tkc student handbook

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvb nmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklz xcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjkl zxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjk lzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj klzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfgh jklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg hjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasd fghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopas STUDENT HANDBOOK TEL no: 95034257 EMAIL: [email protected]

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This is the complete guide to the students who wish to join Tekki Karate Centre





STUDENT HANDBOOKTEL no: 95034257EMAIL: [email protected]



1Welcome letter3

2Class timing & fee payment43Uniform & How to tie a belt5 & 64Mission statement and prayer75Student qualities8

6Etiquette within the dojo9-167History of Shotokan karate178Word to student and parents from a licensed psychologist189Frequently asked questions19-21

10Basic process at TKC2211Shotokan karate terminology23-25

12Grading rules & regulations2613Grading period27

1410th KYU (white belt) syllabus 28159th KYU (FRS) syllabus 29168th KYU (yellow belt) syllabus 30177th KYU (yellow+orage stripe) syllabus 32186th KYU (orange) syllabus 33195th KYU (Green) syllabus 35204th KYU (Blue) syllabus 37213rd KYU (Blue+brown stripe) syllabus 39222nd KYU (brown belt) syllabus 42231st KYU (brown+black stripe) syllabus 44241st Dan (black belt 1st dan) syllabus 47252nd Dan (Black belt 2nd dan) syllabus 48

26Kata picture demonstration(heian Shodan Kanku dai)49-58

27Tekki Karate Centre (must read)59-61


Welcome To the Exciting World of Martial Arts!!!

Dear Parent/student

Thank you for joining TEKKI KARATE CENTRE. Were proud to have you as a student and look forward to working with you for many years to come as you progress to your black belt and beyond.

This handbook is designed to help orientate you with the traditions of the martial arts and rules that are specific to our Karate centre and it will give you a brief introduction to the formalities, rituals, rules and regulations with which you are to comply. As an official student of Tekki Karate Centre, it is important that you maintain high ethical standards and inspire others by your actions. The road to mastery of the art requires the practitioner to balance the physical lessons with the equally important mental characteristics of patience, humility, self-control, perseverance, concentration, and respect. Gradually, the lessons of the Do Jo begin to color other aspects of your life. The Karate student learns to seek more from themselves in a broader arena. One becomes better able to meet and surpass the challenges of one's profession.

Of course, you may always call or speak to me anytime, I will be happy to help you get the most out of your training with us.

Wishing You All the Best

Sensei Vimil Chief Instructor & Examiner, Tekki Karate Centre


SATURDAY & WEDNSEDAY 7:30 pm 9:00 pmSATURDAY ONLY5:00 pm 7:00 pm

The class will be conducted at the above mentioned timings.

Any changes or emergency cancellation of a particular class will be informed in advance.

Students are to be present in the class before the scheduled time.

Late entrance to class and early exit from class will be recorded in the student profile record. (to avoid recording in the student profile record, valid reasons should be provided for late entry and early exit)

The Fee for the month has to be paid in advance for the concerned month. i.e. for example, the fee for the month of January will be paid in advance before the 10th of January.

Fee payment is based on month to month basis and not date of first attendance to next date basis.

Uniform (Gi)

The uniform used in our karate training is called a Gi (pronounced gee). Student uniforms are usually a blend of cotton and poly and therefore have very limited amount of shrinkage.

The Gi consists of pants, a top and a belt (Obi in Japanese). The pants should be fairly loose fitting to enable proper flexibility and kicking techniques. The top has ties on each side that are fastened using a simple bow (shoe knot). The left side is tied first so that the right side of the uniform is under the left side. This will allow the Association patch which is worm on the left breast to show.

The belt, which has a symbolic nature, is worn by placing its center at the navel and wrapping both sides around the back and then around to the front. The right side is crossed over the left side and a square knot tied which encases both layers of belt.

Please see the next page for illustrated step by step instructions on tying the belt.

All beginning students (unless they have earned rank in another system and approved by Instructor) start with a white belt.

Please see the section on belt levels which explains the belt ranking system for the various classes.

Students should wear their Gi for every class.

The Gi should be washed regularly and neatly ironed.

The Association Patch should be attached to the Gi.

Boys should only wear a white vest inside the Gi (other color T-shirts not allowed).

Girls are allowed to wear white color collarless shirts inside the Gi.

How to Tie your belt

Step 2Wrap the belt around yourwaist so that the two endsof the belt are in front withthe left end on top.Step 1Fold belt in half to find the center.Open belt and place the centerPoint on your belly button

Step 4 Fold the top end of thebelt down. Step 3Tuck the left end underboth layers of your belt


Step 6Move the right end of thebelt up and over the leftend. Pull it through theloop you just formedbehind the left end.RR Step 5Slide the left end(with an R in the picture)to the right under thefolded down end..

RStep 7Pull the ends straight to theside to tighten the knot.Mission Statement

TEKKI KARATE CENTRE is committed to quality martial arts training that help us become better people by: Providing a safe training environment Offering a friendly, professional ambiance Acting as a positive force in our community Developing a code of conduct as well as learning effective self-defense

The Golden Rule

Help others and you will reward yourself. You can become a success by helping others to achieve success. One of the greatest things at TEKKI KARATE CENTRE is the friends you find. We teach because we love it!

Student Prayer

We thank you God, for having given us the strength to practice the Martial Arts of Karate-Do. I promise I will not use it on anybody unless my life or the life of another is in danger.(Compulsory at the end of the class)

Student Qualities

A student of TEKKI KARATE CENTRE must develop these qualities:

1. Respect and Courtesy: The utmost respect must be given to ones Country, Flag, Parents, and Tekki Karate centre Instructors. Courtesy and respect should be extended to all fellow humans and particularly to those of older age. It is mandatory that students be courteous and respectful of each other, particularly those of higher ranking belts.

2. Modesty: Tekki Karate centre students are expected to be humble about their accomplishments. Bullies and braggarts have no place in Tekki Karate Centre. One should have a quiet feeling of pride in his achievements but need not feel compelled to advertise these accomplishments.

3. Self Control: One should never lose his or her temper. Ones skills are seriously diminished if controls over emotions are lost. Moreover, one should never use Karate-Do except in self defense.

4. Perseverance: It is normal to become discouraged occasionally, particularly when pursuing and activity sufficiently challenging to be truly worthwhile.However, one should persevere until mastery is accomplished. Never quit, never give up.

5. Indomitable Spirit: This is an expansion of all the other points in Japanese Shotokan Do doctrine. A Karate Do person should use his skills and education to fight injustice. One should strive to overcome personal weakness in all areas of life and be a credit always to himself and his art.


