,,t i-' sy** 'sf* j - digifind-it · 2014-05-16 · 1 ton fet-, near 41-ihi st.. ac t -...

T jwsy ** M'Y' 'Sf* K?-m i ^ r - V- 'V tl ‘ifl _ nf * (V ,‘s r Mertfcoro CommUlee Aeked About Lights, Roadway, Ot'aiii.HgtM Zoning Repot i Due . ' ■. , 4W*^ VUivber Nation* I Editorial Azsociat'oo New ft VS\,,t i-" ' j r7 Residtnts Protest I ^ . 'V iwww ri*^ *A 0tt' 0 j^up CotW .tttifeJ tc ¥*w UiumcUy to do] :.■ ••.■ ..\ . 1 1 eU , •* ),,»,»i/li4vr»n t ..ts,vws^V. • *«??.. \ 0. Oii3fri 4 ^auwiV ‘^ b * i ........ -■■-.. -»• -■ ••• - veai- 186th YEAR - WEEK jersey Press .Association -v Mvwawutb Cj jnty Piets AssocMUion , Single Copy Seven Cents j F k tension Av Drewiqgv Y Tuivb Traffic. Danger fo A m Children vP'o, ' ' Geoige Den rry ci&nfc 9a sttee* M» r'ew v icmpia«iw why- isii'OfViightKjic ciaUand hft^ laU hjO n^oec^ltoteiieJ M*5 J cording Ip Borough M»e Uiwf , ■""w?h6*' nccomiwiiwtf-'lwsr I vJ^m .Alison**. liu. pubMc •>,V— «« .fr * .riwb y\«4fl/tg'f*lfr .. . •■■ .... 4kJ9|s*‘V>ls.uA«' a : Annua) liispccliHf- of Al.-iU- wim Fire nepat'tiMUit ..vl.ii 't.ake pUic il" .0 p M ' might at M idw ay 16os(! Cu., Vt-ashing-- 1ton fet-, near 41-ihi St.. ac T - s„:. .J ?. Il'H jMi|tUCU au MATAWAN, N .f, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, Wi wmYmm have m say Three Acclden its heavy,'' Inspection until some w^la’ id ,c n ri" l He commit j is hul'zd to jdt; ml t-eemen If had beep prqmlsttd "> t!*er« -<l»o.itrt U money 'VcnncV be put •iM. tte buL . rain ..iqnlfcht, tl i, get, ici this aim aud It \'ft» w ill be pwvtponcd ,£i.. bad »o have to waRc on, might next week ,u curd bur k - t •* tie" ul o vUih t*1" ol iyl V; Dr nt « alio u>mp*Jlncd 1 Mayor; Spat ford IV, »clia,iifc« nhQili ‘ho rondrt'ov uf the ioad xvaj H r ur rt lh«*t 11 had fceui . laid out tot a 30 coot iweet o«t k now ibmn A8[> oi ' j ,i 15 fort toau He also audited avtothei v •'••.'••xcsjtteat'- had" cut a ditcu across the 'Ofttlv-av to o n 'iy off *-ur faqe (vuts'i because Uroinnve boiiditl'i.is vr«c f-o nod the atsa icok Over T«u Year* Ago - .iuajoi De«iih Buckley Inform «d WHO the to’vnanip hat! Jusi. ' tekf>rcover the strecl two >sars ro prefercuco could not be Two On Cyitical List From Crash In Front Of Ziegler’!!; Others . i !n Matawan, Holmdel . T'vo men rumaui in 'ciiticul tcdo'dltion - .today at Ferth Am, bov Cieuui'Eil Hosj'Uftl no n l'e’! . ,..., . jiinlt ct a colh.Ron Sundsy- ln treat and the boroush cuimcrl vvlil !0| Kieiiiers Tuvevn. on. Houle cuvlc.i' the fircniuii, n.ere Is to be a speciol meeting of the borough council oi b<r to ihe tnspccii.im. ill which a brief matter of business will bn con- ahhired. ,. . ■„ : , . m . '.■■■ J gTven thnt or ei o*bei sti tets aE'J He pionilsetl the-, committee would consldei the mfther of ; lights, also that the utieet might be gravelled , but could not be haul -iHfaeuI ut tl.i'i time . Commitbeeman l,evoy. Vcn- Pelt st.ded the mat who had : opened the ditch should put Uv ii'. drain 'pipe. Mr. Bcmery ob- " jecled ns he said no dvatnage measures would opiount to any- thing utitU tlie road \v»s gr*d-. i,L llmltiepmAi ed piopm'y by tne township 'commitieemcn M-.-H Domovy protested sne, Townships Decide To Increase Governing Bodies To Five; Two Additional Contests 135. Clilfwood-. Beach.. A tub'd tmaiT in tins accident-. i» in law- icondition, i'l'om two other *c- jcldpbf m the urea in tho past weak, a ruan and two women ; remain .in serious condiLlort. at it-he hospuai,- - j The mm cn i-n.e critical'.hat-j Igre Ciaronee -JlemlUK. 28, of; ;MorRiin. tormerly of Clilfwood j jltecb. and Abraham Castilio.i j 29 . at Fotth Amoov.- injured | i iviUi them was Micnuel Carlin, i 1 35 of ao:t Norwood Ave.. l.,a«-1 Jrence Havobor. ! i . Mr. Castillo auatalned • InterH j nnl injuries of thc cheat- and ■head nnd abrasions of both legs. Mr. Fleming was treat- Madison and Marlbciro Town led. for deep lacerations of the ships filed near the deadline yoa-(knee, possible' fractured, skull terday to take ow vautaga- of. tbe hand lacora lions of the head and law providing a township Uav-!face. Mr. Carlin was. treated intt 450!) ormorti population, by jfor a cerobrai concussion and! the last census. m s.v increase multiple laooratAons of the knee j its governing body from threbiaud ankle. . j to live. j No Witnesses Found j - As’a result, county :exooultve j Chief Otto Kcngtetter, of Ma- T* •Tv-TiidArt • risd:nskl'Voo committees in both muncspall-jdlson Township Police, said this and liei husband had paid Saou c<m ^ ^ ^ iallUl. Ul> ,n u m n - . impo -iblc U, th lgnationa'Toi' tlie two additional IteTrnine what happened as no posts to be filled on Nov. 2. j wltnessc.s liave been found and In M a d i s o n .Township' Wtc (.tho • liivee men, in the brief per; Democrats- o h o s e incuinoentiiorta when they do recover con- ( ' " '" jiimes: Bobbins Ispiousness at the hospital, oan \ ,Hre Truck Novel Independent F iretren Built Special Type. Of Pumper On Farm ! rock •'CKnstening’' Saturday Mnrganvuif! I; UlHfev > il r. Co. •: FiFSt /'lid &lV--*)C i ;- s {1?.||LY iha nt, 1 Vi i'lVJDijt t U l t Ilf Id i T \ up cm ^ ’.Tfhe READER hoadouftrier.s tor ;.C-,i r 1 ai-u-o i Township resiuents ro msfiot’t di 1 in v ro ‘o i l ilr ' n'cJ mon ha.ci on dlsrra:,' rSicii' n<nv l.'iiuiilao ainbuianca wn.U-.- ! the Siviseii were snowuie ikeu i j,-’4-ton utiiit'-' fire - trunk. ! Fli'emon from ,Vi a r i b u r u. Itolmooi and Mm .tan- iL. v ol i uhtcer tire ooiniiar.los ano . : the Matawan Fire Oepw and 11','st aid ;wuad men from. I.Mtitawnn alio ■ Freehold .nuuud I'll Uie 'aaserviince. it is t-surn i a ted over t>00 persons saw the i now. equipment. Accord;nv. lo Chief Fraiik kat- •i dtffe. the utility truck is, from the Information ne has. «o:w- ! thing' novel m tiie realm of Hra- ! (iirhuast equipment. Tne truck j js the idea ami the creation of I the men of Morgaiivulfc Tudv- ; pandent Volunteer.Fire Co., ac i cording to tr,c chief, It iui..; Countv iVlew Ru.d fiifef' A. IV. suooo. ol foun- ts' (icif.-oli i ts. signed a «,jn- jiU.iiU. ■ clmrgmg bimkiiinkh.ij, Mr* it .vSul'Jliis^A St.. M alawan. be- fore Jsti’aif! Lutiicr A. l cf :WjiUv-an MOtvr.ship, ,i*i ;i rt.vd!t oi •« ralii at tliy C.IUi VVt-D‘1 in D. UOUlo oxt ASUi (:nf(;v<iun Acc.. Tu<!Stta.v. if'iiiul Minro Mud l)«i'tKiri\ak- ii *ti ’snips we-'Ti lound hi M r. MtMiiKtfr’s piivScssiOH- 'H e t>jii under snupli^a iJV Cit’OX 'jt.'tt t’OIlAVUC, PVOSUUH i.fil' of til.C JiUl. . .' . ,. a \>relnHUva?.'v will be bind before MatvRttnUc bt».uir ou {»vtx h>, Mr. /or. nulnated hv tk'sutul fo luivo tbi.1 iOAtk-r Ixcard b.v the IrrfJil u\u«Tstrate. , \T.|- : ..A! ProM'lef Caught By Borough Police Climbed Onto Roof Of Extension At Lloyd Residence To Peep; Gets 90 Days I I It'S ^CrOd . - . i, tbisid l M pUSj Pf J, p, d i < lnysi Wv!(S\m By W:l» IL 'll I. iv-; my - iiuii'r ap 'i.viheyi) V lie. Pt * .he yoviyll t •ii?1 ', ) iJ i ti ill' u nn I 11, i , 'itu;,; ut. u c t" i v nil iivas hr.v-j-l;-,,,.:: Irttt Cody sisousd tase ur.ae;,' i vwement exttmqsnF jftcksoh lin e Maiden f_aae-. fr» ..mukaefjt' new meal (t 11 ' ss from Ul® » bahllti d U ^t M.'kl, F MhJd i T tie . t ic wav stieet WfMt A b u ii \lan pxte'iu',o to Ja®k son H w id,! wi dcmeis aucks I J I t algf v t of th? b’ lSili'Tth ( tieu h,.(( iu (f .tiiig up ira^Jc' bi I i .1 td'r lu re fot bhC>!,J i ^ a i u d a .Pi y eo now 'Hit ’ Is tn u's is^^i icqulst,^ a llalrtiif. u i ii 11v ftAC t ^ I'ir.sitiai tfvnioped quioitly jtrom Maiden .ume'»;.TefKcta!tt9vys ,-iestrt us pce'atoio John Rndl' tl^ohesman in- 1 fuiincJ lue or, til th"iq '\din * i K e r ‘ch ’ii in h t r n the week 4 pr rf ft IJ il ft tie & iinll Jfd roi s m u ' d^’gei to tht'4» cunt is *i tm movemaut'^l '( \i acViut thioigh tm qx . Itculrd wtaide L im The land t wiuucd foi mnlm" is npft be- Iin g used by these childl;en-!(|9i»ea';V jt pin gut nd nocoidlng to Braclev. - and, ,to deprive, iitof»V' Iof it, would hc countering ariOt{)fctW>k, p.mmiiiB board project . for.;"'f or Du citing. new playsr.oundd-Areas; He also feared .............. . - . . :anco of-peace 'by tne.md.veminy os Malawan Votiec. received a loX ^ .u- ■>' . -.A-.,,,;-.-,? been 1 cni; Lhat someone was attempt patrol a; s:ei a.m. Palriiiiiidn William iVIOli- Rico. I! a^ios tbey lived ttotuo, so weVc entitled to some consideration. •' She claimed she was getting ft : ' bill with Interest-(or taxes paid. " . She ‘ was tola to consult the — township collector- Vtants Blinker instftlled - - - ' Harry Sngotsky, Freehold at- ^ , tomes naked ‘he township com- 1 ' mittce to * urge inatsilatipu .or.ft; state bllrkei ight tintl warning sign at thr Home TO Mnrllwin ' Tennoiit Hd. ■ mtci section, , Mr fltipotsUy, representing the. Study Plan Of Regional High Sckol Outlined By Freehold H. S. Principal Weinhdimer Depicfs How Curriculum Will Be .-Broadened With $1,925,000 Building; Voters Committeemaii James Robbins|scioiisiica-s ;u me u iw m ., «•»>.••{ W ill Act On Tuesday: Guidance prim e Factor | ^ftxv '"t,hp fiddirlonar- U'r6P*ycurino«* be quchtioiifid. ?It is o .s . siua | :- r; - - . : , ^ - - .. . • • — Muit Mr. Carlin was1 backing) >vk I 'Tuesany voteus of MnH-.plieU arts division. Home euo-j i. ,i rv i . . ... . , • f. n f i .. ....... I a. i.ftil lifion ¥ .a nnsr felt neeii. -ne ."tilted. , l ' have u siiiftb mooue inc-iigiii Mpb unit. Tkts cun nc uti|!/,cr ;in. wavs' It would nor be deem- led advisable to use the largi.. , ... ifive tmoks. The chief detilaredin««e who resides there when ft also confront-i roused h em her -deci. tlic comimii ted with-the usual financial piou-,-i.uiot,. nail seen - p. her-window ilcm '-hat besets a voluiite i nro-figlitiiig oi'Biiurration m Uu j purchase of cquipnier.t. - ! Huy I arm truck ;HV the sll'CBt.:' __ Kcquvst Must Be Considered ' Mayor bpafford- .V, Bohftimlf ,- >• nl f. ;informcid Mr. Bradley that'aa .,) . .3 u ®itl.e vectnesi inid come from'-the, «y- patiolnuin leainc.i ■ pianvuiie" board it - must bo'Con-r;ir« sKlerrd anti so named Counoil- ' man Cvrus K. tnown. chairman oi the sliect commltleo to-mftJCe a borough iiivesttBattbiiy^ird«rcfeiH^j port at the next meeting. Vr'C M r. Hi ;ull(-y hclrl 11 ,.-- . nniiiiclfrv'y break into the residence Howard Lloyd, nr Mam f fastening' scene, tiu* that Miss Alice Lnnghan by man peering Mins Loiiplmn told the otflc- I Ier that- when she -went to nil, fr a cl failed to include. Maldeii''- OMing room to cai! police, ;i,ane when .putting up^'.new'-^trftftt« of the hoard of oduontinn, They hud nominated Mlchuel otants. an Other board mombcr; at .the term, For the two-year term,led ................ . thevUielected '.lames White;lout of the Ziegler parkmg‘Oiiboro-Township- will.oast Vlohmrestdont of they township when his oar was r.*mm«d by j between'' :t and 9 P.m. at loivi.-, .y. -- U.uck '■•••“• • ' - - « piejninpT.. qoiuk west on j sj^p hh H Mnrinoro. to •bojmlUeopnife anu borne • making in | ... the highway. It appoius Mt. {tl»p • Freehold Kcs'lonul. -vHtgfiJsliuctlon, nnd one for instruc- J“ .. atiln was thrown from the oar i.^nhbol district'Ior Sl.Oas.OifO-fomtlon in purchasing, preparing ^ . . . . . , , ........ . ... Tlly - ion uallotslnomles will liave tnrcc looms.. It Town ‘ no foi senvng on fm nou-e ,;»«- >- ^ b(juMii allon pum|?er unit 1'e c lcf (ilSflosrd «n u ! U l' 1111111 1,11 ^ L Lof °! 1 ° '1° allcl 11,10 hRd IWSlwtea ta lu- ms'istioii the (i men '>°1' ^ ‘en’ion fol'dwcd to peei 'hate do.nl end signs poste#. 505 (JI April primary for fhree-yiar I which circled out of eoniiol andjthrce proposal Communications ProdUBts Corp.'jwvm-and Ldward J. Soanion jo»-|htqiok ivu , Ctnsu.io. a 11^ sl1. ' 111 | mx othc; ‘saia « number of employees j the one ^ea. touo ‘oma.mm w i» w ihc'^r'a^l marks afid the position in wliichj3nmc n,-,.porul'; i'i,,- voters oil and serving food, y.j'ilcipiiiitics. com I room will II,He nl.::i ft ruturv. ' Booster Innk, These thc men motmtcil ttem- iii Cb'vroicl' ‘ftnni''11 llcr W9U8h a window of U>«t,.xt yeas, admlltMl-'tWO.stMBtSKWtKSK^' _ I ir/.nm QVifl C/'rflfi 1 !1f»ri slip* I P- Ihonn - Atw.f i-n.-l ii - , -11* ./ , .-»k(4/t4i..4*'i/kf.,,'A, «K com. She screamed, she ip - Ibeon nnnttod in the.'posthlii "of:<i'?i‘-^ su.|late.l |nor outcry Itnc rnoftop. i Lut.iolman lliee lr-;-.-,). ncuim in the ud he a opulently heat d| nctv .street signs ; veoently-pflp^-a and .lumped limn .Mmdcri Lane was one- OfvlhePi1- « , .The mnyor •promiBed-• thos'OKi^Hf^^ enclud thi rthked would oe sec.’dd ( direction of j Mr. Brown1was ■ -authorlged1 ijt),; f f ^ ls c lv e s (m the"body of thc i .............—, ---- , hove .otkeis ao onch , tm,Piher wifi y rack forirava. KOing in uie unecuoo ui, ........................................ .. lour. 1 district.'-•.villi Birl will have one for her W0! K-Ugl, Jcct ol rc,.| hnsp tpp The- ivuprliUsof the shoe which I purchase- guard T$fi '«>?4iiM''-Fam4,/(isl( Ar lha' late Mavor John -W-'i lxillce can deduvt riom tiic-iyot,. rtt the hiimc time ost.tJ&Pj' On t.!m second floor of till- L, j “ ■ ... meclvinl-cd so tlixf i-'-wnvod v.-beie th« man jump (ie!loao,s totllipm . fot ..Aboifeyijfjf have Xiad RCQW©nts a TMt^eiS i »n & ™ ^ Innuks a»d the posltln in which 58me ^.povus ? I thi ip win bo cl.msioo.n, p'u i tU l1 , c B „ rt on, lv too. o U c soft sod cKin Bel im "Hoots ehalrmrad , 'e , tnd I , „h1lfln rul. the mcr vet. found I , hl 1)lr,w t l u .(ft’Uhe lnboi Uoiv uid wotkioon, ' ^ ” [J,lhL lhl , un , m liu <» llie nmth side .to w m ennowiied to ‘Spend 4 n h?* I’oiYnnittee ftpuoihtfd MVtlnihbi board member Donald I Earlv StUuvdny morning foui |To purchase 2-\ ac rts ol • itf&Ldi*1 : ^eionoc u>vus*cs. l l i t i t a u ^-*11 - avcjj k while the truck -m-uf tni- hou.-it, .lhe of/lcci .went. ,$700 ioi .aiaj^lu.fc. "*n yytn»»w -I'-tu W-Ti tS S ,'.(^.J.-Wn.w:.-HaTr,nr.-,nllk! men- Ivere injured w h e n thciiTfor ^65,000. tlic luna is on W i® pamle iaboialoilcs foi Pl*>s !motton. :dnwn C.huubt. wine Jnmo.^ \\iurt commliVlonSt UwlBhl Pa»dcaloi w"ar. ohosmi for die throe-1 car ran out of control on New |wcslf!l lyside oi tlic itooorm--110 s. cmmnsuy «..u kwwsJ. ” J - *••- ’" * ....................... - ...............................-....... s the wnv mom I Tlm cafeteria to the rear would seat 500 nt one lime. In way moi Martin Smith and I yctti leim and Walter R. Quack- Brunswiox Ave., MaUwan, l un- .vhi„ rul. acr Chniles onbush ot Old Bridge- for Umjnl.ns up ou the lawn of tlie wil- 1 the present si hum two jca> torm- The Republican! Ham Cosgrove resldcnoe, hitting , (b, primary nominees were Com-! a tree. Gciorge Wulker. of Lt»w-lRlU,cU Fnueli was swioin In aa speolal me iioliycnrn b" Township Cieik Floyd Wvcko'f mltteeman Thomas F. Millci Fied VonBodeck wanted to(for ie elecLlon to a three-yoni know W hat part Qecomc of tho term gnd-Maxwell Mayor, 101- To exp-'iid sat!.005 for tin! Uire.e ;fO-inmute periods, tlie , fl„ hti,)1{ , ri.-i,; np;i .-il.her renrc-i whole school of loOO pupils could | „ fire,.“ n / .... ;mi ............ il„„ 'si . t U.. ttr»/>ni*H 111 IT f.rt M » . I fa. ..W . one o GovernorInvited To Bayshore Rally Democratic Unit* In Area Plan Big Affair At Keyport Auction Lot On Oct. "20 er Mnin St., Matawan, i-emalns|n|fopRl m(hiili"-s on this ;ol Ibe served, in serious condition-at the FciUi | ,c, T)) hullri und oqnhi an' Welnlieimer according to M i. I He said that now I This is ot areal i.-.me to a company located m a inuu a. ucoording to the ciiftd. id brusii fires and) ->0 i'-nek onp .noye 111 Amboy hospital with a fractur- j aclcfit ion od log, possible Injuries to the back and skull and Incc-rations of tho face. : Three l'ldlne with ill in ntso were taken to the hoptlal by lhc thc existing Free- j five periods arc needed to scivc hiool, ianother with| the' (150 in school. Tho cooking UI......C. - .... -^— — • — i fui,Hr yic.dliia Held McCue. of Marlboro, I Mntnwon First Aid and Roscuo| [.'.rsuih. Wohiheimnr. usstsiant • litree-ycar icrrn, nndjsquttd, Inc., but they wore ^is-jHU,,oVvisur ul Froehold ltogion- .. ,.r 1In 1,/T .l 111(111/1 . nl. .Ll./rkrl /. fl All 4l«/\(li /- ,r tl.fli I* 1 . •. hold High School , making ceH.uii revisions to the und serving sections or the calo- existlng bulldiua. ut « total coal tic rin arc in the center vvllh din- of $1.837,U00. Ing .sections cn ootli sides, per- mitting thc handling of groups of pupils at one time zoning commission's repojt. H c.mul. magistrate, for the was ntfsurod by Mayor Buckley j,ear unexpired term, it would be forthcoming.' I In Marlboro Township Mayor ; Dennis Buckley, a Republican, i lylll hove as his running mules Charles for the . , _ (Daniel Brower, or MorsanvlUo,,oluirged after treatment of their nl .school, ( xpiamod to a jfor the two-year term. M r.‘injuries. They were Gaston Wil- |B,.on)) (u lhe MoigftiivUle School 'Brewer is .'a member of the j driver; Howard Lewis, 28, n m l ; p r i d a v at >i public meeting (board of educullon. tThornell Jones. 17, both of rtediwhul ^ f.miH-ac'd Insofi.r as Another board of. education! Bank.. Mr. Williams lold PR-1 physical properties and the. cur- member, Joseph A. Lanzaro, ol } u-olimin Ralph Wallace, of Ma-i rlcuium is concerned. I Morganville. 'was Democratic j tawan Township Police, hc wns I Th0 nl,w (Uidillon is an L-siwp- ! choice - for the new three-year I going east into M h U iwiui when , ' structure to ha lo- i term. Michael Hynewicz., or [forced off the road by a car j ^ ^ llu'. iU. ol present B Meynor has I Moi'Banvlho. will be his rumiii.g : tommg ill ihe pppesiiu dliec- 1 iwhool building , been ltiviiod" ta spoak _# U gain, jtnatc, ^ r jUon. fn ;;t!1d the addition would J .P .5 - ^ hwC“ t , . ^ c r while the truen in'u; tne mum :dowt\ Chuic . ...... *1 *.• • xi'D.ti*:*!- ii ttmiit .>a»tof, M r. iJrovtT* i ijijj.Kon -Vun Winkle »Munnlii«, resoiuuon recmesUnff ; ' 'Cu ropoi'K'd seeiim a man of thc! (Continued on page four)14 ‘ ^ oiulcl doscriuod bv Miss Lunu*! *" *— 1 J ,’’ t,Z \Township GOP direct- . , ,, .. i ~ ion lie vould tnko ul tbe Churchi flKlulny -unbs t.Tut cnu n.o\ YJanci Writor Sts. intcrscotion. j ver an urea as the tUimes s\scopt , uorosH a field or seeiion of; A aight-long .scare:lit he n ci-i . brushwood. It also inis .in a-mucd. i-hluf John J. Flood, of t "'°daptat.ion, Chief Hotcllffu stftlcs,1 borough iMillce.,and i-ouoiman L‘ I for fighting a house fire, in Unit; Rice cml-cutcd u lg.it buinng ...v ..— - 1 n'jniDiinv's plant- Mr. riuuun alon& a hnn of nu. nm. ay do-'1 t|!f, ,„ au a),neared to bu- ,i WrttL-i .inn m- U a io .c i. b u c li, ^ COntuscd as to the direct- fires have to bn chocked by lae-, ,,.,.„irt mke uf the Church I Hurls Opening Blast rhrec Sections In Gym !tju, truck cun circle around tint , in thc ■ cellar of The gym will be divided into tliroo sections by a folding partition. This wil! permit a boys. mterschohislic athletic group and a girls' athletic group and a girls’ athletics group using the floor at one time for .MJ«tL the rooming Bertha Lane house and pass through narrow home run oy Mis driveways and oilier small j on Church Bl. Nobody unswei- openings from which a rc-itu-; «d_ tb« ll_o;l,1 n.! i iar fire truck would he barrnd." ‘ ................................. , "" Y’ small size. ,evcn !'lhu;';! 'llllUI M!'s'. L,ftn0 T'.e’ . I Thursday inch hose hn-'- •S1>0n<1- Serveb Notice Or. D<^m$ T To Wago All-Out F ifh t'J For Malcolm; Andriw I Germak President y] , The Malawan Townuliip' OcKid ---i'5 : mi ih-.t door when they knockod, GovemnTeat Xtopubllotm Club '* but a wftteli was kept on the | held its iirst fall meeting" J " ‘ (tLr- .! Dcsjiite its one and-oncTinh Gov, Robert - , .. , ............................................................................................................ - notmuse. (The truck nls.i is equipped with; .. . ^ ,c, btvshore roily sponsored ' by j term. No Domocrnue onoice to i nun tn llolmdel j necic'd" l»y iwo er.clr.sed eon i -1 •vl1'- Welnheimer felt an cb-.^, Ian tanks and floudiights. Bonding Attorneys ree n-mouratlc organiziitlons In'oppose Mayor Buckley wus j Two women remained in xer j n ^ A,tac.ht;d ipecmlly desirable tcutuiT.- wonId A „ 10 wor;: mounting; Jnc|u Jed In Figure K dcl TownsWp Matawan made In the primary. |loi.s condition at Perth Amboy!?"1* ™ ” lh, ,, ,, a tim-u be tiat U,o i 01 " i the complex oo.dp.nent on tb. ',n u u a ' * nm'ourtv'und Tuwiikhlp. Raritan ! ,, ! Hospital this morning us 11! uctui,' a cumbin 'J (alnter-C )35 pupils would be cut lo llruck Wlls '■ Keyport, Union Beats Co-Worker W ith I 34 S n d ^ o l m d e l ^ r ^ /v e l t ' *“ • Kymnasmm ami inouslriulj 80 c :men themsulve.s, the co: (ltd., Holmdel. The injured are|‘u'l;' 'Mfh. Rose Hooynilin, (IB. nf Gar-1 In 1 ll( building. thc Lr with a iui'nttcc baffle onus- liiuld.' nnd Mrs. Estcllo GarreLt.! g.vm M nU Xx I K undcr'a'tioc !»0 of Red Bank. Treated for i a school ..brur:, capuhlf at Riverview Hospital I ing 125 pupil;, w-it,, and discharged was Mrs. Al-|hms and iwo - muca of New , hu U'ticiiers w 1 11 Township, . . . ---------- Bench, Keansburg. Atlantic j Baffle; Fined $205 Highlands; HI ghl ands.-oon 1 Bright and Middletown Town- 1 j.-01. n.ssitltlLltnt a fellow work ship. , . , er •llio rally Will behold Wcdpos- unB ............... - , . , dav evening. Oct. 20, ln tho Key- toi.'S c.nrc. Jesus C, Cftldcnm. of-injuniis port Auction. Route 30. Rnrit.nn 25 IlOWC,. Mnln St. Matuwan, .and oh Township. j wns fined $200 and $5 costs Moil-ilbcnc R. Sleolo. 80. ... . liljra rv Honored guests beside t ile r y ))y Magistrate Jarne'j H-;Ml10' ^ l11^ ; . pj...,, !cnnt «s p,is;.lbh 1 governor will bo Charles R. Ho-;Marlin. His victim was Man- 1 <)ll(-u c ,1° f Jo.sopb f M in i.. well, candidate, for. Ll.e U. B. u(!, Nlves, „f Beers ML. Key-"' "olmdal ’Townslup. VV"nhehm . ' Scn-ile' Charles F. Bulllvim. nm-i, 'rhe assault occurred at vestlgnlcd, said M is. otci H s , > - seeking the third dlsirlc.t coii-|L]K. ii'ondlide plant an Dock St.T'a"' pulled out ot tlm llolmdel- ; Snoiid-I'i'aal mr grcsslonnl post;: Mrs, Kntlull'llle |where lhc two men work. ;^111 r'1^o ;U U ' near the Fleas-; 1ne w'j1 '1 1,11 ,l HlKiis White, of Rod Bank. Two Uior. who ..ppenred to bc.»" Volley Inn and slrucU j '“'‘ f 1,h';, Democratlo state oommlttce- (lru„ k were apprchmuied - by v-h.clo operatedby Mrs. Helen ,io 1 en.-; " im-'f women, seeking te-elccUon »« SinUtwan Hollce ns they nHomp- .Hooyman, 15. ofPn toi.son. I1"""1 , ' mnyor of licj'home community; li,cri hi siart tholr ears. Floyd , l ie Impact, Hliief 1 hillips iniui 11 , a - - .............................. '--• I, Sun. 0r Newark, paid f,8(1 aiulisaid. spun Urn ear armmd Ihree.mcnt. ll'd1 'ai11 - - - 1 , 11 , of u.imes throwing Mrs. Rose Hoov- Mmnd |)j <a ronm;- na jmnn lo the' povamont, skidded lion in vaiaa; ' M ’e 1 1 m il is a bout hn If the ,, (also would bring about more ma budding. 1,11 ,„Mij)hUS|.i 0n hitramuifti spoils 101111 'Vlil ,)''< 'JI"Lfor the physically undeveloped. cqmpmeet In the indnsuJnl arts section,, | there would be five shops, nc-j *‘™ '' • ^ 001ding to the principal. Ill ad- CTa.isrmuii.-; ncr.i ; (]lli0|, ,u ^ic present ecnc-ial Mrs. Lane did ie-1 Thursday to elect offlceris JfofJjirti She claimed all Uooiajihe coming year and to perva' ‘ * ! bc-en secured throughout, notice on their Democratic op,' ' ‘ ' “' coiningygatrrL® all-out fight, ' ~ i . rti s i.r i 0 t-s; werpj * 'J well represented sit the ineetinB;':;.^ i complete ho rmony relgntid ''tts.ltVt'a I has since the April . j)x'ln>ary!- i when ah interested individuals; ’ 'ii . bv ilu- Edward W. runic, president• chose to back Hdw ‘,11 F. Mai- -2 'at „i the .,.,! ibr Mntawnn Township Board'culm a,.; candidate for township Jj $1500 H at i f Kflueoiinn. slated Monday jcommlUti.innn ip using the floor at 01101 "“- ';“ n-om the ut ih tv ' hlld tK'01‘ st,ourort F'rougnou , m)tl,,.e 01) (heir Demo Tho gym will scat 1200 j1^ 0011 f ' T|K.'V, the rJitht and no persons thnt | por, cuts Umt tlm coil nthlclto contests nnd Ult' i cvtn ticx-olon PO-pound pressure col,!t! n'M b,! «fl(- ,0UllU:tl f°r were 1 palgn will be an all-c , lan be HUded to the wail j 1 ^ 0 0^ ^ j ((’™ lil'11 ''d 011 ,ra«I! 8U) ! '1 ,11 »'-* 01 "J8 <«Ml ,, 1 ,- . , , un h . . , : — - , ft-r-i ronresented at th J seat-, librr.r 00111 lielp- ucr.i lie ki-pt as va there will be truck and lis equipment has worked 111 ' Isfaclordy under .rigorous tests, iieconlin:' to jCliiel It a! ellf fe. but he und the ' 11ii , ,,| | mnclitne simp, im' 11miinh in ! 0 "1^°‘ ! other au ial-as ol Mm'r.anvuh ici. ur (CoiUlnucd bD'pugc six) Guarenicod Uied 1'uui 1 Uujlvv/i/oo . rtnrvliT!, Inc.. Cun»ri"i. ' way y&» Koyiiort. Cull K ij.'-'D oi ' ] t .« 7.:umn u-Ht't- i in. $5 cusls and Victor Innn New Vurl:, SUO and , Ilrcausr Ills ear sliuek lhe abmil 150 feet and lilt a nillll.v j menial nur-.e or’another mainf vehicle ! l‘"b', simpping If off and a mirk iT.'hw thc tniasfiirmor tu I'he t-ransfoniHT Zoning Board -Wilhholds Action (ii ............................. , . , , . , a, ,,, ia,, sj,.sv y,,i-p. hw the Iniiisfdrmor tu Hn khitawan Zoulhlt BouitI uf Ad ,u .j,,'' ,!, jurih'md crus;, "(omul. The t-ransfonncr nnr- jualment withhold notion on_Uu. A !'M‘ , A ,-„wly missed laltlne ui the imc.hv «imih8nu..roT7;cn^ l lif •i 11 i iI\1 1 ' . Ui I1 hui.tiliir. tciii hi cvrc]'' !>» ;• i!:i 1 m I.i. Iddward Ball ut Newark listin' wrong license plalc lih. car paid a [Tlie ol $2h cosh; of $3. Mr. Hall, at'1 Laursen for a variance from nTown, puld IIIIIIO sipiarc fed, per lot " ll" ,c o s 's ol $>■* vour reiiuhement Monday lo seek advice of tile borough ut lorney. , 1, Raymond Hielchcl, seen I er |l. was anil,leal In willing could (hlcnl id , !l1' cliitiii a "Imrdidilp" when In' Hik -i .< <■(•, ............... milsl have bmmhl It aware I t -I'I c a d did not rnnform lu the node In l,cH".v .ill",,-,,,,.,.I- ' , M - 'f 111;' In lhc cose of •Mlohiiel I In I da.' ’ seel;lap Lhe Use of lot - opernllHS ah' 11,111 " lllSTIM ml T Inoyman oar. Mrs, Steele was issued a sum l„r iiiiiiH for cnrelrss dinTni: re ,,,, -111 riia 1}lo Out, li), mil i Matawan and llolmdel i■ ;11 1 . 1 mj j m ■ i* . iliU t'ii ^iU'il i i m ' l i n my,i- ; n ' f an hi1 h.nMM 11 rat i it M’h'tul pu,‘li" li.'rv, was aalied to’ Impure 11 an rahmcd for siiTI.iiii-' aii.dli ('wil or ar.pf.rmii .( Ih'omnty «n dn;1 11 > 'Q " 10 was Irie mil Id, Ilia (I slo CJowaii, ot T'cmis lie, y.o;r .vTdi-n"' hi the I.I ii 11 1,1.( S' ii 1,1 men attended Uie injured. 111(10, ; eheul ;I. - ........... - - - - | lie'll ill "Vo :■ ' ic Canl of TTiiinks I'-rhool di ,i. 11 ;■1ft'-- 1H iVc the imilernlglird de.-iirr lo . 11v i l, .. >•■ (■ !",- ml i",pro;,i, uur iilniTT'e ami hc.u'l j 1 1 H■ .I,i. Hit Ihiiults to our many friends.; Tho pn' ' a d , i - li ( m r ft and relatives lor 111" o l d , - ' ,o tin iron1 i., I indnrsM's and sympidhv i lnr '> ' 111'11 • 1 '" ;11 I',,i i-yielided lo tin (llllTim our In do ai.olli'T eki . ; - a'.emeiT, al the loss of mu - Hcserdic-. to elnol iTedy and elerUonlcs , [m, w;lll lor , M„si. I"1'011' 11 11in‘:llllllll:l11 '“ '" " 'h h " '1' Iseehm how u will perform aud I-a, .'I hsk ,tiiuopiqpt, lending room, und an, . h soum of th" j internal combustion cuglneerhn,', ‘ ‘ Ul' 1 " '' ilcvotad ..pyj, tin- Hie automotive trndi ' ' will ha am. Contrasts Arraiigemeiits ( . n ,.,11|lls ;,i-,h I instiu- 1 y.],.. Wehihelmi.T contrii.slcd ne d ep a rt pi-uposed arnoigemouts with I.,. pataia 'V.|,. h exists at present, showing mdrm snnnociiim eramiiind witii I ue"'"'I pppils asliif'. It for a study hid). I trying to get along In thc cate , "s'" 1,1 j l o n a wllli no drawing hoarils. i a- *'• ■( ;11 .j liie u'.-in so oniwiled Hint | t 1' 1,1 ; pupils e'oilld mil excrd.a- i . W"in- ’ The prlnripnl I lien dlscu.-e ad cut : IHe- i-himi’e in I'UiTTcoluoi. A i - m a x i - : m-w languar.e. ,Simnl;Ji. nov I'.iv ni-" d'.:d| it;,,util,oe,I on pure fuud ly W h h . - - I ln; Card of Tlmidis ci,a ho | , V|1 u.|.,|i I,, ||,unit all imr ula-vd o 11 , | ( . , i ( t - , , n c i p ) i b o i a n d rehdlv, - (her ac 11 ,,, n i,■ 1 1 many Mildness, a din ""I ; mg oi ii ri.'cup. hri eaMTiPTit. It i iici *ta 11y llcv. f.iuri (■ 11, n e l - . e d r i . similar unit would cast from th.u lhc one per cent of the a j Myndm Bourn mu was »p-; a muraifiuTui cr of standard pn-inumm lor wh.di ihr school dis , pouiu.d L.mpoiniv clmiiman of liei will li" boiidfd for Hie eroc-Hhe nii.-olmk to .iiipeivibo the non Of a IT l oom school uni! t)n | election of offierr.s. Tho vote • lhc Church St. school lot inchid- : wa.s lumiiimoiw tor all oiTL ,1„. fl the bonding al i A n d r e w Gnrmak was elect- ’oincv in New York as well as ;('d president; H.fcry Gelst, vico i Ili,,i. uf Non,urn J. Currie, of ' president; Jolm lfitley," sooWr Fi-ypoil, retained t(’ ael as eonu- ' . it- and Noble Watson, BOr- , efl(„. li,,, hoard in this inalfei. Igesnt-al.alTUK. s' . Ml C’mric declared that by To Cat Forth Grout Hrfortc lhc hid,; re e v e d the cost of a M"- Geim.d!, spoaklng for th(); i • ft-ho.il will he $215.ll"". mi'Wh elected cxcoutlvos Of thftf l i,,.. v.H; be s..fei,. withm ll.r :chib, staled Ihat this your, lho, rT'c.iidO bot'niwing pow er tiu- : ii'Taddiean i-ai'ty wttl Jiut fqrtir Ti.-iruT ivill haw vdieii llie ue-.i 'the grciucst (dlort and thc oloc- I ,; , i , | c ‘ l.a"'d on ldft-1 i. , 'C-.s ' (loll ol sir. Malooim WuUlfl be ; il >, n i ' i n t l i i 1 u l l '- c l !Vf* MOHGANVILM’ INDEPENDHNT’S NEW FIRE TRUCK In' ft "If" icf.idi’li! Ini li m i near vi'i » llceni." and L- the po Ili (Old Statlim on JohiiHim rec-lilcss drKIng on ,\vs fm a parliinil Int. tlie board' wants to kimw if Ml la nucuKsar'.' h, mlorol owncril reilldlng wllli- , 1 , piio loci ot tlm alte wIiom' Imida lie In nnothoi' mynliTpal py Mali,wan Towmditp, dr d Is, Now In Hm time I" " llv Ihntie nmised arlKTcn for sal'' 4 small ud t" Hm clas: ill'd c"1 uiiih will tid'h Ihcm lido e.tal fi,i' you, ) 11 • I’i v i ■ (i husliand ( ,i oi nc ;jtillltAc. , Mrs. lrdiuinin and tnmily. ppm adv. and lal hm ,! • " c I ia III- I li," ' ' ll i,, IT. i II;, •• 1 i il a n c 1: 1h'I 11 I), - I la 1 a 1 1 11u 11 s I 1lhc it ill (I li i in, ■ d, | llie la "Hi uillt , ! , new chissrocm. . 1 IU ti I RiHlatuLtfjtlng (..’ai da for j Hie L will hc tl.e w Ic id I hid offloe. ' ' jmnnlc; unit ami da I ii u. 11 „ior '• I I,ft i xl a ,nip.'"I" d IT.nr imlliliia-'.. I i ......... IH,'1 ', j Iti,-hi ‘‘Ml :, ,. (M'Mlll ilu* I'MI "f j I-I.HU1 ‘MU iiiil ai> • Dr (';i|)Umnn ;uul tilnff and Iln* I’n'clh I'1un'*rat fInini• Money I’hc ancl Mnnl fU’h n i m u ' l i ' T Huylnn \ Cat? 1 1 i iii > < a il ia n* delivery on ri * t * v i j. j I:.(• (uul I'lyiiiuuMi Chi'ii linn ( ithIf(i1 t n i i ’k.i. Sit," ii Iifh* nf ii.ii'd mi . ( itl H iy t im inlc.v HI Miilu'.viin I-0UHV- W i»r I'i otdiuld (Ml.i’/U. U’iidiit Vun Wyirlilu, Inc., IU I'fiilw fit,, I'Tuvlmiil, Jf|» If ud4- Uii- cnliiiliiuiina or the cutn- ,! ill!!! ' ' | ih* cnuihiiiU* ii({(in.*y«e() lho '(’Mil) iii.n itt tin1 main laaucs of c.unpinun iii<' thc j/rubont :ivi• tn.\ rale, thu cicplor* (( "nliniitMl nil two) nm-i IU ^ V rt JiKowa (il/ovo tn liii I'tfil.i •’nm I Willi tt, 1 Con.wrr l)a» i lupurali'iH i'i rr* On, il wa-. xitnll hy Mn rt 1 n »il liu. h i (.■ huii ■■ sI Aid ;ji,i“,:l jmi x.i« jr/ on ijupi, M l iln* nM*/ I r u l I: <1 Monj.mvKli? in Hn nu n ll.eniM'lvr i !..»I' i r (1 n y , Home ), loop, of Mlltlt- -,-,i i, i s , 1 ice, i omnlcd a warping hn., nainiliig Had, llie (log Situ- ation ui im im,111 tigh is again I,,-,-i,mil)’- , a i,,utl Jcsome one. Hu \ st a i c l l ov iitT':, Ichlhh tiuilr aid- n ,,11 . • uii a' Ian c must expect, a cnmi. -iiiiiin,im, if they Ignore llii: warning Wnler Mu tti my Tonight ( ,\ ns. Tng I,, di.ftiimii v/ater ; nppiy jc nbli'ios will ho held ill, ihe (Till wood Fireliouse Ihlft evo- i,inn. pel,-r vena lut* oommia, i sinner ol Mldawun T'OWHhIiIP, imnoipiceil I i 1 1; f morning, All nnd vim'lowm-Idp iesftlenls arc asked to id i e 0,1,

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Post on 22-Apr-2020




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T jw s y** M'Y' 'Sf*

K ? - mi ^ r - V-

' V t l ‘ ifl _ nf *'« ( V , ‘ s r

M ertfcoro CommUlee Aeked About Lights,Roadway, Ot'aiii.HgtM Z o n in g R e p o t i D u e

. ' ■ ■. , 4W*^VUivber Nation* I E d ito ria l A zsociat'oo New

ft VS\,,t i-"'

j r7

R e s id t n t s P r o te s t I ^. 'Viwwwri*

‘*A0tt'0j up CotW.tttifeJ

tc ¥*w UiumcUy to do]■ :.■••.■ ..\ .11 eU, •* ),,»,»i/li4vr»n t..ts,vws V. • *«??.. \

0. Oii3 fri 4 ^auwiV ‘ b * i ........ -■■-.. -»• -■••• - veai-

186th YEAR - W EEK

jersey Press .A ssociation -v M vwawutb C j jn ty P ie ts AssocMUion ,

Single Copy Seven Cents j

Fktension Av Drewiqgv Y Tuivb Traffic. Danger f o A m C h ild r e n

vP'o, ' ' Geoige Den rry ci&nfc 9a sttee*M» r'ew v icmpia«iwwhy- isii'OfV iightKjic ciaUand hftlaU hjO n ^ o e c ^ lto te iie J M*5 J cording Ip Borough M»e Uiwf , ■ ■ ""w?h6*' nccomiwiiwtf-'lwsr I vJ^m . Alison**. liu. pubMc

• > ■ ,V— ««.fr * .riwb y\«4 fl/tg'f*lfr .. ..•■■..... 4kJ9|s*‘V>ls.uA«' a ■ • :

Annua) liispccliHf- of Al.-iU- w im F ire nepat'tiMUit ..v l.ii 't.ake p U ic i l " .0 p M ' might at M idw ay 16os(! Cu., Vt-ashing--

1 ton fet-, near 41-ihi St.. ac

T - s„:. . J ? . Il'H jMi|tUCU au


w m Y m m h a v e m s a yThree Accldenits

heavy,'' Inspection

until some

w ^ l a ’id , c n r i " l H e comm it j is h u l'z d to j d t ; ml t-eemen If had beep prqmlsttd "> t!*er« -<l»o.itrt Umoney 'VcnncV be put •iM. tte b uL . ra in ..iqnlfcht, tl i, get, ic i this aim aud It \'ft» w i l l be pwvtponcd ’,£i.. bad »o have to waRc on , might next week ,u curd bur k ­t •* t ie " ul o vU ih t*1" ol iyl

V ; Dr nt « a lio u>mp*Jlncd 1 Mayor; Spat ford IV, »clia,iifc«nhQili ‘ho rondrt'ov uf the ioadxvaj H r ur rt lh«*t 11 had fceui

. la id out tot a 30 coot iweet o«t k now ibm n A8[> o i ' j ,i 15 fort

toau He also audited avtothei v •'••.'••xcsjtteat'- had" cut a ditcu across

the 'Ofttlv-av to o n 'iy off *-ur faqe (vuts'i because Uroinnve boiiditl'i.is vr«c f-o nod the atsa „

icok Over T«u Year* Ago - .iu a jo i De«iih Buckley Inform

«d WHO the to’vnanip hat! Jusi. ' tekf>rcover the strecl two >sars

ro prefercuco could not be

T w o O n C y itic a l L is t F ro m C r a s h In F r o n t O f Z ie g le r ’!!; O th e r s .

i ! n M a ta w a n , H o lm d e l

‘ . T'vo men rum aui in 'c iit icu l tcdo'dltion - .today at Ferth Am, bov Cieuui'Eil Hosj'Uftl no n l'e’!

. , . . . , . jiin lt ct a colh.Ron Sundsy- ln treatand the boroush cuimcrl vvlil ! 0| K ie iiie rs Tuvevn. on. Houlecuvlc.i' the fircniuii, n .ere Is to be a speciol meeting of the borough council oi b<r to ihe tnspccii.im. ill which a brief matter of business will bn con- ahhired. ,. . ■„ : , . m. '.■■■

J gTven thnt or ei o*bei sti te tsaE'J

He pionilsetl the-, committee would consldei the mfther of

; lights, also that the utieet m ight be gravelled , but could not be h au l -iHfaeuI ut tl.i'i time . Commitbeeman l,evoy. Vcn-

Pelt st.ded the m a t who had : opened the ditch should put Uv

ii'. dra in 'p ipe . M r . Bcmery ob­" jecled ns he said no dvatnage

measures would opiount to any­thing utitU tlie road \v»s gr*d-. i ,L l lm ltiepm A i ed p io p m 'y by tne township 'comm itieemcn

M-.-H Domovy protested sne,

Townships Decide To Increase Governing Bodies To Five; Two Additional Contests

135. Clilfwood-. Beach.. A tub'd tmaiT in tins accident-. i» in law- icondition, i'l'om two other *c- jc ldpb f m the urea in tho past weak, a ruan and two women

; rem ain .in serious condiLlort. at it-he hospuai,- -j The m m cn i-n.e critical'.hat-jIg re Ciaronee - Jlem lUK. 28, o f; ;M orR iin . tormerly of C lilfwood j j l t e c b . and Abraham Castilio .i j 29 . at Fotth Amoov.- in ju red |i iviUi them was M icnuel Carlin , i 135 of ao:t Norwood Ave.. l.,a«-1 Jrence Havobor. !i . M r. Castillo auatalned • InterH j nnl in juries of thc cheat- and ■head nnd abrasions of both legs. M r. F lem ing was treat-

Madison and Marlbciro Town le d . for deep lacerations of theships filed near the deadline yoa-(knee, possible' fractured , skullterday to take ow vautaga- o f . tbe hand lacora lions of the head andlaw prov id ing a township Uav-!face. M r . C arlin was. treatedintt 450!) o rm o rt i population, by jfor a cerobrai concussion and !the last census. m s .v increase multip le laooratAons of the knee jits governing body from threbiaud ankle. . j

to liv e . j No Witnesses Found j- As’a result, county :exooultve j Chief Otto Kcngtetter, of Ma-

T * •Tv-TiidArt • r is d : n sk l'V o o committees in both muncspall-jdlson Township Police, said this and lie i husband had paid Saou c<m ^ ^ ^ i a l l U l . Ul> ,n u m n - . impo -iblc U, th

lgnationa'Toi' tlie two additional IteTrnine what happened as no posts to be filled on Nov. 2. j wltnessc.s liave been found and

In M a d i s o n .Township' Wtc (.tho • liivee men, in the brief per; Democrats- o h o s e incuinoentiiorta when they do recover con- ( ' " '" jiim e s : Bobbins Ispiousness at the hospital, oan

\ ,Hre Truck NovelI n d e p e n d e n t F ir e tr e n B u ilt S p e c ia l T y p e . O f P u m p e r O n F a r m ! r o ck • 'C K n ste n in g ’' S a tu r d a y

Mnrganvuif! I ;UlHfev > il r. C o. •: FiFSt /'lid &lV--*)Ci ;-s{1?.||LYiha nt,

1 Vii'lVJDijt t U l t Ilf Id i T \

up cm ^


hoadouftrier.s tor ;.C-,i r 1 ai-u-o i Township resiuents ro msfiot’t di 1 in v ro ‘o i l i l r

' n'cJ mon ha.ci on dlsrra:,' rSicii' n<nv l.'iiu iilao ainbuianca wn.U-.-

! the S iv ise ii were snowuie ikeu i j,-’4-ton utiiit'-' fire - trunk.! F li'emon from ,Vi a r i b u r u. Itolmooi and Mm .tan- iL . v ol

i uhtcer tire ooiniiar.los ano . : the Matawan F ire Oepw

and 11','st aid ;wuad men from. I.Mtitawnn alio ■ Freehold .nuuud I ' l l Uie 'aaserviince. it is t-surn i a ted over t>00 persons saw the i now. equipment.

Accord;nv. lo Chief F ra iik kat- •i dtffe . the utility truck is, from

the Information ne has. «o:w- ! thing' novel m tiie realm of Hra- ! (iirhuast equipment. Tne truck j js the idea ami the creation of I the men of Morgaiivulfc Tudv- ; pandent Vo lunteer.F ire Co., ac i cording to tr,c chief, It iui..;

Countv iVlew Ru.df i i f e f ' A. IV. suooo. ol fo u n ­

ts' (icif.-oli i ts. signed a «,jn- jiU.iiU. ■ clmrgmg bimkiiinkh.ij,

Mr* it.vSul'Jliis^A St.. M a law an . be­fore Jsti’aif! Lutiicr A.l cf :WjiUv-an MOtvr.ship,,i*i ;i rt.vd!t oi •« ra lii at tliyC.IUi VVt-D‘1 in D. UOUlo oxt ASUi (:nf(;v<iun Acc.. Tu<!Stta.v.

if'iiiul Minro Mud l)«i'tKiri\ak- i i*ti ’snips we-'Ti lound hi M r. MtMiiKtfr’s piivScssiOH- 'H e t>jii under snupli^aiJV Cit’OX'jt.'tt t’OIlAVUC, PVOSUUH i.fil' of til.C JiUl. . ■ .' .

