time past and time present

Time Past and Time Present 0529, 廖廖廖 廖廖廖 廖廖廖廖廖廖廖廖廖廖廖廖廖

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Time Past and Time Present. 時間連繫著現在的我們與過去. 0529, 廖怡君 、 楊 立婕. CHANGED CURRICULUM AND INCREASED COMPETITION. Changes in China 中國 學習者不再 受儒家傳統影響,反而更加西化 西方 數學與 科學成為了課程的核心,學習者因學習不同的學科而改變了學習取向 中國 與其他 東亞學習者的 learning beliefs 和 achievement 反映 了 社會變化,且與儒家學習傳統無關 中國移民美國的孩童和西方同儕投入學習的方式有所不同. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Time Past and Time Present

0529, 廖怡君、楊立婕


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• Changes in China– 中國學習者不再受儒家傳統影響,反而更加西化– 西方數學與科學成為了課程的核心,學習者因學習不同的學科而改變了學習取向– 中國與其他東亞學習者的 learning beliefs 和

achievement 反映了社會變化,且與儒家學習傳統無關• 中國移民美國的孩童和西方同儕投入學習的方式有所不同

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• “Magnet High, Harvard, and Heaven!’’– 不論是來自 well-to-do 或 humble 背景的中國移民家長,都希望小孩能到最好的學校與大學

• Mental Problem– Psychological adjustment – Parental pressure– The data don’t support that parental pressure

for achievement truly causes mental problems .

– Asian immigrant children’s mental health problems: 跨語言使用、溫暖感需求落差、相處時間少、家長不懂小孩的世界觀、小孩不懂家長從原本文化來的觀念

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EXAMINATION HELL• Examination Hell– 教師中心導向、權威、鼓勵死記硬背、促進外在動機、扼殺創造力– Impartial test score

• The real question here is– Why the Chinese/East Asians feel that they

must pursue learning. – Do they have nothing else meaningful in life to

pursue other than academic learning?

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• 學校學習的目的 :– 提供個體知識與技能,以創造良好的生活及增加社會流動的機會– Economic survival goals: 謀生成為了學習唯一的價值

• Making a living– Affluent v.s low-income background– European-American v.s Chinese/East Asian

students• The compelling forces behind

European-American and Chinese/East Asian learners respective learning approaches are still their own cultural traditions.

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EXPLAINING ASIAN STUDENTS' ACHIEVEMENT IN EARLIER RESEARCH• David McClelland(1963)– Traditional Chinese lacked achievement

motivation, but thanks to the communist ideological spirit, Chinese people gained revolutionary zeal and became more motivated

• 1970s– 日本學生在數學及科學上表現優於西方國家– Herald Stevenson and James Stigler :找出亞洲學童學業成就較高的核心原因

learning gap: 美國 : 能力歸因;亞洲 : 努力歸因how schools and the school day were organized

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• Japanese– 精神 ( せいしん ): 有助於個體解決任務的心態– 頑張る : 積極導向的內在效益,支持個體持續努力

• Hong Kong– 努力學習– Effort: 對中國學生而言是穩定的因素 ( 西方是不穩定 )

• Joseph Tobin, David Wu, and Dana Davidson– Preschool education– U.S.: 強調孩童的自我表達、自由探索、享受、同儕互動、學校中社會與道德規則– Chinese: nutritional care 、教師關注下的集體活動、有紀律的學習、嚴格遵守社會和道德規則

( 日本 : 教師放手讓孩童在彼此之間學習,自己解決衝突 )

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• Teaching style– U.S.: efficient 、 well-paced style– Japanese: slow 、 thorough style

• Familial factors– Asian parents 與 European-American parents 不同處 :對孩童的成就有更高的期望、以更結構化的學習活動

( 課後或周末的輔導 ) 參與孩童的學習、更緊密地監控孩童的家庭學習

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• Poor learning approaches and high achievement

• Watkins and Biggs used the term Confucian heritage cultures (CHC) to include countries of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.

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Learning Beliefs西方• Good teacher: 激發學生興趣、清楚講解、有效率的教學方法、舉辦活動• Teachers did not see

as their responsibility to teach morals to their students.The family was more respon-sible for moral instruction.

東方• Good teacher:深奧的知識、能夠回答問題、良好的道德模範• Teacher attributed

students' academic failure and misbe-haviors more to their own inadequacy than to students themselves or their families.

• Moral and personal growth: self-perfection

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Learning Processes西方• 英國學生用複誦來確認是否真的記得某些東西• Understanding:

a process of sudden insight

• Intrinsic motivation:personal autonomy and choice

東方• 中國學生為了理解,用複誦來創造深刻的印象• Understanding:

a long process that required extensive mental effort

• Extrinsic motivation:social influence and determ-ination (such as choice made by others)

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• Researchers in Hong Kong– CHC and Western cultures interact with each

other – Western teachers interact with CHC learners

and schools directly.

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Mapping Cultural Learning Models• Emic perspective

– An emic perspective is the insider perspective, originating with the people being studied.

