tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014

Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: [email protected] | www.tygerburger.co.za EERSTERIVIER BLUE DOWNS: R300 000 BY ZEVENWACHT-WINKEL GEBUIT Helikopter jaag diewe RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj B lue Downs-inwoners se Sondagmid- dag-slapie is die afgelope naweek ver- steur toe polisievoertuie en ’n helikop- ter teen ’n hoë spoed en met loeiende sirenes deur en oor die woonbuurt gejaag en gevlieg het op soek na gewapende rowers. ’n Rukkie later het polisievangwaens se- kere paaie versper; voertuie met die honde- eenheid se kenteken daarop was langs Eer- sterivierweg geparkeer, onderwyl die heli- kopter laag oor ’n beboste gebied gevlieg het. Tussen die digte bosse was vier gewapen- de mans wat vroeër die dag by ’n winkel in die Zevenwacht-winkelsentrum toegeslaan het, en met R300 000 se kontant ontsnap het. Nuuskieriges het die middag ook plek- plek rondom die bos en strate saamgedrom, terwyl daar na die rowers gesoek is. ’n Ooggetuie met wie TygerBurger ge- praat het, het gesê sy kon sien hoe die polisie se honde-eenheid die mans agterna sit. Die meeste omstanders was egter onseker waar- oor die rumoer presies gegaan het. “Ek het net gesien hulle kom uit Happy Valley se kant uitgery,” het die omstander gesê. Volgens haar het die helikopter ook twee keer laag gevlieg op soek na die verdag- tes. Die polisie het Maandag bevestig dat die rowers Sondagmiddag by die Zevenwacht- winkelsentrum by die supermark-reus, Ga- me, toegeslaan het. Karla Perks, sentrumbestuurder, het gesê hoewel die voorval “ongewens” is, het dit da- rem op ’n positiewe manier geëindig. “ ’n Rooftog het hier plaasgevind, waarna die rowers in ’n wit Toyota op vlug geslaan het. Danksy die goeie werk deur die seker- heidspersoneel op die perseel, is die voertuig betyds opgemerk en is die polisie onmiddel- lik ontbied. Hulle het by die sentrum opge- daag toe die voertuig die sentrum verlaat het,” het Perks gesê. Die voorval is die tweede een van sy soort by die sentrum. Vroeër vanjaar in April is die MTN-selfoonwinkel van selfone en skootrekenaars beroof, terwyl Altech Auto- page van selfone in Julie beroof is. “Voorvalle soos dié kom nie net by Zeven- wacht voor nie, maar die polisie het ons ge- rusgestel dat al die wetstoepassers saam- werk om rooftogte by sentrums hok te slaan,” het Perks bygevoeg. ’n Klerewinkel is ook vandeesmaand by die naburige CapeGate-winkelsentrum in Brackenfell deur gewapendes beroof. Dit was die tweede voorval by die winkel en die vyfde rooftog by die sentrum sedert die begin van 2014. Kol. Dyson Jacobs, bevelvoerder van die Kuilsrivier-polisiekantoor wat Sondagmid- dag deel was van die polisiespan, het gesê die rooftog by Zevenwacht het omstreeks 13:00 plaasgevind. Niemand is tydens die voorval beseer nie. “Vier mans het die winkel se kontantkan- toor binnegegaan. Een van hulle was gewa- pen,” het Jacobs gesê. Die mans het die geld gevat en gevlug. Die voorval is by die polisie aangemeld waarna lede van die Kuilsrivier-, Mfuleni- en Klein- vlei-polisiekantore, tesame met radio-be- heer, op die oproep gereageer het, het Jacobs verduidelik. “Die voertuig is opgespoor.” Die gewapende mans is vanaf die Stellen- bosch-deurpad (M12) agterna gesit. Hiervan- daan is die jaagtog deur Range- en Wimble- donweg tot in Eersterivierweg voortgesit. Die mans het glo by ’n verkeersirkel in dié straat teen ’n sypaadjie gebots, waarna twee van die voertuig se bande gebars het. Die mans, volgens Jacobs, het die geld ag- tergelaat en te voet by die bos naby die Blue Downs-landdroshof ingevlug. ’n Soektog is begin. “Ons het ’n helikopter gekry om met die soektog te help en het een verdagte opge- spoor,” het Jacobs gesê. Die verdagte verskyn vandag in die streekhof van die Blue Downs-landdroshof. “Dis ’n ernstige misdaad wat gepleeg is,” het Jacobs gesê. Volgens hom het die verdag- tes hulle Sondag as gewone klante voorge- doen. “Hulle het net by die kontantkantoor inge- stap, en die geld gevat.” Die groep was glo almal netjies geklee. “Sodoende smelt hulle in met die res van die klante,” het Jacobs gesê. Volgens die polisie was dit ’n gesteelde voertuig,” vertel Jacobs. Volgens Jacobs is die roof by Game die eer- ste voorval van sy soort by ’n groot ketting- winkel. “Gewoonlik is dit selfoon- of drank- winkels wat geteiken word. “Dis moeilik om die soort misdaad te be- kamp, juis omdat die misdadigers netjies ge- klee is en soos ander klante lyk,” het Jacobs gesê. Volgens die polisie se jongste nasionale misdaadstatistiek het rooftogte by onderne- mings in Kuilsrivier die afgelope jaar toege- neem. Luidens die statistiek is altesame 28 rooftogte in die gebied by die polisie aange- meld in vergelyking met 17 in 2013. Twee polisievoertuie en ’n polisie-helikopter was Sondag in Blue Downs bedrywig, waar daar na vier gewapende rowers gesoek is. Die mans het na bewering ’n winkel by die Zevenwacht-winkelsentrum beroof. FOTO: RICHARD ROBERTS

