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TWi V0I..8;. KOwaaa.'.- . - .-• mifllST fliiim iM il Attoiriey’s Effort^ ' Witness fdrfSlate is Fin - Move in^L^vBfettle 0^1 ing at Toni^one WOOTANlSAfBAROM CHABOilDF KIONAPPIN rto^dSS* Start Pwmpt wben Annonnoepidnt pt Mt to Serve as Jurora ia Hac After Long Period of Dela; k , XOSOSTOKB. (AV-ffiurp H, IMIM ngaxdlsi the neceesltr of th* .SlabM deporUtlon u » mnxai ot hasting to tbwart la aUegod oon- apbier to oratbrow tba xmited StttOT.gorexiibant w u taken lata today by onotlBg ftttorn«7B darlBg aa aigmnent la tbe .islal of H anr n Wooten^ charged v tib Irtdnap- pin*. ,.^.TOSfBSTONE,Trit.T (/P)—Efforta W. H. BargOB, chiof o f tho eauna'el i <be dofenso, to abow contradlctioiiB I twpcn tho toatlmony givon by Fred ' Drown, a depaty sheriff o f Cocbl county, durinjf n preliminary hoari: hold at Sooglaa, Arizona, lost Bumn ' in eoncoeUoii with tho Biahn dopor^ tlona, and that given bv' him tod< woro tho feature# of today’s monii soislon. in tho trial of Hnrry E. .Woi rn, hnrdwnro dealer, of Blsboo, Arl cImrRod w ith kidnapping in connoeti wilh the doportations. Brown rirst Wltoess Brown, who is a realdent of tho Wi Tcn Mining district which includca B bcc, was the fim t wltnesa, to be hea: Hp took tho stand in behnlf of t fliiito almost immediately after t ......... names of tho twelve men who w« to aorvo as jurora in tho case woro i nounccd. In tho oxnoilniflg trial hold in Dot t«:< in July, 1910, did you not tojt] that you trioJ to run Wooton out buflincBst” M t. Burgos askod Bic »m‘ crosa-oxaminntlon. aftor tho In hnd roncatodly testifiod that Wool hnd “ forcod him Into a circle of ot od mon at the poiot of a coekod gun “ Nbt that I rcmombor,” tho witn ^ • ouBwercd. “ Did you not aay, then, that j would havc'dono so If yoo couldt*' *‘ I don't rem«nh«f»?' “ Eognrdleaa of what yoa aaid your purpose, waa it true that it t your purpose to drivo him out of bi nm f'* ■ It waa aot true.'* Invectlgatea Own Answer “ Did yoa not answer'Oh yes'wl - this qneation waa aoked you in Do last” Ur. Bargca porslatod, loadi from a paper, said by Mr. Burgot bp a transcript of Brown's pervii testimony. “ If 1 d id 'I waa mlBtnkon,” ^ r.rown's ropJy. “ How do you know you wore n tnkont” tho defense counsol asked. • “ I have sineo investigated.'’ “ You moon you havo investiga your own parpose, do youT” ^ When M r. Burgcas^^uked the w iti whether thoro was a atriko in tho ren district Jono 20, 2917, eounacl tbr state objcetod that tho Quest waa not a propor one in eroaa-axami tion. Judge Samuet h. Pattoo, pro: li\g, took tho matter undoc odviaemi and announced that he would render decision after tae had hoard the tomoya on oaeh sido following the n rcccsB. ^ m u m IS ^ BBOOCHTT m . The National Ooal Assooiat Lannohea Action to Test Poi era of Commission WA8HIKGT0N. (ff) — Suit to Ibo poweri of the foderal trade com: sion waa instituted today inthc aupr conrt of the diatrict of Columbia by Waynard Coal eompany of Colnm Ohio, the* firs t of aevernl legal act (lanned by the national coal associa to deteraine bow far tho commit may go in rocnirlng private corporal *o famish iniormatioa of tbeir busii An official announcement by th< sociation aUd the auits were atarto tVicndly apirit and In on way eonat ed an attaek on the commission. Tho aetion instituted today took form of a reqaest for an injnnetio restrain tbe commlialon from raqti] irontbly reports ahowing coats, ^ npd tonnage, and an annual repot financial conditiona. It waa recited •he eommisaion issned fn ll Instnie tor the preparation of the rep which in faet prescribed a ayatei - ucfonnting for. coal mialng opera differing rabataatlj^ iinm thoae n-only in nae. KBABliET TO BB TSAimrO Oj WASHINGTON, Kea CsHfomia, haa been seleeted by »or departaent aa the'reaerve ef Hawaii. N -- PA JAMERICAN RI N F n n ^ l^ le i4 Aotlon in Sul " . jndioatiw Desire to Forestall L l, : aeirtj^drlAttenipt to Persuad " ila&fqpArito ttrt. - ujn BOS; (iiv^-Tiw w a tiii^ po«t ponoment Of tha.aUlca’ decision w itl ngard to Constantinople ia attribnted in peace conference eiralee here to t b beutation of Trance and Italy, neitku of whieb, i t ia aaaerted. has definitil^ IMQ answered Great Britain's Inviution tc eooporate in occupying the ciQr. >' .. Meanwhile apeenlatlon is - b w g Ptly dulged in aa to why U. lUUaiaiad, tlu Fredch premier/ snbnatted the Tnrklal draft treaty to President WUaon [ade Among the auppoaitiona ia that eithei the French premier ^wlahei 'to fereatiJ: ay possible eventaal interposition by thi president if the latter ia nnlnformec .... to the terma of tba aottlement, oj ^ that M. .MiUersad'again la trying U ^ obtain Ameriean aid in vthe settlement oven hoping to perauado tbe -TJnitei ^ Statea, after all to nnderit^e the man ^ dato for Armenia. ^ umBioAH orpoiimoir lo raotlBAK DOT AimoIFATl!! ■WASHNQTON, (/P)—Tho dccl«loiii reached by tbo anpime council relativi ta of to Turkey which have boen sont U ll fo'r Ambassador Juaaomnd by tho Fronrt ■ KS* government, w ill be eommunieated t( d w- Prosidont Wilaon though Acting Soe cUio rouiy rf Slaw Eolk. ariog Jt ia uaderstood that tho moasuroi decided npon by thp council aro purol3 coorcivo and- as the Americon posiUor has been one of bonovolont interest ir tbo fato of peoples opporosaed by thi 7"” * Turka it is scarcely oxpcctcd that anj pUon w ill bo offered to th6 cxo cuon of thd council's program. According to IsfonnatlOQ here representations to be made to the I Bis- govenunent by the entente Inclcdo' iCftxd. teoomnundationa that Ameticaa r the atrength In the Tnrkiah w i the ters be largely angnmonted. were M ilitary forcoa now in Turkey, ne e no- cording to official intelllgenco, includi 333,000 B ritis h , 18,000 French, 10,00< [)ouR- Ita lia n and 100,000 Greeks, jjtifv The Turkish regular nrmy of 43,00i of men is disposed w ith 0,000 men in Eu lioTO fopo and 84,000 in Asia, About slxt; per ccnt of the-Asiatic forcos aro sail ooton to bo pro-nationalist. Tho Turkish throat of war in case o oxpulaioa from Constantiiiople ia chiol Itnnu ,y ..bim j.. i, tbe oplnloa m llltar , „ critica who have wtumed reeentl from that , Officinla discount® tho likclih 09d ot a gonoral Moslem n[ ft# rising in protest against driving th t WM Turk fro m jh ia ^ y cities." AVIATOB MAIL OABEIBE BUBNS TO, DEATH IK PIiAN] ELKHABT, (JPi—a govommont all Donir- carrier, identified by mark odLntt clothing ns Lieutenant Clayto ►O l to Stoner, of Ohicago, was burned t ‘ t.i,. death in his airplane whon it fell neu Now Paris, Ind., about 10 a. m. todaj Stoner probably became lost in the mi* nnd was seeking tho Wnbash nillroac r.'hich thc mail carriers follow dnlly i J their flight over this section of th country. igatc‘1 -■ World Ne el for estlon ' -------------- ooifSTAirn»Op]iE.,(fl> :mcat, vizler has annonnced, with ter his mation of a new cabinet; 1 DiplomaU here attach^ litt made. ^ BERLIN, (ff)— The in^e *1 proclamation aigned hy Prei J on Uembera of Entente Miai lin ister of defenae will act wit illn excesses. FIUME, (ff)— Oeneral 0( ation of war, who is making a t< •oW' miatioe line, said today he 1 of Finme to be taken to Ital weeka ago more than two 1 to test _________ Zme PBIZTA, Sonora, by Ihc mine shaft of tho Ohicago nmbuB, corporation near Toniohi, t mite two weeks ago by ren uission ing, consulting engineer of today. He saya the loaa is the as- ' BEET GROWERS TO SHARE IN SUGAR PRICE ADVANC lok the ______ WUh-Idilo oompuiy iod SUM r» BiMM B«>ro»at.UT«. **rM "o fc ” rf ■ alllou SAI-T report*, resentatives of tno state fi}m bure tem of juij the Utah-Idaho Uugar compa iration* l*te laat night reached an ogTec#( se torn- on the ratio baals for the 1D 20 be whereby the farmors w ill receive 1 advantages o f any increases in i OAMF price of sugar above *11 por bnfadi .eamej pounds and a bonus for their be by the above tbe minimum of *12 per t ofneer The qnesUon has been io controv'e 'or -atn* alnee Daeember and threatened foi na aad time to refolt in a material reduct In sugar beat prodnction. RO AinON TO“ OT-TM fflB jS K a CONJECTURE I Submitting treaty Draft to Wilson stall Possible intervention liy Presl- luade United States, to Accept Han- ding t o t U t ^ Surmises with I ' __________________ ________ 4 1 HERE Is ARTICLE ' SSv "TEN ABOUT WHICH “> WORDY WAR RAGES f, & WASEmOTON, irklah Article Ten, oa wmih tSte fate rjiaon. of tba peaca treaty again Is ana-' either pended—Jnat two compact aan. restiOl teacea In tb* mldat of aa algltt- y the - tbonaand word docnment: ormed “ Tha memben of the leagne' at, or undertake to teapect aad preaerre g to as against external aggraeslca iment, the tertltoxial Istagrity and ax. Jnited Iflt^-politlcal ladependanc* of man* membera o f tba leagne. Ia caaa of aay aoeh aggrealoa or lh caaa of any tbraat or danger o f eaeb aggreaalon. the conacil aball advlta trpoa maaaa by which thla-’obllgatloa-ahaU be isions fnlfUled.” latWo tf- — ' ^ ~ \ •rcncb Government to^ake ' 8«o° No More Allied Loam lurarea WASHINGTON, (^P>—Tho allfed lurely govommeuta w ill receive no further sition loans from tho American govern* ost in ment. Secretary Houston onnounc* y tho od. t any Loans mndo to tho allies to date > cxo- to ta l (9.050,834,040.93 o f tbe tcn billion authorized by congress, Mr. lore Houston enld, and it was not deem- tbe O'l advisable to utlllxe tho remaind- • er of tho nuthorlzntlon. l/»«w ' MBDrEIISFICilTllll S .C iO lK liF iO F fiO i 43,000 ----------- n Eu- Seeka Defeat of 25 Pennsylva o"Sd Seven New Jersey ° Congressmen ase o f ---------- chief- PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Docii ilitary ion of American Federation of Labo JM trf reached Washington tw im up- woolai ago, to oppose all candidates fo Iff the public offico who are regarded as lot of organized labor, boro fi^ it hore U day in tbo opening of a campaig ogainst 25 Pennsylvania and seve New Jersey mombors of tbo honso o rcprcsontativea. It air- in » bulletin issued' by tbo Philado marka phia Camden advisory beardk of tfa layton federation attontion la called to tfa ted to railroad bill rocoatly passed by coi II near gross and approved by the presidei today, and tho dofoat of all congressmen vo 10 mist log for it is urged. llroad, “ Soo that neither -you nor you illy in friends and acquaintances over a ^ )f tho vote for thoso who gave Inbor a ‘ sin In tho face’," said tho bulletin. . lews Events ,(ff)— Sali‘Pasha,.the new grand irith the anltan’a approval, the for> et; the eighth since the armistice. : little importance to the changes Imperial govemment has isaned a Premier Baner condemning attacks Miasiona. It declarea that the min- \ with the greateat aeverity in pnn- a OavigUa, former Italian minister a tonr of inapectioh along the ar- he had arranged for many children Italy for humane reasons. Several wo hnndred were aent to Milan. »ra, Mexico, (ff>—BnUdinga and the oago Exploration and Development hi, Sonora, were wrecked by dyna* ' renegadea, aaid Franklin B. Hard- r of the company, who arrived here sa ia Iias.OOO. ________ mE TROOPS U N D AT DUBLI ANCE v^ju, British Benrfoe B e rann ^ Contingent « DUBLIN, steamers lane «t Dublm Tueaday nigbt, the Pr >>— Rop- Jooraal aaya today, with e bureau »5derable forcos of cavalry and inf ompany try and a nnmber of field guns, wh Tec#cnt Inter were entrained for aouthom f jp bcoia vinclal depots, including Kilken ” n" the ''*®‘«*’ford aad Curragh. Two infan buhdrod battalions had previously loft Dui r beets for the. sonthere m ilitary areas, per too. cording to the newapaper. troversy , ?d»“u o ! toatbbe Tonight fair, colder; Tboraday f mm (». W amVBSSiAti lU B O E 10, 1980 kflEVOBMET i s IIBHIORE ®"' tffort of-Peking doyeiflmei to Supplant Gover^r'^f H i han Province ResutH lhOu - * Jbj^alc of Hostllitle^JJ ; PEACE BY OviRTHROW OF S MILITARISM IS SCHEN Betngeoa from ^ h tin g Aro ^ Ponring Into- Canton ai ^ Hong Kong while Tnrm( Gaina Ground in Ohina le' ' SHANaHAI, (flVW«rf»ro hu W . out in Honan province boeanso afi'i f cfi'ort ot tho Poking govommont.^i point Wu Kwang-Hsln g o v e r n o r 1 fiovine* to supplant Chao-Yi, whi ^ forces flrc'opposing those of Wu Kwai ^ Hsin. This and the outbreak of host tict in Kwangtung province whe ^ . fighting is procooding between southe ^ fnctiona has brought to light a Icagui __ eight provinco8“ lSikion, Kiangsu. ^ i ^ Honan. Szechwcn, Hupeh, Shantung a Kangsl-almlng to offcct peace by tu ii)g agalnat mMitarists both of Poki rna aoutb and forcing dissolution tho parliaments nt Canton and Pekli Tbe Rwantung warfare is tho o red (,’rowth of an attempt by the governor >or Yunnan to send a now comnmnder m- ilie Yunnan troops in Kwantusg. I ac- j\ow commondor, Geaeral L l Lich Cbi id attacking tho old loader Li Kui ito Vunn, who is supported by tbo tro; •on in Kwantung and governor, Moh Yui ir. Ksin. m- Refugees from the fighting areas t id- ] nuring into Canton and Hong Kong, BEyiLlFllTy ll mHAMBURCANNOUNG I German Port Scene of Init Iva- Shippings Since Olose of jy ' the War WASHINGTON, (/PK^^vivnl of }ocis- t’vity on the port of Hamburg was . V- p.irtod in official adviees to tho bun pf foreign nnd domestic commei two Thirty-seven shipping services hi IS for been doflnltcly ro-ostablished and i , iocs Ual aalUnjs made. Of these fonr^ •e to- to tho Atlantic and one to'tho Paci paign coast of tho Unitod Statea, to Or seven Prltain, seven, Franco, one, Holh M of Belgium, two, Cuba and West O.'eii three, Mexico and Central Ami ladol- two. South Aqicriea eight, Africa > f the ' ) the B<}gvlar steamer servido between con- van and Qonsony hoa bcen inaugural lident businoas of tbo port received i ^ ther impetus through the sailing the Oorman steam Hans for Havana i vonr formal ro-oponlng of tho Hamburg-V Cruz sorvico. ^ During tbo month of January, report nald, tho Spanish conaul ____ oral, acting for tho United Btates, ! allzed 1,154 consular, invoices eovor sjlpments to tho United States, cipt for a number of cargoes enth of potash, outward bound shipme to tbo Unitod States were mado up m:scollaneou8 articles. A mont ti sorvico of refrigerator ships botw Hamburg aod Buenos Aires nlso b»*en announced. , - yOTESTlTfflflll ^ MIS NmLIZIITII is - National Oonferenoe of Brit n- Goal Diggers Declare for Drastic Action er LONDON, t/P)—The National ( J. ference of coal minors at its session day declarod in favor of a gen Btrlko aa a means of enforcing tho ‘al mand for tho natlonaiiaation of mines. Tho doclBlon of the minora’ t . will bo, referrod to the special tri “® union congress which meets tomor mt and opinion which havo been expre by leadors givo rise to the expeeta that this body will decido on tho ■d- tinuatlon of oonatitutlonal meana achloving tho end desired, instead resort to direct action. ^ Red Flag Flies in Disputed Coal FU VIENNA, W V T l' rtl started roccntly In the Mahrii Ostrau coal field, in the Tescfa district in dispute between Ceed Slovakia and Poland ia spreadl h eon- rapl^^l& d reported to be taki infua- on'W^chamcter of a commun whieh or Spartacan demonstration. B flags are flying at the pit ahal ^ tho advleea atate, and hand gr< ikenay, eonfll ifantry between Polish and Cieih wo: Dublin men. In all Sd,000 men hs aa. ac- atruek. Tbe atrike wa* begnn aa a p teat againat the aetion of tha c blKite eommiasion in replad workmen membera of the loeal ec >y fair. mittee by bourgeoisie. MM iS MEX ICAN for : D I t t UN HT g i |P " h J! Suggests Une of Out- “ ;in Casfes df A l Recently Slia jf ' WASHmaHOR, by the Mexican foreign office Lteas partment was advised today. j ot Peter W. Sninmen, who a !; at Salina Onu, and in regard t JdUed Alexander J.Traier and ntary 37 at Bnby, A riil I INVEST CKTl iriKSflCiS^ I J ISE ISENOE I lon of /j!\ » ----- , Tlmj/Glven for Filing of Brie nor o i In Trial of Siispen£d Assen " ti °5 blynien Postpones Decisit S”: for at Least Two Weeks troppj hb- ALBANY, N. InvrallguU into tho charges of disloyalty 'o ^ r ns oro thv fivo suspooded socialist momb( ng. of tbo state assembly ended last nigl TliP “ cnso" went to tho judiciary coi ciittoo with tho close of the summli np nddrewiea of Plon R. Brown, counael for tho committoo, and Jo inrn counsel fo r the defense. |.M | . Poiats to Opposing Btandax^ . iULU purmer Senator Brown' talked-f niuro thnn six hours, lu closing a itia l auld: * ‘.'Tbo question is: ‘ Whlcb flag v«u foUowl Do you follow tho ted fl of anarchy now suppjicssed by li , which these mon wonld, if tbey cou of oc* parndo in every stroot io every el 'as ro- of the world, or do you follow tho att lureau nnd stripest Gootlemen, yonr jnc merco. mcnt w ill bo a groat judgment. 1 bavo it he a*' d ini- In a fiftoon minute addnsa Mr. Ble ar aro dcclnrcd th a t' inasmuch aa the vu ’acifio bvra of the committco took tbo ot Great to support tho federal and state oi olland Htltntlons their onlv verdict could >st In- eno seating tho defendants. Amori- CHvee Time to FUa Bzlef ono Committee counsel were given nn , n<rxt Wednesday to file a briof, i sworlng tho defcnBo brief to bo fil jratert. ^ »» i report of tho committee woi aajwt Former &nator Brown bitterly ff V«ri tnckod tho Goeiallst party and tbe fi * ausponded nasemblymen. Onco ho sai ‘ Patriotism na the socialists uaderatn it, ia not our patriotism, tho dccla: tion of independonce as we understa Vflrinir ■ocialist understanding — ^ tho declaration of independence, n*i,Ti^ loilovo that whon our fathora plant thoy sowed tbe seed of taros and th un of “P the crop of American freedom, llbei .>nd pursuit of happiness. Tho elm ween sound ono. Tho truth ab( it is th it another simile is much m« applicable, namely, that a serpent 1 i crtiwlod into tho tiosom of tho rtpub , for tbe purposo of stinging it. if poi T Iflll DlEpntea Bodallst Motive I IIIN Challenging tho statement by Moi I lu ll itiilqulst of defense counsel that soelallst party haa no motive for c ^ A i.v ccatocnt. M i. Biown*temajked: niiao . defondanta?.Beat*,aro at aUi 'o r iiiO ndmiftion of sociaUsl momb&rs futuro organlaationa of this body ii stake. The admission of tbe socia p rarty. to the representative b . tbronghout Lho United States ia - i atake. No ono over camo with a gri tha d»I *'*■ peoplo havo J of ^ P“n«>»o ot aialeading you body RENOUNCE BRITISH RU trade* . norrow, LONDON, <ff)—Fifty-two meml prcsaed cf tho Egyptian legislative asson ictabon at tho honse of Said Zagtoul Pa ho con- who headed the Egyptian jnlsslon ma fo t llie pcaco eonforeneo. and^xwopto' ad of a resolution proclidmiog the independ* of Egypt nnd tbe Sudan, aceordin( a dispatch from Cairo. ^ield f r e n c h RESENT f -hioh THATMILITAl tiriscb --------- iscbon PARIS, ( f l V W i l s o n ' s , techo- ter to Senator Hitchcock regari ‘“ ^“2 rcborvations to tho Versailles tr waa given little apace and a m aunist position In most of tnia morning's n popors. hafta. Tho QaiUo^ printa its comment gten- the first page, under the capt jflicU ‘ -Warnlnffs of Wllsoa." work- “ Mr. Wilaon," it says, “ Ukea have vfnge for the alienee imposed i Mm by illness. In less tban £4 h I pro- be presenta ns with two document a pie- which he affirms in a singularly lat^f greaaive manner tbat be haa-recov 1 com- lu ll posaeaalon o f bla maaterly fi tiea. RElijN^O^M iPRESENm iONS^ if Action to Be Taken \meirican Citizens jialn or Kidnaped -Beoommendations have been made ice to local anthoritiei, the state de- ' ay. that action,be'taken in the oaae loiwas kidnapped recently by rebels •d to the apprehenalon of Arsons who and fatally wonndqd’ Us brother Teti- ' n . ItllM iUputllHIlt todqr jiirt bafota ptaai <Uipatolw« wen x«e*lTv' ad taU ^^of .tht rdaaM of JoaaiA WQUaaiViainminoad that tha Am* «ileaa m baitf at Mizloo Olty u d tba lit ohfltbahes bad b M ^1 last*6eM -to make repteseBtstioDS to 11^/Maxiean gommaaat to ob- tain Iba zalaaaa of WUUaau. II FOB ADVIOB OH HBZXOO < ' I WASHINOTON, t'F>r-The aenate to/ . ■U adopted a reaolntion by Senato^ Gore, demoerat, Oklahoma, aaking the , . preaident for information aakto reatMe- riBtS tions impo*^ other eonntrie* on : . earn ' <&norican cltiiena in exploration and . i Sem r. davelopment o f oU landa ^ d nj/kt ateja isinn taken toward le e B ]^ rniixal- ity of treatmeat ia that The reaolntbn aaked *peeiflcaUy aa to tbo altnaUon in Mexleo. The B«aa> nation hoard tbat Mexloo had ■ \ L in .t promulgated restrietiona aimed T ^ io * ' mbofj Americana. iPEIlHiiND : « iDE PR SONER ?fiag Nogalea Woman la Alarmed r hiw er Beqneat for Oaah Ooming : "e“ity From Mexico ■ ’ jSSJ." WABBXNOTOH, mStnm M. Ct Artftnr; Ba&ager'of tba VsHean ; . CoaaoUdatad lttidas.:eom»any, iw Block ' ^ ^>Ma kldnawad by Maxiriaa . . baadita. bot la fafa aaac NogtfM, » oath Mexico, th * .Amailcaa: conanl tb a n ' eoon- reportMl today ta thaatata d«art- \ Uka. Aitbor, la la Kogalea^ Arlaoaa, telegraphed bar father, P. B. Avazy, a t OcliDabna, OMe, 'ya»- I nntll tarday, needed ta;000 aad tbla waa M id to filed bava to tbe reporta thnt ha Mtd mean beea wonld ... I week*. NOOALES, A rit, VP)-*- talognun Iy at- fiqtn James P. Arthur, manager of the^ 0 fivo 21exicaii Conaolldatod^Mining co td M ^ . >aaid; to Mrs. Arthur, who Uvea hero, oBk- ' r^tand Ing. for $2,000 in connection m th h sclaru- businoas deal, caused- her tb eonelude ratand be had been kidnapped and waa gar^ ii^ ’of bud in transmiision, Mra. Arthur tele-' - They graphed her father in Columbus, Ohio, lantod T-hero a report waa given ont tbat Ar- 3 thia- thur had boen kidnapped. iMtioy The American eoasnl at Nogalea, Son- liberty ora, advijed Mrs. Arthnr not to com- slm ilj municato with ' federal offlciala in about ^Va8bin^n, abe said, beeaoae he be- 1 moro ijevcd thcro waa somo mistake, nt haa ' , ..... PEARY BEQUEATHS HONORS Korth Pole XMacoTerar LeaTaa Proper- ty aad Awarda to Ela Son Morris ---------- at tbo WASHINGTON, Th© wUI of sr con- Bear Admiral Bobert s. Peary, U. 6. N., letlred, filed yestaidny fot probtite, 'U* : atnko. recta tbat all nedala, -trophiea and b&ra to booka and Eagle laland, near South y ia at Harpswoll, Maine, be given to hia six-. ocialUt ti‘cn-year-oId aoo, Bobert E. Peary, Jr. . balla '(he laland was purchased w ith money ia at onmod while Admiral Peary waa a higb I great* itcbool student, is to remain permanently ro horo in the Peary family. youT" Mta. Peaty> receives for himself and division among tbe ehlldron, the reai- D tll C <^00 the eatate, inelnding aeeoritles n U L t: estimated in value at $90,000 and a group o f islands in Caaco bay, Maine. ' lembors —• Bsombly OUABA EDU8BWIVB8 WANT i Pashfl, BIOaEB-PBIOBD A&ROIiBS sion to OMAHA, Neb., {ff^BetaU grocer*, >pted n atastlng an high eoat of living. «am> endoncs calgn, reported disappointment in af- ding to forts to got' boose wfvoa to take anb- atitntes for the hl^-priced articles. " WILSON ACCUSATION 4.RISM GOVERNS NATION >n’a. let- “ Ho finlaties the weakening e f gov- igarding emment frameworks of order nnd dia- tro ity ciple* which he already haa so thor> I minor onghly •haken. HJ* ‘anti-imperialist' 's now*- fotmtila w ill bring new enoonragemen.t to international bolahevism.** aent on ‘ Mr. Wilaon accnsea Pranea o f be- »ptlon in^ mUlt&rlttic, and at the aame Uae Josephna Danlala, aecretary of,;the ike* to- Amerieaa navy, is the oaly ailnlaierja r. )d upon tho world who annonneea an nallm lM >,‘ H houra program of anaamantV' leaU in L'&formation aayas '*• arly ag- *'Teday there, ar* m*a aoaaeioaa 9t (covered the erldant aaie«a*lti*a of Traaaa;; bot r ficnl- there la aa loagtr a siUtariat vmiy, , ptopatly ti^aakUr** ' ; j

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Page 1: TW i PA m m M… · TW i V0I..8;. KOwaaa.'.- . - .-• mifllST fliiim iM il Attoiriey’s Effort^ ' Witness fdrfSlate

T W iV0I..8;. KOwaaa.'.- . - .-•

mifllSTfliiimi M i lA t t o i r ie y ’ s E f fo r t ^

' W itn e s s f d r f S l a t e is F in- Move in^L^vBfettle 0^1

in g a t T o n i ^ o n e

W O O T A N lS A f B A R O M C H A B O i lD F K IO N A P P IN

r t o ^ d S S * S ta r t P w m p t w ben Annonnoepidnt pt Mt to Serve as Jurora ia Hac A fte r Long Period o f Dela;

k , XOSOSTOKB. (A V -ffiu rpH, IMIM n g a x d ls i the neceesltr o f th*

.S labM deporU tlon u » mnxai ot hasting to tb w a rt l a aUegod oon- a p b ie r to o ra tb ro w tba xmited S tttO T.gorexiibant w u taken lata today b y onotlBg ftttorn«7B darlBg aa aigm nent la tbe .isla l o f H a n r n Wooten^ charged v t ib Irtdnap- p in *.

,.^.TO S fB S TO N E ,T rit.T (/P)—E ffo rta W. H. BargOB, chiof o f tho eauna'el i <be dofenso, to abow contradlctioiiB I twpcn tho toatlmony givon by Fred '' Drown, a depaty sh e riff o f Cocbl county, d u rin jf n prelim inary hoari: hold a t Sooglaa, Arizona, lost Bumn

' in eoncoeUoii w ith tho B ia h n dopor tlona, and th a t given b v ' him tod< woro tho feature# o f today’s monii soislon. in tho t r ia l o f H nrry E. .Woi rn, hnrdwnro dealer, o f Blsboo, A rl cImrRod w ith kidnapping in connoeti w ilh the doportations.

B row n r i r s t Wltoess Brown, who is a realdent o f tho Wi

Tcn M in ing d is tr ic t which includca B bcc, was the f im t wltnesa, to be hea: Hp took tho stand in behnlf o f t fliiito almost immediately a fte r t

......... names o f tho twelve men who w«to aorvo as ju rora in tho case woro i nounccd.

“ In tho oxnoilniflg tr ia l hold in Dot t«:< in Ju ly , 1910, d id you not to jt] that you tr io J to run Wooton out buflincBst” M t. Burgos askod B ic »m‘ crosa-oxaminntlon. a fto r tho In hnd roncatodly testifiod tha t Wool hnd “ forcod him Into a circle o f ot od mon a t the po io t o f a coekod gun

“ N bt tha t I rcmombor,” tho w itn^ • ouBwercd.

