tales of vesperia script playstation 3

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  • 8/9/2019 Tales of Vesperia Script Playstation 3


    TALES OF VESPERIAPlayStation 3 Translation Script

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------(Opening anime cutscene)

    NARRATOR Our world, Terra Lumireis.No one knows how far its lands and oceans stretch.For the people are no match against the hordes of monsters thatcrawl the earth.Barriers protect the cities in which we live, and we arecompletely dependent upon them for our survival.The barriers are generated by the blastia.Blastia use the primeval power of aer that fills the world...To provide us with fire, water, and light. They provide us witheverything that has made the empire prosper.

    A pack of aggressive wolves hunt down and kill an animal and start eating it, loudlyripping it apart.

    NARRATOR Perhaps one day......We may even forget the threat of the vicious monsters lyingin wait, just beyond the barriers.The blessings of the blastia......Will bestow ever more prosperi ty to the world and peace toits people.

    The city of Zaphias. is shown on screen, with people carrying out their dayly lives.

    A hooded man walks up to a fountain in the middle of town and steals a blue spherefrom it.

    Cut to a ruined forest. Several knights are shown standing over sleign monsters .A blonde-haired imperial knight walks onto screen.

    IMPERIAL KNIGHT ...Why?I don't get it. What could have happened to the barriers in thistown?!

    Cut back to the city of Zaphias. The fountain explodes, water shooting straightup out of it into the sky. The water overflows and floods a small plaza above thesewage canals in Zaphias City’s lower quarter.

    NARRATOR From the Imperial capital Zaphiaus, bedrock of peace, we pray:May tranquility bless this world.

    Cut to the inside of a castle. A beautiful, young, pink haired noble woman wearing

    a blue dress is shown on screen reading a book. A knight is shown walking buy theroom in the hallway outside of it. The noble hears the footsteps of the knight,shuts her book and stands up looking at the door. The knight knocks on the door.

    WOMAN ...!

    Back in the city. High above the chaos looms a majestic castle and the rooftopsof the citizen and royal quarters. A handsome young man sits in a window and solemnlywatches the event happening outside his small apartment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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    (after anime cutscene)

    A large blue and white dog with an unlit pipe in his mouth sleeps in the corner.A young boy (Ted) throws open the door and rushes into the apartment.

    TED Yuri! This is not good!YURI What‘s with all the yelling, Ted? Ted pulls himself up on the sill with Yuri and points out the window.TED Look! The aque blastia‘s broken again!

    And they just finished fixing it.YURI What‘s the big deal? Just leave it to the m ighty Imperial

    Knights. That‘s what they‘re there for. TED Hah, the Knights? You know they never come to the lower quarter.Yuri leaves the window sill and walks across the small room. Stopping in front

    of the door Ted left wide open, he rubs his chin.YURI What about the heroic Flynn?Ted jumps off the window sill.TED I already tried to get Flynn.

    They wouldn‘t even let me see him!

    Amused, Yuri turns to look at Ted.YURI Oh, so I‘m Flynn‘s replacement, huh? Yuri walks back to the window. Clenching his hands into fists, Ted glares at Yuri.TED Never mind that, come on! We‘re short on people!

    Undisturbed by the commotion, the dog continues to sleep near the foot of Yuri’sbed.FEMALE VOICE Ted! Ted! You get down here! They need your help, too!TED I‘ll…I‘ll be there in a sec!

    Yuri… Come on already! Ted runs from the room as Yuri continues to gaze calmly out the window.YURI That‘s weird. He always comes running whenever there‘s trouble…

    This place is gonna become an aquarium soon if this keeps up.

    THE IMPERIAL CAPITAL ZAPHIAS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Ted races down the stairs and into the fi rst doorway around the corner. The blueand white dog follows at a leisurely, unhurried pace. Ted darts from the doorwayand looks toward the plaza. Yuri leaps from the window of his apartment over thetavern and lands gracefully beside the dog. Behind him looms Zaphias castle andthe rooftops of the citizen quarters and above that, the royal quarters. In thelower quarter, water spurts from the center of the overflowing fountain and dirtybrown water flows from grates in the stone supports into a narrow canal.

    TED Yuri!

    Yuri smiles at Ted and turns to look at water sprouting from a fountain in the


    Skit Everyday in the Lower Quarter

    INFORMATION: Save points are advanced formulas left in cities and forests createdby mages for the purpose of collecting records of travelers. Even if you quit yourjourney, you can resume from your last record, by saving your progress over theSave Points. The Save Points are available in places all around the world. Makesure to save your progress when you find them!

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    To the left of the stairs leading to Yuri’ s apartment, a man kneels by an openedcrate of green bottles.MAN Hey, Yuri. You come looking for something?

    Anything you need for work should be lying around heresomewhere. Take whatever you need.Onions, carrots, and… Is this crate booze bottles? Lucky I noticed. I was just about to kick this thing away andshatter them all. That was close!

    Inn & Tavern ―Comet : Yuri enters the tavern doorway that Ted came out of. The Innkeeper and his wifework behind the counter while their young daughter waits on customers. Two youngmen sit at one table. An Old man drinking heavily from a tankard, sits at the othertable.INNKEEPER‘S WIFE Yuri, what are you still doing here?

    You‘re a young man! Hurry up and go give old man Hanks somehelp.We‘d like to help out, too, but we‘re needed here.

    LITTLE GIRL Move, move! That‘s a pretty dumb place to stand.You‘re in my way! My customers are waiting for their food!

    Yuri! Come on, you can‘t be that slow.Ted left ages ago. Stop twiddling your thumbs, Yuri, and geta move on!

    INNKEEPER Yuri, you gotta get yourself outside.The old lady‘ll give you a spanking if you just keep hangingaround.Ow, ow, ow… The old lady‘s ruthless.I was just sitting out back, taking a little break. Well, I wassort of slacking off, but still…

    MAN #1 Why?There‘s no point in setting off in a hurry if we‘ll just getstopped at the Hold.This guy says he came from a town in Tolbyccia.

    I‘m about to set off on a journey myself, so I‘m asking hima bunch of questions.

    MAN #2 If you plan on going towards the port, you should probably waita while.This time of year, passage to the north of Deidon Hold isfrequently blocked due to monster attacks.The monsters migrate throughout the year.So the risk of monster attacks varies depending on what seasonit is and where you are.

    OLD MAN Ho ho ho ho! (musical note) You sure are a looker, young lady.Fancy a drink with this old man?

    …Hey, you‘re a guy?! Ain‘t nothing fun about drinking with gu ys. Go away.

    Outside the Inn & Tavern ―Comet :A man leans against the wall at the foot of the stairs leads up to the fountain

    plaza.MAN (OUTSIDE INN) The aque blastia broke, huh?

    No surprise there. They only let us have old beat-up blastiahere in the lower quarter.If you‘ve got a problem with it, go tell the imperial familyor the Council.They‘re the ones who decide what we get.

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    You‘ ll know it by the huge gate.

    Opposite the fountain an artist sits with his easel and a Krityan woman pacesnearby.ARTIST Welcome! Welcome to my magnificent atelier!

    Can you tell that I crackle with ferocious creative power, thisvery instant?As you can see, I am an artist. I paint portraits, and now Ifind a spectacular subject before me!Will you allow me to paint your likeness? It would surely flexmy dazzling creative muscles!

    KRITYAN WOMAN It‘s been a while now since my hometown was destr oyed and I cameto live in the capital.It‘s so quiet. It‘s really a great place to live. Living comfortable helps enrich your heart, too.If you‘ve got a stable livelihood, doesn‘t that put your mindat ease?

    A guard stands at the eastern exit.GUARD Halt! If you go any further, you‘ll leave the city.

    The world outside Zaphias‘ barrier is swarming with monsters.It‘s too dangerous for you equipped like that. You cannot be allowed to leave the city with such lightequipment.Come back with the proper armaments.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUB-EVENT: Wonder Reporter – Part 1:

    Yuri heads towards the stairs leading to the royal quarter.VOICE You there! You there! Are you aware of the serious events going

    on in the world?YURI ?VOICE Over here! Right here! I‘m the Wonder Reporter!

    Bringing you the articles about what matters most, every day!Do you read the newspaper in the morning? Cup of coffee? Donut?What? You don‘t? That just won‘t do! What epic thing as transpired today? You‘ll never believe it! You can read it whenever, wherever, and with no effort at all!Yes, it‘s the Wonder Log! Put it to good use! …And by the way, let‘s let the fact that I‘m in the wall be ourlittle secret, okay? [star]Well then, farewell!

    YURI ……? (Information) Obtained Wonder Log.

    With the Wonder Log, you can access the Synopsis via the Libraryfrom the Menu.

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------When climbing the steps to the Royal Quarter, Yuri hears the guards discussingthe lower quarter. He and Repede hide in flower bushes to eavesdrop on theirconversation.

    KNIGHT #1 Hey, you hear about the blastia in the lower quarter?KNIGHT #2 Yes, I heard something about it breaking and them collecting

    money to fix it.KNIGHT #1 That‘s right, I hear that lot went so far as to sell their

    treasures to save up the money.

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    Now hurry up and go back to wherever you came from.KRITYAN WOMAN The royal quarter has many blastia.

    It seems like most nobles don‘t really care about blastia. They seem to think they can just buy a new one if it breaks.

    YOUNG LADY I‘m soooo in love with Captain Cumore of the Imperial Knights!(heart)I wish he was my boyfriend. He looks so hot when he‘s crushingthose commoners!I wonder if Captain Cumore would come running if I called forhelp right now? (musical note)

    OLD MAN You there! This exit is for nobles only.Common rabble like you should use the exit in the lower quarter.No no no. I don‘t care if you‘re desperate. Try again when youare of the proper status.You would have no problem if you were, say, the Commandant ofthe knights. Hah hah hah!

    Yuri walks toward the first mansion on the left. A statue of woman seated on asphere stands to the left of the path. A beast-drawn carriage waits in front ofthe mansion.YURI So this is where he lives…Yuri knocks on one of the double front doors and Repede sits down near the steps.YURI It doesn‘t seem like there‘s anyone around… In frustration, Yuri kicks the door.YURI I wonder if there‘s any other way in…? Yuri walks around to the left side of the mansion and finds an unlocked window.YURI Oh! Is it open…? Can I get in this way…? Yuri slides the window up and climbs through. He jumps down into a foyer with doorsand a set of stairs.YURI I know Mordio is hiding here somewhere… He climbs t he stairs and tries to open doors. They’re locked. YURI It won‘t open… What to do…? A door on the first floor opens and Yuri quickly turns to look down over the railing.