,.a \>relnHUva?.'v w illbe bind before MatvRttnUc bt».uir ou {»vtx h>, M r./or. nulnated hv tk'sutul fo luivo tbi.1 iOAtk-r Ixcard b.v the IrrfJil u\u«Tstrate. ,

\T.|- : • •

..A! ProM'lef Caught

By Borough PoliceClim bed O nto Roof Of E xtension At Lloyd Residence To P eep; Gets 90 Days

I I It'S ^CrOd . - . i , tb is idl M pUSj Pf J, p,

d i < lnysi Wv!(S\m By W:l» IL 'll I. iv - ; my - iiuii' r ap 'i.viheyi)

V lie . Pt * .he yoviy ll


) iJ i ti ill' u nn ‘I 11, i

, 'itu;,; ut. u c t" i v nil

iivas h r .v - j- l ;- , , , . : :’ Irttt Cody sisousd tase ur.ae;,' i vwement exttmqsnF jftcksoh l in e Maiden f_aae-. fr» ..mukaefjt' new m e a l (t 11 ' ss from Ul® »b a h llt i d U ^t M .'k l, F MhJd’ i T t ie . t ic wav stieet WfMt Ab u i i \ lan pxte'iu',o to Ja®k son H w id ,! wi d cm e is aucks I J I t a lg f v t of th? b’lSili'Tth ( tieu h , .(( iu ( f .t i i ig up ira^Jc' b i I i .1 td 'r lu r e fot bhC>!,J i ^ a i u d a .Pi y eo now 'H it ’Is t n u's is^^ i icqu lst ,^ a lla lr t iif . u i i i 11 v ftAC t ^

I ' i r . s i t i a i tfvnioped quioitly jtrom Maiden .ume'»;.TefKcta!tt9vys ,- iestrt us pce'atoio John R n d l ' t l ^ o h e s m a n in- 1 fuiincJ lue o r, t il th"iq '\din *i K e r ‘ch ’ii in h t r n the w e e k 4pr rf ft IJ il ft t ie & iin ll Jfd roi s m u ' d ^ ’gei to tht'4»cunt is *i tm m ovem aut'^ l

' ( \ i acViut th io ig h tm qx . Itc u lrd wtaide L im The land t wiuucd foi m n lm " is npft be-

Iin g used by these childl;en-!(|9i»ea';V j t p in g u t nd nocoidlng to ■ Braclev. - and, ,to deprive , iitof»V'Iof it, would hc countering ariOt{)fctW>k,

p.mmiiiB board project . for.;"'forDu c it in g . new playsr.oundd-Areas;

He also feared■ .............. . — - . . :anco of-peace 'by tne.md.vem iny

os M alawan Votiec. received a loX ^ . u - ■>' ■ . -.A-.,,,;-.-,?been 1 cni; Lhat someone was attempt

patrol a ; s :e i a .m . P a lr iiiiiid n W illiam

iVIOli-R ico. I !

a^ios tbey lived ttotuo, so weVc entitled to some consideration.

•' She claimed she was getting ft : ' b ill with Interest-(or taxes pa id .

" . She ‘ was tola to consult the — township collector-

Vt ants B linker instftlled - - -' H arry Sngotsky, Freehold at-

^ , tomes naked ‘he township com- 1 ' mittce to * urge inatsilatipu .or.ft;

state b llrke i ight tintl warn ing sign at thr Home TO M n rllw in

' Tennoiit Hd. ■ mtci section, ,M r fltipotsUy, representing the.

Study Plan Of Regional High Sckol

Outlined By Freehold H. S. Principal

W einhdim er Depicfs How C urriculum W ill Be.-Broadened W ith $1,925,000 B uilding; Voters

Committeemaii James Robbins|scioiisiica-s ;u me u i w m ., «•»>.••{ W i l l A c t O n T u e s d a y : G u id a n c e p r im e F a c t o r | ftxv '"t,hp fiddirlonar- U'r6P*ycurino«* be quchtioiifid. ? It is o.s.siua | :-r; - - . : ,^ - - .. . • • — Muit M r. Carlin was1 backing) >v k I 'Tuesany voteus of MnH-.plieU arts div ision. Home euo-j

i. ,i rv i . . .. . . , • f. n f i .. .. . . . . . I a. i.ftil lifion

¥.a nnsr felt neeii. -ne ."tilted. ,l ' have u siiiftb mooue inc- iig iii Mpb unit. Tkts cun nc uti|!/,cr ; in . wavs' It would nor be deem- led advisable to use the la r g i . . , . . .ifive tmoks. The chief detilaredin««e who resides there when ft

also confront-i roused h em her -deci.tlic comim iited with-the usual financial p iou- ,-i.uiot,. nail seen ■- p. her-windowilcm '-hat besets a voluiite i nro-figlitiiig oi'Biiurration m Uu j purchase of cquipnier.t. - ! Huy I arm truck

;HV the sll'CBt.:' __ Kcquvst Must Be Considered 'Mayor bpafford- .V, Bohftimlf ,- >•

n l f. ;informcid M r. B radley th a t 'a a .,). . 3 u ® itl.e vectnesi inid come from'-the, «y-

patio lnu in lea inc .i ■ pianvuiie" board it - must bo'Con-r;ir« sKlerrd anti so named Counoil- 'man Cvrus K . tnown. chairm an oi the sliect commltleo to-mftJCe a borough iiivesttBattbiiy^ird«rcfeiH^j port at the next meeting. Vr'C

M r. Hi ;ull(-y hclrl 11,.--. nn iiiic lfrv 'y

break into the residence Howard L loyd , nr

Mam f fastening'scene, tiu*that Miss Alice Lnnghan

byman peering

Mins Loiip lmn told the otflc-I

Ier that- when she - went to n i l , fr a cl failed to inc lude . Maldeii''- OMing room to cai! police, ;i,a n e when .putting up^'.new'-^trftftt«

of thehoard of oduontinn, They hud nominated M lchuel otants. an Other board mombcr; at .the

te rm , For the two-year te rm ,led ................ .thevUielected '.lames W h ite ;lou t o f the Z iegler parkmg ‘Oiiboro-Township- w ill.o as tVlohmrestdont of they township when his oar was r.*mm«d by j between'' :t and 9 P .m . at lo iv i.- , .y . - - U.uck'■•••“• • ' - - — « • p ie jn inpT .. qoiuk west on j sj^p h h H Mnrinoro . to •bojmlUeopnife anu borne • m ak ing in | . . .

the h ighway. It appoius M t . { tl»p • Freehold Kcs'lonul. -vHtgfiJsliuctlon, nnd one for instruc- J“ ..a t iln was thrown from the oar i.^nhbol d istric t'Io r Sl.Oas.OifO-fomtlon in purchasing, preparing ^. . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . Tlly -

ionuallotslnom les w ill liave tnrcc loom s..It Town ‘ no foi senvng on fm nou-e ,;»«- >- ^ b(juMii

allon pum|?er unit

1 'e c lcf (ilSflosrd «n u ! U l ' 1111111 1,11 ^ L Lof °! 1 °'1° allcl 11,10 hRd IWSlwtea talu- m s 'is t io ii the ( i men '>°1' ^ ‘en’ion fol'dwcd to peei 'ha te do.nl end signs poste#.


(J I

April pr im ary for fhree-yiar I which circled out of eoniio l and jthrce proposal Communications ProdUBts Corp.'jwvm-and Ldw ard J . Soanion jo»-|htqiok ivu , Ctnsu.io. a 11 sl1. ' 111 | m x othc;

‘saia « number of employees j the one ^ea . touo ‘om a .m m w i» w i h c ' ^ r ' a ^ l

marks afid the position in w li ic h j3nmc n,-,.porul';

i'i,,- voters o il and serving food, y .j'ilc ip iiiitics. com I room w ill

II,He nl.::i ft

ruturv. ' Booster Innk, These thc men motmtcil ttem-


Cb'vro ic l' ‘ftnn i''11 llcr W 9U 8h a window of U>«t,.xt yeas, admlltMl-'tWO.stMBtSKWtKSK^'_ I ir/.nm QVifl C/'rflfi 1 !1f»ri slip* I P- Ihonn - Atw.f i-n.-l ii-, - 11*./, .- »k(4/t4i..4*'i/kf.,,'A, «Kcom . She screamed, she ip - Ibeon nnnttod in the.'posthlii "of:<i'?i‘-^

su.|la te .l|nor outcry Itnc rnoftop. i Lut.iolman lliee lr-;-.-,). ncuim in the

ud he a opulently heat d | nctv .street signs ; veoently-pflp^-aand .lumped lim n .Mmdcri Lane was one- OfvlhePi1- ■«

, .The mnyor • promiBed-• thos'OKi^Hf^^e n c lu d thi rthked would oe sec .’dd ( direction of j M r. Brown1 was ■-authorlged1ijt),;

f f ^ l s c l v e s (m the"body of thc i .............— , ---- , hove .o tke is ao onch , tm, Piher w if i y rack fo r ira v a . KOing in uie unecuoo u i , ........................................ ..lour. 1 district.'-•.villi Birl w ill have one for her W0! K-Ugl, Jcct ol rc,.| hnsp tpp The- ivuprliUs of the shoe which I purchase- guard T$fi

'«>?4iiM''-Fam4,/(isl( Ar lha' late Mavor John -W-'i lx illce can deduvt riom tiic- iyot,. rtt the hiimc time ost.tJ&Pj' On t.!m second floor of till- L, j “ ■ ... meclvinl-cd so tlixf i-'-wnvod v.-beie th« man jum p ( ie !lo a o ,s tot llipm . fot ..Aboifeyijfjfhave Xiad RCQW©nts a TMt^eiS i » n & ™ ^ Innuks a»d the posltln in which 58me ^ .p o v u s ? I thi ip w in bo c l.m sioo .n , p'u i tU l1 , c B ‘ „ „ rt on, lv too. o U c soft sod cK in Bel im "Hoots ehalrmrad ,

' e , tnd I , „ h1 lf ln rul. the m cr vet. found I , hl 1)lr,w t l u . ( f t ’Uhe lnboi Uoiv uid wotk ioon , ' ’ ^ ” [J,lh L lhl , un , m l i u <» llie nmth side . t o w m e nn ow iie d t o ‘Spend 4

‘ nh?* I’oiYnnittee ftpuoihtfd MVtlnihbi board member Donald I E a r lv StUuvdny m orning foui |To purchase 2-\ ac rts ol • itf&Ldi*1: ^eionoc u>vus*cs. l l i t i t a u -*11 - avcjj k while the truck -m-uf tni- hou.-it, .lhe of/lcci .went. ,$700 io i .aiaj^lu.fc."*n yytn»»w -I'-tu W-Ti tS S ,'. (^.J.-Wn.w:.-HaTr,nr.- ,n llk ! men- Ivere in jured w h e n thc iiT for ^65,000. tlic luna is on W i ® pam le iabo ia lo ilc s foi Pl*>s ! motton. :dnwn C . h u u b t . w ine Jnmo.^ \\iurt

commliVlonSt Uw lBhl Pa» dcaloi w"ar. ohosmi for die throe-1 car ran out of control on New | wcslf!l ly side oi tlic itooorm--110s. cmmnsuy «..u kwwsJ.” J - *••- ’" * ....................... -...............................-.......s the wnv mom I Tlm cafeteria to the rear

would seat 500 nt one lim e . In

way moi

Martin Smith andI yctti le im and Walter R . Quack- Brunswiox Ave., M aU wan , l un- . vh i„ ru l. acr

Chniles onbush ot Old Bridge- for Umjnl.ns up ou the lawn of tlie w il- 1the present si hum two jca> torm- The Repub lican ! Ham Cosgrove resldcnoe, hitting , (b , prim ary nominees were Com-! a tree. Gciorge W u lker. of Lt»w-lRlU,cU

F n u e li was swioin In aa speolal m e iio liy c n rn b" Township C ie ik F loyd Wvcko'f mltteeman Thomas F . M illc i

F ie d VonBodeck wanted to ( for ie elecLlon to a three-yoni know W h a t part Qecomc of tho term gnd-Maxwell Mayor, 101-

To exp-'iid sat!.005 for t in ! Uire.e ;fO-inmute periods, tlie , fl„ h ti,)1{ ,ri.-i,; np;i .-il.her renrc-i whole school of loOO pupils could | „ fire ,.“ n

/ ....;m i............ i l„ „ 'si . t U.. tt r»/>ni*H 111 IT f.rt M » . I fa . . . W .



Governor Invited To Bayshore Rally■ Democratic Unit* In

Area Plan Big Affair At Keyport Auction Lot On Oct. "20

er Mnin St., M atawan, i-emalns|n|fopRl m(hiili"-s on this ;o l Ibe served, in serious condition-at the Fc iU i | , c , T)) hullri und oqnhi a n ' Welnlieimer

according to M i . I He said that now I

This is ot areal i.-.me to a company located m a in u u a . ucoording to the ciiftd.

id brusii fires and) ->0 i'-nek onp .noye


Amboy hospital with a fractur- j aclcfit ionod log, possible Injuries to the back and skull and Incc-rations of tho face. :

Three l'ldlne with ill in ntso were taken to the hoptlal by lhc

thc existing Free- j five periods arc needed to scivc hiool, ianother w ith | the' (150 in school. Tho cooking

UI......C. -....-— — •— i fu i,H r y ic .d liia HeldMcCue. of Marlboro , I Mntnwon F irst A id and Roscuo| [.'.rsuih. Wohiheimnr. usstsiant • litree-ycar icrrn , nndjsquttd, Inc ., but they wore ^ is- jHU,,oVvisur ul Froehold ltogion-

.. ,.r 1 In 1,/T.l 111(111/1 . nl. .Ll./rkrl /. fl All 4l«/\(li /-, r t l.fli I* 1 . •.

hold H igh School ,m ak ing ceH.uii revisions to the u n d serving sections or the calo- existlng bu lld iua . ut « total coal tic rin arc in the center vvllh din- of $1.837,U00. Ing .sections cn ootli sides, per­

m itting thc handling of groups of pupils at one time

zoning commission's repojt. H c .mul. magistrate, for the was ntfsurod by Mayor Buckley j,ear unexpired term , it would be forthcom ing.' I In Marlboro Township Mayor

; Dennis Buckley, a Republican, i lylll hove as his running mules Charlesfor the . , _

(Daniel Brower, or M orsanv lUo ,, oluirged after treatment of their nl .school, ( xpiamod to ajfor the two-year term . M r .‘in juries. They were Gaston Wil- |B,.on)) (u lhe MoigftiivUle School 'B rewer is .'a mem ber of the j driver; Howard Lewis, 28, n m l ; p r i d a v at >i public meeting (board of educullon. tThornell Jones. 17, both of r te d iwhul ^ f.miH-ac'd Insofi.r as

Another board o f. education! Bank.. M r. W illiam s lo ld PR-1 physical properties and the. cur- member, Joseph A. Lanzaro, ol } u-olimin Ralph Wallace, of Ma-i rlcu ium is concerned.

I Morganville . 'w as Democratic j tawan Township Police, hc wns I Th0 nl,w (Uid illon is an L-siwp- ! choice - for the new three-year I going east into MhUiw iu i when , ' structure to ha lo-i term. M ichael Hynew icz ., or [forced off the road by a car j ^ llu '. iU. ol present

B Meynor has I Moi'Banvlho. w ill be his rum iii.g : tommg ill ihe pppesiiu d liec-1 iwhool building ,

been ltiviiod" ta spoak _ # U gain, jtnatc, ^ r jUon. fn ; ;t!1d the addition would J .P . 5 - ^ hwC“ t , . ^ c r

while the truen in 'u ; tne m u m:dowt\ Chuic . ......*1 *.• • xi'D.ti*:*!- ii ttmiit .>a » t o f , M r. iJrovtT*i ijijj.Kon - Vun W inkle »Munnlii«, resoiuuon recmesUnff ;

' 'Cu ropoi'K'd seeiim a man of thc! (Continued on page four)14 ‘ ^oiulcl doscriuod bv Miss Lunu*!

*" *— 1 J , ’’t , Z \T ow nship GOP direct­

. , ,, .. i ~ ion lie vould tnko ul tbe ChurchiflK lulny -unbs t.Tut cnu n.o\ YJanci Writor Sts. intcrscotion. j ver an urea as the tUimes s\scopt ,uorosH a field or seeiion o f ; A aight-long .scare:lit he n ci-i

. brushwood. It also inis .in a-mucd. i-hluf John J. Flood, oft"'° daptat.ion, Chief Hotcllffu stftlcs,1 borough iM illce .,and i-ouoimanL‘ I for fighting a house fire , in Unit; Rice cml-cutcd u lg .it b u in n g

...v . . — - 1 n'jniDiinv's plant- M r. riuuunalon& a hnn of nu . nm. ay do - '1 t|!f, , „ au a),neared to bu-,i WrttL-i .inn m- U a io .c i. b u c li, COntuscd as to the direct-fires have to bn chocked by la e - , ,,.,.„irt mke uf the Church I H urls O pening B last

rhrec Sections In Gym ! tju , truck cun circle around tint, in thc ■ cellar ofThe gym w ill be divided into

tliroo sections by a folding partition. This w il! perm it a boys. mterschohislic athletic group and a g irls ' athletic group and a g ir ls ’ athletics group using the floor at one time for.MJ«t L

the rooming Bertha Lanehouse and pass through narrow home run oy M is

driveways and oilier sm a ll j on Church Bl. Nobody unswei-

openings from which a rc-itu-; «d_ tb« ll_o;l,1 n.! iiar fire truck would he ba rrnd ." ‘ ................................., "" Y ’

small size. ,evcn ! 'lhu ;';! 'llllUI M !'s'. L,ftn0 T'.e’. I Thursday inch hose hn-'-•S1>0n<1-

Serveb Notice Or. D<^m$ T To W ago A ll-O ut F i f h t ' J For M alcolm ; A n d riw I G erm ak P residen t • y]

, The Malawan Townuliip' OcKid ---i'5:mi ih-.t door when they knockod, GovemnTeat Xtopubllotm Club '* but a wftteli was kept on the | held its iirst fa ll meeting" J

‘ " ‘ ‘ (tLr-.!Dcsjiite its

one and-oncTinh

Gov, Robert - , . . , ............................................................................................................ - not m use. (The truck nls.i is equipped with; . . . ^ , c,btvshore ro ily sponsored ' by j term. No Domocrnue onoice to i nun tn llo lm de l j necic'd" l»y iwo er.clr.sed eon i-1 •vl1'- Welnheimer felt an c b - .^ , Ian tanks and floudiights. B o n d in g A t t o r n e y s r e e n-mouratlc organiziitlons In'oppose Mayor Buckley wus j Two women remained in xer j n A,tac.ht;d ipecmlly desirable tcutuiT.- wonId A „ „ 10 wor;: mounting; Jn c | u J e d In F ig u r eK d c l TownsWp Matawan made In the primary. |loi.s condition at Perth Amboy!?"1* ™ ” lh, ,, ,, a tim-u be t ia t U,o i 01 " i the complex oo.dp.nent on tb. ' , n u u a ' *nm'ourtv'und Tuw iikhlp. Raritan ! , , ! Hospital this morning us 11! uctu i,' a cumbin 'J (a ln te r-C )35 pupils would be cut l o llruck Wlls

'■ K e y p o r t , Union B e a ts C o-W orker W ith I 34 S n d ^ o lm d e l^ r ^ /v e lt ' *“• Kymnasmm ami inouslriulj80 c : men themsulve.s, the co:

( ltd ., Holmdel. The injured a re |‘u'l ; ' 'M fh . Rose Hooynilin , (IB. nf Gar-1 In 1 ll(

bu ild ing.

thcL r with a iui'nttcc baffle onus- liiu ld .' nnd Mrs. Estcllo GarreLt.! g.vm M n U X x I K undcr'a 't ioc !»0 of Red Bank. Treated for i a school ..brur:, capuhlf

at R iverv iew Hospital I ing 125 pupil;, w-it,, and discharged was M rs. Al-|hms and iw o-muca

of New , hu U'ticiiersw 111

T o w n s h ip , . . . ----------Bench, Keansburg. Atlantic j B a f f le ; F in e d $ 2 0 5H igh lands ; H I g h l a n d s .- o o n 1Bright and Middletown Town-1 j.-01. n.ssitltlLltnt a fellow work

ship. , . , er•l l io ra lly W ill beho ld Wcdpos- unB — ...............- , . ,

dav evening. Oct. 20, ln tho Key- toi. 'S c.nrc. Jesus C, Cftldcnm. o f- in jun iis port Auction. Route 30. Rnrit.nn 25 IlOWC,. Mnln St. Matuwan, .and ohTownship. j w n s f ined $200 and $5 costs Moil-ilbcnc R . Sleolo. 80. . . . . liljra rv

Honored guests beside t i l e r y ))y Magistrate Jarne'j H -;M l10 ' ^ l11 ; . p j . . . , , ! cnnt «s p,is;.lbh1 governor w ill bo Charles R . Ho-; M a rlin . His victim was Man- 1 <)ll(-u c ,1°f Jo.sopb f M in i . .

well, candidate, for. Ll.e U. B. u(!, Nlves, „ f Beers ML. K ey-" ' "o lm da l ’Townslup. VV "nhehm . 'Scn-ile' Charles F . B u lllv im . nm-i, 'rhe assault occurred at vestlgnlcd, said M is . otci H s , > -seeking the third dlsirlc.t coii- |L]K. ii'ond lide plant an Dock S t .T 'a" ' pul led out ot tlm llo lm de l- ; Snoiid-I'i'aal mr grcsslonnl post;: Mrs, K ntlull'llle |where lhc two men work. ; ^ 111 r'1 o ; U U ' near the Fleas-; 1 ne w 'j1'1 1,11 ,lH lKiis White, of Rod Bank. Two Uior. who ..ppenred to bc.»" Volley In n and slrucU j '“'‘f 1, h';,Democratlo state oommlttce- (lru„ k were apprchmuied - by v-h.clo operated by Mrs. Helen ,io 1 en.-; " im-'fwomen, seeking te-elccUon »« SinUtwan Hollce ns they nHomp- .Hooyman, 15. of Pn toi.son. I 1" " " 1, 'm n y o r of l i c j 'h o m e c o m m u n i t y ; li,cri h i s i a r t th o l r e a r s . F lo y d , l ie Im p a c t , Hliief 1 hi l l ips iniui 11, a - -

.............................. '--• I , S u n. 0r N e w a r k , paid f,8(1 a i u l i s a i d . s p u n Urn e a r a r m m d I h r e e . m c n t . l l ' d 1 'ai11’ - - -1,11, of u . im es th ro w in g Mrs. R ose Hoov- M m n d |)j <a ronm;- na

’ j m n n lo the ' p o v a m o n t , s k id d ed lion in v a i a a ; 'M ’e 1 1

m il is a bout hn If the,, (also would bring about more

ma budding. 1,11 , „ Mij)hUS|.i 0n h itramuifti spoils

101111 'Vlil ,)''<'JI" L fo r the physically undeveloped. cqmpmeetIn the indnsuJnl arts section,, |

there would be five shops, nc-j *‘™ ' ' • 001 d in g to the princ ipa l. I l l ad-

CTa.isrmuii.-; ncr.i ; (]lli0 |, ,u ^ ic present ecnc-ial

Mrs. Lane did ie-1 Thursday to elect offlceris JfofJjirti She claimed a ll Uooiajihe coming year and to perva' ‘ *!

bc-en secured throughout, notice on their Democratic op ,'' ‘ ' “ ' co in ingyga trrL®

all-out fight, ' ~i . rt i s i.r i 0 t-s; werpj * 'J

well represented sit the ineetinB ;':;.^ i complete ho rmony relgntid ''tts.ltVt'a I has since the April . j)x'ln>ary!- i when ah interested individuals ; ’'ii

. bv ilu- Edward W . r u n ic , president• chose to back Hdw ‘,11 F . Mai- -2 'at „ i the .,.,! ibr Mntawnn Township Board 'culm a,.; candidate for township Jj

$1500 H at i f Kflueoiinn. slated Monday jcom m lU ti.innn

ip using the floor at 01101"“- ';“ n-om the ut ih tv ' hlld tK'01‘ st,ourort F'rougnou , m)tl,,.e 01) (heir DemoTho gym w ill scat 1200 j 1 0011 f ' T|K.'V, the rJitht and no persons thnt | por, cuts Umt tlm coil

nthlclto contests nnd Ult' i cvtn ticx-olon PO-pound pressure col,!t! n 'M b,! «fl(-,0UllU:tl f°r were 1 palgn w ill be an all-c , la n be HUded to the wail j 1 ^ 0 0^ ^ j ((’™ l i l '11''d 011 ,ra«I! 8U) ! '1,11 »'-* 01 "J8 <«Ml,, 1,-. , , un h . . , : — - , ft-r-i ronresented at th

J seat-, librr.r

■ 00111 lielp- ucr.i


ki-pt as va there w ill be

truck and lis equipment has worked 111' Isfaclordy under

.rigorous tests, iieconlin:' to jC liiel It a! ellf fe. but he und the' 11’ii , ,,| | mnclitne simp,

im ' 11 miinh in ! 0 "1^°‘ ! other au ia l-as ol Mm'r.anvuhici. ur

(CoiUlnucd bD'pugc six)

Guarenicod Uied 1'uui 1Uujlvv/i/oo .

rtnrvliT!, Inc .. Cun»ri"i. 'way y&» Koyiiort. Cull K ij.'-'Doi ' ] t .«7.:umn u-Ht't- i in.

$5 cusls and Victor Innn New Vurl:, SUO and ,

Ilrcausr Ills ear s liuek lhe abmil 150 feet and lilt a nillll.v j menial nur-.e or’another mainf vehicle ! l ‘"b', simpping If off and a mirk

■ iT .'hw thc tn iasfiirmor tu I'he t-ransfoniHT

Zoning Board-Wilhholds Action (ii .............................

, . , , . , „ a, ,,, ia ,, sj,.sv y,,i-p. hw the In iiis fdrm or tu Hnkhitawan Zoulhlt BouitI uf Ad ,u ■ . j , , ' ' ,!, ju rih 'm d crus;, "(omul. The t-ransfonncr nnr-

jualment withhold notion on_Uu. A ! ' M‘, A ,-„wly missed laltlne u i the imc.hv«imih8nu..roT7;cn^

l l if • i 11i iI\1 1' . U i I 1 hui.tiliir. tciii hi cvrc]'' !>»;• i!:i 1

m I.i.

Iddw ard B al l ut N e w ark l is tin ' w ro n g l ic en se p la lc lih. c a r pa id a [Tlie ol $2h cosh ; of $3. M r. Hal l , a t ' 1

L a u r s e n for a v a r i a n c e f r o m n T o w n , puld IIIIIIO s ip ia rc f e d , p e r lo t " l l " , c o s ' s ol $>■* vour r e i i u h e m e n t M o n d ay lo seek a d v ic e of tile b o ro u g h ut lo rney .

,1, R a y m o n d Hielchcl, s e e nI

e r |l. w a s anil,leal In willing c o u ld ( h lc n l id , !l1'cliitiii a " Im rd id i lp " w h en In' Hi k -i .< <■(•, ...............m ils l h a v e b m m h l It a w a r e I t -I'I c a d d id n o t r n n f o r m lu the node In l ,cH".v . i l l " , , - , , , , . , . I - ' , M - ' f 111;'

In lh c c o s e of •Mlohiiel I In I da.' ’s ee l ; lap Lhe Use of lot - opernl lHS ah ' 11,111

" lllSTIM

m l T In o y m a n o a r . ■M rs, S tee le w as i s sued a s u m

l „ r iiiiiiH fo r c n r e l r s s d inT ni: re ,,,, -111riia 1}lo Out, li),

mil i M a ta w a n a n d l lo lm d e l

i ■;11 ■1. 1 m’ j j m ■ i*’. iliU t'ii ^iU'il ii m ' l in my,i- ; n ' f an h i1 h.nMM

11 rat i it M’h'tul pu,‘li"

li. 'rv, w a s aalied to ’ Im pure 11 a n r a h m c d fo r siiTI.iiii-' aii.dli('wil or a r .p f . rm i i .( Ih 'om nty «n dn; 1 11 >'Q " 10

wa s

Irie m il Id ,

Ilia (I slo

CJowaii, ot T'cmis lie, y.o;r .vTdi-n"' hi th e I.I i i 111,1.( S'

ii 1,1 m e n a t t e n d e d Uie in ju red . 111(10, ; eheul ; I.- ........... - - - - | lie'll ill "Vo :■'

ic C a n l of TTiiinks I'- rhool di ,i .11;■1 ft'--1H iVc the im ile rn lg l i rd de.-iirr lo . 11v i l, .. > •■ (■ !" ,-

ml i",pro;,i, uur iilniTT'e ami hc.u'l j 11H■.I,i.Hit Ihiiults to ou r m a n y f r i e n d s . ; T ho p n ' ' a

d , i - li (mr ft and re la t iv e s lo r 111" old,- ' ,o tin i r o n 1i ., I indnrsM's a n d s y m p i d h v i ln r '>' 111'11 •1' " ;11

I',,i i -y ielided lo tin (llllTim o u r In d o ai.o ll i 'T eki . ; -a ' . e m e iT , al the loss of mu - Hcserd ic -. t o

elnol iTedy and e l e r U o n l c s , [ m , w;l ll lor

, M„si. I"1'011' 11 11in‘:llllllll:l11 ' “ ' " " ' h h " ' 1' I s e e h m how u will p e r fo r m aud I-a, . ' Ihsk , tiiuopiqpt, lend ing room , und an , ■ . hs o u m of th " j in te rn a l c o m b u s t io n c u g ln e e r h n , ' , ‘ ‘ Ul' 1 " ' '

ilcvotad ..pyj, tin- Hie a u to m o t iv e trndi ' 'w ill ha am. C o n t r a s t s Arraiigemeiits ( . n , . ,11|lls

;,i-,h I instiu-1 y.],.. W ehihelm i.T contrii.slcd ‘ne d e p a r t pi-uposed a r n o i g e m o u t s withI.,. p a t a i a ' V.| ,.h exists at present, showing

m d r m snnnociiim eram iiind witiiI u e " ' " ' I p pp i ls asliif'. It for a s tu d y hid).

I t ry in g to g e t a long In th c c a t e , "s'" 1,1 j l o n a wllli no d r a w in g hoar i ls .

i a - * ' • ■ ( ; 1 1 .j liie u ' . - i n so o n iw i led Hint | t 1' 1,1 ; pupi ls e'oilld mil e x c r d .a -

i . W"in- ’ T h e p r ln r ip n l I lien dlscu.-e ad cut : I He- i-himi’e in I 'UiTTcoluoi. Ai - m a x i - : m-w lan g u a r .e . ,Simnl;Ji. n o v I'.iv ni-" d '. :d | it;,,util,oe,I on pure fuudl y W h h . - -

I l n ; C ard of Tlmid isci ,a h o | ,V|1 u.|.,| i I,, | | ,unit all imr

u l a - v d o 1 1 , | ( . , i ( t - , , n c i p ) i b o i a n d r e h d l v , - (her ac 11,,, n i ,■ 11 m a n y Mildness , a din"" I ; mg oi ii ri. 'cup. h r i eaMTiPTit. It

i iici*ta 11y llcv. f.iuri (■ 11, ne l- .edr i .

s i m i l a r un i t w ou ld cas t f r o m th.u lhc one pe r c e n t of the a j M y n d m Bourn m u w a s » p - ; a m ura if iuT ui c r of s t a n d a r d p n - i n u m m lo r w h . d i i h r schoo l d is , pou iu .d L . m p o i n i v c l m i i m a n of

l i e i will li" bo i id fd for Hie e r o c - H h e nii.-olmk to .i iipe iv ibo th e non Of a IT l oom school uni! t)n | e le c t io n of off ierr .s . T h o vo te • lhc Church St. s choo l lot inchid- : wa.s lum ii im oiw to r al l oiTL

,1„. f l th e b ond ing a l i A n d r e w G n r m a k w a s e l e c t -’o in c v in N ew York a s well a s ;('d p r e s i d e n t ; H.fcry G e ls t , v ico i Ili,,i. uf N o n ,u r n J . C u r r i e , of ' p r e s id e n t ; Jo lm lf i t ley ," s o o W r F i-ypo i l , r e ta in e d t(’ ael as eonu- ' . it- and Noble Watson, BOr­, e f l ( „ . li,,, h o a rd in th is i n a l f e i . Igesnt-a l.a lTUK. s ' .

Ml C’m r i c d e c l a r e d t h a t by To Cat F o r th G r o u t H r f o r t c lhc hid,; r e e v e d th e cost of a M"- G e im .d ! , s p o a k ln g f o r th(); i • ft-ho.il will he $215.ll"". m i 'W h e lec ted c x c o u t lv o s Of thftfl i,,.. v.H; be s..fei,. w i th m l l . r : ch ib , s t a l e d Ih a t th is your , lho, rT'c.iidO bo t 'n iw ing pow e r tiu- : i i 'T a d d ie a n i-ai ' ty wttl Jiut fq r ti r Ti.-iruT ivill h a w vdieii llie ue-.i ' t h e g r c i u c s t (d lo r t and th c oloc- I ,; , i , |c ‘ l . a " ' d on ldft-1 i. , 'C-.s ' (loll ol s i r . M alo o im WuUlfl be

;il >, ni' in t l i i1 u l l ' - c l ! Vf*


In' ft " I f " icf.idi’li! Ini li m i n e a r vi'i » llceni." an d L- th e po I li (Old Sta t l im on JohiiHim rec-lilcss d r K I n g on , \v s fm a parl iinil Int. tlie b o a r d ' w a n t s to kim w if Ml la nucuKsar'. ' h , m lo r o l owncri l re il ldlng wllli- ,1, piio loci ot tlm a lte wIiom'Im ida lie In nnothoi' m yn l iT p a l py M ali,wan Towmditp,


d Is,Now In Hm time I " " llv Ihntie n m ise d arlKTcn for s a l ' ' 4 s m a l l ud t " Hm clas: i l l ' d c " 1 uiiih will t id 'h Ih cm lido e.talfi,i' you,

) 11 • I ’ i v i ■ (i hus l iand ( ,i oi nc ;jtillltAc.

, M rs . lrdiuinin and tnm ily .

p p m adv.

an d lal hm ,! • " c I ia III- I li," '' ll i ,, IT. i II;, •• 1

i il a nc 1: 1 h'I 11 I), - I la 1 a 1111 u 11 s I1 lhc it ill (I li i in, ■ d,| llie la "H i uillt , !, new c h is s ro c m . . 1

IUt iI RiHlatu Ltfjtlng (..’ai da for j Hie L will hc tl.e wIc id I hid offloe. ' 'jm n n lc ; unit ami da I

ii u. 11 „io r '•I I,ft i xl a , nip.'"I" d

IT .n r

imlliliia-'.. Ii ......... IH,'1', jIti,-hi ‘‘Ml :, ,. (M'Mlll

ilu* I'MI "f jI-I.HU1 ‘MU

iiiil ai> •

Dr (';i|)Um nn ;uul tilnff and Iln* I’n'clh I'1un'*rat fIn in i•

Money I ’h c ’ancl M nnl fU’h n im u ' l i 'T

Huylnn \ Cat?11 i i ii > < ail ia n* delivery on r i * t * v

i j. j I:.(• (uul I'lyiiiuuMi Chi'ii linn( ithIf(i1 tnii ’k.i. Sit," ii Iifh* nf ii.ii'd mi . ( itl H iy t im inlc.v H I Miilu'.viinI-0UHV-W i»r I'i otdiuld (Ml.i’/U. U’iidiit Vun Wyirlilu, Inc., IU I ' f i i lw fit,, I'Tuvlmiil, Jf|» If ud4-

■ Uii- cnli i i l i iu i ina or th e c u tn -,! ill!!! ' '

| i h * cnuihi iiU* ii({(in.*y«e() lho ' ( ’Mil) iii.n itt t in1 m a in laaucs of

c .u n p in u n iii<' th c j /rubont :ivi• tn.\ r a le , thu cicplor*

(( "nliniitMl nil two)


IU ^V rt

JiKowa (il/ovo tn l i i i I'tfil.i •’nm I Willi tt, 1 Con.wrr l)a» ilupurali'iH i'i rr* On, il wa-. xitnll hy Mn

rt 1 n »il liu. h i (.■ huii ■■

sI Aid ;ji,i“,:l jmix .i«jr/ on ijupi, Ml iln* nM*/ I r ul I: <1 Monj.mvKli? in

Hn nu n ll.eniM'lvr i !..»I' i r (1 n y,

Home), loop, of Mlltlt-

-,-,i i, i s , 1 i c e , i om n lcd a w a r p i n g hn., na in i l i ig Had, llie (log Si tu­a t ion ui im im,111tigh is a g a inI,,-,-i,mil)’-, a i , , utl J c s o m e on e . Hu

\ st a i c l l ov iitT':, Ich lh h tiu i l r aid-n ,,11 . • uii a ' I a n c m u s t expect,a cnmi. -iiiiiin,im, if they Ignore llii: w a rn in g

W nler Mu tti my T onight( ,\ n s . Tng I,, di.ftiimii v /a te r; n p p iy jc nb l i ' io s will ho h e ld ill, ihe (Till wood F i r e l iouse Ihlft evo- i , in n . p e l , - r v e n a lut* o o m m ia ,

i s in n e r ol M ld a w u n T'OWHhIiIP, imnoipiceil I i 11; f m o rn i n g , All

nnd v im ' lo w m -Id p ie s f t le n ls a r c a s k e d to id i e 0,1,

p iS & X ^ n tH S f £ g £ T $ ? S

'■*><- ’- i; > \{'llr? | r t :I ® s t e

‘ f

ro»« fierm afty

U f £ M ‘ T vWJ&N JO U R N A L. M A TA W A N ------------------------ VU—.«•■**« »>»«»«?



■Ji Senior® Discus* ! Money Raising

. ____*%' f.".*V- ............................. . ..

P f t ^ a s M . Ziefctey r'.V v«4«^ed J n JBorlxn,

i i W as DesignerK. »

^laji j& y w <?-iti.s»an «.«,,.n % 4i'Anati JJigft' ■ School■ yl.hls ,

jswwcomes M ix . ■ MathUas-! ■ B y p e g g v 'Reafl '53h '"•' r p o m se i i i. GP-maiiy, i -j)>L bemoi Class of M a la w i : ar-v* B it ts.tohn V t* i y , fc S ihool be»d l‘s first iineefc

tfej f im V l f.rovlouslv <P|*n(! uf the yea. SiVt H U. ill*- ei^.c,Ue^e,: Im ya :> und foi m-ojtmtR fo1* ra is ing rhbnev

,y ?U J *■»• a as at Bennett |to rite annuel -eiifo'L'UlpW o ilh Cato lr* Het w Washington d r ,

| A llan Wo lf, class *• president, ! announOeti; ,htal;”I.utV<er ■ A.;, Fo#-

^■V;- -- ...............,'.Ho inc i>t*e«' e 'rear

V a’u i in Lon

Y^i I tei li.f ne* ntgt. scnu >1 pun' tn, d o ,m a n y Mrs f is a l 0sPa> harf giv m tne 'em a i per­

il cf ~ { an acuuemy m fgjiw-ion ^ «>j jr.c,>> anti thefch** C'b.. tniveleo to pi’oon'irue hc> tclurolion

i^ifu-Mal Aif- insUnte (Va Mi /Slegiei woik VK-fs.’ ao'"“ ti-rore sht

J%/,(). ospei'eme '« stage «tnftyjdqsignJ»jr '

"las-. voted i*o o tlci 5j N v f i n j th“ tolluwiria c een 1

M rs E lu u V th <V*thr a en I Kn* advisor.*:S«ked i f the strdi.u .->! were so,lug?,'Mi use trie- privilege, j,of s e l lm eetieshnu nt7 'In um

'.at-home, footouil satrm*, i h t .) ?< ‘Le'flu i 1 -ft Geiinativ s i lU n d H ' l u was a good ; tV Mom N i/i w iu n n y UpKhon cf 'n i ' in i f iricisc\ and i i ; oa Blvlet t .e g im e in 938 v>ommUtcP is iu i« H lgat.t i8 yiiic ; f/-.*iios).er-,-left.' ior. Australia , lea of hov. dogs, rod.-.;, and soda,; th g a ' she had to v iuf e y e n .D o io lln Tloevoi Is m charge of;

Q foi pm m in io n to enter mo food qnu Bobei* V .mBraokie] t TJnStfsd States Iis ink lne, c.uc of thc , lr a n m g !

atu&te M is z ie s 'c iS f l ip t o 1 up , , , , ■■S tm ift rsW o ild vVai I I b io ke i M r*, Otttlns. ft-so asked hf>j

d“hd qhe .anded at Kaat In |si>n'ott to decide whetH»i m ey ; ,sy'djid:-',■ ocau*r ^ ,myj,1111' lanes woro i wished tv contihU-p tho- ti adition jirttefiMtrTdi She lem alnen in E as liO i the aenloi n la j She said wo &&M)ii\tiiKAthtrs\durntlou of thelnic- the unly,nc.hool in the \loin : i ja¥>v*t’-An)'ivinK in Ansti’a l ia . ! By .to use t(us mean* of taisine

JdM fS i <8’,osier m i l vert ln ihe M ttaUec i. States, on Thanksgiv ing |®P }iy ,.'J046 , W h ile in New Y o ik P&ta«rfiig<&&rtccd in the .-dramatic

, . . . . .I*«w8fw she did costume design- loif. now »ic i fad in g possible

' plays They w ill repoit to M is ."A V kW su ite d teaching d itt ins , who wil m ake the final

Th a u ? , decision, und announce the tlt.eW l a ceo untl! she go t1 ot the p lay in about two weer.a

enter the United ig r o u t s w ill ho held somet.me'

l # d ( a s ; - in Novembel

" r 1 ,"'nn ,n Basketball FeverIs In Evidence j

* By Lynn Hftli *55 ]A lthough It Is ;m iil- au lum n ,!

th e . basketbaU fever is ip evi-i dence at Matawan H igh School,I

F ive -boys on the -buskelball: team: a lveary ; have luigitn i l i ac- tlpe for tho basketball ser-; les. v -- -' , • ;* -,*.' : :- !' The .boys.-practice oiit-of-doova: after school o r in the gymna- ] a lpm when It Is ava ilab le , -

.B ill, Utter, a in em be r ' of the ' SQtiad, .says. "For some people,

i-Football T eam Is U p T o E xpec ta tton

3 Hi I I 1 i i l ->■i". m v xoutt-iui uoach at M a­. inw a ll r i ir i l . l'HC- .1. f .v ill i* , ai.t; i it t ' l o u t 1 d n ich Vi

Mia in Vrosu-i*. have aiiii'juneed t ill ' i) >vi s ih f " 1

1 ' 1 . in H I M ' k iP#ei1 'S c In ' ' il i pi e l i t e s a n i*wri i ( , f - it M'r ou-umt

1 cr .sohcol.•■Maiawnn mct.-Leona/- !( i’j and A ilento'vn in scrunniape:Kf.m 'a m M d" n > ‘I.i- 1 M1

,1 )0 , lo l c 'ar rn 11 hemi Tlip p ro g r am -■-■ i o r 19:»4 .at ill imi." o n e o u o n u n le . b u t M r . Vj v -i ana sata tins Mate w ill be- Oil-0(». -V.:01j.............. . - ■■ too schedule - Is as vfm lows;

Oct. n . Neotumi. awav.'i Os't. g. J-'omt Pleasant, -home; u e ir lb .. Open: .Oct*, -s. Bumsoil,- »•■*w a y : Oct. an, K e a B a n k C aih - olic . nwav: .n .m- (>. Atli-.iiLicH ighlands, aw ay ; Nov. 13. St., 'Peter's, home: Nov. 35. Koy port; Iwau*. .*. Spectators at Irvonts and practice, report w» incgrcs.s of flse s c u a i ! . . s h o w s promise.- :*-.,

M r r-.\-r-.■ s s :tv« : ***r ho p o th e team can equal last vuiu**s rec­ord.. M r . Yaeeor .suggcstqd. some new plays. Marvin Hauser. 55. a back, savs thnnc plays, nre pretty pood.

Ken Bruder. ‘55. guard , stat­ed. "They rea lly gave us a-work put to get rid of tlie kinks from the summ er. Now that the aches m e gone, the team • really it: beginning to c lick . *

H onor Society H as “ Penthouse P a r ty ”

11 M ataw an f e a r k n -

E iect A, P a r r a s : •

■ Seasoirs-.'Firsl' Meet*.' P to d u t i- ( ' h r . i l ^ r 1st

Qucnjn.1 ,V Ufure

Ec^isjcrtfti 'At fdntrL aiiiL , ..pf. WorJ

U ip't, Of Cow!)*'*,.,

k1I 1 >K1

i n 11 <*

As-i < i I 1

1 l i l

■it mil A 1

\ U Is 1 1

1 *11 1 <i l I J\a-

r > i in f lec l iv e o i j p t [\L\n.

1 h bf li \ ia r.ftlk h v a l- '-onu

tr t <“(» H ) \ul t VJ 1 \I AW

ne con'f - a S O l l l o tt ini,u‘t‘



H c t i ? c i o u ; jt r 1 H

U \H ‘ AKklH. Ml'nr ‘(it1SOCI'OKO- V,.

d c i 1 ( t


W: .NoUii>b<W.ra'. Cill'ilv:J3.,'PRUl Ma rt ci.. i-.l i .s. . .. n.. ao'i iU'-. Roll Ol I

Hi VV. 1-i i) t: Is e r P i.. :1\U 0/ t

5 . V t v h a t i ; ‘ : > ' T■ Btewfu-r. VVri-aW*

\TptttV»fiu; ana Jonn li. pdj" .son, ai -v.Mr. i.inrt Vu Jonnptififij::.. ^nuDiil l l iu U a.. Me

,• ave fcmc'tuv the tii>pj< n ofcp \ C c tf i \ \tered. X«v cue la u sc m e ste r R r i Ao*i ms > s‘ \s

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0 1 u u m a u i .voic­es. wro&usr v i c e p \ c

T i \< j' nl la t C tflay of oat:

A • discussion v. fiK held- on ihe svioii'Ct of a cioiiLUtTilionnl quo r u m mui uoon uoan i ino t-a dtcd- raon of th e mwmoiM’s a tcenuin if . vt wns vol'Hl lo n ino t id the* con- st.itai-ion' a n d so l a n e w q u o r u m fmui'c a l ih m e m b e r s . : T nem ' in c m a i n rm m im U hi l a v u i of i.he - m o v e w a s ' t n a l Uir u s soc i-

bo rouc lerod l im e . .Tihuuld m a l l . ;■al urinciuala , bf-UTft’ rou- Ynombtirship, Tei mei*urj&s to la he p u r '

■•tfr'y^r' fust. 'Ufciitaboily rev>

ie ti conn e ■ rhe '-.union, j i*epi*e/jenfou jji'iuU. Vrne AuavMcku'o. -

to* c U l raiiiL i ana \ i sl

uoiude / i t


.“•■vrviri t f Xhtt Coli Advmtv; . » U-i■ a ) I ' c r r i n i h c j U J / J

.es" uuo -.'•ecf-ivoutt. • t j ii \:; pi mcJi-Mcs j Ut\j.Oiir-.}i ti'ioUjifi' ii?.l o v ’vh.. ;i nu iiiiiocc j a n a m a u a p " r* . o r jm vm m m is .

an u ‘.usohhes ooihier-} rioiJj CDUirfS' a v r OMerecim i i n u ) is J « u m t t )i M t i n n

4 1 o u p l 1- h I ' c r i i i i l i m . o i n t i o n p u u r l 1 t ■» iiur.ilv io r pfraoiJ ii . m c l \a r e e o : | o t n e r io-vveoic u c u r s e s -whirl-.

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I t ! bl Ll > T J 5 f 1 1 I ' f} » ft tsl f I I ;cf . • {A ftnri;iiu re .:

I t J 1 \ I \ ■» in j i I pii c t l i 1 ' it.‘ e i -s i u' ■>


n ioday.WOtAP.n 1 w ib :

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IL * 1 * ---*•

jL>eie-:ise, JJonds . .w Peducfiun -Plan. AsJ

/ I « l{ *5mama.

tscioli SAaUtU ■ impuu*n.tf ut. i iht U( a i a r

K was ideoui anti too jsrpci sidorod ehaibU be mviUd io i'hih'’ will uc- ii

ViKoi! io rati cj


There she was In^ ^ I S k ^ o o f . eost.umps fox the A- S jp gM e an V -premiere of Sartre's

^ ^ S W M u v K le g lo i's 3 i eputation in of art U enhanced by

S S w f c that seveia l of hei A Pa lt* cf 3310 Ps,,‘

■ftlbiShMWVlt' i.olleclicm of MUnlclple £ g a 3 E p « M , *>f The Hague, The

itnd *n Theatre ,n M um c li, Qermany

- Shirley Brown *55 *The Matnwan H igh School

Honor society, under the direc­tion of its faculty director, W il­liam A lbright, held a dance on F r ld av evening m* lhe school gym nasium to begin its fund ra is ing campaign- - for scholar­ships for the Class of ‘5i>. Each i stl.ePr year, the Honor Sooietv awards i nf

m . pssociation aenvitiRs. A nst of .problems a*us. suggested and the president was r.skeo to dis­cuss those issues until the oonrd | of edurtttion to determine po-1 iiov lo r- the Ciunina year. • i

Mr-. P aines. 111 closing t l ie : session.- «*ongrntu!aioc! ins isi-1 low members in the association j nn thou* enthusiasm anci uskod] tor their continued co-apevulum ; toward a fru itfu l vein*.

Township GDP

J M jtftm m on tm it m , her ih s t n iv e r VnasMijfttpqitihtng' nasignment m « «*«h- ,m o- . . . . .f e T U o r f / U i g h R c h n n l M i k

a pub-■ school. M rs . Z iegler

X i'I enJoy toaclilng In Ma- „ ^4 'tr.moi'g."than any other

-71'rugce..’' .She also said "Tne SJo.stMdents are very helpfu l and Cflfe&stoV&.WonctorM plans for this

--------------# 'rG ra * ^ l« tn d Farming :.;^Ct(tiif,eV?ncc At Rutgers^T % > ijo V Jei sey Uvfstodk fa im e io A sw ljph 'ave -a chance to get up to £5l,>;'A4J£,Aon research in grassland >,*-farm ing at Hutgers Untveislty, M j^gw frB runnw ioK , on Oct, 25.

,v ’^ jia t 's tho data of the second pi luted m 1 iitpiiunl Ornsshutd F a rm in g Con- gives p io i

.Vjftnfiirepve at tlio- College of Agn- -------•* *X \rU ltuve , Members ol the ie- i -c^fiiirol*) and H.Monsloii staff w ill '•v*,;/-yejtqi't. l'oqults,1 of soipe .of .their \r£.htmji‘,is i*ud tell about progress

\ln others.VX/ u ’aro inrs w ill bo encouraged to

•pt^#b^l>3j«e*Uona • * and relate their t.i'a'fixpprlences . w ith methods of < \ p ro jf ib ln g and using foi age

*' - d|y'|)ii .

‘jE ib e it C Wakefie ld w ill tell 'v-V feijutLk af-tho statewide hay sur­

' recently completed. John jtTH. Bavlav w ill discuss foi age

:;m p i:op varieties for hay, pasture - .«and fillase . - The relatively new ,i™:iz§t'0 . pasture!1 m a n a g enient •'S ivp lan 'by whleh cut green grass ik ijjft fq g i'f le d . to animals w ill be .■i-f'dehotibetl by Bruce Poulton,Sh.-D)’. ’ .Qcorgo Blake w ill reveal > SAome o l ,tho Irrigation problems *..*i:-;:VHth forage crops.- i , . . t ) r . Ordwny Starnes, assistant

*.*,/,>'flei)n of Lhe .College, Is expected -s.* J.toi* ou t lin e ' grassland research

how underway.

1, for one. practice after basket, ba ll .season, a ll through l.lni sum m er, and before the gam es; start." ■ . . *;

The Jayvee cheerleaders show . theh* eagerness by meeting aft-, r r school ho"'*s nn the schoul grounds under the dtleotlon o f ; their captain, M ary Lou Slano, | and co-captaln, E leanor W n im - ; ke Other members of the; aguad are*. 3 'isan C li.ip .n an ,. M iu ily nne Stalilbaum , Joan! G riswold , Pat Snrbnchelli, G loi-I la Preston, and Phyllis Brown.

The enthuslusm shown about-: spoi ls out-of-season is rare ly i

newspapers, bul It: omise of nn exc it in g :

season to qoinc. -

two scholarships to graduates.The theme, of the dar.ee was

a "Penthouse P a rty .:’ , ln . a de­parture lrom Die usual .school dance program s, the gvm had tables and chairs set up to give h ;£ a club atmosphere. Silhouettes ‘ lormed a sky line a

! [Continued Irom page or.el j : able condition of lhe. roans-and] I streets <>; tne toivusnip, street ■ 's igns and maintenance of t-lie I

the Uo-nothinp: atutude ] ol the present township . cam-m itleemen in regard to water] conditions for i.he past years,] and recreation far.Ui|t«: foi: tlie j children of the township, M r . j M alco lm furihe.' statec.! that l l is;

lesire lo lepresent.the peo-j pie oi a ll districts of M atawan .

seen f iom i'puwnship. He requested tne; a penthouse terrace, nnd s ilv e r , Committee personr.el of the' stars danced on a sky .o f royal jtin-er- distn i'ts to take ' h i in i

> iCliroiftt'Ji Mioir di.^trictR in orderfm ature ..that tl(:

blue crepe, paper.Aa another unusual

I V,„ 14, POi* nvmtjrl^d ffPP -interludes nf

may meet ns mnnv qf

ikM'Lm s ' T om atoes T o C an T h u Y ear

y .-co -Tho 1904 tomato prneesslng f'.’.**: sen son In New Jersey w ill end

week with most plants re- ‘ A porting n pack below average *.]i'i*in toimnge. according to M . N .

,'/;if)<imonston, fru it uml vegetable ■-,-:4 service phlof of thn State De- ■'Wpuvtmont of Agriculture.' > Under M r Edinonston's su­a : pcvvlslun n total of 37 fedoral- >’ 'n lato Inspectors were employ- v* ;ed durlnn tho summer nnd enrlv• : . m il months to grade cunncry

‘ crops, pa it ic n la r ly tomatoes. 4 '.T ) in grov/org arc paid for tho - lumaloe* on tlie basis of thn

V grade as determined by thn In­i i,spcntors .n . * ." Uouully 45 Ui 50 Inspectors am i- nmplnvnd In New Jeraey from

t'.tu last week ln July until Min• first weok In October, but there

Piivp linen li'w nr this vnur pel­’ nm l'llv hncmisn of (ho smaller t volume nf Inmtuloos and utlini* *. nrops.

