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  • 8/10/2019 TPT cudik



    The worst thing is that we live in a contaminated moral environment. We fell morallyill because we became used to saying something different from what we thought. We

    learned not to believe in anything, to ignore one another, to care only about ourselves.

    Concepts such as love, friendship, compassion, humility or forgiveness lost their

    depth and dimension, and for many of us they represented only psychological

    peculiarities , or they resembled gone-astray greetings from ancient times , a little

    ridiculous in the era of computers and spaceships. Only a few of us were able to cry

    out loudly that the powers that be should not be all-powerful and that the special

    farms, which produced ecologically pure and top-quality food just for them, should

    send their produce to schools, children s homes and hospitals if our agriculture was

    unable to offer them to all.

    The previous regime -armed with its arrogant and intolerant ideology -reduced man to

    a force of production, and nature to a tool of production. !n this it attac"ed both their

    very substance and their mutual relationship. !t reduced gifted and autonomous

    people, s"illfully wor"ing in their own country, to the nuts and bolts of somemonstrously huge, noisy and stin"ing machine, whose real meaning was not clear to

    anyone. !t could not do more than slowly but ine#orably wear out itself and all its

    nuts and bolts.

    When ! tal" about the contaminated moral atmosphere , ! am not tal"ing just about the

    gentlemen who eat organic vegetables and do not loo" out of the plane windows. ! am

    tal"ing about all of us. We had all become used to the totalitarian system and accepted

    it as an unchangeable fact and thus helped to perpetuate it. !n other words, we are all-though naturally to differing e#tents -responsible for the operation of the totalitarian

    machinery. $one of us is just its victim. We are all also its co-creators.

  • 8/10/2019 TPT cudik


    Why do ! say this% !t would be very unreasonable to understand the sad legacy of the

    last forty years as something alien, which some distant relative bequeathed to us. On

    the contrary, we have to accept this legacy as a sin we committed against ourselves. !f

    we accept it as such, we will understand that it is up to us all, and up to us alone to do

    something about it. We cannot blame the previous rulers for everything, not only

    because it would be untrue, but also because it would blunt the duty that each of us

    faces today& namely, the obligation to act independently , freely, reasonably and

    quic"ly. 'et us not be mista"en& the best government in the world, the best parliament

    and the best president, cannot achieve much on their own. (nd it would be wrong to

    e#pect a general remedy from them alone. )reedom and democracy include

    participation and therefore responsibility from us all.

    !f we reali*e this, then all the horrors that the new C*echoslova" democracy inherited

    will cease to appear so terrible. !f we reali*e this, hope will return to our hearts.

    !n conclusion, ! would li"e to say that ! want to be a president who will spea" less and

    wor" more. To be a president who will not only loo" out of the windows of his

    airplane but who, first and foremost, will always be present among his fellow citi*ens

    and listen to them well.

    +ou may as" what "ind of republic ! dream of. 'et me reply& ! dream of a republic

    independent, free, and democratic, of a republic economically prosperous and yet

    socially just in short, of a humane republic that serves the individual and that

    therefore holds the hope that the individual will serve it in turn. Of a republic of well-

    rounded people , because without such people it is impossible to solve any of our

    problems --human, economic, ecological, social, or political.

    The most distinguished of my predecessors opened his first speech with a quotationfrom the great C*ech educator omens". (llow me to conclude my first speech with

    my own paraphrase of the same statement& eople, your government has returned to


  • 8/10/2019 TPT cudik


    0y dear fellow citi*ens/


    ita hidup dalam ling"ungan moral yang sudah tercemar. ita jatuh sa"it secara

    moral "arena "ita terbiasa mengata"an sesuatu yang berbeda dari apa yang "ita

    pi"ir"an. ita belajar untu" tida" memercayai apa pun, mengabai"an satu sama lain,

