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  • 7/29/2019 Tech5 Indonesia


    SEA-UEMACIDA-AIT Partnership



    Based on Alumni Demonstration Project

    The Construction of Simple Sanitation System for Small Community

    Implemented byCenter of Analysis for Public Management Policy

    Muhammadiyah University of YogyakartaIndonesia

    Berdasarkan pada Proyek Demonstrasi Alumni

    Pembuatan Sistem Sanitasi Sederhana untuk Komunitas Kecil

    Dilaksanakan oleh

    Pusat Kajian Kebijakan Manajemen Publik

    Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


    Southeast Asia

    Urban Environmental Management

    Applications Project

  • 7/29/2019 Tech5 Indonesia



    Technical Manual


    In collaboration with

    Pusat Kajian Kebijakan Manajemen PublikUniversitas Muhammadiyah YogyakartaJalan Lingkar Barat TamantirtoYogyakarta 55183Tel : 62-274-387656 ext 166Fax : 62-274-387646

    Published by:

    Southeast Asia Urban Environmental Management Application (SEA-UEMA) ProjectUrban Environmental Management Field of Study

    School of Environment, Resources and DevelopmentAsian Institute of TechnologyPO Box 4 Khlong LuangPathumthani 12120Thailand

    Tel: + 66 2 524 5777Fax: +66 2 524 8338/6380e-mail: [email protected]:

    Original Text by: Achmad Nurmandi and Kamarudin YusufRewritten by: A.S. PermanaEditor: Dr. Ranjith Perera and Niken Prilandita

    Cover Design: A.S. PermanaText Lay-out: A.S. Permana

    Published: August 2008

    Asian Institute of TechnologyPrinted in Thailand

  • 7/29/2019 Tech5 Indonesia


    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    This Technical Manual is based on the im-

    plementation of Alumni Demonstration Project,

    The Construction of Simple Sanitation System

    for Small Communityin Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

    Its objective is to provide a general overview of

    the planning and implementation processes of

    the project which can be a practical basis for

    the implementation of similar projects with

    modification according to local conditions.

    This manual does not contain complicated

    technical directions, rather practical guidelines

    for the construction of a simple sanitation sys-tem in a small community. With this nature, the

    replication of similar projects to other areas

    would be easier.

    Panduan Teknis ini ditulis berdasarkan

    Proyek Demonstrasi Alumni mengenai Pem-

    bangunan Sistem Sanitasi Sederhana untuk

    Komunitas Kecil di Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Tu-

    juan utamanya adalah memberikan arahan

    umum mengenai proses-proses perencanaan

    dan pelaksanaan proyek, yang bisa dijadikan

    dasar untuk pelaksanaan proyek sejenis, den-

    gan modifikasi menurut kondisi setempat.

    Manual ini tidak mengandung arahan teknis

    yang sulit, melainkan hanya memberikan ara-

    han umum untuk pelaksanaan sistem sanitasisederhana untuk komunitas kecil. Dengan

    demikian, replikasi untuk proyek sejenis di lain

    tempat akan lebih mudah.


    1 Preface 1 Prakata

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    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    Publication of this manual would not be

    possible without financial support from theSoutheast Asia Urban Environmental Manage-

    ment Application Project under the partnership

    of the Canadian International Development

    Agency, Canada and the Asian Institute of

    Technology, Thailand. The authors gratefully

    acknowledge this support.

    Publikasi manual ini tidak mungkin terlak-

    sana tanpa bantuan keuangan dari Southeast

    Asia Urban Environmental Management Appli-

    cation Project di bawah kerjasama Canadian

    International Development Agency dengan

    Asian Institute of Technology. Para Pengarang

    sangat menghargai bantuan ini.


    2 Acknowledgements 2 Penghargaan

  • 7/29/2019 Tech5 Indonesia


    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project


    1111 PrefacePrefacePrefacePreface

    2222 AcknowledgementsAcknowledgementsAcknowledgementsAcknowledgements

    3333 IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction

    4444 Participatory Project PlanningParticipatory Project PlanningParticipatory Project PlanningParticipatory Project Planning RationaleRationaleRationaleRationale Problem IdentificationProblem IdentificationProblem IdentificationProblem Identification Defining Goals and ObjectivesDefining Goals and ObjectivesDefining Goals and ObjectivesDefining Goals and Objectives Site SelectionSite SelectionSite SelectionSite Selection

    5555 Project ImplementationProject ImplementationProject ImplementationProject Implementation Site PreparationSite PreparationSite PreparationSite Preparation Choice of TechnologyChoice of TechnologyChoice of TechnologyChoice of Technology Supply of MaterialsSupply of MaterialsSupply of MaterialsSupply of Materials Project Staff and WorkersProject Staff and WorkersProject Staff and WorkersProject Staff and Workers