. Thn iiveriiRe prodnr.llon of ,( i r.annni " toimitnus Is upproxl- ' , mutely n llllit tons per iic.i'c tills

ye»i‘ nnnipnrcd with mi iivni'- i :t*.* tign'of 10.it tuns per a pro In iiibs .

Journaliim. Ciait <Starts New Paper I

By Beverly Hnspel ’55 :The Matawan H igh .School [

Journalism class has revolution­ised the school newspaper. i

The firs t edition of the r .ew ; paper was released on Monday I Tt differed-from the old mimeo-* graphed Variety as lt is print-! ed by a photo-offset process. I t ; also included pictures, draw ings j and nn elaborate format in rng- * u lar Journalistic fo rm . '

In an effort to encourage more students to cake an interest tn the new paper, a contest wasi held to name the pnpnr. Prizes I for the w inn ing entry w ill be u n ' honorury membership in the I Journalism club.

As the paper progresses, the. Journalism class hopes lo m ake! It a four page edition instead oi I Ihe Uvo page paper which is | now c ircu lating . i

The members of the class who ] directed the first Issue wore j Lynn H a ll, editor; Peggy Head,, as assistant editor, and Pal ; Ahern, us n it director. ]

refreshments and entertainment.

Plano selections were during orchestra breaks, and E d ! Gaskms. '55. and E innn Perry. ‘56, sang several ducts.

The lnuslo for this first dance of the season was provided bv Fred Hasomann, 55, and Ins Rhythm K ings , nn eight piece band.

Joan Blonock. 55, president of the Honor Society, is quoted ns saying, ‘'Although Lhe exnen- ses for the Penthouse Party were a bit more than usual, wo are. happy to have set n pre­cedent for tho coming dunces this year. Everyone stud tho.v enjoyed the extras. ’

The Honor Society hopes to have another dance later In the year to add to the fund.

The next nu-oting w ill oe held on Oct.. !4 . Tho meeting wns

piny cd | ;n] -,ourned and ret ri.-shmonis wore served.



’53 S tude. V-8 ’52 DeSoto Sedan ’52 O lds H ’d, top Conv. .’52 Ply. H ’d T op Conv. '51 K uiser D eluxe Sed. ’51 H enry j . 2-dr..’50 O lds ‘88’ Sedan ’50 DeSoto Cust. Sed. ’50 W illys S ta. W agon .’49 DeSoto Cusl. Sed. *48 Buiek Sedan *47 Ford 2-dr. Sedan Sl7 F razer M anhattan*; n; ■ v and Others.

,,v-- Easy Terms Arranged.


MOTORS, INC.^Highw ay 33-BedIe. F d . ’ P hone KE 7-1908

K EY PO RTOpon Evoulngn HI 9 p.m.

H igh School In terio r . A ttrac tively D ecorated ;

By Judy Plosky '5(1 Tho return ing students l i t ;

Matnwnn H igh School wore | grootod by 11 newly dncnnilod | Interior. I

The hulls nre done In char-1 teliae nnd dark g iocn . Tlie cul ] or sclicnic In some of thu l oom s: Is sunshine yellow and chur-| tiiuso. The reel of the rooms are done hi sunshine yellow and , Blnk.

The auditorium Is done In rose, ooral. and light grny . U , conirniits well whh the new . gray curtains Mini lust year's- sifnlnm donated. !

P-TA P lans P rogram

W illiain Phy H eads U nited P a ren t G roup

W illiam Phy was elected chairman cf the United Parent.' Group of Madison Township at a meeting held Tuesday iu tlu Browntown School. T-’ian k Na- vtn was named assistant chair­m an , Mrs. W illiam Joyce, see re lary . and Mrs. Andrew Zele nnk, t r o a s u r.n i . Coi'.ima- tee ohalnnen are Nfr.s. Howard Korgh , pub lic ity ; M rs. Edward Okner, program , anil M rs. V.ele nak, refreshments.

Tiie group w ill meet the four­th Tuesday of euch month in the Browntown Scliool. A ll parents are welcome lo attend, tu dis cuss school problems. P i.iii. are being made fur the coming year's program .

Carol C raig E lected Class V ice-President

Miss Carol C raig , Creseenl IM M a lnw iin , Im.s been elertcil v ice­president ot the iii-nioi class a! Vermont Junior College. Mont­pelier, VI-. Miss Cr-.ilr; I.i ihc dunuhlcr o i M r. und Mrs. WIII lain It. C raig.

An English nm lur, Miss Cruli: is a nn niher of llu- V.,1.1" Pl-iy ers, college d iam u grm ip , and of llu Infer'iiuLiomil llehdlons t.'hll), tilu- Is also en Ihe sturt of the V, .1. C. News, weekly stu

■ cient newspupm , and ts u iiu-m her of Ihe Hlmh-nl (Jhilslhin As

' suclulloi), Iind the WuiiP-n's Alh Mellc Association ] She wus treasurer -if llu-II e.-iliniiili elliss. seerelar.v ul llu

The executive board of the M iltnw iill Paiont-Teucher Aasu-j cmtUm, m ecllng on Wept, h i, dis-. ommed tlm program for Ihe , meeting of Clcl, <1. lleu illnu nml] Mtelllmr through the f irm . sec .

, Your udverUsemeiii In thla|uncl unrl third gnuie i,. w ill In-j pii.per w ill reach prospective (the topic, .uui ways and iiieiin,",: puvohrmere In every cnm iiuu iity of n ihdug I i iik Ih for phiyin'oiiiKl I til ttin liiivslinru lilt 'l l, equipment w ill he dlsetiMied. |

I i l l ; l r l i l t I i o t i u 1 H e h i l l u n s C U l l i

e n d 1 1 c u H U i ' e r o l I h e H I l e l e i i i

C lu i.d iun A H s n o h i l l u n d m i n u l i e - '

t I J iM ! . ' i ' i « . - 1 1 ( 1111 y e a r ,

( l i e - I s u u r . p i l l u l e o f M i i l i i w i n I (illll (lehool. 1

Enloy one o'' Anierlou'.i i;"i-iil ; frei'doniii- Alteml the ehiii'eh u lj y m i l ' ehnlec tills weiTienil.

jjrc’. s i ' i i l i i i f / H a r b o r " hi) UOXRtlJUY . . . /hr mew 3B> tllirec (limminiitill nil liwi/ pile

C erpofs mul Kw«i100% ALL WOOL Jeep pileJ luxury . • • tit m odest prices. Hoavy rubborlied onchor tuft bock. Availablfl In tho sly rnosl wunlcd decor(it*f colors. Cul lo tmy len jlb from 17 Ipcb, 9 ft., 12 ft, anrf 15 fl. widths. See fe*/ fhefr exeepf/onol wpighf nnd vo/ur*

< a r n„ffv>

S e a c o a s t F l o o r C o v e r i n g Co. Inc.I.INCH.HUM AMPHAI.T . . . I.IHOI.HUM T II.I:, f.TC.

c o m p l h t i : r i .n o n cov iin iM fi s k h v ic i :

Highw ay 25nt Clurlc Sl. K E Y P O R T

T c l ’p lio M d K E y i> n r l 7 -2025



Phones R. B. 6-4545 — 6-0176

t P L A x r . LB S R S i lS N

! l A W i l SK£e>

J y? 'u r wntch tt cowli fffilMJt&z V e* " nMJ * arr *wl l/>W 7s* W b D . f bad v, aihpr f '■ :'A up.»hi;k, rlth and .S’ Xs--“S - f o x u r i o v t - : w i i h o « r . 0K0fHautx. a. /J |* C n? 01 H

ou w in' S>tA. Re

A$K b ofc yeyrf jq» jit*fem ffitt fTJJD 0 *> £r/CHSMi»uufl.nr/ er mifr V ilito uv«l

V If

W , D, S w artze f J r ,Purina Ohowft j Farm SnppUes

'< Hazltii, N. J . : ,P hone K E yport 7-11Q9

S p e c i a l N o t i c e



3 T e r r i f i c B a r g a i n s W h i c h M u s t

B e S o l d T H I S W E E K !



A v a i l a b l e T o A n y b o d y

O n l y * 8 5 0

B a l a n c e P a y a b l e $ 5 6 ' ° M o n t h l y

L e s s T h a n R E N T :■ ■ ■ ' ' -. , ' •

M O V E R I G H T I N . . . H O U S E S

V A C A N T . . . L O C A T E D

I N B E A U T I F U L . . . INixon Park ■ Metuchen, N. J.3 - O N E F A M I L Y H O M E S

4 Large Room s, Large E xpansion Attic3 - Years O ld — Lot 60 x 114

Low All P ub lic R ad ian t T axes U tilities Oil H ea t

Public nnd P aroch ial Schools N earby. Only Two Blocks from the New W eslinghotise P lan t; Also Johnson & Johnson

Terrific Deal for T ran sfe ree s1 K indly Make Early A ppoin tm ents lo Inspect These Beautiful Homes.

Only 3 — SpecialsColl Imme d ia t e ly —


159 Main St. Matnwnn, N. J. Td. Matnwan 1-1058


V“ *xV i a i C1-* -C ft. S£: i f '

Stedeii WdcMB*M e m iie if s Q r ia c te d B>

'm ?r«» id ea l O n Siiirt O f N*’** Seanon

’ S N W C T H E W 'S T A F F O F O F fiC E H S W R A IN B O W fO R GIRLS Meiiibv.ship Tea Far S E S T E T & u

Junior Woman’s Club1

? 7r ' * *< t p f . m a i * w a r j o u r n a l v a r x v A K n j . 1 ,*? i a a o r t H R E a - n a s T s K c n p N i p i a™ ^ ^ _ — . . . ? ^ . G j lc ifc f i , Hptbe is r lU n .m rta jK r" > ot. 'M u " u ) ., y PJe jfljfg.- 'j*>

Coumv, oft Sunday 'at the Biv- .Foureru., M:p*.............................. _ _icri\.HoM, ,boi\$ -•Branch.' A i~ jl.v , j f e „. •Floa-'ehce'.;:i.

^ reception )<> wohrozne;P.wLibi; hx'-vt: 200 "mothers wevo jwesent’' arid Mv Seyiiiou? \VUiiU*i Ut tu*.' ' com - > o* >u . Vvjnshooij, sptmsotvd b.v iTiurJl-y, 'Will be ifiveu by i.he. -;^p Monmouth no im iv Council

United Hebrew CMBKCfcUon « !'V e ie rw s 'o r Foreigh' W ars.K eypo rt .. on Saturday evonlns"

W. 'oceyw n e D D 't1, 1 C

HftnnaK Mk'.Lean On A dvantages

■ !V1 IBS

1 ..1 C

O f Federa tion


. Conp. .KWICS- C. .VjC-WK’-lOisb t K^Y w as " t h e prAncloal s p e a k e r a r id • n ie j

J o i n s K i w n n i s C U tiL•V

r hlO h ■- V Rf S. 1 Mtt-'ltl Pt- .

A v-slccrfo to m5 Bait fits ond tevbe*s "ms erte jried on £<vt Sl ul 111? opening fa il nie> tine r !SL. .Tosopn’s i'ft iv r .1 T en r lir ,Ae-SOC'stoKl 5>v M r : AirmonsnT,ul®titTU5ei\ prc'itKut M n Lulohmger meed »U pa)-at0 of SfclldtMfi attending Hit .chc.es to joist th® mcntbe.sLip d ivt tncn

y . \ ptojrressTlie Rev Cornelius J. Kane,

iiasto?, exumiivG vongratu’Ttlono to alt patent*. on ,hcii late oft in their children .> eaucntion iluoughout the v ' l i i He rx

iv,; pressed hope .they. Avon,Id co- i>pfistte"wltji the readier0 dui- ina Uie ourreot yen",

-■ ■ M W ?■ charlotte,. prln- ^■: OUtH.1 •;O? WhOOJ.,.■ • ? I Offleeri for :ho domino slKLmordh ' larm in Coldun Assembly, .>;*PT*®UPB Address ,on ^ '^V' ^ : stalled in poblle cerirnohini a*lurday «venino ir. :no .Kwport .Masonic lempie.- Mils bsntiru Slov«u. of

..«»■ ...A.Lbti advlvnr. iniialied her jurceisur. M ib fwiu vTuinri, ot Koambun. and hvr, «t«d.

mother advisorj Krestinc Oisor. aud ' 3r$rbftre.. f■ - ■' ■■ '■ "'i Vi' ■ ; : : • . ; V :. »vel

Midrtiu row, ixmc ■ drd»n dnniee Bsioor. Sandra Boyd. Gatl: Mdrlmaii Joanna Locka, Virginia Kaskio. j ^‘ ** la. Saliy Pr.chard. ' . - . ' , " jM i:

ilherino Walalie.- Jspo Podnsha. Sandra Sidvutve. Jean'Sniiio. ,

1 i l l 1 t J iilip MnUiwnn .lu iiio :

) >01 Wo n m n s

<. 1 h Ui s tu 1i ’

! llonu iL, 1.I i fV>'; j t ^ c f r t u 0

< li a I -'0.

i 5 \M H. i i'lv rofn .ut. presi-

k : don I OJ l he T Kutnwan i;onLem?A f r iir i r -.ne L'XtOUCtea proet-i l k , 1111(1 Mi t. HVrtin’jh Vff-LrtUli.

l lit n 11 l(t it PV?:j'UlOilt ol

' T ’ : tllO K o‘!t io :i ‘inorl in Ik

Ji- Oil I ilO tuivj i il .yes ol \nr-n?.ber'. -s h 11) n.! :i ' (i kU aled c:ub. Miss

A r:1V. ! 1 t sh/orj t)jo nceom-

, v y ’ iHKSM i l uT vtie .iui iior clubsUl ( Pl 1 lho V.H I Ul( K f

!« £ . ~>W 7*

: T 1't f* vl .U J ration.

‘ t i\{' I I I ! Mnt’lU IWHS ?ium sasd byf ■ ':rV> > - ■ -s; 13’I- (*.'l i n e sina I h . Mrs.

O rl. 16. 01 me -svrmROSue on Broad S i. J iTf lufslv w i l l ue in the form or an •"onen h<n»se • ; tubers were Lons B i atten M«a- with L o rn ' Ei.'X'rnatiii ni clmrtje-.or .Aie^.inae. V h in u iiiJ , 'Jen,-it- of prranecments. He is hetntr1 ment. v u v , C.o,nrnende, lad „ . f n b ' A l 'n , Jm i " M o i i ' i i d ’ 7,ie i >n> m d D p a il

■ Gale . Harvcv \Vaaom«ld a n a : incnt VFvV .Aux.nie.I Ben ftosenaerg. , s M arjo rie I . Hahn. , .i, T iie executive aoani 01 the 1 Others ntienoint; ,.n:.urHebrew Women s L.nmiue witl 1 • - -------- .

1 net as .hostesses that-' evening. •I Members of the bunrd nre Mrs. 1 1 Loins PraKer. Mrs. Goldman., j Mrs Warvev Wntienfelu. ivlrs. ■.; Hy Rchw&rta. M rs . Samuel Sie-;IA i'l Mrs. Arthur W a f ie n ic id .:'M rs . Btu&rt Ganu. M rs .-M ilton ; i Gale. M rs . E lsorpsn . Mrs. H

M ra. T.rvme Wusiunsitv.i Mrs- nil-

j drew Heyer. Miss B . Dorothv:| Cohen nnd M rs . Saul Snlmer. j

was ludnoted: a«.va H'3ft _ . _ r

j er cr tiie KaypOi^Stl^^^feg is C:ub at TntiSiiay ni.siht's ' flits w meeting hv Ye CoUarle-i^^gg The. welcome to Mr..Regan ivaj? rV extended ov. a.. U. C:i:'.;U2, PJ.dtrt-

P 'e _!t l( 'H U " r > io »’ of 1 - lV--------------------- Jt.the Hnvfi vou ie:m the eiassihgd £\e£:«jf -s

ri ‘A^ iSh

• Baur| M rs . H v m a n K o ro o o w

ior Gic!;Oatiftr ,of Hah'.bo'7.,5<,r| SS ‘V , , V“T »!p 1 afalied in public cenmoni?* Saiulday .vemou .r. tne K .spart Masocle Temple M

A jEduca tion ." . . ^ - » i e . - . « | b . Ueypori,' raiitine wM ihy advUor. inaialied her tmsee»or. Mns CV<"i Turner, ot iCoambufg. and her stiut. vilrtportanoe Of the eaucatioil of l sl(0^ n >H#r tho ce,#mooi*t, lefl io. iignt. from tow. - ate:...Larohne. Rucbtog. Audrey Pluthmg,, Shit-

ujte.w holevchilftr-body; an d sotth i ley Doyle. G»i! Turner,'M l*. Wilham Turner, Keansburg. 1 ’ '* ' J = ‘■ SJhe;esplalnadithe importanob o.f j Thorne. ..........physicaltand spiritual wolliiiO tti-i. ■- ■ mwh

Joimsoi; aiut Miss McLean nour-

A.Gold S ta r M others H oiiored A t Luncheon

o:hy Hoover.a^",g*5 d3J*aJS«»ttS m S S t w i S * M ll..|W “.L .. C . . . M « . ■>..«>,, HtralPln? of a child staits in Uiehome and iiaid lhat with the co C n L .„ x CTn{]. 0 AU operation.of Jftrenls In this te l\ 0 D € r i$ V lU 6 D O V spect, 'lif.1 LasKy of the 'eaebeis! _ . . . . . , /W u ld ’be' much Uithtei. Sh e |U » f V H a u t W in n p f complimented . the .-P-TA. for *ts | a , d . wlfiwTv r" l l l l l v l accomplishments last year and 1 called , for, continued co opet a- tiob. , . I

'Mrs. ?homas BohnaacK was. named chairman of a meicatin-1 dWc: -p.lub which - is starilnB tUsiwteh;';A rummaeC'sate will be! , , .held on dates to be announced ,e.tsvlil,> ann his English set with Jfrji:’ XfATrolian' as cnaii-:|fer, were judged as best In tin:

ii P a tty R app H as Double B irthday C elebration

R obert Finlay*on, J r.,- Ju d g ed Best W ith H is E nglish S e tte r Dog

ABooert Piulayson. Jr.. of -.Bob-

metnbership i charge of ar-|

vangements . assisted bv M iss! Uhcrry, Miss Deibasco and Mrs. 1‘Tuiik i-'erni 110. !


w i ' f w * v , • • . - . r r .. v, iiarteav .uuu l-l.-■ .,*.vY> ..."C'lod’to uWcnd the annual didcesan 1 ,. ., ■ , „ „ b Mon.wf*eS2 S? w»! W l d 301^ county Oiganlxatlon for

a .m . in St Mary’s Cathediall??®!®1L_, A.Ul<,nm m ‘me w « V i o r i t t e ^ t e i y ;J:80 pjn. In the War b- . an[! chiloten gathered to exhib

Buudulg. . . , 'jt pets, look for a needle In hTt ‘was decided W f M<**’ *ysmCk, vide ponies and hors-

gShdessgain will arrange t'mn»Heili allrt onjoy countless oilier iy activities - under direction <wife9tures of the all day family

v-. -cja'ssrooin - mothers.;; -The pur? <butlne- More than- 200 -children > pose an4‘ aim for this year 'V'J* 1 took pait 111 the pet show. ,)

‘ ^ t o i | i j r n ls h i» n o t ^ r . io l a ^ i ^ m j | . . , . ^ c,..K e n y -lw jn8( ^ .um een alltJj ^ “ ot Kevport

j Ralph W . . l ie rrick iind' -Mr,I F rank lin Dom in ick. . ,.I Others in die partv were Jflss ■ M rs. Huhi

Miss Patty Rapp. Unugbw’-.ot J-Maisie Haneev: o r ■ Freehold: jvh dn innn , wa.

M r ,, and M rn. . Walter.. K&3P, M iss' M arv Em m a SfackiT'Of Pershing P I., Keyporl, .was hon- ipcm , A inhoy: M r. and Mrs. E .

ored, Sept. 10 at afternoon and 1 M urray Todd and M r. and Mrs. evening parties 111 celebration of I Lepv0y B GoUinx of Holmdel; her 11th b iith d n j. |M r . ana M rs. -Jav E . Hoslettcr.--"’ntc afternoon program ..was i-Mr- and Mra. Edw in ft.. Dom- for Patty's young friends and |R|Ck. Mtss M ary L ls l:, M rs . Au-gaines were featured. . Pi-i/,cs! gust • Kattner. Mv. Herrick "-and 110 Monmouth County residents were awarded lo K ind Balter.s, i j . jCrnnklin Dom in ick : : Um aldy ing for clerk stenograph-Mar.v Q rev , D ary l VanPoll, D i,! . . -..-... ie r 111 n rocem civil service ex-ana Korohow , Judith &proul and l C om m union B reak fast 1 animation given tor Monniouth

iesi.s i-'iesem. -weie Mr.- «>.- Mrs. Joseph Bruce. Mi. ry Bruce,-Miss vo le ire Mnr-! Mrs. M ario rie Conceucion, m d ivlrs: Robevi Larson. I past department president, uuc! smbcrs attcnaiiig Included j M rs Rosemary Sommer, s ix ln

Pauuno Epnn . M rs . An-1 district, president, members of - K u la in . Miss Dons Hon--ihe Ladies A u x ilia r y ol Keyport m. Miss Dorothy Delbasco, j post 4247. Veterans of Borelgn -ICdw&ru H r iis . M rs J ac lW ars . were- invited guests Sun-

ILushrm iii. and Ivliss lSlnine Clier-! day nb a luncheon honoring I

Pass Civil Service TeatAlice P. MnoNelll. Harm onv

R d .. Keyporl. was among the

Wharton. A barbecue! was served arid three]

j County positions. The A lia r and Rosary Society 11 isu of three for in

Heading a|4„ ou, ________ . . . . . . . . . . . position off

PathedrAli®00*®*' -Se« vice- Saturday- birthday cakes adorned the din-1« st: Josephs Churcn will hold j clerk in the County-was Carroll IHohndel Giape Farm. - Ap-|jng table. la mother daughter communion |L. Woolf. 1237 Cliffwood Dr.,i

,100(1 men, women ••; other' 'guests were Judith and'breakfast Sunday. Oct. 3, after |Keyport.Marsha Wallace. Munol Wilson, |the.8 a.m. mass in the Old Duteh j —.......— -----Barbara Pothbar.., Jane Wucste-1Tavern, Route 35. Reseryati,ohs j. ... W edding Announcements..', feld joA nn Applegate- Karon im a y be-m ade w itli M rs.>A 'n-iprinted promptly on paneled or SoitwarU Gull Siegel, ' Betsv j thony f ’ario llo a tM .a ta w t th lb r id a l bn&k. .snow-white vellum and1 Barbara Boyce. Natalie 11-0247-R. : . '. a l this olflce.and Arlene Hughson, Andrea | -- T '— ..... .

und Donna Goldstein, j . . ■ . r' :;::; . . ..The month of October was as ;KaVhleen.'diiiishleis of Mr - * ln11 01 KUVpolt ,ov“ Fn,‘l15 Ij‘l signed to tne seventh and eighth M Haiold Kelly ofgfade mothers. : Eighth .............cUfiBrpom- mothers are




Keyport Gas Co.Alfiliato of

T une Up Y our H ea tin g System — ,A thorough cleaning A’l LEAST once evt.vy 5 yeeir. 1 carentiel ly ti,c

well being ot vour hooting plant. Sludge, dirt and water alwaya:no.- cumulate at ilia boltom of your oil-tank. This cun and-will ahorleniiht- liie of your oil lank . . . unloss you clean it oui! v­

On lhe olhor hand, a dean, adjusted beating - ayaiem will- stTf'-yW-i time, trouble and many fuel dollars! . , .

CALL KEYPORT 7-2104 NOW! ’ * :

Established 1909 Quality — Weight — Bstvlca



2 1 3 Broad St. nm ke 7-2104 Keyport

© !

101 oft, M li1 ' most

,l lo S ilver, ond Paula-Bchv. Cliff- Ol Lilil' r«.ifis< tuAi'n «*»nh itv Ju

were considered as. the , . . , . .UUKII, freckled children in theHdrold Andeifion, Mis. Adam|f,eckl0 conlest j 0hn Held Ji ,

Lpwattdftwskl itncl Mvs. ..Miebaei,,f(inous cftrt.0onlst, was the Napoli For the seventh grade ] ,

Ar L Z T ' vrehe'anri M w '' Be.,idea the giand Prtxe wln- . PJiaFj®s- vvn inei', nltier winners In the pet

n l - y l x ? v W si-ow r,.oln this area were: Con- Unm Leonard utl.ou iumt halird fcmulc. f lit,''Mrs.'inllchlngor asked foi ' " Robe.L Fmlaysou, ]t child-V o l u n t e e r to s e r v e as leadcv or,r f > u ,s lllintlllllBi boySt first. Rob-the-Girl Scout, Tipop, the pie t Flnlayt;on, jr>; cogs. greaL;"- • D , , Mlllel.vidua: leader, haylns resigned. ,mlxture> foul.th, Della Mnr- iShe also atuiounced a piano is [ ie Suui, Marlboro; smallest-i^hettson. *«ss needed for the schoo'> jog. la. geo. handle,, flirt, Kay Kcypoit.may- communicate with hei on. Hockenliary. Matnwan; post

wood. Cdfts weie sent o> dith A lpine and Karen Bildev- | bock. j

A l the evening, party , dmnci j was served and guests we ie M i . ! nnd M rs . Kenneth Conklin. J r ..' M r nnd Mi's. Harold Sehnnck,] M r nnd M rs. Kenneth V nnPc ll' and daughter. D ary l. M .

iM rs : Norman Scott, M,1 1 Mm- Russell Scobe I Russell. M r . nnd

' Ichel, Keyporl;

cither request. .The turkey d"?-lcolullt'ion, ,n„ie cat, third, Carl .ner held in August was lepoit |Joe spurgat, Matawan; host cd aa being successful j condition, female cnl, Dellu

It was announced the cafctc . M(u.je gnul; lnrgest male cat, ■^rla will open Oct. 4 to sei ve hot.i.hu-d, Judith J luuches and all membeis weie

bUkod to ■ assist. All motlivrs wore-naked to help, sei vc first F rid ay breakfast lo tho clilld-

f ren ou Ootl 1. Mrs. Marilyn Litehficm and Mrs, Mildred Dn- Ibia nre taking the names oi those who wish to aid In the eye 'gcreenliur project. An nfghnn

- was .donated to the association i by Mrs, Barbas of Hnzlot and -i it will bn disposed of at a later

'■•date,- ■- ■Attendance a w n .rd s were

piaUe to the 4B clnss taught hy Bister ■M. KUcnlcc. A ’iJVlre was won by Mrs

find J and |

and s o n ,1 M rs . James j

Stanley Charlotte

_ M r, and Mrs. Joseph Fu lls and dnugh- ; ter, Joyce,; Little S ilver; M rs . Edward Rapp, C l i f f w o o d ; ]

iGeorge Kolesar, • IVoodbridge; jI M r . m id Mrs. Ray Drost. Eng- ,

T nI.vi.. lishtnwn. and M r. nnd Mrs. Rapp jfnrgest female i und guest of honor. !

oat,, first,. . D e lla . Mnrle Bnul; ! . . _ . ;longest whiskers, cat. second, m is s BfOWn r.ntertainsDella Marie Saul, th ird , c a r l j ^ Dinner, Canasta ]■Joe Spurgot;' prettiest rem a in ; 1k ilten . Patric ia Mora, Mata- Miss

female rabbits, first, El-

J, Mabel Ilrown enter-1tninc.ci nt dinner at.Buttonwood I Manor. Matawan, on Snulrdny j evening In honor of M r. and Mrs. H arry O . Jones, of Free-1 hold, who were celebrating j their 30th wedding anniversary.]

wan:leen MoEnteo, Ho lm del; goats, second, E l le n : McEntee, th ird ,B ill McEntee; pigeons, first Charles Lathrop, Holmdel: tur­tle, first Della Marie Saul.

In oostume classes ln thc nn l- iM r, and M rs , Jones weie me , nm l fam ily , second prire went sented with a nest of tables by i to Della M a r ie .S au l, of Marl- the guest3 attending. j

special I b0]0.- in the c lilld and an im a l I Follow ing dinner canasta w as ;.Frunk | costumo class with a fam ilia r j played at Miss Brown's hom e .i

StMfahski. The seventh a m !lslm.y theme. A lleln Lathrop. of 182 Broad St., Keyport. L ate r;eighth grade mothers w ill serve jio im de l, was awarded first In the evening refreshments;refreshments at the Oct. lS>|pinCfit and Della Marie Soul, i were served und a birthday i meeting. ] fourth. cake wns presented to A irs .:

HERE'S MY SAD STORY (with a happy ending)

N O B O D Y L I K E S M E !

many friends from of you personally.

* CuMPETiTORS, THAT (S i!—However, i do have friends— so New Jersey fo Florida, that it is, of course, impossible to know a Instead of a iong dissertation to express my g r a t i t u d e . . . . . 1


J t i



^ L g C T T E R P R O g g ^


,, Hebrew League Plans j("l Get-Acquainted Tea :

A "get-acqualntcd" tea w ill; be the Initial social function for, tho fall and winter season of the Keyporl H c b r c w Women’s

' Lcttguc; Plans for the affair]were made Thursday night when tlie Loagiio’s oxccutlvo board] met at tho home of Mrs. An-j drew Heycr.'E, Front St. Mrs.] Hyman Sohwartz, membership,

IV chairman, Is iu charge uf ar ! rangomcnts for the- tua. usslst-, ctl by Mrs, Jack Mciuler. i

A meeting of the fund raising! • committee was set for Tuesday,!

Get. 5, at the ljomc of Mrs. L,ur-| ry Elacmann, vice president. ;

Mrs, Irvine Wllshlnsky wus i ■ r.o-hostcss nnd othors attending; wore Mra. Louis Hragor, Mrs,1 Al Goldmub, Mrs. Harvey Wuf-] foufold, Mr«, ''.Schwartz, Mrs.,

UJBiimuo) Hlcgol, Mrs, Arthur Wuf- Tenfold, Mrs. Stuart Gunz, Mrs.1 Milton Gale, Mrs. Elsemunn,

. Mrs. Hymnn Bzura and Mrs.,Haul Sntuicr. :

Retiring Secretary ,Honored At Dinner !

Rufus O , W a llin g , retiring see re ln ry of the Keyporl Board of Eduuatlon , and Mrs, W iill l im ,

J w t r t guests Tncsduy n ight ai a d inner m ea ling of the Mmv lium tli County Boliool Buslnasu Officials Assoolatlon. The d in ­ner was hold at Buttonwood M anor, Matawan.

T ribb le was paid to M r. Wai lin g lu recognition of bis many years oi service as a school business offic ial.

WestinghouseFull P o w e r

Full Size

Fully E q u i p p e d

E veryth ing’s top W estinghouse Q uality . No “ tube skim ping’.’

. . . No “ S tripp ing Down” .

PRICE STARTS AT ‘ 1 5 9.95

• Low Down Paym ent• E xtra G enerous T rade-in

You C an Be S U R E If Its W estinghouseand . . . .

W hen You Purchase Your W estinghouse TV from . ■ .

Ten Eyck RONSON, Inc.28.T U pper M ain St. M ataw an

You Can Bo SURE You W ill Receive Youi'Full W estinghouse G uarantee in Your Home

At No Extra Cost.Com e and Sec O ur W estinghouse Color TV.


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t r " 4






1 3 ‘ P E R G A L L O N !




but WE AIM TO BE FIRST IN NEW JERSEYWc convert huge amounts of raw materials , into fresh, high quality paints of many typos with unique characteristics, and we have capacity for marc. :Carloads af pigments, tankers of pure lin­seed and other fine oils, countless gallons of specification alkyd resins, from the world's finest sources are among the ingredients that a rc efficiently processed in our two modern plants.We then efficiently transport and merchon- dise these fine products in our own staras in principal cities. We sincerely believe that Mary Carter paint products, at one low profit and one low price to every re­tail customer, is one of the outstanding bargains of thc paint world.




This is the paint company that in 3 short years hos attained thc enviable position of choice in-so Many thousands of New Jersey homes. We honestly fed that too many people do not know us wdl enough! We are listing a special "come over to our side" offering bdow. Won't you look these vol- ues over, evaluate lhe price ond the guar­antee ond visit our nearest store this time?



ROUTE 34 M A T A W A N 1 - 3 8 8 4

i i i ■ JU '


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** v r ^ ; *" TH E < ^ 4 AW AN JuURSEA! M AiA Vt \N * Juse >UH\; liibo. 'pu*

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- . M f f i - t l i e ' r l C M io s e U * o t .....

I H e r l K > "• i v t '>» iK».i Oe4 pn i jtrLK i t v l l l l i ' l

— isw^ t iew w ev that .you j : ■ ; ; .*«. s e ie r t t <* » V h B . ? \~> n { f i s n b l o d : T'Cfft;--

M j n « ” * n i ' o’u . u ’t I s * ? 1 i e n r i h - t i i a i L P i > a d n o r . - v t T t -

_ i | “i j . d a " i i u j e c i i i t m l .

■ p i M t t i U i . v ~ t t i n i £ t w “s e t 1 9 u p i i I u I t n p l r > 0 1 0 1 1 i o i c i v i D t , ' U i

? 2 WSTa'Sf “ hl t n “ rf w‘ ,m ' ll’UT’ “K1 41 ' P :i'-. f:— \t *» f U t,it 1 F ill matf Tilt. I I

In iltrih '?! W P v ■>h'> B t il'n tr ttiousnn i“ H i t i1-t.n a iH i<-f 1 n . f i d i ’d if- s n ftt.P :pi< s r ni) hao n

4.SK*V ' iP W V U 1 'VJ 1 ,u *' 01 ' e I* L lu “> 1 f itJ L i - — - - - « 1 <-r 1 to rom i tin v - n t ,

a iv u y p fcau-so • ot th e - titksivocaintm rv. socet! und c«rreo t- ' :be>4 '. JteRiosui • bo.u-i: vt vl IV I F»7U |io s s W f vH j f nu„ Dr tion b vv il t ■>

T.ii?uvy rom.s , .. . lOfii jsu-i .ct iiilUK.iig. viatvul r p - i y g p r s lis in t- . ' . on t n r ejtivetssvi•Tiw i n r . n . .,f * p i , « ' p i o . . j . ! QBptmn. --mecnanical musterv i o f . -its p.io.leti. v tn c h w e r e jrjot |-

r LfVc-i ( 11 i il I fid It t( 1 \ f n j i! i 1 h d t 1 H 1 ino 1 1'vtfid M'i ” M ilton 'i” Fjte-'F-'-D-ou ■ movement-: -.Tnese v ;i:i be . our-: tiropiise tn m *>my *4(i.0«> -w ou if l1 iT«rt J o h n P • a “I hi U' A'>n n t V i% I veialed : lo lae ( iu d i Ib pc-tfoi-ir.- jso. into voe Murlliovo ■) own.sni»i i t C 1 i II V 1 ( t>( I it a 11 r u v a IV ta v 111 chon! . t g r l n t r, i■t'.-Uiur n f H m n illn u Square i® dt-viuctiwi drawn thereirom ua itCvHi'uiiu « ytODtu-ttunaic anm w ij tooK )viac“ A-.inui'-i'tv- >v-ei)in<F '«t ito the netler-type of tush acnool :-JSbar«- of .rontv.ri8 .lh e rvstona i;Q'a't'lMk -h iln ili- in i vu-esbv re)--1 w«rl'-- uni; vocation whica the ti.ctvoyl httti proven taults'. He ii « . f ’!u-vfii X 'P i'ii t' ■■ ’.isvuUenl can tallow protnna iv . ftdded Mint uctuau.v sbP.viOU n au i

but in fn l■ cases, the wishes <>t hs-T't-to go into im: ottoqeh.-aoopt-1 Kte- sarenw nre im rnmmmt. thei*tl dr.st February; to meet th is ; princ ipa l said , ana ihe testing i cost, - Ke. .also c lm reed ' the!

a lins rmnvn -1 p ltv I 1 1 I

■>» ono on!.y aKplorntor.v.

H is ii I

school facuu ifuesrtoy of:u i . . . , - Thu .student oiKiy w ill be m

A ,A...--i'Vidnd. Iumi Ri-oups ol aOn to o repie-.e-b v!f .p ..I..e o ..o).n B-.|trtaop.p . t.fiUf'hm - . . Mr . We.In-vMO.. .-hot f i .’J.


fn 10 1 11 I I

010 Hoard

> i s C f 13 BR 11F iv U I^ R fe i ' l it i wh“7U u l n t M t v i f

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fW iqa r I N l V pap. 1 V ccl II nri s ,-Li H r kb

................... .B’lirtan'-'p leachev. M r. Wein-iWi®- .-»ot ¥- . . . - .'Ihenvter exp inm etip . The giml~-.eta---Mm.Hfc

-j.vince leacners w ill Visit tne iof fa"*- pvt-.pupil vvr - . . . . t g i’sm m a r schooJ.s to acouainnaot down. ,

' • 'the.inselvea with puphs u om m e i- -Tburstor,'. Whii.rton.uh-..school - so they can!.|B)up’& ..--.fepceRentativ


ptn I K f i i «m evenme. Sent. 2S.!

t- voted on imd beer, h $ -101

He doclar nt

p 11ino town •:

i Hi


VuL j o m i■ AVAiPAai.iS - ■ ■ i

UI taoKVKKTlONALco.vsTaiiCTioN - :

v \ \ ' A(Tf i \ . r i.HEM. ESTATE - fflSLlBANCB

ti r . t -1 ;.-t. M'--„-A-iie: CK-u.r-r Higuivav in

I ’eiv MAtawa.n 1-1831 -

1 .TA^.iOK work, niov/ing. dir-v-siiK.nifv.v-ittJC, uf ll'fi. •Ajifi.M. vov beAiiv

f.-i’tf.v sjo.vicis; a.no comnininfr. Bc-r* niijfi Pier:;, oppi.sJKt rvtcf^aoviily uvn- cr3l b-.orf?. v;uil rNiJiOv.’oU J.-OiUnvtM.

, r L a L v i o l u N

Tv ' rHO S I K V H lbufi.tv.eKf; .in Maiav. im .ir-d .

B E L ? % A N r r D«OT,’C«' TO- JOB .AFPUttAWTO '


.iiVi; a-tPLt Sffj '


si aipmg A3*iS ayppilWL 9 t ‘Vg-Gf 3

zvavii;.: LBdHac&p-' } 1 t i W O I

! itoyn thj'ij Aueuesi!

i.i.i.‘i jtc.u Warii\»n ’ ntui't .-r' lii* vuv.'lv'fi b.v ;«»>? aiPlt SOJ i’itft. K;• wtri.Jif.ur L:iv~ ii 0;fy ofiu? . A/MOO.v l-Mit ’«i vi:o .niWMmnm. Tviige. mh>«:h ioii'iJJiiv.s Uriiliom-ci k i . - j u v ? , u v i R ! « {••immt-rcii. . • ,

y i M u a e U c n o j g i v o a s f o r • c u m - --------------------------— - - . - . - I— ..P s u S 1T\ r ^ » i o P,

--•■U <,i-van. :ir.u ■ (ii;r.iw ;i for; . * jriy WcU>riau. aTifl fiyn*. -.n« M’fioinI Aaije and , pite fuvnnuic. duue. cJjjna. gltttsaj brsc-rt-r:Ker-j» oKuTcti lc,Mi by i T-.oi-t:. caooe;-, rj/aBs.-u’on. aro ’.taWMr&v

1 VV b i 1 Tl - ’ 0 Uvis, 515; O i z t o v o o r s . Kftvpoit'. T‘1440.

HJ‘-h'-lAii'tiVf. ctu’ve wjfh. ov»;n »ncl broijr?. oquippeti Cot

tltfc s«-s. Also coal r.TirfiR, mih.oiT buxfftci'y., Cofii laurWiojr-'.-yo'C- rtcve for hot w,i«r. C.tU aH?r fi.&.m.,rtOliTidfi iJ-'/tQl. ' .-. ■ .


‘>i St.. vi i

*>\v \

F ^ U A I i i OPEiiATORSE-'p**iir.’.:Mff» nnd 'jvn*nor.» •

:nst ;

M i'CU... . Ma

A l l w o rk a u&ied iwa • ’A Ml. tii O 0.1

Yiu arc

, IVsmeft. an .jiU type - ‘ •flpwl.Hi- AliH.v-uiiiry ija CtlJWrSFlMJ

. '.nvdcj-ifeiir.sv^dy >.rdp)fn*fD«‘ni VocJiiion o.-Uh mu\

JOCiJ.i will Islfttl f.OIUHBOIIft.*1 \\ * NJ6 K A*» C\T iX>

' M H K Si..'iV-.l. MA lilV.-.Tn MK7J .


t( 11

Of., lil

Cult.r c i

.................. . . Sy ... P lacing om-1 vvtln Lhe annual mvla cUmne and lVt,J to o h t i Uio ct“!p j , anti I pn t ,ol)“ foi vhio i tcrer tt v lit a t oi H u l

of the Ot Li lo r n ( « , 1 m i l i ' l a m o h «t“! ’T> t v jh I > o Con efoftfiitntereviiv- ln your nnv/r.iiu- i iufe .ta3 .pa.vt-1.s. -.-ut o i ,,lu>. ont;-, .-Lat.-.I tc-u-.y the en-uc .-.-i.-ourl -n

-l* ~ cnoauraued to take htult 'Vreohola Retrtomti -Board, i-ovin- l l ;v4‘- school courses irom .which' they tttni&i by defy ing Mv. vonKodeck enn profit and Ihelr adjust-men- , to tell w h a t 11 woutd cost -uu

TK-liKVlSlOM Blimii). on »


VN!) RADIO SK-RV1CR • d id '1-in.liKi-f, f-lok-..;) ioi 11 llo- 1 ..r I V 1 ( l i l l

13 b 1 0no « ,

m v pi 1iiiu--.' . ,v.d;);v *i f'ff.v; 1;;. Siraud

KUiXi mirZ\ VS


ih, Jion-Kt <cx- j

n n L i i n c h c c n . alrc. K<h >/«>U {


n«we»a U r fe tm p a v m s ut of t * em 1 J \ u , - u “ tn u n 'Y m d 1, 1 h ‘-h ' c‘100‘ Wl1 be ea PUP“ M ‘ ‘" f f d “wr is cvlSfttcBd h i the tiuiwh»i u m t In M t v 1 A 4 m o iba il ^ W 1 ln .i1.1m u fel the fe cut PUP m v e u H i I il thr 1y - a p ie s w tV lU a C h Jtetlv tftd lNOvt T r fL s fd ORB T R obo t tm tn to n . 1 p j i { 1 w u ih tH U of , would no e to L u u f f“ al hu m i l at >

r;/rnT„ifts .' n .M m i in F , ( t , , . , : ainTn i tfrv. in,»,vi oF.i,F,ni ■•oimansi led when the ■ new .soiiaol -is nut -rwcl---liUt. .lu-

i ) n \ - a \ s n ? \ i c rTO i

L I ^

illj'l .VlfK.’tOJ’,

I \ idjrlin a if ejK-vv . l.iWAi-aM.- -

H J O i ^ I F

t ij ti

'^au-iR'o-UVdHjke to !ie*v'byw>vvsi-rvteyuov.. Oovernor. ot .the - Slate j on -i.fko local scnoo! Mold Sundny.l,e il , h M lh t liew sw'tml .1- put IJ hul. »*ral» we k v o u t u v iilt an o f n h 0 cl) he "!>j pi in ir 1 t 1 k mto u 1 i re thounhl thi v ould Mr


Watc.iViWe rasK.-you lu v u a our M ice :.during the oomlnrr-week, c la im • this.pei-toil. of .OCT J.-5 u ii -----------------

W»..JK.RSBY., EMP.IvOT. - HfE ■ M&ld6tt Ji8l)6 Pfallm d f 01, v v o t U M ik ^ , ^ 1 1 H C , B Y J f A N ^ H P L b l (f ^ o p p ^ ^

and . to...hrlnpr. t-Q t^uiljon I h e i ^ ^ i j Ct.miiil.ssion to set a-sometlmos lon<? and pa infu l -t?i-1 <So in iiuncU*< ioi* the

l e m m c i e u i u u u . u n « d ^ i r . * . 1. . 1 1I 9//U. ?54 Scc-Jtui Si.. Kev!i n i e ^ f M - U u K ' t v n n r t T.0”n:i .T

n . > b « r t t

«i. u y U i


UttlUfih ou plan aradtvtdi'-cscort -you-,HTfoU l Newspapet - P e t

ions r.lie hnndicsppect improvement M ir iam D r.. a

fem i m 0 Ncwst1’te1i e V te fk 'aV l IC[l 1 t n i l o ' ™ it and e ui j lh 10 f-hfa f bu ilt In a sc m l can not be ut U/ed v r J ^ ” uo catlcn t << t ie | 0tt f 1 10b u se lhe n v u o i cl _w 0 c 1 on e t v t l i I ai d Ni eded J 0 J ir k l i g

1 1*.e> - nanism nin/i Prvi’ 1 s»t

into use. Me thounhl this would-MJV VonRo-Jc^K Dinprobably not oe -before• Sepfctn-(H igh.oohcn.. U, .m , MUS!C a„(, painlmg Pm-.iorfT;b o r-1956. -Because of this, g u i d - cept any more pupils from send-! »„« v o i c e , ‘oiu - S h e w . Mlahwnr 3».i •a lice work w ill be given o iilv to lag distiict.s aile- next Jinie -uu -K-.-j-— i- 1 1 k ... t— t 72„c jtf|those below Uie jun io r eliixs. h*f.lMatawan wns talkiriK of barring-i l ig h t i„miins .ir t.-ui-kim/. - call c-nw- !declared, as there was'no nomt ithCR) In a fe.v ,,eu is . Fa-..-l.oio| --• — ...■-- ,in testing upperclassmen m the1 announced beioic- th- i-.;el>uii., ir.>iTqa7?T t >d p A r n o -f- T Vpresent dav for w h o m n o l a c - . was lulopl.ed It would no i v L d o L i J j L i d l v A i J i U & 1 I

ulties existed thus the find ings flohbei tuieiutv- die c»eiUlln« dir**Uict helup

lAl.r, .-asiu.vtai 't i-onuitiuns.

iU-ill V. L »

t i v e v o rl I |

1 0

o r k o n c d a v 17 b M . w i J O I

/ i n u k - 7 A titif I

L t

X t

t n o u f h iM o m

1 0 . JU

t»j- liie partly u btx.‘«JKK«epcr. bxf«i

iJi*ady work, doubiiv liux I a Ktvrvr^

opleiwbv..-thevpeople, and f o r i<J- ou- .-nL.ilcip.iliflqh lo is,.ut Ne^v • . v • . -r

he p iop le the staff of tm ,a»P0P>«U I d w n l ons i P l L a ic in vn R t D n DennP ^ewspitpev wants you 10,-consld' h n® ■W-(.-n . .tm p loyc .s t . te .o m a . — -GP'illi: your "•.'Ti-eijdoiirrs Is iru in . '!fe 1 to glv tliL t u o pe:--

j j l “ mil--your presentat'or- of -both ? v^ldesi of an } ciue tion to p t( w jlept QJ)- v ews id lt ) i l j hu .*®*s*a*ttilWlfiare• free- to draw- your 11 .U K T H ^K , - call .lie

a? OermcJuston foi t ^ ^ t h » l^ “ll(i Y ^ n tl,ai . i in pHU“iu ir of » - i« e i I U/m to p opc. ite

f f i » ' f i . , g f , r : v v . i .I- - « . . .

The princ ipal e tin nt d tl nt when resionnl choo) f i r i l ties are fu lly In use. there w il l be:

L E G A L N O l ICLS_NOTKF ( I SI i l l I Ml M

01 V ( I MF u r r 0 HI NJ \ I I- K ILNL

5TOlv WJl51llNCF-:sT4W-'5iAHMiN'a H-unV fts- imit‘b Ji; *00 ic*'$80‘M a wt»ek. ivorbiti}’ .iiryi't from you- Swnu. f.luloj;’, ! .Hil.ui*|j<jrlu:illy K you nav« y-fur*, n**ai * jjjiiyiirauct*. ombiUww. .Cull,Mrs. He?l.! nun, MutJiwun , u j301

»Now locntvd a* new «loro Campbeh's : t».v* ». T u i t i o n , B e l f o r d . Pr.r t m t m p f ri*1b i A fr.1; ^ 'I,,“1 able service • anywhere call Kejir.sbur/? . v.n,

, 1 M N o k v r r 0 \ n K -----------


SALF8 & P F R V lfEuusl have New Jersev ur i-.vrltu Michael iJen-.i tve,. MaldV.’fifi. wlaOT •'

of Am erica wa found 1 InjLneViTSpTpe p i s u Im

a«Rured that their h ir in g prac-'ioimu-innn ol- the ponce com m it- 130 school buse 1 l iv in g each nEC ASFD ti‘'e-5 veqiii'-e fa ll considevatlor--ite,7. that fines In the local po-idav. Part of l l i f net 1 nd n c 1 1 ahr « ! / r Lo qm hfled disable I 1 I Lo > I c J vn 1 t M i t r i , ought 1 needed foi t ie 1 ik ne" L / ,t h , h , Sle , hveteiuns'ai-U li-vndP’-’ipped non-l'f3l-4<i of vyhtoh $9 iu had been j Inn problem foi bu es nnd pn the de i s t, 1veterans: .. | plticed 111 the hnroiiBir-s trens-lvate cars. :!“.ihcd-in/iiweiPUBTHBB T call 'lie y.’.n--j vn .v. 3 -.- 1 M r, Wem lieuriei dec! 1 cd to the s j. f

Councilman Victor A rm o lllno , leneom-age use of tl e n w 1 dd l >, d ’ c 1 ction Until lt Is fu lly completed: Division, Oil Friday, tiie Tn-ent: and equipped. He foresaw con--vf»>' "f OhUUmt. A;. p.,..«iS4

: COHN pit-kii1 muk. ti ihei an! J'reiv; • ! oral Store.

«f.'- otfior IvjK'-f of r.vc serai lor a.ue.- bvrn npositn MorganviUe Gen Call Tvlalavvim -l*Utm5*h-l


e 1 E 11 pin th Phys al 1P <tU* i f > »n in 00 m en go lv-Handicaniied lo the, atientioi) i b-se can.-. ..no, n ... ,. i . p .vp^i,

• ■ • ' 'a-; No Kailrcad-Action-tQt P«it in eve ivd 1 vmg , b , ,zpJibSila ' ;■ the : common meet- • •

zHpulpiece 101 the v e i l ae f and wo ik 'n t, out t ob

"**- “ Tn the1

piitiriUe, to present' the news in & 5 tra lgh t >-i forwavd. .iiinnnstid

^A a n n e i W t i ' i . 1011 coo 1 ‘ilq u by sending ln 01 1 l<n h in

A e.ojiimunlcation from theCentral Ra ilroad of New Jer­sey-Informed the council thut it could take 110 action 011 the bor-

est'■-request that- they Inspire lough 's request for the stopping --public interest - m id sudpoi-c, o f ! °f f.alCc. 3J06 ant. 3„...i )n .M,.tn- thlu effort- wntch embodies the >-t -I.t p i . ...nt t.m c . Thetrue sp irit of American democ-1 *L-ltCi pulni-ed out that the la li-,.nc. v .v-, , . . , -1 • | i-ond leu we matter should be

bor -.and industry , newspapers rivtlid, find television,, c ivic , vet

.... - , ... . crans’v.- business- ond proiosslonJ». tips count > 1,1 1 le a( 01 t iu w a lta rs v th an e i

Afi'.Tn,,thn■■past.-'WB snail . ... ----

thut (In

l-Ule -,ut. I’i

i WBl.t. UiesvrK ilk- ila.

■“Holds, mer.. Thuiiius i.u-.t bi-ci i »“ i"yriT-.ur Place. Murcanvilli-. Call 'Ala- I Bo-c ‘a7’ 1'''rrehuld.

BULI JNG** 1 i \ del € r*QUi . propvity. Cheap. All improvementj?Nt lc vc ipint Bjij •>

(fvfanal»|tan. l houe Lnglichtown */-352.l. ,,ti ; Niailiu? ftrldie3s. l im y N- Forman,

*u” u wjtlDv | ‘ ■wjtf 1

fusion resulting In the 1955 0 Son kiuIf n t it ir r wa *p ™ i 1school year

made to move Into 1 e new a 1 d ilio n . section bv section a it Is nnlshed.

Discussion ] m o 1 M r W e inne lm ti d e c im a l lt

was Ills understanding - Uie newJ •■■.layout WLS__C1£ g letl l( _m tf_t Mo «

^ L E G A L ^ N O T IC E S ”

V|*i, lo f

mul c


r (fit- rdlou 1 f

nid. a . rj. ii)1 1 JNL C!

) I

C . M D itm a v sT>ainU*i--~LTecora;or

'interior-nnd Extoriov

Cusiomlv.f.d Color* ' Keyporl 7-2774-J, oiler 5 p.m.

