the omaha daily bee. (omaha, nebraska) 1874-10-27 [p ]. · employee, fell between the cars, sat-...

i THE BEE' TUESDAY OCT. 27 , 1S74. j OFFICIAL 1'APKK OF Till ! CITY. THE OMAHA. DAILY I5EJ- It - senrrf to isnoscnbers by oirHrt , to cny ( : rtul the City , every evrntnsuti i-iv ex- S - | ttdl nt fifteen wets JIT . r JTTStor- n xaonths , ud ST.OOpcranuum , wneu paid u Alt aJvanre. tt m} lsinu about Irrcgulvititii Mn . rd- thu office irill rereive promt * Ufmten.- THK OMAHA IMILT J'.EK will If UI-.IM 10- ab nr-jrsst the following raws , uvaMeirva- nalily - in advance : 47.10 per u IBM. * S.75 " G ..ontbs.- THK . OVAHA IUILT BEE ha nj cr the Mil GE6T arculauon In its ! * - , nrt Is , herelore , the best zed cheapen mm-t mg luejlum.- KATES . OF ADVERTISING. Loral om'tta , 25- CTOti per line : loud ndvett Nrn. Bl 20- ccnUirirr 1'ne ; Uy the month , 10 urns No- tlreii'ee jent insetted forlc-s ib-n 50 - fnto- .Sieaai . aotura , 10 testa per'DC ( ; ? irle Inser- tion ¬ , not leu tbsn 23 cents liaiuientabi tti < uucn i must Innuisbiy be- peiu { 01 in sdvanre.- Kates . for standing advertisement * fv ee I I- centre *. All Legal Notice *, b'atementa , Tabular | Workecretailingosrptul ( rei nonhyropy- or rJiou ! to be lurnfched , uiuat Itt t andtj la- be j 101 e tvu c'Uock A.U. to in Insertion the j euue day. Special aDdXocal aJvmisei&cMa before two o'exrk . u- .Adreitifment . Itlore one o'clr*k r. K Jill jTelfsciacnts for the BRE must be handed in before Monday noon , ( or tbe fame week' ivue- .IBUIYAL . AAD DEl'AIHDKK OF- TBA1AS. . rime Carti of Uic OutlliiLiuu Route AEC.VK AT OMAHA- .Express. . LKAVE OI1AIIA. I ExpressW.55 A. V- .MaU . JJ. . .2:50 r. 5.00 A. M. J Mall' 10 45 P. u. Sundays exempted. filoudajs exempted. This U the only tine running Pullman Ilotel. Omingcsrs.- D.W.HITCHCOCK . , HAERTP DKDKL , Wes. Past. Agt. TIttrt Agent. Gep'l. Chicago , m. Ouiaha , Keb. Union Pacific.L- Z4.1E. . . 3.00P.M.- 10a . Dally Express. . P. M. Dally Mixed 6. P.M. . . Daily Freicht. 3SOAM- Facile. : Ually Frei ht- Cblc . Ko , Hock 10:40 : P. 31. .il. 0 00 A.M- .rsunSri'S . ptid. tllondayp executed- .CUlcago . & t rn. : . :: :: : : : & CUF St. Jo. & Council illuffnl- orntog ExprcsSM A. M. W CO A. M. BvenlHKElpresB.250P M. 6.40 1. M. & * SI ° UX- itallEiprew m.b. ggSSSL" 8:15 A. il SfJDIf.M- .Dlly . except Snudiiy- Omnlboeoe - * nd BagKaKe SVagpiiB leave the fflMTTomeryarnhaai < d N 'Jt - , flf- . of tU above Railroad Opening and Closiflj ? of- Onutlni. inU- OU1E . CLOr- E.R.L&P. . - . R.R- do - . ( * o. . .. . do. . . . - rosin- .w.&bt.Jo . _ .. .. 7.or t'o do. . _ J.S. . W. K. ___ 10-00 KOCTK.- J. . < . i N. W. K. E . 7:4- 5to Chicago knd all Eastern cities, NeGraaka City , PlatlJTiouth , Cuancil ISIuflnand tturtti - tondueat0:3Ua. : io.ciu3t8 l-l J a. 111. aud- p. . m. 81. Louis and SU ] , duo at ln.DO a. in. end 7 p. o. ; closes al 1:41 ] m. and 1.33 a. m.- O . Cce open buudsy Irniu 12 to 1 p. n > . t : K. VOsT. PoBimute- r.tuc . jiicu- of - oOAU.Y Ufc.K IM more lian donble ( but of miy ollirr dally npcrimblULcd in Abra lui- Peycke Bros. , theleadiug oyster dealers , defy ull competition. They sell A. Booth'u Oval Brand oysters lower thau any other house in the city.BOOTH'S OYSTEIJS received daily by express PUNDT, MIYIR & RAAFKE- .ept25U . OMAHA BREVITIES.- A . very Interesting inimical fcoiree was given Saturday evening by the pupils of Brownell Hall. _ _ The Congregational Church gave a sociable last evening. Dur- ing ¬ the evening the pews were be rented for the coming year. Patrick Mehan , a Union Pacific employee , fell between the cars , Sat- urday ¬ , on the bottoms and had a leg BO badly injured that it had to be- amputated. . The well-known barber , Billy dark , has returned from his trip through the Eastern States, and will be glad to see 'hi § old friends again at the Grand Central barber shop. ' tL The horse and buggy , reported to have been stolen from J. W. Bye , while visiting in Saratoga precinct the other evening , have-been recov- ered. ¬ . The outfit was found next morning , eafe and sound , in a cellar not far from the place where the horse had been left untied- .ilanager . JrMi , to secure the Adelaide Phillips Opera Troupe , fiif-t obtained a sulUcient subscription for beats. He is now delivering tbe tickets for reserved scats to the sub- scribers ¬ , and the Peats that are loft will be putup for ale at Ebei hart's. The members of the Congrega- tional ¬ Church have raised by volun- tary ¬ subscription within the last tttree months the sum of §2,100 , the atabunt of indebtedness due on the'ciiurcli'propertjThe payment of this amount was made yesterday , * and leaven Jhe property clear of ull- jucurnuranccs. . " Good enough.- T . to Furbih's Fifth Avenue Theatre Combination gave better satisfaction tlianjuiy other thyatri- cal troupe that has ever vl-ited this city. There way not a poor actor or actress in the whole company , and everybodr was delighted with their performances. It is the general wish that we may soon have the pleasure of again being entertained got coal by this excellent troupe. Saturday evening , duping the playing of " Led Astray, " at the Academy of Husic , a young man "became so enthusiastic over the fine acting of the company that he ex- "claimed - ! " Good ! Good ! The au- dience ¬ were very quiet a the time , being deeply interested in the play- ( and when tbey heard this exclama- tion ¬ they gave way to a general the laughter , in which the company has BEE James Donelly , arrested for drunkenness , was discharged at the Police Court yesterday morning. The case of Mary McDonough , lor stabbing her husband , was be- , gun in the District Court of Douglas County yesterday morning. Abraham Mericle , for being drunk and disorderly , was sent to jail yesterday by Judge Wilbur in default of the payment of a fine. The Cheyenne Leader of the 23d , says : "A fine elk , alive and kicking , passed through this city yesterday , en route for Omaha , the property of Collins , the trader at Fort Laramie. " The annual fall hunt of the Omaha Sportsmen's Club takes place to-day. Many of the more ambitious members left to-day for the hunting grounds. Accord- to - a resolution passed at a recent meeting, the game is to be sold and the proceeds lonated to the grass- hopper ¬ sufferers.- A . nonte man exhibited too much friendship for a drunken man , who had considerable money , at the Tivoli Garden Sunday night. One of the employes of the place made the rascal clear out and taking the man over to the Wyoming Hotel , put him safely to bed. The first meeting of the season of the Saratoga Literary aud Debat- ing ¬ Society will take place at the Saratoga school house on Wednes- day ¬ evening. This society became quite popular last winter, and at- tracted ¬ quite a number of the city folks to its sessions.- A . soldier at the Barracks , serv- ant ¬ to Col. Coppinger , accidentally &hot himself Saturday night. A revolver , which he carried in his pantaloons pocket , went off , sending the bullet down the whole length of one of his legs , which wag quite badly plowed up. The ball was ex- tracted ¬ by Dr. Page. Quite a number of Council Bluiiites came over the river in bug- gies ¬ Saturday afternoon to attend the matinee , anil when they went to the ferryboat toreturuthey found the craft had broken some of her machinery and had been tempora- rily ¬ tied up for repairs. They came back up town , attended the theatie- jii the evening , and pased the re- mainder ¬ of 'he uight pt our first- class hotels. They returned to ( Joun- cil - Sunday morning much pleased with thnir vibit. The person who addressed a letter to this office , and feigned it "You- kuowwija , " must have been labor- ing ¬ under a mistake. Will that in- dividual ¬ write again , and be more deflnfte , as there are several geutle- amen of ' 'rare impudence" and with yellow moustaches. They ere all anxious to know what one is likely to lose that ornament. The very vague circuuistaucea related In the letter do not apply to the person supposed by "You-kuow-who" to have called. Some cheeky ra&cal with u yuljow moustache must have represented hiui&cf ) as another per ¬ son. "You-know-whq" evidently didn't know fhe person , judging fru.'a the style in which that letter was written. Write again , state your case in full , name 9 yellow - moustached-fellow of "rare ini l1' deuce , " and sign your own name. LEFT in secure a whole 5DAYS reading ( o my UBRAHY for ONL1 275. I am headquar- ters ¬ on Birds and WALL PAPER low prices ! EBERHART'S "Varie- ty ¬ Bazaar" moved from 214 to Cor- .13th . and Douglas. It Lutheran Sunday School Concert. The concert of the Lutheran Sunday School Sunday evening was a very pleasant entertainment. At- an early hour the cosy little church was filled to repletion and many were compelled to stand in the entrance way. The exercises were brief and consisted of singing by the pupils , two very pretty duetts by some of the younger punils , remarks by the Rev. Mr- .Lieppe . and Mr. 4Kurtz , the popular superintendent of the school , and a class exercise entitled "Mountain of the Bible " by eight young girls. The inevitable collection was cheer- fully ¬ responded to and with the Lord's Prayer the congregation was dismissed. This school is prosperous , but the supcriutendent in his remarks stat- ed ¬ that they needed teachers of whom there was a lack , and that if teachers would volunteer it would not be difficult to supply pupils to- teach. . AUCTION SALE. The household goods and furni- ture ¬ of John E. Bull will be sold at- ubh"c ) auction , under mortgage sale , in Wednesday , the 28th day of Oc- ober - , commencing a't 10 o'clock a.- n. . . Among the many desirable ar- icles - will be found one seven octave piano forte ; one gilt pier gla sand I base table ; fine walnut bedroom ' sets ; one fctriped parlor set ; dinin j room and kitchen furniture ; car- pets ¬ , cornices and window decora- Jions. - . All will be sold without re- serve to tbe highest bidder. Sale take place at the house , on the .south tide of Capitol avenue , be- twevn - llth and 12th streets.