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The hair and beauTy indusTry. Professional english





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The hair and beauTy indusTry. Professional english

Monika nowickaMonika nowicka

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RedaktoR pRowadzący

opRacowanie Redakcyjne



pRojekt okładki

opRacowanie gRaficzne, skład i łamanie,

pRzygotowanie do dRuku




dRuk i opRawa

Monika Nowicka

Monika Nowicka

Sylwia Skrzypińska

Magdalena Skrzydlewska



Centrum Rozwoju Edukacji EDICON sp. z o. o.ul. Kościuszki 5761-891 Poznań

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Materiały edukacyjne obejmują zagadnienia zawarte w rozporządzeniu Ministra EdukacjiNarodowej z dnia 31 marca 2017 r. w sprawie podstawy programowej kształceniaw zawodach (Dz.U. 2017 poz. 860)

UKRYTY WYMIARKrzysztof [email protected]

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Table of conTenTssPis Treści

Table of conTenTssPis Treści

5 Introduction Wprowadzenie

8 Unit 1: At a hair and beauty salon16 Unit 2: Communication: appointments and orders26 Unit 3: Skin types34 Unit 4: Face shapes and hair types44 Unit 5: Salon equipment52 Unit 6: Manicure and pedicure60 Unit 7: Spa treatment68 Unit 8: Facial and eye treatments76 Unit 9: Hair removal84 Unit 10: Haircutting92 Unit 11: Hair colouring and chemical treatments100 Unit 12: Hair and skin care products108 Unit 13: Hairdos and make-up116 Unit 14: Looking for a job124 Unit 15: At a hair and beauty conference

132 Polish up on your grammar!172 Transcripts Transkrypcje nagrań189 References Źródła

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aT a hairand beauTy salon

uniT 1: aT a hair and beauTy salon

aT a hairand beauTy salon

1. Match the job title to the correct picture. Dopasuj nazwę zawodu do prawidłowego zdjęcia.

A. hair stylist / hairdresser  B. barber  C. nail technicianD. spa therapist  E. make-up artist  F. beauty therapist

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At A hAir And beAuty sAlon

2. Look at the pictures in exercise 1. What are these people doing? Try to identify some of the tasks typical for particular jobs. Spójrz na zdjęcia w ćwiczeniu 1. Co robią te osoby? Spróbuj nazwać niektóre z typowych zadań dla poszczególnych zawodów.


• • •

• • •


• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •


W krajach anglojęzycznych stosuje się różne określenia dla zawodów z branży fryzjersko--kosmetycznej. Nie wszystkie z nich mają jednoznaczne odpowiedniki w języku polskim. Dodatkowo należy pamiętać, że w zasadzie wszystkie zawody z tej branży odnoszą się zarówno do kobiet, jak i mężczyzn je wykonujących (nawet jeśli ich polskie odpowiedniki nie zakładają, że zawód może być w ogóle wykonywany przez mężczyznę). Na przykład:

hairdresser – fryzjer / fryzjerka

hair stylist – stylista / stylistka fryzur

beauty therapist, beautician – kosmetyczka

nail technician, nail stylist, manicurist – manikiurzystka (ale wszystkie określenia odnosić się mogą także do osoby wykonującej pedicure)

pedicurist – pedikiurzystka

spa therapist – pracownik spa, którego zadania obejmować mogą zarówno masaż, jak i zabiegi kosmetyczne (np. kąpiele, maseczki)

massage technician – masażysta (także, choć rzadziej stosowane: masseur), masażystka (masseuse)

Nie zawsze oczywiste jest to, kto wykonuje jakie zabiegi i kto ma jakie uprawnienia (np. w USA mogą występować różnice między poszczególnymi stanami), dlatego przed podjęciem pracy na danym stanowisku warto sprawdzić, kogo dokładnie poszukuje nasz potencjalny pracodawca.

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5UNIT salon eQuiPMenTsalon eQuiPMenT

1. Look at the menu of a website selling products for hairdressing salons. Match the headings with the correct lists of products. Spójrz na menu sklepu internetowego sprzedającego produkty dla salonów fryzjerskich. Dopasuj nagłówki do list produktów.



➊ ➋ Detangling brushes Curling tongsPaddle brushes Diff users&nozzlesRound brushes HairdryersClipper&cutting combs Hood dryers&processorsTail combs Straighteners

➌ ➍ Backwash units Aprons, gowns&glovesEquipment trolleys MirrorsFootrests Neck brushesSalon chairs Pins&gripsStools Rollers


➎ Clippers&trimmers ➏ Blades ScissorsRazors Thinning scissorsShaving products Scissors cases&pouches

uniT 5: salon eQuiPMenT

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Salon equipment


52. Label the pictures with the correct words from exercise 1.

Podpisz zdjęcia prawidłowymi wyrazami z ćwiczenia 1.

