tratado transpacífico

Acuerdo Secreto de la Asociación Trans- Pacífico (TPP) English | Spanish Hoy, 13 de noviembre del 2013, WikiLeaks publicó el texto del borrador secreto negociado para el Capítulo de Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual completo del TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership, Acuerdo de Asociación Trans-Pacífico, en español). El TPP es el tratado económico más grande de todos los tiempos, abarcando naciones que representan más del 40 por ciento del PIB del mundo. La publicación de WikiLeaks del texto se ha realizado antes de la cumbre decisiva de Negociadores en Jefe del TPP en Salt Lake City, Utah, del 19 al 24 de noviembre del 2013. El capítulo publicado por WikiLeaks es posiblemente el de mayor controversia del TPP debido a sus efectos de largo alcance sobre medicinas, editores, servicios de internet, libertades civiles y 1

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Acuerdo Secreto de la Asociación Trans-Pacífico

(TPP) English | Spanish

Hoy, 13 de noviembre del 2013, WikiLeaks publicó el texto del borrador secreto negociado para el Capítulo de Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual completo del TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership, Acuerdo de Asociación Trans-Pacífico, en español). El TPP es el tratado económico más grande de todos los tiempos, abarcando naciones que representan más del 40 por ciento del PIB del mundo. La publicación de WikiLeaks del texto se ha realizado antes de la cumbre decisiva de Negociadores en Jefe del TPP en Salt Lake City, Utah, del 19 al 24 de noviembre del 2013. El capítulo publicado por WikiLeaks es posiblemente el de mayor controversia del TPP debido a sus efectos de largo alcance sobre medicinas, editores, servicios de internet, libertades civiles y patentes biológicas. Significativamente, el texto publicado incluye las posiciones de negociación y desacuerdos entre los 12 estados miembros prospectivos.

El TPP es predecesor del igualmente secreto pacto entre EE.UU. y la U.E., el TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Alianza Transatlántica de Comercio e Inversión, en español), para el cual el Presidente Obama inició las negociaciones


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entre EE.UU. y la U.E. en enero del 2013. Juntos, el TPP y el TTIP abarcarán más del 60 por ciento del PIB global. Ambos pactos excluyen a China.

Desde el principio de las negociaciones del TPP, el proceso de elaboración y negociación de los capítulos del tratado ha estado envuelto en un nivel de secreto sin precedentes. El acceso a los borradores de los capítulos del TPP ha sido escudado del público en general. Los miembros del congreso de EE.UU. únicamente pueden ver porciones selectas de documentos relacionados al tratado bajo condiciones altamente restrictivas y bajo supervisión estricta. Se ha revelado anteriormente que solo tres individuos de cada nación TPP tienen acceso al texto completo del acuerdo, mientras que a 600 'asesores de comercio' – cabildeadores protegiendo los intereses de corporaciones estadounidenses tales como Chevron, Halliburton, Monsanto y Walmart – se les concede acceso privilegiado a secciones cruciales del texto del tratado.

Las negociaciones TPP se encuentran actualmente en una etapa crítica. La administración de Obama se está preparando para acelerar (fast-track) el tratado TPP de manera que impedirá que el Congreso de EE.UU. discuta o enmiende ninguna parte del mismo. Numerosos jefes de estado de países TPP y altos funcionarios de gobierno, incluyendo al Presidente Obama, han declarado su intención de firmar y ratificar el TPP antes del final del 2013.

El Editor en Jefe de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange declaró: “La administración de EE.UU. está ejerciendo presión para que pase el TPP por el proceso legislativo de EE.UU. a hurtadillas”. El borrador avanzado del Capítulo de Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual publicado por WikiLeaks el 13 de noviembre del 2013, entrega al público la máxima oportunidad hasta el momento para familiarizarse con los detalles y las implicaciones del TPP.

El Capítulo de PI de 95 páginas y 30,000 palabras, establece disposiciones para instituir un régimen de gran alcance legal y de cumplimiento, modificando o reemplazando leyes vigentes en estados miembros del TPP. Los subapartados del Capítulo incluyen acuerdos relacionados a patentes (quién puede producir bienes o medicamentos), derechos de autor (quién puede transmitir información), registros de marca (quién puede describir información o bienes como auténticos) y diseño industrial.

La sección más larga del Capítulo – 'Cumplimiento' – está dedicada a detallar nuevas medidas de vigilancia policial con implicaciones de gran alcance para los derechos individuales, las libertades civiles, los editores, los proveedores de servicios de internet y la privacidad en internet, así como para el patrimonio común creativo, intelectual, biológico y ambiental. Medidas particulares propuestas incluyen tribunales de litigio supranacionales ante los cuales los juzgados soberanos nacionales deberán tener deferencia, pero no tendrán salvaguardias para los derechos humanos. El Capítulo de PI del TPP declara que estos juzgados podrán llevar a cabo audiencias con evidencia secreta. El Capítulo de PI también reproduce muchas de las disposiciones sobre vigilancia y cumplimiento de los tratados archivados de SOPA y ACTA.

El texto consolidado obtenido por WikiLeaks después de la reunión TPP del 26-30 de agosto del 2013 en Brunei – a diferencia de cualquier otro documento relacionado al


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TPP entregado al público con anterioridad – contiene anotaciones detallando las posiciones de cada país acerca de las cuestiones que están siendo negociadas. Julian Assange enfatiza que una Australia “agachadamente servil” es la nación que más probablemente apoye la posición de línea dura de los negociadores de EE.UU. contra otros países, mientras que es más probable que estados incluyendo a Vietnam, Chile y Malasia se encuentren en oposición. Numerosas naciones clave de la Cuenca del Pacífico así como naciones cercanas, – incluyendo Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia, Corea del Sur, Indonesia, Filipinas y, más significativamente, Rusia y China – no han estado involucradas en la elaboración del tratado.