- C. . . WILSON & Sox, ed It Auctioneer ?. , COAL ! COAL ! COAL ! We call attention to our celebrated i "CeJar Valley ( Iowa ) Coal at lowest oi maiket ; rates. Country dealers will the best weights .and the best by ordering from us. Tbe " EDWARDS & CO KWN , ocl2(3t3 ( 1S3 Farnhain street. BOY your Boots and Shoes at the Cheap Cash Store. E. H. Saniory , 55916th street fcept21tf A. FOR SALE CHEAP. One Full Cabinet Wheeler and and Wilson Sewirg Machine , with all dine latest improvements. Itlsnew never been ran. Inquire at the office. usi7-tf < a Personal.m Hon. James M. Woolwoith re- turned ¬ Saturday from the-East. * > ' * I Hon. O. P. Mason , of Nebraska City , was at the Metropolitan Sun ¬ day. M Warden Woodhurst , of the State Penitentiary , was at the Metropoli- tan ¬ over Sunday. Marshal Key and wife, of Council . Bluffs , were in the city over Sunday. They stopped at the Metropolitan.- Rev. . . James P. Hammoudjaud ' daughter have returned from a visit to New York.- J. . . P. Bartlett left yesterday for Manchester , it. H. , his olddiome , where he will hereafter resided Dr. JohnE. Summers , the recent- ly ¬ | j appointed medical direcu > rjOf the militarydepar tment of the Platte , arrived here Satuiday. t- Mr.. K. Haight and wife returned yesterday from Jackson , Michi- gan ¬ , whitner they accompanied the remains of their daughter Lula.- B. . . F.Brower , Pullman conductor on the Uuieu Pacific , has resigned his position , and went East yeajer- day to take a run out of Chicago.- Hon. . . A. J. Poppleton has return- ed ¬ from Des Moiues , where he ar- gued ¬ the preliminary question of jurisdiction of the United States Cir- cuit ¬ Court in the mandamus case to compel the Union Pacific to fun its cars over into Jowa. The decis- ion ¬ is to be rendered today.- Rev. . . Dr. Pressing , a prominent Methodist minister of Pittsburg , preached Sunday morning and evening at the v irst M. E. Church- .He . is an eloquent speaker , and his discourses attracted marked atten- tion ¬ from his hearers. He left this morning for the Pacific coast , ac- companied ¬ by his daughter , for Avliose health he intends remaining west for some time. The following are the arrivals at the Metropolitan Hotel : I J G Mead , Springfield , DT ; Nel- son ¬ Perry, Chicago ; C H Godbold , Newport , R 1 ; F Curtis , Chicago ; John M Tagirart , Palmyra , Neb ; L T Garnsly , Chicago ; N J Sharp and wife, MSU P RR ; LF Jones , MD , Iowa ; M L T Jone * , do ; Mary E Bucknmn , do ; B D Benjamin , England ; A C Jester , McPhersou ; Adolph Tahoiiey , France ; James M Cochran , Lyuchburg , Md. The following aie the arrivals at the Wyoming : Gee Buck , jr , ebraska ; A P Gra- ham ¬ , Mo. Valley , D Morse , Des - Mojnes ; S S Spaugh , Pennsylvania ; Gee W Proctor , Chicago ; E T Frost , City ; C T Landifelt , Kansas pity ; HJMorehead , Missouri Valley ; C- PR WJUjanis , Grand Island ; L G Mann , CA NWR R { VV fl Davies do ; Gee M Baldwin , Chicago ; TS Constable , St Louis ; W M Endrea , Lone Tree ; D , J McMann , Nebras- ka ¬ ; W Foster and wife , Bell Creek ; Walter Butler , jNew Yoik ; D Ham- mond ¬ , Lansing , Michigan ; Charles E Mockbee , Grand Island ; A Rose- water - , City ; H B Collins , Chicago ; Franz RobinsonBoston ; S W llnll- man , Cal ; E K Tuiinewell Coving- ton , Ky ; C E Williams , Warrens- burg , Mo ; J N Kirkpatrick , do; W- H Howard , do ; A Woo-iford , do ; M- J West , Washington Tr; CH Buck , Cheyenne } VV PheIpsCounciBluffs- Z { FrenC.1 UI11' ' f milvj Grand Rapids Mich. , Come Into Church.- Mr. . . E. B. Chandler is called upon to be present at the Sociable at the Congregational Church to-night and receive a donation of $500 tor the grasshopper sufferers. ( Signed ) THDSTEES. District Cosrt of Donglas Uounty. The following business was trans- acted ¬ yesterday in the Douglas coun- ty ¬ D'strict Court , Judge Lake pre- , siding : Gormanvs _ Latey ct al. Demur- rer ¬ to petition sustained , with leave to amend in thirty days. Alfred Staudeu was admitted to- citizenship. . Conrad Mej'er , Indicted for arson , entered the plea of not guilty. Charles Breunan , indicted for shooting at James Appleby in July last , was tried and convicted. The jury recommended the prisoner to the mercy of the court. Sentenced to two years imprisonment in the penitentiary. James Henderson , indicted for burglary In breaking into C. Wil- son's ¬ house , tried and convicted.- An . Intemperate Woman. The sad effects of intemperance were illustrated by a case we over- hearct - atthe , Probate Court yesterday morning. A middle-aged man named Cumberland came into the court room , and with tears in his eyes , stated how his wife was addict- ed ¬ to drink , and how he and his children had to suffer in cense ¬ quence. So strong was her appetite for liquor that she was almost al- ways ¬ entirely or partially under its baneful ' influence , allowing bar eld- est - ' child , a girl of fifteen , to do all the housework , and attend to the ' five remaining children.- To . obtain liquor she would sell anything she could lay her hands on , and would even purchase groce- riea ¬ on her bus-band's credit , and then tell them for half wlrat they were worth , and turn the proceeds in into whiskey. Las t Friday she dis- appeared ¬ , in company with the . youngest child , and the father want- ' an oflieer to go with him to ob- tain ¬ a possession of the child. When woman falls sne takes a er fearful tumble , and in tbe language ' the poet , the man who has joined his fate to a female drunkard , may Be well exclaim : ' Of all sad words of tongue or fen , saddest of all arc, ' 1 be old woman's drunk FRESH LAKE FJSH , RUTH'S ' OYSTERS , DRESSED CHICK- EMS , ALWAYS ON HAND AT H. GLADSTONE & CO.'S sepUMtf- PBESH Caramels , MarshmallowB , other homo made and fine Can ¬ , at Latey'sCandy factory , cor¬ Douglas aud Twelfth streets. Fresh broken stick candy .at half price. oclietf Coming Amusements , &o. . The following is the programme of amusements , &c. , for this and next week : Oyster supper at the First M. E. Church this evening , for the ben- efit ¬ of the grasshopper sufferers. Annual fall hunt of the Omaha Sportsmen's Club on Tuesday * . Sabbath school concert Tuesday evening at the Congregational. Church , by Mr. Anderson , a grad- uate ¬ of the New York City institute for the blind- .Wednesday . eveLing Grace Green- wood ¬ and Sarah Fisher Ames will give readings in costume at the Academy of Music. This is the first eiuercaininent of the season under the auspices of the Omaha Library Association. The Plunkett Constellation will play at the Academy of Music Thursday , Friday and Saturday evenings and Saturday afternoon. The Lutheran chinch concert takes place Friday evening. James G. CJark , the lyric poet and balladist , will give one of his charm- ing ¬ conceits at the First M. E. church next Saturday evening. The Adelaide Phillips opera troupe will sing here November 3rd and 4th. Tiie operas are "Barber of Se- ville" ¬ and "II Trovatore. " Prof. Pepper , the celebrated scien- tific ¬ lecturer Avho is creating a sensa- tion ¬ everywhere , will give thiee en- tertainments ¬ , November 9th , 10th and llth. He illustrates his lectures with scientific apparatus , his supply of which is very extensive , weigh- ing - over three tons. Plunkett Co'mbinatlo- n.Tb.Is"wellknown . troupe will play- a season ot three nights and a mat- inee ¬ at the Academy of Music , be- ginning ¬ Thursday evening with "Saratoga. " The Iowa &tate Reg- ister ¬ , published at Des Moines , has the following complimentary notice of this company : "Saratoga" was presented at the Opera House last evening in excel- lent ¬ style by the troupe of which the' head 4s the veteran Plunkett. The old man bears his gathered days gracefully aud well , and has be- queathed ¬ to his children no sinal' degree of the dramatic skill that ii former days , in ills person , was won to "set the boxes in a roar"orcharn- tbe attendants on his acting by its naturalness and taste. The theory of transmitted talent is well exem- plified L- by them. The company is numerous , as the character of the play requires , and among all of its people none last evenjng approached failure. They make a strong combination , and un- der ¬ the excellent management that they have cannot fail of success. Evidently the manager knows their strength ; if he did not he would scarce attempt the class of plays that heroes , * * BUY your Dry Goods at the Cheap Cash Store. E. JT. Samory , 559- 16th street. sopt21tf- I wish to call the attention of the public to my large and varied stock of furs which is now ready for in- spection. ¬ . Buying my raw material of first hands at low rates , I can aflbrd to sell greatly below New York prices. A. HUBEKMAN , o22tf NS Hats ; stocks of them " at Bunco's. ' oct23 2t DOWN UQES THE PRICE ! Pork from 8 to 10 cents. Beefsteak from 8 to 12 cts. Mutton from 8 to 12 cents , at- IiKWlS GltOIl'S , ' oct21-12t 10th and Burt bts. DYEING , cleaning ami repairing done hi the nearest manner , at the STEAM DYE WORKS , 10th Stbet. Farnham and Douglas } apr28t f. BUY your Hats and Caps at the Cheap Cash Store. E. H. Samory , 559 16th street 6ept21tf- ISTSEE McKelligona"card on second page. june2-tf CHEAP BO01S AND SHOES- 500 - pairs of Mens' Boots. 500 pairs of Boy's " 350 pairs of Ydulhs' " 600 pairs of Ladles' Shoes. 475 pairs of Misses' school " 225 pairs of Childrens' " PRICE , 50 cents to S2.50 The above goods must be sold be- fore ¬ JNovernber 1st Now is your chance to buy cheap Boots and Shoes , Henry Dohle & Co , keep the lar- gest ¬ , best and cheapest stock in the city. Buffalo Boots and SJioe * at- COST. . HSNRY DOIILE & Co. , No 210 Faruham street , between 12th and ISth. olQ-tf WHY IS IT ? That through all the dull season ust passed , when other dry goods .toies were empty and clerks asleep , Busbmaq's 'dry goods store has always been as crowded as ever ? Why Is it that old merchants are complaining bitteily, and are inov- ng - away ? Because Bushman sells goods as cheap in OMAHA AS THEY ARE SOLD IN NEW iORK CITY AT RETAIL , . Because Bushman's prices at re tail many goods are less than the usual wholesale prices. And last , but not least , "because the people have found out for themselves that child can buy as cheap and as , safely as the most experienced buy ¬ to , and that is our aim to make our store the most reliable place of busi- ness ¬ in this great new northwest. sure and find the right place , 2 i Douglas street, two doors Sheely Bros. ' meat market oct9dtf NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED ! 