➊ ➋ ➌

➑ ➒

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5 The hair and beauTy indusTry. Professional englishUN


3. Match the English words with their Polish equivalents. Dopasuj angielskie wyrazy do ich polskich odpowiedników.

1 backwash unit2 apron3 straight razor4 hood dryer5 trolley6 neck brush7 gown8 processor

a peleryna b myjnia fryzjerskac infrazon / klimazon d pomocnik / wózeke brzytwa f fartuchg suszarka hełmowa (stojąca)h karkówka fryzjerska

4. Complete the sentences with the missing words. Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi wyrazami.

razors  smooth  detangling brush  clippers teeth  tail comb  blades  combs

1 Hair often come with a set of guide , which have a number on it to represent the length of hair that will be left on the head.

2 A hair straightener is a tool used to straighten one’s hair and give it a and sleek appearance.

3 The Tangle Teezer™ is one of the most successful beauty products launched in the past 10 years. This became a favourite with celebrities and ordinary women all over the world.

4 A is ideal for sectioning, creating up-do styles and backcombing and has fine to enable precision finishing.

5 Double edged are popular with men who prefer a more traditional daily shaving ritual. Another reason to try this tool is that the are much cheaper.

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7UNIT1. Try to answer the questions below.

Spróbuj odpowiedzieć na poniższe pytania.

1 What are the reasons people might want to visit a spa?

2 What different types of spa do you know?

3 What types of spa treatments can you name?

2. Read the text and fill in the blanks with the missing headings.Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij luki brakującymi nagłówkami.


accommodation – zakwaterowanieappeal – podobać siębalance – równowagabalneotherapy – balneoterapiaboost – wzmocnić, poprawić cater to the needs – zaspokajać potrzebycirculation – krążenie comprehensive – wszechstronny, kompleksowydelay – opóźniaćfacilities – obiekty, budynki, infrastrukturahandle – zajmować się immunity – odporność

invigorating – ożywczy, dodający energiilongevity – długowieczność oversee – nadzorowaćpamper – rozpieszczać, dogadzaćpeloid – borowina relief – ulgarid – pozbawiać, oczyszczać rinse off – spłukiwać spring – źródłosteam bath – łaźnia parowathe suburbs – przedmieścia, peryferiaunwind – odprężyć się, zrelaksować

A Medical spasB Destination spasC Day spasD Thermal spas

E Resort/Hotel spasF Ayurvedic spasG Hammam spas


sPa TreaTMenTsPa TreaTMenT

uniT 7: sPa TreaTMenT

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sPa TreaTMenT


7Types of spasA spa treatment or a spa holiday allows you to improve the look of your face and body, rid the body of toxins, improve circulation and, what is most important, give your mind and body a chance to relax. However, there are so many diff erent spas today off ering a wide range of treatments, so how do you know which one is right for you? Below you will fi nd a list of 7 diff erent types to help you decide!


These are spas located within hotel environments. Their guests are less likely to stay simply to enjoy the spa alone. These spas appeal to those who would like to combine a spa visit with other holiday activities, such as skiing in the mountains or water sports and sunbathing on the beach.


Often called “health farms”, their primary purpose is to develop healthy habits and boost the overall health of their guests, usually over a period of minimum 7 days. Lifestyle transformations (often combined with weight loss and detox) are the result of a comprehensive program that includes spa ser-vices, physical fi tness activities, wellness education and healthy food.


A spa built around a hot spring. The heat from the spring increases blood fl ow and body metabolism, while removing toxins from the body.

Additionally, thermal waters often contain minerals that can have a number of healing benefi ts and therapeutic values, off ering relief from all kinds of diff erent types of injuries and pain, as well as skin conditions.


Facilities whose primary purpose is to provide comprehensive medical and wellness care.

Medical doctors oversee the spa and provide health consultations for guests, while other medical professionals, such as physiotherapists and osteopaths handle the daily spa treatments and therapies.

They often use peloids and balneotherapy.

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8UNIT1. Label the picture with the correct words.