    6666 Project EvaluationProject EvaluationProject EvaluationProject Evaluation

    7777 ConclusionsConclusionsConclusionsConclusions


    1111 PrakataPrakataPrakataPrakata

    2222 PenghargaanPenghargaanPenghargaanPenghargaan

    3333 PendahuluanPendahuluanPendahuluanPendahuluan

    4444 Perencanaan Proyek ParticipatifPerencanaan Proyek ParticipatifPerencanaan Proyek ParticipatifPerencanaan Proyek Participatif Latar BelakangLatar BelakangLatar BelakangLatar Belakang Identifikasi MasalahIdentifikasi MasalahIdentifikasi MasalahIdentifikasi Masalah Penentuan Sasaran dan TujuanPenentuan Sasaran dan TujuanPenentuan Sasaran dan TujuanPenentuan Sasaran dan Tujuan Pemilihan LokasiPemilihan LokasiPemilihan LokasiPemilihan Lokasi

    5555 Pelaksanaan ProyekPelaksanaan ProyekPelaksanaan ProyekPelaksanaan Proyek Persiapan LapanganPersiapan LapanganPersiapan LapanganPersiapan Lapangan Pilihan TeknologiPilihan TeknologiPilihan TeknologiPilihan Teknologi Penyediaan BahanPenyediaan BahanPenyediaan BahanPenyediaan Bahan----bahanbahanbahanbahan Staf dan Pekerja ProyekStaf dan Pekerja ProyekStaf dan Pekerja ProyekStaf dan Pekerja Proyek

    6666 Evaluasi ProyekEvaluasi ProyekEvaluasi ProyekEvaluasi Proyek

    7777 KesimpulanKesimpulanKesimpulanKesimpulan


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  • 7/29/2019 Tech5 Indonesia


    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    One of the great issues in urban environmental

    management is water supply and sanitation. Water

    supply and sanitation in Indonesia is mainly charac-

    terized by poor levels of access and service quality.

    Over a 100 million people in Indonesia still lack ac-

    cess to safe water and more than 70 percent of the

    country's 220 million population relies on water ob-

    tained from potentially contaminated sources.

    National Socio-economic Survey (SUSENAS) 2004

    reveals that only about 47 percent of the popula-

    tion have access to water from improved sources

    that are considered safe. This includes 42 percent of

    the urban and 51 percent of the rural populations.

    During an 8-year period, from 1994 to 2002, this

    figure increased by 10 percent in rural areas and 9

    percent in urban areas. At this rate, by 2015, about

    56 percent of the rural population can be expected

    to have access to safe water supplies, while the Mil-

    lennium Development Goal (MDG) target for the

    whole country is 73 percent. Population access to

    improved sanitation in rural areas remains stagnant

    at around 38 percent since 1985. More than 40 per-

    cent of rural households use unsanitary open pits or

    defecate in fields, beaches and water bodies.

    Poor sanitation and lack of access to safe drinking

    water, as discussed above, lead to various impacts,

    particularly water-borne diseases in urban and ru-

    ral areas. Sanitation is one of the sectors that the

    South-east Asia Urban Environmental Management

    Application Project is targeting, along with other

    sectors such as water supply, air pollution and solid

    waste management.

    Salah satu isu besar dalam permasalahan pengel-

    olaan lingkungan perkotaan adalah air minum

    dan sanitasi. Di Indonesia, permasalahan ini ditan-

    dai dengan akses dan kualitas pelayanan yang bu-

    ruk. Lebih dari 100 juta rakyat Indonesia masih ke-

    kurangan akses terhadap air minum yang aman,

    dan lebih dari 70 persen dari220 juta tergantung

    pada sumber yang terkontaminasi.

    Sensus sosial-ekonomi Nasional (SUSENAS) 2004

    mencatat bahwa hanya 47 persen penduduk yang

    dapat mengakses air minum dari sumber yang

    aman. Jumlah ini termasuk 42 persen penduduk di

    perkotaan dan 51 persen penduduk di perdesaan.

    Selama periode 8-tahun (dari 1994 to 2002), angka

    ini meningkat hingga 10 persen di perdesaan dan 9

    persen di perkotaan. Dalam tahun 2015, sekitar 56

    persen dari penduduk perdesaan diharapkan da-

    pat mengakses air minum yang aman, sementara

    itu target Millennium Development Goal untuk

    negeri ini adalah 73 persen. Akses penduduk terha-

    dap sanitasi di perdesaan tetap sekitar 38 persen

    sejak 1985. Lebih dari 40 persen rumah tangga di

    perdesaan menggunakan cubluk terbuka untuk

    buang air, atau juga tegalan dan badan air.

