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T H I I 1 VOL.X. NO. M TEN I'"3 I ____HRJ|l(DS-OI I ^-Ministration Sends Dras! I NoteiiiiQiiestionofCopetc H NljMBIlOl'S INSTANCES mBE H CHANiiK Ml'ST BE UADE. H . 4mt9 VB' \ira>«roBN Pololi >V H Bertla's ConteaUtm Afraiott ^rtli H PneUce. H 'WMWnBUin—The Collrf , Sta' ' ' icorcrnncnt dlHpotcbed Monday's lo note to Oroat UrlUlo IndsUQR oq H . oorty tiaproVciDCDl io tbo UeiUnmQt ' .\jaerlcoa c^mtaorco by tho lirtli «&eL It cayof''\rP*"*»*'"^ trrK aiU kd been ft«o*oa ln-lbV»- coun' H and (bat public, crltlclmo *oa Rene |B . over unwarnintcd loterfou^co w the itgWioMe foroSsn . iradu* ot I United SlatM. ^ Tho document, coaatllutiac I . atTtJuRest roprcBonlatltiri on thlH cn tnado by Ui.o Uoited 8lotc» to IhQ.b Ilfloronlii.Blnco thn outhroiJc of i ^ -NtLj, to 4’unbassutor Pi H to be formally prcsoatcd tn Sir I , ward Qny. Drlllnh'foroI/n'fecnMa H ' ' Its.reparation'w as boRtin-a.inoi H ' ‘ ago by 8oUcllor Cone Jobnwn, coi H Rcllor, Itobm UtiiuloR and Secf^ti Uryon &n<i llnaUy. ba^ Iho porsonoi tcntlOQ o( Prcaldonl Wilson, wbo. visM Its phroiicoIoKy'tfltb mlnutooi H ' ’ Ab the detMlod point o! view of H . . UaKed Siatm In numerouii npcci H casoK of dctcnlfbiiii and nelrurofi H ' can;ocB luul br^n net fortb la n Ml ' of emphatic protestB, mo«t of w^i tuiTc’RoncT unhcodod, .5fonday'fl ct H taunlcWlon - wm coueiiwl )n Ronc ' - term*,. corprluK iho cnHri;_aublect -thO“ rutaUoDs' twiwccri ibo Uoi - . atAten and Oreat nritaln as ollected H ' ' VHb Inttcr'R niival policy, conxlde H ulslily objf'ctlooable by tblii kovo incM. SeOftToAJL / .. ____ SIncft KVance had idoplwl ' ly tln' Barae iloKrc*** on'controtiond 'has (Jroni lirilnln.Monday'Bnotf'ii" ,'tuftlly a atfticmenl Intcadwl tor all mcnibiTii of iho triple ontcnt(\ Tlip flote ileclttrrii al tbo oiit»nt t Iho' roiircRcnlallotiB arc wnd>! in friendly (.plrlt, but Ibat Ole Unl • . Stalpa ronuldeni tt hrst to sppak tDrniH of franknoKK. Icat rUpik*' ' nmslrued rh ncqiiii'Hccace In ii |>ol whli'h Infrinficd the rlKhi« of Ann cao cliltcnK under thi! lawn of ijon^ . . ‘ Tho cJocumpnt wlnta out that n UlnlntF nn <very i.!do nnd .inililic ci dam In lhi' UnltrtT 8UlcR bold Brllinh jwllry as directly rcsronBi for the dcproasloti la miiny Arocrl' Indintrlnii, It Hltuapon ilio nnrioumi # • of which miiNiJ)j;_ftDparent. l o ^ rllatn; ^ '• RelniburReinflnt alono for r.irK unlnvllully detained or BoUcd. it ntn docs nol remedy Iho ovU. tui tt\c cl djfficnlly is tho moral effcct of Rrll . prncUce on American cxportera _i -------are-fMtralned’bylrtitna takluK'fl or hitzaidfl whlc}) in no c u o oiiRbi Hurrouml legitimate trade betn'ern [X ltprf »jti>ti>«-jnil-nihoB-n«ui<>Ml-<-o tries. ' ' - - - — Sny* lVool»^ A re’AroiififJ.■■ F>ieIlnR hox been arouncd on aubject lo *ucli (in extent^ lhr: c ....... monicatlon addff. ihol the Amorl Ko'vemtnent fecln compelled to iwk Aeflnllo Inlormoilon.afl lo Orrnt li nllUude In 'order thal U t •fake *urb .rbmiiros oji will pro Amerkan cUiirin« In their riRhlH. Tbo United fltoten, it polntfl oul. ■patient at flnt. reallting that lbe cxpffiJcd oatbrenk of hosijlUlt* hoaiivd n moss of bnrdebi'on lhc I Inh ^vrrnment and thinking au i-i cltarlnp 'of Ihn air wontd corite. 1 monthn have now clapned. iho iiote doriK, with no Improvement In lbe ^lM^on. In tbe meantime Amcricnn ttblp; bnvo availed lhomselvc» of van iWERtstlon# from the BrlUsh povi ment. siirli aj» chlppJnR carROca to ■ Inllely named conAlRocefl In nou fOunlTlfs, nniS tho laWnR out of tlflralefi (rom coneulu In this cour whlrh followed pronil^os of the I Uh forelRn ettlco thnl tho nlUed fl . ^nsequcntly woold coaso 'dctont. "of theae cnrROCS. Tho nUuatlon. h cTer, Is df8CTll)t!<l n> htiTinK hanlVy proved nfler these rohcessions. Reference Ih mnde la the note lo hlRh prlnclplw o( nquliy. wblch 1 nciuaied jf;r«'nl.Brttniri.in- har-cb = • plonshlp In thc pnflt of the frcedot \ t^e MftB to .neutral tommeTfe. nnfl bone 1*< expreaaed tbat even thou( I .-'bolljRercnt hcroclf, ahe will rrallxc Btrlousnm to tho ocntral ol conlli Interference. Wilt Talk It OVer. Tlen'or>-ln/; until fome olhor dWo JlMURRlon oC thoRe nrtlrVrt. * Greal' Tirllaln hJU> takw from the arally nccepted IIbIh of noneonlral and ;'lftcwl the Usf.' of at»oli>to conditional .coolraband, the Amcr Rovernment deelnres that' tho Hr AM # havo been • reftardlai; ab« (CoatlnuBd on wuw 8.^ T V r tf YEAR. -■ TWm HAOfllllWrfAl^ f ulfil School AndKoduni. Janonn ._ . lO lK ___________ Uader tbe direction of'^IrM. Wll; McKny Oleon, the ca«t of tho *'0 Crown" Is working h&nl to prctwi I p pleasin); entertainment. The pluy I t written hy the laemberH of the ant bl»tory class and they have placcd I price ot odmlaalOQ nt twenly-flvc c so tbal n largo number of Twin F peoplo may attend and see wliai lu . InR done In lbe blsiory deiwrtn _ ot the blBh uchool. • CAST I’oriclcD, Stfttoflman.Thcodore Do PliWlfts, Sculptor .... Arthur llock .. ................................ ..liobert Edw Ul Lyslcratco...................... Euceno Skir ,1 , Axuaagortia. .vr.'.Kbbert li AdmoUs. Phidias’ pupil .................. ...................... ..... 'Donald lion' EntJymlMi, bl» triond...Cheslfr \ Cleon, Loader AsaJnst I’crlclen... ............................ Clarence i-:^ llernilppila, hla frland...................... ............................. .Michael Thot V Tlmlnn, clerk of tho court...' ___ ........ POTiT^. .................... .. .R&lpb' Spaa r j' |»afltliiea.......... ..... Clarence Ulcbi Itunnor ........................ ' .......... Jay Tn “ Aphasia, wlfo ot Porlclea.............. “e .............................................. U uJbc ( Xaathlppc,'wlfo ot gocmios .... ‘>0 ................................ '....VttPna Sell Helen, Phldlrtn'.dauRbtor.............. .. '<• ...........................s-.Roaamund-llun Im e. Holoa's elaTe..UxuraKl]iQQu M CoddoM Alboan..; ............ Jtilla Si «u8lclnny^m ClnuBoo, Paaflb 1 y- Cboni*-«W tby Iximon.i.Qeojila « da. Ruby Cllne, Juab StophenMn, I SaUaflay. Hcloa llirliui. Vera Uu Anna Budrtiw, E ra Woodward. Frai .Wanier, Suiictta flmlth. Tnilh >lil Ruhy lleartlleld. Helen Ilcnn; K [f- Bower. Tho Time—Thuraday. Jan. 7, i p. in. • or .jTjg piftce—niRb flchOQl auditor Tbo Olrl—fibe wnnU to see • CHiVB-Crown.’’ , by —— cd Hptndtibtttl'’ &« the UTt n* Jomuiry Jit uod i^od. Whllu -Mr. R, t^>rrcKt Taylor _ Add- Danlelr-antmiiu'Etber Tii nn l n:isoclato players,, are well «• favnrnoly known, to uU’ tovcvs I/- arjti:’,-.Tionl8 In tblii city, It I» Jo il if t^ie ■- lo bo i resenici: l.y i ru d i •. Vt.', SiU(ird.:y Jan..tH au', flii: as >v,.n known. . M', T.iylor'a' pnwt jcpulatl’ ju Rood (ilaya oud imrformancew ' In pinranlee for thcao vlaj'a to be Hinted durlOK-tblB cnfinKcment of 9 ' d'UT- The Now Vear’u niRht. play rl- bo tbnl wonderful Atory by Pi Emerson IJrown "Tho 8pcndtl\rlfl Htory of latereat lo. every nva», »c nnd child, Saturday nl>;bt‘tf play 1^' bc “All df a Sudden. P em " a'Ph, m e comedy, with cnouKh hearty la ■*lp to cnrry you throuRh* tbe aew : A apeclal rantlnofl baJi been urra for ladlcH. toUirdny^aluniOQa^' AtlRJlhln T''vans‘~deIlBh'lful iftory. Klmo“ will be 'Riven, Three" b plays havu tie.vcr l«en ottered In I’-’’; city . ScatK now Hcllinf: at Sk i soalffllNcf ;bc ^ ------- lft- Mr.-and-Mnt-'ttr MrUaBW to S E/Rbtr W fodii afld_.VflRbbon . On T\lf^^lay evenini; of-thi*’' Lhi; Mr- and Mrw, 0. M. Ilanla enter ni- ed elKhiy. of-thelr fricnd!? nnd n an liorsv ivl Ihelr home tonr mllon for' of ihln city. The ovenl wa.1 In Ihi ■it- Hire of a hnrn iliinco. the barn I lay decorat'd In atxifonilniuannerlai I'cl enterlnlniiient Tbe niUHic wa» nUbed by .Sliroll brotbers' oreh .'ii» At midnlRhl a sploadld lii&cbeon jn* Brrvcd by tbe boit aod hoRteRii. iad ' -------- « ARlifSIfDfORGAWNi U-e ______ “t ’ Five Deroleex of (lie Qreen Cloll rrn^c4 by. RbtrKfs Ollice 3UB Chj Mondny cTonlnR of tbls wee _ aUerlfCft oftlco In connection I / pollro dcrnrtaioot maid n raid Bhack on Iho ouUklrls of thc cllj " arreslod tlvc mon, K., P, FlnV, ... Mooro. nert Johnson. John Doe. Guy M. 'Wood, whom they cbarRcd ’ pamhUttB,' On Tuesday mornlnR wcro, taken'beforo JudRo J. M, fl nnd pleaded Rullty to'tbe charKc, II ODDffllOWSipU Bve , . ' —2 — im. .Vfw Officer* to r En»BlBK Ttrio I of , Introdated Xert Tharsdat the ’ • . - --------- , ^ h.a . Oa.T&uraday cveftlnR.'Jaaua lbe tbo'Independent Onlep of Odd Fo ued ot lh1p_clty, wljl inatali the foIli ofHrera for tho eosylnK terns'. Past Orand—Grant Miller. Noblo O rani—D. . Drown Lowor S . Vlco O ia ad -0 . W, tJo»5hi«n-, . Secrotiifr-Ch*rt*a J, (frosby. FlaanclaJ Secrotary—s. O. Mr.* Tn'A.iurof—W. H. Weaver, c.m - , . - — - - llRh "Polly ct tha Circus'" at tho U \ iQlf. theatre, WetowiJnT, Jan., Sth. tho'ftusplpea of Twin Falls .Dra club.". r o i [^ALLS, T ^ N FALLS COUl BIDSmDIOR 'live ______ H a C , Contract fiots to Contmi is Caldwell .' be- " --------- . lent M l'l'll 0PP081TI0.S .UAMKKSl Bl UAM8KS TEOPLK w ill -------- ^ inis mer Stronir Talk of lojnnrtlon I|eln.c^.A« lead '~ fo r by. Ttioiie Opposed to tbe ( . stm rtkn Kf UridRf, IVOll Vlao ----- •ans .Monday afternoon o( IblH w. thn bonrd ot county coromluBloi of Twlo'F^llB COUnty. met to open bidfi for tbo conalnii'tloii of UurL .^''I'beTo M m " ^ t Oldderb. ^fV tho plans,- whlcb bad beon prepnr'et PnElnccr V^JX aad KnRlncer MeDon Tbe followinK ore tbo bids: li.r I^'orbeH & Co., on Kox plan fS 'OmoJia Struct, atw l Co„ on Vox Omahb Struct, ^oei, Co. on .Me.. ' Doaald plan ................................ C ,.«n Mo. Volley IJrldRo & Iron Co,, on -Fox plan .................................... 6 Mo. Valley UrldKo ^ lioo Co., on McDonald plan ........................ r, 111. steel lirldjto Co„ on I-'ox plan G Jan. J. llufke k Co., on -Pox plan 1 Jog. J. Durko & Co., on McDon- , ' nld plan ...• .................. 7 w « Cbns. H. M\s». on Ir'os plan .... fl MpW. Steel & IlrldRo Cp., on h\>x „. o plan ............................................ .. C ® MplR. Slttil & llridKe Co„ on Mc- Inm Donald j^lan ........ ............ 7 M ldlwd DrtdRO Co., on I’u i plaJi S When the bids were opened It found that ibo Mldlnml Ilrldec c i piiny - waii the: bjfeat. blddor-by- — r BU0\''6r «j«r~vlollar. bul ll wafi Jc thnl thte comiuwy niade no stltmln as.to «ttraii, ^vbich wah doni^by rlo* J - H . l''\)rl>oii comi'.ony. Tlii> nnir BlonerK Ihervfoni ai-cepied tbe bl thc Forbes company'. Mim __The_Mldl!Uid -com)»3)y - hn»-|ih Scr proital ajcalnflt the romnil»Hlo awardInK lbe conlrnct to tbe ^\l '«.{ comviany lUii thrwUbO to rcI o«: !itfiil Injuuetlon to Htop tbe conimlnslo 1,trill from’enlerlriB Into a tonirncl wlih V^^i c o n c e rn . Thin In not ihe only iro tliat IhrealrnH tbe comnili-iiloiuTK. Jur Ifunxcn |H-oi>le, toKoiher with n l« a of the «Btller» on the Snrili Side, pre- Inking .itepK lo (Ii> up tbe maiiei two Ibnt the ‘eommlmiloni'rH cannoi c win tnlo a contracl wllh the InldKi* i )ricr pany. ' , ’:;S , THt.ORPlitlJH IttEAiet arm- ______ 1'oi.m Mil lc,rt. .tmlrallnn T nge,j - In Fine Conrdj Acl,___ ’'i'Dr lbe laiit ibree • nlKlilt< of clter miinani'iuwi of tbe'drjili theairv will (aliodyce • l’uwer» eriB- Joyce, tbe AuBirnllan teiim. in u ' • elty 'act. InlroduclDR plenty of comedy| sIoKlnK and' daovlns. ------ photo*ilay» are of tbe bcHl ajid,liii' "The TartirCannon Hull," a li^an masterpleco In lwo pari«; "l-''atty Mlnnohalia." ;i ICffvmnne___ cnn rQJn which i« suro to ple;uie. '•The .Mi • Weekly" RhowK Ihe lulesl hW'Pri: Ih’e wbrld-oi'flr.'aluo Hcctlvl apper week InR to the Ruropc.Tn war. .Tbe lain- croju oh iv. whole-U.» kooiI one ulKb- hiird‘lo bent, east --------------- ; -------- m u CRfAmRv CO ■the . e/tru •’'f'” UB»Ioeiiii fo be Laonrhrd on -orr SettreiralSon. Tb.; tlna of tb(. w.-ek tbe llazi G Cri'uniery aflHoelailoa filed iirlleli liicoriiorutloa wllh ihe. nvi'teins ntate. Tlie placc of buslncHU Ix il ' naled na lliueltou. Mlnliloka co ■ Tbe cApltal Ktock ho-M . been pUw 13.000. The Incorporfttors arc . lr iv.» 1*0*. 8. S. llrtxjks, Henry Kyi'ri ^ ; r S, Uunn aud H. K..aundeUlni;er, OBiabllHblnR of a crcaincry uii •VmM should be-a Ikjoii tc Ous tnrniers*on the- norlh ald<; nt P md with ------------------------------------------------- they COAI Si A -4¥E E ^ I a l i rir, ipteo; fri ' day .Tjani "flRSlCOMM ilN lIY if-HRISTISIRI y ______ at Celrf)|:|tifin ':friilay Afterno I Attracts Many - (■HILlili|;N o t' CITV llK.UKSIDfI{ WITH G i m (>F CAKDV ‘fd MDHleal'VtoRrttR HHTMly »n- tbe 8«tere fold Ware of the V V fttl. ek, Tho flrti Community CbrlitnmK i crs ot Twlo >'u11h ban jiaKHed Into hlsli tho wllh the pluaeanl m?rootle* ot aceor the Itghmeaia for^tbln livp r"V nr»' ^ Itir glAnjiDR liROUi of.yu]eUdfi-< ou Qfu aad by tho bll»tenlnR «y by bOllc. ita r^ f Chrlutendpni. the biR t Od. was Indoed a prclly *lKht Burrouni on all 4Wee Uy'l!>e caRcr clilMr 91C Porkrd oboul the baao of tbe tree w. hundreds cf bsRu of ChrlitnmH cam! 9SS wUlcU W9K! di«tTtbMled,In au ordt; mannor, *o that eiii'h boy nnd Rirl SOO cdvcd some token uf the comniunll Interest la ibcm. 991 SurrouhdloK tbo chl/dren. »tirctc1 b'ack to tho cxtremo.edRns of ibe pn 949 alood iSe par^olH iw Inlcre'sied «j>« 990 tors in the affair, which ha-s hnd undivided BUpport from all cltrzenf Wbllo tho BcvcTc cold laade !i9.t omission of tbe hnnd numbera .ni'c tiOO nary, the proRram of CbrlntmuH «oi ntlll caroU hy the clilUlren and 773 Tfftn t'alu Choral society proved h ficienlly attractlre lo offset, the i 3C5 QcouH cold and Ihe v.-hole altair i 9iC iboroURbly I’njoyed nnd henrtliy 6-na plauded. . 3UI- - After the excTClaga,' llie ihP'Cll4rfil Boclety, warmly wr:n- lind in fura mndf a bob-Kled journey to ;loti varlons hotpKaltt otihU cUy nml c the vey«l the comnii'inlty Roo'd'wlll 'in' nl.’- Inmates In-beaullftil carols. I of - . . _____ The hplrll nioved Homr ot our men rc-nown; (Ireat men wbo will ever hold ‘p,™ To trv lo nmke iture tVal oiir j-oui Bi'iit town- ' .Sboiild do a uraiid i IiIiik '>n .. t'hrlBlmimdny. are Tlii'y would briiiR in thf i-ounlry fi , so (ftr and trom iveiu', uter The true Clirl«iniiis '.siHrU «'<j om* kindle dnew;- The a u r o{ the K.iull nhouhl In Rl ' apjKiar Abovi- tbe Yule'irci- Ihnt <iur fi talhm knew. HiTalil AiiRels shoiilil come from 'U'*'. ' 0.1M ojid the west, .Sliii-iiii: ,carols,'.eiilra:iclnB. i<> v ’ ■■■ triimon.breaiii-: ' tbls While- III.. klddlcB luoembled wouU I'lim moro tban blensed ntlll Wllll a sack full of coodli's by lov. . - . ' »mo poflscRHcd! .So lUc word ll weM ont. awl ' li„lp . iTO'vd It cnme In, alio And peopled the park In a [i.vk: ftiid " njir.l • ' --------- :---------------------- l,m) III tact, 'twas n iwlu with a trm' InBi., . ^ llH hac\5. _ Thy Hnow U wn.4 crlup nnd the win .. . blevi' c o ld : .... •- •-- - ' Iv’en Ibc noiCB from llie horn» of br;u.H vlllniie. band Fell froji'n r.o hard thut llu'j- rail not rolled: While the volci- nl the Ansels i Ceali'd nt lbe slwid, ''***’ ,\.Um aad alack for iHir wise vll' holils . . . - - Wbl) ilioiiRht they could eon; wllh no^H-.CKle lampv ^ i-V.r Kreen llmbB will not-Rrow u ' leli'Kraph [volcfi, X»ir Aiv^vlg IcQvc heaven, eai '"■•V' imoa- fields lo t^aB7^ . II a i . U. liut don't Ict'H (orgct tbnl tbo ] , W, ironi' wan Rood. Thv Sor m-^It nnd deride nny laboi tbe lov.i; the .Vcxt year wc will brlnR a real lake from the wood. And or.IiT our wc.itbcn direct f nbove. " ' ----- X.ILV i fl. H . b Tn M ndibai f U'flI-Kncinn_PlDo«rSe<yQCj’_tac< CiiDal lloord. m \ 0. .M, IVitita, one of lb.> well km pioneer tecldvalh ot. Ihla' conoi) m a canflld.-ue for director on the bo r of the Twin FSiIIh Canal company Is RotUnK a lol of,tftvo«vhle noilre over the rotiniy, li-cnuRe of hl« re< nUcd ability' as an Irrlrstionlst Ids umiworvlnc honeRly ot yAirp .Mr,vrtllntn*hii^ liv.^ In Itrlcailoncf b ' tries for'tbe po;.| iiventy-nl:ie y. and iti ihorouehlv (amllinr «lth * probl.'mt< of Ibla trnct and Iih 1 Xir. llaala iilio hns uomc re fd ^ fl . ihu.m^lbodiof pwbllcliy lor ihl'V II- ot 1.1- board of dlrretors wblfh M Is to try out In c. if .- of bl* . tloa. . . . I ------- —^ ^ ’^ T l lARY 1,1915. ' SOI " WmUjNJVAR'ZONf f tlrM t-Armlei ■ffalOnp~fu7”ye»r7n • xluDKhtK on llu- Vlr»A>nay l.ln»'s. iSpci-lal to Tbe TImoB.t Hall U ke Clly, Ike. r,t. lHU. ll won I(ianie<l.on Wednendny tlu in {Qiif (iermau Avluiora drogiped bomt on tbe city of Dunkirk.'kllllnv; tlttt.e and wonndlOR thirty, ^'Voarb otflcli Kiaienienl sa.vH ihal yeHtenlay froi the nea to AIkuu everyihliiK wiui reli lively calm, ulUiouRh there were a llllory exclianKi'K fit pome j«lnlB, :d I.ondon lullltiuy exiwrts are ot ll opinion tliat the allies will poHlpot any nerlouB of/eosh'e moveniet aRalnst ibe GcrraaaH until lwi?« coi llnRentfl of Kllclilncr'aauw-arniy-tul by the field, -L.ondob dispatch nayi> tbi Cnrl LlcbknecbU the Sodalim men ber ot UiQ Qenuan ItelcbNtaR, bon nci a new year's mcBsaRe to worker# •. tho world to make war on wiir, , , • Paris ■ dl»pmch nayn tbat SiTvlu ' n\inlater lo l^lrance announce<t tin [• tho ScrvlRUH will noi make march c II , Thai tho ,llr»lBh Rovurnnient- will r r quire several‘daj-a to consWcr .tul the rcprcientnfloni* made In ib\; Ame ^ lean Kovcranicnl'a note wltb rcRurd i ~ BcurcblnR Acierlcan veaselK hy Itill? wnrahlpB beforc.rcpfylnB to-tbem - BolBlan'border^i will be clOBi-d I ,, tho Corman'ndminlatratlou ijeglonlr , ' on January 1, ta all peraoou excej . Ihose holdlnB BiK.-Vlal military poJiHe Uritlab goverumcni's war lntniran< , mtea on carKoea bas been decrcaat cEO-thlrd. Tblrd Cermaa advance, on W m a . * has -been definitely checked, accon IaK to otIlclalK ut PclrOBrad. -In’ ^h, . territory, the Cennaau bavc Butter* Rreat loaseu audjjallcd to bron throuBh the Uuiuira»v..llno, which hi V beon Kreatfy re^enforced. I'Ullure - Auiilrlah advance ihrouRh thc Carpotl I * tosH In Bald to have bud n eerloua c feet on AuHirla-tlerolan canijtalKn tbe eud. '* ■ Vienna claims to bave broueht ilu . , filan'adv.inc.-!iiCup3iblaatfla;kHi«ut rf ^ [ffiaBII« SIARIB >Yf.s|fni Auio ('oQpaiiy In^ialiH {ir '“ ii'DallB’ SyiiUm!'. , A nelf slurter.for the I-’ord ba<i bi" one of monyJokeH pcr{)«tratcd upont l\ird owncra lii the -»,'ay ot rillt. I'nlly npplled '•arninlronR" process thnl Iho 'ownerH.baVe a rlRhl to f( Hk<-iitlcal, However, In lhe-i>riH'i-M evolution of the Ford ulonR with ulb „j,, Dnrwinlua .objects, nn elecirli' ite iitartcr has 1 hv« made thut rIvph t j](l Ford owner ihi- Kiiine luxurlanl m-nn tlob ax the blR "plute*' in bin hlR JTV priced llnsowdiM'. T h t WeuU'Tii Av company nri- iid.liuR an electric so r,,. otarter of ,(!ruy luid DnvIn ninki'. , their Forda itua will.make ihe'nr Iind Hcrvlci'Hbl.' c;ir tnorc popular tb. Uie ev/'f, . One of tbe HlatierH Iihh be placed on‘llie dvroouttlrlft'T_eaTj»tJ leb <-ompan>"tUTi1-|U p'rDvIiiB’'hlBtily .'f dent In siarilm: the newent ('tfiRlni; tlf llie coWcM weather, whioh Itv ihf hm em jwiiHlblc letil. ich ------------------------ ION CARSAnRAniVf Aienej for -Veit lioJHs I’lncM With ^e _____________ a*_limUh, » on ’'Tin; Moon." a raodoTale ptlo-d n tonioblle w||h--'niiiny featur.m of t U l hiKh.priced cnrH Is one of th.^'lat. entrfttits'to puWU- • Thf loi Ibe aRency for thp .Moon hnjt been Heeur by C. M. Smith, wbo haa been mnnl od, hU dcmonBlralor In lhi« clly. T new car wltb luuidflome sirenmlln on* and expcnnlvely upbolntercd inlerl look's like o\w of ihe delvne tyi All of tbe latent elccirlealHiartlnR a 'Ke H);htlnR fealurt-ti contrlbuto In mnki lbe moun look llk>- a {Ine iw^lnni pr ;iro pj cnr, ' StN lfflCtDMOUMN Fred H'lcs llffclves Klorty Duj.s ibe Connty Jafl. On I'ue.sday niornlnR JudKe C. Stockulaficr Tiontenced t'Ved EpIch llubl. to Rcrrc ninety dayn ls\ \ county Jail and to pay a fine of i: for iiclllnR liquor contrary to . I>tc9 W08 convicted'aboul a year a but did not m.ike bli) app<rhrancn Ihihl until, a nhort time bro, wh F ho wa-HjrrcTilcd by Ctiy Marahal Col L oad brouRht lo Iho couniy Jnll. Durl hla nhscnco his bo'ademen were h< .Qtt for, his apDcnraace.. ......................... WflOOaiG , ini' PleauDt Vle1^ TonOR People !lf»rrl ind Dewaber 27. all . 3i:- On December 27. MU* Mj n lr Wf ‘'■‘J tind A rthur T. C ralc both wc-il knn- yoiine )>cople ot thi- Plca.ianl-VI nnlr-bhorboei, wrre JolnM-'ln m; rliRe by Hov. II, T i>vdum, The ee 1'^'^ many waa perfonn'Hl .In the_ n.tpi ■m. church'In lh« pr^'tcnce ot a'M tnl I" of invited puonl^ .\fier thr. weddl a aplonilld dinner wn's enjn'i-d hy i he company, Mr», Crali; Ih ih« dnunh l'’f- of Mr, and — '*tw-irflnfff5Wa lo iKe community. [M E S SCMfTlON, $tW PER YEAR j m H U .- INHIGMM GoiiiityAttiirBey'aysinfffedtlfc : txpcdslnidmcntofflffidals e IIKJ.IKVKS ISFOIUIATION AT I ;.UAY NTJflKK DtKP J — ------------------- ^ ^ t lodlrtmeo(< U’ill Ue Up tv tbr Uraa** ' Jai7 U NU(« orricm srr to be.Id- { pUrated ia Soodal. J AccordlnR to a »lat«meiil by Coun' , ty Attorney (Uwcns Uoad*^ be W. la. ^ WamtkMt—of unuuu '(11‘J.eufliiiluf/ i . tacts concomlnR preMnt state officials.' . both elective and appointive. wtUeti ' . he wiH.prc»i'nt to the Brand/ury boa* (, ventoR here January Ub to taTe*llKtl« 1 , matterH al tbe atato capllol. WhtihtP- _____—' ladirlment»*-trll|-tJC'rtluffiea‘ or not. ., jlependu « i the' aitlludo wblch tb^ . Rrand Jury takea cooccnvlnK the ' J dcnce presented, AccordlnR to Mr. I Qlvena, ho In uncovorlnB ni‘«v,erldeiK>* ^ ovory day nnd expocls a Rttal' dtU J more <o bo discovered by the rtu<1 Jury. ,, In speakinR of the comlnK Invesll-. : Ration, .Mr. Olrena said. '"I hnvo la • ^ my poMCBJiIon certain fncta concerelDs ^ state ?fflclni». elecUvo aad appolnll’re, I j which I will Rivo to Iho Brand Jury J tor conBlderatlon. Whellior they will r return any Ihdlctmeata or aot. dfipcal» . on whelhor they think that o r otI- dcaco la of onouRh welRht to Justify JJ euch action. “1 am dlBcoVerlnR now mattor.oach day, ,^VQ..wlll ro qolte deep iatS’the ............. , DftC£jilloa-oC-tho-vttrloii«rdtfpjirtTn«iW nnd our InveBilRatton mity ro back to Itae bulldlnR ol tho copllol. whlcb was looked Into.by the Rrand Jury two yearA-.«ROr~A(--one-.tiffl« f told th<> . nowBpapew lhai,I'dld not belieVr* tb(> , , iRTciHlsatlon.-wdilld'affoct anyone else--' y itl. the atate troanurera-offletj-otlior^------------ than the two men now in the penI-' tentlnry, I nm not to sure about It aow." " The rounly allorney'# otflco askod December 11! fo r the crand Jur>\ JinlRen .McCnrthy and Davla iBitued tho ' call wblch 1» nnl by law for 11 o’clock ou the first day of the monthly- cil* endar, which In January.4. ' When the Jury' convcneii Monday' ' niornlnR. the eounty attoRwy will pr»- " ered to Inquire Into the-flbiniy of * ihoic aubpoi-?neil to den’o in, tbe c.i- '■ pdclty of Jurorn. f After tho county nttornoy concludon ' lil» .•xnnilnotlon anyone In Jail o r » y - ^ ono who Ib under ounpicton caa inaka an exuinln^Ioo, After It! mea gaoll- " tv. Judse DavlH, -who will hnve cbarBo of lbe Jury.- wU1''r1 vo Ui.aJufy-.lUJti^ ----- fetnirtItinB“ THm'th'o jury Is Itn own bo&B and c.u do and »ay what It. . /* pleanpH, It may make Iw own rulM, net Iln own boura ahd call boforti II anyone whom 11 wlshea. Tho Jnry may return true bllla or tt rany clear tbOBe, who arc under.suspicion before the public. Araonc lbe witnesses whom the' l\ county,otlomey will undoubtedly call_______ __In the rjuir.fiifi Ol V Allmli I'lml tf. (^lemjui-. Pure Foofi Commhialoner . - While, who. It-Is iindcratood. will b<v , , Ij- merely used In tbo capaelty'ot.a irll- le nefls, Axel P. Haiafltedt. who’ m»d<* il lhc.._fit^t JnvcBtlRatlon oflhe suta - al ircaaurer’s oltlco after the .cxposurco'’ •d were made an'd W. H. fJleOBon. tho e t- iR pert accountant who invoatlRatod the ie CAW tor Oovomor Halnos.—Suteflman. ! fIRSlWRV.ACaDffll Id _____ K. P. Ulntc Falls to Ueed WarnlaK DTihtJe of Motor far S The Twin >*^118 Bireet Railway ,coo- paoy mlBped a eWar record ot trcodoa from accldrnts, the cloelnc dsy , of the year, the motor cnr thlit momlnc hit E. P. RlnR, na need real- 'dent of this city aad Injured him se- verely, I t R. Bpalford. Rcnoral m&a- 0. aRcr of thc company wod ocllot; u - of motorman at the time Ami slates that when. twenly-ll.v« lo iblrty feel away, 50 hi) saw MrlllnK loavo tho curb and fitart <v. toward tbo center of lbe ntroot. He w Itnraedlnioly r.ulle<l tho whliillo cord ■ In .md expected to aco lUng stop and bJ- . in lott' the cnr to pans him. To hla her- . pr. rar. however, lha vlcUm kept otralRbl iR rn aernjK thr iraek and was atruck by Id Iho bcaiy. ta.-. which could not- bc*-..' !-. stoppriTUi H) hhorl a disinnce Bo'm<' scalp wiiuniN aad’thrco broken rllht. , were tbe outcome of tbo nccldenl,'Mr lllnR l!- n old man, and rather harl or . benttaR. i-o Umt ll In IhouRbt lhat th e,. .. . warninK whiKtl.- failed to reacb him, ^ Thc -wlf-' of the Injured ;min I'Ute-t tbai fh.- hau worried a Rreat doal abotrt, blm b.-oauw of bl» inablllly to-h(vu~ >1 nad doPH.noi blan-..; the company .or r .Mr. Spsffont for tbi- imforlunatn ar- ■«- cldrni. lim a r s ' Rock Spriaji and ^ --------^ ') H e - « r t T - C o a t -------^ ■■ ‘ ffe Doy foUloeii. Pbsna t^

