taat portfolio okt 2015

1. INTRO & BIO 2. PROJECTS 2.1. KHOR I, Floriade World Expo, Venlo (NL), 2012 2.2. KHOR II, Cultura Nova, Heerlen (NL), 2014 2.3. HALL01, During Tefaf, Maastricht (NL), 2014 2.4. HALL02, plan14-Parcours, Köln (D), 2014 2.5. HALL03, Biënnale Interieur, Kortrijk (BE), 2014 2.6. PSSST, Fabrique Mosaique, Rotterdam (NL), 2015 2.7. The Tidel Theatre, OISTAT Competition, Berlin (DE), 2015 2.8. BKRK Sengu, Bokrijk (BE), 2015-2016 2.9. HALL2016/17, Ghent (BE) -Berlin (DE) - Brussels (BE), 2016-2017 3. INFO & REVIEWS PORTFOLIO by TAAT

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2.1. KHOR I, Floriade World Expo, Venlo (NL), 2012

2.2. KHOR II, Cultura Nova, Heerlen (NL), 2014

2.3. HALL01, During Tefaf, Maastricht (NL), 2014

2.4. HALL02, plan14-Parcours, Köln (D), 2014

2.5. HALL03, Biënnale Interieur, Kortrijk (BE), 2014

2.6. PSSST, Fabrique Mosaique, Rotterdam (NL), 2015

2.7. The Tidel Theatre, OISTAT Competition, Berlin (DE), 2015

2.8. BKRK Sengu, Bokrijk (BE), 2015-2016

2.9. HALL2016/17, Ghent (BE) -Berlin (DE) - Brussels (BE), 2016-2017



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Theatre as Architecture Architecture as Theatre

During their successful cooperation for KHOR I (a DIYtheatre installation for the Worldexpo Floriade 2012) Dutch theatre maker Gert-Jan Stam and Belgian architect Breg Horemans discovered how their respective disciplines could challenge and enrich each other. They founded TAAT, a collective operating on the cutting edge of theater, architecture, visual art and design. Taking the complex relationship between theater and architecture as a star-ting point TAAT focusses on developing ‘architectural dramaturgy’: architectural settings that allow for a theatrical performer-spectator interaction.

Gert-Jan Stam (*1972) / Theatre makerGert-Jan studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and the Amsterdam School of Writing (NL). His plays have received international recognition and were translated into different languages including Czech, Croatian, Arabic and Japanese.

Breg Horemans (*1985) / ArchitectBreg studied Architecture at St-Lucas Gent (B) and worked as an architect at Wiel Arets Architects. He is active in the field of architecture, scenography, exhibition design and public art works.


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HALL01, Maastricht 2014

KHOR I, Venlo 2012

PSSST, Rotterdam 2015

KHOR II, Heerlen 2014

HALL03, Kortrijk 2014


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KHOR I is a theatre installation set in a matching pavilion. It is a play for four people. The installation consists of 40 wheels, one wheel for each page of the play in four different languages.

KHOR I is about movement and meditation. The script, in four different languages, is incorporated in an installation based on the mechanism of Buddhist ‘prayer wheels’. In order to read the text, the participants move from one wheel to the next thus ‘perfor-ming’ the play and at the same time a sort of a slow, almost meditative circle dance around the installation.

With its monumental quality, Khor finds a common ground between theatre, architecture and the visual arts. The pavilion, designed by Breg Horemans, is as much an essential part of the installation as is the script. It provides a setting for the play that is both intimate and in touch with the surroundings. Architectural elements are used to introduce the visitors to the play they are about to perform.

KHOR I was developed for the Floriade 2012 in Venlo, the Netherlands. The text of the play was offered in Dutch, English, German and the local Limburg dialect. Khor I was available for an international audience of 2 million people, every day during the


/ Context: Floriade World Expo, Venlo

/ Period: 5th April - 7th October 2012

/ Partners: Huis van Bourgondïe, Arcadis

/ Photography: Sina Maleki

2.1. KHOR I

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Appearing as a monumental building kit on the town square KHOR II takes the idea of Do-It-Yourself theatre to the next level. The local community can build this small theatre over the course of one day and use it as a theatre, a discussion platform and a meeting place. But above all it functions as a theatre play linking architectural and social positions to dramatic characters.

KHOR II addresses issues regarding the sharing of knowledge, re-sources and responsibility and evokes a new sense of direct de-mocracy.

Winner of the 2014 Dioraphte Award.