Podpisz zdjęcie poprawnymi wyrazami.

neck  forehead  cleavage  earlobe  eyebrow  upper lip lower lip  shoulder  eyelid  cheek  eyelashes












facial and eye TreaTMenTsfacial and eye TreaTMenTs

uniT 8: facial and eye TreaTMenTs

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Facial and eye treatments


82. Complete the sentences with the missing words.

Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi wyrazami.

lips  eyebrows  earlobes  forehead neck  cleavage  eyelashes  ageing

1 The skin on the and chest is much thinner than facial skin, so this is where the signs of ageing often show up earlier, in the form of wrinkles and age spots. It is often said that the re-veals the true age of a woman!

2 Special injections (or fillers) can increase the fullness of your to create a younger look and a more defined smile. They can also help turn the corners of the mouth upwards.

3 Some people say that using needles to pierce one’s is more hygienic than using piercing guns.

4 Horizontal lines on the and frown lines between our can make us look grumpy and tired.

5 Crow’s feet are the fine lines around your eyes, which are usually the first signs of to show up on your face.

6 Extensions should be adhered to your natural and not your skin. When applied correctly they will then fall out according to your natural cycle.

3. Match the English words with their Polish equivalents.Dopasuj angielskie wyrazy do ich polskich odpowiedników.

1 crow’s feet2 frown3 cheeks4 cleavage5 ageing6 eyelid7 forehead8 wrinkles9 lips10 eyebrows

a zmarszczkib ustac kurze łapkid marszczyć czołoe policzkif starzenie sięg brwih dekolti czołoj powieka

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0UNIT haircuTTinghaircuTTing

1. Work in pairs. Try to answer the questions below.Praca w parach. Spróbujcie odpowiedzieć na poniższe pytania.

1 What are the most basic types of haircuts for women and men? 2 What tools are used to cut hair? 3 How is providing a cutting service different for women and men?

2. Label the pictures of men’s haircuts with the correct words. Some words can be used more than once.Podpisz zdjęcia fryzur męskich prawidłowymi wyrazami. Niektóre wyrazy mogą być użyte więcej niż jeden raz.

crew cut  pompadour  beard  buzz cut undercut  slicked back  moustache

3. Label the pictures of women’s haircuts with the correct words. Some words can be used more than once.Podpisz zdjęcia fryzur damskich prawidłowymi wyrazami. Niektóre wyrazy mogą być użyte więcej niż jeden raz.

bob  layers  side-swept fringe  blunt cut  fringe  undercut bowl haircut  pixie cut  centre parting  asymmetrical

uniT 10: haircuTTing

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UNIT 2 hair and skin

care ProducTshair and skincare ProducTs

1. Match the names of the common hair problems with their Polish equivalents.Dopasuj nazwy częstych problemów z włosami do ich polskich odpowiedników.

1 greasy / oily hair2 damaged hair3 dandruff4 frizzy hair5 split ends6 hair loss7 brittle hair8 dry hair9 lice10 dull hair

a łupieżb wypadanie włosówc suche / przesuszone włosyd przetłuszczające się włosye rozdwojone końcówkif włosy zniszczoneg włosy matowe, pozbawione blaskuh wszyi włosy łamliwe, kruchej puszące się włosy

2. Read forum posts about common hair problems and match the questions from users with the correct answers.Przeczytaj posty na forum dotyczące częstych problemów z włosami i dopasuj pytania użytkowników do właściwych odpowiedzi.


alopecia – łysienie focus on – skupiać się na GP, general practitioner – lekarz rodzinny, internista indicator – oznaka, wskaźnik minoxidil – minoksydyl nettle – pokrzywa zinc pyrithione – pirytionian cynku primer – primer (baza, produkt przygotowujący na użycie innego)

salicylic acid – kwas salicylowy scalp – skóra głowy silk – jedwabstrand – kosmyktackle – uporać się, radzić sobie (z problemem)transparent – przezroczysty trichologist – trycholog unruly – niesforny, niezdyscyplinowany

Question: My hair is very greasy, especially at the roots. I have to wash it every day! 1. ?

Answer: A good dry shampoo should help you out. It works better on blond hair, but there are also products for darker shades. Also, try to use a shampoo that’s clear, because transparent shampoos are a good indicator that they’re focused on cleansing so they should leave your hair feeling fresh for a bit longer. Nettle is a popular ingredient in shampoos for oily hair.

Question: 2. ? It takes forever to achieve the look I want!

Answer: You can use special primers with keratin and liquid silk. They are great for un-ruly and frizzy hair and perfectly prepare it for an easy blow-dry. There are also spe-cial treatments available to tackle this particular problem, so talk to your hairdresser about it if you’re ready to spend a bit more on that fight!