Some rules of the road

In any karate dojo, one of the most important rules of etiquette is behavior. Since by nature we all learn by trial and error, many things will be forgiven in a dojo, but bad behavior is definitely not one of them. This rule applies to every student within the dojo society regardless of their rank, in fact the higher the rank, the less tolerance there is for any breach of etiquette what so ever. Starting with the "sensei" or "teacher" down through the "sempai's" or "assistants" in the black belt ranks, and then finally through the "kyu" or colored belt ranks, known as "kohai" it is the responsibility of each student to make sure that those who follow in their footsteps, do so with the highest possible level of personal behavior. It is very important to remember, however, that correction for acts of misbehavior always come from the top down, not the bottom up.

Entering the dojo

The first lesson you will ever learn once you have been accepted into any karate school is how to enter and exit the "dojo" or "training hall" properly. Prior to entering the dojo for the first time a senior student or Sempai will usually instruct you in the art of "bowing in". Every karate dojo in the world has a shrine at the designated front of the dojo, this is referred to as the "Shomen" and regardless of how many times you enter or leave the dojo during the course of your daily training, and you must always bow to the "Shomen" first. This is done by standing at the dojo entrance and facing towards the "Shomen", be sure that your feet are together, keep your legs straight, your arms should be at your sides and touching the sides of your thighs, your hands should be open and facing downward along the seam of your gi with your fingers and thumb together. To bow, bend forward at the waist to about 45 degrees, keep your eyes looking downward and do not let your arms move or leave your side, pause for a second at the bottom of the bow then unbend. The entire bow should take only a few seconds, but it should be performed with the utmost courtesy and respect. Remember: "In order to bow well physically, You must first learn how to bow well in your mind".

Should you ever find yourself entering or leaving the dojo with a large group of students, do not push or shove, but instead patiently wait your turn. If the opportunity presents its self always allow those senior students in the group to enter or exit the dojo first, since in a karate dojo everything is dictated by your rank within the dojo society.

Arriving late

In a karate dojo, as is it is in life, it is very bad manners to be late. Sometimes, however, this may be unavoidable, in which case you will be required to bow in quietly and then kneel in seiza just to one side of the dojo entrance. If you arrive while everyone else is also kneeling in seiza or reciting the dojo kun, do not make any noise what so ever, just wait quietly until the sensei or senior instructor acknowledges you and invites you to join the class. This may not happen right away, and it is important to remember that you must remain kneeling where you are until your are invited in, at which time you may be asked to perform some task as a penance for being late. Once you are invited to join the class, you must first bow while still kneeling, then get up quickly and join the class by finding a place in the last row unless some other space is indicated to you. This may or may not be your normal place of rank within that particular class, but as I mentioned earlier, in a karate dojo as in life, arriving late usually requires you to pay a price for your tardiness.

The line up

At the beginning of each class you will hear the most senior student present call, line up. Upon hearing this command you must move quickly and quietly to stand in "heisoku dachi" or "informal stance" at your appropriate place of rank within that particular class. Depending on the size of the class you will often find that your place within the rank of students will vary from class to class. This is to be expected since the more senior students there are in a class, the further down the line you will be. The lineup is done in rank order from right to left facing the "Shomen" or the front of the dojo. As a result unless you are actually teaching the class, you will always have a more senior student to your immediate right, this could even be a student who wears the same color of belt as you, but who would have achieved that rank before you did. To your immediate left you will then find a student of similar or lesser rank and so on down the line until finally at the end of the line you will find the newest or most junior student in the class. If you are ever required to start a new row due to the number of students ahead of you, be sure to start the row by standing behind the student on the extreme right end of the line in front of you, be sure that the line you start is of the same width as those in front of you, and that you are lined up directly behind the student in front of you. One day, if you train long enough and hard enough, you too may find that it is your turn to give the command, "line up".

Everyone starts at the bottom

Upon joining a karate dojo you will find that no one gets special treatment. Everyone starts at the bottom. By that I mean that even the President of a large company who may be well known and respected, or for that matter even your boss at your place of work; if he or she were to join your dojo they would find that despite their rank within the business community, even they cannot simply join a dojo and without any previous training move to the head of the line just because of their status, or wealth outside of the dojo. Like I said, in a karate dojo everyone starts at the bottom - where you go from there is entirely up to you.

The standing bow

The single most important technique in Shotokan karate is the bow. The standing bow for example, is used not only to bow into and out of the dojo at the beginning or end of each class, but it is also used for example when bowing to another student, or an instructor before performing any form of partner training. The standing bow is also performed prior to the beginning of each kata, and at the end of each kata, and it must never be omitted or performed casually as it is extremely important that all of your karate training and all of your katas begin and end with courtesy. Starting from a "heiko dachi" or "ready stance" bring your feet together while at the same time bringing your hands to your sides so you are now in "heisoku dachi" or "informal attention stance" remember, when bowing bend forward at the waist to about 45 degrees without letting your arms move or leave your side, pause for a second, then unbend. The entire bow should take only a few seconds, but it should always be performed with the utmost courtesy and respect.

Remember: "In order to bow well physically, You must first learn how to bow well in your mind".

If you find yourself bowing to a partner always keep your eyes focused on theirs, however, when bowing to your sensei or to the Shomen always be sure that your eyes are looking downward.


The "seiza" or "kneeling position" for a while is a very common occurrence, is used most often at the beginning and the end of each class, or when you are instructed to sit and watch a demonstration of some kind. To get into the seiza position from an attention stance, bend down on the Knee balls of both feet then first place your left knee on the ground, then your right knee, then sit down and tuck your feet underneath you. Be sure and always keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed when sitting in seiza and your knees should be aligned with, but not touching, the knees of the person on your right or your left. Rest your open hands comfortably on the upper portion of your thighs with your fingers and thumb together and pointed slightly inward. Proper posture in seiza is very important, and for anatomical reasons male students should have about a 12 inch to 14 inch width between their knees, while female students should have their knees together.

Bowing in seiza

At the beginning of each class prior and to any form of training, the entire class will kneel in the seiza position and bow in turn to the Shomen and then to the sensei. The first bow is to the Shomen and the shrine at the front of the dojo. This is done in rank order at the command, Shomen ni rei this first bow is done as a sign of deep respect to the memory of the long line of Masters and Sensei who came before you and who in turn passed the art of Shotokan karate down to your sensei. This second bow is to your sensei. This is done in rank order at the command, Sensei ni rei this done as a sign of deep respect to your sensei without whom there would be no dojo for you to train in and therefore no one who could pass the art of karate on to you. In return, the sensei bows to the entire class as a sign of deep respect to the students who come to train, because without students to teach there would be no one for the sensei to pass his or her knowledge on to. The Third Bow is to the Dojo, at the command of Dojo rei


This is the command to meditate. When mokusoh is called, you must close your eyes, lower your gaze, tuck your chin in towards your chest, relax and quietly begin taking long slow breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. It is important to learn to breathe not just with the upper portion of your lungs but also from your lower abdomen or hara as the Japanese call it. Your "hara" is the lowest part of you abdomen and is located approximately three fingers widths below your navel. By learning to breathe from here you will develop greater power and speed as your karate training progresses. It is during this meditative process that you want to quiet your mind and to try and rid yourself of all thoughts unrelated to your karate training, you must seek to find an inner sense of peace, or a relaxed state of being, this will help you to stay focused throughout the training that is about to begin.

