toi.. xv.’.no: 1—5 gexts. lmdber^h-douyeerossedr^ new...

TOI.. XV.’.NO: 1—5 GEXTS. W iii Would ^ u o Two ;'BilUon In - O u m n c y —T o ^ P a y - Z ic . Service ; Mon- • MANY VETERANS ABE : -'.J0ELESS TEXAN«8 AY6 jbomparaavely Pew People Ouj -’"Haiid'As Hearing Opens —Monday -: •• •WASHINGTON. ,(UI*) Tiioj ,.V fjajfl.lor A BOIiliors; caah O joiiub wlUi onj>^tt'rcw> ■ ‘ ;“ -%il:iiUvc .Svrldil Paliimii. cmt, Tcsflx. urfiticU. for l#4uni^ . of -itioro tlmii 000,000,90(1 o r now ciirroncy io -poy tiio volcrnoK. ■ i’uUimit. nutlior of a 'bill II;t ,/ • -iMsh-•puymuut to flUjuet aorrico cbrtiriciitM,. WflH iJio flrat avIUichs Iwforo tlio.llduuo 'tvn)‘s tuiU-mcnuu coiiiniUloc,', boKlnnint; coutildcnitlon .«if ono of llio mCTf'liJshlycojilro- -^.- vowliil HiilijeoU ,'bofori;coiiBrc8H. A , .uroaltlontl'ul v-oto-.awalta thu* 1 k»-' , iiiiti bill if It rwcliou the Whilo , .llouiro.- ; I’rlHn I'resliJcs r- ' .AcUiiK Cbulnntin OrJuji.prealJwl. . n « iinnoiniucd I4ml -tliu iiixiponoiilx t'( Uio iKJuua IveUitttlOR ’wouli] bo Jicanl Unit, j - Only. 10 o f . Uio • 23,. icommUtw ! nimbcrH woro p r c a o u t <u>d. . room. co:rtalnc(l au nuUlcQco ot -r- -only-a row"<loion. • ' . ^ ' li’utsiHui lolu tlio'ooinmlllett lUx in o ro .th o n XOOO,000 >^601118 -ai\. iiHcmplo-ea: ;iri adilltion, lio . bJuJ. Jnuny are. oa jiart- Mino work. "Tho srcat', queatlon,”' •Patinan oold, Via n Jiothor • ithia-vctomn*. nayuicjil can bo inado a vchlcio to ; ' caw, UW -countTjr. i)liclc to uros- norttjr'- r.r — 7— iiouw<-iii(atKaic«iH(ili V«rJ8p plawU ln-tiio T000Rl.a «<J j.. -tBron^i ftum' -SaiciHoy-l . qiKlor,,-onaohiltlft,lliO‘teiii».pay.' .m cnl nnd .TOgroltliJ* JilK JjiabllHy to npvcar onrsouilJ^ a,, comjnlttcc., - r ."I, ilmvo travoJoil:, UirouKli 42 _;^i.fiuac8..Ill,_Uiu..past, -atx ntonUM,'.’. ^ Uutlor'H nci»fn«;o<atui], .“mid «vory> R-Uoro-find tlw.noWlort Jn' «rcat , need of oMlstanco..;'. 1 slull inako, f=^innjnwi«>T<n‘DMtac8irrd-ar 5 ir In my -power lo aceuro jugUco ,lo ' il>o eotdlon «nd .Ihir, oiid in over}' othor matter cbncBfijlbB tliolr wol. ___farc.ll__j _________ I-::,..'.-______ . Pull 8 lloup Leajiea Tc|o*V grai>lilo Sefvieo orilia;'0nUB4 ProV W in FALLS,-IDAgo, Monday; APKiL 11, 1932 '; ---- OFFICIAL COUNTY NEWSPAPER Hindenburg eats M l 0 r f(ir Be.ioved Teuton Leader, fcjept in Power byi Fathterland’s Voters Siinclay; Telegrams ' of Congratulatibh Arrive -BERLIH (UP) — Prcaidont Paul .yon;Hlndonburg, rooleoted , oVw, hlB-J?Moist opponent, AdoK H itler,,by approxilnatoly C,* ftW|000 .><otc8, appealed to all Ocnnany;today tof"lot'halred ^ fliid'tbse tbo ronks” -for the good; of ^o.fathcrlnijd. THo lident; who will bo. M’years Britain CUhfii To _ : .Free ■ Stalt^ ?oHcy | ’ iU>.N:do.V, >(UP)--a}rUali>, in lu 'reply to ProJildOnt'KiUifon Do Val- , cm «£• UiB.arl8luF!riiO:fitiito « ti‘Oio ^0(,uh u t AllDKionco Bud lAnd'nnnill-' r--t{oitr-«!ttfnrmcd--'!W*Tiitiinti(talaiblo- •lansutoRO 41>at 4t w ill; stand. Iiitoly-<by-tho-irealy »ttlom ont.- J. : -.H. Thoincia, ‘domlnlotw.aecrctnty. . told tlio.Houso ot^Oo^oas'lodCky. ;V LAWrllELD W.VAI.II) ' . {i\V'.VSHJN<nW,t(VP):-TIioBi|. nr(jinu!euiirt’:t«jiiy'ij5la:lnvaltd'.tli0 .\ev Yortc'jl-’raavWUoiunon ' ' liuii^Ml to tM iiitrletttiUl^to ■' ibuM. or,OJo'i93q,:«_bli[|UR. VOLCA il vFi, liGE'O iOPLff Stooh Exchange President Tes. tifio's Boforo Senate ■•Cbininittco WA-siDiNaTo.s"{in>) itm I- (luni lUclmrd Wlilliiuy of .tli6 ?«mv York Stock UxcIinnKu tulil'iliu Scnulo JmnklnK und rurroncy..coin- inltlco lodiiy Huit lio Imd no kiiow- IwIko ot any; ptoi for a Brcat ‘'liKir r.ild" on^llio-Now York m ar., ■kot "i)lli«r Ui:i«,\vlmt wim v«yoU"tt).'iiio' rcjtiirdliiK U. S. Stocl by Senator Wiileolt." .• Aniltnoy-^vaM caltcd 4>cfor» tlio comiiiittco' toiliiy m u rcmiU of| |fr'f<lh>iimtIc.nieollnK Frjiluj* wlica Clirco~ ci^iiiiricotncniborH . TcriWJ'l- e<l tlitir ii'rgrbup ot (itipH tradorn iworo ■plnnnlnB u , 'billion ,iIoll.Tr| 'mid on tlib mnrhct forjSatunlHy. •Ho ii:;cvloiuly: Informed tlio coni- inlttco .thnt- dciallod InfohiuUnn ,of -<iliort! accounlH In the nmrkcA vrhlcli Uio .coniinllto nokod, ooiild jnot 1)0 'producfcd iHiforo-fridjty. 4ioy (Uid. adding tlu t tlio'oxoni- Inatloa Df-iho-.stoclin-'or''‘U.' S. aiool, XmMlkan T dIopIiouc’., Ptib- Ue't-BbyMeei'ott' -N’DV.. Jomoy. and. CoBiiolldiitcd of'iN'ow York.” nliOA-cd,'tlioro, Imil 3>eta boar mlds biK. did aliow groat Ilciiilda* |tloii-o»cr-ftloiig-tlnio."- -“Tell; UB,.wllal Ik tlio dlftarciico botwocnIliiUldiitloi'i— and - elior't- sclllns,'’.,,Ur(wkburt ,4ukcd. "A bcarj,mld It) nu'lIlcRltliiiUu !attcmi>t_oL_fc>mcunt_to-. aclim 'fihort to. doniorallzo Uio'-inarkcli ;wiil'a6^ «alil. . - ......... ' ■'Dliiliio'jiRlifd wtiy Vwjiltncy sold K; wiUi ,*!ll1p8ltlnirvto" iind ’\Vlilui6y. »cjillod:^*bocirTaldInB''''wna"ngalriBC tw rules of: tlio oxcImiiKc., ■'•'A' iatd jnuy l)o:«iliort «cU' InBf or\' IL.' may . bo, lonij,. wlllriK,' WhllitoyV'ild. "I 8uld II w4» lllu- KlUoktu .liWuAo It dcnionillzod tho marltot; nlvlnj; ,a fictllloim valuo,'to‘«ccurlllCH."- •Hqover.and‘^ o u 8e ' . , rCdmrtitt^erpSplitfr:! Over Salary Cuts] ,...,WldeBi)read'.\ i^ jH ^ /v 'p o d itrs ,9 ' •’ ’ In.; |O M o;V^W 8flts-''A^ ■, ‘ tsAiVTiACOi'chileJtibpr:— rvoi- . :«aUllc^a«HyilyyLn ;llIb;.A«^c8., wUh - -jioary "rambliDs^t^'iallstlt', earth . Ireinora, mid occdiflDUiV-epurtii' o'r •: ■iuiiokQ*aiid-rUun(},:r««« -«lBU '^lh‘tlio :, Obrdlllora, w w totlay -In '.aloriff llio muuntalii>Ttinsa ■..-■iHc ' ------ . vneud Hoavy :Uiuiidul% i‘.^.ttt'~timcH. 1 iho;,BoUtia rltf, wUHtry,} .............,,.lioorii; 'Woi'jtfiUlJiIoy,>]'And ,^”C;ciirfy tc^iiy. A 'iilsut'.iiuako.-wati It : uoon,.,aflor i.-Vlldltlghtr^Tho itlr!«/-r ...................................... ?.from tho . YOlcafib'h’Sin^lrlrica .Vflproad i»ntc. junodrilTe' 1 «XlbmaiRue.r-Ruitil>II&sa.were<ro^ ;; liortiod^ trom- l^taSuttes.' - ' 1 ^^'rCambln<iraa-^U'«ia^(Femu 1 ’toU'It)ib;tJnited.^S4to».'^^tt^;<rla• j ; ^irlrlcaiiw aofcflloUt*' <iut- fliat 1 . .pcnioniil the coiintry :for his roclootlon and plcd^Dg himseif to devote: biii cntire'.onergy to his-duties arid remain true to the o’atU ol; impartiality. ' / "I oKhort- all {jcnimns.,. huili !tli()Ku who.uuiiporltfl'iiiii «ml ihonu ^vlio oiiiioiicil.juf!. tu •Ici^lialred, (ll(j. 'and CIUKC tlio iiiiiilCK,"' ibu |iru> icliimatloii, «nld. ; “Jfusl'unile^ • •'U’o miiai unlttf lill oiir forcim if Wo coiHiucr connialou-mid duH« inir In niir tlmc.i.' Only by work- i n s ' ■fo’Aitlher •'-ur«>'* '-wo Hircmi: oiioUKli'-tu utui(cr uur fule. Tlivru- foro. I iUrso. 'In ' iiiilly, fonvi«ril wiiii <;od.’ ’' ■ Tclcijninm from iiil . jHirtH ot tbo world nrrlviMl.ul ^hojircsldciit- liil ijmUi'cu. coiiiKnaulitlInK ’ 1llntltui- <>iir{; uri Iilii, liiiniuiiHo.. trliim ph'ltr <h'o 'tluutluii, 'I'lto'viocUoii Suntliiy-TliHUllcd In a ^out; pchiouul-trl'iiiirpli'fur thu lioro'of.'lho Gcrmnn.pcoplo ln wnrj and Uicir Idol In';, aliltuiiKhi H iller, IjiciBnnwl.lilH-.iipiniliLr; yoloj over ll« t •.received ■In ilio '‘Mar'rji'| elections;'riib ’iircul.doia- reculveil' Mil ' alwoliilo Tmajority. ,' Only"-a' pluralKy'waif ro<julrod. > V Finol Itctum s; Annoniici^d. ^ Tlio'.’flnnl' Toivrna. u'*- niiiio'iHc*. cd ' by.' Ojc 'fcdoriil'tolectlou- 'board' --------- lllndcnfcurK •••...-.-.-•'.....-.■..10,353,Ct2 -'IUUprr-L<Urti£iUp4:A''..>13rll7S38 ThaeliuMin Tlitiol^liatin woa 'tlie ’Comiimhlm ciuidld'aU*:.' HIS '-tolo foil off Ucavlly 'troni ihOi:Rr“>’ch; t^ection.' rriioro-iwiw tho',‘'U»mil ;efcclloo' tohslon litmoni; .•rlriU-.Kraupir and fivoporiion^'.woj-6'".lllllcd''and,tiiany Injurcir in- #lt‘;^ ;,, riBliut--aii<l branvle.. "High Gp^hSX-Tariff Asked; b y;^^ ’'■\\usiitNOTojr;'(UP)” aovflr. noni;of.'12'ivreitertt''cflippor:prodiici. Ing'BllUeB today appealed lo’PrcHl- Ucntillooviir -toTrtuK,. CoiiKreaa W lol-y,tarltru:on ooMpr lmport«,Bur- flcleiitly lilRh to'prorunl "iixcciinlvo itnpofUllouB” of ,ilib‘ forclisn- pro* B ‘t« H b p ^taSsf^ saut : i A ki3 biT\-.’ uuii. ,(up ) —The Moflfllev; Jolm 'J; MUty. tor rivo'arid a^lialC yoan'bltiliop of the S a lt 'U tke dl6cpito|'.4oda>' Ibadd furo*, well to -UUOi ntld'-bwlrdcd a,’,tl-,nln butmd.tor Snn.'VTWl.cUuivwlioroho w ill usBunio liW'tibWr'dutloBJnB co- adjuior-orclib1alioi>;’'ot ■ SnuVI'ran* CIBCO. Lmdber^h-Douyeerossedr^ New Suspect in Mystery ~Bub 3 ected to Questioning mmm INEYPA ID . ERS Clmrelinicn Sliould W ork 'As' Unit Against Depression ” Say Leaders SA W LAKJ.: CITV. UUili. (Ul*»i —Miilcrbl prolilcnm wcro iMiijibii- iilzdd yi'Klurdii}' ii:<' Keiioriil :uilb»rl*| tlw 'or-tbo- l.ulliir -Diiy Siil.tilii- cliiircli exhorted over i!0,00ii-,.Mor-‘ .inonH . aitcndlniL-tiiu^iui— iiuauloaJ of-tlic 102ml. coiifurcnrc,,<,»> •]irc-,' a united front iti;iilii!i|'cc()nu>' mie dlHlrcaa. .! t Iic * uliiircirH two IciKlLTH, 1're«l-. dent iiubcr J.. Gmnt und lilH firnt uaonBcllor,, Aniliony U '.. lvln«,’ dwell al. lenKth oil tliu li^^uwilly of, wcrkluK iiB ii'.uliU In iiolvlnu.! hircaBlnt; probleiUH broiit^ht ou by 'President ,Thanks Organization - For Work In Time Of Catastropho •V.AaillNCTON', (Ul'l—1‘reKldo... Kutjvnr, liixiiikliiK In (bo (iiuiic uC ilio wVinurlciin pvotilc. todiiy lliiink* <■ '1 iIki AinorU'iin Itixt CruHH for Il4 HorKlcOH diirini; Ilin iimnt ycnr liv Tho I’reiildont piiffod a. bliick clKiir iiK lio xviilkcd llio tlircu lilockn lo the Cojiilncniiil Mfjiiurlul. Iiiill. v'lii'ro .lhu fled Crosn Jn Iioldin;; ItK iinniml coiiYontl9n.'lli> ivhb Krcotud by ■tbo- Birjilnn of ' ‘Unit- ,t«- the Olilef." l)olcRnle« clicored. '• • '■'•"TJurihiT' llio ' psH t-yo“r." "Jtr. Hoover mild, '•ynnjiiivo curried n Kruat loud, ondvuvnrlnK (0 kIvo' re- lint from droiiclit, ntornt, flood und micniiiloyinynl. Yon hitvo'diiiciiurB- ed your tnmi." Tlio.PreBldenl oxpVo»HOd lliu liopo timi Tlie Itcd Cr/iBH ;wiiiild contliino |<1W economic dcprcaslon. • Prtsldent Grant decliircd.; tli;it clinrch ineniliorK tiliiiiild Kiiani iiiKuluBL uflBoiuid feitrB-otMlio ••tic filllly of Imnkx. Ho doulnred. Unit iovery dcpoalior, w iw .wlihdrew «c»t In S1 .I1 j'jike, ..................... „„ I ilgn ami coimso. . ii>'the'Church." -^o-euurcincaym ................ .... churcli'ii n]>provnl of ■'|in>)i<bltlnn !»nd fllronKly «dvlsc‘d^lor.nianB..ji) hoar prOtlbition • npeiikem,. In’clnd* liiK Dr. Dnnlel PolllnK...wji(>..wll| eouducU-Bovorui .nio'etingK : liirsult-! Lake .City Tiiuniday. 1 ■\li»lo>nl "ruiTEStuaniio" High Surtaxes' Ar-e . Proposedibyi'Gray; • .‘v i jlVfooney .decision. Due'April 19ih |--•SA^WW l,\ijpi!sdo.■-<iviK l,-(UPj■ OtiVLTnor. •Jamiiif- {{olpIiV deciiilon •- wboiU^rllib will'ipiirdoii.Tom Aloonuyi Bcrvlii(;.1ifo In Siin/Qiuiin- Uii lli.-jwnnoctlon. -wlili. tlio. 1D16 Pro'pi}rui|u6iiiCi)iiy' iboinbliiK/ .’lie/c*. WASfn'NOTpN, ( C P ) , - C h w i l o r ] t „ o U n llc d ' l‘ r?H«'’ t«Jdn>-; ' t Iio. dc Ji.-CDiy;,^.ei),mt;i.iilJi>fJj!»>\m,«a!:j,dalbiL-nvll] • - • • [iniC'mtCH beforo • tlio \Scnat' InVuieo commltlco today. .'; hearinBH-on tbo iiow rovcitiic h lllj r.sAI.T i,AIOH ah'Y . Uinli, (Ui- .......... ................. .. " "■ ■—1 'Afrx.' M ary ' ABl»w<trlli, i'rovo,- rn'iw liinlimliy killed «irly todiiy at iliu homo ut bur lum. Paul AhIi* worlli. when Bhc fell duwi^ a' fllelit.! of- innira. - . ” ' ' |HurU ix«ui (o^ 'cent. Gray, w oiild r.olHO »17.00iMiii(i, adoption 'of tbo muai." whicli'f riilKW innxlinnin o’. |CS |ier. mild '• .Iheso tiixe-i Genuineness Determined Byj Comparison of'. Nolo; lu IIopuwcll Ciuse iK)n;wi:Li,. . 1 . iuim — , tn nintcini-m .•Ui;ii iiii;lii <'iti. Cli;ir- li'ii A. 1>lni]l>ui'i;U iuihl bh< lik'iiil* fh::ill(»ii ,tif ilie mini, <0 wlicmi In; paid lliv iiioiii'.v m!i;<im|iliiilM-<t only iliruuisU "liieantr’ fnrnl.ibcd by'llio kidiiiiimr.i iN,.tIiii ranxoni nolo wliltili iliey iicfi In (liu huliyV i;rlli the JiiiTlit of M;iri:li I. •-'ol. bbiill)vrt:1i'H, KiaieiiiiMil follows:, "A lllu! lliiio <hi* baby-Ariia klil- iiitiii'ii' ii" niiiHuiii iioit' ■Ic-iiiiimlliiK M-aH Ifll III- ilii! niiri>iTy. For oln'Kllli! i'«.;i>'oilH ll w/iii'luiti!'*- »;ir>' lo tvlMibohi ail liifiJriiialicjii rocaMliih' thill raiHoiii n«l<!. A liie;iii!i wa» nfforud In ibc rifiisom note Ilf i>OHlIlv<‘ I'ieiilirinilloii of ih.> liiiliLiiitTH <licri.-.itler. Txi! Siiinit .>h-iiii-( . "Sillii>v<|iient IKIIO..V rocciiveil wcm iilcniirini i>y ihi.'i iiK-:i]i« 'imil lU :iliu lhau Ibal Iho r;iiisiiiii over, (ho kldnapcrK, imod ililii IB ID poalilvlrly Identify ihrm- IhuIvuh 'an ihe «iu who bad tarrlLHl -Dr.-Condon-Leaves-r;- Home'On Fast Trip 5 ( 1 ) 5 ' MlEift 3ills of 1028 Issue Arc Beinff; ^ SouKlit Tljroiigliout T he' Entire Country JCrr LltuUli nliu iJ'iMoil"’a u Z ’rA. ^Tmdtlovyir .; VWtUI'ltolJAter.s s',‘ ....... ifouiid'-nic kliliiiii>('.rrt'lio<l *'dou^,l6 ,-^cnjN:n'd” :1u! (,'nlonul;-l.’tliliu?, Jilti Pr.n.h,o.a U«m=c„>U ^ g - ”; Dcmomtrato Parjy UiiU? At.Washington ,j»|of-"(Ioni).ilr thero jcioamcd.vabhlij 'Thill lit ihy only iiitMiH by INvhiuh O il. IJiiiiliorKli can limiw for a fact tlmi ho 1« dcallnj; wltlt tlio. kidii'il’oni.' It I1U.S h m i wlili- liuld and .will ijc- wlihheld by Cul. IJj lt.VV.'M»M) < i.APPi:il J iiili'd 1'ri'>s Stuff fi>rnst«iudftik ; WASIII.VtiTO.V, a i l ’) — Deinb* irralli: parly foiriM ar.i niaHHlnj}'' Iktu Ihlii \v«'i:k for HPviiiiJ iiiimoii-, verii pri'p;inUory to ihu iirusldonllul lllulit. .Mj.-.I^ry .lliin XahWU , I'lrjiu .Ihf .Vow,York ailthqcitiUn hiKl arro>itt(i a* mytttcriouit j^uui.'fa ‘ liiiK iiiutbur'H hitnio iti. Non* 'Y o rk " ^niid »iij>iiiiiU'(l him'td.-fnoBl'caVo*'-, liiiL-Csnmlnation In ihc-bellcCcho-.'-' Jiil«hL bo ......... ■Tin: m:i|ii'Uvorn liiko tho form of a Jetforson diij' olinerv<incu WcdW^ iifmlii>. Aclimlly H Ik to bo.'a j dunronitiraiion ot. I) cm 0<: r ii,t i’tN forccii. UKt\ liiK. KniMii viiiaiiouvorr i.lmibursit lor fninro idwitlficii-, which Kuioihmh'i«rmion. ii.>i<l-fve- Hon.'- .[ niii'nily to lot the world'«eo Wlintj they’ve ;;oi, ' TliC' Dolno'cniilc ii.itt<.......... , mitlra. Kponitor ofilho celebration, jumonncen liii piirpoHO an,followB (ion. “it laiinl bo rcnionii)crud thul tlio baby'linB'Hoi lic'cn reiurnod iind it liiis .bbini and «illl l«-iho policy ot tho jiollco anihoritleii dim tho jirinutry motlvo l» to uc- I'umpllBh (lio return of (ho-lMby and nil ottorU are, nnd will bo bont In 4lilH dlrc'ccitiur _'.l^crj^«?fforl to lien'll fomuililni; of. (he IduiHKy ot tlio" iiiiuiinil'd' KuspQci uikcn by thu ]>ollce failed. -- ----.VrfialoiLlTiduy _ it'Wiiti Icnriivd; howovor, (hut (h(i man wnn'<iiko:i Into cnHiody Pridn)- alghl. He wim (incHdonod iilnd turned over to’ Iiuipector Harry _flValali _ot, .tlio . Jersiey.XIty liollce, who uHcorted lilm to Hope- well. ..whero ho .roniiiliiH (piCiidujiiiiR by CoI.;_il; .N'ornan of tho "Niw ; Ji..r«oy ulnte police. "ills alibi," Col. Btoted ll) u biilletin, VoillKided.’’ l^7tlIC7^lcfl^ltoty '"4njn~ 1. Tj) honor Joffenton nnd Wll irate tho piirty'rtl . . . iinliy and tho (|imliiy of iho lender-, jiliiVJL_oftcuJn.liiLiaicinDL_lv.un^l Kiimo roiponidblHty tor iliu milionnl' Kovcriimeiii—nieanliiK it wiil-par- ad'.> 101110,of ( u pi^ ‘(J(luiitiKl_tlnibori able to "luru up”>"lJjo Second, (hrbub’hoiit' tllb , mkloji,.. ot tbo lliSR isiiuo lu,‘ IliQ .^i^k^ ....J, « ioj:.inlKhL find amont.' tliem u o n iu - ^ f ttios^e from (bo'.'biK', JGO.OOO thni UndborBii.'paW^nlii'--.'^ ' - --r _ - tor me'n lie w ia -BaU inal" coiuTTv-ore thi* flctuiJ klilnapow.V’. In <tho orii;liMil,.raniiom iw ie/.uH il'r; HRtiln In conmiuntehtliiir . lell4rHi'r< rcvendy, «uitlntlc<l , him -of 'Kcniilucni>!<H.iind h e tumbled-'-. tho "word ot hoiw5*v^«».%kJi!nep.' vr that piiyiiicni would l>o'rollQg>' od by die liaby'n retunu ' ' i»(f ,J{*>»«rd Oiferc'iJ-;-' iiectcd hlm,r'»Uh- tlio crliiiu-nnd^ thin IH ono'ot Uio'ltncji o( tlio In- -’" n n ir th c ------- lor Jjullolliui wlilclr wo could not IdlocloHo ot^'tho time. ’The ntnu tlnaiiy w«n uppru- tioncd at :lho hnnio ot IiIk niotiior ln.New York Cily„ aiiil-wjiH fnter- vlow'cil. JHh . irtory eiiid allbl-arc Ilo;^.ll/oloK chwkvd JMid .lii-iv d:iy r iw'o furtller duUiltx can bo rIv< n u« .|o tlio' rindtMRM.’’ ' it. waH .rocalied'* UiiiL AliraJium . ;(ContlhueJon,Pns6'Six) IKLlOil. SHOnODEA l •Gcorge^Muldbon: Obmered Af* ter S l a y i n g B r o t h e r ’s •SniaU Chiidrcri’ :i. Ttf liiirvcy tho party's cliaiiceH In each •I. To iitoani up, Iho drlvo for: ciiniimlKii fundtt. _Tho ct'iiirnl rigiiro In (ho j'iirL)'.'«. prciidpntiiir i>Utai'o"wiU~-not"haj iiur<wGovomor ]'"runkllii t>. llAoiie* V(!l(.''MoiiC ot ihij eindliniiiw,-un- iiouiicoil. nio'pilvo or imiunliul, who 'Wtjro upon lo ••«(o|i Uoouovolf’ will Hiirak. rUnitorK. diHK'lliiilod ihroiiKh ,a Iniicheon, two afternoon iiieoliiigB and a 'lilt; illiiiiiT. will Inciudc;! tlovornor flrorao Wiiiio, .Sowlon D.| Ibilorr'and I-'oniiur Goviirhor'Jamea M. Cox-ot Ohio. Form er'''—........- ■firnrsiiiiii' ' ornor Albori.C. icitelilo of uMarylund nnd Former Oovomor • •Hurrj'' K, •Jlynl of VIrclnla. (iovernor ltooHt>- velt wiiH Inritod liiii .wilt- not nttohii. Senate Advocates Farm Board Prbbej A^IIXU'I’ON IL’l') ...•Tho] Soiiaio today. p'.i«srd, ii- reuinUtiu by ScniiHir-.Norrb. Hdpii., Nub,', aiiihorUiiiK a innniiloU'. Iivvestlgu- iioii •.-f (he actlvKlcrf’ot llio fcdor^ ul farm boanl. The innnlry •.'will. Inciiidn.., , mllKuUon trf ••‘'nil' cxchnnswi '. I (he Unilul StatoB dauUnf.'. Ill'c... I iiiixiltloK^iMidor .tho Jiirindlciiiin iif-j tli'o Iiojrd. It will'fTe condifcicd,by. (bo Scnato iiRrlcultiire eomnilltco. '. 'fhird, uVcomblmitli>u,'3tir?i pliponR-offcred-aT-^SOjOOir-ri., for exclusive InfonnaUoa-,liMtnK>VWK| <0 relurn of iho- baby.' AV/iottjcs'iVO!^ tho LlndberKlui would v lw . llilj</:T^^ movo favornbly ' wiis . uncortalu.',"^.||L for iiltherio, lliey had.diMbtiras'cd:iuial WterB'of otiiBldO rowarda lcstrUio'J’r ^ l ^ c«inplicn(o-tbelr'-own contattM,’*;;;.':;.‘3;*fl LindhoTRh' Bllll ',la' roiidy'.lu" wjth . ih'u" kldimw:ni imd • aBroofrJ^aj not io iiann iliuiii.', l{o .tuniod.'Ju^W * liie nuniburB of ibliiu Tnerijy'be'^:;^^ cjuao-' tboy iiad V'doublo .crowed*, __ ,him.‘ iiMdrcuVer. thel 'fllala'voHcq.;-'^^^| utlitilt-,thnt-Tthcir^r|mat$f7W otlC7^Sl liionv U.dlrtfCtcd..lo^..riiiunii!otiiljb:i2<®« cblld-onil thoro .til5Qir)cantly>]-b'.': nr»-iii<>iiiJun-or-i>uhlHhmonl^Mit;'^^' preheunlon. \Vlil1o,tho’poll6tt:;V'‘’ promlno no immunity; that tiiey ’ havo Iwoa'OOopem^ir.^KlS^I <0,. tho ..iiium^ti ■ on tbo'-yrttHm'yA’K W ;l|ti^)bieni. fb,r-tk:'Joapj-,t^io;ri-'r‘) ;;V..i;onliwtti., wlUi i:piuentJy ,o.>uoro..ijop^lS)ttm'7^y:;'''\% inOwiB,; o;.:«dvortl»em^t*‘J « (;» -^ ' '^ YoiMc • iwpcm; iiiwrU)df^|fePj\t^ iH'i ^^'.OAJliiO.V C lI ’V. N ov; (IH’) A'.37- jrcsir-ohl I’luto ludlun. Gi>(iis«^^tnl- .^iKa..liBd paid .vriUi'jMB «od»y : for nil' outbnml ot Jcalbnil! 'tnffo itliiit ini him- lo xliiy ilib twu uiuiiil Ichildron of UIh i;pnvict-brolhcri.*'-'. ; ■Muldocaj Uvns nliot.'dowa In tbo biiii.,.nc'ar.'^li6ro. luit-ul«ht. ^y pbtoomoii who AraHed“^ilra'a<}toM Tock-etrowQrdCTerL- ..W oiter,Croon ond Mik* Kloskoy,, ikwaoincn, approached wUh-drawn^ rtH«irsiuldooa «toppc<I -fTOi^ iw-! lot.pojjiln*'thjpUsJi Kio»koy'« Orceo (Im tln iretu m aiid,'iMai<tooo'i dropped,,;aliUll«HnWB'Jioed..- . >! :. Ipoiico.; doUneii;.’ DluldUtm,. bad ' killed hie.' . Chaunw..*.^; and'alw*. Cfwlolic;' 8, i>ocdw»;drj Uto lnfatudttob'tor:tbelMin2f ^ - Indian; moU»rr*A&«., Jda’-af(i .wlfo?ol;hli■t«'btk♦■r^TOllJam;,Mf«: ttw lDdlatiVilixrt,i>er:.cbil(h«ta;:'€ti» MUM; rjgSSi'

