today in advanced health double seating charts story time….. qualifications: personal item in...

Today in Advanced Health Double Seating Charts Story Time….. Qualifications: Personal Item in Possession Now Must last 1 minute, be true, school appropriate And reveal at least 3 personality traits Syllabus Course Procedures/Guidelines

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Page 1: Today in Advanced Health Double Seating Charts Story Time….. Qualifications: Personal Item in Possession Now Must last 1 minute, be true, school appropriate

Today in Advanced Health

Double Seating ChartsStory Time…..

Qualifications:Personal Item in Possession NowMust last 1 minute, be true, school appropriateAnd reveal at least 3 personality traits

SyllabusCourse Procedures/Guidelines

Page 2: Today in Advanced Health Double Seating Charts Story Time….. Qualifications: Personal Item in Possession Now Must last 1 minute, be true, school appropriate

Advanced Health

Moderator Assignment Meeting(s) While In Progress:

Relatively Quite Meet w/ Group-items still on docket for your project When you feel you’re done….Read and go over:

3rd Quarter: Community Health Project Mini-Project #1 (same/different groups)

List Top 3 Options

Meet in Lab on Monday (Mini-Project) Would we utilize 1 more day in lab???

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Day 1: Intro, Treasure Hunt, Cards Day 2: Syllabus, Guidelines, Intro Self Day 3: What is a healthy Person? Day 4: Concepts 1-4 Day 5: Concept 5: Health is Complex-List Day 6: Health. Couple, Moderation, Intro DOH Day 7: Computer Lab Day 8: DOH Sharing Day 9: Concept-Lifestyle –Start Big 2 (Prevention) Day 10: Finish Big 2: Attitude and Behavior (Risk

Factors, Path of Least Resistance) Review Guide

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Welcome to Health Education

Please take from the front:Sit Anywhere (don’t get comfy)Take:

a packet (# it, skip blank pages)a blank sheet of paper (Make a name tag)

Creativity Optional (Must Stand on its Own)

Page ThreeRip Out!/Rip in ½ along dotted lineDo Top PortionDon’t Worry about Bottom Yet

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Today in Health

Double Seating ChartsSyllabus

Overview of Course WebpageCourse Procedures/Guidelines

First Homework Assignment (Kind of…)FolderParent Contact / GuidelinesDUE FRIDAY

What it Means to be a Healthy Person…

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Introduction to Personal Wellness

Health Education

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What Does It Mean to Be a Healthy Person?

Give One Get One , 4 New People

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Review of Class Procedures

Late work?Make-Up

QuizzesOfficeEmailGradesExtra CreditWebsite Folder/ContactCell Phones/Tardies

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Define in Your Own words…

With a partner try to verbalize a definition of health.

Key Terms:

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Health is more than just physical well-being……..It is a:

A complete state of Physical, Mental, and Social well-being, not merely the absence of __________ or ___________.



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The Health Triangle

Physical Mental


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Today in Health

ReviewDefinition of HealthFirst Homework Assignment

FolderParent Contact / Guidelines

Concepts of Health…Finish with

Health Behavior and Health Knowledge

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Computer Lab Reminder


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Who’s Creative Here?

My health is like………

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Concepts of Health

Concept #1: Health is……Multi-Dimensional:Social OccupationalSpiritualPhysicalIntellectualEmotional

Any others?

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No One Has Perfect Health!!!

Partner Activity


Social Physical

With a Partner think of 3 famous people (Actors, Musicians, Athletes, etc) that have

a health triangle that is lopsided. It could be either very positive or extremely poor.

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Concepts of Health

Concept #2:

Health is……Holistic:Are of the dimensions

of health are related….Not “Mutually





How does your physical health affect your mental health…etc.

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Concepts of Health

Concept #3: Health as a……Continuum

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Concepts of Health

Concept #4: Health is……Dynamic:

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Concept #5: Health is Complex.

Health Knowledge Health Behavior

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Top 10 Reasons Why ReviewHealth Knowledge Health Behavior

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

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Today in Health

Extra Credit? Review

Concept # 2-5 Health Knowledge & Health Behavior Computer Lab-Tomorrow Determinants!!! Personal Health Inventory: Wellness Wheel-Due Tomorrow

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Computer Lab Reminder


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Wellness Wheel Assignment

Not Collecting First Page

Don’t Forget Personal

Observations on Back

Due Date:

Always true (3)

Very Often True (2.5)

Usually True (2)

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Determinants of Health Assignment

Announcement-LockDown Procedures… Due Tomorrow Questions???? A+ Paper



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Top 10 Reasons Why ReviewHealth Knowledge Health Behavior

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

Page 27: Today in Advanced Health Double Seating Charts Story Time….. Qualifications: Personal Item in Possession Now Must last 1 minute, be true, school appropriate

The Healthiest Couple by William Carlyon

They brush and they floss with care every day, But not before breakfast of both curds and whey.

He jogs for his heart she bikes for her nerves; They assert themselves daily with appropriate verve.

He is loving and tender and caring and kind, Not one chauvinist thought is allowed in his mind.

They are slim and attractive well-dressed and just fun. They are strong and well-immunized against everything under the sun.

They are sparkling and lively and having a ball. Their diet? High fiber and low cholesterol.

Cocktails are avoided in favor of juice; Cigarettes are shunned as one would the noose;

They drive their car safely with belts well in place; at home not one hazard ever will they face.

1.2 children they raise, both sharing the job. One is named Betty, .2 is named Bob.

And when at the age of two hundred and three they jog from this life to one still more free,

They’ll pass through those portals to claim their reward and St. Peter will stop them "just for a word."