Question: I suffer from dandruff from time to time. 3. ?

Answer: The white flakes on your scalp and shoulders can be pretty annoying, but fortu-

nately there are many anti-dandruff shampoos available on the market. You just shouldn’t

stop using such a product completely when the problem’s gone because it will probably

come back. Look for shampoos containing zinc pyrithione or salicylic acid.

Got a problem with your hair?Our experts will come to the rescue!

uniT 12: hair and skin care ProducTs

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Hair and skin care products



1. Match the names of the common hair problems with their Polish equivalents.Dopasuj nazwy częstych problemów z włosami do ich polskich odpowiedników.

1 greasy / oily hair2 damaged hair3 dandruff4 frizzy hair5 split ends6 hair loss7 brittle hair8 dry hair9 lice10 dull hair

a łupieżb wypadanie włosówc suche / przesuszone włosyd przetłuszczające się włosye rozdwojone końcówkif włosy zniszczoneg włosy matowe, pozbawione blaskuh wszyi włosy łamliwe, kruchej puszące się włosy

2. Read forum posts about common hair problems and match the questions from users with the correct answers.Przeczytaj posty na forum dotyczące częstych problemów z włosami i dopasuj pytania użytkowników do właściwych odpowiedzi.


alopecia – łysienie focus on – skupiać się na GP, general practitioner – lekarz rodzinny, internista indicator – oznaka, wskaźnik minoxidil – minoksydyl nettle – pokrzywa zinc pyrithione – pirytionian cynku primer – primer (baza, produkt przygotowujący na użycie innego)

salicylic acid – kwas salicylowy scalp – skóra głowy silk – jedwabstrand – kosmyktackle – uporać się, radzić sobie (z problemem)transparent – przezroczysty trichologist – trycholog unruly – niesforny, niezdyscyplinowany

Question: My hair is very greasy, especially at the roots. I have to wash it every day! 1. ?

Answer: A good dry shampoo should help you out. It works better on blond hair, but there are also products for darker shades. Also, try to use a shampoo that’s clear, because transparent shampoos are a good indicator that they’re focused on cleansing so they should leave your hair feeling fresh for a bit longer. Nettle is a popular ingredient in shampoos for oily hair.

Question: 2. ? It takes forever to achieve the look I want!

Answer: You can use special primers with keratin and liquid silk. They are great for un-ruly and frizzy hair and perfectly prepare it for an easy blow-dry. There are also spe-cial treatments available to tackle this particular problem, so talk to your hairdresser about it if you’re ready to spend a bit more on that fight!

Question: I suffer from dandruff from time to time. 3. ?

Answer: The white flakes on your scalp and shoulders can be pretty annoying, but fortu-

nately there are many anti-dandruff shampoos available on the market. You just shouldn’t

stop using such a product completely when the problem’s gone because it will probably

come back. Look for shampoos containing zinc pyrithione or salicylic acid.

Got a problem with your hair?Our experts will come to the rescue!

A How can I get rid of it once and for all?

B How can I extend the time between washes?

C Is there a treatment I could try to stop it?

D What can I do to make it stronger?

E How can I control the frizz while styling my hair?

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The hair and beauTy indusTry. Professional englishUN

IT 36. Read the text and answer the questions below.

Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na poniższe pytania.

1 What is the difference between contouring and strobing?

2 Why are these techniques so popular now?


clarity – przejrzystość, jasnośćdistract – rozpraszać, dekoncentrować glow – łuna, ciepło, jasnośćhollow – zagłębienie, wklęsłość

light-refl ective – odbijający światło radiant – promiennyrefi ne – udoskonalać sculpt – rzeźbić

Contouring and strobingContouring and strobing have become extremely popular make-up techniques in the past few years, mainly thanks to celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, who promote them on social media.

What is contouring?It is the art of using make-up to sculpt bone structure. It usually involves selecting powder or cream products that are a couple of shades darker than your skin colour and applying them in the hollows of the face, e.g. under your cheekbones. The technique has been used for years on fi lm sets to reshape and refi ne faces, but it was only when celebrities started promoting it via their social me-dia profi les that it became such a trend.

What is strobing?The main goal of strobing is to achieve a glow that seems to come from within. Strobing distracts from dark cir-cles and adds clarity. Strobing is highlighting for the HD age. It uses light-refl ective products on all the high points of the face to create skin that looks light, bright and radiant.