“ D id you not aay, then, tha t j would havc'dono so I f yoo cou ld t* '

* ‘ I d o n 't rem«nh«f»?'“ Eognrdleaa o f what yoa aaid

■ your purpose, waa i t true tha t i t t your purpose to d rivo him out o f bi n m f '* ■

“ I t waa ao t true .'*Invectlgatea Own Answer

“ D id yoa n o t answ er'O h y e s 'w l- this qneation waa aoked you in Do

la s t” U r . Bargca porslatod, loadi from a paper, said by M r. Burgot bp a transcrip t o f Brown's pervii testimony.

“ I f 1 d i d ' I waa mlBtnkon,” r.rown's ropJy.

“ How do you know you wore n tn ko n t” tho defense counsol asked. • “ I have sineo investigated.'’

“ You moon you havo investiga your own parpose, do youT” ^

When M r. Burgcas^^uked the w it i whether thoro was a atriko in tho ren d is tr ic t Jono 20, 2917, eounacl tb r state objcetod that tho Quest waa not a propor one in eroaa-axami tion. Judge Samuet h. Pattoo, pro: li\g , took tho m atter undoc odviaemi and announced tha t he would render decision a fte r tae had hoard the tomoya on oaeh sido follow ing the n rcccsB. ^


. The N a tiona l Ooal Assooiat Lannohea Action to Test Poi

era o f Commission

W A 8H IK G T 0N . ( f f ) — S u it to Ibo poweri o f the foderal trade com: sion waa institu ted today inthc aupr conrt o f the d ia tric t o f Columbia by Waynard Coal eompany o f Colnm Ohio, the* f ir s t o f aevernl legal act (lanned b y the national coal associa to detera ine bow fa r tho commit may go in rocnirlng private corporal *o fam ish in io rm atioa o f tbe ir busii

An o ff ic ia l announcement by th< sociation aUd the auits were atarto tV icndly a p ir it and In on way eonat

• ed an a ttaek on the commission.Tho aetion institu ted today took

form o f a reqaest fo r an injnnetio restrain tbe commlialon from raqti] iron tb ly reports ahowing coats, ^ npd tonnage, and an annual repot financial conditiona. I t waa recited •he eommisaion issned fn ll Instnie tor the preparation o f the rep which in fa e t prescribed a ayatei

- ucfonnting fo r . coal m ialng opera d iffe rin g r a b a ta a t l j^ i in m thoae n-only in nae.

K B A B liE T TO B B T S A im r O OjW ASHINGTON, Kea

CsHfomia, haa been seleeted by »or departaent aa the'reaerve ef



N F n n ^ l ^ l e i 4 Aotlon in Sul " . jndioatiw Desire to Forestall

L l, : aeirtj^drlAttenipt to Persuad " ila & fq p A rito

t t r t . - u j n B O S ; (iiv ^ -T iw w a t i i i ^ po«tponoment Of tha.aUlca’ decision w i t l n g a rd to Constantinople ia attribnted in peace conference eiralee here to t b beutation o f Trance and Ita ly , n e itku o f whieb, i t ia aaaerted. has d e fin it il^

IM Q answered Great B r ita in 's In v iu t io n tc eooporate in occupying the ciQr. >'

. . Meanwhile apeenlatlon is - b w g P t ly dulged in aa to w hy U . lUUaiaiad, t lu

Fredch prem ier/ snbnatted the Tnrkla l d ra ft tre a ty to President WUaon

[ade Among the auppoaitiona ia th a t eithei the French prem ier ^wlahei 'to fereatiJ:

a y possible eventaal interposition b y th i president i f the la tte r ia nnlnformec

.... to the terma o f tba aottlement, oj ^ tha t M . .M iU ersad 'again la try in g U ^ obtain Ameriean a id in vthe settlement “ oven hoping to perauado tbe -TJnitei

^ Statea, a fte r a ll to nnderit^e the man ^ dato fo r Armenia.

^ u m B ioA H o rp o iim o ir lor a o t lB A K D O T A im o I F A T l ! !

■WASHNQTON, (/P)—Tho dccl«loiii reached b y tbo an p im e council re la tiv i

ta o f to Turkey w h ich have boen sont U ll fo'r Ambassador Juaaomnd by tho Fronrt ■ KS* government, w i l l be eommunieated t( d w- Prosidont W ilaon though A cting Soe cUio r o u iy r f S la w Eolk. ariog J t ia uaderstood tha t tho moasuroi

decided npon b y thp council aro purol3 coorcivo and- as the Americon posiUor has been one o f bonovolont interest ir tbo fa to o f peoples opporosaed by thi

7 "” * Turka i t is scarcely oxpcctcd th a t anj pUon w il l bo offered to th6 cxocuon o f thd council's program.

According to IsfonnatlOQ here representations to be made to the

I Bis- govenunent b y the entente Inclcdo' iCftxd. teoomnundationa th a t Ameticaa r the a trength In the Tnrkiah w i

the ters be la rge ly angnmonted. were M ilita ry forcoa now in Turkey, ne e no- cording to o ff ic ia l intelllgenco, includi

333,000 B ritish , 18,000 French, 10,00< [)ouR- Ita lia n and 100,000 Greeks, j j t i f v The Turk ish regular nrmy o f 43,00i

o f men is disposed w ith 0,000 men in Eu lioTO fopo and 84,000 in Asia, About slxt;

per ccnt o f the-A siatic forcos aro sail ooton to bo pro-nationalist.

Tho Turkish throat o f w ar in case o oxpulaioa from Constantiiiople ia chiol

Itnnu ,y . . b im j . . i , tbe oplnloa m lllta r , „ c ritica who have w tum ed reeentl

from tha t , O ffic in la discount®tho lik c lih 09d ot a gonoral Moslem n[

ft# ris ing in protest against d riv ing th t WM T urk f r o m j h i a ^ y c ities ."


ELK H A B T, (JPi—a govommont all Donir- carrier, iden tified by markodLntt cloth ing ns Lieutenant Clayto►Ol to Stoner, o f Ohicago, was burned t ‘ t . i, . death in his airplane whon i t fe ll neu

Now Paris, Ind ., about 10 a. m. todaj Stoner probably became lost in the mi* nnd was seeking tho Wnbash nillroac r.'hich thc m a il carriers fo llow dn lly i

J the ir f l ig h t over th is section o f th country.

igatc‘1 -■

W o r ld Neel forestlon ' --------------

o o i f S T A i r n » O p ] i E . , ( f l >:mcat, v iz le r has annonnced, w ith ter his m ation o f a new cabinet; 1

D ip lom aU here attach^ l i t t made.

^ BERLIN , (ff)— The in ^e*1 proclam ation aigned hy PreiJ on Uembera o f Entente M iai l i n is te r o f defenae w ill act w it i l l n excesses.

FIUM E, (ff)— Oeneral 0( ation o f w a r, who is m aking a t< •oW' m iatioe line, said today he 1

o f F inm e to be taken to I ta l weeka ago m ore than tw o 1

to tes t _________

Z m e PBIZTA, Sonora,by Ihc mine sha ft o f tho Ohicago nmbuB, corporation near Toniohi, t

m ite tw o weeks ago by ren uission ing, consulting engineer o f

today. He saya the loaa isthe as- '


lok the ______W U h -Id ilo oom pu iy io d SUM r »

B iM M B «>ro»at.U T«. * * r M "of c ” r f ■

a l l lo u SAI-Treport*, resentatives o f tno state f i}m bure tem o f ju i j the Utah-Idaho Uugar compa iration* l* te laat n igh t reached an ogTec#( se torn- on the ra tio baals fo r the 1D20 be

whereby the farmors w il l receive 1 ■ advantages o f any increases in i

OAMF price o f sugar above *11 por bnfadi .eamej pounds and a bonus fo r the ir be by the above tbe minimum o f *12 per t ofneer The qnesUon has been io controv'e

'or -atn* alnee Daeember and threatened fo i na aad tim e to re fo lt in a material reduct

In sugar beat prodnction.

RO A in O N T O “ O T - T M f f l B j S K a CONJECTUREI Submitting treaty Draft to Wilson stall Possible intervention liy Presl- luade United States, to Accept Han­ding t o t U t ^ Surmises

w ith I ' __________________ ________ 4

1 HERE Is ARTICLE 'SSv "TEN ABOUT WHICH “ > WORDY WAR RAGESf , & W ASEm OTON, irk lah A rtic le Ten, oa wmih tSte fa te rjiaon. o f tba peaca tre a ty again Is ana-' either pended—Jnat tw o compact aan. restiOl teacea In tb * m ldat o f aa algltt- y the - tbonaand word docnment: ormed “ Tha memben o f the leagne' at, or undertake to teapect aad preaerre g to as against external aggraeslca iment, the te rtltox ia l Is ta g r ity and ax. Jnited I f l t ^ - p o l i t lc a l ladependanc* o f man* membera o f tba leagne. Ia

caaa o f aay aoeh aggrealoa or lh caaa o f any tb raa t o r danger o f eaeb aggreaalon. the conacil aball advlta trpoa maaaa by which th la -’ obllgatloa-ahaU be

isions fn lfU led.”latWo tf- — ' — ~ \

•rcncb Government to ^ a k e ' 8«o° N o More A ll ie d Loamlurarea W ASHINGTON, ( P>—Tho allfedlu re ly govommeuta w ill receive no furthersition loans from tho American govern*ost in ment. Secretary Houston onnounc*y tho od.t any Loans mndo to tho allies to date> cxo- to ta l (9.050,834,040.93 o f tbe tcn

b illio n authorized by congress, M r.lore Houston enld, and i t was not deem-tbe O'l advisable to u tlllxe tho remaind-

• er o f tho nuthorlzntlon.l/»«w ' •

M B D rE IIS F IC ilT ll l l

S . C i O l K l i F i O F f i O i43,000 -----------n Eu- Seeka Defeat o f 25 Pennsylva o " S d Seven New Jersey° Congressmenase o f ----------chief- P H ILA D E LP H IA , Pa., Docii

il i ta ry ion o f American Federation o f Labo J M t r f reached Washington twim up- woolai ago, to oppose a ll candidates fo Iff the public o ffico who are regarded as lo t

o f organized labor, boro f i ^ i t hore U day in tbo opening o f a campaig ogainst 25 Pennsylvania and seve New Jersey mombors o f tbo honso o rcprcsontativea.

I t a ir- in » bulletin issued' by tbo Philado marka phia Camden advisory beardk o f tfa layton federation attontion la called to tfa ted to railroad b il l rocoatly passed b y coiII near gross and approved b y the presidei today, and tho dofoat o f a ll congressmen vo 10 m ist log fo r i t is urged.llroad, “ Soo that neither -you nor you i l ly in friends and acquaintances over a ^ ) f tho vote fo r thoso who gave Inbor a ‘ sin

In tho face’, " said tho bulletin. .

le w s E ve n ts,(ff)— S a li‘ Pasha,.the new grand irith the anltan’a approval, the for> et; the eighth since the arm istice.: l i t t le importance to the changes

Imperial govemment has isaned a P rem ier Baner condemning a ttacks Miasiona. I t declarea th a t the m in- \ w ith the greateat aeverity in pnn-

a OavigUa, fo rm er I ta lia n m in ister a to n r o f inapectioh along the ar- he had arranged fo r m any children I ta ly fo r humane reasons. Several

wo hnndred were aent to M ilan.

»ra, M exico, (ff>— BnUdinga and the oago E xp loration and Development h i, Sonora, were w recked by dyna*' renegadea, aaid F ra n k lin B. H ard- r o f the company, who a rrived here sa ia Iias.O O O . ________

mE TROOPS UND AT DUBLIANCE v ^ j u , B r itis h Benrfoe Be ra n n ^ Contingent

« D U B L IN , steamers lane «t Dublm Tueaday n igbt, the Pr

>>—Rop- Jooraal aaya today, w ith ebureau »5derable forcos o f cavalry and in f

ompany t r y and a nnmber o f fie ld guns, whTec#cnt Inter were entrained fo r aouthom fjp bcoia v incla l depots, includ ing K ilken” n " the ''*®‘ «*’ford aad Curragh. Two infanbuhdrod battalions had previously lo f t Duir beets fo r the. sonthere m ilita ry areas,per too. cording to the newapaper.troversy ,

?d»“u o ! t o a t b b eTonight fa ir , colder; Tboraday f

m m(». W am V B S S iA ti lU B O E 10, 1980

k flEVOBMETi s IIBHIORE® " ' t f f o r t o f - P e k in g d o y e if lm e i

t o S u p p la n t G o v e r ^ r ' ^ f Hi— han Province ResutH lhOu - * Jbj^alc of Hostllitle^JJ ;


Betngeoa fro m ^ h t i n g Aro ^ Ponring Into- Canton ai ^ Hong Kong while Tnrm(

Gaina Ground in Ohinale ' '™ S H A N a H A I, ( f lV W « rf» ro h u W

. out in Honan province boeanso afi'i f c fi'o rt ot tho Poking govom m on t.^ i

point W u Kwang-Hsln g o v e r n o r 1 “ fio v in e * to supplant Chao-Yi, whi ^ forces flrc'opposing those o f Wu Kwai ^ Hsin. This and the outbreak o f host “ t ic t in Kwangtung province whe ^ . fig h tin g is procooding between southe ^ fnctiona has brought to ligh t a Icagui _ _ eight provinco8“ lS ikion, Kiangsu. ^ i

^ Honan. Szechwcn, Hupeh, Shantung a Kangsl-a lm lng to o ffcc t peace by tu ii)g agalnat mMitarists both o f Poki

r n a aoutb and forcing dissolutiontho parliaments n t Canton and Pekli

Tbe Rwantung warfare is tho o red (,’ rowth o f an attem pt by the governor >or Yunnan to send a now comnmnder m- ilie Yunnan troops in Kwantusg. I ac- j\ow commondor, Geaeral L l L ich Cbi

id a ttack ing tho old loader L i Kui ito Vunn, who is supported by tbo tro; •on in Kwantung and governor, Moh Yui ir. Ksin.m- Refugees from the figh ting areas t id- ] nuring in to Canton and Hong Kong,


German P o rt Scene o f In it Iva- Shippings Since Olose o f jy ' the W ar

W ASHINGTON, ( /P K ^ ^ v iv n l o f }ocis- t ’ v ity on the port o f Hamburg was . V- p.irtod in o ff ic ia l adviees to tho bun

p f foreign nnd domestic commei two Thirty-seven shipping services hi

IS fo r been d o fln ltc ly ro-ostablished and i , iocs Ual aalUnjs made. O f these fonr^ •e to- to tho A tla n tic and one to 'tho Paci paign coast o f tho Unitod Statea, to Or seven P rlta in , seven, Franco, one, Holh M o f Belg ium , two, Cuba and West

O.'eii three, Mexico and Central Ami ladol- two. South Aqicriea eight, A fr ica > f the ') the B<}gvlar steamer servido between

con- van and Qonsony hoa bcen inaugural lident businoas o f tbo port received i ther impetus through the sailing

the Oorman steam Hans fo r Havana ivonr form al ro-oponlng o f tho Hamburg-V

Cruz sorvico.^ During tbo month o f January,

report nald, tho Spanish conaul____ oral, acting fo r tho United Btates, !

allzed 1,154 consular, invoices eovor sjlpments to tho United States, c ip t fo r a number o f cargoes enth of potash, outward bound shipme to tbo Unitod States were mado up m:scollaneou8 articles. A mont

t i sorvico o f re frigerator ships botw Hamburg aod Buenos Aires nlso b»*en announced. ,

- y O T E S T lT ff lf l l l MIS NmLIZIITII

is -N a tiona l Oonferenoe of B r it

n- Goal D iggers Declare for D ras tic Action

er LONDON, t/P)—The National ( J . ference o f coal minors a t its session

day declarod in favor o f a gen Btrlko aa a means o f enforcing tho

‘a l mand fo r tho natlonaiiaation o f mines.

Tho doclBlon o f the minora’ t . w ill bo, referrod to the special tri “ ® union congress which meets tomor mt and opinion which havo been expre

by leadors givo rise to the expeeta tha t this body w ill decido on tho

■d- tinuatlon o f oonatitutlonal meana achloving tho end desired, instead resort to d irect action.

^ Red F la g F lies inD isputed Coal FU

V IE N N A , W V T l ' r t lstarted roccntly In the M ahrii Ostrau coal fie ld , in the Tescfa

“ d is tr ic t in dispute between Ceed Slovakia and Poland ia spreadl

h eon- r a p l^ ^ l& d reported to be tak i infua- o n 'W ^ c h a m c te r o f a commun whieh or Spartacan demonstration. B

„ flags are f ly in g a t the p it ahal tho advleea atate, and hand gr<

ikenay, eonfllifa n try between Polish and C ie ih wo: Dublin men. In a ll Sd,000 men hs aa. ac- atruek.

Tbe atrike wa* begnn aa a p teat againat the aetion o f tha c b lK ite eommiasion in replad workmen membera o f the loeal ec

>y fa ir. m ittee b y bourgeoisie.

M MiS MEXICAN for: D I t t UN HT g i |P"hJ! S u g g e s ts U n e o f Out- “ ; in Casfes d f A l

R ece n tly Sliaj f '

WASHmaHOR, b y the Mexican fore ign o ffice

Lteas partm ent was advised today. „ j o t P eter W . Sninmen, who a

!; a t Salina O nu, and in regard t JdUed Alexander J .T ra ie r and n ta ry 37 a t Bnby, A r i i l

I INVEST CKTl iriKSflCiS I JISEISENOEIlon o f /j!\ » ----- ,

Tlmj/Glven for Filing of Brie nor o i In Trial of Siispen£d Assen " ti°5 blynien Postpones Decisit S ” : for at Least Two Weekstroppj —Y»hb- A L B A N Y , N. InvrallguU

in to tho charges o f disloyalty ' o ^ r ns oro thv fiv o suspooded socialist momb( ng. o f tbo state assembly ended last nigl

TliP “ cnso" went to tho jud ic iary coi c iittoo w ith tho close o f the summli np nddrewiea o f Plon R. Brown, counael fo r tho committoo, and Jo

i n r n counsel fo r the defense.| . M | . Poiats to Opposing B tandax^ .

iU L U purm er Senator Brown' ta lk e d - f niuro thnn six hours, lu closing

a i t ia l auld:* ‘ .'Tbo question is: ‘ Whlcb flag

v«u foUow l Do you follow tho ted f l• o f anarchy now suppjicssed by l i , w hich these mon wonld, i f tbey cou

o f oc* parndo in every stroot io every el 'as ro- o f the world, or do you fo llow tho att lureau nnd stripest Gootlemen, yonr jnc merco. m cnt w il l bo a groat judgment. 1

bavo i t he a .*' d in i- In a fifto o n minute addnsa M r. Ble ar aro dcclnrcd th a t ' inasmuch aa the vu ’ac ifio bvra o f the committco took tbo ot Great to support tho federal and state oi

o lland Htltntlons the ir onlv verdict could >st In - eno seating tho defendants.Amori- CHvee Time to FUa Bzlef

ono Committee counsel were given nn , n<rxt Wednesday to file a b rio f, i

sworlng tho defcnBo brie f to bo f i l jratert. ^»» i report o f tho committee woi

a a jw t Former & n a to r Brown b itte rly ff V « r i tnckod tho Goeiallst party and tbe f i* ausponded nasemblymen. Onco ho sai

‘ Patriotism na the socialists uaderatn i t , ia not our patriotism, tho dccla: tion o f independonce as we understa

Vflrinir ■ocialist understanding— ^ tho declaration o f independence,

n*i,Ti^ lo ilo vo that whon our fathora plant thoy sowed tbe seed o f taros and th

un o f “ Pthe crop o f American freedom, llbei .>nd pursuit o f happiness. Tho elm

ween sound ono. Tho tru th ab(“ i t is t h i t another simile is much m«

applicable, namely, that a serpent 1

i crtiw lod into tho tiosom o f tho rtpub , fo r tbe purposo o f stinging i t . i f poi

T I f l l l DlEpntea Bodallst MotiveI IIIN Challenging tho statement by MoiI l u l l i t i i lq u ls t o f defense counsel that

soelallst party haa no motive fo r c ^ A i . v ccatocnt. M i. Biown*temajked: n i i a o . defondanta?.Beat*,aro a t aUi' o r ii iO ndm iftion o f sociaUsl momb&rs

fu tu ro organlaationa o f this body i i stake. The admission o f tbe socia

p ra rty . to the representative b . tbronghout Lho United States ia

- i atake. No ono over camo w ith a gri tha d»I *'*■ peoplo havo Jo f ^ P“ n«>»o o t aialeading you


norrow, LONDON, <ff)—Fifty-tw o meml prcsaed c f tho Egyptian legislative asson ictabon a t tho honse o f Said Zagtoul Pa ho con- who headed the Egyptian jn lsslon ma fo t l l ie pcaco eonforeneo. and^xwopto' ad o f a resolution proclidmiog the independ*

o f E gyp t nnd tbe Sudan, aceordin( a dispatch from Cairo.

^ield f r e n c h RESENT f -h io h T H A T M IL IT A ltiriscb ---------iscbon PARIS, ( f l V W i l s o n ' s , techo- te r to Senator Hitchcock regari ‘“ “ 2 rcborvations to tho Versailles t r

waa given li t t le apace and a m aunist position In most o f tnia morning's n

popors.hafta. Tho QaiUo^ printa its comment gten- the f i r s t page, under the capt

jf l ic U ‘ -W arnlnffs o f W llsoa." work- “ M r. W ilaon ," i t says, “ Ukea have vfnge fo r the alienee imposed i

Mm by illness. In less tban £4 h I pro- be presenta ns w ith two document a pie- which he a ffirm s in a singularly l a t ^ f greaaive manner tbat be haa-recov 1 com- lu l l posaeaalon o f bla maaterly fi


RElijN O MiPRESENmiONSi f A c t io n to B e T a k e n \m e ir ic a n C itiz e n s jia ln o r K id n a p e d

-Beoommendations have been made ice to loca l an thoritie i, the s ta te de- ' ay. th a t action ,be 'taken in th e oaae lo iw as kidnapped recently by rebels •d to th e apprehenalon o f A rso n s who and fa ta lly wonndqd’ U s b ro ther Teti-

' n . ItllM iUputllHIlt todqr ji ir t bafota ptaai <Uipatolw« w e n x « e *lT v ' ad ta U ^ ^ o f .th t rdaaM o f JoaaiA WQUaaiViainminoad th a t tha Am*«ileaa m b a i t f a t M iz lo o O lty u d tba l i t ohfltbahes bad b M

^ 1 la s t*6 e M -to make repteseBtstioDS to 11^/Maxiean go m m a a a t to ob­ta in Ib a zalaaaa o f WUUaau.

I I FOB ADVIOB OH HBZXOO <' I WASHINOTON, t'F>r-The aenate to / . ■ U adopted a reaolntion b y Senato^

Gore, demoerat, Oklahoma, aaking the , . preaident fo r information aakto reatMe-

r iB tS tions im p o *^ other eonntrie* on : . earn ' <&norican cltiiena in exploration and . i Sem r. davelopment o f oU landa ^ d n j/k t ate ja • is in n taken toward le e B ] ^ rniixal-

i t y o f treatmeat ia th a t The reaolntbn aaked *peeiflcaUy aa

to tbo altnaUon in Mexleo. The B«aa> nation hoard tba t M exloo had ■ \L i n . t promulgated restrietiona aimed T ^ io * ' m b o fj Americana.

iPEIlHiiND : « iDE PR SONER? f ia g Nogalea Woman la Alarm ed r hiw er Beqneat fo r Oaah Ooming : "e“ity From M exico ■ ‘

’ jSSJ." WABBXNOTOH, m S tn m M .C t A rtftn r ; B a& ager'o f tba V s H e a n ;

• . CoaaoUdatad lttidas.:eom »any, i wB lock ' ^ ^>Ma kldnaw ad b y M axiriaa . .

baadita. b o t la fa fa aaac N o g tfM ,» oath Mexico, th * .Amailcaa: conanl t b a n 'e o o n - reportM l today ta th a a ta ta d « a r t - \

Uka. A itbo r, la la Kogalea^ Arlaoaa, telegraphed bar fa the r, P.B. Avazy, a t OcliDabna, OMe, 'ya»-

I n n tll tarday,needed ta;000 aad tb la waa M id to

■ file d bava to tbe reporta th n t ha M td mean beea

wonld . . . Iweek*. NOOALES, A rit, VP)-*- talognunIy at- fiq tn James P. A rthur, manager o f the^0 f iv o 21exicaii Conaolldatod^Mining c o td M ^ .> aaid; to Mrs. A rthur, who Uvea hero, oBk- ' r^tand Ing . fo r $2,000 in connection m th h sclaru- businoas deal, caused- her tb eonelude ratand be had been kidnapped and waa gar^ i i ^ ’o f b u d in transmiision, Mra. A rth u r te le-' -

They graphed her father in Columbus, Ohio, lantod T-hero a report waa given on t tb a t A r- 3 thia- thu r had boen kidnapped. iM tio y The American eoasnl a t Nogalea, Son- liberty ora, advijed Mrs. A rth n r no t to com- s lm ilj municato w ith ' federal o fflc ia la in about ^V a 8 b in ^n , abe said, beeaoae he be-

1 moro ijevcd thcro waa somo mistake, n t haa ' , .....

PEARY BEQUEATHS HONORSK o rth Pole XMacoTerar LeaTaa Proper­

t y aad Awarda to E la SonMorris ----------a t tbo WASHINGTON, Th© wUI of sr con- Bear Adm iral Bobert s. Peary, U . 6 . N.,

le tlred, f ile d yestaidny fo t probtite , 'U*: atnko. recta tba t a ll nedala, -trophiea and b&ra to booka and Eagle la land, near South y ia a t Harpswoll, Maine, be given to hia s ix - . ocialU t t i ‘cn-year-oId aoo, Bobert E. Peary, J r. .

balla '(he laland was purchased w ith money ia a t onmod while Admiral Peary waa a higb

I great* itcbool student, is to remain permanently ro horo in the Peary family. youT" Mta. Peaty> receives fo r h im se lf and

division among tbe ehlldron, the reai- D t l l C < 00 the eatate, inelnding aeeoritles n U L t : estimated in value a t $90,000 and a

group o f islands in Caaco bay, Maine. ' lembors —•Bsombly O U A B A ED U 8BW IVB8 W A N T i Pashfl, BIO aEB-PBIO BD A & R O IiB Ssion to O M AHA, Neb., { f f^ B e ta U grocer*, >pted n atastlng an high eoat o f l iv in g . «am> endoncs calgn, reported disappointment in af- ding to fo rts to got' boose wfvoa to take anb-

atitntes fo r the h l^ -p rice d articles.

" W ILS O N ACCUSATIO N 4.RISM GOVERNS N A T IO N>n’a. le t- “ Ho finlaties the weakening e f gov- igarding emment frameworks o f order nnd dia-

t r o i t y ciple* which he already haa so thor>I m inor onghly •haken. HJ* ‘ an ti-im peria lis t''s now*- fo tm tila w ill bring new enoonragemen.t

to international bolahevism.** aent on ‘ M r. Wilaon accnsea Pranea o f be- » p tlo n in ^ m U lt&rlttic , and a t the aame Uae

Josephna Danlala, aecretary o f,;th e ike* to- Amerieaa navy, is the oaly a i ln la ie r ja r. )d upon tho world who annonneea an n a llm lM > ,‘ H houra program o f anaam antV ' leaU in L '& fo rm a tio n aayas '* •a rly ag- *'T eday there, a r* m *a aoaaeioaa 9t (covered the e rldan t aaie«a*lti*a o f Traaaa;; bot r f ic n l- there la aa loag tr a s iU ta r ia t vmiy,

, p topatly ti^aakU r** ' ; j

Page 2: TW i PA m m M… · TW i V0I..8;. KOwaaa.'.- . - .-• mifllST fliiim iM il Attoiriey’s Effort^ ' Witness fdrfSlate

Four Feteira) bffics Holders ol B o ^ Control Actions of the Cgmmittee for Entire State

■ at Moscow Meeting


Signifioanoe in Keynote Speed Inheres in I ts Olotle Aesem- blanoe to Semsrks o f Oood-

' in g a t L inoo la Bancinet

B O IS E , ( f f ) ^ M a n 7 c x tra o rd in a r j a tuD ts nro p n llo d o f f In th o namo ol doroocrocy. T o)to th e m co tln ff o f th< do m oe rs tlc a ta to com m ittoo io Mobcom f o r iU u a tra tio D : '_• I \ ) u r fo d o ro l.o f f ic o hoWora o f K lo y o a o f th o . i r , 8 . land o f f ic o , oa<. W il l lo a a , H lnd m o o ai\d A d oo ia o f th i 17. 8 . In te rn a l, rovonue o ff ic o — o o n tro ll od th o Dotlona o f th o eom m itteo fo : th o o n tiro atato. Theso fo n t, o f f ic e r ho d ga th orod in a- o u ff ie le a t niunboi 0^ p rox ies to g iv e tbom ob so lu te eon m l o f th o Actiona o f tbo com in itto* ■opposed to rop ro ao n t. the 44 coontio i o f th o s to to . '.

