ttn~~~~~ - treherne · 2012. 12. 17. · villo lind s weet,-lesj'ie: "" ]rol'...

I \" '_ . . . , , 'f .. .. .. •• ··0 . ' , · , ) ,; ) n {' , , . .' .,. \/ I, . " '.I , , , , , ( , ' I, , ' I, .. "'I , , 0·'. " , I . ' ... o ••• ,. , . ' . '. ,., o . . .' tP' ' ... 'l. ':u eo:... .. .:'0 ".0 .r. ":.0 0 W " ..... 00 (') •• : .. 0 '.' Q ,.®,,'. OJ .. .. (, '" I" ,<i o " .. .. .. / , " , . ..,. "'-, J VOL. XIX No, 43 FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1918 -- The T reherne Furniture Store -- The bllsy seasoll is nCllr Itt hall(1 nlld mallY w;1l be lIeedillg.some extra dishes 1'01' LI:e hal'\·(·st Il.lld tlll·eshing. IVe Illw!! I.hem i'll DiuIIOI' eels 01' opon sLock. plain white and UI,)yel'luuf. 0111' prices will those of uny IlIllil ol'{lel' house. , Also u good sLock 'or blld spl'ings and malLI'osses, always plcuHed lo shuw, wheLhet· yon UI' lIOt. which ·we'are , Agents for The Chevrolet POCLON' B,ROS .. -- Trehern'e , / .;, . . . .. . . stcl"ude WI'll , , ;. : I .il , TREHERNE, MANITOBA HOLLAND WINS ONE· MI' Allingll!11ll of Holland, ilwad' ed Trehel'ne IVednesdllY- e\'el,- ing. with a gleulIl of del('I'lI1inll:tiull ill his eye. amI 1\ I'enl LeulIl uf haBO- bldlers. '/ , , The game went wiLhout a Scol'e , , 1'01' fOllr innillgs, w],ell' Somcl'ville ylll'v 11 p, uml all. ,wed l'relJ(JI'1I0 [0111' rllllS. was replllced uy S,,\eet, who held Trehel'ne 1'01"Lhe l'sllIIlInelel' uf Lhe gnlTlO. 1 n Lhli seventh A\lillglllll:ll'S men scored six rllIJS, in the eighLh olhel" The gl'ellL (Irive was Wall, Tl'chel'lIe WIlS anti we Wel'e sad [i'01' Allillghalll, Somel" villo lind S weet,- LesJ'ie: "" ]rol' hel'lIe, Hm'st lind \Vier.-hulIlll. " , Fail', July 31, Aug: L AR wlls.stnted in lhe eolulIllls .01' Lhis ]Jnpel', bhe'dil'ectOl'>i are' dl)t.el" llIined to I1H!.ke I,his, il' t.ho best fait· ill Lhe hislUl'Y or tho sot!il'Ly The s(JI'\'iee or olle t he best balHlll i" Winnipeg is beillg scem·ed. 'l'hill alollo will Ioe a kent \Vol'Lh dOli hIe the oost, 01' !ldlllission. III ncidilillli 'to LIlis, splelldec1 J)l'izes, 111'0 being ofliwcd I'UI' .ullse hlLll nlHl othel' sports. The ruil' gl'Ollllds al'e amollg Lhe mosL beal/ttl'ul ill Suuthel'" lIIail' itou,!. Iliid Lo Hpellcj It day then; ill Il gt)tlllillU p1C:L8111'Q Tbis is ]lJ'llctically lhe lusL rai" or Llw Ioll'L1SII" !if) tit! 1I0t Illiss it, /te 1Ileillbel' ti't! ]JI'illl\i plll tillY.' j\ IIg, IsL, !llld IlU plllll YOlll" Wild, LIm!. YOll nllt! Y'HlI' wire'lLlld rHlllil.y spend IL lLl,d [ll'Olitllble dny al T,'ehel'lle l('ail·. Dispute Over Wages . AbollL 400 Lhe game. At hmst 60 nlltos wel'e pluk- ed 0;1 Lhe gl·Ollllds. 1\11,. AlUlIgl;nm mllst. hllve cOllfided t.!> the [leop'le or Holland Lhat he was guil,lg lo;.idll Lhe game, 1'01' Lh@ whole lowlI dowlI lo see I he lJUlIlesL ThHY Lheil' gnliunt t.ealll, Lheh' pl'eLt.y gil'lli, alld we hOP.l! Lo !roe' L1,em all agllill, UII Ifni!' tilLY I Lsl Moore \vus oalled UPOII last ovellillg to dis- Ill! Le • eOlleCl'1I lI,g wages, iJeLw(!<J1I 1£01 SLednll,m /Llld Jue Mureall, e111 i mer.! $102 50 wllgcs d lie. \\' h ile Lhe Olll ploYel' clui lIleti II COil LI'n I'UI' dltlllilges, to $'I;j(i.OO Jlldgelllcnt w,'Ls' gh'en ill fll.\'or or, 0\1 (;"CIlII 1'01' $90. IllIll<.1 cusLs 01' COUl't ,Buy Your Piano From Us , I ·On Easy Terms.' Make your own selections' and arrange your own terms on such known makes, as Steinway, Gerhard, Heintzman;' Nordhei- mer, Chicke'ring, of A ugnst. , Soldiers' Aid Notes Tlte Slllll or $25(j,50 wus I'ecch'eel fl'Olll·tlte BIde of Romp shipped , , in June. - It, Sl"!IllS to he Lhe habiL or hil'ed llIell tu'lillll' SOllie rot' bl'eak- , \ . .' I I iI'g lheit'-collt.rnut Lhis tilll" 1'01' Lhe Provillcill Cross con\,entiull will I,,; chosoll nt or the l'em', wIlen wages Ill'e ill 'thlol lIf!xL to ';n held ilL LhJ Hight; nllcl it is the dllt,y or a lIlugis' I\fll Ll'n Le to diseo\'el' his reuson fUI' I:IU ::. ... l"',':·,;.:.,, .... oig g"'1i rod, lett\' itl g th; \ \I bQ;tSU-hrthl' Haines, Cecilian, Do- herty, Canada Ot· sewil:g UII hand in. 1\1,'8. \'Illley or sl,adfHl'\ WIIOII Idti,ol'l'p is I Will I'oads 1'01' 11Il1·\'est. Tbe ilu!.!il:ll.l·t('e ,JOillled Ollt, tu klliLLillg .' I" IHllld it LlltlL it 'wullld l\o of inLel'est. LIl illl cUllcel'ned to /:lec. II Ilnd 12 or Lhu MILBLel' and Servant Aet, Catalogues and- full particulars forwarded,:, whbl, dil:ltillotiy !I'Latl's Lhat 1'01:11 II.\' " .• A provincial Reel.Cross couyenlioll n'liseumlnot ur hill \\,OI.k " On request " -'.' '7' :. w,ill he held iii Winnipeg on '1'1"11'8- 011 t.he pllI.t uf Lhe empluyoe, il:! II . '," day, FI·ill!t.y all(1 Sat.III'dllr A IIgllat, I . \ I " I' ' '.. -, W 110 I Ie IS HI u e u It pellll .Y 0 '" '" ," . . ' . '. . ... , ' . ' I.) .' . " .. , El nP1i- MEMBER CANADIAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, -'- ,.tft.1tIW_ •• \:; j Real Estate and Loans represent three well established 'Dan companies, interest rates 7 and pc. loans blanketed for short time, FgR SAlE--Excellellt IlSSOI·tmont of fal'llI Illuds, fro III wil,l Lo well i III pro\'ct! Innd ill allllost Il.ny (listl'ict inMan i Lolon, Sas k. 01' AlbAl'ta, Also homes t) sell in WIlI'IIl ClilllIlLl!s, whel'e I'oses bloom 12 months ill Lhe yea I'. "; Callund Rce my list befol'e puro1lasing, it will puy you welL I I' YOII hn \.(' ci ly, PI'Op9l·t.y 1.0 oon \'el't in Lo kllow YOIIl' wanLs allll J will supply Ll,6nl. chnngo eonsidcl·otl. fU1'1Il lanel let lIle Any kiml of ex' ...... ..,.. .................... ..... .., .... '"' ." ....................... _ ..................... - Real J. G. CARROLi Loans Office Phone 67 House Phone 100 La.. pI 'F' - -- - ----'"- --_. --- - - -' -- ---- _. I " .' ,_ \ Preserv.e Eggs Now " \ " . ' And help out in the food question this winter. WA TERGLASS will do the work , . \, , . sat:isfactQr.ily and at a small cost. D\') it H ".'Now' are 'plentiful. ! HEADQUARTERS FO,R PARIS GREEN. · ' 'GEORGE GRAHAM DRUGGIST & STATIONER TREHERNE h , 2: ali(I 3. : The OOIl\'e;I:.ioll Ims' "'le:\I-I" (I)! t.ho l ·. ",l'I)OII'(,I' M UOllll'Ulctt" ull: . , ' .... :-. ,.', . ,:" ',. . beon fOl: the pln'pose of $2U, ,UI' ulle' lilUllth'8 inllJI'isolilllellL, . ,. 'itely fOl'IJlIlIg .I,he Ilew, jJl'(l\'IIICIIlI '1'1 . t' , [' LI ' 'I" . · '", '. . Ie III crests u 10 eUII) oyel: IS .MflBBIBIiIflliw.DI!iiIUDiIll __ E ... !IiII ...... IIII ...... ..,_ exeouLi've body, which is to be mnd(, " /.1,' " , is !lLI·ougl.I' prut.eeLI'lL ---- - 01' I'epresematives fl'(1Il1 !LillII' t.he ....... .... ""."" ..... "' ........... ..... "'""""". ... ,Red· Ci'OBR' ' ' "I ll'iod 10 nnd eXllI'essiul's 1'1'0111 , , , What about a new Sports l SkIrt?' Very sma,lt' .. with sporls blouse, is tbe separate'skirt of ,plaid, .strip.ed or checked silk, , , " , ' " Some lovely new skirt ends hand. August Delineators MRS. SMIT >, ..... ;, .. . ; . ,. Pro ••• ,PUONE, 94' . ... . , . . . o , 'J . , .' :. , . " Board!l which hlH'e oOllle illt.o heh' , , ' tluiolioJ'fI wliile T W'IlS in :BUY, YOUR ,FLOUR NOW .. ,. ' . ' . , . , .. liS to Lite diflcI·,mne betw(!clI' /III ! , A . lind fl B"iLiHIt . soldiel', 1L1lt! LhiH'wLls't.he /o"Ht I'eply 1 I'e 'ceked. ' '.t\ I:kiti!;h soldier , , f illl,O nltulIsl; MI if' he owns Lhe wltul'· , ' dalllll hOllslJ, 'lUi AlIIel'ictlll die'/wl,dks ill IlS ir'lui didll'Llgive il;-;nll.'whp ownOfl Lhe hOllse ",BOIi Itel''''' is hopi n'g thILG.LIIe.y i II to 'Il',' (:el't"Li il' 'Ji Il' sllflll',;i e'l' sltoll!der."--liev. J\.. J , I , . . , . JUST RECEIVED of ,War Price $5.30 per sack w nave Rye"'Flotir in Stock. SOLD BY MILL-ING' CO'Y ; , , " " f ' ,,' '(" -1,1 "-, JOHN.-COULTER. ,AGENT TREHERNE' MAN, .. .-. ..: •• t .. . .' ' . • • •• • • .... " o •• ••• , •• .. •• (I; . " j, .. , " , 1 1 "1 '\ , J. i I " I 1 I .' , , I , ' ! , ' 1 ; o!.

