thc fall 2013 publication

By AMRIT JAGGI PR Manager While it is usually business and eco- nomic students searching for consulting positions, pre-health students should not VK\ DZD\ IURP WKHVH MREV ²² VSHFLÀFDOO\ healthcare consulting. Consulting ÀUPV SURYLGH VHUYLFHV WR other organizations to identify problems, UHVROYH LVVXHV DQG PD[LPL]H HIÀFLHQF\ Consulting jobs are highly sought after for their learning opportunities, professional QHWZRUN DQG WUDYHO EHQHÀWV Healthcare FRQVXOWLQJ LV D UHODWLYHO\ QHZ ÀHOG DQG LV JURZLQJ UDSLGO\ 7\SLFDOO\ healthcare consultants work with health By MORGAN CHEEKS Writer With the implementation of the Af- fordable Care Act, analysts estimate that nearly 30 million Americans will be newly insured by the end of this decade, drastically increasing the need for primary care health work- HUV 7KH $V sociation of American Medical Col- leges pre- dicts a short- age of 90,000 physicians by 2020. +RZHY er, the rising cost of higher education in the United States makes student loan debt a growing concern for students bound for the medical profes- sions. As a result, high-paying specialties DUH PRUH DWWUDFWLYH WR DVSLULQJ KHDOWK professionals, causing primary care spe- cialties to be understaffed. 7R combat this growing problem, many XQLYHUVLWLHV DQG JRYHUQPHQW HQWLWLHV KDYH GHYHORSHG SURJUDPV WR LQFHQWLYL]H physicians and allied health profession- DOV WR ZRUN DV SULPDU\ FDUH SURYLGHUV LQ PHGLFDOO\ XQGHUVHUYHG DUHDV DFURVV WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV 7KH 1DWLRQDO +HDOWK 6HUYLFH &RUSV 1+6& ODXQFKHG XQGHU the direction of the U.S. Department of +HDOWK DQG +XPDQ 6HUYLFHV RIIHUV FRVW VKDULQJ SURJUDPV WR SURIHVVLRQDOV LQ YDU ious stages of their careers. A student in an accredited school VWXG\LQJ WR EHFRPH D SK\VLFLDQ 0' RU '2 GHQWLVW ''6 RU '0' QXUVH SUDF WLWLRQHU FHUWLÀHG QXUVHPLGZLIH RU SK\ sician assistant, can earn scholarships IRU VHUYLQJ FRPPXQLWLHV ZLWK OLPLWHG access to care. Upon grad- uation and completion of training, eli- gible students must agree to SURYLGH FDUH DW DQ 1+6&DS SURYHG VLWH in a high- need Health Professional Shortage Area +36$ Students in their last year RI PHGLFDO VFKRRO 0' RU '2 DUH HOLJL EOH IRU WKH 6WXGHQWV WR 6HUYLFH 3URJUDP D ORDQ UHSD\PHQW LQLWLDWLYH WKDW SURYLGHV participants up to $120,000 in return IRU \HDUV RI VHUYLFH DW DQ 1+6&DSSURYHG VLWH Current physicians are eligible to apply for the )XOO DQG 3DUW7LPH /RDQ Repayment Programs and FDQ UHFHLYH XS WR DQG UHVSHFWLYHO\ IRU WZR \HDUV RI VHUYLFH DW DQ 1+6&DSSURYHG VLWH 7KH 1DWLRQDO +HDOWK 6HUYLFH &RUSV LVQ·W WKH only program of its kind. 7KHUH DUH DOVR VWDWH ORDQ repayment programs, some of which are federally funded cost-sharing grants that help states operate their own repayment SURJUDPV $GGLWLRQDOO\ XQLYHUVLWLHV DOO RYHU WKH ZRUOG SURYLGH VFKRODUVKLSV IRU students aspiring to enter primary care specialties in the United States. CityDoctors, IRU H[DPSOH LV D SURJUDP MRLQWO\ VSRQVRUHG E\ 1HZ <RUN·V +HDOWK DQG +RVSLWDOV &RUSRUDWLRQ ++& DQG 6W *HRUJH·V 8QLYHUVLW\ *UHQDGD WKDW SUR YLGHV DFDGHPLF DQG QHHGEDVHG IXOO DQG KDOI VFKRODUVKLSV IRU HOLJLEOH 1<& UHVL GHQWV WR DWWHQG 6W *HRUJH·V 8QLYHUVLW\ School of Medicine. In return, each stu- dent commits to works as a primary care SK\VLFLDQ DW RQH RI ++&·V HOHYHQ 1HZ <RUN KRVSLWDOV 7KHUH DUH SURJUDPV VXFK DV WKLV IRU UHVLGHQWV RI QHDUO\ HYHU\ VWDWH For students interested in conducting research as part of their medical career, WKH 1DWLRQDO ,QVWLWXWHV RI +HDOWK 1,+ SURYLGHV XS WR SHU \HDU IRU ORDQ UHSD\PHQW WR LQGLYLGXDOV ZLWK D KHDOWK professional doctoral degree who conduct one of the following types of research: clinical, pediatric, health disparities, or contraception and infertility. Whether \RX·UH LQWHUHVWHG LQ EHFRPLQJ a Physician As- sistant, or a re- searcher seek- ing to reduce health dispar- ities, there are many programs that make help- ing communi- ties in need a ÀQDQFLDOO\ UH ZDUGLQJ H[SHUL ence as well. The Anatomy of Athletes: Taking a Look at Sports Medicine Scholarships for Serving the Underserved ONLINE Feature: Medicine-Related Jobs for Students | Social Impact: Biochemical Warfare | Article Exclusive: Medical Marijuana TROJAN HEALTH CONNECTION UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA’S #1 SOURCE FOR PRE-HEALTH NEWS Volume IV | Issue II December 4, 2013 WWW.TROJANHEALTHCONNECTION.COM — see CONSULTING, page 2 By AISHA LODIN Editor Sports medicine is an inter- disciplinary subspecialty of medicine which deals with the WUHDWPHQW DQG SUHYHQWLYH FDUH of athletes, both amateur and SURIHVVLRQDO ,W LQYROYHV D WHDP composed of specialty physicians and surgeons, athletic trainers, physical therapists, coaches, other personnel and, of course, the athlete. Sports medicine is QRW GHÀQHG as a single specialty but rather DV D ÀHOG RI PHGLFLQH WKDW LQ YROYHV KHDOWK FDUH SURIHVVLRQDOV researchers and educators from D ZLGH YDULHW\ RI GLVFLSOLQHV ,WV SXUSRVH LV QRW RQO\ WR SURYLGH D FXUDWLYH DSSURDFK EXW DOVR D SUH YHQWDWLYH RQH 7KH relationship between an athlete and his sports medicine WHDP LV FUXFLDO IRU WKH DWKOHWH·V career. Participation in compet- LWLYH VSRUWV SDUWLFXODUO\ DW D QDWLRQDO RU LQWHUQDWLRQDO OHYHO can lead to a wide range of inju- ULHV 7KH PRVW FRPPRQ LQFOXGH sprains, swollen muscles, dislo- cations and fractures. Fifteen-time All Star Kobe %U\DQW·V FDUHHU LV KLJKO\ GH pendent on his team of sports PHGLFLQH H[SHUWV $IWHU IDOOLQJ WR WKH ÁRRU LQ DJRQ\ LQ D JDPH against the Golden State War- riors in April, Bryant and his VSRUWV PHGLFLQH WHDP KDYH EHHQ ZRUNLQJ GLOLJHQWO\ RQ KLV UHFRY ery from a shattered Achilles tendon injury. Injury to the Achilles tendon most often occurs in two ways. 7KH ÀUVW LV E\ D VXGGHQ EXUVW or acceleration of the ankle, as when someone standing still suddenly takes off running. 7KH VHFRQG ZD\ LV E\ D WUDXPD impact to the ankle or its sur- rounding areas, most common- ly associated with motor acci- dents and crush injuries. In the case of Bryant, it was the former: his sudden take off in an attempt to beat off Harri- son Barnes, a forward for Gold- en State Warriors. 7UHDWPHQW options for Achil- les damage can range from QRQRSHUDWLYH WR VXUJLFDO UHSDLU to reconstruction using patients own donor tendon grafts. Surgi- cal repair is usually recommend- HG IRU PRUH DFWLYH LQGLYLGXDOV HVSHFLDOO\ KLJKOHYHO DWKOHWHV %U\DQW·V VXUJHU\ LQYROYHG DQ orthopedic surgeon sewing the two ends of the tendon together with permanent sutures. Dr. 1HDO (O$WWUDFKH FHOHE rity orthopedic surgeon who SHUIRUPHG %U\DQW·V VXUJHU\ stated in a Los Angeles Times LQWHUYLHZ ´%U\DQW·V FRPSHWLWLYH GULYH DQG PHQWDO WRXJKQHVV ZLOO JLYH KLP DQ HGJH LQ UHFRYHULQJ IURP KLV LQMXU\ WKDW ÀJXUHV WR VLGHOLQH KLP DW OHDVW VL[ WR QLQH months.” /DNHU enthusiast Rahil +DQHHI VDLG ´.REH·V LQMXU\ ZLOO OLNHO\ WDNH DZD\ KLV H[SORVLYH QHVV WR GULYH WR WKH EDVNHW DQG force him to focus on his foot- ZRUN KRZHYHU WKLV FKDQJH RI style will put less pressure on KLV NQHHV DQG PD\EH DGG DQ H[ tra year of play.” Bryant LV ORRNLQJ WR UHFRYHU completely before getting back WR WKH JDPH WR SUHYHQW IXUWKHU complications down the line. He VDLG ´:KHQ ,·P UHDG\ ,·P ready.” %U\DQW·V sports medicine team is making progress with KLV UHFRYHU\ +LV SK\VLFDO WKHU apists, practitioners and coaches are all working together to make sure his injury is fully taken care of before he returns to the court and will continue therapy WR SUHYHQW IXWXUH LQMXULHV DENTAL SPECIALTIES Sink your teeth into the world of specialized dentistry, from orthodontics to periodontology. ALLIED HEALTH | PG 8 A DAY IN THE LIFE OF MD, MD/PhD, PhD and Dental Students CENTERSPREAD | PG 6-7 GALA CELEBRATES 40 YEARS OF JEP CLUBS & ORGS | PG 3 THE FUTURE OF 3-D BIO PRINTING HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY | PG. 4 COURTESY EFPROTENBERG.COM HEALTHCARE consulting is an alternative for those interested in medicine. COURTESY MIKULSKI.SENATE.GOV NHSC oers a number of cost-sharing programs. COURTESY PETERGBOURNE.CO.UK St. George’s University, Grenada. Healthcare Consulting COURTESY LOS ANGELES TIMES BRYANT injured his Achilles tendon during a game in April.

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USC Trojan Health Connection's Fall 2013 Issue. Our latest publication is now available to read on ISSUU or at!


Page 1: THC Fall 2013 Publication


While it is usually business and eco-nomic students searching for consulting positions, pre-health students should not VK\� DZD\� IURP� WKHVH� MREV� ²²� VSHFLÀ�FDOO\��healthcare consulting.

Consulting À�UPV� SURYLGH� VHUYLFHV� WR�other organizations to identify problems, UHVROYH� LVVXHV�� DQG� PD[LPL]H� HIÀ�FLHQF\��Consulting jobs are highly sought after for their learning opportunities, professional QHWZRUN��DQG�WUDYHO�EHQHÀ�WV�

Healthcare FRQVXOWLQJ� LV� D� UHODWLYHO\�QHZ�À�HOG�DQG�LV�JURZLQJ�UDSLGO\��7\SLFDOO\�healthcare consultants work with health


With the implementation of the Af-fordable Care Act, analysts estimate that nearly 30 million Americans will be newly insured by the end of this decade, drastically increas ing the need for primary care health work-HUV�� 7KH� $V�sociation of A m e r i c a n Medical Col-leges pre-dicts a short-age of 90,000 physic ians by 2020. + R Z H Y �

er, the rising cost of higher education in the United States makes student loan debt a growing concern for students bound for the medical profes-sions. As a result, high-paying specialties DUH� PRUH� DWWUDFWLYH� WR� DVSLULQJ� KHDOWK�professionals, causing primary care spe-cialties to be understaffed.7R�combat this growing problem, many


VKDULQJ�SURJUDPV�WR�SURIHVVLRQDOV�LQ�YDU�ious stages of their careers.

