trab rec 7ano 1bim ingles basico

1 ATIVIDADES DE RECUPERAÇÃO DE INGLÊS 7º ANO BÁSICO Name: _______________________________________Nº________Class: _______ Date: ____/____/____ Teacher: INSTRUÇÕES PARA A PARTICIPAÇÃO NA RECUPERAÇÃO 1. Acompanhe o calendário de aulas e provas que será entregue juntamente com o Edital; 2. A presença nas aulas é obrigatória. As faltas devem ser justificadas; 3. Os instrumentos de avaliação da recuperação são: Trabalho (2,0) / Prova (8,0) 4. Os trabalhos deverão ser entregues para o professor no dia marcado por ele. Não serão aceitas atividades entregues fora deste prazo. Conteúdos a serem trabalhados na recuperação Present Simple Affirmative Interrogative and Negative Present Continuous Affirmative Interrogative and Negative Simple Past Affirmative Interrogative and Negative Descrição do trabalho Este roteiro tem o objetivo de ajudá-lo em seu trabalho durante o período de recuperação. 1. Reflexão Você fez todas as lições de casa? Você tem o seu material completo e organizado? Você prestou atenção nas aulas? Você procurou participar positivamente falando inglês sempre que possível? Você tentou tirar suas dúvidas com a professora? 2. O que você precisa saber ao final da recuperação? Fazer uso adequado dos tempos verbais (present simple, present continuous & simple past) no processo de produção e compreensão oral e escrita. 3. Como estudar? Participe positivamente das aulas e tire suas dúvidas com a professora; Faça todos os exercícios da Apostila de Recuperação; Entregar as atividades no prazo combinado.

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Page 1: Trab Rec 7ano 1bim Ingles Basico



Name: _______________________________________Nº________Class: _______

Date: ____/____/____ Teacher:


1. Acompanhe o calendário de aulas e provas que será entregue juntamente com o Edital;

2. A presença nas aulas é obrigatória. As faltas devem ser justificadas;

3. Os instrumentos de avaliação da recuperação são: Trabalho (2,0) / Prova (8,0)

4. Os trabalhos deverão ser entregues para o professor no dia marcado por ele. Não serão aceitas

atividades entregues fora deste prazo.

Conteúdos a serem trabalhados na recuperação

Present Simple – Affirmative – Interrogative and Negative

Present Continuous – Affirmative – Interrogative and Negative

Simple Past – Affirmative – Interrogative and Negative

Descrição do trabalho

Este roteiro tem o objetivo de ajudá-lo em seu trabalho durante o período de recuperação.

1. Reflexão

Você fez todas as lições de casa?

Você tem o seu material completo e organizado?

Você prestou atenção nas aulas?

Você procurou participar positivamente falando inglês sempre que possível?

Você tentou tirar suas dúvidas com a professora?

2. O que você precisa saber ao final da recuperação?

Fazer uso adequado dos tempos verbais (present simple, present continuous & simple past) no

processo de produção e compreensão oral e escrita.

3. Como estudar?

Participe positivamente das aulas e tire suas dúvidas com a professora;

Faça todos os exercícios da Apostila de Recuperação;

Entregar as atividades no prazo combinado.

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Simple Present Tense I The Simple Present Tense is used to express: • Facts – “Classes start at 7:25am.” / “I live in São Paulo.” • Habitual actions – “I study English twice a week.” / “She does her homework every day.” • Universal truths – “The sun rises in the east.” / “Water freezes at zero degrees.”

Meet Mike. He’s a student in Cape Town, South Africa.

Hi, I’m Michael, but you can call me Mike. I study at the

Belville Elementary School in Cape Town.

This is my day:

I usually get up very early – at about 6 o’clock. I have

breakfast with my family and then leave for school at

7:00 am. I take the school bus in front of my house and

get to school before 8:00 am.

I have classes from 8:00 am to 02:30 pm. We study very hard – math, English, geography,

science… I have lunch at the school cafeteria at 12:30pm, but the food isn’t good.

After school, I play soccer with my friends at the community center. I arrive home at 5:00 pm

and do my homework. My parents get home from work at 6 and we all have dinner together at

about 7:30 pm.

In the evening I watch TV with my parents and sometimes play videogames. I usually go to bed

at 10:00 pm. (from The Richmond Simplified Grammar of English)

I, you, we, they - verb in the infinitive form, without “to” to go - I go to school every day. to dance - We dance every Saturday. he, she, it (3rd person singular): add “-s”; “-es” (verbs that end in ss, sh, ch, x and o) or “-ies” (verbs ending in “y” preceded by a consonant) “-s” - She dances every day. / He likes chocolate. “-es” - She goes to work by car. / He watches TV at night. “-ies” - She studies in Africa. /He flies to Europe every year. * Exception: to have - She has a new car.

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1. Complete the table with Mike’s activities. Pay attention to the example.