En las palabras del Editor en Jefe de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, “De ser instituido, el régimen de PI del TPP pisotearía los derechos individuales y la libre expresión y trataría como un trapo al patrimonio común intelectual y creativo. Si usted lee, escribe, publica, piensa, escucha, baila, canta o inventa; si usted cultiva o consume comida; si se encuentra enfermo o se pudiera encontrar algún día enfermo, el TPP lo tiene en su mira”.

Los estados miembros actuales en la negociación del TPP son EE.UU., Japón, México, Canadá, Australia, Malasia, Chile, Singapur, Perú, Vietnam, Nueva Zelanda y Brunei.

Lea el Capítulo de PI del tratado secreto TPP aquí Acuerdo Secreto de la Asociación Trans-Pacífico (TPP)


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Alex JonesAhora bien, mientras estamos viendo Siria, o estamos ante el Club Imperio de América conforme diseñado, mientras estamos viendo el cierre del gobierno, ObamaCare y todas esas pesadillas desenrollándose, los sitios web del gobierno no están funcionando, por ObamaCare, no por el cierre, porque por la burocracia nunca los hicieron funcionar.1:12:18Todo esto pasa, como te dije hace unos días, la globalización se está expandiendo. La Comisión Trilateral creado en los años 70 por David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski y otros, con los jefes de Estado en Asia, en Europa y en América del Norte para crear un mundo trilateral, de tres patas. Y en ese mundo trilateral, tenían que mover la soberanía nacional a las organizaciones de comercio, tal como lo establecieron en 1957 en el Tratado de Roma con el Euro como modelo original, ahora tenemos el Bilderberg, y todo ello ya está desclasificado.El gobierno ya no manda, los gobiernos estatales ni siquiera son tomados en cuenta, pero los estados, como los estados de la Unión Mundial, tienen un voto limitado, alrededor de un tercio de los votos, frente a las empresas que ya vimos en la banda de Canadá, los documentos de 2007, ya es un juego final, donde las empresas están manejando las reuniones, y literalmente están parando la competición (complementariedad), literalmente, lo que el Dr. Potter Roberts dice en su artículo que tiene hoy en, sobre la política de la cabeza del Departamento de Tesoro, dicen que es otra dádiva a los intereses privados. Es un impuesto directo, un asalto directo, que lo llaman socialismo. Por eso el socialismo no es bueno, señores, siempre se deja fumar, siempre crea grupos delincuenciales, intereses sectoriales, por eso no sirve. Sí, si fuera manejado con computadoras, o programado por angelitos, en ese caso podría realmente funcionar, pero eso crearía pereza.Como tema complementario: nos va a acompañar con un informe actual, un informe completo en que en verdad nos gustó, 20 minutos en vivo de las noticias vespertinas. David Knight, quiero que se concentre en el presente Tratado del Pacífico y los acuerdos de la Unión del América del Norte y la Unión Europea. Esto es increíblemente importante, porque esta es su 19 reunión. Esto ya es gobernanza global en acción, conforme sus propias palabras.

David KnightEsto ya se maneja desde hace varios años, y me parece interesante, que hay una gran cantidad de grupos más o menos alineados con la izquierda, con los demócratas, que son conscientes de ello. Bastante gente de la derecha ha estado luchando contra el ObamaCare, y ni siquiera son conscientes de eso. Y, sin embargo, hay características comunes que explican las dos cosas. Realmente es una transferencia, si nos fijamos en ObamaCare, en ello no hay ninguna atención de salud, y la Corte Suprema dice que es un impuesto, pero en realidad no es ni siquiera un impuesto, porque el dinero no va al gobierno.Es una transferencia, que la llamaré transferencia Obama. Es una transferencia de riqueza de los ciudadanos a unas pocas empresas, y como decimos anoche, y como Don Salazar mostró en su artículo el pasado viernes, que a lo largo de los últimos cuatro años las ganancias de los ocho mayores compañías de seguros, han subido 200%, 300, 400, en algunos de ellos las ganancias han subido 500 por ciento.Saben hacia dónde está yendo. Sabían que iban a hacer un montón de plata. La gente ya está descubriendo lo que hay, como avisan en sus anuncios, que sus tasas están subiendo en un 200% o más. Empresas están cerrando, hay médicos que van a la quiebra, hay pequeñas aseguradoras que están por perder el negocio, pero las grandes compañías de seguros están ganando como bandidos y eso es justo lo que está pasando, lo que va a pasar con este TPP. Se reunirán en secreto, no dejan entrar a senadores, a ha congresistas, se les da este comercio rápido, la autorización de la vía rápida a Obama, lo que significa que hay lo que se llama Representante Comercial de Estados Unidos, que está conduciendo todas estas reuniones.