A student in an accredited school VWXG\LQJ� WR� EHFRPH� D� SK\VLFLDQ� �0'� RU�'2���GHQWLVW��''6�RU�'0'���QXUVH�SUDF�WLWLRQHU��FHUWLÀ�HG�QXUVH�PLGZLIH��RU�SK\�sician assistant, can earn scholarships IRU� VHUYLQJ� FRPPXQLWLHV� ZLWK� OLPLWHG�

access to care. Upon grad-uation and completion of training, eli-gible students must agree to SURYLGH�FDUH�DW�DQ� 1+6&�DS�SURYHG� VLWH�in a high-need Health Professional Shortage Area �+36$���Students in

their last year RI�PHGLFDO�VFKRRO� �0'�RU�'2���DUH�HOLJL�EOH�IRU�WKH�6WXGHQWV�WR�6HUYLFH�3URJUDP��D�ORDQ�UHSD\PHQW�LQLWLDWLYH�WKDW�SURYLGHV�participants up to $120,000 in return IRU� �� \HDUV� RI� VHUYLFH� DW�DQ� 1+6&�DSSURYHG� VLWH��Current physicians are eligible to apply for the )XOO� DQG� 3DUW�7LPH� /RDQ�Repayment Programs and FDQ�UHFHLYH�XS�WR���������DQG� �������� UHVSHFWLYHO\�IRU�WZR�\HDUV�RI�VHUYLFH�DW�DQ�1+6&�DSSURYHG�VLWH��7KH� 1DWLRQDO� +HDOWK�

6HUYLFH� &RUSV� LVQ·W� WKH�only program of its kind. 7KHUH� DUH� DOVR� VWDWH� ORDQ�

repayment programs, some of which are federally funded cost-sharing grants that help states operate their own repayment SURJUDPV�� $GGLWLRQDOO\�� XQLYHUVLWLHV� DOO�RYHU� WKH� ZRUOG� SURYLGH� VFKRODUVKLSV� IRU�students aspiring to enter primary care specialties in the United States.


For students interested in conducting research as part of their medical career, WKH�1DWLRQDO� ,QVWLWXWHV� RI�+HDOWK� �1,+��SURYLGHV�XS�WR���������SHU�\HDU�IRU�ORDQ�UHSD\PHQW� WR� LQGLYLGXDOV�ZLWK� D� KHDOWK�professional doctoral degree who conduct one of the following types of research: clinical, pediatric, health disparities, or contraception and infertility.

Whether \RX·UH�LQWHUHVWHG�LQ�EHFRPLQJ�a Physician As-sistant, or a re-searcher seek-ing to reduce health dispar-ities, there are many programs that make help-ing communi-ties in need a À�QDQFLDOO\� UH�ZDUGLQJ� H[SHUL�ence as well. �

The Anatomy of Athletes: Taking a Look at Sports Medicine

Scholarships for Serving the Underserved

ONLINE Feature: Medicine-Related Jobs for Students | Social Impact: Biochemical Warfare | Article Exclusive: Medical Marijuana



— see CONSULTING, page 2


Sports medicine is an inter-disciplinary subspecialty of medicine which deals with the WUHDWPHQW� DQG� SUHYHQWLYH� FDUH�of athletes, both amateur and SURIHVVLRQDO�� ,W� LQYROYHV�D� WHDP�composed of specialty physicians and surgeons, athletic trainers, physical therapists, coaches, other personnel and, of course, the athlete.

Sports medicine is QRW�GHÀ�QHG�as a single specialty but rather DV� D� À�HOG� RI� PHGLFLQH� WKDW� LQ�YROYHV�KHDOWK�FDUH�SURIHVVLRQDOV��researchers and educators from D�ZLGH�YDULHW\�RI�GLVFLSOLQHV�� ,WV�SXUSRVH� LV�QRW�RQO\� WR�SURYLGH�D�FXUDWLYH�DSSURDFK��EXW�DOVR�D�SUH�YHQWDWLYH�RQH��7KH� relationship between an

athlete and his sports medicine WHDP� LV�FUXFLDO� IRU� WKH�DWKOHWH·V�career. Participation in compet-LWLYH� VSRUWV�� SDUWLFXODUO\� DW� D�QDWLRQDO� RU� LQWHUQDWLRQDO� OHYHO��can lead to a wide range of inju-ULHV�� 7KH�PRVW� FRPPRQ� LQFOXGH�sprains, swollen muscles, dislo-cations and fractures.

Fifteen-time All Star Kobe %U\DQW·V� FDUHHU� LV� KLJKO\� GH�pendent on his team of sports PHGLFLQH� H[SHUWV�� $IWHU� IDOOLQJ�WR� WKH�Á�RRU� LQ�DJRQ\� LQ�D�JDPH�

against the Golden State War-riors in April, Bryant and his VSRUWV�PHGLFLQH�WHDP�KDYH�EHHQ�ZRUNLQJ�GLOLJHQWO\�RQ�KLV�UHFRY�ery from a shattered Achilles tendon injury.

Injury to the Achilles tendon most often occurs in two ways. 7KH� À�UVW� LV� E\� D� VXGGHQ� EXUVW�or acceleration of the ankle, as when someone standing still suddenly takes off running. 7KH�VHFRQG�ZD\�LV�E\�D�WUDXPD�impact to the ankle or its sur-rounding areas, most common-ly associated with motor acci-dents and crush injuries.

In the case of Bryant, it was the former: his sudden take off in an attempt to beat off Harri-son Barnes, a forward for Gold-en State Warriors.7UHDWPHQW� options for Achil-

les damage can range from QRQ�RSHUDWLYH�WR�VXUJLFDO�UHSDLU�to reconstruction using patients own donor tendon grafts. Surgi-cal repair is usually recommend-HG� IRU� PRUH� DFWLYH� LQGLYLGXDOV��HVSHFLDOO\�KLJK�OHYHO�DWKOHWHV�%U\DQW·V� VXUJHU\� LQYROYHG� DQ�

orthopedic surgeon sewing the two ends of the tendon together with permanent sutures.

Dr. 1HDO� (O$WWUDFKH�� FHOHE�rity orthopedic surgeon who SHUIRUPHG� %U\DQW·V� VXUJHU\��stated in a Los Angeles Times



force him to focus on his foot-ZRUN�� KRZHYHU�� WKLV� FKDQJH� RI�style will put less pressure on KLV�NQHHV�DQG�PD\EH�DGG�DQ�H[�tra year of play.”

Bryant LV� ORRNLQJ� WR� UHFRYHU�completely before getting back WR� WKH� JDPH� WR� SUHYHQW� IXUWKHU�complications down the line.

He VDLG��´:KHQ�,·P�UHDG\��,·P�

ready.” %U\DQW·V� sports medicine

team is making progress with KLV� UHFRYHU\��+LV� SK\VLFDO� WKHU�apists, practitioners and coaches are all working together to make sure his injury is fully taken care of before he returns to the court and will continue therapy WR�SUHYHQW�IXWXUH�LQMXULHV���

DENTAL SPECIALTIESSink your teeth into the world of specialized dentistry, from orthodontics to periodontology.


A DAY IN THE LIFE OFMD, MD/PhD, PhD and Dental Students







COURTESY EFPROTENBERG.COMHEALTHCARE consulting is an alternative for those interested in medicine.

COURTESY MIKULSKI.SENATE.GOVNHSC o! ers a number of cost-sharing programs.

COURTESY PETERGBOURNE.CO.UKSt. George’s University, Grenada.

Healthcare Consulting

COURTESY LOS ANGELES TIMESBRYANT injured his Achilles tendon during a game in April.

Page 2: THC Fall 2013 Publication



















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Aging is a reality of existence and a topic neglected by many undergraduate students. While Gerontology is not a typically com-mon choice of study, the Davis School of Gerontology extends to USC students the opportunity to take classes relevant to to-day’s society and to any pre-health student.

Many USC pre-health students enter college hoping for freedom in course se-lection, but end up discouraged by re-quirement-laden majors such as Biology or Chemistry.

However, Gerontology may be an option for them to consider.

“Courses o! ered through USC Davis tend to be what pre-health students are waiting for,” said John Walsh, a professor in the USC Davis School of Gerontology.

He added, “Taking courses in gerontol-ogy has an applied e! ect to the pre-health training.”

Walsh teaches several gerontology-a" l-iated classes, including BISC 230: Brains, Minds, and Machines, GERO 414: Neuro-biology of Aging and GERO 310: Physiolo-gy of Aging. He also recently won the As-sociates Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Walsh teaches students about the aging body: what happens when the body mal-functions and how to improve care when malfunctions occur – stimulating topics of utmost importance to those with a pre-health focus. Gerontology classes also tend to be far smaller than traditional science courses, which can provide students with a more engaging learning environment.

Undergraduate student Claire Bazley said, “GERO 310 was a fascinating and dif-# cult course! It was interesting to look at diseases from an aging-focused perspec-tive.”

In addition, Davis-speci# c events such as its Colloquium Series in Aging o! er students the opportunity to engage with renowned professors in gerontology and

other health related # elds. Lecture topics include: Tobacco and Aging, Personalized Medicine, and Stem Cell $ erapy.

USC Davis o! ers undergraduate and graduate degrees that support a well-round-ed academic background applicable to a wide range of careers.

Walsh said, “When I discuss the biology of aging, I can correlate that information to public policy, psychological aspects of ag-ing, or sociology, and that allows students a unique experience.”

Further, for pre-medical students, a background in gerontology serves as an as-set for improved patient care.

Walsh said, “$ e majority of patients will be over the age of 65 in this generation.”

$ ere is much room, however, for over-lap in other disciplines.

“$ e career options for students who graduate with a degree in gerontology are endless. Students from this program have gone on to careers in medicine, but also ac-ademia, nursing, media, policy, and more,” said Jaclyn Portanova, a Davis PhD student.

Gerontology is a worthwhile # eld for students who are not fully committed to the idea of becoming a physician but still wish to work in the medical and health professions. �

To view full article, visit

CONSULTING (from page 1) insurance companies, hospitals, or private health # rms to develop solutions based on their needs. $ e main di! er-ence between a healthcare consultant and a typical consul-tant is the need to understand technical details about the health industry and its framework.

Ruhi Sikri, a senior at USC majoring in Health Promo-tion and Disease Prevention, interned with LiveseySolar in London during the summer as a healthcare consultant. Sikri’s main project was to develop a new online marketing strategy and improve patient retention for an optometry # rm.

At USC, Sikri learns how to positively impact lives in healthcare using the business side of the industry.

“Slowly I began to realize that it is possible to work as a consultant and also be able to change peoples’ lives in a di! erent way,” said Sikri.

“It is for this reason that I suggest anyone who has a pas-sion for helping others and solving problems take the time to explore these kinds of opportunities,” she added.

For Sikri, her career is an integration of health and busi-ness concepts.

“I loved being able to combine my love of health and business to work and help companies that were either try-ing to develop from the ground up or improve in some way,” Sikri said.

Based on her experiences this summer, Sikri advises stu-dents with a science background to gain some exposure to the business world.

“I would have supplemented my science background with a business or entrepreneurship minor or at least taken a few more classes so I would have felt better prepared” said Sikri.

However, students with enough dedication and the right attitude will still be successful.

“Even if you don’t study business, you can still get into the # eld as long as you put in the time on your own to learn more about topics that you don’t fully understand,” Sikri said.

Students who are interested in learning more about ca-reers in healthcare consulting should contact the USC Ca-reer Center. �


CLASS of 2013 graduates celebrate com-pleting their studies in geronotology.

Letter from the Editors-in-Chief

Feature: USC Davis School of Gerontology














Non-Traditional Research Fields


Many pre-health students choose to get involved in research directly related to bi-ology or medicine, with the belief that such research will best prepare them for med-ical school. In contrast, non-traditional research has appealed most to pre-med ju-niors Steven Strozza and Harleen Marwah.

Strozza, who is a biology and interna-tional relations double major and a glob-al health minor, has been involved in re-search in four di! erent departments as an undergraduate at USC: biology, sociology, international re-lations and global health. He # rst be-came involved in research in the bi-ology department in July 2012.

“I pretty much did it just because I knew I was sup-posed to do re-search as a pre-med,” said Strozza. “To be honest, I really didn’t enjoy it. $ ere were a ton of students in the lab and so I never really had an ability to do a lot in the lab. It was always really menial things, and I really wanted to be part of a project.”

$ en, as a sophomore, Strozza got in-volved in sociology research for three months and international relations re-search for eight months. In sociology, Strozza studied labor disparities between gay and straight sex workers in the pornog-raphy industry. In international relations, Strozza studied peacekeeping in countries post-violence.

“For international relations, I’m a double major. I started looking into this topic for a class, and I kind of fell in love with it,” said Strozza. “I saw that there were di! er-

ent pieces of the puzzle that I could bring together through my research.”

Marwah has similarly been involved with non-traditional research. She is research-ing various species of shrimp and their re-sponses to changes in the ecosystem at the Marine Biodiversity Center at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles. She began working on the project in January 2013.

Marwah, who is a health promotion and disease prevention major, said, “Most HP majors do their studies in something re-lated to people, behavior, or health trends. I decided I wanted to do research at the museum just because it was a really cool

study. I’ve loved my experience there. I’ve gotten the practical lab skills and it’s like a family down there, so that’s really cool too.”

“It de# nitely is di! erent research. $ rough this re-search, I’ve de# nitely come to understand the importance of in-terdisciplinary study. We have students

coming in from all sorts of majors and in-corporating their perspectives into the re-search. Having these di! erent perspectives has helped me progress.”

“Working at the museum has a! orded me the opportunities to network with some of the top researchers in the country and to hear from some great lecturers,” said Mar-wah.

Overall, both Strozza and Marwah found research outside the # elds of science to be bene# cial.

