300,000 ! ! Board of Directors : Wm. M. Pnrrtngton, W. B. Oal breath. John Johnson, C B. Church, J. J. Rawlingn, C. - weyer. W. B. Qreenl, . WM. M. i A KK I N t TON, President. J. Q. LONHDALR, Secretary. This Company Insure loss by Plre, Marine and River Risks. sea H ERN AN DO INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 17 Hadlaon Street. T'HIS Company Is now doing a (ieneral Business. Its stock i.. owned by oar city merchant and bus.ness men. Its aim is to do a safe local business to the advantage of both the Company and the Policy Holder. 8. B. WILLIAMSON, : : : President. BKX MAT. ::::::: Secretary. DIRECTORS x A. VAOCARO, B. H. DUNfiCOMB, d. B WILLIAMSON, M. L. MEACHAM, HENRY LAIRD, E. MeDAVITT, D. H. TOWN8KND. JylOtf IN SU RANC. Fire aud Marine Insurance. Home In8iiran.ce Company of Assets..... Security YORK. 10 Insurance C'ompanv OK NEW YCKK. Asse'a. l,0O2,7O 3 Enterprlfte Inanrance Company OK CINCINNATI. Aaaet . .11,000,000 Putnam Insurance Company OK HARTFORD. CON'N. Cash Capital William Praukllu against NEW S,7So,503 jmm0m well established reputation of these Companies for prompt and honorable deal- ing, and their large cash Assets, commend them to the favor or Business Men and Prop- erty Holders who desire reliable insurance, for either rlrenr Marine. We represent no com- panies but those duly authorised by Htate and lo-- a! laws. All losses adjusted and paid at this ajeucy. vredenburg & Sylveeter, OeueTal Insurance Agents, No. 11 Malison sireet iuii siairsi. Memphis, Tenn. nov 21 Ninety-Sixt- h Semi-Annu- al Erpoae, Total Losses Paid, :: $21,271,1.72 57. AETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, IlHrtiojt Conn. JULY l, leer. ASSETS AT MARKET VALUE : Cash on hand and in bank l51S.S0ii 39 iUiai Estat 248 WS 02 Mortgage Bonds 6B6,x0 00 H.iuk KIOCS 1,20(1,400 00 I u:ii Msis. Man- - ana i ny rttock, and other public securltlea. 1,981,36(1 so $1 660 038 ZT Leas liabilities, claims not due and unadjusted 377,668 ti Net asset R273,36 8! Fire and Inland Navigation Risks. ar Agencies In all the principal cities and towns tn the United States. Applications for Insurance will be premptly attended to. H. A LITTLETON X CO., unvV Asents. p Ha: NIX MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 lartl'or.i. Connecticut. S. D. H'CLURE, No. .'vi lain btr-tet- , Bethel Balldlog, MEMPHIS. TENS, osnkkal aokrt roR TENNESSEE AND ARKANSAS. FII.ICIES valid in any part of the United and the Southern portion of South America, dutihg any aud all seasons ol the year. ocK daw tf J5TXA LIFE INSUBANtE COMPANY, OF H AKTfORD, CONN. Assets, over Mia and m Hall Million Ii HI policies on all the dJOerent 1 sud at as low rates as Ssfety and frudencf for will Justify. Takes a note Hair the Pre- mium, thereby yon get double the amount ol Insurance with the same sum In caah spent lu all Cash Companies. Call and see it advan- tage, odered by the Agents at 22X Madiseu street, ocl Am MOORR A WEST, Agent. For H.exxt. a lf very desirable Kesldence now occupied JL by Mrs. Ells Proudflt, Situated on Central Avenue, Two mile from the city, rantalnfng Plv Acre, fonrofwnlch are under cuitivmttun. BUltable for an elegant Market Garden ; dellgiiirnl Head and Apple Orchard, One Well of water, together with all necessary Also, ioar MILCH KOK BALE. Tbe above projrtirly will be rented for the ioUowiug year to a good tensut. Foi further information ap-pl- v on I tie premises, or to dec37 lw DAY A PBOUDriT. JT. W. Jall V Co., Wholesale and ReUll Dealer lu DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PINE TOILET ARTICLES, VYB STUFFS, COAL OIL, ETC. '!HE Y keep lb liest quality of WINES and 1 LlstUOKS for medicinal purposes, Small prottt and quick plans. COWS i BBBffJB, daafl i r LOOK OUT FOR SANTA CLADS VOW THAT THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS . s will soon b upon as, we take this method or Informing our numerous friends and patrons that our POPULAR CONFECTIONARY Is again filled from " turret to foundation tone" with tbe targest and choicest assort- - ikEUl)lS,WECTIO.ERIES, CHRISTMAS TOYS, FIBE CtttCKERS, TORPEDOES, And Kverj Article In Hy Line. J. SPXOHT, COTTON -- COMMISSION STORAUB, FOgWABDlSU COMHISSItt.N. J. C. FORRES Sc CO., 04.45117 front st. and 40 48 Filton tt., HW ORLEANS --A General Commission i ercbantB FOR the sale of Cotton, Flour. W bisky. Core , and ail kind of Waatern Produco, Having an Internal Hondcd Wun. boum, we are prepared to handle " Whhiky " and " Manufactured Tobacco" In bond, tans offering nperlor inducements to ahlppera of tone article. LI beralad vance on all oonurnmenU. r. i. attwood, Lal of Kfllott A (Jo. ASOKBSON, ATTWOOD A tVDCRSON, General Commission aan Forwarding Merchant, AilB dealers In Hay, Corn, -- . Bran, Plonr, Baoon, Lard, WhKky, etc. Conaignments Solicited. 2 Promenade Street, fJOt of JeYersoa decA-l- MEMPHIS, TKNN. C3 C9 piles furn W rH W . a) H H 09 CO o tt fl K H K. W. PRICK, Late or East port , novt J. L. P. H. ,.. H-- Z fafif S 9 9 Is gAm . S. Late of Co 9o. 1 s rH - . S a 5 B. TRWDWKLL, Memphis, Tenn PRICE TREADWELL, Wholesale Grocers, 0. IS 1MO STREET, Lee Bluck, Bel. .Haiti aud t coul Streets, MEMPHIS, decS TENN. I. 1) LAWUXCt. OEO. W.GII.MoaS LAWRENCE, CARTER & CO., GENERAL' COMMISSION MERCHANTS Xo. 2?2 Front Street, VKIiSEB, KEKPHIS, TEKH. A. VERSER HATCHETT Cotton Factor, and Commission MorcaaAts 320 Front Street, MEMPHIS, : : TENNESSEE. TAOGINU. Rope and furnished .to cus- - U LOiiers at lowest market prices, see dawtf :.!.-- ! Stanley, King& Smith, Cotton Factors COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 272 Front Mret. a. MACKICK 5 1 O r & KINO. ETT, & Ties SMITH auT daw nee S. M. WEBB & CO.. COTTON FACTORS AJTD Oommission Merchants, Let Biock, Folon St., Bet. Krout St., and Main St., Memphis, Tenn no7 dawaaa ANPEBaosJ. URI7FIN. ANDERSON & GRIFFIN, COTTON FACTORS tteneral Oommission Herehants, No S76 Front Street, (Reom 4, XIMfUll e20 3m H. CASH, Herbert HATCH stairs COTTON AND PRODUCE FACTOR, Commission and Forwarding MI.RCHA.VT, Front Street, stem phis, Tenn1 OClJ tf ft a. c. AJTD J Bell H. j. sal.:. rp R. T. R. 8. No, No. 3205 WASH. 8 TAYLOR- - R- - A. COLE TAYLOB, COLE A CO., COTTON FACTORS AM- D- General C'ommlHslon Merchants, No. 11 Monroe St., bet. Main and Front, Cooper Block, MKMPHIS, TENN Bscslng, Rope, Iron Tie snd other Sup se::i im o S A V lm r. shel a; Lowest Market Rates. R. A. PARTIK, ED. V. St'QKHEK, Haywood Co., Tonn. Panola, Miss. R. D. Partbe, Panola Co., Miss. PARTEE. MGEHEE& CO COTTON FACTORS, AND General lorn mission Merchants OOOPEK BLOCK, Xenroe Street. Liberal Adrances Made on Ccnsipmsnts. referring to onr card as above, we wonld IN that In the future, aaln the past, we will give onr beat attention to the interest of our petrous on all consignments made vis. That while our facilities are at least equal to any, THE USUAL CHsROES WILL BE MADE, and we pledge ourselves that the resu.t to the planter on ail business intrusted to us shall be as favorable as from any other house of eqnal siaudtnsr. or from parties who may oroooae to transact business for lues thuu wa fcssl we ru justly and safely arrord to do. ocS-.i- F. W. IRVINE & CO., Cotton Factors AND UENERAL Commission Merchants, 278 Front Street, I entering upon another commercial year, IN the experience of the past, fraught no in many viciisuuucs inuiuent to changed system of agriculture, and for which most of our planters were Utile prepared, re- sulting in heavy loss to planter and merchant, a an xperiment tried, we shall adopt a rlkld cash system in onr buslusas taking no risk, and making our sales prompt upon receipt or conslgumenis, remitting proceeds with a little delay as possible ; hat in all cases obeying in- structions of shippers, and using our best en- deavors to promote the interest of our patrous. Onr arrangements for furnishing Supplies, Bagging, Rope, Uunmea, Orocerlo