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Page 1: T V r o i I a l i ^ ’^ T l [M E Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...T H I I 1 I '"3 VOL.X. NO. M TEN I ____HRJ|l(DS-OI I ^-Ministration Sends Dras! I NoteiiiiQiiestionofCopetc

T H II 1 V O L .X . N O . M T E NI '"3I _ _ _ _ HRJ|l(DS-OII -Ministration Sends Dras! I NoteiiiiQiiestionofCopetcH NljMBIlOl'S INSTANCES m B E


H . 4 m t 9 VB' \ira>«roBN Pololi >V H B ertla 's ConteaUtm Afraiott ^rtliH P neU ce .

H 'WMWnBUin—The C o llrf , Sta'■ ' ' ico rc rnncn t dlHpotcbed M onday's lo■ note to O roat UrlUlo IndsUQR oq H . oorty tiaproVciDCDl io tbo UeiUnmQt

' .\jaerlcoa c^mtaorco by tho lirtli■ «&eL It cayof''\rP*"*»*'"^■ — tr r K a iU k d been ft«o*oa ln-lbV»- coun' H and (bat public, crltlclmo *oa Rene | B . over unw arn in tcd loterfou^co w■ th e itgW ioM e foroSsn . iradu* o t I■ United SlatM .■ ^ Tho document, coaatllutiac I■ . atTtJuRest roprcBonlatltiri on thlH cn■ tnado by Ui.o Uoited 8lotc» to IhQ.b■ Ilfloronlii.Blnco thn outhroiJc o f i■ -NtLj, to 4’unbassu tor Pi H to be form ally prcsoatcd tn S ir I

, ward Q ny . D rlllnh 'foroI/n 'fecnM a H ' ' I t s . r e p a r a t io n 'w a s boRtin-a.inoi H ' ‘ ago by 8oUcllor Cone Jobnw n, coi H Rcllor, I to b m UtiiuloR and Secf^ti■ Uryon &n<i llnaUy. ba^ Iho porsonoi■ tcntlOQ o( Prcaldonl Wilson, wbo.■ visM Its phroiicoIoKy'tfltb m lnutooi H ' ’ Ab the detMlod po in t o! view ofH . . UaKed S iatm In numerouii npcci H casoK of dctcnlfbiiii and nelrurofi H ' can;ocB luul b r^n net fortb la n Ml■ ' of emphatic protestB, mo«t o f w^i■ tuiTc’RoncT unhcodod, .5fonday'fl ct H taunlcWlon -w m coueiiwl )n Ronc■ ' - term*,. corprluK iho cnHri;_aublect ■ -thO“ rutaUoDs' twiwccri ibo Uoi■ - . atAten and O reat n rita ln as ollected H ' ' VHb Inttcr'R niival policy, conxlde H u lslily objf'c tlooable by tblii kovo

incM.S e O ftT o A JL / ..

____ SIncft KVance had idoplw l■ ' ly tln ' Barae iloKrc*** on'controtiond

'h a s (Jroni lirilnln.M onday'Bnotf'ii" ,'tuftlly a atfticm enl Intcadwl tor all

mcnibiTii of iho tr ip le ontcnt(\Tlip flote ileclttrrii a l tbo oiit»nt t

Ih o ' roiircRcnlallotiB arc wnd>! in friendly (.plrlt, but Ibat Ole Unl

• . Stalpa ronuldeni t t h rs t to sppaktDrniH of franknoKK. Icat rUpik*'

' nm slrued rh ncqiiii'Hccace In ii |>ol whli'h Infrinficd the rlKhi« of Ann cao cliltcnK under thi! lawn of ijon^ ■ . . ‘

Tho cJocumpnt w ln ta ou t that n UlnlntF nn <very i.!do nnd .inililic ci dam In lhi' UnltrtT 8UlcR bold Brllinh jw llry a s d irectly rcsronBi for the dcproasloti la miiny Arocrl' Indintrlnii, It Hltuapon ilio nnrioumi

#• of which miiNiJ)j;_ftDparent. l o ^ rllatn; '•RelniburReinflnt alono for r.irK

unlnvllully detained or BoUcd. it ntn docs nol remedy Iho ovU. tui tt\c cl djfficnlly is tho moral effcct of Rrll

. prncUce on American cxportera _i-------are -fM tralned’b y l r t i t n a takluK'fl

o r hitzaidfl whlc}) in no c u o oiiRbi Hurrouml legitim ate trade betn'ern[X ltprf »jti>ti>«-jnil-nihoB-n«ui<>Ml-<-o

• ■ tries. ' ' ■- - - — Sny* lVool»^ A re ’AroiififJ.■■

F>ieIlnR hox been arouncd on aubject lo *ucli (in extent^ lhr: c

....... monicatlon addff. iho l the Amorl• Ko'vemtnent fecln compelled to iwk

Aeflnllo Inlorm oilon.afl lo Orrnt li nllUude In 'o rder tha l U t

•fake *urb .rbm iiro s oji will pro A m erkan cUiirin« In th e ir riRhlH.

Tbo United fltoten, it polntfl oul. ■patient a t f ln t . rea llting th a t lbe cxpffiJcd oatbrenk of hosijlUlt* hoaiivd n m oss of bnrdeb i'on lhc I Inh ^ v rrn m e n t and thinking au i-i c ltarlnp 'of Ihn a ir wontd corite. 1 monthn have now clapned. iho iiote doriK, w ith no Improvement In lbe ^lM^on.

In tbe meantime Amcricnn ttblp; bnvo availed lhomselvc» of van iWERtstlon# from th e BrlUsh povi ment. siirli aj» chlppJnR carROca to ■ Inllely named conAlRocefl In nou fOunlTlfs, nniS tho laWnR out of tlflralefi (rom coneulu In this cour w hlrh followed pronil^os of the I Uh forelRn ettlco th n l tho nlUed fl

. ^ n se q u c n tly woold coaso 'dctont. "of theae cnrROCS. Tho nUuatlon. h cTer, Is df8CTll)t!<l n> htiTinK hanlVy proved nfler these rohcessions.

Reference Ih mnde la the note lo hlRh prlnclp lw o( nquliy. wblch 1 nciuaied jf;r«'nl.B rttniri.in- har-cb

= • plonshlp In thc pnflt o f the frcedot \ t^ e MftB to .neutra l tommeTfe. nnfl

bone 1*< expreaaed tba t even thou(

I .-'bolljRercnt hcroclf, ahe will rrallxc B trlo u sn m to tho ocn tra l o l conlli Interference.

Wilt Talk I t OVer. Tlen'or>-ln/; un til fome olhor dWo

JlMURRlon oC thoRe nrtlrVrt. * Greal' Tirllaln hJU> ta k w fr o m the ara lly nccepted IIbIh of noneonlral and ;'lftcwl the Usf.' of at»oli>to conditional .coolraband, the Amcr Rovernment deelnres th a t' tho Hr A M # h avo been • reftardlai; ab«

(CoatlnuBd on wuw 8.^

■ T Vr t f Y E A R . - ■ T W m

H A O f l l l l W r f A l ^

f u lf il School AndKoduni. Janonn . _ . lO lK ___________

U ader tbe direction of'^IrM. Wll; McKny Oleon, the ca«t of tho *'0 Crown" Is working h&nl to prctwi

Ip pleasin); en tertainm ent. The pluy I t w ritten hy th e laemberH of the an t

bl»tory c lass and they have placcd I price o t odmlaalOQ n t twenly-flvc c ‘ so tb a l n largo num ber of Twin F

peoplo m ay a ttend and see wliai lu . InR done In lbe blsiory deiwrtn

_ o t the blBh uchool.• CAST

I’oriclcD, Stfttoflman.Thcodore Do PliWlfts, S c u lp to r ....A r th u r llock.................................. ..liobert E dw

Ul L yslcratco...................... Euceno Skir, 1, Axuaagortia. .v r . ' . K b b e r t li

AdmoUs. Phidias’ pupil ........................................ ..... 'D o n a ld lion'

EntJymlMi, bl» tr io n d ...C h e s lf r \ Cleon, Loader A saJnst I’c rlc len ...

............................ Clarence i-:llernilppila, hla frland ......................

“ ............................. .M ichael ThotV Tlmlnn, c lerk o f tho c o u r t . . . '___

• ........P O T iT ^ ..................... .. .R&lpb' Spaa

r j ' |»afltliiea.......... . . . . .C la re n c e UlcbiItunno r........................ '.......... Jay T n

“ Aphasia, wlfo o t Porlclea..............“e ..............................................U uJbc (

X aath lppc ,'w lfo o t g o c m io s ....‘>0 ................................ '. ...V ttPna Sell

Helen, Phldlrtn'.dauRbtor.............. ..'<• ...........................s-.Roaamund-llun

Im e . H oloa's elaTe..UxuraKl]iQQuM CoddoM A lb o a n ..;............ J tilla Si

« u 8 l c l n n y ^ m ClnuBoo, P a a flb 1 y- C b o n i* -« W tb y Iximon.i.Qeojila « da. Ruby Cllne, Juab StophenMn, I

SaUaflay. H cloa lli r l iu i. V era Uu Anna Budrtiw, E ra Woodward. Frai .W anier, Suiictta flmlth. T n ilh >lil Ruhy lleartlle ld . Helen I lc n n ; K

[f- Bower.5® Tho Time—Thuraday. Jan . 7, i

p. in. •o r .jTjg piftce—niRb flchOQl auditor

Tbo O lrl—fibe wnnU to see • “ CHiVB-Crown.’’ ,

by ——cd H ptndtibtttl'’ &« th e U T t n* Jom uiry J i t uod i^od.

Whllu -Mr. R, t^>rrcKt Taylor _ A dd- D a n le lr - a n tm i iu 'E tb e r Tii nn l n:isoclato players,, a re well

«• favnrnoly known, to uU’ tovcvs I/- a rjti:’,-.Tionl8 In tblii city, It I» Jo il

if t^ie ■- lo bo i resenici: l.y i r u d i •. Vt.', SiU(ird.:y J a n ..tH au', flii: as >v,.n known. .

M ', T .iylor'a ' pnwt jc p u la t l’ju Rood (ilaya oud imrformancew '

In p in ran lee for thcao vlaj'a to be Hinted durlOK-tblB cnfinKcment of

9 ' d'UT- The Now Vear’u niRht. play rl- bo tbnl wonderful Atory by Pi

E m erson IJrown "Tho 8pcndtl\rlfl Htory of la tere a t lo. every nva», »c nnd child, Saturday nl>;bt‘tf play

1 ' bc “All d f a Sudden. P e m " a'Ph, m e comedy, w ith cnouKh hearty la

■*lp to cnrry you throuRh* tbe aew : A apeclal rantlnofl baJi been urra fo r ladlcH. toU irdny^alun iO Q a^ ' AtlRJlhln T''vans‘~deIlBh'lful iftory. Klmo“ will be 'Riven, Three" b plays havu tie.vcr l«en ottered In

I’-’’; city. ScatK now Hcllinf: a t Sk

i soa lffllN cf;bc ‘ ^ -------lft- M r.-a n d -M n t- 'ttr M rU aB W t o S

■ E/Rbtr W fo d ii afld_.VflRbbon

. On T\lf^^lay evenini; o f-th i* ’ ' Lhi; M r- and Mrw, 0 . M. Ilanla enter ni- ed elKhiy. o f-th e lr fricnd!? nnd n an liorsv ivl Ihelr home to n r mllon for' of ihln city. The ovenl wa.1 In Ihi ■it- Hire of a hnrn iliinco. the barn I lay d e co ra t'd In a tx ifon iln iuannerla i I'cl en terln ln iiien t Tbe niUHic wa»

nUbed by .Sliroll bro tbers ' oreh .'ii» At midnlRhl a sploadld lii&cbeon jn* Brrvcd by tbe b o it aod hoRteRii. iad '-------- «

ARlifSIfDfORGAWNiU-e ______“t ’ Five Deroleex of (lie Qreen Cloll

rrn^c4 by. R btrK fs Ollice

3UB Chj Mondny cTonlnR of tbls wee _ aUerlfCft oftlco In connectionI / pollro dc rnrta ioo t maid n raid

Bhack on Iho ouU klrls of thc cllj " a rreslod tlvc mon, K., P , FlnV,

... Mooro. n e rt Johnson. John Doe. Guy M. 'Wood, whom they cbarRcd

’ pamhUttB,' On Tuesday mornlnR wcro, taken 'befo ro JudRo J. M, fl nnd pleaded Rullty to 'tbe charKc,

II ODDffllOWSipUBve , . ' — 2 — im . .Vfw Officer* t o r En»BlBK T trio I of , In trodated X ert T harsda tthe ’ • . - --------- , ^h .a . O a.T & uraday cveftlnR .'Jaaua lbe tbo 'Independent O nlep of Odd Fo ued o t lh1p_clty, wljl inatali the foIli

o fH rera fo r tho eosylnK terns'. P ast O rand—G ran t Miller. Noblo O ra n i—D. . Drown Lowor

S . Vlco O ia a d - 0 . W, tJo»5hi«n-,. Secro tiifr-C h* rt*a J, (frosby.

FlaanclaJ Secrotary—s . O. Mr.* Tn'A.iurof—W. H. Weaver,

c.m - , . - — - -llRh "Polly c t tha Circus'" a t tho U \ iQlf. th eatre , W etowiJnT, Jan ., Sth. — tho 'ftusplpea of Twin F a lls .Dra

c lu b ." .

r o i[^ A L L S , T ^ N FALLS COUl


'live ______H a

C , Contract fiots to Contmi i s Caldwell . 'be- " --------- .

len t •M l'l 'l l 0PP081TI0.S .UAMKKSl


w ill • -------- ^in ism er Stronir Talk of lo jnnrtlon I|eln.c^.A« lead '~ f o r by. Ttioiie Opposed to tbe (

. s tm r tk n Kf UridRf,IVOllVlao -----

•ans .Monday afternoon o( IblH w. thn bonrd o t county coromluBloi o f Twlo'F^llB COUnty. met to open bidfi fo r tbo conalnii'tloii of

U urL .^''I'beTo M m " ^ t Oldderb. ^fV tho plans,- whlcb bad beon prepnr'et ■ PnEl nccr V JX aad KnRlncer MeDon

T be followinK ore tbo bids:l i . r I 'orbeH & Co., on Kox plan fS

'OmoJia S truct, a tw l Co„ on Vox

O mahb Struct, ^ o e i, Co. on .Me..• ' Doaald plan ................................ C,.«n Mo. Volley IJrldRo & Iron Co,, on

-Fox plan .................................... 6Mo. Valley UrldKo ^ lio o Co., on

McDonald plan ........................ r,111. s te e l lirldjto Co„ on I-'ox plan G Jan. J. llufke k Co., on -Pox plan 1 Jog. J . Durko & Co., on McDon-

, ' nld plan . . .• ..................7w « Cbns. H. M\s». on Ir'os p la n . . . . fl

MpW. Steel & IlrldRo Cp., on h\>x„ . o p la n ............................................ .. C

® MplR. Slttil & llridKe Co„ on Mc-Inm Donald j^lan ........ ............ 7

■ M ldlw d DrtdRO Co., on I’u i plaJi S W hen the bids were opened It

found th a t ibo Mldlnml Ilrldec c

i piiny - waii the: b jf e a t . blddor-by- — r BU 0\''6r «j«r~vlollar. bu l ll wafi Jc thn l th te comiuwy niade no stltmln a s . to « ttra ii, ^vbich wah doni^by

rlo* J - H . l''\)rl>oii comi'.ony. Tlii> nnir BlonerK Ihervfoni ai-cepied tbe bl th c Forbes company'.

Mim __The_Mldl!Uid -com)»3)y - h n » - |ih S c r p ro ita l ajcalnflt the romnil»Hlo

awardInK lbe conlrnct to tbe ^\l '«.{ comviany lU ii thrwUbO to rcI o«:

!itfiil Injuuetlon to Htop tbe conimlnslo 1,trill from’ enlerlriB Into a ton irnc l wlih V i concern. Thin In n o t ihe only iro

tliat IhrealrnH tbe comnili-iiloiuTK. Jur Ifunxcn |H-oi>le, toKoiher with n

l« a of the «Btller» on the Snrili Side, p re- Inking .itepK lo (Ii> up tbe maiiei two Ibnt the ‘eommlmiloni'rH cannoi c w in tnlo a con tracl w llh the InldKi* i

)ric r pany. ' ,

’:;S , THt.ORPlitlJH IttEAietarm - ■ ______

1 'o i .m M il l c ,r t . .tm lra llnn T nge,j - In Fine C o n rd j Acl,___

’'i'Dr lbe laiit ib ree • nlKlilt< of c lte r miinani'iuw i of tbe 'drjili

theairv will (aliodyce • l’uwer» eriB- Joyce, tbe AuBirnllan teiim. in u

' • e lty 'act. InlroduclDR plenty of com edy | sIoKlnK a n d ' daovlns.

------ photo*ilay» are of tbe bcHl ajid,liii'"T he T ar tirC a n n o n Hull," a li^an m asterpleco In lwo pari«; "l-''attyMlnnohalia." ;i ICffvmnne___ cnn

rQJn which i« suro to ple;uie. '•The .Mi• W eekly" RhowK Ihe lulesl hW'Pri:

■ Ih’e w brld-oi'flr.'aluo Hcctlvl apper week InR to the Ruropc.Tn war. .Tbe lain- croju oh iv. w ho le -U .» kooiI one ulKb- h iird ‘lo bent, east ---------------;--------

m u CRfAmRv CO■ th e . ‘

e /tru •’'f '” UB»Ioeiiii fo be L aonrhrd on -orr SettreiralSon.

Tb.; t ln a of tb(. w.-ek tbe llazi

G Cri'uniery aflHoelailoa filed iirlleli liicoriiorutloa wllh ihe. nvi'teins ntate. Tlie placc of buslncHU Ix il

' naled na lliueltou . Mlnliloka co• ■ Tbe cApltal Ktock ho-M. been pUw

13.000. The Incorporfttors arc . lr iv.» 1*0*. 8 . S. llrtxjks, H enry Kyi'ri ^ ; r S, Uunn aud H. K ..aundeUlni;er,

OBiabllHblnR of a crcaincry uii •VmM should b e -a Ikjoii tc

Ous tnrniers*on the- norlh ald<; nt P m d

with -------------------------------------------------they

C O A IS i

A - 4 ¥ E E ^

I a l ir i r , i p t e o ; f r i 'd a y .Tj a n i


y ______

at Celrf)|:|tifin': friilay Afterno I Attracts Many -

(■HILlili|;N o t ' CITV llK.UKSIDfI{ WITH G i m (>F CAKDV

‘fd MDHleal'VtoRrttR HHTMly »n- tb e 8«tere fo ld W are of th e V Vfttl.ek, Tho f lr t i Community CbrlitnmK i c rs o t Twlo >'u11h ban jiaKHed Into hlsli tho w llh th e pluaeanl m?rootle* o t aceor the Itghmeaia f o r tbln livp r"V nr»' ^ I t i r glAnjiDR liROUi of.yu]eUdfi-< ou Qfu aad by tho bll»tenlnR «yby bOllc. i t a r ^ f Chrlutendpni. the biR t

Od. was Indoed a p rclly *lKht Burrouni on a ll 4Wee Uy'l!>e caRcr clilMr

91C Porkrd oboul the baao of tbe tree w.hundreds c f bsRu of ChrlitnmH cam!

9SS wUlcU W9K! di«tTtbMled,In au ordt;mannor, *o tha t eiii'h boy nnd Rirl

SOO cdvcd some token uf the comniunll In terest la ibcm . ’

991 SurrouhdloK tbo chl/dren. »tirctc1 b'ack to tho cxtremo.edRns of ibe pn

949 alood iSe par^olH iw Inlcre'sied «j>« 990 to rs in the affair, which ha-s hnd

undivided BUpport from all cltrzenf Wbllo tho BcvcTc cold laade

!i9.t omission of tbe hnnd numbera .ni'c tiOO nary, the proRram of CbrlntmuH «oi

ntlll caroU hy the clilUlren and 773 Tfftn t 'a lu Choral society proved h

ficienlly a ttrac tlre lo offset, the i 3C5 QcouH cold and Ihe v.-hole a lta ir i 9iC iboroURbly I’njoyed nnd henrtliy 6-na plauded. . ’3UI- - A fter the excTClaga,' llie ihP 'Cll4rfil Boclety, w arm ly wr:n- lind in fura mndf a bob-Kled journey to ;loti varlons hotpKaltt o t ih U cUy nml c th e vey«l the comnii'inlty Roo'd'wlll 'in' nl.’ - Inmates In-beaullftil carols.I of - . . •_____

The hplrll nioved Homr o t o u r men rc-nown;

■ (Ireat men wbo will ever hold ‘p,™ To trv lo nmke iture tVal oiir j-oui

Bi'iit town- '.Sboiild do a uraiid iIiIiik '>n

.. t'hrlBlmimdny.

are Tlii'y would briiiR in th f i-ounlry fi , so (ftr and trom iveiu', uter The true Clirl«iniiis '.siHrU «'<j om* kindle dnew;-

The a u r o{ th e K.iull nhouhl In Rl ' apjKiar

Abovi- tbe Y ule 'irci- Ihnt <iur fi t a lh m knew.

HiTalil AiiRels shoiilil come from 'U'*'. ' 0.1M ojid the west,

• .Sliii-iiii: ,carols,'.eiilra:iclnB. i<> v — ’ ■■■ triimon.breaiii-: ' tb ls While- III.. klddlcB luoembled wouU I'lim moro tban blensed ntlll Wllll a sack full of coodli's by lov. . - . ' »mo poflscRHcd!

.So lUc word ll weM ont. awl ' li„lp . iTO'vd It cnme In, a lio And peopled the park In a [ i.vk : ftiid "n jir.l • ' --------- :----------------------l,m) III tact, 'twas n iwlu with a trm' InBi., . ^ llH hac\5. _

Thy Hnow U wn.4 crlup nnd the win . . . blevi' co ld :.... •- • - - -

' Iv’en Ibc noiCB from llie horn» of br;u.H vlllniie. band

Fell froji'n r.o hard thut llu'j- rail not rolled:

While the volci- nl the A nsels i Ceali'd n t lbe slwid,

''***’ ,\.Um aad alack for iHir wise vll' holils . . . - -

Wbl) ilioiiRht they could eon; wllh no^H-.CKle lampv

i-V.r Kreen llmbB will not-Rrow u ' leli'Kraph [volcfi,

X»ir Aiv^vlg IcQvc heaven, eai '"■•V' imoa- fields lo t^aB7^ .II a i. U. liut don't Ict'H (orgct tb n l tbo ], W, ironi' wan Rood.Thv S o r m-^It nnd deride nny laboi tbe lov.i;the .Vcxt year wc will brlnR a real

lake from the wood.And or.IiT our wc.itbcn d irec t f

nbove. " '----- X .IL V

i f l . H. bTnM ndibaif U 'flI-K ncinn_PlD o«rSe<yQ Cj’_tac<

CiiDal lloord.

m \ 0 . .M, IVitita, one of lb.> well km■ pioneer tecldvalh ot. Ihla' conoi) m a canflld.-ue for director on the bo r of the Twin FSiIIh Canal company

■ Is RotUnK a lol of,tftvo«vhle no ilre over the rotiniy, li-cnuRe of hl« re< nUcd ability ' as an Irrlrs tion ls t Ids umiworvlnc honeRly o t yAirp

■ .Mr,vrtllntn*hii^ liv .^ In I tr lca ilo n c f b ' tries f o r 'tb e po;.| iiventy-nl:ie y.■ and iti ihorouehlv (amllinr « lth* probl.'mt< of Ibla trnct and Iih1 Xir. lla a la iilio hns uomc r e f d ^f l . ihu .m ^lbod io f pwbllcliy lo r i h l 'VI I - ot 1.1- board of dlrretors w blfhM Is to try out In c.if .- of bl*

. tloa. . • . . I -------—^

^ ’ T llA R Y 1 ,1 9 1 5 . ’ ' SOI

" WmUjNJVAR'ZONff tlrM t-A rm le i ■ffalOnp~fu7” y e » r7 n

• xluDKhtK on llu- Vlr»A>nay l.ln»'s.

iSpci-lal to Tbe TImoB.t Hall U k e Clly, Ik e . r,t. lHU.

l l won I(ianie<l.on Wednendny tlu in {Qiif (ierm au Avluiora drogiped bomt

on tbe city of Dunkirk.'kllllnv; tlttt.e and wonndlOR thirty , ^'Voarb otflcli Kiaienienl sa.vH iha l yeHtenlay froi th e nea to AIkuu everyihliiK wiui reli lively calm, ulUiouRh there were a llllory exclianKi'K fit pome j«lnlB,

:d I.ondon lu llltiu y exiw rts are o t ll opinion tliat the allies will poHlpot any nerlouB of/eosh'e moveniet aRalnst ib e GcrraaaH until lwi?« coi llnRentfl of K llc lilncr'aauw -arniy-tul

by the field, -L.ondob dispatch nayi> tbi Cnrl LlcbknecbU the Sodalim men ber ot UiQ Q enuan ItelcbNtaR, bon nci a new year's mcBsaRe to worker# •. tho world to make war on wiir, ,

, • P aris ■ dl»pmch nayn tba t SiTvlu ' n\inlater lo l^lrance announce<t tin

[• tho ScrvlRUH will no i make m arch c II

, Thai tho ,llr»lBh Rovurnnient- will r r quire se v e ra l‘daj-a to consWcr .tu l

the rcprcientnfloni* made In ib\; Ame ^ lean Kovcranicnl'a note wltb rcRurd i ~ BcurcblnR Acierlcan veaselK hy Itill?

wnrahlpB beforc.rcpfylnB to - tb e m - BolBlan'border^i will be clOBi-d I

,, tho C orm an'ndm inlatratlou ijeglonlr , ' on January 1, t a a ll peraoou excej . Ihose holdlnB BiK.-Vlal m ilitary poJiHe

Uritlab goverumcni's war lntniran< , m tea on carKoea bas been decrcaat

cEO-thlrd.■ Tblrd C erm aa advance, on W m a

. * has -been definitely checked, accon IaK to otIlclalK u t PclrOBrad. -In’ ^h,

. territory, the C ennaau bavc Butter* Rreat loaseu a u d jja l lc d to bron throuBh the Uuiuira»v..llno, which hi

V beon Kreatfy re^enforced. I'Ullure - Auiilrlah advance ihrouRh thc Carpotl

I * tosH In Bald to have bud n eerloua c feet on AuHirla-tlerolan canijtalKn tbe eud. • •

'* ■ Vienna claims to bave broueh t ilu . , filan'adv.inc.-!iiCup3iblaatfla;kHi«ut

r f

^ [ffiaBII« SIARIB>Yf.s|fni Auio ('oQpaiiy In^ialiH {ir

'“ ii'DallB’ SyiiUm!'. ,

A nelf s lu rte r.fo r the I-’ord ba<i bi" one of monyJokeH pcr{)«tratcd u p o n t l\i rd owncra lii th e -»,'ay ot rillt. I'nlly npplled '•arninlronR" process thnl Iho 'ownerH.baVe a rlRhl to f( Hk<-iitlcal, However, In lhe-i>riH'i-M evolution of the Ford ulonR with ulb

„j,, Dnrwinlua .objects, nn elecirli' ite iitartcr has 1h‘v« made th u t rIvph t

j](l Ford owner ihi- Kiiine luxurlanl m-nn tlob ax the blR "plute*' in bin hlR

JTV priced llnsowdiM'. T h t WeuU'Tii Av company nri- iid.liuR an electric so

r,,. o ta rter of ,(!ruy luid DnvIn ninki'., th e ir Forda itu a w ill.m ake ih e 'n r

Iind Hcrvlci'Hbl.' c;ir tnorc popular tb. Uie ev/'f, . One of tbe HlatierH Iihh be

placed o n ‘llie dvroouttlrlft'T_eaTj»tJ leb <-ompan>"tUTi1-|U p'rDvIiiB’ 'hlBtily .'f

d e n t In siarilm : the newent ('tfiRlni; tlf llie coWcM w eather, whioh Itv ih f hm

em jwiiHlblc letil. ich ------------------------

ION CARSAnRAniVfA ienej for -Veit lio JH s I’lncM With

^ e _____________ a*_limUh, »

on’'Tin; Moon." a raodoTale ptlo-d n

tonioblle w||h--'niiiny featur.m of t U l hiKh.priced cnrH Is one of th.^'lat.

e n trf tti ts 'to puWU- • T h f loiIbe aRency for thp .Moon hnjt been Heeur

by C. M. Smith, wbo haa been mnnl od, hU dcmonBlralor In lhi« clly. T

new car wltb luuidflome sirenmlln on* and expcnnlvely upbolntercd in lerl

look's like o\w of ihe delvne tyi All of tbe latent elccirlealH iartlnR a

'Ke H);htlnR fealurt-ti contrlbuto In mnki lbe moun look llk>- a {Ine iw ^lnni pr

;iro p j cnr, '

StNlfflCtD MOUMNFred H 'lcs llffclves Klorty Duj.s

ibe Connty Jafl.