Remember: "In order to train successfully in the dojo, You must first have a dojo mind".

If you use the time spent in mokusoh to properly focus your mind prior to each class, you will over time in all likelihood notice a definite increase in the quality of your techniques.

Mokusoh yame

This is the command to stop meditating. When mokusoh yame is called opens your eyes immediately and sit up straight. When your turn comes quickly rise up by starting with your right foot, then your left foot and stand in "heiko dachi" or "ready stance" and await further instructions. Student creed / prayer

After the ritual of bowing and mokusoh is complete in many karate dojos the class will recite the dojo Kun or dojo creed.

We thank you God, for having given us the strength to practice the Martial Arts of Karate-Do. I promise I will not use it on anybody unless my life or the life of another is in danger.

It is important that you believe in what you say, and you must then use this belief to help you do your very best, not only in the training that lies ahead but also in your daily life outside of the dojo.

Etiquette during class

Once the training starts it is very important to put aside all unrelated thoughts. You must make every effort to only concentrate on the specific task at hand and especially on improving the quality of your own techniques. On "seeing" what cannot be seen. In the beginning this will be a very hard concept for you to grasp but you must push yourself both physical as well as mentally if your karate is ever going to improve. In short, "always do your best". In fact to do otherwise would be disrespectful not only to yourself, but also to your classmates and your instructor who have come to train you.When moving from one area of the dojo to another always do it quickly and quietly. When changing positions in line be sure not to cut through the lines or to pass in front of anyone else, instead go behind and around them. Whenever you watch a demonstration, do so respectfully and silently, without leaning on the walls or doing anything that would distract others. If you have a questions about any of the techniques that are being taught during class never call out, instead always raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged, and then ask your question in the politest possible terms. When training with a partner always be sure and bow properly before you begin and after you finish youre training together. This applies every time you change partners regardless of their rank.


Sooner or later you will learn to perform a kiai or "spirit cry". A kiai is not unique to karate, but it is a sound that will be unique to each individual student. This sound does not come from the throat, but instead it originates deep in your abdomen or "tanden" and is usually expressed during the maximum point of attack or defence in all Shotokan katas. In the beginning most students will simply say the word kiai but in fact "kiai" is simply a Japanese word that when translated into English literally means, yell.

So what is a kiai?

My personal definition of a kiai is as follows: a kiai is a unique, personal vocalization, brought about by a strong emotional feeling."

In karate a kiai is most often used at the moment when the students maximum physical, mental and or spiritual power is required in combination with a specific movement or technique. What you will learn to do over the course of your training, is to draw on all your mental, physical and spiritual energy and focus and release this energy for maximum power and effect at the appropriate moment in your kata or during class. Dont be afraid to kiai loudly.

The overall tone of a class is often set by the level of spirit in the class, which can often be raised with a strong kiai on your part. So you if you have a strong kiai it will often spur others to work harder as well. On the other hand, if your spirit is poor, or your kiai weak, you might actually bring down the class spirit, so always do your very best.

In the end your own personal kiai will be as unique as you are, never be embarrassed by what you think it sounds like, if there is spirit and conviction in your actions then your kiai will always be strong.

The end of class

Please follow the same as mentioned from the seiza section above.

The end

If you keep these simple rules in mind then your experiences within the dojo will be much more enjoyable, and your fellow students will hold you in much higher regard for your efforts. Remember A good effort is the result of having the proper mental attitude.


"The objective of karate-do is to contribute to the evolution of the human spirit through physical and mental training."


Shotokan Karate is a form of unarmed combat - "Karate" means "empty hand". However the "karate-ka" also uses their feet, knees and elbows. Karate as a martial art was cultivated in the island of Okinawa, south of mainland Japan. After many years, the development of Karate as a means of self defence gained tremendous popularity, as the Japanese government on the island had prohibited the use of weapons. Because of this national policy, the self defence techniques were developed into a unique Okinawan martial art of "Karate" or "empty hand". In 1922, Master Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of Shotokan Karate, introduced Karate to mainland Japan during the first National Athletic Exhibition held in Tokyo. The demonstration turned out to be a great success due to the inspiring personality of Master Funakoshi. He taught only one method, a total discipline, which represented a mixture of Okinawan styles. This method became known as Shotokan, which literally means "Pine waves Hall"

"The ultimate aim of Karate-do lies not in the concern for victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the human character of its participants." -Gichin Funakoshi SENSEI GICHIN FUNAKOSHI Master Gichin Funakoshi is widely considered the primary "father" of modern karate due to his efforts to introduce the Okinawan art to mainland Japan, from where it spread to the rest of the world. Funakoshi Gichin was also the founder of what is now known as Shotokan karate. His style of karate originated from him having trained under two famous Okinawan karate masters, Yasatsune Azato and Anko Itosu. After being observed by the Japanese Minister of Education during a karate demonstration, Funakoshi was asked to bring his karate to Japan for instruction in the universities there. His introduction of the previously "secret" art of karate allowed the martial arts to grow to previously unheard of numbers. In 1936, Japanese karate-ka gathered donations to build the first official karate dojo, which they named Shotokan in honor of Funakoshi Sensei.

Word to Parents and Students- from a licensed psychologist

From a licensed psychologist, psychology professor, black belt instructor and a martial arts researcher - Thomas J. Nardi:As a psychologist, I have found that karate training often provides many benefits to youngsters beyond that offered by other sports. The introverted youngster often begins to blossom when he or she learns karate. The structured drills that involve punching, kicking, and yelling help the youngster overcome shyness and timidity. The anxious or worried child becomes more confident and assertive as he learns to move and control his body. He or she learns to work and compete with others in a friendly and safe environment. Self-confidence and self-esteem grow. Many parents report a marked increase in the childs social interactions. The youngster feels less threatened by other children or new situations. As a result, there is often more of a willingness to become more involved with others.The extroverted youngster has a safe, healthy outlet in which to compete with himself and others. Youngsters are taught how to avoid trouble and challenges. They learn to have enough self-confidence that they need not respond to teasing or provocation from peers.The aggressive child is taught the self-discipline that aids in keeping anger under control. He or she learns that fighting is merely a way of showing off and that showing off is a sign of low self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence.Karate training is a gross motor activity that helps youngsters develops a sense of integrity about their bodies. Balance, coordination, posture, and general movements improve with karate training. The pre-adolescent, in particular, finds that karate training helps him or her cope with the clumsiness that often accompanies the spurt of growth at this age.Karate also offers an additional bonus that other sports do not provide. Karate teaches self-defense. In the unsettling times in which we live, knowledge of how to protect oneself can be crucial. Parents often report feeling more secure knowing their sons or daughters are capable of defending themselves.Encourage and support your youngsters involvement. You will be pleasantly surprised with the results. And, who knows, you may want to try a class yourself!Frequently asked questions