    A man in a hooded robe, carrying a bag over his shoulder, walks toward the door.YURI That must be… The man puts his bag down in front of the door and holds up a blue sphere to admireit.YURI Found him!Repede jumps over the railing and lands between the man and the door. A secondlater, Yuri leaps and lands a few feet behind Mordio.YURI You are Mordio, right?Mordio trembles with fear as Yuri advances. He reaches into his robe and throwssomething down. He disappears in a thick cloud of smoke. When the smoke clears,Mordio is gone and Repede is holding the bag in his mouth. Repede carries the bagto Yuri.YURI (kneeling beside Repede) Good boy.

    (looking in the bag) What the…! The blastia core is gone! Let‘s go and get that core back! And give that mage a whoopingwhile we‘re at it!

    REPEDE Woof!

    Outside the mansion, knights wait for them.ADECOR Yuri! So it is you who are the cause of all this commotion.BOCCOS I know he‘s poor, but breaking into an aristocrat‘s house… My,

    my, how the mighty have fallen!YURI Just what I needed, Tweedle A and Tweedle B.

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    ADECOR I say, don‘t you dare cal l me that!BOCCOS Just what is a Tweedle anyway?!Yuri spots Mordio walking around the carriage and runs to stop him. The two knightsblock his path.BOCCOS There‘s no hope of escape! We‘ve got you surrounded! Yuri heaves an exasperated sigh as Mordio escapes in the carriage right past theclueless knights.YURI Does it look like I‘m trying to escape? See, its stuff like that

    that keeps you guys from getting promoted.BOCCOS You did not just say that!ADECOR I say, you take that back!Yuri draws his sword.YURI Enough beating around the bush, I guess.BOCCOS Stand back, Adecor!

    I‘ll handle this in the name of the Imperial Knights.Boccos runs toward Yuri a couple of steps with his spear leveled.ADECOR I say, I shall be the one to defend the good name of the Imperial

    Knights!Peons, I say, should stand back! (runs forward a couple of steps)

    BOCCOS You‘re the peon…! (runs forward)

    ADECOR No, no, I say, I am your superior! (runs forward)Yuri draws his sword with his left hand and rests the blade atop his shoulder.YURI I appreciate the sentiment, guys, but let‘s cut the catfight

    and get on with it!

    (Battle Tutorial)INFORMATION The control is set to semi-auto mode during this battle.

    Move forward and backward with LS (right)/LS (left). Jump withSQUARE+LS (up).Target nearest enemy using R1. Change your target with LS whileholding R1.Move towards targeted enemy using LS (right)/LS (left).Move freely using L2 = LS

    YURI Hey, let‘s go! You ready? BOCCOS I am your superior!ADECOR Nay, Boccos! You are, I say, clearly my subordinate!YURI I guess I just gotta whack these guys a little.INFORMATION Perform regular attack with O.

    You can also perform attacks with O while moving with LT + LS.Target will automatically switch to the enemy you hit whilemoving with L2 + LS.

    (practice a few swings)BOCCOS Owwww… YURI There, how‘d that make you feel? BOCCOS How dare you! Hitting someone in the middle of an argument is

    hardly proper manners!

    YURI Di dn‘t you hear me when I said ―You ready? Or were you notlistening?

    ADECOR Damn it!Boccos jabs his spear at Yuri.YURI Oh, brother… BOCCOS Argh… You… Stop right there! YURI Does it look like I‘m running? BOCCOS You! Be quiet!Boccos levels his spear and charges at Yuri.YURI Oops, time for a little defense…

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    INFORMATION Block attacks with x.Yuri positions his sword down over his shoulder to block Boccos’ attack. Boccos’strike hits Yuri’s sword and he falls backward. BOCCOS H- he blocked my attack…! ADECOR I say, Sonic Thrust!Adecor charges and Yuri block his attack.YURI Whoa… Come on, gimme a break… Adecor shakes with so much rage that his helmet visor flops up and down.ADECOR Oooh! I say, how DARE you block my arte!YURI Man, you need to calm down…

    If you can use strike artes here, then I can too!INFORMATION Perform artes attack with X (perform practice hits)YURI Let‘s try that again. This next one‘s gonna hurt…! INFORMATION Perform combo by using regular attack O followed by artes attack

    X.During the practice, both Aldecor and Boccos are knocked off their feet and landon their backs.YURI Aw, you‘re not giving up already, are you? Adecor and Boccos scramble to their feet.Adecor [shaking] I-I say, Imperial Knights never give up!

    BOCCOS You have yet to see our true power!YURI …This next time‘s for real, guys. ADECOR That‘s my line, I say! BOCCOS That‘s my line!

    Spoken Dialogue/on-screen text:If Yuri wins:YURI You should thank me. I‘m giving you some extra practice. If Yuri Loses:YURI I screwed up.

    Guess I underestimated these guys… (Win Scene)Boccos and Adecor lie flat on their backs with a hand, a foot or a hand quiveringa little, every now and then.YURI Come on, guys, you can do better than that, can‘t you? More guards arrive followed by an androgynous male officer with powder blue hair,blue lips and wearing a purple codpiece.YURI Looks like I won‘t be catching up with that carriage anytime

    soon.CUMORE How typical of the Schwann brigade. They can‘ t even manage to

    capture a single lowlife.ADECOR C-Captain Cumore! I say, our apologies for this unsightly

    display.CUMORE I‘m afraid the Imperial Knights have no use for you lowborn scum. BOCCOS Uhh… P - please don‘t let Sir Schwann know about this, Sir. YURI I can‘t believe our taxes go to paying these guys… Repede appears at the street entrance and still holding the bag, he waits until

    he catches Yuri’s eye. As Cumore and his soldiers watch, Repede escapes with thebag.YURI There he is…Yuri throws his sword down on the pavement.ADECOR I say, that tops it all! Abandoned by his faithful pooch!BOCCOS Gah hah hah hah!CUMORE Well, well, you‘ve had a busy day haven‘t you, Mr. Yuri Lowell?

    I‘m rather busy myself, but I suppose I can afford to play withyou for a while.Gentlemen!

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    YURI It‘s rats like you that make Flynn‘s job so difficult. CUMORE Flynn? A little suffering is just what that upstart lieutenant

    needs.The knights close in around Yuri.CUMORE When you‘ve finished with him, throw him in the pri son as usual.

    Ten days or so ought to teach him a lesson.As the scene fades, the sound of blows being delivered is heard.

    Zaphias Prison:Yuri lies face down on a bed in a prison cell. He hears voices whispering.VOICE #1 So like I was sayin‘ , the thief made off with a priceless

    treasure from that noble‘s mansion. VOICE #2 I know, I know. Then he was caught, and the loot was returned,

    right?VOICE #1 No. See, that‘s just nobility trying‘ ta keep things quiet.

    The treasure in the mansion righ t now‘s a fake. GUARD You‘re pulling my leg. (We discover that Voice #1 belongs to a prisoner and Voice #2 belongs to a prisonguard.)PRISONER Hey, ya didn‘t hear it from me, bub. The Dark wings are goin‘

    nuts lookin‘ for the hideout. GUARD You mean the thieves‘ guild?

    !Ahem! That‘s enough out of you. Almost meal time. (walks away)

    PRISONER Hey neighbor! You‘re awake right? You gotta be gettin‘ tiredfrom keepin‘ so quiet.

    YURI You think that little story up all by yourself, old man? Youmust have plenty of time on your hands.

    PRISONER ―Old man? Now you‘ve gone and hurt this old man‘s feelings. Besides, I didn‘t make up nothin‘. I‘ve got eyes and ears theworld over diggin‘ up information for me.

    YURI Heh, sure you do, old man.PRISONER H ey, I am what I am. Go ahead and ask me something. I‘ll tell

    ya whatever ya want to know.Wanna know about the pirate guild‘s sunken treasure? How ‗boutthe sorcerer who makes his home at the ends of the earth? Orwait, I‘ve got it…

    YURI I just want to know how to get out of here.PRISONER Well I‘m not sure what yer in for, but they‘ll let ya out if

    ya keep yer trap shut for ten days.YURI The lower quarter‘ll be underwater by then. PRISONER The lower quarter… Ah yeah, I heard about that. YURI I wonder how they‘re all doing right now. PRISONER Sorry, neighbor. That‘s one piece of dirt I don‘t have. Yuri walks to the cell door.YURI And what am I gonna do about that damned Mordio.PRISONER THE Mordio? You mean to say you‘ve got connections ta the famed

    mage from Aspio, the City of Scholars?YURI Do you know about him?PRISONER Oho! Want ta know, huh? I‘m afraid that information won‘t come

    cheap… YURI The ―famed mage from Aspio, the City of scholars right? I think

    I got it.PRISONER W- wait, that‘s not it. He‘ s the uh, the head of the gourmet

    guild! No wait, it‘s the un, I mean… A door opens and a silver- haired officer walks past Yuri’s cell to the “old man’s”cell.

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    OFFICER Out.PRISONER Ah well, just when things were getting‘ good. OFFICER Hurry up.YURI (thin king to himself)…What is commandant Alexei doing here? Yuri sees the prisoner as Alexei leads him past the cell. The prisoner is indeedolder and has thick spiky hair gathered in a high ponytail at the back of his head.The prisoner stumbles and falls to h is knees in front of Yuri’s cell door. PRISONER Whoa!Yuri stoops down and whispers to him.YURI Just who are you anyway? What does the head of the Knights want

    with you?PRISONER Beneath the statue of the goddess…The prisoner slides something over the rock floor and under the cell door to Yuri.ALEXEI What are you doing? I said hurry up.PRISONER (standing up) All right, easy. I‘m coming.He runs to catch up to Alexei. Yuri picks up a key.YURI …I did say I was looking for a way out of here. INFORMATION Obtained Prison Key.

