tratamentul cancerului prin denervare (healing cancer by denervation)


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Post on 23-Nov-2015




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„Yamanaka and Gurdon discovered that mature and specialized cells "can be (nervously also?!) reprogrammed to become immature cells capable of developing into all tissues of the body," the Nobel Assembly at Sweden's Karolinska Institute said.” That's (exactly like) the cancer, folks!


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Pentru a transmite direct mesajul dumneavoastra tuturor membrilor apasati clik pe butonul alaturat


Yamanaka and Gurdon discovered that mature and specialized cells "can be (nervously also?!) reprogrammed to become immature cells capable of developing into all tissues of the body," the Nobel Assembly at Sweden's Karolinska Institute said. That's (exactly like) the cancer, folks! cancer evolving based on two strictly distinct mechanisms, which take place simultaneously: 1) Malignant processes under the influence of the parasympathetic nervous system activity at the stromal level, involving the invasive, active effects of these processes, 2) The uncontrolled proliferation of malignant cells in the parenchyma. I showed that, if the malignant process consists exclusively of 2) processes, the feedback loops that maintain the geometric - functional stability would generate efficient reactions of structures of the body's against to a "non self" structure (as is known to be the tumor) that should move the healthy tissue, in its development. Precisely to avoid the reactions of this system, the healthy tissue is not "pushed" but "replaced".(see below).CONTENTS i985 // . Ih L In 1957, a physician researcher out of the National Cancer Institute, Richmond Prehn, M.D., published a landmark study co-authored with his laboratory assistant, Joan M. Main. Its findings turned conventional wisdom about cancer and the immune system on its head.What they discovered was that surgically removing tumors from sarcoma-ridden mice not only cured the mice of cancer the treated mice also were immune to all subsequent efforts to reinoculate them with the same sarcoma.

Prehn and Malin were revolutionary, Dr. Curti says. Before their 1957 study, even the suggestion that the immune system had a role to play in cancer treatment would have been regarded in many scientific circles with skepticism. Now the hope was that new cancer therapies and vaccines could be developed that would rival both chemotherapy and radiation in their effectiveness. But despite thousands of attempts to capitalize on Prehn and Mains success, that hope has gone largely unrealized. What we have learned is that a successful immune system response in humans depends on not just one event, but a series of events from the presentation of a foreign marker on the surface of the cancer cell to the homing behavior of killer T-cells to the tumor site, Dr. Curti says. These are like links in a chain, and any weak link can spell disaster for an effective immune system response.

In the past time, at this address, were also made references to this material. There is a similarity between the approach of Prehn and Main and surgical method of denervation of solid tumors (ablation and their quasi immediate inoculation to the same animal), theoretically described as the treatment of the cancer in Gravitational Theory of Life. Based on these procedural similarities on the recovery situation of Prehn and Main results (But despite thousands of attempts to capitalize on Prehn and Mains success, that hope has gone largely unrealized.), I used this material as a possible experimental prove of the validity of the principle of denervation in curing solid tumors (together with the chemical method which follows the same principle contained also in the U.S. patent below, without that the denervation to be included among the claims):

Page. 16 of the patent (paragraph [0189]) shows that the author considers the "denervation" but that it is only noted not being the objective pursued (because the "denervation" it must be permanent, until the tumor death).On page 17 (paragraph [0195]) there is surprisingly long therapeutic effect occurring by the denervation process. And so on. Why incumbent now on this subject? First to emphasize that this context was provided and published (11/25/2001, "Libertatea" newspaper, see posts from this address): "I was thinking and at the possibility of avoiding the surgery. Is possible the local injection of a substance that inhibits the nervous information flow in that area. Such kind of intervention may simplify things", says surgeon Dorel Manu. But mostly for that the logic of placement of immune system at the base of the processes highlighted by Prehn and Main (which I couldn't totally dismantle until now) is wrong. This is what finds also Dr. Curti in the above material: things are more complicated. There are relationships between different processes which appear to be like a closed chain. Under these conditions the positions of "cause" and "effect" are entirely relative: they keeps changing. Proof on this behavior of processes is the Winn test:

It shows that, at a linear evolution of ratio of quantity of immune reactants / quantity of target" tissue, the growth process is nonlinear. I.e. the two values (the ratio and the growth) keeps changing the role of "cause" (as in the case of x and y in a second degree equation: both can take new values simultaneously and independently, so that may arise the situation in which at one y value may be assigned two distinct values of x). It result that this connection is not causal. So, it is controlled from the outside. And "outside" of the biochemical processes can be only the electric signals. Let's say it's just coincidence. But the most significant element passed unnoticed until now (at least for me):