Marwah said, “It’s made me more pas-sionate about science. It’s made me more well-rounded. I can look at things from a di! erent perspective.” �

To view full article, visit

I saw that there were di! erent pieces of the

puzzle that I could bring together through

my research.Steven Strozza

Page 3: THC Fall 2013 Publication



On October 29, USC’s JEP celebrated 40 years of commitment and service to the community. The anniversary gala was held at Town and Gown, and key speakers included Dean Steve Kay, ac-tress America Ferrera, and Trojan Health Volunteers founder Dr. Daniel Potter.

Both Ferrera and Potter spoke of how their experiences in JEP had helped shape them into whom they are now. Potter spoke about the time he volunteered at St. John’s Well Child & Family Center. St. John’s was mostly staffed with volunteers, which inspired Potter very much.

He said, “I discovered that providing medical care to others can and should bring joy to those who provide it. I came away inspired.”

While JEP offered opportunities for students to connect with the community, Potter believed that there needed to be a program that would help his fellow pre-med classmates see the realities of healthcare. For two years, he helped place his fellow classmates and friends in volunteering positions in clinics and hospitals around USC.

When he graduated in 1988, he handed over the program to JEP. Since then, THV has been under the care of JEP, with 160 partic-ipating students in over 12 sites in the greater Los Angeles area. $QGHUVRQ�EHOLHYHV�WKDW�7+9�KDV�ÁRXULVKHG�RYHU�WKH�\HDUV���“During the summer, we get calls all asking ‘How can I get into

THV?’” she said. Anderson added “One of the most important things about THV is

that it gives students the chance to see if they do—or do not—want to go into health care.”

Anderson related a story about a former THV volunteer, who saw VRPHRQH�GLH�RQ�RQH�RI�KHU�ÀUVW�QLJKWV�DW�WKH�(5�RI�.LQJ�'UHZ�+RVSL-tal. It was a revealing experience for the student; she found herself being more drawn to comforting the family of the deceased and later went into social work.

JEP is also host to a number of other health-related programs, although they all are related to a class. For example, those who take (;6&�����ZLWK�$VVRFLDWH�3URIHVVRU�RI�.LQHVLRORJ\�5REHUW�*LUDQGROD�take what they learn in class and then go and teach the material to students in the community. The USC students must really know their information in order to condense and simplify the material for younger students.

Whether it is in THV, one of the JEP-integrated classes, or any of the other programs that JEP has to offer, the experience to be had is unforgettable.$V�3RWWHU�VDLG�LQ�KLV�VSHHFK��´<RX�VHW�RXW�WR�KHOS�RWKHUV��EXW�ÀQG�

yourself getting back so much more than you can give.” �


A new USC organization is KHOSLQJ� WR� EULQJ� SK\VLFDO� ÀW-ness through soccer to a group of children that normally have very limited access to organized sports.

Started in September 2013, Kicks for Kids holds regular soc-cer games on campus through-out each semester for children with physical and developmen-tal disabilities.

USC senior Zade Shakir, president and founder of Kicks for Kids, developed the program after attending USC’s Spirits in Action day, a carnival-like event held in March for kids with spe-cial needs.

There he was inspired by Er-ick, a young boy with autism who loves soccer but has very little opportunity to play.

After meeting Erick, Shakir was encouraged to give children like Erick a safe and fun envi-ronment in which to enjoy soc-

cer.“Children with physical and

developmental disabilities are marginalized from mainstream sports programs because of their disabilities, and to me, that was an outrage,” Shakir said.

“I couldn’t imagine my child-hood without organized sports, so to hear that these kids are prevented from playing in those programs really bothered me” Shakir added

In response, Shakir partnered with Spirits in Action and devel-oped Kicks for Kids, which holds seven game days throughout the fall semester on McCarthy Quad.

According to Shakir, game GD\V�FRQVLVW�RI�D�QXPEHU�RI�ÀHOG�activities for players and their assigned volunteer.

The day often starts with warm-ups and stretching, fol-lowed by some dribbling and shooting practice. Groups often then play soccer mini-games VXFK�DV�́ 5HG�/LJKW��*UHHQ�/LJKWµ�and “Sharks and Minnows.”

“Soccer helps with strength DQG�ÁH[LELOLW\�IURP�KHDG�WR�WRH��as running and kicking engages your whole body,” Shakir said.

“Furthermore, it helps teach coordination and improvement of motor skills, and encourages team-building” he added.

Kicks for Kids has about 70 kids attend per day and contin-ues to grow each week, as play-ers and their families spread awareness about the program mainly through word-of-mouth.

According to Shakir, “Each week we have several new fam-ilies join us, who say they heard about our program from their friends that attended a previous week and had a great time.”

He added “The fact that fam-ilies keep coming back each week, and bring their friends with them, tells us that we are doing a good job.”

Players come mainly from the local neighborhood and lower in-come areas. With this in mind, Shakir says he wanted to ensure a free and accessible program

for everyone. Most of the funding for Kicks

for Kids comes from the univer-sity and donations by the Iraqi Medical Science Association. The USC Men’s Club Soccer

team also allows Kicks for Kids to use their equipment each week.

On a single game day, Kicks for Kids has about 80 volun-teers, but Shakir says they are

constantly growing and looking for new volunteers to partner with the increasing number of players. All students are wel-come and will receive a free t-shirt for volunteering.

For more information about Kicks for Kids, visit New volunteers VKRXOG�ÀOO�RXW�WKH�VKRUW�UHJLVWUD-WLRQ�IRUP�DW�WKH�´9ROXQWHHU�5HJ-istration” page on the website. �

Kicks for Kids Brings Soccer to Children with Special Needs

Gala Honors 40 years of JEP

By AUDREY CHAI Associate Editor

The Lazarex Cancer Foundation focuses around

a simple idea regarding cancer treatment: the size of someone’s checkbook should not determine the type of treatment they receive.

Dana Dornsife started the Lazarex Cancer Foundation after a close family member fell victim to pancreatic cancer.

The foundation provides resources for cancer SDWLHQWV� LQFOXGLQJ� ÀQDQFLDO� DVVLVWDQFH�� FRPPX-nity education and outreach services to build a bridge to hope, dignity and life for patients and their families.

Last year, two current USC juniors, Joanna Li-DQJ�DQG�/H[L�5LRSHOOH�� FDPH�XS�ZLWK� WKH� LGHD�RI�founding USC’s very own chapter of Lazarex. 5LRSHOOH�DQG�/LDQJ�ZHUH�ERWK�LQWHUHVWHG�LQ�PHG-

icine and cancer research. After planning and a meeting with Lazarex executives and the founda-WLRQ�KHDGTXDUWHUV��WKH\�RIÀFLDOO\�GHFLGHG�WR�FUHDWH�SoCal Lazarex.

This was USC’s very own chapter of the Lazarex &DQFHU�)RXQGDWLRQ�DQG�WKH�ÀUVW�RIÀFLDO�FKDSWHU�RI�the foundation to be established here in Southern California.

The mission and purpose of the Lazarex Foun-GDWLRQ�UHVRQDWHG�ZLWK�/LDQJ�DQG�5LRSHOOH��DV�WKH�WZR�ZDQWHG�WR�VSUHDG�DZDUHQHVV�RI�WKH�GLIÀFXOWLHV�faced by cancer patients and their families during the treatment process.

Liang said, “The primary goal of SoCal Lazarex is to support the Lazarex Foundation by raising PRQH\� WR� ÀQDQFLDOO\� DLG� FDQFHU� SDWLHQWV� JRLQJ�through clinical trials.” /LDQJ�DQG�5LRSHOOH�ZHUH�DOVR�LQVSLUHG�E\�'DQD�

Dornsife’s idea that since cancer does not discrim-inate, money should not be a discriminatory factor in cancer treatment.

SoCal Lazarex works to raise money to help cancer patients attend clinical trials, bringing hope and a chance for survival into patients’ lives.

So far, SoCal Lazarex has organized fundrais-LQJ�HYHQWV�RQ��FDPSXV�VXFK�DV�'LGG\�5LHVH�FRRNLH�sales and they have even bigger plans for the fu-ture.

These plans include volunteering at various Lazarex Foundation events throughout South-ern California such as the Malibu International Marathon in addition to hosting more fundraising events on campus.6R&DO� /D]DUH[� LV� QRWDEOH� IRU� WKH� VSHFLÀFLW\� RI�

its cause. Liang said, “There are numerous organizations

that help raise money for cancer treatment or can-FHU� UHVHDUFK��EXW�/D]DUH[·V�PLVVLRQ� LV� VR� VSHFLÀF�in that it helps determine whether these patients can go to clinical trials or not.”

According to Liang, some patients have success-fully passed the cancer stage and are now current-ly in remission, thanks to Lazarex.

“It is so great to be able to see the difference that we can make in these patients’ lives just by KHOSLQJ�WR�ÀQDQFH�WKHLU�WUDYHOV�µ�VKH�VDLG���

As for the future of SoCal Lazarex, besides con-tinuing to raise money for their cause, the organi-zation is hoping to spread awareness of the Laz-arex Foundation to other schools throughout the Southern California area.

“It would be great to partner up with similar cancer organizations at other schools and bring awareness to the foundation and its core ideas,” said Liang.

SoCal Lazarex is also interested in bringing in guest speakers like graduate students or profes-sors who can talk about their cancer research to help inspire students and also create opportuni-ties for student involvement in cancer research.

Anyone who is interested in SoCal Lazarex is encouraged to reach out to the organization. Li-ang encourages those who really believe in the val-ues and mission of Lazarex to apply to become an RIÀFLDO�PHPEHU�LQ�WKH�VSULQJ���

Visit the SoCal Lazarex facebook page at �

SoCal Lazarex: A New Approach to Cancer Funding

COURTESY DORNSIFE.USC.EDUDr. Daniel Porter displays an award at the gala with co-chairs Sharon Tesoriero (le!) and Deena Lew (right).



Neurocamp Welcomes High School StudentsOn Nov. 2, USC Interax-

onwelcomed high school students from the sur-rounding community in its biannual event Neurocamp. Students were given the op-portunity to learn about neuroscience through lab experiments and a profes-sor panel.

InteresteD? To see more photos for the event and to learn more infor-mation, please visit our Facebook page at www.f a c e b o o k . c om / t r o j a n -healthconnection.

Page 4: THC Fall 2013 Publication


!e idea of mind control has been de-picted in movies for many decades. From !e Matrix in 1999 to Inception in 2010, this concept of the ability to have power over a person’s actions or thoughts creates room for scienti"c explora-tion and inquiry in the "eld of neuroscience.

While many ma-chine-to-human brain inter-face experiments have failed and succeeded, only recently was the "rst human-to-hu-man brain interface estab-lished.

On Aug. 12, University of Washington researchers devel-oped a system to allow one researcher to remotely control the movement of anoth-er researcher’s hand through the internet.

Although the concept of a brain-to-brain interface may seem complex, the re-searchers at the University of Washington wanted to make their system as simple as possible.

!eir setup consisted of two humans with their brains connected via internet signals. !e "rst human brain was con-

nected to a computer through an electro-encephalogram-based brain computer in-terface (EEG-based BCI). !is computer picked up signals using electrodes (attached to a cap worn over the skull) that trans-mitted electrical activity when the sender

played a computer game and thought about "ring a cannon at a target.

!e receiver, who was connected to an-other computer through a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) machine, re-ceived the EEG signal through the inter-net. !e TMS machine then stimulated the region of the motor cortex of the receiver that controls hand movement in the brain. !is resulted in the receiver instantaneous-ly twitching his index "nger, "ring the can-non to blow up the target in the game.

!e development of a functioning brain-to-brain interface system raises moral and ethical questions. Could this lead to mind control without consent? Researchers, however, are quick to assure the public that the setup of this technology is only capable of interface if both the sender and receiver are willing to participate.

For now, the researchers are working towards transmitting more complex in-formation between human beings, such as images. !ere is still much to experiment with, however, and the researchers at the University of Washington are looking for-ward to expanding their knowledge in brain-computer interfaces. �

4 Healthcare Technology TROJAN HEALTH CONNECTION | December 4, 2013

3D Bio-Printing Technology Could EnableOn-Demand Organ Synthesis

Wireless Health Technology Technological Telepathy


!ere are currently more than 120,000 men, women, and children in America who need life-saving organ trans-plants. While more than one million tissue transplants are performed each year, an average of 18 people die each day from the lack of available organs for transplant. An addi-tional name is also added to the national organ transplant waiting list every ten minutes. !e surgical need for tissue is increasing, according to Donate Life America.

In spite of the strain these numbers indicate, it may be possible to synthesize 3D printed organs using a patient’s own cells. !is technology is called bioprinting and o#ers a way to satisfy the growing demand for human tissue and organs. It o#ers greater speed and computer precision in printing living cells to create replacement skin, body parts, and organs such as hearts, livers and kidneys. Although widespread public access to this technology is currently not realistic, university labs and private companies have used 3D bioprinting to synthesize such organs and tissue, according to USA Today.

!e 3D printing process is based on the growth of stem cells according to a computer-generated model. Living cells are layered by an additive process. In other words, the cells are placed in a speci"c position, which allows them to self-organize and grow. !e ink used for printing consists of live cells that are delivered from a nozzle, constructing layer by layer of cells to create a 3D tissue or organ. !e cells used for bioprinting are derived from the patient’s individual stem cells and re-moved from his fat or bone marrow, which eliminates the possibility of transplant rejection from the patient’s body, according to the American Society for Cell Biology.

