task 4 target audiance

Target Audience By Matthew Sheard

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Target Audience By Matthew Sheard

How the movie industry targets their audience.The movie industry targeted their audience in many different ways and across may different platforms. A few examples include posters, video games and the most popular and most used is a movie trailer. Many adverts are now shortened for TV these are called TV spots in 2015 alone the movie industry spend over £2 billion on TV adverts with Warner Bros topping the results at £457 million pounds.

Advertising also depends on what type of movie company it is for example Disney are most likely to advertise their upcoming releases on a current movie they have just released or by their TV channel Disney channel I also think that no matter how they were going to advertise a movie it would not matter as much as other companies only because they are a well known and respected movie company.

Our Target Audience.The target audience we have chosen to have for our movie trailer is 15-20 years of age. We think that this is the best option as it gives us a more personal idea of what we can add in the movie trailer as we are all in that age group so we can pick and choose what elements we like to see in a movie trailer so we can add it and make it more personalised and add our own twist on it.

We have also made a survey for people to fill out in what they like in a movie trailer and why? We think that this is a very ideal thing to add as it gives us key information on what to add and why.

Psychographics In the movie industry many company's try to find what is best for their audience and the best ways to do that is to find out what they like and enjoy watching. That is why sometimes company's may hand out surveys electronically and ask for feedback regarding what their personal opinions are on how that would want a movie to be advertised this is more of the Psychographics side of views for example Disney releases many surveys regarding different parts of their company for example they have released a survey regarding Disneyland.

I think that more companies should do this because it helps give the audience some feel of control and that their opinions actually matter in the future of a movie and that they can feel as if that their input has made a better movie..

Demographics Demographics are more personal and can appeal only to a certain type of audience, many movie companies may have certain movies for a certain audience for example Blumhouse movie productions mostly do horror movies and are well known for creating scary movies. That is why if they were going to create a survey they would most likely make it for a older audience that would go and watch a more adult and scary movie.

Mand movie companies have sometimes got a set audience e,g blumhouse which are mostly 18 years or older and Disney which are more for younger children. That is why they try and get the most out of that age group and try and make it more appelaing for the audience.

Survey planning

As you can see I am beginning to create a survey about why people watch movies trailer and why. Also I wanted to ask how they make them feel.

Finished Here is my finished survey, it includes 10 questions which some require some in depth answering. I wanted to get the most out of the survey by asking questions not just for the coursework but also my interest like how do movie trailers make you feel. I find all of this very interesting and am curious in what people have written.

I have received a total of 10 results for my questions.

Responses - Q1 - Do you like movie trailers?My first question was to see if people actually enjoy movie trailers and out of the ten two people admitted that they don't like watching movie trailers. However I was expecting this result as many people including myself sometimes movie trailers can feel as if they don't help the movie and can show to much however I do still watch and enjoy movie trailers. To the people who said that they don't watch movie trailer I asked for them to not carry on with the questionnaire as they opinion are not what I am looking for.

The rest of the 8 said that they enjoy watching movie trailers and carried on with the survey.

Responses - Q2 - Why do you enjoy movie trailers?For this question I asked for peoples opinions on why they enjoy movie trailers. Four of the results stated because it gives you a good idea on what the movie will be like and what it is about. Two of the results said that it generates hype and make them want to watch the movie even more. One result said that is easier than watching the movie which is good for saying that it can giver them a rough idea of the movie will be alike without going to pay to watch a movie that could be bad. And the last result said that they watch movie trailers for the suspense and that anything can happen in the trailer.

Responses - Q3 - What is your favourite movie trailer?

For this question I wanted to get a rough idea of what type of movies my candidates like to watch and why as it would give me a better understanding of why the loved movie trailers so much. A very popular answer from two of my candidates was the new star wars movie Rouge One which is a very hyped movie which is set to release in december. Another movie was Disney's Moana which is a animated feature from Walt Disney Pictures which is a good results as I have based a lot of research on Disney pictures. They rest of my results show movie like Sausage Party, Sinister Gravity and suicide squad. This gives the rough idea of the average genre of 17-18 year olds which is action horror comedy. However one of my results stated that they did not know what there favourite movie trailer was which is understandable as they are thousands of movie trailers out there and it can be a hard question to answer.