    Sanitasi yang buruk serta kurangnya akses pada

    air minum, seperti didiskusikan di atas, berujung

    kepada berbagai akibat, terutama yang ber-

    hubungan dengan penyakit yang berasal dari air,

    baik di perkotaan maupun di perdesaan. Sanitasi

    adalah salah satu sector yang menjad sasaran

    proyek penerapan SEA-UEMA, bersama pen-

    yediaan air dan pengelolaan sampah.


    3 Introduction 3 Pendahuluan

  • 7/29/2019 Tech5 Indonesia


    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    4.1 Rationale

    Unsafe drinking water is a major cause of diarrhea,the second leading killer of children under five years

    old in the country, which accounts for about 20 per-

    cent of the total child deaths each year. According

    to the Ministry of Health, at least 300 out of 1,000

    Indonesians annually suffer from water-borne dis-

    eases, including cholera, dysentery, and typhoid fe-


    Poor sanitation in cities and small towns is posing

    health hazards to the population through the pollu-

    tion of both ground and surface water sources used

    by urban populations for various purposes. Despite

    this situation, urban sanitation is the least addressed

    of major policy issues in Indonesia. It ranks below

    communication and transportation in a develop-

    ment priority agenda. Disposal and treatment of

    sewage is available for less than 2 percent of the


    These conditions are encountered by the citizens of

    Yogyakarta (see Map in Figure 1), who live along

    bank of Code river, and have limited access to

    clean drinking water. One of the communities along

    this river was later selected as the location of the

    project. Since sustainability is also a main concern of

    this project, the principle of from community, by

    community, and for community is adopted. The

    participatory approach is then mainstreamed in this

    particular case. Participation of citizens at large is

    greatly encouraged. Citizens are involved in differ-

    ent phases of planning, implementation, operation

    and maintenance.

    4.1 Dasar Pemikiran

    Air minum yang tidak aman adalah penyebabutama diare, yang juga merupakan pembunuh

    kedua balita di Negara ini, tercatat sekitar 20 per-

    sen kematian anak setiap tahun. Ada paling tidak

    300 dari 1000 warga Indonesia per tahun mende-

    rita penyakit yang berasal dari air, termasuk kol-

    era, disentri dan demam tipes, ini menurut infor-

    masi dari Departemen Kesehatan.

    Sanitasi yang buruk di kota besar dan kecil mem-

    bahayakan penduduk melalui polusi air tanah dan

    air permukaan yang digunakan oleh masyarajat

    perkotaan untuk berbagai keperluan. Walaupun

    demikian, masalah sanitasi perkotaan dianggap isu

    yang tidak penting pengambilan kebijakan di In-

    donesia. Prioritasnya masih dibawah isu komuni-

    kasi dan perhubungan. Pengolahan limbah hanya

    mencakup sekitar 2 persen dari seluruh jumlah


    Situasi seperti itu dihadapi oleh masyarakat Yogya-

    karta (Peta Yogyakarta terlihat pada Gambar 1)

    yang hidup di sepanjang Kali Code, karena mereka

    hidup dalam keterbatasan akses dalam mem-

    peroleh air minum. Salah satu komunitas di pinggi-

    ran sungai ini dipilih menjadi lokasi proyek. Karena

    masalah keberlanjutan juga menjadi perhatian

    proyek ini, maka dipakai prinsip dari masyarakat,

    oleh masyarakat dan untuk masyarakat. Dalam

    hal ini, pendekatan partisipatif menjadi alur

    utama. Partisipasi masyarakat sangat diharapkan.

    Masyarakat dilibatkan dari perencanaan, pelak-

    saan, sampai operasi dan pemeliharaan.


    4 Participatory Project Planning 4 Perencanaan Proyek Partisipatif

  • 7/29/2019 Tech5 Indonesia


    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    Figure 1 Yogyakarta

    Water supply and sanitation are ubiquitous issues in

    urban and rural areas. Solving these problems re-

    quires a comprehensive identification of local condi-


    4.2 Problems Identification

    To achieve a well-functioning system, the involve-

    ment of users and all relevant stakeholders from the

    beginning is essential. The probability of success will

    increase if the future users are todays participants

    of planning and are given a sense of ownership of

    the project.

    To identify sanitation problems in a small commu-

    nity, the following steps are required:

    Define and select a targeted community

    Involve all relevant stakeholders and future us-

    ers in the process

    Identify the culture and habits of the future us-

    ers on sanitation

    Gambar 1 Yogyakarta

    Penyediaan air minum dan sanitasi selalu menjadi

    masalah, baik perkotaan maupun perdesaan. Pen-

    yelesaian masalah ini memerlukan identifikasi yang

    menyeluruh atas kondisi setempat.