Stuart Williams, executive and scienti"c director of the Cardiovascular Innovation Institute’s e#orts to synthesize

a 3D printed heart, attempted to simplify the biological process, according to Fox News. He said, “We will be print-ing things on the order of tens of microns, or more like hundreds of microns, and then cells will undergo their bi-ological developmental response in order to self-organize correctly.”

!us far, bioprinting has achieved some success in its trials and tests. For instance, in May 2013, doctors saved a six-week old child with a 3D printed trachea. Recently, re-searchers in China have also claimed to succeed in print-ing a pair of kidneys for patients in need of transplants. In addition, in February 2013, doctors at Weill Cornell

Medical College and biomedical engi-neers at Cornell University in New York announced they had used 3D printing to synthesize a realistic human ear that ap-pears and functions like the real one, ac-cording to USA Today.

Williams is optimistic about the future of organ synthesis through the use of 3D bioprinting, according to USA Today. He said, “Ultimately, I see it being used to print replacement kidneys, to print livers, and to print hearts — and all from your own cells.”

Despite considerable success, challeng-es to printing a functional tissue or or-gan still persist. !ese di$culties include the production of viable cells, creating a vascular system of branched vessels, gen-erating the exact structural complexity of organs, and integrating the cells into a functional network,according to the American Society for Cell Biology.

Keith Murphy, chairman and CEO of Organovo, a San Diego based compa-

ny committed to designing tissue through bioprinting, admitted several di$culties in printing complex organs, according to Fox News. He said, “If you do what we do with putting cells in the right place, you don’t start with anything structural to hold things up. For us, the challenge is the strength and integrity of the structure.”

Overall, 3D organ printing requires further trial and re-search before it is released as a safe and widespread inno-vation to the public. While bioprinting pioneers hope to ful"ll the most complex organ transplants and necessities, even the smallest successes, such as tissue regeneration, can prove life- changing for many patients. �


If you’ve ever seen someone wearing Google Glass, or a Nike Fuelband, or the Pebble Smartwatch, then you’ve witnessed the beginnings of wearable technology. As devices get smaller and lighter, engineers can start incorporating computers into clothes and fashion accessories. Being in contact with bodies 24/7 enables these de-vices to do something truly useful: monitor one’s health.

Health monitoring technology is not a new "eld. However, Bluetooth wireless communication technology has become much more energy-e$cient, allowing the creation of devices that can be le% turned on all the time. !ese devices can gather information about one’s health throughout the day, and then send that information to one’s smartphone regularly.

But what can these devices really tell individuals about their health? It depends on what kinds of sensors are being used. Most health monitoring devices on the market today exist as “smart-watches:” de-vices worn on a wrist as one would wear a watch. !e most common sensor currently in these devices is the accelerometer.

Accelerometers gather data about move-ment. Using computational algorithms, smartwatches with accelerometers can tell individuals exactly how active they were throughout the day, which allows them to monitor and track their levels of "tness and set goals for themselves.

Heart rate sensors are also used in some devices. In addition to measuring one’s cardiovascular "tness and helping one work out safely and e#ectively, heart rate sensors can also make guesses about one’s mood and stress levels. !is could allow one’s smartphone to act like a true person-al coach: pushing when it can tell that one isn’t working hard enough, and encourag-ing relaxation when it knows one is anxious or tired out.

Other sensors are also being developed and are on their way: temperature sensors

and moisture sensors can tell individuals a surprising amount of information when combined with accelerometers and heart rate sensors. Temperature sensors can de-tect minor &uctuations in body tempera-ture, which could alert one about oncom-ing illnesses, and moisture sensors can monitor metabolic activity, which could be used to advise one on when exactly to eat and when to diet.

!e potential health information that can be inferred from these sensors is only limited by the computer so%ware which analyzes them. As devices emerge that combine these and other sensors, smart-phones will be better at making predic-tions about health and can serve as a “life coach:” instructing what and when to eat, when to sleep, when to exercise and when to hydrate. By taking a lot of the guesswork out of taking care of ourselves, health mon-itoring devices can truly simplify our lives.

However, there are some problems which could prevent these kinds of devices from really taking o#. Dr. Spruijt-Metz, MD, of the Keck School of Medicine uses wireless metabolic monitors in her research into childhood obesity.

“Design is everything,” she said.Spruijt-Metz added, “!ey have to work

perfectly. Right now these devices are a lit-tle glitchy, but there’s an enormous market for devices that are robust and fashionable if engineers put their minds and creativity to work.”

!e future of wireless health devices holds numerous social implications. If more of society is actively aware of their health, people will be able to keep them-selves healthier. !is might prevent them from needing to make as many trips to the doctor, freeing up the time of physicians. In fact, having all of one’s health data on a smartphone could allow one to share that data directly with your doctor, allowing them to alert one if they notice something going wrong. In this way, in addition to keeping individuals healthy and happy, wireless health devices can also keep them safe. �

COURTESY UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Brain-to-Brain interface set-up.


COURTESY BRAINBRILLIANCE.ORG our brains are in control of our lives.

3D printing is a technological innovation that may revolutionize organ transplantation.

Page 5: THC Fall 2013 Publication



!e term “Complementary and Alterna-tive Medicine” (CAM) refers to a series of techniques and modalities for the practice of medicine that are not widely known or formally used in the Western world. As these techniques are not o"en taught in medical schools, they are considered “alter-native” when introduced to Western societ-ies, although many have roots in traditional medicine elsewhere.

Some of these techniques have spread to the greater public in a less complex and formalized manner. Prevention magazine’s New Choices in Natural Healing explains, “While the term alternative medicine may conjure up some pretty exotic images, many of these therapies are more familiar than you think. If you’ve ever massaged your temples to ease a headache, applied an ice pack to a sprained ankle or listened to your car radio to de-stress during a tra#c jam, you’ve already practiced some simple natural healing techniques.”

!e World Health Organization esti-

mates that between sixty-$ve and eighty percent of the world’s population, approx-imately three billion individuals, rely on CAM as their primary form of healthcare. Two of the CAM systems these individuals rely on are Ayurveda and Traditional Chi-nese Medicine (TCM).

Ayurvedic medicine, or Ayurveda, is a system of medicine which originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. It utilizes herbal compounds, special diets, and yoga, among other techniques. According to the 2007 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), more than 200,000 US adults used Ayurveda within the pre-vious year.

!e National Institute of Health’s National Center for Comple-mentary and Alternative Medicine’s (NC-CAM) information sheet on Ayurveda cites studies that show promise for Ayurveda in treating rheumatoid arthritis, certain diges-tive disorders, and osteoarthritis. Overall, however, research conducted on Ayurveda must be increased and further controlled

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Op-Ed: Death in a Dose,Multivitamin Dangers

before it can become widely used in the US.Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

also originated thousands of years ago in the Eastern world, evolving from Taosim in China. !is system of medicine uses herbs, massage therapy, and acupuncture, among other methods, to treat patients. In the US, TCM is widely used, reaching ap-proximately 3,000,000 US adults through acupuncture according to the 2007 NHIS.

Both Chinese herbal medicine and acu-puncture have been stud-ied for a wide range of conditions including os-teoarthritis, depression, diabetes, and back pain. However, despite the wide use of TCM, NCCAM states on its TCM infor-

mation sheet that scienti$c evidence for these techniques are limited. Studies sug-gest that acupuncture may be useful for many di%erent conditions, but the research currently available on it is not su#cient. Additionally, studies with better designs must be conducted to provide evidence for Chinese herbal medicine.

According to an excerpt from Five Steps to Selecting the Best Alternative Medicine, the increasing curiosity about CAM in the United States is a result of several shi"s in the attitude towards healthcare in the American healthcare system today. First, there is a realization that conventional bio-medical medicine, which is considered the status quo, cannot solve all of America’s health problems. Second, health is increas-ingly being viewed as a phenomenon that encompasses more than just the physical body, challenging the long-held notion that health is simply “the absence of disease.”

!ird, overall research shows that many alternative medical techniques prove to be more e%ective, more economical, less in-vasive, and less harmful than conventional techniques. Finally, a growing number of healthcare consumers are open to trying CAM and expect to be treated as people rather than diagnoses, as historically done by healthcare providers.

Considering these trends, it is entirely possible that one day CAM will no longer be considered an alternative in the Western world, but rather a norm. �

Quinoa vs. Brown Rice: Let the Food Fight Begin


A new semester at USC entails new classes, new professors, new schedules, and even new grains!

!e dining halls and restaurants on campus provide a wide variety of foods to sample from. With the addition of Verde, a Mexican-inspired restaurant located in the Tutor Campus Center, students have even more choices. Both Lemonade and Verde provide a type of grain alternative to white rice. Lemonade serves seasonal-inspired quinoa dishes, while students who try Verde have the option of choosing brown rice.

With two new options, one cannot help but ask: which wins this food $ght?

Calorically, quinoa and brown rice are almost identical. One cooked cup of qui-noa clocks in at around 222 calories, while brown rice follows at 216 calories.

For the most part, the similarities end here. When comparing grams of fat, a serv-ing of quinoa, at approximately 3.6 grams per serving, has twice as much fat as brown rice does.

On the other hand, quinoa trumps brown rice in terms of protein. Not only does quinoa have three more grams of pro-tein per serving than brown rice does, but it is also a complete protein, which means that one serving of this grain-like seed con-tains all of the essential amino acids needed in a healthy diet.

Furthermore, quinoa is also a superior source of iron compared to brown rice. One serving contains 16 percent of the rec-ommended daily intake, while a serving of brown rice contains four percent. Iron is typically found in red meat, so quinoa serves as a good source of iron for vegetar-ian Trojans.

In terms of sodium intake, however,

brown rice is the better choice. It contains three fewer grams of sodium than quinoa does per serving.

Additionally, a serving of brown rice has over three times the amount of vitamin B3, or niacin, than a serving of quinoa. Among other things, niacin helps to reduce low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the body. !is is signi$cant because an ex-cess of LDL cholesterol can lead to a build-up of plaque in the arteries. People with diets high in LDL cholesterol have a greater chance of developing heart disease as well.

When considering other vitamins and minerals, like folate, zinc and magnesium, quinoa prevails, as a single serving has more to o%er than brown rice does. While folate is especially important for women, zinc is a pivotal trace element for combat-ing the &u. Moreover, magnesium aids in building strong bones.

!ere is still one more factor to consider: taste. For the most part, there is not a major-ity opinion among students in this regard.

“I didn’t like the taste of brown rice as much before. Once I realized that it was a healthier option, I gave it another chance,” said Jennifer Bou Lahoud, senior. “I de$-nitely appreciate it more now.”

Other students expressed similar senti-ments for quinoa.

“Depending on how it’s cooked, I tend to prefer quinoa over brown rice,” said Shant Fakhoorian, junior. “!e fact that it’s healthy is an added bonus.”

With that being said, what’s the verdict? In this food $ght, quinoa is triumphant

because of its supply of vitamins and min-erals. Although it contains slightly higher amounts of fat and sodium per serving, it is packed with essential nutrients like protein and iron.

Additionally, quinoa and brown rice are both available at eateries on campus, so you can try them both and declare your own winner in this food $ght! �


A staggering number of new reports show that the multivitamins we have been told to take all our lives are now imposing too many health risks.

Just recently, !e International Journal of Cancer released information regarding $ndings that supported a growing number of tumors in males related to vitamin C in-take. Men who take high doses of vitamin supplements could increase their risk of le-thal prostate cancer by nearly 30 percent, according to the Alpha-Tocopherol Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study Group.

Another study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that certain multivitamins may even shorten life.

As it turns out, scientists have known for years that multivitamins can be quite harmful, but the battle between health agencies and multivita-min manufac-turers has kept important in-formation sealed from the public.

In 1994, a study published in !e New En-gland Journal of Medicine tested Finnish men who were reg-ularly taking either vitamin E, beta carotene, both or a place-bo. !e results of the study supported the hypothesis that men taking beta-carotene for $ve to eight years are more likely to die from lung or heart disease.

!is isn’t the only study to $nd that mul-tivitamins have harmful side e%ects, either.

In 2004, 14 trials for the Cochrane Data-base found that the supplemental vitamins A, C, E and beta carotene as well as the mineral selenium, taken to prevent intesti-nal cancers, increased mortality.

!en, in 2005, a review published in the Annals of Internal Medicine concluded that taking supplemental vitamin E did indeed increase mortality.

More recently, in 2011, an analysis print-ed in the Journal of the American Medical Association linked vitamin E supplements to a greater risk of prostate cancer, not too

di%erent from last year’s Cochrane study that found vitamin A to be another danger-ous prospect.

Between examining the results and pro-posing theories, scientists have come to a conclusion: the harm of multivitamins comes in the form of antioxidants, the mechanisms of which are still in question.

!e human body conducts hundreds of oxidation processes each day, producing free radicals as by-products. DNA, cell membranes and the lining of arteries are all prone to damage by free radicals. It’s of no surprise that free radicals have been tied to a variety of cancers and genetic defects.