and Provl atous are such, that we promise to furnish them at our lowest market price, and make It a much, or more, ta your Interest to order through us, than to pure a see tn person. Hoping to receive your patronage and lnfln en, w are, reepeoiiuiiy oc2 3iu J. W. 1RTINE A GO. Board in a Private Family. nPHE subscriber having several vacant rooms 1 In tils residence No. 477 Shelby street, will Ixiuni and lodge a lew families. S. M. ASHE, decS tf Office No. 2M Front street. House and Lot for Sale. WILL sell, at private sale, If desired, or i I not sold st private sale, will sell at auction On Friday, January 8. '08, At 10 o'clock In th morning, a lot of ground on Second street, between Jackson and Ala- bama, Kurt Pickering, being known aa lot No. 87. together with a one aud UX) story House therein. The house contain Ioar rooms, with a passage sit () feet wide, running tue entire depth. Two of the rooms down stairs and two up stairs. Attached to the horse is a Kttehen, a Cellar, eetuented and olios ed, a Ctsteru Jind &thle, with room for six horses. Kverythiuv new and complete -- Jiatt h in . bn built t his year, rta house Is Insured for liaxt Terms of sals easy. Deferred pay. ment scoured by deed of trust on the psop- - ertv. Title guaranteed, for icruiet ii'iui BP ITON1 APF EDUCATION! THE DESOTO A NKiHT J with thief o HE8HION, ege, 1 tin tlcal aawella- - ncientifl neocsKaie to fit young charge of the duties book-I- per in a mar dent goes through pr of lournallzlnK, ,,un clotting hi buoki, aud t ance sheet, an he wo Tiila process Is renew ber of times, till he bi these operation, and them, as If he bad ipL In t he 'one lng Dons Tkkms Eor month, Pi ; three month, CD. StouosrapHy. Thij and b Uati: to the pablic o Kymii 8D 1 ita'letit. apply 10 .lit hours of bush western Publis Th Night H and closes at deel ixlvar. commences at hall-pa- JOHN TOVKLL. Princigau. MEMPHIS COLLEGE. (Formerly Ht. Imtsxtum. Rev. . H. KORD, LL.D., President. J. DUI'REK Professor ot Uutgnage. , Professor Mathematics. JACKSON P. CRAWS, English Dapartmaot. SetHloD Opens MuBdaj, September Kail. Trmw pb SBSSIOH or n v nosm.-- : Senior Class, Including Latin, Greek a: d Mathematics. ki 00 Junior, Knglish Branches, smtlp and tjreeA Oram mar SO iij Primary Department 00 in advanea. LAW SCHOOi MEMPHIS CQLLEIiE. FHK Law IcpftrUiieu: of tbe Me i. puis Cnl-- Ie6r will ooa on lha FIKT M 'BAY OCTOBER. The follow. uk geDtUmeti com- - priae tht Faculty : Conntltotlonal Uw .. Un. Keal Frterty4PI?adtn Hu AtBtttv COUBSE OF STODV. FIRST SESSION, JUNIOR CLA A months Walker's American Law, Kent's Cvumanta-rtes- , Biaiiop on Criminal Law 4CamlL r s lilv tory of Law Suit, Stephens Pleadings SECOND SESSION Or JUNIOR CLASS 5 mouths. Parsons on Contracts, Parsons oa Nutea aud BiUs, (ireenleaf on evidence. FIRST SESSION, SENIOR CLASS. Adam's Equity Jurisprudence, Adaru Equity Pleading. Kedfleld on Wills, HUliard oa Sort-gage- Parsons on fartnersnips. SB ;o-V- SESSION, SksNIOR CLASH. Washburn on Real P. opert-y- Taylor on Land-lor- d and Tenant, Angel, sz Ames on Corpora- tions, Story's conflict o' Laws, P.trvms oa Maritime Law, CouEUn'a U- - S. Treatise. Recitations and examination, each day at 4 o'clock. Moot Court ory -- ach week, aud Court once eaca month, pros! ci fad over by the Professors all luetner. istodents permitted uiemerany I'tacs. hnt no Diploma given except to those going Uirvug:: whole course. Terms Biiur Session, payable In advatsoa, .ntranee Fee, 95 per Session. All Student of Law can attend rieoof charge the Lectures of the College, uicioulna Lecture, on Elocution ard eapUnaiton of Latin and French technicalities by the Prtaident Arrangemeau will be made .to ocard and lode Students at t3S ier month.' AnHicarioi s sneuld ts3 msde early. el) PATENT MEDICINE. MRS. JACKSON'S Queen Bess Complexion Was?!. rpH E following certificates, selected from nun-- dredsluthe possession of the protr-strefi- are con dd en tly to the public MRS. WOLCOTTH CERTIFICATE. tlLiscT, Id.. November 1 MBS. Jackson, Dear ilaaam- - It ts with pleasure that I certify to yon, that seetn i one of vour circulars, which coniaiaed cenincsiefl plexlon and teeth were ; and essences ol flowers, when used accord i"r to wotst and most dimcul: month, ctnker of the sto pecela. Kor sc.ofulous both Internally and extw Dear Madam, seeing thts ter, a fifteen months, cough for seieTal roont what ttie doctors tUl whi and throat being ly lngtrieil everything for i of, all vo no purpose, I yoor oil for the mmpl' use qui'eone bottle, and sUte to you that it has c now as well and he rt? a life. I give you this, my will publish it, that thti may be afflicted with ai ttons may at once ret a I Bess." for I feel sure the; relief. Tours your Queen And Immediate MRR Jersey street, bet. Sixth and Seventh. MR WM. Ft. COLLINS' CERTIFICATE. HANNIBAL, MO., August 22, iSljd. Mas. Jacksoh. Dear Mmdam I am most to inform vou thstater having sufTr--- i more than three years with what some p eJl nursing sore mouth, or canifer of it moutb and throat. I tried venous remedies hut found nothing to do me auy g KKt until I b,ard of your oils for the teeth, called " Queen Bess. tie. went according tbaDkful t say 11 HoDirg vou will pi sufTrrers may be bi itnY WOLCOTT. dt (in ul ; siou t ; an? r I a 5, of " nd lours respecuuiij , MRS. WM. B. COLl,rN3. Aricvts Wantxil Male or Female. In ewarv town aud county In the t'nlted Slates, to intro duce this celebrated preparation. Agents are now making from !!. to fstiw per month, clear of i xpenses. Applicairnns for agencies c .n I e made for the present to Mrs. Jackson, ft'. (0 Whltemore Hnnse, Adams strfet, between Third and fourth, Mciipbla; or loth manu- facturing depot. No. Ill sixth 'reet , St. Louts, Mo , either In person or by letter. nor? it rrr N offering OL'S BITTERS to the Southern Public, ire have no hesitancy to aassrVag their superiority osrr any Northern produc tion ta our markets. In their derlsamcnt tbej are purely Southern compounded with a pedal adaptltnde to tbe various types ol atomaclj darangemeat prevalent u onr oil ma's. cti or-"- . It la a gentle stimulant to tuesyuto: afiii undergoing a severe Ulness. Pike harjDV It Is a care for Dyspepsia. It assists Digestion. It cores Diarrhea and Cholera Morbus. It la a preventive for CI til and Pevera. It Is ah Invaluable companion for person traveling at all seasons oi tbe year. b ruly cr It Is a Hoata enterprise, sod possesses, true menu ear Sold everywhere. O. H. EBBXRT ft CO., Sole Manufacturer. Depot. No. 6 Howard's Row, labia tf teil-- . Tenn. IN SCIENCE AND MEDICINE. PARALYSIS CAN BE CURED jr I fully and freely Invite all Pbvslctans ft and students oi Mtdlcine of alt iichools and also everybody else to come and l xaoune Onr Invention of a PORTABLE KstUAUi-i- U We have demonstrated the faot that iu Paral- ysis, Nervous Debility, Dyspepsia, IMeura gin, Weak Chests, Narrow Chests, w '.( Lungs. Weak Backs. Weak,Stlnsud Siirnnken Limbs Curvatures of tbe Spine, and other Spi- nal arfecUon, nclailea, Rhenius lim HVja.."--- ' standing. Spasms, Kpilensy, Paisy, sr.' Vitus' Dance, Derangement et the Mind. Proiapena Uteri, Obstructed Menstruation with all ibetr oonromltunl disease, Im potency aud ai: kiuas of Weaknesses of the generative Organs, can be cured. Testimonials from hundreds of th,test Phy-sicia- n and cltlaens of this nation. M KMrtiis Txns., Uecembcr , IA57. navtng acid all my right, title and Interest o this county of the ttA! ALLieiv to On. SAMUEL OlLJiBKTanil SI U8 T. GILBERT, the latter being a griduate of th JeSre n Medical College of Phi tdelphla, I can fully and ireely recommend them, as tborouth'y competeut and reliable, to all prsoi,s wlslilt g treatment. ULuROL HAD8tblLD. M. I'- - aT Drs. OtLBERT can he eonsnited at ti. r Offlces, Not south side of Court sqnar-- i de5 Lm PBRUV1A lljV OICTME XVIII.