, ELKVEN rooms and bath, 1j2 lots, d ; i*ju ^ariiAV rhloken - coop, Call [ Keyi/ort 7-Wl)-. vvjtf

[SIX rooms and hath, two story }i«*ust* 1 on . Woolley St., MoUiwim. Call ?vf«. j tawan l-i*3U»-R./ i ' : wj O

itf t

Co: 4!).

5 8 9 \ i A v e n u e .

L o i r ! f i n m c h . N o w J e r

Ex c * ( :utrtx of t h e F-sti

o f J I 1t h c D S v i C S u

b M i’.r i m d T r u s t e e

. TC s t a r

d » i.i-

rs. P c t t c r & M s b

11 ut L a w .

la B r o a d

L u n g R v N J. T

s( ih

(UNION Bcttfii, 4 rooms, screened in . j ! porch. . uiiaehed fiarane; cornbinatton .. . I storfVi \vluclew>, '.modern, hitcher.. 7

i -i-bT t 1 7\jTTJ»T KT PL. ITL71 A fPT\TP V#iara old. - Needs sonve work. : $5’00. i r L U M m N u tX n E A l l l N U )$20I10 neotled. Inciuirr-UlOM-GIb SI.. Un-1 (iti Mumor*. Stpherx. (Jus Burners. j 'fJ‘' til’acil. . wjiH)

j HOUSE' to he finished tiihkte. incluiitk ! fixtures.1 Hoiw« 17 x 2R. also; small honac Id \»'. ninvftd, Ave./ Keousi.urg, Cad KeonshurR fl-Hifid.

~ i. . w-;ioi

Oil Burner*, Sicker.*, CJus Burners. N. A."N)LS«N & SONS


17 Si:*.41 |FOR RENT

ki'ffllhgrltemai.pl Inte,t-st, so :\Vv .cat. a n d f u u t HEH I'u rcc n il New .deterred imn im iv llud -.ut tue.i — K . .« . _ ~ ~ m ------- ' .........*n -•- - t,, muke fu ll next scheduled, meetiuir of tne IfcV rirtt toe persona neu* tut ap lplley „ „ ,iyt s t muke u

« jfe»tS0t you and S^iur neighbois ( f U u N(_ Jeist St u , y m o u l r i u t i M n c i p l Vs/,-xDq help us celebiate M t o n i l ' j 1 0 n t ,t s e Ice Includ i p oc in c n v nee This tc ic

SffJhnMWipiJlv. Week and give ,us t),t. maMng of-tlie lr orders for-i«»» on oebnlt oi the ra lhond ■ -tins.-*1 opportunity of vveiLomm«| u ) lk e , w ) i t m agem v o t h i | 1 s t i > i

office Of p u b l i c a t i o n ! <1Ufilified handicapped hnvO!cause It. had agreed no changetWftKiW-fiWcst E lio n t .3 t „ . Keyporl. ’ - - ...........

-go 1WU m ay sec licvt v t f me Tru ly one of llie import



v Dqc. 31. 19J3ASSETS

Gm’crnmcn: Bond: ec. Tux Tilli- liivi ,-m Contracts ttver

From Tax TiUt* Lti Accottnts

Dec. 31. 1SS2

.d iriilltv Cl»tK« iblt* nnrl Liqoldution *.

iWest- r i ’on t.S t,,. Keyporl., I an ,chanci> with their non-! would be made In the seashore j utility. Fix«i CapUaJ Au.ho.Ked-o.ai, u,

«nt things in life isIlf*U<V.li*..a-,:t A L__.. 1. .. . . k . a..141. -

sharing -".'KfffStkt'-you have with your follov ’-'siBiffni-Jand we would .like lo share j . j

lu indicupped neighbor ultnblf- employment.

lo find i are; : are

while surveys being conducted


niven- under mv hand and the ! transportation proulem


H e l l ! f the

t 5fce anm li part wc .play hi

Great Seal of the Stain of New I committee. It was decided to , i-ftpv, this nineteenth day of:take the matter up a l the next! plem ber in the-year of Our j .meeting o: thc committee. jn-

r.ALtl CrtpH.al _ .. ^•i f!h:in»4*‘i to F l l l l U O T t l X n l l o n - l *

1 I L t I I Y I


Sl33.(i63.I7 I 1u n 3.500.00

' t37.;>?7 3 » nc:.(iur,.7-i

22 .a2it.2a-3.799,39 3.342.73

3.(129.15 3.929 Ifi

ioo.B68.ua 1 J L 0 17n.0tm.001 1.593.7 i Ul.liflk UH

SflOU.fl45.G4 I 1 1 1 9

WO lo/ls. 25x70. 25x80, flltfbi up. No)| miprovoinpnVb. W. W. Front SI-1 - i Louis J. Costa. Pershing PL. Ke.vpuri!’ Call KcvpurJ 7*1535 or 7-3485 after 51i ; ______________ wjrij

(LARGE funtisiivHi room iu Koyjjort.-^I N.fiti- btisifiusH A u c t i o n a n d si.-dinrt: ;

miital-.le l»r working fyjimlo or single!' i)**tsen, Wrile Box !•« m oaro ot thus' , iiovsSDijpcr. 'vjU : ^

I b The hour, tlay or lnr ...................

LAKEVIEW ln Matawan TJoro


IMMEDIATE SALE. _ « i : >o ui A *« a* c.i a sii.^Ie Lvii uVvltonltl

• I c'iutlor block conslruetwi home with vcak Garden'. attached Ravejie. havlug the following

Vkiv.t. TIA.W j.ii^o-i, -beju^e - cUaiti-nV i blnuts i.ud bund3 all j;u«, f.«*a.» Boi>.ftbte • |>r.k*es.. C-nil X a ii -A.t F’nmt/i. n •• ,X.wdot; v-A'iOii, -t- -•• ■ ■■. :• i••■:. wjt?...

ALi M I o ' U M W I M D C A V S DOUK-.

JALOl oJR :f n i i o s i n r s :

For r. joi> qJiAhtv wuaranU-ed misiaj- witofl fit reusonycjlo pruTs. vyil Karl , A. FVanU:. ,K « w t <*.nOi*. No irioney 7. tJotvn. u vear.s lo j>av. free eruma.tefi; ‘ ____________VKNKTiAN. UlintlS. in i t 17- to.rjQV

each. Lu.'uoiv. biiotlj; tu 7 ntijiu- , tj»ul eo.nrs rnfuie to order. Grra inc., Hofhvuiy afl, . union Beach. . Call Kev*. port 7-UM:). ' • . > -v/j«p


Pavrapnto St t i t -Next W'inter ! ■

iviwi ■ For as L n tle As00 W EEKLY

V/e Can Ovttiit.Your ' E n tue H o n e with

the Finest- /Alummum Combination

W indows Made Today!


7 - 2 8 7 4For vour ExMrnatc on .





Au AUitMe of the - ,SURPRISE STORE

JE. Front St.. Koyport" wur

"f a c e b r Tc k s a l e sAll ts-pup aiul shedes, Highway .*35,

Cliffwood. next lo M'mr.er* DnvtMn.

COMBINATION gns juui oonl ran^c, white poreclufn, purfeet cnjulttion.

Cull Malawan L225U-M. . wJ7

»»r iitlUtv trmlor or giu; poweretl i r^aUireu: Large flreplaee of brick and lawn nVowcr. Call Malawnn 1 -; lIn** stnoo. hard wood floors, large

wjlKhl i i-losetfi. etrainic tile hum. modern kit--jehen including Matim Chef i>us range,. 1 iiiilctniaric and rcGilnhiirni hnf nir atm

Li.v-d one thousand nine him-: G ladys M i.u Bu.h-w f l.td ^dved nnd ftfly-four. and in thc ; proposition vntn the coupon lo r | i ,n|J li-deiicudoncc or the United I tho purchaso oi a hcn-ouglv-nwn- --i-.u— Slates, the one hundred seventy-! «d nlntl:


-V.ipriiiii-iatUm It---

Bv tho CiPL'F-norV '(.oberl. B.

••• -.- Governor ludvvard J. I-attrm SfccrL'lnry of Stale

toi on Bcond St.. where it i curves toward New Brunswick ■-Ave. It-was Uled lm study and

Mevner i report.

J*-i-iiilili- .-.nil Oilier I.labllllli-,: nt-nt Aialiiu-l/nlloiw and Spl'l'I.-li 7'Ulllls

lor Amortl/atloil--Mxed Cillilllil I'm- i N - i - n . m A s K v t K lU'tjCiviiult*

n>HcservSurplu.* -



ll.02U.47 Rt5.8HH.03 liH.«t«.51 I !fi.72ll.f' I

5 1)0 t


11.327 2! 43.433 \ii

) I.MB

I es** luaL lust water furnished, mod-: heal. House fully insulated, large yard *'•>'» kitchen newlv decorated. Sal* • enclosed uilli split rail fence and fully Ijiiimhoit 4-24415. reverse cliHrRes. wJ30 i landscaped, cement curb and side-• ____...______—........... ...... .. —- - - ........ — 'walks, macadam driveway. CompleteliH'USR. 4 jo.'/f/is, juis heat, modern 1 with aluminum eumbmutirm storm t t»"»l'ri*tun, Venetian ttlbuls thruoul. , windows, screona and dyov. (J’onvcn- ltr.0 «i.*r month Cali KeausbuiT f-OOfif* »ie*u to pmkwaj, turnpike and rallroi'd.!................. • jAteer.s to Lako Leftert.s. Price M3,-FtJUNlSUEO room with or without; bad. Call M.-itawan K1R8R-M. Frank


J.5-i.(i'.j»'.'Jit : kitchen privileges.H»n,32l.f«y L17U4-J.

Call Matawan--Luantihc oi your local broker. u -,30 i

wjjto !

pin lypo wubhing mnchine. alJ Jc ,t . » L - ’ JJ

Kofocd. 171) From Nt,. hc.vpvrt. Cab Keyporl 7-0420 after 5 n.rr.. WJ30*

ANDF.S cornblitmlor. gas and oli rnnK‘-.excellent coaditmn. Call Matawan

1*4343 after 0:30 p.m. WJ30*

Chrv.santhemums Cut .flowers nun plants

Now tn Hloorn ut

Eden FarmRoute 7ft

3 miles South of Matawan


by Charles H connofs

Butgerj U n i v e r s i t y

- v/Bhadodendions have »uifcrert| a Steel tea l di iln g th 1 i t i v |

®fcj|lei»V8 AR :r i-eSult of extreme ...... h e * t .bud drought. Man si l i 1iS'yittnens'Of-Jeaves have been s e n t i

<(».;usvwith brown Ups or edges, i ->.( - Which Is p r lm n r llv tne rcsuH of' vvk'-.T.iaok1 of ’Water when tne leaves v-’swere fo im h ig .F 'jjr Sometimes r secondary lu-

lection takes place 111 this dead "k tissue nnd powdery siiorc miiss-

Study P lan Of



fContmucci /rom mix: ona) on in only ono course, w lh bo extended over three .veurs. In E ng lish . sepuruLe workshop.s in spnech. Journalism, roading and dramatics w ill be lnainLuned. In the fields of science nnd busi­ness subjects alterations w ill

j take place, he said


T t w v a n u e . . .

ttiUis Rcvcnui* tApprunrlaltd) i i cut Revenue* icash IV.i -

Tulal Revenue

NFW imngaliiw, 4 moms r.nd bath, at! ’ M A'FAWAW. ideal luimc, small family improvement*. Anna Conn and Rt. :if*.; or retired couple, miking $i!5U0. Cull Col! Kevport 7.340D-R. w,130 ■, owner Matuuau 1-0073-W. j3U


E x p * n d « t u » « t

Appropriations—nutlRot Loeul School Tax Couniv TuxDeterred Chaws fnoui. S.neciitl Fire District Tnse Cash Refund of I'- ' "

d Fltnorpciuw

I Currently

Yems CoUeetion

The regional Hmh ehool ai

'Jot.il Ex



f l i u l h n V d a , S e . l ' B 4 1 9 1 4 l l 0 , u 1 ' h " , s ,- u u l I o n e ! •s l o n l n l , , c n c : ' f lL‘ m : c d i ’ p u r t -Tho New York and Long

Brunch Kallroari has had now r,fites ercoted at the Main St. j

i mcnl in Freehold H igh School. Now three Inngungo.s can lie of-

er;>.‘.-slmr. These are niueli light-iifc.$as*(orm. T ills Is not a disease j in construcllon than the oth-; f

j fered and various courses In I mathematics, from college nine

t\iR seilso that It Is harm fu l , : to the plant.,wt rOther specimana hud a soorch-

'-ifd Ri'ou ln the central p a n of the1 !oa[. around the m id r ib .

- jTh la is 'Uie result of .scorching(*y the suit while the leaves were

•io rm ln g . without udcquato wav ;v:«v. .< V ln ffrowlnp rtKicliidqiidroris. wc -should try lo Im itate natural

, eondltlor.3. Soil should be held, -I'Before planting, Incoi poratr in kthe soil a cood quanUtv of acid I'o rsan lo matter.

y i , Rotted onk leaves. dt<cuyud ' bino needles, dccaj’ed aau-rbist. . ‘-pOttt moss, cnlLivnt.net pent -Im

mus) yr a comblnulioa of the■ ‘last-two 111 eciuul parts are suit­' able materials lo use. One thirdOt lhc bulk of the soil bed would

-,be (ibnul tho oon-ecl nmoiini to , liso.

Stable manures and u im len compost aro usua lly too nearly

■ lalkallno for this class of plants. ’■/‘Make sure ttmt tlio sol! Ik molsHeqod lieforo planting , especial ly If dried punts m e used.

An Important fetiUire hi cut ' turn of rhododendrons and s im ­' -liar plants la the nu ilch . They- hnve 11, m nature . formed el tree ■leaven and the loaves und ilcml twltm * fallen from the plant!, ’thumaelve.':,

T ills m uln li ln-lps Ie r.'la ln moisture In (he .m il. It keeps

‘tlie soil cool a ho tu iho fine rmiin 111 m im mur. Tl pro v f nl.-: iln- r.nli

. from froezlug too d 'ep in (lie w inter.- Heine o v e r u r e e n .s, llie .ir jilantrt roqulro a m ipply uf h-.-i L.

mu! "plane and -ephericnl

Vl-ur? Apprtipi

Surplus from Opi-nlllotl Ailill-inns vo income:

I'm-ipc-mp-cl naiiult-e Priii in: -i itiiulh ttciurnetl l iabilitlos rntwelled

S u b - T o t a l A c c u m u l a t e d

Dfduction? from Iiun.nm fitLwfuncL Advanced Sl.itv Road Aid AUninitT.tx Tlfcriv.tblt- Canctdlcd

ers fine! w ill bu more e as ily ! J51.*' , .Handled in the winter time when j ^ ooUu^^'p i-o j, j sub-Tnn.i AcctimuiiHcdencrusteti U lU l ice. noin*sp It* thU rnurmt lu ad* A,,d to Income I'.y Sintute .

The Counlv Bn.irri of Taxation °“ ! . t-<j u l-SL- 1,1 aa n, ri-m-il ciini-aes In, ahnw Exprncllliii-rsw ill sit III tiu- Town H a ll. K ey- !‘ ltmn 10 ««• M o ra to ry «clonces| ii.u-.irred cmm.nuy, iilirt., ou F riday , Nov. 1 7. nt ifl ] 1

* dig. ' a‘-

jlhp ro Is a combined vmir.se h i| Aminm, Allrtert Sul.pllls

a.m.* to hear appeals irom dis- , i j p U e d d c l r n r c a v a i l a b l e l o M u » : s u r p i u < . T t w - n m *

ntIsiled property owners from »>r01' “ *‘t' cnuv™\this vietnliy .

Or.i]>us by the ion nre bf?imrj

H.iUinvo. January Int »

Sub-TntitlA p p i o i n l n U ' d in C u r r o n l R m l g c t

Year 1953#> 42.00*1 IH) 331.1)34.50

Yenr 1952S M.(X)U.tK)

Vt73.lilM.5i* ! 1

si2!i.:mi :t:t137.3-13 12 49.49!(.(m

; ( 191.231 92 :UOl3.27•»fii: -i.i

fl.C*74.99i.oiri.ir* i-i r.o

Slid .11911 45 1 1

S .Vl.OJlii.U $ -0MMtl.fi 1

2 lull.47 200 0(1 304.00



$ *12,449 27 ¥ 47.937 HO

S3,097 ol) 292 9!’

s' ..

? :).2')ri,r.;; C

5 89,149.39 $ 47.937.99

4,235.1)3 ti.miu ou

s rti.:m:i.2L>lir».O52.04

? 53.917.99

73.01 Lfif*

$lf>9.:i:i7 iu; 42,9911 1)0

A1 ;,(i,9f)2.ri4 ;c .unit mi

S117.337.39 s 9*..952 (it

USED CARSlC'1-li FA'OOD ncfivn. 4 rooms nnd hath.)floor (*f 2 family lunaa1. steam >

1 b o a t a n d b o t w a t e r s u o p b e d . $ 0 5 p c i ------------ -------------- -----— ..............

’ month, refen'pcos reciuircd. Cail itju-: psKD earx solrt. Srtowronm. IU Lafay*DOOiUt’U. w.130 ctte Plate, Freehold. Call Freehold

-------------------- ------ “ /JMfioti Used ear lot Highway 34 at; APARTMENT ;t rootnn. unlurnihnetU MUht St , Mnluwan. Call Matawan 1*I heat and not water Mb'pfli n. CaR U23H Schanck A Slider wRf•K 't 7-1273. \v|3U j -----------*-------------------[.......... -.... — ---------------. I I i.mH InterT.uUoual K-7 truck, 10 It.; MATAWAN. House, six rooms and I pm|V. JiHjune Midmo! Bcnko. 334i uuvn. oil steam heat, new elrcti iv ! Wjivon Ave., Matawan. wj30; umve tt(‘sh at)h' luratlou. Dent $!)(>.:--------- ----------- -------| »ieh*rim< os rvfpiii eiT. Cail Matawan 1-;

1 "w"| S C H A N C K & 3IHLER,f L J t . \ ( S R K L ) m o m — S i n g l e o r tc io be d -

i i (loin, n e a r b u s i n e s s r e n t e r . C u D

j M a t a w a n 1 - 2 0 H 5 - K


No. M.r.npH r/i! CIVIL ACTION In o t i c e : t o a b s i c n t d i c f d n d a n t !

f j F o n n i . P f o r i m m r . i c a t i o n - - :


V.xpnnd AgrieuUtintl Course

sold 590 n ton lo thc wine nm l:-, Tho present em .rie work In ; t.m.mb.-r are ....................................era here. Thev are a imrnl crop "Hrtcil lure w ill he Sreilli.V ex ( l r , nu ; T „ ,

pulldcil. ! COMPARATIVE STATEMENT Or OPERaTlOWS AND SURPLUS, M r. We Inho liner nnteil that j w ater u t il it y account

ers here. They nre a good crop j tills, year m ill had (here been m ine ra in (Im past few weeks an acre

')rMKs'n.-VaW.ne*B'r«wn left »»! virtocl into iwo emirs,-! Tuesday for South Hartley. I ,,,n ' -v ;""1 ,,pI Mass., where she w ill enter Mount llo lyuke College,

fiene rn lly H-gardeil ns an "elf

l i i . l l t t l * . Ihl.il I’ R E- c I r..i . . . . . 1..f . | , „ M1 would have i :i01(!ht'e. now lan iih l on the basis surplus Appropriated -Opcraling

. m . t .m Ol college entrance, w ill be dl I c;.i,)it;ii sui-pUu. Appr.iprtiiti-il,ic;-d I .i l ly Shirt. .............. .................................... lun-,.nI Il,i-<.m„- iiiu l, LLuhi

labor r-iem-e. The

applied siTiMu-e w ill he adapted lo the work of tin- industrial avis shop. For Instance, M r.

of unfavorable | "felnhi'lnm r slated, m lhe aulo-\'F.» I’* IX’VUllF.l' 4)1 .141*4. * W. I) •*.. I .weather eondili, ns during mo:,l, j !» '"\v"t ">]"■«'■* "of July that Intevlered material ! ' h j JJ uly w ill, in: ..-iu especially In v l)l' f 1V,,M K" “ b ,'v w l" lhe e llles mul towns alum : th e1111101101 only how lo lake

an Interna! eomlnislion engine a-(.'ousl, the 11114 .'ii’iisiiii has heen , ........................ ............... .......................tlm 1UU..I. .up-ciissfnl Ih the his j'1-;1 a! ! ( i. ' .Vlory of Monmouth County as jlui- Iii: luinnees are i-oneerimil. ,If llie deposits In the bunk can j he tnkim us an Indication, ou , . . . ,Sept. 1.! Ih rrn was on deposit I u ". ",d“" 'V,1 , ...... .in Mm :i, Imnklim Institutions IW|U 1,0 rt''11"110'1 •«' 11 '’1 111111 .'ul llie i-iiiuity Iln- enonnoii

hul tvlll he u lile lo aniile.se Die su'U'ee of Irn iih le wlu-n Die m il­lin' dues nut lumdlon properlv. In the eommerleal di-purlmenl,

m .n'hlnen

iiu iii of .ylrt.im i.iiiij Ji).

Twi-nty Years Agu i Issue F riday . Sept 111, IlKl-h Mavor Kdwarri W, CuiTle has

ra iled a public mcelliii- lo lu­ll,.Id 111 tlm H iiroligli Hull Man­ila v nip.Ill Id II o'clock lnr the pinpnae nl launching a bet ter hoiiMMi, e .iiiip .ilen In Aliitaw.iu.

The Matutvnii Flrnf Aid Htpmd

can go fort Ii in seo reli ul a Jol, able In t,-lI an employer Diallie nr she ea ii mu .,11 nun li-rn hu-.iiu-ss I n tin I ii t ii I a n i l I’alen-hitnrs. An eeniinmle.': eimrsemay lie mcl'ideil.

W illi till;-, w ill come suli.-.lan- l ml I'lian i'iii m guidance and t I Ini’,. M r Weniheimi-] proph- e.-iled. A comm- In psychology w ill lie given, ai pupils w ill he able lo get along helt.er w ilh

Toi.i) R i ' v c n i u *

C x p m t i l t u r v i

A p i J i n p r u i t i o n — B u d g e t u n d K n u u i ‘« * m v

T n l u l Rxp»*ndltvin*s

D r d d t I f'Util O j U M M l i o n K A d d h i u n s lu I n c n n u * '

U i H ' x i K ' i u l c d U u k b i c c I M l u r Y c n r x A p n i f p r i i i t i n n -

i.uibiiitics CLincctloil

S u b * T n l u l A c n n m t l t ' U u I

A d d , tu liUMtnu*--ll.v S t . i t u U’

U t ' L ’n c d (*luir«(‘s i n Altovi* F . x i M ' lidltUH’

b u ’i u T v d L ' u r i v m l y


n o o u d l n p . S u r p l u s

U lilUK'Y. iLllUUll.V isl

S u l * T u l a !

Li'S't; Aj)j>u*|;rbilfd J n Hiulib'l

h i t l u m v , Def'f-ndici' .'list

Yoflf 1953$ 4,00(1.110

2 (hltl.OU


8 i(i.:iii ii

KI-MIII•»3 7 2

S 0,2!l/. i I




s -1.O07 ■1 ,ill'll n u

Y.V JMfiJlililT.

S T F P H F . N W . D U F F Y , J R .D c f c n d i i i i ‘

j T O : S T F . n i E N W . D U F F Y . J R I

i li> \ i r t m * "f ui. O r d e r o f t h c S u p e r i o r I

I C’oiirt *1 N e w J t T s c v , O h n m e r v Di v t - t

S i o n , luudi* o n l h c Hill h,T> nf Sc|>ti.-m-|

i b c r . l!t.'*4. in u C i v d A c t i o n v.!i*-(»in,

! C L K M K N T I N K S I C T L I A N O t . M J F F Y i j tlii* pl.Tintiff anti y o u a r c l h c d e f e n d - I

[.ini. vf.li ii vi* h c H ' b > rcc j u i r ^ d ti* aiifaei'

1 m e - - o m u l / j i m o f ilie nj.’iir.ttfi tm o r ilicfon- t h e bill d a y o f N u v i - n u i c r . I Hal. I

! I.v hcrviriR a n a n s w e r R A L P H S I

' I H K l M i H . F.s q u i r c . phtiinifl‘s a t t o r n c ; ' . I

" it-a.ii -iddresta is Nt* 15*4 M ; , i n S t r e e t i

, ] M a l n i ' . a n . N e w J o i y c v . a n d iu d e f a u l t ■

' 1 1 h c r c n i m m .', j u ' l i ' m c n l y h . U l b r r e n d '

7.tinu oi) I 30 ILY.Tl I

I M C . u r c t oil a-: l h c Ci'i4r! *.h;dl i

lino". ci|u;tal)|4‘ a n d lust. Y o u sludl

I N U O R P O R A T K n

Of Malawan Oiler


195--1 M E R C U R Y 1954A S A I F . H U Y I’S F D C A R IS T H E

H K S r 1 1 U Y A T Y O U R A U T H O R ! / . * i: d m k r c u r y u k a l f r . s u e

T H F . 7 . 1 T O D A Y .

l‘»r>4- - F O R D R A N C H W A G O N

J 9 5 2 ,M Ii ft C l l H Y S K D A N

1 9 3 2 M F I t C U R Y H A R D T O P

I*i.> 1 ---M K R C U R Y S K D A N

Di.jl P O N T I A C S T A . W A O O N

1‘iM - W l l . L Y S S T A W A O O N

1!«4!‘- P ' t U C F K F D A N E T

1*141)-G H F V H O I . F T S F . D A N ’

IU 4 M O I . D S M U E H L K . S E D A N 194!'- P A t ' K A H O S K D A N

P.ltl P J . Y i M n U T U S K D A N


H U P - P O N T I A C

l*)4)l - P l . V M O L ' T H S E D A N 1 H I 7 O L D S M O H l l . l : .

1947- H U D S O N

fo I d • /'ON'TIAC


F U L L b e d , h p r t n ^ a n d m u i t r c s s ,

Sib; f o u r d r n w e r v n n t t v w i t h lartf^

m i r r o r , ii). C a n Ih* s e e n b.v : a p p o i n t *

m e n t . C a l l M a t u w a n 1*3311, \vJ3fl

T W O .c e n t e r b o a r d s u U b n a t u , J*lfl foot,

M b foot. M o r m o n n a l h i v m * . it., H o x

3fi. H i g h w a y 35, K e y p o r t . C a l l K e y p o r t

7-0911. w J 3 0



1 in

• T K H M S A H H A N G K D

S A D D f . E liidfics. m a r c s . f n d J s a n d c o R n

ul! at r e d u c e d fail prici-a C h e s t e r

H o r u e F a r m , W i r k a l u n k . C,ill H o l m *

de l 9-0.101. >vJ30

S E E D rye. W m . M . A c k c r s o n &t S o n * .

Hu/.lol. C u l t K e , \ p o r t 7 - 0 5 4 H R . W j 2 ' \


PUMPKINSW h o l e s a l e a n d retail. l a r R e , m e d i u m

a n d s m a l l . s p i M d a l r a t e s to r o a d

s l o m i * . M l l i b r o o k F a r m , Rt. 3 4 M a t a -

w a n . Q d i . M ' i t u w i m 1-2 4 2 7 - R . w j U

| M A H O G A N Y b e d r o o m set, 3 p i e c e s ;

b e d w i t h b o x s p r i n g a n d m a t t r e s s ,

d r e s s e r w i t h m i r r o r , a n d c h e s t o f

d r a w e r * . G o o d c o n d i t i o n , $05. C a l l

M i n a w a n I -21115- J. w.130

I F U E L oil t a n k . t u O d p u l l u n c o m p l e t e I w i t h e v e r y t h i n g , 2 t y p e w r i t e r desk,?*,

i Ivnihenjif. b l u e p r i n t c a b i n e t ; n l s d 3 f u A

| n a t e s for m c l i i n g m c l a ! I n q u i r e M l -

c h a d U e n k o , 334 W i l s o n A v e . w J I O

j W H I S K E Y b a r r e l s . 3 9 a n d 5 0 gul,, re*

I r o i u l itloncd; n e w b u r r o l * f r o m fl t o • 30 gnl. E . M . K a b l e r l a n d S o n s Inc.,

t l l H h w u \ 35. K«.-\|>orl T e l . K e 7-0482.1 wj2»

T O P M 4il, r«*ad g r a v e l , fill dirt, m a s o n

s a n d , w a s h .gr a v e l m i d c i n d e r s U s e d

f n u n lools. ca r s , t r u c k * a n d p u r l s . C u r d wo<-it s a w b e n c h , 2 b o t t o m p l o w s ,

l i m e a n d f*,rl)ii.tei clrffl. o r c h a r d s p r a y ­

e r o n sl d d s , It 2o o l d o u b ’a.- d i s c h a r r o w .

K r u i n e l e v a t o r a n d d u m p t r u c k s . D u m p t r u c k s h u hire. bulldo/Hip., c o l l a r * d u * , ,

l a n d e h ’o r h ' K . jirfidloe of all k i n d * .

Fill Hij-t l o b * .if an.v k i n d Ei r k r l B r o s . .

T e i u u - n t H o a d , M o r ^ a u v i N c . C a l l Mn- ta-.van I I P R D 1 112-P)

e a n d lust, i o n si i u H I | _ ' ' _ .

",''‘".vi.i.:*"a.j’r7Vi‘-rkr s c h a n c k & sd-iler, ««»>.m^r!!:!K:.Ai*,lkK.-^7■ iuplicalc *\ il S'jpei'MJ- rourt, S l a t e Ron ,e A i m

. _ I . j - , . , , , i N'cv. JtT'-l-Y, in -U'l'i I Ifl 41114-

ii'i.iiim a n j I),',1,1,:,., 1 1 . nv" ',"‘li I’ ic object of said action la n> notion

(fi.tiOJ) ni) j )( iudijment «n cllvorce ))"lr.(-en, lhe 7. , „ f * *dd pf.untifi and v.-u.

J-L'l 9' t hatkh . m*niemLer inti pmt„ >11 IIF. USER N 11 l-UPii: H Kt-qs2Hf dll •

i n c d r H o h a t e d

S i d e s M I ' . H C U H V • S e r v i c e O u r M ' l t a w u n C a r L o t

llild’.way 34 near Main HI. M A i a v . n n l-423'l (i| l-'Hccbold b -1 drill



.!!) | I, if fUl Ol

R v / M IDlltili S 1 li-usei I ■ ........

* H A I . I ’M F U K I N F R ) O I L E m o u S e ( \ i c - A n y nil M o v e o rA M n i i i e c o! j d i i n d t H tloet tiniiaia- cli-.iiH'd i»r r«'j)idrcd

15!) Si ii i n S i r e d . Mi-'\ i j u u i e biii'iH’i- m (’oh-inaii H o o r

M a l o w a n , N m .Ii licv ' Imit.it-i- ..old a n d in>lnlli-il, Heliat'lc(ill H u m e i S e i \ ;i-e, K-\\|>ort 7-2t25.


7 7 hi <)'•!

12.Dio V7 .not i (

| H O A R D O l Finn C O M M D t S I O N E R S I P I A N O S , p l a y e r P i a n o s , u r gaits t u n e d

F H t r D I S T R I C T N U M B E R O N I J

M A T A W A N T O W N l H H P N . J.

I t A t . A N C r S H F F T

J u l y 30. 1954A S S E T S

nnaOMMKIIOATIONS1 T h u f (411 dll 11i c h l f d V C titK •ode b e h e l d *'> H 1 '' ,2 T h a i i n tercut h e o l h ' c t c d in M r l c l orrlaiu •' w i ! • I b e ’d a l n t

3 T b « t rcjMirlr- r e q u i r e d h v H.J- 54,4-91 a n d »l I D e l ied

4 T h a t t a x tivt-rniivmenlr. lie r e m n d c i l . -'i’I1'" ll i n i e i’.. J l«-


5 . T h a i f a x H i l o h o d o v e r p a y m e u l > b e m m c D ' dn. '1‘h. d o l d M I l H t n n d l b d cott’ia f l N i e c « i \ a i d i - )>•' iTilh-cicd m i.

7 lluit n l l j e e o r U t i b e j ioaled c u n c n t ' y . .T l i e a b o v e M i i u i n a r y o r n y n n p h l : . \* in- p r e j u u M l (I 'ni t n e i r p o t i < q

i 11 mu i .re I Ky1 A 1 i "lint *i I 'aval di*I i H i .>j'4'iidei| 1 ,. 11 a 11 ( ' ' 1 nf

j A f n i i ' K U i- i U m i , f i n e In j I'i.'.1 n h i p ’It i • ‘ i -. 111 n

< If

m d rcji.tiled. I u n d (,raHsrnnf<*Hlf),

fiin ju Ices. O v e r 3 1 y e i m , e x p c r l c n c p . i P L A I N

I ' d ! K . d d u - K n o m i . M j i l u w ; « n L 0n n r > - W d j Itoine

.u' w r i t e H D . 2. M n t o w i i n , wj l l j * .

P A H ' J ' . S a n d f’c r v i r c , n e w «nrt U t « d i c a n ; . m l h n i i / e d M ^ i c u r * * drnl*»r — I

I S e m u i r k A- S d d c r . i m . , 1 0 L n f i i . V « U e j

I P l a t e , F » 4" ‘lu)ld, W i H j

, d a v 'l”m * h d , i \ . W c d n c y d n v , O c t o b e r

:4(l), Stii joid dtli P o t M i M o u s e , 74 M a i n St r e e t M u l a w a n K m nil lire. elothiiiH

iiiul t i o m - c h o l d arttcli-s id r C i i m t U l b l e

jirices. I3‘l

SITUATION WANTEDW I L L v r i v h toKl lii.ii all t v p e * u f c u r *

tains, a l‘.o s t r o u h curtalfui H» m y o w n

h n m i - . P r o m p t jjcjylee, U / i H MatttWu/«-

I -2300-J . wj l l

W i l I- r n t r tor • |,tldti*n In b t V o w n liuitii’ D-- d a v oi 7 d a v w e e k - C a l l

M i d a v . a n iduiuv-.i• i ' w,i:m

cutiijj a n d u u iidliid, d o n e al

(‘all M i d a v . o n M - I I W . ttJ3U

WANTED TO BUYK i n i l y ' n Nt n r o , 2 4 9Old) t! *

F D si St

('"Im . Km M"! t

! L A N ' D S t . ’A F I N ’O Jlulldlni' a n d m a i n ­

' t c n i m c i - o f v o u r tfiriuiuln o u r s p e c - 1 1 Inllv; t o p rnfi, t m u n t r r , f n tlllrer, l h n u

' c ltd, T e l . K o y p o r t


U u - r.ilenrliiit h e T o w n x h i p o f M a t u w a n , b o u n t y <>i M o i u n

TT.Ih ll’llllll u f 11 Ll ill 1 , |,U lit.ill tell In- .1 S i’liinul1 , llrill-ileilMl .Muiu.-ip.ilAi-i-i'iinliitll. I-l I,n (III* III 1 1 1 ,. Trt\Vn--(il|t Cli-l l!1' n n - ,- 1-u-l l i m y In- lu-,|i--, I, ,1 In

WCN'/.MI. a n fiti* id l h e TrtvVtixhip >

a n v m t i T f s t c d iiclhon,R C R i K l i i It-ik


j.K) AM.I’D 11.91

T l .t utnilnii v <>f . a u D l l>-t t. ■

" d i d D d v I'll.’ p i ; ,4 id tin- I ul ; A 11 ....- d,,nie-A|c ( »<f, uier.d<'l ■*, uitsh-

I" I'"inmi.:-!,l linn j’U I- lu-ciiii ei - |I|-||||| ian|;e:. ili-4'|rle v'-iltoi

O l ' u h i I O n e , ' M u t u u m - ‘I- < i .'tip I'l-idi'i’ lit t' Itce-I't, l-'f 4|- R e i v j e c

,| im'> *' v , |l | n 11*| is | ,i'(| I ’iVici* a ic.ill Sn o j i Ke*. p m I 7 9V L!. H o t n *1 P l u m e

c i j t d i e d Dr It *(. W l M - 3 7 T f a t m * n n 1 3 3 7 3 3. flei ei.dltioiieif ic

t * 1 1 A 111 > K S ,|. K K | | , V | ft u p rut, i . n.i i,.dc O e n r r . t l Hefillter*

M i d a u a n T w j i 'I'na^iirei ; a t i o n »i**», 9 u Di»|-.inn SI,, l»cV|*o|ti'

W J H l . 7

Real Eklate For SaleI I O M i : - : - l - ' A l i M i , - U L ' S I N K S S E S lien ,m i l .M ut 11.? HI,illll. llPlillul.

lift)-. M u m !it M u l n w n n

WANTEDC O U P I d ' . v m i l s it i j j l i n e n ! nl c u l i a g p

f u r n i f d i e d nf tmiurfdThtfil. wfRl ip'c (»i j i b e d . v-. 1 1 1,• m 19 u t l l c of K * \ •

jHift. iMi'ine Soiilti A r i l b o V I-OI42-J A M - .<i- ? i. .1* W M 9 *u j::ii c r 7 j* in

*» U . . k. U 1

i f ” 1/1 c< ry ','Mx4£tr&£L

m t& m


fl'iisfe E t o 8 «


P» » \,b /J r" ,-«a C hurch Ch-3-a./i J,f«vidfjj lah_< 3 c-, .* f,1 p c :- s h Is

A' ’4-,..._ , y , r *- - ^r » r '■•I\/g• rJ V i <;>*-a * : y - i y * : • . y i L . - r* ; h iw* ■ ' • . v(tllFfTwM'f r jwrt »»*>*•» v«M «><*‘■ii o ) t t«.frj» tm * i »‘<l-..ni"- ••■'i T';:.-'i». •..".i' :.-;:i. ■ •*•. ■ •-■■•■ •>.;■'•

sT*-*) ar- jrAta^acts

* I— ,( * T 5 ’.

B n e ? I t e m s A h m it P e o p le Y o u K n m v

t ? f Describes Work Ol | ,S a I ? a f e n > A r ® y Y y c

P resby terian ' W om en H ear O f Aid G iven;Girt--,...*** Spcakei

" ~ z ' z r ™ r “ T r - ; ~ : r r - - — :t ;. _ _ T i ' ' \ w ^ ’ •, “ T T ^ f ^ f 93/' = v - ^ " ; V " — — -^L -; 1 — a te c r , V ?elv P b w & V ^

mtrill tlitxnrtritu^^i i ! (<- ~'-sp t7r ct <• j iu ^ ic p hf *w> 4 - 1]

A n w vnilke rirfi ‘ i uO ji-xn » e jn «t ?■ ^ ^ v »rr (a 'a’ n i n ayg iy avert Hyp <u V ipp 'U nn the

* IU & Wr*. v.-ai i i 'n t J n fit -Ci i in te n se Church •»' M n a v .m

17 iti Cih'Ut- l^ iitH il I ' l W 1 IL’ en Bunco.” rm rw .w " v il 4b 4 T d ” koe n m o iv n y p c ipnU Hes , 0,1 «tni.bCicY a id w phcatU, i h* ,'d ej \fi ph i ic w o i* !4p tuv

6 fiiiJnnnAO te o 'r i th n tope ■> oiPt 'U-ii c 1 c Pin ch V .i'0 ) 1 «c 3 iom \vi’1 be I'-iurf/wned 1 0,T' 9PP hour to 9 )0 i'i.iI one ouiuti-.

l o n e l i g m r n i ' *n " "I A r , JhL'r 4 > i >pnvv a i ob tn

to' h i 'V-w * o n euon> <liltmll% Sl tCKCie e 'OM'IAO to

devota ’> r a n ' 1u ’v (i tl4 ,> v o ir t ’aiOrtu lr o 'm J u viii.,v i itC iooiO i4 t. "S’r) >i P “)pyt ■PailupjvMij Coienunt its ihe

,etu««tian r t v - \ ' ti <. *hpurhllc l'cn Sik o l«i<'’l iiin- 'ia in Vrtll liP1 ,u)MVl->el bv *lu -lo’ts t an K o y ra iiiw ecnomitipp, io jhtn'£toipf> bv o<'!u,a;- oi ih *4 c h u u n yd iow w ith u v i p r c io a!>cls(apl aori rx incot'n 30o mu) J

T h i’ iuogc« n i i i o w l'l io oludo IH eainilisb tei r e n o w ii ip mpotinee ttm Sunday 4 igJve io i the iut'iot Ui*ft aod itn 'ov Uigh

’ j lh t b . vuUtn Qnoii*o", d jln it the wrbt; io i r lw cUU4i 4 owns

vpROPle uud Uoboy ntub.s - .sutli as ■i pJiotOBi'apbVi-: -rudio. . ,pninungr

and otbP ii fo1 Uie jo u m o i p i oops

Tho OJUCPU Or ‘ho ChUiCiSchool a t ' G unc iJ supaun lu ii dpn l, M e tv ili ' l i Upv a i i l 't u n t ' supotlolendentr Howard•■Wolv.c* ton, a ic ie ta n ip s 4- I f'ith Ait kor. ,1‘i i tant se^lcto r Vii-. fV lvU ’c m = le j 5 01.11 budaet P 'easumr. Lee m o a t . .

The teaci.ine stall is onmnos td of Uu fo llow !ve Pro ' r l ool

“ departiponti;•• M rs , Luaaa. M is . Om Jl oiclcU", Ail**4 LnofcUi U U low n j M ia l'dm und Weot M is F red D ictl'ie ii .■ M il , , dohti Cho, c lin , M is r xl L( on U m , M i ' D avid K e iin tc o . I '.n i'iin y de-pa ilm e t't M i W K Pe.n cov n , M .a Join* /pKvak M is vijktfhe.' rv ,le l o'vsh1 Go. don M .iv to M^n D an ila f n m i w- iu M is Jo33b)i Ln o il U l, / 'd l jLtnio# d e p n 'm i ’ 1 S unue l Gin K M l- H m iv G ?uckPi

'•■'■ Miss- V ii’tfiriia .-D iB tnch.Johii'M c Kpoi. M i , P td Ludcmum i, M is a'le*. TnsiP) Jimioi dp lia i tinont M m Hut vet Jahn' on, M is P Dde .u Mooney j i M 1S

■■ Eupone Gall.vBrv.cc MoMuHen,' E av i -Hepion,-. M i s. Dpufi.

• l’jf!i.vAH.u,iunioi'"hlgn aepau.nient,' AVno Epp lund . Mi-o. “E lla a u lHovei' Mrs- .lo.nu Skohan. M ib . Robert Slun'to;:; senior h ig h . de-.

. : : partment; . M rs . .'■James. Nod- dinti'S,' M rs . ' Horner Gerlufseir.

' cradle ro ll, ■■Mrn. norm Id W o lv . " Members of the Christinu E d­

ucation .staff ■■ a r e ; . c liith 'm an , M r Royer; 'M i4'; . Kaeu'ek, Mrs.-

■ GeorBe Rittci'i M rs . Jnc Cu.sh- l ranir,. Miss Alt,koii, M e lv ille In-., C j;y , lloivcird AVolvei'ton. Air.

Lucas. . •■::,■■■ ■

Joseph' H aw kinsFetetl A l P a rty

The ' fl'ioulty i .o f, the. .M e4awen , Elem'onthr.v .Scliool: held 'ti party,

oh Tuesday afternoon at. the MaKfiolia Inn in honor' of Jo- sepli nnw k lhs , a faculty mem- )“tr. w ild is. e iilo i liiR the Armed l'fflrces, T n e guvxt of■ Uoiuu- ■w.v.i presented w ith a RlJt.

'Attending, we've M rs. r ’rnnklln SbhftUfele. Mrs,' E dw ard E . Hy- m e , CiotUe.if ScliwaUl, M iss M a r­

, g iiret Shlpherd, Mins-. Mni'Riiret Robertson, M rs . Loins Fnzien- sii, M rs. Harvey Johnson, Miss Esther B lau , M rs . .Hilm A ..C . Baker, M rs . Howard Wolvert-on,

■ M rs . H o w a rd Etrdmnnn, Mrs. jjr th iir Ht'H, M rs . ,1. 'F ra n k lin

'■..6 flinlnic.lt, Miss Edith Davison,, M ru . M nry ' Perslng,' M rs . Jul­

ius M arks , Miss Catherine StlU- ' Waggon, M rs . E lizabeth Shelton.

M rs . M ildred tVnrnc, J, Boehm.. M rs . B en in1'-i DtSnntn, Robert Hard in , E lem entary S r. h a u l

; p r inc ipa l, and Russell A. G .. a t e t 1 c r, Kuprrlnledimt of ''schools.

Kftmily C ircle M eets At M aurice Chodorow Hom e

M r . and Mrs. Muurlcc Cho- dorow. b’lerro Ave., Matnwnn, wore lio.'-.tt; a I their fam ily cir- ole mei'llnn Sunday at their home.• AltemllmT were M r. and M rs .] Paul C lick . F rim UU r, N . Y .; M rs . Jack I't rtn ick. Newburgh , j N . Y . . M r. nnd Mrs, P a iil 'E a l) .

am i son, Joel, Tcnnoclc M r. a'inl M rs . Louis Ruber, Wee hawken; M r, am i Mrs. David

' Kan*, l iv in g Kruss, Bnrhara Special', M r, and Mrs. Oeonic P lnVowdr and tdillriren, Donnie and Hurry. M r, and M fs . Oscar Sokolow, and M r. uud M m . N"r mnn Ooklhcn! uml sun, atepli on, Jersey d l y ; Mi', anil' Mrs. E d 've id Kii-c, and son, Lee, I ln lt iin n iv , Md : M i and Mrs, d je lt P'alier and sous.' Ira , Efl Ava id ahd I ,e lin y , po i'lll Am liny ; A llan Palier, New York (,'|iy , and Jn iiea nml David Clio- d iu 11w , ,1111■ i of lhe hosls.

"Help W .liiie tl" mla In this pa per le ll you idimit Ihe Rood Jobs open.

; Ae.vport. lue fom ed t.at.u'eji Uvarren ■»(;■-. Kevoors

i tev . , P-ocavncit N . Oe.np.iria’. J' i t 'i

T '» u1»' ( ii l e o i i y(

j F irst Church af Christ, Scientist | i H i. Hi-aud St. , Kevport. ;

is - ________--------------------------------------------- -— ™ ~ .- — --- U ™ — I f 5 C . . \ L _ r _ i - r% f «r»i puuoev e.- i-e i ’ a m fm i i) i l , . , . | , I , . . ( , » u , » ( t . . , „ i , W » l | l « s ; . t O ' ' a , , V ' * l , ' U l n t i r l * ' n . M „ ; i , i t , : ; . , , , , , : , , , , P - -V 1--, VO 1. , ? I Ouy Sv.lO,.ll D W C-dllCS- :

1 V.» 3 ^ 1 ^ 1 . 4 V , o I M S G - o i f i C I V a t V i s H t i . v N t W v t t j M > U | h H > >» i K i * J * ' 7 ^ n t fwcl H a;jtJ Arl ^ i ^ }^a\p ?f - m f i v \tm rt |W i e oi S r^a t ip n A m Hf u " ? / '/ ? , n ^une^Ov

IS d 1*9 £ v ‘ ice J Yvon (it 11VI, It t 'e s v n r u p , u id i , veek , , r i Ju im a w L iifr iip iam f Led B u lk simkp cn i c , 1 . ,, . r .

i ie 'u in c d bone S u ,r iiiy eorn l . va £ri(1« ve uon b^ iv 1 (' itne i-ol i t n h bi at pf tile I L W itm , 11 o u t , 1 1 ' “ me ‘ n\ , 'w«ek t\y fu tu re Lokc , In t t" I Matthe v- -f d ' I n £> Young j Dwusund ;- i „d n Y r o i v j i H f t the e n e i'm if i e‘ , , ‘J , i . k „ r !. , , H t i

l r p f | , n Mount-Ill' N Y ) Thi A?id u rn H ise vo f ip i l ,uN i i c i l n Ilin v> ,Vnd p w id mg of hi W o u h h , f o e i i t m IC . , ‘ f1 Mr Stia M n tell) n C tum , ) ,t n 1' f l4 "s !n I ft h u »tt>ni | l u l 0,1 l im n t lv h B iU i A ud io , if P u t V es ivte 1. , | ? n. \ l-e- * md iv L s ib f l ' a n M i a id V ,s A Emtai Voudus n . n ig .1 the tilt , the Bay iP y a .n e on L ake lO t C hvuh m M,nc,a> .> v . , , i g j ‘ ' ' J K n , [e -i 'a lm , uud M i und M l? Petti honse err \va'hir r i, n D u o Cnnouu Cu *ou'e home | rue m rsues im. pi n ded o , a ! ^ ^ v:' ” 4 4 . ot„A U a! isme dY uH v liued o ' ^ *J)iuiK k M H i h th u ,n‘, I, o - i |U v sc IM t l io u io d d i r am m I ' h i O p “ ,V „ , f r I ^Vy «

' Ih u nn M \tt t «-vs a (*«<■•>« l i t u e rk i l a e0a vamp D rn P .w t ^ It, tne Adi im held in tlu m uu r loom of '? V i i i f A "ti nmni wpl i t ’ b v t i at Ue m o% Plv/e ,n ,iK le« Modhtau s N Y a ftd ilh t - in h is , i „ i „ f f a y f f , . ne p iM s vemon'" topic ;'.. A !Hotel,: NkW ' Y\e !c, liorioi Inn it-ly isited tne M o h aw i:. 'M'auv.antt | C npt .. R ightm lre cited m a o y !S ,A „ tv „ ...'. ‘uiii'sery is eoudufcted rinriugfU ie is llsn film ftctrc-ss, c um : Lollo-iCutsklii G iim e Purin , N . Y , "'.’'('cases' of a id ' glvetl by die Su l-JL 'fY .fpvi; . . ' m ! : worship period. ;. : ]hrifeitt.ili■,. .. : , ., , Arnold Si.i iilKvaukl left To*S-,jvutio;: Arn».v. .'which was found-t ; , a Y o u iii F d k iB i i l i trv i

Mrs-.-’ b iim h -Grace' is visaing j tiny .ror'-Jiis home in Holland ait-led In I,ond.on. ■ Engionti ;'ia 180SI Coihseraanc Lulhcs-.an Church.“J i i iK. dx if i. ,-ctjh in ,mu Phihth ' u v - h r .v ,;y r spenaiiig a month■ with iiio.!;by W illiam Booth, Sne added; Mupte P I., Keyport ig rad p s■' rv i,li1 be .held iit itii?'

! D.i'i -Pry.ilk Oraoc and: Mrs. Ison ana daughter In-lnw. iMralthe organization had 'helped, thei Rev. •JPredencic: Boos; Po-stor- ie hu rc li .ViitKf- Suisday evc'iinf' m i G race, to.-La wrence: Brook..Mon- land .:. .Mrs.'.'..Arnold • •sti'inKvauMui.matenal-.-and- sp intuai needs o f; sundav •Sehdur .'tiogins af 9-15 n-ap p-ciocfe'-'”'4' 'n’-l Y :- ’’ * "o r,.NSW ;B runsw ick . , . - i j r . . M atawan. •■.. y , . , V |peuple a ll oveiy the ;worltt. and i a .m ., followed by 'lh e .-worship.i. ' A church' m “ii^Tf'>j>hr' c-i'assi

service at 11 n.m ' ‘ : . . . . , - "'

rM ry ; anOf.Mrs. dot [or, Ke>poU '

j , . Dr TJtnei- Nagv and M iss I- i | t'Ope - Kahn ; of Hav.iJqrd, : Conu,,.i ' i.vere: ■T'eltjii.v, am ber. BtteiySB , of |,M> n d A ils Ch i its A Mol/ i . ,\ > .i V.-.J. -,...; .. . • , j ■ r1 • ' • • ' t\C hOll sl** O Uc>.lj|s *vif,Ljt D i Hje- Is tin c l tot Of t ie ,* , ^; opera* rworkanop of.- the Jpiluo

i t ^ 1 idI) io n

■ M rs . vonri : .sent, an or ,o 11 - „s , i a ,< enl , ihrh I u

; teo ana.

SaBurton w ill t'ke- laa-.-.menllation. ;u< seenmr< ;tie tvorsirip, O .rj,. . fhe . icra-i.oj'o a Rtitoi'V .w :;: 111! 1 1 1 1 .