Antioxidants, however, are produced to $ght o% free radicals. !ey are found in fruits and vegetables, as well as in seleni-um, beta carotene and vitamins A, C and E.

While some studies have shown an in-creased correlation between consuming

more fruits and vegetables and a decreased risk of cancer and heart stroke, others direct no light on the rela-tionship.

!ese di%ering in-teractions have led to the term “the an-tioxidant paradox.” When one takes vi-tamins for long peri-ods of time, his/her body’s production and destruction of free radicals gener-ates a synthetic state where the immune system is disturbed

enough to prevent an adequate immune response to any invasive bodies. !is very cycle leads to various health issues.

“For years, we were using these supple-ments without knowing the e%ects on the body,” said Toren Finkel, head of the Centre for Molecular Medicine at the National In-stitutes of Health.

Although many local health organiza-tions, like the Consumers Union, strictly oppose use of multivitamin supplements, many vitamins still pass freely through Food and Drug Administration evaluation.

A morbid anxiety is fueled by the man-ufacturers’ clever publicity and capitalistic consumerism. Unfortunately, what many people fail to consider is the health of mil-lions who have grown up taking these mul-tivitamins daily. !e clock is still ticking. �



multivitamins: High doses of these can lead to an increased risk of prostrate cancer.

Grains: Quinoa (le!) wins this food "ght against brown rice (right).

Consumers expect to be treated as

people rather than diagnoses.

Page 6: THC Fall 2013 Publication




















By VARUN AWASTHISection Editor

MD/PhD degrees can be obtained through dual-degree programs o! ered at various allopathic medical schools throughout the United States. Having both degrees allows one to conduct in-depth sci-enti" c research and apply i t to medically relevant contexts.

Samir Awasthi, an MD/PhD student at the University of California, Davis is one such student.

Prior to entering the MD/PhD program, Awasthi received a bachelor’s degree in physics and a master’s degree in biomedical engineering from the Massachusetts Insti-tute of Technology.

Student elucidates challenges of attaining dual degree


Every day thousands of dedicated college students around the nation work for a chance at earning one of the coveted spots in an MD program.

Katherine Fu, valedictorian of the graduat-ing class of 2013 at USC, is currently in her " rst year at Keck School of Medicine. She was kind enough to share a glimpse into the life of a medical student.

It is di# cult to compress a typical schedule into a daily routine because each day is so var-ied.

Katherine said, “In the morning we usual-ly have lecture from 8-12 followed by either gross anatomy labs, or Introduction to Clin-

ical Medicine.” $ is usually takes several hours.

$ e gross anatomy labs consist of hu-man donor dissections to learn how to

3DVW�YDOHGLFWRULDQ�VKDUHV�H[SHULHQFHV�RI�À�UVW�\HDU�DW�.HFNidentify key structures and their relationships. $ e clinical medicine course helps students develop necessary intrapersonal skills.

“It’s a really refreshing break because even though you’re not treating them, simply tak-ing their medical histories or blood pressures reminds you why you’re here,” Katherine said.

$ is aspect of the medical student curric-ulum is an integral step in molding compas-sionate doctors of the future.

$ e expectations in an MD program di! er signi" cantly from those of an undergraduate program.

$ e " rst two years of medical school class-es are pass/fail, which is great according to Katherine. “It inspires more collaboration,” she said.

One still has to study every night, but the lack of a competitive environment found more typically among premed students makes that studying more relaxed.

$ is by no means suggests the course load is


Doctoral candidate depicts daily life,

‘immense effort’ of graduate school

By SANA AZAMWeb Manager

Caroline Johnson, PhD student and aspir-ing neuroscientist, starts her day like any oth-er person: with a cup of co! ee and playing with her furry feline. Like many other com-muters, she arrives on campus early in the morning.

Once i n her o# ce, she begins her day by answering emails from her supervisors and students.

$ roughout the day, Johnson keeps busy with her coursework and research. As a third year " nishing up her second “qual,” or quali" cation exam, she " nds herself jump-ing into the grant writing process and im-mersing into the experimental process.

But, regardless of her hectic schedule, she enjoys every moment.

“I really enjoy the research aspect,” said Johnson. “I started in undergrad doing re-search for one of my teachers, and I really just

fell in love with it.” Johnson’s pursuit of a career in research

stemmed from her initial interest in neurosci-ence theory.

Johnson said, “I had always enjoyed learning about neuroscience, but hands-on was really cool, and I wanted to keep doing that.”

Recounting her application period for gradu-ate school, Johnson expressed the importance of standing out with one’s work.

It’s very competitive,” she said, referring to the applicant pool. “Graduate schools require a good GPA, experience in research, your CV, a big appli-






















BASICS First-year med-ical students have an

in-depth look at gross anatomy during labs.

RESEARCH ! e PhD component of the dual degree takes place over a period of four years in between MD curriculum.


Page 7: THC Fall 2013 Publication


















By VARUN AWASTHISection Editor

MD/PhD degrees can be obtained through dual-degree programs o! ered at various allopathic medical schools throughout the United States. Having both degrees allows one to conduct in-depth sci-enti" c research and apply i t to medically relevant contexts.

Samir Awasthi, an MD/PhD student at the University of California, Davis is one such student.

Prior to entering the MD/PhD program, Awasthi received a bachelor’s degree in physics and a master’s degree in biomedical engineering from the Massachusetts Insti-tute of Technology.

Student elucidates challenges of attaining dual degree

3DVW�YDOHGLFWRULDQ�VKDUHV�H[SHULHQFHV�RI�À�UVW�\HDU�DW�.HFNidentify key structures and their relationships. # e clinical medicine course helps students develop necessary intrapersonal skills.

“It’s a really refreshing break because even though you’re not treating them, simply tak-ing their medical histories or blood pressures reminds you why you’re here,” Katherine said.

# is aspect of the medical student curric-ulum is an integral step in molding compas-sionate doctors of the future.

# e expectations in an MD program di! er signi" cantly from those of an undergraduate program.

# e " rst two years of medical school class-es are pass/fail, which is great according to Katherine. “It inspires more collaboration,” she said.

One still has to study every night, but the lack of a competitive environment found more typically among premed students makes that studying more relaxed.

# is by no means suggests the course load is

easier since students generally take six to sev-en subjects, each of which covers a large body of material.

Katherine brought up a common metaphor that is used to describe this e! ect: “During undergraduate education one drinks from a hose, but in medical school one drinks from a " re hy-drant.”

Additionally, once a student begins to wear a lab coat every day people expect more profession-alism from them because that student is training to become part of a highly complicated and well-respected cra$ .

# e process of getting into medical school is highly competitive, as only 44.7% of appli-cants are granted admission to at least one school according to the Association of Ameri-can Medical Colleges.

When asked what motivated him to pursue an MD/PhD, Awasthi said “I didn’t want to give up the chance to learn more about physics and biomedical engineering, but I was also interested in medicine.”

Generally, the MD/PhD curriculum is com-posed of two years of medical school, four years of classes and re-search for the PhD, fol-lowed by two years of clinical rotations. # is curriculum can have many challenges as-sociated with it. For Awasthi, the most dif-" cult part was having to switch back and forth between medical classes and PhD work.

Once accepted, however, it does not get any easier.

“You have to " nd something outside med-icine that’s yours...something to help ground you and relieve stress,” Katherine said.

For her, outside ac-tivities consist of mar-tial arts and music. She has practiced Shaolin Kung-Fu for sever-al years and plays the viola. She also joined Chorda Tympani, an a cappella group at school.

“Student organizations are very low-com-mitment. # ey know what your schedule is like so they understand if you can’t make all the meetings,” Katherine said.

For example, on Tuesdays at lunch Chorda Tympani meets and Friday a$ ernoons a$ er classes she practices martial arts at the gym.


Even though the time commitments from her classes keep her very busy, Katherine still chooses to " nd time nearly every day for an engaging pursuit unrelated to medicine.

Another tip Katherine gave was to have a good support network.

“Keeping loved ones close within the frame-work of one’s life and leaning on them in strenuous times is vital to pushing through,” she said.

Accessing that support network might be a necessary part of the daily routine during par-ticularly stressful periods.

Medical school is a fast-paced combination of high-level academics, clinical work, re-search, and patient interaction.

“Taking it day by day is a great idea,” Kath-erine said.

Each day is " lled with demanding activities and stresses. Some may consider this under-taking an overwhelming prospect, but in the end the sun still rises the next morning. �

Doctoral candidate depicts daily life,

‘immense effort’ of graduate school

By SANA AZAMWeb Manager

Caroline Johnson, PhD student and aspir-ing neuroscientist, starts her day like any oth-er person: with a cup of co! ee and playing with her furry feline. Like many other com-muters, she arrives on campus early in the morning.

Once i n her o% ce, she begins her day by answering emails from her supervisors and students.

# roughout the day, Johnson keeps busy with her coursework and research. As a third year " nishing up her second “qual,” or quali" cation exam, she " nds herself jump-ing into the grant writing process and im-mersing into the experimental process.

But, regardless of her hectic schedule, she enjoys every moment.

“I really enjoy the research aspect,” said Johnson. “I started in undergrad doing re-search for one of my teachers, and I really just

fell in love with it.” Johnson’s pursuit of a career in research

stemmed from her initial interest in neurosci-ence theory.

Johnson said, “I had always enjoyed learning about neuroscience, but hands-on was really cool, and I wanted to keep doing that.”

Recounting her application period for gradu-ate school, Johnson expressed the importance of standing out with one’s work.

It’s very competitive,” she said, referring to the applicant pool. “Graduate schools require a good GPA, experience in research, your CV, a big appli-

cation packet and interviews.” She went on to explain the various vocational

pathways for a PhD holder. Johnson said, “# ere’s a ton of options, but the

general two that most people tend to go toward is a position in academia or private industry, in health-care or pharmacy.”

Discussing her own career goals for a$ er receiv-ing a doctorate, Johnson said, “I personally would like to go into industry.”

As a graduate student working toward a PhD, Johnson receives a stipend from her research, but also works as a Teaching Assistant (TA).

“It’s a good way to earn your money,” said John-son about some of the reasons she decided to work as a TA for this and previous semesters.

When asked about her experience as a TA, she said, “I like it. It’s a lot of work [and] really di% cult to balance trying to do my own research…along with [teaching]. I need to know the class material really well for the questions I get asked.”

Even though her time is precious, Johnson sees a victory in every student she teaches.

“It’s really rewarding watching students get it,” she said.

Overall, Johnson’s experience stresses the point that being a PhD student takes immense e! ort and dedication.

Without a strong foundation, support system and unrelenting attitude, a student may " nd themselves a few years into an academic program that they were not prepared for. As Johnson drives home to a hungry kitty and comfy bed a$ er a long day’s work, she is happy knowing that she is one step closer to her goals and will do anything to make them a re-ality. �

“For the " rst two years, I didn’t have to think about anything quantitative. When I started work for the PhD, it took me about a year and a half to re-familiarize myself with subjects I hadn’t studied since under-

grad,” Awasthi said.

As a PhD stu-dent, Awasthi’s research focused on harmonic generation fre-quency doubling

of stem cells. # e long-term vision of this type of research is to generate stem cells to create functioning heart cells. His study looked at " nding an e! ective means of sep-arating cardiomyocites from other stem

cells, as these would ultimately be imple-mented to create the heart cells.

When asked to describe a typical day as a PhD student, Awasthi said, “It really var-ied. On some days, I would come in around 10AM, and then leave at 2PM a$ er feeding my cells. Most of my time in the lab re-quired me to come in early, work for almost 24 hours, and then sleep for 12 hours.”

# e " rst two years of the PhD program typically requires regular classes, readings, and experiments, and there is less of a focus on lab work.

Awasthi is currently in the middle of his " rst year of clinical rotations and is plan-ning on completing a residency in internal medicine or emergency medicine follow-ing medical school.

His eventual plan is to go into research in biophotonics and consider its applications to medicine.

When asked about the main bene" ts Awasthi sees in having both an MD and a PhD, he said “# e ability to communicate with both scientists and physicians, who are o$ en on di! erent pages, and being able to understand the medical relevance of re-search in science and engineering.”

For students hoping to pursue an MD/PhD, Awasthi said, “Focus on fundamental science classes in undergrad, and get good grades in them.” He also emphasized the importance of research, saying, “Get in-volved in a lab with a great mentor who is eager to guide you into the exciting " eld of scienti" c research.” �





As a fourth year dental student at the Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC, Matthew Magar commences his day much like he did during his past three years – at six o’clock in the morning. A$ er eating a small break-fast and packing lunch, he sets out to begin his day as a dental student.

# e day o% cially begins with a meeting with the instructor.

Here, the patient case is discussed, which includes reasons for treatment as well as the actual treatment itself.

A$ er the case is discussed, the patient is treat-ed. # is can include a variety of procedures, such as crown " llings.

Once treatment is " nished, the instructor evaluates the work performed on the patient.

# en comes a thirty-minute feedback discussion session, where the instructor approves the clinical note written. Magar stressed the importance of the feedback session.

“# e feedback session is very important for a den-tist in training,” he said. “It’s what allows the student to improve on a regular basis. It’s always nice to have

direct feedback on work done.” # e end of the instructor feedback session signals

a lunch break. # is cycle of patient treatment repeats again a$ er lunch, from the initial meeting with the in-structor to the feedback session.