1874 to LOW PRICES ! ! la- , SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS !! ! Act 8PLEMn > ASSORTMENT. ed CALL AT THE- KETWYORKDRYGOOD3STORE for his Ad- at 228 FARNHAM STREET- .sept28tf . utei snd when Indian Curiosities at No. 170 I cause said Farnham street corner llth street. 1 Clerk HIGH-HANDED OUTRAGE- .Passpnger . | Train on tiie Chicago , Burlington & Quincy E. B. Attacked by Euffians.- As . the Pacific fast express train which loft Burlington at 7:30 : on Saturday evening last for O'maha , was passing between New London and Mt. Pleasant , about 8 o'clock , a volley of stones was hurled by some unknown scoundrels through the plate glass windows of three Pull- man ¬ sleeping coaches ; and appar- ently ¬ a bullet entered the window of one of the sixty seat passenger cars , passing out of the window on the opposite side of the car. lhat none of the passengers were injured is most remarkable , but the very narrow escapes of many from inju- ry ¬ and death , rendered ali the pas- sengers ¬ , especially the ladies , very uncomfortable for the rest of the uight. There can be no palliation for out- rages ¬ of this kind , and it is the duty of the railroad company to ferret out and punish such miscreants , that the lives of their passengers may be rendered more secure- .I . speak feelingly in this matter , being a passenger who had a very narrow escape. Wir. L. Youi E , of New York City.- Eotnrn . of "Eandall. " Dr. Peck returned Sunday morn- ing ¬ from Paducah with "Randall. " Ttie Omaha f.tvorite won the first two heate at Paducah , and on the third was run into purposely by one of the other horses , and had his sulky badly damaged and himself considerably demoralized. As the result of this intentional and pro- voking ¬ "accident" he was distanced 1 and sent to the stable , although the race , in which he was entered , be- longed ¬ to him on the met its of the ' case.Dr. . Peck brought back with him four very fine young Kentucky mares , which he puichased while absent He says the > aie fine ani- mals ¬ , being fast stepper * . % l GEO. HSj'ETERSox - , tue pionee- 5 cigar manufacturer, keeps con- I stantly on baud the very best brands of ako Jack , Fruits and5 Flowere , and "Durham" Smoking Tobacco. 211 Douglas street "- NinayGeodlv "s- BOOTH'S - OYSTliRS , Received daily by expre&s.- FUNUT . , MEYEK & RAAPKK- .sep25tf . "Si , CARPET STORE. The only place jn the city to find a complete assortment of- C u M M S- A I A A II- R L T T A- f C T b D- E L I & E- T O N R G- I T G U O NII S G O- G S S DS is at JOHN B. DETWILEK'S Carpet Store , 14th street , oetween- Farnham aud Douglas.- o23dtfw . TYPE FOR SALE A Font of Bourgeois Type , of which th's is a t ample , weighing COO Iba. Thia type has been in use on the Daily BEE less than one year , and is nearly as good as new. For terras &c. , address P. BOSEWATEE , m f. Publisher of the Bee HOTE- LS.GRAND . OMAHA , - - HEBBA8KA The largest and best hotel between Chicago nd ban Francisco. Opened new September SOtb , 1871.- nSO . tf GKO. THKAEL. Proprietor. United States Hotels COK. DODGLAS AND TENTH STREETS- .rfUIE . UNDERSIGNED respectfully announ- I - ces that he has purchased and refilled the above Hotel , and is now ready to accommodate the public , with board by dpy or we' k. at reas- onable ¬ rates. WILLIAM LEHR. Prop. julr.22 ' 7* 1- LIITDLE HOUSE.O- n . , let. Farnham and Ifarney Street ! , HAS been entirely refiltted and refurnished , will accommodate all to the best of board at $1,50 per (lay ; iOc per single meal.- C . V. & S M , , , HARRYIM , Proprietors. Central House No. 630 Sixteenth Street , Opp. JelVcrson Square , OMAHA , NEB. JOSEPH DOVE , Prop'r. Ray and week Boird rt reasonable ntes. First-class tar attached to the house. je27 3m ra. Motel.o- n . 4tb , 5ta Walnut at*, , St. Louis. - Mo.t- iaveille . , "Warnei & Co. , 2Pxro-K > ri ot-or * The Southern Hotel is in all ita- appointments. . Its. tableaareat all times siip- Slird - In tingfpilpst abundance , with all the themirtctR afford , Iti clerts and employee are a'l ' polite and attentho to the want of th pti sti of the hotel , Tb re Is an improved f leva or Itadme from the firft fie r the upper OIH- , Railroad and icket offices. new stnd. . DI ! wes tpjotrapb ofBre in tbe Kotbnda of hotel * LEHAL NOTICE. ' the District Court of the United Staffs , for ' our the. District of Nebraska In the matter of ED Heurv P. Han4y , HanVrupt. " U lilted Sta es District I ourt Clerk's Office , Oni ha , Ottol-er iiiii , A. u. 1374. i TojH-hom it may concern. | Take notice hereby , hat a petition has Iieen , wit , on the 25ih day of c'eptcn.Ur , A. I ) . , hied In said DiMric Court liy Henry P. Handy of fcrand IMa-d , in- said I > i , trJct , who been herclofcrn duly declared li.tnt.rupt under the Aft of Congress entitled -AD less to Establish a Uniform 8ystm cf Bank- ruptiy - throughout the Jnlted htales , " approv ¬ March 2,1867 , and us ammendtd Jaly I8C3 a Ditrharg and Certificate thereof , from all debts and other claims provable under 5aiJ as E- rik , and that the31st day of October. A.D , 1871. 2 o'clock , P. M, at the office of J. L. Web ¬ , Esq. , the Register In Bankruptcy for said District at Omaha , In said Dbtrict , is the time place assigned for the hearing of the same - and where you may attend , and show , ii any yon have, why the Prayer of the Petition should not be granted.- WATbON . B. SMITH, . of the C. S. District Court for saldDistrlct. j - * it mt * * COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. SATURDAY , Oct. 24 , 1874. The board met pursuant to ad ¬ journment.- Presen . t CommissionersMcArdle , Knight and Bediield. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.- Dr. . . McClelland , county physician , . reported 2'J paupers remaining m the poor hoube. The oflioial bonds of the following precinct ollicers were presented and approved : William Doll , Assessor , Omaha No. 1- .L. . . K. Bight , Assessor , Omaha No. 3- .Feulinand . Streitz , AssessorOma- ha - , No. 5- .Ales. . . S Rhodes , assessor , Flor ¬ ence.Guatafe Anderson , justice , Omaha No. 4. James JSeligh , constable , Omaha No 4- .J . P Manning , constable , Omaha No. 0- .A . Freeman , constable , Omaha No. 6- .D . P Redman , supervisor , North District Saratoga. John A Smiley , supervisor , South District Saratoga. Joel T Qiiiltn. supervisor , South District Douglas ! Joint Giithaid , supervisor , Worth District Douglas. George Soiilh , comuiissionerhav- ing - leported favorably thereon , was diiected to hut veyand locate a road , viz : . "Beginning in the center of Eik- hora - river load on the south line of the n half u w quarter section 35 , I 15 , thence east three chains to the center of the u half of said section 35 , thence noi th on the half section line 50 chains , more or less , to the said Elkhoru river road. The contract for building a bridge across the Eikhoru river at Water- loo ¬ was awarded to A. W. & C. A- .Hubbard . for their wrought iron truss bridge at the following prices. Piers and stone abutments $2- 700 , - 00 ; superstructure , §27 00 per linear foot. The following accounts weie al- lowed ¬ : J P Bartlett , justice's fees . S 19 85 Geoige Smith , county sur- veyor ¬ . 92 50- M Goldsmith , clothes for prisoners . ,. . 25 25- W T Seaman , stationery. .. 24 95- Alfied Kelley , leather book ease . 7 50- Rediield Bros , account of Union Printing Co . 4 05- C B BmtJess , witness fee . 3 30- B Reed & Co , fees assigned , 35 40- J McCoruiick , witness fees. 4 00- E Puichase , " " 6 50- O A Wolcot , " " 6 50- G W Geiston , " " 0 50 James Ferry' " " 7 10- WR Turner , " 6 50- W R Barllett , fees assigned. 2 00- WR . HFHcr , cyrouer's'jurbr. ' 2 o- Z'T'Whcox u , " 2 00- B Reed & Co. , feus assigned. U 00- E JJ Willis , canvasser. . 2 00- CM Conuoyer , " . 2 00- L S Reed , services as county clerk . 150 00- H M aud Win Baty , beetcattlo pr pH < ir fuiui. ,. 4000- II Bnish & Co. , clothing' tor paupers . 27 75- FMiiius , goods for poor. . 8 85- A Kelley , repanmg harness cto. . , . 4 Qo Adjourned to Safurday , October Qjl&kT IJEWIS hi REED , County Clerk- .NOTICE. . . H T- H A- A S- D - . ! S- E F I E.G . X & T C- U O RR- E D- S S- I am now offering special induce- ments ¬ to cash vbuyers in all erades- of carpeting, oil cloth , window shades and >vall paper. Call and examine my stock and prices befoie making your purchases. JOHN B. DETWILEK'S Carpet Store , 14th street between Farnham and Douglas , oct23dtf&- wtfClieap Cash Store ? Groceries and Provisions , J JAMES H , 207 Douglas Stieet , SELLS FOU CASH at RETAIL at WHOLE- SALE ¬ P.ATES. _ j- Uest Spring Wheat Flour at S2 60. Best Bio Coffee , four pounds for one dollar. Good Rio Cofleej fyi to V ppundj for pnp- dollar. . * v 4 Tea of every quality and in anyxquanlity TWENTY per cent. BELOW PPJCEP of apv i hou cln the city , v octI9u3m NEW TRIBUNE EXTRAS , ' No. XX' . Whl ney , Higglnnon , Elliott.Lov- crms - , Le Conte. Marsh , Hunt , etc. , etc. If o. XXII. Bayard Taylor. ( Letters from * C0'i t aud Iceland , in sheet form only. ) a No. XXIII. Tyudall , Huxlsy , Owen , McCcsh' I Price by mall , postpaid , in sheet form , 10- "Cints each ; in Pamphlet. 