-NUMBE- R 128 BANKS AND BANKING V. c iifcTUfcLL, President. J. K. P. Pi i Hard, T E N N" E SS f SAVINGS INSniuTION, BErHXLL BDILCIKO, Corner Casart aad Jkln a tree la, MEMPHIS, : : : : TBNNEBSfc,. 'RAoiALT a Oenetai Banking I nslrtai 1 leposita, Dltn Ool .aover.u-c- . ange, -, Wooka, coat an i l ncurret.t Money. OoiiectiOQ wet ary DIKECTOK8 : Jso a LsiBs, 1'resl- - w. H. CaaaaT, Preal-de- ct Uaroae Havuiga dant Marchanta' Na- - lostiustlon. tional Rank. Jaa A. naa, ITealdent P. C. Bnaiu. iMBsoto Bank. J. K. p. PaiTtaLaan. dealt tf cuiaEiim mWmmu, MUMP BIS. J. W. i'AGK, Jr-- , : : rreakteat, n.J.FitIlK, ::::: CMbler.' '. A. OMBEBtt, : Au't raiWer. 3AKI. 1CIXDIKO, C irnir MatilMu tu4 Mala Street. DOES A Ofc.NP.KAl, EXCHANQE AND DEPOSIT H U a I N 2 H 8 ; aatALJ ri Coin, Uncurrent Money and Government SotmrUie. Particular AttroilontiiTea to CelltrtluB. dc22 Wa. a. TBIMi. J0H.N T.rioorr. WM. m. JoasBajrjBf I WM. H. TRICC A CO., Banters and Exebange Dealer, RE Ali ESTATK AOXBTS, BOOaVILLK, M0. BUY and el I Exchange: Deal la Gold and Coin, Bank Note and Military spnalt Recei ved and Accounts Kept poudent; Heal Ktate nougnt and es Paid, arc ; Loans Negotiated upon wr iecunty; Bonds, Stuck. Mercan-- , and other Recur.tlea Bought and iommiasion ; Collections upon all made upon favorable tortus reds promptly accounted for. our u rvlee to our old fnands and t Ken era. y for the uanaaetioo of any Li o a Danaing BBSBB We are, v ery sale in the Count) . oc3 ne IHiUU Entries, naadi, Deer, THE FRANKLIN HAVE reaamed buslnefs under the toliew- - hoop msTiigement : DIRECTOKS: . Kt mi., N. BROWN. bj. wrTTKiNsoN, malatbbtIa. L. MEACHAM, ... STEWART, B. MERCER. Jt.i. Is, BTKWA&T, (liars joh.ibox, . Pretldent. receive scon ut Notes and Wlls, transact business authorised the charts:. Corner Jefferson and Front ts., MKMPHO. rWLti'S BA.i ftTI!3MPHI8i No. 13 Madisoa Street. $. SJttlTH. : ; O. k. kHEPHEiID, myiStf n.l.le.-.- i i'HE DeSOTO BANK OF MEMPHIS. NO. MADISON STBEKT. .'AltES XLSKS. .... TTwHanl. Wt0B, - - ictvpml.e8t F.tRWOSTM. EBffll NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS, aposttory and financial A??nt tTnlted StAtea. DAVJS, BRINKLXT, KORRIS. JQHH8TO J3. Mill, umce, - - TBI F. 8. O. 0. P. -- T. sr. B. a tf J. '. V. P. A. J. CO si lis. etc. ail the Real E-- Js.. T-- a CO. when it L WM. w. jas. M. M. IV I. Wli: and all by of oes tf W. 90 R. W. , . - President. Cashier. Am't Caahler. MEMPHIS SOMAN SAVINGS INSTITUTION, .Y0.30 HADISO.X STBBKT .10.90. DeAoto Bank Building. l CjVXX9XA1 Ajro and PUTS, .... Sit. - tiytE nrLlssVlxiff American European EXCHANGE BTTSINESS WARMS, THE IffllTTAX SAVINGS MM, 5o. 9 Xadhon Bt, XeBphta, Teas LEVY, Pres't. LEVY, S. BORG, Cashier. M. Ass 't Cash. Successors to Levy A Bore.) -- DIALS IB F0BE16N d DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, Gold. Silver, Stocks, CoTfTBtBea t aatt MlarellaaeOBS all descrtptioD of rnnds. received subject to cneck. Collec- tion .olli and promptly oared for. aul tf GERMAN NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS. No. 998 Main Street. "1745 CUR055A. SARTI5 GBirrn, j.j.mjr, : : t D I R KB: W. OOSORNA, JOS 8PECHT, CORDES, V. HOPFH1.IMSH, n. a. mkttk. J. P HOFFMAN. "pecfully faihler. rAT.ViVaagaC Oashiar- - VicesPresldeiit. C.KOHN, Bends, Beraritlea AND Uocomat mtMoit. rathler. Cashier. DCTIJJIOEA AMMAN. JACOB WILLEK. PKEOB. USYKR. AND. RKNaUi-KT- , JtsfTNY. Collections nwde on sM acceesibU points in the Southwest. Sxehange for on principal citlos or Cnlteel States and oa all prin- cipal title of drape. au21 MKBCKK, Joan MTsaB. Sheiby County. Lata Rlee. Ware Tali.t, Late Agent MERCER, WARE & TALLEY, COTTON KACTOK8. Froduce Commission Merchants, N. street. ishlngton, MEMPHIS, TENN. i t i M. E. :nts soucited. t.a ug X - : : t I : C- - A. ii S. J. I I. B. N. A fcu r. K. M. A C. R. K. dt is of Is IIS. MR. L. 31111, Orlst Mill and Two Sin Stands fur BenL nnders'gne'i oflhrs for rent his larg. es-- isoiisnmeni countv. firl.sL and oni Hnener. an Still W1T.h iaa't JOHN NICH sale seta r. ,'iHE on rrancuroau s dsyqs, .rsus- - Ark.,ooultli:g of MUI, vo Oto stands, workshop aad new and i stosvi oondl-o- n synress ilinber can hi- - floated By the bayou to bi milt. Address Measr. 'A'onBsler, ..oy A o , Dr. t. U. MciiavcH'k, and Briggs A Noron. aiiNP.Y iICKTN80N. lempRts, Tenn.. Dec M, IfsJT dec26 lw ANTHONY HOUSE, UITL6 ROCK, ARK. rrsldB Cashier. BEXBY ii. B0T8P0BD, Preprltor. Good Fre, and Careful Attention, SREIS'S HOT23L, IDlXa STREET, HARDWARE. PERK HIS, LI Ma ISTO t PUT, MAUFACTURERS 'AND DEALERS IN Railiray rolomeats. Car Rnllders' asd tV SApajllea, Port!.,, and -- tatvioary Inttntg and a.iier. Cere and Floor Mills. CotTn Oio . Pra-a- js and H' P.wers Saw Milt an--- , i -- .. c ilar flavs. Tin Ptale and Mseals, 80 Main st: set Msosphia. mm 1m V. P. coRBY, Agent. Jaf H. WETTER 4 CO., STOVES, GRATES TINWARE, A NO HOUSE FUSNI.IHINO GOO OS. AND ManuXaeturen of Plata act Japanned Tic ware Copper joi Ware. IS aad IA FASSMAN'S IRON TIES ros COTTOlN" BALES. fcW-- i&&r THS nnderalgDed Oai 1 ranaem-nu- . 10 kl : lies rAenmeratseaecL. In addition to the FAi and BUTTON TIE.soei fore they now oBar sis teeth SO arranged theprsssnre bale and iild ited KOTO Cor. Saw best The. s trdale extenatr r-- y ta demand for these SHAN DIAMOWDTUe rs:vely used LLIOATCB Tie, with s'antiy cuunp the remove fiom the Ureal alnshave been lakea to aeours taa are o Ample in their arrange- men 1 uat tey can te applied by any one, to bales of anye'ze. with the satne flaeufty and a rope. In aacnrily- - and 'ad tT :f arj.oestlon, they will compare fa- vorably wlU. any yt Introduced. The advantages ot Troo Tie are now geaer-all- y r-- -. gmW ; pot it is deemed not nut of plr to m l the attention cf tboee interestaal to th very emphatic recommendation of Un- derwriters, Captain, and Ownesa and AKent or Sea steamer- - and Selling pabUabedtn the aewspapsn ta NewOr.eana. CHAM3BBS CATTING, weneral Agent. New Osleanw Pot sal by MEACHAM TREAJiWKLL, HARRIS. COCHRAN A Oi And other dealers and Grocery Merchanta1' sew nd DRY GOOD?, ETC. Ssfrrtautkt H el a. Jim lorfc m i ri!faf?j altajRtttc. Heavr Brown D; w.e- - ties at . eta. Irish rofllnsat iJctd. Alpacas at 0 eta. ' at 10 ' tt. OsBrbers at S cts. B'la'aea at 5 en. 10-- 4 nbiie Woo! Biaiilrt8 at M eU. ; Ben's atf br wed Boats at $1 tt. Hfti i Br "San at 15 eta. tVeaieu ' i,ooea, alt t)les, at tf cti. i oa s' 'pool ae itrow Ir. en's Willie Dhiru. 40 cts. THESE are the price that STB AT'?. A 3L.Sf sail their goods at after they om- - uiTa-s- s men SELLING OFF SALE, asd ft! will takeplaeewhtn their coaMatttors have go; Jtroogh with their GREAT CLEARING SALE. As ta t that this will Before tht? of January .Itxt, And as thsy ar aot Compelled to Leave Town, they will still bold on to thair old prices until further notice. Don't Forget the Flace. aTRAUSS & BLUM, 218 Main Street. Next door to Ward A LeOuere' rrng Store. deel NEW GOODS! RICE & ENGjEL 224 MAIN STREET, RJC RSCSrVINQ THEIR FA-LIL- s STOCK Of staple and Shove, Clotairig and tc the sale of and will ail fr lor all who may favor ua with their seal & Me i '.I - J. Pram, V J. HARTOHTn. hereto- - nriuLslir.ntr. strength, nteamboat alicoat Llnsfjs Taread Firt Bocta. JTsrcy Dry Goods, Eats, Heady-Mad- e PLANTATION fttiPPMES. Weaiiopav special attention Cotton, orders Plantation 'Sup-pile- s pa- tronage. LYONS, PIES CO., Wholesale and Retail DsULLXSSlN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING-- , BOOTS m SHOES BAK !!CM MsUn tstreaa, iniCsi.A, TXMX. plantation srrppx taa SOUTHF N tax TRIMMING EMPORIUM JAMBS G. MOFPATT, m Malm St, Sooth or Csloa, IMPOVXP. OF Ladles' Dress and Cioavk. Trim- mings, French and Gerrnan Bittona Fancy Qocde, Woticiis, Zephyr Wcsied, Worsted Patterns, Seal Laoes, English H ornery, Toys, French Corsets. Maul I the oelhrav Boulevard Hoop Skirt HAIR GOODS AT N. Y. PUCE. MRS. L. C9, Jetfe