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Y lo tenemos aquí en el documento que acaba de llegar. Es la declaración del 9 de septiembre luego de la última reunión del 21 de agosto y está dirigido a los socios. Ellos no están hablando de la opinión pública, no están hablando de los congresistas, están hablando de los socios, - son los dueños - , es cierto, los propietarios, no es ni tú ni yo, no es la gente, no es nuestro gobierno. Los socios son estas empresas, y dicen que, bueno, hemos tenido que tomar unas decisiones difíciles y no todos van a estar de acuerdo con todo, así que queríamos mantenerlos informados a ustedes, nuestros socios, y con ciento setenta participantes, ellos son los socios.Ahora bien, en algunos casos, llega hasta unos 600 delegados de las grandes empresas, pero no entra la prensa, no puedo ir, es como en Bilderberg, cerrado, no se deja entrar a la prensa, ni los senadores pueden entrar. Ron Wyden, que se queja sobre la confidencialidad en la NSA, se ha quejado de que no pueden intervenir, que no pueden saber de lo que se trata.Pero, algunos detalles se han filtrado. Sabemos que tienen un nuevo mecanismo jurídico, que es como lo que había en el TLCAN, un Tribunal del Estado de Inversores.Ahora, lo que han hecho, es casi como si hubieran tomado la Carta Magna y la hayan invertido. Volviendo para atrás de una democracia, lo que básicamente comenzó a quitar el poder al rey, devolviéndolo a un grupo de la oligarquía, aunque en realidad se han establecido algunos derechos básicos para los individuos. Ahora están devolviendo esos derechos individuales a la oligarquía, la oligarquía (las corporaciones) realmente están acaparando todo, se han puesto a sí mismos a nivel del Estado.Si hay una disputa comercial, y hay un nuevo reglamento que por ejemplo prohíbe, que permite el etiquetado de transgénicos y Monsanto dice, bueno, esto es una nueva ley, y según nuestros acuerdos comerciales que tuvimos en el pasado, ahora ello disminuye nuestras expectativas de ganancia, puede llevar a ese gobierno a la corte, en realidad no a los tribunales, sino a ese Tribunal de Inversores, donde la empresa designa a una persona, el Estado, el gobierno, nombra a otra y luego ambos están de acuerdo sobre una tercera persona.

Alex JonesY va por encima de la soberanía nacional, se trata de una directa gobernanza global conforme Fortune 500, en sus propias palabras, como lo ha dicho David Rockefeller, y ahora están casi allí, y Obamacare es el perfecto ejemplo, billones de dólares en los próximos cinco años, y el control total desde ellos y sus ataques.

David KnightQuisiera hacer entender tanto a la izquierda como a la derecha qué lo que está pasando, que ObamaCare es lo mismo que esos Tratados de Libre Comercio, el Transatlántico, el Tratado TransPacífico, el TTP (TPP), también hay un Tratado Transatlántica de Libre Comercio - TLCTA (TAFTA), como el TLCAN (NAFTA).

Alex JonesQue une la UE con la Unión de América del Norte - sí -, y luego tienen acuerdos que las unen con la Unión de Asia a través del TTP. Esto va a ser incluido en el juego final hace siete años, pero ya está aquí.

David KnightCorrecto. Bilderberg está haciendo su planificación estratégica a largo plazo a escondidas. Ahí es donde están ultimando los detalles, ahí es donde están apretando el botón, ahí es donde se llevan nuestra soberanía. Al igual que la tribunal de la FISA. Se reúne en secreto, nadie ni siquiera sabía que....

Alex JonesY estos grupos hasta trataron de censurar el Internet a través de los acuerdos internacionales.

David KnightSí, y eso es lo que piensan, es decir, internet, tenemos todos estos grupos que luchaban sobre SISPA, SOPA, ACTA, que fueron combatidos a través de los derechos de autor, porque de eso es lo que se trata con estas corporaciones. Están por afirmar su propiedad sobre todo convirtiendo a


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todos en inquilinos, o si realmente es sobre el alquiler de su casa o si se trata de alquilar propiedades electorales de ellos. Quieren que todo el mundo nos volvamos inquilinos, porque ellos quieren ser dueños de todo.Pero también les sirve a los gobiernos, porque con ello los gobiernos pueden evitar el debido proceso. Ellos pueden parar a cualquiera que quieren, utilizando las reclamaciones de derechos de autor, 'entonces' la asociación entre

Alex JonesEs lo mismo con el código de vitaminas o codex alimentarius. Es la misma gente en acción que la que abiertamente quiere parar todo, prohibir todos los tipos de suplementos. No están jugando, incluyendo Seguridad de la Patria en todos los países, como una forma de reprimir al pueblo, si intentan retomar el gobierno. Es un golpe de estado global corporativo.

David KnightClaro, ahí están los grupos que se oponen a SOPA y SISPA, ahora están entendiendo que es el TTP que lo va a llevar, se están siendo implicados y dicen, espere un minuto, que ello ni siquiera es comercio, que es sólo puro switchers

Alex JonesY lo importante es que la gente está empezando a despertar. Estamos cubriendo, y lo vamos a estar cubriendo en las noticias vespertinas, toda esta semana y la próxima. Estamos en verdad enfocando esto, queremos que la gente lo tome importancia y tomar conciencia de lo que está pasando. Muchas gracias, David Knight, y él va a seguir acompañándonos durante toda la semana con otros enfoques. Alex Jones aquí.

01:11:58Alex Jones

Now while we're looking at Syria, or we’re looking at the American Empire Club by design, while we're looking at the government shutdown and ObamaCare and all those nightmares unfolding, the government websites are not working, for ObamaCare, not because of the shutdown, because they never got them in place because of the bureaucracy.

01:12:18All this is happening, as I told you a few days ago, globalism is expanding. The trilateral commission set up in the 70s by David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski and others, has the heads of state in Asia, in Europe and in North America to create a trilateral or three-legged world. And in that trilateral world, they would move the national sovereignty to trade organizations, just as they set up the euro as the original model in 1957 of the Treaty of Rome, now the Bilderberg and that's all been declassified.Government is now below, state governments are not even taken in account, but states, as in states of the world union, they have a limited vote, was it about a third of the vote vs. the corporations that we saw in band Canada the documents 2007 are an endgame, where in the meetings the corporations are running, and literally shutting down the competition, literally, that's what the Dr. Potter Roberts has an article out today on from the head of the treasury department policy, say it's another giveaway to private interest. It's a direct tax, a direct rip off, calling it socialism. That’s why socialism is so bad, folks, it always gets taken over, it always creates gangs, a special interest, that's why it doesn't work. Yes, if you had computers handing it out, or programmed by angels that weren't bad, then it might actually work, but it would create laziness.Side issue: joining us with a snapshot report, a full report on we did like, 20 minutes live last night on the Nightly News. David Knight, I want you to focus in on this Pacific Partnership and the agreements now of the North American Union and the EU. This is so incredibly important, because this is their 19th meeting. This is global governance being established, in their own words. David Knight.


