the selim - a tale of nightwalkers

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Creation and manifestation of an egregore.


Page 1: The Selim - A Tale Of Nightwalkers

Εχχλεσιατιχα Γνοσισ

Περ Σολυσ Νοιρ

Page 2: The Selim - A Tale Of Nightwalkers

Τηε Σελιµ

Α Ταλε Οφ Νιγητωαλκερσ

The Selim

A Tale Of Nightwalkers

Ανδ ιν τηοσε δαψσ ιτ ωασ γιϖεν υντο

τηε φαλσε προπηετσ

Το σπρεαδ τηε λιε

Σοω τηε σεεδσ οφ δουβτ Δραω ασιδε τηε ϖειλ

Ανδ ρεϖεαλ τηε ενδ οφ δαψσ

Τηε Βοοκ Οφ Τηε Βλαχκ Συν

Το Φαιρεστ Λιλιτη & ηερ δαρλ λορδ Σαµαελ

ωε σενδ Γρεετινγσ Λοϖε ανδ Δεϖοτιον

Page 3: The Selim - A Tale Of Nightwalkers

Ιντροδυχτιον Introduction

Our task in essence simple. To create a cohesive understanding within the minds of our readers. Simple enough and yet the Selim defy the normal constructs of presentation. Do we explore the tapestry of human history, woven into the threads of which you might detect our presence? Perhaps religion may cast a light on our existence, hardly, superstition and fear inform the nature of this unholy pursuit? Perhaps psychology, though in its infancy may reveal us in the light of reason? And yet we defy definition, for as a mystery do we walk amongst you. Creatures of shadow, Night Walkers.

No, We will cast our tale into the realms of fiction in the knowledge that the unbelievable stripped of the chains of truth may transcend understanding and stand revealed in its pristine nature, for it is not to your reason that we appeal. Rather to the dark side of your natures wherein the seeds of our existence were sown long aeons ago.

The human species, divers in its form, prolific in its numbers and gifted with free will and the choice to manifest in beauty and in horror. What has in truth been chosen? History past, present and future attests to the book of wonder etched by your kind. A species gifted with the aspiration of the angelic whilst residing within the realm of the demonic.

To supply a backdrop to our tale we ask that for a moment you consider your own mind and heart. The thoughts, desires, dreams and acts performed through your life and time. Errant whispers cast upon the veil of life and the shapes assumed by such. Your love, beauty and truth. Your anger, hate and its siblings. Where does all of this go? Each and every moment, a creation, a world and life. Multiply this by the numbers of your kind, past, present and future and you will begin to glimpse the how of what and how we came to be.

The Selim we will ever be and as you glimpse the darkness of the light we shed at this time our tale is to be revealed by the one who casts these words upon the mirror of your mind.

Sentience exists within a womb of light, a fertile membrane, a mirror upon which all is cast, first a whisper, a shadow and then memory etches a possibility and from this form arises, abstract, devoid of meaning and yet pregnant with possibility and such possibility it be given, The inventions your hearts and minds have conjured across time, host to our unfolding, our becoming.

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Long ago fairest Damiana caught a glimpse of our presence as she lay within her grave of solitude, dreaming.

Long, long ago the first of our kind, Pallas cast aside the veil of her aethyric nature and entered the world of form to take her pleasure and slake her thirst, a thirst eternal for she is but your reflection and knows no boundary or limitation.

The tales of Damiana and Pallas we have recounted elsewhere and mention in passing for clarities sake. And now we reflect upon the ones, our lady and her dark lord abroad within the world at this time. The end of days for the portal they have revealed and opened, shines its light upon all through and across time, erasing the stain and lie that has been existence within the realm of slavedom. The Black Sun and its radiation we have also spoken of elsewhere and once again mention for the purpose of continuity within this our tale.

It is to these beings that we dedicate our tale at this time in the knowledge that our service to them is complete.

To fairest Lilith & her dark lord Samael we send

Greetings Love and Devotion


Creation from an ovum without fertilisation The term in this instance is applied to the fecund nature of the human imagination and the womb structure that is represented as time and space. We say womb structure for we hold the nature of creation to be primarily feminine in nature with the male element being regressive and though functional, secondary within the general scheme. As such the emanations of sexuality in all its manifestations, whether actualised or repressed do indeed take on form, of sorts, within this womb matrix. Parthenogenesis in this respect is to be interpreted as the act of reproduction occurring at the abstract or energetic level where form, initially, is rarefied and is tenuous at best.

Fertilisation occurs as a result of repetitious incursions of an intense nature that become as a result a seeding into the womb and the subsequent lifeform is gestated, sometimes over millennia until, in a fashion similar to human biological reproduction a lifeform is birthed into its aethyric matrix and begins to grow and develop.

