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Bahasan SSM untuk studi kasus Sungai Couum di India


PowerPoint Presentation

Dosen Pengampu : Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, MM. M.Sc. Ph.D Soft Systems Methodoloy and the Ecosystem Approach : A System Study of the Cooum River and Environs in Chennai, India Martin J. Bunch Tugas Mata Kuliah Sistem Penunjang Pengambilan Keputusan

Disusun oleh : Meliana AesyNIM 21010114410006 M. Azhar A.NIM21010114410018 Nurul FitrianiNIM21010114410019 Steps 1 : Problem situation considered problematiquePage 183:The Cooum River is highly polluted slow-moving stream. During the nonmonsoon season the upper reaches can be attributed to input of wastewater and sewage from the surrounding city. The river passes through a very flat landscape on a coastal plain. On the coast, changes in littoral currents due to construction of the Madras Port have resulted in formation and migration of sand bars that block the river mouth. This leads to stagnation of water in the dry season and reduces what little cleansing action tidal mixing might have on the lower reaches of the river.Step 2 : Express The Problem situationMenggunakanrich picturedan metode/teknik penstrukturan masalah dalam mencari situasi masalah. Seperti pada paper SSM and the Ecosytem Approach halaman 191.

Rich PictureSteps 3 : Formulate Root Definitions of relevant systems of purposeful activityMengidentifikasi stakeholders yang terlibat, transformasi,Weltanschaungg(cara pandang), dan lingkungan untuk kemudian membangun definisi sistem aktivitas manusia yang dibutuhkan untuk memperbaiki situasi masalah. Penggunaan diagram dalam mengungkapkan situasi yang bermasalah dan memberikan sistem yang relevan adalah karakteristik SSM. Praktisi SSM berpendapat, ketika suatu diagram akan lebih efektif daripada kata-kata dalam menyajikan hubungan dan representasi bergambar beberapa hubungan yang saling berinteraksi akan membuat pola pikir dapat membantu berpikir holistik ( Checkland 1999) . Teknik rich pictures adalah salah satu yang tidak asing yang terkait dengan metodologi. Sebuah rich pictures, di dalamnya akan menggambarkan aktor dan unsur-unsur dalam situasi yang bermasalah dan menunjukkan hubungan diantara mereka. Dari gambaran bergambar ini , tema relevan dengan situasi masalah dapat diidentifikasi dan dimodelkan sebagai sistem aktivitas manusia tujuanSteps 3 : Formulate Root Definitions of relevant systems of purposeful activityStakeholders dalam rich pictures:

SCP (Sustainable Chennai Project), Projek Berkelanjutan Chennai CMDA(Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority) PCB (Pollution Control Board), Dewan pengendalian pencemaran PWD (Public Works Department), Departemen Pekerjaan Umum Rev. Dept. (the State Revenue Department), Departemen Pajak Chennai Corp. (the Corporation of Chennai) Env. & For. (Department of Environment and Forests) MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly), DPR NGO (Non Governmental organization)Steps 4 : Build conceptual models of the systems named in the root definitionsPage 192 :In this work, CATWOE analysis was modied to provide structure to a facilitated workshop session which explored important themes in the rich picture of the Cooum situation. Further facilitated discussion explored critical activities associated with each relevant system, paralleling a standard conceptualization technique in SSM. This provided an effective means of highlighting primary activities and processes in the situation and modelling them (conceptually) as systems relevant to the problem situation. These were treated as subsystems of the larger Cooum socioecological system.

Menggunakan CATWOE AnalysisSteps 4 : Build conceptual models of the systems named in the root definitions

Steps 5 : Compare models with the real world

Workshop participants, through development of a qualitative understanding of the situation that incorporated human activity in a more central role, underwent a dramatic rethinking of the problem situation. Despite the common knowledge that pollution in the Cooum derived from the city population, previous attempts to deal with the situation conceived of it as a physical problem and targeted hydraulic characteristics of the system for intervention (such as removal of the coastal sand bar to relieve stagnation and allow tidal flushing, dredging of sludge, lining of river banks and removal of blockages to the flow along the course of the river).Steps 6 : Define possible changes which are both desirable and feasibleTechniques and exercises used for comparison in this work, however, differed from those used intypical applications of SSM where the problem context has to do with the operation of companies, departments, or institutions. For example, the working session following conceptualization of relevant systems addressed their spatial manifestation in the real world. In this scoping exercise participants were asked to identify levels of hierarchy in the situation (with respect to each system previously identified) and to distinguish systems from their environment by associating critical actors and elements with the extent of their activities and processes over space (Where do they occur?) and through time (For how long? How often?). Steps 7 : Take Action to Improve The Problem SituationThe program of research has been successful in stimulating insight into the situation, generating novel ideas for rehabilitation and management of the Cooum River environmental system, and bringing stakeholders in the situation together to pursue a solution to the problem. However, there is still a long way to go. Current institutional and jurisdictional arrangements have momentum. Plans for rehabilitation and management of the Cooum system are funded and progressing on several fronts, but these seem to be occurring largely in isolation. It will likely take further exposure to collaborative and holistic approaches to such problems, continued failure of traditional management approaches, and a worsening crisis to stimulate large scale change.Steps 7 : Take Action to Improve The Problem SituationThe program of research has been successful in stimulating insight into the situation, generating novel ideas for rehabilitation and management of the Cooum River environmental system, and bringing stakeholders in the situation together to pursue a solution to the problem. However, there is still a long way to go. Current institutional and jurisdictional arrangements have momentum. Plans for rehabilitation and management of the Cooum system are funded and progressing on several fronts, but these seem to be occurring largely in isolation. It will likely take further exposure to collaborative and holistic approaches to such problems, continued failure of traditional management approaches, and a worsening crisis to stimulate large scale change.Steps 7 : Take Action to Improve The Problem SituationBisa saja terjadi perubahan, sebagai contohnya, apabila Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority, dimana pihak ini adalah yang bertanggung jawab dalam mengendalikan kegiatan pembangunan dan koordinasi program Chennai, berpartisipasi dalam pekerjaan dan menyediakan data dan informasi untuk pekerjaan Sungai Cooum. Pada pekerjaan lebih lanjut dalam pengelolaan lingkungan perkotaan unutk kesehatan manusia, CMDA telah meningkatkan keterlibatanya dan membuat komitmen kelembagaan untuk mensponsori pendekatan dengan menjadi tuan rumah pro-SSM dan pendekatan kegiatan ekosistem 195 gram seperti halnya pada workshop. Lembaga lain yang memberikan dukungan material dan The National Environmental Engineering Institute telah mengadopsi pendekatan untuk mengatasi masalah yang pernah dialami Sungai Nag di Nagpur, Pendekatan ini dikembangkan di Chenai Institutions.