•lumt: the v:o\‘i<i in obsvn-- >f world-wide .csnmiuruori.

be '

IrTut tl V T h S l t a n ' o u r d a h u r atl'l

r u r ' r o ^ ' ru ff le °fe-nfalCt’Ut' S i! D Ca L« I rhe VifaCS or thi I ' l t s l Meth |faf fed Ui t d l t h n ,t a n m n' ' , n „ , a l Mss 'V illlum Jl C) tm uud M is l0Q),t O u j i i I a l hove a -ovtl condPi iJ opponni'ltie* to nsM 's Oeotge U i I k B ioftd, ^R tjam W asm o lh u t ie pun* I ed dish stipp i M m i , at G m tlut) h .h e , t w 5 , , v .

tVl,,noi.‘j on ^Tl.uisdav o.ftemoon p .m . in the church fo llowed-by, Mt-s. Iluvvttid, VVo.lvetj.on led , tvnvl the cherob arid Junior choirs ' 4 ' ' J '

If , tn C ltiL‘1 i-ilcj ty, JfftV,’ s D i I f», out*-* tT rgpgf' , L t f e 'nue e v s 'io p il cfn) ‘ ‘ p u r r** i iT n a l ie r by D)a t u * to , v 1 j i 1 undet w ry at ^ Ptto i l- i o-rt a l Clcvvi v i i sd l Ort a wueo tfyt e tl n il dn ir- I C*1 jl CPA; i i t I ' I t j (T P s /i I P ( M L n 'p re ii)

' ' « ( l H* c Lt ' n i , Tltb fust 'e in le jp e is t ium a llc< ti i " u t W-Juesdtiyill t i "d in : " l id a r it 4 60uiu

f o r , j ifc cn e fm oionteht , /! i , c is t ' a rh mt pm iria ios of the American Cancer"Soeaety w il l on fu lly exp la ined , w ill cntfav ' afternoon. Oct end B oiila ••- at noon. Tho an­nua ■. . (ttuiier. w ill he h e ld ; on rS’i’f,.'?; d i n'fit t u c «p ake4- w i l l 1In Gt Clou Jefjet nl TolldO , o n tm i i tn t ta1 mao ftp;the Ohio : D ivision

d l! .atarf..’, I add

1st: was. the guest o l : honor.,on .j Weojioiidtiy at n. btvthtlaj'. (Un- [nor nav.ty given, at, the. homo, of [M is vynitei Mdipr f Mon j mouth Bc ieh

Mt and M is R H W illiam s

.. ^ ................................. who <s e tork 'Tcifls.s j 0r , . courts ■ 0*’ I nean : Cottricyj : : 6iVm

The M-nloi malt te l. 'M ul ■*'"" 10 ,1Hnd SelCC' M I " ' Ht ' ' <!iu^ !> ,n 1036 88 ,he wi no , 1, 01, 1. t.in*ti. j y n ,.. i . ,u i ,.h ,, sionngte fo i an aac areuws; .R en- :held 1'uesday evening .at e p .m .

whea--Mr*-,,Paul A , E gan enter talned Her, dessevt bridge cmb, M rs ;;.dF rederick J, Noble, of Ho lm del. tvas a guest,t ,

M rs . "Victor I , Ftedda .spentof Glencoe ,1-Iouso, dvoseinoe.tcj Prldu.v ond Saturday, ns . thc

pant .several, d ays ..; last | guest :of . M l ' , : and M rs; \VihlamPa'weetf-'■ Vttth'i-their. dtiu(m ter,'..M vs.lC :' nutll. in Baltimore . Ivhi Stephen J; Mac.uga, Church.■Bt. | - M rs . James P . Thornton, of •-'-■■Mia and -Mrsc^RIiea.Lohgstreet A«i.en.s,. G a ,, is . vlsiHng her and son.-A lan : of-.Poresi: AVe.',' bvothef, imd .sister-in-law, M r. and ': M'r;' - and MI'S; Marsha ll and ; ,M rs , Charles N , Porrlne.iLonijjtrcet';-of P a rk 'A ve .1.: have Sehenck .Avo, , ; 'hcen touring Vermont and New I M m . , D- W illiam Ludi andYb"k State I daughter. M rs . Lyd ia . W a lling .

| M i and M is rt icha 'd E rd lattendert the H enton P ah oaim a n n v jr : .1 were weekend guests l SuJ r ay,1 of M r , and M rs ; Dat'deb' Morln:

a business meeting at 8 p . ih i 'T 18 oevouontn Members, are requested to b h i a g n ' t y R iefu , uf

ji J p.iv, who are shut m ,f

foi 1 '.*

! R idgewood , ■ . ■ ■ :| .Miss V irg in ia D ietrich , duugh- j ter of M r. and Mrs. Joseph Die- tricn . returned .Monday to the

!School - o f- F in e , llid u s tD a ! j antl‘‘phnfldelphia° Pa j Arts, i N ew a rk ; for her, sopho- ■ •].more venr. ?1 M is E dw in W Savage, of Sterling, M ass , and M iss. Ger­trude Close. o f ; Amherst, eMinns.r spent1 several days this week, w ith M i and M is Euw ln U.Dom in ick■'■.'iMrs.t'-.Willlani, O liver D lggm ontevtalned her dessert bridge, c lub .;; F r id a y \evening. ,P ii« l' w in ne rs ;w ire M rs . E lm ore : K a t i tner. M rs . Marguerite R . L a ird ;

i and, A irs .. F rank H ; B liss. f ,M rs. j George .'H . -Oasketl a iid . MrS:I Laird-, were guests. ,. : ; ,| ;■ Mv.- and .-Mrs. ..-Victor I . Fred- I d a , and son. Chavies, visited i M idsh ipm an . Victor I . F redda, i j r , at the U . S. Nava l Acad- omy;'..Annapohs. M d , . on Sun­day. .

F rank H . Bliss has returned home . from River-view Hospital where he wns a surgica l pa­tient. - ■■■■;.:.' E dw ard Royer returned, home from a business trip to York

where lie attended the annual meeting of the Coastal Tank Lines.-M r, and M rs . Pan! De ll and daughters. Debra Ann nnd Cyn­thia Le igh , lmvi! moved Into an apartment In the Conover house at 109 Mum fct.... M rs . -Floyd I . Tayior was a weekend ‘ guest of M r . and Mrs. James W isw e ll. Ltucolnclale. N .

. ."Mr. and M rs. Frederick- K . Dederiek wore Saturday dinner guests of M r . and Mrs. R lclm rd G riffiths , of L itt le ,S ilve r. . .•M r . and Mrs, Peter A . Rend

were Saturday evening guests of M r: ana Mvs. Donald Beum. South Arriboy.

M r . anti M rs . -Thomas Mor­rison. of North A rlington , spent

M rs . Bayard T . Lam born was hostess to her .bridge.: c lu b ,o r i T ltu o d a j e enitiR at vhic.lt time p iiz r^ w t ie awaidetl to M is . Johnson Cartan - and M rs . A r­thur Hall.- ■

Miss Bertha M nyer, of P h il­ade lph ia , F a , was a weekend guest of M r. and M rs , Arthur I-I. F riedm an ,' Schenek Ave.

M rs . Jolm 'Lnmbert spent thc weekend .' wlt,h , M r . otid Mrs. Ralph W illiam s , Woodland V a l­ley P a rk . N .fY ..

M rs. A llan J. Morrison, M rs . David M . Bruce1, M rs . Peter A. Rend. Mrs. Walter V , Tay lor, and M rs ,F r a n k L . Johnson at­tended the annual state fa ll con­ference of the Now Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs on F r id ay at New Jersey Col­lege for Women.:-New Bruns­w ick : . 1: -

M r. and M rs . Bernard ,DlSnn- l.o and children, M a r ily n nnd Eugene , spent the weekend with M rs . DiSauto's mother. M rs. Rose Rotund, in Wntc-rbury, Conn.

Thursday us guests of Mrs. Lawrence A itken. Little St.-M i. and tvlla. R a ip li Vv. Hei-

rlc l: are spending this week at their sum m er home in Pine G iove . Conn.

M iss G a il DeShnw left Satur­day to begin her studies at New York Univers ity.

Donovan Lent, of F rank lin , and Miss Patricia E gan , stu­dents at Fa ir le igh t Dickinson, College, Rutherford, spent the weekend with Miss E ga n ’s par­ents, M r , and M rs. Paul A, E ­gan . .

M r. nnd M rs. Ross Mnghan and son, Ross, J r , nnd daugh­ter, Phyllis Ann, spent Sunday nt the Bronx Zoo, N. Y . Ross. J r , wns celebrating his IGtli b irthday.

Miss Dovls Moore, of New Y o rk , was a weekend guest of her brother-in-law and sister, M r , ,and M rs . Rensselaer L, Cartan, Sunday M r, and Mrs. Cartan, Miss Moore, nnd M r, nm l M rs . James O. Harrison, of Hasbrouck Heights, visited At­lantic City. ' . ■

linens/ for lhe Horn Aged ,O cean Grove. ,

M r. and -Mrs , Charles,'F . sEefc* nne and son.-Rollins, and-houke guests. M r. and M is . jau io s Thornton. • of - Atnenn. G.n.. -- at-, tended the Princeton-Rutgers tootball -game S n t in ' il a y . at1 Princeton .. -

M r . and M rs . -James H : Sm i­ley: M ir iam D r , entertained :at gant'own dinner Sundaj- evening. Tnetr. guests'were M r..and M rs .R ich- urd G riffiths , of . L ittle , S ilver, and dm . Andrew Shephard: anu M rs. Shephard, o l Eaton-, town. -.

M rs . W illiam C. Ludi, of Balti­more. M d , was a recent guest, of he r . mothcr-ln-lnw. M rs . "C.W illiam Luor. M iddlesex R d ,

Mrs, Henry Luhrs is a patient in M iddlesex General Hospital.New Brunsw ick. . t

Mrs. Peter A. Read. R ita Junes. Peggy Chamberla in ahd Margaret Ann Read attended the Trenton Fa ir on T uesday ,;

M r. and, Mvs ■ Emerson Liak,Mrs. A lbert D . Curry .-and daughter. June. M r , and Mrs.James Adams. M r. and M rs.Charles Brown, and son. Chaiv: les. j r , and M r. arid M rs , W il­liam W . W ieiunri nave returned home after attending several sessions of the New Jersey Con­ference of the Methodist Church, in Ocean C llv . ■

Miss M arilyn Grace has trans­ferred from bvrncuse Univer­sity. Syracuse. N . Y , to the Berkeley School. East Orange.

M rs . Paul Royer, of Shrcws- Inii.v. who m u been a nuiHlciil patient in Monniouth Mem oria l Hospital, is convalescing at the home of her sort and daughter- in-law, M r. and Mrs. Edward Royer, M iriam D r . I

Louis Rollo , J r , son of M r. and M rs. Louis Rollo, returned ;Monday to the University of | Pennsylvnnta, P h ilade lph ia , P a .i where he is a senior. ]

Mrs. John DeW Ilt Pelt/., of jNew York , wus the weekend

period _ MK« ptau ice Satut uiv a- 9 jc ann I , l r lo ^ , c ,tn nttl t . t. no wood j io SU a m tespeettvEt | Kol t ) , LM(, „(1, r , , w<,Jk

satlR- ..-•■YouTI . Never . W a lk n-i The L-adles Aid Society 's ro sages are asitcrl- to. contoct -lnelone,, and Bless Ih ls House, ith ium g its-, nnvg lo r clean..! „V,.tor at'’K*“Vnor',l''''L iiflo frhe w-.is aceompanied at the pi- ! wearable clothing to be sent to ; , , - *nno bv ftirs. Gordon Mnpee . During tin* business-- session

which Mrs. W . Rulon bm lth . presiaent. conducted. M rs . E l­more Kattner announced the R ev , W a lter Rockenste.m nnd M rs . Rocktnuitem. of the . Moun­taineer "M ining Mansion. Mor-

W , V a , would be the

needy peoples of the world fhratigh Lutheran World Relief. Articles m av be left ; lr. tiie kitchen of the church.

F irst Presbyterian Church 216 ftJivlti P t, Maiawan

Rev, Chfesier A . Galloway , . j Pastor - i

speaker at fam ily n igh t on ..sun-1 Identical set rices tne held a t , dav . Oct. 10 The Rev Rock-i9:dO and H a .m . when world - 1 enstein w ill speak on the work 1 wide communion w d l.be nbsetv ; o l tne m ission and show .slides. I e£*- faundny .School meets i.t ,, : Plans were discussed for tlie!®-36 a .m . .tno Ih.eit. Is a n u ise iy . Pre.sbyterial Meeting to be hetdl-lm ch ild ien wnose pments wash in the Matawan church on O c t ,I10 attend the 11 a .m . sei v ice .,- j 21. "Christ Is the W av" w ill be I 'The Westminster. Fe llow sh ip ; the theme |-fo1' Junior and senior h igh '

Mrs. Edw ard R leth. president! younEf people, metts at 1 t ,m .

t First MetMoiiiat: Ciiurotii M a in St,, M ttlnw uo-.- 1 Rev. A lbert D . C urry ; Pastor j Sunday m orn in gw o rsh ip Is at i 'XCU,1 1 i l o clock w.oon 'vorld-wiai? c-orn- A-1* ^*-'

at n if F t im1, “vee ept >a- 1 wdrii of the United stateK:Cham'~' 1 b n o Commc e fm htt [la ;

-1 tJi'lmmon In civic acUvite8n«n$-'- i-g ,n ' o r the To’e jo pUy avoupij .systemi - Dr.-LrpitlttJiwHtJ be thc speaker: at. ithe i CioslnffL' '- lul k ■Some 300 vnlunteera- ft'o'di-'tlll;^

;;! ■ counttes of the;state'.:are';ejfc5.> to participate in the , comerenee., l - ipi;:':

•m in io n w d’ b** o b s iv t’d S in 1 ------- --------dav School 1 at 0 V m l0 ' l jm l'0(iav

I - , ,v ; i voune men and tvoinen w il l ' ib e *, meeting o t , die . Method.o. stuoyirig . 111 co llege .; tha iriiw ay*I Men w ill be held Wednoisduy e- pa id through aaving NOw Y ja?I I emng rd 8 p in ‘ U S Sd’ ing Bonds I

of tho Women s Association-of the B ft y v 1 e w P iesb.vterian Church. C liffwood. mvlted the Associattou to attend the Bav- view meeung on Oct. 18 at a .o '­clock at which time the speaker w ill bo M rs . Stuart T ay lo r, of.V ine land , who w ill discuss her _European trip and show s lid e s ,” ' , ' , nT II- she took In the countries she!vlslte.o. ....................... !■ Art appeal ltaD been made for | new or used pencils to be sent! to the various mission stations.|Anyone w ish ing to contribute 1st urged to contact M rs . Smith

llavvtctv Pre.sb.rUtrian Church 1 Cllfftvoud 1

Rev. W illiam Leltr. Pastor i P iomotion and award dav 1

w il l be held In the Sunday School i which meets ut !l;45 a.m.- - :

The pastor w ill preside nt the j observance 01 world-wide Com-:

11 a .m . service. 1

O U R BU SIN ESS WILL. BE CLOSED A t-S undow n O ct. 6 th and W ill Be R e-opened Ht S unset on Oct. 7th.


......................... A, M. Kr.mmsky. Ph.G. . . . ■

M A TA W A N D R U G CO M PANY 176 M am St. Te). M A taw an 1-0037:■ M ataw an

Trin ity F.pl-Sr.opal Church | S lain St., - Matawan

Rev. B.- M cK ; Gnrlick i Rector . i

Holy eucharlsi w ill be cele-: bruled and the rector w i l l1

ness Through t le sv

Our Opportum

The next meetiag of the Asso-t preach Ute sermon at the 9 : JO; clction w ill be held Nov. 2 2 ,a .m . service ln observance o f: starting w ith a covered d isn lthe 16th Sunday after T r in it y ,awpper at G:JO p .m . The topic iChurch school is at 10:30 a .m . IOf. the evening w ill be To Wlt-j The Ladies Guild w ill meet. 1

1 Monday evening at- 3 P .m . 1 j Thc G irls F riend ly Socieiyj 1 w ill meet Thursday uficniuou u ii 3:30 o'clock und that evening nt. 7:30 o’clock, thc Society's ad-' mission service w ill be held, foi- j lowed by a candlelight service! In tlu; parish ha ll. I

F h s l Baptist Ohuroh j232 M a in S l , M nlawan . |

Rev. Lawrence R . Bailey , ’ Pastor j

R a lly Day and promotions w il l ; be featured at the Sunday \

M iss D onovan F e ted

A t S u rp rise S how er

B rooklyn R esident To Becom e B ride O f John W arnock O ct. 30

A s u r p r I s c miscellaneousguest of A ir. and Mrs. Charles‘shower was given Saturday eve- School session at 10 11.111, direct­A. Mat-/, Jr. M rs . Pell?, is edl- lh ing ln honor of M iss Ann Don- ml by W illiam L a d e i. supeiin-tor of the Opera News nnd pub-!ovari, of B rooklyn , N . Y , at tile llcation director of tlie Metro- jhome 01 M rs . Charles Cokelet,

Route 35, Raritan Township.

tcndeiit.The morn ing worship service i

is at 11 a .m , and the Sunday Ipolltnn Opera G u ild . , --- - - • , , , , , •

M rs. R ichard Teague enter-[Miss Donovan w il! become the evening services w ill be resum-jtaincd Sunday nt a birthday d in - 1 bride of John Warnock on Sun-Td nt 1 . Jit p .m jner in honor of Iter husband, [day. Oct. 30. | m organville Methodist CJiurch' 1Guests weve M r. nnd Mvs. Ed- i Gifts were arranged under a nev . W . B . Mngsrvni. Pastor i gar Farre ll und son. M lcbnol, jcluster of v/hltc bells a'hlch had | siu.1;lment of holy cotn-jof Param us ; Mrs, Bessie C raig, i white streamers attached J°jntunlonMrs. Howard Jones nnd dnimit- ithem . The table centerpiece ter, V icky, of Keyport; Forest!was made up of while curmi- Tengue nnd daughters. L indn, j tions. roses, and chrysantlie- Loulse und Beverly, anti M ls s jimJ,ms M ildred Teague.

on world-wide Com-; ! mrmion Day, w ill be observed nt the 7:30 p .m . .service in charge of the pastor. . 1

Make nil needed improvements on your'homo now . . . before the winter season is here.Sen your dealer or^contractor for coals . . . (hen visit us for an improvement loan!

E x p lo rer Scouts A tten d C ounty Council P icnic

Scout Exp lo rer Posts 121 and 73, of Matnwan,' enjoyed the first explorer event- of Lhe sea­son, the fa ll "h ill-b illy” picnic and clAncc given by Monmouth j celebrating Connell of Boy Scouts on Sat­urday at McGuire's Grove, M id­dletown.

Thc picnic nnd dance featur­ed m ;m y field sports, games nnd tests of sk ills . In the early eve­n ing a f ilm was shown, fo llow­ed by stiuare dancing.

Attending from Matnwan were Radford Sliafto, advisor.Walter Jones, George McBride , I Joel M lckay lo , ot Post 121; Mer­r ill Evans , B illy M artin , Thom­as Stames. of Posts 73. ami guests Miss A'lce Johnson and Miss Shirley Jonos. Transport-1 a lien wus provided b.v David Henlon and Walter U . Jones

Guests included M rs. Thom ; ins Donovan, Mrs. W illiam Mac- ;N um iira , M rs. Leon W im ioe li, [M rs. James P . Warnock, j r ,: Mra. Dnvid Sclimar, Mrs. Stnn-

ClifliMKHl Community iMethodist C'luneh ;

, ................................. ............ ..................................... ......... Rev. John F le i.sdunan , Pastor [A lan L ongstreet • I Miss S tasia ' O lstow ski [Ml'S. James P . Warnock, j r . , "W ith a Song iii Their H earts" ; Is Tw o Years O ld W eds C ant. J. D. Sugg iN>'«- David Schmnr. Mrs. Stan- w ill be the paslor's sermon top-;

'ley Cook, M rs . Albert E . M ur- 'ic at the Sunday evening ser-' M r. and M rs . Rlien Longstreet Miss Stasia O lstowski, of Ln-|phy. Mrs. W illiam K inzn , M i's .jv ic e . World-wide communion,

entertained 011 Thursday in lion- sunn Bench. C n llf , formerly o f,L loyd E . Cokelet, t r . M iss A nn ]w lll be observed. jor of their son Alan who W„ J Matawan, recently became the .T iehenor, Mrs. Thomas Sinnott, ] M idweek pip.yer meeting w il l!

' ’ ’ ‘ I bride of Marine Corps Capt. Joe l1 M rs. Joseph C. Cherry, M rs . [be iiekl Wednesday evening 1

L iberal Building & Loan A ssocia tion j1 S 9 M a i n S t r e e t


son,his second birth - 1Davis Sugg. J r , in E l Toro, [John P . Goetz, M rs . J . F rank

day. ! Calif. jw e igand , Mrs. Robert W eignm l,Guests Included M r. and M rs .l M rs. Sugg Iras completed h c r l Ml's. James Infantl, M rs. Hen-

Kenneth Mnughier and daugh- second season w ilh Iln South' f)- Warnock, the gui'st of honorShore Musical Co. aiul played ll , ,d ^ 'L‘ hostess- . . . _ . iG fin t >* ei «is\ nnrter. Betty Lee, of Red Bank;

Miss Ann Tiehenor, of New Monmouth: M r . and M rs . Mar- shrill Longstreet, M r. nnd Mrs,W ilbu r Schneider and child­ren. Carol Ann and Hobart,M rs. K a r l Hermann and ch ild­ren, G ary nnd Guy, M rs . Alex I ' , , , , ____MacFayden-and daughter, Jun. I 1 a lL t«v i 11 r l^ 1 1Mrs. Leonard Stokes and son,L I? lc8 U l'lv e rs iiy . Houston. 1 ex. M arks B irthdayLeonard, Mrs. John M u lle r um l1118 lmfi lwci n ' 01''’ -v ,'n,'fl 10 -S(-M'vp rhuiglue

the dunce lends In "H igh But­ton Shoes," "Loud An Ear," and "Pn ln l Your Wagon." She has postponed 11 fa ll contract to perform will-, the Metropolitan Opera Ballet Association, New York

Gifts were sent by Mrs. John Warnock, J r , M rs . Thomas Ruthbona, M rs . W lllhun Pliil- llpps, M rs . Vernon Rnthbone, Mls.s A tin ly Witrnock, M rs . Clarence Pedee, and Mrs. Paul Crlm i,

The official board w ill meet 1111 mediately P illow ing p r a y e r • meeting. ;

Spring Valley CoinmmiUy C lmreli i

A, Thomas Clayton, Pastor i Sunday School ls nl. 2-.30 p .m .'

and win ship .service ls nt 3:30 [p .m .. Prayer 'meeting Is held ! [ouch Thursday evening at 7:30 | p .m . 1

('“ College S p irit"Proves Costly

O sterhe ld Q ualifies F or O ptionnl A ttendance

Uiivli scholarship lm.s punlifled 2112 Kansas State College upper classmen for optional attend­ance at clauses this fu ll. E lls ­worth M . G o n llz , director of admissions and registrar, has announced. To qu iillfv for <•!>- ihm al liltoiulnnce, stndniits must he jun iors and have m a in ta in­ed a I! nvernge ur hotter lhe ir In :,I M - m i ' s l i T In college,

A im ing those achieving the honor was E a r l V. Oslei'held. Helicon H ill R d , Matnwnn, u student In the Mchuol of V c lc r Imi r.v Medle liie . Tlie college Is liK 'U lnl at M It llllll 1 (n il. K a il.

M iners, Kathy and Juilv ! ln tlu' M l,r ln i‘ -,L'1 Dgliler gi'imp. I M r . and M rs, James F . Ben­s Victor Tolniisello iii i ii ' I lu ‘ 00 lll ,l(> n n’ residing at 10-:ner, Ha id lnK B lvd.. entertiiln- | Mngisti'nlc Paul R. C llesbio,itii'en Lvtm and Victor lr !'*' Marine D r.. L .n iiiiin Bench, led Thursday afternoon I11 luinin- j ol Prlncelnn. Tucsrlny look as nobei-L M iilln r niifl ' Jnn I (.-bllf, Sot theh- son. George, who m ark M in i view uf a plea by Robert.1 . mum. 1 unu sun,, , , 1, 1 , , . . , 1, ... r , „

Mr child Ml'fRobert, Jr., Ubino and Peggy Clue,sco, mid M r. and M rs . rjhar Ins Brown and son, Charles, Jr., a ll of Mutnwun.

W o m an ’s Club To Open Season

The Matawun Worn all's Club w ill open Us th iiiy-nlntli year un Monday when the opening fu ll luncheon w ill be held utButtonwood Manor, Mnlii wn 11, nl 12:39 o'clock, Mrs. Merle J, tlniU 'r, nf M 11 pie wood, sln'e d tn in ii ehniiunau of the New;Jersey l-'ederntlon of Women'":Clubs w ill be tlie uncut speak j

, ' 1'- IE , Hunt, M rs, H iiyn iil t ,11111 Dorti.Any member who hail noi been| Mrs. P1111I B ls li. Mi.-. Donald

contaclcd about tlm luncheon Is| Unlun1,on, Mrn, Orm-iie Hump-Real En lille Llntluu Ciu'dll fo r1 asked to call M is . J, Fred Huh-1 sou, Mrs, David M . llia c e , Mrs,

nali* nl lltla off Ion. Inaon at Maiawan l-Uoin-J-l. Hciisselner L . r u n mi mul Mrs,

W om an’s C lub Art G roup P lans Year

| A m e e t i n g of th e m l g ro u p of I the M a tu w u n W o m a n 's Chili was | held y e s t e r d a y a f t e r n o o n u l the

h o m e of M r s . Allan J M o r r i ­son, c h a i r m a n . A i i i c in -s n Art W eek , lo be o b s e r v e d Nov. I lo I 7, will be n iu i t . e d .it lh e c lu b 's | m e e t in g on Nov I wneii a p r o - 1

VUe p r i ' s e n le i l w i th a ii I l l u s t r a ­t ive e x h ib i t . " C n n le n ip o i a I y A m e r i c a n A r t " will be the t h e m e uf th e e n m in l l t i - e ' s pro- it ru mi- for th e eunilni! r l t ib year ,

Allemllni'. Were Mi's. Cl ill r I >'.s

etl h is th i rd b i r t h d a y . iM a c A ig le , of M .i lnwiin , a n d five| Gueslr . w e r e C h r i s t in e l tu ln [o ih e r U u u u r s s i iu le i i ls , U m l the Ik<>. C lin ton R u ss e l l , G a r y WII- Ide lncoliH-nt with pniiil e f Luul sen , J u d y A n d re w s . V i n c e n t , I m a r k s 011 th e Pi i n c e l e u r a m p M n r y a n d .Susan In foslm i , M rs . | u s be fo re Insl S a tu n h iv ' : ; foul- ( l e o r g e A n d re w s , Mrs. 1. l l u s - j hall n a m e w n s 1111 o ii lln irsl ofsell, J r, M rs. VlnctnL Iafosliio , I nnd Mrs. Georue Wilson.

Aids Convention P lansThe Rev. Lawrence It. Hailey,

gram on " America 11 ( Hass" w ill [ pastor nl the First HepU-d,Clinrch, M m n wan . was a iia-iii- ller of the pi'ogl'in ii committer for lhe Hew Jersey Baptist Con­vention, which opened Monday III the llo le l Chel.sea, Atlantic CHy, Hr. Harold H, II listed, p a llo r ol the Find. Park Hup. (1st Clnii'rdi, Pin In fie ld . pror.l- denl of tlu- ennvenlloii, ndtlreiiii cd the openlni: Musnlnn The chistiig itcaMon wns last n ight,

"college sp lrP ." He rli nounii-d them as destroying 1 n 111 ;*■ 11 > and scntrni'i'il them lo w iite a 'JCra word essay In in I d 11 imi to enen payliie. St.'i linen.

The III le nf I lie ossn y 11 io lie : "My own view on the picmeih- Iuteri and (lolibt rale (Pdaeenient of 1 >1 ilille and private properly ."

The sis students were churn ed with pa llium , iln inu in ls "K . H." 111 vivid 1 oil 011 yiirlom. land murks on Ihe Pi'lncelon eant 1 >1 in, 011 11 al al lie ol a llge r , ahd nil I lie door nf Nas:,1111 Tnveih

Real Estnle Le.tlug Curds for mile ill I I1P1 office

Time For

Home ImprovementsN e w , b f‘lu l '0 Y v ili ltT i l l , is tllC'

l in iL ' IVip l io m c r<*;laii.-' ;m < l im p t 'o v e -

in o n ts . A i t b b l t i'u r I 'o o f in j ; ' f c j j h iis,

in s i i l i i t i f in , a n u n ! ' ;n l c ( j n ; i l (> l ii ' i it iv iK '

s y s te m , | i i r in l in y , i!gcin ;tt inu' nml ollu‘r iin jii'dvom r'iiU- '- t h t i l w i l l m a k e y o u r

h ouse in u r e c i i in fn r t .T u le n m l a ll i 'n r '-

l iv c .

Y o u i-nn rm n iic t ' t lm in i- l w it h n n

l’’l IA lY o |u T ly 1 n 11•]'( 1 v 1 m 11 c i 11 L m u i a n d

p a y in lm m l l i l y i i is i .n l lm c i i t s w it h Ic i ' in s

iis Iu n y ;u . i.h i'cc y c i i i 's . C u m c in n n ' l

st-y- iis ; i l u d l l d e l . ,t ils .

F a r m e n s & ?

' I O N A I j

E R C I f A N T S


f r r>f P AI l,r,,fR7|MCfHAl 0».’0’,!t UiiHtiANCI tOJ'fOlAtlOM


Vv iL , 'f titfi►ii'sfirt #<s*T*,-i


|^ip^o?:(S§«p^ 6 fl$S!l@

^ E S - N e v m k R c s id e t ) is

f J O fc / G Id M i d R d . ; A r e # ,

W i $e fe !v ilie» A n d E v c i? ^

„ and M fh O’ m 'm i i i , Jtoi m u l/ of K ew trn , have

K i Jnto t lipi > notni; onM L fF il Cheewrmake

MMria, CfVuiiift' AMman Hiowtt

feawKteiU^wnird 3rttJid.i» Wa tl>? M s i^ i f r W i » Scuftdhuvi iat A ir

"rqiT' - u M e u e 'k v a n ^jic/y4 w lU .lio t rr ethe i. i.frs Ailtu

(itioeq, G u thu ibu ig Sv-edeiv

M « r ana ’ .*1 d i u t ^ r ?■ /.> weon-s .-m•■' Copcnhu-

I k . . . I."* e .b c y vieiL

of mwv-bt ,' .„ , , Paul Blariota ri Vti *v

* Ww .idu 'u ism M i l HOW a i d yR,Ufie>V, B iowntow ii W» s Not1. •^iR%Crji3aman lAi s Lerov Bur

'''lew ,'’ l Choci pqu<i v . , i ru t Tue" l>\'Sai lit F letninstcn y/J f . t th»/ ’. 't o t t n i • aha glass '.vo, i-s and h w tU t r t Potteijr P lant ’k p f i j j 33 C Mnerlit i.nd daugn ' {e r . ATftiiU Cedai G love , une i f f l t iT C T Cuucx ahti ilu Ugh 2 t? ra , J<>-, Ann and Hetty Rae LB i^v/nUWP spent Patui dav in

Cusiek.. and lien "1?Sa!tRi,ts*8 weie suppi.1 bvtc-,to S i l i . "the Mftovta home Ic llow i.it .4)1 th e ir ' outing

Jeannetta Painaud ie (wtUr/.e'd Moo d a ; m orn ins to nei

on the nu ia ln g staff at ^Ekf6tors , Hospital New Y o ik

j ’'jfjRoVrlns a month's vacation f ’aA ft 'M Which was spent visiting ■"': lie ,r■ pftr entn. M ;'. . and vMvS, • Wd- ^ i t a ln J Re.inaud Browntown «v?r?^h«tWftv. evening visitors at \tft(*:home of M i and M i s Clyde

jSowne, Ciieesequnke, w s .e M y a r id M rs Julius Glleach. of sSuS^tirview and B iow jitown X ^p M rs .; AdMe Hm zog , Cheese- st q jiaks , was among a group of yetXOji'Who tnotcicd to New Y o ik jy ta fy .'f ja tu i'd a y , and attended a ®S igtl»eov performance of "Kis- IrtSfet'' a t trie Z 'egfeld •fheate i, w fe U d w 'i‘e*i»trants at. the Church S p K C u r Havloui Church School

id ine i Zangenhdig and Joyce Lynn , and M rs

m-jticihohy It . B lanken and daugh- [ ^ iw - y i i ln d s , Ann The Church S ifijm &q l ’.is pleased to announce KfifcfeWrge»tT enro llm ent- in many,

M - ^ rh e ' ''Wom en’s Guild of the f.'fCKul'Cli pf O ui Sav loui M spon- j'fztoJlhg5 a’ card pa ity ln the pai- ’V ’luti h a ll,1: F ild a y evening, Oct‘’fU M t 8:18‘ ft? H o ly f Comrrtumon at the

Church ''o t: Our Saviour w i l l , be ®v|*j«bvntoo :»t 8 a ;m . tills com ing

' ’■»Wd»y , ,-y-'ctfeMUday.'."'. dinner, guebts at tlit

ROK.'White 'h om e . B iowntown,

M r ' Bnd M l i Paul Pe V^SWelW and -daufehters, Joan. Ju- ^ 'jt e s 'ia n d ‘Joyce,, N ewark , M i.\ M rs Stanley White andK CHvUijhters. Leslie and Lynn , Ma- ^-f^thwan,’-and:M iss Madolene Bur- rV ton ,' O ld Bridge.VreV A rnold Strip* v .iuri., who has ,’V 'been v is it ing ill son ond daugh- ^^Uiyiln-lftWF-Mi’. .and M is . Arnold Fwaftrtagvguldi-.'Jri',,.Matawan-, for M is ^.iK '-n iofith ,"returned to his home !’■ ih"'Holland-on Tuesday. Before i‘fV'lfcliVlhB>'he!'c a lle d ,011 M r ., and !jyW f*V .M B dw ard .-.DolRosao and

u - ''Th u r s d a y ;r—m ^ . ■;T*TTr3B.->^j Jmr =^ ; r ^r uWr

[Mss, a ouivg Fe-bfu Srforc ,1 e u v b s g Fc-r f i o n r l e

u i ' r M r V/oHi B 'J a z 'u

r-hird .St.. itevport. .cn lenau ied a u i

auesvs were M vt ia: M.tti. J m c ,Aim DiOerma;.no: ■ M rs .'' .N ed ie !

i l 3cu io ian .sk l . Mrs,. . A n n .t.,eviv.i-1 .! l d o w s i o . M is s B ar l ja r f i L e v n n - i

o w sk i . vu;--., Marv . C e t i u m o i e . i ,'tn;. L . B o n i fa c io . M'-a. A. Kii- i

M i n i , a i i s s r t e i e n " ■ ua.ahei. i w r b . i

■ i f. ' iorener : Bul'liOh".

re -, rv l

:(av evenlnsr. In, hotter of

iM rs . Baldw in 's inotbor.,'.' Mrs-.ICnanes 1. YoUnii. sr... .Who loft

•raesufty.-.io . spena . the winter' m ouths :In St., C loud ,;:P in .'. . A,

Guests•. were .v?r. , and M rs .H.vii'jh C. Bedie. vlnfevvari; ,M ;V und M rs . Jolm H . Roberts and

c.-iium tdnusrhter..-.Kathy..Laurence Hary-!police, for Trie a ffa il H x ,r : VVmiam M urray , Staten; peeper.

Rp!.m .Tslaud : '-'Mr; and Mrs.. Covert • telier and;Campbell.■ ••Mr: and Mv

iEuige:,'. * . nnd M rs . ;u a ■ n d s lit o - ji i i m u 1 P Or .e 't M" _ , , ,L i v D e l i t .N M m l M i H annah , fConitr ue j ( io m o .u . ..r

rUto ;.i^ocftwoofj./- zCeypoi t

j jn the* ■> Tf i. i1 Chip ' H i , v I t m i l s ’* ril (If^i"I oor nf cadu Horn t«fo«v j s‘Id c i1 co sol" j th le - qqci il die I losu 1 i.K ' t< ( r uft, f

no v i f r m a . a s " a i d . rra r P ., u i. A i v i im cU> li nm ii of (fir puiu.c Li.-in.r.lltoe. ;: i poitt i av t h , r i ^ '0 (v ? u r i pp. ‘ it> VlC u ii t . u , o t, C A

oasieht... •■ lie ashen ool'Oilghroitr-.v; zens to -continue--- to roiiiu t, auy-jH;: . .n , su } lhu <iv i «h Hq _was high in fils p f ia s t ro i Ahe'"

their dotectiou of .the.S:

■overn : ■ . --- ----------

| Governor invited

Prowler Caughti .

Earl' McLaughlin, oi Clifiwc&d Beech, la il, Bupoivuos lina replave inonta al Hompslaad. N. K., with Jamas F. Connally. ol Cedar Grove, (lalt atop poial, and Stanley Saarloos. ol Bloomhold, (left on pole), w ilh SlaVen J. Meimor, of Maplewood, asifsllng on ground. Tho group was po 'l oi 400 crewman: sent inlo lHo Now England area ir. the wake ol Hurricanes Carol arid Edna lo help restore service on <00,000 leleplione lines downed in-the slorms. ..■ ■■ ,■...■■• ■ ' . . ..

G irl S cou t F u n d '

D rive In O ctober

Mrs. John’ Mohair Is Chairman; Captains Named To Assist

The annual G ir l acuut, drive

E vangelism C lasses

M eet In B row ntow n

Madison Board Gives Permission For Early Dismissal; Other

Starting this F r lu a y ,

Mrs . Louis Beckci . Sunday School services in tlic

MorgiutviUe Mt-ihoalbt Chui c-h 'o il Sundav. were under the d i­rection of Rav iiiond Sch lkt, as­sistant superintendent, when M r; and M rs. W a lte r Lam bert:

. son. ■suporiniendenl-.- anil ovaaii';I |E.r : respectively. and Leslie1 , WooHcy. assistant superinten- ident- were attending-.the an­nual Methodist Conference lu Ocean City; Tho collection of

(cancelled p o s t a g e stamps, iw filch w ill be exchanged foe ' B l’olcs to be given lo children m Korea, aga in was announced and members were urged to

j continue to br ing them to chin ch ! services. . -I Ralfv Day for the Sunday (School \vl!r be htufl on Oct.. 17, and a meeting of teachers and officers w ill be held Monday c- venmg, Oct. 11. T h e W.S.C.S. of the cluirch conducted a suc-

.cessful liiree-dav rum m age sale on the church grounds last week. Another sale Is being plannee for tho neui future. I , . , , , ,

! M rs . Nellie Seber has return­ed home from a New York hos­pital where she was a surgical patient; ■.■■■•-.■ ■ -

i Miss Celeste Wenzel, of M a­! tawan. visited M r. and Mrs,; Martin Sm ith. Jr.. Thursday ..,:!I Morganville Pack 93, Cub i Br-outs. w ill -hold a sw im m ing;! party nt the Asbury P ark : Y M ­CA from 3 to 4 p .m . Saturday:

and rel«

gey-Central Power ii L igh fC om : jM ilu iyO Hn_ . . vr. r. ' raiVilb',, 1 Wpanys . 20-veiir r lu b . I j^ n - 1 --

ovaa.tbegan her career wns tn r jM «,v(,

I Paul Kiet;ria\i![ PeniocJ-iitlc ■■bfijjle.- i coiicn lHeernaii: V i ii:C.;e -n t'AP;': K iiuper. c- 0 •„ n by.',, DbinocraUc:!

I chair.irtK),; Mrs. ; Ethel.-:! At'. - is n ia le , H o 1 rn ii c ! Township,

urinnrmued Irora tiaca one) irn iir itv v!r:r. nhalrinan:- G lcni.i'L ., , r ... . F l r i io i" 01' the prem ises, -a search con-; fewaiie i.h , Charles . -P., Du-tnuu-,

c . p . p r - L i , . . i vlnccd the ofllcers no .stm nger I Arthur , A ./Ennkson , Juines , p , T l 7 K ,\ h i l l nl -I cd io usi th- c f lla i ,A )un> (ourif, cm itaates a ■'‘ * J M t iv L 'X ’rs ' or °lher part of ihe ncuse as u .loca l candidate

m , , , , f t c 'd ia v u , lng n iun lU lw litiq* .......; L , -v in- 1 ' :. One Possible Lead : j ■ :P laiiiur.K L o m n i i t l e c .

v , rj- i l i i A il nay .Monday there.;wasron-; P lanning a iu u iu n rc oifns.i.-* r l ( j H-i--) ffc'-er ! fr- one possible lead , a ;repo rt o/ifor. tiro ra iiy arc Antnuuy. A.

I-.'.: , . . . . , , '->«Hc''or other pert, of ihe ncuse as u .loca l candidates from spwn.inIceatlv became- a member- of Jcr- loonrs, ,Mvg. -Angie N agy , m i s . , ... . - • -> • ■

| a stranger seen who bore some , Auer, i resemblance to; tne wanted .m an. -Mrs. At a;33

KcunsburE'. cha irm an :' Herman Wenzel, A llan'

.........H Ji.-o-'■William''

, . . . ?'Bu’dwrii M l I I ttl 10*1 a Vw k. i ' ! l - n iau was repo itrd Ih e v jNolton seoiotaiynson Mi-c (ni-1 r izw il Mr<- I spotted, u;, like ly looking sub ject, serving on comiiiitr.ftfcw;;..ui<fw n M < _ J 0 '1 P/IUI , , , „ 1'n iic i n j near Urn OK Sales & |J ‘/!in K lnse’lo J v Dim 1,

M i" : -"'Ari-'W Hh"cm um vl& rv lc e '' at Valley D r . and.Broad )N . K ir k and M ichael Mendes.

dbmpany as.* a clerk at the Kcy-.l Key pot

poG com nc ic la l olfi c E v j _ Ai <> M is K U ' T ? l ! ‘ a i Al 8 a m ch ie f Jlood and Pam net and Thomas "out fo. the pci od b n u e n i i 40|'v - 1 T V i ‘ T ) , T T l P utio’m , a Hobeti MuGowan .n lngs vjc- unahmen arrd.TiMu, when she worktri a„j d jk . .n . .h A Is . T T ; were posted- In the area .where Greenc.v treasul'er; Ccclhia': .cashier . at South Amboy .-1 M i s. '.Helen. K im k . .D .e.ie) ■ .. •MIS'"Dono* ai in s w o iW d U h * *’ ” - * » • » > . . n- man w iKevport, office where, she r.uu aolds ■ Uie position uf in lc i n*c-1 Cl illntc senior, cashier. She u tpresented her: 25-year pin and membership m the club, w ine;, now has an .enrollment of about 280 'JGP&L employees, oy Miss Rosemnrl Kennedy, D istrc il commercial m « i)agu i.

| St. Taken, into custody; he could I pub lic ity , . . . . . . . . -r-.-T.-..-, . . . L , L . . , r-rni'i-e rn*- nnt account for Ills presence in j lo , Marlon Leon and L v t .y a Uc . r V t a r 1 % He Idcn'lfled h im 'c r enterMmuent I F C u l

SiepKiewlrz.- a irs , jenme.-- 3ut

rtel» Hht H t lr n I I

kowski, Miss. Jean Miss Eutcllc Ksenlak

j boy, -■ ■ , " 1 ' .A lso: M rs , A; Cbmui'fl, M rs .

Josephine M ak lh r i. M rs. M ary j Kirichikl, M rs. Stephanie Shar-

K „ , ; r 7 S i

Sutkowskl. . Perth Am-

Keyport Woman Wins Hazlet Fire Co, Car

■ , . , o a.. M rs. M ary B u ike , Ave-pOSCd,. o f In a la f lic ^ .itu id ,.y . W) Heicb, Mrs. Violetn ig h t . at ’he .flrchousc. was. a- M „ Unow.-ski. Mrs. Henrietta Bud- warded l o M r s . , W i l h a i ™ T zm rski. H aW so i.i Miss H ilda

r . . . . J8 Pulton ^ '* Keypo it . Boleh Miss Iv1iu,v b e lc h e r ,. The'announcement of tne « ln-; ■ , , lvcr H ills ; Mrs. K li in .| sr's name v.-as made by John B ridge ; Mrs. A. L ipert,

W ading on. company president. i ;. v L!pe, t , ,M [lHboro; Miss .Whp noted that M rs . Phi lipp s , HoI(111 . . , . ,5kcw,iei-„ je rsey City, huaM nd ia;.an acUve/mcrobci rn , h M (. O rcgol;.. l iy ;m ;! K ah-thc Keyport Hook and Ladder: . ! : : , . . ;F ire Co.. and her father, the : ‘ __________ _____________late Joseph Cnrney, was ua e\ - i n -r ■ r> . chief of the Keypori. F ile Dl* T m e c l O n I w o C o u n tspartinent. tin M ataw an T w p. •

•U as M ilton Ferrv Unvls ., 3fl. | le n , Tliomas Fflrrftll. Joseph - A.-, of Trenton, formerly of The iScholcr, Jolm Mare, jr . , Rob.nt Bronx N . Y . He stoutly den- F . . Keehn and John. V\'.; App le■ led knowledge of, thq peep ing ! gate, program . , at the-'Llovd residence, but t iie : Also. Ph il Seipico, oosepli W .,,11'.j B width shoe ht was weai Kennedy jam es Cust S O Ing matched PLifc,.tl the In Rclll'- Hem v Vma UU/ahLth prints In the in w n . The shoes j Costello, .• M argaret. -Schnttdl, also • wore marked witn sod (Thomas McCabe, Edw a iU K in ­like that'on thc .'Lloyd lawn." !la r„ .E the l ' Johnson. Jnnii :L .

Magistrate- James H ,;M a rt in .'|G a r la n d ;. Castle Greer, M a lt ^ jw of Matawan, decided .this iv a s 'G ill , Jolm H orr i, EllzabcLh Car­

lin , Bertram Perry and M . posu. arrangements. ■

-Ra-lufftccut evidence ol the m a n s gu ilt to send h im to the county Jail tor 90 days, Chief F lood , — ;— -!— ! ; \relatdd that there .w ere ' ofcheri H you need printing , of any significant admissions from the ] k ind , we are here to servo you. man that lie nad aoundoned ills (Gur (lu iok set dco ana reason car ln H lghtstovn and tliat lie able .prices .w ill.p lease you. • ■

M r . Wadington said that the I . , _ , , ,“sk ill night:* held In cuniuncliou j Thoodorn Tv. Bclhurifi, pf in lrd w ith Uie draw ing , proved s u o lA v t . , Cliffwood, was fined by

afternoon'.' ..All friend .atlvos of the local .bo vs are ini lu l ulu u luw lllK

P e rm is s io n , I*or-, t a r i y • Ivitcrl to attend and n iay :»iranqe cossful an(, . thc . f ll .e company iMugistratq Luther A. Foster, ot n t h # p '’lh > m < !( ( ir ti-aiif'.portntion by contaciuw4 ■ v „

D is m is s a l , O t h e r i t e m s i{lBn moUie, s M rs,' F red L u d ^ l ^ P * 0

after-■ h*rs- J°sePh 'Spur^kt','.|„-_: ' •. . . . . . . ...... . , , . iM rs . Eugene Lanzarofor funds -will take place In',Ma-!noon.', the Child Evange lism

(appreciates the support. ro-

tnwan during the month of Oc-t Fellowship of M iddlesex Coun , ><w tober, which is designated us I ty aga in w ill conduct re lig io n : Murdock

Thomas Antisell.| The birthdays

nnd his

G ir l Scout month. • • ■ : iclusses ut the E.On'ntpy.n UMrs. John M c lia lr has been i Ion Sunday School to v,Mc:h a 1 ' ■ ■ - • ' • » ' • t ir li i ld io n nre JiivittiU. m o Hev.

named chfllrinnn and slie ha?,. ^ Mrs- 'W inston Hcdbcrg nv«

or M rh .j■ v j . ; M r: and Mrs. M artin Eckel

of G eorge1 and Eddie Eckel, Mnrgnnville , son, Tbtt'y |were Thursday evening guests

announced the fo llow ing as cpp tains: M rs . K a r l Claus, itfrs. Thomas C lx . M rs . James .Ben­ner, M rs . George Barrett, M rs . Everett Carlson. M rs . Harpld Qaaokcnbush; Mrs. David Kosa- kolT. M rs . F loyd B liss; M rs . F rank lin Scnlele, M rs . W illiam M ille r ; M rs . George R itter,

Jehu Cooper, I I I , M rs.

directors of thc classes. Thc Madison Townsliip Board of E d­ucation has given permission for the children to be dismissed early from school to attend. Last year M rs . Otto Gaub and M iss Marie Gnub ■ assisted the Rev.- M r. and M rs . Hodbcrg

f.PK trpi'i* celebrated Sent. 22/-'! M l . and M ,s . John VAlli at a dinner partv at their hothe. [Newark . On Saturday M i u.dIn addition - to ■ M rs .' Murdock, M>». E incst B iautlgamand Bobby and Connie Murdock, B inuL igain , and M is r tk u l M r. nnd Mrs. Jolm R i c h a r d s , j wenl to (lie Weber honu to a of Colts Nock, ond M r . and 'M rs . •<ilst in celebrating M is . Web-

. .rfJpSisriday • uftcrhoon guests ijScthVtboine of M r. and M rs. B . C. A /M aco ln were M r . and M rs . Vlc- hfetariiMBOcla .and children, M yra,

La jw eucr ite ' and F rank . Keans-

with the program ..................................... . M r . and M rs. N icholas AruccE a r l am ltlr, M rs . F red D ietrich , attended the wedding of their M rs . John F lolschmonn a n d 'nc„ i , eWi Joseph E . Arnce. of M rs , M ilton Gunkle , , I E lizabeth , to Miss G a il Carolyn

Proceeds from last ycttr’a j W nrtle ii, of South Orange; on ............. r Lady of Sor-

Soutli Orange

* 'jBdwai'd ijc iho I)So uuu i x juvlliw v* wwh "carm c llo M azza .ld rlve greatly■ benofittcd a. lai-BC j snUtrdtiy In Our Lai

'■ •o liaS ftrnw ' . I number of Monmouth C ounty 'roW8 chu ioh , Soutl<mMU nl. I ca m p e rs , including 4 7 f io m Ma-'|-T |1ev - tso a tten d ed

w , 'm iM in^uvii ...... > |UWO - i/IIU li;iii owum v ‘»»5iwat|enrnpers, including 47 from M a-|T |1ey nlso lvttCnded thc rcc.ep-

tawun, who enjoyed thc new .i,|0n which followed in the Ma- sw lm m lng pool aud other ac-; p iew00d Woman s Club. The tlv llics offcted at Camp Nomo-| coupje left later by plane tor

The money from tills yea r’s )p u e lt0 Rico where the bride u“ --- '" 'g room ' -------

1 00.' ' S U M rs . Edward D c lR ^s o jfu n d campaign w ill be used to h luu lll „ „ „ ^ iW d t ia b B h t e r , Rose M arie , and [enlarge the. camp by the con-,s , Aie Force

bwens and child-'structlon • o f . permanent , build-f -me trustees ^ rneKl Uwcns “nn ! lugs SO that campers m ay have

' ' ■ ' other

Ernest Hubbard , of M iddletown,were present.........................-j

M r. and M rs. W illiam Steven­son and son. Kent, spent Sun­day In Trenton attending the Stale F a ir , , .

D r. nnd M rs . Burknrt. fo rm ­erly o l Saddle R iver, are mov­ing lo Holrndel this week.to take up rcsldcucc a l the manse. D r.Burknrt is the new m inister of thc Holrndel Federated Church and w ill preach his first ser­mon on Sunday in thc Reform-.

? u S ' ' i b m o i l g ^ e ^ o l ! ^ - L."l.the Sunday School hcld at Fel- ! Saturday Ander*lowshlp H a ll. Buby tending ser-igllests of M is - Ramuna Andci vice is being provided during ______ __________ _____________ _________ _

c r’s birthday.M r..n nd M rs. George Murdock

and children, Bobby, Connie nnd Terry , attended thc annual horse show In Jersey City held Sunday lor the benelit of Jer­sey City hospitals. .

M r. and M rs. W illiam C raw­ford and daughters, Barbara and Betty, have returned from a motor trip through New E ng­land nnd a two-week sln.v in Maine.

M rs . M arilyn Scheurich and

Matawan Township, Tuesday,' on two counts, $10 and $4 costs for forcing another driver off Ihe road on Cliffwood Ave. and. S5 and S4 for d riv ing without a licens.e. He was apprehended

I by township .pollen. . . !1 Orn-rinii Btvite Parkwny Pellet!

p . | charge Cnrm lnc Lu lc inn i, ' of 1 I Newark , wit.li entering tne Hark-

|w ay from nn unauthorized road.I He was fined $10 nnd $4. Ohio | Scalamandrn, of Jam aica . N.' Y ., and Tony D IRosa, of M iam i. F la ,, wore fined $ l and. $4 for speeding. Those paying 510 and $•1 were John P . Thruuk . of 20 Ninth SL.r West Kennsburg, and Theodore Testa, oi Bloomfield.

"Help W auled" ads in this pa­per tell you about the good jobs open.

E x i b eQuick Battery Service

' COLOT’S, Matawan

• For riding Comfort, tops in style a'nd the peakN in general performance . . . see and drive a 1954 Chrysler or Plymouth. They’re o n display here!





Sales — CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH — Service Route 79, Matawan-Freehold Rd.

Tel. FRcchold 8-1330 Marlboro,. N. J.

’t;'^ fM i';( '1and M rs. John Keating i overnight facilities and ' ‘and daughter, Jounne, South jim p iovem en ls .