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Page 1: ttN~~~~~ - Treherne · 2012. 12. 17. · villo lind S weet,-LesJ'ie: "" ]rol' ~J'I'e ... tlllillU p1C:L8111'Q Tbis is ]lJ'llctically lhe lusL rai" or Llw Ioll'L1SII" !if) tit! 1I0t



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J • VOL. XIX No, 43 FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1918

- - The T reherne Furniture Store - -The bllsy seasoll is nCllr Itt hall(1 nlld mallY w;1l be lIeedillg.some

extra dishes 1'01' LI:e hal'\·(·st Il.lld tlll·eshing. IVe Illw!! I.hem i'll DiuIIOI' eels 01' opon sLock. plain white and UI,)yel'luuf. 0111' prices will me~t those of uny IlIllil ol'{lel' house. ,

Also u good sLock 'or blld spl'ings and malLI'osses, always plcuHed lo shuw, wheLhet· yon ~uy UI' lIOt.

which ·we'are


Agents for The Chevrolet

POCLON' B,ROS .. - - Trehern'e

, /

.;, . . ~ . .. . .



, , ;.



MI' Allingll!11ll of Holland, ilwad' ed Trehel'ne IIl~t IVednesdllY- e\'el,­ing. with a gleulIl of del('I'lI1inll:tiull ill his eye. amI 1\ I'enl LeulIl uf haBO-bldlers. '/ , ,

The game went wiLhout a Scol'e , ,

1'01' fOllr innillgs, w],ell' Somcl'ville ylll'v 11 p, uml all. ,wed l'relJ(JI'1I0 [0111'

rllllS. H~ was replllced uy S,,\eet, who held Trehel'ne scol'ele~3 1'01"Lhe l'sllIIlInelel' uf Lhe gnlTlO.

1 n Lhli seventh A\lillglllll:ll'S men scored six rllIJS, ~lId in the eighLh

olhel" The gl'ellL (Irive was Wall, Tl'chel'lIe WIlS r1~·fealed anti we Wel'e sad

Bllllllri~s: [i'01' Allillghalll, Somel" villo lind S weet,- LesJ'ie: "" ]rol' ~J'I'e­hel'lIe, Hm'st lind \Vier.-hulIlll. "

, Tr~herne Fail', July 31, Aug: L

AR wlls.stnted in lhe eolulIllls .01' Lhis ]Jnpel', bhe'dil'ectOl'>i are' dl)t.el" llIined to I1H!.ke I,his, il' l.!os~lblo t.ho best fait· ill Lhe hislUl'Y or tho sot!il'Ly The s(JI'\'iee or olle t he best balHlll i" Winnipeg is beillg scem·ed. 'l'hill alollo will Ioe a kent \Vol'Lh dOli hIe the oost, 01' !ldlllission. III ncidilillli 'to LIlis, splelldec1 J)l'izes, 111'0 being ofliwcd I'UI' .ullse hlLll nlHl othel' sports.

The ruil' gl'Ollllds al'e amollg Lhe mosL beal/ttl'ul ill Suuthel'" lIIail' itou,!. Iliid Lo Hpellcj It day then; ill Il

gt)tlllillU p1C:L8111'Q

Tbis is ]lJ'llctically lhe lusL rai" or Llw Ioll'L1SII" !if) tit! 1I0t Illiss it, /te 1Ileillbel' ti't! ]JI'illl\i plll tillY.' j\ IIg,

IsL, !llld IlU plllll YOlll" Wild, LIm!. YOll nllt! Y'HlI' wire'lLlld rHlllil.y spend IL plc:~~llllt lLl,d [ll'Olitllble dny al T,'ehel'lle l('ail·.

Dispute Over Wages

. AbollL 400 I~eople wiLlle~sed Lhe game. At hmst 60 nlltos wel'e pluk­ed 0;1 Lhe gl·Ollllds. 1\11,. AlUlIgl;nm mllst. hllve cOllfided t.!> the [leop'le or Holland Lhat he was guil,lg lo;.idll Lhe game, 1'01' Lh@ whole lowlI O'.~'~(J dowlI lo see I he lJUlIlesL ThHY

;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=llbl'Olight Lheil' gnliunt t.ealll, ,~lId Lheh' pl'eLt.y gil'lli, alld we hOP.l! Lo !roe' L1,em all agllill, UII Ifni!' tilLY I Lsl

~rllgisLI'llle Moore \vus oalled UPOII last MUII("~Y ovellillg to ~otl,lllll. dis­Ill! Le • eOlleCl'1I lI,g wages, iJeLw(!<J1I 1£01 SLednll,m /Llld Jue Mureall, ~Iul" ~all e111 i mer.! $102 50 wllgcs d lie. \\' h ile Lhe Olll ploYel' clui lIleti II COil LI'n I'UI' dltlllilges, tl.ll~OllnLjng to $'I;j(i.OO Jlldgelllcnt w,'Ls' gh'en ill fll.\'or or, 0\1 (;"CIlII 1'01' $90. IllIll<.1 cusLs 01' COUl't

,Buy Your Piano From Us

, I ·On Easy Terms.'

Make your own selections' and arrange your own terms on such known makes, as

Steinway, Gerhard, Heintzman;' N ordhei­

mer, Chicke'ring, ~ell

of A ugnst. ,

Soldiers' Aid Notes Tlte Slllll or $25(j,50 wus I'ecch'eel

fl'Olll·tlte BIde of Romp ir~Il, shipped , ,

in June.