"What Ho" he will say, "You cannot go in. This place is reserved for those without sin."

"But we’ve followed the rules" she'll say with a fright. "We're healthy"– "Near perfect"– "And incredibly bright."

"But that’s it" will say Peter, drawing himself tall "You've missed the point of living By thinking so small."

"Life is more than health habits, Though useful they be, It is purpose and meaning, the grand mystery."

"You've discovered a part of what makes humans whole and mistaken that part for the shape of the soul."

Interpretation = No right or wrong answer!!!

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1st Time…The Key to Health is


Versus Abstinence






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Determinants of Health Paper

See Rubric on Page ____Pick 1 Determinant YOU feel

has greatest impactBrief Persuasive (About 1 ½ pages)

Supporting ResearchMake sure to citeNot worried about format of citing1st “Polished” Assignment

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Determinants of Health

Determinant = Influence

Group Activity:Provide a definition and at

least 2 examples (related to health).

You will be assigned 1 determinant that you will share with class.

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Nature versus Nurture

The Jim Twins

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Jim Twins


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Your Task

1.Get into groups based on what you decided was the number one influence (Determinant) of Health.

a.There will be a ‘Heredity Group,’ ‘Culture Group,’ ‘Attitude Group’ etc.

2.You will have 6-8 ish minutes to:a. Agree upon a definition that you will share for your determinant to the class and put it on the computer.b.Pull all of your examples together (from all of your papers) and put your best two or three next to your definition on the board.c. Discuss your ‘selling points.’ You should have no less than three selling points. (“Technology is the biggest influence on health because…).d. Decide which group member will speak about which point-Sharing Definition, Examples, Selling Points.

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Concept: Lifestyle

The health problems that face our nation are, in large measure, the result of lifestyle decisions. The leading causes of premature death and illness in the US could be prevented through positive lifestyle habits.

The individual can do more for their well-being than any doctor, hospital, drug or exotic medical device.

What does this Mean?

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Leading Causes of Death-U.S.

The top three leading causes of death in the US are:

Heart Disease CancerStroke

And are mostly attributed to American’s lifestyle which includes poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, alcohol, and tobacco use.

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Life Expectancy

Have you given much thought to how long you will live?

Life Expectancy QuizPay Attention to the

Determinants….Additional one for

extra creditPrint up or email me your certificate

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The focus should be…..

Which determinants do you have 100 % control over

The “Big Two”

B. Circle of control

A. Circle of no control

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Extra Credit: Opportunity II

Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men

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Prevention: The Foundation of Wellness

Primary prevention avoids the development of a disease. Most population-based health promotion activities are primary preventive measures.

Secondary prevention activities are aimed at early disease detection, thereby increasing opportunities for interventions to prevent progression of the disease and emergence of symptoms.

Tertiary prevention reduces the negative impact of an already established disease by restoring function and reducing disease-related complications.

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Page 41: Today in Advanced Health Double Seating Charts Story Time….. Qualifications: Personal Item in Possession Now Must last 1 minute, be true, school appropriate

An Ounce of Prevention…..

Which do we rely upon most in the US?

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American Culture is Backwards…

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Prevention is better than cure.—Desiderius Erasmus

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The Riddle: Who am I?

I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command. Half the things I do you might as well turn over to me and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly.

I am easily managed - you must merely be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few lessons I will do it automatically. I am the servant of all great individuals and, alas, of all failures as well. Those who are great, I have made great. Those who are failures, I have made failures.

I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine plus the intelligence of a human. You may run me for profit or run me for ruin – it, makes no difference to me.

Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will destroy you.

Who am I?

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List of Choices You’ve Made Today

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Bad Habits Good Habits also called

Risk Factor(s)


(Sum of your decisions and Habits)

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Risk Factor (s): Defined

Any behavior that potentially threatens your health or the health of others.

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This Week in Health

Review: Prevention, Risk Factor (s), Lifestyle

Tuesday Finish Wellness Unit

Wednesday Quiz (Review/Back of Packet)

Thursday Start Mental/Emotional Health…

Friday: Movie (Sub Ground rules) Monday: Lab (Mission Statement)

B. Circle of control

A. Circle of no control

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How vs. Why

Causes of Death Risk Factors

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Are You Living a "Healthy Lifestyle?"

Reeves & Rafferty studied health practices

of >150,000 Americans…. as adhering to

four behavioral patterns: Nonsmoking Regular physical activity (30 or more minutes per day

at least 5 times a week) Consumption of 5 or more servings of fruits and

vegetables a day Maintenance of a healthy weight with a body mass

index (BMI) in the range of 18.5-25.0

In the study only 3% of the surveyed American met 4 tenets of a healthy lifestyle.

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Page 52: Today in Advanced Health Double Seating Charts Story Time….. Qualifications: Personal Item in Possession Now Must last 1 minute, be true, school appropriate

Attitude by Charles Swindell

“The longer I live The more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or do.

It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break an organization, a school, a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.

We cannot change our past.We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play the string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to meand 90 percent how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitude!”

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Your Words……..What is this about?What is inevitable in life?90/10Poker?Attitude is the father

of Behavior

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The Road Not Taken

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Path of Least Resistance

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When done with Quiz:

Turn in Quiz/ScantronGive everyone the same

peace that you had while you took your quiz

Take a Mental/Emotional Health Unit Packet from up front and number it.

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Group Activity:

Determine how we follow the POLR:NutritionPhysical FitnessMental HealthSexuality and RelationshipsDisease and MedicineOther(s)?

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Always a review guideOne on backOne online

Save for Midterm & Final

QuizzesObjectiveT/F, MC, Matching, etc.