Que 1: What are the benefits of learning Karate? Ans: Cardiovascular fitness is a major benefit; large portions of each martial arts class are aerobic-type activities in which children must breathe properly, thus pushing oxygen to all parts of the body. This helps and increases the child's breathing techniques and strength with in the lungs itself therefore strengthening the oxygen supply to the body. Muscular strength, increases with consistent low impact exercises and techniques. The martial arts develops strong arms, legs a torso muscles, these muscles are vital for the balance and stability of the child as they play and grow in everyday life. A strong balanced child, is far less likely to fall or loss balance, than a child with a under developed muscular system. Quick reflexes, some people are born with naturally quick reflexes, but most have to develop them. Many times people have saved a falling glass etc that has been knocked off the table, before its smashes on the floor, and thanked their quick reflexes. These quick and lightning reflexes are developed through sports and especially the Martial Arts. Classes present many opportunities for children to improve their own reflexes are they react to the drills in class, their partners moves and to the commands of the class instructor. Many training drill are specifically design to improve alertness and reflexes. Flexibility, we have all seen our children amaze us with their exhibitions of flexibly when they are young. As children grow, their bodies change and their legs often grow faster than their torsos. Normal play activities don't always keep the muscles and ligaments limber and flexible during this time of growth. Martial Arts classes include simple stretches and warm ups which help keep children limber, and over a period of time, can re-create their earlier flexibility. Increased flexibility enhances children's abilities to play, jump, climb, run, skate and walk, and it also lessons the chance of injury. Coordination, as well as reflexes, flexibility and fitness the martial arts also improves coordination, taking classes throughout their childhood helps children to work through the awkward growth stages, to continually make adjustments to their ever changing bodies. In class they learn a variety of basic footwork, kicks, punches and blocks, these are all put together in sequences which improve focus, discipline, control and coordination. Once these basic moves are refined and coordination is improving more advanced moves are introduced such as rolls, throws and break falling, these moves takes the child's coordination to new higher level.

Que 2: How long does it take to get black belt?

Ans: It usually takes around 3-4 years, depending on the advancement, understanding and training of the student.It is a misconception amongst many people that black belt is the end to karate and that is exactly why this question is a very frequently asked question.In fact reaching black belt is just like completing your schooling and you have entered your Higher education. So the actual Karate begins from BLACK BELT.It is important to start off karate with the benchmark of attaining Black belt and then progress ahead. Karate is a never ending learning process.

Que 3: Will my children get hurt?

Ans: Well, the answer is yes. They will definitely get hurt, just as the same possibility level of getting hurt when the kid is at home or at school. There is no difference. Can you be sure if your kid will not get hurt at home when you are around or at school when their teacher is around?At TEKKI KARATE CENTRE we follow a sport based semi contact martial arts. They are trained to practice in such a way that it is totally safe and minimizes the risk of any injuries. Accidental injuries may occur. The best way to avoid getting hurt is to follow what the sensei instructs. This is a simple solution that usually many karatekas fail to follow. When sprains, sore muscles and clumsiness often become the reason why one gets hurt, usually its because the warm-ups are taken for granted. Warm-ups are intended to loosen up the muscles and prepare them for vigorous training. The muscles go through a shock when introduced to intense movements right away. The types of injuries we see most often include blisters on the feet (from moving on the floor), sprains, muscle pulls, bruises, tweaked backs and knees, etc.

Que 3: I am afraid my child will use their karate on brothers, sisters, or at school?Ans: This is a very important concern. At TEKKI KARATE CENTRE, we stress to each and every student that they are never to misuse their martial arts. As a matter of fact, every student in our academy must keep this promise or they are asked to leave. At TEKKI KARATE CENTRE, it is our goal to instill excellent character qualities, including; patience, control, and self-discipline we are a leadership and life skills academy. Our focus is on confidence, self discipline, and becoming leaders.Over a period of regular training we develop high level of tolerance and patience.

Que 4: How often do we have to attend the class?Ans: Globally Shotokan karate requires 2 classes (of minimum 1 hour) per week to complete the scheduled syllabus for each student. (2days a week is a common practice in Oman as well). This is where we have an advantage at TEKKI KARATE CENTRE. Where we have 3 classes (1 and half hour) per week. So even if the student misses few classes they still have the advantage of an extra class per week. This is a privilege we enjoy and utilize for other activities in class.

Other processes and system of TEKKI KARATE CENTRE will be provided in the following pages, which will help you to clarify all your queries and concerns.You can also contact me or meet me in person to discuss any specific concerns-SENSEI Vimil Vijayasenan (95034257)

BASIC PROCESS AT TEKKI KARATE CENTRE At Tekki Karate Centre, the classes are conducted for 1 and half hour. It starts with warm up exercise and flexibility and muscular strengthening exercises which is done for 30-45 minutes. The exercise session is run by any student in the class irrespective of the KYU or rank of the student(this is mainly introduced to improve the leadership skills of the student and work on their personal mistakes of certain exercises) Once the exercise session is completed, the session for the day is conducted. A brief list of sessions covered in various classes(any one or two covered per class): KATA KIHON KUMITE KUMITE(FREE FIGHTING) KIHON (basics) FITNESS TRAINING FITNESS TEST TEAM GAMES AND ACTIVITIES PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT SESSIONS SKILL TRAINING OTHER MARTIAL ARTS KICKS SPECIALIZATION ETC Closing session, including certain stomach specific exercises Meditation and prayer

*this is the basic overview of the flow of events during a single karate class at TEKKI KARATE CENTRE


As with any other art form Shotokan karate has its own unique terminology, and even though Shotokan is taught all over the world, and in many different languages, it is still common in most dojos to give some commands in Japanese.

GENERAL TERMSThe following list of Japanese words and their English counterpart is by no means definitive and so students are encouraged to view this list as merely a starting point in their own effort to further their knowledge of all that Shotokan Karate has to offer.

karate do - empty handed wayshihan - mastersensei - teachersempai - senior studentkohai - junior studentdojo - training hallobi - beltseiza - kneelmokuso - meditaterei - bowyoi - readyhajime - beginyame - stophidari - leftmigi - rightjodan - upperchudan - middle gedan - lowerdachi - stancezuki - punchuchi - strikeuke - blockgeri - kicktai sabaki - body shiftingyori ashi - foot shiftingnaote - relax


zenkutsu dachi - front stancekokutsu dachi - back stancekiba dachi - horse stancefudo dachi - rooted stanceneko ashi dachi - cat stancehangetsu dachi - hourglass stanceSTANCEkazama zuki - jabchoku zuki - straight punchoi zuki - lunge punchgyaku zuki - reverse punchyama zuki - mountain punchyoko zuki - side punchshita zuki - inverted punchippon ken - one knuckle strikeuraken - back fisttetsui - hammer fistempi uchi - elbow strikenukite-zuki - spear hand strikeshuto - knife handshuto-zuki - sword hand strikejodan age uke - upper rising blockjodan tetsui zuki - upper hammer fist gedan uke - lower blockkake wake uke - reverse wedge blockhaishu-uke - back hand block soto uke - inward middle blockuchi uke - outward middle blockmorote uke - augmented blockteisho oshi uke - pressing palm heal block