    SKIT Back in Jail

    Yuri unlocks the cell door.YURI Would you look at that--it opened.Yuri steps out the cell, looking both ways before venturing further. The guardis asleep at his desk.YURI Ever- vigilant as usual… With the way he‘s sleeping, it‘ll be

    a while before anyone notices I‘m gone. If I come back before morning they‘l l never be the wiser to mylittle jailbreak.I think I can check on the Lower Quarter and make it back bymorning.It‘d probably be good to try that statue of the goddess, too.

    After retrieving his gear from a chest, Yuri ventures into the heavily patrolledcastle. As he steps from a doorway, he’s spotted by a sword -wielding KnightFencer.GUARD Who‘s there! YURI Argh, they spotted me!After the battle, the fallen knight lies on the floor.YURI Take a load off for a while!

    (kneels by the knight) My rap sheet is long enough as it is.But guess I don‘t have much choice but to fight if they discoverme.

    YURI (stands up) I need to be wary of these guys on patrol.

    Room with two chests and a statue of an angel with wings spread, holding a greensphere:INFORMATION Command the heavens with the power of the ring.

    When all eight wings are spread, a circle of light shall shineabove the Child of the Full Moon and the fourth door shall open.

    The chests contain a cape and a life bottle.

    Back in the main corridor, Yuri runs into a left doorway. He hears footsteps.YURI !Yuri darts from the room and hides behind the wall beside the doorway in thecorridor. Inside, a young woman with pink hair and carrying a sword is corneredby two knights.KNIGHT #1 Why don‘t we just go back?

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    YOUNG LADY I can‘t go back now! KNIGHT #1 This is for your own good, Miss, you know that.KNIGHT #2 As for the ―incident, we assume full responsibility and will

    inform the lieutenant ourselves.YOUNG LADY How can you say that when you haven‘t done anything to help me?Speechless, the knights just look at each other. The young lady points her swordat them.YOUNG LADY Pleas e, don‘t come any closer.KNIGHT #1 Now, now, why don‘t you put that down? You‘l l only end up hurting

    yourself… YOUNG LADY I know how to use a sword!The young lady slices the air with her sword. The first knight hesitates a fewseconds then his hand re aches for his sword’s hilt. KNIGHT #1 I‘m afraid you leave us no choice. I was hoping it wouldn‘t come

    to this…The knight pulls his sword from his sheath. His companion watches him, then decidesto do the same.VOICE Hey! There she is! This way!

    Another Knight Fencer approaches.

    YOUNG LADY Please, you‘ve got to let me go!I have to warn Flynn!

    YURI Did she say Flynn?

    Two more knights arrive. They are soon knocked out by unseen blows.KNIGHT #3 Hey!KNIGHT #4 Aaah!YURI Yah!YOUNG LADY Flynn…?! (looking over her shoulder) You came to help me…? (sees

    Yuri) W-who are you? (takes a step back)Yuri walks into the room.KNIGHT #2 Identify yourself!YURI Man, just when I thought I was being sneaky, things have to go

    to hell.KNIGHT #1 Careful, I think he‘s got a blastia.KNIGHT #2 It shouldn‘t be a problem if we take him together.

    (battle ensues)After battle dialogue/no on-screen text:YURI Man is this what knights do now?

    Yuri stands beside the fallen knights littering the floor.YURI Don‘ t they teach these guys manners in knight school anymore?The young lady staggers behind Yuri with a large vase in her upraised hands.YOUNG LADY Hyah!Yuri dodges the vase as she tries to bring it down on his head.YURI Hey! What, are you trying to kill me?

    YOUNG LADY Well… you don‘t belong in the castle, right? YURI No, and I‘ll take it as a compliment that you can tell that by

    looking at me.

    VOICE Yuri Lowell! Where are yooou?Looking into the distance, Yuri smiles, but sighs with exasperation at the nextvoice.ADECOR You foul fugitive! I say, we know you‘re trying to make your

    escape.YURI Oh please, not them again. Guess there‘s no point in going back

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    to the prison cell now.VOICE Louder, fools! Say it like you mean it!BOCCOS Lieutenant Leblanc, you r voice is TOO loud. My ears… YOUNG LADY Yuri Lowell? You‘re one of Flynn‘s friends, aren‘t you? YURI Yeah. Why?YOUNG LADY And you used to belong to the Imperial Knights?YURI (turns away quickly) Just for three short months.

    (turns back a little) You hear that from Flynn?YOUNG LADY Yes.YURI Huh. Guess he managed to find someone at the castle he could

    talk to after all.The young lady darts around Yuri to look him in the face.YOUNG LADY Yuri! I need to talk to Flynn!Retreating a few steps, Yuri turns away from her again.YURI Hold on just a second. Who are you supposed to be, anyway?

    I can tell you know Flynn, but why are you being chased by theKnights?

    LEBLANC‘S VOICE Over here!YURI Listen, I want to hear the whole story, but w e can‘t really

    afford to stand around and chat.

    First things first, let‘s get to Flynn‘s place. Want me to leadthe way?

    YOUNG LADY Ah, yes!YURI Let‘s go. Yuri tries the western exit of the room, but hears a voice beyond.LEBLANC Yuri Lowell!! Show yourself!YURI Yikes! Not here either!

    First Corridor:The northern exit leads to a corridor where Yuri darts into the first doorway onthe left:ADECOR Yuri! Where are you?!YURI Not this way… Yuri and young lady approach the next door on the rightYURI …Mmm? Something smells tasty.YOUNG LADY Oh, you‘re right. What could it be? YURI Oh yeah, isn‘t the knights‘ dining hall around here? They run up a flight of stairs into another corridor.

    Second Corridor:The young lady stops in front of a doorYOUNG LADY Yeah, it was around here… YURI This is Flynn‘s room. The young lady looks astonished and nods.

    If you go past Flynn‘s room: YOUNG LADY There‘s something I have to tell Flynn…

    YURI Guess this isn‘t the way to Flynn‘s room.

    Flynn‘s Room: YURI He‘s really keeping this place cleaned up…

    Flynn must be off gallivanting around somewhere.YOUNG LADY Then… That means I‘m too late. YURI So, what sort of wickedness did you do anyway?YOUNG LADY Me? I haven‘t done anything wrong. YURI And yet a bunch of knights were chasing you around the castle.

    …Yeah, that makes sense.

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    YOUNG LADY Um, you see… Yuri! YURI Whoa… What is it? YOUNG LADY I can‘t be specific, but Flynn is in terrible danger!

    I‘ve got to go and warn him. YURI (sitting on the bed) So go if you want to go. What‘s wrong with

    that?YOUNG LADY I wish I knew… YURI Listen, I‘ve got something I‘ve gotta take care of right away,

    too.As soon as things quiet down outside, I want to get back to thelower quarter.

    YOUNG LADY In that case, would you take me with you? Please?Other than Flynn, there‘s no one I can depend on. Will you at least help me get out of the castle?Please, I‘m begging you.

    YURI Okay I can see you‘re serious, but why don‘t you tell me yourname first.

    Outside, in the corridor, someone knocks Flynn's door off its hinges.YOUNG LADY Aaah!

    She runs to the door, but backs away as a wild-eyed mercenary with pink and blondehair walks into the room.MERCENARY Prepare to fall victim to my blade…Yuri does not give the man the satisfaction of acknowledgement and remains seatedon the bed looking calmly straight ahead. The man slices his weapon savagely throughthe air, but still, Yuri does not turn his head.YURI Haven‘t you ever heard of knocking?MAN I am Zagi… The man who will end your life. Now die, Flynn Scifo! (battle)ZAGI Ahh, now I feel it.YURI You feel what? I‘m not feeling anything over here. ZAGI Yes, so full of confidence.

    Ah hah hah!That‘s it! That‘s it! Now I feel truly alive!

    YURI What‘s with him all of a sudden?ZAGI Mwa hah hah hah!!Zagi rushes forward and strikes hard with his blade. Yuri blocks his blow, butnot without effort.YURI ……(grunts) YOUNG LADY Yuri, let me help you!The young lady produces a sword and shield and stands beside Yuri ready to fightbeside him.YURI Stay away!YOUNG LADY But--!ZAGI Bring it! The more the merrier!YURI If things get out of hand, run for it.YOUNG LADY I will.

    ZAGI Oh, don‘t give up so soon. I haven‘t had a fight like this inyears!

    Spoken Dialogue (no text) after the battle: [Note: Not Complete]YURI Do I look like Flynn to you?YOUNG LADY Not in the least.

    YURI You‘ve got the wrong guy. Aren‘t you supposed to know this stuff? YOUNG LADY He‘s not Flynn! ZAGI Details, details. Bring it!

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    YURI This guy‘s nuts. Flynn sure has made some interesting enemies. A man with red eyes peering from a hood appears in the doorwayRED-EYED MAN Zagi, we‘re leaving. The Knights are onto us. Zagi slugs the red-eyed man, knocking him to the floor.RED-EYED MAN How dare you!ZAGI Hah hah hah! Mind your own business! I‘m just getting to the

    best part!RED-EYED MAN Hurry, before the Knights get here. Or would you rather have

    your fun end today?Zagi strikes the red-eyed man three times until he leaves. With a wicked smileover his shoulder at Yuri, he, too, leaves.YURI We should be getting a move on, too.Yuri walks past the young lady and stops when he reaches the doorway.YURI …We‘ ll just go pay a visit to the goddess and be on our way.YOUNG LADY Yuri, um.YURI Yeah, I know. We‘ll stick together until we‘re out of the castle. YOUNG LADY Oh. Right. But I was going to say, my name is Estellise.YURI Well then, Estellise, Let‘s get mo ving.Yuri takes a couple of more steps before the young lady stops him.ESTELLISE Wait, we can‘t just leave the door like that…

    Yuri turns around impatiently and barks at the young lady.YURI I really don‘t think this is the time to worry about something

    like that.ESTELLISE But…! YURI (sighs) All right, all right. Just…. Just give me a minute. Yuri has refitted the door in its frame. He and Estellise stand before it in thecorridor.YURI There, good as new. Now let‘s get going. (walks away) ESTELLISE O-okay! (runs to catch up with Yuri)

    If you check Flynn‘s closets after you get the items from them: Armoire (left side)-INFORMATION Some of Flynn‘s belongings. There‘s a letter sealed with a

    heart-shaped sticker.Armoire (right side)-INFORMATION Flynn‘s c lothes are neatly laid out.Trunk-INFORMATION It is full of Flynn‘s belongings which is what has been used

    from youth in downtown.

