the a-z of performance marketing

The A to Z of European Performance Marketing Bruce Clayton / Sandro Nitschke Optimus Performance Marketing GmbH

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Bruce Clayton, Optimus PM, Sandro Nitschke, Optimus PM GmbH a4uexpo Barcelona 2012


Page 1: The A-Z of Performance Marketing

The A to Z of European Performance Marketing

Bruce Clayton / Sandro NitschkeOptimus Performance Marketing GmbH

Page 2: The A-Z of Performance Marketing

Intro• Bruce Clayton – Co-Founder / Director• Sandro Nitschke – MD Optimus PM GmbH• Over 70 clients under management in EU• Offices in UK and Germany• 14 Permanent staff

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Intro• An overview of commonly used terms• Drawn from merchants, publishers and

networks• Based on best practice and latest

developments• Pan-European where possible

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A Affiliate (or Publisher) Aggregator Approval Abandonment Attribution Append

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B Banners Bloggers Brand Bidding Bounce Browser Basket Value

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C Content Cookie Contextual CPA





Cancellation Rate

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C Comparison Conversion Container Tag Coupon Cash-back Commission

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D Deep-link Descriptions Directory Delivery


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E EPC / EPHC E-Mail Exclusives

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F Feed

• Feedback• Forms• Frames

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G• Geo-fencing• Geo-targeting• Google• Generic

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H• Homepage• Hijacking

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I Impression Incremental

Integration Fee

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J• Journey

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K KPI Knowledge


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L Landing Page Lead Generation Linkbuilding Lifetime Value Long-Tail

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M Mobile Marketing Plan Multi-Attribution Monthly Fee

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N Network Newsletter

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O• Offline• Override• Organic• Open Rate• Optimisation

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P Payment Options Paid Search / PPC Platform Promotions Policing Profit


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R Re-Targeting Returns Repeat Customers Rewards


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S Social Media SEO Speed Set Up Fees


Stand Alone / Solus

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T Textlinks Tracking Tenancy Terms and Conditions Tool Bar

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U Unique Visitor

Unique Content


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V Voucher Code Validation Value-Add

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W• Widget

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Optimus Performance Marketing