this year's buzz words -...

Editor责任编辑: JING AN TIMES 8 大都会 Metropolis [email protected] Tom Lee 李榕樟 随笔 随笔 Essay Essay Mao Mao 本报地址:上海市静安区康定路950 50 电话: 62178656 Add:No.50 of 950 Kangding Rd.Jing An District.Shanghai. Phone:62178656 With the development of traffic, two small streets were gradually formed at both sides of Yangjingbang. The south one was called Kongzi Road and the north one was called Songjiang Road (both are now East Yan'an Road). Eight bridges, including Wai Yangjing Bridge, No. 2 Yangjing Bridge, No. 3 Yangjing Bridge, Sanmaoge Bridge, Daigou Bridge, Zhengjia Wooden Bridge, Dongxin Bridge and Xixin Bridge were built over Yanjingbang. There were numerous stores, hotels, tea houses, and tobacco houses. That was the reason "outdoor interpreters" got hot. At that time, people who understood English were known as interpreters. Those who were not good at translating, but always wandered through the streets, were called "outdoor interpreters". Because of the increasing communication needs of the emerging class of English businessmen, a special "English for business" was formed for lack of a common speaking language. Foreigners called it pidgin English, we called it "Yangjingbang English". It was mainly formed of local dialect, mingled with English words, a combined language to enable different people to communicate. Outdoor interpreters usually worked in foreign companies. They Know a few English words, but their pronunciation was incorrect and they knew nothing about grammar. They spoke pidgin English. Foreigners could understand just enough. Ningbo businessmen, including Feng Zefu, wrote English Speaking Note, the first pidgin English brochure published in Shanghai. Basic English was published in 1874 by Cao Xiang, the official translator in Shanghai who had graduated from Cantonese House, a foreign language school founded by Chinese. The phonetic notation in that book is in Shanghai dialect. Charles Leyland, a Chinese speaking foreigner in Shanghai, wrote a collection called Yangjingbang English Songbook. There was a song with the lyrics: "Come is 'kangmu', go is 'gu', twenty-four is 'tundefu', yes is 'yesi', no is 'na', so and so is 'sha xian yu sha'." So hilarious! In response to this freakish pidgin English, Yang Shaoping in late Qing period regarded it as a humiliation. He wrote in his book: "Those outdoor interpreters have contact with foreigners every day, but their English speaking is so poor and they don't care. Foreigners overlook it, but it's still a shame." There are some currently hot expressions that are interesting to know if you want to keep abreast of current trends that might have an unexpected influence on our country and society. Don't let your power go to your head: The truth is always simple. People shouldn't abuse their power when they are in positions of authority. Government is expected to streamline its administrative functions, decentralize power, and generally improve operations in order to reduce burdens on enterprises, create opportunities for entrepreneurs, and create a fair competitive environment. Maker: with so many creative people showing talent, the cultural creative industry is developing well. ("Maker" means those who try to turn their innovations into products) Literate Society: more and more literary works should be made available, reading should be advocated nationwide, and a well-rounded society should be cultivated. Responsibility List: develop and make public a negative list to restrict market access, a provincial government power list, and a responsibility list public. Power must be limited by law. Social Trust Code: establish a unified national social verification system and credit information sharing platform to protect enterprise and personal information security in accordance with the law. Shenzhen-Hong Kong Pass: carry out pilot projects for overseas investment for individual investors and quickly implement the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Pass. Made in China 2025: enhance innovation, strategic transformation, basic foundational development, green development, and accelerate the transformation from manufacturing factory to manufacturing power. Internet + : promoting mobile internet, cloud computing, large data, and modern manufacturing industry e-commerce, in order to promote the healthy development of e-business, industrial internet and internet finance. Pesticide and Veterinary Drugs Residue: comprehensive management of pesticide and veterinary drug residue problems and improvement of agricultural product quality and food security. No Power Renting: a common feature of corruption is the self-serving monetization of power. A clean government must simplify its power structure, raising the bar and denying any opportunity for personal gain by eliminating the breeding ground of corruption. 