    Yuri and Estellise go through a door leading to a balcony overlooking a gardenin chaos with shouting knights running about.YURI I wonder if this is because of those guys earlier.

    It better not try to pin this on one too.ESTELLISE I hope no one was hurt.YURI Don‘t worry about the Knights. They‘ll make sure to protect


    ESTELLISE Yes… I guess so… LEBLANC‘ S VOICE Yuri Lowell! Where are you hiding?YURI That must be Leblanc. I‘d recognize those dulcet tones anywhere. ESTELLISE Do the two of you know each other?YURI We have a bit of a history. …Come on, let‘s hurry. Estellise nods and they turn to walk away when Estellise trips on the hem of hergown and sinks to the floor.YURI We should do something about your clothes. You‘ll stick out like

    a sore thumb.ESTELLISE My room is just up ahead. I have a change of clothes there…

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    YURI Okay, that‘ll work.

    Third Corridor:Estellise runs to a doorway on the left.ESTELLISE This is my room. I‘ll go get changed, just give me a minute. YURI Got it. Try to be quick about it.Estellise goes into the room and shuts the door. Yuri looks down the hall for aninstant, then approaches the door. The door opens and Estellise leans out slightly.With her eyes on Yuri’s, she places the tip of her sword blade on the floor justoutside her door.ESTELLISE Just in case.Yuri turns away abruptly, but looks around his shoulder at her.YURI …It‘s not like I was going to peek. ESTELLISE Flynn did tell me to be careful if I ever met you.Estellise shuts the door and locks it.YURI Thanks, Flynn.When Estellise opens the door, Yuri is leaning back against the wall, arms crossed,eyes closed.ESTELLISE There, all finished.Yuri opens his eyes and stares at Estellise dressed in a white coat trimmed in

    gold over a pink and rose petal skirt.ESTELLISE What…? Do…do I look strange? YURI (turning away) …It‘s nothing, I was just thinking this doesn‘t

    suit you either.ESTELLISE (downcast) Really?Estellise approaches Yuri and extends her hand for a handshake.YURI (looking at her hand) What‘s this? ESTELLISE A handshake. It means, ―nice to meet you.Yuri shakes her hand and turns away again.YURI All right. Let‘s get going. ESTELLISE Thanks!INFORMATION Estellise joined the party.SKIT On the RunSKIT Extra BaggageSKIT The Intruder, ZagiAt the end of a hall, they go down stairs to reach another corridor.

    Fourth Corridor:SKIT Flynn – Part 1If you try to go through the doorway before the angel trap door room:ESTELLISE We‘ll be seen from here.

    Let‘s look for another way. At the end of the corridor, they enter a room with two doors and a statue of anangel with a sword. Yuri moves the statue to reveal a hidden passage.

    Right Door:LEBLANC Yuri Lowell!! Show yourself!

    YURI Yikes! Not here either!

    Left Door:The left door leads to another room with an Angel holding a green sphere statue.No treasure chests here.INFORMATION Command the heavens with the power of the ring

    When two pairs of wings are fully opened, she shall weep beneaththe sharp rays of light and the second door shall open.

    They examine the angel statue.

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    YURI This must be it.ESTELLISE Is there something special about this statue?YURI It‘s supposed to have some sort of secret. ESTELLISE It doesn‘t look like there‘s anything particularly secretive

    about it.Estellise walks around the statue while she looks at it.YURI Maybe if we moved it, there‘d be a hidden passage or something. ESTELLISE You don‘t think… YURI Well, we won‘t know unless we give it a try. INFORMATION Hold O (on JPN/Asia PS3) / X (on USA/PAL PS3) to grabINFORMATION Push or pull objects with LSYuri pulls the statue to the left revealing a narrow passage with a metal ladder.ESTELLISE …! It really worked! YURI What do we have here? Looks like the old man was right… ESTELLISE Do you think this will lead outside?YURI I can‘t guarantee it.

    Well, I‘m going down. How about you? ESTELLISE …I‘m coming too. YURI That‘s pretty brave of you.

    Who was that guy, anyway? There was something shady about him.

    Following Yuri to the ladder, Estellise suddenly grabs his forearm in both herhands.YURI What is it? Did you change your mind?ESTELLISE No, your hand-- it‘s injured. Let me take a look at it. Estellise concentrates and light flows around her hands and a glowing glyph appearswhere she heals Yuri’s hand. YURI Hmm?Yuri quickly grabs Estellise’s hand to examine the bracelet on her wrist. His suddenaction startles Estellise and she pulls her hand from his grasp and clutches itto her chest, covering it protectively with her other hand while staring at Yuri.ESTELLISE Aaah!Yuri turns away, embarrassed.YURI Hey, I‘m sorry… I‘d never seen a blastia like that. I - I wasn‘t

    thinking.ESTELLISE That‘s really all it was? Yuri looks at her and smiles reassuringly.YURI That‘s really all it was. My hand feels better… Thanks. Estellise covers her cheeks with both hands to hide her embarrassment.ESTELLISE …No, it‘s the least I could do. YURI Okay, let‘s go. They climb down the ladder into the a sewer.

    Zaphais Castle Sewer:YURI So there are monsters down here too… ESTELLISE …. Monsters… That‘s what these thing are…? YURI You‘ve never seen one before…? ESTELLISE Uh, umm...

    RATWIGLE !YURI …Well, let‘s hurry up and take care of this, shall we? ESTELLISE Yuri, they‘re coming from the front, too…! YURI Ugh…this is annoying.

    (Battle)YURI …That should take care of it. ESTELLISE I didn‘t know what to do when they all attack at once… YURI You generally have to defeat each monster one by one, but

    sometimes they come in groups.

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    don‘t like it, don‘t come. WOMAN #1 The wretched thief that broke into that manor has been caught!

    Well, I would like to think I did my part to keep the capitalsafe.I saw the scoundrel break into the mansion and reported it tothe Knights.Captain Cumore took care of him.

    WOMAN #2 A thief broke into that mansion a little while ago.So many Knights came to arrest him! I was so surprised!…But you know …You look… No… He must be in the castle dungeons now. You couldn‘t…

    OLDER MAN Oh no… You came all the way here? Oh well… Do you plan to sneak into the mansion like that thief earlier?I swear, turn over any rock and out crawls a filthy thief.

    KRITYAN WOMAN It seems like that mansion was being used for something.I heard a young man found out and snuck in, but then he wascaptured by the Knights.Maybe I should have followed up with the Knights and clearedhim of the charges…

    NOBLE LADY Listen, listen! (star) Captain Cumore captured some lower

    quarter scum! (heart)Oooh! I‘m so excited! That‘s my dear Cumore! He‘s my first choice for a boyfriend. (star)

    OLD NOBLE MAN Were you the commoners arrested recently for breaking into thatempty mansion?I won‘t let you get away. No no no. This exit is for nobles only. Well, carriages and whatnot aswell.I‘m sorry, but you commoners cannot pass.

    Only one knight guards the gate to the Royal Quarter now.KNIGHT Up ahead is the royal quarter.

    You may enter freely, but refrain from panhandling.Should you try anything so vulgar, you will face immediatearrest.

    Street In Front Of Zaphias Castle:NOBLE MAN #1 Just look at the low folk miserably crawling about in the muck

    again today.Don‘t you wish you could crush them beneath your heel? They wear filthy rags and eat garbage. An absolutely dreadfulexistence!If I got thrown into the lower quarter, I‘d lose my sanity intwo minutes.

    KRITYAN MAN I am a member of the Imperial Council.There are times when even Krityans must be in importantpositions within the government.

    If the Empire requests something, one cannot rightly refuse,can one?Personally, I think human affairs s hould be left to humans, but…

    NOBLE MAN #2 All the people that come to goggle at the castle and our statelyhomes lately are quite annoying.…Can‘t you take a hint? I‘m talking about you. Stay away. I don‘t want your stench on me.

    NOBLE LADY You there! Are you crazy, walking around in your pajamas?I‘ve never seen such unfashionable nightclothes in my life. Would you mind not walking so close to me?

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    I don‘t want anyone thinking I‘m with someone who has such anacute lack of fashion sense.

    Two Knights guard the castle doors.KNIGHT #1 This is Zaphias Castle, residence of his majesty, the Emperor.

    Not that there is a current Emperor… If you keep loitering around here, I‘ll be forced to arrest you. So go on. Get lost.

    KNIGHT #2 Ahead is Zaphias Castle.Common citizens are not permitted entry.

    A Knight guards the eastern gate to the royal quarter.KNIGHT One of the guards over there took a rock to the head and got

    knocked out.How pathetic… You know, this armor is actually really thin.I really wish they‘d supply us with some heavier armor.

    Citizen Quarter:KRITYAN MAN (same dialogue as before)LITTLE GIRL This morning I was helping Mommy and Daddy.

    One of the customers complimented my pretty smile!

    Everyone‘s says I‘m like the poster g irl for the market.What‘s a poster girl?

    OLDER WOMAN Apparently the aspirants for emperor are quite young.Even if it‘s too early to ascend to the throne, they could atleast let us know who the successor is.I‘m so worried with no successor named yet… Who‘s going to take command if there were a state of emergency?

    ARTIST (same dialogue as before)KRITYAN WOMAN Everyone in the city is so kind.

    I visit the lower quarter sometime, too. It‘s so lively, andthe people are so nice. It‘s great! If there‘ s ever anything I can do to help you, please let meknow.

    KNIGHT An emergency order has been issued to seal off the capital.None may pass.The gate is sealed. No one may pass until the order is lifted.

    NOBLE MAN (near fountain)They say some commoners broke into one of thenoble mansions.Isn‘t that just like the poor? They lack conscience and dignity! The pauper filth should be happy to polish our boots.Not that I‘d let a wretch like you anywhere near my boots, ofcourse.

    OLDER MAN (same dialogue as before)YOUNG LADY (sitting on bench) What‘s the town so restless about?

    It seems like the Knights are searching for someone.There was such a commotion in the lower quarter earlier abouttheir fountain stopping.

