terrorismo 12


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Page 1: Terrorismo 12


Page 2: Terrorismo 12

El 11 de septiembre, enemigos de la libertad cometieron

un acto de guerra contra nuestro país ... O están con

nosotros o están con los terroristas.

~ President George W. Bush, 20 Sep 2001

"... El pueblo estadounidense debe permanecer

vigilante .... Aquellos conspirar contra nosotros

buscamos no sólo para socavar nuestra

seguridad, sino también la sociedad abierta y

los valores que apreciamos como


~ President Barack Obama, 28 Dec 2009

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• Historia

• definiciones

• Las características, objetivos, y Tácticas

• Política Nacional de Estados Unidos y Política

Militar Futuro del terrorismo


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• El terrorismo para lograr

agendas políticas no es nuevo

disidentes judíos se opusieron a

la dominación romana (48 C. E.)

secta islámica llamada

Hashshashin seguido la "causas

justas" Cruzados emplea la

violación como táctica de terrorHassan-i Sabbah, Iranian

missionary who founded

the Hashshashin


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• Desde 1990, el


religioso surgió como

fuerza primaria para el


• La proliferación de armas

redujo la brecha entre el

poder de fuego del estado

y de los disidentes


Radical Shiite Muqtada al-Sadr

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• Walter Laqueur: "El terrorismo constituye el

uso ilegítimo de la fuerza para alcanzar un

objetivo político cuando las personas inocentes

están dirigidos."

• Departamento de Defensa: "El uso ilegal o

amenaza de uso de fuerza o violencia contra

las personas o la propiedad de coaccionar o

intimidar a gobiernos o sociedades, a menudo

para conseguir objetivos políticos, religiosos o



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Joint Pub. 3-07.2

El uso ilegal de la violencia o la amenaza de

violencia para infundir miedo y coaccionar a

los gobiernos o sociedades.

El terrorismo es a menudo motivado por

creencias ideológicas religiosas, políticas o de

otro tipo y comprometido en la búsqueda de

objetivos que son generalmente de carácter

político. - Joint Publication 3-07.2, Antiterrorism

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• Violencia

• objetivo político

• impacto psicológico y el miedo

• La orientación de los no combatientes

• Guerra de guerrillas ......?

Key Criteria

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Guerilla vs. Terrorism

Targets Mostly military, police, or political opponents

State symbols, political opponents, and the public

at large

Intended Impact

Mainly physical attrition of the enemy

Psychological coercion

Tactics Commando-type operations

Specialized tactics: kidnapping, car bombs,

hijacking, etc.

International Legality

Yes, if follow rules of armed conduct


Guerilla Terrorism

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Typologies of Terrorism

• Política: los gobiernos fuerza

para cambiar la estructura o

políticas, o para lograr un

cambio social radical

• Religiosa: Objetivos /

acciones divinamente

guiados; a menudo vinculados

a las identidades étnicas y


• Social: "interés especial"

2004: Train bombings in Spain

Group responsible for attack has

link to Al Qaeda

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• 1: Domestic Terrorism

– Terrorism perpetrated by the citizens of a country

against their fellow citizens

Two Categories of Terrorism

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• 2: International or transnational terrorism

– Terrorism in which planning and execution of the

terrorist act transcends national boundaries

– Examples: Hezbollah; Al Qaeda

Two Categories of Terrorism

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• Status: Most from middle class backgrounds,

with some from extreme wealth

• Education: Intelligent and literate, with

varying levels of formal education

• Age: Operational members aged between 20-

35, while suicide bombers tend to be younger

• Gender: Most are male but not exclusively

“There’s nothing wrong with being a terrorist, as long as you win.”

(Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society)

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• Attract attention for cause

• Demonstrate group’s power

• Show government’s lack of


• Exact revenge

• Obtain logistical support

• Cause a government to overreact

Objectives of Terrorism

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2. Intelligence and surveillance:

Information gathering on the targets with

greatest possibility of success (e.g.,

schedules, security, layout, etc.)

3. Specific target selection: Decision point!6. Action: Generally, goal is to get in, get

the job done, and get out before security

forces can react

1.Broad target selection: Collection of data on

large number of potential targets7. Escape and exploitation: Escape plans

well rehearsed and exploitation of

successful attack vital to achieve desired


4. Pre-attack surveillance and planning:

Quantity and quality of data gathering

increases, and usually is gathered over

days to weeks

5. Attack rehearsal: Often includes

relocation to target site, testing of security

responsiveness and escape routes, and

checking equipment performance

Terrorist Planning Cycle

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• Assassination

• Arson

• Bombing

• Hostage taking

• Kidnapping

• Hijacking

• Seizures

• Raids

• Sabotage

• Threat or Hoax

• Use of WMD

“Between now and 2015 terrorist tactics will become increasingly sophisticated and designed to achieve mass casualties.” (National Intelligence Council)

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• Assassination—Murder of

prominent persons,

symbolic enemies, or

traitors who defect from

the group

• Arson—Requires little

technical knowledge, poses

low risk to terrorist, and can

cause significant destruction


Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat

(top right) and Israeli Prime Minister

Yitzhak Rabin (below)

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• Bombing—Explosive devices

commonly employed in

warfare are now an integral

part of the terrorist’s arsenal

– Oct 1983: Marine barracks in

Beirut; 245 were killed and

146 wounded

– Oct 2000: Navy destroyer USS

Cole attacked, resulting in the

death of 17 sailors and 39



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• Improvised explosive device