    4.2 Identifikasi Permasalahan

    Agar sistem berfungsi dengan baik, keterlibatan

    pengguna dan seluruh pihak yang berkepentingan

    sejak awal sangatlah penting. Kemunginan untuk

    sukses akan meningkat apabila para calon peng-

    guna juga turut merencanakan sehingga ada rasa

    memiliki dari mereka.

    Langkah-langkah berikut diperlukan dalam men-

    gidentifikasi masalah sanitasi pada komunitas kecil:

    Tentukan komunitas yang menjadi target

    Libatkan seluruh yang berkepentingan dan

    calon pengguna

    Identifikasi aspek budaya dan kebiasaan dari

    calon pengguna dalam masalah sanitasi


  • 7/29/2019 Tech5 Indonesia


    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    Identify the present sanitation system in the


    Identify possible alternative solutions for the

    sanitation system in the community and their


    With those steps, Center of Analysis for Public Man-

    agement Policy of Muhammadiyah University of

    Yogyakarta (PKKMP UMY) serving as project facili-

    tator cum executor invited

    a prominent community

    organization of PKK

    (Empowering for Family

    Welfare) and the board of

    the neighbourhood units of

    a selected community, to

    discuss and prepare an

    action plan regarding en-

    vironmental issues within

    their community (Figure

    2). The discussion con-cluded that the main issues

    in the community are poor

    sanitation and the lack of

    safe drinking water. They

    agreed to propose a tech-

    nological intervention on

    their community sanitation

    system to the SEA-UEMA Project.

    4.3 Defining Goals and Objectives

    It is important to note that the goal of this project is

    to improve health and environmental conditions of

    the community through development of a simple

    but sufficient sanitation system.

    Identifikasi sistem sanitasi yang ada di


    Identifikasi alternatif penyelesaian masalah

    sanitasi yang mungkin termasuk kelaya-


    Dengan langkah-langkah tersebut, Pusat Analisis

    Kebijakan Manajemen Publik, Universitas Muham-

    madiyah Yogyakarta (PKK UMY) sebagai fasilita-

    tor dan pelaksana proyek

    mengundang organisasi

    m a s y a r a k a t P K K

    (Pemberdayaan Kese-

    jahteraan Keluarga) dan

    para Pengurus masyara-

    kat yang terpilih, untuk

    membicarakan dan meny-

    iapkan rencana kerja ma-

    salah lingkungan di

    masyarakat ini (Gambar

    2). Pembicaraan itu meny-impulkan bahwa masalah

    utama di masyarakat ini

    adalah sanitasi yang bu-

    ruk dan masalah air mi-

    num. Mereka setuju untuk

    mengusulkan intervensi

    teknologi sistem sanitasi

    kepada Proyek SEA-UEMA.

    4.3 Penentuan Sasaran dan Tujuan

    Penting untuk dicatat bahwa sasaran proyek ini

    adalah meningkatkan kondisi kesehatan dan ling-

    kungan masyarakat melalui system sanitasi yang

    sederhana tetapi memenuhi syarat.


    Figure 2 Participatory Planning Meeting

  • 7/29/2019 Tech5 Indonesia


    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    From the discussion with stakeholders, who are also

    the future users of this project, the objectives of this

    project were agreed upon, among the participants

    as the following:

    To develop the concern and consciousness of

    citizens regarding water pollution, particularly

    runoff-generated water pollution.

    To stimulate the enthusiasm of citizens to

    adopt sanitation technology.

    To build the capacity of community in planning,

    implementing, operating and maintaining the

    systems in such a way that the services benefit

    and satisfy all strata of the society, and promot-

    ing the sustainability of the systems.

    To reduce water pollution in the Code River,

    the river that passes through Yogyakarta city.

    The above objectives were then used as a basis for

    the selection of the system as well as selection of thesuitable site.

    4.4 Site Selection

    In order to improve the sense of ownership of the

    future users, the selection of project location shall

    principally be agreed upon by all stakeholders.

    However, in this particular case, the site selection is

    based on the following considerations:

    Enthusiasm of the community in receiving the


    Willingness of the community to participate in

    the project at pre-, during and post-project

    particularly at operation and maintenance pe-


    Dari diskusi dengan pihak-pihak yang berke-

    pentingan, yang juga merupakan calon pengguna,

    telah disepakati bahwa tujuan dari proyek ini

    adalah sebagai berikut:

    Mengembangkan kepedulian dan kesadaran

    masyarakat tentang polusi air, terutama aki-

    bat aliran permukaan.

    Merangsang antusiasme masyarakat dalam

    mengadopsi teknologi sanitasi.

    Membangun kapasitas masyarakat dalam per-

    encanaan, pelaksanaan, pengoperasian dan

    pemeliharaan system sehingga pelayanannya

    memuaskan segenap lapisan masyarakat, serta

    meingkatkan keberlanjutan sistem.