    They could stand to be a little more qui et. I‘m trying to spendsome time with my sweetheart.

    YOUNG MAN (sitting on bench) The capital has been sealed because somethief the Knights caught in the royal quarter escaped.They aren‘t letting anyone cross through the barrier. Isn‘t closing off the entire city a little excessive?It‘s such a bother for us citizens.

    LITTLE BOY (same dialogue as before)

    OLDER WOMAN (sitting on bench) Is it true the aque blastia in the lower

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    quarter broke? How terrible.If you need water, bring some from the citizen quarter.In troubled times we all have to help each other out.

    Fortune‘s Market (Imperial Capital) MERCHANT Well, if it isn‘t Zaphias‘ very own idol! Maybe I should put

    a sign up saying ―Celebrities Shop Here . Fortune‘s Market, where the celebrities shop! Thanks forvisiting!

    Yuri and Estellise start down the ramp to the lower quarterADECOR You there, fugitive! Halt, I say!BOCCOS The jig is up!Yuri turns to see Leblanc flanked by Adecor and Boccos standing to the right ofthe market.LEBLANC Fooools! Enough grandstanding, arrest him!ESTELLISE W-what should we do?YURI First you pick up one of these… (picks up a rock)

    Then go like this (hurls the rock at the advancing Adecor &

    Boccos)Both are hit with rocks and both fall on their backs. A few feet behind, Leblancobserves his pathetic unit lying on the pavement.ADECOR Ow!BOCCOS Oof!YURI (turns to Estellise) Let‘s get to the lower quarter. They take off at a run toward the lower quarter.

    Lower Quarter:HANKS Yuri! Where‘ve you been?! YURI I got an invitation to the castle and had the most marvelous

    time.HANKS Of all the… And who‘s the young lady? ESTELLISE Pleased to meet you. I‘m Estellise. HANKS The pleasure is all mine, Miss. (climbs up from the fountain)

    Er, more importantly, about those Imperial Knights.They‘ve been so busy looking for you, they haven‘t paid anyattention to our fiasco down here.So you‘ve really managed to tick them off, h uh?

    YURI It looks that way. Has Repede come back yet?HANKS Sure did, and he was carrying some bag.YURI What happened to it?HANKS It should be up in your room.YURI Go pick it up later. Give it a shake. It has a nice jingle to

    it. Mordio liked it too.HANKS You met Mr. Mordio?YURI Yeah, but the rat left town. Apparently he‘s someone important

    from a city called Aspio.HANKS … Left town? Then that means…we‘ve been hoodwinked. YURI Afraid so. His house was empty, and I doubt he‘s even a real

    noble.HANKS …I see. YURI Looks like the aque blastia‘s finally stopped leaking water. HANKS Well, without a core it won‘t budge. YURI Is there enough water for the time being?HANKS Yeah, but it won‘t last long. After that, we‘ll just get it from

    the river. Get the runs, though.

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    YURI And the Knights aren‘t going to help. Guess I‘ll go get it backfrom the thief myself.

    HANKS What? You aren‘t thinking of following Mordio beyond thebarrier, are ya?

    YURI Don‘t worry. I‘ll be back before you know it. HANKS Humph. Who‘s wo rried?

    It‘s a good opportunity for ya. No need for ya to hurry backhere.

    YURI Huh? What do you mean by that?HANKS What I mean is, we can get along just fine without you.

    Even Flynn used to say, ―I wonder how long Yuri plans on livingthis life.

    YURI Flynn needs to learn to mind his own business.

    (Comments made by residents in the lower quarter)OLD WOMAN Thank you so much, Yuri. I think I‘ll be able to buy back the

    comb my husband gave me.You seem to have some trouble with the Knights… Is everythin gall right?The aque blastia never got fixed, did it?

    What if the barrier blastia broke, too? That‘s a scary thought. LITTLE GIRL Yuri, where were you? Everyone‘s been looking for you.

    Is that girl your new friend?Are you playing hooky to go have fun with her? That‘s no good!

    OLDER WOMAN Welcome back, Yuri. Looks like you‘ve caused a ruckus again. They‘re watching you, Yuri, so don‘t do anything crazy, okay? What are you going to do now? Flynn‘s doing his duty as a knight,but you…

    TED So, Yuri, you went and got yourself arrested, huh? Idiot! I guessthat‘s like you, though. I went to the royal quarter since you never came back. All thenobles were talking about you.You were in the castle, right? Did you see Flynn?Tell Flynn the lower quarter‘s in trouble!

    VENDOR The whole fountain mess seems to have calmed down. Now you‘retotally free to shop!Hi! Wow, it‘s been a while! The Knights were chasing you weren‘tthey? Is everything okay?

    YOUNG MAN Well, the water stopped, but now we can‘t use the f ountain.Sooner or later the water will run out.We better start thinking about other ways to get water.I used the money I got back from the shoddy repair to find newsources of water.My wedding? Nah, we just put it off for a little. She‘ ll waitfor me. But thanks, Yuri.

    YOUNG LADY Well well, Yuri, the Knights certainly are fond of you.Leblanc and his troupe were just running around calling your

    name.Be careful you don‘t do something to get Flynn chasing afteryou, too!

    MAN (OUTSIDE INN) You see that, beyond those buildings? That‘s our barrierblastia, the Sword stair. It protects Zaphias from monsters.The barrier is incredibly important… Our lives and livelihooddepend on it.Almost all the towns in the Empire have a barrier blastia, notjust here in Zaphias.Places without them have to fortify and arm themselves to keep

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    the monsters out.

    Inn & Tavern ―Comet : INNKEEPERS WIFE Hey! What are you doing just wandering around?!

    The Knights are after you!Yuri! You… What have you done?!

    LITTLE GIRL Yuri, you big dummy!I was so worried about you! Waaaaah!…Who‘s this girl? Hmph. When I grow up, I‘ll be just as…

    INNKEEPER Did you see the old lady?I bet she whipped you good!My wife was so worried about you, Yuri, she gave ME a licking!Owww…

    MAN #1 The mistress of the inn sure is funny. We totally forgot to talkabout our travels.That‘s some backhand she has. Well, well… You got yourself quite a beauty there. Did you use the fountain blastia as an excuse to go to the royal

    quarter and pick up women?MAN #2 Are you the…?

    There‘s been quite a fuss about you, you know. The mistress of the inn certainly keeps her husband in checkwith those beatings… She‘s tough! I bet she could handle those monsters outside thecity.

    OLD MAN Hey, buddy listen to this…there was a gorgeous young gal hereat the inn the other day… But it turned out to be some guy with long hair!Wait…it was you, Yuri! Real men have short hair! Go cut it! It‘s so confusing!

    (Back outside)MAN (NEAR CRATES) So y ou‘re back, Yuri? Up to your old tricks, I hear.

    So who‘s the young lady? The poor thing. This nasty place is nowhere to bring a girl.

    (Leaving Zaphias)HANKS Don‘t you worry about us. We‘ll look after the lower quarter

    while you‘re gone. I have to ful fill my duties as chairman, ya‘ know?

    As Yuri and Estellise walk down the ramp leading to the exit, Leblanc clomps downthe ramp from the citizen quarter, pointing his finger at Yuri. LEBLANC Yuri Looowell!! You‘ve given my two lackeys a headache. Now be

    a good boy and turn yourself iiin!YURI Well, that‘s our cue. Looks like I won‘t be coming back here

    for a while.

    HANKS Never a dull moment with Yuri around.After this, I‘ll be even with you for getting that money back.

    Estellise observes the residents preparing for a fight. The young man who helpedwith the sandbagging, vigorously punches the air. The old woman who worried abouther keepsake from her husband, rubs her right shoulder to loosen it as she makesa fist.

    YURI Just make sure you don‘t kick the bucket blowing it all on somecrazy party.

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    HANKS Heh, same to you. See that you don‘t go dying in any ditches.(Yuri takes off)

    ESTELLISE Wait for me! (runs over to Hanks) It was nice to meet you, sir.HANKS He‘ ll probably be quite a pain in the neck. You make sure and

    take care of yourself, now.ESTELLISE I will. Thank you.

    Estellise follows Yuri as Leblanc charges through the plaza and to the ramp afterYuri. Looking over his shoulder, Hanks waves goodbye to Yuri. The little girl besidehim also waves goodbye. Estellise looks back and watches as the residents of thelower quarter gather around Leblanc with questions and demands. Surrounding him,they block his path and distract him with their raised voices and barrage ofquestions.

    VOICE #1 When are you going to fix the fountain, Sir Knight?VOICE #2 Hey cool, a knight!VOICE #3 Hooray! Hooray!VOICE #4 Won‘t you help this old man find his dentures? LEBLANC Foools ! (sounds of scuffling and blows) You‘re in my way! Do

    not interfere in the affairs of the empire!

    Yuri and Estellise turn back to protect the residents from Leblanc. Instead, theresidents form a mob and hustle Yuri and Estellise to the exit.

    VOICE #1 Don‘t you make her cry! YURI What are you talki ng about? …Hey, quit pushing! …Hey, who just

    hit me? I‘m gonna remember that! VOICE #2 This might come in handy if you‘re going to Halure. INFORMATION Obtained World MapYURI Huh? A map? Wait a sec, this only has the roads written on it.VOICE #3 What did you expect? It‘s better than nothing considering people

    don‘t normally leave the city. You‘ll have to fill in the empty spaces on your own. First off, you should head for Deidon Hold to the north.

    INFORMATION Obtained Orange Gel x4. Obtained Melange Gel x4. Obtained LifeBottle x4. Obtained Bread x4. Obtained Egg x2.

    The jingle of coins is heard among the crowd as the residents bestow parting giftsupon Yuri. The residents hold back the knights as Yuri and Estellise run down theramp to the exit.

    ESTELLISE Wow, Yuri. They‘re all going to miss you so much. YURI Honestly, they‘re probably thrilled to finally get rid of me.Coins jingle as Yuri pulls a money bag out of his tunic.YURI Hey, hold it…! Who put money in here?! I can‘t take this.Yuri runs back up the ramp to return the money.LEBLANC Haaalt! Get out of my way!

