the field

THE FIELD Exam question The play I have studied is The field by John B. Keane. The villain I have chosen is Thady McCabe also known as the Bull. There is many reasons why I think he deserves the title as villain, even before the bull enters the stage we get a feeling that he is a feared man in the village. The Bird O’donnal says ‘The Bull McCabe wont like this’ and Mick Flanagan replies ‘your telling me’. And when the bull does enter Mick flanagans pub for the first time you can tell this man is feared by the way bird cowars to him. the bull McCabes attitude towards women is also quite evident as the

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The Field by John B Keane


THE FIELD Exam question

The play I have studied is The field by John B. Keane. The villain I have chosen is Thady McCabe also known as the Bull. There is many reasons why I think he deserves the title as villain, even before the bull enters the stage we get a feeling that he is a feared man in the village. The Bird Odonnal says The Bull McCabe wont like this and Mick Flanagan replies your telling me. And when the bull does enter Mick flanagans pub for the first time you can tell this man is feared by the way bird cowars to him. the bull McCabes attitude towards women is also quite evident as the play goes on. The first time we see it is when he orders Maime Flanagan up to get her husband Mick Flanagan he then says there's nothing like a bull to move a heifer this is such a disgusting and uncouth thing to say. The next example we see is when he threatens an old lady (Maggie butler) he tells her to shut up, and when she's going home he says your home alone remember that this shows a lack of respect to women and the elderly. the next example we see is toward his own wife the bull McCabe was married and had a child with his wife but for more than 18 years he hasnt slept or hasn't spoken to her because he hit her for letting a donkey into his beloved field the bull McCabe is also a very violent man we see many examples of this through out the play the first example we see is when the bull proudly tells a story of when himself and his son flaked a donkey to death ,they then laugh it off When the Garda came to investigate it. This also sets a bad example to his son Tadge. Another example of his anger is when he hit his ashplant off the floor in pure anger waiting for Mick flanagen to come down to talk to him, this is also a sign that he is inpatient. .The bull is also a very corrupt man there is many examples of this through out the play, when he fixed the auction and then blackmailed the bird and Mick into agreeing into it, he threatened bird by saying he was going to drown him and to sweeten the deal for bird he gave him 5 pounds. He then threatened Mick with a boycott of his shop and he would pay him the commission. This here shows the bull would do anything for the field even if that meant kill his own neighbours, he is a horrible violent sexist and uncouth.By Ross keegan.