    Mengurangi polusi air sepanjang Kali Code, satu

    sungai yang melalui Kota Yogyakarta.

    Tujuan di atas selanjutnya menjadi dasar dalam

    menentukan sistem yang dipilih dan lokasi yangcocok.

    4.4 Pemilihan Lokasi

    Untuk meningkatkan rasa memiliki dari calon

    pengguna, pemilihan lokasi proyek pada prinsip-

    nya harus disetujui oleh pihak yang berkepentin-

    gan. Dalam hal ini, pemilihan lokasi didasarkan

    atas pertimbangan berikut:

    Antusiasme yang tinggi dari masyarakat dalam

    menerima proyek,

    Keinginan dari masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi

    sebelum, pada saat dan setelah proyek, teru-

    tama dalam masa operasi dan pemeliharaan,


  • 7/29/2019 Tech5 Indonesia


    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    A community with high prevalence of water-

    borne diseases and health problems,

    A community with absolute poverty but high

    willingness to participate.

    With those considerations along with the stake-

    holders approval, the project site was selected at

    RW 18th (Rukun Warga, a unit of community), in

    Prawirodirjan, Mergangsan sub district, Yogyakarta

    City (Figure 3). In this community, an adequate

    sanitation system is absent. Many households dispose

    their waste directly into the rivers. Heavy rainfall

    and inadequate maintenance lead to combined

    sewer overflows or sanitary sewer overflows and

    backs to residential areas, which harm the commu-

    nitys health. At the same time, citizens also enthusi-

    astically expect the project implementation in their


    Di komunitas dengan tingkat penyakit keairan

    tinggi dan juga masalah kesehatan lainnya,

    Di komunitas dengan kemiskinan absolut

    tetapi kemauan berpartisipasi yang tinggi.

    Berdasarkan pertimbangan di atas dan dengan

    persetujuan pihak yang berkepentingan, lokasi

    proyek ditetapkan di RW 18, Prawirodirjan, Ke-

    camatan Mergangsan, Kota Yogyakarta (Gambar

    3). Di komunitas ini, tidak terdapat sistem sanitasi

    yang memadai. Banyak rumah tangga yang mem-

    buang kotoran langsung ke sungai. Dengan pe-

    meliharaan sistem sanitasi yang tidak memadai,

    apabila terjadi hujan akan terjadi luapan air kotor

    yang menggenai permuahan, yang berbahaya

    bagi kesehatan. Dalam waktu yang sama, pen-

    duduk sangat berantusias mengharapkan proyek

    ini dilaksanakan.


    Figure 3 Location of the Project

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    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    5.1 Site Preparation

    This project does not involve oversized materials,

    heavy equipment or lots of workers, but rather a

    spot site, common construction materials, and small

    number of workers. The

    project, therefore, does

    not require complicated

    site preparation. How-

    ever, the following steps

    are recommended:

    The system should be

    located at least 30

    meters from drinking

    water sources, 15 me-

    ters from streams or

    ponds and 3 meters

    from water lines

    Slope the drain-fields

    away from houses,

    buildings and water


    Keep drain-fields free

    from trees and shrubbery

    Allow sufficient space for expansion if necessary

    Keep septic tanks or drain-fields uncovered by

    driveways or concrete

    Locate septic tanks or drain-fields away from


    Because of its location, some demolitions and access

    road preparation are required (Figure 4).

    5.1 Penyiapan Lapangan

    Proyek ini tidak memerlukan material yang besar,

    alat berat atau tenaga kerja yang banyak, hanya

    bahan bangunan biasa dengan jumlah kecil

    pekerja, sehingga proyek

    ini tidak memerlukan

    penyiapan lapangan

    yang sulit. Walaupun be-

    gity langkah berikut


    Sistem sanitasi ini ha-

    rus berlokasi minimal 30

    meter dari sumber air mi-

    num, 15 meter dari sungai

    atau kolam air dan 3 me-

    ter dari saluran air kecil


    Arah saluran drainase

    harus menjauhi pe-

    rumahan, bangunan dan

    saluran air minum

    Drainase harus bersih

    dari pepohonan/belukar

    Terdapat cukup ruang untuk pengembangan

    Septik tank dan salurannya tidak boleh tertu-

    tup jalan atau beton

    Tempatkan septik tank atau drainase jauh dari

    saluran air.

    Karena lokasi proyek, beberapa pembongkaran

    dan jalan menuju proyek diperlukan (Gambar 4).


    5 Project Implementation 5 Pelaksanaan Proyek

    Figure 4 Site Preparation

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    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    5.2 Choice of Technology

    The RW 18th

    of Prawirodirjan has four smaller com-

    munity units, which are also known as Rukun

    Tetangga (RT). The residents of this area mostly use

    the communal toilet

    for taking baths,

    washing clothes or

    dishes. Meanwhile,

    to dispose sewage is

    in public latrines or

    open pit latrines.