On I'ue.sday niornlnR JudKe C. Stockulaficr Tiontenced t'Ved EpIch llubl. to Rcrrc ninety dayn ls\ \ county Jail and to pay a fine of i: fo r iiclllnR liquor contrary to

. I>tc9 W08 convicted'aboul a year a but did not m.ike bli) app<rhrancn Ihihl until, a nhort time bro, wh

F ho wa-H jrrcTilcd by Ctiy Marahal Col L oad brouRht lo Iho couniy Jnll. Durl

hla nhscnco h is bo'ademen were h< .Qtt for, h is apD cnraace.. .........................

WflOOaiG ,

ini' P leau D t Vle1 TonOR People !lf»rrl ind D ew ab er 27.a ll .3i:- On December 27. MU* Mj n l r Wf ‘'■‘J tind A rthur T. C ra lc both wc-il knn-

yoiine )>cople o t thi- Plca.ianl-V I nnlr-bhorboei, w rre JolnM -'ln m; rliRe by Hov. II, T i>vdum, The ee

1' ' many waa perfonn'Hl .In the_ n.tpi ■m. chu rch 'In lh« pr^'tcnce o t a 'M tn l

I" of invited puonl^ .\fie r th r. weddl a aplonilld dinner wn's enjn 'i-d hy i

he company, Mr», Crali; Ih ih « dnunh l'’f- of Mr, and— '*tw-irflnfff5Wa lo iKe community.

[ M E SS C M f T l O N , $ t W P E R Y E A R

j m H U . -I N H I G M M

GoiiiityAttiirBey'aysinfffedtlfc : txpcdslnidm cntofflffidalse IIKJ.IKVKS ISFOIUIATION AT ‘


J — ------------------- — ^t lodlrtm eo(< U’ill Ue Up tv tb r Uraa**' J a i7 U NU(« o r r i c m s r r to b e .Id - { pUrated ia S o o d a l.

J AccordlnR to a »lat«meiil by Coun', ty Attorney (Uwcns U o ad * ^ be W. la.^ W am tkM t—of u n u u u '(11‘J.eufliiiluf/ i . ta c ts concomlnR preM nt sta te officials.' .

both elective and appointive. wtUeti '. he wiH.prc»i'nt to the B rand /u ry boa*(, v e n to R here January Ub to taTe*llKtl« ■1, matterH a l tbe atato capllol. W htih tP - _____—'

ladirlm ent»*-trll|-tJC 'rtlu ffiea‘ o r not.., jlependu « i th e ' a itlludo wblch tb ^. Rrand Jury takea cooccnvlnK the 'J dcnce presented, AccordlnR to Mr.I Qlvena, ho In uncovorlnB ni‘«v,erldeiK>*^ ovory d a y nnd expocls a R ttal' d tU J more <o bo discovered by the rtu< 1

Jury.,, In speakinR of the comlnK In v esll- .: Ration, .Mr. Olrena said. '" I hnvo l a •^ my poMCBJiIon certain fncta concerelDs ^ sta te ?fflclni». elecUvo aad appolnll’re,Ij which I will Rivo to Iho Brand Jury J to r conBlderatlon. W hellior they will r re tu rn any Ihdlctmeata o r aot. dfipcal». on whelhor they think tha t o r otI-

dcaco la of onouRh welRht to Justify JJ euch action.

“ 1 am dlBcoVerlnR now m attor.oachday, ,^VQ..wlll ro qolte deep iatS’th e .............

, DftC£jilloa-oC-tho-vttrloii«rdtfpjirtTn«iW nnd o u r InveBilRatton mity ro back to Itae bulldlnR ol tho copllol. whlcb was looked In to .b y the Rrand Jury two yearA-.«ROr~A(--one-.tiffl« f told th<>

. nowBpapew lh a i,I 'd ld not belieVr* tb(> ,, iRTciHlsatlon.-wdilld'affoct anyone e l s e - -'

y itl. the atate troanurera-offletj-otlior^------------than th e two men now in the penI-' tentlnry, I nm not to sure about It aow."

" The rounly allorney'# otflco askod ‘ December 11! for the crand Jur>\

JinlRen .McCnrthy and Davla iBitued tho ' call wblch 1» nnl by law for 11 o’clock ou the first day of the monthly- cil* • endar, which In Ja n u ary .4. '

W hen the Ju ry ' convcneii Monday'' niornlnR. the eounty attoRw y will pr»-

" ered to Inquire Into the -flb in iy o f * iho ic aubpoi-?neil to den’o in, tbe c.i-

'■ pdclty of Jurorn.f A fter tho county nttornoy concludon '

lil» .•xnnilnotlon anyone In Jail o r » y - ^ ono who Ib under ounpicton caa inaka

an exuinln^Ioo, A fter It! m ea gaoll- " tv. Judse DavlH, -who will hnve cbarBo

of lbe Jury.- wU1''r1vo U i.a Ju fy - .lU J ti^ ----- —fetnirtItinB“ T H m 'th 'o ju ry Is Itn own bo&B and c .u do and »ay what It. .

■/* pleanpH, It may make Iw own rulM , net Iln own boura ahd call boforti II • anyone whom 11 wlshea. T ho Jnry may re tu rn tru e bllla o r tt rany clear tbOBe, who arc under.suspicion before th e public.

Araonc lbe witnesses whom the 'l \ county ,o tlom ey will undoubtedly call_________In th e rju ir.fiifi Ol V Allmli I'lm l tf .

(^lemjui-. Pure Foofi Commhialoner .- While, who. I t-Is iindcratood. will b<v , ,

Ij- merely used In tbo c ap a e lty 'o t.a ir ll- le nefls, Axel P. Haiafltedt. who’ m»d<*il lhc .._ fit^t JnvcBtlRatlon o f lh e s u t a - • al ircaau re r’s oltlco a fte r the .cxposurco'’•d were made an'd W. H. fJleOBon. tho e t - iR pert accountant who invoatlRatod the ie CAW to r O ovomor Halnos.—Suteflman.

! f IR S lW R V .A C a D ff llId _____

K. P. Ulntc Falls to Ueed WarnlaK DTihtJe of M otor f a r

S T he Twin >* 118 Bireet Railw ay ,coo- paoy mlBped a eWar record o t trco d o a from accldrnts, the cloelnc dsy

, of th e year, the m otor cnr thlit m om lnc h it E. P. RlnR, n a need real- 'dent o f th is city aad Injured him se­verely, I t R. Bpalford. Rcnoral m&a-

0. aRcr of thc company wod ocllot; u - of motorman a t the time Ami sla tes tha t

when. twenly-ll.v« lo ib lrty feel away,50 hi) saw M rlllnK loavo tho curb and fita rt <v. tow ard tbo center of lbe ntroot. He w Itnraedlnioly r.ulle<l tho whliillo cord ■In .md expected to aco lUng stop and bJ- . in lott' the cnr to pans him. To hla her- . pr. r a r . however, lha vlcUm kept otralRbl iR rn aernjK th r iraek and was a truck by Id Iho bcaiy . ta.-. which could not- bc*-..' !-.

stoppriTUi H) hhorl a d isinnce Bo'm<' scalp wiiuniN a a d ’thrco broken rllh t. , were tbe outcome of tbo nccldenl,'M r lllnR l!- n old man, and ra th e r h a r l o r . benttaR. i-o Umt l l In IhouRbt lh a t t h e , . ..

. warninK whiKtl.- failed to reacb him,^ Thc -wlf-' of the Injured ;m in I'Ute-t

tba i fh.- hau w orried a Rreat doal abotrt, blm b.-oauw of bl» inablllly to-h(vu~

>1 nad doPH.noi blan-..; the company .o r r .Mr. Spsffont fo r tbi- imforlunatn a r- ■«- cldrni.

l i m a r s■ ' Rock S p r ia j i and

^ --------^ ') H e - « r tT - C o a t------- ■■ •‘ ffe Doy foU loeii. Pbsna t ^

Page 2: T V r o i I a l i ^ ’^ T l [M E Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...T H I I 1 I '"3 VOL.X. NO. M TEN I ____HRJ|l(DS-OI I ^-Ministration Sends Dras! I NoteiiiiQiiestionofCopetc

THE TfflN FALLS■___V • PubllBhed Twice a Wwjk. '

_____ __ '• a d Frldayo, In . tiio CinutBijndlDBrMftlii'.Htrfetr:--------

' ' ■ WILHUK s'. HILLEditor und Publluticr

' .flMfiabcr of Eaptcrn Halm I’t


, - ir* B t« e d BB Sneoai-C lasu MwBcml-Wcekly, O et.'l8, is

SabscrlpUon Unlfs--------- £>aft yftur. In Hdrancc____•...

.e ix montbu . — ......

- . . T K i,»&


’O i All of \ o u r r r i n tc j Un Beprfseo ts ' Good IT^rkniunsh Wkffw, and Good Condltlona.-

•MakltiK Ki-w Yonr-.i rt-suhi becomlnj; mi ('oimnon Ihal i wht) vowK non'' 1 ; U

— ' ----------------UncUvr-HMd piivlivl.Ip-rU i*.--

ProRcaiilJiiU AUfirtfoy.Glvcio faun iy . Ik r 'ra tn f» fn (r wjttir- ( 'h t li i t t ii i iH i -n c k a rM t o !n>nic n

......._ _ _ -llclahi. The f;n t Hint tlir ]M< k;. ' ■ 'ic a lp ^ ’Iii';iiWIiiK ;rt;lV.it lillni>

U d .[in:i»itily. |o i^ iim<,prf>pitil(;il'*r/-rlli!rnts'

i,'r<'illr((iinH i'lll' Ifll' tiiirii'.i I _ •, . JJI 'i. |ii-)iinl;-.« iiiiic'li- In Illl'

.•ivltciii.'Tii (,ir AniiTlra. In h- intcrnaUiiiiiil and Internal a lt

, <iDr--lialf of thi' |ir.;dlc i.M| liicMi. ■llr.iii,r,'r. rotiic iriK-, llu- Ai Jcslrv f<n _ilirllls «H) have- li,...

; fhntt .’•■■■dl.iinl. ■

Tti.M.iaii wli(«'ilirii:.l» 111'. .-1,1• tbim lllto.ll:,- fan-r. of 111:- a - ;

-■C'l;. im :.>miMl|iy tnnii . , 'l a l

Most cnniiium iiiorlalii- l<iillil ii• yfjpcr.viruiiiui' n)D) fisir :U)'l

' tlBc, knowliii; Hic d;un;rr and . - tho tuiiilil.' Ironi too lia;'iv (.i

■ llOTJ,

■J’ri'.'itil' d! VVJ): VV.vMiijl;: I--------------------- j l k n d Iti in vH. illa, :in,| |o all I

.iiporc'nt nailiiii'. in iic-nrral rdn.

.mlorf.T(Nnic «ltli Anu-rl.aii ;a...........— (n^iT'-fllm'.-willi iifiTovtil “ II a!

■ . 'b'.vmi.''«r k '.Iinw : (fn- (nf''n(f('iii 'l iom--nilr li:tttn;nl lli.mir, Tll •^aru ln l:' In -In kn-inlK u llli li tional law . nucrm'lni; ik-' c.irin..

I” ni'iiital inni;, is nnnn- •■<». '.TIU' :toM.ltli; nt nllltval

In niid-ni'.an (or vcar.'li aii'l ■.■ JH <mr iK.utU r nUMt

ll)’ ri'a>nu'of lli'‘|-n\vn-|if,-vlnll:. 1 -Tid..nii.'„ii„n:i..il.!.<Tv,,. wllll,, t.?onrslil[i|,im ;. Dnrlni; tliv Clvl (wi) rcinl.dnaic- .im-ni'.. Mii^n SfWc'II. u . r.' lah .n .iff an fviiufl;. ^ 'fn^:.•^^llll'ai ." .I l.v thv fn l(

_rpKs")j.. Kn;;,lan.l ;iri>l)Mi-c! nt ' IVnlti'd Stall-. Kraci'fnily lia.-l;c

»IMiloi;izi'il anil n iii rn id th-' Tliat inal;i.’n ICiinland ;,n

tho liiuiio thlni; nnw. In i-an: .' : In V iltf r a'-lait.H ; Ij- . I ff.'wliliiini ilch l, o r 111 acllni: nc.w\> rl'ilit- ll), vtci|i|iiiu: ,^In.•rll'.^n '

'in r;p,irrli for cjtmiral.aiidi ..f l-^ni;lm»l ranimi nftoril to ; -iJn.Tliiu wlilcli I;, tf-i' vl(na'^l ;:yr l*-\f j,if_i:nf;iyi_Jcl.jals ut iiny

' cri'.-ij imsrii.. Tlii-rr .•ihould , jitii;<il::Hi'-rivai rry froin i'IIIht

I't-anH.' of Ilil' w.irnln:.; Iminc l, WarnliiK ilnalii wiih Inlcinriiliiiia !/« ;wid Kniilanil. nniti hy M'-i t ”!i iuc t jn hor ((f.-illripf «it(t lu-'tlt.i.

o n u DKreNSES VlhiU-KD ; ^ AIinOAD.

ITin''V'lioi'rfal. inciiratiJo n(i((i -of t!in,i.rp;ildi'nt. n« tb r Canadl: lK>rs torm It. Irrllnl<‘:< nonn- o|

•a i’lKbhorn a, llill.'.' Thus Un- Mn

K e ^ M ^ e E

i s d u e —

o u r g p d

— — ^ ^ . ■

____ . ................... f.' "1

riMES— — lujiJ ri 'in ln ijK him th a t "Krca •ucBdaj-a confldonco, baswl upon .;iiwt H olohau Iindcr far d lffo ron l! conillll

r i'i f] iicn rfo rcn innp rto -d )sw urc." Canada, lo JiidRc fron

• o f t/io Dcimlntofi prctm, w&al well nrmed li.ccauno It niaj

>98 CluD, iipfCHanry for tho United Stnt

CA« '“ ‘ll '’''ly Into Ihp w ar In d thono j.rlnrlideH to which

;cr aa » “h<i Amcrtcn. wo uru a.Ti ilTTO 10. ro n im lttc jj .-uid lt:-lu cJbI

' wanj" Aweriraax lodorw i Kor pxmiiiilfp. the lx>ndon'(

. . .K ’.'iu vt-rll'"^r i-ayii:1 no - ' '

• ••gyiio iL fi^w • i ^ 'o i d i- 'l n 1' StntPii hav.- eiiiresHi'd tlio. I th i'lr novcrnnicnt luid ronnri

' fonic oul trnnkly In favur of ' and c'NtcT Jlir.iv n r awf/n.tl

Tliclr bfllc'f '111 luiflcd not nn Kronnd that llu> nlllcv iirc fl (lio rayso of frt'cdoni and di

Icr. I t whicb Uif Ilnitcd Stntcii h p, (iood cdly n rh.implon. Ii'u[ tha t It

nary ,'nil a nmtl<T. 'nf ;il- . HKnillft I h d />0;;»J1>I<'InoK Is <'otiilni-nl idioiilil'liornifiiiy wl I.' man 'fhli; view tlnil^'an ccho lu

a din- wh(>r<i lh» I/)iidon Ually Kxi • . litUii unuuycd a i uur_:;fl|.McJ?

• liarc'duc?;i" i^ il thlJika wc n nf Ada nvucly l>h- fnic cd Inti) n conl ficInN'il (iVrm.itry: , . ' , -

AV,' a'lirc.' tliat II m ay'Ilf n''-' .It

nialin7i'lu” lK i),(>:.liuin ~f^“ linTliMt ll 1-. nol liniisltil.' t<.r an

• o r for any. Inillv|il-rit Ui Inn th b uf'.iU war. i.lr'.al (lillalii

I"' nllb '. a r.‘ fkh ib ir. for .'xan ly r.Miv,. IIS \Va'lilin;l<ni Idiu-lit t

>'"? «v<r . - r c a t f r M H i Ni.rlli. It (Irra t Hrltain :iJn' arc' licali 11, It will tmi ma l»'fnr-' lh .' rtill .'d Slali':. will

’ fll;ht Jiickhimli'ry,"

l , , .y .-M i ln V ' I', till- li .in i i i . 'i i M n m r . 'a l D .illy S ia r , w lilch

; w a r i n (in - i '! i “ r|ir--ti( tfifll ■••i •■nm , n . , u I 'U I I I imI ,:- a

r l . l i 5 . o t a

r(ri'nil - ■ na'-tflclMi'i,■,,'irln-' ‘'' ''l-'i'f'* ' '.hutrliii', i'i a lllth- iMvn'- "" ' ■' " ''If'iual 1.1

*(.' I.itji-liiri'^; Ilial Wl' .'ir-' <1— . . u ) i i i m l t l '. . | i j _ : j n h j ^ t . n l h v, ; , t h n c v : - AV.-ll. (h i- i ; n l l i „ r S L I,. in v . . t . 'i i : i i I ia llo n , m id It l;i |.i

. • rn l ii i ; I " „ , , . | „ , . 'w l l l l n ; : t o l a l . - t l l . ' r i . ,k s i l l f '. Mdi:r. ■'X.''-,':'! ' ‘'‘Ib 'l' .......fn whh-li d.'in'li„ .11,.. t i l l ' i-\M'lhtii .- n f It", •i.nlllli nl

Ih',i anil insllItiHons,' o r an dnnii'MIr vinni-:., lii j.ri.li - 1' Ilu- ha ran ls of <iuliihh' attai-W. tnnafi'fy, vlm '".. «no- ^.-i n'li-iuM-lvf-.i (riint^lati imvvrr. of M'lf.iMi-UM'.’ aiv II

nlilit;.: I-rori-vUnli imalui-l lby liriltal

I \ v . , r , vliili- niilllarv n a llo n \ • ' ‘1 and •\i'i'-rl( ay iiniixu.' lo (outluucI |.:i,. Ihl:: iv..rld, ;i»d I.) 1, v.ar rl. iMl-.inaIn int:u-t, iln-y i,J ,|U' -.I'-ulldrr tIU' hiird.'U,| i | , i . vlnii:. i.r.'iaratlnn lo ih'f.-nd il,'

iwn .laj.an, how.-vrr, h- lhnroui;lil |,1 i„ , .-d with Ihl- «'{||,on •l.nUcy, r „ii,.,, Trd:,vf. Aiiahl jirfiv.'l) :idvl;-i'..

} ih< ii droji a'ly liiijn-rlallhtli' Id-'O's ir Illinnl lioino. und a llruii tu luislncH.i:

Till- |iri-vldcnl iuul llu: iu-j;;ri .w ar, :--iti’ haver avowed lliat llu-y li; Ificiiit cn 10 hi-arl thi- Inntrutilon of i{i:ith- lUKtc/tl Itl JH.1 f.irfn'ull ;i(Wr<-ic if' llu.' fori'j;ih Uu- m lvaniaixs nf so in-i ,1-' ni. f'tiinUuii’ Why (illit oiir own i i.ulon 'ilHin tori-i(;n i:m n n d r H ;

Till' ih rrrfon-.-th iit turllu-r Inrro jiivi, an ium i'n l' for. A.nicrlca wJul

ly, 1..- niXMiiK 111 thn cnTlalilc Inli-n [loiv. "111- non- hut

raihiT Ij'-'ii lourcc of inlr.nndi' Iu r liy o lh rr naiion's.” '

'ItO.M Sim ilar advli-'r. raihcr mojir.d !r oxircwMl, is otfnri-d ' by_ ;

ilfimf Tofcjii paper, tfic M rfil-iildu' n pa- ihlnkil; , ' ,

our "If Aiu-ritM, .^tca ]fa.';Ily j.iirsi iireal lanlMin;)iirl.ii;';'.li- pylliiy. bciuls I

i r l i 6 \ c q m t

- A n d t w e l v

d w i s h t o y-- . ....... . .. ._ ;..,.i

l e M o d e r nTvy

n t lo tiuik orRii'!! to tlu- iinprovcuncnl n t'm-lf-con- opinent of tlur (.'norniouB rfiHcimcdm«i':i liii-t « f ' conHiiiuid.' I^jUj a l Ions. 111 a nbroacl. >bo. will Burcly/ b t troui) f«ri^ Kr>'at-and. prmJiiLTiniH tfinl n'.1 Ull-lonij will ilaVu nllack her." . ' .« WH lo be .-Uiy iJicrt'iiJio of nrmnuien

bocomi' moment would weaken onr cfltocn tpr for j.i-ace, thlnk-i the IwOnd(k'feuKo ot Ni'wh, wbicli nci'ii In A inorkiIhe nllii-ft dhuor in tbc prtsiient w ar: rrm ra tlln rmed Uiat of Kiiro|*->. for a ll .tlicir PfehJ» vluw, ccntratloii iij^n wnr, will onOnl.) .\d- nlro iCn'cnd of Ibn HlaiiKhter a

lo Riinlty. tlli tliht day theyhi‘ Uiillrd Illl'l iu “liilnnc<- oflelief thal l’'‘' ' t '“ l mediator, wlioilo, zeal'rt!i Hhonhl afi'l w f'ost- c<|iiljy. nn>thr; alllcH, ‘' “Bl'lvlon., ^Hcrninny. ."T® i'n -.sb iU t .vkvV.it mlily on Ull- w’inethini: milnrd hy n iiartlr.niKbllni: In lin i 'r '’«idon iha t tbu .ciniocmcy. "«• Koverumcnt wuh II l.rot»-s«- bl WIltion'H vl,-w lliat It w<Ii; nec-(-i;. lo.i,-; fo tin.- M'urld wt-rir

If-di-femii' b«'r repiitailyn iw a friiI oil Ihls 1'»llo»>^ ITei'l-sely iit Ihi- til[ j," tha t ri'putatloii is ino-a necesn

: Uilnkfni: man fn difM c-otinlry.' hT^fiink-'- - T h o 1 /jiid o j l Spi.i lal<ir, ' ; •wljiifrni.j.roy)ui:-iht*-pv““idflnl

nl a llltiidc. fi'(dii1.ound to ur^. ' “ I’l . - O u r fk-Mi aim Klvod iitrffst

, ‘7 - lanilc 10 make aulto vuro WiH' for ill's 'n iino..f h ihc un

h. „r .o u in u,., r Ju ^ iry . ami mi>r ■‘r l '“P> '^ ndn .ilh iu , hn'i of inalrrlal, for .y nalh'/i h.l.aiilal In

idircp 10 tbe .'.liiiiKlilcr, , ifi.'i:anii‘ ,,r,.,i,i,.iit 'l i laor In Ihr f,„. to have

»l;uiilln!; arm y: vlu- .an tnr«.I l- 'ranrr ,.ni2,,|,ry (laliird and a<e!i.-ti

have to -W c m n 4 ' n-nilud th r p- boWL-ver. (bill a fT re se n l llui

.1 of lllr ran iii'upli' lu.l' only arc notl.lunlh oV arriii'loiiK'd tii arnis, bill

:My Wfinic, thif.r 'll> IU't IIIlll prrn- and amniniillhiu 'io |iul lnlo thrniaiurjit „ f ti,|. ritlien ry , iralu.-d nv unt•nr," nnd — l . i t m r y - D I m t ; - ;----------

while ,i ------------------------------<l:ini;i-i-. • • • • • • - • » • »

lliev, ll * •

mil <1.11- . ................................. * ■ *,ii..-s i r ; , '" ■ ~ ': ; 7 ; 7 V i 7 ( v lorh^ii^w.T'

wr arc .*iili:ilii;; o|inn tlir

iid(lii: (( it ha-> Ifl f(ir liiililliltirlili'h ly "i-'V ‘I '*'■ ‘I J.'''*'' "f I"'''"'-

uud .p im i.crilj .. \\lr w hdi.iW and nmny ri-ul.-n: a liapj

p rliul- y ,.,,r \ o lhrr Old Horrnii ha^ 'lirrn i> tilirlII fronr i

r have hiN-n uddnl.lo lllr i>npul( , ' ltrrp .-r nincc our hi-l u.niiim.; llldl <li> TiU'v an -Jo liti nirliti-y and^faii■d luio — ~ 1 ------------und family, whoif Htlll- wlih tw o earloadn ot lum-irhoh I rijvrt. huiitriii.-nlH lai

T hnrrdav, from the l.ust Hlvp ' trj'. .I.I-1 Ihrm .-nmr, an afauid

ff I'u- rmim In llerKiT ami nii Uic to live Iliv .'r ir a e l for all .>;.i,.a iii’ai

,r„.|.,v ,. tb ry 'n - wclciiiu ', ’A. A. J<iliier, our lulll-r, wan

Twin i-'iUls Thiutid;.), of p ri- M ;m iii Mile:*'Wriii to Twin 1'

a fi-w daVii vhdt ThurMlay.V illcv “ dmiaml•, , can t IniildincH but x- Uiei-i'‘ nt

In llc-rurr. It ncrmri in ui. ih a t il "> be a payinn iiivcMuiriii to lierc

main at llallt>ts lo creel a tow haildl^ rental.

f K, J--Mocnlbrool; ini.k hin lie to r Cherokee, lowa, tiis forim-t

ivc lak- 'n n irnday tu mcf)l ldn .wife an Waxh- win tlicrc, who Is iw-ilouKly 11

1 'W in HoVntbrook waa'f-alled to Uie.' ii].r h e r fa th rr who Is ...'rliiiii'ly

' oxpcct'^l'to live, al hl« liiinie i0.MMd (orv illc/So , nakuiii. - ‘ ' • ' follows, .1, .M. lim nplirry aiid family di anr or f‘»' IViiiworlh, Mo,. Thijrwlay .1,t ,„i.i '>*l''ndrd vl»lt wJih the ir n ‘ , r frh'nds. nnd ae,,iinlnla-.f^s ii

latlolnil Up ,irvwould .wDl biiv;- rhar;;e of liielr much

r'dand- < 'i'''r alis<'m.',• .. C..TJ')or.aniM(, i.t KanHait, w

,, . '■cniJy jiuri'hUM-i) two )otn ij;eiica ti- iiprKcr. in c rritin f: ft now dt inothiir luiil nv <-oou a.) enmiil<-tei] will

which >>li> fawJI.v frum 'J>J» J-'jill'i.lni.• uftw home.