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fls Business HousesOF MEM r HI.

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JTTer.ii .ra Renee. C B Galloway, propne--

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mni wi.vs toitfB,Pinning and LumixrVard,

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VC alwatk on Uanil general aasgrUaetFioorti!. Wsihi pi1s;.


(Uar Post, riooriDic, CtlllBe,

liiior and Bllads Mr.,

HiurKit ia:. ever atV. E. i J. W. HRAI'S,

Footer KsakiBSsee etreel.




IEPAI BINS,iu-- i nouoa by




roa Etrex.1.with nest and dls.etxn jiiAi-oioi- l

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yoncju.gxad erUl mpp-j- at t ja JanuaryBH tbe Ccaai; Ooarl of BLaiLya, vo sioaaia tie IftU of AC.


DR. LUKE P. BLACKBURN,Office : No. 361 Main street,



M KldHT, KrKlSlCK A rVKlfiBT,

Attorneys at Law,the Ktt Williams Block, Soi. a aasl 4,

1)g Mad mo n t.ret. . AW




Waldrann"v5 tr


DENTISTS,rrinoved thetroflloe to t heir oli stand,

HAVE u.elrirniior,o. S18, alani street,a tt


Main ot root, (iovernment is that Uiey preparet'LAY il.l'.Nw.

8. A. KM tTl! , late wlta Dr. A. mil" (twly

llMfri aV jRljiif,DK1STTISTS

e. SI7 Carver SWp Adam. Mia.,


E. TEMPLE,Attornoy .t Ijaw,

8olleltor kt Bankrn ijioyao Commissioner

OFFICE -- No. Jetrereon street. Room No 17W.ory. Titos Block. nc,v




TTOR LAW Generalsonnd Btreet, Heav

AUMBBTUtile Koek.


SolicitorLittle Rook.

practice In FederalCourt., promptly tended to.

tfa. i



nnder'pned would1 lusfrien-- .

pared toF an an



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EV8 AT andaar

flKK i son.Ark.


a. h A i w t h.

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Chancery,- Arkansas.

Will the and staleIon. a



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Main St.,

liAT LAW, Oreenvll'.e Miss,

etloe In tht Court of Tnnlca.WaahlngloB and laaquenna

deelt It

Architect and Engineer.THE respectfnlir Inform

the that be Is pre- -wnoie a;ieniio.i 10 g

Building, withid attention to bii patroim'or Cue Cly's lnteient while

Orrica tt till man Block, aeoend andstrae-ji- . t hargei, reaeocable.

J. H. McCLCKE,Ar.hilA.I Anrt KnsinAi-r- .


ARCHITECT,317 Second Street.

and speetnrattona for allPLANS of private and public buildings fur-nished on Fhort notice.

Reruodfllng of old buildings also attendedto. H pet linen of work can be seen at tbeotflce as above All kinds of building opera-tions superintended in person. nov2i "lm

TORACCO AND CIGARSi". C. Fabtzk. B. Frank HAaBitRT.

Late Vernon, PArtec A Clay. Memphis,


Cotton and Tobacco Factors,AND GENEKAX.

Commtislon Merchant,14 Monroe aMreef,

Bet. Main and Front, MEMPH1H. TENN.roan Advance, made on Consignment,

aagelni. Rope and Supplies rurnUned.ocIO wtniAdJm




7 IMonroe street.Western and Virgin Tobacco



I M POKTKf&H and Wholesale Dealer. :n Me- -i

gar. Tobaeoo, Flpea, and tbe largeel stock ofhawkers' Articles in the Moult, Corner Second

-- ... Ji-- son BjkflSBw Mai

NO GIFT ENTERPRISEOv any other kwtndle !

yivMiiki ixw liyriTKT state akdHATA5IA LTfKKIE8.


I lendrawu for over KOKTV VKAKMBond, most be and are deposited with V

Collector a. nwuwj.Tbe nnm sre drawn



In public by swornfininisKi'i'iersapKlutad by tbe Htate

Mul :j II tlcxets are sold or 00L



PRIZEH ALL, CASH.nere are two Htate Drawings each day, and

two Drawings each moutb.Drawings can be seen two hours alter pur-tina-

of ticket.One-ha- lf the Tickets are Friaea.Frtaes psi1 an day of purr haw.T Aets II 10 T&k seeordlng to Hcheme.l'nteef1 tolJUUilUO, aeeoruiog to Hcbeuse.Frtnclpal Agent, Gfcy. W. AN VOAIsT. No.

lol.wvraon Ktreet.


Cotton and Tobacco Factors,OEKERAL COMMIflSIOW

awl Forwarding Merchant,o. 254 Front MtrtMN,

MEMPHIS, : : : : TENNESSEE.Liberal van mad on Froduce In More.

Uriel attention paid to Orders.

Sen. T. H Bell. R. FDr. A.




ad oea

J. A Khaue,

Harris, Miller & Co.,Urn. W. lens atreel.


ROKR 4t PRINCE,(ovtjt o r. paawoaiT a co.'s,)

Deaie in, and Manufacturer of.

Tie, (topper and Sheet-Ironwar- e,

No. AOJeflerson Htr)t.OF wo UK snwDllf attended to. Farllcu- -


1 ir


;. .:r-'- .

cnuon paid to Koocng. uutwnng sun

W a T orders ln w'tii O. F. FRESCO TT AX). will be attended to lm


Cotton FactorMERCHANT,

Re. S78 Front Btraet,MEMPHIS, TENN.

I lUKHAbi ADVANCES Huppilas at Wool- -JLi aaU ftlnsf VtBimssiou lorselliagCtHton,(sae Ooliai Bala. j bus

WHITE MAN or and tlalari In

PRINTING PAPER,aAMrta)aar. iM,? iih MM

Jiastovftie ,

KM 1

APPEAL PR0FESSIf3 telegraph.



oon I iHat'ehcH.New York. January 2 The TitVi'

'OTli,f Yokohama, Japan, special of December




6th. reoeivtxl at Han Francisco on Jatiuirv 1 iivr f tin Tl'nrviwi nf laiiati lm- - rn.risrnesJ lila govitiuiug powera into thehands of tbe Mikado. The government.f the empire will henceforth be carried

on undei Mikado by a Council ofDaattaOj

There are many rumors afloat oftrouble at the ujtr nolia of the empire.Home aaaert that the death of Stair.Yalbhe haa taken place, but il la not gen-erally believed. The inland aea willcertainly be opened to foreign oommerceon the tlrxtday of January. The I tiltedState Minister, with aeveral of his ool- -

league, will proceed there, to be prea- -ent on the occasion. On their arrival alarge naval force will be preeent, in caseof trouble.

The openiug at Jeddo is deferred untilthe ti; t cf April next. The new portto be iened on the west ceast of theaanplre hi Neagata, as named in the orig-inal treaty, but the harbor of that plaue

unsafe for foreign shipping comingin, Ebisunlto, on the Island of Bodo,thirty miles distant, ia to be made a portof entry instead. This port and harborare to tie opened the first day of April.T",..i v.... .on I . ,aiu.- - , 1. I kin ......

No. oo cannot




the KellleinrutP liefere that timeThere are a great many robbers in Jed-- I

do, and it is feared that they will routeto Yokohama.

The Herald's Hong Kong special, ofNovember 2(5th, rHa San Francisco, Jan- -

uary ls-t- , say : 1 have to report the deathnf Mr. II. L. Canfield, consul of the

' lTnitel States at Foo Cboo, which tookplace on the 12kh of October.

Gen. Van Valkenburg, United StatesMinister in Japan, was married Novem-ber 2oth, to Mrs. Kchager, widow of thelute Raphael Kchager.

Commander Jas. T. Watklns died onboard the steamer Costa llica on herpassage from Yokohama to Shanghai,fnni. injuries received trom falsing downa hatchway.

The demand for arras and ammunitionha been good since the receipt of thenews of the abdication of the Tycoon.

The banks of Yellow river in theSbangting province have .buret at somepoints, and the entire country in theneighborhood if submerged, and inkanawa fears are entertained that thecity will he submerged.

The United State Minister' at Pekinwas to leave in a short time, to Inspect


all the port open to foreign trade.Advices from the foreign portiou of the

empire say that the Imperial troops havesustained several severe repulses from theNienfo, who took fix camps and captureda battery, organized and equipped at theHong Kong amenai.

Owi.ig to the failure of the crops, greatdistress prevails in the extreme north.A mission school and chapel havingKeen opened ty the Uible MissionarySociety, the Bishop of V ictoria was pres-ent at 'the exercises and took part in theservices.

The natives in Canton use the fact ofthe granting of Hong Kong gambling-hous- e

license by Christian authorities asan argument against the missionaries,with superiority over the foreigners andtheir system.

The latest market review states thatthe import trade in cotton fabrics is very-dul-l

; yarn active but low ; gray shirtinglimited ; white shirting and fancy cot-- ,ton, no improvement.


W An ini.To!, December 31.

Tbe statement of the public debt willbe published 011 Tuesday, January 17th.It is reported thut there will be about$o0,000,0li0 in itod on hand at the begin-niu- g

M the new year. Out of this are tobe paid about f:u,t)00,(WKI to meet tbeinterest on the public debt ; the principalof the bondsof 1967, maturing on tbe 1stproximo: the twenty-fou- r years bonds ofMCI the semi-annua- l interest on thebotwia of ISM, and the semi-annu- inter-est on the s.

Senator l.,r 11 addressed the Soldiers'and Sailors' nntoa of this city last night,on political topies. He said tbe issues ofthe next campaign would be the samethat they bad em since the commence-ment of the war. The Repuclican partywould represent the rightfulness of thewar.

Tbe Democratic party would representthe rightfulne of the attempted seces-sion. The farmer would contend for theright of C'ougrt - la restore loyal gov-ernments to the South, while the latterwould contend fur the unconditionalrestoration of the rebels to power.

Cniigress will settle the financial question satisfactorily before i's adjournmentand leave no weapon of that kind in thebands of tbe Democrats. He favoredthe paaige of the (rending bill to stopcontraction, and expreased the generalviews on finances contained in a letterpublished by him a few months since.

He believed theexpeuses of the govern-men- tmight be greatly reduced by a re-

duction of theartnyand navy, especiallytbe lattr, which wa much larger thanwas needed.