    The Chief of the

    neighbourhood unit

    takes responsibility

    for the maintenance

    of the communal

    toilet in his author-

    ity. Based on field

    observation, a sim-

    ple septic tank or

    waste water storage

    with no treatment

    system are com-

    monly used for wa-

    ter disposal. Dis-

    charging waste wa-

    ter directly into the

    river is also com-monly undertaken by households in the community.

    This situation encourages a need of intervention. By

    using Sewage Water Treatment for household

    waste and Tripikon-S Technology for septic tank,

    the sanitation system in this area is expected to im-

    prove (Figures 5). This locally developed technology

    seems the best choice for local conditions.

    5.2 Pilihan Teknologi

    RW 18 Prawirodirjan membawahi empat Rukun

    Tetangga (RT), dengan kebanyakan penduduknya

    melakukan aktivitas Mandi, Cuci dan Kakus di WC

    Umum. Aktivitas

    buang air biasanya

    dilakukan di WC

    Umum atau WC

    cubluk. Para Ketua

    RT bertanggung

    jawab terhadap

    pemeliharaan WC

    umum di wilayah-

    nya masing-masing.

    Dari hasil pengama-

    tan di lapangan,

    untuk buangan lim-

    bah, satu septic

    tank sederhana

    atau jenis penam-

    pung lainnya tanpa

    dilengkapi dengan

    sistem pengolahan,

    sangat umum di-

    pakai. Untuk buan-

    gan rumah tangga,

    masyarakat terbi-

    asa dengan lang-sung membuang ke dalam sungai. Keadaan ini

    mendorong perlunya satu intervensi teknologi.

    Dengan menggunakan pengolah limbah rumah

    tangga dan teknologi Tripikon-S, sistem sanitasi di

    kawasan ini diharapkan dapat meningkat

    (Gambar 5). Teknologi yang dikembangkan secara

    lokal ini, nampaknya merupakan pilihan terbaik

    untuk kondisi setempat.


    Figure 5 Tripikon-S System

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    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    5.3 Supply of Materials

    Based on the experiences of project implementa-

    tion, the supply ofmaterials would be

    better if the follow-

    ing aspects are con-


    Use l oca l l y

    available and

    cheaper materi-

    als without sac-

    r i f i c ing the


    Use materials that local citizens are familiar

    Use materials which require no specific handling

    and are easy to install.

    During project implementation, local citizens par-

    ticipated in providing materials and workers (Table


    5.3 Suplai Bahan Bangunan

    Berdasarkan pengalaman pelaksanan proyek ini,

    suplai bahan ban-gunan akan lebih

    baik bila memper-

    timbangkan hal


    Gunakan ba-

    han setempat yang

    ada dan murah

    tanpa harus men-

    gorbankan kualitas

    Gunakan ba-

    han yang dikenal masyarakat

    Gunakan bahan yang tidak perlu penanganan

    khusus dan mudah dipasang.

    Selama pelaksanaan proyek, masyarakat mem-

    bantu menyediakan bahan dan tenaga kerja

    (Tabel 1)


    Figure 6 Locally Produced Concrete Pipes

    SN Activity Implementation Labor Materials Others

    1 Instalment of three

    Tripikon-S in two PublicToilets

    Apr 30-May 5, 2006 4 Sand and Stone Meal

    2 Instalment of Sewage


    May 1- 7, 2006 4 Sand & Stone Meal

    3 Instalment of threeTripikon-S in two PublicToilet

    June 15-July 30, 2006 8 Sand & Stone Meal

    4 Instalment of threeTripikon-S in two PublicToilet

    Aug 30- Sept 15,2006

    2 Sand & Stone Meal

    5 Instalment of SewageTreatment

    July 30-Aug 10, 2006 8 Sand & Stone Meal

    Table 1 Contributions of the Community

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    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    5.4 Project Staff and Workers

    Project staff and workers are essential during pro-

    ject implementation period. In order to carry outeffective management of the project, a team which

    consists of the following was established:

    Project coordinator

    Administrative and Financial Coordinator

    Technical Coordinator

    Workshop and Documentation Coordinator

    Community Development Coordinator

    Workers are recruited from within the area; some

    skilled workers are hired on daily basis, while for

    non-skilled workers, some community members are

    voluntarily involved. Voluntary involvement of the

    citizens show their sense of ownership to the project.

    5.4 Project Training and Dissemination

    For the purpose of project sustainability training on

    operation and maintenance of the project has been

    conducted with the users as trainees (Table 2).

