tattva in mantra Śāstra

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  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


    Tattva in Mantra stra

    A Study of Rva as U ia Tantra GATI: THE DIRECTION OF THE MIND (MOON)

    Once upon a time, many eons ago, at the time when r had !eft the gods, iva"!essed the #igh $riest of the dar% side, u%rcrya, with the une&uivoca! ' taSa()van %now!edge, "y which the asuras *demons+ came "ac% to !ife from thedead, irrevoca"!y more powerfu! and supreme as con&uistadors Sha%en "y thisturn of events, the gods approached -ord .i u, who assuming the form of auni&ue tortoise/01assisted the devas *gods+ in churning/21the 'i!%y Ocean/31where"y Am ta, the 4ectar of 5mmorta!ity cou!d "e e6tracted 5n this epocha!e6ercise, .i u used the magnificent 'andr 'ountain as the churning rod and

    the 7ivine Serpent, the mu!ti8headed great .su%i, as the churning rope.i u arrived on the shores of the 'i!%y Ocean with 9aru a, having hau!ed 'andr on the way, !i%e a puny toy Upon arriva!, he "ade farewe!! to 9aru aand send him off, for .su%i wou!d not emerge even "y mista%e, as !ong as9aru a was present 5n his supreme wisdom, .i u %new, even the 7ivine Serpent ea 4ga wou!d trem"!e in the presence of the greatest eater ofsna%es 9aru a is a "ird, admitted!y a divine "ird, and so represented "y theSun, whi!e Rhu represents sna%es Though the !atter has the power to ec!ipsethe former, the Sun is the one who e6poses Rhu 'antras of 9aru a aretherefore the supreme remedy for sarpa do a or those trou"!ed "y serpents of a!! %inds The simp!e mantra for warding of serpentine evi!s, om pak svh is

    chanted in reverese as k ipa om svh , prempting Rhus misdeeds of reversa!:or whi!st chanting a mantra for cutting the "ondage of sna%es, Rhu wou!d dohis utmost to reverse the process K ipa om svh wou!d thus automatica!!y"ecome om pak svh [4].

    ;oth the devas and the asuras participated in the churning of the position

    as the tai! of a sna%e during the grand event of the churning of the ocean .i usmi!ed and without hesitation headed towards the tai! of .su%i with the devas:or he %new, that it was natura! for the asuras to opt for the sna%es head as itrepresented materia! en)oyment and a"horr the thought of sitting near the tai!,which !ed to the spiritua! path and eventua!!y towards emancipation

    The head of the sna%e was thus occupied "y the asuras whi!e the devats sat onthe tai! Astro!ogica!!y depicted, the head of the sna%e is Rhu and the tai! is

  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


    *a34.ara a AttractEGns!ave R)asi% Gns!avement

    Sta%!hana StunE:reeHe R)asi% :reeHing to inaction

    *i"v2 a a Repu!seESeparate Ra)asi% Gnmity "etween peop!e

    U55h ana G6pu!sion Tmasi% G6pe! from ones homeEcountry

    Mra a 7eathE7estruction Tmasi%

  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


    some high princip!es of mantra stra and it wou!d "e our tas% to g!ean it out asthe swan weans the mi!% from the water

    Ta"!e 3B The 7eities of Shat%arma

    a .ar%a a.ti Dir25ti/n t Ti%2&6 *ra Tithi Na.

    nti Rati Kna #emanta*:a!!+


    0L pm to2 am

    Dednesday,Thursday,'onday :orpu i %armaBThursday,'ondayStrong;enefics

    7vtiy, T ty,$a(cam,Saptam :orpu i %armaBa , Caturth,


    A am, 7aam

    *a34.ara a . Uttara .asanta*Spring+


    M to 0Lam


    Sta%!hana Ram Gast iira*Dinter+


    2 to M am


    $a(cam,7aam,$@r im


    *i"v2 a a ?ye h 4ai tti 9r ma*Summer+


    0L am to2 pm


    Ri%t Tithis,7aam,G%da,

    Amvasy,4avam,$ratipad,$@r im *if on a :ridayESunday+



    U55h ana 7urg .yu .ar *'onsoon+


    2 to M pm



    Ri%t Tithis,a , Caturth,

    A am,Caturda *ifSaturday+



    Mra a

  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


    'a!efics Amvasy

    Ta!$2 8detai!s the deities, direction, time, season, day, na% atras, tithis and!agnas appropriate for carrying out these a %armas This seems to fo!!ow a

    predicta"!e pattern Ri%t tithis !i%e amvasy and % a caturda, directions !i%e 4ai tti *the inauspicious southwest ru!ed "y Rhu+ and .yu *the west ru!ed "ySaturn+, days !i%e Saturdays and Tuesdays and the predominance of ma!eficp!anets are suggested whi!e performing tmasi% %armas Stvi% and more"enign %armas are suited for Thursdays, Dednesdays and 'ondays, tithis !i%ep@r im, pa(cam and t ty, and directions !i%e the Kna, which is ru!ed "y ?upiter and is the "est for %now!edge, spiritua!ity and "!essings The interesting!esson here is on the suggestions a"out time The si6 seasons are mapped ontothe day starting at !oca! sunrise, with each season "eing a!!ocated four hourseach This has "een wor%ed out in Ta!$2 8using a defau!t sunrise time of M am