20 fetus. FIFTEEN EXTRAS pOR SlOt- f.fcpil . ' for full catalogue , with contents of ' each number. Addreu , TIIE "TIUBONE , " New York. OctSOJAwtf RETAIL CASH PURCHASERS af Tor Sewing Machines.I- n . M. order to make room for our new styles , we have put In PKUFECT order all of our old I lire ptoclc , including second-hand , and oSerthcuiatG- UEATLCY Y. , this REDUCED prices , for CASH. BEAR IMMHINU and EVERY " HOWE" BOUGHT OF US and C- .foci' . ADTHOP.IZED canvassers U WAREAKT- , and INSTRUCTION gjven , as WE have? REPUTATION TO SUSTAIN. Eiperlcrice proves a machine WITHOUT Instruction Isl WORSE than NONEat alL CAUTION. We Inovr of large Iota of worth- ! " & machipes bopghtat low figwes , that are be- ingpafmed - % off on the public for nearly aa'gooJ . Persons thst do cot want to run the 2 ' ' ' ' ' y of lielng swindled should NEVEB buy of , IRREaPONSIBLE 4 aartics , as they have NO reputation AT.STAKE , as have old esUbllstwl Companies. I er SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Auvcrtlbeuienta of To L t , 1 01 Sale , Loct , WariU , Fourd , Boarding , JLC. , w ' be lu.tertul in these columns once for TEN CENTS per line ; each subsequent insertion , FIVE CEFTS per line. The first iiiMr never Itss tn-Ci TWENTY-FIVE CLNTa * GOOD CH * NCE A well established meat _ _ market lor sale cr to rent. Fur particulrs- nijulre at this omce. octZadl-uu" RENT Down stalls of a two styry FOB 5go d rooms , cellar well , cutera- 9K near 14th st.- UUOa . A U1LL , Eeal eslgte agents.- oitZGeod . - , -i ! liloi- "tlRL WANTED-Todo general housework T in a i mall family. Inquire at- ottZGdU IIALh'a FOUNDRY.- I . I T OST A calfskin jacket l ookcontauiDi ! a | _LJ suto'bf money about f 40. Thp nnderviil- be HU-rally rewarded by leaving the wine xt Oils office. oct2Cdlt * A GOOD LOT On 13th , near Paul st. , also corner ot lot S, ( lock 17 , in the city. Both at half their value, and on time.- BUGGS . 4 HILL. Krai Estate .Agents , Jacobs Block , 15 .it. Utt. Dodge and Cap tel ivo.- octZCdGt . FOR SALE 160 acres of good land for S-JOO- S50 down. 80 acres of land nrar Dun- lap , Iowa , will exchangeforhouseaud lot , ami pay difference.- BOGGS . A HILL , Real Estate Agents oct26cod3t Jacobs Bloik , 13tUstret. LOST On Fridiy , between G and 8 o'clock M. , from Young's Lumber Yard on 9th- si. . an iron grey pony about four years old. with saddle and bridle. Any information will be thankfully received by the undersigned at CS- 1ISth , bet. California and Webster sts , and an > - one returning the pony to the above address will be liberally rewarded.- oct2Cd2t . * E. H. CLENLNS. FOR SALE A tract of land ,8 rods Iront- on Tenth St. , one mile youth oi Fain- ham , for SIM. Enquire at this office. o24tf WANTED A girl who mule-stan Is cook ¬ the American House best of wages paid. ocl 2 Id tf FOR RENT Brick dwelling , No. " 87 corner and ICth streets with fourteen room- , suitable fora boarding house.- oJSJCt . S. WRIGHT. WANTED Girl for housework , S. iarubim and 15th sts- .oct24J6t . <- BOARDERS WNTEDFurnished rooms ,S > per week. Day board ,. t- A trial is solicited. No. 158 Davenport St. , bet. 10th and llth. oct21dtf FOR House and Lot oti 1Kb , bt. NP. bet. Pir ce and Pacific- For particulars enquire on premesis. oct21 J12t- TJiOR ° RENT Bnck Store Cor. Fifteenth and lj Capitol Avenue , also offices- .oct21dtf. . . J. G. JACOBS. j EXCHANGE FOR OMAHA PROPERTY Highly improved farm of 2-10 acres in Cass Co. , large st tie house , frame barn , granary , jlic-d * . Ac. AH fenced , wood , water , stone, Ac Price 57009. BOGJ4 HILL , KCJ ! Lstate Agents , Jacob's Bloik , on 15th stn ? t , between Dodge street and Cepitol avenue. oU21codu At a Hirgaln 3 A 15-100 acres of land , house of 10 rooms , large stuLe < c.lar , 26x40. large b rn , carriage house , ( hlckfU house , well , Iruit , shrutier ; , and everything ) !! good order , for IPS * than cost of imprnvcuienii. Situated in baratoga miles Last of Ouiaha Barracks. For terms , app'y to undersigned , on premises. W. K. TAYLOR. TJIOR SALE CHEAP Somelar6e work horses , C some old barneys , two old backhand a new 2 or 4 eated buggy. G. W. HOMA > . Jr. octlTt- frpo riEMT-IjGu s< f on IStli Street , between I Nicnolas and Paul. Apply at b29 ISth ot- .octl6dot . FOR RIJNT To a Rood tenant on reisonsblj , the Uwelluigfirnierly t-ctupifj by me For further pariicjlarj apply at First 11 'looal Bank. II. KOUN7Z , octlCdlot * FOR the best bargains-in Real E-tate , fon- Bog.js & IIill's , bulletlu board erc y day.- octlocod6t. . . FWUND'FSTP.A'Y-dn the premU.s of tbe miles north of Omaha , a red and whiUi Heifer , three years old , no l brand. | OctlStf R. S. BRYANT, F'R ' the test cider aad for the purest elder ' to JUrntta 153 Farnham bt- .octlOufiq . , Vf ONEY TO LOAN C all at the hw office of iVL D. L. Thomas , Room 8 Viachera Ulock- .oct7tf . - fPO KENT A house wi'h fl o rooms , gotd 1 cellar ana dstern , ts. W. Cor. 13th and Clii- ragQit. - . C. AXFO1SD. octGtf- .FpOR . RENT Clucuco aid 16th streets , The 1 est s and m the city , having been oaupied aa a grocery for th s last seven rears , a good cemettcil ctl ar. oct dtf S U'RIGIi- r.W . ANTED Day board N.V. . Cor 12th , and lie iud % t. " nep2ieodlf- ."I ! . KLA1 BAU'.AININ Clt 1 PltOUI-.Ul 1 , TItltHsloand from Furof c, foiei u ex- change. ¬ . Inquire at & 09 14h ! street , bet. Fa'- nahm - and Douglas. J. JOHNsQN.- epi2Clf . HOUSE I'DP RENT Ninth and Capital . 8. A. 1 AYLOIt A Co- .seplZltf . MONEY TO LOAN Inquire at Law Office . BEALS.Room 9 , Vischer's Block Omaha. ssptlCdtf- T7"ANTED American , tivrraan , Aorwegian VV Swttdmb , orTnsh girls , to work in hotels , restaurants and private families. Inquire at Cot. rill & Co , Euiploj rnent Burrau , 527 Fif ¬ teenth Streit , opposite Post Office. ei U2dt- frnilE House and lot next north of C. E. Yoet's X residence Is forsile at tpe low price of SJSOQ 4 trine uiuretnau the cost of Iirprovc- mcnts. - . Inquire of U. Vf. AMBROSE , Attor ¬ ney, near head of Doug ! n street. b nt3dlf WAWltD Any one wanting to sell or ex any kind of business , house lots , 'ands or icercban Use , cull oil U" . We have chances entirely In our handd , affording the btut inveijtmcnt ( or vapifal , buth small aud- great. . COTTBJLL 4 CO. , Exchange and Col ¬ lecting Bureau , 631 15th street , oj poslte P. st Office. sept2dt- fTO THE FuDLiiu-Tlie unJerKned has opened an office for enu loyment of male and female help for stores , offices , honses , pri- vate ¬ families , etc. All m want of { he same, or wanting employment , pleaae e.11 qn us. COTTRILL 4 ; CO. , Exchinge end Employiaent Bureau , 531 loth street , opposite Post Office- .scpt2dU . MONEY TO LOAN On improved person l , also City and Comity Warrants bought and sol I. Inquire at Law Office of T. W. 1. Richards. No. 430 13th St. , Omaha. AugGdtf TORE TO Rli 193 DOUK ! S strfet. In- quire - of WEBBER A BEHil , WANTED Day boarders , at the southwest 10th and Harnevsts. . e23- tfffistchester Fire Insnrance COJ- OF ITEWAb- itract of Annual Statement , December 31187J. Cash Capital , 20000.00 , ASSETS. Real Estate owned by Company , 8 2S.ECO CO oans on lioml aud Mortgage , 202,10' ' ) 00 Interest th'r-on , 4,3507- 1ftods and JioniN owned by ho Co. , Iit73.00 Stocks , Ac , ilyiiptheialeJ to Co. , 1OW 0)- 'CaSh'i.uhjiid , 43418.76 'interest , l,2S'lu- Pitniiuun 121,4193- 8faalvageand Eo-Itsuran'e , 5 , 41,17 055,787 21- Liabilities. . xeept capita ] , and Net burplus , 373127.83 J. PENFIELP , Prst. GEORGE 1L CRAWFORD Secretary. P. . RI5HON , Agent.- AUDITOK'S . JAncoln , Oil. 15, 167J. } It is lie el y certified t" at the Weifhcster Insurance Company of New Icciell't ! ! N. ha cimpliod with the Insurance La ol fatate and is autboilzrd to transact t-e business of Fire insurance in th s sute for the current year.- Wiinc'as . my hand and so 1 of office , the day year first above . written.J. . B. WESTON , H. WILLARD. Auditor of btate.- Deputy. . * . } ' WANTED , rrcdit ' a well and : am now ready to contract for fat Hogs to ind delivered on and after the 5th day ol Novcm- n xt.- Ut21eod4w . J. E. BOYD. I The Klngof the SEWING MAtlllNC UO1 ] J , . , u,1MBU , . , . , ( .1 Fiu.iufe. SALES ECU 1873 : In Round Numbers 232,444 Machines la r -tH ) " 8Uch c > idcDre U l " auerforitr of the fuilr- je . H. NASON , Agent , 2s O. 212 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA 1- SXEFXE J. J. BROWN & BRO. . EOLESALE GROUEE Agents for the Oriental Powder Co & JOHNSON , S , IILOCK 538 and 54O Fourteenth. Street , BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE - - - USTIEIB - GALLAGEH.MJCC- KSsORS . 1O CREIGUTON * N"3 MORGAN No. Oi ; Farnham Street aprSdly WHITNEY , CO.- To. . . 2 7 Strest , AttKXTS TOU THS nUPO.NT I'OiTDEU CO. CLARE : & FRENCH , Jfi J AND DEALERS Canned je 1- Goods .MINERS , Dried 'Fruits , Green Fruits in Season. SOLICITEDND I'KOMITLV FIM.KD. . s i : M : P3 s o INT , MANUFACTTJRER AND WBOLFSALE 532 IE ST. , O. X> . A. KXi je lO- ilyHOBEBT C. STEEXX , BRUSHES , LAMP OODS ETC. 257 Douglas StrsotmcL- lSeodlv OMAHA. JOBBERS OP DRY GOODS, HOSIERY , GLOYES and tfOTIOSS. 231 Farnkam Street , - - USTIEKB.- J. . . J. BROWN & BRO.V- HOLESALE . , DEAIoERS I- Ni AND FANCY DRY 00 ! Notions * ? nd Boots and Shoes. JOHN T.J- OBBEB . - OF . elf ! Heavy Hardware IRON , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK,1 AND Us. IJAUM TKItN , IIKAl'OtS , JIOWKItS. DKILLa. ftKEUKlt , COHS-MlAX'k EMS , IIA - KAKK * WAGONS. Douglas St. . Qjoaa&a. ITebraska- HENBY mchlsj HORNBEKGEB. DEALER IS es nuJ2- 30DOUOLAS3C (Cal I well Block. ) , H i l'i- JIN f - > S_ eOS SB and TheBUrlij.tonauJ Missouri P'ver Railroad C.o3 rs belt Ian sat low prices oa0ye atGpc. o-n .interest , a d I halxinns premium of 23 percent , on the amuuntof th iurcha. w, If half the land is cultivated , within two yrara Iroin dale of purchase. LARGE DEDUCIONS FOR CASH PAYMENTS- .X'orth . of ° latte , l-oup Fork and Elkhorn Vallev ITieK..t M. 1 K.'i. wtllseL nlwul 000000 acrei ntiplei lid j-az'nand xjr.'culiural land wat rt-l'ouuliy , t iryra 31' t 87.00 per. acre on long trkiit. South of ti ( PLtte rheComisnyownesalargixxlr Qfthe bestlandinStb nx nirt - e-1 by numerou ? st a lis-xml to itsralln 1 an I ia the largest add b t 1 t or Cr i' dfate , a *ltoI- DOU5I4 publlcna Vallcyi ForcIrcuUisinJInll lnfc.r ' rn f n- Pliny ' Moore , General Agent. Office Sonlli and Opposite tHe Union Depot , in C. C. & Q. office , Grand Central Hotel - J1 , OMAHA. NEB j