Am boy ; M iss Hazel B oyce .‘M r J Funds also a ie needed lo

I ' L l l H J W H W 1 L - i » « w w . . . - ................... . . . . . . | ------------

Is-stationed w ith tbe U . services to enable more people: to attend church. • [

, of thc Brown ! On Saturday afternoon M r .;Itigs so that campers m ay have tpwi!"Union Sunday School, m et;and Mrs. Tliomas Antisell cn-i

last n ight In the schooi. jlerLalncd M r. and Mrs. R ichard .M r . nnd M rs. IJnrtli Guub und >Hudson, of P ittsburg, PR.. inIiOj

,n" Mrs. Paul Molnar and daugh- j were returning home follow ing j-Burlew Mata-lstitutc fuvthcr train ing coursesjlnrSi Ann and Arlene, spent a year In Salzburg. Austria .;

‘ w i i i m iii Mrs Clarence E . i f o r new leaders. Tins w ill en-!ga lu ,.day !n cape M ay . m ak ing j where M r . Hudson was w ith tne ;'Sak'-ei-' Cedar Grove were'Sat-1 able a larger number of g ills jih c trip over the Garden Stale U . S. A rm y. ;u X e v e n n g g u e t ls o lM . T i n ' l l pa illc ipatc In Lhe O l.l Scout I PBrkway. ! Miss F lora Marz. ol Roselle;

..u rday evening gues^ oi H u j proB1.a m . ' lu lp lt Fountain. Jr.. of O cean ,P ark , was a weekend guest a ;- ..P laten 1 | ---------------- 'Grove spent Saturday with his (the homc of M r. and M rs. ICarl,

■ Discusses Flower Care [uncle and aunt. M r. and M rs .; B luger. Marlboro Gardens.| , lOtto Gaub, and his grandfather.

M rs . E a r l Benton, a member JiimR-s Fountain.I of the Root ancl Branch Garden j j r . and Mrs. Paul MolnarIc iu b . spoke on the cuve und ! l , '-|gave u liii'Uiduy party .Sumlay

YOUR NEW CAR-Browntown.

- •- .M r . and Mrs. W illiam Lam ­: bort; Maplewood, r e t u r n e d

' rihbme Tun8day fo llow ing a flve- t day stay ut. the home ol M r. •r io n d .M rs . John Pangborn. Mniil- ' son Aorcs, Cheesequake.

•nr-Aj/a; and M rs , Peter Johnson, ■ v Browntown. entertained over "t the wegkond M r, end M is . Pot-

'o r Hansen, M r. mul Mrs. H llm cr » HedVlg. M r. ond Mrs. Arne An

will Be edgier

M r. and M rs. J. C. To inasulo .i nf Cranford, wore Saturday vis­itors of M r. and M rs . O . J. Jln- druoekv i u n , U | 'V I ‘ V V** V I* - w . . . ~ ............ I b j U V 'J U U i l l - m u i . r I j «• « *>.» ».” •»* **»•✓ | ” • ------- t

niiiRCinoni of flowors Tlnirsduy I for (i ie |r dauyliUM*. A iinu*. who Koborl Sober wnu feted Thurs j ni«lit ut tiu; Even ing Group of j oclcbiTitod Iilm- 1 Uh b' ----- 1 ’............. r ,“................................................. .iv av vnv ......... - - | eeieu i iiien iiui , n

lSt. M a ry’s Guild lu the pm isli i A ltond liig were Mr ba ll. Keyport. M rs. Harold M it-1- -• ...............................

b irthday .'d ay aiftcruoon aL a surprise and Mrs. J party In celebration ot his fifth

______ , . ,Bnrth Gaub. Miss Aim M nlnar, I birthday. Decorations were Injzenlus presided at the business; Mrs. L . D . Tu ll, ol Kciinsburg. ipuslo l colors and n circus cake; session when 11 was announced - victor ijn rrnnco , nl New York , was the 1 — ...................

llu ,l I the date ot thc next meeting has | lUKl j . ^ gbmto, ,ir Matawan ............... — •" M r |lll( | M rs. A lbert Iiopklns

and daughter. Jennnlc, were Sunday visitors ol M r. and Mrs.

■MfSC0L Br M « y% ”rkuY ‘ H ^k* i bqim advanced to OcL.'V becau.s,' |o l conflict with llm date of the

W . ?nd^ 'M i's . Charles Bur-!»nnual parls l, bazaar on Oct.

ness. M r. mid Mrs. E ugene , 1J ‘l lu l_*’• _ ..................Faust and daughter, Ruth, a n d ;Jil'Y and M rs Ernest Owens and home were M r. and m is . m u - daughters, Dorothy Juno and I ton Mason, BnlLiinorc, M d .: M r. Helen , Cctlar Grove, were | and M rs. I llc lia rd Douglas undgiiosls at the wedding o i Les-! daughter, Barbara , L . I . ; andthr Spence, Cedar Grove, and M r. and Mrs. Ralph B lin k ,■ Jor-M iss' Frances Pfeiffer, I l lg l i- 1soy City.

-■ — ' Mrs, Paulland Park , at St. Paul's Church, H igh land P ark , Saturday morn- lng .

,..- ,M r. und M rs . Jolm Thomsen rdturnud (o iiu n liiiH luu , L. I,

'ThuisUny l'oll uw iig lira lrleydu- '. Thttrtklhy.fo llow ing a I'-.rce day j v isit with tlielr dnnglili. * . Mrs. ‘ C. T . Cusiek

Leon Hopkins. Freehold.M r. nnd Mrs. Tod llueg-

gebei'g, of College Point, L . I . , were Tuesday guests nt M r. and Mrs. l la r l l i G iiu li,

A number nf UrownUiwn resi dents have been attending the Trenton Slate Fa ir this week.

.. centerpiece. Present, were Christine nnd Murtin Smith, I I I ; Jocne, Marlene, nad Joseph LaM ura ; Sharon and Kni'cii Hourlhnn: Arlene andJoAnno Delbert; Vivien Owens; Donald M ille r ; Jnimne and Ste-

Ivon Seber; Mrs. Joseph La M il- 1 rn , Jr.; M rs. Donald M ille r ;| Mrs. Leo Hourlhnn. and Mrs. I Robert Owens. A gliL was sent | by Rudy Uurbolln l, Jr.I Mrs. Carolyn T im m , Mrs

if you finance *m il throujgh ' I ♦his bank, a t '.

our loVk- -(YIrttOrostrdteis

White, Snyrevllle , - - ---- ------ ! Marie F ro l, nnd Mrs. Danielwas a Thursday supper guest I $690 Settlement ; Brewer attended the mill anof M r. mid M rs . Roy White. | P li.ua StaU: School Lunchroom

'-'aiiidav afternoon guests ut- i A seltlement nf 4KIHI was made , Conlerenee and dinner held Sat- the Clai enee O. Hauser hom e : In an nrllnn pn'ssed bi’fore Com jurdav at Itul.gers University,

'were M r and Mrs. W ilbu r De I pensat ion Claims Comm issioner, New Brunswick.PeVnlse lr and daughter, Car-1 Harry Med lliils lu Red Haul.. M r. anil Mrs, O, J. Jlndrnelvn M alawan I F r id ay lur Aidlamv U m d ' . eel: were fjundiiy vlslU in; at llie

Mr and Mrs. Chni'lus Bur i ll lg h llc ld Ave.. M a law im . M r .lliem e of M r. and Mrs: Un i i t ­.. m |ss June Bowne. a student ness.' Mrs. Eugene Faust and [uni'lto 's .'liHm has.-rt In Mrella P la infie ld , when M r, Jin-

lit the Middlesex Omicrnl IIos- 'e lilld ren . mid Mias Jane Owens:Juries to Ms right ham a leerd-, drnoqk was a sponsor at Msu lta l School or ’ Nursing, NewinMmiriod a Sunday School me-1ly sustained last Dee. J while In , " I" - '1' chi isUmliiK.

" •B runsw ick , spent, the weekend t nic at Norma lile ggeu Pa rk, i Uie employ ol the limi-.on Vim j M i, and Mrs. David M lllc i

w Iu ilm i'p a i'c n M ,' M r. mid Mrs, jc n u ilo rd , un Sunday, , W ink le Muim lng Co.. or MataM r mid Mrs, N lith.ui Cieas | M rs. M . ncrnhard l, Belmar; |w an , and working a tMdr Pl il.

man attended the stale fair at: M r. m ill Mrs. Pal Paglleuco an d , lie was represented In R o lm l4 \ > < « u « v i » - I . . . . . i t - / v , v , , , , , I , i M m i i h i uir 1 . s iA llonlown. P u ., on Thursday, j Matthew ' Oezkowskl, Newnrlt

1 Saturday e v e n i n g supper [ were Ounday dlimor guests ol uucatA nt the . lilrnest Owens [M r, and Mrs. Fhmeiio okowro- fConlliniud bid loin next eoliiiiw) |nek , Browntown, ,

ln iM u ra . ol M alawan.

"Furnished Apartment" sign* lor snle ul llils effico.

mid son. and Mrs. W illiam Hm neiiiaim mul soil, W illiam , vis li.od Mrs. Ray Brown, Monday, Mrs. Bornenianii and ami are .spending the week with her par­ents, M r. and Mrs, Brown,

r ouMnlied hottnm ni-s.i cnliunitt





. « ■ A S m

V te M & fo

LAVAT0RY-HSE$SIMG TABLEty AwERlCAN"c$Uttdatfd,9 Wu*re happy t*o offer you the vory in buthroom bcawty and convenience . . . the. b e a u t i f u l N>w D re e s ly a b y A m o ric a n - S tandnrd. I t ’a « lavatory* diowdnB tabic nnd np.iciouai cabinnt nil iaon® tt?ady*biiil(,unit. Available In straight front model or w ith knee hole under thc lavatory , th* N aw D i caaly » comra in a variety of pleAAidB color combina* lions—-to britfhtca a tired batlvoorn, powder r(w>rn or botlroom. So® thin ver*atilo fixturo today!


Wc Sell W e Install — We Service



3 ’FULCyears 'T O . PAY'

J .J O H N L iberty St.

Tdephanoi MAlawaa 1-2417

M U L L E R M alaw an, N. J.

J O H N O. E L B R E C H T 65 Ravine Dr. M ataw an, N. J.

TnUphonvi MAUwou i*2070-M

C H A R L E S 32 P ark Ave.


F*. H U E F T M atuw an, N. J.

MAIav/an 1-71(12


v n vl S i* if v ; tft ' ' V - C . v ’c’j'A'YV1' A sk ' 4

, '- V W y j j VO ctob e r 1 to O c tob e r 8

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i"-' A "’a , 1 A-5 .*

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T h e Keyport W e e k l y

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V**?*" Ip ^ ">V* yf r i ' * ' * < V W * w l ‘ J ^ U H *_

The Journalist's CreedI heliove in the ptofosioti t*i‘ juuninlbin.1' believe .that." the -.public journal is a pu blic-trust j -.that- all---

commf-ted with it are,-to-thc full measure of their re- spmisibilitv, trustees ioi1 the p u b l ic ^ th a t acceptance

- -ui ie.->.“'CH r>ei viCv*- tnnn thc nublic service is botiay.ii of tins bust.

I believe that d e a r th ink ing ; and clear statement,- ae- • curacy and fairness, arc fundam ental to good juurnal-

•■'■■■■■ ism. . ;; -r .:■'■"-: -. . .. .j be lieve that a journalist should write only w h a t he holds

; in hia heart to be true. . , -.I believe that suppression of the news, for any considera­

tion oilier than the welfare of society,, is indefensible.I believe tha t no one should -write as a journalist what be ,

would not say as a gentlem an; that bribery by one’s- own pocketbook is as much to be avoided as bribery-,

''-by the pocketbook of anolhev; that individual respon­sibility may not be escaped by pleading' another’s in­

: struet'ions or another’s dividends.1 believe that advertising, news and editorial columns

should alike serve tne. best interest of readers; that a single standard of helpful truth and cleanness should prevail for all: that the supreme test of good journal- :

.: ism is the measure of its public service.;:I believe that-the journalism which succeeds best— and ' best deserves success— fears God an d honors m an; is

stoutly independent, unmoved by. pride of opinion or -g reed 'o f power, constructive, tolerant, bu t never cure­

less: ■ self-controlled, patient, always respectful of its readers but always unafra id ; is quickly indignant at

.'-"'injustice: is unswayed by the appeal of privilege or the clamor of the m ob ; seeks to give every tnan a chance and, as far as law and honest wage and recognition of human brotherhood can make it so, an equal chance :

c is profoundly patriotic while sincerely promoting in­ternational good will and cementing world-comrade- ship; is a journalism of humanity, of and for today’s, world. . - .. .

T h eMatawan

J o u r n a l

1 8 6 9u v


^ p c r , % 'v ; «y- ‘

r us '5 * ?-a *

S ’.!:-?*r -“ .y/S’v r y . ,tc » * t s fc Jttr* w I V » «- * A - V , \ \ *

«*F* l A ' - v * * ! * . » 4 » J I

' ' v . s.

« w s

Bi>vi}i c ’J'ticiif.-- >u$ f> AI a 1 tr'q < lo ll wtd, j

n>n»»y)tyi«i wggjgt — .....— —-

6ft J liovtjo 'l 05 O';I $ H M ls K < vo' n ' 1 m/ 0 M

FflvinfAv Stmt - i 1*15i a" 1 % ^AjUfiS- D H t i’i Rr (t B m k .:

• W* K ’V John '<» 1 I PUVufxol 'Meeimp ' r»! »?9*

qdic-j in"

<ttf JAm PMJ* t t r Led ii* ng- nrarar.iKL;. iiud- M rs.

DO n V F v Mo> Ic.h’t.’.

fpto«fcW»S--.8fiC0rt«a"!(».:- ttfel U i* . tJiej £»i)fl wore''::

: tuUe ■ •■wittias i' tpir-ss/Urf p imrnTd \Yibal

i jf i ftujdsll'op" H i tl a fit” ' tip(nalfmed -tl).ll. o n o tJJtMifill>6a. dtiohoi" lu o b’r cm

itC Euchs.ist liliq s nnd mm

Jtadcja ■ .I t a y d e n * Jstei;, legrdom .•:v/nR';tiitiid/,oj dii t ,iPr ldPEmaius w .er|' iMm'.Hayden;V8h«$«K

a DrWeBvoom^iMS#'’KolindeliVMis^.VE!:';

r’T.-»MftV'av:iiPawtucitetiV.iC, <<) esifos alike in

ov-oi Blue govn.s o f • peat) pie’, w ith1 mu^hsrR^diencii: r^uThey c au 'c d rtibn im

itTf aid' K a lle i nn D iex> ! IH ill ,$ 2bttyC){gr.in-Iaw. of iho bride­* ~C va* be-.!- man Tho ush-

Jvef'd ,,Matthew Bi odefrick, e l K ir i, and thi do hi outers' t-^i^tei'lfrldeS''D r. B dwardvA v ^

rfiltfe-k^uf, n U <i g i Thom Rpd B in k . ’ them hauf, and O Robot t i he

W k a u r . a gowg of ihampagae':ptloti .was held .awShiyl- n inef do Sole” cocktail

-..... - i'£w&- - • -.............- •c- * u, - -i •• t i i. fo*

* ' ’ w j r a s *

( .a lii ,»ch,

aud Mi'*. (JiutViea. .GobS- ,ii75 , V/alling; 'Terr.., ,SCey-

.are/JiiA'.$RtVnls ..iii r-. sor,. ■bon. few odnosd a y .1 Sept.; 2 3.-. ;1 S St, ■in P,svth Amboy /C5«n'erat;';Kos.'

ipS-.fl!. ' ■■.. ;fe''v\\ fefefeyT/fe.v ... '■■ . .. Cardoza ■' "" ■■ fe- ' •

; A*f. und M'l'.s. E dw a rd ’ Cav- tiov;n. ?22 Thivd. Si.',.Ur4oii Bench, M-p'!it c ’pn.iipnUs. o i a .sou, Soi:n

iTilupKitay. v.ept, 22, 105,4, ..ill Riy- ,• eivlp.w.i',.Ho?pitu'i. ;•• , . ' ■

• . ■ ■’ ■! . Y-ii’'-c-i .' "■ * ‘,j Tw in ctnuphters were born on (.Wednesday, Sen'.. :’2 . isi54. it,1 Rlv'iii '.'Urw ‘ Kospitn.i, to Mr.. end• Mi's.''. Oeortro ’Z ioror, iifll Sum-; I n lr.rfiepi . A y o .,. La-.ironce . 'Ha.'• i bor. ■’,!■- V , :* ■ ■'... .■ •, . I .

;.■ K in .t ilr ■.■ - ■ ;." ,M f..: itn11.: ?drsJtivdn ie Knoble ,

235, • #;£fhl»hd. - 1 vd I'i' kc iinsburfare: prii'oiits 'of u daukblei' lio)’ iiiriday.iSo.pt. 2-1'. n?341 in Ulvei

iview-Hosiwta). •.■

■.I■■■* -'M f)-.:

r C j^ " r%?-*** r : r " ' f ^ \ n Ilfsm iM M ''wprm & m hi^ l ^ W d U f I l ' W r i ' l f t , > ' l! ed iti,' ’•'£<&; ,v;Ectil ' E N C A M T '

MiR(M< r (.< . ,v ,

"ito ' i i U u .- r1569.t>I.«!.oyd ■ t id .r i npipiw.T-iie .ensus

Msi tn wan. an. etnent m ilitn i

............................................................clwyvi! rf . s>ridr two■JOp'IHiJS 0 ■''ili/OlM "! HO 'yt diJlIC1 It t ii l if! o ' Kt IIIB-

i n u i* ^ -( 'h v v ' bu i. \t l< 'tt . l i t *Hci’ 2 ' > u I 1 s i ' - 1 U C i i t u . s Hi ) ( ' I f l N I > I . ,

, •. 1 mr tiiiinao iW ii tlie ! rtnu M rs . . taitht-r.in- VKarn’er'.' n,pi,Port iif A ir;- ■ -tili.i)- ;& in )h u r? i.i L . I . , usia ;r bro liicr.

f n ‘i i m tv io t\ tpn a » , k m , i Jatk.ioniim perm tiled tbe ■ de-' Heights. L I . '. ,r , , .,

, ....... *'b' n.'.in-ofc . ..strvipe*.- v.-ere helu . ivloudayUf "1)104 <oid v * s , f, (. r m lt „ Uickt i m

1 I IC i f . m u_ 1 c C ) i J u , r ^ j, l( , p I } , o t L 1 J ,

‘ i i . n > a i t i n ir i Mor 1, stu r i i K i b n 1d.l.., aU- : i i ; . , i . ) n a . 2 c. c i u t i . i n , oo t s i . C i r a r c u . a f . ' i i ' t a i . u i g-1 ■ l - i i c r . . to v , i i i i ir t i on i ,n Sim i i r , n r h i i nI 'l in u n H u m r1 i f mt \ it‘i f l> i i ,ie < vn u l . m eol o Rl?\ 'U or I 0 U u ,t = 11 tm >i i n B"uli I h 1 Hitor-, or -'.nc . Uri«»rnv*fi I - ......... ... .. .• •

Uu' 1 1 ‘ ‘ ,,okl b-mtmK W SCS D istrict M eelm-'

l u m n , w x n w i 4 m . . —

.IM c ill iii (il * n ^

K*1' f 1 I Lf II J 1 1 > i ) m P i t a e*■ ia

r p

tl-'Ortidt;!!’f*ocrvei *e«' noffl ' i r-u*th.eSS

» t ' (n i “ 'h iiiidylaem biirs • aro asKcd to iir i i’g. a, box P.iric.:;,. flic- hostess church;. V..-'- ■.•,-.•.••■• li"

; Interment Ue ,

■ I

in Om re n iiim t ! in New Brunswick

MICS \2sGI LA ( 1 \ \-f O

-. . . . l)iiri-.-:ut . .•■■•A'-soiV ' waa oorn , thursday Sept.,23., iiii)4. in Monmouth Me-.rricnnl.Hospita l to M r , ana.:M rs. j .. .. , , ...Rose - D imciu i. 1 OY Prouci.-ht.. i 'l* llff-!ke r- Angela .M m lr. m Wii- SfiI,!,,;,,,.,; ... • '.•Iia#n,..ij..-.r'fr»n-i, i-ou r l M r ami■n ., . . '. ■ 1 Ms-s.-•William P iiSmr. r.f -Enton-

, .lai.-kson . - ( town. ■M i a n ! Rtm-ll'o Jack on t u JvJI's Cemsco i uu l >u <

Ml-P«mwave mid. Govdoii Sts,, (, f Mutiiwun H leb Schbol and i« ,:,ua . i . l if f A-ipd,. . i l l . tl.i, p j , tH.tfl ot. u j t-iiiply.You b.v H'-uarr m i l Hrus-

i.1nugnier, barn Tuesday, Sept. | Cr , Matnwnn. Her fiance i

c i“ we ie J WU'iuJ.i f ir ' i .d n 'Los Aiuvelcs, C alif:: Peter. Wulg- ertei'v and R lchara L . Bennett.. tne flu

Catherine ■ Taber. t-Teiy niet-4 of-the br ide ; was i er e ir l. alio w as • dress-

2flf4 ill a Hospita l: ;

anrninuh Memor-

M rs. .2o?m I'l-'.ir.-i' | Tne -New Erunsw itr; DistrictM rs .-voliie'l. Penrt-o. 1)0 o i 'F n l ! -vimina! oi the W ohctnr

M oraanvhio . ua-d Mt-udav. ScdI.ii»ocie.ty ot -Chnstisn Service, of 27 11134. . She -was the widow o f'the Methodist- C lm m i wul be oclin I'earce anti .was the ttuuah-i nela • at- Uie • ■ h-irst Meihodtst t*i I I e i r W ill ui C l id ( h m l '"O ' I P .u ' c T nn ii; l.m lKa. <2’a im er• Simitli. She! day, -Or;. -1:- with.- sessions • atwnr it -rio-nbr-r u r lnr- M oi'g .in-. Ill; 13 a.111. anil I . .10 u.m . M:SS' rill--- Methodist. ChuiTh iTliizei Ham er, o! tne Phlhirir:!.

S u . i u . . i 1 u 1 tl 1 ,hl1 P " *> illM r s . H la n d io Ii.inmon.s. M o r- - al ' a ' buo. t s i - e a i . e i . . , .y. imvtile: s i s HiTiiiilehiidreu: o n e : M r s . ChaiTvrs A. l!f1i ii ( .u , ofg'ri‘! it -cr 'i incrh l td . nne. r b r o t h e r . ; r-. t e l i c k l , m s t i i o i Mic: ui a , of Willi.-im M. s m i t h . -Belford. . ' sp i r i tua l li fe, w il l - p r e s e n t the-.

Serv-.ci-r ■'r f b i'liiu coii'iucted | stii'Lv on Ji-ujs 'leaulu iu is Cun-' thts a up moon at. :! o'Ciocfc- itvi cernWB -Women. -Mrs. Paut A. the Sedie • h'Tmerai Home. M ata- iFnednch , of - St. Iruses Ohtfrcb. wan - I’li the Rev W ililam B. I Lon? Branch, who with her Tm.%- Maasam • paiuor- of tne -Morgan-'' oand traveled - Uirough- In d ia ,

s ] v ilie Churoh. offlciatlnir; '■ Inter-! Pak-lslnn ana Ce.vion early Hits . - 1 in ,,u l is iieint*: marlr in a id 'i en-1 vear. w ill tell .oi nee experiences » I iipih- Cemt-irvv. : I In presenlmfr-the - study -course.

sovr. -anH :v(*v«»>;>jv<’6 .:::

■■f{(?(pa'Rfi R e r l C rn ss

iV o iu n t e e r H iu t r s

rt l i . ) H p i U 'le.id ot:■vomm.i.-r-r. .service, aroupst of .-Mon-r • i i C u w r 1 » il Rea

. i i i i i n un im tl e .itpn;ber or rrmuui-er nours ccuitrib--. Hied ui Monmouth ■ County.- tor.-; J i i t u . rv i tod i t dancl twenty-nmc volunteers.iBave-

• liiua nmii-.i. Matoi* -corps vplun'-.n t s di U (i44 i u i i .* in P’e i , i 'r t l it n n d ) H 'spor'iilR’ H5ii r iu i 'U

Tlie can:ton corps preparea - i i r rt ’ i (i --ut ' Iw i dutine

i ' i r\ i u n ih lj \ n,S o* *he I biiioaiiiolnli- at, Pert MunrAouth. i :.i'i-oductu«|i.- • services dunne’­; ;r I 'm . ivfiiy aim ,huu- inuqo -U"tciincer oresshnrs. -..One - hundred ••• land twenty -..--noven- .volunteers". U f A n , 7 at Hed Cibst, D .v

it i . -,-i v T> n

.Hear twUtte t iis iln s Cards for. saw- nt.This office. ■: , v, .;

’.of-:Catholic Hltrh School

itdAfhoSeinont .Colleceh.Rose:dm ,'P a The b ildek ioom .was actuated from St. Joseph’s

aratcij'y School, Philsdei- SPftVandiVinanoVa College, ^ova.,’fPa, vHe Is assbplated sl5ls> father Tn the contiaot-

slness in P h ilade lph ia .

jji’fipeuce-JPfolffer ,f-Frnitoea Elir.ftbeUi .Pfeif- !V.ig:hter of M r . and Mrs,' iriSviSFreiffer.ppfH ighland

'•bfioatne the bride of Lei- “’lionjas Hepnce. son of

-Mrs. Joiin C. Spence. lataWAn.', ou, S a tu rday ,,Sept. li54ft: li) : &t-. Pau l's Ch'urcii, i i and-’Park . The Rev. Dun- Salllvan offloioted.|{e-ibri.t!e . was aiven in rniir.- e .,by her father She. wore

„ 0 .whi of v imported Chantilly ceTanclran Illusion ve il attach-

Jtfzoi?a-:-:matehlntf' la c ehead- koee.'<' Her .b iid a l bouquet;'whii

Jf .iv h lte v chrysanthemums.! "M rs ifW llliam S. Burns attend-; • id . iu ir sister as m ation of hon-

■ ’ "'’whilp , M iss . Kathleen E .Sii 'niece of .the bride, was

eibkldesm aid . Hatoln S. Van- \ ^ u i served ns :?best m an and '"h irS 'ilnchided M r . Burns and

Johnson, l r .. he ‘hewiyweds w ill reside in

j^TajiAwan .-.upon-their return from ^ ^ w e d d lm r .tiTp- to Bermuda.^ p t t rov Spence, a uradunle of JVilwilltKioit:(-Junior Colleae, l.s an ^•a'dihlnlstrn.tive ; secretary at' 'ftsrcfctiarfd -Co., .R ahway . Her

«\S[liu9b«$id'<vWa8 graduated from fv j )Rutge is 'U n iv u is itv and is u i? .« jitechnloal' and merchandisinir VL .BsSiatant at MeicK and Co

v'/i-Vvu- Swnth-Kuobloehu i R At ft candlelight ceremonv in

i^ir^ajfe-iJPIvat T’rcsbytcnnn Church, .tshysShrewsbury, on Saturday, Sept.> ldS4, M iss Georgia RuthiT-f:i'f'f.Knobloch became the bride of

T P h ilip T ium bu il Minith, Ji The ivf ltodoUble r in g rites were solemn Iz-

v ^Oci by the pastoi the Rev A ith r l(i* Z Jolce at 4 o clock The

: . i'.y.s;cliurch r tvas • decorated w ith '• .f.wpa’nia. . wnlte - g lad io li, w ln ie

'ch iysunthcm i.m s and ',m |lnx The b r id e .Is the dnughter of

:-,,.:U,f--litrs. Ruth L . Knobloch. 471 Rlv- fb . rtver R d ., F a ir H aven , and aeorge 7i.Si.;,H.-;Knonloe.h. IB F arragut D r., ri«MV.’Shoro •' Acres.’ The bridegroom is ."'.'rtpithe son of M r. and M rs. Philip . T Smith, of H illtop CUcle L in

‘oro/t. . ■!||i",!';£.3::Clinton I-leyor. organist of Old 255-.l ,?.!tl’eiment church , played trurll- 7.« )• tionul wedding music.

Y- ' Tne cude woie a gov n of can fe i^ 'd le llgh t. imported pure s ilk Dou- !k-'$.vj>loM'-wlUi -’Inserts of Imported

Eitftftllan lace mid a clmpel-length i i t f i ^ ’a la •)■■ edged w ith fan-shaped fc’i-ytlliee, She wore nn illusion man- *5fti*/f,UJa odged with m alc lung lace ^ it t a t n i l -curried a cascade bouquet fU it lid f white roaes and orchids.

fiVMiss Barbara Ann Smith, sls- j.V-,'-sTer of the brldegrooin . was mnld

o f honor. She was a Hired in a -£■ H?pcftcock: bluo princess style tov.iY'Ti’ocic -of ohrvsl.ftlottc. oocktnll Ibvt'^onRth. ’’With matching luiad- ‘fV 'jV 'p iece.' She .(lurried a cascade W i^nbm iquet. o f , yollotv and rust-col- itfe^vbred chrynontliemumf,, tfjrAviHi'iTio blTdesmnlcIs wcro Miss

. flu riiey P n r r o 11. Kuoxv lllo , V f-./Xemi., nnd M iss Mftrgoret

• -JJ r a t e Ii. M lddlotown. They ' ■ Wore Ihe same si-vle dresses ns, the inald of honor with yellow

■«. Jldwcra predom inating in their ; .‘bouquclii while rusl ones pro­

dominated hi M ls.i Hmltli N.'Vina Marie Hardy, shrews­

: : btiry. flower g ir l , wore a floor •.v lotig lh dress of coral net over ...iftivffota W llli nn Illusion neckline.• I film on m od a basket, of rust, a v-ycliow. and while chryBiiiitlio-

. i , ; .-iriumn. f " ‘. V. Lawton H liu lle . H I . Red te- i J.ittnh, w iiii hem m an, The null-

. ' Clausen ; : .j A • dnught'ei’’ was born on Mon-

ed-. like tne m a id ’ o f : honor and } dav. Sept: 27i ,4954,. in . . Mqn- b r id ^’S,-stepmother.,;wore Icavnei: ;i s im ila r, bouquet... ..-. • jjpouth . Memoria l Hospital ' to

PoUSfe- j M avliit . .Smith.’ 211:. Ivlorger,-1 M r. and M rs. John ' Clausen, length, j v.ille, another cou.sln . ot ...the 1 r d ,1. .Ke.vpoyt,,'

, , Carro ll

bridegroom ’s mother wore , a j wa.s best ■•■man lo r Tiis>. brofnen.’f *xtit and .-M i- , ib om ru Catdross of-turquoise pegu do sole. iHpher.s were W a lio r , Thornrmi. I toll- **?>,. 253, M atawan . a it the ceoktail length, .with,, b la c k • ac- j another.- brother, and Henry ipnif.-iits of a son, b o in .In South cessories and a eorsaKe of ye!-(■Freeman. Freeholdr. .• R obert! Am boy. H.o&pi.al, low.orehid.s.’’: ; . •. .. j.P Itt:;., A iorganvillo . brother-hi-,-vA'i’eceptton and bridaLsuppe iT lnw of tne bnde : Albert T aber.j was held, at-Joseph’s/ West L ong ! Mew Market, brother of the :

,owlti.Inn, Shtewshuiyi: ; Aft | w ith ■ brown -’accessories. and u I b r id e .’ wns liie ring usurer;Civnadd,. the couyleuqorsage. of brown orcnlds.- The i . Eugene T licinson. Freehold

rdside fit Cynwyd. ■ tt h iido is a gioduatc ! j

Branch,; A fte r’ a- trip tnrougii .the New England States, the couple will reside on Hnrdmg Rti.v Red - Bank: Tor traveling, the- bride selected u brown iilen

.1.plaid suit, with brown accessor­ies and ia corsage of orchids:

.The bride was gra.auated tronv St: Mury’s Hall, Burlington, and attended iswet-t Briar Collego. •Va. t Tho.-bi’idegrvam was grnil- ” ' ‘ -Red Bank High

bnde . and Charle ganvme

•F a rre ii. Mor-

a navyunted -fromSchool and attended Rutgers Unlveristy. He served throe years In the Marine- Cores andspent 18. months in the Far East4 sages of white orchid: and; Europe. . He is associated' A reception was held w ith C. F ; Childs & Company. IThonms H a ll. Old B ud ge .: : - W a ll St.. New Y o rk . : Tne brldo. a a i’ariuate of Mat-

!nwan H igh School, is employ jea by hi. t. LiuPoiifdi^T-ieiiivi.uS ! Co., P a r lin , : t Hp. bridegroom

Smith' M r. and Mrs. Claude Smith,

-Jr.% 239 Main St., lieunsburg . are .the parents of n son, born

. . . -Sunday. Sept.. 28. .1954. 111 Mon-. _ lh e t Juple .oft foi 9 , l l !> 1(1 .mauH: M em oria l -Hospital. F lo r id a .. Tlie -bride wore a Tight.-; . . . blue wool . suit w ith-nnvy .,h a t ! 1 I-islierand; accessories• :and - a-.-.corsage. 1 • A daughtei - wns..bovn. m H lv- of white orchids. . . [erview Hospital on Saturday.- The bride s motnor wore, a n ls e p i. 25. 1954. to M r.. and Mrs. aqua taffeta aiternooti<, .:gowh (Robert F isher. . ... •with iv clack -.velvet har.-.aitd.l ■•... - - - nnuueinng tiucessorU'.'. The moth-i ■ Bendon , , .

; graduate-.-of i,ons Itcnnch H ig h 1 I Mrs. Chester:’ A. ■ McKennev. ofSchool. He served three vcars | .Aksel Son 14 iLaw rencev llle . w ill review the.1 In utile U . S. A ir Force and is j Akstl St-ivi... 45 (Led S und .v , ; «tLneIv. "That Ih e v '.lav Have!

j employed oy the -Manufacturers : Sept. -hi, af the home of j j . .I Thread- G rind ing Corp.. Eaton-ihu> slstc-i. M l.- , Comellus K lon-. _ nom. nf nlr. morn ing sea-1 jtuwn. ; I m an. Bedle- Rd., R a iltan Town-,slun j-lBS boen planned foi- ol-’i1. iNo 'date h a s ’been set for the ship , with whom he.resided. H e ! { |cf!rs- u-alnlne. -Mrs. . Geovire | 'wedmng. . , wa.s a vu lt ian o f .W o ild W a i- ll jK .- M arp le . conference presi-j

i and was born in Jersey City, the I den l. -w ill meet .with the loimi'i. . . f i lr a i dot-HuUon . ison of the late Jselln and IonAnuouncemeiH has been m ade : iH a rp a :1 serv la . Hi.-; sister . Is

ofnthe engagement or Miss La-ij,j» rn lv survivor Verne donirs Hiult-n. u iiugh lo i uf > se’-vlcoy were held -ot In 0 - -

! M ia . Alex Hutton, of Lninn i cH)r-V: noon un Weunesdav in the i I Beech,: nnn the late M r. Hut- > fierlle' Funeral Home. Kevport.'ton; to John Vinecm, G lvnrdct,, Vv iii, the Rev. D r. IT. T . W l! i6on-;of M rs . Jolm Roberts, oi i iiam s . jiastor of Culvarv Meth- i V/est K c .insbm g . and Ahied i odist- church, offic iating. Inter- j G ha ido t, of Keansbu ig . I meat was m Bavvlew Cemetery.!'-.jifbia .Hutton is a graduate oi J je rsev Cil-v . !KeypOrt. H igh School and is em- 'ployed .ay m e F ide lity im io n ! Ml>’s l l l‘* h>4'ik jTurst Co.. N ew ark , Her fiance! M iss Ida F rank. 7s. of 914 Put-,

graduate of Red BankJnarn. Ay?., P la.inlloia, d .ed ; Sat-.;Catholic H ig h Sohool and Ts nt-1uvday, Sepi.. da, H M , In I.lie Bay-j -ttjpdlng- St. Peter’s ' -College, i s,u>ie.. wuisdng. Home, K iy p o it Jersey on



Diuly nod Snturdan ,. H A.M. lo S P.M.

Fridays 9 A.M. lo 9 P.M. WoatmBaayt 9 A.M. lo 12 Woon

30 W.P'ront St., Keyport KEyporl 7-2020

R O S S W . M A G H A N AGENCYReal Estate—-Insurance

138 M ain S tree t M A TA W A N , N. J ., T elephone M atawwn 1-0003 ,.

er of the oridegroom selected! M i., and M is . M urk Bendnn

.She was born h N et J c i- e j.l m ' id a t e -has been set. for the j the datighter_of the lute Charles

wedding_ .............. blue tnffetn afternoon 1 ^ Has 1101 Ave.. K eansbu ig , .tt)Cjgown with beige hat atm beige jthu pa, enU of a daughte i. , boi n j accessnrles. Both wore cor- jSund.iy. Sept. 28,. 1J54, in Riv .

■-> jervirv . Hospital ot St. j , ■ :

D E A T H S ! r

Tfcemson-Tabcr .• M iss , Caroline ; C . - Taber daughter of M r. and Mrs: A l bert K . Taber. W ilson Ave.

K le inhti gMagistrate Seymour R . K leju-

berg and Mrs. K le lnberg , 135 Maple P i.. Kevport. are tlie par-, cuts of a daughter, born Satur­day. Sept. 25. 1954, In Perth


i was .graduated irom Freehold | Amb GeneraY HospitalH igh Scliool and ls n cnrpeiiter _______________ — __________

| associated with Charles Kosl I ^ J L L S F IL E DI bar Builders. Engllshtown. j The. couple w ill reside at Jill 'Texas R d .. M oranuv illo , upon (tlie lr return. ’

Veronica i l l . Bauslstferonlcn M . Bausls. of Key­

nort. who died Sept, 2, left bet’;Flood-) oiiipkins R t n i to a son. Chester P . Bali-

Miss A n 11 a 111 a e Tompkins, 1 R|s nnd a daughter. E leanordaughter of M r. and M rs. I Hodges, nam ing tiie latter exec-George Thompxlns, vVnodutnu i m rix 111 a w ill dated Jnnuary Ave.. Keansburg and R aym ond ; 1 or. 1 • , .John Flood, son of Mrs. hdi/.rt-1

!bcth Waivers. Union Benon. nnd | the Into T homns Fluoo. wen ; u- j niteo ln m arriage nt 3 p .m .Saturday. Sept. 34. T6o4. m s i . j Ann s Church.-Koanaburg. T lie i Rov. Autliouv Cajutani offic ia l ori. M rs . Cam ille l.utz was solo-


Morgunvllle . became the bride of W illiam F . Thomson, sun of M r. and M rs. Waitin' Thomson, of Freehold. Saturday. Sept.. 25. 1954, at 2 p .m . In St. Joseph’s R . C. Church. Kevport.

The Rev. Charles :0 &lmuuh- nessey officiated at. the double ring ceremony before 1111 altar decorated with glndoh and pa lms. M rs .-M ichael Cox wus soloist and Miss Loretta Durante accompanied 011 the organ.

Given ln m arriage bv her fa­ther. Ihe bride wore a toll length gow il ot Chantilly lace over satin mnde with a bodice tr im ­med with seed pearls, a m an­darin neckline, and long, potnl ed sleeves. The sk ir l luid rows of nylon tulle itmlor llie lace

mnl 'E liza iS c h vv I u 4 i a ser) F rank , and is survived by a sis-1 ter, M is . E lizabeth Somorin-j dyke. Ron. Washington, N . Y , 1 1 Services wore held Wednesday j

A lbia F hc igenwm lti i afternoon at. 2 o'clock In the Day IA lb ln F F e m ge iw m t ii 1 ; Funeral Ilom e . ■ Keyport, w lt lii

36.. of 74 Oregon Ave.. East.1 the Rev. James A. O uswe llc r.• snsburg, died Wednesday. 1 rector' ol Ft. M .uy 's Episcopal! pt. 22, 1954, In the Fast Ur-' church, officiating. -Interment j

tinge Ve ic iiu ia iTuipm ti. lurlwu.-s iu CcdiU'V.'uud Cumctciy, j.wad a veteran of World War I I ! . '■ jhav ing served in the A ir Force .; N od I'.. Watkinson ;He was born In B loom field, the! Neel E . Watklnson. 59, of 07, son of A lb ln F . and L illia n j H igh land B lvd ., Keansburg, 1 (Garside': Feigenw inter, of East died F riday , Sept. 24. 1954, at I Keansburg. j lils lu ime. Ho was a veteran of

Besides his parents he is sur- World War 1 and was ^boni invived by his v;ife, M rs. Mary- 'F ngb ind , Die sonaim (W illieh i Feigenw liut-r; two 1 wum ie l ami Alloc iH a lroyd isops, John and A lb ln , I I I , nntl | NVntkiacioiithree (laughters, M aryann , Gail Iand Grace, a ll at home, and 1.1 one brother, Robert. Cliffwood I I Deuch. j =

Tbe H . Laurence Scoti F u - lj neral Home, Belford, h n d i j charge ol funeral arrnnBemonts. | |

.Hd ° M alawan J we«i W Soi- b x ^ S e p u 1' ^ . ^ In' Moinj I Candid Wedding. !; uid»> moi ninff flt- D o clock Meinurin l Hnsnit'il a f ic i ' ' : A C * It *

S . ' . T ^ R S « A S p “ " ‘" ' I1........ in st west Freehold and wa.s a ; =7 W. Front Sf. 'JC«rporti

’ tired member of Ibe teehnlcri! , : ;Tel. KE 7-13*1 z

G o i n g A w a y ?(Foreign or Domfi'iHic)

T r a v e l b y S te a m s h ip o r P la n e .Cruises.

A C C O M M O D A T IO N S A R R A N G E D .

B r o w n Travel BureauDay C»ll« ' VAUoy'B-4U1. — 214 Smith Si,. P orih’Amboy Evening Callfe fel 7 2819 J — 7 Broadway Kevport


of the late e iH a lroyd i

Sui’viv ing are his w ife . M rs .


P a p p a s S t u d i o s |Photography I


L A Y A W A Y P L A N ;


—- a t —*■

w r n z m a m26 - 28 W. FRONT ST., KEYPORT, N.'J.

1st and '-Mrs. Marie Lcderlinus played the wedding music.

uiVL-ii m m arriage b.v noi fa­ther. the bride wore a wh ile ba l­lerina lungln lace nad net over satin gown. The lace picket had a m andr.iin collni and u n .g ,.sleeves. Thc accordion pieaiod ! chti. oil cemelory. skirt was edged with lace. H e r , M l • G l',ly ’ k ' ln tireman nvlon net fingertip-1,mgih luind- h Malawan tile plant, was horn made veil wars attached to r

Iof requiem wns offered : .Joseph's Church. Keyport, by ’the Rev. Cornelius J. Kane, pas- j tor- nnd Interment wns in the


ill Zanesville. O. He riled Wed-

sm all lint ul pearls. Lhc ear-! nrsdnt ricd an old inshlom-d bouquet | !|(>ni'- nf white carnations. 1"

Miss Adele Tlernev. ol burg.- wa(j m a id of lionoi oicliicl not. strapless gow. worn with n riot stole. tJio h a i l ! !’0" '1

Sept . 22, 1954. u t Ills' ,

Urcd member of the technical s ta f f of the Bel! Telephone Lah-j ; oratories. Hu retired In 1948 (■'• after 42 years service w ilh the ! ~ Bell System. |

l ie Is survived by his w ife .; Le ila , n daug .’lo r . Mrs. Jean I E llison, of llo lm ue l; two grand-1

I . , . ,- .--- ■ - (dilld i-eu: three brothers. Bio-,iouquut | hoinu- inev. nf Howell Station. VunNo I

I Burvlvinn are his w ife , Mrs. | • A(1,,lphln aml vviU:!(m .

Ke .ins- Ic -Unl5,n 'H yen G ia y , a clllll|{l1’| Cojts Neck; two sisters, M rs .! .. Her ; ter, Barbara Hazel G ray , a son . WaR). r ^ (>[ W(, s, P l.c.phol(1. |n\ was | Cliai ic.s It.. J i.r bot-n #*•. Mrs Charles Wikol'f, of j

his parcnls. M r. QUdnui ii u ih i >i i i i a oi'UKi k>uw oiivi , , •a Horn! headpiece and carried 1 -H' — Walter .. . G ray, Wood-j

| bridge; a sister, M rs . Edna Zil- iln sk i. P c rlli Amboy, nnd three |

, | brothers., J. H arlan G ray , Me-|lue.hen, Vincent M . G ray . I bridge, and Lawrence J. I bowmen.


which formed n cathedra! L riun .' avd lc’s TIut.nl. Keansburg. Tne Her fingertip length veil ol I couple loft, for a trip to Atlantic French Illusion fell from a Ju- !c itv . T h e b r i d e c h o s e n l i g h t

Hot cup of matching lace tr im ­med w ild seed pearls, blie car­ried a colonial bouquet ut white chrysanthemums.

The maid oi honor. Miss Marv F a rre ll. Morgntiv llle . wore a toast colored floor length rowu styled with a velvet strapless bodice, -mulching velvet picket, and fu ll I 'k ln of nvlon tulle Her Juliet oap was of matching velvet and she carried tonst- eolored chrysanthemums t r im ­med with emerald green ribbon.

The bridal aUenrimiin were Mhis Frances Tuber. Mrs. Huh crt. F lits . Miss Patricia Taber.Mcrgnnvllle..slstern of the bride ;Mias Julia Ploskv. M o i'g iu iv l.le . cousin of the bride, and Miss Calherlnr Cnprmm, Prcm-aii.

Their emerald r.ivcu howik; were stvlrd like 1 hn 1 ol the maid ! of honor and they curried loiml-l

'Culorcd oluwsanthemmnn with toiint-cnloi’ed ribbon. I

nn old fashioned bouquet m or olud colored ca mat urns.

John Tompkins was best man The brlde’-s mother wore a

charcoal gn iv talfeta dress wltn pink accessories and a corsageol pmk carnalior.s. The brldo-, , , . .groom s mother sclecled a pink , Ha\o you read thc elassiUed ada [ 3 Im e dross w llli while accessor-, ' ' fe " ' — .les. b ill’ had a cor.-’.nge ol blue rarna Lions.

A reception was houi aL Me

Colts Neck.M r. T h o m p s o n

c o n tr ib u t io n s Inmcnl of the tinsel conductor us

bluo s u i t w ith u a v v a c c e s s o r i e s | for t r a v e l in g . T h e c o u p le w l l l i r e s id e at IP- . 'seelev A venue , ; K o n n s b u n i . I

,Vlr. an d M rs . F lood bo th ul | t e n d e d M ld d le io w n l o w n s l n p l ll lldi Scliool. Tl iev a re e m p k iv : ed a t L u m ’-m; KnlU.lng C i n | i . , i K c v p o r l . T h e b r id e g r o o m serv- , ed l o r Uiree v e a n , with the II. •>. \ A r m y lu G e r m a n y ,

An- you b u y in g U r ic n n e Hondo?

lnsurnnco - Iloal Eslala Notary Public

’To bo Sure—INSUHE"

CASIMIR J. ZLYDASZYK3t Cordon Placo, River Gardens Toi. MA 1-1854 Cliffwood. N. J.

L A N D S U R V E Y O R*1 »!lo nnd Properly Survoyu

F R A N K A LL .E N F O S S, Proforr.lonnl t.nqlnuor

N. J. Llroino CD097-1211 04 Or,born St.


HOMERi HAI1HE Sinter* and frttpM gM>i j [111 11II { tnci In the ultcllea rf | L_ —/ youi family monoawMI Coniull ui without oblljiUo*.

M A T A W A N & KEYPORT M ONUM ENT W O RK SCurlelon P. Whnrlon, Own«r

Now Locntod nl

H ig h w a y 36 n e a r M a in S t. K E Y P O R T

T e l . K E 7 -1 1 2 4

A JCAY1CB dUtlnguUhftd :): . . - it jvlcti Ail v«Y •• |; M*dk : Ii • Lady A ttendant i ’: • Non-Sorlarlan :

I DA Y FU N ER A L HOME f: Til . KEypor t 7-1352 :



formal wear for any affair



froiMy pr®u«d, tfthly d«an«d,

gorminH—«HDif«d -fo you oi (hough (hey *r«fi fnodfl

for you olonil fcrmol w«or r*nt«d for «v«ry o«odoa)

FORM AL W EA R52 T hrochm orton St. FR EEH O LD , N. J.

FR eehold 8-0002

D e l i c i o u s H o m e C o o k i n g —Wo Spoci.ili/c in


M ake reservations early for your Special Club Dinners, etc,

Ella ami Goorejc Kmic-ii, Propr.,

O L D D U T C H T A V E R NHighway 35 - H azlet Rd. H azlet

Tvlnplioin* Kl".y|»<*ri 7-Ofl 1 fl

’ O n a l i x e i l

€ s i r < s 8 «

b y N O R C R O S S • • • o f(M -, f tw - fu iw j tj^VA , /UP jz iuHA ..

1 0 % D ISCO UN T(J n O rd e rs T a k e n F ro m N ow

U n t i l O c t o b e r 1 5 ,hB A Y S H O R E S T A T I O N E R S

36 W . F r o n t S i, K e y p o r t

K E y p o r l 7-351)8

E SSU A V i*'S E P ' f g ^ B 1*^ ''30 ', ? V ' V ' H V ' ^ l t ^ A T A W X N r ^ d U i l K A E l , j f t t& T A W A W ^ S C J , ,'fr - C ^ y t rtt - / ’’v V ' n / fjsw-n --r t v Xitv'-alS-'y^ -if S‘i>V IrUA 'il fM UW SullEPJ. AC-ldTc! j i ' is 1 v the ‘Personal f j N 'U i ' 'I'afco*' vl M .s D’<i.a>«rts, m is !apr>J'si«iitL'n 'j-uf the v't.Ilege |iK i Us IV" 1 “ C outm jr il .num ftlj jsiV,!“ ni'.i und ,\u£h<-» prl/fifC! i I'iftJ rouui-rj w i ' i l tl *> dr-an’n re ih e r’.ui.shur imd-Mes..-, isnabfeii ■ 11;? college to turvivrj we y!o Ipc-ijt yi,!i-s h n.i shew I'onujmi

'M M ti tm mX i < ''I

Itaigkss College¥ tt* t D©a» T o BeH r i l iW e d ^ C h a n g ? It’s

i ( ^ r « ,< A p r . 1 6 , X95S

- -Novt je ^ s y y Cvltaijn fin Went jao«rtv.mic aim piivtileaj ititiwJi j -{pi, . on-oHlaatc voroen b f'-t,m f.i .-tu'tcnta, id fiieuUj-W lV e o ^e i the 3tB.?e U n m / a lly i and. two lsaiidii.es 1,1 1818, N J oi j in w Jt-issy, w ill ch.-e.g-.. ;u i I ij, ,- i:w u i 30 je a rs to a college $li»ao to Dougins? C r'leyv In j bu-iMi'W, 10X5 Mu-tents, 93 iacul- , A p r il. Ot, M .ii gtuet T , b 'o ivn i.- ty snenfher- *na assets of naariy ejfikh. oi the 'college, Ias i weer ;<,ijr m illio n cjollni ? By thc Uroe ilttfvif'Ul’-ced ’'W> 'tne • sUidont vbnuy 1 iii-fj. Doueiu-ss. ovoken ln health

'.that R u t e m Unl.veisity Trus 'b y die n-.agi'ituoa o i U .t (ask tecs I,a d cpprovf d me <r.,\ii;ic }s 'ie Ys?A aceonuilisiiecl, save up , Tha raw 'n am e v u ' hum/. tt>c}!u*t <'ut.v« as <5mr. in IP's'/ i i } t

'-lafs M v Ma«l -Smith Dr,ug-. rellege wn» luilv Jcciedllcti.' lass,-priwoys Ic under and U v t Ueadled tin the BiranEshcnlr.g cf

ditan o i the‘coHptr. and will we rucceeplns voe-s nflOPj*-?/officially on ‘ne 185',! Mls D.-ui,ias> died in

•Pounarrs Day dale Apv. 18 ,, AIP^il £.' xiedei. ll , now Oean SjM'CiP.l’ oefcwonfea at that tnnr; 10l Adntinistiaiior. at iMwere, Will niBlic lhe occasion Isetven a ' auting dean of Now

f sftl»fl0U!)c*ns coir.Uf? I CoHle e for V^oirtcil fioni"'chsnsc of name. Doan Corwin j93i> Lo lS34i o flar, corwtn

,,-,6,i&t«l! "The Board of Trustees' 4.HS ap!30Ul(ts(. NuS,0 af Mrs, f i>1 Elisors Vsilverslcy lias «! » "H Do jalaps’ fam'ly la alive today,

md 'appiwal ’to the naming oflbui fche _s , m.vjved bj the col- ytftlsiT!'05n?n,s coUoep of the state , iege ^ ,>tch ,hp jounded andj

Ctntverelty of rtwy .i«»ey ,n hKh fi0m Api 16i uw> 11’, | honof ‘of Mrs, Oouglwst. undci ca, , j j,ci. ;1<ur,e, I

inspUcd 2oioe ship the j __ ____t «.U«ife' camt into being J !fi11„? fn n /« Oav "Wo , .have pro act'y cm. led firnosr s \J».y

5 , >-■VeiWiiwewWI WIKiWiriietiB IiVrela lJIfeePSWeWWWVia !

, - thil,a)v>c of Sew Jeraoy College. ‘ f a t r-Women dorti the time mu

doprsh opened. In 18)3 Oui col lpge, however, frequently hat

hopa 'confused witli othen in t??e state Our full name, which

1 includes Identification as the V wpnoph*? college of tho State

At State Fair. Clovernov’c . Day Is being oh-1 served • tod ay -i at the: Ne’ty ■ Jorsey’ State Fair in Tieniton and Gov. Robert B . Meynfcr, Cotig, Chor- iea-'H.' Koweli” and his dnponent fcr.;'the U. S. Senatorial man-.