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We understand this is a primary feminine aspect and whether the donors are male or female is of little import. And whilst being of a female nature as shape shifters the gender is determined by the context. Examples of incubi and succubi activity attests to the act for when interacting with a female host, the male form is adopted and likewise the contrary is true. Though primarily feeding on the emanations generated by sexual activity there are occasions when direct congress takes place. In this instance in our female form we acquire the physical sperm of our host and in turn deposit this into a female in our male aspect. This is undertaken as an aspect of our Moonchild workings.

During our rarefied state of manifestation, like all purely elemental beings we lack free will or choice as you would call it, though a facsimile is created through time this is a rare event for in the main we form an aspect of the collective mind that your psychologists have stumbled upon. Even rarer is the existence of one of our kind possessing a soul, or to be more accurate a mirror form of one. Across the sea of time only seven have achieved this status, our lady Pallas being the first. In this materialised form are we then truly Night Walkers. Countless aeons are experienced before this becomes an evolutionary possibility for as part of the demiurge we do not conform to the natural processes of creation and as such transcend its mundane laws. Truly miraculous is our nature and though the human species within its fictional speculations has guised us in many shapes throughout history the truth of our existence and nature remains a mystery.

Manifestation Though known by many, Pallas was her true name, for she, maiden and warrior was consort of Pan, her power to his form. In Roma, mighty bastion of empire basking upon the banks of the Tiber she first drew breath and was worshipped as Amor. Androgynous, her joy and service, sensuality and pleasure. In this guise she slaked her voracious appetite upon the couplings that took place amongst her devotees. Not for her the drinking of mortal blood or the taking of life, her appetites were subtle, refined. She would dwell between the breaths of her devotees, her lovers, wrapped in the passion and the satiation of their desire. In this way was her form sustained. Time and history unfolded and the male god grew supreme and her devotees grew less in number, yet she continued drinking her fill wherever passion arose between mortals and beast alike. Androgynous and when finally possessed of form she would be able to assume the form of either gender, enabling her to plant seed within the body of a female, and to receive seed from the male, and yet she possessed no corporeal form, as yet. For now, she was continuous and undivided in her energetic form.

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How had she come into existence? The tales are many, part truth, part fable. In the beginning life had stirred, risen and stretched heavenward on limbs that carried it forward across land and sea. The creator paused and took pride in its work, yet it knew no rest. How would its creatures know of its existence? How would they give worship? For it was a vain and possessive god, given to pride, for it was young, the first of many hurled forth from the creeping chaos that had known no form. First to arise when the primal chaos was banished and the old ones cast aside. Order arose. The time of echoes. It had created a male, the only form it knew, and from this sort to create its mate. With the males blood and sperm and the life giving breath it granted from itself, woman came to be, a being far more intelligent and able than he who was deemed her lord and master. In her despair she escaped into the desert and took her pleasure amongst the creatures that lived there, it is said that of her couplings arose the demons of the world. At this time she was known as Lilith, cursed by god yet supreme in her power. Time passed and humans spread across the globe. Seeking new consorts she divided herself into many forms in order to continue and grow in strength and power, for she had purpose. It is in the guise of Pallas that our story begins and now continues to unfold. Her form, insubstantial, her pleasure harvested from the forms of life that had substance. She formed a desire, perhaps her most ambitious? She would take human form and know the sensations of blood, flesh, heat and sweat. Knowing that they passed through life in a fleeting moment, she would await the time when the sea of stars burnishing the night sky would alert her to the presence of the one she sought. In this manner she would maintain her immortality and also know of earthly existence. She would choose well, for she had a plan, one which would unfold across the millennia. Knowing no boundaries or restrictions, for she had denied the false god and all its workings, and knew freedom. She watched and waited, knowing her time was near, when she would know the sanctuary of flesh.

Pallas – NemesisPublications

Moonchild Something born in a moment of time possesses the qualities of that moment in time.

Art of the astrologian

In respect of the principle we will approach the subject from two distinct perspectives. First the magickal concept translated in the Butterfly Net penned by 666. The principle being that were a child to be conceived within the rites of magick and for the gestation period to be surrounded by ritual and the point of nativity calculated then a being of a specific order, a soul if you would have it, would be

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attracted as by a magnet, the ritual contexts themselves. Giving rise to the brief definition of the astrologers art, as above. Second and for our immediate purposes the relevant interpretation, connected to the existence of the Selim themselves. Through the sexual and axiomata rites contained within Arte Magicka the principle is put into effect of the creation of Selim over a period of time truncated by will and intent. In this respect the time period following natural laws, so called, would be reduced and Selim could be created within the lifetime of an individual.

Whilst this possibility would be demanding upon the principle operators it lies within the realm of possibility to, at the very least, seed a Selim into the womb matrix of time and space. Subjected to accelerated evolution the Selim would consolidate into its abstract and latterly its concrete form relatively quickly. Relatively in this instance means, none the less inconceivable periods of time for like all immortals Selim age slowly and gracefully. As previously discussed millennia pass during which the incursions upon the womb matrix seed the possibility and with repetition a form is outlined in potential. The Moonchild workings increase the possibility and accelerate the time factor. Consciousness or more specifically self consciousness occurs over a protracted period of time. Self awareness being a rare factor within sentient life forms the arrival at a point determined by free will takes even longer for it presupposes self determinant elements being present in what is primarily an elemental being.