- It, Sl"!IllS to he Lhe habiL or hil'ed llIell tu'lillll' SOllie I'ea~on rot' bl'eak­

, \ . .' I I iI'g lheit'-collt.rnut IlbU~,t Lhis tilll" Deleg'.l.~s 1'01' Lhe Provillcill J~e, Cross con\,entiull will I,,; chosoll nt or the l'em', wIlen I~ig wages Ill'e ill 'thlol lIf!xL IIlHetill~ to ';n held ilL LhJ Hight; nllcl it is the dllt,y or a lIlugis' h"tn~' I\fll Ll'n Le to diseo\'el' his reuson fUI' I:IU

.';Ul~:>\IIl~" ::. ... l"',':·,;.:.,, .... '~I·u oig g"'1i rod, lett\' itl g th; \ \I bQ;tSU-hrthl'

Haines, Cecilian, Do­

herty, Canada Ot· sewil:g UII hand in.

1\1,'8. \'Illley or sl,adfHl'\ WIIOII Idti,ol'l'p is I

Will I'oads 1'01' 11Il1·\'est. Tbe ilu!.!il:ll.l·t('e ,JOillled Ollt, tu klliLLillg .' I"

IHllld it ~hcll; LlltlL it 'wullld l\o of inLel'est. LIl illl cUllcel'ned to HLlI~ly' /:lec. II Ilnd 12 or Lhu MILBLel' and Servant Aet,

Catalogues and- full particulars forwarded,:, whbl, dil:ltillotiy !I'Latl's Lhat 1'01:11 II.\' " .• ~I A provincial Reel.Cross couyenlioll n'liseumlnot ~;. n(!~leet ur hill \\,OI.k

" On request " -'.' '7' :. w,ill he held iii Winnipeg on '1'1"11'8- 011 t.he pllI.t uf Lhe empluyoe, il:! II

. '," day, FI·ill!t.y all(1 Sat.III'dllr A IIgllat, I . \ I " I'

' '.. -, W 110 I Ie IS HI u e u It pellll .Y 0

• ~. '" '" ,"

. . ' . '. . ... , ' . ' ~

I.) .'

. "

• • • ..

, El


Real Estate and Loans

represent three well established 'Dan companies, interest rates 7 and 7~ pc. loans blanketed for short time,

FgR SAlE--Excellellt IlSSOI·tmont of fal'llI Illuds, fro III wil,l Lo well i III pro\'ct! Innd ill allllost Il.ny (listl'ict inMan i Lolon, Sas k.

.~t(!hewan 01' AlbAl'ta, Also homes t) sell in WIlI'IIl ClilllIlLl!s, whel'e I'oses bloom 12 months ill Lhe yea I'.

"; Callund Rce my list befol'e puro1lasing, it will puy you welL

I I' YOII hn \.(' ci ly, PI'Op9l·t.y 1.0 oon \'el't in Lo kllow YOIIl' wanLs allll J will supply Ll,6nl. chnngo eonsidcl·otl.

fU1'1Il lanel let lIle Any kiml of ex'

~"''''- ...... ..,.. .................... ~"' ..... .., .... '"' ." ....................... _ ..................... -Real ~state J. G. CARROLi Loans

Office Phone 67 House Phone 100

La.. pI 'F' --- ~---- - ~ ----'"- --_. --- - ~ - -' -- ---- _.

I " • ~ • ~ .' ,_ •


Preserv.e Eggs Now ~ " .I~


" . '

And help out in the food question this winter. WA TERGLASS will do the work , . \, , .

sat:isfactQr.ily and at a small cost. D\') it H

".'Now' viIiH~'eggs are 'plentiful. !



TREHERNE 'ttN~~~~~'" h 'N<N~~ ~~ , 2: ali(I 3. : The OOIl\'e;I:.ioll Ims' "'le:\I-I" (I)! t.hol·. ",l'I)OII'(,I' M UOllll'Ulctt" ull:

. , '.... :-. ,.', . ,:" ',. . beon c~lIed. fOl: the pln'pose of ~ld~lI- $2U, ,UI' ulle' lilUllth'8 inllJI'isolilllellL, . ,. 'itely fOl'IJlIlIg .I,he Ilew, jJl'(l\'IIICIIlI '1'1 . t' , [' LI ' 'I" .

· '", '. . Ie III crests u 10 eUII) oyel: IS .MflBBIBIiIflliw.DI!iiIUDiIll __ E ... !IiII ...... IIII ...... ..,_

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~;~~~~~~f exeouLi've body, which is to be mnd(, " /.1,' " , is !lLI·ougl.I' prut.eeLI'lL ---- - 01' I'epresematives fl'(1Il1 !LillII' t.he

....... ~ .... ~ ""."" ..... "' ........... ~..... ~ ..... "'""""". ... llioipt~1 ,Red· Ci'OBR' l~ilJ"uoilll ' ' "I ll'iod 10 nnd eXllI'essiul's 1'1'0111

• ,

• •


, What about a new Sportsl SkIrt?' Very sma,lt' ilJde~d, ..

with whit~ sporls blouse, is tbe separate'skirt of ,plaid, .strip.ed or checked silk, , , " , ' "

• • •

Some lovely new skirt ends ju~t,to hand.

August Delineators and,.'f~shi~n' she~ls

MRS. SMIT • >, .....

• • ;, .. • . ;

. ,.


• • • • • • • •

• ••• • •

,PUONE, 94'

. ... . •

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• • •

" • •

Board!l which hlH'e oOllle illt.o heh' , , ' LIt~ tluiolioJ'fI wliile T W'IlS in J~U)'()(lc :BUY, YOUR ,FLOUR NOW

• .. • •


' . ' . •

• • • •

• • •

• , . , .. • •

liS to Lite diflcI·,mne betw(!clI' /III ! ,

A 1I1~I'iI!lLII . lind fl B"iLiHIt . soldiel', 1L1lt! LhiH'wLls't.he /o"Ht I'eply 1 I'e 'ceked. ' '.t\ I:kiti!;h soldier \\'~t.I'k~

, , f

illl,O nltulIsl; MI if' he owns Lhe wltul'· , '

dalllll hOllslJ, ~ncl 'lUi AlIIel'ictlll ~ol-die'/wl,dks ill IlS ir'lui didll'Llgive ~ il;-;nll.'whp ownOfl Lhe hOllse ",BOIi Itel''''' is hopi n'g thILG.LIIe.y 1;;llh~\'(l. i II to 'Il',' (:el't"Li il' 'Ji Il' ~Ri:;,' sllflll',;i e'l' sltoll!der."--liev. DI',,J~IIl'I'is J\.. J

• , I , . •

~ . , .

JUST RECEIVED A:'~~'rload of ,War Fl~ur

Price $5.30 per sack w ~ nave Rye"'Flotir in Stock.


®~ILVIE' MILL-ING' CO'Y ; , , "

" • f ' ,,' ~. '(" -1,1 "-,


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Page 2: ttN~~~~~ - Treherne · 2012. 12. 17. · villo lind S weet,-LesJ'ie: "" ]rol' ~J'I'e ... tlllillU p1C:L8111'Q Tbis is ]lJ'llctically lhe lusL rai" or Llw Ioll'L1SII" !if) tit! 1I0t

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( •• Ii, • '';' ••••• ~~. , •• /'::.'! ... ","', .-•• , ',' '. ~7)" " -r . . ~. . ! M

To our many friends and future customers:

I-laving purcha~ed' the busi'ness of Harvie & Co., we wish to ask for a fair share of your future business and good-will. Ollr aim is to serve yOll at all times. \Ve intend discontinuing heav), h~lI'Cl\\'are, and will put in a complete stock of dry goods, Ladies' and gents' Ready-to-vVear, Boots and Shoes,

Groceries, etc:

We arc conducting it strictly cash business, givIng credit to (1O-0ne, as wc Find this the best policy, both for aliI' cu~tol11ers and for ~ourselves~ vVhen, rou buy gL)ods on timc, we lend you so much money out of our business, ,with­out interest, altlwugh theinterest"is added indirectly ih the selling pric~. vVe are going ttl try and sell you goods less this intereSt charge so that it will pay

" you to go to the bank, (and we have two good banks in Treherne) borrow the l1loncy and pay as YOll go, \Ve ask you to do this 'for one year and we guar­anlee that the greater percent of you will continue to do so,

- At present it is rather hard to supply yo'ur wallts, as our stock is. badly depIcted bllt we hope to have 1110st of you I' wan ts by Aug, 1st or shortly 'after,

All we ask is a fair show and we will tly to do the rest. Call in and see what we have, and ollr prices at any time, I t is a pleasure to show goods, , \Ve have some special prices on heavy hardware' and dress l11uslins, ,

We are 1110ving to the big brick store about Aug, 1st so ask you to bear

with liS, during our 1110ving, etc,

Yours for future business

w. J. Ruston General Merchandise Uallndn. Ifoo.i 130[11'[1

Liellllse No, 8-13iJU·I Treherne


...... t\-.. ~';',."., ~;.l"·(""'" \ ,j~'~\'O:' ,:. , ... ' •• -'~"'V;'t ....... '" ,.'1' ,.\ ..... , ." ....