Will !^umu,-r. hauled .«oni,- h KIMr, fi.'1/d..l.-d )>y J. .M. I'Jrr.-i-

lii:r en - llollow ny, W'rdiu-sday

----- ---------------------- t i . ■ '


~ ----------- '■------ , - - -

e ' ^ o o i f w i l l :

e f u f l l n o n l

Oli : : :

P a c k i n g C <in Falls, Idaho

:id devel- Uev. 11. F. Lydum and daui;liirers :<hu • ” '111''. from Twin

, l-’iko l» (ho Cbrlstoioa ctiicionir ,inu iVodn'cKiJay ck-cnfQff.;un|t.' »o •null jovial follow, ou r iI conntry licK Ummcm. In frc<luentO'

, , ■ iliL-. P,l,L'aiia3a-Vailc>- du trlec , I t looks (t llttlo auuplcloua.

L -111 Illl.I rycg„,(j. j(ts-cstc<{ Jn'-ft toom < Influehec und Ih now lookliiR for a {rood n Dally Salmon rlvcr land, contempi the me- I'UKaKo fn th a t tioblo cnfllnff,

tun-, to help rind nupply th e n woJits ot a huncry world. W

ont_ron- ChciHor lllllu camo bomo• day de- ffuin Contnct to -spend tbo r . J . l , under tbc parcnliil roof, Pliflt

uirned to «i<-nd Xma» aiidNc vlll iM'cd w ith hiH t.imlly. They report tl umii! liiij Is HO more imow fn thy hlllu lli or Iicaee '« bore. • ' • lv l-tcbool 'd o sed

day ,nnd the chfldrcii will ii.-v •• r.ition unlll Jan . -llh. 1!‘15. X

;ht Mii'iii LoKiie, principal ot the acb ir to ere- «iwiul Iho hollda.viv with .her

„,i near H lcr. and Mlus Kern 'ren Cher of the i.rlm arv 'daK u wl

Iciiilfleil. her'vacation wlUi rein tiveaam nld h e 'a near Klmborly.AmiTira Tbe community CbrlminaH |....... . cnlerialnmci’il. ih f ' tlr s t over h'" “ ’‘ I" ' whu-h look pfacf: hi the new

lidimc aiulllorlum waii mi cvei iry. Ills w ill'h e limK rc'iiicmhcrcil. Tl rv far- ‘''>’' '1* reiiilered l.y the chlldri

. ver.v'>;ood. diiini; jinillce to 'lb i and teaiJieiii. T h r leaeliera la-r. Mrs. J>ji;ne and..'thni T'H bcca-hard-aUwoiaLdtilllnK-lbi;

;' ;uiit r ie ilit in duo them luiil t111.. \> JnaUbii: the .altuii; a

A hu Ihl' rom m ltiers who wurh h a i-th o f,iU iirnH\','contrlhmlpfribc lost m .l In maklnc ll a Mircei.H, Thc

.ieiiT- Ih/- m a)c«i)ar|.-K,.. ri,md»ll))f: mTlToie i:nlifi".-ii''''-"-n(.)-i-\V lll-Sm ni;

omi iniKir; A, -loiilor, llrn “"i;- Ull,I Jl. ('. i:rlrii.:<w. .-riviul hi,

llki; 11 wel; reeelviiU -The pioi;rnm i lown;

lot titt-- Inviieatloii ......................-.Hro.a llUKi- W eln.iu.' addiei... .. .Ihniua'M i

fn li< r 7Cec|(iitian .................... 'CnKnanllied III iierllutlon ............................Nldli

- Ilceltailoh ......................DurollijIfreitatldii ...................... i:inier

eslilelil, Hei-ii,i(|<,ii . . ( ' Hnt in-Vhi'.n- KoUi;............................ MKi-,1 tjilia tu i'd ((.-.•Italli.n........ ............ fjavidivhui 1-1 H''<llatiuii ...................... Dick II

„„„■ Sum: ................... ............M alr'iji' "™ '‘' KrmlluK .................. ,Mri'„Kov I.;• ' ' ' ‘" 'I’' Xmas pl.iy . . . , ; ..........fironchi-aliiMl." Solo ..............................K ;,|||. Ij,

., Heailluv,* ....M is . .Iiilin " ■JTimiii T.alijran' '.Irlnn-iiiriH 1

. , . .................................. '- ..S . j;• Ueadlni; ............ '; ..M rji -lohn• Drill,

• S o n i;- ’liOil I.r Wllli Y<ui. - . * Orlll, ,

• Heeltatlou . . '• ...................... l.lnji" I . ‘T!ir:"^Uflm'.'imrv,-a!;‘ i:oncJiirlc

thrt'hli. ai.|ii-a;-;inei- nf Saiitii I'lau i; »-)m, j:enerom.. weleonu' vi.dir.r' nii

ouinevi I’" ' ''">i':ht of Ihe children wh al! renictuhered by .Mr. .Saiil'i

Veil ’-P'body wa-i ‘ th.. roMpU.uI of eootalnlm: eandlcs, nntn. <'ie. H two and Ihr.u: bnndrn l pciiT T i attrLHdanrp,

tioji .If !-li<.iipini; llk-atiun I 'llln Tiieiidny.

.Mr. aud .Mrs. .1. I-'. I.m ue aiirrlvci over from i-'lhT Thiirsiluood... "• "I"'!"' ‘ 'bilMiiias win

( tti'i'lt■ i-nun- .'fohe rt I,. I-'vrl...:. ,.peiit a feiineo lit fl'h'Uil'i lit "llll- rf.tinly se

r r j i . » 1.0.tor the lam two weeku pun

lIofllK" fo'" 0, .S. U 0!1 (Jtlonii Ilmt were d .iscil by the r;

Ultl tor A ;j),Tw jiiJ.'rjijij: hn.'i l.rou ca for vu. a literary nod rty Sni. evciilni;, Dec-. :fi. Kveryhodv Inw o u l d -------------------------- .r rap ., STdCKHOLDKK.S MKKTl?

Solln- J;> hiToby r}v/« to tho ,nriiire ’'"blef.i ,.f Ulo Canh Huycrii tli home '■'''■■•"'■allon under tbo lawn of th

I' iiiiL.' JJial nji nnnunl mrcl' 'I ‘ nahl rompany will bp held at Ui• • ; flco In Twin 1>!U1», Idnlio. on SaII nm !‘t!i.'liiy "f J.viiinry, .ISIS,'

(Vu. 1’- HI.'of iM!d dny t. . . ' pnrimiic of nli'ctlnp ncccssary 0 mrt/-,i year., •.' ■y ,7 !■: .V. !t;\IUX>\V. -Sfri.r„ .u ;, ■ ■_____

(ir'i™ ■■■Iiirlnc ' Notlrc In licrnl.y clvcn thnt 01

• uary 11. 1915. I uhall apidy 1 if> re- Ikjard o t CommiHnionetaifor ono

Kant ty and such oUicr clcriciil' imsl niicllc IIS'may frotii tinio irt Umo iic ricn mirt-u to conduct the affuini ofl tbo

I th r lr o f 'C oun ty T rcaiaircr und Ks-i• I T n t Coll.«ior. .• '

IKS llo J. IlOWAIlD^Hi-yim y p 'T w in FalPj Dee; S. ID H ,

/ , Doe. M r.-b ;25-,

1 Aiauia, e tu u s r x , j a j i . .

....--------------- -----------------------------

h s o f h a p p- • — ! _ • • • •

' ^

> m p a n y

ter, Jllsu •

C h i m T

T™*!!; ■ .'Fueof- late. --------- -----------------— : ........

Hex baa . , ,[ liornce . .pleco o t ' ' - 4

toflffrtciiK)cdiJ and .m t lu to

'rucHilayholidays 1 .nlso to-IV Ycar'n a t tbero

thorc j M i m L .


ra. J. I-'.)oL will . _ B a l M g j g i i w g » ? < lparontJi’

V i s ' B R I Z E E A

rco and ■hi bore ..M'bOOt-t whiehe etor- F. F. BUACKEN. P rc ildon tr"11 wcro • u n aliuielven . 'Jf lior- ' ,

H T h e T d a t■ : ' O f T w :

if H. K ~

“c:r T-'-" — CAPnIH, wa» iui fo!--

IN T E R JiST PJl_,jdmu ' '

raf"lhi F. F. RflACKENKvami JAME3 McMlU^AN P. C.

!’.UTUU -l-;vajis .

f l " " S t a r t T h e N e w Y imuii'rs ', “fam ilyIhiway Yon nml .vour bo) or k

. _ ai-eoiini I.lt: cnoiinh lu -i U or I" pr<ivldc raitb t'cTf-o Inli

I’" '" " Ono D o ll.r .Sl


L « S -TWIN: F A L L S -BA^ihta

oadHifT LXU-lu. — ^

, C ap ita l • $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 ’

.T,. In Surp lus a n J PioiilS

iw l,, ' $ 4 0 ,OOD -,

lit 1.1111 wwrttt-

'^ e 'ir J. E. CUaton. Jr.. VlM-Piti.. ff. a . EUrid**. V(<»Pr«k ' 1t InVt J .« .U ii» a ll.C u b I« r .

•• W.E.Vliaa.Am\.Cul>UiI hero * - " "" — •ni: In ■ ■■


'S Twin Falls!W . s . M cCO RN ICK . P rc jt

fi ■ C .}ifofk-

l i , ; C a p i t a l a n dni! n i " -------

J : T h e b f lo k o f p e r s o n j i l sa Ihc '■ . ■ 1‘n r m Iir llm .- ■ .fb -'r* .

V W e ' H a.Ian- ^ .

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ley Sentinel—^ l - S a v e rA U T O M A T lC l . . . . ____ __________

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■---- -THE----m M M j


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S n i p l u s $ 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 - ^ '

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Page 3: T V r o i I a l i ^ ’^ T l [M E Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...T H I I 1 I '"3 VOL.X. NO. M TEN I ____HRJ|l(DS-OI I ^-Ministration Sends Dras! I NoteiiiiQiiestionofCopetc

TTiirrw PAT.T.R ^PTMEa''t’RTTiav .TAK 1 iom

HVSOHSW ■ ■ \M qZudora li> loft W i.orpban a l ao early

■aw. H cf fu ttiu r.ls kfiled In a Bold U id u th o bo bos dlBcovcrcd. }Iatf an bour u c i

. a fte r hcarlDE ot lbe death of bcr hua- band, Zudora’B m olber—a t ls h l ropd o ' I

___ .valkor wlih a c lK U te ln je izc iL B llb -u M ii- - t c r t l w , falla and la killed. •‘ Zudora. and tbti fortune from llio

mlae. wblch growH lo ^ o worth* 120.- ■09M 00. d re .Ic t In tbo Ruardlftoehlp of i'^rauk Kcuai-. a clrcim miia;- Zudora’ii f >'*' inother'K brolhi-r, /.iidoru Klvlnk pro- y " " nilm* of k'renirboauly, roai-bi'B Hit ukp P ' of 18: TllC imclo, wlio hna ««t lilmai'lf VP OH'a Hindu-niyhik- and 1« kimtvn JS UnflHiitii All. cl<'clilcH In hiN fircc i }*“* tlial Zuilxjru m ust die bofuro-Jihe can liavi' a cliutu',. to <-uiiir Inio i«BKmloii c o t her money, sd ib .n li nmy bc I tf t to lilui. lh r n.'Xi of klii, und he; iirovallB jJ®''!'

•^ p o ii liiT (0 li'nv.Vhi-r niiinoy In hln [*‘® liandK Uiriv yuar:i loiiK<*r a '“l tiUUvliiR W -Awyaw. tiboHl ih<' KIlanHiini All v.TH an oliHtnclf* lc. hln f i ) !

■ iclieiMP 111 ila- iifiriton of Jolin Storm,''■ a yoiiDR lawyiT, for whom Zudora haa "

l:dicn a tnnry. und he commiuidH the Klrl to lllll llu- m an out of t e r nilud.

•• Storm .niiiivn K. a«k llnsKom A ll.fo r coa r ihe bnnd of IiIk iilnce. -A t flritl the cryiitnl Kazcr will uoM lulcnlolhepro*^KJBal, bnt Zuildiu.liiulHtH lhat if ahe " lannot inarrv Stdriii hhe will m arry “ ‘'I

• 3)0 one.'"Woll. i.a)s HiutHnm A ll.."It

>-ou taki- oii.'h II i,tand. I 'll compro- fltni....... mlB(>,'BoIvi> tfift'i)t-5l tw.«ity'<;asoa nnd » >'<

you can m arry him : fall Itf n ,sing le trou ' *'afle and yoii'muRi renouncif blm." .

Zudora, UHins lbe kifowleduc KOlned niiin'; . <fOia yearn .of ().m<o(‘lalion with hnr "T

iiacle. uaravplH .ilinffllnR myfilcry and Pl'Of •• -wlBH her f ln it caae—a caap. to'-wblcb —at

Johii Storni K jiawd frnm .hnlnr-xoiu. f ilJs vicied of ll inurt5«;r InKllRated hy Haa- ,'ake j-itun AU blmsoif. . I“ K '

- ' (CopywrlRbt, -J9H.- ty Horold Jlne-. ‘ ‘ than

1 • --------- • H£T • CH A PTEU IV. Kliia■ T in : 8ECKET OF f l lK IIA i:.M ED on I

n i L i s .Porboja a monlli elapsed without • .,j,

• -my punllnR cone com lns under Hofi\ , l• ttffl-AJl’ir no!J(;p. Zudora und Blorra , '- b a a .th c lr .m e ^ a K li , hlW(\ytt prcvlouBiy

arranKCd by t iv ta r r io r plBCoas. about , which H atiuua AJI preteodcd lo know .... nolhlns. Ilcaldi-H, he w os.huny with , numerouH cllcnta who wnhicd to know ■"..j,

’ .about their bunlneiiu invtfslmcntH, ihoir fulurca, and Bomebudy I'lBu'a pant. >Vnd .

,b6 conllnuod-16, build hlu pynunldH ot phantom pold. The one mblakL- hc bad made wiiH-io ncijunlne Zndora wlUi „y iho.k'nowlcdtci- of her Ininieane fortune. jj[..

' The truBloM had alwayn, ci^dreHit^ i,y th d r le llera to lilm. and U w ould bavo'

------bfCB-nn'MsiT'tnaltnF-'for b ln n o havo ,i .kopfhor 111 iCTonini-e,. itu t. evil im hu , was blniHjir, he h id a profoimd rw - ,^i

V^' pec; for Zudorii'B word. Sht-bad bIvou , ...n : .aiid Ihere waa three yt'arn' Brnce.

. 'I t In thai period of tim e he conld oot J r , 1 rid hlBiBoir of tb a t mcddl)DK allorney

^ h « wonlcLlear down U i«'black velvut ■cuftalna wltb h’In own handB and m'ake j a bonfire of them. . ..i.

Siorm had urKed Zudora a ilorcn times to m arry .b im sccrtitly: hiit niio . , , uUMlfaiitly rcfuHt-d to uccodc lo hln ‘ wlshui*. Of H'hat imn lo m arry It ihey tould noLhave ft home of tlielr own? , , Of wbul UBc lo burdnn Uicnwelrcn wilh “

. a Bccrcl whlcli would in terfero wilh ' ihclr purHUils and bnnp tllroatmlnKly

over Ihelr hi-adH? More than that. b1m> _ Xreawncd, her friends 'would alwnj-H ‘ ‘

look Bskance a t h er jf . ,a f te r nome “ luonihn ll hi'tam r’ known ih a l nhe wnn ' luanlcd and wsw uoi UvlnK wllU.Uer husband openly. So; nhe had Rlvon her word an'd sho would not bro,nk It. -

' 5io 'John Kravefully surrendered. But• bo wnn alwavH toellng th a l ro>->iterlouB r'o" *

___jc lQ U d jd ilc IU iu iirJQ .'v iic ln^v iL iU m .

t ' M w y a n'lKbt while- alonn hy trli-d W j " tlKure ou l tho'l>a.ilc cauBo.for IiaH- *am All'll aitliudo. Some day. whun work eased ni> a bit. he Jclorm lned lo “* ‘‘ CO hack over Ifaflsam All'n paiil, wllh all the neufdilOK inquiry of a lawyer There was somelhlnK more, than me.fe

— p tijilra l ah'iaii'oinshi. -He never con- fcsBud llilH M ie t .io Zudoro. bowcvi-r,

V h in ' V r** bidiiotblnK back o f 'tb e so doublH but In- h'om< allnct. Dul ibore Ih no KcltlnK-uround Ther

■■ ■ 'ibc-plii)n fac t:tl ia l he feared'KuflKnm- tfniie• All. feared, him for Zudora'i* w ke. from

Oiio <lay Slorm M ctlvcd ti le ltp r from he nt‘bJs niolh(-r‘.“ atld- ihn • cofilcntu - f i r s t t,lon

J- .-ucuwHl «>d Ihcn alarm ed him. ilin v twiparenlH won; well to do cotmlry folk and I111 tho soulh. Thclr torbeurn hud been iiroitsunthi'rnerB uf wealth nnd poniiion u|i nnd ,10 war 'llmcH. i'loce by plecc the fine ohseidouble Inheriiani'o hnd vnnlnbed. and and

•'•la Uii-tlm e of Jobn'h hlrth, they hnd nol cnunk trom. afflui-nco tii the ordinary HetomforlH of life, T here had been ftni»;.■DOUKh money lo H'-nd tho lad to col- tlnmiIcce. tn fit him tor hla own b;illlo In by knte. He wa.H a Kood non, w rlllnc home no 1onto n month and makfoK holiday declnvisits wlienever there wna opporlun- llie »Ity, Often h<“ -lnul nent chcckB home, fpw ,but Invariably Ihijnt- hud b ten rotiim - folkod. They did no l need tbo money; serlotbex had cuoukH for ihe lr nlmple needn wereand when they died all .they had downwould be blu. and {

ills mother had w rlttrn lha t an "HjJarminR, myhlery had confronted n ro<

■ them, one tha t promlBM to decimate ono the ;ieRro OKr\-llors' on thc various bcfor farms and cnlalcn, JuBl aow . when all dlcVc

• tho cro)iH wore rifw. I fm e a a l m ln (or for tl A preat many whoBo Bolo-lneotho waa "Pi dorlVed fi;om the ir cropn. ,Tho ncRroM hna s were- not dylni;: they were • fleclnR, bla n TlilB rnyntery .was no Idle toncy,. ao ."Pl

. Idle rum or: It was a llvlnp fact, visible "Aito tbe eye. Sbo oo^ h e r hunbaad had ded.Mcp tbe thin*- liemM-lven. and tbey "Ww cro,norm al m ladcd• i>ooplc, f?ome- a*aln

■ iklnB muRt t * done »o«i.' o r there ihinR would not be a nervnnt le ft In lbe whllfcouojry, *'Yi

'Tbe hill back o f th o Storm ptaccw an Storehaunted, NiRht a fte r .‘-niKhl. aR ilnst *!WIho uldi* of tho hiir. there npjicahid lhc pearlh ^ I c skelflo'n o f a hum an band w ith •'D.M

. .rfninck niKil In the c en tr r of th e palm mldn. Ita It ll had been made. by..an ejior- '"Al

moun bnlloL No onn could K « eJow> so h_ 10 II Invariably. It .rn n H ih rf . « the Dltht

'tk^ iroach of any llr ln c bcloK. TbUv But'J nhasily Iblnk wojted aad waned Bome- nlcbt

_____•„ TlB................. W

^ ite rU s o tasSlott'o t lho~coai’oi:'*i th i B pl|>e. o r course .It was p lain bai ery, but ono could nol ImprcsH*' 1 xcltablo neinv mJnii with thlir fac t pre moro thoa IbU, tboro woro mazi>’' the10 whlto pooplo wbo woro quite Thi v d . th a t .Uic .Blieleton hand nrcB- m ,lhe co tn los of lbe end of tbo by

1. Som ething m ust l;c dune a t iiutWould h e r dear,aon come Im* wa:

U cly .an iL iceJL he-could .puL tlim Umery w bero It bolonKed? He wired byth a t ]ie would. , wlicour.U' thero was uu doubt in .blu wl-

th a t liomu oae was iilnyUiK a Soi.lial joke of n nri-»-bumo kind; eln.I,, alno realUHl Ibm It m lj;ht.turn thot nerloUB affair if It wan iit-rmiUed doiintlnUL-. IU" luuRhi-<l u( one mo- thc

and iiworu the next. \Vhv tin- be!lraloru o f th i- Joke had notei'tod / illl back o t the S lo ru f iilii(:'L-"ncV 1luto ihlukinB doejily. He ded'di-d herI hom e'im d lay. the Khosl, nn Ihi- «hcIg goeii, i le raekfd np. h 'UI a te r■ 'tcr-'/adoni nnd lofi-towh, - ofleu 'Zudora received the le tte r she hu|greatly perturbed. It mromi-d to wittbal whftt appeared an u bll o t wli;o foolery. inlRhl have ns llR hase nulthing Borlous reKanllng the wi-U tra3f hor lover and hls iieopk-, na lh - ttfldenlly nho .Houghl lliuinam All'n deie, . ' nie:r uncle H'lrngged. ■■Some couturv a il.kin In iilHylng a JoHe on the m ore thek- minded, .d o on and solve ll wau wlllh. - Only, you'lf Imve yoi\r my 'le for you r paUiB." ■ . •It how do yon account for tlie Jo l

llv.•Ickery, pure ami sim ply Phon- ,inesccnce, nmylmii. 'T he negro inind I'vileSiit llio KOUtTion] negro—| h full dimnKn likr.theL r.J3alf^.T T inr,.w lll a a iIt nn a nlgn th a l lbe world Ik com- "r> an end." #ii'«ime of them have alriKiily.desert- , j '11 looks’ to m'o" fioau'lhmg ihoro '{or oa Idlo Je8L“ , vlll fisam All Rare he r a quick BhreWd nea e. .H e w ondered what-waa-f^olng H o’ I tho glrl'ii mlud. Had fdit> a ay ,iile clonn? I t waH inhprent to r hertnk the t r u t h . . j is ,ivT you Intimated to Storni of loe old?" he a ak e d ,'. •I." ra the r Bcornfull)v “1 hiive glv- >• word. You ouRht lo kaow th a t 1, 1,1 i-r break II.” ‘-v T .il oflen rogre i s lv la g i t’." HhJrwd-

!rhapa." “ .ell. my advice In. s ta y a t bome.> la no r'cnfon why you should any rlnkn on account of .Slorni'a j

IU Bal'd li'W an probnbly a buraji- !‘h* Joke," . IJ,:8 ., bu t th e ucsroes cannot be

nay gel lh b ‘b<-Her of th'o'common . . lie tte r w ait until you hear from -t. ool ot a lover of yours." nm be tter nble to Judge John « ,,, 1 lhan you." coldly, ’" lie Is not a jj,„.

mill like moBl young inon’ " i,n,i Iiat do you mean by t h a t r . “ u h c told you c7pr>tWng about .i.i, fe hoforo ho mot you." , i„ lil! you k indly oxplain," nald Han- Ml: and-having plm ted thin barb ubl, tu rned on, hLs heel and re- to hlH den. ralb i'r well' natin- q,.

viui hlmaelf, , ... Zudorn’H tove was like a nhleld; ,,„,i ihrb bounded offharmloHBly. .lohn ,,0.I wa« a clean man, In thought nnd „i,o e. She had nol panned lhr<)ugli >. lecullar tra in ing of hors without ,h.., aWe to read belwccn the linen. L n

*•119 QbBolntely certiiln that love nol hllijd her (0 any defiicta in t

All ilnM iuii All accoinidlnhod j i„ , s Innuendo w hh to enlarge tha l , 1,1, IC fiiT K -H iT H R U Im rw T O ir irn -H -S W r h i-art ' jruj:ood many of un nro nenr nlRhied i,q. illy. IL IB oiutlcr to judge things e illstnnro than closo nt bnnd. ^ ••■ Iho goiioral world knew lhat ^ im M l w w n mUnr. Zudora wnn Ignorant o f the fncl. Hrtd she „vo

a-of.h |# -lnord toala4ovft of-KOld, j ubsequenl raJjierle.i might hnve g|io avoided to flome extent.

w a.s H lm p le n n d , c o n if o r tn b li- . c u e '' w o r o tw o o r th r e o b l u o f a n - \\■ fu rn i tu re w h i c h l ia d be<-n'H iiv,-d U iet h e w r o c k . I t w n s n l g h l w l i m h ir ,riv e d .. T h e e o u n t r ) ' r a i lw a y s t a - l a 1: tia d . w H h i l a - u H a a t n o n d e s c r t p i . a ' t >I o f Id le rH . w ltn en H o d 1)Ib a r r l v i i l : m a l:ie now B t r a v e l e d q u ic k ly . H e r e - ' J o b■d l lm t h o h a d n o t ro r i i e i i e r r d l y o n i ;:onn n b o u t hiH Inv i-sU g atlo n H u n - t<Uole d . R u t t h e d an in R o w a s d o n e , S h eiro v o d e o n c lU B lv e ly t h a t h .- w a s w il lI t o u t f o r o . d e t e c t l v f , , Lw afl g r e e t e d f o n d ly Uy h in p n r - p n l la u d t h e y r e j w H o d w lU i o in b o r a - h ew h n t b n i l h o e n r o M u n te d t o h im e p l f:i e r , I t w a n . ( lo w a r l i ; l i i ni.«r1ouH, h a i fuKhlnf* i l i a l t e r . T h e h o lp w a s i n 1•lo g L liat I h e m y n tlc h a n d wh,h b ro ia r n l n g o f t h e w o r ld ’a e n d . N o t n "1■f llie poorer clans of the w hile ilav;wcro accepting the hoax au a (uidIB affair. Some of the n e g ro e H ubc<even going no tnr .rs to kneel to 1to thn handf a t a u t e dlntftnce) kid,Jtono prayers. Hho;impb!" m utlored Storm. "I w ant gund look a t th ? thlng.'A nd nomo Intoa ro lnc to get a pjod ktcklaK w c ': I g6 back to town. Why tho alwis ahould tboy pick out our hill Buielr lom-foolery?" 1 . u> tther aaj'B It's bocaUAo Mm<> on<> aftogrudp j again st the rntally.-" .'iald . 7:other. ............. notl’flo!” ."{

ImnglDory grlM-anco." shr ad- affd ■ C

10 could poftBlbly hav\> a RTudge afly-;f you tw o, wbo bavo (lone o w > '- i r e .to mnlw Ufe; deceaUy worth 'pasito tho help?" coniu never eon tell;" « Id old Mr. rctu

. nudlat t|m o does ll R.'oerally ap- a

oy llm<* l>etwefn liuadora and to'o.?ht." ■ fror

right. I ’ll take a choigun nad b w intloir fo r Mr. r,b(»t this very All" .fliona d<iclaf«>d wr»tbfull>‘. - - Jim: he wiBtoJ hbi ilm »: abw tho following notblni;' eaaM of b!< der'

ll, Tbo third o lgbt h c w as cnlloil _ Iho door In t im e 'to , boo tlio hn.id :kor for a m om ont.nnd ihen van- . He rusbed tow ard -tho hill, .but :nd noliilaB ... n o 'b b p i h to grow 'y ungry. i lo adm itted th o 'l l l t io i»-li»-wttft-jlfHbaHl wm h riw iiC m ir ' - >U{tli. I t waa.'oliiht Or te a feel lu gblb ,-w ltb a .shadow In tlic p a 1d \ o m bllnE .a ballot,' aad h e u'acon- uusly hfi ^ecm.ed to ri-coinii*'',w>tn<>-, ,, dR fimillUM iiwut tlie phape o t the Id.lo 'd lll no l go luto tho v lllax s.'b u t iwlod around In tbo vicinity w here I hand nppcaitd moai frequently , ore WO.S no ovidonco o t phoBj>ori-na- Lsfi. mn fiviLnrlt}t» tiiriMtt t^ipne mndo _ ^

tho negroca somo two o r tVlree idred. yurdu bolow the .hill. John9 puxzlcd and Irrita ted a t thu namolO.—TblkJoko-wLB.lMilng.pcrpctratcd . > HOUiu one who bad bralnn. Mean-llo. the croiKt lay ungothi-rod and re bi'Rinning'to ro t In the fleldH. iieilitng muat Im- donii In 11 hurry ,' u he would lie compelled lu fund 10■ city for omlgrantH, wlu. would ibtlenK tako (u ibe lr bn 'ln after

naniL- nuiniirr iik the lU'uror.^ So lolegraiihecl tor Zudora.ind Z iid (^ eim n-______ ________ . - -'b e H io rm tauiUy had hoard ubout •, you mny be uaaurod, ilu l nntll • "I at.pi-ared In the fU-sU itiey liud en- — talnml iiomc iloubu ubuut IhU niecea liiiu;'wh6iio bunluei.n they licld in ' iroiiiii coiiU-mpl. They fell In loveII hor Jit onci\ ra the r iihamofacedly . en u |. to that moment they had hveiite Hure tha t Bhe had laid n nlren'n p for the ir l»y,)ld man Storm pondi-red n good " ,d. It did not seem jwn.ilble tb a l thlu iider, handsome, darki-ywl girl wiw ielecllvo; it did Dot nmtch iij> with

lalen he .had read In bwiH». dho B JUBl liku uny olheb girl., nothlnR ateflouB-whwrvor.--^— :■I fa really Hertous, Zudorii, wild in. "I've itli'd .m y hand u l iletoc- .■ w o rk ., but I havon't gained unh. (.adm it that 1 am to tally af«e;L 1 neon the Uiln^; onco' a t a g rea t lance, und 1 don 'l w onder.tha t the

Hnve you any old time enem ies?" asked. ,

I .comc„l<.ick-,oni:e,or_Ojl''<‘-a ,y e a r a day p r two. i Boldom go Into Iho »ii' cige. I've boon In Now Y ork for ^ rly fourioea years and }iave qullo w iho dcuco could I havc u^y one-

!• mean your father. Hu may havo ;barged Homeone wbo nlniB a t hav- . reveago." Bbe’ HUggenled.. '^here ba.in't been any ono difl- mwrged from Ihln placc slnco 1 wrn* _u sw l : you can lako It from me th a t the np who !h p lay lu s’thla game has a hadIn betlcr c'ducatod thilii the run in !le lp hcreobouta." It ;I am Rolng lo make some Invenll- era:ionn, und you munt le l me go my u hI way. No lagRlng a fte r mo when and nn l to 50 lolo the YlHnge. Someonehe vIUbro. wlll''know w hai In going like