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  • TOI.. XV.’.NO: 1—5 GEXTS.

    W i i i

    W ould ^ u o Two ;'BilUon In - O u m n c y —T o ^ P ay -Z ic .

    S erv ice ; Mon- •

    M ANY V E T E R A N S A B E ‘ : - '.J0E L E SS TEXAN«8 AY6

    jb o m p araav e ly P ew People Ouj -’"H a iid 'A s H ea rin g Opens

    — M onday - :

    •• •WASHINGTON. ,(UI*) — Tiioj ,.V f ja j f l . l o r A BOIiliors; caah Ojoiiub

    wlUi onj>^tt'rcw > ■

    ‘ ;“ -%il:iiUvc .S v r ld il Paliimii.c m t, Tcsflx. urfiticU. f o r l# 4 u n i^

    . o f -itioro tlm ii 000,000,90(1 o r now ciirroncy io -poy tiio volcrnoK. ■

    • i ’uUimit. nutlior o f a 'bill II;t , / • -iMsh-•puymuut to flUjuet aorrico

    cbrtiriciitM,. WflH iJio flrat avIUichs Iwforo tlio .llduuo 'tvn)‘s tuiU-mcnuu coiiiniUloc,', boKlnnint; coutildcnitlon

    .«if ono of ll io mCTf'liJshlycojilro- -^ .- vow liil HiilijeoU ,'bofori;coiiBrc8H. A , .uroaltlontl'ul v-oto-.awalta thu* 1k»-', iiiiti bill if I t rw cliou the Whilo

    , .llouiro.-; I’rlHn I'resliJcs

    r- ' .AcUiiK Cbulnntin OrJuji.prealJwl.. n « iinnoiniucd I4ml -tliu iiixiponoiilx

    t '( Uio iKJuua IveUitttlOR ’wouli] bo Jicanl U nit,

    j - O nly . 10 o f . Uio • 23,. icommUtw ! n im bcrH w oro prcaou t d.. room . co:rtalnc(l a u nuUlcQco ot

    - r - -o n ly -a row"o eotd lon «nd .Ihir, oiid in over}' othor matter cbncBfijlbB tliolr wol.

    ___fa rc .ll_ _ j_________ I-::,..'.-______

    . Pull 8 lloup Leajiea Tc|o*Vgrai>lilo Sefvieo orilia;'0nU B 4 P roV W i n FALLS,-IDA g o , M onday ; APKiL 11,1 9 3 2 '; ---- OFFICIAL COUNTY NEWSPAPER

    Hindenburgeats M l0r f(ir

    Be.ioved Teuton Leader, fcjept in P o w e r byi Fathterland’s V o ters Siinclay; T e leg ram s '

    of C ongra tu la tibh A rrive

    -BERLIH (U P ) — Prcaidont P a u l .yon;H lndonburg , rooleoted , oVw, hlB-J?Moist opponent, A doK H it le r , ,by approxilnatoly C,* ftW|0 0 0 .>) i t m I- (luni lUclmrd Wlilliiuy of .tli6 ?«mv Y ork Stock UxcIinnKu tu l i l 'i l iu Scnulo JmnklnK und rurroncy..coin- inltlco lodiiy Huit lio Imd no kiiow - IwIko o t a n y ; p to i fo r a B rcat ‘'liKir r.ild" on^llio-Now Y ork m a r., ■kot "i)lli«r U i:i« ,\vlm t wim v«yoU"tt).'iiio' rcjtiirdliiK U. S. Stocl by S ena tor W iileolt." .•

    Aniltnoy-^vaM caltcd 4>cfor» tlio com iiiittco ' toiliiy m u rcmiU o f |

    |fr'fiimtIc.nieollnK Frjiluj* w lica Clirco~ c i^ i iiir ic o tn cn ib o rH . TcriWJ'l- e' Ibadd furo*, w ell to -UUOi ntld'-bwlrdcd a ,’,tl-,nln bu tm d .to r Snn.'VTWl.cUuivwlioroho w ill usBunio liW'tibWr'dutloBJnB co- adjuior-orclib1alioi>;’ 'o t ■ SnuV I'ran* CIBCO.