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David KnightIt's gone on for several years, and I find it interesting, that there's a lot of groups that you might say are aligned with the left, with the democrats, who are aware of this. Pretty much people on the right have been fighting ObamaCare, and they're not even aware of this. And yet, there're common characteristics that explain both of these. It really is a transfer, if we look at ObamaCare, there is not any healthcare in that, and that as a supreme court said it is a tax, but is not really even a tax because the money's not going to the government. It’s a transfer; I’ll call it Obama transfer. It’s a transfer of wealth from the public to these few corporations, and as we talked about last night and as Don Salazar have in his article last Friday showed the profits going up over the last four years of the eight biggest insurance companies, they’ve gone up 200%, 300, 400, some of them 500 percent increase of profits.They know where this is headed. They knew that they were gonna make a lot of money. People are just now finding out what's in it as the policy said, we’re announcing that our rates are going up by 200% or more. Companies are being shut down, we have doctors going out of business, we have others small insurance company's going out of business, but these big insurance companies are making out like bandits and that's exactly what's happening, gonna happen with this TPP. They’re meeting in secret, you don't have senators going, you don't have congressman going, they are given this fast trade, fast track trade authorization to Obama, which means he has something called the United States Trade Representative, who is conducting all these meetings.And we got it up here on the document that came right now. This is the statement from September 9th and the last meeting was August 21, and he's addressing the stakeholders. They are not talking about the public, they are not talking about congressmen, they are talking about stakeholders, that's the owners, that's right, the owners, that is not you and me, that's not the public, that's not our government. The stakeholders are these corporations, and they are saying that, well, we had to make some difficult decisions and not everybody's going to agree with everything, so that we wanted to keep you, our stakeholders involved, and I got a hundred and seventy participants, and those are the stakeholders.Now in some cases, it goes up to maybe 600 lobbyists from these large corporations, but you can't have the press, can I go, it’s just like Goldenberger, shut down, you can't have the press go in, senators can't get in. Ron Wyden, who is complaining about the secrecy in the NSA, has complained about the fact that they can't get in, they can't know what’s in it, some details have leaked out. We know they've got a new court mechanism, which is just like they've had in NAFTA, which is an Investor State Tribunal.Now, what they've done, it is almost like they've taken the Magna Carta and they've reversed it. Now, to going back from a democracy, you know that which basically started moving the power away from the king, moved it out to a bunch of oligarchy, but actually they've established some basic rights for individuals. Now they're taking those rights for individuals, they're taking it back to the oligarchy, the oligarchy (these corporations) are really taking everything over, they’ve elevated themselves to the level of the state.If they have a trade dispute, if they say that some new regulation that they put in, let's say that they prohibit, that they allow GMO labeling, and Monsanto says, well that's a new law, and according to our trade agreements we had in the past, you've now lowered our profit expectations, so they can take that government to court, not actually to court, to this tribunal, where the company appoints one of the people, the state, the government, appoints one person and then they both agree mutually on a third person.

Alex JonesAnd it supersedes national sovereignty, this is direct global governance by the Fortune 500, in their own words, David Rockefeller has said that, and now they're almost there, and ObamaCare is the


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perfect example, trillions of dollars over the next five years, and total control directed to them and its attacks.

David KnightAnd I wish we could get both left and right to see what's going on, ObamaCare is the same thing as these Trade Partnerships, the Transatlantic, the Transpacific Partnership, the TPP, you also have a Transatlantic Free-Trade Agreement - TAFTA, like NAFTA.

Alex JonesThat merges the EU with the North American Union – yes -, and then they have agreements merging it with the Asian Union through the TPP. This will be covered in endgame seven years ago, but now it's here

David KnightThat is right. Bilderberg, they’re looking in secret at their long-term strategic planning. This is where they’re hammering out the details, this is where they’re pushing the button, this is where they're taking over our sovereignty. Just like the FISA court. It’s meeting in secret, nobody even knew that….

Alex JonesBy the way, these groups are tried to get the international agreements to censor the internet through it.

David Knightyes, and that's what they think, I mean, internet, you got all these groups that were fighting, SISPA, SOPA, ACTA, they came at them through copyright, because that's what these corporations are about. They’re about asserting their ownership over everything turning everybody into renters, whether it's really renting your house or whether it's renting electoral property from them. They want to turn everybody into renters, they want to own everything.But it also works out for the governments, because the governments can then avoid all due process. They can shut down anybody they want to by using the copyright claims, entonces this partnership between

Alex Jonesis the same thing with the vitamin code or codex alimentarius. It’s the same people running that that openly wanting to shut down everything, all types of supplements. They're not playing games, and including Homeland Security is being set up in every nation, as a system to suppress the people, if they try to take the government back. This is a corporate global coup d'état.

David KnightAbsolutely, you’ve got groups who opposed SOPA and SISPA, now they see that this is going to be brought in with the TPP, they’re getting involved and they say, wait a minute, that's not even trade, that's just pure switchers

Alex JonesAnd the big issue is, people are now starting to wake up to this. We’re covering, and you’re gonna be covering on the Nightly News, all week and next week. We’re really focusing on this, we need viewers to focus on this and become aware of what's happening. Thank you so much, David Knight, and he’ll continue to join us throughout the week with other facets of this. Alex Jones here.