No one .would come froui the uul-- lo piny a.gam e llk e th ls ." snn' <sn,TlK\ii. K Miyonovcan get to the. bll to m -o l-th lram ild lc '-ll-w lll-bc -yon r fori :ly HefT. Hood luck Hwcelheiirl." pus hreo o r foiir,duy» paaHi-d. Z udora Hce it about hor work ,syBtr'mutlciilly.- day nhe e:mio uiwii a hll o f jiowb jo r I nlarllod bor profoundly, il wan acy luiJi a character th.U nbe jl.ired not jiro arflliiK J iow sio John. He munt ho ^ | , f i l l total Ignuriinco. The brnln tha t hou Iniitlgalwl Ihln r«;ntlv crim inal Joke vou

I It) Now York. . It wan ihe lool o t j, 1. ciinning brain nhe m ust b ring to rx rII nnd contusion. Hor uncle! How tor, batiHl Jobn, lo play no deBplcnbie n the. U|K)U hla pt-ople! The. old nuHjii- graIB rotumetl, stronger than e v e r -ron■ waif growing a b it afraid of ihlM llnj; h- o t hera; nho wan boRlnnlng to rior ersiand tba l flenli and blmid did factalw ays count, liu t why? Why tor

uid ho wlnh to barm John Storm ? f,TrWOK unanswerable. Sho realized ."|L from W3W on «Ue nn isi 1«' ou-'lu 'r in;i> rd. .H er iinolo munt m-v.-y i..in[ii-1, ' metbat niRht they all rdeelved n nhoeU low .bund. Buddonly appeared 011 th.- '7.LJ3f-Ui<i-hi»uM,land_cvua_nji_thcj;. J imlu-d oul to look M It, Hlowly fuded. dlnrorn Ibrow a quick circ ling glnnco farIbore wnH.no npot of IlKbl in .th e iihu

ance .10 confirm hor uunplelonH tha t |ii 1ningie lanlem " wan being fo.-iined |>okIinat thc nldc of ll|e hounc, Tho re-, hllh. 'o f thia vislinllon won th e final thedus of Uie holp. wllh the oxcepllon »hmhe houReninld-iuiO-the-boy wh6 did sviJires about the houno. Tbo m a tte r hou

been fully ex’plalned to them- two. thalIP till' ll'W iHi-y wore bailly trig lil- jnnud. Sl'hen the. «]^rlnU hand n]i].eiirod but'iie’x t ’nlgbT. old”mnn Siorm Hclred' outsholj;un and sUirled ouj wllh hlood hadlis oyc. The rcaull o t hl« m'go wa;i bleuadly iR cm ted -a r tn 'to r- lh p ’ hoMSP-' doo’d. The old mnn accused h e r: but ai>n inlervoneil. The iw or g irl had imci,■ been eurloun lo nee ho^' done a c

rnuld gel to Iho flpeclrill hand, hnuW.-U* fortunalo lo hnvo ew apod |i

1 lie r life. • Blofa ter. John began to Fhow preocn- con'nn. nnd wboa qucRtlonod by Z udora or :admitted th.1l ibore bad 'been nn real;pde lu hln younger'dayn Ih a t-b o banall bul forgollen. Tlie dnrk niwl and

the lo lm of the hnnd hnii I ln a l ly he ■URht batk the ii.'.ene vividly, i- ' 16 1I uaed to como homo during coHoro iiivtB lo hunt a lliilo . Tbcre'n qunil tbr.

partridges galore In November. I thoI lo take young Jimmy Holton nlong Acarry tiio gim-*. He was onl.v a bar-

\Voll, lo make u long ittnry m rrrt. I waa carolosn 'In handling the ).rln. nnd somo of tho charge w ent for■ the kld'j. hand. The bent Ibing coa do U to Ifjcalft him. H e .wasn't oyH quite rJght la the iipp^r. story.

how 'Iho 'd lck-n ii ho ahould com.',b lak up aucb a hoax and 5prlni: l l Kr nil thoflfl yoiini r.Hs me." Nudorit'aald n c th lac .' ^There w j s elprilin g for-ber to ‘ Joh;;o w flH.tako .1 look Into Jlm m y'.t aan.JrH," conclttjixl John .. ,, . penu t ' Jimmy .bad not'.boon ‘seen, by dec.000 for B.>rnnil ■wi'okB. The apee- ne'ciuuddoaly ceaflod operation. A week aftowd. &Bd bolh a torm . nnd Z udora llcorluded , t o . return to town, b a t lo mlnira Bocr\'Uy tb.) flr-st tim e tbe hand t ' l l i10 Ita. appc<vincofldli* ontfii^th'Sltjrm-alflo had vague of tlilclooji u to tbe brain behind flol- D

but. nw hap.1 foolishly, refrainetla coofldlatC lo Ziidora.. i lo bad A'Knn rm M nably »un.‘ th a t HajBam will

In lh« hnrkgroundm-v Bolton-W3S-Incapable o f 'p e r - " CAiloK ^ h - iit n f-tb ts v«-cuUdr or- & Iiw lthu 'it i-yilU :. Al an«: rat-> h» ...

Whdher for a , a small. , one, .

" w a r e - ~ J a

j t Your Sen/ice GenT . .'

-State : L um ber Company. ‘ >

Jhe cheerM M

dcloniiJned lu i.u l (hi? iiiii(lef-ii> \<I'I iHa’ni All.mi'd MUH nol going ti. udmii lilm ulI.. Onlors wero ordern ; bul wbon •''i rm declared Uml hi- would como quetk with a iKjllteniuii, AmnI conelud- Phoi to iiiiopi Iho loBHcr o t tbo two Ida!)s. Stonn found bliiinelf In thc folialliur draw ing room. Zudora ucem- of.n jvoryHburc. lii tho arrangum oni of ncvotloMeM, tt\c ■ pU 'tiircs, llw nwulc aam

I. • OH fliVcll. :;ir.',l-!i:ild a .cold..volcc. f r o m __ln d ," th in '1h an honor forct-d.uiion

I have forbidden you tho ho»jil- 'V.:y of this houne," J. •'!: am qulto wt-11 a w are .o t tha t," re- A. 11lod .tliu young imin, qu ite as coldly K- Iiassiini All. "1 have no l corpc for Hcnilitallly. Wbal I demand to know K<lw.

a balf-wllled boy up lo jmcb a -Map illy gamo on. tha t npcctral band-" At n] Hbook hik flHi under-llaB tumI nose. VioclII thn fury - aRalnst thin young w id. bubbled.UP la.U aanam All'n heart n.R R tacauUoualy jicrm U ttd I t .to ovor- uary tho brim. Ho wiuiled Jolm Siorm Biich

1, dead ftl hlB f.;cl. He suddoaly mejit back .bln band, bu t Storm -w aa of ai

qulijk tor him. Amod, Hcolng bin ler In danger, .soited 'a viise nnd t-'- K » up behind Slorm.It from her boudoir nbm'o, Zudora beard lbe loud volccii.. She hold

icr hand ffnly. a book. Sho flung filh moro accu racy 'ib n n is gen- la ly crediie dm ilie fomlnino nrm. i^taK it Ained nquarely on the Klioulder; ern i tho vnue elattorod to tho floor. . in am w rry , dear, 10 have a rumpnn I'e lk this; bul I loHi my lomjH-r," *Th

md t>erhui>H I loal mine;" nald iliui- Ali. recognizing tho tnel tha l a

)I dliilomuey wnn lij ord.-K " I hnd ” Iddcn-him 'the-houae.—?,udoni/-Ua. jfcd'hlH way In wlth^lbrealH of [kj-

i'ou were w reng ,’ John," iwld Z u-tlJC . I. with no nninll anioiiitl o t dlplonir . heraelt.' "There Is noUi^ug to ■oril.my seeing you wheu and . re_ l_w iII;_buL lbb-la,iuy_unclc 'u .10. He hos a irorfect right to denyiidmllliuice It hi- w» witihon." ------■bn. Bwullowe.l hard. H.- w.i« nol I T •cling a rehiike from hucIi 11 <|iiar- V l

He aiwloclzed Again and lefl house. A t'h ls npartmenlH a Iclo- r .i n awaited him. Tho np.'-elre bad n^r. j nned, nnd the farmcrn won; patrol- tbo county with Hhotguns, A car- acre [ilRoon ncQiialnted Zudora with the in^d

n i e next morning Ibo two loll 05 the noulh, Z udo ra .uo r John ro- ( a n , 'd to the row w ith HaMnm All., canh- t'H work alono, T h o nlRhl of you scare awu> Uie ftoy." she salrt, ciovi

>11 rlgbl." ho agro.«l; 1ml with tbo' ti.ila' (al renennilon tba i ho would.fol- . her and remain w ithin call. ^cre idora found Jimmy Ilollon; nud nQr,. m--JJolicBL.fQucd.hcr-jnuchJ{>J'i?. <njmfort and alnrm . She hnd go'ne. 'jnrB. >PlKMillo to where Iho npoevre hand ncro, :lly npi>cafi;d; 'and 'fllio .dineovorod yo window of the shack, on fhe op- any

;e hill, the Cyclopean '.-yi- nlie bad - r 1 'r to hunted for In vnin. Without nllghlont boBllance aho sought lhc k. knocked 'Intr.'pU llv, ami wnn I " " >ii1y drngged In • .mrt ' nerurely ' : id. In the dim light hIio could fc>e ’L

IVilron wns lint iinloiifhpil wltb ' nlly.urm hnd prrtmlsoil :kK tu follow; libc CCTcr.woiii oiit_at_nli;bi'w i(h- lia being iwmowherc no;ir. Hu too I'oea the flashing evo. • A brlof la-11 of Zudorn ntriigglljig In tho way-iraa-w mich.-- Ue'wnrvnt-M ly - - nad us poor Jimmy, IVilion, He thc follow roughly and left him In

irner, ihoTongblv <'owod nnd ex­it'd nnd (hen liberated Zudora.Iho a(tlc Of tho shack wan n giant

•opUcon, enpablo of ihrow lng a .■ntrntrd 'rn.v. a tliouHiind ’yardn nore...-The i late |irx)Jccli-l was !y nn X -rny pxiw-mre of IWHou'h I. John tlircn(ene<l--nn.l cajoled i ovon offorod m o iio y to llo llo n ’if• ould eonfenN who hmi sot him up Ills Irlek. Hut Jim my refuned lo Ieo hls secret. He f.arod ih.- (lln of Hassam All fa r more than Ihroatu of hla victim, wook la ter Iho crops wore being e itcd : nnd Zudora nnd John re­ed to Ihe clly, each n.-rreily wond- _ : w hat Ihl- n^xt ordeal would hold 1 hom. 1

ITo h.» conll^ued.) •


tate of Jobn C. lU lcllffe.'dorc.v.od,iliee In horchy Rlvon Ijy the und<>r. ,tsl odmlnlntMlpr O f- th t e^lnte .of . JI 0 . nalcJIffe. ,d«T a.ied . with will Jxod, U) tho crodllors of and all «m s baring claims) m raln it tho'TuiJd f lanod ,.to exhibit them w llh Uie SRsary rouchorn. w lihin 10 monlhs 4'■tbe'flr-st pul.ltcntlon of ihii* no- ^

lo -lho Raid n. F . Riilcllffi, ad- Blmtor a l Buhl, county of r » ln

s'lato of Idaho. thlB being tho V. 1 f im ,f ix e d for th e tranM i'lkn.0 bcslnoM of aald oatate- >w» Ltcd D e«m bor :Cth. ISH.

n I': RA T C M FfT, ■»-Imlnlatralor of sai.l .rild i'.'. .w iih €aoaexM . ' Deo. 29 Jnn. 5 -;M ? , %

,11 a t CrorJer'i; o r Twin P ilU To.-d ^C o ., t o r a U a i ' 'n i . - l ' MI

, Dec 2M r.-:9 Ja a 1

: ■ Y./k.

b i g ' ] o b o r

........ ■

f f l C \ \ \ \ \ \ Cblro^ Im i

. • * ' . , , ino <1

. .o .. mn: - ...... Sped

___ ________

.______________ • . . V' ' Boyd

[CK »K-.SAI.f: O t' DKLIfi'Q'liEVT L V. T K U :i‘HO.NE STOCK

liro In herohy glvon to a ll dclin- I iitockholilerii o t Uie Valley Tele-0 eompan.v. locnUnl n l llannwu,1: T here In delinquent iiiwii the AHIIl j^lng dc-vcribi-d niock. on w eount iiiosBmenlH hereloforo levied, iho ■al a m o u n u - n o l . opponlli) Iho _* o t tlu; M'i*lK-‘Ctlve idiMo huUli'P',

umr ~ ___ X o-.*No_.Am't .91“ .'.'C e r t Shan® Ihio ------

. .calk lm i lT-:;:i li Jio.oa TATI Hnrrv;iittii 5 1 ' O.Oi)

Slidomakor- H v 10.00 „. D uller- ;’u 1 G.OOy iianaeu I 5.00 T •rd F. C ozzena '• ;ii:- I fi.OO..Perrv ' . - . "I J S.OO -------U8 iA raen i S i iTOF p y jf jd In accordatu'i; wUJi law, so . :■ shuruiL.ot vuoh parcol o(-aucli 1.a» nuiy bi.- m-ct-iwary. will bo Hoc

I t the iHMioffltc nt. Hanson. Ida.. •____itiirtlny,.thu_thlrtloih.dfty.of Jan-

191C, a l.3 :0 0 o'clock P. ,M. of 8WB1 da.V| to pay dellnquenl aiisolw-

1 tborc-on, together with thu cost '< vcrU slng and cxponwa o t sale, TWIN

D. P. ALIlt:!;, PreBlduni. g o g t) i'lDWAllO.S. Socrolar>-.

D t-c.'i? Jaa . C-IM ? ------. --------------------— . W. P.


tho Dhrtrlct Court o t tho Uaited *

lianknipley, .No, 73i. In re Atlnlu H ow berry, bnnkrupl. t f irst meetinK of-fr.HlllprH ot .' Offi lankrMpl U hereby called for Ibo B lay of Januar)-, 1915, a t 10 o'clork - ,. jvt mV tiJtleo, iWora 3,‘ Twin •iti 'pk and TriiH Dullding,.Clly . CoTmiy o t ;Twla“ Fa llH n-lfitt-o f -1= I. -Such nieollog will be held for illowanco..;o{. dalm s, appolnt- ro t inia tc i', nnd exiunlnutlo'n of

'D.Hemlwr 30lb. 19H. • 0[x>a TA YiXIl C'IIM.MINH, ed

l-'i , ' Ilcforee' lil llank’ruplcy. II4i ;----------- ----------------- Phon.

hy Pay Rent Znd lO -acro.tracta overlooking n - * ^ 8 .17&.00 lo 1300,00 pcr.Rcre- Terms ) per acro canh aad 125.00 por I>er year. H pe location, fino

acren one milo out. 12 acrco altal- d clover, J80.00 pcr acrc. J500.00balanco eoay, ------icrea, 3 miles ou l. shack, 15 ticrcn M. 'V r. >75.00 por acrc, J<50,00 cash, ce lo BulLacres 2 m iles out. bulidlngo, 35 g j

a lfa lfa iind clover; 170.00 pcr “““ “ $H00, canh, onap.

QcrcB.J,n]lIei) out, fenced, build- • a ll lUfalfa nnd cJovor, $100. per "li' p .' rStf.OO caah '.

1 ftbBOlutely c tin 't go wrong oa n , , . j .f lh o above. Fl U..IUPLEY, Fll-Jaho. ■ . Dec. 1 tf. -------

• 8 . 0 .

. . J ------------------------ .. - - STyo:

M « ^ S T IN SU R A N C E

— T iG E N C Y ---------— —............- I N - ........ , _ ,' l r i n

■TwiQ F a l ls C o u n ty id ^


to ja l or L ^ n ^ o ^,ondon ft Liverpool * Olob*. lun of London. iBtoft of H an fo rd .oodOQ A aauranc.,Icottioh Union & NtUoaU,IL Paul Flro & M#rlD«. lonnccUcut o t Hnrtford •roTldence Wnahlnglon. . im orlcan of Newark. I.:olonlal U nderw rltera. I *®*!“•Idollty P b en li. 1.loydfl P late Qlaiui Co.Jnltfd S U lx t Ftdalltr.

[ill & Taylor• Dally

- — ■ li:<p

^ ^OVER e s VCARS* r j ; lb

I {Sh J UT naoc M M iia -

OUMN« n I ' f f n \ I ' C O ^Y H fO K T * A c .' S

roni MnairnitUtlrtund aoCTIWlwi ta»» . :30

HM0B0Xci<>i-.i« u S;10

S f l e f l K b i t . IlljaJSmflf llln«nii«J r>UyioX


WESTON. . . ■ • ~ 7 -.......... - ..................... a u o u i t b o t ; ’

Mem. ,1. 1: A.. . ' .all diiylliiiig (rom buDEolowt.ta ' •apern. S w d u lty : , U nbumnbl* ‘ -uction. Ofdce, Central Oulldlag.

ATilEKTO.f nnd ATinCBTOir." - 'PraciUlonoru ot

tnictio and Pbjrslologieal .Tber^ rnpcnycB.

Lady Allendant. li'avonuo L'aat. Twiu Folia. Idaba

Phono . • ' . '


, IHIOIV.N’ tKlVEJW.Ilontlil.

■ lIsl.lH Crojvn.nnd.D rldso 'W ork.'Over Vamoy'fl Candy 6tor« . ..................

Oulbort B.ulldlng• .Tolopbono 109.



II i STEPHATf , AttorBeyn-at-LniT

' . aeneraJ PriicUc-ii-’----- -------------------niock Tw lo to lls .

W O L F K - - — ’U w jf f .

Oftlco lu I. D. 'Building.FalU • I6 ik»-

U B. WILSON,Lawyer.

' Practlco’la a ll courta. '/Ii Firit Haaaaid Djuik O ld^

Tw in frYUlo, Idaho. Pbon^.SC.Kqaldcnco.'Plioae C5I...

OR C P IO nN S , • , . • “ ^ A ito n w j< l-U w .

3. P b o H MS. . rin F a lls n a n k 'f r T n M Bldg..

Tw la Falls , Idabo.'

E i n F ^ H i n c .■ A tto m e y M tU w .a.N o.'Si H rs t Nat. Bank Q ds.

L E T '* 8 W K I 1BT, ------- . ■A H « n e n 4 ( - U « .

n i l priwUot In All Conrt*. - PALLS, ' . . . ■ iD A aO

ir T w la F a lls C « n « « r d t] C t l k ,

f lu r n t t iK ,

00m s I tn d 4 Fox B ^ld lnc , kU ln A tu im .

FALLS, - - • IDABO .

J . H . WIRE, L A W T IL i t - m a s • and 7. T w li f t O t 'I lk u d T n s I Co. B ilM tir .

T w h F«M«. H « li> ________ ; I ■TjV pm nT A trpnfi ' _

r . J . GBOSSXAN. 'S i e m M r « t U. i . W aJktr,

u h d e b t a k e b .Day ft NCsbt. All Calls R o ^ d -0 Prom ptly, P rivate Ambnlanos. ___dorciilgrsao-SecoD d-AV ft. ‘

n o . , Tw in r i l l a . Id>bo.

D tt i s S B A D K a

F. A.‘.W E9T0S. .F irs t Class D r t s s B t ^ .

A t rM sonablo prices.Centeal Bulldliif.


^ A. O A M P v g K B 'N o ' 10890 . ■ ■ ■

Id i t h TliQr«dar '

Ho««e .Uall '

i C u m v a i i i L --------------------------------lODo No. 369-J. Paol Sm llh, C i« it incB Pbono 674.

UULL, . . • • ^FU m T iM r

Vs oxporiosoe b l tUDlns, v o k tn s ............and action ro sn lo tlos

and r c p a l r t a g __________i t U v ^ O B llsU I-----------: ^

P. 0 . Dox C74. • ■FaUs . . . ■ .■

□ 0 so iJ T 0 E iu f c a il r o a d ;' TrmU ScAedole. -

E f/ee tire Kay 17. l» lc .No. 2. S U tlo u . D all/ Ikk 1..m . i,v ..G ood ing ..A r l :0 0 p .iV .m . L v..U cD no<t..A r 12:55 p. la..m . L v ..W cdnd1..A r 13 :iS p .m ..ra . Lv..Admoro.-.Ar l2;lOi>.nL .m . ‘A 'r ..Jo rom o ..L v ll:W B .m .2 awalta a rr lv a l.o t 0 . 8. L. N a Qoodlnc, cotinoctlne a t Jeroin»

itago for Twin Falls.1 connocls a t Jo ro ao w ith a tas»S Tw in F a lls a t 8:30 a . m.' a m i' '*>■ odlng w ith 0 . fl. L, No. 13 lo r and No. 10 for a ll points easL

J . H. RADCIFFK,Oonorid Passoncor A gwit.

BB ft MOETn SIDE BAILBOAD.T n tn 8<1i(4 d]o.

Iffectlre NoTember I I , 1814,No. 4. SU tions. pa lly No. S. ,a .m .L r ..M l ln o r . . A rS :O G a.m . p. m. L v .C barcb lll.A r 4:30 p. m. , p. m.' Lv. Island .A r 4:20 p. o . ,

p. m .'Lv.. .M or1on..A r 4:10 p. in. p. m, Ar. .O akley. .I .r 4:00 Ji. H .

- J . -H ; R A D C L im i.OoQorel P w e n E o r A cvaU

8CBEDULK «tn FaUi E l«etric R a llre s4 .

.ve Loov»4. U«pot Sboahons FftB v................A. M......................... . . .8 :0 * A. H .P. M................................l :W P, * ,P. M............................... 5:00 P . K.

S today.V JI......... ................. : . 1 0 : M A . l tP>M. .............. .............. 1:00 P. a .P.M ..................... . 4 :6 0 P .IL>uBd T rip to .S 6o5boae .F B ns.-„_ „ . - .

40 CENTS L4. \?14. In \jatl1 t u r t i s r ■

Page 4: T V r o i I a l i ^ ’^ T l [M E Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...T H I I 1 I '"3 VOL.X. NO. M TEN I ____HRJ|l(DS-OI I ^-Ministration Sends Dras! I NoteiiiiQiiestionofCopetc

TWIOE-A-WEES TWIN FA ILS.Tm ES. F B m a y . JAN; ~ 'r . ' ’

^ U M PPorthenex\ stocks regari

» Biff-Bangi Goods H

. ICvcr.v i)f u ’lfyli-ii ^ plo.'lc iu Illit ill jir ifc .

('.^V S<T),’. 's . .... ...25c yd.

A -W Sf-r^i's, :ii ! .i ii.5 0 c y d .

40=in.fCrepe= -Chine $1.5

o f I 'o lo rs— iihvayH jjoc snle w a snlo. lii;ri'.

$1.25 Silk Wi _ / 'n g s 75c

' . - — j i m i ' f l t i w i T c t l jia $1.25 hIIIc l l l llt iiinkn tla u d y (ir rss i 's—ju s t ro n -iv i'd in J]

. • Silk Poplins 50c Yard(idOll ('o lo rs, floWlT:

(’li ])atl('rnK.


' D n rin n iiivc iito i'v \v<-

• Iiavo tli ro w ii m it m any

" h 'in iiaiilH o f a il k iiiils '

o f iroiuis. Tlif.v CO lit

\n iy i |(m -n - p ric i 's .

I B ear Skin'H ooda 10cA ll co lo rs , w ild I h t il

i is ll ~ w Iifind o r ;■>()('. i t ’sl!lir now-.

, ' Bells and B'ag^ Down lii 'lis IKHV fo r .'lOi'

^ I..n() an(I $2.0(1 liaK><. .! t i l l 'I l l t l 's ty l i 'N fu r $1.10

I D o n ’t M is s

" " I- - - - - - - - BlanketsrAn I- - - - - - - - - - - Reduced

I _ I'lvi'i'v .li’piirtiiii.'n i li.is t*i

___ j_______ Itlill j h - liiiiv n f llll- liriiT I’li - v i 'i i l . • l l l a i i k r i s a r< ’ a s t i ' i i i

. . [ l a r l i i i i 'n l . u i l i l . u s . , p r i i 'C i l v i -

' - s l a i ' t m i l l n o w I 'l ll i l l j 'J 'i i 'i '. _ IIIO tK lls n f I 'o l i l W t 'a l i l i T y r l

; . ( l l i r [ t r i i ’i ' s , h i 'f i i r i : lin \'iii'.’. ' '; a n n iiiii am i i’ii_iii[iar.-. am i y m

b u y In^i'i'.

■ Boudoir , C a p s ' " ' ' I / ’’:;' a n d C am iso les '^ ’'l>l'-

F o r 1

h2 Pricen i i h o i i s . I

• M v i 'i 'v m i l ' \ } i ; i l1 c r i i s .I f f l f r o m K or T l l ' X m ;ts [joiiii.’ a l m n i 'i i i i

' 1-2 I 'n '.v ,; a u .l finwv.i

- T h is is^ h e big p prices "as anybody anc Y o u ’ll find it pays to

Jl Few Soiled Co. 1=2 Price \

A N D T' 30 days Begi ilessdf-€Ost^

m d Dress it the Bottoma n d silk d re s s ffo 'ids in lliis liif;

Wool CHallies SSc

de- 12 ].2c Flcms ?

I n d ig o bilie n r i i i n w - — n c c c c d - d r o w ‘ i i ~ b n t a ' f,'oodH_mp.stly . •

H tripc.s.' f lc y d .

■ : - , w e 6 c •

--------------A.KUud ------tonw , in - - c a lc —:R ood ' — vaifita Or , p u ttc m .s iccinbur, . • 5c .7 6 c y d . • ■

M essaline 50c y a rd («ood to lp rn , n a rr o w -

w id llis.

' T ab le L in e n s O f f■ 'W e n re k n o w n fo r I

o n r linu tis u n d titi.H of- j ' fiT is a t t r a c t iv e . I

26 P e r O c n t O ff . \ j i y u n d a ll; o f th is - I

_ — -i,jy— Htni'k— dainn.HiMW— 1 \m \[ iiupkiHS «'* '

_.<m' siili‘. •

' - D ra p e r ie s.'I'll’ I 'liiality o f .siiriiii in

bord iT i'i i [n iltiT ns•. f o r ............. . . . ; 1 7 1 - 2 cA u'lmd u i l i l ' I'lirlniiiiH 'I

I W . ................. : . / . . 1 0 c '.Ml m-lh. s irrin is m id

imadi'iis. 1.’;') p iT cen t o ff.

T h is B i g S a


,!Z Redact; ll.-

' It M 'niikin’t lii a , I ' i ' i ' r 'w itli tlii.H ll(li'.t. li/fi -'111.

. n i l ! ' l lm l im l 's [ irrf iim c s .

I’a lm O liv f soa ii . . . .

iC aln iid rrm a .simj) . . .

_______ .Mi’lba N a il I 'o lish .

^ liom i to o th b n is lii 's

flow - C iitii-iira so a p ; ___

■1™1; > .... .... ...)<• -. tTi-ii P a p e r S p e c ia lr c l ty

A iiooil ro rr i 'sp o iid i w ilh ••nvcloin 's, b o x .

p la in,Ht: • ■ -I.-'' ofl nil box .'i l »

/ ■ ) ■ . ' •

r i c e c u t t i n g e v e n t o f t h

g i v e y o u b e t t e r q i i a l i t i

trade at B oo th ’s all the

S c

m mlining Saturda W e never offe

Thii^ ia i^ lie tii u jjii.odj’i ■" ■■■iiVi'i^sc'uilnisitU'ss—till! <;oi

OpIL . . ■ '- W t' d o n 't advcrtific anyl

Read EveCome early. Te Booth’s sales ai savers.

52.00 Sw eatort^O o Cliildrcn’.H w o o l . •

• swoulert* to Hize -IM. while tlicy lQHt..3£>c‘ Mostly , ivliite. dark


'K nit ShawIsLflnd----------- - Scarfs C9c __

.............'.V' ‘ good w n mshawl foryoiirJielf'or ■ to give to Hfimc needy womftii. Hhl' M'ill aj)- proeiate if. ' .

Sale in the j

7'n- soa.iloiu'd towels 39c :t

'•7.V ” iii‘st. (ow.il'i . . . . . 6 0 c I.

.Mi'xii'im (Irnwn worlc

' . \ i;i)(kI sto.'lj’ of 1), .M. t

New Silk W i Struc

'$').llO'riiialily Ilf silk i;rt'| I'olors anil nitalily, to ilose . .

’ All -■jli.r.O aii«i >?7.r>0 ereiii ticst s t y l e s ........ •___ '................

l e , W e W a r

f o r i?d___ ' •

N .'i'iln li'vc ry .lKood Sale

.upartnii'iit Bultons B utto

■..........■ u "M f7 'o n '’till ...........30c

ilivss lind triiiiini. ..( f<ir 2.'.i-

lar:;*- vai'ielv.. . .1 2 1 .2 c

; .........llll- P'mH hntton:

:u- .alVty pins, ll.10c

I .........35c .\ "iH)il litigerii

II— per boll.19c ... --------------------------

■O'r l'''ip"i' , Mottoes fo r Wo . . | . . . '1 0 c , • .

itatioiiery, :!'>'■ "Ill’'* f"i‘

e 'season.' T h is^ s how ies and latest styles. C ' year 'round.

)oth M em

it WiliMput red better priiu r_ fo r . iUi.-iihowitrn- (1 nii-f*.........•iin i : y e a r 'w i l i be n bet’k 'r ,

liiiig Im t th e tn i t h . .

ry Word(I your friends \e real money

I- — ■ J

. S aturday Moming- Silk S U rta ? 1 .S 0 ,"

O n l y a f e w l o f t .

. .\l«\ssnline' .skirtj; in . lit'.-olors, f o r only. $1.39

--------- T6weJs l)c ■; ■■

W ould you b u y a

1.M01I liuuk to w e l f o r . -

III-. T hen .muiic lienn

fr t Dept. IIfr

)i- .siam pi'd p ii’ei's . .1 6 c

:ii'i' .'.I l 'c guest (oivoIk 26c '

..........' i J o ff.