C o lo n O o m p ft l^ P o U c rA n d th o ooUon thus ta ko n ia sup

posed to r Ivo co lo r auiI i l ir n c i i i rh tc th o ■whola do to o c ia tio . p a r ly i n ld n h ( th ro n g h o u t th o com ing C Q m p a lg a yV fr l I jr , ve riJy , “ L o t th e pooplo r o l e / '

. : J o a tif ic a t io Q fo r th is a r b it ra ry »o tio r on th o p a r t o f th e " fo d o r a l b a n e h t’~-

. . ia th o ir . ow n e a tim o tio n -a t b)

. . w h a t w aa a tto m p to d on the o th o r a ld f C & *ln n « a Jorom o J , D ay had ao m aa ib u la to d m a tto ra ih th o tim o an d platf( Z9r h ia m o o tin g o f th O 'a ta to com m it toe th a t he w a * ju a t i f io d ' in bo lio v io fl t h a l M b idiR htoBt w i l l w ou ld bo la w ; th a t bo and tb o l i t t l o eo to rio In h it con fide nce w o o ld p laco the tw o atatfl con ven tlon a w ho m th o y w ou ld do tbo m oa t go od ; th a t tb o y w o u ld con tro l o v o ry ae tio n -o f th o con\*entlons; th ii t th o de leg ate * to th e n a tio n a l oonvou- t lo u w o u ld bo la rg o ly o f th ’o lr chooa- io g ; tb a t th o y w o u ld havo tb o f in a l aay a« to w h o w o u ld go on th e ata tu U c k o t~ th a t , in ah o rt, th o y w o u ld lio ia tb o aaddlo an d in po s ition to d ic tn td e ve ry m ovo o f tb ia p a r ty th a t ia aup- poaod to rop reaent th o . peoplo.

Dey'e Bpeech Blgamcsnt I n tb ia con ncc tio n spocial a ig n ifica nca

is a ttach ed to th o koyn oto epoooh do- I iv o re d b y C ha irm an D ay a t th o M os­cow m oo ting . F ro m the f i r s t aentoncc to th o la a t i t ^waa d irected d g a in fl th e K o n p a rtiso o loaguo and o th o r rodt a n d '"e ra c k o d b ra in th to r is ta .”

T h e rea l s iga ifio o n co o f th ia speoel o f J o r ry D ay , dem ocra t, 'lies in ..the fao i th a t i t w oa o f th p id e n tic a l tem poi

' aa d Bubatiuico o f tb e apoech doU voroi b y F ra n k B . O ood ing, rep ub lica n , ai th e l io c o ln bo n q a o t in ^ i s o th ro ( w eeka be fo re . B o th ■pooehoa migb< have booa w r i t t e n b y tho a » e pen T h e y ra n o n id e n tic a l Ubbs. O o od in g 'i m ig h t havo boon th o m oro v i t r io l i t ie ol tb o tw o , e o x la ln ly a o t m oro Bwoeplng

0o« A m o l t ' c t t N O gost Thoae w ho road botw oen t i ie Unoi

o f 'J o r r y D a y 's speech l ia d i t a dA re e l oasau lt o f J oh a F . N ugenL N ugesi

. ] rece ive d tb o sup po rt o f tho N o n p a r^ / aan league la th e Ia a t cam paign. H<

e ou ld n o ve r .h a v o ' boon o loetod w itb o u t i t . W il l ia m E . ] ^ r a h p r o f l to d D] tbo samo au pp ort, i t is truo , a n d t<

•a a t l l l e re a to r degroe, b u t th is ia oaidi fro m th o quoB tion a t Ibbub ju s t n o V B o ra h ia a o t a can d id a te f o r th o sen a to th la y e a r an d N ug oa t ia , N og on can no t bo ro-e loo tcd th la yoa r w ith o u tho a rd e n t a u pp ort o f tbo N onpartiaoJ league, and nobody know s th la be ttic th a n J e r ry D a y , cha irm an. T h e a wh^ J e r r y D a y 's b i t t e r aseaatt on tbesi backora o f J o h n F . N o g o a tr I s th< a ssa u lt m ado in th e - in te re s t o f J o h a V N u g o n l, th in k y o i

N o , th ia P h ilip p ic o f- J o r ry D a y ' ag n ln a t the o lem onts o f disco rd ia tb b o d y p o lit ic s w as th u open ing gu n ii the cam p aign ag a in a t tho ronom ina tio : o f J o h n F . K a g r a t . W hotho r i t w il be fo llo w e d u p nOw since th o cha it m a n ’* la tR o r echomos w oro bo com p le te ly b lo cke d b y the “ fe d e ra l b u n c h ’ o n ly t im e w i l l to ll.

B ld e r B n te rs U ne xpe cted ly T h e re waa a n o th o r U ttlo fa c t eon

no c to d w i tb tb e M oscow m oo ting th a waa a o t w ith o u t in to ros t.- R o b e rt t i H ld o r, de m o c ra tic n o tio n a l commUtoe m an f o r Id a h o , w h o wna supposed ti bo i n W ash in g to n , D . 0., uncxpcctod l: tu rn e d n p a t M oscow . Tlto fu e l Ih -j he ie aa a rd e n t ba cko r o f Bonn to r Nu g o n t gave p o in t to h is presence. E v i d o n t ly tb o fr ie n d a o f Sena to r Nugen e o n a ld e rtd i l ^oce ssa iy to m nko a dem o n a tra tio n . F ed e ra l o f f ic e ho lders, on io g tb e ir ap po in tm e n ts to N u g vn t, hai a s p e d a i reason f o r be ing on th g ro un d -when th o fa to o f N u g e n t wn to bo p u t to th o toueh.

C o n u d e ra tio n o f a t] these in r id o n t b r in g a tb o in n o e cn t p o U ticn l UyBtande baek to th o e'ftnv'ietion th n t g o vo ri m e n t o f th o peop le, f o r the pooplo an b y th o peoplo Js o b *o lu tc ly sa fe s lo n g aa i t h iis such d is in te res ted chon p iona to p ro te c t i t in tim es o f c r is ii

. S pea U ng o f t ^ e K o n p a r t lx u lea gu e leads n p to t l ie tb o u g lit, too t l i a t tb e ro o re a t le a s t fo u r o rg ao i- sa tlo xu in Id a h o T ig h t now tb a t h id f a i r to c u t a b ig . f ig u re In p o lit ic s th is .ye a r, and t l ie lo iu r do a o t la -

. c lnd e ' tb e N o n p a rt is a n league v U c l i ' m o f t be reg a rde d aa a .p o li t ic a l

f a r t y I f I t is a n y th in g . Tbe fo u r

■. ■aao 8o < A » e . y . . r w in r m s . id a b o

• T W IN F A L L S D A

I J ^ T T O P T B T b f t l ^

o f

h e

i t e '


id .

th o


o il-

:on-tO«: ^t ies '* T h e o B u w h o n a i le d tb e 8 U n

• ho f l r i t a a a e r e r t o re a c h tb e Kpei \ d m l r a l R o b e t t B . P e & ry . h M beei• to n a l C e m e te ry a t W a a h ln g to n . D,

Iq >he c e re m o n y . P e r r y d e v o te d h is&ho '-•'W arded v l th - n e c e s a . ’ H i t n a m e , , , i. 'I 'b e p h o to w a s ta k e n l u th e eaakel

a a t io n a l e a p lta l. v h « r » h alo n

c th e ra a re tb e A m e rica n L e g io n , th e "p y Orange, F e d e ra tio n o f lA b o r . ,d«. u i d th e IT n ltod A m e rie a n a

A l l o f theao in s is t th a t th e y nro ,{ { . w h o lly ou t o f pa rtisa n poH tica, and in Jn - iju a tico to thom th oro profoBsions on

I b is p o in t m u s t be n tc c p tc d a t th o ir fn eo va la e . O u t i t is tru o neverthc- less th n t o ve ry odo o f thpso o rg nn iz j-;

,j,Q tio n a Ib to w e ld a heavy in flu e n c e in th o cam paign ju a t no w open ing .

T h is Is tru e espoc in lly bccauso o f a ij. th o p o l i t ic a l chons th n t ex is ts . N o mnn o j . to d a y ca a to l l th e d iffe re n c e between

a re p u b lica n and a dem oera t on fundn- m e n ta l p r in c ip le s . T h is io tru o th o n ii'

1,0 t io n ovo r, no less th n n in Id a h o i A n il th is b e in g tru e , o rg a n lu it io n s such as

iip. those nnm pa w i ll m nko a s tro n g e r ap- pe a l to v o te rs th an w o u ld bo the cnsi* w hen p a r ty a p ir i t waa ru n n in g h igh .

The O range w i l l o x e r t a m arked in- ‘ CO flu e n co bccnUae o f th e ' spoc iftl in te r-

os t thu fa rm era hnvo in co m in g legis- la t io n — Iron apoT tfttion , m u rk o tin g ,

see g ra d in g , and th o I ik o ...................L e g io n Q uards Znteresto

T lio A m erican leg ion m ado up o f m m (}eh p layeds conspicuous p a r ts in tlioao t >'ocoat w o r ld w n r a ro d e te rm ine d th n t por th e r ig h ta and in io re s ts o f se rv ieo men rod e ^ n ll bo recognized and p ro te c te d . N a ­

a t tu ra l ly th la w i l l ta ke theso m en in to roe p o lit ic s on one side o r th o o th o r, no g h t n ia t to r ho w s tron g th o lr d o to rm in a tio n ion. to koop ou t.j r '9 Tbo A m eriea n F ed era tio n o f L a b o r o f haa announcod opon ly th a t i t in in

a g . p o li lic B to th e o x U n l, n l Iona l, o f fa - • v o r in g cnndidntoB fo r congress, who nro

f r i o n d l r to Jeg is latioa dem anded b y lu- b o r. I t w o u ld be s trange , indeed, i f th o p a r t ic ip a t io n o f o rg a n is a tio n were to stop th o ro . I n Id a h o th o ro has been a d o H n lto and do to rm ined e f f o r t to b r in g th o N on pa rllB o n leaguo and tho Id a h o P e d o ra tio n o f L a b o r to g o th e r fo r u n ito d p o l i t ic a l ac tio n .

Newr F a c to r , i n F ie ld ' oW. ' U n ito d Am orie tins n re a no w fa c to r loa*' in th e f io ld . In te n se A m e rica n ism is n n t tb o expressed m o tiv e o f tb e organ isu- o u t t io n . Open nnd rb lo n llc ss w a r fa ro on aon a o c in lis tie tendoncioa la go ve rn m e n t is .tttt to bo i t s l in e o f ao tlon . I t w o o ld bo r h y aonsena ical to prcBumo th a t w i lh th is iBfla c h a r t an d ro lo o f uc tio n U n ite d A m eri- th o cans cou ld keep o u t o f p o lit ic s . I t 11\ ia o u t o f tb o question.

> V itb th«B6 fo u r o rg tv n lx a llo n i a c livo ' iv 's l y a t ,w o rk on ono aide o r o th e r; w ith th e th o N o n p a rtisa n league p u rs u in g -its

in o w n p a r t ic u la r po lic y , a fld w i th th o ro ­llo n pu b lica n s and dem oerata f ig h t in g fo r w i l l ovo ry . in ch o f ground I t is rcasonob lv a ir - c e r ta in th a t th o ro w i l l bo l i v e ly tim es oro- i n Id ah o b itw e o n no w and Thnnksg iw - sh’ » in g . .

J A O K S O If O O B 5 U P ■ '•N n N fJE A P O L IS , < f l> ^ h a r lc s Jack-

aon, o u tf ie ld e r , ycs to rd a y signed w ith th o M ln n cn p o lis A m erican associntion c lt ib . H e p la yed in tho W e s te rn loaguo la s t seaaon.

toidly “ "N r . ..................... -■■■r ' - r =h a tN .I-

I T h e lT irhad *

L o n gidororo- ____nn '1 ~ ig ^ .

sooju ■ FB is is . m \

a-JlI I= Twin Flails VlllI ■ llS E ffl ; EXClUSiVETII

* . 219 SHOSHONE SO,

, L — —



8 U r» a n d /6 t r lp e s t o th e N o r th P o le — Kpex o t th e w o r ld — a n A m e r ic a n , H ea r

I been la id t o re s t I n th e A r l in g to n N a - >n. D . C. P a l l m i l i t a r y h o n o rs >^marked I h is l i fe 's / w o r k t o t h is ^ea t aa d v a a la m e w i l l U r e f o r v m r I n -w o rid h is to ry , a s k e t w a f t / ta k e n - f r c m th e h o m e ,a t tb e d.


are _______d in V o to In U n io n o f .B o u th A fH c a to De­

on clde as B e tw ee n P re m ie r and D a tch -hoiT N A tlo n a lls tarthe- _______ ,11 - : ' -•LO N D O N , rn r l in m o n tn ry oloc-.0 in tion b o in g ho ld to da y In U»o U n io n o f

South A f r ic a , w i l l , i t is bo lievod, do1 o f c i jo th o fa to o f tho go vem m ent hold mnn |,y Ja n C h r is tia n Bm uts. w hieh is con- fo c ti te n d in g n g a ln s t s tro n g ^ t e h na tiona l-

id t olom ents, n ided b y tho la b o r p a rty , n il' Tho roBu lt m ny docfde w ho tho r Cape

A m i yo lo ny , tho T ra n sva a l, Orange Free ‘ “ ■ B tato and N a ta l nro to con tinu o BrItiHh

“ 1»- o r uro to fo rm n South A fr ic a n Dutch cns f repub lic under i ts ow u f la g nnd w ith [‘Kl'- tttt e lc ttte il preaU lont.I *“ • South A f r ic a is vn lu nb lo to Great “ or- R rlta in hceause o f i t s go ld fie ld s , nnd

Mi’pn ra tio n , i t .in be lloved, w ou ld meot t'^R i w ith s tro n g op po s ition . N a tio n a lis t

sen llm e nt th e re is m id to* be so in - tense th a t in some instances fa m ilies

m m havo boon d iv id e d ove r tW » issue, w h ich the I* a s u rv iv a l o f Iho o ld s truggle th a t

th a t hn* beou g o in g on betw een tho D utch m en and the B r it is h s ince tho N etherlands N a- reded Cnpo C olony to O rea t B r i ta in in in to 1814., no •it io n W A S H m o r O K O U A B D Q U O T A

8W S L L E O B T W A B D B P A B T M E N Tabor W A R IIIN O T O N , (/P)— W ashington H iu B tato'« n a tio n a l gu a rd quota has been t fa - IncieaBod b y fo u r companlos o f coast I are a r t i l le r y , a re g im e n t o f in fa n t ry , a bat- y in- to ry o f f io ld a r t i l lo r y and a b a tta lio n i , I f o f in fa n t r y la to r to bo convortcd In to w ere a nm ch lne gun u n it , tho w a r depart- been m ent nnnounbod yea te rday. H a w a ii’s t to to ta l a llow anco w i l l be tw o rcgim en is , th o o ( In fa n tr y , tw o cotnpanlcH o f coast a r- r fo r tiU e ry and o, te le g ra ph company.


„ I , • C H IC A G O , (i^P)— N in e ty pe r cen t o f I the rn ilw a y s in th e U n ite d S tates w i ll

. " bo represented a t th o tw e n ty - f lra t au­n t i l eonvo n tlo n o f th o A 'merican B a il- . u . way E n g in e e rin g association w h ich w i ll th is ho ld , hore M a rch 10, 17 and 19,

m eri- n m c ia t lo n o f f ic ia ls announced loday.

W IL S O N T A E B S A K O T B E K B ID BW A S H IN G T O N , •(/?>— Pres iden t W il-

w ith to d a y to o k h is th ird ‘ au tom oblio r .Ita ordored to bod las t^ OctolH*r. A n open ca r waa uaed and , fo r M is s M argnTot W ilso n an^if tb lv A d ia ira l G rayson, h ia phys ic ian ,tim es nccom panied li im ..Bgiv- • — " '-J

w ithntionlagUQ

re fo r | th e 5 T r a ils- -g- 600,000 milea of trans-

continenta l touring — *rhat’B w h a t Barney Old-

' f ie ld trave led to dovel- , op O LDFIELD TIEBS—

ll ie y are TIBBS 70U CAN TETJST.

Vulcanizing WorksC T IR E MERCHANTS


• - ra l l s ; r o A H O ^ W E D N E !


i Departure of B r l t i i Red Orost Representative from Mpsrovt Peprives Colony of ttie dhiel

' Source of SuppliesMOSCOW, m —Membon '~<,t th i

A m e rica n colony^horie , aomo o f w hon a re In need o f fo o d and c lo th in g , ar< m a U a g anx iona inq n ir ie a * aa to w ho' s tftpe tb o a ta to 'd ep a rtm en t in W ash in g to a is ta k in g t o . enable th om to go b a ck ; t o ‘ th e TTnited StatoB. The do

. p a r tn re o f P ra n k N o r th , c h a p ls in o th e - E n g lis h chn rch here, bas rem ovei tb e c h ie f source o f suppuca, as be w a rop re ae n ta tlve o f . th e B r lU s h B e d CroB

. io M osco w ;' I t ia sa id tb ia w o r k wU no w bo ca rr ie d o n b y th e F re n c h Be i CrosB.- A B a n ita ry RorTico t rn lr t - h a v in g oi board aomo. 300 B r i t is h e iv il ia n a ani priflonera o f w a r, -w ill a r r iv e a t th F in n is h f r o n t io r to m o rro w . .-T b e re m a in d e r o f th o B r it is h n a tio n a ls .h o r w ho des iro re p a tr ia tio n , exce p t, thoa accu sed .o f g ra vo offenses, n ro e xp e o to i to lea ve n t x t w e o ii. ' - . •


A j lu t l im fo r SetHnnont o f C u lada ' W ar Tim e O v renu ien t is H a lted b y

. Boose e f Commons Action

O T T A W A , 'A g ita tio n fo r th o re c iro m on t o f 8 i r B o b o rt B o rd e n ’s w a tim e c o a lit io n govom m ont w h ich a ta -t ed soon a f te r th e a rm is tice was signoJ

= collapBod, to m p o ra ii ly , a t lea st, whc: th o bouso o f 'pommona e a rly to da y vo* ed i to con fide nce ia tho pre m ie r b y ;

[Q m a jo r i t y o / 34.I** T b e vo le e , ta k e n a f to r an a ll-n ig h

debate , w aa on th e proposal to amern )e- S ir R o b e r t 's address in rm )ly to thI apeocb fro m th e th ro ne . The amend

m on t waa m oved b y W . L . M . K in g , op p o s itio n leade r, w h o dcm andod th c i \ i

JC-. so lu tion o f p a rlia m e n t.


™ S S T f t im ta to B ffo rI I to D toioag. o a i* . IJI O im o,- ^1, hanna B lre r ,

tS d e p o S H T m j .,a e r ia l b o m ba rd m e n t o f lh o jco ja m li tho Susquohanna r iv e r , w h ich extend

, seve ra l n iilcB be low here, w i ll bo re . sumod th is i if te r n o o n 'b y tho a rm y a v i

ia t ? ycs to rd ay droppe*ia- a f te r 4>om U ie ir. a t tu m p t t

d is lodge th o gorge.I Tho a rm y o f f ic e rs to do y oxpiesaot• them solvoa os sa tlB ficd w ith th e ir w o rl

th ua fa r .


A L B A N Y , N . Y ., ( fl> )--A bU I d e fin in g in to x ic a t in g boveragos aa th o i c o n ta in in g m ore th a n th roo nnd a ha i po r con t o f a lcoho l b y w e ig h t, wna ic trod uce d in th o leg is la tu re to d a y b

nat -Aaacmblymon M a u rice B loch, dem ocrai a t- Y o rk . ‘ The measure, accordion i? ? to th e in tro d u c e r, is “ G ovom o I to E d w a rd s ' N o w Jersey b i l l ad ap te d t

ta la s ta to .”

i , ! { A V IA TO B S T A U . TO D E A T H1 1 1 ^ . F la., < / P 5 ^ „ l c . B to ., p i

o t, and M echan ics S a r lo and B la ne ha n• o f N o w T o r k w oro k i l le d w hen thel

a irp la n e crashed to th o ground cn rou tQ jf to M ia m i la a t n lg b t. .o f ------------ ■

r i l l _ ’—an- ~ —ail-



E S D A Y , M A R C H 10, lo J?

' gAireAS'UO>CBTBMI.‘00(C^ ■' ,T0 X M T B tX IC b U D iS lin S 'O O S n ..70PSKA, BraiA,

vV . indnatrUd TtlaUo-oa m q it |< - n t e M.the h igh cost: o f U ’Hag and

* to 9.;M t. ,e f hirfb l ly ia g ,V .a » d ,e x p ^ L?.-. to SJMrtaia lA ie b is responid^'^'iFor I tte^eeSiiaQiag laerease. in p r i^ ^ T b e a m has ..aeai,. o t it qciestumfKltsa!-to.

I n S e S ^ ^ j^ d S a ittB ^ a n d ^ v

I f l ' '

iss ’

OSED CARStb e •;

a re ........... a t ‘i ° B ' 1 H A Y N E S t —W i r e w h e e ls ,ROt - '. ■ ••

1 A X J B U B H -— ^ E e p a in te d a n

1 O O L B A jE B O m O H X — B lio n a s g o o d a s s e w ) . .

Bod 1 F B A B S L m 8 E lM H r - B e 1

; on 1 h & Y B E S U O D E L i S — T i “ J p a in te d .

ho°; 1 O L D S M O B n -E B I O H T - hose b a r g a in ,c te d ■ * ,

A L L A B O V E O A B S H A V E P A I B E D .A 2 n > A ^ l

r MAGEL B------ PHO

) r«- • " ,w ahta -t-noJ,fbcn>y n • ■ . .

I Borrowing!3 F a m il ia r i ty w ith ]AM e ra l f o r loans enal ■fort 0 ex tend f in a n c ii

w ith a degree o f . makes th is phase c

• i- ' ia l ly a ttra c t iv e . ,Jnds . ■ I

R ates are reasona l ‘ to ab le and e ve ry pos Mod tended.rork ,

O ur fa c il it ie s , in aiTB sound, responsib leiS;; a lw ays a t th e serv b ttif I in-

i Twin Falls BaiT W IN F A ]

SS “ Member Federaou te


No w o rry a b o u t ST when you b u y a U n ite d cause every G a rm e n t 01 th e la s t no te in s ty le . COATS:—

W e in v ite you to in: Coats. You a re su re to i a n d besides we taice 5 these b e a u tifu l c rea tio n

Pricea downSU ITS :—

O ur show ing o f S u it est and best in s ty le an eve ry type and ta s te a i th a t are e x tre m e ly low .

Prices down DRESSES:—

• Possessing th a t a ir essary to th e w e ll dress* pla i^ o f P la in and P r in T a ffe ta and C o m b ina ti shades and colors.

Prices dowr


I t uHtl- a reaT S T lS iaea h » » ^ w a : « ^ la d d e llw ie s fro m Oeimaay

t l ■ r lio in w ^ U d re g io i. wW irto

- • i i - « o r , * d « * ! I o » , - W iW j j I o l ^ ' ) W i r ^ up; im lg-lB TM tH m tio ii.

S FOR S i j .els, rebu ilt aad repainted. . .

and in f ir s t class mndH^i^n.: '

-S n n 4,000 m iles (th is car t»

B e bn ilt and repainted.

~Towe passenger, rebn ilt and re-^

r — This oar w in be -sold a t a '

.VE BEEN s i» U I L T JU ID BE- ;e i n g o o d oo N D rn O N .


: On Livestockh liv e stoclc as c o lla t- lab les th is In s t itu t io n ic ia l accom m odations »f_prom ptnes.s w h ich e o f o u r se rv ice espec-


lab le, te rm s a re fa v o r- *lossible co u rte sy is ex-

1 accordance W ith ou r )le b a n k in g p o lic y , are srvice o f s tock-ra isers .

lanh I! Trust Co.A L L S , ID A H O

r a i Reserve System”

ISPIRATION--UR REPUTATIONs t y l e — th a t is solved ed S tores G a rm en t, be­on sale a t th is s to re is

inspect o u r sho w in g o f 0 f in d th e one you w a n t ! p leasure in show ing ons.DU to %24M.

l i ts embodies a l l th e ia t- and fa b ric . A s u it fo r and as u s u a l a t p r ic e s '

i ' --wri to $34.75

l i r o f in d iv id u a lity nec- ssed. A n e labo ra te d is- •inted G eorgette , V o ile , it io n s . A l l th'e b e tte r

wn to $24.50

SJwin Falls, Idao f the PEO PLE

Page 3: TW i PA m m M… · TW i V0I..8;. KOwaaa.'.- . - .-• mifllST fliiim iM il Attoiriey’s Effort^ ' Witness fdrfSlate


ta ilSd V a j l i ' E x p ^ ' u i i ’

WASHINOTON, Ufy-T^an o f I lU T 7 .4 e p M fiB iB - f i l ly Ib tbe war dnrlag tlie f i n t i i x moal i f t e r AmeriCft’t < n lry cost h n lf a n lidQ liree, f i f ^ e v ,blllk>Be o f doUa

---------- 8 W /> 0 0 .to n r ,< r f 'iMppUig aed pvented a >^etor7 -ove r .Oennsay • J a l j , 1 9 1 8 , Admi ral Sime to ld i H ute^to raa tlg a ting eomaattee today p ^ e ilU B g aocumentaiy ’ «videoee sapport o f h it eharges o f dolar a i ^ tbo d e p a rln e iit

QiToa Own BecoBoaandatlOQi.^The o ffice r veaA-to eommitteo reeo mondationa ho b id made to the depo

• - mont im m ediatelr opoa bl« a rriva l i . London la 1917. A coblogram m

lato ia A p ril, 11917, stiid the eritl< area where the war would be won lo « waa In tho eaatem A tla n tic the foena o f a ll llnea o f oeens comn nieatloa repeatedly urged tha t ov( destroyer and amall oraft tha t eoi be aent to aea bo dispatched im i d ia te ly to th is nroa his rocomnes< dstloD was not complied w ith us about six months later.

.He also reeommended, be said, t l two divlsioaa o f tho American droi naughU be .aeat. to base oa B rest gnard against ralda in the Engli Chttonel by Oonnon cruiser forcoa, 1 th is ■ rocopimenaatioB waa on tiro iy c regarded.

Costly in TOonaceFailure o f t&o department to th r

tho fa l l foree o f the navy i s t o ' i struggle, ho aald, resulted in the "< necessary loss o f 1,500,000 tona o f sh p ing by submarine attack in 1B17, fl 1,000,000 tona in 1018. •

" I f the tonnago lost in 1917 t boon saved bv thc prompt eo-oporat: o f tho navy, ’ ' ho said, ‘ * Amoricnn coi havo had ft m illion ^mon in Franco tho beginning of 1M8, inatoad o f 3t 000.”

Charges V ic to ry Delayed Adm iral Sima said tho Oorman o f f

bIvo o f 1018, waa duo to tho fa il o f thc Gorman submarine cnmpni and thn t In a ll probnbllity i t no would hnve beo undortakcn nnd tho J rfllo o f tho Gormon pooplo would hi broken i f tho Amoricon troopa 1 boen moro promptly diapatchod Frnnco. Tie ostimntod ou thc basis

r::- what happened wiion tho Amorii

r .i forcca did arrive that v ic to ry co have boon achieved by Ju ly, 1919,

• tho tonnago had boen presorvod.


C7IIICAG0, (/P>—Plana to forco i re ta il trndo the largest amount o’f f ever thrown on tho market in Unitod States woro announced yos' ■lay by D is tric t Attornoy Glyno foro leaving fo r Waahlngton to the schcmo boforo Attornoy (Jom Palmer.

Storage stocks o f huttor and che in Chleago aro fa r In exceaa o f amounts hold a t thia time last y< Mr. Clyno declared ond prices aro iog kept up, ho added, by w ithhold thc foodatuffa from the markot.


WASHINGTON, (/P>—Tho c ity Berlin w ith adjacent distrieta now cIudcH 3,801,235 inhabitants, accord to roeent issues ,o f tho Berlin p)

. . whieh publlshod results o f 'the cor started October 8, 1910. Tho effoct tho war was seen in tho fact t tho number o f knnloa in tho suburbs Borin increased only 033, while femi locroasod 1S,0'>7. In greater Ber males decreased 6-1,000 and females creased 124,000.


LONDON, ( ^ K i n g George’s 1ft protographs show that ho. has rovi II faahlon aot long ago by his fa t IG ng Eilward. I lls trouaora aro cron a t tho aides instead o f down tho <

.1 ^ tor.W ’- Thia atyto o f crcaao nover n tto ir g rrn t popularity ezcopt among a

cldorly courtlora nnd tailors say t In the ir opinion most men w ill ai to the fron t crenso.


QUBBEO, (ilPh-A rpcor.l value 120,701,005 fo r mineral production Canada, wos-reached in 1019, acc lng to the annual roport o f the C bee bureau o f minea o f tho dcpartn o f colonlrjition, minea and fisherioa Bued yeatorday. The total was ne $3,000,000 more than tba t fo r lOlB


M A N IL A , ( ff^P e n a b n s o f s ix t: sand dollnra yearly wore g rln ted by te rr ito r ia l iegislaturo to Oenoral £o Aifuinaldo, leader o f the P lllp lno in

' gents against the Bpaninrda in 1 and Oayetano 8. Arellano, fo m ch lo f justice o f tho. supreme eoun the PhlUppInea.


L Batiafled patroaa tes tify to oneffieleaey.

Sales dat«« may be made a t New O ffice. Call ua a t our expeaa a t rUer.

I S mpP ifilEER STIlFff the B i i r g e s t P ro b le m H n g h le J e n .

' Bings Ha» is i ^ o d Over to , m il- , V e te ra n H n r le rlUars, ; • -* • ______ ^

B y JA C K i t o p K .1 X *h« W V -H ugh Am bro io J«b

niBga put his law books boek on th< shelves o f Jenniaga f t Janalaga,

» « SeraatoB, Pa., a taw d ay i ago aa«'•aic " t r a la ” to Kaekstono nnU l the frost n lM the festive pumpkin ones a fa la

I Hugh paeked hl»vttavel*>talaed raBcom. Uae aad hied Mmaell to D ix ie laad *wit mart. « squad o f b a ll'p la y e r i B ls 'd o s tla s

In tion Vaa Maeoh, Oa., where the Higtr establiahed the ir spriajg tra in in g cam]

it ic a l a rr iva l therim or ^eaainga and hla f ir s t lieutenant, Jael [. Ooombs, settled down to the business o Bjoiu- whipping D e tro it 's 1920 en try ia tb ffcry Amenean pennant raee Into abapo fo oooM tho t o n l i i j MUOn. mme* a-good many yeara the teamienda* Hngl^ JeaiJngs havo beon campaign u n til °P <uid down the Americaa league

. mauling the. offerings o f riv a l pitehln( tha t generally .playing the von

Tead* w ith the aspirations o fs t tc seed many «lub« tha t wore stH viag t< igllsh ih * nennant. B u t not since thi I b o t three-time champion!

dis* 1907, 'OS, *09 havo the Jenningglte been able to annhx a ponnant.