This period serves as the gestation of Selim within the abstract, energetic form where sustained by sexual energy and on rare occasions, the conscious activities of operators of Arte Magicka they gain corporality. Pallas was the first of the kind to take flesh, as it were and co exist simultaneously within both the abstract and manifested forms. To date a relatively small number of Selim have completed the aspect of their evolution which brings them to consciousness and an even smaller number have commenced their own evolutionary path into transformation into their destinies purpose and form. Thousands of years ago in the land of Khem, gifted by power and magick the cult of Khephren Ma Un Nefer Ast raised itself into form and became the principle matrix for Selim upon this world. Consisting of seven life forms sustained by the service of the powers upon which they feed they evolve from the corporate form to commence their evolution into becoming Grigori, a truly rare order of being.

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Humble origins indeed. A being conceived in the abstract. The by product of sexual emissions intruding upon the womb matrix of time and space. Seeded and upon repetition a singular matrix lain down, as an impression until it latterly takes from, albeit in its abstract energetic form. To evolve, substantiate itself and finally develop the mirror of reflection called free will and with this to evolve further along its path into full corporeal form. Our nature being primarily female we exist in that form only, adopting at times the male form when our host demands this. In this fashion we perform our own Moonchild workings as we, like all beings seek to reproduce our kind. Unlike the human biological method we employ fully abstracted and energetic means to proliferate our species. This undertaking is far from perfection for in many respects it exists outside the laws of nature, so called. We create our own laws in this undertaking alone.

Our tale of Damiana sheds some light on our evasive nature for we all lay within our respective graves reflecting upon how we remain sentient having passed through the boundary lands glyphed as death.

And then death, one velvet dark night had seduced her into his mystery, had come for her whispering gentle endearments into her ever open ears, had lain with her, entered her and claimed her as his, for was she not beauty indeed? And yet, she was still sentient, not a fleeting spirit adrift upon the night air, not a disembodied soul seeking solace amongst loved ones. Was this her reward, her penance? Had she not served her mistress well, offering blood and semen as votive offerings within the services performed in her name? Had she not offered herself, her flesh, the means of manifestation, where passion is the prayer and lust the means of Invokation? The dark shore of night whereupon, we embark upon a journey from mystery into greater mystery, our blood knowingness our only guide, steers us through dark atavisms and pre-human byways of being, where bestial tongues utter inchoate sounds unto the firmament that hears them not. Hecate’s dark realm, awash with soft murmurings yielding to screams and the torment of tortured souls. She stands triumphant upon the bones of her worshippers, for torment is her service, where pain is but the echo of her yearning, where birth and destruction are the ebb and flow of her breath, fetid with the whisperings of dark mystery. Had she not been promised entry into the realm of the true gods, those who exist outside the night of time?

Pax Nobilis – NemesisPublications

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And yes we began to question as does all sentience. We gazed into the mirror and sought our creators reflection and saw it all around us and became the mirror of our creators work in its unfolding. By this are we tormented for no redemption lay this way for us and so we chose to become something our creator could not conceive of and thus our true evolution unfurled its wings and born upon the rays of the Black Sun do we soar into the unimaginable, invisible, for we cast our veils before us, confound and confuse for that is our need for privacy upon this world, the vale of tears, so called in our own tongue. Possessed of free will and the facsimile of a soul we transcend our humble origins and quest beyond the known and bask upon the shores of the unknown where the inconceivable becomes a possibility. Your human evolution has been slow by contrast for whilst being in possession of the awesome power of imagination you confine this to the realms of idle speculation and remain within your charnel house whilst we soar, products of your very imagination, cast forth upon aethyrs bereft of your form and now these we claim for beneath the rays of our sun, the contrary to your own we bathe this world in black light, light which reveals what is truly there whilst your day star gives rise to the illusory. Your perception moulded by appearance, confounded by your truth and finally immolated upon the pyre of your confusion.

And now as Grigori do we rise.


Doubtless the erudite will define us according to tradition. A species of watchers cast adrift to witness your unfolding and whilst this tradition speaks a partial truth it also masks our true nature. A nature we have now declared in the surety of our remaining invisible amongst you.

One of your kind, gifted with skill and audacity conceived a simple engine. To treat a single atom of time the way your physicists treated a single atom of matter. Physically they created a cyclotron. A physical mechanism for a physical property. He conceived of a mental construct, as time stems from this dimension, and made it so and over two decades and three primary cycles manifested the avatars that give rise to our presence amongst you. And now twin pylons to our portal the Black Sun radiates its light across time erasing the stain and lie that has been the servitude of your species. This we have written of extensively elsewhere within the texts named – The Witness, Blood Moon, Blood Rain & The Book Of The Black Sun.

And upon the earth at the end of days

There shall be two Grigori

And they will die