In the BMM of his apeeeh be alludedto the proposed purchase of St. Thomasan unnecessary and unwise.

The 1'resident has under considerationthe propriety of seeding a special mes-sage to ( 'ongress relative to the destitu-tion at il it-- Houtb, and suggesting thatsome legislation may be had to relieve it.He proposes to accompany the messagewitlj tbe ofllcial reports ou tbe subject re-

ceived from offlcora of tbe army and theFreedmen's Bureau. And the measures

j discussed is that of making a direct appro-- jprialiou by (Topgrees or effecting a loan.If the president conclude- - to send in amessage be will probably not submit any(ecific plan of islief.Gen. tiillem was in attendance at tbe

White House yesterday, to confer withthe Kxecutive'reniec'ing the affairs ofthe Fourth Military District, to the com-mand of which he is assigned as tbe tem-porary successor of Gen. Ord. Gen. Mc-

Dowell will not be able to assume comujatiil for several months. Gen. Gillemleft for Mississippi last evening.

It is announced that Gen. Shermanwill remain here until about tbe middleof January, for the purpose of getting upbis report of the Indian Ptace Com i.

He says the accounts of theIndian war have been greatly exaggera-ted, ond that the war was principallyfought in the Lewspapera and in Con-gress. The cost of the real war in theWest was very much less than has beenrepresented.

The internal revenue receipts y

show a much more healthy condition ofthe revenue than has been exhibited forseveral months past. They exceed onemillion dollars.

Tbe Postmai-te- r leiieral is now havinga revision of the affairs in a large numberof postofllces throughout the countrymade, it being the time foe the settle-ment of the semi annual accounts of thePostmasters with the Department. Inmany offices the business has greatly in-creased, which eiug shown to the satisfaction of the department, the salaries ofPostmasters at such offices will be in-creased. In other offices, where businesshas decreased, a corresponding reductionwill be made in the salary of Postmasters.

The President has signified his inten-tion of being preseut at tbe 8th of Janu-ary celebration to be given here by theDemocracy. All the members of theSenate, (ieneial Grant, also GeneralsHhernian, Meade, Hancock, and othersof tbe army, and Hon. George H. Pen-dltto-

Charles O'Connor, Governor Sey-mour, of Connecticut, and one 'hundredand fifty prominent persons have beeninvited.

lien. Baste filed y in the Admi-ralty Court a hi;-- ! of information on Ad-

miral Farragut aud the Western Gulfsquadron, as it existed in 12, to recovers bounty of two hundred dollars perman, under tbe statute, for the destruc-tion of a small force of rebel vessels infront of Forts St. Philip and Jackson, onthe 2Kd of April, 18tt. The libel prayedthat a monition be Issued 10 all partiesconcerned to Bhow cause, etc. Tbe courtdecided that the monition be issued, incompliance with the request.

Several members of the National Dem-ocratic Committee, Belmont, Chairman,authorize the announcement of ameeting of tbe committee InWellington un the 22d of February, asheretofore. The probability ia that Cin-cinnati will be designaUtd as the place ofholding tbe convention notwithstandingstrong efforts aie being made by rivalWestern cities.

Thad Steveos is again indisposed, buthis physician thinks be will be able toresume his seat In Congress on its re-

assemblingGov. Morton's speech last night is

accepted as the policy of the extremeV jdfoals for tb'fcseeHenttal campaign ;

a id the forthcoming speech of SenatorI oolittle, in the Senate, 'tis said, will beai 1 iuspitaiiou of the Preeldent'suandIt iiniK tbt may be placed In their hands,tl will rind that w shall attend to

:ir interest a well as any tiperial Agent thativ could employ.

st Kind ol llalmor irroasU Sclititen.rn , tn Conpetmay and Kellabtlit?, refer

iny of Me old Lawyer and clime 01 Metn- -


w pBawBWaaBr



YEWE'i ABM-- . MipCouibtniMt

el for I be (u lit aie,fain ol' and


hlldreu. In Tout'

fthermnn In his True ( ulonrn.The following letter from Lieutenant

General William Tkcumshh Subkmanneeds no commentary, other than theparagraphs which follow it :

WASWISOTOK, D. ( .. liac. 18, 1SH7.

Men. a U.Burhrldte, Lexington, Ky.Dear General; I now have the

pleasure to enclose you a copy of the let-ter I addressed you on the 21st of June,1864, when you were commanding iuKeutucay, sutiject to my oners.

The instructions contained in that let-t- er

were commands to you, binding onyou under tbe articles of war, ana forwhich you were no more responsible thanfor the execution of any other order.alone am mpowtible, rim 1 have nofear but my orders were ngntand appro-- !priate.

1 hear tbe people of Kentucky blameyon for your acts under my urders. Ifso, they are very foolshould be thankful that you were toolenient.

I recall with pleasure your early effnitsin the cause of our couolry in ISfil. You '

were one of the first Keutuc klaua to takeup arms in defense of our common na- -

tionality. I remember you, also, when j

commanding a brigade during all j

tbe operations at Vicksburg ; aud alsowhen commanding in Kentucky while Iwas engaged down in Georgia.

For these services you are entitled totbe thanks and gratitude of every well-wish-

of his country, aud I doubt notyou will yet receive them.

Very truly, your friend,W. T. Sherman, Lieut. Gen.

The following paragraphs are fromSherman's instructions to Bckkriduk,dated, Mid. Div. of theMississippi, Big Shanty, (ia., June t1864:

Of course we have recognized the Confederate government as a belligerentpower, b'lt we deny their right (0 ourlards, territories, rivers, coasts and na-

tionality ; Admitting their rebellion andthe right to move to some other countrywhers lands aud customs are more inaccordance with their own ideas audprejudices.

Y'our military commanders, .provostmarshals and other agents may arrest allmales and females who have encouragedor harbored guerrillas and robbers, andyou may cause them to be collected InLouisville, and when you have enough,say three or four hundred, I will causethem to be sent down tbe Mississippi,through the guerrilla gauntlet, aud by asailing ship send them to a land wherethey may lake their niggers aud make acolony, with laws aud a future of theirown. If they won't live in peace in sucha garden as Kentucky, why, then we wiilkiudly send them to another, if not abetter land, and surely this would be akindness and a blessing to Kentucky.

These letters prove General Shkrmanto be utterly unfit to bo President of theI uited States: and if tbe Democratsparty desires any support for its nominee,he must be, we think, some other man thanSherman. At any rate, we recall allthat we have ever said in his favour, andsincerely hope that neither he nor auyother man of the same reckless anddespotic and Inhuman nature may everbe elected President of the United States

' York and Paris I'nsliloiis for Jiliui- -arv.

A new idea ia so rare a thiug that itdeserves special nieDtioD whenever acdwherever it is found. This particularidea, however, is not quite new, exceptin the made in which it has been carriedout, but still in the abxence of anything j

better, it will do.It consists of gaslihr. exhibitions in

I lia ilait tima I,,, n.nmttibnt ml!im.r .....I '

modistes.Hince bonnets became small, tbe profits

upon them reduced, ami the large num-ber made by ladies themselves, 1: hasbeen common to associate dress-makin-

with millinery in all tbe large esutilish- -ments, especially as with the introduc-- 1

tion of gored dresses, came the almostabsolute necessity of employing an j

artiste, at least, to cut and fit them, and,as a consequence, the profits upon dress- -

making increased,as those upon millinerywent dwn. The association of thesetwo department" proven a most fortunateconjunction iu these difficult imes, audrenders gaslight exhibitions very effec-tive.

The usual method i.t to exclude everyparticle of light from the larKe and ele-gant showrooms, arrange complete cos-

tumes at one end, and dress oouuets,bridal vails, wreath?., head-dresse- s andthe like at the other, with figures inopera, evening, street, or indoor toiletteseverywhere. The rooms are then bril-liantly lighted with gus, and cards of inviution having beeu previously sentround, are thronged all day by ladies,who are frequently tempted into anextravagant purchase by seeing the fulleffect of a complete evening costuine.

Among the uovelties displayed at oneof these exhibitions was a mantcau de tacour attached to a rich evening uress ofwhite uuwalered metre. Tue manteauis a long square train, one nod of whichis laid in plaits across the back of a low-neck- ed

dress. The trail is from one totwo yards long from the bottom of theskirt, and requires considerable skill andadroitness to manage. A trimming ofrich lace is usually added to the edge,which enhances the cost some hundredsof dollars, but, in this case, the edge wassimply scolloped and bounded with whitesatin. Tbe lining was also white satin.

A costume of rich green faille (a thicksilk with a fine cord) was much admired.It was trimmed with a flounce of whitepoint applique lace, headetg. with a rot-lea- u

of green satin, a wide sash of lace.and a lace shawl was draped about tbeshoulders. The price of the entire cos-

tume as it stood was one thousand dol-

lars. The new French sleeve was at-

tached to this dress. It reaches to theelbow, where it is slightly gathered onthe inside of the arm aud a lace of fringeattached which falls over. It is calledtbe Watteau sleeve, and always accom-panied by a square body low or cut out ala Jmpadour. Long white gloves areworn with this sleeve, which only leavesan inch or two af space upon the armvisible.

A new method of ornamenting a dressis to drape a scarf across the front of thecorsage and allow the two ends to fallfrom the right shoulder, forming an openRoman sleeve, made in white merino,bordered with gold, the point endsfinished with gold tassels. The effect isdecidedly classic, particularly in con-junction with the gold Greek band,which is now the most fashionable orna-ment for the hair.

Rut tbe taste for ornaments is not byany means confined to tbe classic andantique. The most absurd fancies pre-vail, and a design is valued not for itbeauty but for Its eccentricity.

Tbe broad sashes, looped low, andoften used to tie up the overskirt or tunic, ou the left side, or at the back, andnow passed through enormous gilt orvelvet cevered rings, and, the being anobject, huge furniture rings are resortedto, and rings made of wood and after-ward gilded or covered with velvet.