# e day then usually ends, unless it is Tuesday or Wednesday.

# ese days include night clinic from 6 to 9 at night. A$ er the last patient, any necessary lab work for the day is completed before heading home.

Magar said, “# is is considered the end of a stu-dent’s day at school. A$ er the lab work, most students go home, where they can study for boards or work out– essentially anything that de-stresses.”

When asked why he chose the Ostrow School of Dentistry, Magar stated that the opportunities at USC stood out.

“Here, the opportunities are great. USC o! ers unique opportunities that are not found in many oth-er dental schools. # ere are top instructors, and the learning is very hands-on. # e community here up-holds the highest standards,” he said.

As for his day-to-day routine, Magar said that he feels truly blessed to be able to learn something new everyday and hopes to continue his studies in his pur-suit of the dental profession. �

Fourth-year describes patient

care protocol, opportunities

at Ostrow School of Dentistry


Page 8: THC Fall 2013 Publication

8 Allied Health TROJAN HEALTH CONNECTION | December 4, 2013


A career in dentistry can be much more than just !ll-ing cavities and cleaning teeth. "e world of dentistry of-fers a wide variety of advanced graduate programs and specializations. Specialists require !eld speci!c training in a residency or an advanced degree in order to practice.

OrthOdOntics: Orthodontics was the !rst and is still the most recognized specialization in the dental !eld. Or-thodontists deal with malocclusions (improper bites) as a result of teeth and jaw irregularity. Orthodontic treat-ment usually involves using braces and retainers to !x crooked teeth. Some more comprehensive orthodontic treatments involve devices necessary for jaw expansion.

Orthodontic programs are generally very competitive and involve at least 2-4 years of post graduate training. In order to become a certi!ed orthodontist in the United States, a doctor must pass American Board of Orthodon-tics (ABO) examinations and present six orthodontics cases to be evaluated by the ABO.

Pediatric dentistry: Pediatric dentists specialize in treating young children from birth and help treat chil-dren’s tooth decay. "ey also provide a resource for new parents to maintain their children’s oral health and pro-vide information on thumb and paci!er habits.

endOdOntics: Endodontists are most commonly re-ferred to for root canal surgery. Endodontic specialists

practice on the center of the tooth, which is made up of connective tissues. When the center of the tooth becomes diseased, endodontists must perform root canal therapy, to save the tooth.

In addition to endodontic therapy, they also treat se-vere dental trauma and cracked teeth. To become an en-dodontist, a dentist must have at least 2 years of post-graduate training in endodontic practices.

PeriOdOntOlOgy: Periodontists work with dental im-plants and specialize in work around the periodontium. When complex bacteria accumulates, it can cause peri-odontal diseases, deteriorating the structures of the teeth. "is can lead to tooth decay and even alveolar bone loss.

To become a periodontist, a doctor must undergo at least three years of postgraduate training and learn how to prevent, diagnose, and treat periodontal diseases and other oral pathology.

Oral and MaxillOfacial surgery: Oral and max-illofacial specialists perform surgery on the craniomax-illofacial complex, which includes the mouth, jaws, face, and skull. Because of the broad jurisdiction oral and maxillofacial surgeons have, they can choose a vari-ety of surgical procedures to specialize in. Some of the common practices involve dentoalveolar surgery, which deals with complex teeth extractions and bone gra#ing surgery to accommodate oral prosthetics like braces, im-plants and dentures. Oral surgeons can also choose to work in cosmetic facial surgery to reconstruct face and jaw structures such as cle# lip and palate surgery.

Certain oral surgeons also work with treating and removing pathology like cysts and tumors. "e path to becoming an oral surgeon involves up to 6 years of resi-dency training a#er dental school and is among the most competitive programs to get into in the medical !eld.

PrOsthOdOntics: Prosthodontics, or prosthetic den-tistry, deals with the treatment, rehabilitation, and main-tenance of oral function in patients with missing teeth. Prosthetic dentists work with dentures, bridges, and restorative implants to treat pathology leading to tooth loss. Because their work is involves periodontic and max-illofacial knowledge, prosthetic dentists are sometimes referred to as “bulletproof dentists.”

Prosthetic dentistry requires three years of clinical training a#er acquiring a dental degree and involves passing a four-part examination by the American Board of Prosthodontics. �

Sink Your Teeth into Dental Specialties


Imagine being caught in an unexpected and unfortunate accident that leaves you paralyzed from the waist down. How would you cope? How can you adjust to an inability or lessened ability to complete daily activities? !e answer lies in occupational therapy (OT).

Occupational therapists help patients with physical or mental conditions recover functions necessary for daily living by addressing their clients’ goals and interests.

Common conditions that OT focuses on include au-tism, depression, or spinal cord injuries. !e interventions typically emphasize modifying tasks, teaching skills, and adapting environments so that clients and their families can get the most out of daily activities.

!is profession would not exist without the science that drives it: occupational science (OS). OS is the study of oc-cupation—the way time is spent—and its e"ects on health and wellbeing. It provides evidence-based research to ad-vance and support OT philosophies; without OS, there would be no foundation for OT as a profession.

One example of the scienti#c research being conducted is the USC Pressure Ulcer Prevention Study (PUPS). !e

project is a #ve-year study funded by the National Insti-tutes of Health and involves researchers from the USC Division of OS and OT and from Rancho Los Amigos Na-tional Rehabilitation Center.

Together, nurses, occupational therapists, and USC stu-dents study the daily lives of people with spinal cord in-juries and how they develop, deal, and prevent pressure ulcers, a debilitating and costly medical complication.

PUPS is designed to reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers and strengthen the patient’s knowledge of ulcer pre-vention, involving long-term adherence to medical regi-

mens, social support, and self-e$cacy. !e ultimate objective of this study is to e"ectively

distinguish an intervention option that can enhance the health and life quality of adults with spinal cord injuries while decreasing the healthcare burden of pressure ulcers.

Jeanine Blanchard, the study coordinator, said “!e clinical trial is testing the e"ectiveness and cost e"ective-ness of intervention, which is believed to be helpful in preventing and healing pressure ulcers. We want to alter habits and circumstances in order to prevent pressure ul-cers more e"ectively. [PUPS] is important because it is currently costly for the health care system to treat pressure ulcers.”

In working with PUPS researchers, students have the opportunity to complete tasks ranging from data entry to requesting medical records from hospitals.

Students may also help develop papers intended for publication, organize #eld nurse interviews, and update the PUPS database with new images. !ese experiences allow students to gain insight into healthcare and occupa-tional science research.

For more information on current research being con-ducted by USC Division of Occupational Science and Oc-cupational !erapy, visit �

Applications of Occupational Science

An Interview with Dr. Elina Baskina

interviewee: Dr. Elina BaskinaCOURTESY PHARMACIES.USC.EDU

MAGGIE KINGentrance to PUPS research center at USC OT School

The Pre-Veterinary PathBy ANNETTE EOM

Funding ManagerDespite the various pre-health pro-

grams and pre-health majors available, USC currently does not o"er a pre-vet-erinary program or an animal science major.

However, there are still many students on the pre-veterinary track who wish to pursue their dreams of becoming veter-inarians.

On top of the required pre-health courses, most veterinary schools strongly recommend various other electives such as microbiology, animal nutrition, psy-chology, sociology, public speaking, and statistics.

A full list of prerequisite classes for each accredited school is available on the Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS) website.

For the pre-veterinary track, the o$-cial test of admission is the Graduate Re-cord Examinations (GRE), which is the universal standardized test for graduate schools. !e Veterinary College Admis-sion Test (VCAT) is also available, but most applicants decide to take the GRE instead.

!e typical timeline for pre-veterinary students is to take the GRE on or before

September of their application year. !e VMCAS applications are due in October and interview invitations are sent out starting in December.

Francine Liang, a current senior double majoring in Biological Sciences and East Asian Language and Culture, stressed the importance of the hands-on veterinary experience before applying to veterinary schools.

Liang said, “Every veterinary school expects that you have done a lot of work under a veterinarian.”

Tricia Nguyen, a current junior major-ing in Biological Sciences, states that pro-spective applicants that apply to UC Da-vis have an average of 3000-5000 hours of veterinary experience, and the average age of applicants is 27. Besides a love of animals, there is more to why pre-veteri-nary students choose this track.

“I have always felt that helping others is a destiny of mine, and to be able to help both humans and animals would be such a rewarding career. I feel that we have a unique connection and understanding with our animal best friends that you wouldn’t get from anybody or anything else,” said Nguyen. �To view full article visit


Q: How did you become interested in becom-ing a pharmacist?

a: In high school I wanted a career that was people-oriented and I was very interest-ed in biology. Furthermore, I didn’t want to be a doctor because I wanted to have a fam-ily and being a doctor is very time consum-ing. I applied to USC and as an undergrad, I worked on the main campus pharmacy. !is decision reinforced my love for being involved in pharmacy. A%erwards, I went to USC School of Pharmacy. Q: What do you love about your job?

a: I love that everyday is di"erent. You are presented with di"erent questions, dif-ferent problems, and di"erent people. I real-ly like the problem-solving aspect. It keeps me on my toes. Q: What is the greatest thing about being a pharmacist?

a: I’m the one who brings patient and doctor together. !e doctor diagnoses and prescribes, then we explain the treatments and make sure the patients are properly ed-ucated about their medication. We explain the composition of the medicine, what time to take the medicine, what to eat with the medicine, and the like.

Q: What advice can you give to pre-pharm students?

a: I would strongly recommend to have some sort of a pharmacy experience. !ey should consider volunteering at a pharmacy or getting licensed as a pharmacy techni-cian. Pharmacy school is a huge commit-ment and the last thing you want to do is to get into it and realize that you are not pas-sionate about it. Q: Do pharmacists have to do residency?

a: Currently it is not required. However, a lot of job positions will require a residency. !e state doesn’t require it, but the profes-sion is moving more towards requiring a residency. Residency is becoming more and more required because the job is becoming more clinical. �To view full interview visit

COURTESY SUNRISEFAMILYDENTISTS.COMdental specialties go far beyond routine cleanings

Page 9: THC Fall 2013 Publication

9December 4, 2013 | TROJAN HEALTH CONNECTION Student Opportuntities

Dornsife Expands Science Program with New MajorsBy EMILY HE

Advertising Manager

USC Dornsife recently created three new natural science ma-jors: Computational Neurosci-ence, Environmental Science and Health and Human Biology.

Johnathan Kuhn, the Assistant Director of USC Dornsife O!ce of Admission, said, “"ese ma-jors will allow students to get an interdisciplinary education while working towards one degree, which gives them both a more well-rounded understanding of the subject and frees up space to #t in a minor or a second major.”

"ese new science majors were created in response to the increas-ing student demand.

“Computational Neuroscience delves deeper into mathematics and how those concepts relate to the nervous system and its func-tions,” said Kuhn.

He added, “Environmental Sci-ence and Health looks at the inter-play between those two areas, how a development or problem in one can have a direct e$ect on the other.”

"e new Environmental Sci-ence and Health major is not to be confused with Environmental Studies, which focuses on the pol-icies regarding issues that a$ect

the environment. "e Human Biology major was

created to replace the old Kinesi-ology major.

Kuhn said, “Human Biology al-lows students lots of %exibility to study areas such as anatomy, me-tabolism, and evolution. "ose pur-suing a BS degree can take classes in physics and math, for example.”

“"e BA degree allows stu-dents to take anthropology and kinesiology courses in addition to their other science requirements. Because Human Biology encom-passes so many areas, it made sense to incorporate the Kinesiol-ogy major into it,” he added.



"is winter, from Dec. 21 to Jan. 6, Emergency Medical Ser-vices of USC (EMSC) will host an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course for students want-ing to become EMT-certi#ed.

"e program provides the basic knowledge and skills of working as an EMT, someone trained to quickly provide clinical help in emergent situations of injuries or accidents.

"e program, which takes place at the main campus, consists of twenty-one classroom sessions (160 total hours), approximately ranging seven hours for each ses-sion. "ese sessions consist of lec-tures that cover topics such as the human body, patient assessment,


Research experience is becom-ing a more common extra-cur-ricular activity among medical school applicants today. At USC, many pre-health students work under faculty members as re-search assistants, many of whom volunteer their time for free. However, did you know that you could also obtain course credit for your research at USC?

490x, or Directed Research, is a research course that is available in almost every department at USC. Depending on the amount of hours per week they are willing to commit, students can receive from 2 to 8 units of credit for an original research project that is developed between the student and a faculty advisor.

Although the 490x project is faculty-supervised, it is supposed to be student-proposed and stu-dents are expected to formally demonstrate their knowledge of their research topic at the end of the semester in order to receive credit.

Many students choose to write a comprehensive report on their 490x project that documents and explains their contribution to the #eld. Students may also present their research at a conference, such as USC’s “Undergraduate

Symposium for Scholarly and Creative Work” that is held every spring to showcase student re-search.

490x is an excellent way to gain both research experience and an opportunity to interact closely with a faculty member. Many stu-dents end up receiving a strong

letter of recommendation from their research mentor a&er com-pleting the 490x course.