. I'lltlot)^.

lists Have- . k —

d e I'hi'iie W aists, L'ood


s,. v.-n-' la te s t iin.l iu-.'t . n ,

......... :■■■■■■■ V . . . S W

t Y o u F o r

. 9x

f Q S S All gn. ■ . one fo r .spi

ly o f th e y e a r .

IS Buttons

~ — China11; b iitt.in s . A • •


■ *5 . . \ l i . v o f n n r

................... ■■ c l i i t i i i ; t t I lii .s

I'M lier iiiiiiorle b r a id fo r 5c ,


A f c v p t o U ,

............... ' , . i 6 c ' • le ft . 1 .2 p rice .

we keep diir stock new smpare us with outside


intile Co.

' aim to disposi )es--better inc

Five W hole jiio

W inter Cloi

W hen .a lii((y tliiiiks of w earing a|

inks of niiotli ------------ ----------------

'retty Party Dresses

treet Costumes Stn

Voti know onr re jm lation fop clai

c pricra'anil-at'tliok - ciiuetiVns"!!! ;. VelvelSi H ilH herges, •

p0--=-Suiis to Close

W c lmvc-^hese.suits iu ’ Ujc .wiudo'

I. yuilK from $20,00 to netm

>y don’t hR tlo u g . - ' •

S U rla to r 52.88 C

Only a’ .fe '\7” li’ft of CKi'. tskiri.s soiling , !■'im $7.r)0, to !i!l2.(«)- ' lilt' tlioy la s t $2,08. '

^ /L a d ie s Coiats h.VyV(!oat Ht’foTl-S’nff'f^^

0 i^ n y coat.s (ncw style) 10, eo/it;

i r ..................; ............ $2.08 f o r . . '

P u rs 1-2 P rico Phc

i-'vcry single fu r le ft w KOC.S n t 1-2 pri^^e. pog,ad Uie iniirk nnd , ,pj!U o u t it. In 3-2. . ' '

a R e g u la r (

12 Axminster $19.50

1(1 qimlily nnd-Tinttcm.T— YoU'll" ing, Rtiy it now. , • '

2 3 p e r ______-.HondPaimbra

t Of f I ■ lieaiitifu:

and atl nt

faney and plain Incliwles

luit of ] - I off.. 'c ities and (•

1 o r dotnc.siic, “ '

- - - - - - - - - - - P ant1-2 Pricc

fmiiKxl pietiircs WJiile p

I’(('ep the ki

arid clean." W e say we houses— mail-order hc

ComejEarly Each

1 ^ -

' of winter iicements.

■ s____

lih sfo r

hes '

pare! she inflinetivi'Iy

............................... *'*<

and Superb

ick Bottom

sy Htylcs’and reason-

>y 'irre 'db tib ly a ttr iii'" ' ' ,r ' -■

Out‘-$IO i

.• and Ihey-arc gtiing - ' 7“

tly ML'ltnig for , 10.(10.

fi i ld re n 'a C o a U ___ _ ____1-2 P rice , -

I'ory one o f o u r now for i; ll i 1 d r c II,

■U’d r <• a R 0 u a b I ft , and now 1-2 price.

: I ■rjcc. . T

. .‘klo.Oil to .$l7.oO :


Silk Hose 76c

guaran teed silk for 75e,a.s cheap as Ili.sle. -

e best 25c and OOe ^ on earth . • ’ ■

C u sto m e r


iieet[“ ;r"«evv '

:d .O hiaa a n d B ric -a '-- - 7 -----------

^ '1 .5 p rico '. .V

for gift« o r prizes,

-2 pricc. . ..

iras-se.s, leatlier, nov. ;

it gla.s.s. . '

e Leggins 25cintie leggins, kn it. .

• ln w arm ...

s e l l a t a s c h e a p

u s e s — a n y b c d y . ' .

and. W atch , Day .

Page 5: T V r o i I a l i ^ ’^ T l [M E Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...T H I I 1 I '"3 VOL.X. NO. M TEN I ____HRJ|l(DS-OI I ^-Ministration Sends Dras! I NoteiiiiQiiestionofCopetc

I W l i lEAIIl- t J i ^ 2 - l i |B l t I W A T r H ) i T I N E I

Forreal Taylor, Adi

A nd T h tir Ezcelleot Con

— ~ T ir e ^

: " : E T SJAN. 2

Night Prices

local and Pwal• . W.-J. Ailon, nf Klmborly. h|iphI n ilay• In the cUy ih^mWiUe'«( the wi-i-l ,

D. Dlmoml. U'lt fo r Tw in F ii15b Hit;, 1.-UII o f Ihe week,—Httsormiui B un ..

Mr. aart M rV .Juflt 0.v<l(lll wtno In• iho city W cd r^ Ja y Itom llicU lionw

ia Hurh-y. . . ■ . ’ .

- *— ’ ■ T . 'J . ' DauRlaB, a farm or o f IJerKcr,tromuictMl business In ttic county Hcnt Wednesday. • .

H o n rj OJBOn, loft. Th'urnday mornInK for Dolso to ho Kone, for sevcm t. dnyn

" onbnalaM B .'

C. S. McMartln ,(ij)cni Tucgdny In■ U le r, retum luf; ,to Twin h' illc Wcdr

MIsttco Ju lia aQd'Kafc Hood and C. M. Hood B[>eat Chrlnttnaii ^’Ith rclu*

- ■ ItTC'i l 'i Potat«Uo. , ■

K G. Hayfortl. o t lluhl. Biwnt WvU- looday In tho rounly «e.it lookltu: .if- to r ImnlntBH tkffalni,

.B. T. Duffy, of Tttlii > u il i;, wiis , • inunuiclluK buDlncsa In ItaKcnnan, on

\ • Mondaj’.—H w crinan Sun..

Ben Wnrd loft-Wpdncfdiiy fnr niitil- > ------ ■Wherfr-hfMrUM.i.-for-floVfreJ-tinys-iook'

y dnff a fte r buaIni>fi8'affnlrK.

H. A. Sw aancr \Vednn!'da>; In lh6 couniy Deal fronj 5Julil, lookliii.’ a fte r u m nltcr nf bi|m 1 ncsl'_______ l l - __

J. C. Fanchpr. of Jorome. wn'n u busi­ness vlRllot U\ thc Mai;lc CHy fo / n in r thft nilddl(> of th e week..

A. Leiiney, of tim .Jf.nkiiui Htoreii, Wnn& huslnwH vlultor In llurlcy for o. day the middle of the w rrk.

Jar. A. Muriihy w.m a buiilnoMi vIsli- or in tlif' county i'r.it,,fa r a d.iy (Fio middle of the w rek fro'ni lluhl.

Mm. H. C. Colt? returned U’ciliicmliiy , from Ilolne. whom nho had been iipi'iiil-

In s the lioli.Sny.1 wlili' h e r Hlsier,

W. D. I'rVnKlf. ot D^s.M oinni, l.'iwn. 4n apejidlni; liomi; time In tho rliy vlnll-

• ' Ini; tJiQ K«-inIi\U anil P rlncle f-.imilUs.

*( UobMtiii. a liuiint;!;!!^ ■ ^ u r i i7 T r n m '5 in ; tF jn 7 u r n n r H H ^ ^

• Ftilhi for a day tlii' tulJdUi oC lUc; week,

n. W. rr.m ilall lc. In thi' d iy fruin hln fcome In Rhonhone and will me iiore for

.■ .,se T e tiir tla i'a liwklnj: nftcr ijU!;lnc!iij nialter^.

• ■ • l'-rfm k ;w H r tirf l' ; lV ia-rriv rra .in^lUa elU’ for w vcriil days of tW/» w rck from the ir farm ,In .{he Hock. Creek! nelKh- •borhooO. .............

' S. F . VaniJaronnV ^ho h .;ni;uR'il'In — -tlm m crcnntlln IniftlUn.'-H IiiT ilerriran i;-

. ly\i.'Jti4'nn lli thf> 'rom nyyrhorndB y. ) , • .

I t C Lcarh loft Thurt;d;iy mornlni: fo r Wfti-Ttown. Illlnolr.. wliero ho bwl bfKin railed by the t-crldus IlIncH't nf h la /a tb c r . ..

A ttorney T. H.tlloy U t wni; In tho rlly for a d:iy (he Irnddlr of Ihe u.'.^k

. • from his homo In Hurley looklnj: a fte r• lf*sal buPlnrsH,

y»r. anO Mri . Hoy U.'wl,; iind lUlI" dauRhtrf, Irfl for the ir hom<' In F n - Tnonl. NcbraiUn, Insl W ednnulay mnrn- Ior nftcr vlKltlnp for eo’me tim e wlili Mrs. rsT tnlfi. Dr. ami Mrs, J.P, ghephen l,


O n e N i g h t O n l y


PiKes 25c-35c-5

______ __________________

m m< ■

'Daniels, Ethel Tticker

?*Dy of A»ioci»if Pliyeri •

. i m o s l 25c

^ g g y ^ ’ ! : r75c-50c-25c

— ^ ^ .

Ix'e JoliiiBon. of llie Hoyerson -nelRli borhoud. ii|ient a day o r two In Tw) V iUb th is wcirk trflnsncllni: buiOnetu

“ D r r 'j r K r '’8hc;)lierd will iircneh n the I’lriuuint View srhobl house .Sun dny altcrnoon n l'ilirec o'clock.

Mr. t>mi.Mrs. John M.TnHliy, of Sal Laku City, Uluh; siica l peveral day tu Use elly UiIk V.rvW vls-mnK' u t Wt home qf Mnx i ’iuk.

b r. \V, F. Tnylor tc 'ttuncJ ihe fire v e an n r efk. im m u jk iu , « Uc>- hu hail .hceu (o ntlend the Rolden w d dinn of hlH (larfinls.

J. W . I 'o r tc r - iiid fntnlly relume- Wcdnelnlny frffni MurlnuRh w hrro Uio' had bccn.fliienillnK thc hulWayii wltl Mr. Porler'ii imrenls,

Qleon Jenkins, o t thu Jriiklnn coni piuiy Hloreii, wnu In Uurley.W cduou day -look tn irnnu r" l'un !nc8« of th hnyjch ptoro In thnt iilnce,

\V. V Klujimeyer. lhc tranirfer ma: o t Uolllatcr', wi\» i h t c l iy 'fo r dny o r two (ho mlildlo -of Ihe nee: lookltiK d fter li?iBiue«a nlfalrn.

Sliorlft Vim.VuHildii rvturneU Vi'c<l noBiIay f ro m . Kctttlle. Wnnhlncloi: wlicro he hnd hern on bniilnewi In cou necllon wllh lhc ulrrrlfCs office.

J, II. Thompson, who w i l l bi'<,om manager of M urH okrriion'Di'parim en «li» ro r-w lllr!cnvc-fodn r" tO "lak r—th munaKcnicnt o t the new eonrrrn.

Caphler M, II. I’roviwi,'of ihi^ Haniiei Slnlu; Hank, wan in low n for m^vcra (lnyn.oLlUi;-weel£-on-buulne«s-lu-«i» llin;Uolv w llll lliu SlUllto llviT brltSfic.

“ Mr. Knil ilT*. W. T. Iki^tlilck;. Tt lurncil thu f i r m ’of tim week fr<ir Uurley wluiro lliey s\w i« C hrU .im wllh Ihi; iiareiilK of Mr?i. Hrnilrlrku,

•lohn \V. (iiuham . niomUor «f III im bllr n tlllllrn roniiiil.’ixlon. whi> hu been niioiullii): th .‘ hnllilnyf) with hi fAmlh-, loft Wrdiii’Hiliiv ovi.nlni: fo Holnr,

• Mhw I>';,iley W illiams loavo;, .S;iiunla niornlnK for the rn lv rr> lty of l.liJio. n Moncow. n tte r H|.oiidliik' thc liollday wllh bor imreiitH, .Mr, nnd Mm.'K- J WlllSmw,

' lU'.i»ri.'M^nliillVi"-<;lrfl, J. A. Wnler will Irave thU cveiilnc Ior Holsil. t take iii> hi" M'vUi'h n'i>tf<i-inMW TrniiiTTvnrFallH (.‘in in iy 'fn iiic htnt leKlitlrUuto. ' •

M n. P A, Vdliii III 111 the lUy frot hor Iioine In itrrke lry . Cnlifornla. vli Klni: wltli rrlatlvcfi nnd frionili-, Mri .V.olKt.-nill—Ije,.rL’iilcmbcri;iLi)a„MLa C ran : Kl.'r^t.'.l,

editor of the Iticii field H e.urd.'r. w iu ln .th e cl(y-'yoi tcnlnj: loolduK over llio r liy on n nlioi irifi: Mr.*JJHlo In making u tutir ov« lhc ■.■ oiKhorii |inr( of the slate!

G ii iy i . i i i .^ ^ r io r i^ r th . ' of'fkof ih(v MwHiUiliv Sinie« Telejilio’ie foir lUiiiy r rlu rn rd Wednriidny frora Nnn- va ;ind v,h«co uUe tinn l>ec i;|.rndlnK the-ImllilayH with lirr [lai rntn.

Mr. uml Mr«.' Cl:i«dr Truiiib)« lel Tuend.ny .n-rylnR' fo r Ihelr homo 1 Gr.unl .luncllon. Colorado, n flcr npenil hiK a lyrek o r toji >l(iyr> In thu cU vlnUinc’ n i lhc homo of Mr, and Mr; Bert Sowlo,

liarr.v ' iiu rber Iif the Moilrl Stor couiiiiuiy. will lenve toiJny fof Port land, OicKon, wJiern he will ]oln hi mother. I'roni I’ortlw id thoy will vh St Oie oSpoulllon n l San Vrnnclee< ajid San niCKO.


C I RA u s p i c e s T w i n 1

jwiacjj-wses rms FAt^s t:

U o rn -T o Mr- and '} ,lni,'Cart' A. .'lr v ln , Weilnciday, nrcem!;,ril.3P.-a. «ou

- w. l r amltb, t t r o 'i» 5 * T f in o ' forn in th e .n o ck ' Creek • uelKUborhood Irunsaciinl buulni'Kti In Uie cu'unty i<ea a U u f^a v s— C - r - r —---------- ----------

, .Mni. J. M. Ariai'r«uu .nrrivfd honit T hursday from ■ Pariland,'; ,Ore«on win'ri^Hlie,h.HKU2ceu-V'laftUnr-foi^iipv. e ra l niwuliu. ■

V. 1'. llrncXcn, iircflil.'ni of lh.> Idftiu Stnte Hank, rclurned Tliurikliiy fron V’ivvpUc. w iit'tc lie hiul belfti Ior sev e ra l ilnys on builueHi...

.I.;W . Mrlneeky arrived in 'lh o > ltj T hursday team lils Iwrau Isi I’ottlntul Orenon. l l r n ill r.'iu:'in in Twin r a lli

“fO fir ili iy -o r tw~KoUn; frm n hvro lc I Ilo llln ter, where lie will vIKit ivlll -hln hfo lh rr. K. i!. Hrlneck.- and loos a fie r buslnesi pm tlenL .,.___________

.Mth, iVwln'Ward arrlvi..<l In thi> r llj lV<'«lnp'idny from llio .Vorth Side nnd ii vlHllltiK with h r r cdiii^in, .Mrn. V. !•: .Munson, .Mih, U'nrd Is acrunipnnli-d b> Mlsa Uenn Hockwetl, of Itock Inland lllluoifi, who Is her j.'ueM (or Ihi w in ter. .

Mr. nmi Mrn. li. K 1‘urnoll n rrlv r. in .Ihu t'lly.AVedn.!id.iy,-T)i-y will bi hcrw to r rotoo tlrai-. while Mr. Conici is lookluK oflrr nmttera IK connertlw wUh th e work m ' the MMe lilsh'Kni which In belui;'io ii«n irte< l throiicl thlu couniy. ' .

The n c j t renuhir merUiiK of th< T w cnlleth Century clnb will bc a Nuv Year'll rccei.llon a( Jewell hull at

I- Tu.-sday nflrrnoon, .lajiiiary Stli, fron n 10 '1 :20. .Ifeinbera' may brlHji. (heir frlw ids ris It Is one of the (w<

VOlicn Day<" of llie elub-yM r, T hen ,t w in bo niUHlc and refrriihmenti . throuKlioui the iiflenioon, _

Ur. Jobn !•’. ahephcrd hnH been electI fll 11 iiim h e r of the Nntlonai Sorlo K locieal Soelciy with hoaiJrjuarlerii a p ChkuKO. Tiii^ V4)i-li'ty num bers fiOt

mcniberH ihrouKliout America, K n'iinr heUii; Ihe (Tte ilUrusslon Ih i

,l 'jieientlfic wny. nnd tli>‘ correct Itilirr0 FrettRiQU- <ic -R<ieial- questw isj wlMloU' --------------- ______ ___________ __________


= T h e r e I sI' ' . • ____


[J • To oul- hot drilVOMr pftliHe on a e iti nnd 'have one

• Uur Bjiecliiln Ihl, c H o w a . m ; «e

f w a a s HOT Cll tmide .rlKhl, s* r\

O ' - ' ( 'ycK T ,»ii.s.t . ' ______ _ _ L ______________

II ■ ,

' ^ Gity Phai; T H E K O Da

r. r.'Kjir.l 1(1 i,eLt; ))ariy or school <j .•i thouphi. ■ •

r .Juhn .M, .Sliniii. ai:ed 40 years, d li ' al Ills hiniie In ihls cily. WVIn.'iiilN; nflor II s lion UIii.'hh of |yiiholi|-imcu

y mania. Tii'u ileecaiicil Icavi-ii lu niouriI him a wlfo mnl neveriU rh lld rrn . .Mr h' Sfiarp.iViiH wi;ll known In (he clly. hav 1, inj: tor HcvernI yoarn hrld ih r imMliidi

o t tiiacllinliit-ln tb« I.ind A ula >;arai:i' The retnn'lnH wlll i.o taken 1« ibe ol.

II lionie In-Soda Sprlui:ii for Intermcul.0 , --------------------- r-

e .Mr. anil .MrH, .lam.-s A. Hybcr. octurroi■ lh t' wiivrliiKe o f 'ih e lr .laui;liter.>Ozoi

la. to Mr, W llnirr J. H.muh. .Tbe eer n <'m<my wiw jiev{«rmvU l>y «ev, Mr. Mil I- ler. jiaiiior of the I 'irst IlnptlHi <-liurrlii_. in (ho iiccucivce. o t Uic relativeH nn.l ;1 few .JrieinJn o t thfl -contfaednjr [i.’lir• A ficr the rcrcnm ny an rlcR^nl weUvlSni _ iU im ct_u:att-w rvr<l— M rr-sn tl— s m I- H(Ai(;h will nwiKii (heir Duine In 'I 'w li '• r.illn .■t — r - r ^ - ---------^ \ ; ; 7 ........ '

______ H a v e ¥ o u r ......................... ,___e ' ' ■

r Repair Work' 'd o n e a t . ..

r. MOONS SHOP •I Gliiinj I Speciiilj

■On Main St. Neir Poif'OHice

0 ___________________________________• DB. P . C. UEEQE," D tn U it). ' Phono « 6 ,

(^ D tn ] naUdlnc.


C U S’ a l l s D r a m a t i c C l u b

l ^ ^ f R l D A Y . J A H . 1. U 1 5 .

- The «l(i Titi'in Falls s.n]oan haV'bVcii.

t'^llfl I'nloti Mission a t ;!riO south .MnlV nvenuo. Ticln ru iis . rdaho. Sunday

8cl\W'l Ul n .X Ml. I’fencblnK n t !0 a. m ,. D.itilH ,\U..ti oa[iU iii...______ __

F in i Chuffh' „ f chH st, Seleiiilst. 1130 Tldrd .ivotiuc caJi(. S.irv'lccH Siindn.v. Iiutuiiry :iril, m i l ' a . tu., iiulf J«cl, ‘ iSwl." s’miiiny nrlmol n t 10 a. ni. T.-»tiiii.,rilal mrcihiK. WTdiiwday a(.H ll, Ul. K>.;»lliv,;.r.H>ni,LTllie clmrr-li 0|H‘n-r;T:nv‘:::;ft i,. 4;:in jl .m .’ oircrju Piindajs :iiui I,.Uill

; j;iil‘ruiial ChurclTThoi,. will l„.' M'rVl(cs al th r K|il;>ru.

lial churdi Vvxr'» iliiy m l-S'V p. Ul— -Ml .m.'ttii:,-r>. o f - th o - r h u m r a>e eitiiechilU iir:;ril Ui lii. iirew iit. R et' vices v n t ;ilMi I,., hrld nrxl Sunday at 11:00 ..'. f.uk, l.y Ar.'lKlrueou.HovvarU Hlby. Til. IO will J.ono rv lc rsrarb Siin- da\' fr<.ii| iiiai il.u.., 'ny . mi.mborsof llnP cliiit.li aiv l!ivli...i l.l all of lhc hotvirr-..

f lrs l .Mclheili.i ( 'liu rd iSuiKliiv !:(')ii..il at lu a. 111. I'.ii.Ilo

wor«hln-:it l j ' : i r m l ;iuil 7;;;u p, ni. Mornim; l.crl•u•l a communloti luldrcira followeit by rniiiuiunliiii, ftvenliiK«nb- Jcct. "A Ni)W.. H r;i," llnracn dann tor younc iii.-n at r. i>. tn. Kpwor(h lonKup ftl G;n(' 1. in. I'rayor nirellriK Wed- neiidny a t 7:1,'. p. ui. Voii will find a cordial wvU-<im\.' m Hh-m* sm lc r r . . C, U. lleni, jwisior.

First I’r r -b j/r r la p Chtirrh.•D r, .liilw 1’ . ahrvUerd,

Mornlnu i;ulijri|„ "iledeonilni; Iho 'flm e." ••I':vrniiit' lh^iiier"A ' T lu iV for KvorylhiiiK." The w..ek of I’niyer will ho Ohs.Tvcd noxt wo»k w ith . iier\lcc8 coclt nlKhl rx<..'pt Saiurdny.- Siibbaih school al 10 a. Ill, with elasacii fo r nil nnd csiH.chillv for IhlnklnK -nien In the hduly of Dr. Sirouc’n "(ioiipel ntnl th e K liicduur—Wnr, ,,itn raunc nnd r o s t." A whoi.. hour will bo Klvrn lo th e work wlib Dr. Slieplierd teachinc a nd Mr. I iir aii iM.iirowlJent.' - Ju In a oir’ fo r a yeuT ol invcallsnlion. o f world

J a T a n giku th a t will i.looNo >lij ijny. llcUrt; iiloi. ou yon r wuy Jionie.1 Week lire HOT k.Ted w llh iihippeil ICKKX TAMALK.S. td r J sh l; OYSTKll .

m acy Co.;A K S T O R E

(ondlili.iiii nnd world outlook In llie llsh i .1$ ('.nil'll Wor.l nil itiiori.rrlod hyfills r n n l ilirliithiii !it.-itciiman.

Firi't Chrlallan Clinrrli .

It.'v, W aller K. H arm an ., .cI:’, Ifli avenii.. eiutt, nijtlor. Ne-si SuiiiHvy proiiilM.K (0 be :« c reat day for the n r i . l Chrliitlan rhuroh, Thu dav will ..pi'u wllh ih<. bl>; 'douhte-ni>-Hll)lo Hrliiji.l ;it lo:(ii) .1, m. It In 'lb r IickIu- tiliii: 01' a now J|.;ii-; jiow <iiiarl"r. and a neiv iKirllou <>f ih.' IHblo.. I .d ev.-ry

- Jiiviul-r-of-thtrTxhnnninTnfll new ohT^ tha'i .' 111 .<1111. rlciiro plan U> bo on baml :iiid ihuii brcin Lht-year arli;lit.'

••'Til,. CIiitlleiiKr of (hr Diviii.. U .ad- '■n'hl|.,'' will bo 111.! ibciiie of the niorii- liiK V' Miioii., A .N'ew Yt-ar HTimni

. tSeiilhn; with lh r hlKher mil.'; bruucht to a innaiiJifli.l by lh«i Christ /o r IHi:..

Ui'.'K. I iHnilor In lh« rlitirfl. l,-,uii- : HIuTiT :TI noon. iire .uikIii«

ove.cy Ciimliy to cmm? ;ii),l 'brlnif w.Ol tlilr ,1 |.;iuliclil. ..livery..innnM*oi' ahuuidlio <iu hana,.

In (ll,- nflornoon trom 1.' (o j , iw,.)iiy- fdur taSK cd-.w orli^r#,— mnn'lillM 'Ktivclvr teaiiiti' wlfl rundiii I. llie -..verymruau*,- «uivaH« uC.iUc oiiUn-'rlniT. li

• nionil),.|.*hl|i for currriil oxiiei|v.... and ml>-!.loh.- for Iho yoar l'Jl.->

All 11.01!,! who are not al Iho .liiiuor in lb.. Paiienieut a l nooa, a r« ivim»'<'1- fiilly iir::ed to lin In lli-lr lioni.-s In th r iifl(.rniM'ii and he pr.'(.arcd (.» u roU'.; the cam asserti.

Tho ;i,iniml nieriliic will tak,‘ phice In lh..'..i-enln(r wllli reiKiiin froni the chiircb ^uid all Int aiijtlfllarlos, Th.-ro w in alMi br tlir nnniial cleciluii of n ffk 'o r. and th> rejioit of ih,. cvory tnemli,-f . ciinvaiiM ma.lr in ’ (li.. aficr- noon. Dr, .1. Hohert liiichaiian will h li\\v i l]:irKr uf Ihbi liirollnc.

C .r iM i Rriln :‘nd hnnd hrai..ri;. ::.2 Main Avc. !•;. J},:c. 'j i '. r . l!u ,Ian 1

L O C A L T A L E N T ■

A F U L L ’ C A S T '



A R E A L - A U T O i n A c l i i n

H O R S E S , b a r e B A C K

R I D E R S , C L O W N S

fk'piie local llieatfical Event-Sale Opens Sal.-^Phone or W rite Your Ordera ‘Skeels- W iley Store

■; S q C lE tY N O t g jSociety licm i to r (hln.coiumo. fflll

h t Glttdly reoclved liy Tho Tlm ts.

Mls-ii Hryant will enlorlalii ihln af- |rrtiiioti,,wHh.. cards.----------- ----------------

Mm. .R Bryant han li.niied hv lta- Ilona fur U.Now V ear^ .linnet;..

Mnt, H, dm w will e iilenahi a larKO j.arty wKb g Nuw Year'ii dinner.

Th.' I'omiL'rvaiory of Mimlo will rIvo an liifotmal rerci.tlon N.-w.Year'ii dny,

_M1kh I'lvwnli; Coaien lian Insiied in­vil jtlunn for a -m alinru party, Sal-H.idtty allctiwim,- .

^ M rc .'c - 1), Thoma-,vwlll k1vi> »,Ilveo'..l(ick Ira. to thoJtu iiiid llohln i:lrln Friday aflernoon. . ) v

MIkw-11 ,Ma||le Wlllianut „u.|- U .raiu i'lili'.ler were lioMioiis' tt>''a miiiihor of Ihelr yoiiUK frietnin lai;t cvenini; at the- home of llic lallcr.

Mr, atnl Mi- , K. 11, i ', i \ ;;av,.- a.iiaia)l .lliinoi'i.ari,v Tue.-,dav cv,.nlmi, c.ivor;- wore laid fs r rn lb e r Hahn. l-*albcr Sul- llviui, of Snlt I ..a^ ; .Nfr, nml Mrn. Kar­ls, nnd Mr. an.l Mni. Cox,

\ hirr.f lKi>.ta,'li)t n)ii.Uci.i,- and hol­ly formed the effeellvu eentrrplcce for tUe elahoTMis cIkIH vmivue dinner kIv- ell Tiirsilay cvciiInK by Mr. anilM rli. Samuel H arl. The hoivwi v.ni' profiii'o. ly-dccnmli'i) i>;!b hoIW/iy nltrnrflonM,

Cfiiiii>llnieniary (u .Mr, H lelia.w huJa JeaviiiK Ihe'Hiy mian.'.wan th s dwiclni; pnrty Klvrn hy Mri;, <;rcen. lu the Klks' hnll'Wedneiiilny eVenlnc. As a iok.;n of rs(r,'iii. he WIUI prmenlod wllh a d iam ond 'K Iks’ plu, bv lHr boHlrBK. AIhiui twcnly-flve fniiiileti were pr.'s- . eni, ^

.MiKit.lkiiu'otu wan the chnrntlnK hoii- i lesH.ul an Inlom ial curd jia rli' Wed-a*uMl«.«.^t-tiiij-twlulUl.lUll'' lil’ i r J e - ■ lljjhiliil oTonlnK n Iwo-courso lunch w as aerved to tho followinK Invlled' ,KucfilR-._Mlsr.on,SluiiJctBDn.JSVoodii^Cor. ]lieti. HendrlrkH. Grieve. Scoll iiml ,lli 'M U . ■ ■ ;_____ ________________ 1

• aiweral ot Uio trlendu «f ttt^vlor anil 'Mrs, Sawyer wero thc lr «uestB a l illn- {n r r (thrintmiui day. beaulKul uta lla ,wan the allracllvii r'nhterpleco and all' jtho '(Inie-honored ae txe to rlca form-' .jed llio drllcloim menu. Tho'K iieala , (ircscnt wcro: ^fcflBrn. and McsdainesCrn\f, Joba W llcot nnd Mndame Smith. ,

One of the eiijoynhio Chrliitnioa din­ners wan thnt Klven by Mr. nud Mrn', Tom Coaner. l-'nill was a tiraellvely ( nrrauKed on .an cmhroldered i-Ptiler- \ lliere nml a Inicc hell wuii uunpendcil i Just abovp th r labli-, Covcrir wero Inld for. Mphnri'., nn'd Mendanicii Chniuiiaii, Connor, il.'iiion, nnd .Ma.iler I.iinaliiK ' Ueiitmi, •

_JUsui-Aliua.-UwK>ll->ffMTh6rtrT,irsra' " iliillKht/ul .IConslnRlon Woilncu.ln)--af- . ternoon, pnieVdcd hy a dollcloini tout- roun.e lunch.- Whllo carnatlona brou- llflr.| lhc inhle. wbllo muall caiuly irl- im.lii (led ivltlt .rrd-rlblxm-iH i.l tihrll- I'riiiic nmall nut. Imnkctn p ive nn cf- fcrllve loiich lo caeh cui'sl'j' |.laro; Tho'to luvi.led ivero: Mlimcii Vminl, I.i- lieH,-Allen, Costello, Ouncmi, Tliomns, Iloinnday, Wllllanui, Combs, und Mil­ner.