To tbe small rings of fire-gil- t keys or asingle silt key is attached in imitation oftbe ancient housekeeping method ofhanging a bunch of keys at the side ofthe drees. There is something profanehowever, in adopting as a caprice offashion, tbe insiguia of anvirtue. Chains and cbatelains are also,worn, the former consisting of not leasthan five, from the ends of which areuspendud a scent bottle and a bunch of

enlarged "charms." The wide sasbends which descends low on the skirt arenow made of either piece satin, silk orvelvet, and are embroidered upon theends with the mon'-rra- colors orcoat of arms of the nearer.

The cbatelains are a much older in-

stitution. It is several ueaaons ainaethey were introduced and this friuterthey have beeu again revived. Theyconsist of a sort of pouch of silk, satinor velvet, embroidered and suspended bytwo embroidered bands from the waist.They hold the scent boUio and tbe lacehandkerchief.

A new style for morning is made ofVienaese leather, and consists of belt andchatalaine ornamented with very smallgilt or steel nails. Keys, small vesselsfully rigged, jockey cat mounted withsporting emblems and the like, are tbelatest Parisian inventions for ear-rin-

and tbe desigus are embroidered in thecorners of tbe pocket haudkerebiefs.

Very new handkerchiefs have centersof unbleached cambric, aud wide hemsof lilac, red. violet or blue, of coursethey are only used for morning or indoorwear. Handkerchiefs for the streets areembroidered with crest, monogram ordevice, and lacee are used for tbe even-ing, with only the smallest center ofcambric. Such handkerchiefs aa theselast are not intended for use. A finelady employs it like ber fin and boquet,as a means of fascination and not as avulgar necessity.

Allusion has been made more thanonoe to the difficulty of procuring ladies'c.flidy made clothing even In the largeI'Oiee. Kstablishmenut for ladies outfits.'"je advertised and talked of, but tbereliae none where complete outfits of differ- -

It grades or even of one grade can beRuined at once and tbe price immedi- -

ely aacerUtned.

GiWork im New Zealand.

Olaga ( New Zealand I Witnett. Inthe arrival of two emigrant

, (.tips saya:st" The female doniestm servants wereSI engaged the day after their arrival ut30 to 86 per annum. Thn demand for

servants Is o great that one tiun--i Jed ano re would readily find employ -

Co,. JI. Y. uiisnt lf ,hy W9re avaUabS.fttlti Of mi Ztr ' tuulturai laprirtrs oy . ttio

i demand, and wl spar annum

res agrl-shl- p

wereXX to





INSURANCE.Three-fourth- s or tee froflti Ketiraed to

the Policy Holders la the

Georgia Home Insurance Co.,OF COLUMBUS. OA.


Cash Capital and Surplus, . . I4M.M0

IBERAL COKDITIONB EQUITABLEJf j Hues, and Prompt Melilenvnls. Parties

iisnrliig In nun company will get their pro-portion nf prod is in Scrip, whioh will ctHken at par vaiueon renewaia.

MOOKK A WM', AgtnU.H Madio jtrent--



AT THE ANNUAL KM RDM OK THEttockboUlers of the

Soatnern Lire Insurance Company' Memphis, held on th 3d instant, tbe follow

nig named gentlemen were unanimouslyeaotel Directors for tbe ensuing year :

It C. Brlnkley.Araa Woodruff,0. f. NrrlH,L. Howes,P. B Willi,i. W Kraxer,Jacob Waller,



aniHcotent meetlnitoi the Directorfollowing oUt'ier were unanimously1'iesHentVice PrelldeuUrtecreiaeyTreasurer



Fire and Marine Insurance Co.


Capital In,Surplus Asaeta,

at Hawley,

W. niudulpk.H. Catbcart,

A. Coleman,

T. Randolph,



Davis,W.O. W. McCarn.

N. .

H. De BeVolne.

theelected :


and TaTK,MA V,


OP 11 Alpil lt, IM.r.

Cash Paid- -


.lohuWm.lieu.TheJaa.John S.Phi lip

Sum. ThO.V H.

C. C.



, W Mn'lR.C.8AMBEN



- $250,000S105,892;58

Board of Directorr-t- ,(Elected 18C7):

harlee Morrll,







John J. Abraham.HopkinsRichard Fonder,11. T. Moiton,Ja- - O. Hauiitay,iRobert AsBero.'t ,

Astin Turn'mll, Jr.,Caleb B. Hynes,Alfred Ray.

li. CROOK, Agent,27W Main street.

ii : sotoInsurance and Trust Company

OF MEMWdia,ufflceiu Company Building, No. 48 Madi

son street.

OAPITsAsL, $300,000 ! !

Board of Directors :

Wm. M. Pnrrtngton, W. B. Oal breath.John Johnson, C B. Church,J. J. Rawlingn, C. - weyer.

W. B. Qreenl, .

WM. M. i A K K I N t TON, President.J. Q. LONHDALR, Secretary.

This Company Insure loss by Plre,Marine and River Risks. sea


No. 17 Hadlaon Street.T'HIS Company Is now doing a (ieneral

Business. Its stock i.. owned byoar city merchant and bus.ness men. Its aimis to do a safe local business to the advantageof both the Company and the Policy Holder.

8. B. WILLIAMSON, : : : President.BKX MAT. ::::::: Secretary.




IN S U RANC.Fire aud Marine Insurance.Home In8iiran.ce Company ofAssets.....Security


Insurance C'ompanvOK NEW YCKK.

Asse'a. l,0O2,7O 3

Enterprlfte Inanrance CompanyOK CINCINNATI.

Aaaet . .11,000,000

Putnam Insurance CompanyOK HARTFORD. CON'N.

Cash Capital





jmm0mwell established reputation of these

Companies for prompt and honorable deal-ing, and their large cash Assets, commendthem to the favor or Business Men and Prop-erty Holders who desire reliable insurance, foreither rlrenr Marine. We represent no com-panies but those duly authorised by Htate andlo-- a! laws. All losses adjusted and paid at thisajeucy.

vredenburg & Sylveeter,OeueTal Insurance Agents, No. 11 Malison

sireet iuii siairsi. Memphis, Tenn. nov 21

Ninety-Sixt- h Semi-Annu- al Erpoae,

Total Losses Paid, : : $21,271,1.72 57.


IlHrtiojt Conn.

JULY l, leer.


Cash on hand and in bank l51S.S0ii 39iUiai Estat 248 WS 02Mortgage Bonds 6B6,x0 00H.iuk KIOCS 1,20(1,400 00I u:ii Msis. Man- - ana i ny rttock,

and other public securltlea. 1,981,36(1 so

$1 660 038 ZT

Leas liabilities, claims not due andunadjusted 377,668 ti

Net asset R273,36 8!

Fire and Inland Navigation Agencies In all the principal cities and

towns tn the United States.Applications for Insurance will be premptly

attended to. H. A LITTLETON X CO.,unvV Asents.



1 lartl'or.i. Connecticut.

S. D. H'CLURE,No. .'vi lain btr-tet-

, Bethel Balldlog,

MEMPHIS. TENS,osnkkal aokrt roR


FII.ICIES valid in any part of the Unitedand the Southern portion

of South America, dutihg any aud all seasonsol the year. ocK daw tf



Assets, over Mia and m Hall Million

IiHI policies on all the dJOerent1 sud at as low rates as Ssfety and frudencf

forwill Justify. Takes a note Hair the Pre-mium, thereby yon get double the amount olInsurance with the same sum In caah spent luall Cash Companies. Call and see it advan-tage, odered by the Agents at 22X Madiseustreet,

ocl Am MOORR A WEST, Agent.

For H.exxt.a l f very desirable Kesldence now occupied

JL by Mrs. Ells Proudflt,Situated on Central Avenue,

Two mile from the city, rantalnfng Plv Acre,fonrofwnlch are under cuitivmttun. BUltablefor an elegant Market Garden ; dellgiiirnlHead and Apple Orchard, One Well of water,together with all necessary Also,ioar MILCH KOK BALE. Tbe aboveprojrtirly will be rented for the ioUowiug yearto a good tensut. Foi further information ap-pl- v

on I tie premises, or todec37 lw DAY A PBOUDriT.

JT. W. Jall V Co.,Wholesale and ReUll Dealer lu


VYB STUFFS, COAL OIL, ETC.'!HE Y keep lb liest quality of WINES and

1 LlstUOKS for medicinal purposes,Small prottt and quick



iBBBffJB, daafl i r


VOW THAT THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. s will soon b upon as, we take this methodor Informing our numerous friends and patronsthat our

POPULAR CONFECTIONARYIs again filled from " turret to foundationtone" with tbe targest and choicest assort- -



And Kverj Article In Hy Line.




J. C. FORRES Sc CO.,04.45117 front st. and 40 48 Filton tt.,

HW ORLEANS --AGeneral Commission i ercbantB

FOR the sale of Cotton, Flour. W bisky. Core ,and ail kind of Waatern Produco,Having an Internal Hondcd Wun.

boum, we are prepared to handle " Whhiky "and " Manufactured Tobacco" In bond, tansoffering nperlor inducements to ahlppera oftone article.

LI beralad vance on all oonurnmenU.r. i. attwood,

Lal of KfllottA (Jo.



General Commissionaan

Forwarding Merchant,AilB dealers In Hay, Corn, -- . Bran, Plonr,

Baoon, Lard, WhKky, etc.

Conaignments Solicited.2 Promenade Street, fJOt of JeYersoa




piles furn

W rHW .

a)H H09





K. W. PRICK,Late or Eastport ,


J. L.

P. H.


H-- Z


S 9 9 Is


. S.Late of



1s rH -

. S a


B. TRWDWKLL,Memphis, Tenn


Wholesale Grocers,0. IS 1MO STREET,

Lee Bluck, Bel. .Haiti aud t coul Streets,






Xo. 2?2 Front Street,




Cotton Factor, and Commission MorcaaAts

320 Front Street,MEMPHIS, : : TENNESSEE.TAOGINU. Rope and furnished .to cus--U LOiiers at lowest market prices,

see dawtf

:.!.-- !