    #9JAS IN A ,ARMA

    Ta"!e NB Tattvas and Shat%arma

    a .ar%a Tattva a.ti *ar a 0/str2 #4a M"r

    nti ?a!a Rati Dhite Sitting .ou a *prosperity+, #u $ha *graha nti+, Svh*havan+,Na%ah(worship+


    *a34.ara a $ thv . ;!ood Sitting Svadh, #u*attraction+


    Sta%!hanaAgni Ram Fe!!ow Sitting 9ad

    *i"v2 a a I%a ?ye h ;!ood Sitting H, .a a 'usa!a

    U55h ana .yu 7urg Smo%y S!eeping H, .ou a .a)ra

    Mra a $ thvEAgni

  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


    mascu!ine, feminine and neuter as we!! with feminine mantras having a svhending, neuter mantras have a namahending whi!e mascu!ine mantras end withhu pha gneya*fiery, hot+ mantras end with o 'antras, which have thechandra"indu, are saumya*coo!, peacefu!+ mantras 5f a saumyamantra has a

    phain the end, it "ecomes an gneyamantra, and if an gneyamantra has a

    namahin the end, it "ecomes a saumya mantra The form of the deity to "eworshipped, their co!our, posture and appearance are vivid!y descri"ed in theU a for each of the %armas to "e prescri"ed


    Ta"!e B Tattvas and Dorship in the $arampar

    Tattva #4a D2vat 0; 0$an2ts

    Ja$a .a 7ev 4aivedya/0L1 .enus

    0 thv4 -a 9a ea 9andha/001 'ercury

    Agni Ra S@rya -amp 'ars

  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


    worship ritua!s Those who have an aff!icted )a!a tattva shou!d uti!ise water inworship ritua!s ;ow!s of pure, c!ean water, sweet!y perfumed and !aced withsanda!wood and camphor may "e %ept in the a!ter 5t wou!d he!p to remove the"!emishes on many a )a!a tattva p!anet in a chart 'antras can a!so "e chantedputting ones hand over vesse!s of water and then drin%ing it

    -ighting of the !amp per se, is an important ritua! for any worship and remedia!measure The oi! in the !amp is the "ody and hence is a crucia! indicator forremedies pertaining to hea!th issues The wic% is the tm 5f the wic% "urnscomp!ete!y it shows that the native has comp!eted his %arma, if ha!f of the wic%remains, it shows that some %arma is to "e comp!eted The fire is the !ongevityOffering f!owers to the deity, can remove vidve a a, as when the %a tattva is vitiated, enmity "etween peop!e arise


    There are two %inds of dig"a!a one from the !agna and the other from the r@ ha !agna The !agna shows physica! direction whi!e the r@ ha !agna shows the

    ayana or the goa! of !ife The p!anets getting dig"a!a wi!! indicate a strong ayanaThe tattvas are used for remedia! measures to achieve these ayanas and torectify it when it is wea% and aff!icted The ayanas are mapped into the four%endrasB

    Ta"!e PB 7ig and Ayana ;a!a

    A=ana #hva Tattva Graha D2it=

    7harma -agna $ thiv, I%a 'ercury, ?upiter 9a ea, 4rya a

    Artha 0Lth Agni Sun, 'ars S@rya

  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


    converted to energy and money $ro"!ems in this area can "e rectified "y"a!ancing the Agni tattva and ma%ing it positive A strong and positive Agniproduces a fa"u!ous wor%er ;oth @rya and iva can "e worshipped tostrengthen the Agni tattva and for purposes of wor%

    Saturn gets dig"a!a in the seventh house and is to do with the %ma ayana,

    which is to do with re!ationships, and desires in genera! Saturn ru!es vyu tattva,and in the case it is aff!icted, worshipping iva and doing %arma associated withvyu tattva !i%e "urning many incense stic%s, !ighting a mustard oi! rather than aghee !amp, are recommended remedia! measures 'oon and .enus gets dig"a!ain the fourth house of mo% a ayana, the a"ode of )a!a and the domain of stvi%%arma This is re!evant for ones spiritua! !ife and nti %arma


    Chart 0B Agni Aff!iction

    This e6amp!e is a severe case of Agni tattva aff!iction The native has Scorpiorising and an e6change "etween Sun and 'ars, the !agna and the 0Lth !ords