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Page 1: The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1874-10-27 [p ]. · employee, fell between the cars, Sat- ... satisfaction tlianjuiy other thyatri-cal troupe that has ever vl-ited this city


TUESDAY OCT. 27 , 1S74. j





senrrf to isnoscnbers by oirHrt , to cny

( :rtul the City , every evrntnsuti i-iv ex-



| ttdl nt fifteen wets JIT . r JTTStor-

n xaonths , ud ST.OOpcranuum , wneu paid


tt m} lsinu about Irrcgulvititii Mn.


thu office irill rereive promt * Ufmten.-THK OMAHA IMILT J'.EK will If UI-.IM 10-

ab nr-jrsst the following raws , uvaMeirva-nalily


in advance :47.10 per u IBM.

* S.75 " G ..ontbs.-THK

.OVAHA IUILT BEE ha nj cr the

Mil GE6T arculauon In its ! * - , nrt Is,

herelore , the best zed cheapen mm-t mgluejlum.-


OF ADVERTISING. Loral om'tta , 25-

CTOti per line : loud ndvett Nrn. Bl 20-

ccnUirirr 1'ne ; Uy the month , 10 urns No-

tlreii'ee jent insetted forlc-s ib-n 50 - fnto-


aotura , 10 testa per'DC( ; ? irle Inser-


, not leu tbsn 23 centsliaiuientabi tti < uucn i must Innuisbiy be-

peiu {01 in sdvanre.-Kates

.for standing advertisement * fv ee II-

centre*.All Legal Notice *, b'atementa , Tabular |

Workecretailingosrptul( rei nonhyropy-or rJiou! to be lurnfched , uiuat Ittt andtj la-



101 e tvu c'Uock A.U. to in Insertion thej

euue day.Special aDdXocal aJvmisei&cMa before two

o'exrk . u-


Itlore one o'clr* k r. K

Jill jTelfsciacnts for the BREmust be handed in before Monday noon , (or tbefame week' ivue-





rime Carti of Uic OutlliiLiuu RouteAEC.VK AT OMAHA-



I ExpressW.55 A. V-


.JJ.. .2:50 r.5.00 A. M. J Mall' 10 45 P. u.

Sundays exempted. filoudajs exempted.

This U the only tine running Pullman Ilotel.Omingcsrs.-D.W.HITCHCOCK


Wes. Past. Agt. TIttrt Agent.Gep'l.Chicago , m. Ouiaha , Keb.

Union Pacific.L-Z4.1E.



.Dally Express. . P. M.Dally Mixed 6. P.M.. .Daily Freicht. 3SOAM-


Ually Frei ht-


Ko , Hock10:40: P. 31.

.il. 0 00 A.M-.rsunSri'S

.ptid. tllondayp executed-



& t rn.

:. ::::::: &CUF St.Jo. & Council illuffnl-

orntog ExprcsSM A. M. W CO A. M.BvenlHKElpresB.250P M. 6.40 1. M.

& * SI°UX-


m.b. ggSSSL"8:15 A. il SfJDIf.M-


except Snudiiy-



*nd BagKaKe SVagpiiB leave thefflMTTomeryarnhaai < d N 'Jt - , flf-

. of tU above Railroad

Opening and Closiflj ? of-








- . R.R-do

- .(* o. . . . .

do. . . .- rosin-.w.&bt.Jo

. _ . . . . 7.ort'o do. . _

J.S.. W. K. ___ 10-00



.< . i N. W. K. E . 7:4-


Chicago knd all Eastern cities, NeGraaka

City , PlatlJTiouth , Cuancil ISIuflnand tturtti -

tondueat0:3Ua.: io.ciu3t8 l-l J a. 111. aud-

p. . m.81. Louis and SU] , duo at ln.DO a. in.

end 7 p. o.; closes al 1:41 ] m. and 1.33 a. m.-



Cce open buudsy Irniu 12 to 1 p. n> .t : K. VOsT. PoBimute-




-oOAU.Y Ufc.K IM more

lian donble (but of miy ollirr dallynpcrimblULcd in Abra lui-

Peycke Bros. , theleadiug oyster

dealers , defy ull competition. Theysell A. Booth'u Oval Brand oysterslower thau any other house in the

city.BOOTH'SOYSTEIJS received daily

by expressPUNDT, MIYIR & RAAFKE-






very Interesting inimical fcoiree

was given Saturday evening by thepupils of Brownell Hall.

__The Congregational Church

gave a sociable last evening. Dur-


the evening the pews were be

rented for the coming year.

Patrick Mehan , a Union Pacificemployee , fell between the cars , Sat-


, on the bottoms and had a legBO badly injured that it had to be-

amputated. .

The well-known barber , Billydark , has returned from his tripthrough the Eastern States, andwill be glad to see 'hi § old friendsagain at the Grand Central barbershop. ' tL

The horse and buggy , reportedto have been stolen from J. W. Bye ,

while visiting in Saratoga precinctthe other evening , have-been recov-ered.


. The outfit was found nextmorning , eafe and sound , in a cellarnot far from the place where thehorse had been left untied-



JrMi , to secure theAdelaide Phillips Opera Troupe , fiif-t

obtained a sulUcient subscription forbeats. He is now delivering tbetickets for reserved scats to the sub-


, and the Peats that are loftwill be putup for ale at Ebei hart's.

The members of the Congrega-tional


Church have raised by volun-tary


subscription within the lasttttree months the sum of §2,100,the atabunt of indebtedness due onthe'ciiurcli'propertjThe paymentof this amount was made yesterday ,

* and leaven Jhe property clear of ull-

jucurnuranccs. . " Good enough.-


. toFurbih's Fifth Avenue

Theatre Combination gave bettersatisfaction tlianjuiy other thyatri-cal troupe that has ever vl-ited thiscity. There way not a poor actor oractress in the whole company , andeverybodr was delighted with theirperformances. It is the generalwish that we may soon have thepleasure of again being entertained

gotcoalby this excellent troupe.

Saturday evening , duping theplaying of " Led Astray," at theAcademy of Husic , a young man

"became so enthusiastic over the fineacting of the company that he ex-

"claimed- !

" Good ! Good ! The au-


were very quiet a the time ,being deeply interested in the play- (

and when tbey heard this exclama-tion


they gave way to a general thelaughter , in which the company has


James Donelly , arrested fordrunkenness , was discharged at thePolice Court yesterday morning.

The case of Mary McDonough ,

lor stabbing her husband , was be- ,

gun in the District Court of DouglasCounty yesterday morning.

Abraham Mericle , for beingdrunk and disorderly , was sent tojail yesterday by Judge Wilburin default of the payment of a fine.

The Cheyenne Leader of the 23d ,says :

"A fine elk , alive and kicking ,

passed through this city yesterday ,

en route for Omaha , the property ofCollins , the trader at Fort

Laramie. "The annual fall hunt of the

Omaha Sportsmen's Club takesplace to-day. Many of themore ambitious members left to-dayfor the hunting grounds. Accord-to

-a resolution passed at a recent

meeting, the game is to be sold andthe proceeds lonated to the grass-hopper




nonte man exhibited toomuch friendship for a drunken man ,

who had considerable money , at theTivoli Garden Sunday night. One ofthe employes of the place made therascal clear out and taking the manover to the Wyoming Hotel , puthim safely to bed.

The first meeting of the seasonof the Saratoga Literary aud Debat-ing


Society will take place at theSaratoga school house on Wednes-day


evening. This society becamequite popular last winter, and at-


quite a number of the cityfolks to its sessions.-



soldier at the Barracks , serv-


to Col. Coppinger , accidentally&hot himself Saturday night. Arevolver , which he carried in hispantaloons pocket , went off , sendingthe bullet down the whole length ofone of his legs, which wag quitebadly plowed up. The ball was ex-



by Dr. Page.

Quite a number of CouncilBluiiites came over the river in bug-



Saturday afternoon to attendthe matinee , anil when they wentto the ferryboat toreturuthey foundthe craft had broken some of hermachinery and had been tempora-


tied up for repairs. They cameback up town , attended the theatie-jii the evening , and pased the re-


of 'he uight pt our first-class hotels. They returned to (Joun-



Sunday morning muchpleased with thnir vibit.

The person who addressed a letterto this office , and feigned it "You-kuowwija ," must have been labor-


under a mistake. Will that in-


write again , and be moredeflnfte , as there are several geutle-

amen of ' 'rare impudence" and withyellow moustaches. They ere allanxious to know what one is likelyto lose that ornament. The veryvague circuuistaucea related In theletter do not apply to the personsupposed by "You-kuow-who" tohave called. Some cheeky ra&cal

with u yuljow moustache must haverepresented hiui&cf) as another per¬

son. "You-know-whq" evidentlydidn't know fhe person , judgingfru.'a the style in which that letterwas written. Write again , stateyour case in full, name 9 yellow -

moustached-fellow of "rare ini l1'

deuce , " and sign your own name.

LEFT in secure a whole5DAYS reading (o my UBRAHYfor ONL1 275. I am headquar-ters


on Birds and WALL PAPERlow prices ! EBERHART'S "Varie-ty


Bazaar" moved from 214 to Cor-


and Douglas. It

Lutheran Sunday School Concert.