    Lmdber^h-Douyeerossedr^ New Suspect in Mystery ~Bub3 ected to QuestioningmmmINEYPAID.


    C lm re lin ic n S l io u ld W o rk 'A s' U n i t A g a in s t D e p re s s io n ”

    S a y L e a d e rs •

    S A W LAKJ.: CITV. UUili. (Ul*»i — M iilcrbl prolilcnm wcro iMiijibii- iilzdd yi'Klurdii}' ii:' mie dlHlrcaa. ■ .!

    t Iic* uliiircirH two IciKlLTH, 1're«l-. d en t iiubc r J.. G m nt und lilH firnt uaonB cllor,, Aniliony U '. . lvln«,’ dw ell a l . lenKth oil tliu li^^uwilly of, wcrkluK iiB ii'.uliU In iiolvlnu.!

    hircaBlnt; probleiUH broiit^ht ou by

    'P r e s id e n t ,T h a n k s O rg a n iz a t io n - F o r W o rk I n T im e O f

    C a ta s tro p h o

    •V.AaillNCTON', (U l'l— 1‘reKldo... Kutjvnr, liixiiikliiK In (bo (iiuiic uC ilio wVinurlciin pvotilc. todiiy lliiink* 'the 'C hu rch ." •- ^ o - e u u r c i n c a y m ................ ....churcli'ii n]>provnl of ■'|in>)i..wll| eouducU-Bovorui .nio'etingK : liirsult-!L ake .City Tiiuniday.

    1 ■\li»lo>nl


    H igh Surtaxes' Ar-e . Proposedibyi'G ray;

    • . ‘v i

    jlVfooney .decision .■ D u e 'A p ril 1 9 ih

    |--•SÂWWl,\ijpi!sdo.■--; ' t Iio . d c Ji.-CDiy;,^.ei),mt;i.iilJi>fJj!»>\m,«a!:j,dalbiL-nvll] • - • •

    [iniC'mtCH beforo • tlio \S cn a t' InVuieo com m ltlco today. . ';

    hearinBH-on tbo iiow rovcitiic h l l l j r .sA I.T i,AIOH a h 'Y . Uinli, (Ui-.......... ................. .. " "■ ■—1 'Afrx.' Mary ' ABl»wlni]l>ui'i;U iuihl bh< lik'iiil* fh::ill(»ii ,tif ilie mini, ' lo tvlMibohi ail liifiJriiialicjii rocaMliih' thill raiHoiii n«lOHlIlvitt(i a* mytttcriouit j^uui.'fa ‘

    liiiK iiiutbur'H hitnio iti. Non* 'Y o r k " ^niid »iij>iiiiiU'(l him'td.-fnoBl'caVo*'-, liiiL-Csnmlnation In ih c -b e llc C c h o -.'- ' Jiil«hL bo .........

    ■ Tin: m:i|ii'Uvorn liiko tho form of a Jetforson diij' olinerv. A climlly H Ik to bo .'a j dunronitiraiion ot. I) cm 0 101110,of ( u p i^ ‘(J(luiitiKl_tlnibori

    ab le to " lu ru up” >"lJjo

    Second, (hrbub’h o iit ' tllb , mkloji,..

    o t tbo lliSR isiiuo lu,‘ IliQ .^i^k^ ....J,

    «ioj:.inlKhL find amont.' tliem u o n i u - ^ f ttios^e from (bo'.'biK',JGO.OOO th n i U ndborB ii.'paW ^nlii'--.'^

    ' - --r _ - to r me'n lie w ia -BaU inal" coiuTTv-ore thi* flctuiJ klilnapow.V’.

    In U tai'o"w iU ~-not"haj iiuru,'3tir?i pliponR-offcred-aT-^SOjOOir-ri., for exclusive InfonnaUoa-,liMtnK>VWK| ]-b'.': nr»-iiiiiiJun-or-i>uhlHhmonl^Mit;'^^' preheunlon. \Vlil1o,tho’poll6tt:;V'‘’ promlno no immunity; that tiiey ’ havo Iwoa'O O opem ^ir.^K lS^I uo ro ..ijop^ lS )ttm '7^ y :;'''\% inOwiB,; o ;.:« d v o r tl» em ^ t* ‘J « ( ; » - ^ ' '^ YoiMc • iw pcm ; i iiw rU )d f^ |fe P j\t^


    ^̂ '.OAJliiO.V C lI’V. Nov; (IH’) A'.37- jrcsir-ohl I’luto ludlun. Gi>(iis«^^tnl-

    .^iKa..liBd paid .vriUi'jMB «od»y : for nil' outbnm l o t Jcalbnil! 'tnffo itliiit in i him- lo xliiy ilib twu uiuiiil Ichildron o f UIh i;pnvict-brolhcri.*'-'. ; ■ Muldocaj Uvns nliot.'dowa In tbo biiii.,.nc'ar.'^li6ro. lu it -u l« h t . ^ y pbtoomoii who AraHed“^ilra'a

  • iffAHO EVEIflNG ’ WME S! - i P A ^ -

    I f i i f f t l l l L E l ! i m i i B R ff l

    O U Il B O A R D IN G H O U SE By'Ahem"

    . W E L L — V q U R T K

    A rtw vjeD -T bC A M ‘.-r - •' -Tg' MacPL-e •^APi-Tic.iJ s . i-f

    C A M E C O L .L E C 'r (—ANiD-TRCy-;/V-rrl!£.''W 6tOf'

    , . f a m o u s ' R u n n e r P ro fg as io n a liam L

    -r -iftUAikr,' 'He Mus'r; uc, -^fTATkfAiej oF ’ -TTfRQVMw'es,,..

    oa-r-Thie .AMceloR ai-Iv vr^, POCK(Al&

    " \ U M -M -■ rthi kA 'F F k ^ F F ^‘•S. ' • ;v } . C .R :. A e(*- w e t A T E U S S

    • \ V I'lAPPC^iED W t^ lL E --!WAS OL)-r -nntP tir-^th l'

    . orolfoi* turuinst NiiiiiilV c III p o r a r y miHpi-nnloii.

    ■ l/CiiRiiO'd . i>n>tohcoUhK In lk-rlln. I i lifil..' n.«i«in

    fCo't tljo lodCRiUnn to iirrt-in Ilif f1»- ^•(il .roporl o£.-t1io lioinc hraiiHi «t pilio 'orKADlE t̂l '̂O-.

    wJw hoW« • i>i* IVwwl ■itx jriil rccimlB. l» now ;ii. nml

    f* Wtilla lio Ik doI itn fiint >̂ii tliu dlntanw n iin lii fonnii, \v;ii forced Ic:’‘^ iroa«ni7rr*i''v.:lU fo y w bo h;ia l.con a Kiili lmrir' ‘i » > ' l l ‘" 'viMiIiOi' niiiii i.liiit^ nffi

    oldu.ul, KOC8 Ilk sliu lU'dii ill c x - j t l i f :;)i'l:iJ!l«'!iil . ‘cliuiiRC for ajfiiny Ki-.y,|>oriiinllv'to


    T Io , filial Unloor boxlnr . -'ard ' ,r I lio jicM iiir io bo wjiiiiMcii i'il _b.v

    -^ Ib d 'lo c .il Lo'iilon voK'XkVi-- Wn!* jTwinday nlKlil o f iic .tt’ w n 'k will

    ■“ liavc M iirlnelpalii fo r (lu-.iiuiln . ^ o . : ‘llo< r..M m olt..S ciittlo . 11 .fiirmr P « r Tw Jn l-'allB rf.ililont, uiiK. It B Y B E N E A SIA I

    ■■iSliil.l.y'' .Sliibblt-HHil. I..-.. A n -; r „tilr»‘ll.-.l-’ ......... ,.............. ........JU’i.. vvaH H.icoiul; Tlriilo TriinrTT:~HT:illcl a t Itoy polnW o n tlio c.uiimih,

    AnKf p.i. ili ln : t t l l l iu r S liaw ..i,, an a n f tn in to .;ot ibi. »inH..inH

    MMV FOR -

    «■>■>« f i-n e»h. H.if Mii.wa SKUo (■QllcKu.'Twonty r i f ^

    cIjkki'm ijfi time.

    K u io in l : b i .3 L i i s f “ S a tu rd a y "

    By Lauler

    S I XCCHRia? W EvuSoM )

    m •NlCilllCM.UMI0Mfr& O F NEWVsRK,

    WHCtt. UlAS VERV t m l B IN affairs w w

    BEGWl HIS tsceJT -1 T o FAME.

    T O R ' Ss - s a ^ j v i i

    . . . . .


    ........... ntA N V'-b: Kliiiiol. _Cillfi)riiliiy_ .::l;luado bnt'

    f i 5 < 5 4 , 8 S i B"E^ t̂lSANDE-'

    U ocbnd lo J 'ru jik .Wykoff o f Soulh- •MTii C allforn la. boldur of llio world , lOO-yard o f 9.5 nceandn. [eii'iialled tliH n u rk 'Salnriluy In ju Jiiool w lili Ca)lfor4ila jun io r col* Icecx.. Tli'o liukky.'Mniibomoro won

    .■iUiii rn tT rntiHy -------

    • HC>RS5WEftS

    is'g^kS REM>V ftft'A ̂ •-’jjp AOQTe, TTUrW^AJiFjC^r;

    j A cequians R eturn i- Follow ing Visitsir ArCKCJf lA ISiioclal) — IhcTClt iB /iin a ii haH .j-;turnod Jroin itnp-ii* vlllc, ICani.i w licro Iio lin« 'b'con ylKliliif; rolatlVM. fo r Tnboiit idx wv'rkK. ■ . ' • •

    b . J . OinjBlock; wlio b a x .apcn l tltr piiHt m onib In tJ ic 'c iu i. \l»li* ii '.f rolayvi*« In Mason CUy. 'low a. Iiaa rcturncU to •

    lij UnUttl 10 , d iam p lon Sun Franeli

    ScalK wore iitlll on i dii fro n t Indny a s — O rT inr^-Jcnm if 'c liib fi'—tohici from tliuir flrMt wutk of play in tlio

    . Hcaiion nnd prepared for iHlior serlcH tom orrow ., lOvon tt’kh tJicni w oro Ibc Sue- -anicnto SonatorH, wlio dnpllc.-ato< cbQ punnuiit w lnn tr'a fea t of laU- Inc Hix o u lc f flcvoii sain«.i In llieli liillliil xorkii, Hollywood (ind i’oi'l- h m l won tlie ir ncrlcK fou r Kuiiior to tb re i ' uml wuro tied In accoml plau? - . . ;

    TJiu SculH won llio Bcrlfs will tbu 'S ea ltlu Indluiin yuvlvrday l>> liiklnR boUi BiMiics e f u tlonb ic header, wInniiiK llio m orn ing on- eonntor, u to 4, urn! tliu nlisbtcapn to 1 . ' . --------- ■— r

    Tliu Sol'.iin noH cd 'on t II10 .MIh-

    and tile nco.-nd, It to :!• I t w .ih n ip and tuck batllo n il .wcuk 'bn tho .MlHitlouN uanic tlironi;h onl:

    fm o k e o f llii> inonilni; «am c c lw r od, lA-H\X'It'jancImco. Scaltlu lit U iikland. I'ort- land n l ’Sacrunicnui und I>»i An- Kclcs v». UoU j'w o.d a t iJJrt i\ii- «ole«. ̂ • y irn t (ianiu

    U. 11. Kro rl la iid ................................17 I 'l 1Lo5 AiiBck'S .......... ............ .12 17 :

    JiatlcrleH—U lulrld i and KlUpiit' rick ; ■VVcintl. -Mohji. .Moncrlcf. Dock und Cronin.