今年热词杂谈 近日学习,发现今年有些热词很有意 思,它们或许给我们国家和社会带来意想 不到的影响。 1.有权不可任性:大道至简,有权不可 任性。各级政府都要建立简政放权、转变 职能的有力推进机制,给企业松绑,为创业 提供便利,营造公平竞争环境。 2.创客:众多“创客”脱颖而出,文化创 意产业蓬勃发展。(“创客”一词来源于英文 单词"Maker",是指出于兴趣和爱好,努力 把各种创意转变为现实的人) 3.书香社会:提供更多优秀文艺作品, 倡导全民阅读,建设书香社会。 4.责任清单:制定市场准入负面清单, 公布省级政府权力清单、责任清单,切实做 到法无授权不可为、法定职责必须为。 5.社会信用代码:建立全国统一的社 会信用代码制度和信用信息共享交换平 台,依法保护企业和个人信息安全。 6.深港通:开展个人投资者境外投资 试点,适时启动“深港通”试点。 7. “中国制造 2025”坚持创新驱动、智 能转型、强化基础、绿色发展,加快从制造 大国转向制造强国。 8. “互联网+”:推动移动互联网、云计 算、大数据、物联网等与现代制造业结合, 促进电子商务、工业互联网和互联网金融 健康发展。 9.农药兽药残留:综合治理农药兽药 残留问题,全面提高农产品质量和食品安 全水平。 10.去权力寻租:腐败现象的一个共同 特征就是权力寻租,要以权力瘦身为廉政 强身,紧紧扎住制度围栏,坚决打掉寻租空 间,努力铲除腐败土壤。 This Year's Buzz Words Luo Dan 罗丹 According to the Shanghai "Teenagers Reading Survey Analysis Report", with an effective sample size of 1,771, teen reading habits were revealed through the question: "who is the most influential person". Of all the respondents, 39.24% answered "family", which was the most popular answer, 27.67% people answered "teacher, leader", which ranked second,18.29% answered "classmate, colleague", 11.69% answered "others", and 2.43% people answered "idol, star". So we can see that the influence of family and home environment appear to play a very important role in forming good reading habits for teenagers. Over 50% of people report that they don't read even one book per year. How to make teenagers read good books and develop good reading habits to increase their knowledge of the world, improve their cultivation, and enrich their lives and practical skills. In addition to simply reading a variety of outstanding works, the gradual and steady influence from the family on the importance of knowledge and study is also crucial. So parents should pay adequate attention to their children's reading habits and try their best to ensure their children have a good supply of quality books to read. Finally, most people think that reading paper books provides the best reading experience. 家人对青少年养成阅读习惯影响最大 上海《青少年阅读状况调查分析报告》有效调查 样本量1771个,调查显示出对被调查者目前的读书 习惯, “影响最大的人是什么人”这一问题,居于首位 39.24%是“父母,家人”,第二位 27.67%是“老师、领 导”,以下依次为 18.29%的“同学、同事”,11.69%的 “其他”, 2.43%的“偶像、明星”。如此可见,要让青少 年养成一个良好的阅读习惯,家庭影响及周边环境 起到一个不可忽视的重要作用。 最近还有超五成的人认为自己阅读较少,一年 一本书没读却也是当下成年人的一大阅读现状。 如何让青少年读好书、好读书、书读好,在深度阅 读中增加知识、开阔眼界、提高修养丰富生活掌握实 用技能,除了有大量优秀作品的涌现外,家庭教育中 知识与学习的文化熏陶也是至关重要的,所以为人父 母的成年人应该引起思想上的重视,尽自己所能为孩 子提供一个保质保量的学习园地和图书数量。 多数人认为纸质阅读具有最好的阅读效果。 洋泾浜英语 In those early prosperous years, there used to be several large residential areas in Caojiadu: Xiao Xinzhuang, Taipingli, Cunshanli, and Xinkangli, the latter of which was the largest in size and population and had the highest reputation. Catching a No. 23 trolley bus, you would hear "Xinkangli" from the bus station broadcaster when you arrived at your destination. In the past, the architecture here was the typical Shikumen style of Old Shanghai. Living space was very cramped, exactly a "72 Tenants" version of reality. A criss-crossing tiny society of common people's style was formed by five horizontal longtangs, two longitudinal longtangs and three small zigzag longtangs. Tianhongxiang Fruit Store, Sanyangtai South Delicacies Grocery, Huaxiang Beauty Salon, and Chunyuan Snack Bar were all located along the street here. There were even hostels called Xin'an and Xinkang in the neighborhood. Xinkangli had become a large residential area with full support facilities providing dining, clothing and living necessities, as well as convenient transportation. In last 20 years, after several rounds of community reconstruction and development, a new residential area called Xinkangyuan was built on the original site of Xinkangli. The longtangs were replaced by four tall buildings, and the new name is a homophone for the old one. Historical culture is carried forward here, but there is also the modern look of prosperity. 当年最鼎盛时,曹家渡地区曾经有几 个大的居民区:小辛庄、太平里、存善里、忻 康里。其中,忻康里又是整个地区面积最 大,人口最多,名气最响的一个居民集居小 区。坐上 23 路电车,到了终点站,报站器 里便报出“忻康里”的地名。 当年,这里的建筑是旧上海最为典型 的石库门风格,居住空间是非常局促的,完 全是“七十二家房客”的现实版。五条横弄 堂,二条竖弄堂,加上弯弯曲曲的三条小弄 堂,组成了纵横交错、市景有味的小社会。 沿街一带有天鸿祥果品店、三阳泰南货店、 华祥美发厅、春园点心店,弄内设有忻安、 忻康旅馆等,成为曹家渡地区吃、穿、住配 套齐全,交通出行方便的大型居所。近20 年来,经过几轮的社区改造和开发,在忻康 里的原址上,建起了一个叫“鑫康苑”的居 民小区:当年的弄堂被4幢高层建筑取代, 而新名字则取自忻康里的谐音,不但使该 处的历史文化得到传承,也体现此地欣欣 向荣的新气象。 One blossom stands out in a grey garden, attracting everyone's eye. Photo by Wang Yigang 众芳摇落独喧妍 王毅刚 浦西小上海 曹家渡 Caojiadu Area: A Glance into the Past and Present Family Is Biggest Influence on Teen Reading Habits Yangjingbang and Pidgin English