    dan hanya mementing"an diri sendiri. onsep-"onsep seperti cinta, persahabatan,

    "asih, "erendahan hatai, dan "erelaan memaaf"an sudah "ehilangan ma"na dan

    dimensi-dimensinya. 1agi sebagian orang "onsep-"onsep itu terdengar aneh , seperti

    sepucu" surat salah alamat yang berasal dari masa lalu , sedi"it "onyol di era

    "omputer dan pesawat luar ang"asa ini. 2anya sedi"it dari "ita yang mampu berteria"

    lantang bahwa "e"uasaan yang ada harus dibatasi, dan bahwa pertanian "husus yang

    memprodu"si ma"anan organi" dan ber"ualitas tinggi, seharusnya memprioritas"an

    hasilnya untu" se"olah-se"olah, panti ana"-ana", dan rumah sa"it, ji"a memang

    pertanian "ita tida" mampu menyedia"an untu" semua.

    3e*im terdahulu yang bersenjata"an ideologi yang arogan dan tida" toleran , sudah

    merendah"an manusia menjadi hanya sebagai "e"uatan produ"si, dan menganggap

    alam sebagai alat produ"si bela"a. 4i sinilah ha"i"at mere"a dan hubungan timbal

    bali" antara alam dan manusia dirusa". 2ar"at manusia yang penuh ba"at dan

    Otononom telah direndah"an. 5emula mere"a be"erja penuh "reasi di negaranya

    sendiri, namun "emudian menjadi se"adar se"umpulan mur dan buat dari sebuah

    mesin ra"sasa yang berisi" dan bau, mesin yang ma"na sesungguhnya tida" lagi jelas

    bagi setiap orang. 0esin itu be"erja sema"in lambat dan pasti a"an aus, begitu juga

    mur dan bautnya.

    Tat"ala saya bicara tentang atmosfer moral yang sudah tercemar, saya bu"an cuma

    bicara tentang orang-orang hebat yang ma"an sayuran organi" dan ta" pernah "eluar

  • 8/10/2019 TPT cudik


    dari jendela pesawat terbang. 5aya bicara tentang "ita semua. ita sudah terbiasa

    dengan sistem totaliter dan menerimanya sebagai fa"ta yang tida" bisa diubah

    sehingga "ita justru melestari"annya. 4engan "ata lain, dalam "adar yang berbeda-

    beda, "ita semua bertanggung jawab atas pengoperasian mesin totaliter. ita semua

    bu"an hanya "orban& "ita juga menjadi pendu"ungnya.

    0engapa saya "ata"an hal ini% Tida"lah masu" a"al untu" melihat pusa"a

    menyedih"an dari 67 tahun tera"hir ini sebagai sesuatu yang asing, yang diwaris"an

    oleh saudara jauh "ita. 5ebali"nya, "ita harus menerima warisan ini sebagai sebuah

    dosa yang "ita la"u"an terhadap diri "ita sendiri. alau "ita bisa menganggapnya

    seperti itu, "ita a"an paham bahwa semuanya terserah pada "ita, dan hanya pada "ita,untu" mengambil tinda"an. ita tida" bisa menyalah"an para pemimpin terdahulu

    atas segala sesuatu, bu"an hanya "arena hal itu "eliru, namun juga a"an

    menumpul"an tugas yang "ita hadapi hari ini, ya"ni "ewajiban untu" bertinda" secara

    independen , bebas, masu" a"al, dan cepat. 8angan sampai salah& pemerintahan terbai"

    di dunia, parlemen terbai", dan presiden paling hebat se"alipun, ta" a"an bisa berbuat

    banya" sendirian. (dalah "eliru ji"a "ita mengharap"an penyembuhan hanya dari

    mere"a. ebebasan dan demo"rasi melibat"an partisipasi, dan oleh "arenanya,

    membeban"an tanggung jawab "epada "ita semua.

