the development of our gully and environmental sustainability at gk

Environmental Sustainability at Glen Katherine PS. An ongoing journey from 1999 to present……and beyond……..

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The Development of Our Gully and Environmental Sustainability at GK


Page 1: The Development of Our Gully and Environmental Sustainability at GK

Environmental Sustainability at Glen Katherine PS.

An ongoing journey from 1999 to present……and beyond……..

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From the beginning……In 1999 GK science teacher, Graeme Lewis, saw the potential for an indigenous gully to be planted out in the unused, fenced off bottom corner of the school where the storm water drain was located.And so the gully began……..

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In the beginning……Rocks were brought in and some landscaping was done, but not a lot, as the site already had tiers in it due to the storm water drain located in the basin at the bottom of the area. The soil was very hard, clay - typically found in this area……’nillumbik’ an indigenous word for ‘poor, shallow soil’.

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A pond!A pond was added in the top corner of the new gully.Plastic lining was put in the bottom and a pump was added to move water down rocks.

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Banyule CouncilContact was made with the Banyule Biodiversity educator, Daniel, who made regular visits to the school to discuss local flora and fauna, with a particular focus on indigenous plantings.

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Science RoomThe GK Parents and Friends Association purchased a portable to be placed next to the gully and used specifically as a dedicated science room. Teachers attended science lessons with students, so as to provide practical science lessons inside, whilst Graeme gardened with students in the gully.

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Over time…..Trees started to grow, especially the acacias, signs were put up, vegetable beds put in and a propagation shed established next to the science room. Things were happening!

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Propagation ProgramGraeme established a successful propagation program within the science lessons, enabling students to experience growing plants from seedlings and then selling them to the school and local community for $1.25, thereby enabling money to go back into program.

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2004By Graeme’s retirement, the gully was a flourishing indigenous landscape. Vegetables were growing in the beds and reeds had established themselves in the pond.The gully had become an exciting and interesting place for activities to happen in the school.

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2005In 2005 the current science teacher Jai Lincoln, registered GK with the Sustainable Schools Program. Jai continued to use the gully and surrounding area to teach students about environmental sustainability, such as ponding activities, vegetable and plant growing.

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Annemarie Webb started part-time in the science program. With lots of help from staff, students, parents and community stakeholders such as Banyule Council, progress continued to be made in the gully and around the school gardens. Attending TEN meetings also proved helpful, especially with PDs on topics such as grant writing and establishing gardens.

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GK successfully applied for a bush tucker garden through the Coles Landcare Grant Scheme. The Art teacher became involved, incorporating some bollards into the garden area.The OSH Program became interested in engaging in sustainable initiatives and established a cottage garden complete with vegies and herbs, as well as composting and using produce in their program.

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Specialised School Grant 2012-2014At the end of 2011 GK was one of 14 schools in Victoria to be awarded $100,000 for their Environmental Education and Science Program. Part of this grant included the creation of a WSUD (Water Sensitive Urban Design) in the form of a Storm Water Catchment in the Gully.The old pond was in the wrong location and more successful growing reeds than as a thriving pond habitat.

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Landscaped GullyIndigenous Designs, a local landscaping business, worked closely with Annemarie and Jill to come up with a useable, school friendly environment that encouraged learning in the outdoors. Work commenced over the 2012/2013 summer holidays, and the new gully was ready to explore at the start of 2013!

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Pond Habitat

Since it’s establishment the pond has worked successfully as a storm water catchment. Rain has travelled down to the first large pond then overflowed into the second pond before travelling through the garden and out to the drain.Animals found in the area have included frogs and tadpoles, birds, dragonflies, butterflies and water insects.

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Ecologist-in-ResidenceAs part of the Specialised School Grant, GK was able to employ an ecologist over 2 separate fortnights to take students into the nearby local reserve, where possum boxes had been set up, and using the council’s camera, collect data on what was found. David was also able to share his passion of frogs in the gully.

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Local EcologyWith David, from Abzeco, a local ecology firm, students were made aware of the importance of local biodiversity, including plants such as the chocolate lily, and lesser known animals such as the micro bats and brushed tailed phascogale.

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Garden ExtensionTo accommodate a new garden area, including new vegetable beds, fruit trees , chook shed and propagation shed, the old unused portable was taken out and a new fence line put in. The gully fence still remains as added security for the ponds inside.

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Chook ShedAfter several quotes a new chook shed was purchased online, and delivered in flat packs! Our maintenance lady and her son put it up in a day. As part of Prep unit ‘On the Farm’ eggs will be incubated next term and kept for the chook program…..barring any roosters!!

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A Mega Working BeeIn August 2014 a mega school working bee was attended by families to assist in the completion of the new garden area. Wire was dug underground to fox proof the fences. The chook run was dug in. Fruit trees were planted along the fence to be espaliered.

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Ongoing projects

The Gully Club is a popular lunchtime activity held once a week. This allows all students to come down and work in the gully and garden area…..weeding, stick collecting etc.The student leadership group, the Green Team, will continue to play a pivotal role in leading the school in sustainable actions.Once a year a gully area working bee will be held to help with pruning and maintenance issues.Classes will continue to take ownership of different garden and vegie areas to maintain, plant out and use produce.The gully and garden area will continue to be used during science lessons, especially with biological science foci.

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