As pre-health students with busy schedules, it may be di!cult to balance a volunteer research position on top of a full course load and extra-curricular activi-ties. Some students #nd that a re-search course like 490x provides them with more time to work in the lab.

Achyuth Sriram, a junior ma-joring in Neuroscience, plans on taking a 490x course next fall: “It would be really nice to have some time in my schedule set aside spe-

ci#cally for research.”Students currently working in

a lab interested in completing a 490x should talk to their mentor early to complete all the required paperwork and plan ahead for the 490x project. Students looking for potential mentors willing to su-pervise a project should browse research pro#les on departmental websites, or ask professors from previous classes if they have an opening in their research group.

Every department has individu-al requirements, restrictions, and paperwork involved in their 490x course. For example, students tak-ing BISC490x can receive up to 8 units of credit, but are only able to apply 4 of those units to satisfy their upper-division elective re-quirement.

MEDS 490x, a course designed for the new minor in Health Care Studies, is a more structured re-search class where there are man-datory lecture sessions that focus on teaching students the basics and current approaches of bio-medical research, as well as ethics and regulations. MEDS490x stu-dents are also expected to pres-ent their work at a poster session at the end of the semester on the Health Sciences Campus.

For additional information on a speci#c 490x, students are advised to directly contact their depart-ment. �

A Student’s Guide to Finding Research

Directed Research: Going %H\RQG�WKH�&ODVVURRP

and cardiovascular emergencies, along with Ambulance Opera-tions and several skill days.

"e course ends with written and skill-based exams on the last day. "e university provides all the necessary equipment at no ad-ditional cost for the students.

Students who complete the course can work or volunteer as EMTs during sports events or apply to become a member of EMSC.

"ere are no prerequisites for the course, so anyone with an in-terest for medical experience can apply. To participate in the EMSC Winter 2013 Course, students need to submit course enrollment documents along with a $200 de-posit to USC O!ce of Campus Activities, USC Tutor Campus Center Room 330, ten days prior to the course. "e total cost for the course $1163.00. �

By LU TIANWriter

Research is a crucial compo-nent of the undergraduate experi-ence. It provides the opportunity to become more engaged in your #eld and to interact with faculty members. However, getting start-ed in a research laboratory can be di!cult. Here are some tips:

Determine your interestsUSC has a myriad of ongoing

research of many di$erent #elds. Each #eld has its own charm. Identify the #eld(s) you want to explore.

“Don’t limit yourself to just your major. Go outside the box. You can do research in whatever

subject you like,” said Sarah Silli-man, part of the Undergraduate Research Consortium.

Read up on your researchA&er identifying your area of

interest, read the papers that your target groups/professors have published. It is likely that you won’t understand everything in the papers.

However, if you make an e$ort to learn a few buzzwords and to try to get a general sense of the goals that the professors are try-ing to accomplish, you will in-crease your attractiveness as a potential candidate.

Interact with target professorsChemistry professor Travis

Williams advises students to try dropping by a professor’s o!ce if possible.

“I want to be able to see that my group is a good #t for the student’s long-term career goals. If it’s not, it’s unlikely that the student will be productive,” said Williams.

So whether it’s meeting the professor in person or via email, show genuine interest and be able to convey why you want to do re-search in their lab.

Be patientProfessors are quite busy, so

don’t get discouraged if you didn’t get an immediate response. "ere are many factors which go into whether you are given the posi-tion or not, many of which are out of your hands.

O&en, professors already have a number of students working for them, and there is a limit on the amount of funding they get for student assistants. If money is an issue, consider volunteering until additional funds are available.

FundingA wide variety of funding, such

as Student Opportunities for Aca-demic Research (SOAR), Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF), and the Provost Under-graduate Research Fellowship, are available to students. Most of them have deadlines in the begin-ning of the semester.

A more comprehensive list is available at under the heading Fel-lowships and Funding.

"ere are many more ways that you can become involved in research. Whatever methods you choose, try your best, work hard and hope that you will get into a research lab that enables you to learn and grow. �

usc associate professor Travis Williams o!ers suggestions to students.


computational Neuroscience is one of three new majors.


Emsc is the student-run EMT service o!ering the EMT course. COURTESY USC

"ese new additions are in-tended to provide students with a greater diversity of majors.

Kuhn said, “We will be able to attract students who know they want to attend medical school but would like to study something besides Biological Sciences or Chemistry.”

Dornsife also took into account the changes to the MCAT in 2015 when creating these majors.

“With the new MCAT, pre-med students are going to have more requirements,” said Kuhn.

He added, “Since these majors already include most of the cours-es that will now be required for

pre-med students, they can study unique subjects while completing their requirements.” �

490x is an excellent way to gain both re-

search experience and an opportunity to

interact closely with a faculty member

Page 10: THC Fall 2013 Publication


Labeled “the new AIDS of America” by the journal PLoS Neglected Tropical Dis-eases, Chagas disease is a potentially fatal parasitic infection that is estimated to a!ect about 7-8 million people worldwide, ac-cording to the World Health Organization (WHO). Since its discovery, it has been most commonly endemic only in develop-ing areas of Latin America and is consid-ered a neglected parasitic infection (NPI) by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

"e disease, also known as American try-panosomiasis or the “kissing bug disease,” was discovered in 1909 and is caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. It is usually transmitted to humans through the bite of Triatomine bugs, according to the WHO. "ese “kissing bugs” deposit feces at the site of their bite, allowing Trypomastigotes in the feces to enter host cells, multiply, and then release into the bloodstream.

"e infection can progress through three main stages. During the #rst phase (acute phase), a range of symptoms such as skin in$ammation, fever, and nausea may be observed. Patients may also exhibit Ro-maña’s sign, or eyelid swelling, according to Charles Patrick Davis, MD, PhD. "e next phase (indeterminate phase) is generally an asymptomatic phase. Unlike the other two phases, very few parasites are found in the host’s blood during this phase. "e last phase (chronic phase) does not occur in all people infected by Chagas. During this stage, most of the parasites are located in the heart and digestive muscle rather than the blood.

According to the WHO, about 30% of people with Chagas will experience serious health problems including heart problems, which may lead to death.

Although the disease has historically ex-isted maily within Mexico, Central Amer-ica, and South America, it is no longer a problem that the United States can ignore. A%er the #rst recorded human case in Lou-isiana was found in 2006, a growing num-ber of cases have been observed each year in the United States, according to the CDC. It can be spread between people through blood transfusions, organ transplants, and vertical transmission from a mother to her baby.

However, there is currently no vaccine to prevent the disease and even a%er infection, it can be di&cult to diagnose. A signi#cant problem is the fact that the parasites can most easily be viewed only during the acute phase, during which they are circulating in the bloodstream.

Treatments for Chagas disease need to be administered quickly a%er infection in or-der to be the most e!ective, but in the U.S.,


"e eradication of smallpox is consid-ered one of the greatest achievements in the #eld of public health. Despite initial skepti-cism following a failed attempt to eradicate malaria and little funding, the global e!ort to eradicate smallpox was #nally achieved in 1975.

Smallpox Eradicated: What’s Next?"ough all diseases are potentially eradi-

cable, there are a few important compo-nents that help to dramatically increase the likelihood of success. A disease is a good candidate for elimination if the following are true: humans are the only reservoirs of infection, low-cost diagnostic tools are available and both treatment and preven-tion methods are inexpensive and e!ec-tive. Smallpox, con#ned to humans with

its distinctive skin manifestation and low-cost vaccine, perfectly satis#es these three condi-tions.

"e elimination of smallpox was a success consid-ering not only its prevalence across the globe and leg-acy dating back 3500 years, but also its high mortality rate, estimated at 25-30% accord-ing to a lecture in October hosted by the USC Institute for Global Health. At the event, titled !e Eradication of Smallpox and the Discovery of Pan-dora’s Box, Dr. D.A. Henderson, the ep-idemiologist who headed the small-pox eradication ef-fort, explained just how important this global accomplish-ment truly was.

“"is was one of the most serious

Chagas: A New Killer in America?

treatment is currently only o!ered through the CDC. Additionally, the treatment can take 2 months to complete and can lead to adverse e!ects in about 40% of patients, ac-cording to the WHO.

"e best ways to protect oneself from the spread of Chagas disease are having blood screenings, practicing good hygiene and using Synthetic pyrethroid sprays to keep triatome bugs away from homes and main-taining the cleanliness and structural up-keep of houses and buildings.

If any symptoms of Chagas disease are observed, it is important to contact a med-ical professional immediately to diagnose and treat the disease as soon as possible.

No longer a disease exclusive to Latin America, Chagas disease presents health care providers in several countries with new challenges concerning how best to prevent, diagnose and treat this tropical disease before it can lead to an endemic. �

pestilential diseases in history. "ose who recovered from smallpox were scarred for life, and many a number were blind. In In-dia, this was the leading cause of blindness even into the 20th century,” said Hender-son.

Now having successfully eradicated one disease, those in the public health #eld are seeking to end Guinea Worm and polio.

Guinea Worm, a debilitating parasitic disease contracted by drinking contami-nated water, seems particularly promising. "e parasitic worm is visible under the skin’s surface, allowing for easy diagnosis; the treatment is free, simply involving re-moval of the worm by winding it around a stick; and humans are the only known reservoirs of infection. Additionally, the main preventative measure is to #lter water through cloth to eliminate the worm’s in-sect vector, an easy and cost-free solution.

Despite these facts, there are de#nite barriers that must be overcome. Due to the frequent need for disease eradication to be a global e!ort, there are several obstacles that can arise. Among these are economic, political and geographic complications.

For example, in the case of Guinea Worm, initial e!orts at eradication in Sudan were responsive. However, when the country en-tered a civil war, healthcare workers were denied access due to the violence. It was only 22 years later that the war ended and eradication e!orts could be resumed.

Although obstacles such as war can sig-ni#cantly a!ect global health e!orts to eliminate disease, the eradication of small-pox demonstrates that these barriers can be overcome and success achieved. With low-cost diagnostic tools, treatments, and preventative measures, in addition to hu-man-only reservoirs of infection, a disease has great potential for eradication. It simply takes a determined set of individuals with the proper funding and global cooperation to create world-wide changes in health. �


COURTESY USC GLOBAL HEALTH thE ERADICAtOR Dr. D.A. Henderson delivers his lecture, !e Eradication of Smallpox and the Discovery of Pandora’s Box, at Aretsy audtiorium on the USC Health Sciences Campus.

COURTESY CDCA SPREADING KILLER Incidence of Triatomine bugs by state in the U.S.


In mid-July, a squirrel captured in Ange-les National Forest as part of routine public health surveillance tested positive for the bubonic plague, commonly known as the Black Death that killed 25 million people in the Middle Ages.

"is news of the plague has caused some to worry about the re-emergence of the dis-ease. However, according to health o&cials we will not need to worry about dying from the plague anytime soon.

What causes the plague?"e Center for Disease Control and Pre-

vention states that the plague is caused by the bacterium Yersina pestis and can a!ect humans and other mammals. Humans usu-ally get the plague from $ea bites or contact with infected animals.

Symptoms of the plague include enlarge-ment of the lymph glands near the $ea bite, the rapid development of fever, and chills.

According to public health o&cials, how-ever, another plague outbreak is unlikely. L.A. County health o&cer Dr. Jonathan Fielding said, “It is important for the public to know that there have only been four cas-es of human plague in Los Angeles County since 1984, none of which were fatal.”

"e Center for Disease Control and Prevention report an average of 7 human plague cases in the U.S. each year. Antibi-otics have proven e!ective in treating mod-ern day plague victims with about a 90% survival rate.

"e Los Angeles County Health Depart-ment states that no humans have been in-fected from this incidence in the Los An-geles area.

"e plague is just one example of a dis-ease that re-emerges over time. Tubercu-losis, cholera, malaria, and polio are a few others that have gone through periods of re-emergence in the recent past.

What is re-emergence and how can diseases reappear a!er so much time passes between outbreaks?

According to the Robert H. Ebert Lec-ture on Academic Medicine and the Public Interest, an infectious disease is considered re-emerging if it was present for centuries or decades in the past and has reappeared in a di!erent form or location.

Re-emergence occurs when a disease is spread to a population because of changing environmental conditions, travel and com-merce, or the breakdown of public health safety measures.

"e CDC report on plague facts and prevention methods states, “If you develop symptoms of plague, see a health care pro-vider immediately.” �

Avoiding Squirrels Like the Plague

COURTESY CREATIVE COMMONSCARRIER A !ea infected by Yersina pestis. Humans can contract the plague from !ea bites or through contact with infected animals.

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THEN & NOW1975 2012

State Standard 1-HR MAX OZONE CONC. = .09 ppm

1-HR MAX OZONE CONC. = .12 ppmNational Standard

In 1975


In 2012


In 1975


In 2012


Data provided by California Air Resources Board


University ofSouthern California

BY MEHUL TRIVEDIAssociate Editor

! e LAC+USC Hospital has the distinction of having the coun-try’s " rst o# cial Department of Emergency Medicine, and USC students have the opportunity to volunteer there and see one of the country’s biggest and busiest trauma centers.