01:19:574 Lee Ann

him who and him and him and sent him by his check over the Clinton Administration economic blame Republicans for the printing kind of chips like something came down. Something meaningful. Whatever sent down it from the library will be my wife and advanced direct leadership in a line if you like reading in the world's Secretary of State John Kerry gave already married on representing the lamp and everything


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fell out and Kerry really integrated into this I believe that I can To Our Creditors Joining FDL Is Even When It Was Two Years Ago November That Obama Went and Met with 25 Estates in Asia in His Reassuring Them and Also Reassuring His Commitment to PPP the Transpacific Partnership the Corporate Media Spinning This As a Way to Box in China the Obama Administration Same Though Not Trying to Punish China We Want to Have Mutually Assured Prosperity Not Mutually Assured Destruction Whether Going to Do Is Again Have Mutually Assured Destruction of Sovereignty of All These Countries Will Only Back to in Game in 2007 Alex Is Talking about How the Atlantic Trade Zones in the North American and the European Were Ultimately Joined Together into Account of Global Governance.Sourcing Now This Is What the Been Working on for Very Long Time Stakeholders Don't Include Senators and Congressman Ron Wyden Wanted to Be a Part of This They Told Him He Could Not See of Florida Study Raise Enough of a Yes Think about It That They Let Him Come over and Take a Look at the Documents Not His Staff but Of Course 600 Corporate Lobbyists Can Pull This up with a Password at Any Time so This Is Not Anything That Serves US's Best Interest. You Can Find That He's Going on in Agony on the Thing and How Probably Bring to Contrast and Assignment of Rights of Fast-Track Trade Agreement We See This over and over Again This Is Now Become Standard Operating Procedure to Happen First Obama Care Where They Had to Pass It before Anybody Could See What Was in It It's Now Become the Standard Way of Operating That They Deliver a Gigantic Bill Thousands of Pages Nobody Has a Time to Really Know What's in It and Their Pressured to Sign This and We Need to Be Putting Pressure on Our Congressmen to Say We Want Transparency We Wonder What's in This and We Need to Get Rid of This Immediately While They Finance Is Handling down at the Event for All Employees Going There I'm an English Effect a Good Evening for the First Obama Had Something" and There Is Cleanly Deal under My Plan of the Other And Free System Electricity Rates Would Necessarily Skyrocket to Integrate into an Shamefaced Out Of Many Leaving Their Hands in Protest When Him and Him Are We Using Our Own Destiny or Hasn't Been Preselected for Us As We Go through Every Great Leader Is How to Understand the Potential of Information Billions of Dollars Have Been Spent Privately and Publicly Looking at How to Copy Your Site from Compulsory State Education to the Hollywood Media Brainwashing Machine We Are Kept in Perpetual Bondage to the Ideas That Shape Our Action and Summary of Spheres That Feedback Loop between You Observing and Testing and Verifying They Can Take Total Control of Your Red and I Engineered the American People Said They Would Only Endorsement and Him Playing Time Because There's Only Get Your CopyNine and in Every Order Receives a Free Citizen Will

2 David Knighthim him him and him and him and shutdown of my relationship of it is the question administration to come on the temple him to come in fact and threatening kind of sexual a security council spokesman the synthetic 3 pm dilemma sent pam of fighting back hard there is not wife and and and threat leadership in the latest imagine being in the world's secretary of state john candy already moment prevented the wrapped in there isfill out and said really enemy tentative THIS FACT THAT I HAD You Are Credited Joining Us to Sell It Even When It Was Two Years Ago November That Obama Went and Met with 25 His Estates in Asia It Is Reassuring Him and Also Reassuring His Commitment the PPP the Transpacific Partnership the Corporate Media Spinning This Is a Way to Box in China the Obama Administration Say No Were Not Trying to Punish China We Want to Have Mutually Assured Prosperity Not Mutually Assured Destruction Whether Going to Do Is a Good Have Mutually Assured Destruction of Sovereignty of All These Countries Will Way Back to in Game and 2007 Alex Is Talking about How the Atlantic Trade Zones and the North American and the European Were Already Join Together and Click on of Global Governance That's What Were Seeing out This Is What They Been Working on for Very Long Time. Stakeholders Don't Include Senators


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and Congressman Ron Wyden Wanted to Be a Part of This They Told Him He Could Not See If Want to Study Raise Enough of a Yes Think about It, but They Let Him Come over and Take a Look at the Documents Not His Staff, but Of Course 600 Corporate Lobbyists and Polis up with a Password at Any Time so This Is Not Anything That Serve the West Is Best Interest Information concerning the Conflict Going out and Getting on the Phone That Will Probably Bring Back to Congress the Final Collapse the Detritus of Fast-Track Trade Agreement We See This over and over Again, This Is Now Become Standard Operating Procedure It Happened First of Obama Care Where They Had a Passive before Anybody Could See What Was in It It's Now Become the Standard Way of Operating That They Deliver a Gigantic Bill Thousands of Pages Nobody Has Anytime Really Know What Senate and the Pressure to Sign This We Need to Be Putting Pressure on Her Congressman to Say We Want Transparency We Want to within This and We Need to Get Rid of This Immediately While That WROTE DOWN EXPLICIT everything will fall absolutely telling their while iodine has shutdown effect of the directly affect you know by mayflower and the client and there is a clinical your under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket (it had insurance fifth out at any rate in their hands and processed with him and him are we choosing our own destiny or has it been preselected for us as we go through history every great leader is to understand the potential of information. The dollars that didn't spend privately and publicly looking at of to view your site from compulsory state education to the Hollywood media brainwashing machine we are kept in perpetual bondage to the ideas that shape our actions when somebody appears that feedback loop between you observing and testing and verifying they can take total control of your way of our engineer in the a the American people that they would only endorsement for her mind because there's a genuine copy of state of mind to move if all and remember every order pitiful more receives a free citizen will