I'U nT.IHlllm ~HTHRr!JUI''J'II)~ llA"'I';!-()n" yuur, In ",I

VllIlI'U, SI.:,'I; ~i '( IIHmt,hH, j'-,e: t hI "0 lIIonlhl" ,jtle;' U. H, Illld (ol"·h!ll. 1)('1' yl~nl'. ~~,oo

I'll I)(oW,", IlIll'IIII,',! rill' IlIlhllrntion Hlluuhl rlll,·I. "hi~ 1l1II1'11 IIlllnllll' Lhnll 'rlloflday.

,\,I\·,!),th,illJ,: I'ato~ Illudu ltllUWII (III n.ppllun ~iull.

Y,'ndy "(Jllt 1'Ilf!l .. ltd ,'ell Istlll( lo ho Jutlll ror Ill, ,t,"1 tlf,'u,·h II"JlIIII. "'nlll'I!'j~H~l'llu "OIII:'t.llliloa. 1.,0111 h, ('xii n. 11'i"1H!.t willi", cimnrcil fur',

,Iutl WOII, or 1\,11)' Ilw·wl'iplinn IlIJaLly nwl )11'11111'11)-, c!:\I'nlH PII. '

J\ 'I \'fll'll "'.' IIIf'Il t.~ 111111 r,.'om lULl! h·,l w 11 h 111-foll'llI'l !1I11t> 1111-'1'1''''11 III1L1t for'lIid 1\.1111 (!1!1\rg'ml au ,·n"III1Uh". NnLh'I''l or 1ll1'IJUIIA'~ IllHl onIHI'I.nln~ .It "I~I from w"ir'h Il 1'0\''''111(1 Iii dm'lvfJd, ill

I fll'lIl"IIIIIIIIIII'l, 111, 4~1I1J'( pt'I' 11111 1 •

. M"III"li:!111 Ilisorlilllll'l 1J11I).;(,1I01 oX'(!fH!d fnul' IIIf h4·-l. f:lllll'/..lf.:!oI tirty l'IUII14 rrH"l'nl'h IIIH('l'lloli.

:-.:,I'.-A41\'f"~III"'fHIIIIIIIH wiI.J1 Hhll,l III' IWIl\'Y (''IIII,IO-lit lUll w1ll 110 ,'IIlLl'H'!11 fnr' ~xtra III rill" ~,I.JII 11(:1' hUllr

Largest Cil'culation in MacDonald

Times Press Days each week­Inside Pages, Tuesday at Noon, Outside Pages, Thursday at Noon.

____ .'_M ~, _____________ • __ _


Hognllll' S(lI'vir:eR evon' Sabbath nt II a,pl, !llld 7 p .. m, Specilll /101'1I10n \.0 cirilrlnHl 011 the fil'RtSun­d,L,\' or Illlch Illonth at the 1ll00'IlillH 110111',

• \ '

'He~e and There Throngh the action of tbe Min­

ister of Aj.\ricululll·e, The Honorable '1'. A, CI'cra!', arrangements h~ve again been made to have the 91Lll­ad ian Bllnken,,' Association co-oper­ate ,vith the Department of Agri­oulture in providil!H a liberal SIllI1

of money to be o(r~red ill prize!! fOl' calves 11Ild pigs exhibited by boys or gil'ls lI}ldel' 17 yellrs of age, a~ one I'idl' in each district - eithel' ~ County. Township 01' School Fail'

These competitions are known as the "Canadiun BA.lIkers' Com­petition", lind .a1'e link!!ci np with the activities or the !.ive Stock Branch of the Dominion DepA.I'L­ment ot Agriculture They repre' !lcnt 1111 effort to interest in Ii ve stock, and r.onsti tll te A. Plu't of the ncth'e campaign for more and beltel'Rtock illaugUl'ated nnd carried on by that Departmp.nt, The gen-

I e!'OUR sUPPOI'b accorded to the mOI'e-ment, by the ClIIladian Bl1nl<el's' Association, ufful'Cls a pl'l\ctial dem­onstl'lLtion 01' the attitude of l,he banks towurd'! the live stock indus­tl'Y, und the active pal,ticipaLion of the Ass,)Qiution in this campllign is iJolllld lo stl'ellgthen Itnd cre!Lte j.(eneral intel'est in flu'm Rtock,

A C'Llladian Bunkel's' (;olllpeLit­ion '.,.ill be held flt It Ifll'wl nnmbel' Ill' show!! this yelll', lllld bbys lind

I gide should lose 110 time in finding Ollt all about them, The cllives and pigs Il1US~ be fed Ilt leust six weeks by th'! boys Itnd gil'ls who exhibit them, so that it is vel'y illl-portanl' to IICt 11I'0ITII.t1y ill secm'­ing It oopy or ~he l'ules and othel' inful'llll1tiull, Full infol'mation re­

• .' • ~

• • •

• •

• •


•• • • • •

• • •


BUSINESS that will foster the growth of Canada r~ceives, primar/ consideration in the extension

of credits by the Bank of Hamilton, It is in the nat­ional inlerest thal exports be largely increased and that Canadian made products should take the place of imported goods.


0 • .. •

• •


Returns from No, I ~Northern \-\'hent : Straight Gracie 40 b~, flour per hushel, 6 Ih~ short~, 121bs, bran

ReluTIls from No, 2 Northertl Wheat: Straigbt Grade 39 Ibs, flour per bushel, Ills, sborts, 13 Ibs, brau


'Tl'ehel'lle fluut, ill now bleaohml by fLn el(Jotl'iclll (JI'oceSll I,hllt is absolutely h!LI'mless, which !l~eH !Lilli pnl'ineH it,' mnkillg

it heantifully white, PIll'(J n.IHl whol!1Rome We al'e ill tho lTI,wlwt fIJI' whelll .. Illi WII Ill'e gl'illrlillg fOl' Iho

GO\,Cl'IIIIlf'III, 1',11' O\'PI'RPIlIi IJlII'POSl\q, \Ve are gl'istillg to/lay, !l~ ll~llal, rlllllOl'1i to tIle cont.l'fIl'Y al'O

false. Bring in YOll!' wheet ill qunntiLies alld l[Liw yom' 1I0lll' IU!

you l'equil'e it

c. Wiechman 1 RE.H£.RNE. MANITOBA

garding the Competition call be ob- ... ----------....;-----------,------...: tlLined h'olll the Managel' of The T['(,herlle branch or th" Bllnk of COlllll1el'ee, The Trehel'lIe Boys & GiI'ls ('Ilil' will be held 011 Oct. :kd,

------,- ---------

Owing t.o the IUI'ge influx of Cadets, as I11rliCllteri a few days ugo l'ecl'lliting 01' Oadets 1'01' the Royal Ail' ~i'ol'ce Ims tempo1'lll'ily ce[tset!, except 1'01' men o[ the 19 yell I' olt! CIttHS ullrlel' the til ilitfll'v SOI'vice 'Act, A Ilthol'ity hus bpell received 1'1'0111 OttlL\\'a to enlist these lIlell lUI C'Ldet,H IIml place them 011 resel'l'e Th is does not mean that the Royal Ail' FOloe has completed theil' I e­cl'niting, It is, simply a temporal'Y nil 1,0 ullow the schoolH to deal with

Proud of Them! Since tak ing 'the agency fllr the

Maxwell car a few weeks ago we

have sold sp.veral:'~ars, The purch-, . acers are delighted with' Iheir cars

and they have every reason to be,

Before you buy a car, talk Maxwell

with me,

$ 1 1 75 f o· b Windsor

To Co Stinson I

--------- -- .---

the Im'ge supply of Clldets 'already !"'" _____________ --;

ill halld, 'IL is qllite \.Iossible, und ['xtl'emely lik[<ly, that I'ecr'uiting fot' , Cadets will be opened fuil bla~t in the cOlll'se of tWl' lllonLils, including lTlell eligilJle undel' Mi]j'-ary Service Act, I

Thel'e are a Ilwge 'nmllbel' 01' 1'11-

c!lllcies ill the lto/ttl Ail, irolce fOl' .l\.I.echullics, both skilled and unRldll ,- '

ed, . Allthot'ity has heen'l'ecei ved 1'1'01l1 Ottawa to elllist ILIlY Medical CategOl'Y "B" men in the noyal

Livery Stable A first-clnss Livery and Feed Business; good Rellahle Eorses; st\'­Iisb rigs ; everytbil\~


Prompt and obliging s·ervice. '


Dravin~ 'and Teaming

Speclnl attentIon to Com lllcrclals,

How About You.· • ~ .