Lack o f P ltd ie rs throw D e tro it's weak point during tho lw J tho aiao o r tea years h u boon pitching:. Po; "u n - somo reason Jonnings has had ono rui ship- o f tough luek n fto r anothor in build , and ing bis tw lr iln g ataffs. 8omd o f thi

very best U ttlo bnsoball experts opim had tha t Hughio lack tho knack o f p ickin i

■ation out good pitchera. Mobbo so. B u t th i could years Jennings hna an oaaistont whi CO a t knows all about pitchera and thci 300,- waya. Old Jncic Coombs, lhan whon

thore are but fow ball players wo' know moro o f tho n rt o f toaalng th

>ffoa- conch nnd boas u f DcnHuro mnrkpmen, nnd tho Tigers hav

**>o lorgest squad o f pitchers in th n o w wuthland this spring,

mo- Ayres, Boland, Dauss, Ehmko, Leon havo Oldham nnd Coomba, hitshnd cofnpfJoe tbo acaionod element 0

, tho Tiger pitching array. In additio I to thin octotto tho Tigcra havo A lto i

jrican Glarior, Leonard, La ttlm or, O krii ron ld Boborta, young pltchora from whoa in I f Jennings hopes thut Coomba wi:

J bo nble to pick two or throo w lnnin hurlers. Ooomhe’ ^'alu« llo n o t onl in teaching youngsters and know ing good proapeot when-ho soos one. H ia also valuable bccntiac ho eon instruc

) in to tho youngsters oa woll as the veteran : food how to got in to ahop to bo ready fe 1 tho the be ll when I t rings in A pril.o"bo- ' coomba0 la y Tho pitching problem is Jcnning! snoral ono worry, then, and ho has alroad

shiftod part o f tha t worry on to Coomt rheese who is capable o f carrying i t . 8o th f tbe prospects o f tho Tigers In tu rn ing j i year, a formidable pitching corpa thia apRn

ro be- nro better than good, fo r th o lr rcgi ild in ? lars nro a ll smart pitchera, and amon

the youngstora nro sovoral o f muc promise.

r Tho Tiger oatfio ld, w ith tho wo<W A R dorful Cobb, tho hard-h itting Voncl y o f and tho flaahy young nagBlcnd, not 1 >w in- mention Chiek' Shorten, w ill be we >rding taken caro of.''prosa Jennings’ Infloldora, who plnye :onsu8 regularly in 1010 w ill vory probabi oct o f bo scon in tho line up wben tbe Tigci

tha t open tho aeason, w itb Hollmnn pinyin rba o f fjre t. Young a t second, Bush n t shot •males nnd Joaes a t th ird . Jennings has Sorlin, numbor o f Infieldora, too. 8lison les Id Young’s undoratndy u t tho koystor

poaltioni nnd- Slglin. D yor,--.T lne lli- from the Conat Icnguc— and Hnlo, wi fig h t I t out fo r tho u t i l i ty job.

8 ID B The Tiger catchern aro A lnam it If t tc it Stnnage, Yclle^M nnnlon and Woodul

■ n t f , ■ R oto imreaaed regular pltchora who shoulderce con- brunt o f tho work fo r tho Tigv

last season wcro Dauaa, Bolnnd, Leo toined Elmike, Ayrca nnd Love, thc In a fow pitch ing oiily-ofrasionnlly. Oldhni . { } , j t a fte r try ing and fa lling to mnko goc

atlok wns Bont to 'tho minorThis year ho returnH from Portlan whoro lie bad a great season last aur mer. l ie Is ozpeeted to prove “ ripe

major longuo work, luo o f John QIazior and Plateou Cox n ion In I ' . . 3 ^ = 8 s a g a a :a 8 = s tceord- .3 Qui'- rtm cnir still LNTU BE: thon. B e c a u s o I t ’ a a

I p u r o . T h o c V i v e s w h o I n

isoe, ’rm erly •

“ “ C o n t a i n s o n l y----------------------------------- » h a v o b o o n cmniiih b y t h o U n l t <■ IH li A u t h o r i t i o s .

C a i i i m o t B a k l i b l f s o s t s o l l l r w o r l d . I t I s I a o m o - a l w a y s

ewsC a H f o r C a l u m i


a le r,' who-comec fro tn • HamUtoib O a t, where he woa 85 gamoa los t bu

' P W ii p r lift, aOTlo guno to r HtmUtoli ,*g*ljul

t o ■ Boberts aad Coombs. , „Otttebora—Alnam itb, *8tanage, Yelle,

I. M ttja ioa a«d Woodall. _UaflBlders—Hoilmann, BUisoa, Buah

— Slglin, Jonea, Dyer, P lae lli aaJ> J«a> .«; the . ,0»uiold«t.-0obb, VoMh, FUgBleud,

^ aad Shorten. l.ta ii The Beagals w il l go t p le a tv 'o f sprinfl fro s t tra in ing in th e ir jo in t exhibition serict

w itb tbo Boston Braves. The .sebeduk d T^* to be played b y tho tw o teama: Mareh i w ith S3 Columbus: Uareh 24, M oritrle ; u tlaa- March 25: Valdoata; March 28j East.

man: Mareh 27, Maeon; Mareh 28, A t camp iflBta; March 20; Ashovlllo, N. C.i there March 30, Spencer; March 31, Greeas'

, Jaek boro: A pril 1, Goldsboro; A p ril 2, D u r esi o f ham ;-April 3, B luefle ld , W .V a .,; April a the 4 Charleston; A p r il 6, Huntlngtoni » A p ril 6, Parkoraburg; A p ril 9, Cum'

borland, Md. teams Detroit goes to> Indianapolis foi paign* Q ^o s on A p ril 10 and 11. eaguc, • -


OF A L L NATURESBenington, F ishe r and UToKin-

ley Interested in New A th-0 lu t le tio Associationg. For , .. , ---------10 run W ith Tom - Borrington, A. Q. Flahoi build- nnd Harry MIcTOnloy backing tha 'f the schome, plana have boon completed foi opine the form ing o f an ath le tic association icking in Twin Palls. Tho association Is pro< lit tb is posed to provido gymnasium and clul ; who quarters fo r mombora, together w itr

tb c ir 'athlotie bouts o f an insp iring characf whom CT. I t la expected th a t the f ir s t pro1 WHO f^am w ill bo staged early tho comin( iR tho month.j f Do- The Incorporators o f the aasociatioi I hnvo havo founded the ir scheme on a bnjli n thn g f club membership only, e1iminatin{

general admissions to those-entertain Leon- nients. A membership fee o f >5 w il

, him- bo charged nil wlio jo in , w ith a fur ent or ther aanesamont lo cnrry on the acti id ition v itics o f tho elub na thoy are from timi A lton, to time projectoil. Tlie In itia to ry fo Okrio, bo usod fo r tho establishing o whoae qunrtcra and tbo equipment w itb sucl >a w ill npp^ratua and pnrapbemnlia .as la ro inning quired to moke the plnee desirable am I only Bnccessful. The Incorporatora propos v lng a to procood rap id ly w ith nrrnngemont 10. He fo r the opening o f tho quarters and th istruct operation o f Its cntortainmcnt achomc itornns Tho in tter w il l inetudo boxing nn( ^y toT wrestling bouta.

G ian ts C lub ia Iroadv Heritage fo r Son

o f Preaent Owneispring Stoneham Says He W ould Ho

Sell Kow T o rk Nationals Un- ‘^uch ^ 7 Circumstances. won- HAVANA, (/p)— When Oharlea / Vouch, Stoneham purchased the New York N* not to tlonul lenguo bnsoball team. I t wn 0 well dono prim arily fo r tho purpose o

handing down tho d o b ns a lega^r t playod hia son. Mr. Stoneham mado thi obubly statement lnst n ight to sot a t rex Tigers rumors which, he sold, wero curren iluylng j in tho United States and Cuba, tha ; short the “ Oinnts wero fo r sale, has a “ I would not p a rt w itb tho Giant son is fo r sovoral m illion dollars,” nnld M: lystono Stoneham, who added tha t ho hope ne lli—, New-York, would bo given a ehomplor 0, w ill ship this ye'ar or in tho near fu tun

lam ith, W ON ON POINTSoodull- (jaB Y . Ind., (JF)— Jnck Reynolds c

Cedar Rapids, low n, weltorwcigl ildored wrestling champion, tonight won tli Tiirvrs 'icpialon in a match w ith Tony Bohic Loon- Gory- The match wont two houi

he hit- " i'hou t a fa ll. Reynolds' wns tho ai ildham. Rreaiors throughout. . .0 good . « . . . . . . .minors. OEEB W IN S DECISIONrtlnnd, AKRON, O., (/p)— H arry Greb, P itt It aum- Imrgl], waa givon tho newapaper d ‘ r lp o ” cision'ovcr Clay Turner o f New Yor

in a 12-to«nd bout bote last n lgbt. T! bx nn men* aro llgbt-heavywoigbts.

Leading' a s u r a — l i o e a u s e I t ’ s » c h o l o e o f h o u s e -> I n s i s t o n t h e b e s t . >

i n l y s u c h l n ( r e d l e n t s > n o f f i c i a l l y a p p r o v e d n l t o d S t a t e s F o o d >• '

a k i n c P o w d e r I s t h e I l i n g b r a n d I n t h e I s a b s o l u t e l y w h o l e - a y s u n i f o r m .

u m s t B a k l n g P o w d e r .


...... ' I II III

B ritia h Golfers i WUI. Conte Over ’ to T ry Yankee

Extended Bertes Qf Links Exh lThe bttions W m Be Wvea in S f ; United Ststes ,

e'*of „ W)NpON, (ffh-A BUmlwr of pror »eU J”™t Brtlleh profonioiul iolfon wl ie r ’s is Jirae fo r aa e x te n d i ezhlb Iked eompetlUro'toor o f tho Unlt<

iinst M itBboll, tho most tneeoatfp l w r last ye a ri' made arraagemen

tbo to v W t Ameriea and w ill probably 1 ^ m p a a la d by Oootbo W e a n , ,

Coi H a rry *Vardou (Son

fam Bra id (Walton Hoatlhaa defm lte ly decided aot to leavo-Ba

P M /ff Gafciter - ' - lead, Slipped Back to

a Minor. Leaguarics ~duie J a c k A d a m a , W r i t - S t r i n g M a

I ^ s t Y e a r , T a k e s A n A w f id iiastl T u m b le T h la S p rin g :A t- _____ ~ i __C.; P H ILA D E LP H IA , « V J * e k Adas

seas- who last season waa f ir s t atrinc eateh Dur- fo r the Philadelphia National leaoi Lprll team, baa boea parehased by 8eatt; :toa; o f tho Paeiflo latoraational league, him- Adams eame to Philadelphia la 39

from tho New^ T o rk QlAats. . Ho • w for lavolved la the deal which brought E

aareo. Stock aad Adama hero ia e eaango fo r Lobort.

Now th a t tho PhllUea havo Who aad Tragessor, Manager Oravatb deei

J od to pa rt w ith Adama.

ES W E A S JA U B A N , OOOD? ./W IB B IN O B N , W V -rrie d rio h W

H n . helm, formor Oorman crown princ la now a “ p ro tty good scrapper,” aa W. La Croix, a Dutch lightweight,'w i fo r the' past fou r mooths bas be< g iv ing W ilholin Jesslons. “ The form

abor princo's fa ro r ite blow la itha “ PP®'' eut,” L f i Croix told tho Asao'cli fQf ed Press correspondent, "a n d be

learning how #o uao - it .” pro* •

B rie f B its o f Sport^pro* 'horo ahe three Twin Pnmlng aportlvcly nlivo.

ition Berringfon, Allen 0. Piaher nibnaia M rK In loy have atarted n.i u*iting a n d 'w ill stage boxin„* bon

May tho shadow o f th is tr io nov. fur-

timo O 'N e il w il l not aceompanv t■ feo Sox on tra in ing ju n k e t 's 'i i^_ Qf Joo, a fte r yonrs o f aorvico on trn.- „ c h aecretary o f Comiakey'a dub, dl a re- yesterday in Cliicago o f pneumonln.

ipoB-> Critics say Prod PuUoa’s fa u lt 1 aents hia slowness to anger, j tho -lomo. Stcchor Is the busiest man 1

mnt gamo bus over known. The boa' weight grappling champion ia nvor; ing threo bouts a week.

H arry W ills , colored fighter, 1 found tho circle in which he opera sort o f confining. Ho wants now to ter tbo wrestling gamo.

J r is Speaker aays tho Cleveland cl N o t w ill s tart ou t th is seaaon w ith i fn , best tw ir iin g s tn ff in tho history

tho club.

Beports from Pbllndolphin indici >a A. that Poto Horman, bantam champ I N j- o f tho prizo ring , Is vory ill. I t Is si

w ai be hns pneumonia and has but n sir 0 o f cbnnco to rccovcr.'sy to ------- -

th is Johnny Tobin Is tho only survivor rest tho old Stou/ods pow lo ft w itb '

rrent Browns. I t w il l bo recalled tlia t w l that the Feds wore pu t out o f buainoss'

American lenguo and the outlaw cli ian tf o f St. Louia combined forces. 1 : Mr. reat o f the outlawa havo seen, th loped finish.iplOO; .. Iituro. B lnck Jnck Johnaon Inaists ho ia ct

'eight J tho«hleh » V. « / . | N | B i

Pitta-ir do- / H

■ ■U The . ■ ■

Special SiW e are m a k in g th is m on th on a dow n and $5 e. b i l l and you ca; and ra p id ly wh:ThcHc c lo c tr ic ' vacu easy to operate aiid cleaninp: ns woll a cleaning, fo r only a P hoM t t l and w * H u ll b« t t lA yoor bozno. Aak a t



t ■ ■ ■[E S D A Y , M A R C H 10,1920

ling bnck to tho Unitod States, ani after. serving, his torn at Ft. Lenvou .jwrorth, will tacklo, Dampsay for th« . •' 'crowa.' —

— WoU, we wish him ao particular bat ^ , luck, b u t - . ______

a As-wb recap Dick Smith’waa a prottj fair sort Qf; fighter oomo tea’ yean , ' ago* jbat evea thea did aot elaaa bel ter thaa the thlrd-ratora of this eoun

■ 'Jack Dempsey'a mua^ itylM hL nited niaa ,0 ‘greateat fighter the wotli

«ifal ■ ___ ‘P«»hap«, porhapal but wiU Jael

I r f « k i» * .Joath'ham*sath)Bag- ' ’ •

“ Renewed 7’ No. 1— P o r d l9

No.; 2 -P v e r la r Man No. ■ a ^ v e r l a r

No. 4 —O v e rla i No. 5 - P o r d l8

w i » ' No. 6—M itc h e l ‘ No; 7— O v e rla i

No. 8 -D b d g e l I®;: No. 9— C h u m n

No. 10— H u p m oieeld-

Reasonable P rices.


i B r o w n i n g H

' ' ■ — T E L E E

t • ------Pnfla

o- A REMARKA>Olltf.

I IN PIfTEr, theIS".!": These f ig u re s ta k ii„""' ed sta tem en ts o ft l i r . B a n k o f T w in -F a ll

years show how tn thoS J tra c t has g ro w n .

D tpo illi’ oo th i H rs t C ill, H u

\T" Deposits on tha 29lh of M, , , Deposits on 4th Of Ma VS Deposits,?i}.F8li.2«aicni. A n Increase o f 291T S 10 'small


'S; Of TW, their ' . ■

■ eom- ____

F o r T h i s M o n t h O nS a le o f E le c t r i c V a c iig o u r o f fe r o f a specia l ea a ll o u r e lec tric vacuum cl< each m onth w ith y o i ir re

;an do y o u r sweeping and ( h ile p a y in g fo r i t .icuuin cleaners . are W itli one ; d will do your doily upholstery as general house* en th(*/*col Q few ccutH a (lay. wear.

b« gliA to M&d oot af tbaa* «l»cttie about oor apodal sale ptkei.

T l i e £ . l e c t r i c SI d a h o P o w e r C o .

aad, i aahTdiaplayod ioia ■vou- proweta ' ‘over thotof*'’.

laad. Bat-that ■etty wo*d ecomaead JfWto at r .iflA lt> ^

E .....- and be .beat Blchard.'-:..I hia ' eim.Smiley, sag«bniBk..9ago...'Mj«t ' ,.4 rbtld '<Bcleatlst foUca'air ageg;over tb* tl-. . «'

leged dlaklvory 6»•.•6n••, «n lvln';•p ► ,' vblatorie moastert ia th* Belgian Coago n :

Taek whieh leada-tu tcrssaapeo . tha 'J.iaui : w it Jama aln*t dead ov«t thtr .«iyU.V. .

Automobiles, ... ■ - ■ . r. ■ n '■

1919j 5 passenger, and 1919,5-pas8enger. , ■ iand C o u n try C lub. ! land 1919,5-paasenger.1917, T o u rin g . ' ^ ' le l l S-passenger, 6 cy l. . land 5-passenger, 1915.:e 6 passenger, 1917. tim y 4 pass., w ire wheels, nobile , 5-passenger.

3 . T erm s to ReBponsible P arties.

AntomoUle Co.. |SPHO'NE 86—


ike n f ro m th e p u b lis h - o f th e F ir s t N a tio n a l a lls a t in te rv a ls o f f iv e I th e f i r s t b a n k on th e 1 . . ■ . '

H ir t l i 1 4 ,1 9 0 5 - - {52,299.95

r Marcii, 1910 - $716,638.98 m t , 191S - S S 29 ,4 3 1 .0 4

28,'20-S2,113,570.45293 p e r cen t in th e la s t .0 Years


) n l y —cuum C le a n e r seasy p a ym e n t p la n fo r cleaners. F ive d o lla rs reC T la r e le c tr ic l ig h t d d u s tin g econom ica lly

le you can .^oan n igt^ carpets, iyy and portieres. I t w i l l brigh t- colors aud add years to the ’

txle TUtaom dMaan UA d«gM«i)i{Mb .

S h o p ■■ ■ i

Page 4: TW i PA m m M… · TW i V0I..8;. KOwaaa.'.- . - .-• mifllST fliiim iM il Attoiriey’s Effort^ ' Witness fdrfSlate

r o n

MECISIM: t . iillLF W U it jU ^

L o w t o O o 7 e m m e n t S ^ s i i l t s . f r o m - B i i i i ^ ita S to o k P iv i-

d e i ^ O ase . ' i

I WA8HZRQT0NV J0M te Itk» g o v tn iO M t M s r e n l t . o f the Rt* t preme. eoort'e deelaloa. d^elsriss etock i mrldeade sb t taxsble • * .iite n ie w il l i

t W s e s r l^ IiA lf » Unk>B d e S ii^ eMerd* i . U g to aa eaUt^ate tod ijr- hy ',Oommit 1

/ ^ a e r o f la te ra a l Sevinae B ^ < ■ i . ^ ' U r. B o p tf « 4 d 'a :baa^;-ae«roh. indl*

e lttu .tU fe $ 7 Q ^ , 0 M j j^ la i l9 1 7 . M d < 1918 w n r 1«V9-to l e w h ile Itka loae fa oaoolleeted taxet in 1910 i r t l l be •IW.MO.OOO aad t i a t ior 1920 ♦WO,000,000. - 'fU r . Boper 'empita^xed tha t Mtimatea '

e]t the govarama^t’aleaa are not o ffic ia l ' u d th a t the lo n m ight Ve fooad to be 1 u ^ r than aow eaOaiated. ■ - . . ^

TCSTIMONY SHOWS SHOTS i I CAUSED BREAK IN RANKSA ouctttlim In oua o f A u w d I . .W.(' W. o f BCorder Oontlmiae

E e b u tta l’ '

^'MONTESANO, W #8hi^ (/p)H3ontln- • c iltlon o f rebuttal teatim onj' loday ia the tr ia l lo f toa allegpd l . W. W. here fo r ' tha murdor o f .WorrQO. O. Q t Imm, d iiria fr tho Centralia iiRaiatieo da^ par* ade, brought out fa rthe r evldeaee -to tbo effeet that the Amerieaa Togloa M ta d id Bot break roaks u a til, a ftor Mv«ral ehots had beoa fired.■ Throe amrohora ia tho parade toatl-

f lcd to ^ 0 effeet tho tho column o f C fa tro lia men had halted aad wero at. reat when tho ahooting .-bogaal,

• The prdaeeatlon expeeta to eoat^ete rebutta l today..'

TITUS d¥ c u N£S position

O tH f^m la o u M aa S ayi Xsterests Too GloM to P e n ^ o f Appointment

'W A S n iN O T O ^ (/S —L o u li Tltaa, o f San Franeiaeo, wroto Preiddoat 'Wllgon yeaterday aaklag tha t his nomlaatloa oe a ’ member p f tho Bhippiaf; board . be w ithdrawn “ in view o f the eirenm- stanees th a t have a tison-in eoaaeotioa w th tho board'a fue l anpply."

M r. T itua rocallod th a t tho board coa- Bldored pricea la tho .rocent bida fo r fo o l o il too high aad aaid ho had boen oa. o il producer fo r many yeara Maad thtoreforo v ita lly Intereated la the priee o f:o lL '»

“ Under theao circuaiataacea," he aaid, “ i t would not ombarroas mo to

. become a member e f tbo board, bu t may readily bo tho eanao o f om&amasmont to , B8 w o ll oa critieictQ, o f the board i t i fc l f . "


W ASHINOTON^ ■ (/R — Pour lig h t t a ^ battalioaa are includod, ia tho ro* o r ^ iz a t lo n plaaa o f the' aational goittd, M a jo r ueaoral Cartor, chiof o f tho m ilit ia bureau, aaaounced today. GaUfontta' and Waahington are among tho atatoa to have taok a a lta ..

SHE B N IO B T S OF P T T B l& S hare been inv ited to v l i l t Shoahono K . P. Xfodgo oa Thursday nfght. WUl yon g o f I f 80, roport to W. A . M iaalek a t

. onee.B . M H O LLEB,

»dv. _________ K . of * 8.

•’ ( ^ l a a a i i x e i


FOB SEN T—01 aeres; 10 aerea ia a lfa lfa . Bont fo r term o f yean. In * q o in G. H . Self.

~” W AN TED —OhUd’a K id d y Koop or bed oa wheels. Phone ISS^Je..

FOB 8AL&*.Ohoieo 100 acre ranch, nearly a ll in a lfa lfa , S 1.8 milea from T w in Falls. Price $357.50 aere. See W . H . K a ris , a t Straas Olaaber.

W A N TE D —To buy or reat home in northeast qnarter o f e it r . Addreaa L . F . Morse, phoae 174, Olty.



( t


HOLD OFFICIAL CAPTIVE' «oauxtoa O lt j T a k n P d io iu r

t r W o ik a n a i BS 8 B tm K in a in . • - B v ld S M B u t ^ J

I 1j1(8aB A N T0N ,,Pa., S . B itten - at

honse, a e % c a r e e r was eaptnred b y at, miners today as he was being lowered i« t y a rope ia to the abaft o f the People's

> Coial e o » p a jv '% .a lM , ^ t - W eat'Seran-* tou. B ltts tf fe e ^ ^ JJ, ( o f 6eranton> atid other e l ^ offle la laI fo r aome time past have been attemptr - J* is g to prevoBt allMed reeklBta opera- ^ic* t:on o f the mine, m t kave beea r»>

fased aatranee by n in e offlc ia la .* r' A fte i^ a sharp eoafliDt . botwoen m ih - . ' I ers.and fo r ty p o llM /v h o accompanlei» the mtytr tfr^thb'B iae' shAft t o w . in } which hbIstW6 tbacUaery in the s h a ft i} ^ ) va a feroken, SltVenhoaie atlemptod to.^*^

dcaeead oa ai rope. Thon passing » *■ vela the rope waa hooked iy miners Y> I Itho dragged him in to the ve la ia d held g Mai' p4soner.|

iM ayorO onnolV iuattem pU ttg to enter tbo miao to obtain evideace. ia pro- fQ coeding aader the mine cave law paaa- be

' cd b y ihe Iaat legialBtiire._ I t . is eon- sti ^ tended tho company is illega lly remoT- u i

la g eoal from uader e ity stnseta and mi p nva to proporty. wJ< - I n a scuffle w ith the mea dudag wi

which the-boiler homo was seized b y $1 police, Gcor((o BtovoBaoa.'eonsulUng on* oic ginoor o f tbo mine compaay, was ar-

i* reated b y order o f the mayor eharged co B w ith d iw rdorly conduct aad making >in e tiiroata. co

^ --------- th

LETTER SHEDS LIGHT ON ^ ; NEWBERRY CITIZENSHIP w1- Dofenso in Bleotlona Oonsplncy T r ia l f Sooka to UstablLib Lack o f Orim-’ f * it Ina l In ten t ✓ JJ

te - O B AN P B A P IM , Mich., ( f f)—A doc* h, laratioa by Tromaa H . Newberry tha t b is 1918 ambitioa was to be * uaoM „

U d tiso n wss read lato tbe reconj ot rho ^ flloctiooo conspiraey tr ia l yeatefday. TUo , exprtiBaion camo la a le tte r datod M ay 7 and addressed to Paul K ing , his cam- • pa lga manager. K ing had w ritton fm m

, M arquotto tha t a aowspaper editor ^ thoro thovght Newborry m igb t bo open “ to critic ism «boeanao ho was aoolcUi; a ^ p o lit ic a l o ffice whllo * ia war nax’al* service.

The seatlmeat went to the heart o f '“ tho objoet which tho defeaae ima cx-

plalaed os- actuating them in proaont* m g tho oorroapondenco. Counael have

* iadieated tha t lack o f crim inal in te a t „ " w oold bo oao o f the ir cU o f atgumttuts , ' ^ agaiast tbe consplMoy eharged in ibo {* indie tm ont nndor which Bonator \e w - ^ b o rry aad 84 othor moa aro bolng trlod.

r JOHNSON. WELCOMES FIGHT "t ______d O a lifom ia Senator Calls W ilson ’s Let-

te r Aoeoataatlon o f Issne

■ ST. P A U L, Minn., OP)—Sonntor H i- !7 ram Johnson, in a statement glvon out *;!

horo yeatorday, doolnrodho'wolcomcd’It tho action o f Praddottt Wllaoa “ In }. fo rc ing tho treaty of ponco and covo- i] Ditnt o f tho longue o f nations in to tho f U 20 campaign.”r. , “ P ro jldeat Wilaoa accentuated aad s crophnBlzed w hat was already n fa c t, ’ ’ «

Bsid tho Catiforaia senator,-who h!ts bvon making spooehea ia Mlaaeaota as eandidato fo r tho ropublleoa proaldon-

. I t l aominatioa. “ For months the loagno “ o f natlona aa preaonted b y him has ® B b<'oa aa issue although our puasy-foot- bi* ing frloada havo shlverod a t tho ^

thoagh t . "“ I t 's here now. Every rod blooded

>• <Vmorican cltlson ^olcomca i t . ”

= WETS Tn VERMONTA droea tM of Llcansa Oaptora N eatly

lOO Towna ProTlooaly P ry

. MONTPEXTBB, 'Vormont, (iP>—Advo- ' eatoa o f lieonao addod nearly lOO towna," dr3^a ..yo ftr-ago , to tho wot column lu* the'^town meotiaga hold rocently. Rc-

porta to tho secretary o f state from tas ou t o f 247 citica aad towns ro-

f criVeA up to today ahowod tha t ISS towna voted yes, two wcro tiod on" thu

. question; and four took no vo te .’ Loat I, yenr SO towaa voted licenac. a Tho nggregato voto' o f tho towns r-j- g po rting to date ahowa a ia l l in g o f f o f

Rioro than 8,000 votea oa tho dry Bide.- The voto eaat this year was: Yea, l5,- a £>38; ao, 20,407. I« 8 t year the' same i. eiti<*8 nnd towns gavo: Yea, Ifi^STl; no,


W f f l i a m F o x p r e s ta t t


iHeart / I Strings fI B y B e i u y A U x T tP h iIU }a I

//b iie c te d liQrJ. Gordon Edwuds \

A D H A M A . O F T H E SA C B IFIC E ' o f a b r o t h e b f o r h i s u r ru E

_______________S IS T E R ________ __

iTHEATRICoihcdy, “ Dames arid


1' " ’ ' ' $18

i l

* . 7 W « w ‘STotk B x c ia a n . ' to* , N EW , T d B K , ( / n - “ Another, ■ t o , ra lly ia f o r e t ^ ezehango,. favorable < iadnstral|Condltions;anath« M eaU fU. moaey were ifaetocs o f foremost import-:

y aaee ia today's broad and sabstantiiJ-. ^ ly higher stoek market. Salo i approxi'

* mated 1,600,000 shares. SoeoeeU^. a So* V period o f dallaess, tho nm rkst beeama

aetive again ia the f ln a l ho iir, o ils and ^ 1* eoppen. aeeompanyiaff.'tha fn rtK e r ad*^ vanes o f oqaipmeata and ftoels. The ■■ ^ elosisg waa strong. -

IdbsrtyBoD da'- N EW TO B K , O R -P ricoa o f U b s rty

beads a t 2:8S p..m. today were: 3 '1-8'si $99.09; f i r a t .4 's $00.50; second 4 's S $8M 8; f ir s t 4 1-4 's-$91.80: aeeond 4 „ 1-4's $a0^2t thUd 4 1-4's $93,045 fourth a 4 1-4’s $90.10: V ictory 8 8-4's $97.40; i V ic to ry 4 W ^s $97.42.Id Oraln and Provisions

OHIOAGO, (ff) — Com advanced si sharply in price today, y ftt weather0. and breaking np o f couatry roads wero a. bullish factors, and so, too, was the1. streagth la Europeaa exehange.' Con- ET- laissloa bouses aad p it specalatora did id most o f the buyiag. . In it ia l quotations,

which raaged from 3.8 o f f to l-2o up, g w ith a a y $1.4S 3-4 te 1.48 1-8 aad Ju ly y $1.89 .to 1.89 8-4, were fo llowed by. do- 1* oidod gtUaa a ll arouad. 'r- Subsequently bullish reports on the id conditioa o f w iator wheat, especially Ig Jn Uissourl, were agaiast sellers in tbe

com market aad so too wero reports th a t Europeaa goverameats wero par-

' ehasiag largo amoaats o f ryo. ' The close was uasettled, 1 to 1 8.4o net

P hlghor, w ith U ay $1.47 to $1.47 1-6 and J u ly $1.40 7-8 to $1.41 1-8.

