tafsir surah lahab, nasr, kawthar, ma'un

QUIZ ANSWERS  Translate the Following 1. : و ش ساح !"  # ح  $ Fro% the e&il o' the en&ier as he en&ieth (. )*+ , -  / س 0  / 23  4ود  5 -ا  6 ,  +  7 8ho whis9ereth in the hearts o' %anin; <. 0 + 0 > 0 +و 0 +/  7 ?e @egetteth not nor was he @egotten A. Bو 0  C   DE  ود  Gا  H    I   H 0E 7 Jor will Ke worshi9 that whiLh M worsih9 8hat are the 'i&e e&ils %entione in NOrah Jas an; NOrah FalaP 1. Q&il o' Rreation (. Sarness <. 8itLhLra't A. Qn&K . 8is9erer 8hK was NOrah Ua'iroon Ve&eale Xeo9le o' YOraKsh were @argaini Kear 'or a Kear Surah Nasr NOrah Jasr is the last Lo%9lete NOrah re&eale;. ?owe&er this NOrah has %Olti9le 9ossi@ %eanings. The 'irst is that this NOrah si%9lK gi&es the news o' &iLtorK to the ZOsli%s that th will @e a@le to LonPOer Zaah 'inallK. [n; that 9eo9le will aLLe9t Msla% in Lrow;s. [nother %eaning is Lonte\tOal. 8hen Xro9het ZOha%%a; ]N[8^ was reLiting this NOrah_ [ `ar ]V[^ @egan to LrK an; sai; ZaK oOr %others an; 'athers @e saLri'iLe; 'or KoOr saeb. Jo o' the other Lo%9anions On;erstoo; what was wrong with [@O `ar ]V[^. ?owe&er [@O `ar ]V On;erstoo; so%ething that none o' the other Lo%9anions On;erstoo; that this NOrah was [l ]N8T^ telling the 9ro9het that his ti%e was O9_ his %ission is Lo%9lete_ he ha; LonPOer Zaah. ]1^ When Allah's succour and the triumph cometh   إاج صن ـل تف و  The ter% !" Lan re'er two 9ossi@ilities a@oOt when this NOrah was re&eale; @e'ore or a'ter t LonPOering o' Zaah_ !" is in the 'OtOre so_ [llah is gOaranteeing the 9ro9het ]N[8^ that will @e &iLtorioOs. ?owe&er it Lan also ha&e the %eaning i'b_ so i' the &iLtorK Lo%es an; this i' 'Ol'ille; in the < r;  &erse. Then cا  d e\9lains that it will Lo%e in the 'OtOre. Mn this aKah is a sign the en; o' the 9ro9hets li'e. Mn that now he has @een &iLtorioOs_ he has reaLhe; his to9 %o 9oint_ his fenith an; now Lan onlK go ;own. Q&erKthing is 9er'eLt now e&erKthing %Ost 'all @a ;own_ @eginning with the ;eath o' the 9ro9het. [lso the 'irst sign o' /  ا   j+ is the ;eath the Xro9het ZOha%%a; ]N[8^. ](^ And thou seest mankind entering the religion of Allah in troops, ي أ وا ل  ! ي "# ي% هـل ج &    #أ  '  Q&erK 9ro9het has @een sLare; o' whether the religion will @e Larrie; on a'ter theK 9ass aw an; [llah saKs that he ]N[8^ will see 9eo9le entering Msla% in groO9s. Mn a;;ition this [Kah is t e\9lanation o' the  C 0+ 0 _ the sOLLess that ZOha%%a; ]N[8^ has Lreate;_ an; the sOLLess o' %essage. That 9eo9le will enter Msla% in 'ront o' his eKes in troo9smgroO9s. ]<^ hen h!mn the praises of th! "ord, and seek  forgi#eness of $im% "o& $e is e#er read! to sho merc!%  (  ) *  +# !,-. /. * 0رف  1 ت  2و  ه نا  3  . &    4 Mn the 1 st  &erse [llah ]N8T^ sai; !" i'b an; now [llah ]N8T^ is e\9laining what will ha99en i' t &iLtorK Lo%es. [llah ]N8T^ instrOLts the 9ro9het to 9raise [llah an; to ;o Mstigh'ar 'or he %erLi'Ol. This is e\aLtlK what the 9ro9het Ose; to ;o howe&er what is this state%e i%9ortanLe to Os now. 8e ZOsli%s are also instrOLte; i'mwhen [llah gi&es Os sOLLess_ we sho