    YURI Huh… I guess I‘ll have to keep it for now. INFORMATION Acquired 1000 Gald.They turn around and run for the exit with Leblanc in close pursuit. Repede tripsLeblanc and he falls.LEBLANC What?!Lying on the ground, Leblanc raises a clenched fist as he watches Repede walkunhurriedly to Yuri.YURI Nice one, RepedeESTELLISE A dog?YURI Well, for now it‘s north to Deidon Hold.

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    ESTELLE N- no, it‘s quite all right…

    (Dialogue if you do not rest)Okay. Come back anytime. Thank you.

    (Dialogue after you rest)KAREN Did you rest well?YURI Yeah, thanks a lot.KAREN I do hope our paths will cross again, somewhere out on the road!

    (musical note)ESTELLE Yes, I hope so, too!RICH …Later… ----------------------------------------------------------

    SKIT On TravelingSKIT Outside the BarrierSKIT Not good with MagicSKIT Bigger Than the Capital

    FIELD MAP – NORTHERN MAYOCCIA PLAINS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INFORMATION You can find items at various Search Points located throughout

    the world.Search Points are restored after some time, so check back fromtime to time.Some Search Points are will only appear after certain condit ionshave been fulfilled.You can find different items from the same Search Point.Try looking for them at various places.

    ??? (Unnamed location) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    While exploring the Northern Myoccian Field, they enter a mysterious and darkwoods.

    YURI What a place to get ourselves lost… ESTELLE Um…About getting through Deidon Hold… YURI Is that right?ESTELLE Didn‘t we just pass this place? YURI Ooh…Is that what it was? ESTELLE This forest… YURI Huh?ESTELLE Oh…N..Never mind…

    Let ‘s turn back. YURI Yeah.

    Deidon Hold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    ESTELLE Do you think those knights followed you here?YURI I wonder. Well, let‘s do our best not to stand out. ESTELLE Okay. And I want to catch up with Flynn as soon as I can.YURI All right, let‘s see if we can just pass through the hold. Yuri and Repede walk further into the hold. Behind them, Estelle is distracted

    and runs off to the right.YURI Where‘s she off to now?Yuri spots Estelle reading a book at a vend or’s wagon.VENDOR Welcome. I‘ve got some nice gear in stock today.

    This blade was forged by none other than Assam the blade master.

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    Guard Station - First Floor:INFORMATION There‘s a pile of apples here. It wouldn‘t be right to help

    ourselves to some.KNIGHT FENCER #1 This reserve of provisions is for the use of the border guards.

    I‘m very sorry, but I can‘t let you have any. If you need provisions, please talk to the traveling Vendorsoutside.I‘m sure they‘d be happy to sell you a variety of things fromtheir cargo.

    KNIGHT FENCER #2 This station is for guards only.All unauthorized personnel must refrain from entry.You are strictly advised not to ascend the stairs to the rear.Please refrain from setting foot on the upper level of theramparts.

    (Ramparts)KNIGHT HALBERD Huh? You shouldn‘t be up here!

    As you can probably tell, you can‘t see this place from below.It‘s the best! What‘s so great about it you ask? Isn‘t it obvious? No one canse e me when I…you know…

    Maybe you‘ll find out later. Hee hee hee!

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------SUB-EVENT: Duke - Part 1:A man with long white hair hanging below his waist, gazes out over the rampartwall. When he spots the group coming toward him, he turns to walk away.MAN [exasperated sigh] ………… YURI …Hey, hold on… The man ignores them.ESTELLE Hello…

    Um, I beg your pardon, but…what are you looking at? MAN …Humanity at work. Their tenacious attachment to this life… ESTELLE …………?[huh?] MAN Why…? Why must humans live the lives they do?

    They fight for a share of monopolized technology and hurt eventhose closest to them…

    ESTELLE ……….? [hmm?] YURI …Are you talking about blastia? MAN …………[exasperated sigh] YURI I can‘t speak for anyone else, but…

    It doesn‘t seem to me like there‘s any reason why we get dumpedinto the world.But once you‘re here, you just do what you can to give this lifeeverything you‘ve got.

    MAN Perhaps there is truth in what you say…The mysterious man turns on his heal and quickly walks away from them.YURI H- hey…!

    The man ignores Yuri and walks on.ESTELLE He‘s gone… What was that all about…? YURI Got me. They say the heat can make people go a little crazy.ESTELLE Is it hot?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Several Wagons are lined up near the main gates of the hold.OLD MAN I can‘t wait to get to Halure and do a little flower viewing.

    A nice drink in the shade of the Tree of Halure makes all thedangerous travel worth it.

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    Going around outside the barriers was pretty unusual up untila few years ago.There have been more travelers recently, but most people arestill too scared to leave their towns.

    LITTLE BOY Woo-hoo! A trip! A trip! Gonna get on my wagon and make mydeliveries!Everyone‘s waiting for this stuff! Going to a new town will be so much fun! I wonder how many newfriends I‘ll make? I hope I make a hundred friends!

    YOUNG WOMAN Ugh, I‘m so tired! I don‘ t want to sleep in a tent anymore! Iwant my nice, soft bed!I always said I‘d like to get out of the city just once. NowI see that just once is enough!Let‘s just go home already. I‘m gonna get sunburned! My brotherwants to go, too. Well…probably. Anyone who actually wants to travel is just a big wacko, as faras I‘m concerned.

    YOUNG MAN My wife said she wanted to come along, but now all she does iswhine.

    It‘s not like I‘m having fun either. So many monsters… This isthe last time I go outside a barrier.Our kids are excited to see the world, but I gotta protect mywhole family. It‘s no picnic. Now I get why most people hardly ever leave the barriers.

    A guard stands at the top of a path leading down to tents. GUARD Below are lodging facilities for travelers through the Hold.

    It‘s 100 Gald a night. Would you like to stay? (Yes) If you find yourself weary, come back any time.

    Our ―facilities may only be tents, but it beats camping outon the road.

    There are several tents in the sleeping area surrounded by crates and barrels ofsupplies.MAN #1 Think about how many people never go outside the barriers… I‘m

    so glad my work takes me places.Me? I‘m on my way to deliver goods from Zaphias to Halure. Deidon Hold was originally an outpost to defend the capital.But it makes a great place for us to rest, too.

    MAN #2 The lands beyond the barriers may be dangerous, but we merchantscan‘t really complain about that. Of course, running away from monsters all day does make you fast.But these holy bottles really keep me going.I‘m afraid I don‘t have any to spare, but if I get more in, youshould definitely buy some.

    (Text if Yuri looks inside a tent)INFORMATION There‘s someone sleeping inside the tent. It‘ s not polite to


    (Return to main gates on upper level)GUARD You can to get to Halure if you get past the gate but…do you

    really want to go? You should go back to Zaphias.The monsters are vicious this time of year. You don‘t want todie, do you?You can see Halure from really far away. Just look for the giant

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    tree.I‘ve heard rumors lately the tree is dying… I wonder if it‘sall right?

    An alarm sounds. One of the knights turns a crank to lower the gate as people outin the field beyond run into the safety of the hold.YURI !!!The people in the field start running toward the gate. A red haired woman standingabove on a rampart shouts a warning to people below.RED-HAIRED WOMAN Hurry, get inside! The gate‘s closing! GUARD (RAMPART) Arrows! Bring the arrows!GUARD (RUNNING) Shut the gate now!GUARD (GATE) Dammit! What are they doing here this time of the year.GUARD (STATION) The monsters will fall back if we stop the main charge! Remember

    your training!

    Arrows fly from the hold as a horde of furry boar-like beasts gallop across the plains toward the gate. People still out in the field scramble to outrun the beasts

    and get inside the hold. A little girl, unable to keep up, falls behind and crouchesin fear with her hands over her eyes.

    GUARD OK! Th ey‘re all in. Close it up! RED-HAIRED WOMAN Hold the gate! There‘s still more… The gates continue to come down as more people run toward the hold. The beastsseem to be herded onward by a larger, more colorful beast of the same type.ESTELLE Are all those… monsters…? YURI We just left the capital and things are already getting crazy…

    That‘s it. I‘m cursed. I know it.Yuri runs toward the gate to save the stragglers unable to reach the gate in time.RED-HAIRED WOMAN (spotting Yuri) …?! The gate! Repede is right beside Yuri. As Yuri runs through the gate, Repede corners the

    guard lowering the gate.REPEDE Grrr, woof!!GATE GUARD Wh-what the hell! Cut it out!The cowering guard tries to shoo Repede away. The gate stops moving allowing Yurito pass under it.YURI Estelle, you wait over--Hey!Estelle runs past Yuri into the field.ESTELLE Help the girl!YURI …Whatever you say. Estelle kneels on the ground and begins to heal a frightened boy holding his injuredleg.BOY P- Please… I can‘t get up…. Owww…! The monsters! The monsters! ESTELLE Everything is going to be OK.As Yuri picks up a little girl and runs with her toward the gate, she drops herdoll. Meanwhile, Estelle finishes healing the boy. BOY …Hey, I can…I can stand…

    ESTELLE Go in the hold. Hurry!The boy runs for the hold and Estelle follows. As the boy passes under the gateto safety, Estelle waits outside until Yuri runs past with the little girl. LITTLE GIRL My doll, mama‘s doll! Estelle starts to go after the doll, but Yuri grabs her arm, stopping her in hertracks.ESTELLE Hey! Let go of me!YURI You wait here!Yuri sprints back to retrieve the doll.YURI (squatting to pick up the doll) So much for keeping a low

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    profile!ESTELLE Yuri!With a beast on his heels, Yuri runs toward the gate and slides between two ofthe spikes on the bottom just before they pierce the ground. Exhausted, Yuri sitsup as Estelle and the healed boy along with the little girl and her mother gatheraround him. WOMAN How can I ever thank you?ESTELLE Oh, it‘s nothing, really… BOY I‘m not sure what I would have done if you hadn‘t cured me.


    Repede twirls his knife around his muzzle as the relieved gate guard watches himleave. Yuri and Estelle walk away from the gate. ESTELLE …I‘m just thankful that everyone‘s safe…

    Whoa…Estelle’s knees buckle and she sinks to the ground. YURI All worn out, huh?Yuri sits on the ground near Estelle. ESTELLE It really is dangerous beyond the barriers with so many

    ferocious monsters around.