Responses - Q4 - Why is it your favorite?The question linking to my last question I asked why my candidates enjoyed that movie trailer so much. I found out that people like the movie because of its genre for example Sausage party was a candidates favourite movie trailer and they said that they liked it because it was funny which is due to its genre. Also a couple of candidates said that they enjoyed the trailer because of its soundtrack and music choice. I find this results very true and a good soundtrack and music in which you enjoy can make a movie trailer more personal and enjoyable. Another candidate said that it helps create hype. These results can help us for our research as we can add music into the trailer that the majority of the target audience will enjoy.

Responses - Q5 - What moive trailer do you hate?We also wanted to add what movie trailers the candidates hate to see what genre they would prefer not to watch. A Lot of the movie trailers the candidates said they hate are more for children for example w couple said Sponge out of water/Shaun the sheep and Jack and Jill. Other genera that appeared a couple of times was horror movies. I am happy with these particular results as we now know a good idea of what genera are moive trailer can be.

Responses - Q6 - Why do you hate it?Following up from the previous question I asked why they hate that particular trailer and a couple of candidates said that it gives a way to much of the movie.Some answers do not apply to much like one candidate said that it was boring which does not help me for our media piece as it does not specify what makes it boring. The rest of the answers do help as they give me a good idea of how we are going to set it up and produce it.

Responses - Q7 - What do you like to see in a movie trailers?

For this questions I gave the candidates multiple options and the questions was based on what they like to see in a movie trailer the options where music,narrator,action, first person narration, character introductions and other. 9/10 said that it was the music which makes a good trailer the other one candidates said that it was the character introductions. This is one of the most important questions that I wanted to ask as it gives us a good idea of what to add in the trailer and music keeps coming ip so this is very important component.

Responses - Q8 - Do you think moive trailer show to much? The 8th question focuses on the content of what's in the movie trailer and I asked do the candidates think that movie trailers in general think that they give away too much. Several said that they do and some depending on the genre and a couple said no. I think that these results help us with what to add in our own movie trailer and so that a lot of the content does not look as if it is showing a lot of the trailer.

Responses - Q9 - How do movie trailer make you feel?The 9th question is more of a personal question as is how to movie trailers make you feel. All of the results where positive and said that it gets them excited and hyped for the release of the movie.

I am happy with these results as they are all positive and that it helps with the trailer's development in what to add to make people happy with its releases.

Responses - Q10 - Do moive trailer make the movie better than it actually is?My final question was to see if the candidates thought that the movie trailers made the movie better than it actually is. 8/10 said that it does and that the movie is never as good as the trailer made it out to be. The other 2 said no and that the trailer is as good as the movie.

What I have learned I feel as if I have learned a lot from these results as our group now can help get ideas on what to add in the trailer and what the target audience will enjoy.

Our group feels as if this part of the planning stage will get the ball rolling and that it is going to be easier to know what to add and why? As it can come straight from these results.

Audience measurements.One of the best and most used ways in which movie trailers are measured is by using views. This is easy and also can tell you a lot of information. A good example for a source is Youtube, Youtube lets you see the specific number in which how many times a movie trailer has been viewed it also lets you see if it is well praised or not with a Like and Dislike button. This can help us understand our own movie trailer in the terms that it is good or bad and also if it can be improved.

Also the best source we can use for our movie trailer is Youtube as we can monitor the views,Like,Dislike and also comments so people can say want they want in a movie trailer.

A way of finding audience figures in a movie is by box office revenue and you can tell of measure a film's popularity by the amount of revenue it has in the box office for example Avatar which grossed £2.25 billion and has 3 sequels in development.

How people view movie trailers.Many people view and watch movies in different ways. For example many people use the streaming site Netflix which is a digital app/website that lets you watch and stream movies online. Another and the most beneficial way to watch movies is by going to the cinema, this gives you the best possible way of watching a movie.

There are also many different ways in which you can watch movie trailers, for example Youtube which lets you watch any movie trailer for free. Another is the cinema which lets watch the latest releases in trailers all for the price of the movie ticket.