; Oats Bscoaded w ith com. A fte r o ^ «n ing unchanged to l-4c higher, iaclud. Ing Ju ly a t 70c, the markot coatinaed to riso.

PiovisloRs wore earier. Wtakaeas In Tr hog valuos tended to ro itr io t baying..” 5 La ter tho provlsloa m arket roso In

em pa thy w ith com.Qaotatlona

■ CHICAGO, (ff> -O om : No. S mixed $1.03 to $1.53 1.2; No. 2 yoUow

Oats-'N o. 2 whlto 00 8-4 to 01 l-4o; No. 3 w hlto 80 3-4 to OOe.

®*’ Bye—No. 2, $1.70 3-4 to $1.71.Barloy—$1.'10 to $1.60.

? T im otby aeod—$12.00 to $14.00.Clover Mod-$4S.OO to $50.00.

- Pork—Nominal. t■ La id—$20.70.

Bibs—$17.87 to $18.37.Ohicago Livestock .

l l CHICAGO, ( f l^ H o g roeeipta 18,000; l ig h t hogs firm ; others steady to lue

lowor; bu lk $14.40 to 15.40; top $15.30;^ heavy $14 to 14.60; modium $10.00 to , 15.40; lig h t $ 15.50; heavy pachiog

BOWS, smooth $13 to 13.50; packing huwb rouBh $12.25 to 12.75; pigs $14Ji5 to

T H.OO.Cattle rcccipta 7,000; slow; berf

stoera, medium and heavy weight, ehoico and prime $14.25 to 15.76; medi­um and good $11.75 lo 14.S5; eommoa

M. $0.75 to 1175; ligh t weight and choleo $12.80 to 15.23; common and modium

J , $0.50 to 12.60; holfors $7.35. to 13.75; i_ eannera and I cutters $4.75 to 7; veal ... calvcs $15.50 to 17; feeder steers $8.75 1,0 to 12; atoeker atj>era $7.25 to 10.75.

Shoop reeoipta 8,000; strong; lambs,84 pouads dowa $17.25 to 20; culls aad common $14 to 17; ewes, medlnm, good

Jta aad choice $11 to 14.50; calls aad com­as mon $0 to 10.75.Q. Omaha L lrastock30 OM AHA, (ff)—Hog recelpU 14,500: aa market 25 to 40a lower; top $14.50;It- b u lk $18.90 to 14.35; heavy weight ho

sd ' ■ * ' “ “ ' ■' .

TB a d e r y a n d

1 ^ 1 ^ I g n l l i o n

S e r v i c e

i : b a tte ry OhBXging and m W inter Storage25 AxttomotWe Sleotrioal


D. C. WATSON CO.—N ext to P o tt O ff ic *—

10 T w in Falls, .Idaho

© ® ® @ ® © @ ® @ ® @ ® ® ©

!4UM , I

i p t o d a y a n d |

i C T O M O R R O W S

rid Dentists” j

iL L S i IDAHO, WEDNES$18^6 to 14.10;* walght $ l$ » lo l.ito 14X0; lig h t w e igh t $14 to 1440; a lig h t l ig h t $18.90 to 1445: heavy pads* iag sows, smooth^ 8 .6 0 to 18.70: {MMk- U iag sows, to iigh $18 to . 18.00;-pigs $181$ to. 18JJO. ■ , 1$

Oattlo reeeipts'6/W >;. marieet gener-' I a lly ateady;- beof a to « ^ mediuffl aad heavy weight) an fl'p rim e $l8« IB ; mediam and good $11J(0 to 18.75; I common $9.75 to llJ iO ; l ig h t welgh^ < good aad eholee $18 to 14.S5; eommon i and medium $9 te 10.75; heifers' $7 to N 18; eows $6JS0 t» ' 18{ eannera aad ent* I ■ ters $4.50 to 6.50; vea l ealvos $ l f 8 9 l i

m ilSH(

At Prices 1 ; Sale of

i H ig h G ra d e B S hoes a t . .

I , These shoes consis

! g re ys and cham pagn? * ' ‘i L o u is heels. V a lues u5

. ed. Sizes 21 -2 to 81-21 ------------------------------

'. and la s ts th a t are su r

i low p ric e o f $4.45 a pi

Sale <

One L o t o f Men'a 1V(

Sale <I

B o y s ’ O u t. A good serviceab le You can f i t y o u r boy A l l sizes.9 to 12.... .......$2M

. 2 1 -2 to 6..

Boys’ A rm yGood le a th e r shoes th i fo r th e s tu rd y boy, in ers. Sizes 9 to 2.

P r ic e $ 3 . 4

iS D A Y y l l i ^ C H l 4

>1 to. 15.76; f a e d n - i t m $8.50 . . to . . ; is ;; atoeker steers $7 to 11.26. . V ’ ;- Sheep .reeeipts ^000; n a r iw t . fta a d r V • to SSe h i^ s r : laabs^ 81 p o n d s ^down « iJ$17.88 to U ^ : enlls ' aad X 'eoimon

|«18.7S to 16.75;'y iaarlia^w ethen $ lt5 o :.' to 17; ews^ » e d ln n .and eh ia e e ''tlt8 0 I to 14 f enllB and: eommon $7 to, lU O .5 1 V U i G W c a io .-P ro d n o a •s ,', '.} O H I0 jlld 6 ,> ,( ff) — Batter : .Wgherj t, ereamOT S 67 l-2e ; eggs tinsettled; . a reoob|&%8,08i e as^; ^UnU 48 .1 -8 - to0 4 8 e i^ rd in a i7 i i i f t s .86.to42e; a tm a rk , I > I eaaoB/.it^aOBd 41 to 48 l-8e i poa ltry 5 la U v « .< i^ e ir ; s p r i ] ^ 80e; f ^ ^

m mlOESdrQllALiThatCompeiWomen’;

O n e O dd L o t a S p e c ia l P ric e

Lace and B u tto n , V ic Shoes — some rem a rli on ly $1^5 a pa ir. I f enough to f in d y o u r si; ey you can save on a pai

1 Specia l P r

D re s s J 4 4 5

s is t o f brow ns, b lapk,

jn e , w ith m il i ta ry and

I up to $12.50 a re in c lu d -

-2. Y o u w i l l f in d sty les

are to please you a t th e

p a ir .

of Men’s SH ig h G ra d e D i S h o e s a t . .

These shoes consis t o Bros., and J u s t W r ig h t b road and h ig h to e s ; la ahd ta n lea thers ; a l l si ues u p to $ 1 2 .^ a re in shoes.

V o rk Shoea a t the Low P

of Boys’ Sit in g S h o esle shoe in ta n lea ther.»y a t reasonable prices.

1 2 1 - 2 to 2............$3:25i ............$3.95

r Shoes Boys’ 1h a t a re good Lace and h in ta n le a th - lea ther. A

choose fro m

.45 P rice $ i

n c lo i:I T P A Y S

i l i i iLiTY '

Attention ^’s Slioesa tth « C l Q / ;

^ ic i K id and Gun M e ta l ir k a b ly good shoes fo r I f you. are fo r tu n a te size, th in k o f th e 'in o n - sa ir o f shoes.



t o f ’Stetson, T hom pson :h t; E n g lish las ts , a lso lace and b u tto n ; b la c k

, sizes, 51-2 to 1± V a l- in c lu d e d in th is lo t o f

. iP rice o f $3.45 a P a ir.


Dress Shoesb u tto n shoes, heavy

A good asso rtm en t to im.

$3.75 a n d $4.45


Page 5: TW i PA m m M… · TW i V0I..8;. KOwaaa.'.- . - .-• mifllST fliiim iM il Attoiriey’s Effort^ ' Witness fdrfSlate

' HEWlttC:

- Oanuu' flhow* S.iST .ViWiu d B,TB( r a a ^ b n . V i u

j:;, ,;; ln.On«t;We,ekT i£ ^ t{o n ji o f ^ 7 t«vort9, 'n l

M by .b ighw tfia c«a>tu offit

ft fsU •Arm d a j . . p « ^ tbew a toti8.i87 (W^totaij^Mitagt&at

tke 5 d & < d S i* iU ag avmb6i .8 ,fi

began s t .T'o'dlotk a b u ^ 1 and ea: OP fQurUoa boon eaeb ’dAj to anc dndu^t 8 «td»7 ; U areh 7, n a U a g

' e s eomplota d«y« of cpenitioB.■. OffieUl tabaUtloB of movtmmt a n a wm eompletod th is morolog al

X highway d litrie t offleos abowiog a p l^ ty of OBoffidal figures, whieh ] tho aomhor of paa««ogars a t S,867. freight tonnagr figures hare pot o b t^aed for the weok as aeeordlo highway distriot of/ielals, a sy such

• ares wonld indicative o f th<ta l hauled throngh tbo distrlet, or would pass over a bard-surfaee > ■Ineo the balk of freight is div< aow over a couatry routo which i bottor'traffh : conditioa tbaa tb a i highway.


George L. Davis, of San Fx oisco, Here to Ontline Fla

for Line to WellsTonight ia the Hotol Rogor»

- ^ meeting ,is to bo hold, followod Ibanquet, for tho purposo o£ ,rovi intorost in tho proposed Idalio, No nsd Tidewator railroad. Goorg Davis, president of tho railroad pi»>ir, will bo proaont lo explain projoct of his company. A roco] wHl bo held, informally, during curly port of tho ovning, tho baa to bo sorvod Iator.

I t ia tho plan of Teprosontallve tlio projoctod railroad to outllno a covorinff a Uno south frotn Twin : U. WcU», Novadn, tho road to cot \«ith tho Southorn IVcific and

'Z Wcatorn Pnelfic ra ilroads a t th a t p W '' Moro thnn 135 invU ations havo ' irt5uod for to n ig h t’s affair and

vspoctod that, p rac tica lly all porsa whom theso havo boea oddTossed bu p resen t. Bhad li. Hodgin wil toastmoslor.


■ WASHINOTON,' Woro i.(H tions botwoon tho railroails nnd organSzod employes woro formall; openod today whon committocs fron unions and the Association of Bal cxccutivcs—tho owners’ organixat! r jc t to begin tho formation of a tonrd lo handle all lal>pr controvo . Each side was understood to be pared 'to lay a dofinlto program b tho eommittee with roanoct to the demands whieh tho unions last Ai loid boforo President Wilson.

Throo distinct propbaltions to bo aidercd by tho joint board are union • demands, tho reported pro of tho railroad executives and tho

...grf.Mon made by President Wilson.


W A8SINQT0N, Coos'®** asked again today by Seerotary iols to appropriate 48,500,000 foi repair of warships. Tho seerotary ho had e je c te d congress to ae t pn ly and consequffntly had omitted appropriation fronj- th a Tegular mates for tho next fiscal year, asked that tho monoy bo providi tho annual naval bilL

f NAVAii B E o s u x m r o o rF io B B IB u is s iK a SK mb:

EL PASO, Texa«, (;p>-ChIof Yo K. 0. Hinton, of the El Paso nav erulting station, is nilsalng in M< according to roporta mado by Lie an ts J . B. Hupp to tho American sul a t Juarez. Hinton, whoso hoi in OHieago, was last seen in J while visiting there Saturday, acco to Hupp


NE\V YOBK, (/P>-Oonsid( strength was shown in storting exel t:>dAy, demand bills closing a t th< ot W.70, a not gain of 121*8 centa yesterday’s final figurea Frono « wero qnoted a t tho rato o f 23^ the- Amorican dollar, up S2 eoni nnd Uro ehecks woro, ({aotod a r.-ite of 17Jj2, an advance of 45 cenl German marks sold a t 1.63 cents the highest rate in several w«oli

' COALNibley-Channel

. T W I N F A J J i S D A


Uoles ;


o ttic t M llata l a 'T


e a r ^ d

JSn t fig* Ifo v .ifo r • th a t a t lha noooa t the ProL K. B . Ooddard o f Clark Uoi

: a dis* r e n l t r , W oreeitar. M an .. has inJigave TBOtad a mnlUpl*. b(«h chargi17. Tbe rooked ^lta« theory .o f wh*cb>»-lIt boen ' ea rr lo d ^ to ita extr«mo—4 houkline to * 'M ore'a b it” lo >foar dajn afts]

a ta rt Of abot— traT eliur.,th« distho t?^ IMO* o f *10.000 DtlM. -A hug<DT th»t «!»»»• o f photographic flash pow-. te rappoaod to explode wheri v ^ d rocktt U ta tbo mooo.


Ibtll Officials of tho Twin Falls highn district th is mornisg announced t] 12 Applications have been filod for pit

Fran* and specifications for tbo constructi ‘IttTi of twonty-soven and a h a lf ' milos

stato highway In tbis district. 1 plans havo boon sont «u t. . .

Tho highway district commission t irwn a Saturday morning to conaUlor p

.J J 'posals for this construction work. BN-lyin ij not probable thn t formal contract t Novacin bo entered Into on thot dato how^v IJ80 ■L- and somo time, i t is expoeted, t lin^tho boforo all tabulations caa bo p coptioa ^OR tho ^ ----------------------------------------------->aaquot T-

Wee of 1 P o U t i c a l N o t e sa plan

n Fnil# ♦-------- r ------------ ---------------------------------connect 'id tho UANCICESTEB, N. H., ( P)—Bolat place, returns from yostorday's presld^ni0 boen prlmarios woro coming in today. T]1 it ifl woro from small towns and did not i sons to grontly to last n igh t's totals, wh ed will showed a solid republican dokgat wiil be pledged to General Vp’ood, and a dei

as favorablo to the candidacy of S bort Hoovor and including throo dlsti dolegatos pledged for him.

C M Cn becauset i n t U snow-fillod highways.

legotla- LONDON, (/P)—John W. Davis,d their Amoricnn ambossndor, doclinod to C'illy re- ment today on tbo action of tho "Wrom tho Virginia, democratic stato commKl^ulway in endorsing him for tho domoeria tio n -- nomination for president. The ia joint ijiujador said ho had no t yot rcceivorsloif. (ho mcssago wbicrr ParkCTBbuVg,bo pro- Va., diapatchos announced had bDoforo Jg yp j coiamittoo to asi

Ailpiat rolativo to ontot

bo con- UNCOLN, Nol>^ Tho Nebroire tbo nnti-aaloon longuo ia preparing to c)rogram duet a campaign fo r nomlnotloa a t;ho sug- April 20 primaries of “ d ry " candidiin. for conRroHamcn, governor, membora

the iegislnturca arid others, “ wlio*_ ___chnrged with enforcement of the Ini£ P A IBst was ^-------------------------------- ------— —

AMnSBBBSNTSiry said I ■prompt* ■ --------ted tho — :—kT esU- IDAHO—WilHam Pamum in “ S . ir. Ho . Strings,” also twO-reel comedy, idod in OEM—“ TllO Ifftn Who W on,” foa

ing Harry T. Moroy, also mna . film comedy, “ Oh, Louiso.”

5? • OBPHBUM—“ Tho Bond Box.” Al ® ^ 0 0 foftture Vaudovillo Acts- rooman _________ _

M «lco , looatod stric tly modem f^lieuten- bungalow la city fo r sale. Pi coS- CaU or see t : J . W oods.^bome is —■ - <■ . —


_ TheORPHIidorablo

LASTSHats ov<xr

D O R I'Sa t tha

entimod.ts each, , , ___

n “THE BH Louis J<W The Hystory Story of^ Seven

L: 2 « f e a t u r e VM argarita

el A ib-PuU" of Mnsi.


•O R t — ' ' — — — )N I Weather Stm . ; Has An Ornery _


N OBTR WHIDS ,da Wow Md poorU tU e wild e a a a r y ^ ’t so wild w ith hia maale as

K ho Sraa yaaterday whoa .lha aoaB ^ o a e aomo aad i t waa w aca aad■ » r ln g ls g ^ t b . q ) r l B g . .

■ SpAajr get a chill aad hia aib i W ■ o i » e waatherworka.aaya that r i ^ ' t the end o f it, either. ^' . . .. m r .ioaigbt aad colder, Thurs-

jH* ^ ^ 1 1 o f :whieh Alght be consid-; ' ered deucedly unfair, you know.

•; Anyhow, yesterday waa prot- ' ■ :.'ty 8 W ,a .a a .p r o h ^ w «'V ' ' -one for high and jaat frost lino

fo r low, with 13-100 ^iaoh pro- . oipitation fo r the'24'bo'ur period.

... ' Still cloudy and sort o 'o rn e iy H B looking all aronnd today.

^ -----------' J......“ mS- J o c a l p ^ r e - v i i i e jIds ----=----ibould Bom—To Mr. aad Mrs. M & H ■ftar vor, Monday M ardi 8 , a daughter. 1

a dis* babo has. boea aamed Katberiae M huge ' " • ' '■

. pow. Poieots Cooia to Vlait~>Edw] when C ooper's/fa ther and mother bavo

rivod from California and will bjh tho snmmer a t ' his homo on Beyoi

^ avonuo north.

B tv iham ood. M «etlo«-On Frii [11 l l i n 'night there will bo a regular meot ^1 DNS of the Brotherhood of Amorican "S U ll lU onen ia- the I . O. O. F. balL Bofrt

monts will bo aerved.

ap o d a l Maaoalc Maeting—TUoro T ’ n in bo a special moctlag of Twin H

lodgo C 4 8 , A .F . & A. .M. bcginn n« » a t 7i80 tonight. Thoro will bo w

? The initiatory degree.

' Btilta^ng Permit—This morning tb lion will issued by tho city clerk to L. idw pro- j^Qnwj ^ perm it to coastruct a fw ° :n rcsldonco on Sovcath avcnuo oast. ' raet will blinding, according to estimates, i

CO.. .8000. _ _ _

I bo pro- priBOfler Takon to Bexbuig—0.Dooley, arrested here on Sunday oi fuRltlvo warrant from Beiburg, *

' yesterday taken to that plaeo by official of Madison county. Doolo}

3 S accused of defrauding aix iaskoopo:- , , . d a b Dirocton^&oet—Tbo oxocui

board o f tho Twin Falls Chamber -Bolatod Commerce mot last aight for tho < sldtntial .sidoration of busincso. Tho mooting ly. They volopod nothing futthor than loui not add mattora, ______ _

L ^ t ln n Surety Boada for Wtdta—As proa ^ m o tio n 'to persons subscribing to stoeli/.« rr... the proposed Bochdale coopera*

5 diatrict5 aisirict 120 ,000, accordingof announcement mndo from tho ato

headquartora yesterday.. B aker Fostponed—Hoai

ivis, tho of tho chorgoa pteforrod against Q to com- Baker, acused of dlaordorly .cond

>0 West sot fo r this morning in tho~ proi immitteo eourt, was postponed oa account Of imocratie soaeo from town of counsel for tho lie am- fonso, Qoorgo Herriott, who is on received coaat

id*^^boen Eeslgnatlon KgooSoled—Tho rt lo asocr- natioa o f tho Bev. W . A. M oo» aa ■ entering tor of tbe F irs t Christian church,

derod on Sunday, haa been pigoonhi by tha church countil acting on

Nebraska m atter. A resolution oadorslng r to con. m inister anil tendering a five-year i m a t the trac t was adoptod by the council, indidates - •mbora of P atien t Taken to Bupert—Mr. who aro Mr«. Marlon Botty tamo down f he law.” Bupert yesterday mornlflg and retui

in the evening. Mrs. J . B. Conway---------^ companled thom homo, where sho

remain for a time convaieseing fro serious operation which sbo roco underwent a t tho county genornl

~—— 4 pitnl.

“ Heart Bottia ' AJccount^Upon so‘)dy. ment of tbo amount incurred this> issuance of iavalid ebceks William mnalcai ■^r^bur Bmllb, arrested la Oakloy

r cently on c h a rn of obtaioisg me., o fraud, have beoa released worn

Aiso~ tody The men wore arraigned la probate court yesterday afternoon, checks amounted to $32.

>m five- »e. Prieo Not “ how cheap,” but bow goods.-^dv . Adv.


> K E . N Y O N

m Be\”— BY—

J o s e p h V a n c e

?! Action and Suspense. A Orippini Bvon Part Feature

Vaudeville Acfs--2Bird & Kema

Crossfire Jabber and ' . Chicken Jasz


. . The Episcopal guild 'v ill n e s t I f rs . Thomas Bobertsoa oa Ninth

m it aue aorth tomonow afternooa at , u , 0 'cloek.

M d . 'Ut* ' ^ ph B tover.M n. Oeorge “ “ W.I1, M ni J . 0. M rl .

Vsa Tanoi of Wendell, Mrs. < Biha 'Weaver and M ra T. & Bell motor

tha of U n . T. J . Douglass o Salmon yesterday where tber wet

iQrs- lightfully entertxdaed. ;

.,iA. Tho Business Women’s assoel ‘ow bold IU weekly dinner a t the hoi

Mrs. H. J . 'Sfqugs laat eveaiag. • < iftT- y e ro .la ld for thlrty-flvo. Plans l u , ^ ■ m a V for a party to bo held o i S . P atrirt 'a -d ay .

, 0-^ Mrs. H. W ; Sawyer eatertalno T. a 8 . club yesterday. - The noon was spent w ith b r id n at

< the eloso of the games dainty >e ir.oata were served. M rs. M. B Mrs. M. 0 . Putman and Mrs. :

• Costollo wore guests of the. elab. bvrs present wero Mesdames F. B.

-----i B. W hite, G. Leopold, H. P . RA. W. Husted, P . H . Crow, J . A ,(

, Hoo* bell aad H. B. Johnsoa.

i^Mav Ourront Events dbpartmoi. tbo Twentieth Century club will

3dwnrd 2:80 o'clock Friday afternoon a l>lsoi

■TMitd o f current events and a study o lav ^ th ®f Jamos Whitcomb Riley

s»ako up tho program fo r the aftei

Friday Ar rt^a ^

a Yoo- ‘' © I f n / i / j T y | V | ^

iro will • J L ^

H i S i j “ * 5 b» work William Pamum will bo seen

nt tho Idahp theater in ‘H eart S tr 0 William Pox production,

g thoro Briefly, tho story tolls of the , L. F . !<»'■«> of a mnn fo r his youn

frame '"h® •*'** »ndo nn un:i t Tho alliance with a villainoua

" _ in turo who would ilmg hor in 'the ’ nud use her os n shield for hia

r.rimea. As Pierre, tho girl'a b r JJ Williain Farnum portrays tho ehai

_ ■ ' o f a strong man who ancriflees ami i nnd gives his all in an effort to iiv nn Httlo sister from tho sufl

olftv ia she faeoa. All tho ciiaracte"‘oH drawn; the aconos woro ma :i littlo town noar Quoboc and in

ocutivo '■<•* .£ V .' VALIDITY OF DRY LAWS xoutino NOW RESTS WtTH GO

' Axgnments axe Oomplotod. la A protofl- B renght by Dlstmers and tho I tock ia Tingi>ti,i s ta te slorativo ■ ______TOvlded -WAeHlNGTON, Dotormii ling to of tho validity of tho prohi atoro s amendment and parts of tho on

ment ac t apw rest* w ith tho su court. Arguments wero complet

iioanng appjalfl brought by the Kenj ’ L Plstilloriea and Warebouso con

waductj fo iio ^ n g tho prosontation yestCK probato j^ d Massaeh.S 5tho do* docision by tho court is oxi oa the Vy court* o f f i c t boforo adjour

early in June.

* Havo you tried thoso Popeora!»“ » • '

onholcd ».r'i . . 's a a ^ s a '.,l .-a ,lj.‘ in tho lag tho

f;l STANDARD COfln ftom

COAL THAT IS ALL CO,>ho w i'i F r e e f r o m B o c k a n d IM

™ S i ? |rnl bos- V o u h& ve t r i e d t h e t e s t

N o w t r y t h e b e s t .settle-

money —PHONE 2i(y—om cus-j _I in the B nooes& ors t oon. Tho Strohridge Ooal & Fuel (

O oner 4th A re. a and 2ndgood.— •



“ THEg A V iri le D r a m a o f a


ping g Christopher K e en e____ Hs

§ Barbara LoM oyno...... ..§ Homy Longfichl .........Mai

§ Bherlff Dempsoy ........ Eog Stovens ............................ E

<> I Usual Admi:

ESDAY, MARCH 10,192^

: o a p e a r j o n a l s

K. N. a a r k o f Pbcatolo is in.«th I baslacM. •J t S ' B- Hitchcock o t BolseAs a basla t three

John A Carlson of Pocatello is t ge Oald- saeUag buriaesa ia Twia Falls.■a. J . H. ' W. B. Oreoa o f Buhl ip ea t yo L a D. .<l*r ia ^ a Falls' oj»-legal busij itored tli ' B. O.'W hite aad Crawford Moors IS on the amoag the Boise busiaess mea in 1 were do-

" B. y . Oray Is la the city from ' tact, Nev., on a bodaess aod plsa

lociatlon tiiJB:home of Walter HalV o f Bdea reUrned 1 t. .Cover todayhfW f speadiag a few days ins were buslaea > ' ^1 oa I8 t. ^ Bhoados of Burloy arrivo

I . Twia IVlls yesterday to attend to-i ness affairs. ' '

inod tbo ^ l>avis of 1le after- b« ly wero ia Twin Palls yostordaj

and -At ^^^f>«froA- lbr. aad lira . Bobort Bvaas and I Brown. *<>», of Kimberly, were Twia Vhlts i

s. P . J . yostsrday.). Mom. Oeorgo W. Hoover Is over from ''

B. Cox mooting frionds a id attendla Barffer busiaess, affairs. - . -

Mrs. J . W. ® iaaer of Filer Nnong tbo out-of-towa vlsitora ia ' Fuila yeatorday,

mont of J . J. Ollsoa arrived from Railoy 'ill meet torday and will spead a short n a t thli hero oh business.Isoussion Oscar Allen hns returaed from ':r of t b n _________ ■ • '[lev will ■ ' ■ ^ttornoon.

1 ^ ^ J h VALUt>f

in todnyStrings,'! / i t •

:he won-; HDung sia- L T y / Aunfortu- Iua croa- I Ithe dust hia ownbrotlior, f l

;haraeto>' f l jambition

to save lufforing cters aru mado iii

in No>v -

COURT^ T h e P a y i n

a t t h e B a i

never sees his cuf oaforco- _ yet he knows theisupreme • ■

itetod to'cZ‘paay, When a feltow'sterduy of have to look out.achusotts

ouSlS That’s how you clothier — espec)

on. Orl. there are so man market

One thing about IAI what’s going on-

ter. You are on;OAL ■■ -.that’s-what you s5 ^ Michaels-S

a t $Qo, a'nd at every pri

as if you. made tl


« . R Y T . >—IN—

MAN WHa B e a l U a n ’a F ig ^ t A g a in s t' F a to 1


Maurlco Costello And a Cast of .1Bobert Oalllard I 1. Denton Vance j j— I n } from the famous firoadn

I Qirls,

nission w e d n e sd a- ''I -•*'

^ - • m u y j------ \ sow .Inhere 'he

» ’ ,a . B bb i:w u ';> ia isc .tlu ;.'|

~— »l boibw i« Twta iS« i'

ia traa- ' ' ■


5’ ' IZ AMERICAN ELECTRIC CO.187 Mala f t ; ,

}m' Mdk- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i M a H H I. e . '

S S ^ D c J U U i ■□ a g a a a i . ,

r , |

ng Teller inkjustomers’ feet from 9 to 3 leir footing frorn A to Z.

's on the inside he doesn’t it.

u should feel ^ o u t your eeially this Spring when any blind bargains in the

lit trading here, you know n—both sides of the coun- . Dn the inside — the right omplete - satisf kition and 11 are looking for—isn’t it?i-Stern Spring Suita

$40 $50 $60trice the values are as fair i them yourself.

C SlORELtdfirogr0tsiv« '




ED ATTRACTIONI E . P A G A N Oof .Fifty in a Mnsleal lU ai Oomedy

i ! L o u i s ; e ”adnay Musical Oonody Buceoss. QUls. iris, aad still Uoro a irls l , " i


Page 6: TW i PA m m M… · TW i V0I..8;. KOwaaa.'.- . - .-• mifllST fliiim iM il Attoiriey’s Effort^ ' Witness fdrfSlate

t w i n F A L L S D A IL Y ' iN E W s I’. ■• . - - - ____'- — > n - - - <w ery ; afternoon -.'yo«yt ■ «

' S ' ,RO r^'*H H i& ^.T.7.; r:7.' r, *JOHN C. HABVgT . . - . . . - .V . T W q i < f J

Bnt«r«d u SMOnd cUM mall o ^ ttw i: ■• A m , , ■■ ■ . •-- y J


/? M K ;:;::;;:;:;;;:::;:;i;:;::::'tg.