• Cultural model– They are conceptual frames that shape members'

experiences by supplying the group's shared ways of explaining, predicting, and interpreting people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

– These frames also guide people in forming their goals and motivate them toward obtaining their goals.

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• Prototype methods– The language of a given culture has these

prototypes for people to use and to organize their understanding of the world.

– Prototype methods lent themselves to the study of learning as conceptualized by humans living in specific cultures.

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First study• 不同文化各選 3 個大學生聯想與學習 /

learning 相關的字詞或句子,得到English:242 and Chinese:145.

• 再拿這些詞句清單給不同文化各 20 個來自相似背景的大學生,要求他們增加一些會聯想到學習的 items ,得到 English:496 and Chinese:478.

• 不同文化各問 60 個受試者以 1~4點量表評這些字詞與學習 /learning 的相關程度 .

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• Cut-offline: median number 2.72 • Final core list: 203 English and 225

Chinese items.• Cluster analysis:– we asked 100 college students from similar

backgrounds to sort their culture's core list into groups according to similarity in meaning.

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I’m going to cover…• Study2• 2 Learning models: – European- American

Learning(EA)Model– Chinese Learning Model

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The second study I• 彌補 study1只有詞彙的限制• 62 大學生:描述他們理想中的學習者• “Optimum( 最佳 )” of developmental

outcome:– 因文化仍影響人對人生的期許、積極存在的意義–理想存於每人心中並引導其行為

• 仍以文化層次為主 ,並非個人層次

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The second study II• 「理想學習者」 4 大面向: p.85

1. The nature of knowledge: purpose, process, view of intelligence & excellence

2. 學習與道德發展的關係3. 學習行為: high achievement, failure,

boredom, not understanding the concepts…

4. 學習所造成的情緒面向• 質化與量化分析

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統整時間 ! 中西學習模型之異同• 結合前述兩項研究 ,分析中西學習模型:• 四大向度:– 學習的目標– 學習投入過程 ,

agentic process: personal actions directed at achieving desirable goals

– 成就類型– 學習情緒

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西方-學習的目標1. Cultivate the mind/ understand the

world:– 強調瞭解外在世界、環境

2. Develop one’s ability/skill– 成為社會的螺絲釘– 成功的職業生涯– 獨立– 解決問題與管理個人生活與環境

3. Reach personal goals(beyond ability/skill)– Self-fulfillment– Personal-happiness– Spiritual quest

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西方-學習的投入過程Active engagement:• 教室內外的做與學

Thinking/critical reasoning• 歸納、演繹、對興趣的感想、內觀

Inquiry探究• 發現、創新、實驗、觀察、分析…

Communication• 為瞭解知識而交流、討論、辯論、爭論、批判

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西方-成就類型1. 瞭解事物的本質 /專家2. 洞察力、創意性的解決問題3. 成為佼佼者 => 較社會性

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西方-學習情緒• Affect is an integral part of learning beliefs and

processes• 在學習的過程中的所有情緒反應與長期感受• 正向:

– 好奇心、興趣與動機– 內在享受– 挑戰心態– 榮譽感 (pride):self-confidence, self-esteem

• 負向:– 無聊、無感的 ; 認為重要=> 不放棄 ; 不重要 :減少投入的時間與努力– 外在動機– 失望 / 因挫敗而感到低自尊

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古希臘思想 (上周 ch.2)

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東方-學習的目標1. 道德上 / 社會上地自我完善– 最重要的特色– 西 : 以精熟學業科目為主– 中 : 學科與自我修養同時並進

2. 為自己習得知識 / 技能– 中 : 強調知識精熟 ; 西 : 強調能力發展– 雖皆為求生 , 中更強調維持社會關係

3. 貢獻社會– 反映孔式價值– 學習並不與社會切割

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東方-學習的投入過程認真 /誠意• 終身美德

勤奮 /發奮• 強調實際行動• 家人朋友老師的陪伴

刻苦• 克服困難 :家境貧窮、艱難知識、資質 (不成理由 )

恆心• 學習無捷徑

專心• 奕秋學生 -專心致志-《孟子》


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東方-成就類型1. 精熟知識的深度與廣度2. 應用知識 ( 較無強調創新 )3. 道德與之是相輔相成4. 以上 :環環相扣

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東方-學習情緒• 正向:

– 決心 ,意志– 求知若渴 /愛上學習 (循序漸進 )– 尊重與收受 :並非只是服從權威 , 而是因為深諳不足– 謙遜

• 負向:– 缺乏對學習的渴望– 驕傲 / 自大– 因學習貧乏而感到罪惡與羞恥(自省)

• 與西方相比 :– 認為挑戰也重要 ,但需全然熟悉– 較不驕矜/自我膨脹 ,並認為誇獎會阻礙進一步的完善

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孔孟思想 (上周 ch.2)

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Cultural- level beliefs• 詞彙為文化的一部份 ,並不能視為個人• 其它因素相互影響 ,e.g. 性別、社經地位、成長背景、年齡、角色…

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Thank you*