    8i"a "ita menyadari hal ini, semua horor yang diwarisi demo"rasi baru Ce"oslova"ia

    tida" a"an tampa" begitu mena"ut"an. 8i"a "ita menyadarinya, harapan a"an "embali

    menyelusup "e hati "ita.

    .... esimpulannya, saya ingin menjadi presiden yang sedi"it bicara dan banya"

    be"erja. 0enjadi presiden yang tida" hanya a"an melongo" "e luar jendela dari

    pesawat terbang, namun yang paling penting, a"an selalu hadir di tengah-tengahra"yatnya dan mendengar"an suara mere"a dengan bai".

    (nda mung"in bertanya republi" seperti apa yang saya impi"an. !*in"an saya

    menjawab& 5aya memimpi"an sebuah republi" yang independen, bebas, dan

    demo"ratis republi" secara e"onomi ma"mur, dan secara sosial adil. 5ing"atnya,

  • 8/10/2019 TPT cudik


    sebuah republi" yang manusiawi yang melayani semua orang, serta menyimpan

    harapan bahwa setiap individu juga a"an mendu"ungnya. 5aya mendamba"an sebuah

    republi" yang terdiri dari orang-orang yang berwawasan luas , "arena tanpa mere"a

    mustahil segala macam persoalan "emanusiaan, e"onomi, e"ologi, sosial , atau politi"

    bisa terselesai"an....

    endahulu saya yang terhormat acap"ali membu"a pidato pertamanya dengan "utipan

    dari seorang to"oh pendidi" ter"emu"a Ce"o, omens". !*in"an saya

    menyempurna"an pidato pertama saya ini dengan parafrase dari pernyataan yang


    3a"yat se"alian, pemerintahan telah "embali "epada (nda

  • 8/10/2019 TPT cudik




    Translation is an activity that refers to transformation of one language into other

    language. Translation process is not easy because there is some conte#tual element

    that must be defended in order to get the closest meaning. Translation in its purpose is

    to produce a translated te#t that brings the actual meaning from the source language.

    1eside on that, translation is also to achieve several insights about new culture. The

    interpreter must be fully understood and well-comprehended about the source and the

    target language.

    The selected te#t is a phenomenal speech that including into one of the most powerful

    speeches in the world. This is a speech from 9aclav 2avel, e#-president of C*ech

    3epublic. This is his first speech after electing as the president. (ppreciations toward

    this te#t have proven the quality of the te#t. This matter finally initiates the writer to

    analy*e the te#t as well to get some new "nowledge.


    )irst technique is Borrowing . 1orrowing means ta"ing of words directly from one

    language into another without translation. 5imilar with :nglish, many !ndonesian

    words borrow from other languages. 5everal data is found in the te#t.

    )or e#ample & 5'; moral atmosphere regime independent

    T'; moral atmosfir re*im independen


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    3egime @.

    !ndependent shares the same dimension with atmosphere. (fter translating into target

    language, we find a few changing in the end of the word @.

    5econd technique is Transposition . Transposition is translating phrase or sentence

    with some adjustment in structural aspect. !t is frequently happen in any translation

    activities. 5ome languages share similar pattern but some others are not. The order of

    the word could truly bring the intended meaning.

    )or e#ample & 5'; real meaning 0orally ill

    T';ma"na sebenarnya 5a"it secara moral

    Real meaning

  • 8/10/2019 TPT cudik


    translation must be arranged into good adaptation. 1ased on the conte#t, depth

    e#periences a transformation of feeling. The sameness of meaning quality is the main

    consideration in this changing.

    Psychological peculiarities

  • 8/10/2019 TPT cudik


    of the language, the vast "nowledge of the spea"er will ultimately produce a high-

    quality speech.

  • 8/10/2019 TPT cudik


    Theory and Practice of Translation

    A Mid Test Paper: An Analysis of Havels



    Yerry Yuniardi (0 !0"#$0%"&

    'n lish )epartment *aculty of Humanities +niversity of Andalas $0!#