’ ■' Tbe AsaooMited P re u U axeluatrelr. •&> d t M to the for republionUon of all , n«ire diapatohea craAlted.. to It. o r not ' oitaerwlae cr«dtted. In tttl« pap o d aUo ■ ita« local* Dflwaf publiahad baraln. AU richia or repnbllQauoii o f apw ia l dlmatAb* — herein are alw .TM orfo^. .

oaed or:|wt a t tba aiamilldn <oC>the editor imd no m aB U »^p^i»gl^t»jrattCT^^n-

W - ■ ■ ..• : ___ _BABTBBN' RBPSSSO N TA tlV B a;

ICeiaber Audit BtiraaU ac d re o ia tle a a ;

a iv B XBOTH A o n u r o B ^'i jy a n J . F r ^ o r , yoapiu tiuu i iMgoe

* governor of North DakoU, DID la t•^ vene boforo Prealdont ‘Vraioa ia behalf

Eato Rioharda O 'H ara af ta r her eon* vietion OQ chargea of violaUon of iba eaplonatfo aet and aaatenee to impria- onment in I^ v o n w a rth paaltoatiary, and in this coanaetlea ho adviaed tba

. preaident tbat he iraa ^'M mawbat fam ­ilia r with tbe eireomaUneea in th li eaao," and ei^reaeed oonfidonea tha t "politiea a n l apltework played-a a a jo r p a r t in tbe proaeeution of thia wou- a n ."

S a te Biebarda O 'Hare, i t wlU be re­membered b j aeveral and aundry Twin P a lla ' eitiaena wbo paid twenty-five eenta eaeb tb bear her apeak bote af* to r America'a dodaration of ww

' a g ^ a t r m a n y under the auaplees of tbe then extant aoeiallat loeat organisa­tion, ia tfae woman wbo declared on tb a t ooeaalon tba t "m otbera o f Am­eriean aoldlera flgbting ovoraeaji wore no better tban brood aowa,” and tbat Amorican aoldicra ao emp(oyed wore *^well aalted to beoome fertilixer for tho 90U of Prance.” According to teati- mony adduced a t her tria l aho employ* do tho same epllheta in aubaequent ad* drcBMB, and very probably mado uae of them In North Dakata, thereby eon- tribnting to Governor F raaier'a fnnd of information regarding tbe eaae.

The Newa recently 'had oecaaioa t«t refer to tbia ineident in 'th e polltleal qtfeer o f the North D i ^ t a governor aa p in g to show a type e f poUtical and moral viewpoiat which la exalted by the Non-partisan league.

I t waa hardly to be « ^ t e d tha« the statement’ of a fa e ^ baaed «pe« a ^ t t e r e f offietal faeovd, ^rUoh -mlcht •asUy be verified or di«roT«d, wonld elan forth unadvised eendemaatiaa or qneeUon aa to ita aeearaer.

. Bowevor, sueh eendemnatioa M d aeeh qneition baa ariaea, aa d fo r verifleatlos of ita faets, Tbe Newa haa gone atralght to tbe man who m ight be ezpeeted ta know moat aboat tbe ease and addreaa* ed ita inqnlry to Oovornor Fraaier Uat* ■elf.

Commendable candor cbaracteriaea tbe reply which ia as followa:

6 U te of-N orth D akota■ Office of the Governor .

B iam arokMarch 4, 1920

H r. John 0. Harvey,Managinfc Editor, Twin Falls News, Twin Falla, Idaho.

Dear 8 lr:Allow me to acknowledge reoeipt of

your letter of Pobruary 24th, aad to aay th a t A petition aakin|r fo r tbe ^eleaae of Unu 0 'Hare waa aent to the Gor* omor with the requoat th a t he nreaent i t to Proeident Wilson wbilo la Bis­marck. Tho Govornor forwarded Ihe petition with a lotter of traasm ittal, a copy of which I cocloao herewith,

Yonrs very traly ,N. A. Masou,

• Secrotary to tho Oorornor.

Hero U Governor F razior'a Inttcr of tranamlttal prcHcittcil wilh Lhe O’flarc petition:

(Copy)'Scptombor twelfth, IPIO.

My dear U>. President:Enclosod la a petition whioh ii acU-

explanatory.1 am somewhat familiar with tho cir-

eumstanccs in this case, aad ara very confident that politiea and apUe work played tho major p a rt- in the prosecu- tion of this woman. Any action that might bo takoa npon thia ^L ition would be greatly appreciated by a largo num­ber of people wbe feel th a t an injus­tice has been done.

Very reapeetfnlly youra, L T ^ J . FBAZIBB.

Hon. Woodrow Wilson,President of the United Statee, Waabingtoa, 1 >. 0 .

* In referring to thia incident hereto­fore, Tbe Newa aougbt ta poiat oat, ir­respective ef its economic pragnm , thc type o f leadership to Irhlch tbe Noa'

' partisan league had entm sted the ful' tU tea a t of ita repreaeatatlooa, aad to

Iv ■“ ■' indicate that thoso who'migbt horeaf- Md

: ter continue' nnder auch leadership |[ should do'ab with thelr.eyes opem. > ; pgi

_ ■■ Subaequent dovelepmenta In relation • P ' te the publication of the fbcts in this r inpUent, might well serve as a basis for v r indlcatiog danger that inheres In .a pro*' gram<whi^ atoltifies ita adherenta by Sei , paralyzing their reaMning faculties and Rei oloflihg th ^ r nvontalitiea to appreciat^on

s o f qaeatiooa of faet, the -aceuraey 'ef Bet0 which is to bo determined by a modionm " o f independent - taveatlgation;' ' •' 8bi , ''_The corre^ndenee in this, m atter is Th1 0 ^ file a t The Newa offiee where i t nuyS be examined-by anyeae ibtererted- • T.• ' = s = = = 5 = ■ Vil


• 'V - coi- B U D Z ^ JANUABY 8B80IOK

Twin Falls, Idaho, Febroary 2 ,1920,. 10 a. m. ■ •

The'Board convened a t this time nur- ' auant to reoess. Present all memoera• aad the elerk.** The Board a t this time proeeeded to 4 / the eooslderation o f elalma for salaries ia

and nothors ' pensldns, and-also elaims < « agaiast tbo hoapital fund, and having ^

eompletdd such consideration, warrants were ordered drawn in the following ,

If amounts, to-wit; .I* Baladaa cl!J, Aalt, John % probation effleer.$ 140.00 co:

Browne, 0. a., deputy assessor.. 140.00 wc»• Bowen, 0. L., deputy elerk___ 140.00 an

BU llni^n, Opal, ’stenographersuperintendent's offlee>J___ 95.00

Breokoa, W. P., co. comm_____ 12B.00 AiX- Duvidl, O. probate judge.... 150.00 Al[j Dletrieh, H. O., dcp. aheriff....... 140.00 Ai■ Dunn, Marian, stenographer for Al

“ county ........................ ........ ... lOO.CO Blir Glasgow, Ruth, atenograpbcr B<

auditor's o ff ic o .............. ....... 05.00 B(*' OlaBRow, W. J., janitor............. 125.00 Bl

Huffman, 0 . P., dop. sheriff-.. 1.15.00 Bi J, Hansen, John P., dep. recorder 140.00 Bi

Homtnger. Chn*. L., janitor..... 100.00a Jaekeon, H. O., hoalth officer.... 100.00 Bt■0 Landoa, E. A., dop. asseuor....... 140.00 ', Lynch, P . 0., deputy auditor.... 140.00 Bi

Moore, T. B., CO, comm..TT..__ .... 125.00 jjtJ Muflaell, Ethel, atcnogrnphiM*

auditor »a office ...................... D.'iXIO n ,McGinnis, 0. Q., co. physician.. 125.00 b i

^ North, 2. H., dep. trcnsuror....... 140.00 tI{a Parsons, H. C., dop. trcnsuror.... 140.00

Parish, "VV. W., eo. oomm............. 123.00 n ,Bedmon, B. P ., dop. ahorlff....... 135.00 n

e Beeao, Esther L., atonogrnphcrX auditor's office ...................... 00.00 p .^ flprngue, -A. N., aheriff............. 100.06 p?® Stewart, e. Claud, dop. assesMr 140.000 SlgRiaa, ,C. 0., auditor ...... .'...... 100.07 p ,J. Stephan,;P. L., pros. otty_......... 125.00 p

Sargont,'Harriot, stonographor'• probato tourt ............... ...... . 100.00i. Sherman, E. R., dop. aheriff....... IS-l.OO „

Wilcox, Ooo. W., assosor....160.0“ i;!Warren, E. L., treasurer ..a....... 100.67

a* Walkor, Jonnlo E., dop. rocordor . IIOJJO i;' Wolfo, Brittomart, co. aupt. of

■ohoola .................. ................... 150.00 J?'. Mothers' P ensK ^ y\

Anderaon, Ura. A. L., ponston.. 25.00 y\tl Brooks, Mrs. Kate, pnnalon....... 10.00 p|

Baker, Mrs. Loo, pension ----- 15.00 p.Baird. Mrs. Emnia, pension ..... 20.00 pi

id Coombos, Mrs. Myrtio, pension .. 25.00 q,0 Cloatcr, Laura L, poaslon._____ 15.00

Carson, Mrs. Betta, ponalon.___ 25.00 qCaimcross, Mrs. Annie, ponalon 25.00 o

^ Donton, Mrs. Flora, ponsion._.4 25.00 n. Ellta, Mrs. J . U.. ponsion.-------- 20.00 9

Eubanks, Alice Marie, pension 15.00 « It Fooshco, Mra. Adilah, pension- 10.00 „ 14 Ooldsberry, Mrs. Olivo, pcaslon .15.00 „

Greenfield, Mrs, Eva, pension.... 23.00Hagle, Mrs. 8. L., pension.------ 15.00 „Hasenbalg, Martha, pension .... 20.00 “Jenos, Evatenn, ponsion ...... ... 10.00 r,Jobnaon, Mattie, pension .... .. 20.00

• Klorstcd, Ju lia \\ood, pension.. 10.00 „at Koch, Mrs. Lillie, poaslon_____ 10.00 2^ King, Mrs. NclUo, pension____ 10.00 „

Linton, Mrs. Alvina,, pension .... 30.00•* McDonald, Alice, ponalon __ 15,00J. Motcllf, < ^ th ia , peaaion...... ..... 15.00 _

Moreland, Ella, pension -------- 10.00Moore, Mrs. Estloe, ponsbu__ 2S.00

M Nelson, Ada 0., pension_____ 20.0u ^N ealei-M nt-^ . R., ponsioa ..... O.OONelaoa, Mrs? Virginia, ponsion 25.00 J; Neale, Mrs. Oortrudo pension.... 20.00 ^Pyle, Mrs. Nom, pension ____ ‘J5.«0 LRomoa, Mrs. Norma, pension..... 23.00 LBnelson, Mrs. W. W., pension...... 13.00 LShaffnor, Mrs. Dorn, pension..... i:..00 LStlffler,, Mrs. Ella, pension ......... 10.00 ^

I, Slecktoa, Laurn, pension ......... ;i0.00Buddortb, Mrs. 0. O., ponsion.... 30.00 JiiTeply, Mra. 0. O., ponsion....... . 20.00 Jd

at Thompson, Mrs. Dorothy, penal. . 10.00 il »y Hospital Claims ^

Anderson, Mary E., nurso.-........ 52.5‘J ?V* Ballantyno PIb. t U tg Co., sorv. 302.86 ^Bt Bayer, Lula, surgical nurao___ 100.00 ^Is* Beas, Btolhi, n u rso .................. . 78.33 ^be Blake. Joo, supplies _________ 9.B0 ^a n ig White Store, supplies...... ... 20.10

Clos Book Store, supplies ...... .. 2.00 MCrist, Lurlle, nurse .................... 15.CJ MCrozlor Transfer Co., express \

ir. and boKtrage ...................... . 1.00 \Diamond Hdwo Co., suppUciL._ ■ .75 \

of Doll, Viola, nurao .........!......... 2.50DoKramer, Adrian, janitor....... 100.00 f;DoKramor, Adrian, as-itid Acct q

Josoph Biddle, servleo#........_ 30.00Eldridge Clothing Co., supplies 11.7.j rFrlodly, Buby, night nurse......... 80.00 qPrlodly, Loonn, night-nurse.... . SO.Ofi rFt'llx, Mrs. May, m a id_______ 12.00 pPisher Drug Co., supplies........... 82.0i)

“ • Guthrie, Zina, laundress ------- 47.85 t. Hawk, Molllo, nurso_________ 20.0') r

Hualtlg, Ellu, m a id _________ 35.91 f7 lilaho Dept. Store, suppllea .™ 1121.0« \« Indop. Meat Mkt., m oat____ 145.05 i:«• Idnho Powor Co., light and pow. 76.00 fa t J u tl^ , Mae, norae ____ ______ 75.00 {lid Kurtz, Ursa, nurao ............ ........ 81.8^ :m- Kinnoy Wholeaale Co., suppllea 280.15 : ue- Knylor, S. H., milk and creani..- 130.33 I

Lognn Music Co., Sonora nnd i, records......................... .. .... ..... 224.B.' f

Llndemuth, Edith, nurso _____ 75.00 'Lowis, Samuol maps and

handles ............................. ...... 11.00 ^McFarland, Kathorlno, nurse_ 60.00Maiwoll, Georgia, B n p t.,____ 160.00 ^

1. Max\Toll, Georgia, oxponao____ 4.66 ^M cliralne, Laura, nurse ........ . 17.50 •

" • h^Bser, Grace, nune ......... .... 76.09 *the Mulford, Co., H. E ., supplies__ 62.C7 ^

McCallom, Margaret, nurse___ ' 60.00 IMorley, Hla, maid __________ £1.3:J I

fulr Mueller, Co.,'V., apparatus___ 41J6 IMinaerly, E d , D rayage.......... 1.00 I

• TWIN PALLS DAIL^• M d o n ,aA ., servlMs '^ i-------1 - 79;bu, She, Mt. Statea Tel. Co., services^.;.; 12.40' Sim Newtoo, AlBlaa, maid, _____.33M She

Ogden r'Whelesafe Drug Oov iBp*.< . [g a tI • pUes ---- u-i.-.;;— i;— 833 Sim

O^Kane/Josie, nurse ............. . 42.50,gis,' 0 . Kr Barber Shop, tonsbrial . . Igmlr . work - — ------- — — - J.BO g a j. Paaawater, Rath, dletitloa— • 75.00 7 ^

Poulaen, ICnnle, maid .... -..j... 40.00i yr Beld Brea,'blaBia 20.-<W Tai1 Beeve, James W., auppliea — • 609 .« w , Boyal-Bakery, b re a d ------ — «- M.OT ij^,• Salladay Hdwe Co.,-sOppUaa— flO.JO «t Beabory & Johnson, anppUaa~.M 911.92 m ■,n SlmmoBB, Amelia, cook i>~..---- - 80-00 ’

Bkeela-Wiley Dmg Co., anppHes 19.82 ^• Shaw Supply Oo;, napkins — 8.85 , a Thompson, Helen, nurse ' 13.25_ Trousdale, Sarab^ stane. 60.09 , .' Troy Lanadry, lanndry ----- 25.60 _ •• T. P. Laundry, la u n d ry — — B51.7?I?®1

VlnceaV Pum.- Co., fnm ltore— 82J50Ward, Cordfli^, aew ing---------- 33.25 ^Writamany-Martha, maid.— -— 40.00 ^Weav'er, <5. D., X-Bay TOrk----- 86.00 *

SW arbey T ,,ns. -Oo., .coal nnd ™

Thero ^e ln g no further buelness^ to Wa come before the Board a t this time J A recess was declared unU l'lO ** m . J February 3, 1920.

3, T. E. MOOBB, Chairman.. WiAttest— •

r- C. p. SIGOINS, Clerk. Wj

^ BB0T7LAB JAIHTABT SBSSXCIT ■® Twin Palls, Idaho,.February 8 , 1920,’■ 10 a. ro. • ,

Tho Board convened a t thU time par- \• suant to recess. P resent all membera J

and 'the clerk.8 Tbo Board a t tbia time proceeded to “ »

the consldoratioa of claima agalnat the * 8 Current Bnwnse Pand, and having “

10 complotad aucb consideration, warrants 7 ® 10 were ordered drawn in the followlnjf 10 amonnta, to*wit:

• - ' • _______ PiljQ O unaat Btpanao .)0 Arrington, J . P ., supplies-------$122.15)0 Allen, W. L., auto repaira-------- . 7J50 _)0 Ault, Joha B., expease----------- 7.55 •“

Aik?n, 0«o. d ;, colrrt 12.00JO BUIington, Opal, stamps---------- 5.00 pr-

Bonham, Boss E., juror fee----- 15.30 »)0 Beamer, S. W., ju ro r feo-------- 38.10 by)0 Blsonnette, X. P., ju rer feo----- 39.00 “)0 Burton, Chas., ju ror fee------- — 18.30)0 Barnard Stat. Co., Qoo. D., sup- ')0 piles __________ ________ 929.08)0 Baliantyne Plb. & H tg. Co., re*)0 - p a l r e _______ 1-------------------13.15)0 Brooks, Eunice 0 ., witness___ 8.50)0 Banbury, Ray, witaess and dop.

asaesaor __________________ 48.50 f*•f* Buhl Bepublican, advertising.— 7.54: _ JO Brown, Chas. H., clerical work 125.00

Bcom & Ilnmmerqulst, supplies0 for l.a . _____1 9 • “

Bybeo, Jas. A., sun.’eying_____ 144.50J'’ City Water Works, dept., In-

stalling motors — --- -------- 05.00 u_2 Capital Nows Pub. Co., rocords 175.95 ® Capron, 0. M., w itn ess_______ 0*25

Coleman, L. W., couaty ageat— 256.53 w, li. Colwell A Bpargur, supp lies-i-. 37.54

Cloa Book Store, supplies_____ 27.00. . Drake, P. E., furniture fo r peatin houao _____________ ^ _____ 223.602 Dean, P. E., j u r o r ----------------- 18.30

„ Dlmond, J . M., j u r o r ________ 15.3030 Dodd, Uugh, j u r o r_______ ____ 45.00

Darrow, Uownnl, witness-------- 9.00nn Duvall, 0 . P., oxpenae.—-------- 33.11

Dorman, Ella A., w ltaeaa-........ 8.G0Erickson, A., juror __________ 18.30

DO Fisher Drug Co., supplies fe r Ind. 21.05 00 Flood Bros. Auto Co., supplies- 34.1030 Farm Bureau, expcnsd----------- 8.20 , 5,00 Filer Elevator Co., coal fo r ind. 0.80 00 Gourley, Mrs. J . S., grading pa-“ por. ------------- Z------ S.OO P"00 Gott, John,, j u r o r ____ ________ 39.6000 Galllher, J ; A-, juror_________ 39.3000 Oreen, E. L., witness__________ 0.8500 Glanders, John H., witness___ 0.00 .00 George, E ' L., list of F . C o rt_ 21.00„o Gannon, James, witaess..— __ 0.00 .n? Hanson Merc. Co., suppliea for“» I n d . ------------------- ‘J . ---------- 80.Wnn Helm, Bobort, wator maater'a5g report _____________ _ 9(!9.80

Hans6n, Anna E., assigned acct.QQ Elsie Roberts, n u rso ,__115.00 15.00 ,nn Horriman, P . 0 ., rent of horses 7.60nn Harding, 0 . M, juror________ ;. 24.0000 Huffman, G. P., oxpenso_____ 27.48nn Idaho Powor Co., light and00 power .1____________ J ______ 48.65on Johnson, J . E., juror_________ 18.30no Jackson, U. G., expense__ ;___ 38.07ou Koel, J. S., burglar Insumnco.. 353.00 “00 Kale, Goorgo, witness____—- 7.25 "JQd Ladwig, Edna M., domo. agt.„ 107.09JIO Lincoln, Ivan, fax refund____ 255.60 "(10 Lynch, P. C., clerical work— 8.00 “ .00 Larson, Ncphl, tax refund—... 109.50 00 Liberty Markot, supp. fo r ind. 15.00', J00 Liad Auto Co., •repairs_______ 14^05 i00 Mattox, Willis, quarantine of00 f l e e r _____________________ 5 .0 0 ; ®00 Moore, J . C., jurt>r ' _________ 18.30 “00 Merrill, N. D., juror.___________ 41.4000 Malone, E. J., ju ror_________ 38.10 L ,

McCoy, Sturgeon, juror_:-j----- 38.701„-,j Morgan, M. D.. juror _______ 38.10''

Mann, Archie E,, juror----------- 89J0 ~n^ Mt. States Tel. Co., services___ 142.45 i,

Mooro, T. E., expense-------------- 18.80 ,jgo Murphy, Dr. J .H ., attending ind. 12 .00 ^ 10 (Laid over) m00 Miller, Martin, witaess_______ 8.75 I'5'J Morris Everett, w itaess.___ 6.50 «

Milcbell’s Grocery, sup. for lad. 11.25 00 Mosa, W. Erneat, clerical work 05.60 »■ •75 Ncvaila Power Co- orroneoos50 ta ia U o n __________________ 55.35 ”100 Nye Bros., conl fo r ind._______ 78.60

O’Brien, Thos., care o f peat . “•CO houao -------.!------------------------124.00 "

O'Kourke, Ellon J . , tax refund 45.72 ■0 O ’Reillov, A. I., Co. cluh leader- 184.40 ,•0 Patton. George, ju ror ________ 38.40 "■fia People's. Gen- Store, supplies J„•2 for ind___________ !_,■,■!___ 24.85 '

Palmer, W. E. clerical work___ 86.60,®•O' Prealer, L., j u r o r ____________ 3.30l„

Paget. J . B., dep. assessor_____ 135.00 “Rhonda, Suo, tax refuad______ 188.68 ^Rutledge, T. T., dep. aasessor™. 165.00 „

•“n Rcqua,J)ruce E., juror_______ 29.10 "•jI; Rowan, P. A., juror__________ 39J0 „

Regan, D. E., j u r o r -------------- 18.30 “Bedmon, B. P., expense_______ 9J4 “Reese, Walter, depVassessor___ I 8 O.OO

j;.; Stowe, W. A- L., preseriptioas__ 2.30 fI'oij Sprsgue, A. N., exp. o f prison* If

ers --------*:.......................— 75.09 t1.00 Sprague, A. N., board of prison- | «« ---- ------------------------------ 231.50 0>.00 Pprague, Ao. N., office expease 9.60 ( 1.63 BaU Lako Stamp Co., atamp— 4J9 t r,5 f) Bkeels-WUey Drug Co., a a p p _ 150 l5.00 Bmlth, L, 0., auto hire----------- 18J50 «>.07 Stevens, C. 0., r e n t ......... , ...... 20.00 c).00 Stephan, L. L., expense-..—.— . 3.10 1l.3 :j Standard Ptg. Co., prnitlng----- 6.75 0U 6 Stroag, B. ¥., Juror--------------- 88.10 a1.00 Shriver, W. M., juror.________ 42.00 a

JLY NEWS. TW IN FALLS8hoiw,ji, Wni. M.; Jnior_ .l , . -.{ ..-. ' ' rojwlpl

Siiia.'; cf. - a ; -w I ta « itI I !^ 2 s*?^w SI It Slggbs, 0 - O, trai>nortstlon.-l..r'8 8 .0S Smith, L. 0 . * Broi., balaaea dtto. ’ 8&0O It Smith, J. X .,Twin Fslls Nawi Fob. Co., pub*. '

Ucatioa- <-■ •no^ft oTaylor; B. S., ju ror 4110T. F . Ohroalcle, p r ia tisg .- lL :_ ' 8&S0 ATbompwe, N. O., wltnMa.... e.86-Toaey, A. £.,wltaeas-------.;8JS0T. P.'Bsak * Traat Co., assigned : : <i ; and iuuo ef w arrant.

J . W. e . Deake, - ju ro r ^ 8.80 £Milaer-Perriao Lumber

Oo., dup; warrant___ _ 10.00 18J0 •Taylor, B tu a rfH ., bend-_____ 5.(J0 g>

,Tompkins, D. 0 ., witneas_____ ; ,8J0 PJ'Taylor, M. B., tax re f nnd__ _ 5.80 fTneker, J. IL, reat___________ 10.00Twia n l l a Caaal Co., w ater P'

ma intenance----------------------- 80.00 J®Trlgiurlro, Prank, witness_____ 9.00 “W ritbrscbt Co., supplies______ 6.2S «'Washbnra, I . O., jnstiee lees__ 7J0 “■Waltnum, 'T . J . , jnror— _ _ _ 2.25 **Wolfe, Brittomart; expente___ 1538W u k u ri T nuirfer Co., lOM "

------- 5.76 ^------- WJIO

Wyekolf, t l . O., mapi--------- --- 14J)0 ,Warrfln, E . L., expflow la d as-

ngned aecetm t w. E. Palmer, elerieal^ e r k --------------- ejM . -Expenie, expanse 146.64 B18M

W esura tJbion, a e r d c e - .~ _ _ 87.65 .1 ^ e Board a t this time proeeeded to

tbe eoodderation of agiUast the *AgricoitanU F air Paad, having »cemplet«d aneh eoaslderatioa warraata were ordered drawn in tho following * amonata, to-wlt: ^ «

Agzlcoltttral F a ir , IF irst N st*1 bank, PUer,.ban-*ia74.18M a^el, J . M., aalary------------- 175.00 JT. P. CsniU Co., water_______ _ 120.00In th e M atter o f Befnnding Taxea.

Oomea M. B. Taylor' of Hansen and presenta b ls claim' for ovoraascasmeai to the Board- Same beiag supported 1 by proper affidavits, i t is nllowod nnd a warrant in tho sum of $5.80 ordered a drawn to <cover. said claim. n

Comoi, Nephi Larson of Rock Crock, aad preienCs his claim for over poy- c men of taxes, same having occurred t through paying part o f hia taxos oa r mlgmting stoclc In Cassia county. After r duo examination of tho claim, tho Board findrf tho same to bo just, and it bolnff / supported by proper affidavits from thc

, asaessor, a warrant In tho sum of 4109.50 Is ordorod drawn In fnvor of

;' said Larson to covor such ovor pay., ment. ‘ '

Comes Nevada Powor Co., and makes , written statomont claiming that' their ,

Haos in Twia Palls county hnd bocu " ovoraajcssod fo r tho ye«r 1919 wns

! asks fo ra corroctlon in said osaessmcnt. , I M atter referred to tho asaessor for eor-

' roction.A t 4i30 n. ra., the Bonrd declares a [

recess uatil Saturday, February 7th, having Jocelvod oad aceopted nn invi* tntioD to nttend the Stato Convention » of County Commissioners hold a t BoUe, , on Febmary 4, 5 and 0. ,

' • T. E . MOORE, Chairman. \[ 0. O. aiOOINS, Ol.rk, , '

i BEOUI.AB JA in rA S T BESSIOir , , Twin Palla, Idaho, February 7th, l I 1920, 10:00 a. m. i

Tho Bonrd convened a t thla timo I pursuant to r6cosa. Proaont all mem- bera nnd tho elerk.) A petition for closing cortain roads t 5 nud alleys In tho Idaho Orchard Lands t

Co. trail heretofore filed bv C. A. Bob- , jinaon was tnken up nnd dlscusaed. Af* i .I te r duo investigation of thc m atter tho i

foUowiog order is mndo: )} In th e m atter of the petition of

0 . A Bobiasen fo r vaeatioa of ) iwrt o f tbe p u t of tbe Idaho

chard Z»aad Company trac t, aad ) abandonment of all roada, atreeta, sUeya ether 'pnblio gronads

, shown npea( snch p a rt o f said ) trac t

A petition having boen filed in tho i J nbovo tntitled m atter by C. A. Bob- i ) inaon-praylng for an order of this bodv,J vaeatinB that part o f the p lat -of tho ) Idaho.Orchard li^nd Company on fild J n{id of rocord in tho county recorder'a rv office of said Twin Falls county In . 3 Book 3 o f P lats a t Pngo 20, which 0 covert tho North H alf (N l-2 ) of tho n Southeast Quarter (BE 1-4) Scction 12, gl Township 10, S., Raago 17, E. B. M., , ' i n said Twin Palls county, nnd fo^ nn

jabantlonment of all ronda, streets, at- .lloya or otbor nubile grounds marked . 'u p o n lhat portion of said pint to be ^jvacntcd, ami. I t anpcarlng thnt tho roada, streets ^U nd nlloys and othor public grounds “ [marked o r designated upon thnt part of ^ said plat covering tho N l-2 SEl-4 of I* said bcition 12 , havo never boon ussd ^ by tho public as such, or a t all, au'l “ that tho aamo hnvo nover been ao- “ cepted by tho said county of Twin Palls

na public roads, atroets or nlloys or 5 public places und tho-county has never 0 worked the snnic or expended any 5 monoy thoreon, nnd that the vucntiori Q of aalil part of said plat covered b.v

tho said N l-2 SB 1*4 and tho abandon­ment of tho rends, atroets and alleys

0 thurela will not nbridgo or dcjtroy any of tho righta nnd privileges of

,0 othor owners or proprietors of lota or o tracta covered by anid plat, nnd Q I t apjionrlng that tho said C. A. Rob- Q inaon la the solo owner In foo of the

I land inrluded in suid plat aad doacrib* .g^ed na tho North H alf of tho South* jQ east quarter of sold Section 12, and nj I t Bppcnring that tho ronda, streets Iq and alloys nnd othor public places ^ marked upon snid plat, covering tho ^ land last nbove deacribed, do aot cou*. nect with tho roada, streets, alloys and

other public pinccs marked upon the ^ other portions of said plat, and aro J” .not neceasary for the use of the owners ft of other parts of said plat, in Therefore, tho ib a rd having‘W.conaidtrfd tho s.Vid potltlon and being

'fu lly adviiwd as te tho fncts relating JWl thereto,.