University of New Jersey, has i motion, ciit'oia P. Case, and a ^ . . . . . jioaL of othei (.olitlcal aatclUtesbeen .not only awkward to use bt)t ftlae redundant, oui initials

' sometimes >have been taken to be-those of one of seveial aseti

arc the sussts of the fair man agement

This afternoon, harness racingClas.; Thc situation has t y ' ? * ot »hc cattle cm nlc-.de mecohccrn lo others as '.veil as

. . cttroolve - "■ -The co-opnratlvu studf'ut-ft.c- !; ulty-admlulstratlon Cjovti nn,ent

Association and the ftbsocloto Alutnnav of tl;e colUgo huvo

, endorsed name-change as has ’. the Board' ot Trustees of the , JJcw Jersey State Peaemtion of Women’s Club;,.- cAs1 cttiiy ,fs- 1011 thc depott-

’ \ uiPfltv of education of the New Jersey , State 1 JPederation ' ot

, Women'n .Chios was advocating ‘ , higher : education for women*

Within tho State and1 thejv art mission to Rutgers, Mis,.Doug lass, then 'president ot the Jer

Uibr'atviactlous and tonight the spectacular:stage vevuc v,T>! bo presiintedl nlor.g w ith vaudeville and tienol acts. : - ;/Tomovrov,' tinUonal. tlofensc

day, w ill l>r obr.ervecl and In the aftemoou, in addition ta har­ness races the n J r d 'A rm y ,Band’ ti bm Port O ik w i l l , givea jiO iite i'thnU iuvc .'d ilbH lo r id r iU iv ili be given by the' hpnorg’uUrd of the 08th d iv is ion . BettyClbppo.v,; t)ie;sister ot Roseinary, Cldiiney, w ill be the stellar: at' VrapUon before, tbs ' grahctstahd f 'j ld n j ' n ig lit Jn ;add !t)on ::io tlhc ; rtage rovue, -

, „ 11W .......... . . f I Saturday w il l be F irem en's,

k e y r city*’ College C lu b .1 Joined I P ay . • *" ll,c afternoon Capt,- -'Oio^Peddfation's'-iendeavor and ITom m y W a lker w ill stage An

' ■tinoame ohalrm tin o f ,th a t asso-;airplane c ius li In thc centerclntlon'S firs t comm lHee; on the [held- Tins stunt is one of tnocollege I great est in outdoor attractions

Herself a Barnntd College The voteinn file r w ill w kp off Braduoto. Mvs. Douglass favor- ifiom a nearby a lrtlo ld and when

: “‘pd the Idoa of a oo-ordlpatf! col-1he inachcs the fa ir grounds lie lcgc fb r ‘women w ith in Btttgois iw ih send ins i»i«i,u m i,, ,v wooden

.c:.’'MM«ily-".'!throu«h her eSorts, b a in c i . ,v m any aroups and ind iv idua ls Pour, .tumor A im ulcan Legion

contributed money or tiiorul id iu m und bugle corps w»ll en ‘• flunnort to the project. F lnunc la l gage In -a- competition for cash < u iit l - other' problems plagued p i lacs, in addition t-o the rcgu,

t l io - undertaking, however.liar* vaudeville and aerial acts, ' i n 1815 the State Federation I In the evening ot 7 . o ’clock, ’•t’ iires ldcnt. M rs . W illiam T . Rop-;nearly 100 fire companies from

,oa; o f M on le la lr , Issued a d i a l -1 El ' l)a,‘^ ,«/ the, atete. . w ill take leage : to a ll New Jeraev fodor- part ,!n a parade, w li|c li has

• ated women to ceasc., whatever -■ other- club ■■ activity they m ight

be1 oncased In . and Lurn a ll of-lo rtsh lo : the. college m ovement.. 4 ~ ~ ~ ll— ^ , ,‘ ""7'- )n April 18ta, the .R utgers[Robin E. VanClecf

; • Trusteos. during the presidency. ^ , University1 pf i D r> W illiam H . S, Deni m ost, I .i o f ! ‘Hew, Brunsv/lok, passed a ] H 0bln 13. yanC lcef, or County resolution ’.".to. .establish a Col-1 R d ., C lifiwood. is among 95 new

-.logo-for Wom en, as a dopn it- jS4u£j(.ntn who enrolled this fa ll• m ent.'O f the. State U n ive rs ity ! jn the iheologlonl sem inary at

-maintained by the Trustees.” iD rcw Univers ity, Madison. He lylrs. ;’ Douglass was appointed ] j3 taking a professional course dean ln M ay . lead ing to tho Bachelor of D iv in ­

ity degree.He did his undergradunte

work at Rutgers Univers ity, New B runsw ick ,, which granted h im a Bachelor of Literature

partbeen an annual fair feature nnd the final' stage revue will lie presented.

poan Douglass' bold resource­fulness.- undergirded by tho gifts of. ’'founding friends” and the help provided by Rutgers made - It possible for New Jersey Col- loge for,- Women toi open Itsjdegroo In 1849. doors In September 1818. offci-i Drew ts marking tho start of ing both liberal arts and homojjig itflth year. Thc enrollment cdonomlcs courses.. In its theological program this

Early in-1819 Gov. Waller E .| f rtn will be about 380 men and Edge sent to N, J . C. a com-! womeninlttee whose retommcndiUions j --------------resulted in the first upproprl- Arc. you buying Delcnse Bonds!


$25.00 COMBINATION OFFER: $69.95 Roto Broil “’100” and $19.95 Col­lapsible Aluminum Roto Butler,

Both for $69.95.Venetian Blinds . . . . 2.50

B&mboo Porch Shades $2.00 & $3.00

_ _ LANZARO BROS.'i’eooeut Rd. Tel. Mat. 1-1694J Morganville


'JF|4 gtillt h n csnhol iffufw • •H O T a w i i i " i o i r # * u l t » l - f _rapkiee y e iv

pnetatit fleerfurnace w ith

this new furced a ir

-. furnaee I


W ooclbric lgc 5-^903


n t * m k g m *!

1 0 0 % Xn y lo n t r i c o tS L I P S

^ ' \ ti\ \’li' I -h A Vi y - -V

v - i lkAmmI i f


<■> j .


40 den ier non-run nylon love­lies w ilh choice o f shear nylon em bro idery or lace, Full cut w jfh convenient nylon cidjust- able shoulder straps. Quick- drying, W hite only. 32-40.

J f / 'm

baby's, interlock[R A IN IN G P A N T Y

2 7Double duly doubla crolch.R ib b e d le g opening. Elas­tic wo ist. While, p in k ; m s izo ,

2-6. Xeg.J ft

A r tA M M y



t2 3

Charming talin stripe drop* stitch, Band bottom or britf style. Elastic tops, WluU. pink„blu«. S.M«U

M E N ' S

PLAID FLANNELy $ w e 7 0 f

Smart ossorlment of ottractive plaid p a tte rns and colors. Convertible nock. Pocket. Lonrj sleeves. Get lum several, He'll "iive in" them. 5-M-L.


s m o s t l i1 0 0 % VIRGIN ORION


Specially treated yarn makes this feel likd a - cashmere sweater; lovely appearance and fit. .:k Interesting necklino gives a novelty effect. Hand washable. White, pink, blue, trtoize, beige,:;. 34-40. '

b o y s ' n o v e l t y ' .


• . . . . . .

Fino combed cotton fn feyfl osvorlment of stripes

novelties. Combed rib kfif*': ted collar to help rsfaiio shnpe, Siios f-12- 1

WESTERN STYLE H b o y ' s d e n i m


_ <<­7

Rip roarin' value for would-bu cov/puncbcrs, Faded blue denim. Pockets. Dull. Sues 606.

i t e m s Listed B e l o w W i l l B e O n S a l e O n O u r D O W N S T A I R S S A L E S F L O O RGLASSTEX

Grey Enamel W ASH BASIN

BeautifulDurn hl«:


1 7

Hot;. 3jf IllO yrOrllOBt v/iluc* ifvi't i l l f i ' ti

in ft iflass on tti;oi |irjrci’i-i111 ennmelod utonsi].

P O T CL.EANER Jiniiho Si/.e


nc,j. in,-

Clean;;Pols, Puns, Ovi'nwnri:

No Koti|.jh Lelies Kusy on Your Humls.

H A N D Y W H ISK BRU SHA ttractive, efficient,


2 7 c

Cleans F urn iture, Drapes,

U pholstery, Clothes.

Natco R ubber-L ike


»C '9Hcfl. I ir

I.ony W earing Plcaaiim lo llie Eye

inBrown anrJ Black.

H andy Eiuhl-Cup


1 8

Huy. 44c

D on’t Mins

This Buy!

Sale M an-Sized


6Big, Big Value!


*u ^ ('*- i 1

4wfe Teps ' M T P W w m f f W ® sat

rtl» Opener?V J » w y E le v e n ;

i l * - 0 O i* H t a i i n g

O t r v e E n d

» .. . lontuhll li:u u .n ;r8] ^ f !VvYtO'’i tr I ? v* * '>'

guM t n m irn n i «i tbo pi fttlflrtpauf(3 a) rM;

{ e r^itofis,J ’ , e l) j l Aideof fun>bih k i>) dsn tin fiev. id it1? %!'•-

Jis-tnopmesx uUy •Jine'-ielrarBe^M- With............ .

i x ' I* ” -Gy-ty C IT'f!'r +1 n ij~ i iu ,!,-1-/ - , t %

^rFT iC- • ( ' % ' v ~ w ■», " •*-t-w*'- » .«*;

trt *-

, r-

Plav Away Saturday" ' E va n s Force*-O pen A t

Neptune, R a t I c i •» At A t la n t ic H ig h la n d s ;

\talpt 1 J i Jt tb I i i \l01 re p s it.-) D.wioOi! .1;, )') - p . v .... 3 . . . ,u na* with fun i l* j in ninjf- She first one lo r ootinii Jud - iSvfifis.•• ne.W:. mentor ot MftcOun i nd bU id 1 It rt K

p rt i l '-1 \s '1 i \ \ iu rHorde ^ lo u r '* i l u i «tipHii-ihlanot.. . -. •

CtUoi f i I -. i it 1


/ V E iV L 'f

1 \V- u ^ ^)? \ Z i A v F 'J

!s T H o r $ D ;V Y ^ r n ? M » p

O u ’b o crca l l p r e S uK S K tH ''" ’"';

U ' h i l " i U tE- i'J ■■? ■■■■■ah; ie£«pnsftnp <* 1 ,

WUS** ■}*’-pletl*?’of-'p»ftntS(Hi«-..*»dV|.oYr«r in Mamvi.in e Unp ipd i i : loom all ..right for Inc Maryan *»••>: png) fOk'V« rd W illi 1.0 '-hurl ftt•iii".. h >'...,{; fi.iK.lS'i's*!.. .pixrtur*d’--i»«ijvii (rrec.Jinsaluig (left ro right; Alum V/oIt. Lou Arm our, Andy Bo(, Jotm Ppin«,oyf!.iti. i g t ,iTlaf h'J tors. U i u e r m e n A

M V l/ . ^ V - v y 1-rii ». I, r-... tv,,.*,, ■ 'fl.,*.;., .in/u,l itwi wnr^iijlhv ir 'Ihn ItnrlreOide fcrandttttf . ' ,i. ...:_r. rr:..


f in i t e rii, in Dan5.n«J*“ 11 Alloa Pliyi and F-o ’rousti. T

i f f f h Vf I " ui , - r ^ r **" r' n H u u o r K ^ ld L'Btl J"tjdiff t\or e u .un a te ! 1-' - - -ppesKimuanrrl:-pliws :!»■-

a xa'tii'* ' nd Wi:® j ) 1§ ^ a n i

re.ia'-aiaa upcao anq narsiicllty m Hie b8f.»*fa{di bTandmn • U r i'-W<ilf 111'’ IH nii - --■-- Viijni. sieve f«dei«. Mary Maiunr anti OUn i . , , , ‘q H. •.■ --'■|1

pd ar,q W i it f *' pi tu;i (mt l|ti'eflsU'e -iilshion.: 'plifii';;;

tJiHfr aim out uf tlie T <»? |» ttp Pol? M m o V«li-;B^'’. t h d d ^ g t , H ,tt fpt u ic- '

'ifst- iv/napr, 'r( 1 o11 trat b t>sai 1 n lfdy^iPR', O r K i 'lp v < ' w®Si»«]liipu:ftk-tth'etIiaml»w'.fcvllla:

ctiiu lit wqiutm fiirn-i, f c p a a rijj'n ainunti m j i t u >

^ y g«?>ftt|jiv--(fiiihUifaij' 'iifimbenM u^fcttB jniok, uR iK d t

Edges To TitleM a ^ iw i n P i lc h e r h t

i't C /sr.P -rh’c l (T am e

In Tou>“neY F’«naj"

f*uif|r »in )Ov B *01 ( io.T'jui'jipiparil, of Ohfiinpluns W»- u j i f j . nioun ut " r r< 'JKftdt Utt lP “ MlUil tlilrili LV Toi ,(U r 11 De& IPVUI n i 0 h<

1 i . d e f n h > 8 Xoiaasdio Wins• I'ullnwiiiK:.chart is for .'tan>isr 1 , e\ jc» ■■'••

1Iot<u ku ' V X ftgaiii Over DixonI. rttiulli A inliay uml othf.r• Ih frlr• tap Hay tu iililii. ,t<|rt 111 l«IUi- 1 num. l'o r A iibm y J'iit'lt snln 1 fru ;.:. 15 tnimtffiRi 1 itr • lh ? :1 Heart on Ilr.iiUifr-ai, im v , itilrt S 1. lm:ir.si. illl nunmcs. i 'w i lc i l ■ Haun, 1111 NAvcstnk Ktvcr,- a An , ; i Imui's. » m im ilin i. -

K eyport Boxer tiftin* Decisive Mfiftrm ln R eturn B o u t M onday

;- .i :■-IHliP.'Ulb i l l . llUirlh'; c.c;l j i l liljf-;-

I tint 11)11 P nt u * l o b : a'ltftl'rts. m u l [.lull VuiiUel-uiit, j . ; I

|> r o i t r i v i r 1 0 m i H u ipy Aridv Jjul. witn :11a -’Ol' lbs,

r rl 1 1 iu U l it 1 1IPa'Spo: - a '-lilB la . itmvcoliter in-spd DuP pn 1 M i l l

j upok u p tbu. cpnUii' s i « i .1 . v-j i. *A» . .tt i V . f ,

Wf'-ipeU 101 bla te ip i o r: m g ,a t tha Tn t-'Ipptk bv theh panful jia#(n ^ r< c'r -

«Ki^AMtlo}til| apan lfrt Uie | m nf th e PTidnnrtm tacboplbp.v itvinrlers to 1 fom tho ahore, araa. 151 S'efiis> I p .tr iiu J r F‘"t I" ’1 1 M'tl tenVySH-i. pus 111: Uic .. p iuh llj, ..TTi;ler i Jerk M1.1 by ilpport 1 *1npIf to ppilten: ito si» |i' tbp norbi?. btd.-j

A-JrtLci ’"sot iqtp boot b ig pu tJW foie tbe tiulf enitt rf but*J5yfr"i-:{infle.i(an.i tneir.: ithi-piit j- pw 10 lb s Xi-niuettolUo; got 11 bufte Pi lu o 1 'rO'ving

sp l't'F play* sa tb°i

11b « ’" ‘ J mri11 °'l U,e^ f t t o h thoy rtlrt iinet tbe D ‘™ r to ,e ,c ) ‘ °lre m gun

(ijfiVay -'ln tbo . ihn-ci Ciiiai t.ei-'SbariiV(!1e put on an i'i) yard,, iln g filhf* F la n k feffe,ot)n: ip cR y ilie b^UbiKs k«m a t »t btB otyri 11 iurt tun ’t up y&i'xfekPlbPM'ble 4C \ (bplrT-:)-.KutV)ii':«T': Imi-mftei

Del. 1-7 ll' S !' 1 ■Hi Tb I i i

I 'r Id sty a .in . 1 : !l a" •i 47l'l ld u y u.m . .10 111 4 tlBatiirdnv u .m . Ki 07 4 11Sa iling ! v p.m . IC 0 5 0FStaiduy a .m . II i>2 4 tlSunday p.m . 11 lb r. 14-mmsluy a .m . it l7-Monday p .m . .2 IB b nk.Tuesday a .m . 12 r 0 •tliTuesday p .m . 1 U3 fl ,05tVertriC’sriay a .m , 1 10 8 ItWednesday u .m . 10 fl 0,11 hiirsn'i'- u .m . i 47 0 f\Tlmi-brxuv p .m . 1 18 !l (>

.fee- iRockvi •i-omasello. Kuy- 00:1 iiVifMliJwebflif. sen rec a use-, mul tlu'.f iii’Bt Tonimr-. 12i>:on. ifid !b ij»ctle:i..from lu ina is-

Back af libs front line beef- :u-uat, tin; M iirpon a nd Sieol i;r,s jsiich-bofr.V sc ::!:; a :; f r a n k Clro- i8Vri,'-.J85 'Ibsi. mul Tum -Arinotir. jaor'lbV ., its rbsprvfi lr<ok!es.. Al- itflhvDnyia, a mil !b . punrd. itiiq ifo'rd'i-rti'ape. 0. lli.i ili . cm!, i , Aibnpkfic.lc: o f , !*-•;•- Vasia; 3 mn

. . „ u, . ; Barnstt.-Me re F-ertcu! and MarvjlPiitl tfrty. at 1 n P.u kiv.i.v , pjrLl; lr-r aoni'iilo benmd Hus1 A iU ia , Bi(iOiJ>n, iyiand.iy. f niL rni'warc! w a l l . Joe aiier-' i l ihe s'c iotm rtri ,vna l t l e r j , l | | ar) , mJ Ul l J Uncl 1 „|o>(.. L-lt.tnni.1 7 0 .. n sm lil fin.u m inn ia i in ;, cf.n .be Ihroivnito Lhe-■ ieBtharwBisb6 jtenLui e : boi|i:- 01 |.ne- nippt be ittveen Carptclo Gosta r-ntl fjrtic j Iliu t ilh , liEcnunu for a .shot, sicl 'the uUe

m ( I)nci i

1 1 l> >[ 1' e"1 it-1 > 1 e j-heirtu rp^gmhu. Vi'.-T-.r ii-r-U-iCu fir

( i i i 1 H ’lo 1 1 ci p-p'd; p i,, .mic t uu, j fiv.i'iiv ..atentrain-,'.

V L li i P ll V1 Jl 1 1 1 s C n s , 1 j r u m s L• M iiii.uiboul.s. ■■ -1 us 1 o l

■ V ir. jttcoo:,-. nt 1tl h c i

a i.tn . w itli the m e

.rn ii.. . i i Olii ti l) jllKl

i 1 Bt-:ach ■JVL-I tin.

.-imqlitid to­ll)’i ‘i j

sc! uu 1 1 i, i nd i t

ll K lu l l l-l ( tlie i 1 "

n oafitFfif);*,' j track mm mann;. c division , jn »{0|- pmub-ninnii

| v-ABfttnsfl- this nrrn i

t ' l ih 'o i ,*ns:m in Ii .eans- l l , i u a i 1 t a u

o: D i r e Biuir. a r fL ' -anil ./i icob Di VI u D I I j 1 il I I i m I l l 10 li l l ll

u r c s , t ru e at.yie. mul soeort t o r Ih io Ihc n i s t u i rn t

l.<iipBli’yi'.i;r n e e d s no i n ­I id r i I f u i i

cr.i h o v u u r iiL'lu id -B. ,i s i j t te c h a m p i o n s h i p s unr , nc-.uir. tut ' r.i tuor.ali • o w tm iw o i l • u i dancu

1 1 1 i in-> i 1 ) 0 i c1);ck -Btirtrt's-.-as years- tn tlie :ihre.e vri ll ’ n| i „t i i " n lit Id t 1 i

ru hnnuie - on.v - p ro - a s s l p n m e n t itm* iii-st i.ltftt n w c o m e . u p . Build , a i - ’u l n a o UiotiRu; ue will l e a c h ' - t h e o t l to r I m w u .

i i

11 i f r i

j p ropofu i- t c i ii vii.si ( in i s. i om;w l l i . .nave tea dis ou l o l l

rJOi:iiJpUi,km a. os lield i l 1 il l c i i th |

iiciiiij.ow ner, ot idg | l rl i i ic i i u

hv Li-., uo iiiud uv Lae( a i d i i

f i n i ji m rsl I i 1 H !

S u l u i n d n ^ n l SMlit. u(Is !


| KKAKSBUSG AT Th'K BliAOH' ti n ’ f r l tl i ’t )

Coiituujou> Pcnortr.anca Daily

bieriinff a* liJQ .Tbe ^Neyr . ^*df? .bcveon.. v

■ m . Sal. Oct^iarin i <L-

Living !f OpNuvcity i artotin

r * i ii i 1 ji i»)’U t i l U *“% t r

h u 1 i ^ untIit li; c)‘.ilv \v: ii Uo thf>

- iyraanwlnJe. tfrnnk MintilcK. i tiiippllep Uie big blu-.v for ihfi j■champs. With the-.buses loadedi . . .fol'OAti* ‘b g io b John jcovn » * •* « •» » » » ••» « •* •* ••« •* « § inpkl and Clone..-Malkievif.:* and! “ “a ivftlk vo Loo Kedjei st-i, Min

ic k‘ ot'ttcked. a trip le ..to., deep i !5 « v j i . .. m ni k icemov to pvniluoe nil the. scarest!-F 1 1 uchr he I ^ t‘fth «*•"»»* 1«


phase:! oi shatmtr ■ atonu • ».»ltn :::me represeflla t.l ve ' ’i<A' .af 1 '..(son'. . - DciiB lovker, w ill eancentratc u ipev.tion to r ' -Voivpt: . ' M ishael i■ oru b ■' 1 giiort flUHku hu: Mrnii on i.uo rac-' Pud/.am tin wa s nopointexi ,;u-!-;

KJu/ava, ol HuiLut..., can ...•> | m s , !,£.nm rnpru.sf iuinp.• Uu.’ Vei-' hig e.h«trmtui. ■ . . ispiriblc H.,1.. . (c.o 1 .iifu i.n .i.. i vel Arana In -the H .B .U .U .A . i 'inc Veivel Boned team 'will-!

•ie\V J e r s e y . ; travel tii Pencleh. fu-.. Ulis.com-! v i i . (ineci. ,xc I -a i. a moethuf ni pro : a n a iin a Prtrtay- mitnt iti 'w/tffcajiSst!

owners, iront .rtnss ml over lu ' . . ■ ■... 11 isLfit*,. on Sunday at Lhe Keans

Iulibunlc. I '

Tonieseilo fought -»lxon- a t ! NW p j f ntl1- bt.._-t .fp - Uv-..*H: S|>oec| league totE m l-n ic i / tv O v a l . L o n g I s l a n d v b b ck f i t ld n t a n , a i i , d t i c c t a c j , A(i n jnce tU tt

e„k* 1 o.„i n,.. A iLlvltlcs f r o m Ll

■ i ■

Looking It Over

» A i r ^ ^ m o ed in to |Jfent1 off Hekie foi fiyeithe finmn b’J “duloa tpn Nutiov f e t t les Toox r shovel Coler)f W 10 fl m Uu UU. Mn.m.

* “on Bamrdfiy .

witiv a - run . n> the top of" 'p a r d o lp b llm *0th buL B .tgH o . ip t ho ik

■ ld M a lk 1ev, ld5’. belted au inside Lho ...siBtnpev-- .Scbulu . , ,»rsp)i then kpi'd U.e Keyporte Three tltpps rn n inoffs and £ hgndoffs foi f vo O.vai nins: (o carry to the Reel and te?l~ Toe Keyr co rtijped a n luy , but Jeffiles Wok ft

t'pp an etui around nt the ■igCRCitefi, flowp . the sifley f ’a touchdown. . Bhti K't-

i ^ h e n bdptert b e m u a point ‘o

p a rk homo run 'w ith one nhoaid

After the game Sunday,: met- ropo lita ii sports writers called. Delta hurling m nte deciding

. . . .................. ................ ;u pro.O ily , on Sept. 1 and ihc pair C ™ u>? Jj.:,put nn such a l im it scrap that iT®lj L '.s(i-' ana S.) .scthey 'were retn'atchcd. 131 uot: |taolrlp convnried U) a ip llb Look three ol (be eight r o u n d s ^ J "-! .of this fight, but Monday h e '■? ™tn f trained ouiy one round, of tiitr | • '■c- m c 1 , 1'1 , 1... .

fkVp))( Tr-j-nnspUo L iiE iaun n.. ».m. .jtai .C i,. ., <OontJri)|*:ci from UiJrci colum ii). • ;Liie ring Mondav without a nm v k |G?ci! d * J-' ! - ■' u •ll>”uh I um » randdin sciied’Jie with jon. Jtlm. -.D ixon . was staggered I t>ooa,. c jt ,|)L n t nt t .u , r 1 ' [ muspentient oppordtion picked Ibgvci'h! ■ tiroes hy bard blpiys|4h.d J-"' d patched u ,j . v . i i i . u), j ,er 'e there ntude ii■ l m i

a*aft-,nrflajirnnnc««oi»»W " " In Lhe fight, but always re-! ttvre.v.pr toui .tope.ids be.ng .u t. n!„ . , t0 ?t;r ^ i fcam. assemo- !O f * ” * * * * * ™ * ™ 0* * * c, if pd rr ^ u w u out iiU n atjn on J it L y > puM ea rn j , pf D , ^ n!()r 4t„ Wltb „

, regu lar ■'sehiidule of league. 1 Slimes'.’ ur; Jine- fixed .n a'd-: i

• • - ....... .- :•- -: . . . • .'covered r.o box hia w ay . out. of i JnufllK1. °'h- at t-vf-.yO L trr CVPR ,s 1 hap) U.m h| dlIflc,l!Uc lh u e w«s no S . t u d v I , .

fm D M U’lr nb UU r* tm jltnoLltaowr) ^ (ne, the bou' >iks 3 1" >= lom 11 cln)F" ‘ 1f.|)C'■ Neptune cnaiui. v E e y p o f L ’s . t a s k w i th A t l a n t i c pflglihn)ds is not lo be inea.-iuieu by - the 32 0 Lrounom g w h ic h Ihe

•ance . Loss t r o u o i e wii ■mdt'd. lie - fuels.

no a-

•AMATEUR BOXING w ill go'tigers tooiv (ruin a voLeiun Me -! IdLo a slump ior Lhe next month tuchen ■ tea in msl ba .u : day. I lie I Krasm Bovte coutd not carry Red and Blacx wul li'ttl a vL-i.ei - Ip ,rough Ins plans in enter '.brec

_ -jfftt : Bomano. llirew pips?’, op Latnbe itM lle s n« }Ufc' pp ft to i.'th (town *t

m o n e y e ig h t ,iijn.es. Inn , hot ; .-e ;j; Hulyey 3 , B ed le , Jr., orfCay S u n n y T loS'J-f-t’ f Finn, in w ho dofij? tljo riiatdchiTiRk-XMriny a* U je . l ty id inpr. J j n ‘ f0'r -T^ptiniHoUo, ia ungiing: fgr

t t A3o a*u1- ,i.cc.Dv£.rM h ■•Le ,jti te lc v ise t l iiifhJL fo r tjifc h4V- fftcb tiie hoi be c .m ie in .^ec^Dd 1 aiiorc* h o x e r w h e n 1 R id g e w o o d t h a t s-.> i i ii i j.cbb .vo , icu b u h . • l o r o ’vo, l i r b o k ly n . o p e n s . T h eny P H M M L t ha.x in .p io v r .d con 1 p o pu lnv f ig h t a r e n a m Q u e e n s - . . . . . . . . ,

• un<M- C u i, d hai*aUnfe| tJ0|.m|frj l vvu,; s j n [.pCj (0 o p e n ear- 'a a ' jm c k lh n a ur, iht* Key.< in A a j o n n 'u o o c l Boys Club boxe . .-.,.Mt .................... ........ .. h s f / i t /nepcbiR- j>i OAJC-*>efl, b u t j j v t j l |s m o r .i.|l |n p, a tan f i ie o v e r [ R a i s e . Uon M o n a h a n , ancr : K r l - n v n o m a d e a pooa sntuvintv a t

wniiiG’ The best- o n e the?/ e v e r tlie fact,., t h a t th e hoi so _ p u l l e d »(Pj,,Vis ion t im e ' dik led to a de- ieliev a n d Wifi R e e o . . u jc Asnur.v Park . A n n os?ivr p i t c h e d in a f ln u l - r o u n d jo u t of a )7uci lapKli; Vvlnch.occui ja „ j pom* )e tu * rm en dot ne i n t - t . . s u m m e r , -a th e Lyw lburs! , V'o-t f a m e fop th e N ew J e r s e y s t a t e j ) e d w h e n tm: f . w o k *10 . r , ue -Hh*., ^ !loulf| Riclft-e w 0 od G r o v e f a j j l s t r i i u r Im e : T o i m a y I / t n b y . a t n e e A th l c u c L o a n u e bouts hAsf tbali to u r n e y . ! h u lm d a n d b e r a m n e n t a n g l e d . j to ^ l!QlViff u ,i lh in Uie n e x |, l o lu n a v r i , Jo n Asn . u iioUic r l u u u d . . ^ iw c a u M h e w a s ct tlled a w a y

s u ! k v lo s ’.dk:. V J h >• now hni?.*;. lu-co dli ^ lo B c 1 !t th e r e P'*n f m d .An hiuwfu.'U. c a l l - i n v I'm* iu*vt. imujvj rn rLo rncir i t; n t Llle i a i I m n on t-lt*- ] ,v jj, | , e n o b o u t a s ToirmsL’llo l a k e r . T hu ta c x lc .spols m e b e -1 th e bo y s will be , a c c o r d i n g ly , s e c o n d tunc .iLviind. C t . | i d. .ft -ju i].r>jtdv s ig n e d lo f i g h t in I-’h j l - ' l n g h e ld d o w n by tw o b i . j t l .v te . ' t b e P e r t h A m b o y , M oose L o d g e ly .g.j liiod S u n n y P r o s p e c t o u t i , , 1|}!,)htn P n O o t 2(j in it s em i - M ike nn d J o e B m im e . mid t-ke{bo>:ft«r b o u ts . i t Sot t lh R iv e r ol th e .lftinu). und b .ugL .l old -Jl - t o Liie V.'o'-lil's c h a m p io n - oLller L-nd .uoUgnniLnt ov B i l l ; Liljerl,;.’ H a i l Nov. u- Thouc boi f . p n t v t -y n l u n d . fc,u..n.. B o j , ; s h t w e l t e r w e i g h t bout b e tw ee n th e spcon- i u i . c i l i e m ihc Ik I jKl[) Q a vlltin u n d J o h n n y S a x to n .t ing , e d g e d u a r r s lior.se uc t n e ___________________Une. b u t i t w a s st il l a h ig h ly . ■ . c . T ™ ' i m p r e s s i v e snowing l o r b o in D istric t Scouts Ip ^

driver. A H i C a m p A t Ro ltertsviH e u Sonny B oy’

1 L HI tea ms in the N. Ji C ( e.

I 1 L ( Saturday 1M( icarestnev w ill lie Uie Lean; fo: any"B ' i.-lsv lo beitt; l i i i Gullbau al Key backs OljL 01l i tic.me ’.vitii -mnines M 1lows i , ■•’. itlv .nme uik .uI imrer-rn tin. nos ■the bgst ulmuiie ioii- ( i rl L tom.- us. ,‘ve. i ee it.

-BDPI 0)1 eiiunciis Jilt : Lllrtkid u p ) Hie P np l B i ’

d u g s It t BaL; Aum.iiek. to .dl i i Uv: s u o m Cj I I . ’nth a

. T H E A T E R . :.KrANSBURG, N. J.Opposite' Pubhc School ■ Phone. Kw»rtsnurR ft-CXt*ilv .

fvrD.s'rrMi.ncfta, a cart at Mi- . . • •

Matinee Saturday': . Cunuimcua- Sunday. .

Sun.. Mon. OU M i

l fy fe b u s Fourth In S t o c l t G ar Fe,iture R ace S unday7-0 fo’ L ft tube IvUle

rSlkd k goof!'' obaoce pback'.lnto the haU BfttpPi parkev Bobn. of Piufliold H- v t jjjjlr epds, Ft in k UlGen - - ' ™lrtlly canio Into his own ut Old

B ridge Stadium .last week and when be co'pned top honors in

„ ------------ t . .the « to e e ven Sunday of the „ „„ww|ll8punt M 'n o 'wept <«' m i t cm m imt Lou M lHus 1(jisc . ■ jf

i( ‘iXJfc P f r f Play? Jailed *hlor Ke n bu e e>rslmil t l u t t o .he . d ) ses UuIpiiftli-jflpyjn/ Plunge left Uit ............... .......................

-DUiMtil} ififlB il y a id P fm t nt lhov. n J . ts . * rrn filMDll§ j ..T-Itpn. in the n u m h i i f j m t i i p . t t ft '/ 'w i of ,u L in th

tftbkio ter Jfcypoil uwOVLiedighvartb 'ln l .attpnjpfr- uy Doi.d-


'fr ^ , .... I tile 0 vHr* IJi)- )i:Jb OlHiliy IJ‘* j iro fourth- isnoK. crtijllng E.d H o id ! pUller Q „ j)fn, am 0 tied up ! The Ocloner Boy Scout Cpn-matm ; of ( .’.f tn b u u , ft.td the-ii-reeked u-iii' Cari-I.servauon CamporeB*. uavo been

p.-os-1 iinnounceri lo r the urea and ac

RumoudeUc. The T igers nre no ;a re always a terrific presouw- blgper Innn KovpoLT. hut huv i:;i!o n and send ihc winter boxing greater numbers 111 iesL-rve. l.siuisnn o il Lo a liv in g .start, m

Kevport shnuld nuvc a reason-Inna area. Tne hopes of tm; able expectancy of v ic iory , a.s:B i!vm ■ C;obb manauement to uif-v Ui, not need a pussmg : jjre.si-m. a prnarum of amateur game .tnainat lne -Inters, b i d , bones- from liie lvhzao ,.".1 Ar- Courh s lm i Baker s clul; is like im orv over naiionv.-iuc te.evis’ou

i. vslioiildm- in iu ry . ICeynnrl's i i forwani wan uid not shovr to j : p.avnntago am imst Ljiirnoert- j i v ille . bet liie potential is ihore i I ro mnxe t.ie iced anu W h ile .; : a lactnr if ihe-Keys cm; hm m i ! lo |!W, oif me m ark luster and j

. . . . . ; w ilh nclie i iuniut>. Auaut-ic 1 : Htgnlanns has "r.c candidates t i this vou!-. against a ruuad of ! : 14 plttvei s List, season, so : i -uonielmnjr is astir tiuwd ih-Jl :

wav. vv ii naruty l i M n i i .• thonith. tiiat ihe Tigers first j

lenm bus enough weight nari i hen. i l l baeuint" li : ihu coil- , ■ leiie.er. i

Her Twelve Menvm h ■

3rfcr Oftrf.Dii - floberl 'Pyan■ ■ . ■■ ■ aiso -. • m

Man Of ConflictV/Uh ’ ....,■ ,

Edward Ai'nojd, - .v,. . - paiicon

Tuwr,., y/eds out H 6

Princess of ihe Nile. ■ with ' ; j ■ ■

Dei>i‘ri Panel * JIuntt*T- - ■ - -. also : • .'••• '

Royal African Rifles, C«rlooi) - .

Thurs.; I- ri. O d . 7-B

Broken Lancevnfh

Spencer Trocy ■ Jo»n Polovs in Cinomascopo .

iNcvcliy Carioon

c m i.h nt F ilt e r ton to tho b i t J U) ^ s*...... -,n Sunday afternoon . 1 -

u the Stadium th


ltuc liig on Btmdfty “ru ,in "0 0 lpobt - ".Btitnvin Downs I cording to M e rn l Thompson. In - !j' 1 s,a'- 1 0 lripoet • w 1 lie .Jiuwivin u in v iu iu iw iu w w ,— .... . . . !]n ()s j ; s ,]n]I meeting, near ..Rochester, w heu ite ilaken , Lump cnftittnan. U itiC j He(| ap(j w bjt0 | Freehold doses. T h is meeting | w ill-be ju x _ camps n oper avion j s,V)uM

Sifjnaleers S ta rt

continue, weekond

I’i the. intdsnt 25-lap evc!U ,..vlil i Dst. m Nev !'■ Then he I du r ing October. W ith --conser .Vernon’ Land , of North Bergen. I wlJ1 .ja gp the bovse (o Duflc rin j ration as (ne theme the Scouts, followed Berr- Brooks, of C'A• -Favk Torunlo jo 1' a 111* ouv -..nl p.nu-up.UL ui t iie ii je gu la i jf ie ld . nciDs-s the flm.-.h lin e .| Wmter m sc ling ;/ I;::, uppiicu-1(...mpim . aLtivuics, but w ill de , P()0I;V. !; .,vp( ,-.s n.s I9n4 cieoiit fmarne RosS, of A l.optow i,. A ft-,.non . nuiiloo F rlnuy . is ULcfiJt-1 vol. Lne ma,l.)l i.u ilio n j f t l lc n ,^ i.’.ji-t Morm .nUh tomorvnw

night, with the Minnaamrs opg o t • flWpy tfblV1 Rul1’ » ,ld- th ird and T’or.y R.omlt, of lh e t „ d A), j ju f fe ::n Park tiie Uors-icamp lim e lo conservation ptoV ., cftlOe In f o ,U i . , (, s j.acc oa cork w il!

,-us 9.31. -and irozen grottndlir.st slock c.u licut ...fi-, - i-.fjr char, rco.sijn.

now heels.

i b ortv llle ftt the pltcho it play > WCnFftwrj. T e fllc h nitssmg the

tnea,' a t ^('e TO M it’o ’ k1 jped i t M§ *5 fL««te ui u,L 21

‘'KBypOff, *> )e<l ft pltcn out J W l got »WPy k n ip Rut

gyer a lert Jeff, ms I., a, hpi f t i ii3um < N i i It iin . ' He spurted way down trt - ,K . m,^ , ; i i i t e i ,*>* w ya ids W llho t i ]h<0 befpg iftW o il h im c i aft'

,<i blocked the tie fo; u, point t I 'd ■-iar.9^to«SWtoW»i''DUt Keyport had ,. ,jd Pcl(.

;-!%.-;|$$'iMottedk'out' of the p'cture i , •^w A fteF ia 'S t lr ifn a fight. , nousmamt won incI'yi.'i ' iUllljinoVfc ;w()S , unable to -com-iKtock cur heat race, ontdli fm-icjai ivcomponse.s for a drivedeplete one of fom-forwmrd pa;xs,::S.I ls.m.c; sc,jUiu i. Fnine/ t..fic\«• >accordingly arc stepped u p .! ----------------d-Vbainbertv lllo copiiccLc.d on two, m-r. oi uu.’. l-. vtih-. was mud .'Most (jnvr.-js no sdmio lor ihe:M onm outh C oun ty Hunt ds/afr'eteMi; ? The .Raiders were out-. The ttnte was J.45. Tno t b l .d ; w inter, but tne touthern l l -icksiM , • a q . 9 3 -4fSek«lI*^,.i)te*vld 's^ .<,owns 10 f iv c .ji.e a i wa?. 101-011 by Joe Vn1.1t-. -ciron their purse? ueea'i-K; -.!ie.v j * *

.a first down ill du -1 ot Htghtsbvwn. L'lUinfc Bud- .im ve so tnan.v norlhen i unvo rs i »ieep’oc').’se raclnn w ill r

iM innlic l i lu h -1 watts 1 s (intense lhal s-.icrts.-

icior.v Asbury '■of fan 'W est C Tha i ;

ounnnlo Huonsor. Inu of tor: pro.uruiii iin m F .u k , bung ing u Hood

letters irom as rar as the :. nas convinced Boyle WTntemnie progront

vonx; prnvn jusi as popu

Grandstand AIR CONDITIONED 4 Completely Modern tied

j 7 m m ^ r r j r r r ~ ~U A Z ld S r M9 RACES DAILY l $ _ « - SO DAYS of

A u% . 7 thru O ct. 12 Harness Raring

, V " ‘ t 0 b l ^ R m o r S h mADMISSION . . . . J1.7D KCSWVE!/ OOX SLATS.>1.70

Frtepl o C'COdbi’hl «<5.'i’. U * • ■ ■■

t*(w (v«ry Thuridoy UfADItS' PAY

POINT PLEASANT must, be installed 11 u vo ritc ior thc

New J e r s e y s Only Pan M atvei Trotting Track


ice. snowpecia . I nosinii H v M tlieinnerloot. j The Muli»wan-Kcyi/on Ucanr. , , ,h j|,s » strong Nu

!• Brat SLOCK, car neai wu..JiF(n. [h, ,ri reoso„ . m ,. D ,ilfor<nl oitrg area of the Council, Kn..Wn 1 j u . i v \won hy Bolin in 4:13, B ill p a rk track is rated mi-dil soc-lns the ClunRorora D istrict, w ill u „ . V.I1 i.ei*- of Eatontow ii, wf.*’ xe(.o i,d |,Jllc;s slower than jA' cehoid. l l in j l io .d Llu.n c i,Lampmenl at " le , (|l r yi^i-iii-i

ls it is a winter meet mu. vv 11 j ; ' /-.udfci .-on Mount J ,rm J 1' " D , -T 1 >I tiie t(’inpc.vatui cs at nor.) oi- ue-, Rooci tsvdk with Janus 1 lynn.

second i !0V. tlio jjup-i’s and In- fm an -1 district commissionor. co-nrdtn- -

Cl1 nrin

h1 nn;;-;.

I of Rahway.

I-'1aluiK the activities.

iUUtl. l i j . i f A rka :i.„ foi u.-:- .-

oi.oaei' jn 1 U;ai -voisoui n ilc i es! is e\ ;df;i pus! m Mi'll Inp M<

a m -1 Lilli 1 1 1 u u

1 -il:.:,vh 1.

\ ii


arotmu llu- mnum or. to.

; 1 sl.l

tall, of Pnim. Pleasant, vuts 1 and horses ;u pick Irom . F .uti(uv;l f j , .w Jersey nn Salurlonu and V.uh FoIl-is. of Hopt-1 oft ihe coik track at I pronto m 'd a y . Oct 23 when the Mon .la w n , th ird . • | January, tne mu'si-s have u, u e !riUni[h count.v Hunt R a cine. As

Jef-I Tin; 12-lllp consolation .-.rotk. jsubstunUaJ lo entice d r iv e n who! soe.atiou w ili hold its 24 th un■,•11). event was won by O lk .i , u.,! i not-only bear me m ikjis ul

^ r J Johnson, of Hornerstnwn. and | rac ing but even ot cxvn. :sm ! Oanfcfa -1. Welsh , VenettQne.|.flm Delaney wits second. T l.tuo jK jfses ;n zero te in p (v :it .;re ? .!ia lu | Farm ........... . . .

s ' .^ lf f it itS - “ I was no tune taken. 1 Howevev. except for me com-1 Haskell, president of Monmouth%-f ' '(JepWiT— Poisons Msntt. • - - ipe lillon that I!, ottered by the : , j nrl- Jockey (Nub.’ih . p Bocks -- SohuR*. Vanneralla , I S cou ts T o D is t r ib u t e ! Toronto Maple Leaf hockey The program for thc Mon-iv • jjeffe) son, k itchen ray lo r, p ,°'I P o s te rs S a t u r d a y Nvam . of which then- i.; mi bet jmouut County fixture w ill con

1 ‘/tsascfii, Randolph j ' •

■tffecondihftlf.The -etatietics:

"4 ' fjambLftvllle (1!). . . , E n ds-- r im .b f l, J- C.1A k , fries, Mft’.tei Lon

, v" Tackles-Bannf R C’a ik

P l.inv nne e) A irerle .cs great, freedoms. A lieno 1I10 cnuvca o' your enoioe tins weekend.

is another bhore Confer-i l L’lVl.’iiOn KJOlbJi!

can iiia ign gels nml>‘r wav. I lie Gui ikh Gums have loiter men at evv.rv Dosiiiun but left (me. Ihi-v have a vveallh ol veierar. backs witn ,1 -J. . 1 om urst string quartet nj Uon F 'rick . Leigh M ilia r . Dave W e lllm and Rav H l-;o,j Me.sscmoj. 1 ni-v po iem iu! Al) Stale . llu . i- U'l 1 P l-rs; is o: une rer.ervcsshov. ing auainsi

it:. nU" 1 fall n ice m re tm p in Mlo-

> j dlctown Township 011 the Wood­. 11,11-.,1 Fnvm esliite of Amorv L .

I lo r, Duffcrin Park doe.: a ll r igh t ! Mat of two i!u i races 011 the

Keyport (0)lf.^G'.;]Enda -- D lO em w o . Lantano

- J 1 t.lon posters throMffliout thc coun-f.M'i.'v’Tllckics- C v a f t. Schramm, I Ly Saturday as lhe ir pact lu Ihc

Boyce, pays, Anderson. : importniA l-'ire Prcvcniion Week1 ■'Quarts— Don Anderson, Cluy-! prog, 1 am Oct. S-X The a lu -ie ;

f tv'teDi Ncihtirt, j live color noslnr shows a Cub;, XJfinlai-<5 W a llhH loi'O-ut.. Boy Scout, and FJsplorer ;rV i1; : Backs— C. tValllng. Hyman, ] Sfo-it «-i»h tire prevention ciuiii- j

■St'Mlri'o.' ■ R 11U1. Rose. C leary, j ih 111 and a rlognn . " 'V e il D o !

MonntouUt County Boy BcnnlsI by itself fhtanei-iP.y ir. f .v m g jm rr ; a liurd lo event; (he Mon- w ili distribute 2000 fire prevon- 1 '-be wimerboutid Toront i citj j mouth County Hunt Cop, u

' /•'.’ns somciiiltig w iili which to I (hrec-mlle test, over stiff lim beroccupy thrjYiMJvex (luring 1 tie ' fences, and th.e Montnoulh Coun-

Wirro, .'VT'l W harleh , JEnstmoncl. Lol'reslo , {Om- P a il. How About V o u V 1

" ........... j in.-tallatioris (0 liie .Seoul lead-jI ei\s in t h e c u u u l y I n d l c a t . c tluil -

i j - 13 ! p o M i e r s a r e l o bo placed m t h e '

0 . . ij ; m e o i l n n p l a c e o f t h e U m l - .

iii 1 '--rhrioK 'v n ks . public i m - e i i e e

i p k i c r s a n d a c r v i c e clubs. V/!!-

.... •fJoglintio. Swami. y r; Score b) lVilodxjf-L’.'.fjaipbcj'fvltfc 0 0 '/:yf5i'JS*yport- 0 0 0■ ToucJ'dowitv - J(ffnc.f.vji.'. Point afw*r touchdown --KH- i Mail-li-'jti. A llcn ln irsL said e b m ipluiemenli ! that Him was n part, ot the I3»*

t-'Offleiiilft-rofcrec. Joncr.: um . O inf.erviiiion ' '(L'/i Pil'd- Belnort; lieurl Uncsmait. j y ium I .‘r- K'Jglor.

' Tcdhnlcal’v theie J* no lone-s{ i 4f cr u New Je,s(> suite Boinri 01 I Jfl y r ill,„ llKUiy m ;iI)yVgO -tTd.aMh. lindc i U l , Icg.slaUoa, j |K,|, ,n i,l uumen w ill be

tlio-fitlLlC Boin-rl or l le a ll l l lie : ;;h.|.jylnn in •-ull.-LC. l l i c t Wa y V-jJ¥f|r, gaftte Uu* Slut'-* DcpiU'tmrn! o i l jmid' U ii’DUi'.iJ s.d *\WA NOW In • VV Mfttilth iiu? IVMirrl Win? lilt'* ‘l i , S i', 'nn.‘ VJofU1'*.

^ by Iht* PublW: HcDlih | • ■''COUnc-ll u*- u hodv .Mlvjj.ory t**> l i !.•> cf.MnviH-fi Umt Uumv sue

*■’ ’ fcltttU* nr nT j fit Inn1! lUU't'O |jiciHl''in drlnk(*ite^ JJcjiU!) I in N«‘>V -iT 'M-y

MO'jd lurn )3rn

J’nrtorf- worn tui'nlOinri Um i :>cnnt/i l>y thi* NallmuU IhKtru of ! F i; t* iJjifh‘1'\vvilr**-.s


A’lTO iHiskrtljjiMi'r-- wil! .U'C'k fu r.l’f in (Uu itjfDlf ' r if 1 loagiD’ in P nU i Adi'.'uv tli- -

C a !• ni •• :i WnNa :tU*. v/hu UivE'fU- fn'' ;i 1 hNm .<* nciiv

; itlus ol A rrh lt'/o tu i al l'iic Cu ; oniplnyoos, lo lls .ia Api'I.’lm-i U'Jil IS llO'HT-' 15Mif.lf‘ h.j" olj lliu K>ypuH H li'li SoIw.mI f ia in ( cm* 11;f.i 11 i*ci' a ut. i n.i''I ItoMovors 1 tei 111 !a-i yt-si's [ U.'jun at 4* a va i lu b . I Jink anuliini' M ii;i'.v ,in1 11 i nil mIuipm iis . < ioun ' M.U'.j t-i. Who nl.iyeti h on f '-11(11)1

ba.skot bnii lit I ,ih |i:i i no, ili'l Ki t'ohoM’:-; sh'U.tr Unh I n.n'K t n!n h i. f-fnhV Uj«j ! i n , .'u iin . jinoihor ( N l-'i ooiinlil 1111 *.! 1Im n in .n y . ulr-) w ill hi* avail- l bh- Ul!.- . »m ,;nti. 'Vis* A’l'CO .’•u llhu ll I • .Ull V.’M'.llsl l!J) it*,.•ic ;t ‘-un wi * 1. i I o I 1 t * -our'.I.j v i v i l . ' . f a - o n ! n * 1 y p l a n i n ; i p * ji'.y I.din!'-'., mil m I In* Keans- bui‘1', *‘v 'flha ll r.i'.o |'(‘. iis play*

t('<ni!lj>'U’‘l in , iM)i i <'liiuiii.)

Uv Gold Cup. .i two i ii ih 1 t: jn te f i , lover the brush course. Tho’ pri/os ollori’U this yaur. tot-ulinu ;$:hNin. w ill In* I he ric lics l i*v.cr n.if io icd In tin* mcwlim'hs Ivsiory.

1 At Sl. Jo sep h ’s Gym: hi.. Mary's Hlr.1). of Woulh'A m b o y , wiil play (seven b.i.'-kel | b u l l games at at . Joseph's gym ; .a Keyporl. accordin', to u ...cbeduli. relfii.-.cd Hm neck.

I-J'mi- Farli-s w ill p lav on th'- 1 K. y;,uH co in l us fo 11'.'vr:.: J a n i V and Jan. 25. fit., r/u' e , of Bel j n u F F e b . 1. Hi, Peler'i , nf N e w

| H i i u i . - . v v n • k : F e b . 4 , K ' - d Bank j (‘.(Uml ic : F e b H. Ho i.u 11 J ll’i ' i ,! Feb. .11. H .iy rev llle ; Fell. lh. HI,I M a l i ' : , , u f P e i l l i A m n o y .

j Do you need shipping labr;L r hibelsv Dur Job orlnlbut de- ! narl.ment Is prepared In Mippl.v I your needs nn abort notice, ul I urlccs I iiu l w ill please you,

Ren! Kstiite LIkLIiib C ill'd , fur , - e l e al t . b l s o f f i c e .

ROLLER SKATINGE v e ry E v eu in sr 7 ; . ,0 to 11 P . M . a t t l ie


A F T E R N O O N S E S S IO N SS a t. ■■ S tin . a n d S c h o o l H o lid a y s , 1 :0 0 to 4 :3 0

W e d n e s d a y s 3 :0 0 to 5 :3 0 .

“ F A M IL Y N IG H T ” E v e ry T u e s d u y E ve.$ 1 .0 0 p e r fa m ily , s k a te s in c lu d e d .

R acim .f T e a m - • D a n c e a n d F ig u re s C lu b s .

ATTENTION Churches - Schools - ClubsW e h a v e o u r o w n b u s a n d h a v e a “ P a c k a g e "

P u r ty d e a l w h e re we w ill t r a n s p o r t y o u r o riia ii- i/ .a tin n to th e A r e n a - - s h o w th e m a w o n d e r fu l tim e ju s t fo r th e p r ic e o f th e a d m is s io n . C u ll K E an s lu .tr!’ 0 -0 5 4 5 u n d h o o k a h its r id e - s k a l ini; p a r ly now .

S p e c ia l S h o e S k a te S a le lo r O c to b e r —--C.Tiit-.*j/<> S h o e S k a te s $13.1)5 w ilh a 0 0 -d a y i ju n rn n lc c .

P ro le ., s io n a I in s tru c t io n s in i’ ll p h a s e s o f s k a t ­in g .


1 .. ROBERT ntAHCIS • MAV WKHN c/dHltCHHltOUW • i S ‘mmmJmo.

'•IDA':. MONDAY, TUFJSDAY Oct. 3-4-5Continuous Sunday Dooir. Open 1:3(! P.M.

f ' U fletjiris Where " tc f l Otfi , • *ft&O i —

'XT V/i.LK V/KL’ Cotilit*. i

n m u s a t .alujdyy I)oors Opm lt^O J’.M

Oct, 7 io 9

,jf SGT.iOC FniDAYtn tN First Feature-Lengtli Production of

W M M & M E tmI .....-...... il--. Wmm«h ranoo.,..l'3v’,|BpN A L E X A N D E R ^ W A R M g W C Q L QW ]n Uhicor IrurtK jmifn i, - ^ v nn;! wifi i. Biiau ama/ik ii. im.im

.1- 'ir t jn V tir-S-m\ \\//i

^ _ r M ^ f i i

„7a J5? ! 5§*,'if?> i'V 'p - n J yX?