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Post on 26-May-2018




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Editor:责任编辑: JING AN TIMES8 大 都 会

[email protected]

Tom Lee李榕樟

随笔随笔 EssayEssay Mao Mao 茅 矛

本报地址:上海市静安区康定路950弄50号 电话:62178656 Add:No.50 of 950 Kangding Rd.Jing An District.Shanghai. Phone:62178656

With the development of traffic, two smallstreets were gradually formed at bothsides of Yangjingbang. The south one wascalled Kongzi Road and the north one wascalled Songjiang Road (both are now EastYan'an Road). Eight bridges, including WaiYangjing Bridge, No. 2 Yangjing Bridge,No. 3 Yangjing Bridge, Sanmaoge Bridge,Daigou Bridge, Zhengjia Wooden Bridge,Dongxin Bridge and Xixin Bridge were builtover Yanjingbang. There were numerousstores, hotels, tea houses, and tobaccohouses. That was the reason "outdoorinterpreters" got hot.At that time, people who understood Englishwere known as interpreters. Those who werenot good at translating, but always wanderedthrough the streets, were called "outdoorinterpreters". Because of the increasingcommunication needs of the emerging class

of English businessmen, a special "Englishfor business" was formed for lack of acommon speaking language. Foreignerscalled it pidgin English, we called it"Yangjingbang English". It was mainlyformed of local dialect, mingled with Englishwords, a combined language to enabledifferent people to communicate. Outdoorinterpreters usually worked in foreigncompanies. They Know a few English words,but their pronunciation was incorrect andthey knew nothing about grammar. Theyspoke pidgin English. Foreigners couldunderstand just enough. Ningbobusinessmen, including Feng Zefu, wroteEnglish Speaking Note, the first pidgin

English brochure published inShanghai. Basic English waspublished in 1874 by Cao Xiang,the official translator in Shanghaiwho had graduated from CantoneseHouse, a foreign language school foundedby Chinese. The phonetic notation in thatbook is in Shanghai dialect. Charles Leyland,a Chinese speaking foreigner in Shanghai,wrote a collection called YangjingbangEnglish Songbook. There was a song withthe lyrics: "Come is 'kangmu', go is 'gu',twenty-four is 'tundefu', yes is 'yesi', no is

'na', so and so is 'sha xian yu sha'." Sohilarious! In response to this freakish pidginEnglish, Yang Shaoping in late Qing periodregarded it as a humiliation. He wrote in hisbook: "Those outdoor interpreters havecontact with foreigners every day, but theirEnglish speaking is so poor and they don'tcare. Foreigners overlook it, but it's still ashame."