I I t it hereby ordered, that that part »0 of the p lat of tho Idaho Orchard Land jO Company trnct of record In the record* \9 e r 's office of said Twia Falla county, W in Book 3 of Plats at Page 20 and 50 covering the Nortji H alf of the South- jO eaat Quarter of Section Twelvo, Town* 10 ship Ten, Bouth, Range Soventoon, East rs o f tho Boiao Meridian, ^ and tho 10 snme ia hereby vacated, aad the roads, )0 atreeta aad alleys aad other publie

LS, m A H O yjV ^isjESD i

| y th e ^ b n ia ty o f 'T " l a S te te lvo -of Id jiho ;'i^d the same .shall-ravart to Ih iftiuaa-O r A- BoWnirta. r J . . ^ Dated thU 7tb day of P a b ; ^ , „

■ ■ ' T .a M O O B ^ ' th O h U m a a ' e f the Board o f 'O ouaty ^

O m m i^ n O T o^ Tirin^ Pal^.•Co;mty, “

A tte 's ir- '' ;-’; /- / ,a a a o O IN S , Clerk ef th a & a ^ A'

HANBBNr Deputy.<8 EA^i)U W a ^ fa r -

■ A a' '^ e r . '.o iV th e Probata Oeinc, graatiag-aV ttothara’ M rie n of 115.00 per m oath';to .Mra. \May Deelar, Box SM. BQhf,*Jd»he,-havfng* be«^^ «

I dnring-the^'absaaeeV^of the-B oard waa .nreaeatad. aad read.^ All. w arran ts.a l- ^

, W a d b ^ .th a Boaidak thia aasslon hav- ^ I Ing beea nreTioQUyrdrawB, a a order .; oa tb « 'au d ito r fa t'above am anat was A , made, aad auditor reqnested to.ferw ard ( said som to U ia. Deeker, a t Bohl, 1 ^ 0 .. There beiag no further b i ^ e a a [ eome before the Board a t ..thla .time a ( recess waa taken ifiitil 1 0 'a . sei;, Pati* U : ruary Oth.’ T. E . MOOBE, Chairmaa. n’ Atteat— a]

. 0 . 0. SiaOINB,^OIerk. ;. . ^

B scnm A B jA inrA B T SBSsrOH ^ t Twin Palls, Idaho, P e b m a ^ 9th, * 5 1920, 10 a. m. -> T he board convened a t this time pur- . , snon{ to recess. Present all members . aad . the clerk. '' -I The Beard a t tbis time proeeeded to . . the consideration* of ronUne businesa . until tbe hour of 5 o'clock when a re-

cess was taken until 10 a. m., Peb* ruary 1 0 th.

i T. E. MOOBE, Chairman.) Attest— . t) a C. BIOOINS.'Clerk. |

1 BSOXTItAB JA m iA B T BB8SI0N ^I Twin Palls, Idaho, Pebm ary 11th, si1 1^20 , 10 a; m. tl1 The Bonrd.convened a t tbis time pur- t!1 auant to reeesa. Present all membets f

and tho elerk. / :, Tho Board n t this time procoedod to • consideration of routine buainoss until1 tho hour of 5 o'clock p. m., whon a ^1 recess was tnken until 10 a. m., Peb- cr ruary 12 th. ' r 1 T. E. MOORE, Chairman. f Atteat—c C. C. SIGGINS, Clerk.f -------- ■( BBQUI.AX jX in rA S T SBSSIOir

■ Fall., Idaho Fobruary I2tb, B. JOSO, 10 a. m. • ■ B” The Bonrd convened nt this time put- b‘‘ sunnt to rcccss. Present, all mombors h'* nnd tho clerks. f ” I t, appearing to tho satisfaction of '* tho Board, that preparations for th*'■ rotinsment of what Is known ^s tho

road bond issue should bu commenced;wherefore tho folbwing ordor was mado ^

!' nnd ordered entered on tho minutos: <In nccrordnnco with Articlo 1SS2 ,

“ Clmptor 67, Idaho Compiled Statutes ^the county auditor wns authorlzod ts ^make tho following tranafpra: cDebit .Motor Vehicle Licenses $12,000 jCredit Bond Redemption & c

In to re s ts ______________ 12,000.00 ®To be distributed as follows: ,

For Road and Bridge bonds $ 5,500.00 ^>, Hanson Bridgo B onds.....— 1,500.00

Sinking Fund on above <0 fu n d s ........ .......... .........— 5,000.00 J

' ' »1S,000 .00 ,;s an order of some was aorved on the « is county auditor. J). Tho'ro being no further business to ^ como before the Board a t this time u , .0 reeoss was taken until 10 n. m.. Fob* ,

runry 13th. jT. R MOOBE, Chairman. ,

A ttest— iC. C. SIGGINS, Clerk.

tBBOXTLAB JANUABT BESSION- ^Twin Pnlls, Idaho, Pobruary 13lh. 1

1920, 10 n. m. . -jTho Bonrd convened a t this Umo p.ii-

10 suant to recess. Present all members < t)- ond the clerk. ' - ^r , Tho Board a t this timo proceeded to « to tho copslderation of routine businrsa < Id until tho hour of 5o’clock p. m., wheu * 's a recess was taken until 1 0 a. m., > in Pebrunry 14th. Jlh T. E. MOOBB, Chnlrmnn. '10 Attest— J2, O. C. SIGGINS, a e rk . '


Twin Palls, Idaho, February 14.*o, ( 1020 , 10 a. m.

’® The Bonrd convened a t this time pur- | sunnt to roceas. Pronent, all membora

I® and tho clerk.Tho Bonrd a t thla time procoedod *o ,

tho consideration of routine businesa , u n o hour of 5 o ’clock whon a recess woa tnkon until 10 a. m., Fob- , ruary 10 th.

T. E. M(X>RE, Chnirman.A ttest—


Twin Falls, Idaho, Fobruary Iflth, 1920, 10 a. m. -

/a Tlie Board convened nt this time pur- )V suant to recosa. Present, all membera of and tho Clork.or In the Ma£t«r of Pnrchaaing Alcohol

fo r the Oouaty Hoq^ltaL b- Certain complications bavlng arftea t,e in tho procuring of alcohol for tbe uw I), of tho county hospital, tlie elerk ia h. instructed to mako certain abstracts pf

tho Commissioners Journal, and for* its ward same to the superintendent of tho es couaty hospital.I,Q There being no further business to ,u. eomo before the Board a t thla time n n,i recess waa taken until 10 a. m., Fon- he ruary 17th."o T. E.-MOOBE, Chairman.Ir« Atteat—

0. C. SIGGINS, Clerk,

BEO U U IE JANVABT SESSIOHng Twin Palls, Idaho, February 17th,

1920, 10 a, m.irt ' The Board convened at this timo pur*nd suant to recess. Present, all membersrd. and tbe clerk;ty. The Board a t this time proceeded tond the consideration of routine, business th- until the hour of -5 o ’elock p. m., when rn* a recess waa taken until 10 a. m., Feb- tst ruary 18th.he T. E, MOOBB, Chairman.Is, AtUst—Ihi 0. 0 . SIOGINS, Clerk,

3AY, MARCH: 10,1920BBOULAS irAMXyABT «B«8 XOT : ^

• Twia Palis, Idaho, Febrnary is th , • " 1920,10 a .m . ' , ' ■ . ■ ; / ,1 Tho Board eoaveaed a t tW a.thaa par*

suant ^ recess. Preseat, all; membera ,t imd the'.elerk.

The Beard a t thia time p ro w d e d ,t4 the' eoniidaratloa o f routl|ie ' bualaeaa ,

' uatU tha.hottto £ 6 d ’eloek.p. m .,ir te a• a reeeaa 'w u takea tiatU 10 au m., Feb-

jna*T;2 0 Uwv.>./;-’..v,'.' . ....... • ■r r T»>B. MOOEB,^.ChaIrmaa.

• At teat— f ' . ', a a BIOOINS, Clerk.

rTwia FallSiVIdaho;. I^b ru ary -.iOtb,

1920, 10 J m .• The Board eoaveaed a t th ia time pn>( soant to reeeea.' Preaea^ the. ehairman 1 aad the clerk., No partleolar bnaineBa appearing, ad- . jeummeat waa taken tmW 10 a. m.,, f tb ru a ry -Slst.'' - 1 •. T. B . MOOBB, OhairmaiC; Attest—[ a 0. SIOGINS, Clerk. .

BBOUUB X*intAB.T SBBSIOII > Twin Fall., IdllioV P eb ra iry ai>l,I. U20, 10 a. m.- ' ' ' .

The Board eonvened « t tbis time par* aoaat-to 'reeesa. Present, all members aad the elerk.

The Board a t thia time proeeeded to the eonsideration of'-routine baslnou aatU the hoor.of 5 o'eloek p. m., when a reeeas was takea until 10 a. m., Feu-' '

'» m ary 88rd. •^ • T. B. MOOBB, Chairman. , A^ Attest—• 0. a SIOGINS Clerk.

0 BBOULAS 'JA SV A B T BBBSION ,• • Twin Palla, Idaho, Febraary E3rd,’ 1920, 10 a. m.

Tlie & a rd eonvened a t thla time pur­suant to recess. Present, all members and the Clerka. ' ‘ l a tha BCattar of the Btidget fo r tha Paim Bureaa.

The budget for 1020 p f the Parm Fureau was takon np fo r further eon*

i» sideration nnd afte r lengthy dlseusslon the Board fiads and decides to make

r- tbe following appropriations for sail Pann Bureau for the year 1920.ApproprUtioas fo r Bald -Parm Bureau

e BudgetCounty A gent____________ _ 12100.00

a Home demonatration Agt------ 1670.00>• Oonnty Club Loader--------— 1448.00

Fixed office expense........ ....... 2582.00

TOTAL ....... :______ __- ..... „$7800.00Clork instrneted to forward copy qf

these prffceodings to tho .Pa™ Bureau.A petition fo r the creation of a new

I, Sehool Diatriot In Township Nino South,• Bango lourteob, E. B. M., approved t- by tho county school superintondeMt 's hnving beon filod, the Bonrd made tho ' following order:

Notice of hearing o f a petition ■> for the creation of a aew school 0 d istrict'» Notico is hereby given that a poti*° Uon for the crcaUon o f now school

diatrict, embracing nil of Section Ton ” (10), West H alf of SocUon Eleven (il)

West Half of SocUon Fourteen (14), all of Seotton F ifteen (16) and nil of 'T BeeUon Sixteen (16) lying Bouth ' of Deep Crook, all ia Townabtp'Nine (9)South Rango Fourteen (14) E ast B. M.

*0 and approved by the county school superiatendent has beon flle,d.with tho

'0 board of coant/ifommiBalbno’Eifof Twin '0 Palls county,"lilaho, and that a hoir- .. ing bf said poUtlon will be had to- '0 fore said board of eounty commisslon- “ A potition for tho annexation of Bec- ’0 of sad Twin Falls county, Idaho, at

2 o ’clock p. m., on tho 12th day j f Mareh, 1020, a t whlcb timo objootion to the creation of said school distrie'. will alao bo heard.(Signed) T. B. MOORE, Chnlrmnn. l a tbe M atter of Chaaglng the Bound* az7 Llaea Between Sehool District No.4 and No. 5, Twia Falla Oonnty. Idaho.

A potition for tho annoxatioa of Sec­tions Four (4), Five (5), nnd Six (6 ) Townahlp Twolvo (12) South Rango

h. Eighteen (18) E. B. M., to District J^o.. 4, and tho segrogntion of tho sam i

II. from District No. 5, approved by the m county superintendent nnd. having been

filed with, the board of county commll* to sioners, i t Is ordered th n t a hoaring ss on said petition be had on tho 12 tl> i-u dny of IkUrch, 1920 a t 3 o ’clock p. m., a„ and that notico ef said hoaring bo pub-

. lished In the Twin Palls News for Two ronsecuUvo Issues, as follows:Notice of Eaaring o f PetiUoa for Change la Booadary Lines Between School District No. 4 aa d No. 6 , Twin F a lb Oonnty. Idaho.

Notico is hereby givon that a pe*’o> titlon annexing Sections Four (4), Flvo

' (5) and Six (fl) Township Twolvo (18)**■- South Rango Eighteen (18) E. B. M.,I” to District No. 4, and eogregntlng sam-

from District No. 5 of Twin Fallh, '1 • *0 county, Idaho, approved by tho county

school suporintendcnt. hns boon filod a with tho board* of county commission-

ors of Twin Palls county, Idaho, an i that a hoaring on said potitbn will bu had beforo the board o f county com-. mlsalonow of Twin Fnlls county, Idaho, • on tho 12th day of March, 1020, ut

■ 3 o'clock, p. m., in tho offico of said

(ConUn^d on PiS^o Sovcn)


i HIDESof ^ —dr* ' ■“


248 4th Avenue So. PHONE 98

s u Y t B S O F a a w f U B S

Page 7: TW i PA m m M… · TW i V0I..8;. KOwaaa.'.- . - .-• mifllST fliiim iM il Attoiriey’s Effort^ ' Witness fdrfSlate

i NoraKt p. mmssiai(Oontfaptjl from

eotmtf namlMioBera ia^ the’, eon ‘ bdoae ia Twia T tU i, Jdahoi a t

ploe« aad tanexattoa 'irtll'a lio !>• howd.

S a ^ th lf 23rd ' i t y of SVbn^j fe g a e d ) T. E . MOOBE, O btlm an.

- Thore beJiV no fnrtber biuiaoM t e e n t bfttorft t to Bowd a t th li timi a reeoM wai tmken uatU 10 «. ai~ A t nuuy Uth. - -

T. S . 2IOOBS, OliairaaB. Attoat— • • ■ , ■ ; • ■ ■ ' -

a a e iG o n ? ^ d o rk .

BBO'DIJIB lAKUASiT SESSION Twin Fall*, Idaho, Pobmary 2i0

1920, 10 a. m.Tbe Board conTonod a t th ii time pa

Buaat to tw o u . P ietoat^.all momboi nnd tbo clork.Xa tb a 'X a ttn f .o f ^Hozlottt WMdji 1 T v is XdibB. .

i>uraa'aat to SoeUoaa Z493, 34M, 849 3496, 3 m , 8498, .349d u d 3000, il board of-count; eotamVasloatr* of Twi

JPalla .countjr,. Id ^ o , 'k ereb / fonnulal oad declare:

I t la Hereby deelaTod thn t Canndk tbiatio, bull tbiitle, wild moralng glor; or blAdwood, doddej, hoary crcas ( whUo cap, -and BoQr~doek oro noxloi

I . wooda, and that they aro dotrimoaU k oc doatructivo to ogncultural intorosl

in Twin Falls oounty, and it ia hor< by ordorod that all CaoadiaD thistle bull- thlatles, wild morning glory, < bindweed, dodder, hoary crosa or whil cap and sour dock, within thoi ]lml< of Twin Folia eountyj Idaho, shall t destroyed by flooding, by applyla acids or other substancoa .which wi destroy tha lifo of aaid noxious w«0( or by continuoiu cutting, coatlnooi euUlvation aad nader no circumstasci to allow aay of eaid-aoxiaaa woods i go to seed, and this ordor shall I compiled with on or beforo Juno 1920 aad i t shall bo tho duty of o land owncra within Twfn PalU count to contiaiio to comply, with tho abo^ oidor afte r Juno .1, 19S0 until 17ovq: bor J, 1020.

If. any land ownor ahall fall to eoc ply with tho order abovo made, tl board of eounty eommlasioners will p r cci'd to tho laws above quotod.

Datod thla 23rd day of Februar 1020..

By Ordor of tho Board of Count Commissioners.

T. E. MOORB, Ohairman. Thoro being uo further businca 4<

comc boforo tho Board a i this timo ' roccss was takoo until 10 a. m., Fel

ruary 25th.T. E. MOORB, Chairman.

Attest—C. C. aiGQINS, Clerk.

EEOULAB JAKCTA^y SESSIONTwin Falls, Idaho, Pobruary 25t

■ 1020 , 10 a. Di; -Tho Board convonod a t this timo pu

suant to roccss. Present, all mombo and tho clork.

, In tbfl BCattar of th s Cancellation • T ax Baltt Ooirt Ko. 950 and 9&1, Sosi

. 1817.Comcs Z, II. North, deputy count

treasurer, and makes written appUc tion for tho eaneollation of tax sa cortifieates Nos. O-'iO and 051, Seri 1017, covering Lots Eight (8 ) ui Nino (9) Block Twelve (12) in tl Town of Kimborly, stating th a t tax for 1017 had not be pal^, but Hi boon nlbwcd to become dolinquent, ai

, iilso tha; tho property should not hft’ bon assessed, owing to tho fact th i t was and is ownod by a widow. Boa: takes the moUer under advlBomont.

Thoro-being no further businoss como boforo tho Board a t this tin a Tocess was taken until 10 n. m., Fe ruary 26tb.

T. B. MOORB, Chairman.Attest—

0. C. SIOQINB, Clerk.

BEOmiAB JANU AS7 SESSIONTwin Palls, Idaho, Februory 201

1020, 10 a. ni.Tho Board convened a t this timo pt

auant to roeess. Prosent all membe nnd the clerk. 'In tbo M at«r of locroulng tba Salad of Oounty Employea.

A suggestion for &a adToneo in dc uties’ aaiarios, herotoforo made by t heads, of tho various departments w ttgnm' taken under eonslderallon, a n iter a lengthy discussion tho Boa formulated tho following ordor.

The following sehodulo of wagoa apply to all tho,employes of Twia Pa county courthouse, shall be In for and offect from and afte r tho 1

^ day of February, 1020, and shall gt * orn oil now clerks and deputies o:

ployed aftor saii\ dato, until furtb orders:

Auditor's Offico One deputy clork of the Dis­

trict C o u rt................. ..........1155.Ono chief deputy___________ 155.Ono deputy ________________ 145.Ono indexing a recording dep-

u t y _______ ______________ 115Two stenographers_________ 100

AJMMSor’# OfflcoOno chief deputy ----- ■ . . . <155Ono depu ty ------------ - , 145E xtra clerk whea aeoeasary^.. 135

Treatnrsr't Of/lca Ono chiof deputy $155Ono deputy — tj.---- L___.___ _ i 4fiE xtra clerk whon inecessary». 135

S b n iff 'a Offle*Ono chief deputy ..................... 1153Throo deputies__________ _ MO

-Ooanl7 Sdiool Sapt. OfficeOno stenographer ___........___ 4100Janitor, day shift _______ ___ <130Janitor, night shift ________ <103In tbo M attor of Beftindlng T b jm

Comos Z. Q. North, deputy troosui and files claim for Mrs- l I P- Joi for ovcrnssessment on Lota 13 and in Block 100, Twin Pallfl, on JTh taxoH, penaltius and intorost amou to$3.13. Aftor duo consideration, lk)ur<l orders thu claim filed, and t lhu lu^nussur Joke crudit for said onto 0)1 lliu final sottlcmoat.

Tliere boing no further business como l)cforo thu Bo.ard a t this tim rocofHi wn.H taken until 10 a. m. i ruury 27th.

T. E. MOORL', ChoirmaiAtU'St—

<■’ C. 9IQQINS, Clurk.

' S B d i7 L A B > ia m ^ pT w ln Idakb,; ^

DC . .Th*o.k,aJd Snv«a«^ a i iU a 'tto e pat?IsU raaat to naaai. PMMSt, a U a^atabera

sad the elerk, . t t tba -M fttttt e f :amwdiBK t to Koxi.

___ OQB W M l SnttM . * .omt Th« ofaet';for;d?ftTttistien o f aexloua SSk weedi h•vtb^ore!0 a ^ ^ yrit B0 oi>ded to aa> «oafoTt&:% itlt-^*:iu»«iM :^t from tba■ ■ TTalverfl^ - o f Mwebw, and ordered

priatod 4 a ‘the} i ^ H e r a l d , Buhl Bo- p o b U w ^ m ^ttS ea T aa l,. Twin Falls

n. Now*, Twia ra ils Chronicle and Twm I to Falla Times, witb iaatra^tlose lo publUh ime, at'oaae.: • ' . i ' / •B^b. Tbe f«maisfler e f tbe day eeeapted

with roatlBe bsaiaeaa anUl the bour a., o f 6 _6 *«loek p . » r , when a .recess was ' 'uaUl 10 a. m.; March 1st, 1020.

• T. E. MOOBE, .Clialnnaa. ,■ M test— ■f • - a 0 . S io o m e , Olerk. J

" “ ■ r , . ' ' ■ ■par- seP O B T o r THB OONDITIOir OF o«n t h b B A liS OF EX2CBEBLT* AT S llf t- . ^ BBBI.r, ZN TBB STATB OF IDABO. * ” AT TSB OLOSB OP BUSINSSa FSB> ;495. E i r ^ Y 28, J9W.the BESOUBOES

1. Cash ©a baad 5,888.102. Diio from b«nm --------- 38,OM.(l»3. Cbecka and D rafta «n

other b a n k a________ ^ - 84-04'“'y* B. Loans and Dlaeonata 844,970.08 ' " 7. Stoek, boada ood war-

r . n l . _____________ - 28,813.04“ t * 10. Banking hoiteo, furniture

flita rc s L ---------- 17^00.0013. Expeasos In excess of

earalnga __________ 1S2.87

^ l i ; ------------------------ »4Sl,i4t.SSI bo U A B H J r iE S •ying 1. IndividjJal doposita sub-will joct to c h o c k ------------ <203,080.00eedt 5. Time e«rtifi«atos o f de-oous posit _______________ 101,891.33neoa 0.,Caahlor'B ch e c k s__ —~ 2,403.83» to , Total doboslta 307,084.221 bo ---------------0 h 10. Cnpitfal stock paid in .., 36,000.00; 11. Surplus _________- ___ 12,500.00unty 13 Besorvod fo r bond dis-

.. count ........ ................... . 110.00J4. Bills payable, including

obligations ropresonting''» ? ' monoy borrowed *_____ 18,000.00

U: a bond certificates .....- 1,850.00

Total _______ __ - .........<43IT,444.22. STATE OF IDAHO,

County pf Twin FollT*^ • n. I, W. H. Turner, cashicr ot th e above

4to named bank do solemnly awcar tlia t tho 10 a above statomcnt is truo to tho best of Feb- ajy knowledge and belief.

W. H . TOBNEB, in. Cosblor.

Subseribed and sworn to boforo s o - tbis Sth dny of March, 1020.

I certify that I am not an offieer of f or director of this bank.J5th, H. EA'tON,

Notary Public.pur- Correct—A ttest:bors HENRY JONES,

C. T. BBOWN,1 • Directors.Bsies » ------- >□n‘v No. 112^.


jrios HOLLISTER, DT THB STATB OP und IDAHO, AT THE OLOSB OF BUSI- the n e s s n iB B trA B T 28TH, 1020. .

axes RESOURCESJ. Cnah oa h a n d _________ I 4,087.032. Duo from banks .......... .. 12,535.723. Checks and drafta on

othor banks --------------- 002.505. Loans and dUcounts ..... 100,302.88

. 0. Overdrafts _______ ___ 87.387. Stocks, bonds and war-

rants _______________ 7,032.0310. Banking houso, furniture. and f ix tu re s _________ 12,500.0011. Othor real esltite _____ 5,629.5613. Expenses in excess of ■

earuings ---------- -------- ' 01.54

^ Total -------------------------_|149,759.63LIABILITIES

pur- 1- Individual deposits sub-ibors joct to c h e c k ________4 73,144.70

G. Timo ccrtifieatea of t e ­azles posit _______________ 20,853.90

0. Cashier's checks ______ 4,761.03dep- Total doposits ....... - - 104,759.03' the --------------W.1S 10. Capital stock paid ia _ . 20,000.00and 11. Surplus _____________ 5,000.00

loarJ 14. Bills payable, including obligations ropresonting

}B to monoy borrowed _____- 2 0 ,000.00Pslla - -*fores Total --------------------------4U9,H0.<!3


rttS r ’r " ' ”I, A. P. Craven, cashier of tho above

namod bank do solemnly swear th a l tbo abovo statomeat is truo to tbo best ol

55.00 my knowledge and belief.55.00 A. P. CRAVEN,45.00 Cashior

Subscribed and sworn to befbre ml15.00 Uiis flth day of Maich, 1920.00.00 I certify that I om not an officer ol

or director of this bank.155 00 OEORGE W. JAMES,li fo Notary PubUc.'

Correot-Attost:• W. H. CRAVEN, .


I S135.00 A "Boody-looking" man miy be az

excellent maa, of jAne' staadiag a\aoT>{155.00 those Vho really know him—bu t tbi140.00 Appearancos count for mucli—in dres:

aod la PaiN TIN Q . A poor pioco o100.00 F ^°^»g haa mlnus-valuo nil i ta bwn 13o!oo knocks, silently condemns.105.00 'a ■ ■

ipFOR SALE!>, tho1 that 5 room modem house; elose ia.’ iiouut Oood garage. Easy terms.

»s lo --<4,000.00—

P . R . T H O M P S O NPhone 614-W 403 flth Are, E.

TW IN Fi^U LSPAr ." " If ' " " ' ' ' ' ' t ' .JTth, ‘ ' ■>

r W i Nid toI tbo ....'' —lered s s a a s s a ^

^ I . .

P « word isMrUon lo P er »»ortl;P«r w««k V 80

Per wbi^ per month IBola- ,• ’ '

. ' r ■- T-

C L A S S IF IE D R A T E SOF o a s ' tufsrooii. per word----------------le

□MU O n t iTMk <DaUr oad Weakly)-------- 5ejaXK DM month (Daily ta d Weekly} 16c

sn & is n a ehatgs foe sseh insextleQ ; . o f 1^ classified ad, 16 cents. Ads

m ast run fo r a stated peilod o f time.» .1 0

F O R S A L E — R E A L E S T A T EB4.04 _________________________________70.08 FOR SALE—Well improved 10 acres.

Immediato possosaion. Small paymeat 13.04 down; balance easy terms. 0 . A. Bick­

ford, a t H. B. Luo's office.0 0 .0 0 ----------------------------:-------------------------

POB SALE—New 6 room modorn52.87_bungalow. Priee <4,300. Inquiro, 543 ____ 4 th Avo. N. Immodiato possession.

FOB SA L B -L ot 0, block 127. Oo- - mont walk front and slio, all improve*

meats in and paid. PHee <500. Cour-39.00 tesy to agents. J . Clyde Lindsey, 18

Americaa ave., Long & ach, Cal.[>1.33 -----------■ I ■ - I. .03.83 OOOSE LAKE VALIiEY, OrogOfl. 84.22 Improved <wator rlghtV.____ Stock, Implements, furniture. Low30 00 pi'ico for quick sale. <2000 will linn- 0000 hulnncD terms to suit. Apply

owner, W. A. Bailey, Lakoview, Oregon.10.00 SALB—By owner: Large farroa,

. small farms, <40 to <7.5 per acre; contorof Drain district No. 2 nnd famous .a1-

)0.00 fjiifa soed and boot beU; close in ; fo'nc* >0.00 Q(}. somo improvements. Frank Hinck------ loy, De.»eret, Utah.t4.22 - i l _____— ------------------------------------

FOR SALE on oasy torma—20 acrea of improved land adjoining the eity of Twin Palls. P ot pnrlitulars inquiro or write 0. P . Brodersen, Payotte, Idaho,

bovo . . . . -t the • • OKLAHOMA OIL LEASES for sale, st of from 5 neres up, nt $2.50 por aero up to

25 ner acre, acordiug to diitanco from ;B, dlfferenl wildcat •wells. One spoeial ICO bier, ocros a t <10. D. J. Perry, Edmond,> s o Okla.j_ of FOB SALE—One of the bost aix-

room bungalows in tho city. See ownc', ijq- 350 Elovcnlh nvc. E.‘bH«. “ f o b s a l e — Fine rosldonco lot In

E ast Lawa. Phone 1200.FOB SALE—80 acre farm. Only

<1 ,000 cosh' paym ent'dow n' required. ' Easy terms. CIoso to school. Oood

buildings. Noar Castleford. Only rix OF miles from Buhl. This is s bargain and

bottor thaa renting. Would accept a QY clear proporty i f desirablo, of one to

'TTAT firo tbousand In value as payment n down. Writo £ . Damman, 205 7th Avo.

N., or phono C34-J.87.03 ' f o b s a l e —Good Mountain Boach 35.72 with unexcelled snmmer rango for cat­

tle or sheep. This is a good buy. For 02.50 full particulara oddress B. V., caro02.88 Nows.

POB BALE—House on lot with 82 1-2 32 03 ^cot front by SOO foot deep. Fine shade

and fru it trees. Prieo and terms to 00.00 r*hono 8 8 8 -B.29.56 PQ 2 SALE—Two neres, houso and

a , bam , three blocks from school. Pbouo 451 or (J18M.

59,63 FOR SALB—By owner, somo g-jod buys in ranches if sold soon. This land is located in Caayoa and Owyhee coun-

44 70 Adapted for alfalfa aad spudaW ith a satisfactory payment down

{Q3 QO terms will be made to suit purchosnr. ’6103 honds or olhor se-I'lo’m curlties fo t f irs t pj^yraent. Addrew

D. Q. Baby, CaldweU, Idaho.FOR SALE—At ft bargain, SO atroi

JOO.OO ono one-half miles from railronO stntion. 20 acros in alfalfa,' balanct ready to sow.' Qood impro'^cmeatii. j7t

WO.OO bushels of soed wheat, ono cow, 13 hogJ •' ■ binder, form imploments and haraos*'.

[50.03 pijoao or wrlto Salmoa Blver lav . Co. P . S. Lloyd, Mgr., Hollistor, Idaho.

FOB BA3iE~5 room houso, largo lot , shade afid fru it treea No agents. Ad

J rm . C. B., (UTO N ew t____________

F O R R E N TBN, ______________ _ __________________lahior. • POR RENT—Throe room modern un ro xa? furnished apartment. Apply Herbst i

Bombo. , .ser o f ■ — A

FOB RENT—Two mo&m furaishoi ES rooms, close In. Phona 408.

FOB- B E N '^ 0 aeres. Call phon 77L___________________________

T ^B RENT—40 seres ono.mllo nort of Hollister; five-room houso; well In

, proved; <5 per acre. P. B. Gross, Stoc be a s Exchange .building, Portland, Oro.iUOTig — . _■it tho FOB BENT—Boom for ront Phon dross 998-M.