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Translate the Following

1. : From the evil of the envier as he envieth

2. - Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind3. - He begetteth not nor was he begotten4. - Nor will ye worship that which I worsihpWhat are the five evils mentioned in Surah Nas and Surah Falaq1. Evil of Creation

2. Darkness

3. Witchcraft

4. Envy

5. Wisperer

Why was Surah Kafiroon Revealed?

People of Quraysh were bargaining year for a year

Surah Nasr

Surah Nasr is the last complete Surah revealed. However this Surah has multiple possible meanings. The first is that this Surah simply gives the news of victory to the Muslims that they will be able to conquer Makkah finally. And that people will accept Islam in crowds.

Another meaning is contextual. When Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was reciting this Surah, Abu Bakr (RA) began to cry and said May our mothers and fathers be sacrificed for your sake. None of the other companions understood what was wrong with Abu Bakr (RA). However Abu Bakr (RA) understood something that none of the other companions understood that this Surah was Allah (SWT) telling the prophet that his time was up, his mission is complete, he had conquered Makkah.

(1) When Allah's succour and the triumph cometh

The term can refer two possibilities about when this Surah was revealed before or after the conquering of Makkah, is in the future so, Allah is guaranteeing the prophet (SAW) that he will be victorious. However it can also have the meaning if, so if the victory comes and this if is fulfilled in the 3rd verse. Then explains that it will come in the future. In this ayah is a sign of the end of the prophets life. In that now he has been victorious, he has reached his top most point, his zenith and now can only go down. Everything is perfect now everything must fall back down, beginning with the death of the prophet. Also the first sign of is the death of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). (2) And thou seest mankind entering the religion of Allah in troops,

Every prophet has been scared of whether the religion will be carried on after they pass away and Allah says that he (SAW) will see people entering Islam in groups. In addition this Ayah is the explanation of the , the success that Muhammad (SAW) has created, and the success of his message. That people will enter Islam in front of his eyes in troops/groups. (3) Then hymn the praises of thy Lord, and seek forgiveness of Him. Lo! He is ever ready to show mercy.

In the 1st verse Allah (SWT) said if and now Allah (SWT) is explaining what will happen if this victory comes. Allah (SWT) instructs the prophet to praise Allah and to do Istighfar for he is merciful. This is exactly what the prophet used to do however what is this statements importance to us now. We Muslims are also instructed if/when Allah gives us success, we should not get big headed, we should continue to praise him and his nobility and at the same time do Istighfar for our shortcomings. Inshaallah. Surah LahabAbu Lahab is, the most famous and wealthiest in Makkah, he is good looking hence his nickname Abu Lahab, he comes from a powerful family, and he is a vicious enemy of Islam. Abu Lahab was the prophets uncle, neighbor, and father-in-law. Abu Lahabs wife was also a visious enemy of Islam, high status in family, she was the daughter of the one of the leaders of Makkah.

This Surah was revealed after the Prophet (SAW) was instructed to spread Islam to all of Makkah and so the prophet ascended the Safa (mountain) and started calling, "O Bani Fihr! O Bani 'Adi!" addressing various tribes of Quraysh till they were assembled. The Prophet then said, "Suppose I told you that there is an (enemy) cavalry in the valley intending to attack you, would you believe me?" They said, "Yes, for we have not found you telling anything other than the truth." He then said, "I am a warner to you in face of a painful punishment." Abu Lahab said (to the Prophet) "May your hands perish all this day. Is it for this purpose you have gathered us?"

(1) The power of Abu Lahab will perish, and he will perish.