And so on - all the way up to the number 99. For example the number 56 would be "5 - 10's plus 6" - or - "gojuroku" - the number 61 would then be "6 - 10's plus 1" - or - "rokujuichi" and so on and so on. The number 100 is pronounced as "hyaku" so counting above 100 is basically just a matter of adding the word "hyaku" in the appropriate placehiza geri - knee strikemae geri - front kickyoko geri keage - side snap kickyoko geri kekomi - side thrust kickfumakomi - stomp kickmika zuki geri - crescent kickmawashi geri - round kicktobi geri - jump kickni mae geri - double front kickushiro geri kekomi - back thrust kickoneichitwonithreesanfourshifivegosixrokusevenshichieighthachininekyutenjuelevenju ichitwelveju nithirteenju sanfourteenju shififteenju gosixteenju rokuseventeenju shichieighteenju hachinineteenju kyutwentyni jutwenty-oneni juichitwenty-twoni juniNUMBER COUNTINGKICKS

GRADING RULES AND REGULATIONS Student should be regular to class so that they attend the required number of classes to be eligible for the grading Once the instructor feels that the student is trained enough and has an understanding of the syllabus, he or she will be given the grading form The grading form has to be signed by the parent and returned to the instructor/examiner before the grading date. A student will only be allowed to attend the grading if he/she has paid the grading fee. The student should bring the grading card (same card including the monthly fee) and submit it to the instructor/examiner. Student exam result will be added into the card and returned to the parent. (kindly dont lose the grading + fee card as it is an important document for parent to keep a track of the student fee record and grading record) If necessary a pre test will be conducted for students before they appear for the actual grading. Any results and data of the student for the past periods will be provided to parents as and when requested by you. Complete grading record (detailed report) is available with the instructor; it can be collected as and when required. After the grading result, the belt or ribbon will be provided from the centre itself. A certificate will also be provided for the grading. The Grading fee is R.O. 5 In case of any external examiner grading, the grading fee charges may change, which will be informed to you in advance. Students of older age can be given preference and given reduction in the number of classes required for each belt, if he/she shows a steady progress and interest of learning.

GRADING PERIODS The Classes required may change as per the students age. Children at the age of 4-7 years aprox may need more classes to understand the concept and train Children above the age of 15 years may need fewer classes with respect to the minimum classes eligibility defined below. Students with excellent discipline, behavior, learning attitude and immense interest towards the art will be recognized and given faster opportunities for next grading (even then they have to attend certain minimum classes at each Kyu.

10 kyu to 9 kyu (white to FRS)25-30 classes minimum 9 kyu to 8 kyu (FRS to yellow)25-30 classes minimum

8 kyu to 7 kyu (yellow to yellow+orange stripe)30-40 classes minimum 7 kyu to 6 kyu (yellow+orange stripe to Orange)30-40 classes minimum

6 kyu to 5 kyu (Orange to Green)30-40 classes minimum 5 kyu to 4 kyu (Green to Blue)30-40 classes minimum

4 kyu to 3 kyu (Blue to Blue+brown) 48-60 classes minimum 3 kyu to 2 kyu (Blue+Brown to Brown)48-60 classes minimum

2 kyu to 1 kyu (Brown to Brown+black)72-96 classes minimum

1 kyu to 1 Dan (Brown+Black to Black 1)150-200 classes minimum

1 Dan to 2 Dan (Black 1 to Black 2)300 classes minimum

2 Dan to 3 Dan (Black 2 to Black 3)432 classes minimumTenth Kyu (white belt)

The following are the basic 10th kyu examination requirements of our dojo.

Minimum classes required to attend for grading eligibility: 25-30 classes (depending on the age and progress of the student)BASICS (KIHON) (all in zenkutsu dachi) Step forward Gedan barai, oi zuki (Lunge punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. Step forward Gedan barai, age uke (Rising block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. Step forward Gedan barai, Shoto uke (Outside block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. Step forward Gedan barai, Uchi uke (Inside block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward Step forward Gedan barai, mae geri keage (Front snap kick) _3 steps forward and 3 steps after mawate-turn.

Remember Karate-Do is for a lifetime, it is not a race, and your Personal progress should never be treated as such.FITNESS 10 pushups 10 side sit-ups 20 stomach sit-ups

KATA Kihon Kata

Ninth Kyu (white +full red stripe belt)

The following are the basic 9th kyu examination requirements of our dojo.

Minimum classes required to attend for grading eligibility: 25-30 classes (depending on the age and progress of the student)BASICS (KIHON) (all in zenkutsu dachi) Step forward Gedan barai, oi zuki (Lunge punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward.(or with mawate-turn) Step forward Gedan barai, age uke (Rising block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Step forward Gedan barai, Shoto uke (Outside block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Step forward Gedan barai, Uchi uke (Inside block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward (or with mawate-turn) Step forward Gedan barai, mae geri keage (Front snap kick) _3 steps forward and 3 steps after mawate-turn. Step forward Gedan barai, Shuto uke (Knife hand block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in Kokutsu dachi (back stance) (or with mawate-turn)FITNESS Remember The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the perfection of the character of its participants10 pushups 10 side sit-ups 20 stomach sit-ups

KATA Heian shodan & all previous katas

KUMITESanbon kumite - 3 step sparring (fighting)

1. Attacker - upper level lunge punch 3x / jodan oi zuki 3x 1. Defender - rising block 3x / jodan age uke 3x (on the last attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

2. Attacker - middle level lunge punch 3x / chudan oi zuki 2. Defender - shoto uke 3x / outside forearm block 3x (on the last attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

Eighth Kyu (Yellow belt)

The following are the basic 8th kyu examination requirements of our dojo.

Minimum classes required to attend for grading eligibility: 30-40 classes (depending on the age and progress of the student)BASICS (KIHON) (all in zenkutsu dachi) Step forward Gedan barai, oi zuki / gyaku zuki(Lunge punch/ reverse punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) age uke / gyaku zuki(Rising block/reverse punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Shoto uke/ gyaku zuki (Outside block /reverse punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Uchi uke / gyaku zuki (Inside block/reverse punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) mae geri keage Jodan (Front snap kick_upper level) _3 steps forward and 3 steps after mawate-turn. Shuto uke /nukite(Knife hand block/spear hand thrust) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward(or with mawate-turn) in Kokutsu dachi (back stance) and shift to zenkutsu dachi nukite

FITNESS Remember"Karate is a defensive art from beginning to end"15 pushups 12 side sit-ups 25 stomach sit-ups

KATA Heian Nidan & all previous katas

\KUMITESanbon kumite - 3 step sparring (fighting)

1. Attacker - upper level lunge punch 3x / jodan oi zuki 3x 1. Defender - rising block 3x / jodan age uke 3x (on the last attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

2. Attacker - middle level lunge punch 3x / chudan oi zuki 2. Defender - shoto uke 3x / outside forearm block 3x (on the last attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

Seventh Kyu (Yellow+orange stripe belt)

The following are the basic 7th kyu examination requirements of our dojo.