’' b « i TY PE W B IT E E S-Fir Eont op 8«1 —Seo Hoover a t Business College, c w rite Eichoy ‘Tho Typewriter Man,'

= f j = Rupert, Iiiaho-

VOB B ENT^Nieo fnai sicepiu I room, 0.17 Third wost.

I “ f o b RENT—Putnlshcil slocpin _ room; gentleman - preferred. Phoi ■ 002J ; 240 Seventh ave. B.

ia.’ FOB RENT—Board by day or weei 4G0 3rd Avo. N.

FOB RKNT—Oood ranch. Phoi OlOW, Twin Falls.

•N [ o s t

^ • LOST—Licenso No. 788. Return ——+ W illard MeMaster.




F O R S A L E — M ISC E L L A N E O U :

; 5e " " P O B ^ A l i i ^ l^ ^ l i e r top dosk as jSc buggy. Phono 431-J.2?,° “ ¥ gr " s a l e - 8-10 Axmlnlstor Bu

Apply Herbst * B am l» .POB SALE — Stuaobokor Boadstfl

— 1D18 model. 037 3rd-'Avo. W. .

£ . POB SALE—^Buff Orpington oggs ft setting. <1.2S per sotting. , Clyde Taylor, Hansen, Idaho.

Ick- POR SALE—Tires, W erner's Uepn Shop, 244 Second street east.

ern POB SALE—Organ, first class co: 543 dition, rcnsonablo price', tnione 324-V:__ ' “ f o r SALE-^Puro Dleklow wheat 1Co- nny quantity. Call C. T. Brown. Phoi kvo- 30 and 31, lUs\botly.’Ys POR SALE—Spnn good Porchcrt

mnros, blacks, eomlng 4 and 0; wclgl____ about 2800. Span grado Poreheron goiroa ings, bays, both coming 4: weight aboi h o . 8700. J . H. Barnes.. P. O. Haase

Farm 5 miles oast of Hnnsen.FOB SALE—Blcytlo., W cratc'« B

jon street east.“ FOR SALE—First-elass third cuttli

hay, delivered. Pliono 061-W..'‘I- POR SALE—100 tons-hay, ^ p.

toa. Phono 508R3FOR SALE—1 team mares, 3200;

“ “ wagon, 3 1-4 ineh; 1 sot work hames H. L. Hammond, enro Newa

i or FOR BALE—Fino regular milk goat bo. gentle, woll broke. Pliono 6 Q0 -B. P. < - r - Box 734..a le ,_________________________________> FOR SALE—Rhode Island Rod cod rom nrols, onstern stock, threo to f»vo do 1< l)ir« each. Phono OSO-B. Box 794.>nd, — ■ — ----------

FOR BALE—McCormJeU mowor nn rako, P . and 0. plow. Chcap. Call ODOV

ne', FOR SALE—Largo wleKer bab r bu; gy. Phono 441-M.

r i n IDAHO GROWN NURSERY STOCl Kimberly -NuTSorles, Kimborly, Idnho

>Sy FOB SALE—300 owes, 1 to. 4 yea ted. old, wlU lamb in Pebtoary. L u tr ai lood Boborts, Boom 0 Baugh building.^ FOB SALE—Begislered Hercfo)

„ cnttlo. 50 two-year-old bulls; 50 on year-old bulls; SO two- and tbrco-yen

' old holfets; 50 one-year-old helfera. i .« Tho very-best of breeding, ve

strong ia Anxiety 4th blood. The _ _ eaillo havo good-bone, good color, wl inch plenty of quality and site. All raiS'

on our farm hero la Idaho.Yot Our herd wns established ovor two enro ty-six years ago ia oastom Nobrasl

and wo have been continually 'in tl____ business slnco. Wo now have probab; 1-2 tho largest puro bred herd of Hoi lade fords west of the Rocky mountains., to Writo or come nnd seo us. 0

pricos aro reasonable nnd our oatt _ _ irivo satisfaction, and MIDLAND BREEDING PABM, lo'uo L. L. Young & Sons.

Nampa, Idat:

S F O R S A L E — A U T O M O B IL E S

“ t o b S A L ^IO ID lialek"B ls S li;fine condition: or will trade for light

J car. Phone 975J

Ireiis I w a n t e d — M lS C E L u ftN E O U l

----- ‘ ’W A N T E D ^ o b ^ n ^ rm by marriiroi, mnn. P. 0 . Box 308. • -rond __ ______________________— ——oner -- WANTBi>—Position by commto jTO high school boy, after sehool oad 6 i

lOgJ, urdnys. Address *‘H. ’ M ." carO’ los'i. News.

WANTED—Immodiatcly, lumloh----- or unfurnished houso; long leaso i f P'I lot, sible, or would buy within six mont; Ad- Phono 509.

_ WANTED—PosUii.n, either on fa or in restaurant by voung man. Pho 154-Rl.

fu n - WANTED—Plain sewing. 830 Foui st ts avcnuo W.___ WANTED TO B n y ^F ro m fivoished ton sharcn water right Twin Falls t’oi

Side, .\dilrcss J. K., oaro Nows.~%VANTED ID R ^ T — Six ro bouse, furnished or unfurnlsbod.'

------ childron. Address J.,S ., eare News.lorth — ...1 Jm- WANTED—1 lo 3 room furaisl Hock houso by family of throo. Beferene

Address: P. 0- Box 213, City. ,

WANTED TO BUY—F ifty bead voung grade Merino owes Sred to la

------ in March. Hobbs b Oillott, CastlofoSale i.inho.

Jin,” WANTED—Infom ntlon eoneem tho whereabouts of Mrs. R. A. Bi

------ will bo npprotintcd by Tho Mlnldcepiug County Nows, Rupert.

------ WANTED—Your rar.or bladescplng shnrj)cn. Worncr’s Repair Shop, : ’honi-' Socond sroet E.

------- WANTED — Light housokcopweek.' rooms. No children. B. E. W., c _____I News.


rent, r!4 yctirs to pay. Sco J . W. ! DrtWcU, BCcreh\ry-tTvi«urcr, a l Fi

ra to Bureau Buturilnvfl botwoon 2 nnd i ni. Phono No. 597J1.



JUS HELP w antedand WANTED-—Elderly lndy as house

keeper oa. ranch. Water in houso ■r— good homo fo r th e right natty. Phoai B»8 . 213W or writB O. E P ., S rii ol N om

— WANTED—Married m»a~for ranch inoT, npjij. Phone 610B1,

—— WANTED—'Youag mea fo r railwa' ^ mail clerks. < 110 mpnth. ^ e r l e n c0 B. uanoeessary. Por freo psrtleulars, ex

aminations, -write J . Leonard (forme “T T , government examiner), 4S9 Equltabl

B ljg-> W ashington, D. 0.WANTED—Woman, by the hour t

\v *lo washing and cleaning. Apply 21 ;___* Blue Lakes B lvd. North.“honJ " g ir l WANTED at Varney’fc

____ WANTED — “Mlddlo-aged Wonmloron children as housekeeper oclRht O. E. Heady, Buhl, Idaho, phoaI'eld-

nBon. FOUNDJTOUiJI^Eyo g W e s irM ^ c a u T ^

Ownor may recovor by idetitifying an _____ paying fo r this ad. ' .ttlOJ ................. ... ■ ■« ill !■.

NOTIOB TO CONTBAOTOB8— — Sealed proposals will bs rocoIveiL u

tho offleo o f tho Twin Palis Highwa Dlstriet, 7 Power Boilding, Twin Pall* Idaho, up uatil 2 o'elock, Mareh

' . 1920, for tho eonstrnetion of approxi mately 27.5 miles of bltuaiinoas maea

^ . dam pavement, culverts and bridgM .oats, Proposed work will bo le t in two cog p. 0 trncts, approximately as follows:

■ CONTBACT NO. 3 — B osd»-lZ 26 UOes

, 28,800 eu. y d a oarth oxcavation. 115/iOO sq. yds. .5-laeh maeadatt bas

___ course.nnd sq. yda 2-lnoh penetration mac

DOW. touTse.___ ‘ OulTsitsbug- 703 eu. yds. eonerete eulvorts.

50,700 lbs. reinforcing steo).------ 360 f L 12-inch east Iron pipe,culvoiHOCK. 1,870 f t 18-lnch eormgated iron pip nho. culvert.------J.'iO ft. 24-inch corrugated iron pip

eulrert. ................. ’ ^• 33,500 Iba structural stoel.

12,000 feet D. M. timber floor.ofo'rd CONTBACT NO. 4

one- Boods—16.30 Milesyonr- 35,200 eu. yds. oarth oxcAvatleo- s. 144,000 sq. yds. S-lneh naeadasi bai very eourso.

rheso 144,000 sq. yds. 2-ineh penetration m a with adKm top courso. aised ColTsrts

700 cu. yda concrete eulvorts. twen- rj5,800 lbs. reinforcing stoel. raska oOO feet 12-inch.cast iron pipe eu » th-) vert.hably 000 ft. 18-inch corrugated iron pip Hore- culvert.ins. 00 ft. 24-ineh eormgated iron pip

Our culvort.Mttlo 1 000 iba struetural steol.

Bridges:, 2 75 f t. span 20-ft. road wsy.•ns. £3,200 Iba structural steol, per 76 f dano. span.

■ 5,420 lbs. reinforcing steel per 75 f P C span.

■ #2.5 eu. yda eonetete.0,720 f t B. M. lumber, alterante bJ

/.K*— laminated wood floor,gnter (Separato bids will be entertained o

bridges.)>IIC Alternate bids fo r 2-lneh asphalti

eonerelo top course will be received c bofli contracts,

irriod Crushed rock, enst iron pipe, reinfor ing stoel nnd ccmont will be furnish*

— - to the contractor by tho Highway Dl wtent triet, rock and steel f -o. b. ISfin Poll1 Bnt- comcnt nnd east iron plpo f. o. b- nes rO’ of est shipping p o in t

Odfapielo se t o f plana'’aad speelfle “ 7 " 7 tions mny be seen a t the offleo of tl ibhed ip^in Highway District, or a sf pofl- for privato use will bo fnndshod, ow ontha application, by making deposit . .

<15.00, <10.00 of whieh will be refundi " upon return of tho plans aod spedfic

PhoM within 10 days afte r Is ttin g '

_____ Proposals shall bo snbmltted up'ourth blank forms provided fo r the purpo

by tho undersigned i)nd Bball be necoi ' panned by eetllfled eheck, payabio

ivo to Stuart H. Taylor, Treasurer of the Tw t'niith Palls Highway Distrlet, in tbe sum of

per ccnt of tho amount o t the contrai____ Tbe Board of Commissioners rcsorvroom the right to rejoet any or all bida


STUABT H . TAYLOR, Sccrotoi Bisbed yf JOHNSON Chinf Enginoi■ences. — -------- -----

NOTICE FOB PTJBLIOATION C------- TIME APPOINTED FOB PBOVllind of y TLL. ETO. lamb In Pnjbato Court o f the Coon

leford, of Twin Falls, Stato of Idnho.In tho mnttor of tho estate of Sar:

, A. Lowry, dcccased. n if Pursuant to an order of said Con

lidoka '"'‘‘louoticn Is hereby given tha t Friday t_____ 10th day of Mnrch, 1020, nt 10 o ’eloos !o a m. of snid day, n t tho eourl Toom p, 244 said Court, ot tho court houso In t

said County of Twin Falls, has bo-------- appointed as tho time and placo 1coping itroving the will qt said Saroh ., caro Lowry, deceased, and for hearing t

npplicntion of D 'Estnng Lowry for t insunnco to him of letters testamonta when nnd whoro any person intoresl

- - may opprar -nnd -eoatetit the samo. 1-2 per Dated March 0, 1020.V. Me 0 . P. DUVALL,

Farm Probnto Judgo and ex-Offleio Clerk d 3 p. ' Porter & Withnm, Attorneys

said Estate.

ESDAY, I ^ C H 10,192020

■ ' " n lSECTION '

. .. ' ' = ! ' ■

I* I I t y o n w a n t to ' b n jr , m D, e x c h a n g e , . b a H a r , d li>

i t ' s p o s e o f o r BO qnJre i S Y - T ^ O t r y n i i l t r V a w i O lA H aa».'_-. ■

^ BUSlHESipEGTflBY :hono -• . '

. 'inch, — — — ---------- ---------— .--------- i.-iruj

WXHDOW QLASS—Wind shields; eab------ Inet work. ,Moon's,Sho> Phone 8 .Iway -I I— I— ;, , I % .ii I.,,I . lenej) T E A N 8 F B R

rmet O E O E ^table • Phone 848 .'.,, " /

— ' ! P l& H O T U m N O ^ir to810 PIANO IO N lN O -8 . 0 . p d ll. Phoas

___ 84, Rogerson Hotel. . :

PIANO T D lflN ^ P b o n it m Lont,^ . . . ■ ■

on \ , . “ ■' ■—'hono ~ ~ ^_ . p r o f ^ a j l o M L a l

------ A T T O S I i£ T f fileys.' i S a B.

— HOMBB 0. U IU A —^ y d , i ^ i a g T '

,, TA’TI.OB OUMMIZiS^Babeoek K dg. ' Ptdbate snd el7 ll

SWBBLBT * ^WIUBLBT—A t tM W . L t? ’ « tL aw - Praetiee la aU Oourts, Twia

Palls,-Idaho.- ; ____ - ;

E. VL W O IiPS^U w yer, Booms S tnd con- Departm eat^torm Twia

Palls, Idaho ..

J . B . WISE—l*wyer. PoUy. nrgaala- ed CoUeetloa D epartaent. Offiees—

baso Booms 4 and 7, over Twin Falla Bsah Jb Trust Oo., Twia P ^ , Idaho. -

DON J . B E N B T ^B , * T . Mdg.~Ool- loetions snd Oomuereisl Law.

■ ^ AEOHmSOT ^CBABLBS S . XAV rUAX . tn h lte s t.

‘ Bobcoek >muaii.8. du-.? 'p ' _________ ■

AN o r r o B T m n i YThe centra] offiee of the Westera

District, located s t Boom 800, Flood bnilding, San Pranelseo, OaL, is aeting as a eloaring house, or modium through

. whioh prospeetivo emptoyors may get in -touch with ex-serViee men of techni- eal ability. ,

This offiee has persoaoily Interview­ed these mon to determino thoir expe^- enee .and rives yon below a brief state m eat of the qoaliflestioBS o f some ap- plieaats for agrieultural positiena.

' you have the liberty of 6hoosIng au 7 e f these applleants, adviidag tbe War

P‘P* Dopartment a t tho above address of , those selected, and the men wil immo-

P*P» diately be *ofonod li> yon fo r yoor fu^ ther eonsideration..

1. (MANAOBB SANOH) A. B. a . age ^ ynnis, nngie. O r^u a te Agri-

K ft_ eultnral College. 20 moa S ib e i^ foreea Interpreter. Exporienee: Her-

'5 f t tiealtnral commission of layo cooaty- manager BiUslde Water Oo. o reh sr^ ; maaager F red. Hess dairy; instruetor

bid Inglewood, <&lif. SpeaksBussian. Knows i^nplemeot gome,


baltie TA TR) H. O. H., sge 30 wears, m at­ed on rieil. Oornoll UnW ersi^ Agrlcdltnre.

1s t l i t , Army. Supt. general farm and ufore- eountry estate, haadllng-eattle, horses,^ lished landscape gardening, developing land.7 DIs- 8 . (BANOH WOBK, > TEAMING.) • Polls, W. O. L., age SO yesrs,- singta Hi^h near- sehooL 1 year wagoaer, U. B. Anny. 8 {

years experience on ra n ek ^ :^ -‘*- ilfiea- 4. (CATTLE ot SEED BU8 INE8 B.; ii the w . B. L., 25 years, single. Threo and tt one-half years, college. 2nd L t , Field

> QP*>A Aitillery. Opportunity io manage eattlo ‘t . o f or sood businesa Oonsiderablo exper!- OTded ooeo along thoso Unea


PEBTENCE.) M.- M., ago M years. Griunmnr school. 1 year, Field Artil-

urposo Qjnsidorablo businoos oxperience.G. (RANCH FOREMAN, HAND-

, LING CATTLE.) P. S., age 25 years, n » married. Exporienco, 5 years foreman itrac t ~ y®” ® rancli work. 2 year for serves company.g 7. {MANAGER FARM or LUMBERR tn r CO.) A. U. S., 22 yoars, marriod. Unl- lident Minnesota. 1st L t , Air Ser-otarv ^1®°' Itanding manager. Land and »inoer. dumber Co.:------ - 8 . (RANCH WORK.) A. W. S., 24r OP ^oars. Pnblie sehool. Cook, U. 8 . VING Shipping Board oa the U. 8 . T. 8 . Iris.

2 years, Mooro Shipbuilding Co., Oak- loonty land, Oollf. ■ \

In addition to tho auovu we have Sarah m an/ farm hands, truck drivers and

tractor moehanics M th whom wo jc ia Court, place yon in Contact a t jrour request

the - —>'clock j l . ->om of JIMhVAINTEDig tho • CLEAN RAGS ;jrcstod . .

: NEWS OFFICEJerk. I . _______________ 's fpr ^ " — ■

r e a d THB DAILT NBW&

Page 8: TW i PA m m M… · TW i V0I..8;. KOwaaa.'.- . - .-• mifllST fliiim iM il Attoiriey’s Effort^ ' Witness fdrfSlate

■ s i i i i lommyiiRs

H m * ' q « e i ’: t o rX

.; ' r'i.'8 bp rM 'in '.X T O X iati

:At. the anntul local dedtrn'fttory c#b- W .h a l l J M t . eyeniBff in klfh •iUiool MdltoriBia, Tbeod^fe Seaicten

- won t o t p iw a 'ia the o rtto r li^ oU »; s . - ^ r a l i 'a «Tb» Prise '‘ of P ^ e ; OgoretU U n m jr wob dr»* ••. B»U«’ b o u n witb ‘,‘ Wbea tbo Fleol *

:6 o«t B / , " V liju io a 8 /n o a ; and Ida &SK , fflTltiff *'Th« Ab&ndaraed Blope- I*'

b r^ B o p h C. Uneolaj took f l n t t ' plM» ia the bamoroui division. All •! ■peaken did exoepUoaall/.'good -work i\ aad the wbole program waa one fix- Mlleat eatertaiaaieat.. Judsei-fo r tbe B oeeadoa were ICra. < Burtoa E . U orw . tl the B «t. Conrad li. Owea and Z. K tl North. H

Sixteen.■stndeata eoatoated for do- li elraa to ry honors, five la the oratori* a eol elass, four in the Jram atio and ti sevea in hcunotous. K at WillUunson n: won soeond plaee and Bethel Biako ii third, ia the oratorical department; u O ladjs Nomle and Violet Swenson; see ond aad third plaees respectively for C dramatle work, with Haxel WU an^ tl Dorothy F rost runnors'up in tho ba> I morotis division. d

The thfeo winners will bo trained by tl Miss Ida A, Brown of tho publie It speakiag department for the next two «i weeks and wilt thon go to tho distriet C meet Friday ovening, U a n h S6 . VntU o all particulars ooneoming tbo resaltf of d contests in othor townl have been ro* a eeived by the soerotary of. tbe div c trie t doelamatory leaguo, no .de^nito f town will bo named as th e ' mooting |<

filaee of doclalmors for the district. I t p B considered tikoly^ howovw, that the f . coatest will go to sopio town oa th<) Ii north sido. n

About 200 persons attended the flee t­ing last n igh t Beleotioos by the Ugh j; school orchestra entertained. thejOsem- p bly between numbera. , .

E ight'now members, of the SpanlsU ii club were intitU ted into the aodety t: a t the regu la r' meeting lact e r e o l i f ii a t the h]{^ school. A ahort prognun ]■ foaturod the mootlag,' tbo ca tertauora h being p rin d p a ly th e initiates. Ioe a cream and wafers were served in the si cafeteria a t the close of the program, r '


^'Potato" Banqnet Tickets Oo- C iog Faat— Program Will Be «

of "Bttrprise” Variety •Not less than 200 persons will bo

Boated around tho bonqaot board a t the chamber of eommorce potato breakfast, to bo givon tomorrow nigh t

This ann.onnoemont is'm ade by Now- t] | 8 . W l^ t , s o e r o t^ of tho Twin Falls ehamber of nmmeree, under whose aospieos tho eveaiag breakfast is to be given. The affair, will bo held a t the high sohool and wil bo marked by a '^ r p r i s e program ."

Quarantooing attondanco aad success for this revived social effort o f tbo elub, eommittee canvassed ihe town to- diiy in tbe Interest o f tlokot salea. A l a r n am nbor, were disposed of, as- mtrlag the 200 atonduico mentioned by Bccrelnry W ight

John Graham, flrs( named as master of ceremoaios, will not be present as lie is unavoidably dotoinod on an out- of-towa trip . A sobstituto will bo aunonnccd by Ohnlrman a B. Booth, of Iho committeo in charge, tomorrow. H .J . Sweeloy -will be tho principal speak- r r of "the occasion, and- his addnws will bo ilmitod to 10 minutos’ dura­tion.

Tho ontortainment' program, ontside of the feast, will bo provided by tho Ameriean lepon and will conslts of all sfirts o f ' ‘stunts,” together with malo ({uartet singing. Diaaer will bo oerred promptly a t 7 o ’c lock .' The dinner will rtA proparod by members of tbe Twen­tieth Century elnb.


WABHINOTON, </P>—Aa aathoriwd praee timo a m y of SSB^OO enlisted men and 17.820 officers, was approved to- ^ey. by the houso, Wfaieh by a vote of 79 to 2S'rflfn»od to snond tbe am y re-orgaabcatlon so as io fix the musxi- mtmi strength a t 76.000 men and J9.- COO officers.

F or....Farm and City Loans Beal Esuta



' O rer Ooldsn S«l« 8 toce

PHILLEO IH s s l o r S a l e

• G r o s i i i l A l l a n a l

P H O N E 87 2___ ...__________________ _ _ w /


RokaL. Douglas Brings Ac Against Capital le c tr i cipal Officers Basing <

: Prbsecutiphs in Probate■ Naming as defendants, H. D. K lnn .^ j^~~

II. D. Bandali, B. 6. FolliQd, the Oltl* rm m ’s Eleetrie Supply eom ^ny and the r lJ Capital Eieetrio eo&pU7;.and the Oen- * ^ oral Electric e o n p ^ A { i 9 ii;,po tig lasi has I n s t i tn t^ sult^ln the distriet .eourt slleging Aallelons presesQtloa. Ho asks judgm ent fp r ♦KtfJWO.. • -" The su it was filed this morning by J . Romor C,_jU ^,=«enttsel~for - tb e ^ in ' | tijff. D efendaat K in n ^ Is auditor for tho Capital Electric eompany, H. D. Baadalll .its p ^ d e n t and B. 8 ^ Fol- land' its secretary.'. Tbeso defendants 1 arb all o f S alt Lake.' Th^ Cltitons Klee- thi ttio Supply e o i ^ h y is a loeal braneh Art nf the Capital Ilo e w e eompaay which, ma iu turn, is said to bo a distriet braneh »ee (if the A eaoral Eleetrie eompaay. sot

Today's aetion grows out of su its Fii filed ia the probato court reeeatly by ' the county proBocuting officer, I r a n k ^bc L. Stophaa, a t tho InsUnco of Dofon- ths dant &ianey. Theso actions, o t ono wh timo filed' as separate ehargea, and me later in the lump, was rocently dls- niissed in tho probate court, Judgo mss O'. P. Duvalt .doelining to eontinue trial ^ on tho ground that llo-eviaonco intro­duced was InBufflcient In thq last antk>n there wero flvo counts, each charging ombeulemont of eompany funds and appropriating sueh fnnds to petsonal ueo whllo Douglas was em> ployod as mnnagor of the Citizen's Eleetrie Supply company; Trial of tho lnst action boforo dlsmlssol, consumed m-nrly a w eek’s Ume.

In tho oetion Instituted today tho fla in ttff eharges that through, tho prosoeutions in tbe probato court,; an-1. tho notoriety attaching to tho suits,Iio has boon sovArly 'domngod in rop- iiiation nnd 'catuod personal mortificu- tion.. He alleg<}s tha t ho has beon sor- ^ inusly ineonvonioneed in carrying on — Vin business, which has beon injured; has beon deprived of liberty through arrost, loss o f aoclety of frionds, has sufforod in ju ry to his good aamo ond roputatioa; his prido wounded porson- aUy m ortified, and has been cauaod mental suffering, smart and injury throngh malicious acts and oppression.'Tho siun totid of the amount sought

iit jadgm ent comprisoa exemplary and Puf^tivo dauagea, coats and disburse- n ip ts of th b an# the'aoUons dismlMod iV th e d istriet eonrt, -Douglas some time ago instituted suit ngainst H. D. Kinnoy allof^ng slander.

Classified Ads are cbeap-^ffeoUvc.

LAVERINGFriday and Saturda


California Bathing" Girls

Appearing in Person


T h r e e - R e e l F e a t u r e F i lm

II I f l n h n r i r h T i h i r ^ I I L u m i u L i I H I Mluo rJludtu I UN

I f l

[DjuuU Unu ' DnLlil if”"~ ■ ,'■ 4 -" Ola

Action ill I)ist^i(^ Gbiix4; ^ : t r i c . C o l n p a I i y S i i a ' | ^ i H - g C l a i m o n A r r e M a f i d ,

lo i SEIlMBPHS ^


r J. H. tlarliei; Seoreiarjr qf'the ; Ooimty' f i l l , Annonnoei [ Sapt. 14.17 tete.T im e'a Dates for the Twin Falls county fa ir> tills fall havo been deelded upon. They !i Iiro September l-i, IS, 17. This lafor<I, maUon is supplied by J . M. Markel.ll scerotary of the eounty fa ir, who spent

somo time in Twin Falla today from s Filar.f "Those are tbo aetive show dates of

tho fa ir ,” Mr. Markel said, exphilnlng• thnt tbe entry date is September 18, a whon tho lost exhibit en try eaa be 1 mcde.k ” Wo oro not expoctlng a repetiuon of

f|Et CRISPETTES]'s — •

A Better Uum oandy and

° oheapei, only 60 package.

J All stores.

> \ _______________ Jtl —


Dairy Cowa, Holstoins and Jer­seys—n l good grado s tu ff; tu-

* bcrcular tested. ______

I Glenn FrancePEONS 8; SUSBEBIiT

iT H E A T R Eday, March 12*13

CAL REVIEWI’S LAST flOHT”m . P r i c e 5 5 C e n t e

j \ .

inp.falr, and a ro ^ U n ^ 'a o a e m lghtyl. 'cIflbbrate,>rognuaa.:jte ihi<bwlC« «’*of the

O U ^ w t' Xdi TO fmnMp irfti'illfi |ai

^ ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - ' • ' ^


W HEN one buys season it mus thentic and; t]

• We feel sure that you ' of our ira w SPRINC

SuitsWhy t^e Eton an

. Suits predominate . answered w^en pn(

glimpse of the new sp els. They are y^outhJ and spring-like in fa are showing some ve tive models in serg

. tines and mixtures, be agreeably surpriE the values we are ofj


BlotThis morning we

hundred attractive h ishing selection of coL es; Among them wer Pongee Waists,- all si Fancy Georgettes, ali Georgette and Wash Georgettes, all colors

There were others up t o ..................

I . .

IW i t m M by oxficMi of ; . the aheriff'I. aepartaent-.and >ia '.Uiag held :fo^«n.inqnl>7 :M :to > ia‘naatid .eondltiott; Tbo man'ia aUeged to be tb deranged and nffering .Jroa faaaifiil « ilJchta .which lead Um to believe'he haa vatold wealUk Be -M MiA to hare -'

to promote l a ^ oomoiaroUl ‘

A G O O p V c p ^ TOTRAM

ys Ready-torWear a t the is t be with i feeling tha t the values consistent w it )u w iii appreciate the valu ■IG CLOTHES.

' r .y ’:

ind Ripple I is easily ne gets a jpring mod- hful in line fabric. We^ery attrae- . \ rges, trico- ^I. You will \ \:ised to see ^iffering for ^d$65M V .. '

» : ■ DtjW S So early

' often forgedainty, we' needed for

Kljin . nbon teas, i the afternc

■ From our £ may be ma( al w o r^ ai

juT J f ' not be just

, »}■ $I9.7S,$

usesB unpacked over one blouses ih an aston-;

olors, fabrics and pric- ere:sizes................... $4.95 1ill sizes............. $5.95h Satins ..........$6.95 jPS and sizes.......$10.00rs ranging in price - ................... $30M

Sale onFor the balance of

give some excellent va is one good opportuni skirt a t a price.

Some new^silk and wo-All serges, wool popli up to $10.95 regularAll serges, wool poplii plaids, up to $12.50 rejAll skirts up to $15.00•All serges, plaids and $20.00 regular.............

t n i u .triot. BoUttw. im >«liig » > o * h t_ _

. <.v .;.in->c-(UBD''.4>F'«RUntaAV''''"" 'I wa o itoU ^lba lu lta onuflleidl inI tho Im atltid fioW 6««dat> .W '> lsd: | I neu to u fa /I> J."B.'BUClKLBY,-> ^ J S . -WSAVEB,I B O T W B A V m ^ i

• -

16 beginning o f the at the ^ l e s sio au4 ,^ith the price adced. llues and price range

•ressesly in the season one gets just hpw badly a vell-tailored frock is or the summer after- 5, the outdoor parties, noon p r o m e n a d e. r showing a selection lade without the'usu- and fear tha:t it may st the proper thing.

$35.00 and $45M

1 Skirts !»

}f this week we shall values on skirts. This inity to get your new

vool plaids....$5.95plins and silk poplins'

....................... $7.95)lins, silk poplins and regular............$m.9S0 0 regu lar...... $ 1 2 .9 5

nd fancy silks, up to ..........................$16J95