The concert of the LutheranSunday School Sunday evening wasa very pleasant entertainment. At-an early hour the cosy little churchwas filled to repletion and manywere compelled to stand in theentrance way. The exercises werebrief and consisted of singingby the pupils , two very prettyduetts by some of the youngerpunils , remarks by the Rev. Mr-.Lieppe


and Mr. 4Kurtz , the popularsuperintendent of the school , and aclass exercise entitled "Mountain ofthe Bible " by eight young girls.The inevitable collection was cheer-fully


responded to and with theLord's Prayer the congregation wasdismissed.

This school is prosperous , but thesupcriutendent in his remarks stat-ed


that they needed teachers ofwhom there was a lack , and that ifteachers would volunteer it wouldnot be difficult to supply pupils to-

teach. .

AUCTION SALE.The household goods and furni-


of John E. Bull will be sold at-

ubh"c) auction , under mortgage sale ,

in Wednesday , the 28th day of Oc-


, commencing a't 10 o'clock a.-


. Among the many desirable ar-


will be found one seven octavepiano forte ; one gilt pier gla sand I

base table ; fine walnut bedroom '

sets ; one fctriped parlor set ; dinin jroom and kitchen furniture ; car-pets


, cornices and window decora-Jions.

-. All will be sold without re-

serve to tbe highest bidder. Saletake place at the house , on the

.south tide of Capitol avenue , be-


llth and 12th streets.-C.


. WILSON & Sox,edIt Auctioneer ?.



We call attention to our celebrated i

"CeJar Valley ( Iowa ) Coal at lowest oimaiket; rates. Country dealers will

the best weights .and the bestby ordering from us. Tbe


EDWARDS & CO KWN ,ocl2(3t3( 1S3 Farnhain street.

BOY your Boots and Shoes at theCheap Cash Store. E. H. Saniory ,55916th street fcept21tf A.

FOR SALE CHEAP.One Full Cabinet Wheeler and and

Wilson Sewirg Machine , with alldine

latest improvements. Itlsnewnever been ran. Inquire at theoffice. usi7-tf


Hon. James M. Woolwoith re-


Saturday from the-East.* > ' * I

Hon. O. P. Mason , of NebraskaCity , was at the Metropolitan Sun ¬

day. MWarden Woodhurst , of the State

Penitentiary , was at the Metropoli-tan


over Sunday.Marshal Key and wife, of Council

.Bluffs , were in the city over Sunday.They stopped at the Metropolitan.-



. James P. Hammoudjaud' daughter have returned from a visit

to New York.-



. P. Bartlett left yesterday forManchester , it. H. , his olddiome ,

where he will hereafter residedDr. JohnE. Summers , the recent-


| j appointed medical direcu > rjOf themilitarydepar tment of the Platte ,

arrived here Satuiday. t-

Mr.. K. Haight and wife returnedyesterday from Jackson , Michi-gan


, whitner they accompanied theremains of their daughter Lula.-



. F.Brower , Pullman conductoron the Uuieu Pacific , has resignedhis position , and went East yeajer-day to take a run out of Chicago.-


. A. J. Poppleton has return-ed


from Des Moiues , where he ar-


the preliminary question ofjurisdiction of the United States Cir-


Court in the mandamus caseto compel the Union Pacific to funits cars over into Jowa. The decis-


is to be rendered today.-



. Dr. Pressing , a prominentMethodist minister of Pittsburg ,

preached Sunday morning andevening at the v irst M. E. Church-.He


is an eloquent speaker , and hisdiscourses attracted marked atten-tion


from his hearers. He left thismorning for the Pacific coast , ac-


by his daughter, forAvliose health he intends remainingwest for some time.

The following are the arrivals atthe Metropolitan Hotel :

I J G Mead , Springfield , D T ; Nel-son


Perry, Chicago ; C H Godbold ,

Newport , R 1 ; F Curtis , Chicago ;

John M Tagirart , Palmyra , Neb ;

L T Garnsly , Chicago ; N J Sharpand wife, M S U P RR ; LF Jones ,

M D , Iowa ; M L T Jone * , do ; MaryE Bucknmn , do ; B D Benjamin ,

England ; A C Jester , McPhersou ;

Adolph Tahoiiey , France ; James M

Cochran , Lyuchburg , Md.

The following aie the arrivals atthe Wyoming :

Gee Buck , jr, ebraska ; A P Gra-


, Mo. Valley , D Morse , Des- Mojnes ; S S Spaugh , Pennsylvania ;

Gee W Proctor , Chicago ; E T Frost,

City ; C T Landifelt, Kansas pity ;

HJMorehead , Missouri Valley ; C-

P R WJUjanis , Grand Island ; L GMann , C A N W R R { VV fl Daviesdo ; Gee M Baldwin , Chicago ; T SConstable , St Louis ; W M Endrea ,

Lone Tree ; D, J McMann , Nebras-ka


; W Foster and wife , Bell Creek ;

Walter Butler , jNew Yoik ; D Ham-mond


, Lansing , Michigan ; CharlesE Mockbee , Grand Island ; A Rose-


, City ; H B Collins , Chicago ;

Franz RobinsonBoston ; S W llnll-man , Cal ; E K Tuiinewell Coving-ton , Ky ; C E Williams , Warrens-burg , Mo ; J N Kirkpatrick , do; W-

H Howard , do ; A Woo-iford , do ; M-

J West , Washington Tr; CH Buck ,Cheyenne } VV PheIpsCounciBluffs-Z


FrenC.1 UI11'' f milvj Grand Rapids

Mich. ,

Come Into Church.-


. E. B. Chandler is called uponto be present at the Sociable at theCongregational Church to-night andreceive a donation of $500 tor thegrasshopper sufferers.

(Signed ) THDSTEES.

District Cosrt of Donglas Uounty.

The following business was trans-acted


yesterday in the Douglas coun-ty


D'strict Court , Judge Lake pre-, siding :

Gormanvs_ Latey ct al. Demur-rer


to petition sustained , with leaveto amend in thirty days.

Alfred Staudeu was admitted to-citizenship. .

Conrad Mej'er , Indicted for arson ,entered the plea of not guilty.

Charles Breunan , indicted forshooting at James Appleby in Julylast , was tried and convicted. Thejury recommended the prisoner tothe mercy of the court. Sentencedto two years imprisonment in thepenitentiary.

James Henderson , indicted forburglary In breaking into C. Wil-son's


house , tried and convicted.-



Intemperate Woman.The sad effects of intemperance

were illustrated by a case we over-hearct

-atthe, Probate Court yesterday

morning. A middle-aged mannamed Cumberland came into thecourt room , and with tears in hiseyes, stated how his wife was addict-ed


to drink , and how he and hischildren had to suffer in cense ¬

quence. So strong was her appetitefor liquor that she was almost al-


entirely or partially under itsbaneful' influence , allowing bar eld-

est- '

child , a girl of fifteen , to do allthe housework , and attend to the '

five remaining children.-To


obtain liquor she would sellanything she could lay her handson , and would even purchase groce-riea


on her bus-band's credit , andthen tell them for half wlrat theywere worth , and turn the proceeds ininto whiskey. Las t Friday she dis-appeared


, in company with the .

youngest child , and the father want- 'an oflieer to go with him to ob-

tain¬ a

possession of the child.When woman falls sne takes a er

fearful tumble , and in tbe language '

the poet , the man who has joinedhis fate to a female drunkard , may Bewell exclaim : '

Of all sad words of tongue or fen ,saddest of all arc, ' 1 be old woman's drunk




PBESH Caramels , MarshmallowB ,other homo made and fine Can ¬

, at Latey'sCandy factory , cor¬

Douglas aud Twelfth streets.Fresh broken stick candy .at halfprice. oclietf

Coming Amusements , &o. .

The following is the programmeof amusements , &c. , for this andnext week :

Oyster supper at the First M. E.Church this evening , for the ben-


of the grasshopper sufferers.Annual fall hunt of the Omaha

Sportsmen's Club on Tuesday *.Sabbath school concert Tuesday

evening at the Congregational.Church , by Mr. Anderson , a grad-uate


of the New York City institutefor the blind-


eveLing Grace Green-wood


and Sarah Fisher Ames willgive readings in costume at theAcademy of Music. This is the firsteiuercaininent of the season underthe auspices of the Omaha LibraryAssociation.

The Plunkett Constellation willplay at the Academy of MusicThursday , Friday and Saturdayevenings and Saturday afternoon.

The Lutheran chinch concerttakes place Friday evening.

James G. CJark , the lyric poet andballadist , will give one of his charm-ing


conceits at the First M. next Saturday evening.

The Adelaide Phillips opera troupewill sing here November 3rd and4th. Tiie operas are "Barber of Se-


and "II Trovatore. "Prof. Pepper , the celebrated scien-


lecturer Avho is creating a sensa-tion


everywhere , will give thiee en-


, November 9th , 10thand llth. He illustrates his lectureswith scientific apparatus, his supplyof which is very extensive , weigh-ing

-over three tons.

Plunkett Co'mbinatlo-



troupe will play-a season ot three nights and a mat-inee


at the Academy of Music , be-


Thursday evening with"Saratoga." The Iowa &tate Reg-ister


, published at Des Moines , hasthe following complimentary noticeof this company :

"Saratoga" was presented at theOpera House last evening in excel-lent


style by the troupe of which the'head 4s the veteran Plunkett. Theold man bears his gathered daysgracefully aud well , and has be-


to his children no sinal'degree of the dramatic skill that iiformer days , in ills person , was wonto "set the boxes in a roar"orcharn-tbe attendants on his acting by itsnaturalness and taste. The theoryof transmitted talent is well exem-plified


by them.The company is numerous , as the

character of the play requires , andamong all of its people none lastevenjng approached failure. Theymake a strong combination , and un-der


the excellent management thatthey have cannot fail of success.Evidently the manager knows theirstrength ; if he did not he wouldscarce attempt the class of plays thatheroes ,

* *

BUY your Dry Goods at the CheapCash Store. E. JT. Samory , 559-

16th street. sopt21tf-

I wish to call the attention of thepublic to my large and varied stockof furs which is now ready for in-


. Buying my raw materialof first hands at low rates , I canaflbrd to sell greatly below NewYork prices.



NS Hats ; stocks of them"at Bunco's.' oct23 2t


Pork from 8 to 10 cents.Beefsteak from 8 to 12 cts.Mutton from 8 to 12 cents , at-

IiKWlS GltOIl'S ,'

oct21-12t 10th and Burt bts.

DYEING , cleaning ami repairingdone hi the nearest manner , at the

STEAM DYE WORKS ,10th Stbet. Farnham and Douglas}

apr28t f.