Summer 'Defenses?

Hnhllflt.11 Sclwnll'ol<lIlarly nt 2 :'10 p, Ill, PI'fI,\'ol'Mcetillg !Lilli Bihlo HI,lld.v {,I'(JI'Y \Vl'dl.I(!sday cl'onillg ILl, H, Il·r1 lIy I.h e · I.'IIRI,OI', Epworth LI'IlgllfJ 11'l'ulny 1~\'(Jlling at. 8, IJ[ul­il'H Aill illr!pl,illg IiI'RI, \VcrillOidlll' IlI'I (J1'1I11nn 01' BlllJh lllonth ILt·!'!,

\ Air' 11'OI'ce, als() mal'l'ied men" !llld men outside thEr Milital'y Service

:::::=~=====7:::"7==:'¥====~i==S==:=±::~===¥?:====;:#==±;;#: '::i:: 'I Ant Ill'e eligible,: .' ,I

A utomoblle for Hire,

J."H. Smith

Bf tier look over your old screens

over and get your order in now for

those that will have to be renewed

Maybe you have soine porches

thf:lt should be screened, Nothing

like a screened porch for real com­

fort. Get them early and get your

monp.)'s worth,

Rememb\er ,ve are headquarters

for everything you will need in re­

pairing. your buildings, or building

new. Lumber, tiush. doors and

builpers hardware,

. .

It. ,.f:.ill illli. Slipt, S,S, .!, A, LOIlHlcy, PIlAtOI',


Sel'I'ieCA OI'IlI'l' 811l1C\ny nt I L ~ III lind 7 Pill, 'SlIlIdn.\' 8011001' ]tlHl

Arlllit Hihln CIIlSH ILl, 12 o'cit)'Jk, : WeeklY'PI'llynl' J'Il!eLillg 1111 Wed

nelldlLl' 1';l'fJllillg Itl •. f! o'Clnok, ',. :Ntolll,hly M,~ol,illg or tltc Sef!sinll 7, :30 o'olw'k - 1'i1'/lL "reclllos[lay or tit" llIonth-lIll11lflj.(\\I~q lIIeet I'iI'Ht ~IOlJ(IIlY (ii' till) n\9l1Lh Il~ 8 oclock ill ~ho cven , . ;" . ~, ~ . lIlg,

" . . "

HJ;;V, J, C.' !:l'i'm\VA1J.l' '. Pap-to I' " .:

I •


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Phone 17

Tieh~rne '}figh 'School ,

Students 'prepared for Tbird and Second Class Teachers' Certificates" and Un Iversitv CORONA LUMBER co.

:,- Matriculat,loll .. ExllmlnatlOlis, 7'. '-: • :''', '.'~ J . : ' ~ , " Low rn,l~s .und spp-,clal Induce­

ments . for non-resident stu~

R.· F.', STEELE,

,dents. . .' j

," Write for l1lust'rated booklet " \ f _ ,

R:J,Ml11s " ,'Miss McIntosh Sec,'Scbool Board, Principal'

.. {' . "

• • • • • • • •

Broadway " ." .


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-TIle ,Granite Warehouse.' Ladies' Coats

All new styles, fashionable faDrics.

One tweed coat. regular , $25' for $20

Three tweed coats; regular' $ 15 for $12

One 'tweed coat, regular ,$12 for $9.00

One blue serge coat, regular $22 for $17

These coats will cost twice as much next season. An early se·

lection will pay well.

MILLIN·ERY at Clearing P~ices

All Trimmed Hats and Shapes Going at Cost,'


WASH GOOpS SPECIAL 10 pieces of Gmgham, Muslin. and print, worth today, 3sc. and 30c. per yard SpeciaL I Sc, per yard.

GROCERY, SPECIALS for C on Saturday and ~onday


Climax bra Plum, Stra rant, green

" jam 4 lb. pails of Raspberry,

Royal crown Quick Pudd'

Cana(h !f

Gooseberry, Red Cur-7 Sc.' per pail

per case 144 'bars $ 7,50 and custards, 2 pks, 2Sc ,

! BOLLI'd LiCllllse No, g·13!J0 L


W. R. Holland.


, , .

"A Lap Ahead ",

Dunlop Tires-"Traction," o

" Special ','-represent doing,

best what other tires may

have been trying to do well.. • ....:.w"

, ,

", Masters of the Road~'


: .) Worry Killers ,':, , , " • I


I!J-•• • .' • •


• • '0 @ .: • .0 •

, . • • , , , . , , , , ' ," . " ... , • • • .. , ,

, • ,

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, •

TREHERNE ' LOCALS B~I'L 0tt'g; nlid Lwo sistel's who I .. II!L\'(' been vi~iLing MI', nlltl ?Ill'S, I

I Chns, \VjIli:llns 1"01' sometime, re-I


The gentle I'!lin which fell persis· tently 11.11 day, Irdllay failer! Lo dam­

pen the spil'its of LI'o Omllgemell' The picnic Wl\~ palled ofl', /til wel'e the bull gli'tnt!s. Bnt Il good crowd henrrl the progi'nl11 of speaking' at

the hnll. No l'e.LI' uf the g'mill­gl'OWel'Il' kicking nbont f},.. showcl', even when the gl'ain-growelH nl'e o 1'/1.11 ge11l en , Ilnd the dnLe iii J Illy 12th,

T. C. Stillson wlis !L plLssengel' 1'1'0111 \Vinllipeg 1.l'I'idny Inst.

tlll'lIed Lo t.hei I' home at Portage T It Pl'lli de IMt wC'ck,

Mrs, \\TIll, Gl'oglln WIlS a passen'

gel'to \Villllipeg 011 Thlll'wlILY last. wherc sho will'YiAit hOI' HiRter nlrs, Catt IlIHi Mill, ClaplJ, rUI' !l I'ew lluys,

A IIYOIIC wbhillg Lo knit fOl' Lhe Allies Aid JlIny get the yn.l'n from

MillS 1I1nl'Y Stl'Uubc,

TIm Allies Aid wish La I1ckIlOW­ledge the SIIIlI 01' $;30, fl'om the dallce gil'elllit 8111111 y Slope 1<'111'111,

D T. Spinks of Stocktoll spellt, • the week enrl wilh his I'nLiler. \VII1 Tl'chel'lIe ball tl'lIin yillite,l 8WIIII

Spinks, IH',

MI', and 'MI'S, Juhn' Bl'nnt of, SOlll'is, wm'e tho' week end gnllsl.s of Mr. nlld ~Il's, \Vm 8pinks, 81',

Pte, \Vm StllnLolI, of Lhe Ellgill­eering Corp. \Villllipeg, ril'ril'cd 011

ifl'idllY und hns u !"o"ths len\'e

Lli ke 1111.1 derelLled t hOIll 12 2, A 1I11111bcl' 01' tooid 1'0lk8 wcat [dollg,

\VIII, 1IOOt·y had lim lIIiRl't,l'tllne to lose IL cow th is week. The ClIW was teLlllwecl Oll t 11IIU WIlH e\'id"n t,\y chnFlerl by rings, as ohe was I'olllld

nl l he eild ul' hel' I'OPl!. with hel' lIeuk , bl'okell,

Aflel' lin idlelless 01' 2~ YCIU'S, tho St.apll'H &. A IIdul'HOII st.ore 1'(1)111, ill

. July Remnant Shoe Sale

--------~----------------.,------------, Our new Fall Shoes have already comm,enced In come in

and to make room for the large consignments 10 follow we must cI~an up all odds and ends. Among the many bargains we can show YOIl we can only mention a few.

