the 7 biggest mistakes that pharma companies make on linkedin

@bstormdigital #PharmaLI gital The 7 Biggest Mistakes Pharma Marketers Unwittingly Make on LinkedIn Dr. Lucy Muñiz, Founder of Pharmaceutical and Health Marketing Danny Bermant, Director of Brainstorm Digital

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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@bstormdigital #PharmaLI

The 7 Biggest Mistakes Pharma Marketers Unwittingly Make on

LinkedInDr. Lucy Muñiz, Founder of Pharmaceutical and Health Marketing

Danny Bermant, Director of Brainstorm Digital

What You Discover Today!

• The 7 Biggest mistakes Pharma marketers unwittingly make

AND how you can avoid them

• Connect with the right people

• Your 3 key ways to generate new leads

• Create great content that attracts enquiries

• Achieve startling results, even on a small time investment

• And of course… time for your questions at the end

Your presenters today: Lucy Muñiz

"Multifaceted sales and marketing Professional"•Business Development - Latin America & Caribbean at WebMD•Founder of PharmaMKT Group on LinkedIn. •Putting your ideas into practice•Helping other people to understand the region you are targeting•Convert leads in long term clients•Deliver a strong pipeline in time•Create multi cultural teams that work•Help clients to find the right solution•Contact Lucy at

Your presenters today: Danny Bermant

“The Social Media Lead Generation Expert”•Converts your social media followers into clients•Strategy and plan of action to get you there•Integrating social media with other marketing activity•Reputation management•Influencer outreach•Training and lead generation programmes delivered in the UK and across the world•Publications on social media best practice•Speak at industry events and conferences•Connect with Danny at

So what are the 7 biggest mistakes pharma companies inadvertently make?

Mistake #1Treating your LinkedIn profile as a resume!

Start using LinkedIn strategically!

Change your profile as events change

Create a profile that promotes the business, not just you!

Mistake #2Not using LinkedIn for Lead Generation

You’re missing out on a massive opportunity!

Pharma decision makers are using LinkedIn. How about you?

Are you making use of LinkedIn’s advanced search to pinpoint your leads?

Are you making use of influencers in your network who can refer you to new clients?

Join our poll!Are you using LinkedIn for lead generation?

• Yes, we regularly use LinkedIn for lead generation• We occasionally attract leads through LinkedIn• We’d like to attracts leads through LinkedIn, but have no idea

how• We don’t use LinkedIn for lead generation

Mistake #3You can’t generate leads without content!

By regularly sharing engaging content, you stay top of mind

Great content will help you convert your leads into sales

For this to work you need a strategy & content plan

Don’t treat pharma regulations as an excuse for not posting content

Join our poll!Do you share content on LinkedIn?

• We don’t share content• We occasionally share content• We regularly share content but don’t have a strategy• We have a content strategy for generating leads

Mistake #4Having a blank LinkedIn company page

Are your staff listed on your company page?

Are you making use of status updates to inform and educate clients?

LinkedIn have just introduced a showcase feature to help you further educate clients

Join our poll!Does your company have a LinkedIn page?

• No we don’t have a company page• Yes we have a company page, but no updates• We have a company page, with occasional updates• We have a company page with regular updates

Mistake #5Not being active within LinkedIn Groups

Can you afford to ignore these stats?

• There are 2+ million groups & over 4,000 are pharma-related

• Hundreds of discussions are added every minute

• 8,000 new groups are created each week

• The average user is a member of 7 groups

• Those who participate in group discussions have 4x as many profile views

as those who aren’t part of groups.

• PharmaMkt has has 68,000+ members, over 10 new conversations daily

You can search for and directly message other group members

Group discussions are a great way of discovering new opportunities

Mistake #6Not using LinkedIn ads

You can reach a highly targeted audience

You can drive more followers to your company page through sponsored updates

Mistake #7Don’t talk about yourself!

Avoid the temptation to overly-promote your business

You could end up being blocked from LinkedIn groups (& be in breach of pharma regulations)

Instead focus on your audience’s pain points

And the result?……Conversion!

By solving other members’ problems, you indirectly (and more powerfully) promote your own business

Questions for you to consider today…

#1. Do you have a LinkedIn strategy?

#2. Do you have a lead generation plan?

#3. Do you have content strategy?

If you answered no to any of these questions, here’s where you can seek help…

Danny [email protected]

Twitter: @bstormdigital

Facebook: brainstormdigital



Dr. Lucy Muñ[email protected]


Twitter: @pharmaMKTnet