/ Context: Cultura Nova Heerlen (NL), Oerol Terschelling (NL), Theaterfestival Boulevard Den Bosch (NL) and La Paperie Agers (FR)

/ Period: Premiere, August 30th

/ Partners: Creative Industries Fund NL, Province of Limburg, Via Zuid, SoAP foundation

/ Photography: Zenka

2.2. KHOR II

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HALL01 is the first in the series of 32 sub projects that work towards the building that is a theatre play and the theatre play that is a building (HALL33).

HALL01 is presented at the SAM decorfabriek, a large industrial space once used by Mosa, a tile producing company, which also served as the setting for the HALL01 workshops. TAAT brought together local architects and theatre makers to work on the theme of how architecture can influence the experience of time. Part of the workshops was an interactive lecture by Frank den Oudsten on the theme of Narrative Space and an improvisation performance by artist Nick Steur.

/ Context: During TEFAF

/ Location: SAM decorfabriek, Meerssenerweg 215, Maastricht (NL)

/ Period: March 14th – 23rd 2014

/ Partners: Theater aan het Vrijthof, Bureau Europa, Province of Limburg, Artburo Limburg, SoAP foundation, Via Zuid, TAKT/ Dommelhof and C-Mine Genk, SoAP foundation

/ Photography: Joao Morgado

2.3. HALL01

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HALL02 is the second in the series of 32 sub projects that work towards the building that is a theatre play and the theatre play that is a building (HALL33).

HALL02 was be presented at St.Michaelskirche am Brüsselerplatz in Cologne (DE). During the Festival Theaterszene Europa TAAT brought together local architects and theatre makers to work on the theme of Initiation. This two day workshop started at the church for a first series of interventions, a meeting with Pfarrer Bussmann, a lecture by Dutch theatre maker Roos van Geffen and a presentation and workshop by Dutch theatre maker Emke Idema.

/ Context: Season Opening Studiobühneköln, plan14 parcours, and Theaternacht Köln

/ Location: St.Michaelskirche am Brüsselerplatz, Cologne (DE).

/ Period: September 19th- October 3rd 2014, Theaternacht October 2nd

/ Partners: Studiobühneköln, Art&Amen, planproject, Theaternacht Köln and TAKT/Dommelhof, SoAP foundation, Creative Industries Fund NL and Province of Limburg.

/ Photography: Zenka

2.4. HALL02

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HALL03 is the third in the series of 32 sub projects that works towards the building that is a theatre play and the theatre play that is a building (HALL33).

HALL03 was presented at the old horse stables of the Broel-museum, during Biënnale Interieur. The workshop process takes place during the build up period, where we will work together with students of the VTI in Kortrijk. During HALL03, a series of masterclasses were presented with Iwan Brioc (UK), Alexander Römer (D) and Jozef Wouters (B).

/ Context: Biënnale Interieur, Kortrijk

/ Location: Paardestallen Broelmuseum, Broelkaai 6, Kortrijk

/ Period: October 17th - October 26th 2014

/ Partners: Kunstencentrum BUDA, Biënnale Interieur, SoAP foundation, Creative Industries Fund NL, Province of Limburg.

/ Photography: Joao Morgado

2.5. HALL03

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A Theatrical music installation by TAAT in cooperation with Cie. Covar

Six installations are spread out in public space. Participants open the doors and find themselves a position inside. Through holes of different size and direction they focus on the world outside. While looking, a musical story is heard and at the same time projected on people, space and movement.

/ Location: Marconisstraat, Rotterdam (NL)

/ Period: September 5th

/ Partners: Via Zuid, TAKT/ Dommelhof, Fonds Podiumkunsten

/ Photography: Saris en Den Engelsman

2.6. PSSST

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A competition for a floating theatre space in Berlin

The Tidal Theatre expands on the narrative and performative qualities of architecture by presenting a theatre building that is a play. It’s design incorporates the Spree river water offering a complete and sensory theatrical experience.

The Tidal Theatre is a Do-It-Yourself theatre play that takes you on a journey through 17 spaces, each with a different dramatic tension in volume, light and transparency. Together with an unknown other you venture into different parallel worlds as your pathways are separated from each other by stacked wooden structures. Initially the play unfolds on a intimate level, finding your way through the different spaces together and encountering different means of interaction. When a square ‘magically’ appears from below the water level, the collective ‘theatre of the city‘ opens itself up in three open air theatre halls.

The Tidal Theatre turns the theatre building into one of the main characters. In a participative process the stacked wooden structures are added to the 17 spaces by a team of local architects and theatre makers in close dialogue with the environment, time and context. The participating audience completes this proces and ultimately turns this sinking and rising architecture into a play.