    .Scconil Cunti>rorii.iiid .............................. . . . r a - oloiiiild ond I’atnil-

    .1110: U.-iIIbii nnd Campbell,' Cron-

    J l . JI...-...-I 13 2 ...Ji 10

    llaitcrlen — T arp ln und Cox: Ilenderiion, WIlIonKhby and J*o- uebsky. \

    ..Second (MmcSoatlle .. . ...JL............... ....J G IS1U1 Fniiiciiicu ‘ .T..T....';...;.,7...'..n 10

    lla-Ucrlfn—ICalllo. HnriwlB. Hoii- imlly and Cux; OaCIn niid I’aioli-

    oIlywDort-'...... ........ ;.......... 11 O'jk lan il ...... ...............5 C 0lia itcrios — John!*, Bhcolnin and

    Moyer, Ikusvlcr;' Joinor, l^udolpli und .Kovbler.

    Second, (ianio liollywQod ...................•...

    ..... :: G IUam lcr:

    U.ikliU]d ll-uterleJi—T u rn er 1

    W alsh (Uid Head. .

    .Horning ({nmi-It. II. 12.Mlsnlans ..i Id 0

    SncrameulO. ,1..... ....................S' if 21* JbU orIc»—UrlcKH nud Hoffman G llllck, Fb-nn And W oodall.

    A H cm oon' Goiiu» ' — Mî Blonn .J2 U 2Scicramento ........................ .'...3 '7 0

    □ a tlo rles — C l i t ^ o n and H off'

    Wlrt». ,WcQitBliJ,'; m t t n s - :

    H E R A M B IJIO N S :A R E fO L Y M P IA N

    Oalifoniiii Porform s WlUi M utchlcas Precision • To

    Bciit W ftsliinglon

    1C, ICtiriylii 'Uiilvcmliv of l-alifornl/i oarBmon were liniiii'WHrtl .Imii'nd to d a y wllli llio laiir.'b i itipy ri'calned .from fn lvcriiliy " f Wmdiliislon In Ihe I’licltio (N'iiMi ln |iirad lcK latu ' ro- i;aiia lioiv S;iiiiriliiy. • •'

    fJcrlrudi. StcllliiK, l ! i . ' I’nyalliip. waHii.,-:nKii iteiiooi. I:iii I e .(.iitiufled. AllhooKh hIio now lioldii Iho national roninl for liiKh licliool Klrls In llio Jnvclln tlirirv '̂—lo s foot in lnrlio»-«liu‘R already at .work 10 wjn a.iplaco on Aniorlca'a Olympic loam tlriw nunimer._______ . 1

    ali-n by iho‘’ 'IUiiiklCH a l iir /- y e a r , ' (ho •,ty perfonncil i-Ulim on I.xiko by a lu ll II),011(1. fans Kaw

    x u v c n _ U ie_ U u k c« — iirr« III lfi::ili. Tho Ilnti- ilk-il In lT :i:'.

    ............. luiiRilmalu'ad a l Hie liair-nillo and drop* l>i'il. tlu 'ir iitroke lo :’.t.' Tho llmi* lili's, lowliiK i^miinni^d iveraKo family m ull li. hi IS vis'll-' i tn paronlH ifbolii $7,:UU>.

    Cubs To. M eet O iricinnati A nd Sox tiic B row ns In .F i r s t j

    G ames. 1

    ClIICAlJO (Ui'> — Wllli a ir td * ' ab:o ri'cw d ln*H prln« e.ulilblilon

    IMiiioK. Clilcaiio'n tw o m ajor IC'.aKnu ekibii, wero Idio today awiiltlnK tho

    iKUiliiK of tlic lUi!- :ic.iKon which Ii»y—liupu—w H l-Iir ln«—Uicni—

    iinccoita ihan Iasi yoav’ii- ' ' AlOiouKli liiiiidicappiA 'liy ' i\ie

    (cmiMirary lomi of S horln lop Woody HuKllfh. llio.Ciilm ho|)C t vKol liilo

    ■■:tblnk~6ftbo"'poiiDanr-Tnco In Ihoir f)|ienlnjc »crlct< ,ul Clm-lnnail nfid rcriu lii Mioro n il iioannn. Tlii' (riilm tlnliihod lli ird la s t yi'ctn Ihe «ddlllon of IliirlH sli OvtnicB,

    ran iijlt-ber. am i i.ho Uv«i iiiok* lo Infk-hlorii. Hilly 'TTTi'rtnm and Slank-y H ack, t;. m ako lihi « a m

    contender. . .-ICiiKllih ha« 'a fractiirijil ::im;

  • •̂ "rrr^rrr-i-mi-'UF-

  • •IDAH .O E V E N IN G T M E 3 ; T P ^ F A l i a , I D ^

    B ^ C rarie

    p n O N B i i s ;

    t IliAlIO TIMKH In ia 4 -C la g t t- M a » L ^ ^ V ic ^ u ^ » « ^ w la ^ ^ u J

    H r Mull, I’njralila n> AOvnl, » o « l o Cwuil npi>r«aBntailvp—A. W. ; ;iH d«.; JoaiBnO . H ecurlty-Ulile.! Loi

    yiyncH. Inc.. Hnr

    A IR C O N D ITIO N IN G ■ '^H E progress th a t industria l chginGGrs are making- . “ r'lh-.aii* conditioning:devices m akes it ai)i)arent tlia t , th is new Xield of activity will becom e m ore and m ore .im portan t dunnff the coming decade.

    V T he .C hesapeake & O hio ruilroad th e other day an-

    The History of Twin Falls Gity and County

    M onday, ■A'lmliTi, 1 9 3 2 .

    Iiiu Co.. T « ln F iltd .' Itlftlio.' : liJ iliir Jimflim ' n . : a iiln ti.. Tw in

    r n l tn , lifnjio. • •]»imliir'«.-< MnnnifDr I.plnml JC Mil-

    If lr . T w i u KollH . Ii ln i io .

    tilnlio; UOniiil K .' M lllor. Twill ruIlH,' Jrlnho; Jitiiciiii If. Shinn,

    lioiidlioldcni, oilnif ni'ciirlly-1 holdliiK 1 pL-riilnl iiMioiml o llii'r urciirl-

    nouncecl-inau^rution -o£-a-iiew -^ast-i.>asso iigor-tra ln , th e G eorge \Vashihgt.on, on w hich everj^ coach and

    TPullirian w ill be_fitted w ith aji e la b o ra te a irc o n d ilio n -■’i i i g apparatus. E ven tem i)cratures w ill be m ain ta ined Vjconstantly; d ust w’ill he e liiiiin pted , and tlie iia ssen - ig er s w ill be kept com fortably w arm in w ln tor and " com fortab ly cool in sum m er.;v?. T h a t such d ev iccs'w lll becom e com m on ecjuipnient . •'Oh'all crack p assenger tra in s b efore Jong seem s urob- _ a b le , 'rhac th ey w in , in add ition , com e into g en er a l

    -use-in -honifi.s-jm d-apartm entsjs-alsa.probable.____

    ■ ■! ■ . , L A \y A N D O R D E R A N E W im passe h as been stn ick in th e U n db ergh ^ iffa ir w h ich rtiore thorough ly a rou ses the nation

    :than ev e r before. . . i'•yK'Clavencroolto are to y in g w ith th e nation itse lf a n d , ’̂ ile f^ n g th e vei7 g o v er n m en t-o f tlie U n iled S ta tes . > Y e t b ecau se o f their uncanny and d isarm ing ab ility ,

    : a n d fo r reasons o f fear ,'th e country f in d s itse lf in thej :« n ea sy p red icam ent o f agi'ceing tlia t i t is m oiv ini* ” ,'j)b'ttiht to restore-the L indbergh ch ih l to its paren ts,' h ^ ' . i t i s to.apJJrehfaiid and pun ish .the kidnapei-s.

    Iv^Iever has th ere been a lUore iinp rcssive exam ple ruthless jiaw er o f g a n g s a n d extortion ists.'

    jfli'eady th e ease is a nationa l sca n d a l. W hether the:, ever.*returned or'n ot, th e ep iso d e has served jJ ^ a r a w th e sp o tlig h t o f sham e on th e u g ly fea tu res r)f ‘i ^ e r i c a h crim e- T h is m ay b6 ju st th e b eg in n in g o f a ! ‘’̂ r ^ .t o ; rid A m erica o f ,t h e u nseen enem y w hich is

    B h .^ o u r-lifeb lo o ,d -a .w a y .,^ _ -------- !^ y fe -U ttlo -J C h u r le s A gu stiis w i l l b e the medium *

    ^ffirqugh ‘w hich Amxjrica,. w ill, su d d en ly find , its e lf . [ j3 ® ^ b eiitT eq tn red -ju st-su ch “ a ^ sen sation a l“ evgnt“ tnr '^Vbuse 'th e lethargy, o f a cr im e-dazed nation tn a ^reialiCTtion o f th e d isresp ect fo r la w and order w iiif lr ?̂ t»d8ts’ ■. . . .5 s ^ f i# n a s w h o are sU inding b y him n ow . .§ ^ T h e . s te a d y sw e ep o f G overnor-Franklin D. Ronsc-.

    leltrhas ta k e n th e heart ou t o f the opposition .’ “ Poli- J c j^ ^ ^ v lio jio u ld n ’t s ee R oose v e lt a - n i^ U r a g o are

    ^ w hedgih 'g previous^eE T b'ecause' th ey ju-e coh v in - ‘̂ d h e w ill be n om inated . B ut in stea d o f fading" in to •tli^backgrourid,- and preparing to m ak e peace xritl’ :His rival, Sm ith is d igg in g in and throwin/? upfnoM ^jiifeastworlcs.-•^rEven .w h ile th e uc\to w ires lirnuplll wjn-tl o f

    to t fte E a ip o sev c lu ^ ’cojZin-W isconsiji.- Sniitli broadcasi- ^ r ’fit ^ s t th e th ird tim e ^ •emp hatic (den ia l that bo

    " s ^ o u f l o pullUown-liiJS f la g !H e wroOTto D em o- ,̂ it!c 'loaders in C onnecticut, P en n sy lv a n ia and Cali-

    ^irbj^ia" den y in g th a t lie w a s a sb ilk in g h'oi'se A)r an y' . ^ e ^ c a n d i d a t c ^

    f i:;Srm th stressed a .s ig n if ic a n t ' e s Mot in t e n d t o b etray or d eseil

    assertion th at lie................ . 'd e s e r t h is fr ie n d s w h o•■^re w o rk in g fo r h im in severa l sta tes. T herein 'j)rob-

    '^ ly ; j i^ .th e .k e y to th e strange cotn-se o f Smith w hicii a ijm y s t if ie d m any; H e nm y have star ted out con- if ic e a h c had a real clian ce to be no.mina^ed. But. he a i ib w o n ie in fa c t p ractica lly a life ra ft fo r a num ber

    J D ein o cra tic p o litic ian s w h o for on e reckon or an - iê . d id n o t g e t on th e R o o sev elt lia n d w a g o n . .T hey [c lin ging to h im , u rging h im on.