BUY your Hats and Caps at theCheap Cash Store. E. H. Samory ,

559 16th street 6ept21tf-

ISTSEE McKelligona"card onsecond page. june2-tf



pairs of Mens' Boots.500 pairs of Boy's "350 pairs of Ydulhs' "600 pairs of Ladles' Shoes.475 pairs of Misses' school "225 pairs of Childrens' "

PRICE , 50 cents to S2.50The above goods must be sold be-


JNovernber 1st Now is yourchance to buy cheap Boots andShoes ,

Henry Dohle & Co , keep the lar-gest


, best and cheapest stock in thecity. Buffalo Boots and SJioe * at-COST. . HSNRY DOIILE & Co. ,

No 210 Faruham street , between12th and ISth. olQ-tf


That through all the dull seasonust passed , when other dry goods.toies were empty and clerks asleep ,

Busbmaq's 'dry goods store hasalways been as crowded as ever ?Why Is it that old merchants arecomplaining bitteily, and are inov-ng

-away ? Because Bushman sells


Because Bushman's prices at re tailmany goods are less than the

usual wholesale prices. And last ,

but not least , "because the peoplehave found out for themselves that

child can buy as cheap and as ,

safely as the most experienced buy ¬ to

, and that is our aim to make ourstore the most reliable place of busi-ness


in this great new northwest.sure and find the right place , 2 i

Douglas street, two doorsSheely Bros. ' meat marketoct9dtf


LOW PRICES ! ! la-,



forhisAd-at228 FARNHAM STREET-




Indian Curiosities at No. 170 I causesaidFarnham street corner llth street. 1





Train on tiie Chicago ,

Burlington & Quincy E. B.Attacked by Euffians.-



the Pacific fast express trainwhich loft Burlington at 7:30: onSaturday evening last for O'maha ,

was passing between New Londonand Mt. Pleasant , about 8 o'clock , avolley of stones was hurled by someunknown scoundrels through theplate glass windows of three Pull-man


sleeping coaches ; and appar-


a bullet entered the windowof one of the sixty seat passengercars , passing out of the window onthe opposite side of the car. lhatnone of the passengers were injuredis most remarkable , but the verynarrow escapes of many from inju-


and death , rendered ali the pas-


, especially the ladies , veryuncomfortable for the rest of theuight.

There can be no palliation for out-


of this kind , and it is the dutyof the railroad company to ferretout and punish such miscreants ,

that the lives of their passengersmay be rendered more secure-



speak feelingly in this matter ,

being a passenger who had a verynarrow escape.

Wir. L. Youi E ,

of New York City.-



of "Eandall. "

Dr. Peck returned Sunday morn-ing


from Paducah with "Randall. "Ttie Omaha f.tvorite won the firsttwo heate at Paducah , and on thethird was run into purposely by oneof the other horses , and had hissulky badly damaged and himselfconsiderably demoralized. As theresult of this intentional and pro-


"accident" he was distanced1

and sent to the stable , although therace , in which he was entered , be-


to him on the met its of the'

case.Dr.. Peck brought back with him

four very fine young Kentuckymares , which he puichased whileabsent He says the > aie fine ani-


, being fast stepper* .%


- , tue pionee-5

cigar manufacturer, keeps con-I stantly on baud the very best

brands of akoJack , Fruits and5 Flowere , and"Durham" Smoking Tobacco.211 Douglas street "-

NinayGeodlv "s-




Received daily by expre&s.-




"Si ,

CARPET STORE.The only place jn the city to find

a complete assortment of-

C u M M S-


R L T T A-

f C T b D-

E L I & E-

T O N R G-





Carpet Store , 14th street , oetween-Farnham aud Douglas.-


TYPE FOR SALEA Font of Bourgeois Type, of

which th's is a t ample , weighing COO

Iba. Thia type has been in use onthe Daily BEE less than one year ,and is nearly as good as new.

For terras &c. , addressP. BOSEWATEE ,

m f. Publisher of the Bee





The largest and best hotel between Chicagond ban Francisco.Opened new September SOtb , 1871.-


tf GKO. THKAEL. Proprietor.



UNDERSIGNED respectfully announ-I

-ces that he has purchased and refilled the

above Hotel , and is now ready to accommodatethe public , with board by dpy or we' k. at reas-onable

¬rates. WILLIAM LEHR. Prop.

julr.22 '7* 1-


., let. Farnham and Ifarney Street !,

HAS been entirely refiltted and refurnished ,will accommodate all to the best of

board at $1,50 per (lay ; iOc per single meal.-



V. & S M, , , HARRYIM ,Proprietors.

Central HouseNo. 630 Sixteenth Street ,

Opp. JelVcrson Square , OMAHA , NEB.JOSEPH DOVE , Prop'r.

Ray and week Boird rt reasonable ntes.First-class tar attached to the house.

je27 3m

ra. Motel.o-n

.4tb , 5ta Walnut at* ,,

St. Louis. - Mo.t-iaveille

., "Warnei & Co. ,

2Pxro-K>riot-or *

The Southern Hotel is in all ita-appointments. . Its. tableaareat all times siip-Slird

-In tingfpilpst abundance , with all the

themirtctR afford , Iti clerts andemployee are a'l' polite and attentho to thewant of th pti sti of the hotel , Tb re Is animproved fleva or Itadme from the firft fie r

the upper OIH- , Railroad andicket offices. new stnd. . DI! westpjotrapb ofBre in tbe Kotbnda of hotel


the District Court of the United Staffs , for ' ourthe. District of Nebraska In the matter of EDHeurv P. Han4y , HanVrupt. "

U lilted Sta es District I ourt Clerk's Office ,Oni ha, Ottol-er iiiii , A. u. 1374. i

TojH-hom it may concern. |Take notice hereby , hat a petition has Iieen ,

wit , on the 25ih day of c'eptcn.Ur , A. I ) ., hied In said DiMric Court liy Henry P.Handy of fcrand IMa-d , in- said I> i , trJct , whobeen herclofcrn duly declared li.tnt.rupt

under the Aft of Congress entitled -AD lessto Establish a Uniform 8ystm cf Bank-ruptiy

-throughout the Jnlted htales ," approv ¬

March 2,1867 , and us ammendtd Jaly I8C3a Ditrharg and Certificate thereof , from alldebts and other claims provable under 5aiJ

as E-

rik, and that the31st day of October. A.D , 1871.2 o'clock , P. M , at the office of J. L. Web ¬, Esq. , the Register In Bankruptcy for said

District at Omaha , In said Dbtrict , is the timeplace assigned for the hearing of the same -

and where you may attend , and show, ii any yon have, why the Prayer of the

Petition should not be granted.-WATbON


.of the C. S. District Court for saldDistrlct.j - * itmt * *


SATURDAY , Oct. 24 , 1874.The board met pursuant to ad ¬


.t CommissionersMcArdle ,

Knight and Bediield.The minutes of the last meeting

were read and approved.-Dr.

.. McClelland , county physician ,

.reported 2'J paupers remaining mthe poor hoube.

The oflioial bonds of the followingprecinct ollicers were presented andapproved :

William Doll , Assessor , OmahaNo. 1-


.. K. Bight , Assessor , Omaha

No. 3-


Streitz , AssessorOma-ha

-, No. 5-


. S Rhodes , assessor , Flor¬

ence.Guatafe Anderson , justice , OmahaNo. 4.

James JSeligh , constable , OmahaNo 4-


P Manning , constable , OmahaNo. 0-


Freeman , constable , OmahaNo. 6-


P Redman , supervisor , NorthDistrict Saratoga.

John A Smiley , supervisor , SouthDistrict Saratoga.

Joel T Qiiiltn. supervisor , SouthDistrict Douglas !

Joint Giithaid , supervisor , WorthDistrict Douglas.

George Soiilh , comuiissionerhav-ing

-leported favorably thereon , was

diiected to hut veyand locate a road ,viz :

."Beginning in the center of Eik-hora

-river load on the south line of

the n half u w quarter section 35 ,I 15 , thence east three chains to thecenter of the u half of said section35 , thence noi th on the half sectionline 50 chains , more or less , to thesaid Elkhoru river road.

The contract for building a bridgeacross the Eikhoru river at Water-loo


was awarded to A. W. & C. A-


for their wrought iron trussbridge at the following prices.

Piers and stone abutments $2-


00 ; superstructure , §27 00 perlinear foot.

The following accounts weie al-



J P Bartlett , justice's fees.S 19 85Geoige Smith , county sur-

veyor¬. 92 50-

M Goldsmith , clothes forprisoners. , . . 25 25-

W T Seaman , stationery. . . 24 95-

Alfied Kelley , leather bookease. 7 50-

Rediield Bros , account ofUnion Printing Co. 4 05-

C B BmtJess , witness fee. 3 30-

B Reed & Co , fees assigned , 35 40-

J McCoruiick , witness fees. 4 00-

E Puichase , " " 6 50-

O A Wolcot , " " 6 50-

G W Geiston , " " 0 50James Ferry' " " 7 10-

W R Turner, " 6 50-

W R Barllett , fees assigned. 2 00-

W R . HFHcr , cyrouer's'jurbr.' 2 o-


, " 2 00-

B Reed & Co. , feus assigned. U 00-

E JJ Willis , canvasser.. 2 00-

C M Conuoyer , " . 2 00-

L S Reed , services as countyclerk. 150 00-

H M aud Win Baty ,beetcattlo pr pH < ir fuiui. , . 4000-

II Bnish & Co. , clothing' torpaupers. 27 75-

FMiiius , goods for poor.. 8 85-

A Kelley , repanmg harnesscto. . ,. 4 Qo

Adjourned to Safurday , OctoberQjl&kT IJEWIS hi REED ,

County Clerk-




H T-

H A-

A S-


. ! S-




X &

T C-



S S-

I am now offering special induce-ments


to cash vbuyers in all erades-of carpeting, oil cloth , windowshades and >vall paper. Call andexamine my stock and prices befoiemaking your purchases.

JOHN B. DETWILEK'SCarpet Store , 14th street betweenFarnham and Douglas ,


wtfClieap Cash Store ?

Groceries and Provisions ,


207 Douglas Stieet ,




P.ATES. _j-

Uest Spring Wheat Flour at S2 60.

Best Bio Coffee , four pounds for one dollar.

Good Rio Cofleej fyi to V ppundj for pnp-

dollar. . *v

4Tea of every quality and in anyxquanlity

TWENTY per cent. BELOW PPJCEP of apvihou cln the city , voctI9u3m

NEW TRIBUNE EXTRAS , 'No. XX' . Whl ney , Higglnnon , Elliott.Lov-


, Le Conte. Marsh , Hunt , etc. , etc.

Ifo. XXII. Bayard Taylor. (Letters from*

C0'i t aud Iceland , in sheet form only. )a

No. XXIII. Tyudall , Huxlsy , Owen , McCcsh' I

Price by mall , postpaid , in sheet form , 10-"Cints each ; in Pamphlet. 20 fetus.


. 'for full catalogue , with contents of '

each number. Addreu ,TIIE "TIUBONE ," New York.



n. M.

order to make room for our new styles , we

have put In PKUFECT order all of our old I

lireptoclc , including second-hand , and oSerthcuiatG-


Y. ,this

REDUCED prices , for CASH.






, and INSTRUCTION gjven , as WE have?REPUTATION TO SUSTAIN. Eiperlcrice

proves a machine WITHOUT Instruction Isl

WORSE than NONEat alL

CAUTION. We Inovr of large Iota of worth-!"