1 David KnightTell out and said really enemy tentative this fact that I had You Are Credited Joining Us to Sell It Even When It Was Two Years Ago November That Obama Went and Met with 25 His Estates in Asia It Is Reassuring Him and Also Reassuring His Commitment the PPP the Transpacific Partnership the Corporate Media Spinning This Is a Way to Box in China the Obama Administration Say No Were Not Trying to Punish China We Want to Have Mutually Assured Prosperity Not Mutually Assured Destruction Whether Going to Do Is a Good Have Mutually Assured Destruction of Sovereignty of All These Countries Will Way Back to in Game and 2007 Alex Is Talking about How the Atlantic Trade Zones and the North American and the European Were Already Join Together and Click on of Global Governance That's What Were Seeing out This Is What They Been Working on for Very Long Time. Stakeholders Don't Include Senators and Congressman Ron Wyden Wanted to Be a Part of This They Told Him He Could Not See If Want to Study Raise Enough of a Yes Think about It, but They Let Him Come over and Take a Look at the Documents Not His Staff, but Of Course 600 Corporate Lobbyists and Polis up with a Password at Any Time so This Is Not Anything That Serve the US's Best Interest Information concerning the Conflict Going on and Getting on the Phone That Will Probably Bring Back to Congress the Final Collapse the Detritus of Fast-Track Trade Agreement We See This over and over Again, This Is Now Become Standard Operating Procedure It Happened First of Obama Care Where They Had a Passive before Anybody Could See What Was in It It's Now Become the Standard Way of Operating That They Deliver a Gigantic Bill Thousands of Pages Nobody Has Anytime Really Know What Senate and the Pressure to Sign This We Need to Be Putting Pressure on Her Congressman to Say We Want Transparency We Want to within This and We Need to Get Rid of This Immediately While That WROTE DOWN explicit everything will fall absolutely telling their while iodine has shutdown effect of the directly affect you know by mayflower and and and there is a clinical your under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would NECESSARILY SKYROCKET (it had insurance fifth out at any rate in their hands and processed


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with him and him are we choosing our own destiny or has it been preselected for us as we go through history every great leader is to understand the potential of information. The dollars that didn't spend privately and publicly looking at of to view your site from compulsory state education to the Hollywood media brainwashing machine we are kept in perpetual bondage to the ideas that shape our actions when somebody appears that feedback loop between you observing and testing and verifying they can take total control of your way of our engineer in the a the American people that they would only endorsement for her mind because there's a genuine copy of state of mind to move if all and remember every order pitiful more RECEIVES A FREE CITIZEN WILL

4 – 1 David KnightTellLee Ann

him who and him and him and sent him by his check over the Clinton Administration economic blame Republicans for the printing kind of chips like something came down. Something meaningful. Whatever sent down it from the library will be my wife and advanced direct leadership in a line if you like reading in the world's Secretary of State John Kerry gave already married on representing the lamp and everything fell out and saidKerry really enemy tentativeintegrated into this factI believe that I had You Are Creditedcan To Our Creditors Joining Us to Sell ItFDL Is Even When It Was Two Years Ago November That Obama Went and Met with 25 His Estates in Asia It Isin His Reassuring HimThem and Also Reassuring His Commitment theto PPP the Transpacific Partnership the Corporate Media Spinning This IsAs a Way to Box in China the Obama Administration Say No WereSame Though Not Trying to Punish China We Want to Have Mutually Assured Prosperity Not Mutually Assured Destruction Whether Going to Do Is a GoodAgain Have Mutually Assured Destruction of Sovereignty of All These Countries Will WayOnly Back to in Game andin 2007 Alex Is Talking about How the Atlantic Trade Zones andin the North American and the European Were Already JoinUltimately Joined Together and Click oninto Account of Global Governance That's What Were Seeing out .Sourcing Now This Is What Theythe Been Working on for Very Long Time. Stakeholders Don't Include Senators and Congressman Ron Wyden Wanted to Be a Part of This They Told Him He Could Not See If Want toof Florida Study Raise Enough of a Yes Think about It, but That They Let Him Come over and Take a Look at the Documents Not His Staff, but Of Course 600 Corporate Lobbyists and PolisCan Pull This up with a Password at Any Time so This Is Not Anything That Serve theServes US's Best Interest Information concerning the Conflict. You Can Find That He's Going on and Gettingin Agony on the Phone That WillThing and How Probably Bring Back to Congress the Final Collapse the Detritusto Contrast and Assignment of Rights of Fast-Track Trade Agreement We See This over and over Again, This Is Now Become Standard Operating Procedure It Happenedto Happen First of Obama Care Where They Had a Passiveto Pass It before Anybody Could See What Was in It It's Now Become the Standard Way of Operating That They Deliver a Gigantic Bill Thousands of Pages Nobody Has Anytimea Time to Really Know What SenateWhat's in It and the PressureTheir Pressured to Sign This and We Need to Be Putting Pressure on Her CongressmanOur Congressmen to Say We Want Transparency We Want to withinWonder What's in This and We Need to Get Rid of This Immediately While That WROTE DOWN explicit everything will fall absolutely telling their while iodine has shutdown effect of the directly affect you know by mayflower and and and there is a clinical your under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would NECESSARILY SKYROCKET (IT HAD INSURANCE FIFTH OUT AT ANY RATE IN THEIR HANDS AND PROCESSED WITH HIM AND HIM ARE WE CHOOSING OUR OWN DESTINY OR HAS IT BEEN PRESELECTED FOR US AS WE GO THROUGH HISTORY