    5.4 Staf dan Pekerja Proyek

    Staf dan pekerja proyek sangat penting selama

    pelaksanaan kegiatan. Agar proyek dapat dilak-sanakan dengan baik, satu tim manajemen proyek

    dibentuk dengan komposisi seperti berikut:

    Kordinator Proyek

    Kordinator Administrasi dan Keuangan

    Kordinator Teknis

    Kordinator Workshop dan Dokumentasi

    Kordinator Pengembangan Masyarakat

    Pekerja proyek direkrut dari kawasan sekitar, be-

    berapa tenaga terampil dipekerjakan secara har-

    ian, dan beberapa warga masyarakat turut

    menyumbangkan tenaga secara sukarela. Keterli-

    batan ini menunjukkan rasa memiliki dari mereka.

    5.4 Pelatihan dan Diseminasi Proyek

    Untuk keberlanjutan proyek ini, pelatihan tentang

    operasi dan pemeliharaan proyek dilaksanakan

    dengan pengguna sebagai peserta pelatihan (Table



    SN Areas Training Date

    Man Woman Total1 Community 18th 25 March 2006 42 25 67

    2 Neighborhood 59 27 March 2006 20 16 36

    4 Neighborhood 61 1 April 2006 21 22 42

    7 Neighborhood 61 (add) 11 April 2006 3 29 32

    8 River Community Organi-


    20 April 2006 2 8 10


    5 Neighborhood 58 5 April 2006 3 29 32

    6 Neighborhood 59 10 April 2006 3 30 33

    3 Neighborhood 60 29 March 2006 4 29 33

    Table 2 Training on Environmental Issues and Project Operation & Maintenance

  • 7/29/2019 Tech5 Indonesia


    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    Project evaluation is conducted by observing project

    outputs and outcomes. The project output consists

    of one unit of communal waste water treatment

    system. The number of households served by the

    project is shown in Table 3. Meanwhile, the number

    of households and persons served by the project are

    shown in Table 3.

    In terms of the quantity of waste water treated, theproject performance is shown in Table 4.

    Performance of the project as exhibited in Table 3

    and 4 shows the contribution to the improvement of

    local environmental condition.

    Evaluasi proyek dilaksanakan dengan mengamati

    output dan outcome proyek. Output proyek terdiri

    atas 7 unit WC Umum tipe Tripikon-S, 2 unit WC

    rumah individu dan 1 unit sistem pengolahan lim-

    bah. Sedangkan jumlah rumah tangga dan pero-

    rangan yang dilayani oleh proyek seperti terlihat

    pada Tabel 3.

    Berdasarkan jumlah limbah yang diolah, kinerjaproyek terlihat pada Tabel 4.

    Kinerja proyek seperti terlihat pada Tabel 3 dan 4

    memperlihatkan kontribusi proyek atas perbaikan

    kondisi lingkungan setempat.


    6 Project Evaluation 6 Evaluasi Proyek

    SN Installed System Served


    Number of Unit Served

    Household Man Woman

    1 Seven Tripikon-S in threeCommunal Toilets

    Neighborhood 58,59, 60 and 61

    63 302 281

    2 One Tripikon-S Model inIndividual house

    Neighbourhood 58 2 2 3

    3 Instalment of SewageTreatment System

    Neighborhood 58and 60

    89 229 215

    154 533 499TOTAL

    Table 3 Number of Household and Person Served

    SN Installed System Served



    Person Grey Water


    Night Soil


    1 Seven Tripikon-S in three

    Communal Toilets

    Neighborhood 58,

    59, 60 and 61

    281 - 2,810

    2 One Tripikon-S Model inIndividual house

    Neighbourhood 58 5 - 10

    3 Instalment of SewageTreatment System

    Neighborhood 58and 60

    215 3,225 -

    501 3,225 2,820TOTAL

    Table 4 Quantity of Waste Water Treated

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    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    Contribution of the project to the improvement of

    local environmental conditions can be seen from the

    quantity of waste water treated. It has obviously

    reduced water pollution in the Code River. A labo-

    ratory test on drinking water sources shows that the

    quality of water source have also improved (Table


    Other than colibacteria, other parameters show

    that the quality of the drinking water is acceptable.

    Despite the above maximum value, the colibacteria

    parameter generally shows an improvement from

    previous 1000 MPN/100 ml. The improvement of

    water quality in particular and improvement of

    local environmental conditions, in general, demon-

    strates the achievement of the project.

    Project monitoring should be continued for several

    years after the construction of the system to confirm

    that the project continuously serves the users at an

    acceptable standard of service. Periodic mainte-

    nance should be undertaken to ensure that the per-

    formance of the systems does not fall below accept-

    able level. The frequency of maintenance depends

    on local conditions.