'Rd'Ik&'fefbls '

'Sparkl By iargf1 K tm n sb u rR F 'd l l - a c k H t S t a i In \ V in O v e i B u m ;

' " P ^ s r i s Ltctp VW wjHnil


Dj*,. LuiJ ’/, ol Ksutsbii 14 101,a i f j a;bim«*i, if it* * io n [c^m<“>app i W iden tiu b i i V eM dm ?'1 {<yi.hant.k ; ( U t j l f t tiUS « ,.!'i CVO/llC l 1 . I ' ln V g U /.' nonvm eLlK dl (I VA tu l'’ d» ll LFdJPp I .B (in& H im i.l l ! ‘- orem.iB p ic k . g.umr< A w n pa/ I W f ’ w o i «iWfHin(» i.;

• ton pi tu ii- ,i' Lneoa: e vb I 15 | dqndlrtip -■eni'VU i m (u in r l i . ' h e li’ftw UPr M r i l l ' l l , wm Red B in 1 t'athft ) ifd tfjiicoduwu , [ ,GA.tf.ift *em,vm'c.c» 1 n f ih c

h nn Rsnibis On '.he 'm um I" , r® a :,,,[ » .. « .« . on r u , g , , ; , " ; ; . ;

3X «iV , »,i ii",, rjlvi»»*iKcdnsmi’A h 1 R'd K-h "d 1111 ‘ Lt)lS<"L , taucJ’d 'n n !

FHiitv in. iho •-n'f.tid period L y j f t ' usM’ sm fd v ’-i u ofl re-

r icpvui' u L P ’.-V-e.e uu U .i Re a Tlni-it.ly j ia n d ‘ Pi u|' m u o f k i tu ltv

, L a in d ” JJiduorl ill' t'l 5nU4? HVhim 1 lit*! 'V'-d t)« ' .’fieri nne>j)aS^ i^ri • re* n !” roniP)elP

’ pick <li,iV' nm ‘7,1 ’Hpyrd n]

oVfcr pte soj m anure Mroi uoftr/- . ;Vns- g flju jra iliu ed -t l'i nu Die W (u irtjP L o „ u s tite r ete^eti uMinoi&icci, I B nuvu fpy

- 7141? In U k rcn unc a c u e , H ^ »

j«!«& ,ftF "a i“ " 7 ' V ^ ' m u $ M Longbtjeei; .iCiWii MS'fyf f ''.p )fiu» snup pjancjltupX V w Jtjfo punt ,1 ’ infinon JCe ■\ gU ison -faired. tlm k rk t n ) p 1|5C''V ed oft to Ji’KSft Hu i'i in just ke-'" ' ■4i |nU linn r H i i i i u j i ’Bkicd ihe£- v . l ! un ii CH-t-y Olid n i l ! PPW'-nrl bpeaiod II and onD’ Geori D’u

'P iifh to Dir- go *1 and t ic t lw d ]

K e / 'M & I C h u ic h

'B p w l i n g L e a g u e .

\ . ■■■■ 6.CUS. i l ■ ■! r ;' i[{i)yn<ii-l I(e lt irn ied ..|2 i.-••■■■-'■■ mu


• 175 ;;': 1-iSiw

;: .|i;./

m u

.C.illlwouil F li i : (.0 .

123 135­111 i 20

. ia;i




p f . Ahiers- [■fV,'Stringer jxt..vScnoltii . C ^>itsu-i|J K U 'l J MoO l! Vv

17-1l i

'n m &.

K .e a n sb u rg L a ti ie s -

[Explorer Scoufs Caaip’

Jin N 'yorfe.iSiate-i

t . > ........ - .-,v“—

H ill i|)UvjP“n ’ M" I > ia 1 1 in I »t/l c dpi go 33Ht S5^S-5: *-.I'cmec.tiS.s','. .-■jKDOr.i.uSao


li' , . . ............................ ..*4‘i 1 [_Momda> Nifchfc L eague j1SH . ■ " ~ : ~ ~ ~ ’ ' ■

Ssnokcv Io<"s |i!no- - , hp •.

Ptl \^r* j1 » t i i- a 0

rw \

f *i T!

m i i X t . y t ii

i'ki'.vjion Jui'c

_ ; D . .loiinc.on - 1 J. Aouysb


; -; - ■ '.y VouncaiSkl' 3 laphlB.

-Vifl.i.jjj. jviummu1ft] .} j j . ,Qut.)veui

' Xv vv. J/.cir.r/iU

t a i l



Isuiircw ( oiiiti'i'autiou (D■157.124tat.181.122.

108 l? t

U l124U 2124.

'” 1 Uflp

3U t .iu .ln sia|itit.l (2)W OWSP‘T , B<lkl-| t C G e ijip B Rotjliiton nt Duncan

. 148 l-ll ICO 207 147




173141)13522in o

8‘)3 852 a nMatuwan Molnortlst ( li

•145 2(54167Oi U

.142 - 20



'• ,.St 4 Boeai t H . lic roy C.-Botfarl.


1 tt'e'd B ink r a i l ol put on ''Only cusf-ime 1 -conns dDvt* m

the t)|lld bi 4i i 5.t T-k ing o-.cr L jp ldflu lo i‘- -.on.chfd to tho | f id lidilP tr '4 n l i ' 7 , o.fci<oni-

,H . W a llin s

■ ■ 637 855

Joint’s Methodist 42) 157 133

• 141, . / ilil ■;". 130 144150 / 148 :

: 125 125

m172 1.00 126 .153 : 20




’ :p lled ntost 01 lue punt.h db iiu jt lhe dt }vr und *t -viis lie wno WGUt p in i'iP '' the 'Ice lm the toW idow n Three tunes the

, Due?, held on Uu .) own sU men *Unc Tjcfou* La\i,cy nuisciefi Ju& way ovt 1

, Coii-’h Joe-TJolpor, of the Cu h jt-s, calif-} mi only Ipvi hnc r'hnl?siitnti7ii'i fdl aftemoon Orje J t th.Uf) -.af! John B am b iic k . ic f i Kb-WO’ i . ‘D i-s>a>d anu 8,1

1 iQthm- Joe r o t 1 ell ol M atawan, a-, t e n l i i r u n id • ' a '•PH1'o-

- inoi'c ,. a n d . he m a d e hn’. na.l toduty in un uiip nnS name cspe- rja l|\ nuie voituy

Th( 2 line bi-lwrrn RPd : r-ijjl) nh's two schouls, v, % . • witness­

ed‘bv Itou fm 'i Next on the.1 ,^k.i, ; . * t - . . . -cna-n .finVlG"-

. ^ I ' m V S l under the ngrl- ft ih i B o iiiljo is stadium Sayi c i 'l ie >Vjs lmpiesmve <n

. ti),- oucnni- - Sutnrday . against .Lakewood, warning . W-6. pve> a, "Finer cicvoii that h-nl been .’.?t-ed a power, in pvctSukm m cnlcu-

• - XPunArria sat of? °P >v ,-9n> ..foot Saturday, against. Fnpce .

ton Bieli- tak in g .» 27-5 tiounp- '•-u'. HViwev.u-. ih i; .scnii: aid not tfu ly picture 1 h i l l n i ^ o l Dm

"Eanic as lhe tuons outuis|ied thejt fota getting 10 f is r lownsto SIX. ■ . , . ,

• iu ihe tint; Ot N lf fO1’ward pas-, Mhs tm causf of Beo

, nardo’s . . noiC iii. Passes corn : pletert ijiRmnst. the , int.-p.m (enc oil tW n d e is i i lhc lm n outk

' fit-Id • acoreri une L k lle , T ige i ■.-•touchdown.- and lco to anothti-

f.liriwnodB . Ciardcila D . Downey - S- Gui.st!B j,O lilsti. .A K postil.J , K p iv im7 Raf.M

79c M .Viiioci) i l l

15!) 150

10i l.lfi ; • 167 1 ' 143 4 801 r B816 !-M'1 £1

D. Kenner

i.itia--'illidiKBalu . Cassonn w hr a.

121 jHundican

lu l 101 IEm Dfl J'17lDU 109 - Iffi11 fi 143 180

fi29 1ST 080lliqi';a n t (3)

M? 154 UV2d) Uf. 182l l 127 170

143 1285 6

8.5 t15. i5iUirruh»3§;

.Uahronburp.iaji h* iniLd 1 (2, 1 u 1bnevrane. HuJyiprnson jo)Met>ie:sr irtuHf.’MWUrX •

■ Ut/.V 5> \ u OfjfS •

A .d irau d tic J : M o u n to H i Sslf3 I n 1 9 5 5

;F o u r F ro a r- A r e a S i a n S tu d ie s A t R u tg e r s


?,J '! - >j( . ' I ■ > ,11- {' } X;oy.out;. w ill m o .c un A'diti'indacit ’tin Mountain «unr> for • next smr.. :h«. mer.s cainnmc- nruai' Mn. u. wn... - pf. anno-a’icen a', in r anai'ii c l ril-:rip

• • • . i-cclors o f. Monmomn- • CIivjii/.'. m i■■’’l .Buy ;i , nrit..I),ie1 ’ l’i Ii ! A I' 1 1 1 ( , 1 <i 1 I-"Si-,. Dunnlil .jll.:.!.::- . lie u iiiiij4a PrcaiiK-nl

h 'i ii o’ h 1 fci

837 830U n ­til

I t’! \ I . 'avo sonic


200 . 13;. 160 134

0,4 524

14(1162 |D-,

145 A

ManiURt’s- (’l.uiriuauy ii.)

. . 854 838Ali-Broi W .iD div iiilu iig (21

Jnlin.sou JftCOhSi;!! f ln am

ll |, tl 74 j ] lliinm n’U’.

UD 150 152 I ill


m htt1.

108-1 p

IlJiirhshliiH-i! S |iiirling Goml.- Ill: : rto.oui.s um, ioc llui.se s i 3 b 3 ( 1 3 . j 3 . ) , i . l m i r . J : ,5 si r l 1

■ Aimiacfc. 13a 12a 126; I ln- cu.mnr.iiii)i:i)|j'.'y 1 : 14.1 13o . , vel 1000 a c r s ’;Di'ofii. ?.0l Us Utf iiam oountr’y.N calis Uir. 100 :Mn >1

--- — — ---- 1 hours driveJl , Countv ana w: 1, lu lhc _Ctl'j.vcv;.

777 70S

W- Tooir.er F Galetti7 BeiiPtD Lou Moi-hao L e m Morlalo M Doth tno

109 SG7 172

. 167. 131

16j 144 I 58:1Mul-Ko.v lti-<

766<!!!ffuoi)(l i l l l l

C. Vfttes G : K.anrs j . Kenner J. King E s ’Mnlkow F , Swan





i f101


140 J- Jtnhi yjn !.L. -BrOCK • . j j l I-L. TvTw.>.-ti.‘1 Itt3-vma.11 -tl,, B DDn

_ iH iln d lc n p

758 • '. , ' '

: 354 137


777 796 710Sclianok's Fm il Oil I I I

703 663 .-. 756Cvtiivemauv Lutheran 11

•Ar Bcalzn .179 . 198 171‘O Boi : 98 .109 • 93F Bops 117 117 108I Hoplei 12.4 158 128J, Hoplet . 153 ■140 154H i ndicap 39 29 '5Q

- -'-I ,"'-V .i*h'.:. ' 700 749 712M ^tguan I'ic shy (e i lan (1)

A }lemjc-i .-.pn 116 113 142C aa lloway 116 94 USBlind 125 125 125-S.' ‘RlUenhouse 109 107 180A .jH ftll , 183 1 (0

J ! i, 709 069 743Calvary Mct}iodIst (2) -

W P fililipp .1 1 3 . 140 u aG. A ijm ack 1 165 13J 186G J5)ll?oi) 105 120 139Blind 125 .I F»»ketle 143 152 141S W o iw lrk 128 - 135Handicap , , /: ". 37 25 25

687 : 694


Keyport; Baptist (1)Algor 100 1)2 132KOiiUi . 176 • 135 153Robinson .177 120 179Meciwick 162 113 142DIBlnse . 187 142 158

302 622 764

D . SpencerE , Lyons . W . Lewis L . Sennek G . Post,


: 784.Old M ilt Dairy

E ; Lawtop : IJ-: Davino B .P ry f i i'J . Rosal.o f l Ross A . LoSapui






733 954W a lling 's M arket (1)

H .L a u g h lln Or Telchei'W ,. .MacLennan E . 1 M alle j' VanNortw iek N i Lnugh lln


153 90

145 ■ 182­130








: ; h ■...: : . 733

Anchor Inu V . Young 132A . Kapushy 156S. Kapushy 122J. Mazurowski 17.)W . Yankoskl 145E . L iunbo . .

708 771(21


101U l1<08

73Ki.iiiiHhitru New:

L .' Wolf L . Beyer. T . Giles G . Slave; Handicap

■ C.auMln’s 7E . •'V8nNortwli.ilF . F riu ik lm ,1. O lallR . Riclimom! Hp,!n:l:i:ap



L llli

133 143 ,i -ta. I' 2: .5-.

578 •IS) 153 176

, 134 KiLl

8 :

180 ,r 1*4 r 159.,.2 1 . ' : | The stannings:ujg | Dona Id's Coniraetoi-s

b . bnhrenbm-g's a-lkt 133 ismokcv Joe's . j j 4 ;|K 5‘ttus Esso -station J-.,} i-aiat-KRV fleci-oiiUon Id j i hnisiirihuiwn sporting .

in- vou 1 1


■.'JUl-ltF'( i» 1 Mn T :A inoi.'.'.l'

luc-nUm \icui' 1 II ' 1 1 >|1

; ; 01:1 i\-liin;nouln • I I UP! , (

v 11:e N . x ..

victmt:/ imvi: - ;;;- | l ; < ’ i i i ' i Ulvia:;:; t r H lJi t

U 1 ■ C I O L J

, r t‘ . U l ” „ n u ■' u

* 1 n• ” t . i j

' i 1 . ’ d c c 1

4o ah n c '. fit and (RpfeM’ r a , l .'.t .-n * l” '. chrfwodd’Ut 1 1 if-' 1 i W iilm rr. f E ‘ 4-“ 3- ,> f ’"-. , ‘j0 1* D 1, MatR-n, ■” i i - l in m P i- i .OV; 241 *’ n ' > t Th.ion Uf-tich '

l l l l <’ t * 11 f piesefit pve. y oounl! m ne.vV. jni'sev. and,. ri3 ‘av 'r - ti 1*' Ue 1 11 100 vetei- ”1 - u i 1 1 c > , i p w n i r k ,

' 1 liiiu-ied . a ween s orientation ::t. j1 - 1 ’ ‘oc ue hp-.nn ban-1, '<11 ) 1 e ‘IU Commons

1.10 s ou ■need sh ln p in g vsaBhvKer j:u if ’.,:7 Our job prmlmg- ,de--.,,'1 I'pe’ 1 U | ( .i.ueo *0 supply ‘ ' j u mens vi shoit iiotlce, at o ,r - ‘hai t-d) plc-.ipo ypp ’v

588 1


M a t-K e y M ix e d S u n d a y N ig h t L e a g u e

u s ; if'S li;

628 629rm-kiii ini

177 163-

iUat-Kar- Jico. (3.-IS. Sohwnrz m3 10-i

180 | f ,i . Gum tier ' 105 132...fliC . Schwarz U0 181

— -t:|t . Dovlno 173 .160®JQ liHoiulicup 0 5



117; 15­135





R ichard'R . Krueger A, Bowne L . Uric.kler D. Helnke

I I . IjR. Karl- , ■ i l Scott M . M u llio im J. Groot -. Handicap

605 538 560-jllu lly iv i.f.d Mkt. (2)

.lim bCnr.awlck l-'errura K enner f Lu d wick

621 0s2 049Bill- (111

103 164 123

11 .Scout, oniiivur.auon nv i.hi> -c 1) 1 prcsiacnt ct t he. ii-.lcrjiiiLiori:.;.1 iPnoer Co. nt Uienn Fniix . K , Y ,|2 ;-rhe O iovcrsvillc Couned or Boy/i3 I scouts has. invited Licpiorcfs 1 3 Trom Monmouin . i ’onni.v u. w

:thc f.’.cibiir-is. - , • : j

•I Fred -Uillett. S cou t lsxcct;- i lave of Monmoutli Coni’cii.-' Bov! Scouts of America. ItiKiiectctl; Use sitc-Ams snm nipr ; There- is-! 1 aO-acrS natural siirinp-ft’ti lake |

. -urrounded by lu g r .. nioinuiun.s ! j-,a |,'ium lng up. to : ’ ,100 !nei nhovc ;1 sea level, s in ounces plus a j 8’ |lnrec hunting' lodge are on tne: L s l le w itli excellent lent caunM

;m g ureas 011 i-.iinor side ol ih e !former.!-, poci.ian !

ummm m o d e l m m s '

R E A D Y m I M M E D I A T E O C C U P A N C Y .

s e e m m m m i b u y i n g '


.138 L o w e r . M a in S t. : M ata iv& n) olenhojK* MAiowan . 1-) 993’ : r-1


IB 1 Uf) 150






D 4!? 144! *.

o94hee l.in s Bur

K rueger-.Burnshiuiincr

Seoll’s (1)





lake. M r. . B lile lt wns |Seoul. ElxeenUvc m loi New York o in le


»Jjc ! J.rving Feist, fehwysbni v . .- »■• pij'mciT ibei- 01 be lli MomnouU i; ] jjg : Council and tnn Regional • fcxec-i luLve • Committee lu r tne swros.

UjlJnl New York and jNuw Jorsev.i 1 w ll! make the fina l arrange -1 i meats at the ROMlonul Moctine I132 m Albany. N . 7 .. on Oct. 23 andit

100 ISO .142 168 - 7

J 26 114 131 I U0

H.. - ; - • binWusscrnian A-




. Cl. IS...... . 6 )7 , 626

- Buhrenliurg’s Mkt.

145 1 fi4i B(j I T hr Exp lorer nn inn im . u l ! ,j3 ■ Monmouth Council Bov- Scout?-!

_ ■ ul America Is far vnnr.a men' '677114 yeurs 'n*e ana o it lo r' and i

Keyport Automotive Parts c»-16 W e s t T h i r d S t r e e t : . -

B e tw e e n I5t-o a d a n d M ain. S t r e e ts /


P a n sT o o ls

M a c h in e S h o p

S e rv ic e '

* -




r. J ' ,F’1 41


t1 * „

A ccessories

-Telephone KEypoi-t 7-1380

G. Jackwicz B lindI I . I ’uglisi A. HamaUI Hundicap

Buy v ft rv I ’ri.-sbyterlap (2)Olsen Sutton Eank.s ; Sch’.vnlil , Kelley Handicap





. B ii SR2 T|n- standings: .

Buvvlcw Presbyterian Matawan Baptist Gethsemane Lutheran Heb’i’w Congiepation

Ma ta wan-Keyport Merchants League

Grate's Beverages (2)CarboneTropeaMontesiinoFruncisconlCicnove.se


'’htoroaptions. ol. Lcomuop pu-’S; i ^ provWed ,llie othoi tw o , Tw*>|si. .John’s Methodist baysh'it-fi hfivs, Ed Blbnud W i« '|jta law an Presbyterian .pon,C lB j.stn ian , scored the Lion (Keyport Baptist • toii^hdiswn :t)b . a pnss p lay 111 iM atowan Methodist.

'/ijie'lMffiflJn'if.-jninutos o l D'0 ttnmo. j.iceyport Reformed 1‘ ;/4-Jr--:--:---- ' " ICnlvary Methodist

i M any Io P artic ip a te Irt W jn tc r F arm Show

M c .i; D un 590 rura l young people .v(ill participate in aeliv-

"gjlbs scheduled Ior the New Ju - spv’ Mid-Atlantic Farm Straw m j- 'Atlantic City's Coiiventlnn HaU|'-- JJco. 4 .through 8 , .accord ing toiJJ

(ClepmHt 3 , L ew is , i r . . general R

^F M A h re k .in whje lrtlie 4-H Club IH ' and' Ful.uvc- Fprrnors of Amer- |ca'mejnbeiT ,. w ill take purl, in-j elude /a‘‘'fashion . revue, cnural presentaUon. haby beef show aiul sale -ookho/. contest and

grad ing nnd tapple pucl.lng coniesUi.i

Nearly JO'l boys and girls nre now 1 it>ing steers .which they Jiuve raised n s 4-H. projects iu hope of eapmi bia a yi'ilnd chain plonslnp ut tl".- Farm 'Show . F o l­low ing lhe .nidplHF the steers w ill lie sold at, ni-.oUon, Tho 1053 bully beef sale brought- the With- esl ■ aveiv.ec price ever paid at

' these 4-H sale,s.V/'Lai'ge'il parlle lpation in nu.ni- hers w ill In- Uu: 4-H chorus-, w ill!400 young vuJ.-e.s M ew ling for un ouls lnu iiiup program ' of mu

728 851Kdgan's B ar (I)




169 137204 Pet o’:172 IS, Helv.'ig 144 I B lind

1 ivl. Houriihi'.n1) 17 - M . K ow ln ip

; Handicap 1061



527 him (0) ■ :

116 116

J .. .P ieper. .V . Bahrerihuriv Jl. Pinner liu h in n n u rs




U2 117 : 1511 101

581 595Bayshoie Ntationory lOi

Jacobson Benton Benton

> JucoDscn

Inc. (31 123 111

b 40 u261 Handicap



109 Uf 133 159






1.14 : ri4f. 1)80 O.ai14112?15024


Fif/.gciaid 's Green Acres i.li

870 802Consulidatud F lie ls (2)

157 P . Moore - 177

145 L . Bellezza 127 158

162 J. Fesce 9215 S. Bellezza 162 175

■J. Fecher ■ 221 187

724 H . Hubei 152

w . L W Johnson - 158

5 1 --- ---4 0 779 828

4 2 Burlcw’s Restaurant (11

3 3 J. Bodzlak 207 194

3 3 C. Novotnv Iba nu

3 3 ID . Penvo 169 .205

2 4 A . Skislftk 176 179V 4 J. Pep 1812 4 C. Gerun. 137

4 N . Manclnl

,888 825Hoffptan's Liquor Store (0)

' 121 . . .


L . Churchman J. Cox

•G .-Yaeger. j ’ G . Yacger, .r.r'

1791C. D llfjer 181 'D . C lark

W . D llge r

154122U 8126


702 842 834(Iifi'wood Angels (1)



041 746O .K . Sales ft Service (11

E . B illla '■ 151 108f l. Thomas 169 144A. PlZZI 101W Monseos 154 163A. DlGl'bnt'.l.stn 100 190O. D iG i'bnttista 169A. MuilncouicoN. Bruce



T . Harnett P . Clugston N . Strnniero W , Owens A .'He llett!









154 107








a00 606

17(1 :M , Ross 118 .11. Pryor 24|B . Pryor

— • 11 and !)9J1 . . .



The .standings;Lcum1 Restaurant 7Mnrm ird s Pharmacy 6Keansburg News 6Keyport Rec. oR ichard's Hollywood »PetH's, Inc. 5Mat-Key. Rec. 4I I . L . Scott's 4Gentile s Mkt. 2H . Wusscnnan & Son 1

W U7 2

3 3

606 n09

Hollvivoud .-service (Jl T. Giles

, Gin Arnold /J. Giles ,G . Arnnld



676 G40LiiAare's .-shoes iOi


027Mat-Key Ree,

S. Lauro i ,1, Szyszlo

.vpi i'erl"i- In 'ide ln vim ile forri I) nn: ! lit-

slce.l V i . - v m

g illsiiuve Ject;w h ir l, Ih-y Vlent."

F h ia 'ir ! .: I ’.Jl} cimli.ni pure llieJr 1-v sl mn- ui I ' m

Fl-'A iiiivnlu-i n - . ' e r . l l e i l l l e

grilih in : . ' . m l

The fashion ' liiore thiin 75r-lullhRK they 1 I I Club pro- • year nml for ruled "excel-

"in. five rculuna! eoliteshs w ill pre m ill.' hisl.es on Ihe e.i-nli'jn Hall und ; v.dl comne.te in

Ms. including etT.; 1 1 ’ i ' h- . p t i c l : | t i ( i ,

F n jn v one id' A im 'i'lcn’s nveut freedom: . Am ml lhu chui-i-li ot yudr i-liuiec iiiiii weenemi.

795 824Jag s Sport Goods (1)

Ff:rruno 144 192Rogers 147 202Freeman 151 218Fcrm ni 104 19!)D illon 203 184

309 995Frank's Barber Shop (

j . Murphy 170 180J. Hostile 192 197T . Sdllys H9 193M DevlliO 185 111M Mu cl UR 171 185

873 926l ( : i | ) u l l : i ’s Mnrkel (31

F . R u pot 1 ii 107\T. Cox 202 11101’. lhirniBSo 139A, Tomusello 181 1241C. Jhirlenr.ik 104 212W . Tm h im 140K . niirkt* 140

853 898



DellnPletro 1811T. Ntippl

, ' j . D ii vino 171 152 |li)0 | j | u. standhigs:I 98! BurJew’s Restaurant •5 1 !Rnpollu 's Market

'F rank 's Barber Shop8®4 Id lffw ood Ainooo

1 'Jag 's Sport Goodn 101 ICnite 's Bevernge.s 15-’ | Coii.solldntcd Fuels 1801 Old M ill Dairy UUachnnek'.s Fuel Oil HU I Chfl woud Iim

|Mat Key Rec.913 .all Bi-'g, Woodworking

Anchor Inn Henan's Tavern O. K . .Sales ft Service C lifiwood Angela

. . . W a llin g 's Market 192 M ft G Ti'iumpurLliUon IM (Chitwood F ire Co,. , j Iim 'fm un’i, Liquor Slore

M ataw an-K eyportR ecreation

,T . Knnm L . Wolf

IT . Wolf -J. Knnm ! Itamhcnni

142 127 105

. 177






in 3 114 1311 177

Sept, 21

‘. 6i3 udtl 584

Oswald's Seal anil Mkt. i l )Donald's t iin lrae lor

J. Bodzmk 171)D. Novotny 125J. Palkovlc .s 153B. Giu-della vnB. P n u l s e n 161C. N ov o tn yF. R ap o l la

Miil-Ke.v"7:22 ’Iter. II

A. Bellc-Hl 1 nilM. D e v mo 162M. Ccx 163F. D ev lno J HUJ . D av ino 157

7 ill!Kraus Ksso Slalion

N. Kraus 172P. Dl.tf4slr.in 155J. Bi aim llllE . Bi.-ehloldl 115R. II rami 157




ivlorrisun209 C. Morn.snn . ..."U. H.'U'i’iS 201 B. l lm ri.-i

. . . H a n d i c a p 234 ,10 1 ;

, i\f. jv- v . Wilsnn



aw Smith

172 i t>« ii.il \M::)’iH91

‘ 11 IHj 121 i ur,lull■‘.VA


:F barf’ulov;SrnDh

i i-i 5 025M . Kiiielrii? i l )

128 ) 1 fiV2V. J «7

mn1 Ii7



172 137 184 .

'I’hr sl*iinIiiiLrs:I ri'./.ii'oriild’.s Giclmi AcY?

"hum :OswhIU’s ric.Jood M k l. “8#;Mat-Key Rec.I ^ ' c . E . Bahrenlmn'/.s Mkt j.„ j Keelan's Bnr |L : Ho lb v'nof! .Servire

1. .Zi i *1 '.* Hlmf.-a Al. ft M . Electric

. . . . . i J im ’s lia r 742 Hay.ehure .Stationery




638 573 W I.(I 1

157 151 ’163 i

G !>0 :jr, 4 15 4fl 4 ;■1 D i■I 51 0


7241 Have you read the cluasllled ik IhV .......... iinn,iMiitiiMM,iimM.niiMiiiM,M.i,H, I

FRANK VAN SYCKIES, Inc.m a | | R E C O N D I T I O N E DF A L LClearanceOf - T R U C K S

The Greatest Safe Of USED CARS and TRUCKS Ever S ta g e d by F ra n k Van Syckle, Inc. — Domt Wait! They'll Go

Fast At These

8 B i g T r u c k S P E C I A L S !

’46 D O D G EVa Ton

'50 D O D G EV2 Ton

’52 D O D G E3-Ton TRA CTO R


* 3 5 0


* 7 4 5

S tra igh t An- Brake*

* 2 9 9 5

49 DODGE■/,| T o n E x p re s s

* 6 9 5

DODGE2 -T o n 14 ft. V a n B o d y


"TRAILERH e r e ’s A

Bit; S p e c ia l !

’53 DODGEV2 T o n P A N E L



B U Y S !

Used Car Bargains (ialore- L O W B A N K K A T E S -

Y o u ’ll F in d T e rr if ic U sed C u r a iu l f i t i t k V c.hu-s D u r in g T h is A nnual G ig an tic . F a l l C le a ra n c e A l O u r L a u re n c e H a r b o r L o t o r P e r th Am boy ( H e a d q u a r t e r s ) . C o n v e n ie n t T e rm s A n n u i te d .mkm ym s y c k le , inc.

fSuIliu/huTi )'.!( Jury -’>■ .I'1

H ig h w a y 35 al tin.

15 ') N ew

F R A N K . G A B R IE L , M i;r

T ra i l ir ! . i ; ;h t . L n u rc n e e

B rim sv /ie h A v

il .o r , T e l. iVIA 1 -4695

T e l. V A lle y ii-05 !)], P e r th A m b o y

O P E N D A IL Y F R O M !i A .M . to 10 P .M .

JlkMMikmB ,5SKfeoled At Academy1,1

Y f t o n ia s R ic h e y I t *-’! / -E a rn e d O fficer A t

KAugs Point, N. Y.TdKiitolpmai) Thomqs (S

■•>;«■j A lf - -osvrf ,'-.\.fvrt \ i

wyyyBMM>**Y*v »niSCpllfffK?9 yOT<i|iiyFCCr ^T ivkfW* jSRCT.1 "It1?i wwimilitw

-I m M ATA W A N H 'A W A N W, J .iHMiKMinuuiuo.w'i*:

raifciity, v .u a ol M and Mu*.'.,, r 5J(ftils V i i t i . ei Bok “oh, LkiyU;j|g£t«& Msjtawath has beta p*»? 1 •vjuetod to an o fn .o it ir u by iW "

-, flyjMsriBtrnUeot at i-w L1: :y :d


i&&& km Men and Women inlfcf!


! County Heart

Group Elects

1 ^

T H U R SD A Y . S E P i EM BER 30, 195*MSS!WrtSS52J! t£5 W6W?!P;


K e y p o r t W o m a n Js N a m e d S e c r e ta r y , O n B o a r d O f .T r u s te e s

' v ' * 4 , ■ >i

." A Ku)Mori, woman 'was nam­ed, secretnry; of tbe Moamdttlli County Hatsi't Association a t its an imal .m eeting a t 1,FOkin Kps-, pita! F riday . D f. Paul K . Boi'ft- ctfln. o ' Asburv P ark , was n*m«

Aviation Cailct Patoi; A..JJU)).«| Frederick Enw rsnu . of Grant. U'-tl president lo suc.ceet»-D.v. Har-

groduated .fr.on».^«;.3ji-w?e)f.pr»-|at-.. M atawan : was graduated :0lJ, Freehold,ir ia ry -.observer, itratata* ■ course >.. . . • ■ r i ,,fJlM'<i U r . A llie d R,-Henaci-sun, o fat H arlingen H r Fo ice Bate, ln‘>l wrfJ,: u,1‘ IU 1 tlU p A dm ’ P utt lake's I>s h o 'nT e r ' on Sopl ‘52 .-••He'ba? beenlCoiiatructtun- couise . one of tt.e |Stoui:s place as vice president,sent to-’-James: Connally A FB .i many courses- offered, at f i ; , ’! Others named are M is . Julian

■Graduate*. In Te*»s. j • b m a n o u .. Graduated' " I Frederics Jsivier’swi,

1st-.. M atuwan. was graduated j rom'.'thc -Pule Line !

It e k ; forJ.6? weeks.: tvf■■ advanced, isdutiieastcra S i k n a l -School, i-rllnfc; Rumson. treasurer; May- jobserver t r a i n i n g . r ; . <-;01.(i0., o a He'-is I 'm* i01 -KatbaiL .t K)ka;> White. Red1 im . com C r *"3 ° \ , , * 1, «.mi r i n i m n u v f U c o o n t p t

anri.su,, o l M l , M H U P uk-I t ( u . i es M r r,’U.ctenc< Hlifi-

lonri U itfc-m-rrt in the A ir V ojvgi G J iih l Sv« Wat-Awan. jkcr. Ku.vport. sccretm-v, nndtondjicutom m t A ir Jou-e ^ Lm| eo .1H , , U j„ | . , 4 _ k m ! F io n g im g m«-ou-

Course, wntch is eight weeks in jiivo director Mrs. Hilt'iker islena tn , .ira ius selected -.enlisted j„ m ed ica l secretary at Mon-lmen to construct, .mu.main and jmouth Meniorlu l Hospital. . . rch-oDilltale open -wlvo, .ouolo ; Hs-pleeted to liie Poavrt of irus-and -field- wire cQmmtutlenllmis |leo:s Were 'U r . Bovnstein, , 'Ed-’ systems.- ■- - Hvurd C. Brocge, -Belmar. Pr,'

'-I,,ge^lhlii*'-''"-'-.--- '-i - DuruiB his lralmi)B,-I',vt. -ISm- ir.corae- Sheehan.- Red Bank, ’’•••-Jo'deph" .'Ar.liaVtgne','''seaman;) tdav*?- icccttt.d-a. tecinuca) t Ju ,vr ,., . in liiti-!.. Narr.t-d as newTJSN ‘ =bn ;of M r "nii M rs ‘ -R--j cation worth ..thousands. ot ctoi- l1TK!inbc*rfi. were .Mrs. H ilf ik e i, K , ‘nuck im M cT , of 36 Th ird St ,U«1- He t i l l no a h« l o a s s l f 1 h , . G iln , s x n lf .l« .!rn , Jo-Keyppvti ahoafd the-.-am ph ib ious |c(l i° an acttic, unit ot Un. u b . .Be,,h K u lish . Long B ianch , and.j

v - ,R e s e rv e , and wUf,:receive i'M :.f;iiv/inKN and the ratmg ,»f nn .ah i

j i- ^ lc r a f f , Posen ei '•* % d He is the son of M r.-and Mrs.

' 'O fo tg r A Lunn o? Scotch P la ins, form erly of Hazlet.

W < m A i u c m :v JStfjiB»e8itsMe*hiMinV.-Marine, Acnd‘-

RliUiS Point, N V On ifl,treco rfm i'iidation of tne Com ^ ‘jjth a n d Hofti t r l f i , Academy

liie ’-Vas iippou.ted CudPt Mld- |S?5Shipman -wilh liie iank pf 3 leu- -’’H'-’-,tpyianf ,l f;- - ■ ‘11 ns ooinm;Saloh In?;e>l>‘picater, chct iho C rde l M'dahlp- ^ r- t rs n Inis don’onsl nted oxecp -t • tlonal ttlnl’fy am i ovei all apti- l ) vtwfe in hotu stinties and lcndei - j " ' " ‘V

iih lp ar the Aem -m v file i.rw 1 inandci fi .'{duties as company sub com

g a n d e r , consist of aiding the M®%WR»»*kny> commander.••• m main- '--&pttt ln ii* the h igh w anda id of % % « IU ta iy ‘ hem In.1, conduct, and “p* ■“ jS^ipltno of f‘iJ1)i‘oj<.m.’tPly isp:

en in hta coinnmnri jad e i ■ M .dshipmon , H ickeyswgt’atsuuted !-• from . Ruiptioh

igfi sohool h, the CIrss of ’lBSl.;«!,|vyas‘ appounad lo Uie United ItftltifeftMei'ciuint iMarine fchdei- jpi’jSs'in-Umt: same. year,. 'Upon ompletion' of his basic ,r;oiirse.>), ndet M tdshipman: H ickey spent;

hia second jo in st'idylnt: ami ri'de lv ing p ia tt lcn l tiaintHR a- bnard ships of t io American

ei chant Ma. hie Urn m g this >gr at sea, lie visited Eng land , apce .i'ae rm nny and Ire land .'

fo rce ' flagship US3 Estes, re pently arrived m louo-Cliina tp participate, tu ‘-'Operation Itu- m an ila rm u .” Tne operation is thc mass evacuation of lpyai French and Vietnamese citizens from xommuniat-lield terrlto iy .

Largest of ils k ind in : history, the evacuation is being conduct­ed at tho request of French and Vietnamese governments by the airiphibious force anu m ilita ry sea transport service : ships of the H a w , . . . . -

Under the comm and, pf-Rear

A rmyTlw Boutnea stern 1 1

Stanton Oppenheuner, Rumson.

Bam ance H arb o r Y outh N am ed C adet C ap ta in

. Co, i iu r r v i.'. ■ HarSiam? ocui- Ui.inder uf ma Air Foret- ROTC Uei.iicnment v-1 Rutgers Uni-

M-. v ia i ly , lun; si i.ormr.ceu trie pomtmeni oi cadet officer die s tu d e n t c o rp s

Oanet .Eidward P o r r ........ . , r. . . vivd ---, .. .r . i . ufCwPtata in--the -A.F.R.O.T.C.-

Ofiicer-s in tne caaet corps arc xeaiwnsiolo for the conduct of tiis onto.ior weekiv ar il) exer­cises iicid- vvnh d ie imdercfuss- men. lh c y rvn! also have the

om peU iive : basts ..censfdcrtog'; -such factors as leaaersiup. abif-.-.i

|lty , academ ic sUr.nirv?. vruuiys t rece iver a t sum mer cuce.m iK . I men,is. a rating system smplur.- | us thc one used r,t the U .3 . .

Cli-' M ilita ry ^cAoemy at - West j Point, whereby eet-Ji Ciufi^ is

..i, I evaluated by ids ie iknv stucTcnts, ano linutly au. interview before... a Poarci of offlcets of the AFRO : TC detachment at Rutgers ." ,■ Cadet'Ron: is the son .of Mv. and M rs. E . J. V o n : s r , ■ wno , resmc at 45i> Huralm r Rd,.. Lau-?: renec Harbor.

oppovtumt-y to instnict Uie-fresh-i • , _ ■■■,-• ? ■ ■ .men and sophomore cadets in . W.-years? from ;, touuy.- « w n r ;

c-u-i-,,- i-.ITOung men and women '.vi’i be ‘ c d , ^ '.- iiu d y in g in coucne. U ie if .jwuy

mo. development oi leadership ;Jr.fd through saving NOV?.l! in subjects. U,-«. SavthB Bonds.

Appointment as an officer u ij ••C' — ---- ;------- — . .tne cadet.corps was made ou a Have vou road the classified o-dsT

P i c t u r e d a b o v e ; a r e a g r o u p o f l o c a l m e n w h o e n l i s t e d o n b c p t . 2 0 t o r . ! o u i y a c p a r a f r c o p r * r s v / u h t h e t f . S . A r m y r . t r b c u r n c : t r o o p s : . I n o / o n * i

LANDSCAPING NEWS!Largo Selcclion of Kvernrcenr at V/hcledalo Prices.

7 5 '- $ 2 - ® °

^5 Experience in ihe Lcr.dacap-’.ng Servu:c* Business,

We Guaranieo Cur .Work*

Phone E v e n i n g s After 8 p.m. MA 1-4323-M or MA 1-..179S-W




. . : . . . . ft i u u i y a t * p a » u i r o o j >t-1 * w i l l. . r . M * ,. J l l l .k 1C 1.01 ten tllftt U .tc i.! xxstecl u n d e r l h e buddy fyslem and v i h serve logelnei llv.-r.iighoui

S c h o o l . I s a c o m p i m e n t O l u l c j j , , ) h i l l s , U i u l o b l i s a t i o u s l l A C l I I r e ’ n l n a u e r i o d . T h e y w r r e s w o r n m a t X t o v . - a r l , . t l y p e o lS igna l Coi ps. train ing Center. » nocn met oi m am m oth communications - -col- orguni^ar-ioi lego, w liich su|>plles trntui.-d. s ig- isnn ia .nnl technicians to A rm y a l! over the world.

D r , 1'! 'scdiiiitu pointed out thafc orpg-niaatioifs work ha«-ex-

'onndL'c! in the Inst your w itii di- oL-t as.suuancc to patients-In-

o f 'a li money it receives. Twcn- Aids Tu F v ’ti'ii at ion |ty. per cent is, contributed to the

JoliU V. Droughtw i; raUsrman stal^ association «««* eer oent third class. USN. son of " American. Heart Assooi-and M rs . Vincont- D rousn io r, o f |n"';'d|- 134 • Washington 'St,I Keyport, i» j aboard the attack transport USS |Bavfie ld , taking - p a r t 'in the c

A dm ira l U S: Sabln, USf4, Com- j vacualion of tlm an li.com iiiuAmphibious O roup |n lst V ietnamese, refugees t o |‘• •W h im , • .

Western, R ao lfic ,aboard ,the Es- Saigon. , . , i«-omnv croup are for home nw's-tes, the evacuation involves The attack cargo vossci fcka- tou;a U » ' i i ‘3 , A

........................g it arid atuick transport Bay- >*ig vtslls ant. ta n . . t m itntsfield began the evacuation opor-|'«'« fu ' euuipmL-uv ol the ei i - j

14*:cijitc;r ai- Tvlonmouvn M u m o i i a i ;

boon met on Auk* county Ienlislmonl may be mndo Jhrough any oi the Army fiecru»hng Sialionshad a bauuico. of!located m tho post office buildings m Tied Bank- Afibury Parit, o»* Long

$20,131. , Branch,u n it i ! rj,,i0 count'-' veiuins 5n per cer>.t Top row. left fo right. Becruitino Sqt. Ficdcnr.k A. Dealt*.,-HyxoJd J.

Rakin- of Kcyoprt. Hobert W. Uftrixeli. Dona’d R. Wiliiacns. Jeremiah j J. Feliciano, all of Union B«hrh. Bottom row, Mc-rnh Bi, Harris. An* thony Pinlo. David E. Easzmond of Union Beacli.



H ighw ay 34 Matawan

m oving , feeding nnrt n icdloal enro-for hundreds of tnousancls of Vietnamese and French ref-uffoes.

Blue Ribbon Award To Garden Club RFD

Prize Given Unit For “Holmdel At Home;" Winner* At ShowA - d isp lny of the blue vihbnn

award presented toi Holmdel Garden: Club RFD by the Na-

, tional Counoil. of State QardenSpftdot’M ldship inan ' Rickey t'i1* j CKil>a for the year 1S63-S4 was .urpeirc-tu t ii” Av.,i,1cii.y in 195- (one ,, j ti10 ouvstandlni; feiilures

i — . i „ .k [)£ i,ll0 .moctlnB of the group. oivSept. 21 held rd; Fellowship Hal!,- Ho lm de l. The prize , was given the Ciub for "Holmdel At Homo" and It was reported in the new­ly issued 1954 yearbook of the Garden Club of New Jersey.

M rs . . jfuiies. Bernard , ,}y .r

L, t ?pr his find two yoms ot study . "■}. A l PVp“nnt iu 1B completing hi>,-w.:,4j[Olfttllv URd- finu l your -In lho Oa- 4 <1*1 ‘Coins, AionR w ith his ad-■ j3-’fvariced tor-hnica 1 subjects, the v .' oSdct-M iilahipman is complot ^ - ’in g ’a lib e in l academic cum pu d , h(tn nesluned to give lnm a well*i * b p n d e d cduouttono] bi ok j , lDOrtt condaoted , hf. meet 4 fg lO uhd Basirtcs fcp ac-ndemic tho f lls t 01„ ,

. n e w c ,u b y c n r v ,c v le w ?<{- - e lud ing the d , 111 team ‘-aOk *.”— '- -■ --- J —

|n- a iling

b tenm , a»4 w o il.ln g on the year­book

Upon giaduation . Cadet M id / bl-lpniuil RicheV w lii leu-lvc liis ' license as Tni id Bnemeei a ' Hacheloi , o i {Science ncg i oe,’ uiid ' canotirrent commissions as

'* ‘BnsiKn. United Stales Nava l Rc ‘pi-ivaiji'vb.'.iind K its lg ii, United btatos

M aritim e Beivloe. 5 'A-ftUiMC*-: V . J . . , -W . ‘ * , - 1 .---------------

C hanges Suggested r /F o r G am es O f Chance

‘ , The Bimio Raff'c- Cnmmis,-.;t :.i'S ioh . has vecoiveil 177 letters rffii'-oontotnlng suggesllons with ref- a»-:, eronce to tho legalised games ; of-ohanoc laws

ation in August .when snips were- . ,, .ordorni! there u l the request ,u.\“ ,V ! v nr wit-ithe French- a n o V ie tn a m e s e !n t’ Mcn.noui-h McmoUcd ,n d 61iznvi'i'iiuiGnts ' "■ livid H w iiin lf i.i . .

i- More -than 200.000'Terusues are ! D u Fl a ,iU A1-s.ch!Jl 5Ufit! expected . to be transpoiTen bo-i1*°Vod- Monnim ith Comity s>ai l • fore the end nf the operation',- -*««» mc-dlcn, p iaolice in .the

heart ile lil is In step with-theTransferred To Key West

' Robert. L . Puttison, seaman apprentice. U, S. Navy, son ol

-pest in the world. He sold the pi-actici’s 1 discussed by the top mcr, in the tleii! in tins country

M r : and-Mrs.-Boyle K .-HnU iso ii.m na iieroad are the • sniner.-asthose lieina used by the leuchpg fuu'geons m tins, county.

of Union Beach, line been tians ferred from Bainbrldge. M d , lo J£ey West, F la . He would like to hear from his friends., w ho j Wedding Announcements mav write h im nt tho fo llow ing I printed promptly on paneled or address: Robert L . Pntlison. I b r ida l book snow-white ve liymSA, Platoon No. 5, Baker, F lee t! at this office.Sonnr tichool. Nuvota. Kev ! — --,— -,— ------ ..West: F la . - -|Are vou bavins Defense Bonds/

of the Monmoutlv-Elbevim flow­er show- held the weekend of Sept. 17 wr.3 given and an­nouncement was made of the many awards the Club had ic - colved. T lie C iu li competed with live other garden clubs In ai- nu igem cnls tn 10 simulated rooms. -

Prizes at the Momnouth-El- boron snow were awarded for the fo llow ing : E a r ly American pine liv in g room , fireplace group ing, created by M is . O. U Perkins. M rs , E dw ard F lan­agan, Mvs. Robert Bolin, second plncu 11s a club unit, individual uwards in group to M rs . Bohn, second. M rs . F lanagan , third, M rs. Perkins, honornbic men­tion: "by unnd lc llg lil" ulntng

W O ULD M ONEY S O IV E Y O U R PROBLEM ?- Representing ihe Howard Savmrjs lmHltuiion ol Newark, N. J, OS iheir Mortgage Lonn Conrrspondonl. vo Imvu Mortgage Monoy available. If you need funds for purchasing— rolinancing, or, for construction of your nov home, or Commcrcinl building, write, phone or call us tev an application. No inspection feo necossaiy. We co»oporato with Brokers. Builders ano Dovolopev>.

■ ' ' DIAL PR 5*5300 1

T. FR A N K A PPL E B Y Ai-ency, Inc.Mortgage Loan Corrosponder.ls for lhc Howard Savings Institution,

in Momnouih ana Ocoun CounlieE,Main St. and Mallison Avo. Asbury Park. N. J.

M any of the lelUn s uigetl llin t , I U . , , U . room arranged by Mrs


aV 11

no changes a l a ll Lm made The- changes most often sub­

nested were lo allow uu-su o il - . . p iem lsn . cash m fllo s , to incrc-aso

the lim it ot bingo games to $11)00, to allow advertising of 'bltltio games and ru ifles, nnd tu

•kfcUow. organizations to h ire work- ■ ors at bingo games, tei. -AU of tlicse suggestions rc- "! qu ire changes in the laws

W illiam Mulheron. M rs . Robert Rex. Mrs. Robert D , Lawrence, third place as club unit, Individ­ual awards to Mrs. L aw ionc i, second. Mrs. M itlhc ion , th iid , "nicho class.’- Mrs. Joslali M . Hewitt. Mrs. Rex, first awards, Mrs. J. Raymond DcRiddcr, th ird : tcapurly competition, Mrs. Hewitt, second: variety showurranBomenl, Mrs. Walter 7dm

T lio 'Comm ission meeting ut mt.,.(.v second. Mrs. David Mar ltd-office, 10H0 Broad at. Now- (in luinorablo mention; speci a rk , on Saturday, at which time mPllvs dnss. Miss Anna Cross, | any roprcstnUtlve of a quail- f|rst nn(j second

'f le d organization m ay uxprcsa Tils view pcrsoiuilly . Appoint­ments should be imiUe v. lth Ai ■

'th u r A. Weller, executive offic- •tejv lit Mltelio)] J-ZlKid.

75 Servicemen Entertained Al Fort

Members of Lhe Ciub serving on committees for the show were: M rs . rtcx, general chair­man's committee: M rs . Perk­ins, stag ing ; Mrs. Mulheron, chairman o[ schedule commit­tee: M rs , Lawrence, passing; Mrs. F lanagan , entries: Mra. Hex. tickets: Mrs. ludwln H.

- The cnterliuiiment and supply | h i ni.ch, public ity , M is . Do llld ' service or M o in im u ili county |d o i, liid ijes; Mrs. F . V... Augen-Clui)>tor, Red C’resH. held a sn- sle ln . Mrs. Ueltldder, Judgeslivmagundl pn ri .v H im ilay n lg lit | < h?i ks.

-at tlm Camp Wood (service C lu b ,; — ; — *— ............ _-Fori Momnouih. ueventy live | T ran sfe r Rev, Ewing gdrvlcenniii ptu'l.iclpuled In llie iUVOIllllH uf Ilil MlLV*. foil- : I l i l ; M dM* TlPV. Cicoi Ip'U iV,HU’nUi ii iui p rlsftfN wprt* liirnlHU-1 A l i i , l>tNlu»p of tin* Tronton Ho* orl by Mm* ttorvlrc Club I bum Cntholto Dlociwc, minouno

- MERCURY 19541 he B eautiful

SUN VALLEY CompleteExecutive Cor, w ith New C ar W arran ty

a t a BIG SA V IN G . '


TH A N EVER BEFO R E!1954— Ford Ranch W agon (C om plete)1951— P ontiac S tation W agon H ydram alic 1951— M ercury S tation W agon (R. & H.)1951— W iliys S tation W agon (O verdrive)

M ATA W A N BRANCH — USED CAR LOT Highway TI Near M ain Street

Mri*. Ch'plm Hansim , hmd "I tlm ouL-.rhilinneni. servlci:, wus chairman. The jun ior hestes.'ic:! who hupevvlin'd tlm games \v<*rn M iss Genevieve Owens, the Mismiil .Patricia und Jean Roii- lUl, tlio Misses Mary and Tatl'IChl ll.vn ie . M l:,;; Ui'll.v M il llli', Miss Ikn ljiil,* Wni if 111* ii I 1’. Mias Ollli'ii lia lH inm . Ml.,:, .lniin Lull tlm and Mb;;, .lean Keen.

Yau cun hnv Deleuso Jlnmla by the IM vro ll Deduetlon Plan.

eil last week Unit the llcv. Illeli- nid A. (Owing, ii.sal.'iliml, at fit, •Inai'pli'a Church, Keyporl, would he l.i'aiisfen'ed lo fmnmeahde L'oiierplion, Beaiervllle. The Itov, ,lulm .1. Hendricks, nsalsl • m il at HL. Anthony's Trenton, will succeed tile Rov lilwlng at HI, .iiiceph's.

tVedilliiK Aniuiunerineidsludnled |u'uni|dl,v on punclud ur bridal bunk snow-wldlo vellum al this office,

?<•*-a "Jf

V F ' i '- ..Ff-1, v> " ■ T ; ;

' ’ } ^ p r .I il

I 5 w T J. A


Mrs, M odem sa y s :

Let an automatic electric range do flee cooking!”Tho wumltTtul thing abhut ciucli’ic cooking is that it l'cqmros practically no attention on your part. Simply put your complete dinner in the oven — set the automatic timer — and irlax. l-Iameless electricity takes over mid cooks dinner exactly as you want it, exactly on lime. Aud when you add Lu this the vuuliicxs, Heu.'f/H/cs.s and cromimt/ lound only with flameless electricity, yon 11 see why today's modern hotlsewile insists on a modern Automatic Electric Hail go. See the new Itiol models at your Reddy Kilowatt dealer’s today.

1 1 ’ i / j i I h b l i i ij a I , n“ y o u A R K T . I I K R K " O K S J \ ! r , C

u l R t i i i l . -

■ h i t , t ' l i m h i ) / s , h i i i I 'M

Ic i sty (VnlrnI I’umm (s Idjjlil (Vih|i:iny

no r a t THU) (non or iiun(.«t v a lu e and r e l ia b le funvic*


I ^ C . O f t S / 6 M ( Y f o /n o t f Y U l f lY / itt/ p , /

I S ?

M ShTt**