/ Location: River Spree, near Holzmarkt, Berlin (DE)

2.7. The Tidal Theatre

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The Tidal Theatre expands on the narrat ive and performative qual i t ies of architecture by presenting a theatre bui lding that is a play. I t ’s design incorporates the Spree r iver water offer ing a complete and sensory theatr ical experience.

The Tidal Theatre is a Do-It-Yoursel f theatre play that takes you on a journey through 17 spaces, each with a di fferent dramatic tension in volume, l ight and transparency. Together with an unknown other you venture into di fferent paral le l worlds as your pathways are separated from each other by stacked wooden structures. In i t ia l ly the play unfolds on a int imate level , f inding your way through the different spaces together and encounter ing different means of interact ion. When a square ‘magical ly ’ appears f rom below the water level , the col lect ive ‘ theatre of the city‘ opens i tsel f up in three open air theatre hal ls .

The Tidal Theatre turns the theatre bui lding into one of the main characters. In a part ic ipat ive process the stacked wooden structures are added to the 17 spaces by a team of local architects and theatre makers in c lose dialogue with the environment, t ime and context. The part ic ipat ing audience completes this proces and ult imately turns this s inking and r is ing architecture into a play.


raft + spatial sequence of rooms

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

sightlines between the two river sides

shifting the rooms to create a rythm that connects to the urban tissue of the area

the first part of the performance is a walking route for two unknown strangers, in which the architecture tells the story

squeezing and stretching the different volumes to create a dramaturgical storyline troughout and with the architecture

8 architects 1 proces leader

8 theatre makers

a building kit consisting of 3000 wooden beams













by constructing the relation between the two a participants a sequence of dramatic scenes


seperated paths, different levels of transparancy and different heights trigger the participants behaviour

the structure itself ‘grows’ dramaticly and dramaturgicly from

space to space

construction of the inner dramaturgical structures

the second part of the performance opens up to the city, by connecting to the urban life on one of the urban stages

urban stage


In a DIY theatre play there is no difference between spectators and actors. They both become participants. The Tidal Theatre is built especially for the Tidal Play, which is a DIY-play consis-ting of an architectural dramaturgy.


In classical theatre the separation between ‘the world of the actors’ and ‘the world of the spectators’ is very strict. New forms of theatre - like DIY-theatre - investigate new forms of theatrical relation, entering participation structures and ‘scripting’ techniques to incorperate the audience’s behaviour into the play.

This image shows the integration of the theatrical environment of the city with a one-to-one play on the ‘inside’ of the building.

‘We are eliminating the stage and auditorium and replacing them with a kind of single site, without partition or barrier of any kind, which will itself become the theater of action. A direct communication will be established between the spectator and the spectacle, between the actor and the spectacle, because the spectator, by being placed in the middle of the action, is enveloped by it and caught in its cross fire.’

Antonin Artaud

SITE PLAN 1:1000





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A curatorial program for the open air museum of Bokrijk

The open air museum of Bokrijk is known for its beautiful park and village like museum concerning craftmanship. In the BKRK program, the biggest challenge of the future of Bokrijk is defined: what is the role of craftmanship and processes of production in our future lives and homes?

Among 9 other curators, TAAT is appointed as curator of the craftmanship ‘wood’. Together with five young design professionals from a broad national and international field of disciplines, TAAT is working together to create a new ‘communal pavilion’ for Bokrijk as a DIY-building kit.

The process starts in October 2015 and will end with a series of building workshops during the summer of 2016.

/ Location: Open air museum Bokrijk, Bokrijk (BE)

/ Team: 5 young designers - to be selected

/ Partners: Province of Limburg (BE), SoAP foundation, Domein Bokrijk

2.8. BKRK Sengu

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Three HALL projects in Ghent (BE), Berlin (DE) and Brussels (BE)

HALL2016/17 is a meeting of leading theatre and architecture institutes, professionals and upcoming talents on a European level. In this artistic research process, the ideas of narrative space and architectural dramaturgy are explored, developed and promoted through a hands-on and playful approach.

HALL2016/17 is a two-year architecture-as-theatre program, comprising the second phase of TAAT’s long term research project HALL33. After the first phase with HALL projects in Maastricht (NL), Cologne (DE) and Kortrijk (BE), the second phase will bring HALL to Ghent (BE), Berlin (DE) and Brussels (BE).

The HALL2016/17 program thus connects specialised artistic research with a broad and divers European audience.