25 pairs Mens Fine Shoes, all kmds and sizes, regular $6.00 and $7 ;00 lines Special Sale, $4.95

15 pair WOOlens Oxfords, Patent, kid and tan, mostly small sizes, regular 4.00, 4.50 and 5,00 Sale Price $2.95

Also ,several pairs wofnens white canvas boots, medium heal and toe, 6~ inch leg, regular 3.25, Special $2.25

20 pairs Worn ens pumps and slippers, remnants at 20 pc off. 18 pairs Boys strong calf boots reg, 4.50, will hop at $3.60

Poultry Panacea- Have you tried Dr. Hess Pan· acea for your your young chix?

It 5'urely makes them Grow.


J~ Treherne ,Tnck Smith I'otlll'lled 011 SIlLm" day rl'OIll \Vinnipeg whel'o lie hilS

LLgnill bee II lInrlel' the OlLl'e or IL prl,I'­sicinn, Jllcklms hwl se\-el'ld thl'lI .. t Ilpel'utions tltll'illg the P, yelLl"

I,lte 1' .. II'm 1,lonk, is nl{alll to Ite oc· :",-~----. ______________________ •

or the 70 weekly newspnpel's ill l\[allitoba, 55 IUl\'e now ndopted

the $1.50 l'Ilt~.,

ullpie,l i\J I': ItllRtoll \l'ho I'cCUl!tly PIII(,hllHed tllIJ Harvie RtOl'e, plallR

to OCUII\'Y' pl'Ol't'l'ly 11C\'01'e the elld or thiu nlOlIl,h with a 1ILI'gOl' Iille

01' nuw IlIerchllll'li'ill

, Cnnnda's whent l'esel'l'e fmnste,1 The' Cllnlllliall

i~ t() I,ll Illade to giV'J Llle people or are ex-peoplo.; '1'1,,,111)1'111) 'ILlld dbll'ict. Illlulh';;l' big IIsed mOl'e wheat SillCl) lile well-sLock .. .!, stul'e,

CI\llIldlL IruorI Bonnl has snllgllt 1.0 i\II'8 ;\lcLellll alld S')1I8. DOlla\1 cOlltl'ol its eOllsllmtiull tllnll it, elid ILIilI Chltl,lps nl'dved 1)11 TIlIlI'llday

I ",like pOl'iot! lll·l'ure,' \Ve hnve I'l'ollll \\,illilipeg allrl will \'i~it iii I', NOT dlllle 0111' 0\11' "I lit 1'0 ill C/)1I80I'I'- [uHI i\II'~' A, Cuwie,

illJ{, hilt, IlIUSt aSBIlI'ill"', wc \ViLT. i\lisH Robel't.a Lnlle uf \Villllipt'g before the fi'nish. if we do lIut wislt 'I i\1 I I \I'I'I! visiL lU'I'lve' 011 I U.lll al' 11I1I • to slLcrifice Oil!' llIanhood. illsteat!. hel' bl'ulhn!' J, B, Lalle 1'1)1' It fe',l'

Miss l\lm'l' A, Delg~ty is spellt!- dnys, illg hel' holirll\vfj nt Rock I..llke, I' r

J 1111'S, JIlIllCS 1100,e Hem'etary 0

Mi%p.B lWlIlL COl'ie, QlIoellie

E::avtlY, VP.I'IL Dl'l1l11l11and and Mary Delgnty, also l\IARserR Bert, Catt , '

\V Ill, De1gnty 1Il0Lol'ell to' Rock Lnke on Sunday lust,

The splendid ruins of the pnst week have dOlle wOllrIel'R 1'01' t.he crops, al thollgh 'wheat, wiIl he shOl't, 'l'I'ellel'lIe llU~ HOllie POLILLo pntche~ Lhl;t will be Illll'rJ t,o heaL,

Ale YOII coming Lo tlltl 'fldl' I,hig yenl'? Something that Hholl:(11I'~

he missed. ami youl' mOlley's wOl'Lh gil nl'llll teetl,

the Ilullle 1!:1:{)1I0IltiCS ::'ooit!ty will he aL t,he 1'001119 011 Sal,lIrtlny lIight fl'om S ~illIO;aO to I'l't,eil'e 01';lel'8, , All n IIJIII bel's t.Iml,IlI'o.; ill tOWIl plellse oall, TIll! Society will, tLlso III1!l t

oll'SaLlIl'dllY eV(llIillg, , l\[ I'S. I{ooke SOCI't·t,u'y , '

.... ~,;<,.,",:" Thll'$, [[il!l){(\!U;'I'!!Hidl~lIt

?lII'R, ;\~ .J 01111 nlleROIl allll t.lll'l!e chil,h,t;ii 01' Willilipel! [m,L cd Oil

l\lundnv [lild will:,\'i~il,IIII" alld lIhs , . G, V, lJllllllldl l'ul' a I'ew days,

RoUen Discrimination

S'ttnl'tlllY WIlS IL grtla rlay UllIOlIg DIU; 1'0111' footed friellds ill '!'I'clwl'IH}, Th~ local cOli.l d(,!.!.d!.'I',< ,1I'e lid vised Two dug fights. I'U1ll' gl'eesetl pig dllLL 110 hal'd oo1l1 will hu flltipperl eveills. nllrilL cow ill IL Wit"l flllleo Wllst or \Villllip~){ LldH ,l'Oal'.'lJeolll,lI!U

wel'e 'tlHl ~hitJr e\'ellts of the ;LfLtJl'- of gu\'e['nUlcllt; l'c'gc"UI iOlls, nOOll, • This Pllts iL' ill) Lo the COlllloil 1.0 \ cihjecl, PIIII'IIl1tJieai)y' to tltis dql8Li , A copy of EuLoll'1l Intest' gl'oecl'Y ahrl IIl1jllRt, IIWILsllI'e, \Vhilo qH'II'C oltt,lllllglltl ill 1'[Jposillg 011 the rldit.OI-inl deslt. At'lpl' IL clII,t'I'Iil Hem'uh is plullty or nUlL I 1'0," \\Tinllipol1.' thel'e uf i t,~ (,on t.ell t,q we I'ni led to fi nd ow, is 1I0lle rup p"i II ts l'ul'l,IIcl' wellb, si IIgle item or stlLlldlll'll Ll'acJo·I1lILI,k It; i'ol',\', 11111; 1 iei Il,d i t.r, i lIeul'pol'olLed eli gl'octwies I.hat, could bo plII:cIIHH: town [Lilt! village 'ShOliid prutest ttt

I phenpel' thnll at IIIJII1(1, nlld 011 ' ' • I I I' ,. I , t' t'" I "j? ('"ce. (lIllphlltlCIl Iy, It! UI'O IL IS too L Ie 1'011 P!Lge IR IIpl'erlf - ,CIIII')!II\', , ' , ' '

will will the Will'!'" BIIY nL hOllie, laLe to I'L'nwI~Y tho blllllll.lI' ul SOIllO and PIn'S I'reight chl\l'ge~1 illo(ficiellt: gO\'ei'II'I'nenL ofHoitd, -. " , .


• ..


~ Fin; Bu:iness II Stati~ner~ Ii

,thing that may be desired in Business Stationery and at attract· ~

~ ive prices, Best quality bond, white, blue, pink or goldenrod business producing letterheads and envelopes, printed in any

m color of ink or style of type. 500 of each for Five Dollars. ~

ill The Treherne Times ~ 1--1 i )I " 11_ II _II •

.: ... : •• : •• : • ..: • ..: • ..: •• : .. : •• :...: •• :. ': •• ".!<t ·St+ '''' + ... ~..; •• ) ~.,. 1ft "'j ~ ~ -I' .:. .. : • ..:. ': •• : •• :. ot· .: •• : •• : • .,.

Owing to l the increasing cost of stock we have adopted a cash' basis, \Ve pay cash for what we buy and ask our cus· tamers to do likewise.

... 01-~o 1,. .~ .:. .:. .: . . :. .:. .:. .:. ~:. .:. ,

In the future we cannot deliver meat ordered after ~ " " , .. ,~. ., , , .