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EVERY GREAT LEADER IS TO UNDERSTAND THE POTENTIAL OF INFORMATION. THE DOLLARS THAT DIDN'T SPEND PRIVATELY AND PUBLICLY LOOKING AT OF TO VIEW YOUR SITE FROM COMPULSORY STATE EDUCATION TO THE HOLLYWOOD MEDIA BRAINWASHING MACHINE WE ARE KEPT IN PERPETUAL BONDAGE TO THE IDEAS THAT SHAPE OUR ACTIONS WHEN SOMEBODY APPEARS THAT FEEDBACK LOOP BETWEEN YOU OBSERVING AND TESTING AND VERIFYING THEY CAN TAKE TOTAL CONTROL OF YOUR WAY OF OUR ENGINEER IN THE A THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THAT THEY WOULD ONLY ENDORSEMENT FOR HER MIND BECAUSE THERE'S A GENUINE COPY OF STATE OF MIND TO MOVE IF ALL WARS.COM AND REMEMBER EVERY ORDER PITIFUL MORE STORY.COM RECEIVES A FREE CITIZEN WILLThey Finance Is Handling down at the Event for All Employees Going There I'm an English Effect a Good Evening for the First Obama Had Something" and There Is Cleanly Deal under My Plan of the Other And Free System Electricity Rates Would Necessarily Skyrocket to Integrate into an Shamefaced Out Of Many Leaving Their Hands in Protest When Him and Him Are We Using Our Own Destiny or Hasn't Been Preselected for Us As We Go through Every Great Leader Is How to Understand the Potential of Information Billions of Dollars Have Been Spent Privately and Publicly Looking at How to Copy Your Site from Compulsory State Education to the Hollywood Media Brainwashing Machine We Are Kept in Perpetual Bondage to the Ideas That Shape Our Action and Summary of Spheres That Feedback Loop between You Observing and Testing and Verifying They Can Take Total Control of Your Red and I Engineered the American People Said They Would Only Endorsement and Him Playing Time Because There's Only Get Your CopyNine and in Every Order Receives a Free Citizen Will


FILL OUT AND SAID REALLY ENEMY TENTATIVE THIS FACT THATLee Annhim who and him and him and sent him by his check over the Clinton Administration economic blame Republicans for the printing kind of chips like something came down. Something meaningful. Whatever sent down it from the library will be my wife and advanced direct leadership in a line if you like reading in the world's Secretary of State John Kerry gave already married on representing the lamp and everything fell out and Kerry really integrated into this I HAD You Are Creditedbelieve that I can To Our Creditors Joining Us to Sell ItFDL Is Even When It Was Two Years Ago November That Obama Went and Met with 25 His Estates in Asia It Isin His Reassuring HimThem and Also Reassuring His Commitment theto PPP the Transpacific Partnership the Corporate Media Spinning This IsAs a Way to Box in China the Obama Administration Say No WereSame Though Not Trying to Punish China We Want to Have Mutually Assured Prosperity Not Mutually Assured Destruction Whether Going to Do Is a GoodAgain Have Mutually Assured Destruction of Sovereignty of All These Countries Will WayOnly Back to in Game andin 2007 Alex Is Talking about How the Atlantic Trade Zones andin the North American and the European Were Already JoinUltimately Joined Together and Click oninto Account of Global Governance That's What Were Seeing out .Sourcing Now This Is What Theythe Been Working on for Very Long Time. Stakeholders Don't Include Senators and Congressman Ron Wyden


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Wanted to Be a Part of This They Told Him He Could Not See If Want toof Florida Study Raise Enough of a Yes Think about It, but That They Let Him Come over and Take a Look at the Documents Not His Staff, but Of Course 600 Corporate Lobbyists and PolisCan Pull This up with a Password at Any Time so This Is Not Anything That Serve the West Is Serves US's Best Interest Information concerning the Conflict. You Can Find That He's Going out and Getting on in Agony on the Phone That WillThing and How Probably Bring Back to Congress the Final Collapse the Detritusto Contrast and Assignment of Rights of Fast-Track Trade Agreement We See This over and over Again, This Is Now Become Standard Operating Procedure It Happenedto Happen First of Obama Care Where They Had a Passiveto Pass It before Anybody Could See What Was in It It's Now Become the Standard Way of Operating That They Deliver a Gigantic Bill Thousands of Pages Nobody Has Anytimea Time to Really Know What SenateWhat's in It and the PressureTheir Pressured to Sign This and We Need to Be Putting Pressure on Her CongressmanOur Congressmen to Say We Want Transparency We Want to withinWonder What's in This and We Need to Get Rid of This Immediately While That WROTE DOWN EXPLICIT EVERYTHING WILL FALL ABSOLUTELY TELLING THEIR WHILE IODINE HAS SHUTDOWN EFFECT OF THE DIRECTLY AFFECT YOU KNOW BY MAYFLOWER AND THE CLIENT AND THERE IS A CLINICAL YOUR UNDER MY PLAN OF A CAP AND TRADE SYSTEM ELECTRICITY RATES WOULD NECESSARILY SKYROCKET (IT HAD INSURANCE FIFTH OUT AT ANY RATE IN THEIR HANDS AND PROCESSED WITH HIM AND HIM ARE WE CHOOSING OUR OWN DESTINY OR HAS IT BEEN PRESELECTED FOR US AS WE GO THROUGH HISTORY EVERY GREAT LEADER IS TO UNDERSTAND THE POTENTIAL OF INFORMATION. THE DOLLARS THAT DIDN'T SPEND PRIVATELY AND PUBLICLY LOOKING AT OF TO VIEW YOUR SITE FROM COMPULSORY STATE EDUCATION TO THE HOLLYWOOD MEDIA BRAINWASHING MACHINE WE ARE KEPT IN PERPETUAL BONDAGE TO THE IDEAS THAT SHAPE OUR ACTIONS WHEN SOMEBODY APPEARS THAT FEEDBACK LOOP BETWEEN YOU OBSERVING AND TESTING AND VERIFYING THEY CAN TAKE TOTAL CONTROL OF YOUR WAY OF OUR ENGINEER IN THE A THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THAT THEY WOULD ONLY ENDORSEMENT FOR HER MIND BECAUSE THERE'S A GENUINE COPY OF STATE OF MIND TO MOVE IF ALL WARS.COM AND REMEMBER EVERY ORDER PITIFUL MORE STORY.COM RECEIVES A FREE CITIZEN WILLThey Finance Is Handling down at the Event for All Employees Going There I'm an English Effect a Good Evening for the First Obama Had Something" and There Is Cleanly Deal under My Plan of the Other And Free System Electricity Rates Would Necessarily Skyrocket to Integrate into an Shamefaced Out Of Many Leaving Their Hands in Protest When Him and Him Are We Using Our Own Destiny or Hasn't Been Preselected for Us As We Go through Every Great Leader Is How to Understand the Potential of Information Billions of Dollars Have Been Spent Privately and Publicly Looking at How to Copy Your Site from Compulsory State Education to the Hollywood Media Brainwashing Machine We Are Kept in Perpetual Bondage to the Ideas That Shape Our Action and Summary of Spheres That Feedback Loop between You Observing and Testing and Verifying They Can Take Total Control of Your Red and I Engineered the American People Said They Would Only Endorsement and Him Playing Time Because There's Only Get Your CopyNine and in Every Order Receives a Free Citizen Will