    Kontribusi proyek terhadap peningkatan kondisi

    lingkungan setempat dapat dilihat dari kuantitas

    air limbah yang diolah. Hal ini tentu saja mengu-

    rangi polusi air di Kali Code. Test laboratorium ter-

    hadap sumber air minum menunjukkan bahwa

    kualitas sumber air minum meningkat (Tabel 5).

    Selain colibacteria, parameter lainnya memperli-

    hatkan bahwa kualitas air minum dapat diterima.

    Selain di atas nilai maksimum, parameter colibac-

    teria umumnya memperlihatkan peningkatan dari

    sebelumnya 1000 MPN/100 ml. Peningkatan kuali-

    tas air khususnya, dan peningkatan kondisi ling-

    kungan setempat pada umumnya memperlihat-

    kan apa yang telah dicapai oleh proyek.

    Pemantauan proyek harus dilakukan menerus un-

    tuk beberapa tahun setelah pelaksanaan untuk

    menjamin bahwa proyek tetap melayani peng-

    guna sesuai dengan standard yang dapat diterima.

    Pemeliharan berkala harus dilakukan agar kinerja

    sistem tidak di bawah standard yang diterima. Fre-

    kuensi pemeliharaan tergantung kepada kondisi



    SN Parameters

    (Unit)Location of Well Drinking Water Test

    N 61 N 60 N 59 N 58 N 59


    1 pH 6.5-9 7 7 7 7 7

    2 Turbidity (NTU) 25 0.798 0.928 1.143 1.021 1.218

    3 Color (PtCO) 50 2.7 10 15 10 10

    4 Smell None None None None None

    5 BOD-5 (mg/l) 5.98 7.08 6.28 4.78 5.4

    6 COD (mg/l) 11.28 13.89 11.46 10.78 12.42

    7 Colibacteria (MPN/100ml)

    40 78 166 55 390 38



    Table 5 Quality of Well Drinking Water

  • 7/29/2019 Tech5 Indonesia


    TECHNICAL MANUAL: SANITATION SYSTEM FOR A SMALL COMMUNITYSouth-east Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications Project

    The development of a sanitation system in a small

    community in Yogyakarta, Indonesia by employing

    simple technology has been able to directly improvethe drinking water quality in the community. Im-

    provement of waste water disposal from the com-

    munity to the Code River was also achieved. These

    two outcomes show that the environmental quality

    in the area has improved.

    There is a key factor that makes these activities suc-

    cessful. This key factor is enthusiasm and support of

    the community. This support will not be possible

    without the active involvement of citizens at each

    stage of the project activities, from planning to im-

    plementation. With this precondition, the operation

    and maintenance of the system will also be effec-


    Pembangunan sistem sanitasi pada komunitas kecil

    di Yogyakarta, Indonesia dengan memakai

    teknologi sederhana telah berhasil meningkatkankualitas air minum masyarakat secara langsung.

    Peningkatan kualitas air buangan dari masyarakat

    ke dalam Kali Code juga tercapai. Dua contoh hasil

    ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas lingkungan di

    kawasan ini meningkat.

    Terdapat satu factor yang membuat kegiatan ini

    sukses. Faktor ini adalah antusiasme dan dukungan

    dari masyarakat. Dukungan ini tidak mungkin ada

    tanpa keterlibatan aktif dari mereka pada setiap

    tahapan proyek, sejak perencanaan hingga pelak-

    sanaan. Dengan prakondisi ini, pengoperasian dan

    pemeliharaan proyek akan menjadi lebih berhasil-



    7 Conclusions 7 Kesimpulan

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  • 7/29/2019 Tech5 Indonesia


    The Southeast Asia Urban Environmental Manage-

    ment Applications (SEA-UEMA) Project (2003-2008

    and 2008-2010) is a partnership between the Cana-

    dian International Development Agency (CIDA)

    and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). The

    projects goal is to contribute to the improvement ofurban environmental conditions in the Southeast

    Asia (SEA) region covering the countries Cambodia,

    ndonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand,

    Timor Leste and Vietnam. It seeks to attain im-

    proved applications and sharing of sound urban en-

    vironmental management policies and practices in

    he three key urban environmental sub sectors

    water and sanitation, solid waste and air pollution)

    n SEA region with gender equality and environ-

    ment as the cross-cutting themes. The target benefi-iaries are the urban poor men and women in SEA.

    The Alumni Demonstration Project (ADP) compo-

    nent involves AIT Alumni and the projects sub-

    ectors network members to undertake demonstra-

    ion projects based on UEM good practices, innova-

    ive ideas and those ideas arising out of successful

    action research and pilot projects. The purpose of

    ADPs is to demonstrate ways and means to improve

    environmental conditions in poor urban areas of

    EA and to facilitate the adoption of good policies

    and practices.

    For more information on the SEA-UEMA ProjectThis manual is published with the financial support of

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