The name of Abu Lahab is used by Allah, why does Allah call him by his name, this is very unusual. This can be clearly stated because of how evil Abu Lahab was to Allahs beloved messenger, Muhammad (SAW). The only other person that Allah (SWT) addresses in this fashion is Firawn. And Allah continues to compare Firawn and Abu Lahab later in this Surah.The term is used twice in this ayah. This is because Abu Lahab used this word against Allah twice the first time was mentioned above. The second incident is when the prophet invites the leaders of Makkah to dinner in his house in order to invite them to islam and Abu Lahab asked Muhammad (SAW): "If I were to accept your religion, what would I get?" Muhammad (SAW) replied: "You would get what the other believers would get." Abu Lahab responded: "Is there no preference or distinction for me?" In which Muhammad replied, "What else do you want?" Abu Lahab replied back: "May this religion perish in which I and all other people should be equal and alike!" Look at the pride of Abu Lahab. The term has a deeper meaning than just destroyed it actually means that they break apart slowly, collapse, falls apart little by little. Allah reveals this and Abu Lahab would go in the markets and scorn at these words and look at his hands and say to them may you be destroyed, they look fine to me, I dont see them being destroyed.

However Abu Lahab when he died , he had a desease in which his entire body was covered with puss balls, lumps and they would burst. People around him thought that he was infectious so they wouldnt go near him. And then when he died they still didnt want to go near him so they took a bit of wood and dumped him in a ditch. So Abu Lahab has fulfilled the prophecy of the Quran. Particularly both of his hands which therefore is the hand that he defends with and the hand that he attacks with, his left hand (shield) and his right hand (sword). (2) His wealth and gains will not exempt him.

Abu Lahab used to say, Even if what my nephew says is true, I will ransom myself (i.e., save myself) from the painful torment on the Day of Judgement with my wealth and my children. This is the defiance of that statement, his current wealth and any accumulated wealth will not help him on the day of resurrection. So Allah (SWT) has taken away one of the most prized things to him his wealth. Also this is a lesson to all of the Muslims today that keep gathering their wealth closer and closer to themselves, it will not help us when it comes to the last day of reckoning. May Allah save us. (3) He will be plunged in flaming Fire,

Now Allah (SWT) uses Abu Lahabs name against him, where his name used to mean beautiful Allah redefines it as the fire of Jahanam. Abu Lahab used to pride his beauty and he loved this nickname that people gave him however, this new definition is obviously an insult to this nickname. This also alludes to the possibility that he is his own demise; he Lahab is the one that will burn Abu Lahab. The fact that he never believed in Allahs messenger but ridiculed him is the reason that he is in the situation he is in currently.

Allah (SWT) now goes to the future tense. This entire Surah was revealed when Abu Lahab was still alive, so the use of past tense before was the idea that for Allah, his demise/destruction was so close that he could refer to it in the past tense as if it has already happened. However now Allah speaks of Abu Lahab going into the fire as a little further in the future, this is a reference to the way that for us our life may be long but for Allah (SWT) life is very short.

(4) And his wife, the wood-carrier,

connect the previous Ayah with this ayah saying that Abu Lahab and his wife will both be plunged in flaming Fire. The term meaning wife is only used in the Quran when the marriage is insufficient, either when the marriage is not in harmony (spreading goodness) or when there are no children to speak of. Here Allah (SWT) uses because their marriage is not spreading goodness it is creating evil. means wood-carrier. In Makkah the slave women would carry wood to nobilities houses so that they could burn the wood for heat. Calling Umm Jameel, (Abu Lahabs wife) a wood carrier is disgraceful for her. In addition she is carrying the wood that she will put into the fire that will burn her and Abu Lahab, again she is the reason for her own disgrace. The shaddah on the makes it clear that it is her occupation for the rest of eternity to bring this wood to burn herself and Abu Lahab.

Also the wife of Abu Lahab used to go from person to person spreading rumors that would cause a fire in the hearts of the women and so she used to spread fire amongst her fellow women.

(5) Will have upon her neck a halter of palm-fibre.