Stanley, King& Smith,


No. 272 Front Mret.

a. MACKICK 5 1









auT dawnee



Oommission Merchants,Let Biock, Folon St.,

Bet. Krout St., and Main St., Memphis, Tennno7 dawaaa



COTTON FACTORStteneral Oommission Herehants,

No S76 Front Street,(Reom 4, XIMfUll

e20 3m






Commission and Forwarding


Front Street, stem phis, Tenn1OClJ tf


a. c.





j. sal.:.


R. T. R. 8.


No. 3205




General C'ommlHslon Merchants,No. 11 Monroe St., bet. Main and Front,

Cooper Block, MKMPHIS, TENN

Bscslng, Rope, Iron Tie snd other Sup

se::i im






shel a; Lowest Market Rates.

R. A. PARTIK, ED. V. St'QKHEK,Haywood Co., Tonn. Panola, Miss.

R. D. Partbe, Panola Co., Miss.



General lorn mission MerchantsOOOPEK BLOCK, Xenroe Street.

Liberal Adrances Made on Ccnsipmsnts.

referring to onr card as above, we wonldIN that In the future, aaln the past, we willgive onr beat attention to the interest of ourpetrous on all consignments made vis. Thatwhile our facilities are at least equal to any,THE USUAL CHsROES WILL BE MADE,and we pledge ourselves that the resu.t to theplanter on ail business intrusted to us shall beas favorable as from any other house of eqnalsiaudtnsr. or from parties who may oroooae totransact business for lues thuu wa fcssl we rujustly and safely arrord to do. ocS-.i-


Cotton FactorsAND UENERAL

Commission Merchants,278 Front Street, I

entering upon another commercial year,IN the experience of the past, fraughtno in many viciisuuucs inuiuent to

changed system of agriculture, and for whichmost of our planters were Utile prepared, re-sulting in heavy loss to planter and merchant,a an xperiment tried, we shall adopt a rlkldcash system in onr buslusas taking no risk,and making our sales prompt upon receipt orconslgumenis, remitting proceeds with a littledelay as possible ; hat in all cases obeying in-structions of shippers, and using our best en-deavors to promote the interest of our patrous.

Onr arrangements for furnishing Supplies,Bagging, Rope, Uunmea, Orocerlo and Provlatous are such, that we promise to furnishthem at our lowest market price, and make Ita much, or more, ta your Interest to orderthrough us, than to purea see tn person.

Hoping to receive your patronage and lnflnen, w are, reepeoiiuiiyoc2 3iu



Board in a Private Family.nPHE subscriber having several vacant rooms1 In tils residence No. 477 Shelby street, willIxiuni and lodge a lew families.

S. M. ASHE,decS tf Office No. 2M Front street.

House and Lot for Sale.WILL sell, at private sale, If desired, or iI not sold st private sale, will sell at auction

On Friday, January 8. '08,At 10 o'clock In th morning, a lot of groundon Second street, between Jackson and Ala-bama, Kurt Pickering, being known aa lot No.87. together with a one aud UX) storyHouse therein. The house contain Ioarrooms, with a passage sit () feet wide, runningtue entire depth. Two of the rooms downstairs and two up stairs. Attached to the horseis a Kttehen, a Cellar, eetuented and olios ed, aCtsteru Jind &thle, with room for six horses.Kverythiuv new and complete --Jiatt h in .

bn built t his year, rta house Is Insuredfor liaxt Terms of sals easy. Deferred pay.ment scoured by deed of trust on the psop- -

ertv. Title guaranteed, for icruiet ii'iuiBP ITON1



A NKiHTJ with thief o

HE8HION,ege, 1 tin

tlcal aawella-- ncientiflneocsKaie to fit youngcharge of the dutiesbook-I- per in a mardent goes through prof lournallzlnK, ,,unclotting hi buoki, aud tance sheet, an he woTiila process Is renewber of times, till he bithese operation, andthem, as If he bad ipLIn t he 'one lng Dons

Tkkms Eormonth, Pi ; three month, CD.

StouosrapHy.Thij and b

Uati: to the pablic oKymii 8D 1 ita'letit.

apply 10 .lithours of bushwestern Publis

Th Night Hand closes at



commences at hall-pa-

JOHN TOVKLL. Princigau.

MEMPHIS COLLEGE.(Formerly Ht. Imtsxtum.

Rev. . H. KORD, LL.D., President.J. DUI'REK Professor ot Uutgnage.

, Professor Mathematics.JACKSON P. CRAWS, English Dapartmaot.

SetHloD Opens MuBdaj, September Kail.

Trmw pb SBSSIOH or n v nosm.-- :

Senior Class, Including Latin, Greek a: dMathematics. ki 00

Junior, Knglish Branches, smtlp and tjreeAOram mar SO iij

Primary Department 00in advanea.


FHK Law IcpftrUiieu: of tbe Me i. puis Cnl--

Ie6r will ooa on lha FIKT M 'BAYOCTOBER. The follow. uk geDtUmeti com- -

priae tht Faculty :

Conntltotlonal Uw .. Un.Keal Frterty4PI?adtn H u



Walker's American Law, Kent's Cvumanta-rtes- ,

Biaiiop on Criminal Law 4CamlL r s lilvtory of Law Suit, Stephens PleadingsSECOND SESSION Or JUNIOR CLASS 5

mouths.Parsons on Contracts, Parsons oa Nutea aud

BiUs, (ireenleaf on evidence.FIRST SESSION, SENIOR CLASS.

Adam's Equity Jurisprudence, Adaru EquityPleading. Kedfleld on Wills, HUliard oa Sort-gage-

Parsons on fartnersnips.SB ;o-V- SESSION, SksNIOR CLASH.

Washburn on Real P. opert-y- Taylor on Land-lor- d

and Tenant, Angel, sz Ames on Corpora-tions, Story's conflict o' Laws, P.trvms oaMaritime Law, CouEUn'a U- - S. Treatise.

Recitations and examination, each day at 4

o'clock. Moot Court ory --ach week, audCourt once eaca month, pros! ci fad over

by the Professors all luetner.istodents permitted uiemerany I'tacs. hnt no

Diploma given except to those going Uirvug::whole course.

Terms Biiur Session, payable In advatsoa,.ntranee Fee, 95 per Session.

All Student of Law can attend rieoof chargethe Lectures of the College, uicioulna Lecture,on Elocution ard eapUnaiton of Latin andFrench technicalities by the Prtaident

Arrangemeau will be made .to ocard andlode Students at t3S ier month.' AnHicarioi ssneuld ts3 msde early. el)


MRS. JACKSON'SQueen Bess Complexion Was?!.

rpH E following certificates, selected from nun--

dredsluthe possession of the protr-strefi-

are con dd en tly to the public


MBS. Jackson, Dear ilaaam- - It ts withpleasure that I certify to yon, that seetn i oneof vour circulars, which coniaiaed cenincsiefl

plexlon and teeth were ;and essences ol flowers,when used accord i"r towotst and most dimcul:month, ctnker of the stopecela. Kor sc.ofulousboth Internally and extwDear Madam, seeing thtster, a fifteen months,cough for seieTal roontwhat ttie doctors tUl whiand throat being lylngtrieil everything for i

of, all vo no purpose, Iyoor oil for the mmpl'

use qui'eone bottle, andsUte to you that it has cnow as well and he rt? alife. I give you this, mywill publish it, that thtimay be afflicted with aittons may at once ret a I

Bess." for I feel sure the;relief. Tours

your QueenAnd Immediate

MRRJersey street, bet. Sixth and Seventh.


HANNIBAL, MO., August 22, iSljd.

Mas. Jacksoh. Dear Mmdam I am mostto inform vou thstater having sufTr--- i

more than three years with what some peJl nursing sore mouth, or canifer of it

moutb and throat. I tried venous remedieshut found nothing to do me auy g KKt until Ib,ard of your oils for theteeth, called " Queen Bess.tie. went accordingtbaDkful t say 1 1

HoDirg vou will pisufTrrers may be bi



(in ul ;

siou t






of "


lours respecuuiij ,

MRS. WM. B. COLl,rN3.

Aricvts Wantxil Male or Female. In ewarvtown aud county In the t'nlted Slates, to introduce this celebrated preparation. Agents arenow making from !!. to fstiw per month, clearof i xpenses. Applicairnns for agencies c .n I emade for the present to Mrs. Jackson, ft'. (0Whltemore Hnnse, Adams strfet, betweenThird and fourth, Mciipbla; or loth manu-facturing depot. No. Ill sixth 'reet , St. Louts,Mo , either In person or by letter.

nor? it


N offering OL'S BITTERS to the SouthernPublic, ire have no hesitancy to aassrVag

their superiority osrr any Northern production ta our markets. In their derlsamcnt tbejare purely Southern compounded with apedal adaptltnde to tbe various types ol

atomaclj darangemeat prevalent u onroil ma's.

ctior-"- .

It la a gentle stimulant to tuesyuto: afiiiundergoing a severe Ulness.



It Is a care for Dyspepsia.It assists Digestion.It cores Diarrhea and Cholera Morbus.It la a preventive for CI til and Pevera.It Is ah Invaluable companion for person

traveling at all seasons oi tbe year.



It Is a Hoata enterprise, sod possesses, truemenu

ear Sold everywhere.O. H. EBBXRT ft CO.,

Sole Manufacturer.Depot. No. 6 Howard's Row,

labia tf teil-- . Tenn.