    YURI This place could definitely use a barrier against a pack thatbig.

    Repede joins them. ESTELLE Couldn‘t they install a barrier blastia here? YURI No. Barriers are a precious resource.ESTELLE You‘re right…and with the current technology we can‘t make

    anymore.If only we could recover the secrets of the ancient Geraioscivilization… They created the blastia.

    YURI Even if that were to happen, I can‘t see the empire using theknowledge for the common good.

    They stand up as a guard approaches. GUARD #2 You two there. I‘d like to have a word with you. The guard is distracted by an argument starting between two men and another guard. GUILD SORCERER So why don‘t you let us through? I‘ ll beat those monsters to

    a pulp with these fists of mine!The guard turns to look at the distraction behind him. GUARD #2 How many times do I have to say it? These monsters are tougher

    than you think!GUILD SORCERER You dare to doubt the power of the monster hunters?His companion takes a huge sword off his back and raises the wide blade in frontof his face. GUARD #2 S-stop!The man swings the blade down into the ground spraying dirt into the air. GUILD SORCERER Stay out of this! You Knights cheated us out of a job back there,

    and now we‘re gonna work off some steam!

    Reinforcements arrive. GUARD #1 Hey, hold it!Another guard runs forward. GUARD #3 It‘s always the same with these guild idiots! YURI Great, we‘ll never get through as long as this keeps up. ESTELLE But Flynn is headed to Halure, and we‘re so close. YURI Well, getting caught by the Knights wouldn‘t be too fun. Let‘s

    find another way through.

    SKIT Quite a Scene

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    Comments by travelers and guards after “Lord of the Plains” incident: (Right Side of Hold)GUARD (ENTRANCE) This is Deidon Hold. It‘s between the capital, Zaphias, and the

    City of Blossoms, Halure.The Hold is currently sealed off. Passage to Halure is notpermitted.

    OLDER WOMAN No matter how well you prepare, nothing can help you if you runinto the Lord of the Plains.I hear there‘s a different road that‘ll take you close to Halure. Unfortunately, I don‘t know where that road is.

    YOUNG WOMAN There‘s no way we‘re getting to Hal ure with the Lord of thePlains out there.The Halure flowers are good for making medicines, so I‘d liketo go gather some, but…

    Guard Station Ramparts:GUARD Hey now, this is my own private MIP seat. Hurry up and climb

    back down!*sigh* …being able to see the Lord of the Plains from here… It‘sjust…amazing…

    (Left Side of Hold near the wagons)OLD MAN With the Hold closed, there‘s no way to get to Halure.

    Even the Lord of the Plains can‘t get through the Hold, so don‘tworry.

    LITTLE BOY Hey, when are we gonna get back on the wagon and go?Let‘s hurry up and go to town already! I‘m tired of this place.

    YOUNG WOMAN I finally get out of town and now e get held up? What a bother.We left the city without any real plans. That‘s why we ran intothe Lord of the Plains.

    YOUNG MAN I never imagined we‘d be held up by the Lord of the Plains.

    Now we‘re stranded in the middle of our trip and my wife‘s stillwhining. Enough already… The Guards vs. The Guildsmen stand near the closed gate to the plains. GUILD SWORDSMAN …… GUILD SORCERER These blasted monsters! I can‘t believe they could stop us.

    Ugh…It‘s enough to make my heart filled with hatred. GUARD #1 I guess the relationship between the guilds and the Empire is

    the same everywhere.Who knows? I might even join one the guilds tomorrow… The worldis so uncertain.We don‘t usually deal with those guilds that keep a low profile.

    GUARD #2 What the… What guild do you belong to? What‘s your name? Where are you from?

    GUARD #3 Forget about going to Halure right now.The Hold cannot be opened for passage as long as the Lord ofthe Plains is out there.

    The red-haired woman on the ramparts and a lightly armored man with glasses appear.RED-HAIRED WOMAN You there, how about coming to work for me? You‘ll be paid, of

    course.Coins jingle as she produces a money bag, but Yuri turns his head away.MAN Watch your manners around the President. Well, whaddya say?YURI So it‘s not bad manners to try and buy someone without even

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    introducing yourself?MAN (stepping forward menacingly) Watch your mouth!The red-haired woman throws out her arm holding him back.WOMAN You‘re just as charming as I expected. I‘m Kaufman of the

    merchants‘ guild, Fortune‘s Market. We handle everything from trade to distribution.

    YURI Guilds, huh…They are startled as the hold trembles from repeated attacks by the beasts againstthe gate.KAUFMAN You see, I‘m in quite a tight spot, and it‘s all thanks to these

    tremors.YURI I‘d rather not know, but was that the work of a monste r?KAUFMAN Yes, the Lord of the Plains.ESTELLE Lord of the Plains?KAUFMAN He‘s the leader of that pack of monsters. YURI The leader? Man, there‘s some amazing things out there. ESTELLE Do you know if there‘s another way we can cross the plains? We‘ re

    in a hurry.KAUFMAN Hmmm, I‘m afraid you‘ll just have to wait for the Lord of the

    Plains to leave.

    YURI Huh. I guess there‘s no point getting worked up over it. ESTELLE But I can‘t afford to just sit and wait. I‘m going to get a second

    opinion! (runs off)REPEDE ……Repede looks at Yuri then follows Estelle.YURI You‘re with a guild that does product distribution, but you

    don‘t know any other routes? KAUFMAN I could hire you and just charge through once the leader moves

    on, but…you don‘t seem interested. YURI If it‘s bodyguards you want, why not hire the Knights? KAUFMAN Are you forgetting that we guild members have thrown away our

    rights as imperial citizens?Once we leave the empire behind, you can‘t expect them to helpyou a whole lot.So naturally, the Imperial Knights would never deign to escortthe likes of us.

    YURI Wow. You really stick to your principles.KAUFMAN Without that level of determination, one could never hope to

    run a guild.YURI (walking away) Well, maybe you could use your determination to

    do something about that Lord of the Plains.KAUFMAN Go to the Quoi Woods that lie to the west of here. (Yuri stops)

    If you pass through the forest, you‘ll come out on the far sideof the plains.

    YURI But the fact that you guys aren‘t going that way… …must mean we have some surprise to look forward to.

    KAUFMAN I like a boy with quick wits, but I like one that doesn‘t waste

    a potential investment even better.YURI Thanks, I owe you one.

    Maybe I‘ll talk to you about that job if we meet again.They go their separate ways and Yuri finds Estelle sitting near a lodging tentwith Repede.YURI Estelle. (Repede yawns.)ESTELLE I…I‘m not waiting around for the monsters to leave or anything.

    I‘m just resting a little. YURI Oh, I see. Well then, I guess I‘ ll just have to take the other

    way around by myself.

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    Yuri walks up the dirt ramp. Repede runs past him eagerly. Estelle stands up.ESTELLE What? How did you…? (Yuri and Repede walk away) Hey, wait for


    SKIT Guilds

    The lodging tents area:MAN I‘ll pr obably have to rethink my plans, with the Lord of the

    Plains and all… This is bad. I wonder if I‘ll be stuck here until next season.

    MAN (BACKPACK) I may be used to traveling alone, but even I run away from theLord of the Plains.The Lord of the Plains is scary and all, but the way they allcharge in packs… the whole earth shakes!


    SKIT Watch and Learn

    They cross the Northern Mayoccia Plains and make their way to the dark and

    mysterious woods they visited earlier.

    QUOI WOODS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    They enter the forest at night.ESTELLE …A forest in a place like this can only mean…the Quoi Woods…? YURI Bingo. You‘re just full of information, aren‘t you? ESTELLE I read in a book once that a curse will fall upon anyone who

    enters the woods… YURI Ah, so that must be the ―surprise.Yuri walks further into the woods, but Estelle crosses her arms and looksapprehensive.ESTELLE … … … … YURI (turning around) Not going in? That‘s fine by me, but what about

    Flynn?ESTELLE …I know. Okay, let‘s go!

    SKIT The Curse, as Estelle Knows It

    They pause in a small clearing.ESTELLE Did you hear something? (they look around)

    My feet feel cold all of a sudden… Oh no! Is this the curse?!YURI What sort of curse is it supposed to be, anyway?ESTELLE (frightened) The voices of corpses buried beneath the trees

    creep up and lure us to our doom… YURI Oh, brother.ESTELLE …What‘s that?

    They investigate a broken statue in bushesYURI A blastia? What‘s it doing in a place like this?

    Let‘s take a break. ESTELLE I- I‘m all right. (walks past)

    Huh? What‘s this? Estelle leans over to look at the stone in the blastia statue and screams.YURI Uhh…! ESTELLE Agh…! A bright light flashes and Estelle is knocked off her feetYURI Estelle!

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    Later, Estelle lies on the ground, her head resting against Repede’s flank. Yurisits on the ground polishing an orange colored fruit on his thigh and bites intoit.YURI Damn, that‘s bitter. Estelle opens her eyes and sits up.YURI You all right?ESTELLE Ooh…my head feels a little… I‘ll be fine.

    What happened to me…? YURI You just fell over all of a sudden. Don‘t you remember? ESTELLE Perhaps it was the aer that made me dizzy.YURI Aer. That‘ s sort of like the fuel that powers the blastia, right?

    I heard that even though we can‘t see it, it‘s scattered throughthe atmosphere.

    ESTELLE Yes, that‘s aer. I read once that dense aer can have negative effects on people.

    YURI Hmm. Maybe that‘s what started the rumor of the curse. (Estellestands up and faces Yuri)Hey, you only just woke up. You should rest a bit more.

    ESTELLE But I can‘t. If we don‘t catch up with Flynn soon… YURI And what if you collapse again, and this time you‘re out for

    the whole night?ESTELLE …You‘re right. I‘m sorry.Estelle sits down beside Yuri. He hands her the fruit and Estelle, smiling, bitesinto itESTELLE … …Ugh. YURI Heh, I suppose we‘ll never get full trying to eat these. ESTELLE It‘s delicious. (takes another bite )YURI Hold on a sec. I can make something simple.ESTELLE You can cook, Yuri?YURI I‘m not exactly a royal chef. I just have a few recipes I learned

    growing up.They sit around a fire.ESTELLE Aren‘t you worried at all that Flynn is in danger? YURI (chuckling) Huh? Does it look that way?ESTELLE Well…yes. YURI Honestly, I‘m not worried about him. He‘s always managed to take

    care of himself.Actually, it‘s the guys who are after him I feel sorry for.