    V{ ,̂-.Some o f th ese p o litic ia n s g u essed w ro n g m on th s ; a g o w h e n R o o se v e lt m an agers m ad e th eir f ir e t overr C ^ r ^ Sorae l isten ed to o ser iou sly to tlie w h isperings i'ifrom’.tiia t d e m e n t in th e D em ocratic j>arty w b ich -an- ’̂ f i ij ip ^ d ear lier th a t R o o se v e lt co u ld be stopped an d '1ie ‘ c 6n ven tion -th row n in to -a -d ea d lo ck -in w hjcb-tba larty ‘‘le a d e r s” w ou ld n a m e th e candidate." N o w p ir n ’s fa ir-w ea tlie r fr ie n d s h a v e f le d and th e re* p ^ n in g ^ o ld g u a rd h a s ga th ered around i ts g i'w zled

    ^,he'.‘cb'ange is m th e party. P r im a iy a fter pninaryv riveritiori a fte r con ven tion has sh ow n that it’ d o es i't;waht ,to rev iv e th e issu es'-w h ich w recked i f ' i n

    _ji28.'.R oosevelt, fo r a ll p f;the .su p erior attitude w h ich ^ny^:^poHticm iis a d o p t tow ard him , is jio lling a pri-

    ^^ary.'.vote Avhich is se t t in g D em ocratic records. H is S m b ih a tio n o f organ iza tion and Im deh ied popular >5|terg«tl5rig a b ility ha\;e thrq>yn everyth ing e lse intoih i i 'd h ' t r ----------:----------------------y’l t Idbks^llkeTloosevelt.

    ^ ^ itK c r e ie y e r w a s a ra ck et im p osed on tlic A uilmi'. a ^ 'g g o p le , th at,rack et w a s th e one im j)osed by bank- P|:'bPr3fl5nencaft:ihvestoiB-.--*SGnator H inu n Johnson

    ■■■ ̂i ! :^ { (g b lf) p la y e r i s n o t a b le to control either th e di-

    iiQn o ivth ejd estih ation o f a g o lf ball driven, by Him. “■ o f tHe K e n t ia c ^ Court o f A ppeals. ••

  • M cim T ayfA prii:U ',193Z .' U T A H a 'E V E N IN G T IM E g .^ T W IN 'F X lE g , ID A H a '

    iR A N G E F U N E lF Q R l O U i a i B i

    J itO -O IE B -S U iA Y

    News in BriefFor

    SiicciIiiiK • . •, An JS riiio wail nHRPKBOd In pftllro

    co iiil MoncJny for vlDlnlloiL.or llio city orctduinccH )t«vcriiiii-K'

    I'nniiils I.r :. , .. _ Soil .uoi"i»y

    Filer Com m unily Shockcd By]Mitt,m!i>nVHmiH?7arcniH o f ,a koii lay. v\i>rll II. a i !imrlmonl nn- iiworcil 11 tiro iilaini inriuMl.lii from S2II Koiirili iivolini- wimt .iil oVloirk. Suilitiiy llflrriliioil. .J.IMIo ilania;:ii ro.Hulioil.

    . Aro, K.irl Cl.irU. Twii

    :vi~"inrn|icr.7n;ii',.. r r ,wlilc-.i ihi-y , l',.:i

    E R -lE A F O R E G A M O E I

    ik Maccl. UniicT :inii I-;. Hllfcr nil of Twin P'allK.

    Iliiiiornry pull lioarorH .woroXt. A. Ili'liirlcli. Murry lU'iiolt. C. L. Sinllli

    ,or Twin riillH, mi.l TIioniaH (rilrlon. I'lCilini. mill W. W . Ilrnwii anil Str.

    iiHlloriiiKPr of lliixolinn: MiihoiiIi!


    0 STATE SENATE"Pioneer A tfo m e y S eelta ' N b m .

    in a tio n on R ep ub lican ‘ ; T ick et -


    UOI.SIC, (Ul-t - irt'iliov wiiiicr w liw . lla^vc^l -will lie li'roUinaiciy i;i.Jii)ii,miii bnnbol.' jirmoiii V« . - Hl l i l o n H. .'rml ilii'oiiKlioiii .i ) \ . Jarobm>n. '* fi'rloral croii tiiallKllcl in'. On A pril; ,, t; \h" "'imvr «'hviLL .......... '

    ■ l-l'll.'

    I III'i'll. W lia a II. l.liiH l(''' lioon rar-iilii'.: ii HM-i..

    v .r . i r m II) iK hllilin to rc.nllni:!I lariio MiimlK’ni nf Ma-iiii. j •* b-lili-n bill wlfo, '.Mrx. Jnnn!II. aiiil iion. U oyil. bo N nurvlvoil

    ih rr.- .laiiKlilcjv, .Ur-. IK .bm ! ■wlHi lil« iiniH.'niH In Itios from Iowa. For (ilKlil yoarx lio w as vniiiloyoil iw a ■jil. irnincUl'In T w in. Kalin, l.ilo r «»■KaKbr; In HU('o|i..TalNlnK al Kiiclr Ilnur.. .Sonili Daliotii, rc in rn ln s Ji.w (II toUiiw-tiiriiilni:. '

    itiirvlvoil by bln wlfo. llio •Jlc^Vrrno Uani'b. »lx cblK

    • llri. and ‘C3iiy (roi'liran.lSoiilli I 'ako la . a n .l-a •xrcliaii.Tol In brlni:

    Ynrlc’H Kri-iit

    ""r- ;;i ,yi,i Ko

    '.5,111! I!):!l iV'alli

    SI. Alii’liai'l lliojboii

    1)1 liail a ;:(Hiil kiiow rnv- ■Tln» in llic iwii liniKiriani wlni- IiT wlii'ul. iliKlrlnoi-. wbo I n . t u r n itnminnnod riff I*. I \ P r a l e r . -

    biiil>-. waH lound .wjili 1 iitiaVjiy.

    lol bail 1j ‘"


    .illi I

    ,hlx tiro i «orbor«' A aoilicr Klniborly rcHlil , ,

    ■;A. Itowo, reiioriH tbo Iv-s of liU jiunn niodol KVird oontio. llrunni'

    Ij.No, ..H fl.K ill.. l l wa« ot ollv<

    I (Hilef A .'C . I’a rk c r o f Ibi lliibl. L iiollco fitrcc-Uilvlscil l :c a l auilior-

    , m'oH Meaibiy tliai a iiiotlM A. IDJS

    iiKi altalfiiilbiirlci cam.' fl.-. Kliiiioy.


    '" itck . d f f lm ii docliloil froiii IdlncliarRoil ilirm

    ist-inoon i aft fnniic'sl' »'-as tinl no'

    .\cl l'iir.v|ili)lnalilo :-) luili- î w-'ro. lofi; so fii iwii al tliM iln io anil r bm nr liio lnli-ndi; " “ lb < r 'n iV n iT io r:r .ir

    « a r. on. a ll.k liw „r..1 ̂ Inolmloil. Oalimrnbi -fflo lab

    rook)._\U I'-, •» ';;}fool ibaL trnck ^Ui|.nu•nltl'of |ioia ooa wJU let Ibc linm • down, .do -1 ■IroyliiK iilio or:in:ilvi-u:K «'of I 'lo l

    ^voovll iinaranllne. Only ooi'iK lrd ' r i l l nbliiini'iila Vif iHilaioi-H will bo | ailnilllod. 1

    iiilKniiiloTKlaiiilln); hat In Idalio foltowlni;


    P a ir P aro led O nRobbery C harges

    rvird at Now i \V. | | . ‘ H.irnlhriiiik. J ln m ii 'ra

    A dkison T o H ead | K en t A uditions

    BEET WAGE SCA) o r iiin i!i;i: .vitiiinai i

    lollllllll. l '1'O-.llb-l

    IW’llb' M»inM.

    Asflociation F ixes W age Stan- d a rd For Thinning and

    H oeing


    r. A.IIliM.n H ic l iy 'f o r lai vliloli lll(> ,1 I Kaibloon

    ' It'tlirK Sbiiwb’ii

    K im berly R ancher ' O u t F o r L eg isla tu re

    A dpiillon nr il. w'UK j r w ork In >inKiir licoi laimr wa«

    fffccio.1 a l a au'i'llni; of rojiro-scniailvoH iif tiu i Twin Falls Conn-', ,----- •iy Uoni Growor-i aiiKoclailon a n d ;_ .\\* II. T n rner, Khiiborly. fai />iMily'-ii:WM-,lio' biid-‘'n o HorloiiH niDblonia oonrronilair. lilni. I ils.fl- iinin:i.ii-irrralr«*"vk'o¥(riii~(T:Tiipntn- ilv .ly .j'ood Bliiip? mill biK lionllli'

    R obertson Files For S ta te Legislature

    '■ 'JoTifi IJ. .nolKiriHon. ■ l>cinoerat, la in . .Siiiiirdny nflcrnoon MtoU bln

    b".:lHlatnrc;. a u b jo ft ,lo llio'.Stay 'Jl l>rlniarioK. Atnioiiiicnrnnbl of liln In- 'i^nlloii In fllo wan in'adii oarllor In I 111- woo!:.

    iJIr, Itoborliion In nn«oclatod wllb b!» fatbor. T . OT. nobcrlta.n. In llio iiT lxain l l.aiiilii'piiin|iany iiui) lian born n 'm -iii .VallH ro l i ln n t 'f o r z i

    (.Majni K. 'D. Hli;Hln.i; Pnrllanil............... nivlMlnnal- Cnmtnander., ofil|i< Snlvntloit Arni}’ orKiiultailon In SoiKbcriu.'Iilabo, w ill oondiict^ n inci'tliiK In tbo tttilvntinn Army bull iK -'Tw ln - J-'tillB-'Tit-21S-SIioBlione Kaiilli, TiicHilay ovoulnc,-April 12. a t K o'olgck. M ajor lllKKlnK wlU 'bo aci^oinpaiili'd'liy' Atljal^ Ulicr- lia ii, ydntiR pcopld'a iiocrclnry.

    ;l Iliiil ll. wax Klvon niiblloliy li -Malm—1(>—)imlcl--|tlnlit)-^lill)()cri a n d ’to koci) il;u Callfornai n ia rlc ti r.pim to Iilalio |ioi.iioo.*ii!''lle(‘.inca won nnca u l . tliii nftlco of alio c:orocbrdor bore Saiiirtl.iv .- ' One .......

    l.arwoh uiTil Forn WIrtli. T.wltj I-MIH. a n d ibc . oUior u> UloiiMir W oody anil Iliiruan J’oi' orBinr. Iiotli o f Twin- i^illa . A n m lr d 'o f Inroniloir to wotl.-wnK fllcil by llo rn ia ii -'U lnler, TwJn f .ill i i an il t rn ia .HvfllVn 1 llnbl.


    p c a v T P M f) (HIM — ntnokfooL JUi'iUltH. ■wlilcli bml c n itn ilicin.i , i ! . r S ; ! ..... .... - '■■■■"■■ —;-niiUifnl didialo veiomit Alox K ol bind. 'Won tlio Idab'o i^Iiamnlonahli lion*. ,Katnrilay Iibu'cil nucond

    irilcit Ibird;

    S pring ’s A rrivalW elcom ed H ere

    -•.t.SprlnK farnilni; inoir h c is lil boro, a / t b o rcanli of favorallili? w oatlior liio pant ncvoral (IOJ'4., Suniloy iwan idoal, wlili iL-war'n

    i;inn1)uAilnR down on a ll ftontliorn- •;niiliT irT riirin iR brout“ aiiiolHiii-nnd- plcn liikoriirR oircra, Kardoiuim, aa wiill aK fftrmorH wbo look ailvnnl- a)i(i oi 4bo favoriiWo day lo nuiko M rldca III dolaycd acllv ltlo i.. . .