! e DEM was formed in 1971 as a result of an increased num-ber of emergency room vis-its across the country’s largest county. With that, it became the " rst department dedicated to Emergency Medicine. Today, the department sees about 500 patients a day, according to its website, and has spent over a billion dollars updating its fa-cilities.

! rough the DEM’s Adult Volunteer program, students with an interest in health care have the opportunity to vol-unteer for a minimum of 200 hours, or for about one year. Students who are part of this program can see " rst-hand the inner workings of an emergency room.

“! e perks are being able to watch almost any procedures,” said senior Julia Yang. “Doctors and PAs are willing to teach for the most part.”

Applicants to the DEM Volunteer program must " ll out an ap-plication that can be found on the LAC+USC website and then schedule an interview before being selected. Once in the program, volunteers must sign up for a four hour shi$ , where their respon-sibilities can range anywhere from changing hospital beds and re-

stocking supplies to assisting doctors and nurses on their clinical rounds.

In addition to the DEM’s volunteer program, students part of Trojan Health Volunteers, a branch of the Joint Educational Pro-gram here at USC, are given the opportunity to volunteer at vari-ous hospitals around the county, one of which is the DEM.

“We get to switch between a couple of di% erent hospitals in the area,” said sophomore and THV participant Jennifer Bailey. “But

by far my personal favorite is the department of Emergency Med-icine”.

Volunteering at the DEM can serve as an introduction to the harsh realities of medicine that come with volunteering in one of the nation’s largest and busi-est emergency rooms. Students claim to have seen people come in a$ er gunshot wounds, car crashes and motorcycle acci-dents.

“In the interview, they wanted to make sure we were comfort-able with things like blood,” said current LAC DEM volunteer Trosdamad Missaelian.

Despite the possibility of see-ing serious traumas, students who have volunteered at the LAC DEM in the past have largely enjoyed their experience, recom-mending it to anyone with an interest in the medical " eld.

“I love my shi$ , and I’ve really enjoyed my experience as a volunteer at this hospital,” said junior Sunitha Bopardi.

! e LAC USC hospital’s DEM volunteer program can be seen as o% ering students access and insight into one of the grittier sides of medicine.

For more info, visit �

Volunteering at LAC+USC Emergency Medicine

LA County air pollution and its effect on student health


On July 16, a historic union was born when a deal was closed between two lead-ers in healthcare: Verdugo Hills Hospital and the USC Keck School of Medicine. By combining the broad resources of a prom-inent academic institution and the imme-diate access to quality care provided by a community hospital, USC Verdugo Hills Hospital promises to provide a new level of medical care for the community.

At one end is USC, a long-standing uni-versity known for its ambitious academic and research-oriented endeavors. ! e Keck School of Medicine represents USC’s bold initiative to bolster its medical enterprise by attaining a physician group, several clin-ics, and now three hospitals and counting.

On the other end is the former Verdugo Hills Hospital, which built a reputation just as respected as USC’s, albeit in a di% erent neighborhood. With a history stretching back to 1947, VHH has faithfully provided top-notch care to the Foothill communities by hiring respected physicians and main-taining advanced facilities.

“It’s a great thing for the community and for both hospitals. Rarely is there a win-win situation because usually the smaller one feels like it’s been swallowed,” said Dr. Armand Dorian, Assistant Chief of Devel-opment at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital.

In this case, both parties bene" ted great-ly from the partnership.

“USC Keck private hospital now has an

emergency department, which is a very important way of reaching patients so it’s a big, big necessity for Keck,” said Dorian.

With the convenience and comfort of a community hospital, Keck is now able to have a greater impact on the locals in the Glendale and Pasadena areas.

For USC Verdugo Hills Hospital, its fac-ulty and their patients receive access to physicians in subspecialties who are highly skilled experts along with access to the lat-est technology in healthcare. In addition, the hospital also receives " nancial stability during a time of health care upheaval.

“Initially, people worried about losing their community hospital. Now we’ve only gotten positive comments from the com-munity,” said Dorian.

In addition to connecting with the Tro-jan Family through patients (many Foothill residents graduated from USC), USC and VHH also collaborated on implementing a stroke program.

“With strokes, you have a very small window to give medication. If patients are far away from Keck or Cedars or any big hospitals, they might miss out on import-ant medication and so Verdugo took care of that. A$ er they gave the medication you needed, the technology that smaller hospi-tals didn’t have was provided by the neurol-ogy department at Keck,” said Dorian.

Now, with plans to expand the emergen-cy department and build a neonatal ICU at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital, both USC and the Foothill community have much to look forward to. ! e growth and develop-ment of the hospital will ensure that the main goal of both sides is accomplished: to provide quality care to all patients. �

By JOHN TANAKAAssociate Editor

! e World Health Organization’s recent designation of air pollution as the leading environmental cause of cancer has brought attention to the detrimental e% ects envi-ronmental conditions can have on human health. For students at the University of Southern California, residing in Los Ange-les comes hand in hand with exposure to large amounts of harmful air pollutants.

“I would say its de" nitely a concern be-cause USC is sitting right between the I-10 and I-110 freeways, and you students are exposed to a lot of pollutants because of that,” said Dr. Lisa Collins, a professor in the Environmental Sciences department at USC.

! e exact composition of air pollution varies between days and locations. Howev-er, the main air pollutants are greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, at-mospheric aerosols, and persistent organic pollutants. ! e most harmful of these are the atmospheric aerosols and ozone, both of which are known to increase the risk of death in humans.

Although the long-term e% ects of air pollution have not yet been determined with respect to USC students, Collins does believe that a relationship exists between air pollution levels and the overall health of the student body. She acknowledges that, “some students will spend a semester at Catalina and they’ll come back and realize that their skin has cleared up because they weren’t in all the pollution.” However, the overall lack of a de" ned relationship has led to much speculation on the e% ects that spending four years in Los Angeles actually has on students.

Ed Avol, a professor at the Keck School of Medicine, sees air pollution as just one of a multitude of environmental problems that can detrimentally a% ect the lives of

students in Los Angeles. “I don’t know if we can say that exposure here is going to be any di% erent from exposure received at other campuses,” says Avol. However, he does acknowledge that the large amount of motor vehicles in Los Angeles and the pol-lutants they produce are detrimental to the health of USC students.

Both Collins and Avol agree that there are many ways that one can combat the ef-fects of these air pollutants. “! ere are lots of things you can do about air pollution,” says Avol, “You can make personal choic-es about the cars you use, when you play, whether you encourage the kinds of policy choices that lead to higher or lower pollu-tion, all of these things a% ect air quality on smaller and larger scales and obviously can a% ect your health.”

Additionally, both agree that one of the best ways to minimize the e% ects of harm-ful air pollutants is by being aware of the relative levels of pollutants during daily ac-


USC joins forces with

Verdugo Hills

tivities. “Running along Figueroa at rush hour may not be the best idea, but choices about where and when you exercise can af-fect your exposure,” says Avol. It is at these times that tra# c levels, and subsequently the level of pollutants in the air, are at their highest. “

You’re better o% getting up at 6 when the air is much cleaner and has less pollutants to run than at rush hour,” agreed Collins.

Even though the true e% ects of air pollu-tion on the student body are not yet known, no reasons exist at this time to view it as a substantial health problem at USC. In fact, “Air quality in Los Angeles has drastically improved over the last few decades,” says Avol, even though this may not seem like the case.

Until a de" nite relationship between the e% ects of air pollution and the health of students is determined, there is no pressing need for lifestyle changes amongst the USC student population. �


It’s a great thing for the community and for both hospitals...

it’s a big, big necessity for Keck.



Page 12: THC Fall 2013 Publication

12December 4, 2013 | TROJAN HEALTH CONNECTION Spotlight on Medical Schools

Taking a Closer Look at Keck School of Medicine

Students Share Their ThoughtsAJ KATZ, !"#$%& '"()

"Keck is set apart from other schools through its commitments to student success and student life. Keck has dedicated academic and social space for medical students including 24-hour access home rooms with private desks for each student. Not only do these spaces make excellent study spots, but they are equipped with refrigerators, microwaves, projectors and whiteboards. In the same vicinity is a pool table and television. But Keck o! ers more to its students than just facility resources, Keck goes the extra mile to ensure students’ only concern is academic and social success. For example, all notes from every lecturer are printed and compiled and placed in each student's mailbox the Friday before the week begins. Also, on every exam breakfast is provided for us. Be-yond this, Keck students have amazing opportunities not available at other medical schools. " e most prominent being access to LAC+USC Hospital. First-year students can be in the hospital providing actual care as early as the third week of school. "

"While interviewing at various other medical schools, I realized that Keck was unique in that the school provides numerous opportunities for patient interaction during the # rst two preclinical years. At many other medical schools, the extent of their clinical experiences are limited to standardized pa-tient workshops and their student run clinics, both of which we have. In addition to that, however, we also interview patients at LA County almost every week, which is a huge advantage. " ere are so many opportunities for clinical exposure at Keck, and that is why previous medical students have told me that Keck students are that much more prepared for their clinical years. Now I really know that it's true and can appreciate it so much more now that I'm at Keck."

OverviewEstablished in 1885, Keck

School of Medicine is a high-ly-ranked medical school and the oldest in Southern California. It is home to more than 1,500 full-time faculty, 27 research-oriented academic programs and 1,200 stu-dents. Located east of downtown Los Angeles on USC’s Health Sci-ences Campus, Keck is dedicated to serving the people of Southern California.

" e curriculum at Keck empha-sizes optimal patient care. During the Year I-II Continuum (the # rst two years of medical school), stu-dents take courses in subjects that include the Foundations of Medi-cal Science, Hematology, Cardio, Renal, Respiratory, Reproductive and GI/Liver.

Keck is among the # rst medical schools to adopt the Introduction to Clinical Medicine courses for

Keck at a Glance

the # rst-year students, immers-ing them in patient care activities from the start of medical school. Electives in the # rst two years in-clude Medical Spanish and Pro-fessionalism and the Practice of Medicine (PPM). Keck follows a pass/fail system for these courses and does not award letter grades.

During the clinical experienc-es of the Year III-IV Continuum (the last two years), students can choose to complete their clerk-ships at various sites, such as LAC+USC, Keck Hospital, Norris Cancer Center and CHLA.

At these sites, students rotate through the specialties of Family Medicine, Surgery, Ob/Gyn, Pedi-atrics, Neurology and more. Keck also requires every student to complete an independent research project.

All degree candidates are re-quired to take Step I of the United States Medical Licensing Exam-ination (USMLE) prior to entering the junior/senior continuum. Stu-

dents must then pass Step II of the USMLE by the December of their senior year.

Students can also pursue a # $ h year research option to engage in research of their interests with a faculty mentor.Dual Degree Programs

Additionally, Keck o! ers a va-riety of joint-degree programs, includ-ing MD/MS Physi-cian-Scientist, MD/MBA, MD/MPH, MD/MS in Clinical and Biomedical In-vestigation, MD/MS in Global Medicine, MD/Masters of Health Care Ad-ministration and MD/PhD. " e MD/PhD program is a joint pro-gram between USC and CalTech, geared towards students interested in medicine as well as biomedical research.Residency Matches

In 2013, 157 students of the graduating class participated in


the National Resident Matching Program. Emergency medicine and internal medicine had the highest number of matches, with 28 in each. Radiology, obstetrics/gynecology, and orthopaedic sur-gery had 11 matches each. 103 students were matched in resi-dency programs in California, 46

of which were at LAC+USC Medical Center. All other students matched in programs in 20 states and the Dis-trict of Columbia. Of these students, the highest num-

ber matched in programs in New York. A! liation with LAC+USC Keck is well-known for its direct a% liation with LAC+USC Medical Center, which has existed since 1885. It is one of the largest public hospitals and medical teaching hospitals in the country,

and sees nearly 39,000 inpatients, 590,000 emergency patients and one million ambulatory patient visits each year. It is also the largest provider of healthcare in Los Angeles County, and is notable for treating the area’s underserved population. Furthermore, as a Level I trauma center, the LAC+USC emergency department serves 28 percent of the region’s trauma victims. Application Process

Keck invites all applicants to complete its secondary applica-tion once they have submitted the primary application through the AMCAS. " e secondary applica-tion and its application fee of $90 are due by November 1.

For the entering class of 2013, Keck School of Medicine received a total of 7,335 completed appli-cations for a class of 184 students. " e average GPA of the incom-ing class was 3.64 with an average MCAT score of 34.1. �

University of Southern California: 43 (23%)University of California, Los Angeles: 21 (11%)University of California, Berkeley: 14 (8%)University of California, San Diego: 8 (4%)University of California, Davis: 7 (3.8%)

Harvard University: 6 (3%)Duke University: 5 (2.7%)Stanford University: 4 (2%)Brown University: 3 (1.6%)Columbia University: 3 (1.6%)

Class Size: 186Average MCAT at admission: 34

Average GPA at admission: 3.41-3.94Average Science GPA: 3.27-3.97

Tuition: $52,408

Average Age at Admission: 24"#$ %& '( )$**: & ('.())"#$ %%: ** (+,.-))"#$ %+: .' (+'))

"#$ %,-%-: .& (+*))"#$ %.-%/: +, (/- ))

KATHERINE FU, *+)!, '"()