Umm Jameel had a very expensive necklace that she used to flaunt (show off) her wealth. However, when she saw the prophet she used to swear by her gods that she would sell her necklace and use the money to kill the prophet, she did do this and because of this Allah revealed this ayah that says we have replaced that necklace with one of palm-fibre. Palm-fibre is a type of rope that burns very well. This is also indicative of the fire she used to burn in the hearts of the women in the town. Conclusion

Abu Lahab and his wife were indeed the worst of the worst consider the following

4 Kinds of Disbelievers

1. Friendly Disbelievers the person that let the Prophet come back to Makkah under his protection

2. Potential Good believer The prophet made dua for Abu Jahal to become Muslim

3. Nothing personal Most of the enemies of the prophet were like this

4. Hates Religion/Hates Prophet ( Abu Lahab and his wife4 Kinds of Households

1. Good Man (Zakarriyah) Good Woman (Maryam (AS))

2. Good Man (Nuh or Lut) and Bad Woman (their wives)

3. Bad Man (Firawn) and Good Woman (Asiyah (RA))

4. Bad Man (Abu Lahab) and Bad Woman (Umm Jameel)

So indeed they were the worse of humanity Surah Maun

Aaus ibn Wail one of the chiefs of Makkah was a great enemy of the prophet. One day he slaughtered two camels and was serving food to his friends. One of the orphans asked for some food and Aaus ibn Wail beat him up. In this Surah two types of people are mentioned

(1) Kafir disbelieves,

(2) Munafiq hypocrite, does what he does for the audience.

(1) Hast thou observed him who belieth religion?

Here allah talks about the Munafiq? So the next question is what does this guy look like?

(2) That is he who repelleth the orphan,

So here its not only talking about the male orphans but also the females, when the females inherited money from their brothers, fathers, mothers, etc. the people used to take their money for themselves and leave them with nothing(3) And urgeth not the feeding of the needy.

And he doesnt even encourage the feeding of the needy, not only would they not give them food himself but when someone cares for the orphans then they make fun of them. When this surah was revealed there were many Non-Muslims that were orphans, so Allah is instructing us to take care of not only the Muslims but also the Non-Muslims.

(4) Ah, woe unto worshippers

They are cursed, those that pray in the way that is described before. (5) Who are heedless of their prayer;

Now who are these people they are the Munafiq who are lazy in salah, they are too busy watching TV when the time has come to pray. They refuse to pray at the times ordained, they are also those that when they pray they seek no reward, and if they do not pray they dont fear punishment. Now consider this if these Munafiqoon, those that pray incorrectly, are those that dwell in the deepest pits of Jahanam where are those that dont pray at all.

(6) Who would be seen (at worship)

They pray in order to show off, the pray in public however if they were alone they would not have prayed at all.

(7) Yet refuse small kindnesses!

Finally they are stingy and greedy. Consider the child that is coloring in class. Sometimes they may have like 300 Crayola crayons and another child comes to them and asks for one the child says no, their mine. This is stinginess.

Surah Kawthar

Allah's Messenger had two sons from Khadijah; Qasim passed away, and he only had one son left - Abdullah. But Abdullah also passes away in his childhood.

The first person to find out about this is the neighbor of Allah's Messenger, his uncle Abu Lahab. When Abu Lahab found out about this, so Abu Lahab came out of his house dancing and celebrating, saying "Batara Muhammadun" - Muhammad has been cut off - your lineage has been cut off. Since if you have no sons, your name does not live on.So Allah revealed this Surah to make the prophet happy. (1) Lo! We have given thee Abundance;

Again the past tense it used, it is done we have already given you this Abundance. What is Abundance: the scholars say that it is not only the river called Kawthar in Jannah, but it is also all the good given to the Prophet (SAW). The river in Jannah, the Prophet (SAW) describes in the hadithI entered Paradise and I came to a river whose banks had tents made of pearls. So I thrust my hand into its flowing water and found that it was the strongest (smell) of musk. So I asked, "O Jibril! What is this'' He replied, "This is Al-Kawthar which Allah, the Mighty and Majestic has given you.''

Secondly the favors Allah has given the prophet are so many:

(1) Allah did not leave (tawddee') His Messenger and is not displeased

(2) What is at the end is better for you than the beginning.

a. Your Master will soon give you so you are satisfied

(3) Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter?