Order early, I 0 .: . a, .~


.:. ~o .:.

o •••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••• ~ ••••••• • ' 9 • • • ...... -" ... _.....,. .......... ~ """""" ............ ~ ...... '"',., .......... _-.....' ......... ~4.....,_~ .......... ...., •

: $ Phone 102 0 Phone 106 ~ : For the convenience of my customers I have just another phone, If you forget the numbers, just for Curry's.

put in ask ask

• • • • • • • • • · .,...... --.. -....... .......... ...""'" ............ - .~- ... . : •••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 40 •••••••• :

: G : roceries J :


We want to figure ~n your hal've~t gro- : eery" needs. ' ,No orders too big and none too : small~ Goods are always, fresh and tasty~ :

• Get your sugar now, while it la,:;ts, : Compare my prices on tea, with those of :

any mail-order' concern. : . ~alt, in barrels, rock, SOc and ISc sacks : Now ,is the time to put in a' stock of t,

Laundry Soap. I Buy a case of Lenox, 144 : , 'L \ •

I}ars, at $6.30 Compare this with c~~alogs. : ............................. ., .... -...... , .... ~ ... : : Men~'" Clothi,ng

, ,

, :, \Vhy nut geL 1\ ChfJRP suit or cloLhes to Lh,lt gooll olle? e have n. few ill s\lIes 36 to 38 whioh we ul'e goillg 'to t!illpose

,UL.">U: fRl' below present, cost,

• • • • • • • • :.

• . ~ • •


• • • : • i • • : • , ' , . Some: 81:e, new und . .'some 1\I'e :

, ' , ' '. liP',ri,cioR. ,bOle'\\': presont' costs, J~ook • , , . " ' . '

&R!ioi'jled • "

. '

., • • .'



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Page 4: ttN~~~~~ - Treherne · 2012. 12. 17. · villo lind S weet,-LesJ'ie: "" ]rol' ~J'I'e ... tlllillU p1C:L8111'Q Tbis is ]lJ'llctically lhe lusL rai" or Llw Ioll'L1SII" !if) tit! 1I0t

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SMITH',S 'STORE; NEWS· .. ~. .

"The Spotless Store" -

• No Need to LiSt the Thousand 'Things

we sell. You can get of us, or through us, absolutely every~ thing for the home, ,for the table, for, wearing apparel, for farm or ga~den.

!Jon't spend your money sor summer goods until you haye looked over our new stock.

We insist on getting the very latest deSigns and ,ideas com~ bined with best material and workmanship, and when we guar~ antec mtisfnction we know what we are talking about.

Corne in and judge for yourself.


I-lighest prices for. butter and-eggs •

-------,-----,----~------------------------, 1

Smith Brothers Rathwell, Man,

\ ,

, Phone 39



General Hardware, Granite and Tinware, Hecla Furnaces, New Perfection Oil Stoves.

Agent for the I ,

Massey Harr:is 'Farm Ma,chinery J: I. Case Co., Tractors, etc'

. Gould Shapley & Muir Gas Engines , Hero Fanning Mills, McLaughlan Buggys De Laval Cream, Separators'

Anything fr\l)m a ta~k to' a threshingmachine -----------------~.--~----------------~----------------w. L. lr)'AWKINS' Phone 23

Rathwell, Man.





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• • •• ~-'AN I



RAl'HWELL RUMOITS I: .," , , , LADYSMITA Hatbwell notes Ill'e J1I1aval)a:ble . "

this we~k owit,g tv the' nbl:!euce of Olll' cor;'ilsPOIidellt from tOIVll,

Proh Pudor!

If yon /tl'e in arrears, r1I'OP ill aurl chuck a bilCk nild'fOlU' bitl! into the jackpot, and w~ will deolare YOII 'i~ the game for another sitting.-Tre-

, .\ . heme Times, '

Isn't that, Thiles fdlow nJ'l awfill gamblel'? We I\lIdel'~tand', howev­er that he ne\'el' jJIIlYs the game ou Suuday,-Ho)!and O~sel·\'er.

Now bl'other Howitt, b~ cal·eful. 01' we will tell ,on you. :bo~'s beat all what Il fellow will do, when he is a way fl'OIll home! Alld yon 'n.n

,.' ex'-' ,


nft'. Hobert Ross of

, •

Tl;e Il.1i',;;lal sr'hoo) m!'eting' was h;ld'[Honday e\·6uiu'g,· with Owen .. .

Iman IlS chairman, Mr. Van Dobbin was eleoted Bec: Tres. ill

l!nlJin" of Chas, Pullman who has re-. ' • Mr. Chn.s, Pullman left' Tnesday

rOl' Dominion City, ,where he will at,tend..,to the interests of Mr. "Vm.

'Ul11,,,,·, his cousin, who has been drafted,

The l'i ver here halo risen consider­'able the' past week, in fact it is neal'lyas high as it 'Illis been this • year.

Local and Personal

Rememher Tl'eherne Fair' on July 31st and A lI~ust 1st. '

Misll Aiice 'Willett left ,on Tues­for Reston, Man. w hel'e ahA

will visit for two weeks with hel' sit!-nnd l\Iiss Gmce Henl'y or Lav~l1hnn Itel,. ' were quietly mnrl'ied 011 'Ved day evoning by Hev, Lously, at the , Miss M, \VI'8S, uf Bl1ldl1~ Mall" Methodist parso'nagA. TheY,I, ' nAI'I'i\'ed Inst week nnd will visit hel'

I I lint Mrl:! W L Dal'ling fOl' a few' once rOl' Ho~selltla Il, w I:!re a r'ecept- , ' ", ' ion \~a!l held 1'01' them, Both a"e ~ILY~' wel! known allll'poflular in th,e dis Ou Tuesday e\'Poning tho Olil'e tl'ict, I gil'ls visited Trohel'nE! for a of


Archie, the little son of' '1\:[I'S. ,\to l\IcCoig:-fell from a 1'Vn~(Jn ~n Wed

.... I •. "

neBday evening, breaking Lhe left al'm aL the elbow.

'A dance ~"ill be held ill 1\[1'

Ei,ileat 'Clal'k's nel";' b/l.;'ll on J \lly 2JCh, ' Gents $l.OO::Ladios 250. III aid of the Hed CI;OSS.

N. Wilson of" Winllipeg was a I!aas~ngei' to Trehel'lIe 011 Th lIrsday

J'ae};: Parkel', SOil of Mr, and MI's F. Parkel', returlljld home 011 "', ,---'

, , , day, Jack Im8 beell iiI a hospital iii TOI'onto for'some t.ime, aud also

• I,

is lInder Ilge I'OJ' military se~·viee. '

Mr~, A, Perl'od of, Stf1lulIde' was opemted on r..ll' 'diHellsed ~ppendi ~ by 'DI',' CIII:i!jtil~w on '~'lIesdtiy' iU MI'S, Bal'l'e~t'B ho~pi,L!lI., . She iI!, do-

ball, Th~ Trehel'ne gir'ls defeated Oli v'e girls by a soore of 27 13 in a five inning game,' afLel' whioh they served their fHimds, the enamy wiLh a dainty b'asket' lunoh, A lal'ge el'owd 'witnessed the matoh, al'" the girls collected '/I. pnrse of $12,00

,'Flight Lient Hay Mcl\[illiau, (WllO recently roturned frol'n 'E'irg­I,and) was a passenRei· froll1 Winni. peg'oll Weduesday a'}d will visit Dr, and rths, LaYllg fOI' a few days , ' ,

, !\'Ln, Hadath Itlld SOil of Winni­peg arrived 011 Weduesd~y aud will visit hel' mot.h~I·, rtfrs.' Haywood for several weeks. , " 'Tfte anllual schoul boal'r1 meetillg of'l'reh!'rne school was 'held 011

l\londay el'euing, The attenrlllllce ~as,sl;lall and, the'busilless of the il!,enillg unimportallt, The direct­OI'S ,whu'Ben'ed last' year' were I'e-eleoted,- , •

illg welJ. , I

" " ' ... "

", ~h: and l\fr-~. Ed :Haskell have just retlll'lIe(1 froll1'/L nlOtoi t'l'ip t~

" Regina,an(l Moose .Jaw, and othel'

. "

The tl'ip IVllk of 1200 miles, 'alld was made withont fllle accident, n'o/' chan~e of tires or tn,bes, Theil' Chel'!'olet Ilhowed 110 indicatiou of tite 101lJ( joul'lley, and stands us ,a r~~o~d in this dish'iet, , :,,' ,:'

'.. - -: . ~ ,~,,: :, M,s.-Oood1man,wI\S' 'a passen"j(er

Glenbo,'o'on Tuesday, "l'" ' ,

• o

• • • • • •


o •


• • o

• • • • 0


.. .' • • • •

• ' . • • • • •

• • • • •

• • • • . . ..