NOW PUTATIVELY IMMUNIZED ANIMALS.?! What is this? They could be immunized but, as a researcher, you must don't have preconceived ideas: "In fact, the direct "observation" processes are completely ignored in an experiment. Experiments are only protocols that lead to "cause" to "effect". And the "cause" and the "effect" are arbitrarily chosen on the basis of "signals": the objects and phenomena do not inherently contain these principles, to be find by an outside "observer" only through observation. It is well-known the situation where objects and / or phenomena have changed arbitrarily their status: from "cause" to "effect" and vice versa, depending on the "theory" that it shape them. "Signals" perceived by many individuals (which generates "conventions") have a role in this process.(timpul a disprut n 21.12.2012 (pag. 17), posted in Romanian). And "immunization" must refer to a pathogen not to a process. I.e. the term can possibly refer to METILCOLANTREN not to a tumor (the disease itself). Don't remove the lung affected by tuberculosis for his reintroduction in the body but you must do the immunization of the body against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In other words, there it was exclusively about the denervated tumors, now "visible" to the immune system. In this case the experiments of Prehn and Main are an incontestable proof of effectiveness of treatment by the method of denervation of solid tumors. By this way, I demand again the Ministry of Health to answer at my previous steps. The subject of this is CANCER! No one has conducted experiments of the "tumor GROWTH, IN VITRO, beginning only with the cells and/or healthy tissues", so they can say: we know how evolves the mechanism of the cancer. I am a diplomat engineer in physics at the University of Bucharest. The concern for this disease is because I worked at the Cernavoda nuclear power plant. I think my contacts with medical domain are very consistent. Furthermore, coming from outside, my opinions are more likely to be correct. So: My name is Gabriel Pascu. I'm from Romania. I created a theory that tries to link the scientific formalism with the way it is generated: by the life form" in the first place and by "intelligent life form", in the second row. The main issue of this theory is about a real and formally accepted pattern for living systems. So, the problem that I try to clear up is the fact that we can't create living forms (from amorf forms) in conditions in which all the phenomenon (dynamic, chemical and physical) on living forms can be individually reproducible by experiments or we could find them in nature. We knows that theirs individually developing (out of organisms) are ruled by spatial and temporal statistics laws. Or IN the organisms such phenomenon are coordinated and the statistics laws are not functioning (the result of this coordination is precisely geometrical determined in space-the stable form of the result of a holding of dynamic phenomenon-the organism). And this precise determination is not a result of material (physical, chemical) actions (which are governed by statistic laws). So, what is the cause of this determination? That's the question? And the answer isn't "DNA" which is a scalar information (not geometrical oriented, which means "vector"). So he can't generate a very precise 3D geometrical distribution of the result of a dynamic process. In the same time the answer is not a religious one! It's a strictly scientific answer! It is suggested by "Franois Jacob, Logic ofliving, Romanian Encyclopedic Publishing House, Bucharest, 1972, pp. 338: Even if the injury (which produces cancer - my note) begins in the nucleus or cytoplasm, or its origins are in a somatic mutation, or in the presence of a virus or a circuit disturbance, everything that prevents cell to receiving a signal, can removing it outside of community. Understanding cancer involves the entering in the logic of the system which imposes for the cells the constraints of the body. I have this answer! But we talk here about physics, statistics, theory of information etc. The method I found for healing the cancer is based on this answer and is good (is verified illegally on peoples in Romania for many years)! The tumor is an independent organism (from his host). He is intelligent, he can take decisions, he can adapt at specifics external stimulus (treatments or action of immunologic system). This coordinated tip of behavior of malign cells is facilitated by the connection of the tumor with the nerves of autonomic nervous system (which offer a rich informational support and which exist- the connection- in all situations, known or not by the medicine). So, the principle of a method (for curing the cancer) is that: the tumor mast be isolated by the influence of activity of the nerves (cutting the nerve or stopping the electrochemical signals circulation influence from synapses to the tumor by activity of a neurotoxin-see American patent: Pub. No. : US 2005/0031648 A1; Pub Date: Feb. 10, 2005). Main and Prehn have performed such experiments in 1957 (they pull out the tumor and pull in the same tumor to the same animal) with promising results. But they follow a different theoretical idea (the existence of specific tumor antigens). The tumor it must stay there, after her totally removal, by reintroducing her in the same site, immediately, now without any kind of connections with the nerves. Because and in this area seem to be much to do, legally speaking, I'd like to get some HELP from you.