Thf. eiiVlMlmin dinner |ir/!n|.led over by Mr, mi.l .Mrn. IV, T. Woo.l wa.-v ono o t th n ,w o u l allrnctSvr of llie sea- smi, ■ A larce Santa Clajm i.nrioiinded by uuincrt>u« r.lfl" wun nn Inlon.'iillnK eoniurplece, Xarrow ribliomi nltachedI.) Ihriio. ullill cxU'tiih'd lu ll\e i>laie cardii o t llio resjioetlv,! (;iirn(n. Sented around iho lahle w ete ; Mci'urn. mid' Mesilnnirn A, I’, Senior. (5. F. linker. It, A. ilnmllton, L F, Monu-, C. U. Iliir- JU11, I,. T. WrlKht an.l Kldon IJnukoii,'

Mrstlaui,':r W arnrr ai),l linlion eiiler- i.ilticd a (i ruitii uf yoiim; rn'opl'uU .Ibi- «in—wiTtnrmn)'*rTHtliiK. lotnpirpirni- liiK .Miss I larrlcil W arnor, who h; hiiniu to r lbe hiilldayn- A hiuiftul Urd wllh a hirfre rr,l how and filled with m l and whllo rarrnillouii wa:i tbo iirotty coiilrriilece tin.) m.iny r.'.l willii rlh- honn rrwie.lTrff-IJio lalil,■_'ln..01)ji0t:ltti illt.'cllouM iirpat^al.'tl llir pn'n l’'! fihicoM. Tlu- c»l<'f (»-liw».- fii»li.,r_eiirrl,..l Olll in Ihe iwlniicKa p la c eanln, ami nut h;uik('i«. ISilUvwlin; lhi- tltnn rr iv f 'h rk a n m tn-o homiim a-i:ifl for-rarli Kiit.st vva,'i Uie ceiilor <.( -,iUi ai-iIoh, I’rcHcni li-cr.'i-.MlM-rs Mlln,.r CotUtll.i, .WililOU.-WilllamH, Tb-.u.i.... Wull, Wom, llrt.'ii Wonl, I’ll.'alni, II..Icn I'llr,ilrn, Cimway, lluvrrvaiiil , lrM. H arrv Al<'\- an.lrr.

Mill, IloPrrl .Hi,','lr wan hoM,-sn ;il aii.illiwr .lollKliifiil .-at.I ] ai ty'Wcilu.-i- diiy rv rn luc of this weel:. , li..(-iii ailun'i of Iiolly and mb;llrti)o miKc'Hl.-.l tlie hollilny Hensnii aiiil w,-n- iihc.I Iu al.uii- dnn.-o. MIm I’auIIii.' Kvaiis wai, llie wl-im-r ot Ih .' IiIkIi ;.<uro Ior tlu- la- .liPM - and Mr, C, I...I>mKcIy wan iiwavdvd :Uiv iV'iiM.^im'n j.rUo. A Crrcn luiil u h itr color ;.cIh-iii,. wiw rar- rl-'d uut tu Uir v..{ri-i'hiii.-iu:. tn llu; nervluK of ivhleh Mrf. Sl(:*..|.. wa.'i a:,. sIMod hy Mlli. A', Muiu-iv^, A j.lvuslnv: fraliir,-<if iho o V o iiiiiK -wa;i llu- r,.,i.l- luK Klvitn hy .\lr.i, IK I). Sl<'rlo, Tlwu.. eiljoyluK th r honlrsii' h(i-.pltall|v w,.r,.; .McHsri*. and Mrsdahics l-M, Kiim.iv, c . I I .,,U ni:l..y , I), I). Si,-,.),.. ,i. t , Kvaiis, A, MullruK. IHIIworth. 01,..on, W jncii, and MIsiiI-m plt.cii and Kvan': . • ’

One of lh r Kayr.n of ihe’ pafJb.^ of (h r w(.ck wafl the on.i kIv,'ii h.v ,\lrs. Crm-rii on Tocsilav ov.-nliiK lo a num­ber.n f tbo )iiii;iK p'.riul... .'.M'l ivan Hi.. dlVirnloTl ol the r.ir!; j.,u i ,,f lbe cv. .■'llinc. n prU(. 1...)uk a«a'nl..il al li' ArUIc to Uir mi)il<. th a t ' lin,i|.'l>':':.t’d. Cbrinman ([pcornlliMix won- .'M.-uiiIvc- ly used,.- ,\t (vIpvvii .I'.-W k lli,. |.arlv ro | aired io Ih.. Iiuiik. nf .Mr:., - .Mr'. l.'iHliitn, w-hrrp (hvy w.v.; km'vv.I a Ih rrc-co iirtr luiieli ai tw ,. iabl,.s wb|i-li w.-rr rriil,.rfd wltb cmuU-Ubras uliiul- i-d'In red. This house w.n.i monl appro- t.rliitolv ifi.co;nie'l w llh '"ltow «" uud "bi'llB,"_ T hr r..|ualiiiler o f Ib r .'Voll- h ic wni.'vppul In danrliiK «t (h r Cra- vru homr. Thui,r rnjnybif: tb l- affair w orr: Ml9i;,.:i Haitrh, Perrlne. Wil- liainu. Mimrr, Hobm.'.. Thoninn. IM- li'-o.lor;-M ’a if;H n iiir /i~ 'a n (r” 'MeVsr«,('orliriiii, VlfilRhl, III null. ' SliiipKin. ( i riiio.1, .‘ inU'lu CmumiJiv l-oiiuirr.Olrd-

l,Veii. ,

E n j o y i Q e n t o f

t h ^ T K e a t r e

Ik'ituiiili-. njvon (Hear .

YIkIod. T hat i.l what 1 ;

W|. (-an proniPii- y.iu


K I ? S » 9 KiMid fliUni; I'trvivL-

of ojrtlral eiiicrt. ' '

PRIEBE.Leading Jew eler and

Optician ,

MBS SKURfD ils SPEAKER .aeloiUt Local FcouItiCH N&U«ulIj-*'

■ • , . . - T T

L:uecno V ictor Dobn Is comjac to.-> peak nt- tho hljih achoo^l BoditorlttBta. . ‘o b ru a r j'^ n iH riO IC r'n t S:M o'cU>clc.;_ ; m, Mr. Dehn, licinf; a flguro o f '. '" ' nUonnl iiromlneneo for three aacco#- - ivo pr'cflldcntlnl campalcnii, In which . 0 firndually rouo lo the hiRhost ranU .• f puhllo orfltorn, haa a .riR h t lo bc-.-- reelcil lioro- ns tho necoad man o t . rrsldcntlal ennilldncy to visit thio cUy• ml nn ovcrJlow meclltiR wlien,bo la c - 1 Uio Twin HiHh audience, is naflured. , Ickeliv w in co«t 2r> cpnls and jcuorv- :l iicaUi extra- II. H. Prcrdhfllm, soc- ilary. ' — Adv. .D ee. Jaa . I . .

The iiortormoneo of "Polly o t the- Ircun" a t Uio l.averlnK*tlipalro o p . ' 'qdnfliJhy, .Inn. Clh, promlns to be • if j^ven t of Ilfl kind of the seauoa.

(lorrlnh nelln Hnd hand hcalors. 2SS * _ . . lain AVC. K . Ueo. 29 Jfta J .

fi rep n_ S0 )im il_baiiiijQ r_Pflti!trf,-at-^. loiiorn Packlni? comoany. Doc. 8 t t

Orphm^ilieatreThuniday. Fridny and aiturUnjr.

and' Satnrdaj* nialliier A tlrocllom

P o w e r s a n d J o y c eAtifflrullnn Team

Novelty a r t . alno liitvoUuci^^ •. plenty of Kooil comedy, iilni:*: : and liiinclnK.

F o tn Plays. ' _ JU U L 3 L U m i_ m -M ).N -l{ -V M .

.A dr.amaUcMiiasieriili-i'o in - IiiirtH, ' i

.KATTV A>'D 3nVNKIIAH,l.A 'lieyn tone KoniJc

I’o r lauithlni; puiihihcs only. f ” T i l t , llL T U .ii; MEKKI.Y

U itcat-iuuiTtiiiliiKs-Uio ttorlif- •. .ivor, alno iieenPH perlalulnc tn

llio Kiirojit'an wnr.A ni KxcpUciJt I’roin-ara

Dimrn iijjeii a t " u’cl.n-k, rtW ' , tinuon'n prrfnrm uiicc UU I I . At, v ' '

(Tr»<l« Muk)

M O l j l t -t ’obl w eather calli^ for hut .(ovivi.

iiKl oi'erlicated s lo w s often

1>HST11»Y HOMKS Is Hint IllUe h.vne, prole,-tpil *111-

111 Inniiraiiro-polii-y? If nol. why not? , rii,; ounl l.'l nmall. Till' rlik I.i l i r r « .. iQy ■ •

J.C L V D K LLNUSF.V, ______ __ Heal iN lnfr. F ire 'ln » n w n p p .i '. . .

IV rrlne Hotel lliilldlnV '

■ iJ-iiiiiii|» ..

Twin falls CoosenalocK at Uk IcMrs, A. Guliicrt, D irec to r. -

Plftp.o UoimUnKnl•.Mrtf.-A, (iul'H-rt Ul55 F rw .ces V.’>: td MIm Vesia Thomui

Vocal D i'iiartuicat•Profesnor Jvor Sk.ivcaarl

, IncluiljuR ■Vornl C uliore, \ ’'ol*e .lopoinp. lan, In terp re ta tion . Chorui.

.,.T r la .Q u a rto l tc .-^ ^ ----------Hurmony, T h eo ry . Coau>o-l-

■ (lort.- .. '— ^ i r T - M ; i i i r ~ 7 C '~ i i : —

Page 6: T V r o i I a l i ^ ’^ T l [M E Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...T H I I 1 I '"3 VOL.X. NO. M TEN I ____HRJ|l(DS-OI I ^-Ministration Sends Dras! I NoteiiiiQiiestionofCopetc

- I l l ’s U !



, • ' By PeJer Radlord '' . Kttrmm' Ut

O o r « o tm i in fn i never faccd I '"TaKaaWBTTiprobleimB-thBl-now

doom o^cossrci• t t e a o jlilfltu rc i;' whlcli.

-------------- *«feS8ii-'wJll-Bl!oJ(p'j)3)s.J)atJon•. TOBt«r Ito icfrputnfcrenco. &nd

' isMOipiUDn 'M e Itn foeo In b 131*1 problum Jr—uomnn In llic

Hast fcdtTttl crtiJiu# n -♦ » * r^ w c _ iiu w „ lm ’C. 1,6M,00fW

w ttlJ lfif Itl llic flHd. inoBl of k u i h or tbo Masuu nnd Dlxim T law c T'Tro npproxlmiitffjy a n

. .a cc rv RtiTr^ unrklnic (is (In » a « n Hbcratril by lUo-cmaJicli

. “ inratliiraMlofi, ha»o - (rT’"(l»awcB » rd tJiir womrii Imvc I

' ■ '^HKir platx'S. in fwimiufr. Wi!till- fhnrkli^t ofl lln‘ ric.

- a a d modi'll tbero npci) nur daii^l T h t C hjln-G ing of CIvllizatIg

A mnifoti wotnon In.lKxiiJiiRci li ’ MoQiRrn (Inldi ronn tlii< cIinlii-Kiii

......... aiJrtazsillett-r.t!ie. InduBtrl.iil .Irn• nRr. TIiitc in no ovpmoVr i

. ■' ' tlial of unri'KtrnltiCil k: ;■ ' -aa'W nip'that-BtincB-liltp-UK i-Inii

cnbobivd iles(lti)'. and iio aiicliuii ' ';)ltacU fo. r''vnltlnx <u (hst u

■aaEeircfl avartco,*”She'prert<f/'n{ nf tha I'nlt'rd Sl

' w ^ T w c a l ly Itiudwl by tlio prea»,' • -viTf p ropfrly su. tor iuxkcsHbk n

a?jwo bclwi'AD lb r enKlDC(‘ri and In adjuatlnR t

' - ^ellBtWtO'iff tlfiiBM ( n th tc a tm rd to alrlkn If (

wpre Tiof IncrpnUfd from------- Icn tB (‘I'oven dollar#

’ <fcy »nd jc rr ic e ' rcduc'^ .'from ' in ' «od a ilm llar read;

r a e ttv o f 'ib e 'o v c rtJm o schedule. w B O ea v e w orklnc In.the flold. .rs

• ba rc tooW . for tes* than ^ o r d a r, and the ir icheduli

4 te 'T 7s{nr BOB and ttio OYenlot» 3 ^ a f te r A e day 's work li oVor t

• . a ^ . i O o cijw*, slop the bo |» and r *• d to ’>*abv 4o aJe^p.' la anyone nice

ttt tV T e r the ir jroblem s, aod lo » l ’ • .« » ia Uiey th rea ten a, itrlko? ‘

't to a x re a t b u llsleacd arprorlr • t o t to s e «’ht>- loll a l tho fergo and " f tiiB aha eounler, and many of ■-afceiatnmi h a re atnllcd n t the tbre

' ■ o S h a ro lanced tho flame of uni ’ 3aHaK<h)duslr(aI laborers. RuC wi

. «a'-5Uii ,ca surely lh« final Tiotlms-------- ------ - iiB>catr tA -« -a rfa fe -a3 ..tlie r—g f a J

1 4K®an^be*TerB in tho w ar between ‘ TSisaa. afld thon» rrhe arbitrate i •• a a im « e t tho dirrerences between c: c A xn 'd ’Jtfber ahotild not forjict' tl

-----------------■«**• th e VxpenaM of.any-lHdiulry J• '■'■Birecuaaarlly fncreased, soclely fo

' ffW'WHUby OrafUnR a ncw conslKnnn ' 5flw w B m urrom tho'honSe lo tho flf

V. ' W «li-n«rttTixmb From Women's Cn.or Br«id.

'» o 'f lg tm c U l aw ard can be m'a ’ ^aJnro t.aoraeono fooling Ihe bill, a ’• « ic o o m u in 4 ta thoao who acccpc t

■■ •sieswnislbUlty oT'tho dlstrlbullon of . ■ 4fta«ri»J Ju jdcc. (bo ttl ll small rolw

’w oaan In th'o flelcl as abo Mea ' : 'S a rm rre r . and wo.bfjr Ihat they pin

KBB’crem h 'from h e r cn isl of bread .i;b i ftDOlhcr/.-ratcb upon her ra/cs

•‘w m c n ta .■JlS*' b c s '^ b a l they lliten to I

w aitam of' horror frma thn eajtle i 'W w i'A m e rlcn n dollar tha t Is vrut

. ~ '‘-sgg i the tirovi'of toWnK women ai

■•Wrdiot th n l I n c n ^ e a 'Ihe want ■ w a B a to BitlsTy the icrepd-of man.

The'-;«flnita behind tho couofrrai ' faclory crj' aloud for sympall-...u a i (h<i. press thunders Out In the

................••HSdf^n«p=<-»od-'JUj»--iiulplt—plcads-ii' 'buf'how nboul th»' voman

Held? W ill n o t'th ese powcrf .• -.♦•jyoncnli of hum nn 'rifh t* turn tho

cncriilPR and^lnnur-nei; ,lo h', ___ ^Vjll Iho OoddcHi of Llbcr

___ •'■/v'tlirrined a t WHghlnRlon linid Ihc e:’'T « a :^ '0 ”liafi3^'atid"8bblho“ lliB''r(;\f'rli

o f -h o r BOX who io*Ti and rcni■ £k*W rt0Q 'a harrcB l or will Bhopcrn-

- t i r 'uitiH of Ihe Bpecle* to sho> «»air.< ll—'KeiU and wenry—from ll 'iT ^d ''1 tne 'o r (nduBlry to Ihe hack i

• «JT« o t'.pow rty?■vWrtmen and Chlfdren Flrat.

■'ThfCnnRiifl rmimcrnlofs IpII ua th.}ionmi whl) work In tl

'au ‘Iirrm hands 4H!).noo aro al • jiv^ ypari! o f nKft and linger W hat Jifc: tlnaHlf'frtlny of a naiwn whose f .-umTnmhem upend IhelrRlrlhood da; •■n^i^nd th e plon',-'pitching hay ar ^^volIiiR Tniiniiri', nnd n h a lU tobecnn

' -Ti: ■womanly culturo and reHnemei ’ U a i ffniro th» homr. eliarm eoclei

.«Bil -mfhtiso man In I fip tn Rior)' I■ -atf/io •nctilcvempnlB If onr dauRhlei ':a ra - ra ise d Jn thn society of {fin ox afl '.".Ike'coinpanlonsblp .of the plow? "

Q n 'ttid t strata between tbo ages < c s t r e a a a d forfy flto aro JM.OpOwo:

a s 'f a n n hr oda and jnar :iO ’wItb auckllnn babes ta

■ * t >tb«4r broaaU, u drencht ta ^ e rap lr^ tk n . tboy, wlold the scytt n < YtilOo t t e plow .' W hat l i ' t o b<

' cM in <rf th a t natlOQ wbere porert m t n u of the <jue«Ls''(

' <hofs«: <eapalr borU 4k mot&er' . ' JffO 'ftwD 110 throno and hunger d rlte

' ifeaoD«nt ebildreo from tAe scboolrooc ' J a ifae t e e ? , r"-

S% o‘ceasuc tn rca v skovs that 1S5• SM ■<»« theae women are f9«y-‘flV . f t tav 'Ot age a sd o*er. Then la o

«9ro>pttU ul.sigh t la clTlUutloQ tbai ' ak«*r»Bb>Ur mothem ol-Israel aioopt.

------------- dndall»^^li-ltul-fl^lcl.^ro^- « n > oaU l ta a u d \ l n lih i dreocblD.

■ • ' ' Clkeir 4 l a c r plIJowB. with tho tear*' fl^ *aR dB i?~K >~^ir-a«b ln«-b«arU -tA i \-'A ^ to Ood I s p ray e r 'C lrllliatloi

them .a 'b lo w wtiaa ll shoul

xlvo them a- crown, and to< 11 friond Is ho who brgko broi I f boj^sara and aaHi .rCoaa.unti f I yo th it a ro w oarf nnd heavy la

J wJJI * lrp you r c a f oii, .Aniorlca! The'land o f t

and I b e - h q m o .o f Iho bra' ■ world[fl__cuBtodiaji of cblvali

t a m p io n o'f humao'rlgliln'uofl fonder of tho opprRsaed-sUall

’ OS m lt a u r m aidens fdir to bo'loi 'Uio hcarthBiono by .thft niUiIet

, uC dentlny and chnlrlod to tbe Shall wo. pernilt our faithful

• ■wlibmnre-cyfemmlml with QoU0 tro- {sh atid protect, to ba hurled f; lylns- Jm nv>-itLtb[i hnrm it_U cliL -a J and ronlhers dear lo be driven from' when a n n chair to tho cotto'n patch: from In rcsculnK our c lll'ieiiH '^i mini*' forcrii'or cJvllliuHtn. cntl WHUO lainii.'"’ to our fa ir Dlxlelnnil ihtt nilo Ri‘|il. Bi-;i—■■women nml plillilr^n flml [Kiriii There imuki be u tfadJUHlni jiiii'ii the ncufc of tndiiHtry ho if iticiir women cnn be Inken from Uiti l line. Klvcn ll rcai>nnaMo waRo for he illlon lcen. I’crliiiim ihc lonui'liaii neve IiiWk ralHfd. hut fbi-lUiin. _;vlili_n.mcmb(Tiihlp of ten nillllo; '(Itir llM t>r,snnlzi‘ii furccH mjuurel/ iken the Isi'ue and now enlc.r liflvo docket of clvlllintlnnTlu! raso o nicH Woman .In tho n e ld ” atid demg tvrs. liniiicdluti- Irliil.I. T-----------------


I-of I — --------- ---------------- U -____ ■_cr’s I T.he Common Carriers Ask fo o r I ' lief — Prcaident Wlhcn Din

.AtW ntlon of Publle 4o He* , , • T h e ir Need*.. and . Thu .coiniiiiitoo ' ur railroad < cdl ■' tlvcB. hcudcd by .Mr. l^riink, Triii •all-. reprcncnilDK ililrly'flvc of thu le K'lr railroad nyut'eiiiM •o flhe iiallon, r ukL. Iv-nrc-Hi'fili-il in Prcslili-iit .W'l« leir nii'morandum,brli‘fly revlewiuK tl; np. Hculiiea now confroutlag (ho rail pel or-Ibo country nud aakluc for U to opera tlou.of thufiav tram cdtal ng

jst-' tics and-tho publle In suiiportln'g 3ur road credJta and rocoBBltlng aa i ■ny eeQcy w b lch 'reau lrc s Ihat tbe SO roada be * lren BfldUJODfll revepi: la The memorandum roclte# I'ba'

•ar, E u ropean 'w ar.baa resulted In je ]«.y d c p r e a s lo D of bUBlness on Ibo A jek can contlncDt and In tho disloc iat. of crcdlta a l bomo and abroad, om revenues decreasing aod In tersit

Increasla^ tho iransportailon syi uly of tho ,country fn^o a most te be. c'rlsfs and tbo ..memoraaduoi : mr strone pretCQtalloa or tbo ct ilR b u m la r AC bofb oodi aoij tho p jBt. H « t n iuat ulilm aiely attend su< m- cooBafratJoQ wbea (bt Oamtt ,01 Is apparen t to atl. la the ir eet

dlscuasloo tbo railroad r e p r ^ 'ilTM aay in pa riT ~ ‘% ” ?ra S o rg f

nd Islatlon and reifulatlon by tbo Ictp|. g o te re n c n l and: the fortynjljbt iia t .aellDslndopc&dently.of cach otherft- _woll.il*Jhrou8h_tho actlqajifj(i_il:ta public opinion, railroad ' expccse’nt' rccent years b a re vastly IncrcsId. No criticism Is hero made o f tho,V eral theory 'o f Bovoramental rei

tlon, b u t OB- tho other hand, t]olo te n u ity can reJIoro tho carrier* ol,d pcnucB crenlcd thereby."10 P rcaldcat Vlltoa, la traotaill n\ tho memorandum.' of tho ralli 3t p rrsld ra lB lo 4bo“ publlc, cbarat Is Ues 11 aa "a lucid sta tem ent of p h tru th .’" Tbo president rccognl: )f. tho cmerfiency aa extraordinary, i .(I tlQUlnc, aald In part:

"Vpu ask mo to call tho aitcui ,n of.ibu country to 'lh c Imporatlv'ii n n .th a t railway credits bo luxtalncd g tho railroads helped In every poss (1 way, w hether by private eooiieraij f .iitrott— J.y- .yVft (''•Hnn, ’«'linf(|if feasible d( goveraitienlal afft-nclei.

1-am glad to do so because' I tbd tbo need rery ’real", ■y Tho confcrenco was cerlalnly r fortunato ono for tbo nation andr p r tild o n l ,lB,;.to'bo eons^ratulaiedn opaains~ tiju -K ata-to a-im w-world11 cCtort la which overyono may co-oi r H e. ■ .r 'T bo ro aro many Im portan i'p i y k'nia in uiir cdm plor c lv llitatibn 'l ]. will yli;ld to coKjperatlon whlclr ' h- -fiot'lend-thom »olvus-to ,arb lln iiy_ n fncn of commissions and ^nane It rallroada Ib ono o t tbem. Thc n r> with tbo money Is a tactcr tbal e n not bo elim inated trom any buslo |. traaMctloD and tb e public Is an In

csled party th a t sboald always be c flultcd and bapplly tbo president !

X Invited all to participato in tbe s< n Uon of our ra iiro td pn)blems.;. ------------------------s CONST.VHLE SALE.t. -'V . ---------H .N'.illi'c In licrcby Klvcn thnl I. K 1 firaliaiii, nm stnhle In nncl for T

KiiH« iii'c.-lii.-i. Hill nn Tuo'dfty. J ij;iry j;or.. ;it tfii o 'c lork a. m.,

(u the lili:hcKt Mdili'r for cioh. the t lowliii; (IcHcrllicil ftnlmal, to-w lt: i 'I tirown liirfre rIx ■ years oM. wcl> olioni HOO ihjuikIb, bramlcd fl«ur r on rlKlit *h«!iI(Jcr. Thr- nj;ire van t

1)11 up n t tb e Saniucl Cox plnfp, 1 f mllo wcHi nnd tw o nnd A quarter m

nortli of Murtn'iiili. Idaho.' about ;■ :.‘iih of O rlolipr. II'H.' Tho PftJc wUI plWfl .»l thfl al; ' iipeclflcd tim e af tlip residence of Si 1 uc! Cox n l the nbovo upcciflcd plae<► Ow ner rnn hnvn nnlmal by prov • 'iiroi)crly and paylnR .lU'COSts. otli r. wIko tho trnid anim al wlif be, fold t Iho dntc 'nbovfi mentioned ' t o , def i. ro*{s flnrf tb r nf Ihe prore

lum ed over to ihe rounty.‘ '. R. A, ORAHAV' Deo. 11 Jan . I ' ' Conntal

NffTIC/: .I _____I Thr t‘-TrtnrriMp of K, R. Nu»si

and 1’; I). .MontRnmoo'. conductlnc ' I Twin KalU Hokrry, han lieea d im lv

^Ir.- SioQlcomcry bnn chaien to retl r atlll K. TirXuiiMCPii wnrr.-'tnlminu ; tiBijp th c n .ilfrrj’. cflllivi a]J ,irc<ni

and p«J- n ll'b lllK ..,' DoC. S.

r .p rrS h >i"llR "nd iuind healers.' Matfl Ave. 1-;. D<“c. ::.S 5 Jfl Ja;

. . . . .V rm OE-A.W aEg TW at•ir ouir

‘" “‘ P ' .......:bo froo : f : . yiro. tbo m U t: ■ ■ B I ^ .•r. Ibo

l l ’ R ss'Jvas. I - J . y

locher- . i |; i ^ ; _om Ibo- f j * * ,Dil_OUlL —• ______________ito old •;ii*. J l / - . * .

a i&tt npply ........- ....................... ........ ...of tbo ‘ '

■lUlt of lai tho ^T been ■ & ?- i;nloo. n. puta

17;: ^ ■ n

' ' 8 ' m MrKrM?'...... ......

^ , • 'xecu- 5 * ^ * nbull, j I a * * adlns 'M i * sceul- 1 ^ ; .

ttiort- > f y _■ nvii- U i* ? ; ........... .

S p - A G ^niiral

i » l . l in g i rrates •? '* ;«

= ^ MacGnmdlo Ifft!* : ■

:f '; ^ appean g j The dii

P other n S |; -* < lc r fu l i t : p V t i o n 1112 Z m to read.•oad;1<T-lain ■

coa- J

T h a tand ,Iblo s K ’i ; •

aad •/Ink A uV : . ■ ■. p pearmg

• M i k ■

i i - Q ^-v¥;i .

' i^ . and read t

A ;«K S t o r y w illivjfi „

"l; to d a y s T ii S e p i s o d e s . S *;SV in g s to r y 1

-l-SJ' a 1 ' "" i'fe can be ha(oro ; S ^

>'.« • .


j . T w ;the s j i iVed. ;

a ’l '*■ ..............•

B m a T U T O y a n i A Y . ' j a t . i ,

s a d : i i

T i l

E p iso d

la ro ld ff la c G r z

lI N Z u d olystery. In 1rth will tell yo ince of aSpect iw vei^ of a IB latfs folly tlu )Owers of intu ike a gripping

ih o u se r ’sn of this gr<at the

p K @See Episode]

he sto r y o f it in T be p resen ted in 2C n es y o u ’ll fin d a ci If y o u h a v e n ’t air

y y H arold M acG ra I at T h e T im e s o ff

id Episode I

I N F A ]

Kftb: -

e N o . 4 o f

tE^s G r e a t S t

A e j H a i i ^ e d ^

ra unfold?"odays Timiu of t he my ist re Among the' an^s. vengean< ough ZUDbl ition and sdea] story that you

m o t io n?at story is

nTK e'fo. 4 Jan. 4-5-

O D A Y ’S T IM E S.I E p isod es—One ea >m plete sy n o p sis eady started readii th, B eg in N o w . B ice. ■ ,' 1 : - w

'Jo. 4 in To

L L S f l

l a y s * : |

• 1M ■

1 . m

i • m

^ 1 ■

iMi - r

r a - b a f f - - p

JS Harold .Jerious dis- ^ 3reat Hills, p :e and an- ^ LA’S wori- jficad^dut-i ^^ i l l .want M

m •i si

p ic tu r e |n o w ajp- § ^

C ■ . . i i i l

^ ; ■ mT h e en tire M

± w e e k . In of p reced in g lg th is thrill- ^ a c k num b ers M i

■ ' 1 -

day's si

l E S - l -M : '

Page 7: T V r o i I a l i ^ ’^ T l [M E Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...T H I I 1 I '"3 VOL.X. NO. M TEN I ____HRJ|l(DS-OI I ^-Ministration Sends Dras! I NoteiiiiQiiestionofCopetc

I s t h e

a n d r

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s t a t io n

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The Times ca

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l e t o c h e c k

D r t s i n y o u i

a l t o s t a r t ]

i d e a n i n v p i c

W E 3 8 f o r p r

n give you the I

stationery <

e t H W

T y p r C u l

- - X * ' '' ' w

■' i. •

o f f e r y o u i n

in p r in t in g f i

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• s t a n d a r d (

f o u r n e w y

5. L o o k o v e r

o m p t s e r v ic e .

Dusiness getting *

>f all kinds.