    ;oth the houses have signs and !ords, which are Agni tattva Sun is strong!yaff!icted, not on!y "y this e6change, "ut a!so "y the aspects of 'ars, Saturn andRhu This aff!iction is so intense, that the Agni tattva is not on!y im"a!anced "utvitiated so that the potentia! of a Sun in a !agna or a tenth !ord in !agna, whichpromises "ri!!iance and super" wor%ing and e6ecutive a"i!ities, threatens ruin

    Among the )a!a tattva p!anets, 'oon is con)unct a vyu tattva ma!efic in a'ercuria! sign .enus is margina!!y more "eneficia! in e6change with ?upiter,a!though it is not we!! p!aced in the second house

  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


    Sun has dig"a!a in the tenth house from r@ ha !agna, so remedia! measureswere prescri"ed to a!!eviate his pro"!ems 5t too% a!most two years for him toundergo this transformation and rea!ise his potentia! #e was first prescri"ed the

    Agni 9yatr from the g .eda #e had to do it with his hand over a copper *Sun+pot of water each morning at sunrise #e is a meticu!ous and conscientious

    person, so he performed the remedies di!igent!y and with faith After a fewmonths, he was a"!e to e6tricate himse!f from an undesira"!e re!ationship, asAgni gave him the power to see the rea!ity of certain events 5t wou!d "e good too"serve that the Upapada !agna is with the r@ ha !agna After a year, he wasprescri"ed a second remedy that of the a%ti of his !agna !ord 'ars This washard penance and he !ived in near sec!usion and in perfect ce!i"acy, fo!!owing theremedy assiduous!y After this year comp!eted, he found his !ife partner and"ecame tempered and ca!mer in mind and in "ehaviour #e a!so made someachievements in tenth house matters, inc!uding the pu"!ication of a "oo% at atender age, which gave him name, fame and reputation

    Chart 2B 'ercury Remedy

    This chart has aff!icted )a!a tattva, with Itma%ra%a .enus invo!ved in a terri"!ecurse of the spouse in the fifth house of !ove and affection, con)unct 'ars andRhu 'oon is in ;hara na% atra ec!ipsed "y

  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


    worship of 'ercury There were many o"stac!es in his receiving the mantra andthe remedy instructions and a!though a spiritua! person used to doing variousspiritua! practices, he cou!d not rea!!y tune in with this Once he started, inhowever imperfect form, he got immediate resu!ts "y o"taining an impossi"!e!oan to "uy a "eautifu! house ensconced in a !ove!y garden *.irgo+ #ence, .yu

    tattva was activated for remedy to temper the mischief of Rhu and the nodes inhis chart 5t is an important reminder that 'ercury and Rhu are posited oppositeeach other in the

  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


    A. aras

    0 ,artar4 S5iss/rs

    2 S;54 N22"$2

    3 M"gar Ha%%2r

    N Msa$a Ma52

    ,r;ra ani Ma$2?i5 Satrn

    M .ha$ Chains

    P ,ra.a5ha Sa@

    J ;$a Tri"2nt

    *ara Thn"2r!/$t

    0L a.ti S12ar

    00 0ara3 A2

    02 Cha.ra +h22$

    03 ,$i3a A2B Hat5h2t

    0N Nr5a Ir/n Arr/@

    0 #h;3 4 Ct$ass

    0M 0a"%a 7/ts

    The fourth house is the heart !otus or the h daya padma The fourth from the

  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


    mantras Stvi% forms wi!! have the !otus ho!ding mother in the "ac%ground, asthe most important and the on!y rea!ity is the !otus Gverything e!se other than the!otus is an i!!usion The 9oddess or the 7ivine 'other, in her compassion, a!!owsus to see whatever form we wish to see her Dith the o aa% ar mantra, She !ifts the !otus The secret of the o a vidy is ;rahma ra% , and when this is

    distur"ed, ones gati or direction in !ife is spoi!edE>AM07E

    Chart 3B 7vda% ar 'antra

    'ercury is the p!anet representing the i a devat, "eing 02th from the

  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


    Chart NB 7harma 7evat

    7harma 7evat deities need not "e .i u mantras 5n the a"ove e6amp!e,?upiter is the p!anet p!aced in the ninth house from

  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra


    nirgu a form of 4rya a .i u, situated on the shores of ;ay of the ;enga! in the eastern coast of 5ndia Since the deity chosen is that of .i u, a 028a% ara mantra of ?agannth was given to the native, which wor%ed wonders for thenative The reason for opting for a .i u mantra for the native is strengthened "y the yoga of 'oon8'ercury in the ri chart 'oon is the fifth !ord e6a!ted and

    con)unct 'ercury, the Itma%ra%a


  • 8/13/2019 Tattva in Mantra stra