PARALYSIS CAN BE CUREDjr I fully and freely Invite all Pbvslctansft and students oi Mtdlcine of alt iichools

and also everybody else to come and l xaouneOnr Invention of a PORTABLE KstUAUi-i- U

We have demonstrated the faot that iu Paral-ysis, Nervous Debility, Dyspepsia, IMeura gin,Weak Chests, Narrow Chests, w'.(Lungs. Weak Backs. Weak,Stlnsud SiirnnkenLimbs Curvatures of tbe Spine, and other Spi-nal arfecUon, nclailea, Rhenius lim HVja.."--- 'standing. Spasms, Kpilensy, Paisy, sr.' Vitus'Dance, Derangement et the Mind. ProiapenaUteri, Obstructed Menstruation with all ibetroonromltunl disease, Im potency aud ai: kiuasof Weaknesses of the generative Organs, canbe cured.

Testimonials from hundreds of th,test Phy-sicia- n

and cltlaens of this nation.M KMrtiis Txns., Uecembcr , IA57.

navtng acid all my right, title and Interest othis county of the ttA! ALLieiv to On.SAMUEL OlLJiBKTanil SI U8 T. GILBERT,the latter being a griduate of th JeSre nMedical College of Phi tdelphla, I can fullyand ireely recommend them, as tborouth'ycompeteut and reliable, to all prsoi,s wlslilt gtreatment. ULuROL HAD8tblLD. M. I'- -

aT Drs. OtLBERT can he eonsnited at ti. rOfflces, Not south side of Court sqnar-- i

de5 Lm



President.J. K. P. Pi i Hard,


BErHXLL BDILCIKO,Corner Casart aad Jkln a tree la,

MEMPHIS, : : : : TBNNEBSfc,.'RAoiALT a Oenetai Banking I nslrtai1 leposita, Dltn Ool .aover.u-c- .

ange, -, Wooka, coatan i l ncurret.t Money. OoiiectiOQ wet ary


Jso a LsiBs, 1'resl- - w. H. CaaaaT, Preal-de- ct

Uaroae Havuiga dant Marchanta' Na- -lostiustlon. tional Rank.Jaa A. naa, ITealdent P. C. Bnaiu.iMBsoto Bank. J. K. p. PaiTtaLaan.dealt tf

cuiaEiim mWmmu,MUMP BIS.

J. W. i'AGK, Jr--, : : rreakteat,n.J.FitIlK, ::::: CMbler.''. A. OMBEBtt, : Au't raiWer.

3AKI. 1CIXDIKO,C irnir MatilMu tu4 Mala Street.


H U a I N 2 H 8 ;aatALJ ri

Coin, Uncurrent Moneyand Government SotmrUie.

Particular AttroilontiiTea to CelltrtluB.dc22

Wa. a. TBIMi. J0H.N T.rioorr. WM. m. JoasBajrjBf I

WM. H. TRICC A CO.,Banters and Exebange Dealer,


BUY and el I Exchange: Deal la Gold andCoin, Bank Note and Military

spnalt Recei ved and Accounts Keptpoudent; Heal Ktate nougnt andes Paid, arc ; Loans Negotiated uponwr iecunty; Bonds, Stuck. Mercan-- ,

and other Recur.tlea Bought andiommiasion ; Collections upon all

made upon favorable tortusreds promptly accounted for.

our u rvlee to our old fnands andt Ken era. y for the uanaaetioo of anyLi o a Danaing BBSBB

We are, v ery

sale in the Count) .



IHiUUEntries, naadi,Deer,


HAVE reaamed buslnefs under the toliew-- hoopmsTiigement :

DIRECTOKS:. Kt mi., N. wrTTKiNsoN, malatbbtIa.


Jt.i. Is, BTKWA&T,

(liars joh.ibox, .Pretldent.

receive scon ut Notes andWlls, transact business authorisedthe charts:.

Corner Jefferson and Front ts.,MKMPHO.

rWLti'S BA.i

ftTI!3MPHI8iNo. 13 Madisoa Street.

$. SJttlTH. : ;

O. k. kHEPHEiID,myiStf

n.l.le.-.- i



.'AltES XLSKS. .... TTwHanl.Wt0B, - - ictvpml.e8t



OF MEMPHIS,aposttory and financial A??nt





- - TBI

F. 8.O.

0. P. --

T. sr.




J.'. V. P.




silis. etc.ail the Real E--

Js.. T-- a CO.


L WM.w. jas.M. M. IV


Wli:and all by

ofoes tf





, .

- President.


Am't Caahler.


.Y0.30 HADISO.X STBBKT .10.90.DeAoto Bank Building. l



PUTS, ....Sit. -





THE IffllTTAX SAVINGS MM,5o. 9 Xadhon Bt, XeBphta, TeasLEVY, Pres't.LEVY,

S. BORG, Cashier.M. Ass 't Cash.

Successors to Levy A Bore.)



Gold. Silver, Stocks,

CoTfTBtBea t aatt MlarellaaeOBS

all descrtptioD of rnnds.received subject to cneck. Collec-

tion .olli and promptly oared for. aul tf


OF MEMPHIS.No. 998 Main Street."1745 CUR055A.SARTI5 GBirrn,j.j.mjr, : : t






Oashiar- -




AND Uocomat






Collections nwde on sM acceesibUpoints in the Southwest.

Sxehange for on principal citlosor Cnlteel States and oa all prin-

cipal title of drape.au21, Joan MTsaB.

Sheiby County. Lata Rlee. WareTali.t, Late Agent


COTTON KACTOK8.Froduce Commission Merchants,

N. street.ishlngton, MEMPHIS, TENN.



M. E.

:nts soucited.










C-- A. ii




I. B. N.A fcur. K. M. A C. R. K.




31111, Orlst Mill and Two SinStands fur BenL

nnders'gne'i oflhrs for rent his larg. es--isoiisnmeni

countv.firl.sL and

oni Hnener. an

Still W1T.h







,'iHEon rrancuroau s dsyqs, .rsus--Ark.,ooultli:g of MUI,vo Oto stands, workshop aadnew and i stosvi oondl-o- n

synress ilinber can hi- - floated By the bayou tobi milt. Address Measr. 'A'onBsler, ..oy Ao , Dr. t. U. MciiavcH'k, and Briggs A Noron.

aiiNP.Y iICKTN80N.lempRts, Tenn.. Dec M, IfsJT dec26 lw



BEXBY ii. B0T8P0BD, Preprltor.

Good Fre, and Careful Attention,






Railiray rolomeats. Car Rnllders' asd tV

SApajllea, Port!.,, and -- tatvioaryInttntg and a.iier. Cere and Floor Mills.CotTn Oio . Pra-a- js and H' P.wers SawMilt an--- , i --.. c ilar flavs. Tin Ptale and M seals,80 Main st: set Msosphia.

mm 1m V. P. coRBY, Agent.




A NO HOUSE FUSNI.IHINO GOO OS. ANDManuXaeturen of Plata act Japanned Ticware Copper joi Ware. IS aad IA



fcW-- i&&rTHS nnderalgDed Oai1 ranaem-nu- . 10 kl :

lies rAenmeratseaecL.In addition to the FAi

and BUTTON TIE.soeifore they now oBar sisteeth SO arranged

theprsssnrebale and iild






s trdale extenatr r--y

ta demand for theseSHAN DIAMOWDTUe

rs:vely usedLLIOATCB Tie, with

s'antiy cuunp theremove fiom theUreal alnshave been lakea to aeours taa

are o Ample in their arrange-men 1 uat tey can te applied by any one, tobales of anye'ze. with the satne flaeufty anda rope. In aacnrily-- and'ad tT :f arj.oestlon, they will compare fa-vorably wlU. any yt Introduced.

The advantages ot Troo Tie are now geaer-all- yr-- -. gmW ; pot it is deemed not nut ofplr to m l the attention cf tboee interestaalto th very emphatic recommendation of Un-

derwriters, Captain, and Ownesaand AKent or Sea steamer- - and Selling

pabUabedtn the aewspapsn taNewOr.eana.CHAM3BBS CATTING,

weneral Agent. New OsleanwPot sal by


And other dealers and Grocery Merchanta1'sew nd


Ssfrrtautkt H el a.Jim lorfc m i ri!faf?j altajRtttc.Heavr Brown D; w.e- - ties at . eta.Irish rofllnsat iJctd.Alpacas at 0 eta.

' at 10 ' tt.OsBrbers at S cts.B'la'aea at 5 en.10-- 4 nbiie Woo! Biaiilrt8 at M eU.

; Ben's atf br wed Boats at $1 tt.Hfti i Br "San at 15 eta.tVeaieu ' i,ooea, alt t)les, at tf cti.i oa s' 'pool ae itrow Ir.

en's Willie Dhiru. 40 cts.

THESE are the price that STB AT'?. A 3L.Sfsail their goods at after they om- -

uiTa-s- s men

SELLING OFF SALE,asd ft! will takeplaeewhtn their coaMatttorshave go; Jtroogh with their

GREAT CLEARING SALE.As ta t that this will

Before tht? of January .Itxt,And as thsy ar aot

Compelled to Leave Town,they will still bold on to thair old prices untilfurther notice.

Don't Forget the Flace.aTRAUSS & BLUM,

218 Main Street.Next door to Ward A LeOuere' rrng Store.





Of staple andShove,

Clotairig and

tc the sale ofand will ail fr

lor all who may favor ua with theirseal


Mei '.I -

J. Pram, V


hereto- -








Bocta.JTsrcy Dry Goods,Eats, Heady-Mad- e

PLANTATION fttiPPMES.Weaiiopav special attention

Cotton, orders Plantation 'Sup-pile- s



LYONS, PIES CO.,Wholesale and Retail




MsUn tstreaa, iniCsi.A, TXMX.

plantation srrppx taa




JAMBS G. MOFPATT,m Malm St, Sooth or Csloa,


Ladles' Dress and Cioavk. Trim-mings,

French and Gerrnan BittonaFancy Qocde, Woticiis,

Zephyr Wcsied,Worsted Patterns,Seal Laoes, English Hornery,

Toys, French Corsets.Maul I the oelhrav

Boulevard Hoop SkirtHAIR GOODS AT N. Y. PUCE.


C9, Jetfe