    ESTELLE What do you mean?YURI Ever since we were kids, I‘ve never been able to beat Flynn at

    anything. Swords, racing, whatever.After he‘d won, he‘d always have the nerve to say, ―You allright, Yuri?

    ESTELLE That must be nice… I‘ve never had anyone like that in my life. YURI You can count yourself lucky.The fire is out and an object sits on the ground in front of Yuri and EstelleYURI Well, dinner‘s ready.

    … ESTELLE (musical note) Thank you for the meal.YURI It wasn‘t anything special. ESTELLE I thought it was very tasty. I can‘t imagine being able to cook

    anything myself.YURI It‘s just like using a sword or magic. You‘ve got to learn it

    by doing it.You just need to practice with a few recipes. You‘ll be cookingbefore you know it.

    ESTELLE Practice with recipes?

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    YURI Here, I‘ll show you how it‘s done. Watch.

    Cooking Tutorial:YURI Cooking clears your mind. And it’s great for regaining lost

    energy.Cooking has a lot of other effects, as well.This pretty much everything I know how to cook right now.So, in order to make a sandwich, you’ ll need bread and an egg.Which we just happen to have right here!After choosing the ingredients, it’s time to cook! And…there you are! A delicious meal!

    ESTELLE You‘re so good at that… I‘m not sure I‘d be able to get thatgood at cooking.

    YURI Well, it comes more naturally to some people than others.Just because you have a recipe, doesn‘t mean it‘ll always turnout like you think.

    ESTELLE Really? So you can mess it up…? YURI Well, you usually taste your food while cooking…but some people

    don‘t. ESTELLE Tasting?

    YURI You know, like when cooks taste the food they make?YURI Well, you‘re a sheltered little princess who‘s lived her life

    in a castle. It‘s only normal. ESTELLE Sheltered little princess… I suppose so. Repede gets to his feet.YURI What is it, Repede? (no response, he just stares at Yuri)

    Well, shall we be going?Yuri and Estelle get up to leave .INFORMATION Learned the recipe for ―Sandwich. INFORMATION New recipes can be obtained when specific characters cook

    specific recipes. The higher a character‘s cooking level, themore likely they will discover a new recipe. The ―Sandwichrecipe you‘ve just obtained may evolve into a new recipe. Trydifferent ways to discover new recipes!

    SKIT Is This the Curse?SKIT Thanking Repede

    After passing through another clearing, Repede hangs back and crouches on theground, growling.REPEDE Grrr… YURI (bushes rustle as he turns around) Hmm?Voice P-prepare to die, eggbear!A young boy, apparently spinning from the momentum of swinging a huge sword, leapsout into the clearing.BOY Whoa!Yuri extends his sword and waits until the boy spins close to him. With a swift

    upward strike, Yuri catches the blade of the boy’s sword snapping it in two. BOY Waaaaah! OOF!With his balance broken, the young boy falls flat on his back still holding ontothe sword handle.BOY Ooh, man that hurt… Repede approaches the boy and stands over him.BOY (sitting up abruptly) Gyaah! The boy closes his eyes and falls back onto the ground, possibly in an attemptto feign unconsciousness.BOY I- I‘m warning you! I don‘t taste very good. You‘ll get the runs!

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    REPEDE Woof!!BOY Oh my gosh, s-s-somebody h-h-help me--! Aaaah!!Yuri and Estelle just watch. Yuri is amused.YURI (chuckling) Is this kid for real?ESTELLE It‘s all r ight now.Estelle kneels down by the boy’s side. He turns his head to look at her. BOY Huh? The monster turned into a girl?Turning his head, the boy spots Repede and quickly sits up.YURI Oh, brother. This should be interesting.The boy stands before them with one hand resting on the large bag slung on theopposite shoulder so that the strap lays diagonally across his torso.BOY I‘m Karol Capel! I‘m a member of the Hunting Blades guild. We

    travel the globe in search of the toughest monsters.YURI I‘m Yuri. This is Estelle, and you‘ve met Repede already. Karol looks from one to the other.YURI Anyway, nice to meet you.Yuri turns and walks away.ESTELLE What? Yuri, wait!

    (bows to Karol) My apologies. (runs after Yuri)KAROL Huh? …Hey, wait up! Where you guys going?!

    Karol runs between them, stopping in front of them and turning around to face them.Yuri and Estelle stop.KAROL You guys are here to enter the woods, right? Well then, I‘ll… ESTELLE Actually, we‘ve just finished com ing through the woods, and

    we‘re on our way to Halure. Karol is so shocked, he throws up his arm in a defensive block.KAROL No way! You guys made it through the cursed woods?

    Did you guys run into any eggbears?ESTELLE Do you know what he‘s talking about , Yuri?YURI Nope. I don‘t think we‘ve seen any. Clearly disappointed, Karol turns away from them and talks to himself.KAROL Man… Wonder if I should head back to town, then…

    They definitely won‘t like it if I keep them waiting… All right! Karol turns around and waggles his forefinger at Estelle and Yuri.KAROL I‘m not sure you two would make it on your own, but never fear.

    The star member of the Hunting Blades will be your escort.See that? I‘ve even got my own blastia.

    Karol swings his bag around so they can see the blastia embedded on the flap ofhis bag. Unimpressed, Yuri and Estelle exchange glances and Karol notices their blastia braceletsKAROL What? You guys both have one, too? O- oh yeah? Well how‘dya like

    this?!Karol holds up a book up over his head so they can see it. Yuri walks over andjerks it out of his hand. Estelle looks over Yuri’s shoulder as he opens the book. ESTELLE It has information about monsters. Hm? After a certain point,

    all the pages are blank.KAROL Th- that‘s ‗cause I‘m gonna fill it up with piles of monsters

    after this.Hey, wait! Who said you could just write in there?!

    YURI It might hurt your ―star member status if it got out that youbroke your sword.

    KAROL Oh, that? I had to give myself some kinda handicap, or else itwouldn‘t have been a fair fight.

    Karol picks up his broken sword and swings it like an axe.KAROL Hey, that‘s actually not too bad. Yuri, Estelle, and Repede walk away while Karol is busy swinging his “axe”. Karolfinally notices and holding the broken sword over his head calls out after them.

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    KAROL Yo! Do you guys even know where you‘re going? Halure‘s to thenorth once you get out of the woods. (runs after them)Come one, guys! Wait for me!

    With Karol following them, they leave the woods.INFORMATION Obtained Monster Book.INFORMATION Karol joined the party.

    SKIT Even Dogs Have PrideSKIT Friends Make the Journey FunSKIT The Broken SwordSKIT MapsSKIT Karol and Repede

    As they leave, the blastia in the woods starts to glow. The man with long whitehair looks at it briefly and then he swings his sword.

    They exit the woods into the Southeast Peyoccia Plains. Traveling northeast intothe Central Peyoccia Plains, they find a small village nestled around the rootsof a giant tree.

    SKIT Who is this Karol Kid?

    THE CITY OF BLOSSOMS “HALURE” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    ESTELLE Halure… The ―City of Blossoms. KAROL Yeah, that‘s right. YURI (looking at the sky) Don‘t they have a barrier here? ESTELLE (looking at the sky) Yes, there should be… KAROL You guys haven‘t been to Halure before, right? (They both look

    at Karol)So then you haven‘t heard about the tree barrier.

    YURI Tree barrier?ESTELLE Some Blastia fuse to plant life, gain organic qualities and

    evolve.The tree barrier of Halure is one prime example of this. I readthat in a book.

    YURI Well thank you, professor. So what‘s happened to this famousbarrier?

    Yuri sweeps his eyes across the town. Injured and exhausted residents are gatheredtogether in groups, some bent over and others sitting on the ground.YURI Doesn‘t look like it‘s doing much right now. KAROL Every year, just before the blossoms are in full bloom, the

    barrier weakens for a while.It‘s just that time of year right now, and the monsters tookthe opportunity to attack…

    YURI Is that when the barrier went down?KAROL Yeah, the monsters were taken care of, but the tree is slowly

    starting to decay.A person runs by them.KAROL Hey!ESTELLE W-what is it?KAROL Sorry, I‘ve gotta run! Bye!Karol happily takes off after the person. Estelle watches him go.YURI Does that kid ever sit still?

    So I guess you‘ll be looking for Flynn now, huh, Estelle? As Yuri is speaking, Estelle also runs past. She kneels down in front of injuredresidents.

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    YURI Doesn‘t she know we need to keep a low profile. And what happened to looking for Flynn?

    INFORMATION Parted with Estelle and Karol.

    Halure Mayor‘s Residence: No one is home in the mayor’s tree -like house. A tree grows in the middle of acircular patio in the back of the house.INFORMATION Water is flowing into the house from a tree stem.

    Bridge:A Krityan woman and a young human woman sit beside an injured man lying on theground near the foot of the bridgeKRITYAN WOMAN We‘re powerless… We can‘t even help the people of Halure. WOMAN You start to appreciate the barrier blastia now that it‘s gone…

    We were lucky to get away with just bruises, but the Old… OLD MAN Oooww…It hurts… More residents sit on the ground just beyond the top of the bridge.YOUNG LADY Father…this is so embarrassing… I can‘t face the citizens of

    this city… OLDER MAN Am I hurt? No, no. I‘m just too scared to move.

    Outside the Inn ―Denebola : WOMAN Luckily, the children that took shelter indoors are safe.INJURED MAN …..Oww…I can‘t even tend to the inn with these injuries…

    Further up ahead, Yuri sees Estelle tending to the injured.ESTELLE Might I help heal your wounds?An older man, the mayor of Halure, approaches Estelle.MAYOR Oh my, you can use healing artes?

    Why, that would be excellent! …But I‘m afraid we don‘t have verymuch money…

    ESTELLE No no, I don‘t need any money.Yuri watches as she heals their wounds. He overhears a resident thanking Estelle.RESIDENT Amazing… The pain is all gone. Th -thank you. Thank you so very

    much.Yuri rubs his chin as he continues to listen.RESIDENT My heavens, wha