Page 14: Tratado Transpacífico

PAM OF FIGHTING BACK HARD THERE IS NOT WIFE AND AND AND THREAT LEADERSHIP IN THE LATEST IMAGINE BEING IN THE WORLD'S SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN CANDY ALREADY moment PREVENTED THE WRAPPED IN THERE IS FILL OUT AND SAID REALLY ENEMY TENTATIVE THIS FACT THAT I HAD You Are Credited Joining Us to Sell It Even When It Was Two Years Ago November That Obama Went and Met with 25 His Estates in Asia It Is Reassuring Him and Also Reassuring His Commitment the PPP the Transpacific Partnership the Corporate Media Spinning This Is a Way to Box in China the Obama Administration Say No Were Not Trying to Punish China We Want to Have Mutually Assured Prosperity Not Mutually Assured Destruction Whether Going to Do Is a Good Have Mutually Assured Destruction of Sovereignty of All These Countries Will Way Back to in Game and 2007 Alex Is Talking about How the Atlantic Trade Zones and the North American and the European Were Already Join Together and Click on of Global Governance That's What Were Seeing out This Is What They Been Working on for Very Long Time. Stakeholders Don't Include Senators and Congressman Ron Wyden Wanted to Be a Part of This They Told Him He Could Not See If Want to Study Raise Enough of a Yes Think about It, but They Let Him Come over and Take a Look at the Documents Not His Staff, but Of Course 600 Corporate Lobbyists and Polis up with a Password at Any Time so This Is Not Anything That Serve the US'sWest Is Best Interest Information concerning the Conflict Going onout and Getting on the Phone That Will Probably Bring Back to Congress the Final Collapse the Detritus of Fast-Track Trade Agreement We See This over and over Again, This Is Now Become Standard Operating Procedure It Happened First of Obama Care Where They Had a Passive before Anybody Could See What Was in It It's Now Become the Standard Way of Operating That They Deliver a Gigantic Bill Thousands of Pages Nobody Has Anytime Really Know What Senate and the Pressure to Sign This We Need to Be Putting Pressure on Her Congressman to Say We Want Transparency We Want to within This and We Need to Get Rid of This Immediately While That WROTE DOWN explicit everything will fall absolutely telling their while iodine has shutdown effect of the directly affect you know by mayflower and and and there is a clinical your under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates wouldEXPLICIT EVERYTHING WILL FALL ABSOLUTELY TELLING THEIR WHILE IODINE HAS SHUTDOWN EFFECT OF THE DIRECTLY AFFECT YOU KNOW BY MAYFLOWER AND THE CLIENT AND THERE IS A CLINICAL YOUR UNDER MY PLAN OF A CAP AND TRADE SYSTEM ELECTRICITY RATES WOULD NECESSARILY SKYROCKET (IT HAD INSURANCE FIFTH OUT AT ANY RATE IN THEIR HANDS AND PROCESSED WITH HIM AND HIM ARE WE CHOOSING OUR OWN DESTINY OR HAS IT BEEN PRESELECTED FOR US AS WE GO THROUGH HISTORY EVERY GREAT LEADER IS TO UNDERSTAND THE POTENTIAL OF INFORMATION. THE DOLLARS THAT DIDN'T SPEND PRIVATELY AND PUBLICLY LOOKING AT OF TO VIEW YOUR SITE FROM COMPULSORY STATE EDUCATION TO THE HOLLYWOOD MEDIA BRAINWASHING MACHINE WE ARE KEPT IN PERPETUAL BONDAGE TO THE IDEAS THAT SHAPE OUR ACTIONS WHEN SOMEBODY APPEARS THAT FEEDBACK LOOP BETWEEN YOU OBSERVING AND TESTING AND VERIFYING THEY CAN TAKE TOTAL CONTROL OF YOUR WAY OF OUR ENGINEER IN THE A THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THAT THEY WOULD ONLY ENDORSEMENT FOR HER MIND BECAUSE THERE'S A GENUINE COPY OF STATE OF MIND TO MOVE IF ALL WARS.COM AND REMEMBER EVERY ORDER PITIFUL MORE STORY.COM RECEIVES A FREE CITIZEN WILL


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