Time Activity

6:00 He gets up.


8:00 - 2:30





2. Now write the times and describe your day.

Time Activity


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Frequency Adverbs

How often?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

once a week

twice a week

three times a week

every day


3. Answer these questions about yourself. Give complete answers.

1. How often do you go to the cinema? I often go to the cinema

2. How often do you swim? ___________________________________________________

3. How often do you eat meat? ________________________________________________

4. How often do you do your homework? ________________________________________

5. How often do you play computer games? _____________________________________

6. How often do you have English classes? ______________________________________

7. How often do you make your bed? ___________________________________________

8. How often do you study English? ____________________________________________

9. How often do you go on a study trip? _________________________________________

10. How often do you travel with your family? _____________________________________

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Simple Present Tense II The negative and interrogative forms of the simple present tense are formed as follows:




I work Do I work?

I do not work. / I don’t work.

You work Do you work?

You do not work. / You don’t work.

He works

Does he work?

He does not work. / He doesn’t work.

She works

Does she work?

She does not work. / She doesn’t work.

It works

Does it work?

It does not work. / It doesn’t work.

We work

Do we work?

We do not work. / We don’t work.

You work

Do you work?

You do not work. / You don’t work.

They work

Do they work?

They do not work. / They don’t work.

I, you, we, they: auxiliary verb Do + verb in the infinitive form, without “to” to go - Do you go to the club every weekend? - No, I don’t. to smile - Why do you smile so much? - Because I don’t like to cry… he, she, it (3rd person singular): auxiliary verb (3rd person) Does + verb in the infinitive form, without “to” to have - What does she have in her bag? – She doesn’t have many things, only a wallet. to watch - What kind of movies does he like to watch? – He doesn’t like movies a lot.

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4. Unscramble the sentences.

1. TV / does/ watch / she/ every day / ?

Does she watch TV every day?

2. Spanish / you / why / study / do / ?


3. your brother/ where / work / does / ?


4. usually / do / go / you / by car / to school / ?


5. love / the movies / to go / they / to / do / ?


6. o’clock / up / six / we / get / at /.


7. hamburgers / they / eat / every / day / don’t /.


8. bed / you / make / your / do / ?


5. Write true sentences (affirmative or negative) about yourself.

1. (eat / spaghetti) – I eat spaghetti.

2. (like / watching soccer on TV) – I don’t like watching soccer on TV.

3. (go to the club everyday) ___________________________________________________

4. (dance ballet) ____________________________________________________________

5. (play videogames on Sundays) ______________________________________________

6. (play basketball) __________________________________________________________

7. (do homework)___________________________________________________________

8. (hang out with friends)______________________________________________________

9. (go to the movies) ________________________________________________________

10. (listen to music) _________________________________________________________

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6. Read what Claudia says.

“I come from São Paulo, Brazil. I’m 25 years old and I’m an

English teacher. What do I do every day? I get up at 6:30 and

have breakfast. Then I go to school on foot. Classes start at

8:00. I usually have lunch in the school canteen. After class I

usually go home. I have lots of things to correct!!”

7. Now answer the questions about Susanne.

1. How old is Claudia?

2. What time does she get up?

3. What does she do?

4. How does she go to school?

5. Where does she have lunch?

6. Where does she go after class? _________________________________________________________________________

8. What do you do every day? Compare yourself and a friend. Make true sentences.

1. I get up at 6:00 every day.

My friend gets up at 5:30 every day.

2. I have lunch at ________________________________________________________ .

My friend _____________________________________________________________ .

3. I watch TV at __________________________________________________________ .

My friend _____________________________________________________________ .

4. I go to bed at __________________________________________________________ .

My friend _____________________________________________________________ .

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9. Look at the pictures. Write what the boy does every day. 1.

He gets up at 6:30.











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1. Choose the correct answer.

1. We use the present continuous to talk about: a) what happens every day b) what is happening now

2. We use the present continuous to talk about: a) temporary events b) regular actions

3. To make the present continuous, we use the simple present of: a) have + verb + -ing b) be + verb + -ing.

4. For verbs ending in -e, we: a) double the final letter b) drop the -e and add -ing.

5. For some verbs ending in consonant + vowel + consonant (c-v-c), we: a) double the final letter b) drop the final letter before we add -ing.

2. Complete the sentences with these verbs. walking wearing painting singing standing playing looking doing talking holding 1. We are _______________ an exercise.

2. The actor is _______________ a song.

3. The children are _______________ a picture.

4. The man is _______________ blue jeans.

5. The girl is _______________ a book in her hand.

6. His mother is _______________ the piano.

7. The guide is _______________ to the tourists.

8. The people are _______________ at the actor.

9. The ghost is _______________ this way!

10. The woman is _______________ on the right.

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4. Read the letter and match the questions with the answers.