(IED) is the terrorist’s

weapon of choice:

– Inexpensive to produce

– Detonation techniques

– Low risk to the perpetrator

– Placement/concealment

– High attention-getting



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Sep 2004: Chechen terrorists took

hundreds of school children and adults

hostage in Beslan, Russia

Oct 2002: Ingrid Betancourt kidnapped

by the FARC; still missing

• Hostage taking: Overt

seizure of individuals with

the intent of gaining

publicity or concessions in

return for release of the


• Kidnapping: Covert seizure

of one or more specific

person(s) in order to extract

specific demands



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1976: Highjacked Flight 139 out of Tel Aviv

was diverted to Entebbe, Uganda. Israeli

forces, led by Col Yoni Netanyahu, rescued

the hostages in Operation Thunderbolt.

Netanyahu was the only military casualty.

• Hijacking or Skyjacking: Normally

executed to produce a spectacular

hostage situation; any passenger

transport can be used

• Seizure: Usually involves a building

or object that has value in the eyes

of the audience


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• Raids/Attacks on Facilities:

Done to gain access to media,

acquire resources, and/or

demonstrate government’s

inability to secure critical


• Sabotage: Destruction of

equipment or infrastructure to

demonstrate vulnerability of

society and to disrupt services


April 2005: Insurgents led a

coordinated attack on Abu Ghraib

prison; intended to free detainees

and kill US forces… FAILED!

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• Threat or Hoaxes: Threat that

causes diversion of resources;

can dull effectiveness of

preventive or


• Use of WMD: Chemical

weapons used in the past…

many groups have expressed

desire to acquire WMD


1995: Terror group Aum Shinrikyo

released Sarin gas in the Tokyo subway,

injuring thousands and killing 12 people

“Acquiring weapons (WMD) for the defense of Muslims is a religious duty.”

(Osama Bin Laden)

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Terrorist Attacks 1970-2007

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• First articulated by the Reagan administration

and reaffirmed by every president since

• Four enduring policy principles

– Make no concessions to terrorists

– Bring terrorists to justice for their crimes

– Isolate and apply pressure on states that sponsor

terrorism to force them to change their behavior

– Bolster the counterterrorist capabilities of those

countries that work with the United States and

require assistance

US Terror Policy

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• Advance effective democracies as the long-term antidote

to the ideology of terrorism;

• Prevent attacks by terrorist networks;

• Deny weapons of mass destruction to rogue states and

terrorist allies who seek to use them;

• Deny terrorists the support and sanctuary of rogue states;

• Deny terrorists control of any nation they would use as a

base and launching pad for terror; and

• Lay the foundations and build the institutions and

structures we need to carry the fight forward against terror

and help ensure our ultimate success.

National Strategy for

Combating Terrorism

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• Dept. of Homeland Security established: Third

largest cabinet department after DOD and VA

• Incorporates existing agencies, including US

Coast Guard, Secret Service, and Citizenship

and Immigration Service (CIS)

• Coordinates capabilities of 22+ agencies to:

– Secure borders, transportation, critical


– Synthesize/analyze homeland security intelligence

– Spearheads domestic counter-terrorism efforts

US Policy Post 9/11

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• Guiding principles:

– US forces will continue to engage

– Force protection will be a major


• DOD addresses terrorism from

two distinct perspectives:

– Counterterrorism (offensive)

– Anti-terrorism (defensive)

• Intelligence critical component for success

US Military Policy

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• Counterterrorism

– Offensive measures taken to prevent, deter, and

respond to terrorism include Operation El Dorado

Canyon and the GWOT

• Antiterrorism

– Defensive measures to reduce vulnerability include

facility hardening, setting buildings back from

roads/parking lots, and limiting access to military


US Military Policy

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• Force Protection—An integrated application of

offensive/defensive actions that deter, detect, preempt,

mitigate, or negate threats against or hazards to Air

Force air and space operations and assets, based on an

acceptable level of risk (JP 1-02)

– Relocation of deployed forces out of

heavily populated areas to an isolated base

– Deployment of floating barriers around

warships in high-risk areas

Force Protection

“Asymmetric challenges can arise across the spectrum of conflict that

will confront US forces in a theater of operations or on US soil.”

(National Intelligence Council)

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• Terrorists are a dynamic enemy…and are

adapting to the challenges posed by developing


• Groups like Al Qaeda and Hezbollah benefit

from and are exploiting globalization, even as

they fight against it

• Terrorist groups are becoming more network

based, encouraging loosely organized, self-

financed organizational structure

Future of Terrorism

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• International or transnational cooperation

among terrorist groups is becoming the norm

• WMD proliferation amplifies the danger of

broad, network-based terrorism.

• Terrorists increasingly display a willingness to

use catastrophic violence to cause mass

casualties and destruction

Future of Terrorism

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• Other trends:

– Intense motivational extremism

– Flexible organization structure

– Aggressive training to improve operational


– Increasing exploitation of media

– Increasing mass casualties and chaos through use

of more advanced weapons

Future of Terrorism

“States with poor governance; ethnic, cultural, or religious tensions; weak

economies; and porous borders will be prime breeding grounds for terrorism.”

(National Intelligence Council)

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• History

• Definitions

• Characteristics, Objectives, & Tactics

• US National Policy and Military Policy

• Future of Terrorism


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“We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will

not fail.” —President Bush, 20 Sep 2001