    M onday, tno wiih - a typically a rm HprliiK'itny, wj^b ii ctniidlcKa___ ni o f n lioino, \vcro Haveil

    •from 'i-iarvntlon 'hern by-ntalD.cim- • iiu «crvatlon offlt-cra. TIio rnhhlw . on-j ,.Motorl»l« wbo .w onl-lo llio Saw-nlubt CaUlwPll « dlHappoarlnif. T borc Ih nntsnow 'r>,l1 ll«fT>«l1.1 ... __I., .T .lV , r a n . iil tl, .elm ol I irm o iin j

    ••Tbo V a llu jii .- to a w iro .fiw t i)hii;.i' -----------------------------------------------In iho onu -ao ljilay oonicHi. I'rcn- I’oliind'H popnlatlnn In lb:il la- .crc.uscrnu Tn Aililri'Ks^lnn • -

    Jo h n -C. lla rvpy .:;iU « lon pont comiilaiidcr. .anno iinpN l' ~

    THE m a s t e r HIS N EW TPY:-

    .................... llin dlrrcilon nt Dr. Vlf),

    .Mail il'owon of tho iinlvtirHlly.:s-.',L;The olianinlon tlMMlnra, coniniml.

    liji'tMInH UiirkO, Inclndo. Hojlaiid;- TIiomiiH Sm llli, .AV*altiT; lUiRO, Ivoa; .McClcllond, Jolm .Boyle. C* .S'ewmnit gnd'LcUiaU'JJoclf. •

    O lbcr (lecljinailon .cham pion in - Nr.rmiia WllHbmK. M alad.:

    . r«ncou8;.EaTlThoniaB .'M a. lod, o ra to ry : iKrtrHCtnnbrlURC.Ihihl. (InimiKlo, and aiclen^AVIIiion, T w la l->1lH. iHinrorottH. flothillliim . M alatl.' won. Ibo (Joiirit» WaHlilnalon cNsay contcHt. - . . I

    ; ch ide:'

    SKIIVK (MIICKEX A T JW .VT nem orc.̂ . (im,.—a miibit'fihoollnK field IrJp 'd row r o u t ICO 'bnntcrx. Two (c8vor iViur t:yllnn«;o«eii;jiaii on K.' ratlnB or30.jior«opowor,.cyllndoc

    'lilookH niid c rn n k 'caw l^ ttin tihf .uhll, nltunlpum ali6r:Pliit'oni. ah iti- laVo n)anirol(l''wUJcH. prc-licaUi''tliO'W»^eforc.', In y )i)ii i-.ia iiTairo yiiiir oalbi

    Jiio IV r -UUc;- . .

  • Funeral, l8 H eld . ,A . Johnson

    WVllllMllliy IlfliTIKW'll IlH'llft Wtlh(llw rn 'c In llio ynnl j)rri>ftrn(i)r.v tiOMlllK « ltt HOIIK' irpoii. IllH «lf.!

    Iwmi licl]iliiK,J>li” '" " I ^ylilioiii 'wivniliiR ,Iii> iiway ii|.i*ar

    ■mj'-n'nm-iiTiopSrTT:-------------—' n iiie n il iiiTvr.-i ivorn liolilliluy ■ iifU’riifiiJii frrnii lln '' IliiiillKl joliiinrb Iti iilinryr of Urv. llnnH•' M^innarliii- iK'iiH Iiti.iltiitt- o f rroulumlOK}*. .'It '

    coulJ I'o |ilii(-e.l mi tlH> Iio.kI o f n nrilliinryiilii. ' ’ - - - - - - • :xxxxxxsvcia«xxsxxxxsxxxx>

    ThoSIA M E SE T W IN S "

    in P erson .. A roC om inff •

    ^ ^ S . ^ } i E m . M Q 3 L -

    It Pays To See Your Ford Bealev FirstF o r E c o n o m ic a l T ra n s p o r ta t io n


    :$ i6 s :u r$175.00 $275.00 8275.00 $325.00 $175.00 $275.00

    — $ 1 6 5 .0 0 -Good Selection $10.00 to §7(3.00 Car.-? ftnd Trucks

    - • All Makes t ib e rn i Trodes — E asy Tcrnifl

    Union Motor Co.. Y 0 U R - r -DEALER:

    Tw in Falls, Id ah o

    For>Sale---Used FurnitureK itchen Oabineta, Ohaira, Tables and Ranpes. D ining. T a-! blcfi, Ohaira, B uffe ts and Oliina Cabinets. Beds, M attresses, S p r in g a n d Bugs.

    ,We T ra d e , Buy or Sell N ew a n d Used F u rn itu re. W hat h a v e ^ o u to trad e?

    £h .one 5 M O O H ^ S _JE lion e-5 -P A IN T A N R FU RN ITU RE ST O R E '

    ̂ A t L ast T h e y ’s'e M ere! — 8 W h a t A J&eiie£ For U s S 1 5 0 0 E o ® e B ia sh e s

    O REG O N GROW N TW O Y E A R S QLD G o on S ale a t 8 a. ,m., T uesda y M orning——Tom orrow

    In The Economy Basem ent

    15© or 2 forN o Phone O rders ,Can Be Ac I'lijpi-ilin_,oiir l>iu lii 'v ii’itr i-;il-iticl. ,1'V i-iy |tn -- ci.iiii.oii i;i ta k i 'i i ii‘is


    W A N ^ A D P A G ET E L E P H O N E 38 J I P R S A L E — M ia cc llim eo u i . HOUSBS_FqR_:MNT


    :h liiHortloti, -per llni>„._01 uoiiUiii’ cuiiiraot, every" uc, ciich liincprlloti, itcr iiid tirlMB Ijuclc wlml you liiuo ; "1 .. '• iU 'il

    Page Seven'.

    T oday’s M arkets and F in an cia l

    (E St lK X stocksiiEAT’SOPMN H E S S M f e ™ .......:::niDS'sra™

    (»n,\IIA I.IVK-STIU’K .OMAHA, Alil'll II - lier.-rli,i» I I.IIOII; m iilk i'l i.iracly ir ir.vv.T; I..H 4n.ik iTi

    LE G A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S

    NOTIIK o r SHKtMtrS RALEIt! "iliV IJlKirlci Coiirt o f th o T

    IClc-Vfiilli .IikIIcIuI Dixlrlut o f lliu Sliilo t>r IcIitUi), In aiiil for liiu

    . QV• of Aiirll, in |>liiliillfX ohtiillicdsi lIlV. ll1X>V0 MIUDiUdlK> IM tiuy of Al>rll.■g liiiliiK rcoonleil in . !'-irii'.'ii C»r mUd I)ln-

    J.V! iticrpof: t 10 (tirll n il ilm t cor- r iiiiKcl ( land iilt* ■uiiiv of Tw li, J-MMii.

    I’.iln i prlccii roUncciJ. Mooii' •CEGAZ.—/ tDVSRTlSEMKW TS-

    .NOTICi: 1 (Ht lin il.lC A T H (N

    ■NT nrv tNew i odaylr"".’.:.;,:̂;;-V,_________ _______________ ■■Mni.n's l>.,l,it^

    :UD l-'UitNn'UlUC — K Itclieiii.UiliU’K, r ln lrii. riiKH ;:

    i-ral Liitid I'-10f) lai. K oilcradoii

    1 y u a r from CiTilflcil lt)0. >i o il K .ua ot n iu t

    ml. .SoiiUi. a : \V. DfViiirior.

    WAN'J’ICD TO tU A D K —Sc'cil I'li t:ii>H'.;i 1 y r. from (Vriiflcii foi iviiai work licir^w. i). I., llaiKa 1 ml. So. 'WiisliliiKtoii ScliocI, :

    l a r . . ! l - 'i ) iF s A L F .'- l-iirrl Ilocrlc Ii:ii(-tilii;; ci;k». .

    IIOO III. I ICIlIllllTly. I !llll.! l-n i\V .i:ii >-i Norlli,

    I KOU SAMC Mam

    I'd ll:irrc< !'7“Hanslii:;.'

    s-o. 1 iu ll„ , ‘

    I. till

    Ci'a lu 1 III'


    (;i) lit illorlc ). 'IV ill l^Ulii, n KiillH County,

    ■ Wa I-h.

    tlio final ........................lliurc-of i*n fllo .Hid of tin ihi' i.rriio of iiio Hconr

    -XiAiestodt-a ll and Hliisiiliir

    ...... . lioro-lid nm>” rlcnaiici!ii

    apiiiK()|{ .UIJ.VT—SI .Jlro il.V n i Sr.'d Co

    r o i l S A M :-A t I--a;

    I.OST—I’lUr iippsiacle;! on lilKli- 1.1V n'car K liitlicrly. Kljulcr Iciivo ii Tliiien Offl.*, Uowiiril.

    r o l l .SALi: — Jd i I',--, ml. !•;. Waiih. ioiM {:i. c . J...M arFl LOST AND FOUND

    P o ta to esc i in 'A iio fii 'i 'A k m :s

    JT ltM C ' .\O TI(^k IS lllia iJD Y ;(:iV H .V :'T liiil,o ii tliu 27lli ilftj- of '.V|irii. iii::::. hl- i Ik; hou r of o’c ldfk r*. M. (MonnUiln Tlm«) of, Kaid cliiy. Ill- tln‘ Kaht f ro n t door o f- III.. Coart ll.iiiM. o f ilio Couiity o f

    i« o t Idiilio, 1 RvIU.' siild Ordiir o f Sali% ICHt-rJlied proi>crty

    itlff'ii ilrcrco w ith in- w lili nil

    Twill TiilU, Slat 111 olx'illi.’lic- 111 :

    .se ll llic luUovo . Ill hall>-fy I’liiiiit

    Iliiil liin-< crilvd fl m ny z

    Classified |;r”S T -S iio iliic lw iir lila i

    SA L E S M E N W A N T E D • |

    A M A N *nnT II 'C.VIl ■\VANTI3n: lo Hii|iiily

    ___ ^i'AntitciH^__ S tciin i_hcnltd^tK _J lo im ij;nu?L '''> \''JlL J'. uluclric niiiRca a n d lialli. Ituncu- ----------------------------

    ln • JK Um.-AliK FOUKCI-tl.SUKE I t i l ' lliu D ixirlct Court o f tbo • K luvniih Judic ia l DlKtrlct o f tbe

    S la t.' o t Idaho, in nnd fo r the I Coumv [iaiiy, a corporation,P lalu tlff.

    I m d id o r f lid Gum S taio coriw nn ' ...


    il dL-cn's> uWorotilODuro o( iiio niKivo lllUirv.u III kljiK over Io:.-4 of RJ.h nnd fin- ;.v‘v ......