Hello Mark!

We’re having a great time in England. Today we’re visiting Oxford – it’s a beautiful old city

near London. There are lots of tourists here and lots of colleges! The buildings are fantastic.

We’re looking at Magdalen College (say ‘Maudlen’) – it’s over 500 years old.

We’re sitting in a park next to the college. Right now there aren’t any tourists in the park , but

there are lots of trees and flowers. Lauren is taking pictures of the flowers and James is having


Are there any good attractions in Rome? Are you having a good holiday?

See you soon!


1. Is Adam having a good time? ( ) He’s staying in Rome.

2. What place is he visiting in Oxford? ( ) In a park.

3. Are there lots of colleges in Oxford? ( ) Yes, he is.

4. How old is Magdalen College? ( ) His friend, Mark.

5. Where is Adam sitting? ( ) Magdalen College

6. Are there any tourists in the park? ( ) No, he isn’t.

7. What is Lauren doing? ( ) Yes, there are.

8. Is James having breakfast? ( ) No, there aren’t.

9. Who is Adam writing to? ( ) Over 500 years old.

10. Where is his friend staying? ( ) She’s taking pictures.

5. Complete the conversation. Use the present continuous forms with contractions. Use the verbs in the box.

The Adams family and the Morgan family are having a barbecue in the Morgans’ backyard. Mr. Morgan’s daughter, Pam, is calling from college. She’s speaking to her brother George.


Pam: Hi. It’s Pam. What’s happening?

George: We’re having a barbecue.

Pam: Great! What’s Dad doing?

George: ______________________________ hot dogs.

Pam: And Mom?

George: __________________________ to Mrs. Adams.

Pam: Are the Adams’ daughters there?

George: Yes. They ___________________________


Pam: And what about you?

George: Well, Pam, ________________________ coke and I’m

________________________ to you.

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1. Choose the correct answer. 1 There are only two / three simple past forms of be. 2 In questions, the subject (I, he, she, etc.) comes before / after the verb. 3 We use was/were to talk about the present / past. 4 The short form of was not is weren’t / wasn’t. 5 We use were with I, he, she, and it / we, you, and they. 2. Study the pictures.

Last night Now

am/is (present) was (past)

I am so tired. I was tired last night.

Where is Bella? Where was Bella yesterday?

The weather is nice today. The weather was nice last week.

are (present) were (past)

We are happy! We were happy!

You are late! You were late yesterday!

They aren’t here. They weren’t here last Sunday.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I, He, She, It was… I, He, She, It wasn’t… Was I, he, she, it…

You, We, They were… You, We, They weren’t… Were you, we, they…

Bob is at work. At midnight last night he wasn’t at work. He was in bed. He was asleep.

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3. Where were these people at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon? Where were you? 1 2 3 4 5

1. Bill ____________ in __________________.

2. Liza and Paul _______________ at _______________.

3. Kate _______________ at the _______________ .

4. Mr. and Mrs. Brown ____________ on the __________________ .

5. Josh ____________ at the __________________ .

6. And you? I ________________________ .

4. Write was/wasn’t or were/weren’t. 1. We weren’t happy with the hotel. Our room _____ very small, and it _______ very clean.

2. Bill ___________ at work last week because he __________ sick. He’s better now.

3. Yesterday ________ a holiday, so the banks ________ closed. They’re open today.

4. “_______ Kate and John at the party?” “Kate _______ there, but John _______ .”

5. “Where are my keys?” “I don’t know. They ____________ on the table, but

they’re not there now.”

6. You ____________ at home last night. Where ____________ you?

5. Complete the text. Use was, were, wasn’t, were and weren’t.

JOHN LENNON (1940-1980)

John Lennon ___________ from Liverpool. In Britain. At school, he

was interested in art and music but he ___________ a very good student.

At 16, he ___________ in his first group but they ___________ very

popular. Four years later, John ___________ in a new group. Their music

___________ original and exciting, and they ___________ number one in

Britain and America. Their names? The Beatles!

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6. Read the text. Complete 1–10 with A, B, or C. Nina: Where 1 ___ yesterday evening, Paul? We were outside the café at 7 o’clock but you 2 ___ there. Paul: No. I 3 ___ late. Sorry! Nina: 4 ___ at home? Paul: Yes, I 5 ___ in the shower! What about you? Nina: I 6 ___ in the café with Zak all evening. We 7 ___ worried about you. Paul: 8 ___ with you, too? Nina: No, 9 ___ . She 10 ___ at George’s house. 1 A you were B were you C you weren’t

2 A wasn’t B weren’t C was

3 A was B were C weren’t

4 A I was B Were you C Was I

5 A was B weren’t C were

6 A were B weren’t C was

7 A was B were C wasn’t

8 A Dora was B Dora were C Was Dora

9 A she wasn’t B she was C was she

10 A was B were C weren’t