^ F k t t

e F ac : P r in

' I

g e t t in g r e su lts

o m t h i s esta b !

J o b

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pep*’ to your

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l is h m e n t

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a t l

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d o lla r ■ I

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Page 8: T V r o i I a l i ^ ’^ T l [M E Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...T H I I 1 I '"3 VOL.X. NO. M TEN I ____HRJ|l(DS-OI I ^-Ministration Sends Dras! I NoteiiiiQiiestionofCopetc

■ See tte LijhtSijc^O -.

I M o o i r G a r■ »t Twin-Fall* Aulo Ca’i

______ _________________________ u',_____

1■Criiicnicxam inaiion V | | iwill Mil you TIk: 1915 %

■ ? m o o n \ - ;. F o u r -3 8 % I

. Tof rximplf —ilw/’onlioV/Hj/MoiCif, ■ ’ Nov lUlcQ Electric Li(#«iint Sunrf ■ arid Ijniilw. Dnvr. Pilmird H.EqujJiiirj (Jolng »w»y wiiK/ I

•.bnUr foJj */>d << incheJ Ifj ■ „rroin for dnvrr, >Kon turriing rtdKii. H .puf« RtcjiiJine bod)"— dwK »« »<»« f l tof i}>e Knuiionil fuiufci ihjt i.\ill ■ ^»rll yoy lh« cir— f l -. / ’Z."$T __ X '

' . ■ M ■

m ■• F See'

the Car «

N«Uce the hnU-imffe adTertl.iCm'fnt J. thi SitBrdnT ETfniDg.FaM>.iJ»aiiarT g. m

' i»15. ■ •---------------------------------V -----------------------------------------tl

C h a r l e s M . S m i t h , A g t

Twin Fallij IdiJio "

WfOR^Is' ‘B gg iss;” ^ . -.' - 1 - ___ _______ A

! Alwut'MOO young coarse I m ■ eVrca. '

. About 800 coarse Iambs.( • - Inqu ire flf

■ i B e n S t r o h b e h n ?!_____ ; P i y e t t e . _____________ Idaho

j i n

■; W i t h H e c

j I __ ___ S ta r t

' 'k .■ ■

— — F o r d ^ u r i n g “ G a r- i ‘ starter.

< F o rd T o u tin g C ar w - ( L igh ting and S ta

j C h o ice of S eat C ' , S h o c k A b so rb e rs !

f 'Ford R o ad s te r $ 5 15

•jj ;Ford ' R o ad s te r w ith »! E le c tric S tarting a \ tem and w ith C ho

o r K - W .S h o c k A

I . K ■ ■

, See Dem ons

! W e s le rnT w i n F a l l i

.i::! Ill I II lll|illi»r

^am{i!glaiiiftoKe«p1tanilsOff• tContl'naed from P a io 1;) ■—

;ii'} fontliUbnal contrjiljiflil nfl In tliu aiDc cjaaiii wljcreau lntom atlonal law iL'flaai nbeolute contri^tmnil oi» ton- iBtInc o f those arUclc* Inioniied ill-, « c t l r - to r - t ln f tins ut- uit arm y and lavy, nncl coDillllonnI coatroljauil Uitwc irodui;tii HUBcopUblo of liso by arjnwl orci-n bu l ».1ione dciitlnolloa m ust tw hb dttOnijJiilnB fttcldr In 'dclcnllona.

Tlio Auiorirmi notu. mcntlonlnff-Hii'l (X)dBtiifta uro cninmionriJ conlrabimd, ini^i; tlu-y ma)' be_di'uUii>-''l for the*.uso if Ik 'd v li iHJiiuIftlloii nn well iiiru ii !rii)y,'iiayii'thr> Unilrd Staica In In «;ii- Irc a m c n iont with tJ ie jM irin o cx- irci'iicd )iy iiOr»rSal[nlmry. liriUnli forrIk« iiacrelary. In hla corrcsiwndencc .'llh thi; WaHhlrictnn Rovenimont ron-' criiliit;.ttlc.ii)il|imctil.«if fixKl»iiitr« tn110 Triimiva'iil iliirliir. tlii' liH,(r w»r In, on'th Atrlrti. l/>r<l K!\ll-<t-urylipn: ' . -••|-'o(Ml..tiir{s ultli ll bohtllf ih'Kllnu-

inii c-iiii l»' <(-.tii;ld('ri'd vDntriihauil of •iir fiiily ir llifv aro »u|)!>!k-ii for Ih t nc-iiiy'H' forci-a. It l i not BUlflfluiit :iat tlii'y arc- t-aiialilc of bolnt; ko iiw d;. iiiiiHl bc‘ fhowii that lliln wnH in fac t K’lr itc-f<tlnatli)n at tin- tlmi' of scl;^-

Would lEfi'l'i'n Cuinuicrri'.Tliia irt iKTlmiiK ihti brcMulcul.dctlar-

tloil or Chf ArtierlciiK jkiJc'. Jf It “ I'fc ;:«'(.'jiH'<l l)V Cri-al Hrllaln,^Ain».Tlciin ailc! « llb CiTiiuiiiy uud Aimlrla. vlr- inllv lit ll HtftiulMlll now. would be; ;»ntn<.'<l. Inc-liidlni; wheat, flour, llvi-- iiik imkI o thfi riMiiUmffn. . ,TuJilnc. |ii> thfi Kiibjpft of detciil.lon ■ Anicrfcaii nlll|w a t fioii, ffio W/ihJi- Kloii fiovynimimt matOK th a l It can- H tolerftto undue ilc layH n «>xamJiriuK icMi n r.lln ' reinvoyinK of mich HhljHi lo' rlt!»h iiortx for ^ K a lW oxamlnatlou. arRiicH thnt I'rociibf liontlle dcwlna-

[>n of th c rarKo miiKt be .Irf I'Vidcnco . tho tin iiiio fV nrcli nl uua. Tint l>cl- ,’<'rcnt rlRlita of Kirarc-h, llie nolo adilK;

/illjy rt'Ct)j:nJ2pfl.'^iJl Jt nm no t.bn :l<;nd«l lo tho i>oint of iIlvcrlliiK Ain- c-nii Bhiim Lnlt) bclllKnfpnJ porta erc^ty on miyili'lon. T li r - i ;n ll i'it ^ y tmr « tmiii‘r t:»-tlmt - h - pwH wllb Krowlni: rouc^rn tho dolcii-111 o l Kcorcs of -Viiiprk-an cnrt;o(i» niilpnod from ihlii' i*o1iniry lo ncu-at,t»rtH . contendinK-that-ll Blioulil-bi!p illlly .of th f bclllKori\tit to jirotcct iiitml commtirre and prevent inno-

Copp«T Trffllmpat ,lVorrir».One of the coini»lalnt» cltcd In th r lie Ir lyrftiniit the Ireatnient by (ircnt 'i la ln 'o f American carKouK of c-oi>- r. II Ih d iarcnd 'U ia l O rcat llrltnin not accordlni: iho name troalm cnl lo iicrtraii trudv in-cojii>cr w ith the andlnftTfiin <’oiinlrle« aii iii com- !rco In thlu irodiici bi'tw em thi^ illwl S tates and Italy under the me coadlllonB of nh1iiment Kvcn :iiiKh Ihc Iiallun Kovcrnm'>nt ba-s ■ ocinlnicd on <*ibarco ou the oxpor- j lon of coii|)t’W ro m Ilnly to belli- ; ren t countrlMi. Hltnllar tn th c cm- ] rRo 'i i r foriio In-Nora-ay, Denninrk < ll Sweden, the conslCTimontii c f cn|>- i r-loJtaly-£fom .tho-lInlled S la lc s JU t i Id to Iw hel'd iip, ,wh!l»5 tho«e to thn ;

I d s.

tr ie S e l f•, .

e r s--------------------- ------------------ -— .

)-5 6 5 .0 0 "w ith o u t_________________________-

ith G ra y & D avis III t in g S y s te m - a n d — 3vers or K . W .5 7 0 0 .0 0 .

. 0 0 .

G ra y iSc D avis, nd L ighting ,Sys- ice of S eat C overs D sorb ers$ 6 5 5 .0 0 .

■ '

trator Car-

A iito G i, I d a h o

. TWIC£-A-w£E& T w in FiXLE' . — '"■ ' ■■ ■-

^ TH E B E I ^ OK

' Novctf before linn, tho T w in’ R v1Ib two of Shake»iy;aro'8 O ront Conn

niauaKomeiil'of Ih'e-Grecla“ ha8 jirnuiKi H aiiuary.Jjh. whon thc Hon Q recU I’laj

They will lilay 'T w elfth Night" m TIc-lsnlH now oil '■ale.nt SkeolirrWlI The, lien llivci i’laMTS—a com|iiiii>

Ir.’iiin'il under Mr. jlcii''(:rcc1 and play .Mr. Orec't Ik cuii»(dered today,'ont

llii‘ I-:uKlbh Draiiiu and Ih world faini;! lan eoincdy.

The lieu Grccli! urc favcrnbly kn ' uroiUinTs-of.Sliukei'lKTluH coumily ttil I.ili,■ I f wid •'Twelflb NlKht," will t,M

Scandinavian coutitrli'x are nci mo­lested.

Tint A uiiriran r.nvernmcnt furih>-r recoKnl7e» its iHMlllcn ou cohHlRii- iiiviiltf ii)j|/>(>i'(l "lo order," p r no »j)i>rl' fie .coiihlKiiee. htatluK th a t tbin c |r- cum stnnrc'iiliine Is not sufllclent lo bold Atuerleim eiirKcie;-i and lit of lt;k'lt Hot suHjili'loUH. Tills vh:w ban been cxjirehned ly the HUjircine court of th'^ Unlled Siaicfrt..bul (Irea t i lj ita ln an- i/oiintfci'r 'tvi'dily Jfi.’it "to order" would be uojialdercil' ''BUii- jjoct." ..

.T he note iiolritsi o iir ih a t to bold-ron- HiKuments niarki'd "to order" tuual bji lircBcniccl o flh ft llm c wi»en''th«''dot(in- tlon or Kcizure Ik made, Hhowing ttu lll hoHilIe dcHllnailon ia iatcndcd, or ' cine a Hti'fflclcnl numbi-r c f o thor faeU nmm be ^jlvnneed tfr-JuHtlfy fu rther , vxainlnalioii |if tbc carsi). i

Il ls III tbls fonnit'llou th a t the | fi'nitcd StatcK rem arks tha t cbm m crfe ]

tho. normal reh'itlon:* of peocu oad uot ] w ar,..uud tha l Ihe j resum ptlao of Kiillt cannot rc«t ou neu tra l'sb lppcrii. | Uia the burden o t proof mUKt.lMtlm- i [Kiwd oil the belllj:erent who Inler- | fcn;K. . • . I— > ' • .Vll .U o n f,______ 1

AliliouRli the BendlDK pf tbc note ] wftK iiol-know u to mcmbom - o f the , dl|ilomnlic corlm .M ondtV'niebt. lufd.it \ la unlikely tha t the WashlnRton ro t* ,iii,nni*nl. with Ihe excuptlon of thc ] MritiHh anibamiodor. will •bjnimunlcato j It-to them unlc-i-i} they re<iuc»l If. hifth , ufficlnlH ihouRhi It not-likely tb a t tbc i paih marVeil by Uie fn llc d , S tates , would bo follow'cd by othor nputral [ KovcmmenlM.' i

South American KovcrnmBUs c»- [ pccially, have been VcepinK Jn close ' loueh 'w llll-the a llllude of the Hnitecl , aifttes on BUbJecta of neu tra lity and lu i roont cases have adhered lo the Anlcr- j Icnn iwnllion, th-.- note InTOlye" { commet'ce raoiitly with Kitropcan nou- i l r i i I e , ' i l - I H > o l l < ^ * - t h a < . .^ l t> lo a H i l& \ ropr^onUUlves of iW taU cr will io4k In tfo m the--Americaii T lpw potnflO r j Lronimlstfon to tbc tr corcrnm enlB .; c

Xbe position of the I'n lled B latos us i •sprefl»cd-ln-tbcnoic lu n consoqutmco i 3f several B tcpn by fJreat Hrltain. i f-'ronec and Cermftny cn Ihe nubJcct of | rontraband. Allhoucb ihc Dvclariitlon )f I.ondon drafted Jn ISOP, emlxxlylnK bll jirovlouH uudcri-taudlnCB of lutc'tv u llu n a l law und nuw rulcn for the :onduet of luarlUuje w arfare wltli re- M’cct ‘ to neutral ecmnnerce bad .niit , jccn ratified when thc r-rcRcni war :irok(> out, i t WM {liouKhl for a time -ill eountrlcii would ndticro to II.

(Jrcal HrJuiln by an order In coun- rll on AuKiiHl M declared th e Docla- J -at/on a( J/Oiidnn ivltb oert*ln |uodiflcalloni'. (leraiany niinounced lb | UI ncutralfi ber wIIIlnsocRH to adhcrp | :o Ihc whole declaration If the o ther * wlllKcrehta would,

FoIIoitr Ofrmftoy.The United Staica took th e poolllon )

:hat- l l could no t nccept pleccinwil ‘ idoption l>y the olllcfl of the Dcclam- ' ib h '6 ri i)u i!;r ii 'w iu iU ii^ rro V ir tf iK u < r« iicnta. and declared il would bc p ild - ‘ xl by the R enfp l pracllreB of lo^erna- f iionnl law, Irre.siK'cllve of Iho Dcclara- :lon of London.■ ■The Oerman Kovernnien r tn a formal note to l!ic Unlled Statea and o tber J Jcutralfl tJicn volcftl JU obJociJfin* lo ■; i>p-BHtiBli-mo.lWoi>llon« -g lilcb UnU. 5 orly Ihe Unlled S tates oppoacd. • •• "

TllC note follows In many Im portant lOlnta tbc.arKumcnl then Bdvaaced by „ jQrnauiy tha t HrlUah practice with J" •OBiKcl lo neutral eommercc wan a * ilniinet-<lfl|>ikrliir|>-froiu-many-[u«v|* [ )Uiily accepted principles o f intcm a- j' lonal Inw.—Slalesnun. ' ' “


K nffnf V. l)fhb» H M tt i Ah Allrac- , tlon ^ 7 Local. ' ,,

The Twin Falln Soclallnt Ir.r-nl haa "| mnounced the cnKaKemcnt of E urcdc , ii’lf to r Dehn. who haa Ik-cu herorii thc ,, nubile In three lUffonent irrcflldrix'- j, itJ cnmpalRna for th« offlcc of T cs l- len t o f the United StateB. F^iecno Doha Ih ujidoulitedly tbo mont Imprea- ilvc public speaker In tho country lo- j, Joy, and thc effort of the.lnr.i! social- j, »ln Bhould be rewarded tiy an orcrflow ■necllnR. when this ta ll. bal<l. Kcnur- >UB. nilld mnnnered man w ho, hiui )«en in Woodntoek ja il. fareH the peo- [)le of Twin FallH, A uperlal train .8 belnc asked tn cnrry the rrowd (rom liuhl. Scats will be resorved to tho S lum ber of . three buncJred and forl>\ »hlrh will rout twenty-five crnt* #>ach ibovc Iho price of admlRsion. which ' :» iwcuty-flve ctnU . and a puhscrlp- tl ilon for one year to Ih r National n ip- F Saw 'm onthly m a R a z ln e r o c s with this o iirlee, ' , . - r

M r.'fV lilV ls a iS o editor o l tb ln p»- T car. , The numlier of l n r iu l r l e : \ fnr g llcki'tK Ik crowinK every day unlll aoi - the tiuci’llon Ix. .w ill the BVQtlnR C '#paclt,v be Rufflrlent? Tbe .da te 1» o F'ebruar)' fitleeoth. a l S:00 o'clock p. • Ul a l tlio hlRh nehool auditorium . Tic- r • • • 'n e d kciUk will likely be placed on iaIe nt ^keels-Wlley’ii DniR W ore.'pet* t •ln« liolcl, a month.In advance to ae- p o o i u io d a l c t h e o u t s i d e demand. ■ > a

1!. H. l-'nEEDHBfM. a SfNcrclarr. h- - - - - - -- ---- H

^-.Qwen R r o u n d bon» for w u l t r r . a t h «.>J.'rn PacklnK cotbpany. Dec. 8 tf ; d-

xiHLbOi ‘ r im /A a p tf axi. ^dxv.

[E T ^ L A Y E R S .. „

public bcen Rlvi-n thc opporiuiilly lo. lUes. in one uooBon, bu t It HcomK the*J fo r'irm a lln c e S a tu rJtty^nflvriittbri," erw will ajipear In "Aa You U ko I f llie cvcnlni; perform anco.

^of iw crvc 'licop lc—wcro”"jim ^m ijly ' inder.I iIh d irection. . . • ,Of llje Rrcatest living uiitboritlcH on '

H for hiB productio;tH of ShnkcxiHir-

n frnm coni-l In ( oaxt as the Rrcati -t JJ-, und to hear them in "As Yi :i le irc'nl nf the i-eason.

l im f N l O m R H D O N EVfiHocUlcd (Iburitles Hus Done Splen­

did » o r l _ T t o Water.

The himid of th c Ansonlntcd Charl- ieo f<'clK Ihul u h ta lcm cnfo f thc wurk if the ChrlxlmoM scatinii Is dne to he public and-thc poo]ilo whu »o Reu'- irouflly contributed to tbu nciuiy. -The I’orlc ban bcoa JnCcrworen wit/i tliac of hc olhc'i- orRanlzatioiiH tha t -It' Is'lm - w jultlc -■to-8« |mr a te-»U la lo-un lla lu m o|icn HtatcmcnL, The blocurc splr- ( und chcprfuinebs cif o il Twin h'alln lax beeji os evident and-toag lb lc . ns ho clotblnK,. prnvlnlons, coa] a;id toyx.‘o the best of our'knciwlcdKOi the un- o rtunatc ones Iu luwn arb cared for nd 'ron jfo jlaW i'. Conlribullonu havii ouie in from churchoB. the Odd I'cl- own, fnniilles ainl IndlviduulM. Thc :iks have clvcn w ith tbe lr uccoKlom- H-t bnpnj5liy "'mia ' i i n u r ' i' mfny' tt mfr ins w ere'fllled by them.'(■roupa of frlendB who ha^ placncd

n mikke tbe day uicm orable 'by glfiu f dlnncrif, Indnded iir ibc lr boxes lie dainty wrap|>cd .iiackuKcu- which tie ,Twcntletb C enluryclub lum ed over } tho Associated C harities a t tbu clo«c f ' llierr'ClirlhiniiiH poclal, -T h c-rc a l eed# of each\fam ny weni.lookc.'d into, \ lit nsea o f tbc 'tfh lld reh coiiBlflercd, nd eacM box and boaket wan curetul- - r nnd ihouRhfuily packcd.. AII'wn» one In a irn c C hristm as sid rit—Iho lore fortunate shared thc lr bU-sHinRM ltb the tcK« favored, nnd the Rlad- , CBS of the season waa fell alike by- '*! jose -Who Kave' and IhoHe who rc- fived. Tbo iloy Seouta had a pa rt In ‘ le d i B l r l b i i t l o n . ^Many .people telephoned Ihal they ,. I(hcd to c arry holiday cheer to some ne elae, and In lo 'those baskcls^ ftoip |v luiillcii.- clul(s 'n nd 'Sunday nibool . lasacs,. w ent n o l.a lo a u cood 1Ii1mki< .) eat,- Init b carlfc ll w lshm fur uriKhter-Ncw-Ycar.--------------- r — -t ..-------•Tw in. Palls h a s - nun’ tb,c iirw cnt ,m ecdtt b r hci- people wilh lie r usunl ^ lion hearled jjeneroslty nnd Iho Ab- “ jclaled Charities la 'R lad to record «- In ihlH -lnfom ial-sialcm cnL Thelp QokH show In detail Just what help ^ ns been Riven.

(}. S. SKAVEH. Sec.

INDIiifiOIHORSElHltfidInniroIIf<> Slipped One O irr on Ihf

llpDrRsdf Ilrotber.

Jack Smll'er' one of the liUuxitlii’Ht > r Indian horse n is tlc ra , finally ramo Vi> Rrlef, aud his dlRnliy iu< u bad la - Ij in anil u rc-Rulnr dare-devil wnn - 'ailed In the mud to comtiderabln ex- mt wben he was tum tvl over w It hcrlff l/owr'y, yenterday.Sm llcr haa ilicc;i'wanted 'by Iho offl- -

;r* for Bome.'Ome nnd durinR ihc pnat iw wcckv h e 'h a a bc^n iiuiiRhi' in a ll b< clRhborlnfi countlca, b u l 'h o npiienr-

Qolcc of borHCH o r equipment and lanaRcd to elude every aUcmpt to L •nil him. ' PHut he miSBcd lils Ruesa yMlcrdny,

lid ere ho -wnj*.aware of ll, ho woarahbcn -n n d -p ro p o rlj- hojr-tlcil and “elivered to tho autho;ltlc«i. His oat recent offcnHc.wna'tho slM ilng of

liOrsc an«] .HOUciic I ro m ' JlieUOr^ "fc wanaon, north o f town, ;ind bo had ai> bcnt n lirc lty .h o t t t a l l .a f te r tha^ pi ^Iso<1e,'' He w as hIdinR o u t down jnlu llnnnock bottom a, when Iwo of tbo ~ idlon Jiollce allppcd up on him and }” h'nd no clinncc" to^Rct action ere } wns dlfarmod,- *Plar.InR Sm llcr, on a horse, with hlu c t tied to thn s tirrups, one of the _ idlans slipped n ro[)c nround tbc itlaw'B walnt. w hile the otbor. fol- Tl wed tho iiony Sm ller was rIdlnR nnd —

th a t m anner they paraded tbc >rBclhief lnlo th e city, and ho -was In iTno c.rcstfalfen, to nay the lennl. and Cj c officer* diaplayeii a broad imilc C< hen the amuslnR romblnailon rode “ i ' l o the rourl'bouK e. Indlan-llkc,.0 iiroiita said lltlle , but lum ed over cir prisoner and left. —Sm ller has the reputation of helnR pretty ugly r iliicn nad there io

imp imilnfaclloa ou th .' ^art of ranch- 'u th a l be haa n l lasl been corralled. •Pocatello Tribune.

SPLENDID ENDOBSfMBIT. ■hosbone-Paper in Jtlsb Terms

o r mtlrlDn; Jn r liit

Judfjc Edward A. W allern who ro- rcs from the bcnch an JudRc of the cnirth Judlelnl d lstrIc t~on -ihp - llh- — ‘ Januarj',M hnoiincen thnl how lllto- ite in th a pradJc ti-O f-Iow .n t Twin alia na «(oon ps be ha.i been reltcvMl ’ hin Judicial duties.He will- ha re aswjclaled with him.

, 0 . LonRlcy,.of tb a t rlty , who In one ' tho leadlnR.nttom eyu of Twin >uoty and baa bccD.practtrInK at tha i :ace for -n num ber of years.JudRo W altcm Is too well known (or10 Dem ocrat to a ttem pt to tell the ■ y>pIo of Ibfs dU trlc t o f iiln ability a i lawyer, bu t us a Judgo be bo» not it iperlor In Idaho. Ho understandii (he wn of Idabo a s fow a itom ejn do. s ba^ 1 ploftslac pereonoJlly nnd when . I Blvcs a d l r a t advice, tb a l clleni <m not.oped to bo une.is>‘ aboul Ihr

Tlie Coonlyand Jenkins■ has happened? ^

■------- Jonkina*'oitrom lQr Bale Ifl th o

—it co2aae a c e s oa fottirday,'

■of-it—.'-‘Socioty-' and. M’Kuppt

■-------a t onc-third off.. '=BoyB" “ B(

. one-third off, E very th iag in

tion has been cut to Bacrificc ]

- ity Sale.

ItHas Never tlap|] It Wiir Never

Tn th e T.flXtpg'

lo tu ly 'low. A]1 d ry gooda. ha

N ot a th ing thropghopt thq ato

are selling a t priCfes never befi

high g rade footwear--flD m b

Jenkins & Compaii Your Attention i

^ , ' » ' 3 5 i g 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ =tc o a o o f t i e cue.t t Is undoratood omoDg tbn friends *-

J u d ^ W altcra he re th a t bo has en retained by a la rgo nutnber of ^ c a u abd tb o t tbo rotalnlnR fee rc- Ivcd up to date w ilt l« tnoh: lhau a a r ’a aalarj’ on the BupreiDO beach., **■ The jteoplo who know h in t'bes t prc- ,:t fo r him a b rllllan l caree r and ox- ct to SCO him on th e top rounds aa ' IcadlnR a tto rao r o t so u ih e u ic rn uho In n sh o r t time.->Sho8bono Ocm- „t_ . ......... . - Nt3 c a u w U r> » n 5 a > a c ~ S ia u n iii“rof^ “ o lly .o f th e C lK o i" a t IboXaTcrlnR (M rr. W ednesday, J a a Gth. I’bono .w rlle your o rder to, Skecl.i-WIIey 1 u e store. ' . t foi- -— '•------ - UClassllleil -HiliirtlseiiiBnisl u unH iisiis i iB a nis HUl

C M II m u c t


r o l l S A U i-IO head o t ta ll pigo! “ . I). Hoag, 3 mllea aoutb o t Kimbor- _ _______ ^ - D cc.:2 tt . J

TborouRh-brcc rose- comb Hbode land Ucd cockorol. Pbono 280.

Dec. lB-22-tS-M- Jan. 1 pd.- J®

TOR SALE OK TR A D B -FO r cnt'tlo. uao and lot In lown. S., caro Times.

. Dec 16-18-22-26-29 Jon Jl pd _

POR SAU>—Loose bay by tb e ton.' ATO yonr order w ltb R. M. W illiam^ lono 87. Dec. 29 Jan . 1

r o n SALB OR T R A D ^F lT e-a cm le t, cloBo in.- 'S m all hotne,-plenty of a ll 'aod'.bfirrlea,'; T h la-la 'priced bo- c r IT value and on oaa;' turm^. I <J«o jg, TB'8omc‘:Rood-lotr—Wottld ^^M ld e^ -stj tomobilo or utoek< ot- tn f 'k l d d u r t pasmenL ' Addrcaa 411 ( th Ato. ist: V ........: .............. ' D e c : . l 't f

r o n 8A IJ3 -3 0 hp! roadster left re-for'fo rccd 'aale ,- '»17iO O .— LIND r r o COMPANY . Nor 27 t t ^

• W A iriED ^----------------------------------------------------thtWANTED—Larsf* clean rags a t tba —mea office. •

iVANTBD—Sccond band Incubator R o o d coadltlon, c ither Old T n m y o r 1 pber*. aboat 200 capacity. l.y<)la J }'k, 241 WoahloRtoa a renuo. Jan -1

3RESS MAKrN0-C3E 4th Ato. K. ^M ar 6 U L




Is Agog IVis tlie Canse

T hat w ill happen c e i t? ‘ ' '

0D9 g re a t b ig c ic item ent --

J g n n a ^ 'second. T h iak •

ahoim cr’-' men |b clothing . ,

st-E vcr” do th ing all a t

:hc M en’s and Boys' sec-

iricc3.—Jcnk ina’ E i trcm .

ened Before Happen Again ‘

I L,

yea r, pricM -tire Kdjoii- - —

re been greatly rtdncod. ■

■e haa been apared. Bhoea

TO seen in T w in '/a lla t o

ier gooda are inclad td . , ■

Hnvite indCfiiisitfenition- -.... . . - - ..... ' - J


0 T I lA D lv n o u se ' on B oulofard. .Rood an to . o r aomcthlafi o t equal

BC. D. a Moorman.- ' • ' Pcc. 29 Jan , 1-C pd

ro TRAD&—f'or cattle, house a a d , la tow n. S.. caro TImca.

Dcc. lS-18-22-25-29 Ja n 1 p d .-

■X)R TRA D E-;A pMr pf black .drly- ; marcfi' fo r a good slnslo drlroK scrub w anted.' Twln 'fSillB F ld n J ' — ’ '

upany— E alPleK -i»tcnuc-lifliL -2I.tt___ ------


tJR RENT—Nlccly futnlflliud rooma ' l ls b t bouackcoplng wlili elec tric

. t—tSO. 2nd.av«aao north. ___’ ________ Dec; 29 J a n . 1 pd.

R E N T -flt UB Jicr m onlb, m r acre tr a c t wlUi houso and ba ra .

tho year. Lot 23 and p a rt of 32 In ktman oddltlon to Twia F^Ils. In> ri‘ a t SanRcr Realty' and Invc^t- Qt' company, o r writo to ow nor a t }ka. Mlnn. ^'^ank Dnhlheltticr.^ ___________ J w .

. L O S T ~ ^

<03T—Ono b m 'u ra y ioc^y. th ree ra old, no t branded, roached m aac.1 sho rt ta ll. S.-vddlemorked, w ltb .n ’111 w lro cu t scar on hla rlRbt tiboul-, w eight about 1000 lo'-lIOO Ibn.

T ow ard-for notification o t hU ' jrcobouts., Hlalnp FVrRUstm. B^on.

. Jan.- 1-5 , -

M P tT lT l W - D r i O i J 'f f A N i T T t ' .

IntJl Tbo Jenoen 'C ream ery Co. med a p lan t oin Twin Fallo did you r rocolro a promium of one por_ it p « r . '^ u h d 'o n "b iJ ito r‘ f a t 'In rich am ? ' W ore you able to ge t caah . yonr cream ? Did i'ou haTo>a per-

n m Tcgah—ui'm o i im uury nan--------^;bT la-com petitK in of tb la '- so r t rtb -any tb lnn to youT— - —,dT. _ FR Fb '3 ;H A LE .M #aa«or.,

Irccn..sround_bono '.lflr-pouitr)r..a l!_______dom Packlotr company. Dcc. 8 U. '

i'ani nda p u ll DW you o re r t r j L TlroeaT__________________________ *

FOB SALE . .P u re bred ncrk"hirc p iR s , 1 yoar.

n s boar, 2 sows farrow Mnr. 6

^V. T . BHOWN , 0 . nox 31. Vt \ « W, Fn>m W est

ol XIafB.


■ >