Minimum classes required to attend for grading eligibility: 30-40 classes (depending on the age and progress of the student)BASICS (KIHON) (all in zenkutsu dachi) Step forward Gedan barai, oi zuki / gyaku zuki(Lunge punch/ reverse punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) age uke / gyaku zuki(Rising block/reverse punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Shoto uke/ gyaku zuki (Outside block /reverse punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Uchi uke / gyaku zuki (Inside block/reverse punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) mae geri keage Jodan (Front snap kick_upper level) _3 steps forward and 3 steps after mawate-turn. Shuto uke /nukite(Knife hand block/spear hand thrust) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward(or with mawate-turn) in Kokutsu dachi (back stance) and shift to zenkutsu dachi nukite Step forward Hidari Kiba dachi yoko geri keage (Side snap kick) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in kiba dachi yoko geri kekomi (Side thrust kick) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in kiba dachi Shuto uke /nukite(Knife hand block/spear hand thrust) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward(or with mawate-turn) in Kokutsu dachi (back stance) and shift to zenkutsu dachi nukite

FITNESS Remember"The teaching of one virtuous person can influence many; that which has been learned well by one generation can be passed on to a hundred."-15 pushups 12 side sit-ups 25 stomach sit-ups

KATA Heian Sandan & all previous katas

KUMITESanbon kumite - 3 step sparring (fighting)

1. Attacker - upper level lunge punch 3x / jodan oi zuki 3x 1. Defender - rising block 3x / jodan age uke 3x (on the last attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

2. Attacker - middle level lunge punch 3x / chudan oi zuki 2. Defender - shoto uke 3x / outside forearm block 3x (on the last attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

Sixth Kyu (orange belt)

The following are the basic 6th kyu examination requirements of our dojo.

Minimum classes required to attend for grading eligibility: 30-40 classes (depending on the age and progress of the student)BASICS (KIHON) (all in zenkutsu dachi) Step forward Gedan barai, Sanbon zuki (upper punch and double punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) age uke / gyaku zuki/Gedan barai(Rising block/reverse punch/lower block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Shoto uke/ gyaku zuki /Gedan barai (Outside block /reverse punch/lower block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Uchi uke / gyaku zuki /Gedan barai (Inside block/reverse punch/lower block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Shuto uke /nukite(Knife hand block/spear hand thrust) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward(or with mawate-turn) in Kokutsu dachi (back stance) and shift to zenkutsu dachi nukite mae geri keage Jodan (Front snap kick_upper level) _3 steps forward and 3 steps after mawate-turn. Mawashi geri jodan (round house kick_upper level) _3 steps forward and 3 steps after mawate-turn. Step forward Hidari Kiba dachi yoko geri keage (Side snap kick) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in kiba dachi yoko geri kekomi (Side thrust kick) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in kiba dachi

RememberYou win Fights by knowing the enemy's timing, and using a timing which the enemy does not expect. FITNESS 15 pushups 12 side sit-ups 25 stomach sit-upsKATA Heian Yondan & all previous katas

KUMITESanbon kumite - 3 step sparring (fighting)

1. Attacker - upper level lunge punch 3x / jodan oi zuki 3x 1. Defender - rising block 3x / jodan age uke 3x (on the last attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

2. Attacker - middle level lunge punch 3x / chudan oi zuki 2. Defender - shoto uke 3x / outside forearm block 3x (on the last attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

Fifth Kyu (green belt)

The following are the basic 5th kyu examination requirements of our dojo.

Minimum classes required to attend for grading eligibility: 30-40 classes (depending on the age and progress of the student)BASICS (KIHON) (all in zenkutsu dachi) Step forward Gedan barai, Sanbon zuki (upper punch and double punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) age uke / gyaku zuki/Gedan barai(Rising block/reverse punch/lower block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Shoto uke/ empi uchi/uraken uchi(Outside block /elbow thrust/fist snap) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn)_shift to kiba dachi Uchi uke / gyaku zuki /Gedan barai(Inside block/reverse punch/lower block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Shuto uke /nukite(Knife hand block/spear hand thrust) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward(or with mawate-turn) in Kokutsu dachi (back stance) and shift to zenkutsu dachi nukite mae geri keage Jodan (Front snap kick_upper level) _3 steps forward and 3 steps after mawate-turn. Mawashi geri jodan (round house kick_upper level) _3 steps forward and 3 steps after mawate-turn. Step forward Hidari Kiba dachi yoko geri keage (Side snap kick) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in kiba dachi yoko geri kekomi (Side thrust kick) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in kiba dachi

Remember"The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants."FITNESS 20 pushups 12 side sit-ups 35 stomach sit-upsKATA Heian Godan & all previous katas

KUMITEIppon kumite - one step sparring (fighting)

1. Attacker - upper level lunge punch / jodan oi zuki 1. Defender - rising block / jodan age uke (on the attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

2. Attacker - middle level lunge punch / chudan oi zuki 2. Defender - shoto uke / outside forearm block (on the attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

3. Attacker - middle level mae geri chudan3. Defender Gedan barai / lower block (on the attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

Fourth Kyu (Blue belt)

The following are the basic 4th kyu examination requirements of our dojo.

Minimum classes required to attend for grading eligibility: 48-60 classes (depending on the age and progress of the student)BASICS (KIHON) (all in zenkutsu dachi) Step forward Gedan barai, Sanbon zuki (upper punch and double punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) age uke / gyaku zuki/Gedan barai(Rising block/reverse punch/lower block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Shoto uke/ empi uchi/uraken uchi/ gyaku zuki/Gedan barai (Outside block /elbow thrust/fist snap/reverse punch/lower block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn)_shift to kiba dachi and back to Zenkutsu dachi Uchi uke /kizam zuki/ gyaku zuki /Gedan barai(Inside block/upper punch with same hand/reverse punch/lower block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Shuto uke /nukite(Knife hand block/spear hand thrust) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward(or with mawate-turn) in Kokutsu dachi (back stance) and shift to zenkutsu dachi nukite mae geri keage Jodan (Front snap kick_upper level) _3 steps forward and 3 steps after mawate-turn. Mawashi geri jodan (round house kick_upper level) _3 steps forward and 3 steps after mawate-turn. Ushiro geri chudan(back thrust kick) _3 steps forward and 3 steps after mawate-turn. Step forward Hidari Kiba dachi yoko geri keage (Side snap kick) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in kiba dachi yoko geri kekomi (Side thrust kick) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in kiba dachi

Remember"Karate practice is for the whole life; while one breaths, one practices."FITNESS 20 pushups 12 side sit-ups 35 stomach sit-upsKATA Tekki shodan & all previous katas

KUMITEIppon kumite - one step sparring (fighting)

1. Attacker - upper level lunge punch / jodan oi zuki 1. Defender - rising block / jodan age uke (on the attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

2. Attacker - middle level lunge punch / chudan oi zuki 2. Defender - shoto uke / outside forearm block (on the attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

3. Attacker - middle level mae geri chudan3. Defender Gedan barai / lower block (on the attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

4. Attacker - middle level yoko geri kekomi chudan4. Defender shoto uke / outside forearm block (on the attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

5. Attacker - upper level mawashi geri jodan5. Defender rising block / jodan age uke or uchi uke (on the attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

Third Kyu (Blue + brown stripe belt)

The following are the basic 3rd kyu examination requirements of our dojo.