There are some currently hot expressionsthat are interesting to know if you want tokeep abreast of current trends that mighthave an unexpected influence on ourcountry and society.Don't let your power go to your head: Thetruth is always simple. People shouldn'tabuse their power when they are inpositions of authority. Government isexpected to streamline its administrativefunctions, decentralize power, andgenerally improve operations in order toreduce burdens on enterprises, createopportunities for entrepreneurs, andcreate a fair competitive environment.Maker: with so many creative peopleshowing talent, the cultural creativeindustry is developing well. ("Maker"means those who try to turn theirinnovations into products)Literate Society: more and more literaryworks should be made available, readingshould be advocated nationwide, and awell-rounded society should be cultivated.Responsibility List: develop and makepublic a negative list to restrict marketaccess, a provincial government powerlist, and a responsibility list public. Powermust be limited by law.Social Trust Code: establish a unifiednational social verification system andcredit information sharing platform toprotect enterprise and personalinformation security in accordance withthe law.Shenzhen-Hong Kong Pass: carry outpilot projects for overseas investment forindividual investors and quickly implementthe Shenzhen-Hong Kong Pass.

Made in China 2025: enhance innovation,strategic transformation, basicfoundational development, greendevelopment, and accelerate thetransformation from manufacturing factoryto manufacturing power.Internet + : promoting mobile internet,cloud computing, large data, and modernmanufacturing industry e-commerce, inorder to promote the healthy developmentof e-business, industrial internet andinternet finance.Pesticide and Veterinary Drugs Residue:comprehensive management of pesticideand veterinary drug residue problems andimprovement of agricultural productquality and food security.No Power Renting: a common feature ofcorruption is the self-serving monetizationof power. A clean government mustsimplify its power structure, raising thebar and denying any opportunity forpersonal gain by eliminating the breedingground of corruption.














This Year's Buzz Words

Luo Dan 罗丹 According to the Shanghai "TeenagersReading Survey Analysis Report", with an effectivesample size of 1,771, teen reading habits wererevealed through the question: "who is the mostinfluential person". Of all the respondents, 39.24%answered "family", which was the most popularanswer, 27.67% people answered "teacher,leader", which ranked second,18.29% answered"classmate, colleague", 11.69% answered "others",and 2.43% people answered "idol, star". So we cansee that the influence of family and homeenvironment appear to play a very important role informing good reading habits for teenagers.Over 50% of people report that they don't readeven one book per year.How to make teenagers read good books anddevelop good reading habits to increase theirknowledge of the world, improve their cultivation,and enrich their lives and practical skills. In additionto simply reading a variety of outstanding works,the gradual and steady influence from the family onthe importance of knowledge and study is alsocrucial. So parents should pay adequate attentionto their children's reading habits and try their bestto ensure their children have a good supply ofquality books to read.Finally, most people think that reading paper booksprovides the best reading experience.


样本量1771个,调查显示出对被调查者目前的读书习惯,“影响最大的人是什么人”这一问题,居于首位39.24%是“父母,家人”,第二位 27.67%是“老师、领导”,以下依次为 18.29%的“同学、同事”,11.69%的






In those early prosperous years, thereused to be several large residential areasin Caojiadu: Xiao Xinzhuang, Taipingli,Cunshanli, and Xinkangli, the latter ofwhich was the largest in size andpopulation and had the highestreputation. Catching a No. 23 trolley bus,you would hear "Xinkangli" from the busstation broadcaster when you arrived atyour destination. In the past, thearchitecture here was the typicalShikumen style of Old Shanghai. Living

space was very cramped, exactly a "72Tenants" version of reality. Acriss-crossing tiny society of commonpeople's style was formed by fivehorizontal longtangs, two longitudinallongtangs and three small zigzaglongtangs. Tianhongxiang Fruit Store,Sanyangtai South Delicacies Grocery,Huaxiang Beauty Salon, and ChunyuanSnack Bar were all located along thestreet here. There were even hostelscalled Xin'an and Xinkang in the

neighborhood.Xinkangli had becomea large residential areawith full supportfacilities providingdining, clothing andliving necessities, aswell as convenienttransportation. In last20 years, after severalrounds of communityreconstruction anddevelopment, a newresidential area calledXinkangyuan was built

on the original site of Xinkangli. Thelongtangs were replaced by four tallbuildings, and the new name is ahomophone for the old one. Historicalculture is carried forward here, but thereis also the modern look of prosperity.



One blossom stands out in a grey garden,attracting everyone's eye. Photo by Wang Yigang

众芳摇落独喧妍王毅刚 摄

浦西小上海 曹家渡Caojiadu Area: A Glance into the Past and Present

Family Is Biggest Influenceon Teen Reading Habits

Yangjingbang and Pidgin English