    ........JlK -orod._____ill a l t- th a t contain

    r .ti i Iiropcny, lierclnnttor do- i'.crll>ed, o r bo much U io roo t-o s rn a ll Ik) noccsiwry, to sa tisfy plain-

    " J fa n le d lo Jell-you somelliirig," B o b s a j ^ " ' ‘Vou niuil — }fou muif have s u c ac J bel^re tliii-

    ..n™,.! ,m . . y•Ulicniiioiia. 0:ily SCI iio.Ur.nto piirclia^fi)iJc..» I,el,.I! l i i ( i jT O n l . .n . r 5 c iw lo

    ................— ......................................- llio am ount • a fo rcna ld ;- and ' ox-

    Local Markets i;Sfe“Ufe"iuS3?̂ -u’STw in I'lillB Oounty, stflti

    ; Tho follow inc m arke t quotatlona IdllllO

    oeilolblo ohocn and devoted them- iTolveii wliolchcarte'dly to. tho jon-

    f w i n n c h they" labored. ' iiuin niild - ( o -h o ru c lt - ih n t~ lt

    w ouldn't bo no bad i t tbo avumgo ecrctiiry could uco hcruelf ccttlnB

    .ilicad as a younR w an in isb t, ualni; tho ofllco a s a stupplus otouo to lilcber. .plaecx Tho .typical _Klrl w o rk e t\ however, poured her on- ercy, liB>«yniti3iliy and he^ lnlelll> Bcnco into tho jnb nnd unlca.i cbo met w ith cjccplliinal lurk* o r oa-

    •cvonnltlon beyond tho envclopa whoso .num rc ----- aclnsly amall.

    n w ltlioijt Biky

    InR thoaa

    jns, eho V

    > Vi-ortdor

    Kood.. 8i . .. . rm ,'d lsturbln,’;uum m er I wondered If It piild. :d 1( nbo iniftht not. luwcr tho Invltatlou lu

    Jack W arlng’n eyea. She wondered if th a t i;eat In biD aport roadatcr m icb t not provo a ttcec lhcr too 'nl-

    ovenlitc. Susan hoped not but. alio wondered.

    Tbo telephono r.ini: onb niornlng ivlii'n nlia wna nlono-In the.olllco.

    ■ Ilnllo'. Mlsa Carey?” "Tho Elrl'a heart, fo r no Rood rcit'

    iuii,-lieKnn-(o txn t-th ick ly and-un- comfortably. ./

    "Tbifl la Bob D iinbar.' Do nn ingel nnd have'.lunch w ith me. At

    ouo? Illsbto. How about tbo Ulock-

    old pink- I

    . lie Btraw lad picked up on a buacmcnt com

    u r - l o r Sl.DO. Tfou would neve KUCRRCd tbo price, lu a feve

    cxcltem cni sbo waited; for Plu. ipn Ip como back to 're iie ri

    ill b a t Into plaeo.,' sbo -bad baown. If only I alia bn Ruesacdjio was so lne to 'ca ll hei Sbo n ifih t have bad n clanlcur Sho m iclit havo worn* her inui 8oplilBllchtcd;'liiiio;,crcpu.'Sbb'trili:l

    a done thoi'maniUlRsatliifli __

    .last sho. picked 'u p ' her liand liae ah d 'tu ru ed lo iio.' PTorsoti's whh' IHR voice followed her.

    IDon'^t fo'rKct to ho back hy tw irp. Mr. lljaplto Uin fact that thoC5,c:cty cdltoni declared 'ono- lllc;t A g lriy voice, slow

    Bob Uunbilr’n. T bo ' stm oee ro le* ' nald, ■•'Wherever bavo you. been, dnrllncT I've beeo mlsniufl-yDU so."

    Suiuin Rianced up to tihd tbo red- h ffrcd Ctrl who had been a t lb* 8 trU)«hys*;pa'rty iiaHatrlRjim_i. .̂„_.Cflsli on iiatfd ’.u.!'-.:.;;

    / © r i l ». a u f .

  • Page'^RKt':? .: IDAHO - EVEhm^G'>gmE3.^’P\VlN-^FALL5, IDAHO-

    M i E R S H E / l H e m FAIR ^ - M R S J A L K E D

    I - '

    E lcc l M aster Jolmuon To Cham ber B oard : Keenan

    ' Uryes E xhibition

    KIl.KII,, I

    w««rt OnJiiiu'. 'vu^ Sutunlay to rciircHi'iit Iliii -uriuniy ovK' liiiiiiln'il (!mii;:y l-'iuiil!’ .l. Kcciiaii. flil]> of tliu C>r(iiiKC. liJiyH

    • «nil OlrlK ciH)iiornilvi-f. Kii-• liiry ,> 'iiri:icrii'iin il kInilrcU orpiiil-

    u iilon .A fo'iimillleo w«n iiaincd to lcn)1(

    .Iniu (lie iiiiillur ’ «iiiil rui>urt ilmck

    ’I’ux t’coKnittt Mr. Olnrtla oiitlliieil ii lu-foUl

    tiix;illuu proKriiin, tiH foJlDWH;l.~ It«.M-|nlOll o f rcvcilllf IllW.H.

    ■ L*. ■ Kiliicirtloiiiil riiKiiU'u Htiiily:

    OUT. O U R .W A X

    W ould Mtvko Balccr Sccrctarv

    'HOSTD.S'. ' lUlilU'y t''li'lilMatniit. 111;:)! . Ill cuiiiu-Hh o f Tiiniiiiuiiy H all, lius (Jvvuii 1>. Yoiini;’ l' Dcmocrnllc

    ililftitlal iiimiliH'i- -wltti a coiill- IK iiriie-.................... . illiijr .

    tinilly- ii i r IcailiMK 'Uc-iiiovratlu (llibtcii. cxceiit l'*niiil!llti D. Uooko-

    A w % fe ia3g

    ItT II— I 'llc r linil Twill riillKj iiiiiit 111 . a . Kiiliii'o h'lii’Miunt; 1(1 uiioiikliiK ciiii'tojii won «nc-j and third iiU c tsi' r.c^iiectlvoly,

    Hcconu. iiu co -‘n'aiTtiIonclio]< KIaiut« KlwiikhiK Qa-"Co-oitorodon Iii.A k - . rluiiliun).” :H o A\itn ucuoiiipunlotl l)y hill couiJlrtuH r Jnutfiiclor; C lar- . ciu-u )^tlcK; jiKrlcuUiirul Inittriiclor ill.^Mtio'•Fllo^•■'lnll^.1I■■'^lIeI^'iitlioi' l.

    iD iimild iMIller, T w in J'iiIIh, lliird igilucii w 'liintr wan nccuiaiiiinlcU Ijy

    U ' Mltilc. Siiiltli-lhiKliei)' vocu- r tlonn l' liixlniiiror. OMiur u n trun tu

    .1 w«ro -ffo n i Illaiikfoot, Htuxljiirc. ■rTaiiiii)'mi!'miui'CiinJ:i(trTji(rcvcnr~̂•ua«. illructcil ti>'.'.'\V 'illluiii...K«rr, «lnlo illriH.'lor «-f vdcaduniil t ' l l u w .

    Itliiii. liluKilil iliill> .MIdn'iiy, 'pru-'Hlik'd,

    ^'Icstlints Win-SOCO_na nn u l-,va«_ oirectcil ti>':.'\V'illluiii.;.K«rr, . Third'" P la c c a .

    -V L u

    iMiilonii'H HUKKcialiiiiH Inclmli-U .Siioalicr Joliii iN., G iiniiT f o r ' vjco Iiri-«ld

    {lliin to (lolltlcH anil Ko^'erniiicnl iiiiU I »iiiilil aililri-im liliiiHulf to a iinie

    Mii'iii ■ I ...... r̂itiKTlioii uf'n'ltnu."'I ' I’DHiimulor (K*ii-ral: Fo r i i i v r

    ____________ ! lUivi'iaor llvni. iil yii-Klalu. . •1 Navyt'Wlllltuii Ittiiilotiili Ucarnl,

    llic iliianchil .•' lio wimJir’.Hî u lliut oiir IHivl i)f oar,N avy wiui ltO|il-Ui>-tu'» llinlntliiml*

    aril of tff^cilvi'iiCHrt-ait. our. flMt

    1{K.^1.V1.\S ltlon. ............

    \ i \ i r ; 'I ’a lr lc k -J . Iliirltiy. Iix-iiia-1 tiim «f dcfunBu."llucHiixo 111! ■bolli'VOH li i : i 'f - | .In terio r: ilm ./A U t'O . U oosm lt.

    ' Kontcwortli. - . ‘A).-rli;iil(nrri: Ctnvitrnor "Alfulfa

    n i l l " .Miirni’y.' ■ •'«:uaiiiiri-cb:.'iiii;m7 it'iaiik . jirohl-

    diMii o f.llu ' Unlyprnity tif '\Vljifoii!ilii

    1.—.■rii*«iion-or'irKiiU!i luni itivcsi. (.■(l'cai>ltul.

    -}.'i TIltJblT taxmlriii,(i. 'UnvlHlna of JmllHal Hyntvni.

    • 0, Ih'niiiiSLHi V 0 a II1111111 u n al UitiiiiiilinuniK. • . • " •- ',7 . .T ax 4'*i!iii|illim itliidy.■ 'S tato K orvrntai'nt cuntK.• It. rocji aail llcciiKeM..10. niKliwiiy 'flnaiici?.

    _i3Mr.--_JoliUi!0ii_W/C!tlflc«LJiim liiK .-Jilin llar iicxhIoiih Ii....« liclil Jjy .I»«)inoiui vvery (|iuirlcr7 The

    ilM oj(U oiii*-wlir-tieln-July;---------

    IHagerinan Triack•Team To Travel

    lAOCitMAN. lS|>utlil>------ Tho- -Hm^orintiii ■ Iil«h hcIiooI irju'ti tenni '■ .will n lte m r tlio tn ic k -m o K ,iit- ' GtiMiiiii Knrry A pril 'l .'. IIIIiik. aiirl

    K ills’. H ill irnck ipnnis will aln’i riiiiiputi-.

    .Mni. (ii-.oi'Ki: .Miirtlii and .Mm. \V.' 1'*. .Dlrklnvijn'oiilr-iialnc'il atljrlili;i' Anil konHtiiKloii 'l.iKi wcirh. Iliv mococilH »\'cul to ■•Jie Illiriiryjiim l. MrH.; Charlim Ali1>()it won *lil):h .iTori‘ iirl/.Q Hhowu a t (U«

    liad-Klvon •-’iinportiuit In form ation." 'i{»xy.I t wiiN'. rji’inbrcd thl«. eo^iferuncd . —iiuirkiil Iho «!iitry of the fiimouti , 'VJmt! ■ ll io

    'a«Tir. lull., till' hivcHilKatlon. . J . C. reuuftjr lU ock.

    TeJ«Iit Fool'

    \'^cei>iioiri(niri}~niti!:• VIJcRliinInK •'vlth the 'j ilan tlu tr

    of the crop, wo find tha t the ' Idaho Ticrenco «» orlKlnully estlnia t- eil tv.iH. tlio' liirBCft planiLni; on rcux ’d ilnrlnK titru c ( l E u u u J c i l i c k s li])p c r. .

    C r e a t e d 'i n th e tiOa»i)ti‘H Hiiia r lo a t H lylc.s^K ntia, J d it ic k a a r c p r ic c ti a t S.5.00 a n d $ 6 .0 0 —^nouc

    • l i ig lic r . V ’

    C o iiie i n antT I> c /illcd cx p c rlly ! Y lic w idi: ra ii^ e o f 8 ir.cs a n d w id th s — 1 to 12 , A A A A A to E K E — asB ilrc s y o u a co K ift)rliib lc bIioi;, f o r e v e ry ih.adcL lia-ii& Icntificallv -dc& lt;ucd-ao-cb iiform t o . e v e ry m o v c m c u l o f y o u r foo l.

    '. 'Eiiiia JeU tek rtfrjr jSunilay evttniiic, ■ to o /* -M: H tuieni Slatiil- ’nrrf-7VoiP.ovfr--ir7Z-aiaitiKialedKJIiC.ilationt.



    S S E l "O&ptaSn Oioasbon'cs’ ' ot Twln.PalU HIGH SCHOOL

    April. 16th-. AdmiMlon . 2 5 d