/ Locations: Ghent, Berlin, Brussels

/ Team: 10 European theatre and architecture students per project

/ Partners: Design Museum Ghent, Campo Ghent, Beursschouwburg Brussels, Workspace Brussels, DAZ Berlin, Radialsystem V Berlin

2.9. HALL2016/17

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‘An amazing experience.’ Kölnische Rundschau, 23-9-14

‘a minimalistic experience voor curious people, you will either shrugging your shoulders or charged with your own associations.’ Kölner Stadt Anzeiger, 23-09-14

‘HALL02 is an intrigiung and captivating play of social relations […] which has a lot more to say than Gregor Schneiders installation [Neuerburgstrasse 21].’ Choices, Oktober 2014.



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De GeulbodeOplage: 11.000van: 27-06-2012 Pagina: 11

mediawaarde: € 167,00 cm2: 198,00


(Bestemd voor eigen gebruik) 20101|039.0

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120 / flash Ottagono 275-276 11-12/ 2014 Ottagono 275-276 11-12/ 2014 flash / 121

Nelle vecchie aule della Broel School (Buda Island), Design Duos: 3x2 ha mostrato i progetti di tre studi emergenti, costituiti da ‘coppie nel lavoro’: Studio Dessuant Bone, Baronesse O. e Pool. Quest’ultimo duo ha proposto Walk the Line (in foto), arredi in metallo che giocano con la geometria, ponendo in ‘ombra’ la dimensione dei volumi. ‘Dual-class talent’. In the old Broel School classrooms (Buda Island), Design Duos: 3x2 showed projects by three emerging studios, consisting of ‘work in pairs’: Studio Dessuant Bone, Baronesse O. and Pool. The last two presented Walk the Line (pictured), metal furniture that play with geometry, by creating the size of the volumes in ‘shadows’.

la doppia classe dei talenti


Il potenziale narrativo di uno spazio e le sue qualità sensoriali sviluppano ‘pièce teatrali’. Il concetto, promosso dal collettivo TAAT, ha dato forma a HALL03, all’interno di Paarden Stallen a Buda Island. Il visitatore, in coppia con uno sconosciuto, esplora una architettura-labirinto. L’interazione fisico-emozionale crea una performance di teatro. ‘Archi-Theatre’. The narrative potential of space and its sensory qualities develop ‘stage plays’. The concept, promoted by the TAAT collective, has given form to HALL03, in Paarden Stallen, Buda Island. The visitor, paired with a stranger, explores an architecture-maze. The physical and emotional interactions create a theatrical performance.



La ricerca ‘SQM: The Home Does Not Exist’ di Joseph Grima, curatore culturale della Biennale con il suo collettivo Space Caviar, indaga come sia cambiato ad oggi il concetto di spazio domestico. Lo studio ha ispirato varie iniziative, come la mostra ‘SQM: The Quantified Home’, negli spazi in via di demolizione della Broel School. // ‘Change in the wire’. The ‘SQM: The Home Does Not Exist’ research by Joseph Grima, cultural curator of the Biennial with his Space Caviar collective, investigates how the concept of home has changed. The study inspired several initiatives, such as the ‘SQM: The Quantified Home’ exhibition in the spaces of the Broel School, currently undergoing demolition.

nel filo del cambiamento


edited by Silvia Airoldi

biennale interieurkortrijk

Il design di un bar da realizzare a basso costo. La sfida degli Interieur Awards, categoria Spaces, ha premiato tra i 5 vincitori Dried Chat Room degli studi DWA e SpectaculArch!. Il progetto sceglie il cibo essicato come elemento per connotare tutto lo spazio, il menu e l’immagine coordinata. Gli arredi originali utilizzano materiali poveri e inusuali. ‘Space for ideas’. Designing a bar to be implemented at low cost. The challenge for the Interieur Awards’ Spaces category awarded to five winners among which Dried Chat Room by DWA and SpectaculArch!. The design chose dried food as an element to characterise the whole space, the menu, and the corporate image. The furniture uses simple, unusual materials.

spazio alle idee


Piattaforma del design contemporaneo e allo stesso tempo di ricerca e riflessione culturale con lo sguardo sul futuro, Interieur ha mostrato le sue diverse anime a Kortrijk Xpo (in foto Tranches de Vie del duo di artisti Sofie Lachaert & Luc D’Hanis) e Kortrijk City (Buda Island) nella curatissima edizione n.24! ‘Two years are good for the design’. A platform for contemporary design and for research and cultural reflection with an eye on the future, Interieur has shown its many spirits in Kortrijk Xpo (in the picture Tranches de Vie by the artist duo Luc d’Hanis & Sofie Lachaert) and Kortrijk City (Buda Island) in the very interesting 24th edition!

due anni fanno bene al design

www.interieur.be; www.lachaert.com

© Jo

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www.taat-projects.com 2015