Minimum classes required to attend for grading eligibility: 48-60 classes (depending on the age and progress of the student)BASICS (KIHON) (all in zenkutsu dachi and then shift to free style stance_juko mae) Step forward Gedan barai, shift to juko mae (after every completed step shift to juko mae) Kizami zuki and step forward, Sanbon zuki (upper punch with front hand and step forward and triple punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Step back age uke move forward mae geri chudan and move forward oi zuki(step back upper block move forward snap kick and move forward middle punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Shoto uke/ empi uchi/yoko geri/uraken uchi/ gyaku zuki/Gedan barai (Outside block /elbow thrust/side thrust kick/fist snap/reverse punch/lower block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn)_shift to kiba dachi and back to Zenkutsu dachi Uchi uke /kizami mae geri/kizam zuki/ gyaku zuki /Gedan barai(Inside block/front leg snap kick/upper punch with same hand/reverse punch/lower block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Shuto uke /nukite(Knife hand block/spear hand thrust) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward(or with mawate-turn) in Kokutsu dachi (back stance) and shift to zenkutsu dachi nukite mae ren geri (Front leg snap kick_middle level step forward snap kick upper level) _3 steps forward and 3 steps after mawate-turn. Mae geri jodan, yoke geri chudan, mawashi geri jodan, ushiro geri chudan gyaku zuki mawate and repeat. Step forward Hidari Kiba dachi yoko geri keage (Side snap kick) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in kiba dachi yoko geri kekomi (Side thrust kick) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in kiba dachi on the spot mea geri, yoko geri, ushiro geri (5 counts left + 5 counts right) any combination announced on the spot

Remember"From white belt to black belt you shape the tool, at black belt you start to learn how to use it."FITNESS 25 pushups 16 side sit-ups 45 stomach sit-ups

KATA Bassai dai, Tekki shodan & all previous katas

KUMITEIppon kumite - one step sparring (fighting)

1. Attacker - upper level lunge punch / jodan oi zuki 1. Defender - rising block / jodan age uke (on the attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

2. Attacker - middle level lunge punch / chudan oi zuki 2. Defender - shoto uke / outside forearm block (on the attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

3. Attacker - middle level mae geri chudan3. Defender Gedan barai / lower block (on the attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

4. Attacker - middle level yoko geri kekomi chudan4. Defender shoto uke / outside forearm block (on the attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

5. Attacker - upper level mawashi geri jodan5. Defender rising block / jodan age uke or uchi uke (on the attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

6. Attacker - middle level ushiro geri chudan6. Defender inward gidan barai or shoto uke(on the attack counter with reverse punch / gyaku zuki)

Second Kyu (Brown belt)

The following are the basic 2nd kyu examination requirements of our dojo.

Minimum classes required to attend for grading eligibility: 72-96 classes (depending on the age and progress of the student)BASICS (KIHON) (all in zenkutsu dachi and then shift to free style stance_juko mae) Step forward Gedan barai, shift to juko mae (after every completed step shift to juko mae) Kizami zuki and step forward, Sanbon zuki (upper punch with front hand and step forward and triple punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Step back age uke move forward mae geri chudan and move forward oi zuki(step back upper block move forward snap kick and move forward middle punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Shoto uke/ empi uchi/yoko geri/uraken uchi/ gyaku zuki/Gedan barai (Outside block /elbow thrust/side thrust kick/fist snap/reverse punch/lower block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn)_shift to kiba dachi and back to Zenkutsu dachi Uchi uke /kizami mae geri/kizam zuki/ gyaku zuki /Gedan barai(Inside block/front leg snap kick/upper punch with same hand/reverse punch/lower block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Shuto uke /nukite(Knife hand block/spear hand thrust) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward(or with mawate-turn) in Kokutsu dachi (back stance) and shift to zenkutsu dachi nukite mae ren geri (Front leg snap kick_middle level step forward snap kick upper level) _3 steps forward and 3 steps after mawate-turn. Mae geri jodan, yoke geri chudan, mawashi geri jodan, ushiro geri chudan gyaku zuki mawate and repeat. Step forward Hidari Kiba dachi yoko geri keage (Side snap kick) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in kiba dachi yoko geri kekomi (Side thrust kick) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in kiba dachi on the spot mea geri, yoko geri, ushiro geri (5 counts left + 5 counts right) any combination announced on the spot

Remember When you look at life think in terms of karate. But remember that karate is not only karate -- it is lifeFITNESS 25 pushups 16 side sit-ups 45 stomach sit-ups

KATA Bassai dai, Tekki shodan & all previous katas


Ippon kumite - one step sparring (fighting) In free stance

1. Attacker - upper level lunge punch / jodan oi zuki 1. Defender any block and counter with punch1. Defender any block and counter with kick

2. Attacker - middle level lunge punch / chudan oi zuki 2. Defender any block and counter with punch2. Defender any block and counter with kick

3. Attacker - middle level mae geri chudan3. Defender any block and counter with punch3. Defender any block and counter with kick

4. Attacker - middle level yoko geri kekomi chudan3. Defender any block and counter with punch3. Defender any block and counter with kick

5. Attacker - upper level mawashi geri jodan5. Defender any block and counter with punch5. Defender any block and counter with kick

6. Attacker - middle level ushiro geri chudan6. Defender any block and counter with punch6. Defender any block and counter with kick

First Kyu (Brown + black stripe belt)

The following are the basic 1st kyu examination requirements of our dojo.