(4) He found you desperately seeking [ ] , so He guided you

(5) He found you poor and He enriched you

(6) Did We not expand your chest for you?

(7) Removed from you your extremely heavy burden - the one that was breaking your back.

(8) We raised your remembrance

(9) Allah and His angels send peace and blessings upon the Prophet, oh you who believe, send prayers of peace and blessings upon him.

(10) Allah swore (did an oath) by no human specifically except Allah's Messenger

a. Allah swore by Himself by mentioning His Messenger

(11) Allah honored His Messenger with an endless reward

(12) Allah protected His Messenger while other Prophets' were killed

(13) Allah chose His Messenger specifically with a specific choosing

(14) Allah associated His Name with the Messenger's name

Two ways of saying: 1 - Kathra means 'Alot'

2 - Katheer emphasises - alot more abundance than kathra.

3 - KaWthar = even more than Katheer - ABUNDANCE of ALOT.(2) So pray unto thy Lord, and sacrifice.

That the Messenger is being told to be consistent in prayer and sacrifice due to the abundant blessings of Allah given to him.

This is why Allah's Messenger would pray 2 raka'ah to Allah in prayer when something really good happened to the Muslims.

But that you should pray out of thankfulness to Allah. - The polytheists would sacrifice and pray to idols, so Allah showed them a change of attitude. That salah/prayer and sacrifice should be only for Allah alone. Majority say waNhar refers to Sacrificing of the animal. We will see how this is connected to the legacy of Ibraheem.

4 Types of Animals to be sacrificed mentioned in Qur'an ;

(1) Budun - animal which is large, and when it has been sacrificed - it's blood has not dried yet.

(2) Nusuq - Animal which you sacrifice - only for the sake of getting close to Allah. Active devotion to Allah.

(3) Hadi sacrificed - the flesh of it is distributed in the House of Allah / Masjid al Haraam to be distributed there.

(4) Qalaa'id - plural. Qalaada (singular) - Animal marked for sacrifice. I.e hang a garland around its neck.

3 words used for the Act of Slaughter/Sacrifice .

1 -Dhabaha/Dhibh/Dhabeeha - to slaughter something for religious motives, and a higher agenda.

2 - Dhak-kah - (il-laa ma dhakaytum - surah ma'idah 5:3) - to kill an animal quickly and painlessly.

3 - Nahr (in this ayah in surah Kawthar.) Literally means - that which is above the chest. It literally means - to cut in the throat.

Allah specifically mentions cutting the animal in the throat in this surah, which is similar to the legacy of Ibraheem. How close Allah's Messenger is to Ibraheem's way, where the practises of sacrifice originally began. Unlike the polytheists who claim to be descendants and followers of his way. By Precisely using this word - Allah is reminding us that in the previous 2 surahs (surah Quraysh and Ma'un) - the Arab polytheists are NOT following the legacy of Ibraheem. They are not fulfilling the du'a and legacy of Ibraheem. So you (O Muhammad) are the fulfillment of the du'a/prayer and legacy of Ibraheem.

(3) Indeed, your enemy (and not you), he is the one cut off.

and not thou is implied but not actually mentioned. Allah doesnt even want to mention the name of the prophet (SAW) with these enemies of Islam. And do we not mention the prophets name any more? which means cut off again this is the one who is cut off which means it is a person it could just be he is cut off which turns it into something less permanent.Parrallells between Surah Kawthar, and Surah Maun

Surah MaunSurah Kawthar

1- Bukhl - greed/miserliness and pushing the orphan away and not encouraging feeding the poor.Allah has given ALOT (a'ta), so because Allah gives alot, you should also give alot.

2 - Abandonment/Delaying of Prayer/Salah. fa sallee [so Pray]Allah is commanding for His Messenger and the believers to be constant/consistent in prayer.

3 - Showing off in Prayers (yura'oon)Pray - Li Rabbika (for your Master) - a matter of Sincerety.

4 - They are Not even willing to Give the smallest acts of charity.Allah orders - waNhar - and sacrifice. Which costs money. Part of the sacrifice involves giving some of the meat in charity.