Adapted from: www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/beauty/make-up-nails/news/a36096/strobing-vs-contouring/


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hairdos and Make-uP


37. Label the pictures with the missing words.

Podpisz rysunki brakującymi wyrazami.

blusher  primer  brows  eye shadowlipstick/lip gloss  concealer










ADD 1.

ADD 2.


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Polish uP* on your graMMar!

*to polish up – odświeżyć

1. TO BE

Czasownika to be (być) używamy m.in. wtedy, gdy mówimy o:

• wiekuI am 30.

• czasieIt is 9 p.m.

• zawodachHe is a firefighter.

• cenachThis watch is very expensive.

• kolorachHer dress is blue.

• narodowościachThey are Japanese.

• stanach i emocjachShe is sick.

POSITIVE (forma twierdząca)

I am I’mhesheit


we you they


NEGATIVE (forma przecząca)I am not I’m nothesheit

is nothe’s not / he isn’tshe’s not / she isn’t it’s not / it isn’t

we you they

are notwe’re not / we aren’tyou’re not / you aren’tthey’re not / they aren’t

QUESTIONS (pytania)I Am I?hesheit

Is he?Is she?Is it?

we you they

Are we?Are you?Are they?

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6. What time is it? Match the sentences 1‒8 to the pictures A‒H. Która godzina? Dopasuj zdania 1‒8 do zdjęć A‒H.

1 It’s five past five.2 It’s five to twelve.3 It’s quarter past one.4 It’s noon / midnight.

5 It’s half past seven.6 It’s nine o’clock.7 It’s quarter to two.8 It’s nineteen to three.

7. What’s the time? Listen to the recording and circle the correct time. Która godzina? Posłuchaj nagrania i zakreśl prawidłową godzinę.

1 8:15 8:50

2 7:30 7:40

3 3 o’clock 4 o’clock

4 8:55 9:05

5 6:45 6:15

6 2:10 9:35

7 5:25 4:35

8 3:12 3:20

9 10:10 9:50

10 3:45 4:15


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TranscriPTsTranskryPcje nagrań

TranscriPTsTranskryPcje nagrań

Unit 1: At a hair and beauty salon


I absolutely love my job! I work freelance, usually with actors and actresses on film sets. I have to apply make-up before the filming starts, but I also have to make sure that my clients stay looking their best on set and throughout the filming day, so I always need to have my cosmetic kit ready in case their eyes or lips need correcting. Most of my clients are nice and friendly people, but some are nervous or practice their lines while I’m putting on their make-up, so it may be a bit stressful. Also, the hours are very long. I sometimes have to work very late if we shoot on location. Especially, when the pro-duction requires a night shoot. I sometimes do fashion shows as well and the work there is just as exciting!


I work in a hotel in the mountains. My clients come there for holiday to relax, so I do a lot of massages and aromatherapy. Therapeutic baths and facials are popular treatments too. My clients expect a very peaceful atmosphere so my duty is to make sure it’s nice and quiet … What I like about my job is the variety – I have different clients all the time and perform a variety of treatments. This way I always feel that I develop my profession-al skills. The only downside is the music – when you have to listen to this chill out music all day long, it can be pretty annoying!


I started working in a regular hair salon after school, but I soon realised that I’d like to start my own business and specialise in male grooming. I think that a good hair-cut and a moustache or a beard can help men look their best. I always felt that men feel a bit uncomfortable in a salon full of gossiping women! A men-only place makes them feel more comfortable. Also, my grandfather used to work as a male hairdresser, he worked in one of the best salons in our town and I think I can continue this tradition.


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Przy pisaniu tekstów wykorzystano m.in. poniższe źródła:

Books Książki

• Milady’s Standard: Cosmetology by Milady• The Ultimate Visual Guide to Hairstyles by Nicky Pope

Websites Strony internetowewww.andrewalkerhair.comwww.healthandfitnesstravel.com.auwww.hairfinder.comwww.harpersbazaar.com/ukwww.indeed.co.ukwww.independent.co.ukwww.jisc.ac.ukwww.luxyhair.comwww.marieclaire.co.ukwww.nhs.ukwww.pantene.com.phwww.purewow.comwww.raymondleehair.co.ukwww.spaseekers.comwww.telegraph.co.ukwww.therighthairstyles.comwww.the-waxing-studio.co.ukwww.en.wikipedia.orgwww.vogue.com.au



Page 25: TUK-TUF ang 165x240 - Edicon...hairdresser – fryzjer / fryzjerka hair stylist – stylista / stylistka fryzur beauty therapist, beautician – kosmetyczka nail technician, nail stylist,