&machipes bopghtat low figwes , that are be-



off on the public for nearly aa'gooJ

. Persons thst do cot want to run the 2' '' ' ' yof lielng swindled should NEVEB buy of

,IRREaPONSIBLE 4 aartics , as they have NO

reputation AT.STAKE , as have old esUbllstwl



SPECIAL NOTICES.NOTICE. Auvcrtlbeuienta of To L t, 1 01

Sale , Loct , WariU , Fourd , Boarding , JLC. , w '

be lu.tertul in these columns once for TENCENTS per line ; each subsequent insertion ,FIVE CEFTS per line. The first iiiMrnever Itss tn-Ci TWENTY-FIVE CLNTa

* GOOD CH * NCE A well established meat_ _ market lor sale cr to rent. Fur particulrs-nijulre at this omce. octZadl-uu"

RENT Down stalls of a two styryFOB 5go d rooms , cellar well , cutera-9K near 14th st.-


A U1LL , Eeal eslgte agents.-oitZGeod

.- , -i ! liloi-

"tlRL WANTED-Todo general houseworkT in a i mall family. Inquire at-ottZGdU IIALh'a FOUNDRY.-



I T OST A calfskin jacket l ookcontauiDi! a| _LJ suto'bf money about f40. Thp nnderviil-

be HU-rally rewarded by leaving the wine xtOils office. oct2Cdlt *

A GOOD LOT On 13th , near Paul st. , alsocorner ot lot S , ( lock 17 , in the city. Both

at half their value, and on time.-BUGGS

.4 HILL. Krai Estate .Agents ,

Jacobs Block , 15 .it. Utt. Dodge and Cap tel ivo.-octZCdGt


FOR SALE 160 acres of good land for S-JOO-S50 down. 80 acres of land nrar Dun-

lap , Iowa , will exchangeforhouseaud lot , amipay difference.-


A HILL , Real Estate Agentsoct26cod3t Jacobs Bloik , 13tUstret.

LOST On Fridiy , between G and 8 o'clockM. , from Young's Lumber Yard on 9th-

si. . an iron grey pony about four years old. withsaddle and bridle. Any information will bethankfully received by the undersigned at CS-1ISth , bet. California and Webster sts , and an > -one returning the pony to the above addresswill be liberally rewarded.-



FOR SALE A tract of land , 8 rods Iront-on Tenth St. , one mile youth oi Fain-

ham , for SIM. Enquire at this office. o24tf

WANTED A girl who mule-stan Is cook ¬

the American House best ofwages paid. ocl 2 Id tf

FOR RENT Brick dwelling , No. "87 cornerand ICth streets with fourteen

room- , suitable fora boarding house.-oJSJCt


WANTED Girl for housework , S.iarubim and 15th sts-


< -

BOARDERS WNTEDFurnished rooms, S > per week. Day board ,. t-

A trial is solicited. No. 158 Davenport St. ,bet. 10th and llth. oct21dtf

FOR House and Lot oti 1Kb , bt. Pir ce and Pacific- For particulars

enquire on premesis. oct21 J12t-



RENT Bnck Store Cor. Fifteenth andlj Capitol Avenue , also offices-.oct21dtf.

.. J. G. JACOBS.


Highly improved farm of 2-10 acres in CassCo. , large st tie house , frame barn , granary ,jlic-d * . Ac. AH fenced , wood , water , stone, AcPrice 57009. BOGJ4 HILL , KCJ ! LstateAgents , Jacob's Bloik , on 15th stn ? t , betweenDodge street and Cepitol avenue. oU21codu

At a Hirgaln 3 A 15-100 acres ofland , house of 10 rooms , large stuLe < c.lar ,

26x40. large b rn , carriage house , ( hlckfUhouse , well , Iruit , shrutier ; , and everything ) !!good order , for IPS * than cost of imprnvcuienii.Situated in baratoga miles Last of OuiahaBarracks. For terms , app'y to undersigned ,on premises. W. K. TAYLOR.

TJIOR SALE CHEAP Somelar6e work horses ,C some old barneys , two old backhand a new

2 or 4 eated buggy. G. W. HOMA> . Jr.octlTt-

frpo riEMT-IjGu s<f on IStli Street , betweenI Nicnolas and Paul. Apply at b29 ISth ot-


FOR RIJNT To a Rood tenant on reisonsblj, the Uwelluigfirnierly t-ctupifj by

me For further pariicjlarj apply at First11 'looal Bank. II. KOUN7Z ,

octlCdlot *

FOR the best bargains-in Real E-tate , fon-Bog.js & IIill's , bulletlu board erc y day.-



FWUND'FSTP.A'Y-dn the premU.s of tbemiles north of Omaha ,

a red and whiUi Heifer, three years old , nol brand.| OctlStf R. S. BRYANT ,

F'R' the test cider aad for the purest elder' to JUrntta 153 Farnham bt-.octlOufiq


Vf ONEY TO LOAN C all at the hw office ofiVL D. L. Thomas , Room 8 Viachera Ulock-.oct7tf


fPO KENT A house wi'h fl o rooms , gotd1 cellar ana dstern , ts. W. Cor. 13th and Clii-


. C. AXFO1SD. octGtf-



RENT Clucuco aid16th streets , The 1 est s and m the city ,

having been oaupied aa a grocery for th s lastseven rears , a good cemettcil ctl ar.oct dtf S U'RIGIi-



ANTED Day board N.V. . Cor 12th ,and lie iud % t. " nep2ieodlf-


! .

KLA1 BAU'.AININ Clt 1 PltOUI-.Ul 1 ,TItltHsloand from Furof c , foiei u ex-


. Inquire at &09 14h! street , bet. Fa'-nahm

-and Douglas. J. JOHNsQN.-


HOUSE I'DP RENT Ninth and Capital. 8. A. 1 AYLOIt A Co-


MONEY TO LOAN Inquire at Law Office. BEALS.Room 9 , Vischer's Block

Omaha. ssptlCdtf-

T7"ANTED American , tivrraan , AorwegianVV Swttdmb , orTnsh girls , to work in hotels ,

restaurants and private families. Inquire atCot. rill & Co , Euiploj rnent Burrau , 527 Fif¬teenth Streit , opposite Post Office. ei U2dt-

frnilE House and lot next north of C. E. Yoet'sX residence Is forsile at tpe low price ofSJSOQ 4 trine uiuretnau the cost of Iirprovc-mcnts.

-. Inquire of U. Vf. AMBROSE , Attor ¬ney, near head of Doug ! n street. b nt3dlf

WAWltD Any one wanting to sell or exany kind of business , house lots ,

'ands or icercban Use , cull oil U" . We havechances entirely In our handd , affording thebtut inveijtmcnt (or vapifal , buth small aud-great. . COTTBJLL 4 CO. , Exchange and Col ¬lecting Bureau , 631 15th street , oj poslte P. stOffice. sept2dt-

fTO THE FuDLiiu-Tlie unJerKned hasopened an office for enu loyment of male

and female help for stores , offices , honses , pri-vate

¬families , etc. All m want of {he same, or

wanting employment , pleaae e.11 qn us.COTTRILL 4; CO. , Exchinge end EmployiaentBureau , 531 loth street , opposite Post Office-


MONEY TO LOAN On improved person l, also City and Comity Warrants

bought and sol I. Inquire at Law Office of T.W. 1. Richards. No. 430 13th St. , Omaha.


TORE TO Rli 193 DOUK ! S strfet. In-quire

-of WEBBER A BEHil ,

WANTED Day boarders , at the southwest10th and Harnevsts. . e23-

tfffistchester Fire Insnrance COJ-



itract of Annual Statement , December 31187J.

Cash Capital , 20000.00 ,ASSETS.

Real Estate owned by Company , 8 2S.ECO CO

oans on lioml aud Mortgage , 202,10' ' ) 00Interest th'r-on , 4,3507-1ftods and JioniN owned by ho Co. , Iit73.00Stocks , Ac , ilyiiptheialeJ to Co. , 1OW 0)-

'CaSh'i.uhjiid , 43418.76'interest , l,2S'lu-Pitniiuun 121,4193-8faalvageand Eo-Itsuran'e , 5 , 41,17

055,787 21-

Liabilities. . xeept capita ] ,and Net burplus , 373127.83


Secretary.P.. RI5HON , Agent.-



JAncoln , Oil. 15, 167J. }

It is lie el y certified t" at the WeifhcsterInsurance Company of New Icciell't! ! N.

ha cimpliod with the Insurance La olfatate and is autboilzrd to transact t-e

business of Fire insurance in th s sute for thecurrent year.-


my hand and so 1 of office , the dayyear first above .

written.J. . B. WESTON ,H. WILLARD. Auditor of btate.-


*. }


WANTED , rrcdit


a well

and :

am now ready to contract for fat Hogs to inddelivered on and after the 5th day ol Novcm-n xt.-




The Klngof the SEWING MAtlllNC UO1 ]J , . , u,1MBU , . , . ,(.1 Fiu.iufe.

SALES ECU 1873 :

In Round Numbers 232,444 Machinesla

r -tH )" 8Uch c> idcDre U l " auerforitr of the fuilr-

je. H. NASON , Agent ,2s O. 212 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA



J. J. BROWN & BRO. .

EOLESALE GROUEEAgents for the Oriental Powder Co



538 and 54O Fourteenth. Street ,BET. DOUGLAS AND DODGE

- - - USTIEIB-



No. Oi; Farnham StreetaprSdly




. 2 7 Strest ,





je 1-


, Dried 'Fruits , Green Fruits in Season.SOLICITEDND I'KOMITLV FIM.KD.


532 IE ST. ,

O. X> . A. KXi

je lO-



257 Douglas StrsotmcL-lSeodlv OMAHA.


231 Farnkam Street,






. ,


Notions * ?nd Boots and Shoes.



.- OF .

elf ! Heavy HardwareIRON , STEEL , NAILS , WAGON STOCK,1



COHS-MlAX'k EMS , IIA -KAKK * WAGONS.Douglas St. . Qjoaa&a. ITebraska-HENBY



es nuJ2-

30DOUOLAS3C(Cal I well Block. ) , H i

l'i-JIN f->S _

eOS SB andTheBUrlij.tonauJ Missouri P'ver Railroad C.o3 rs belt Ian sat low prices oa0yeatGpc. o-n .interest , a d I halxinns premium of 23 percent , on the amuuntof th

iurcha. w, If half the land is cultivated , within two yrara Iroin dale of purchase.




of °latte , l-oup Fork and Elkhorn Vallev

ITieK..t M. 1 K.'i. wtllseL nlwul 000000 acrei ntiplei lid j-az'nand xjr.'culiural landwat rt-l'ouuliy , t iryra 31' t 87.00 per. acre on long trkiit.

South of ti ( PLtterheComisnyownesalargixxlr Qfthe bestlandinStb nx nirt - e-1 by numerou ? st

a lis-xml to itsralln 1 an I ia the largest add b t 1 t or Cr i' dfate , a *ltoI-

DOU5I4 publlcna Vallcyi ForcIrcuUisinJInll lnfc.r ' rn f n-

Pliny 'Moore , General Agent. Office Sonlli andOpposite tHe Union Depot ,

in C. C. & Q. office , Grand Central Hotel - J1 ,