H' • __

When you are ,motoring Into the city, make',your

headquarters at tlH:

"FRUIT-A-TIVES" Conquered Hotel St Cl1arles DYlpeplu. lind Reslored Hi, Health, •


'Lillie Bras d'Or, C, n. "I wns n terriblc surrl'rer from

Dyspepsia a/lll COlls/ipatioll for years. I bnd pllin nfter eating, belching' gus, constnn t hell(luches,und ,lillnot sleep well n t nigh t, 1 lost BO III nch weigh t - going from_ IS5 potlnlls to J.lG pounds-that I became alarmed and saw severnl doctors who, howel'cr, did me 110 good, Finnll::, a friend told me to try ~Frllit'a-/;v<"r',

/1/ II week, '''ere uias illl/I1'Ol'clIIen/, 'fhe constipation ,,"us correcled ; lind soon I wns fl'ee of puin, heudaches nnd thut miserablo feeling' thtlt nccom punies Dyspepsia, J enn linuerl \

• to tnke this splendid fruit mctlieino nnd now I nm. well, stroug 1I1ll1

"igorous". nOllE [t'r }'Ewi'O!;, fiOc, n box, G for $2,00, (rilll size !?~c:

At nil denlel's or sen t postf':lid on receipt of price Ly Fruit'a· til'(S

Limited, Ottuwu.


Condensed Adverti!emenh

Advcl'tltmmentsundol' thitS hcndlllrrn.I'o c1Ull"gC.t 500 tal' ono luRcrt.1ulI, Un'co hU-lUJ"tluliH rur l.OU The ClaRsifled ad, WRY iM nn c(!ollomlcn.lllwthotl of solllnl!', buying or rOlltlnl<,

YOUR LITTLE AD Ill' ~his eolumll'will be I'orlrl by

at least 2000 perSOIlS, sOllie or Lhelll \Viii Wllllt. eXllctly what YOII hu\'e to sell, ThE' cost is slI1l1ll.

\ FOR SALE Heavy team, Illal'e !lud gelding:'

7 and 8, also ~tnllClIlI'd bl'~d dl'il'­lIlg lIIal'e (i veal's old I/<Jp Ii'. HiLte,ihollHO .-

Strayed .. Small white dog wiLh IIlack spot

011 Jiend. 10llg tail. Lllat seell ilL Malchett\'illo June [Irh, Heward, AnRw~rs' "Di'ggel'" y.'elllldo TREHER~E TIMES


FOR SALE Ha viog pnrchnsed 11 tl'llct 01" I

ha\'e several young Lenllls 1'01' Bille. J A Hallliltoll ,

1.01 ~ 22 8 {} W

"In'the heart of everything" , , .

You will meet your friends there,

OWlietl and l\I unaged by

Geo, Skilllltll'. lute of 'The Ol'allgo'

T reherne Times--­Subscription Rates

One Year, m advance Three Years in advance Six Years in advance

$1.50 $3,00 $5.00


""""""'.. ... ........... ...- ........ --.-... ......................... ..,

Real Estate, Insurance-All Kinds.

Representing Several of the

leading Financial Houses--I .

Loans at Current Rates

.' ALFRED MARTIN Broadway Treherne ....... , ........ ""'" ........... .? .....

------------ ----.

AUCTIONEERING! 1 hnvu Inovml (rclII) Trhhurnfi to WlllllilJCI'

"Illt. intnlld enrrY!"K 011 III)' /\:ICtII1U HIu<illll~!:I ,lJrllll'lh thu l'ounLry, CUfillllllurH will II!CI'i\l! Prollipt ,\ ltolltloll hy \\'rlfhIK 1118 8t. 1J14'~(!IIL 'ilt,1 f{JlIl! Of Phouu :ihurorof.1l" .:r1711U rfivortlCcllt'ck PrleUl:! As U~lIul. !iutIH"lI!LI(IIJ Un"rllntel~ll

N. WILSON, M.A.A., '69 Langs/do SI., tN/nlllpe"

Licensed Auctioneer. If YOIl plll'pose selling YOIII' la,lu

01' ehlllteia Het) the RULh well IIl1et­onel'l' 1'01' he!;t. l'eslllls, JJrox .jH, r • .I.Olbbons Ra,hlillo/f



') H 'I', ,J. LA \1 ON'I' , COltON r.n loS M/O ft'IJIt rIH; PUO\'IN()K

M, ll .. C, ~I, U .. I\'e,'c'L), of &I,"dtohu, i1ollor UI'IIc1uIIIU

(HUron HUll W'ildOIlCO, HUVIlH i'ttn!l~t. 1>110110 2~

,V, A, 1\10'1'1', M.D. C.ron.r

Hrn8clwuy • IhLhwolJ. AlOII,

0, A. BOW,"AN, V,!:!" H. V.Su •

\,1!~'1'KHJN,\UV Hurl{Qull 1111111 VUULlttt Olilee 10 rhlJul .. 'tj 1.4I\·tJly htlll,llJlf, Ur'muhvtlr.

Ho:ilc.lohcu ,Jhullu. Nu. :m, TI!I~HgI!NE, &IAN

Du. R. H, LAY:W, DI';~'f1S'l' 1'1'ellOl'lIIl Molldlty 1I'r-id,.y ::;uLul'day ILlld 'l'1l lJSd ILl' , UICllbol'o ellull WeulllJsdllY ILlld Thursday. 'T: 6. Stinson will ship-Ih;e stook

~II 'I!','iday aod Batut'day of this week Jilly 19th: and 20th. : PhOl16 110:"11 0 \' "

, Mrs, Campbell Rllrr dlmghter 'of Winnipeg arl·ived 011 Tuefld"y a'.ld ,,;ill \'isit at Mr, Al,thur Gate's fOl' som~'iim8.

, Tr~hertle AgI:icultlll'al F,lil' this year, J nly 31 ILlld Angmit 1.

" • t·

, I


FOUND An opportnnity to visit the 'rilnea

offiee ~lId rRllew my,subscl'iption­th~ dllY of·Lhe FiliI', A Ilg~ 1

:A Bonatel'"

Tenders Wanted

tmcclJlu:lur to

ANIJkJ(WS & ANJ.lkJ(WS HAWkl""KlU, aU.

Ul"Jr1(JI!a~ lhllwll,f Avu" 'l'roJlUruu, &~IlLJlLuL. JOllolt'.rd (ur tlld UUllot,JiUlJ Ulluk OJ UOIU

UIt2rOd. ifUlJk uf UUruJhOll, bod lur ,\JIIIIIOILII'H~J 0' tto uil NfJ~tlJU... '

I~, H. All'l'UlI ICLI., B.A,

A1'1'UIINICV '\'1' I,AIY, 0",,," 8' A, AhrUu "iCIjIIlJ~. HI"'''I .... '''.,. T,ttllllriid

JA'i\IgS HINN Tenrlel'fI will be reeoh'ed hy t.he

imdersigriec:i" I1p to J Illy 20th 1'01' , I ,I

AUnrIlIJY. ~olh:Hu"1 NoLat'Y Public, etc. l\lulloy tu 101\11 011 LOWIi 1I.lId (arUl PI'IIIJut"ty "

AUt:IIL (01' HI'ItiMh ,,\ 1II0l"felll. li'f1'u (lrut ) n.lo I I) .. IiUl'UIiCO COlIlIJUIIl" null \\ n,\\aIlOCton, it'il61uHUl'.

• .' .

bnoth' privill'ges at Trehel'ne fail' on nllct- cumpnllY. llulI,u~t1 •. MUIlILubll.

Aug' :,'l., Apr'licantfl will please • • INSURANCl11 AND PINANCIAL make two" remlel's, onR for 1'1111 _..:.c. ____ ;-'-_~ _____ _

P\.,i.vileges nlld 'Ollll fol' half ,I. COUL'I'NU FiJ'u Jruuu'u'ucu Agout

' H, J.,l\IILT...S. I •• "urof MUI'l'IILI(.lI,lccncuH , ,'!'Wi:lJNItNlll MAN

• " •

J. A. FElt/US Agont tor thu Por~lU'u In Pralrlu FllrlUpr'ij:

, .tUULuul i'~lro hUiUrauou uo. PhOIlO,~J 'l'rf,'u't'fln,M n fl. " ,


ALFIUll() IIIAU'l'JN HOll' ICHlalo, l.tort~"tlgo Bnd uru,nco Aannt. 1t"~I""CIILlIII( 001'."111 ortll. 0 I 1.01111 "",I III' ltUJ'UJiCU Compa.uJud. - OUluJUI8I:t1UIWr OnJce 111'OAdway. - < •

,"-' ,

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