Minimum classes required to attend for grading eligibility: 150-200 classes (depending on the age and progress of the student)

BASICS (KIHON) (all in zenkutsu dachi and then shift to free style stance_juko mae) Step forward Gedan barai, shift to juko mae (after every completed step shift to juko mae) Kizami zuki and step forward, Sanbon zuki (upper punch with front hand and step forward and triple punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Step back age uke move forward mae geri chudan and move forward oi zuki(step back upper block move forward snap kick and move forward middle punch) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Shoto uke/ empi uchi/yoko geri/uraken uchi/ gyaku zuki/Gedan barai (Outside block /elbow thrust/side thrust kick/fist snap/reverse punch/lower block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn)_shift to kiba dachi and back to Zenkutsu dachi Uchi uke /kizami mae geri/kizam zuki/ gyaku zuki /Gedan barai(Inside block/front leg snap kick/upper punch with same hand/reverse punch/lower block) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward. (or with mawate-turn) Shuto uke /nukite(Knife hand block/spear hand thrust) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward(or with mawate-turn) in Kokutsu dachi (back stance) and shift to zenkutsu dachi nukite mae ren geri (Front leg snap kick_middle level step forward snap kick upper level) _3 steps forward and 3 steps after mawate-turn. Mae geri jodan, yoke geri chudan, mawashi geri jodan, ushiro geri chudan gyaku zuki mawate and repeat. Step forward Hidari Kiba dachi yoko geri keage (Side snap kick) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in kiba dachi yoko geri kekomi (Side thrust kick) _3 steps forward & 3 steps backward in kiba dachi on the spot mea geri, yoko geri, ushiro geri (5 counts left + 5 counts right) any combination announced on the spot

Remember"Senseis open the door, but you must enter yourself."FITNESS 30 pushups 20 side sit-ups 60 stomach sit-upsKATA Tekki shodan compulsory Students Choice(any one) bassaid-dai, join, kanku dai or empi All the heian katasKUMITE (2- 3 rounds of free fighting separately)

Ippon kumite - one step sparring (fighting) In free stance

1. Attacker - upper level lunge punch / jodan oi zuki 1. Defender any block and counter with punch1. Defender any block and counter with kick

2. Attacker - middle level lunge punch / chudan oi zuki 2. Defender any block and counter with punch2. Defender any block and counter with kick

3. Attacker - middle level mae geri chudan3. Defender any block and counter with punch3. Defender any block and counter with kick

4. Attacker - middle level yoko geri kekomi chudan3. Defender any block and counter with punch3. Defender any block and counter with kick

5. Attacker - upper level mawashi geri jodan5. Defender any block and counter with punch5. Defender any block and counter with kick

6. Attacker - middle level ushiro geri chudan6. Defender any block and counter with punch6. Defender any block and counter with kick

First Dan (Black belt)

The following are the basic 1st kyu examination requirements of our dojo.

Minimum classes required to attend for grading eligibility: minimum 300 classes (depending on the age and progress of the student)

RememberIt is far better to do a few katas very well,than a great many katas very badly.Train with patience.BASICS (KIHON) **Same as 1st KYU**FITNESS 50 pushups 20 side sit-ups 100 stomach sit-upsKATA Students choice (any one) hangetsu, Tekki nidan, Kanku sho, Bassai sho or Jitte Examiner choice (any one) bassaid-dai, join, kanku dai or empi All the previous katas with applicationKUMITE**Same as 1st KYU**

Second Dan (Black belt)

The following are the basic 1st kyu examination requirements of our dojo.

Minimum classes required to attend for grading eligibility: minimum 432 classes (depending on the age and progress of the student)

BASICS (KIHON) **Same as 1st KYU**

Remember"You'll know you're really good when you don't have to show it!"FITNESS 50 pushups 20 side sit-ups 100 stomach sit-upsKATA Students choice (any one) gankaku, sochin, Tekki sandan or chinte Examiner choice (any one) hangetsu, Tekki nidan, Kanku sho, Bassai All the previous katas with application

KUMITE**Same as 1st KYU**

TEKKI KARATE CENTRE At Tekki Karate centre, we provide a lot more than other karate schools. Apart from imparting the knowledge of karate we ensure that our students have an overall development by character building and more prepared in all aspects of martial arts.Here are a few activities that kick off under the TEKKI KARATE CENTRE EXCLUSIVE!!!! Special activities conducted at class: Team activities for Kata, basics, Kicks and fitness Team activities such as skits and drama based on the application of karate taught at class Team activities based on innovation and application of various Karate moves and techniques. Individual activities to present techniques taught at class Individual skills presentation Best practice dissemination Group fitness test. Team and individual demonstration

(Certificates will be provided for winning teams and individual student for winning in the activities which are predefined and announced as official activity)

Other activities Outdoor activities at park and beaches. Other martial arts special training(kick boxing, Kang-fu etc) TV shows based on martial arts. Personality development training based on martial arts and focus on developing the weakness attributes of the student. Special classes conducted by other instructors from various styles and karate academies Special role play classes for senior students to develop teaching skills. Self defense training Special fighting techniques Quiz based on karate and its history Written test and on the spot application test based on various karate syllabus. Homework activities Monthly weight monitoring Student report upon parent request to keep track on the student progress Computerized student database to ensure that day to day activities and progress of the student is monitored and necessary measures can be undertaken Competitions Birthday wishes SMS system Demonstration day known as Tekki day, where all parents are invited on a single day to witness a set of activities and karate techniques displayed by all the students at the class. Class picnic will be conducted once a year. Shop for karate items, any karate items (such as karate gloves, kicking pads, Tekki branded T-shirts, Karate Gi, club patch etc) required can be ordered with the Tekki karate centre instructor and we will try to provide you the same at low rates. Gifts, prizes and certificates will be provided for various activities and other special awards.

Special Awards @ Tekki Karate Centre Best student of the week badge (age category wise) Best student of the month Certificate (including attendance, discipline late coming etc) Special individual event best student awards(certificate) Attendance award quarterly (certificate)** (Certificates, Tekki Branded gifts will be given to the students for the above awards)

Attendance If the student is going on holidays, kindly inform the instructor. If a student is absent for 3 consecutive classes, the parent will be called to know enquire about the reason for being absent

Karate classes will be open on public holidays, unless informed in advance by the instructor. Any latest news and updates will be informed to all parents in written notice or by SMS/call The fee structure will remain the same If Karate Gi is required, an amount of 6 Rial Omani (or whatever the market rate) should be paid and ordered from the instructor. If extra karate club Patch is required, an amount of 1.5 Rial Omani should be paid and ordered from the instructor. The Admission fee for new student will be 3 Rial Omani + the monthly fee. Last but not the least, we train Pure Japanese Shotokan style of karate


Unlike classroom at school where lesser the students more attention from the teacher, at karate class it is the opposite.More the students (within the capacity of the hall) the better the learning and training for the karate student.More students enrollment helps in the growth of the karate centre and the growth of the student. Student gets the advantage of training against various types of opponents and better exposure to more self defense. Thus it is important that more student are introduced into this world of martial arts, friends, neighbors, school mates, children of colleagues etc are always a very good source of recommendation.I am glad to inform that 80% of the students at Tekki Karate Centre are enrolled by the recommendation of the existing students.We wish to thank you by providing a special incentive for your valuable recommendation.

For every student introduced by you to Tekki Karate centre:

You get that particular month fee off Or You get a Tekki branded Gift

Contact CARDKindly pass on my contact card to anyone interested in learning martial arts @ TEKKI KARATE CENTRE.

Thank you for all your support and Cooperation!!!!!!!!

Contact Sensei [email protected]