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Tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014


Page 1: Tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014

Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: [email protected] | www.tygerburger.co.za



Helikopter jaag dieweRICHARD ROBERTS


Blue Downs-inwoners se Sondagmid-dag-slapie is die afgelope naweek ver-steur toe polisievoertuie en ’n helikop-

ter teen ’n hoë spoed en met loeiende sirenesdeur en oor die woonbuurt gejaag en gevlieghet op soek na gewapende rowers.

’n Rukkie later het polisievangwaens se-kere paaie versper; voertuie met die honde-eenheid se kenteken daarop was langs Eer-sterivierweg geparkeer, onderwyl die heli-kopter laag oor ’n beboste gebied gevlieg het.

Tussen die digte bosse was vier gewapen-de mans wat vroeër die dag by ’n winkel indie Zevenwacht-winkelsentrum toegeslaanhet, en met R300 000 se kontant ontsnap het.

Nuuskieriges het die middag ook plek-plek rondom die bos en strate saamgedrom,terwyl daar na die rowers gesoek is.

’n Ooggetuie met wie TygerBurger ge-praat het, het gesê sy kon sien hoe die polisiese honde-eenheid die mans agterna sit. Diemeeste omstanders was egter onseker waar-oor die rumoer presies gegaan het.

“Ek het net gesien hulle kom uit HappyValley se kant uitgery,” het die omstandergesê. Volgens haar het die helikopter ooktwee keer laag gevlieg op soek na die verdag-tes.

Die polisie het Maandag bevestig dat dierowers Sondagmiddag by die Zevenwacht-winkelsentrum by die supermark-reus, Ga-me, toegeslaan het.

Karla Perks, sentrumbestuurder, het gesêhoewel die voorval “ongewens” is, het dit da-rem op ’n positiewe manier geëindig.

“ ’n Rooftog het hier plaasgevind, waarnadie rowers in ’n wit Toyota op vlug geslaanhet. Danksy die goeie werk deur die seker-heidspersoneel op die perseel, is die voertuigbetyds opgemerk en is die polisie onmiddel-lik ontbied. Hulle het by die sentrum opge-daag toe die voertuig die sentrum verlaathet,” het Perks gesê.

Die voorval is die tweede een van sy soortby die sentrum. Vroeër vanjaar in April isdie MTN-selfoonwinkel van selfone enskootrekenaars beroof, terwyl Altech Auto-page van selfone in Julie beroof is.

“Voorvalle soos dié kom nie net by Zeven-wacht voor nie, maar die polisie het ons ge-rusgestel dat al die wetstoepassers saam-

werk om rooftogte by sentrums hok teslaan,” het Perks bygevoeg.

’n Klerewinkel is ook vandeesmaand bydie naburige CapeGate-winkelsentrum inBrackenfell deur gewapendes beroof.

Dit was die tweede voorval by die winkelen die vyfde rooftog by die sentrum sedertdie begin van 2014.

Kol. Dyson Jacobs, bevelvoerder van dieKuilsrivier-polisiekantoor wat Sondagmid-dag deel was van die polisiespan, het gesê dierooftog by Zevenwacht het omstreeks 13:00plaasgevind. Niemand is tydens die voorvalbeseer nie.

“Vier mans het die winkel se kontantkan-toor binnegegaan. Een van hulle was gewa-pen,” het Jacobs gesê.

Die mans het die geld gevat en gevlug. Dievoorval is by die polisie aangemeld waarnalede van die Kuilsrivier-, Mfuleni- en Klein-vlei-polisiekantore, tesame met radio-be-

heer, op die oproep gereageer het, het Jacobsverduidelik. “Die voertuig is opgespoor.”

Die gewapende mans is vanaf die Stellen-bosch-deurpad (M12) agterna gesit. Hiervan-daan is die jaagtog deur Range- en Wimble-donweg tot in Eersterivierweg voortgesit.Die mans het glo by ’n verkeersirkel in diéstraat teen ’n sypaadjie gebots, waarna tweevan die voertuig se bande gebars het.

Die mans, volgens Jacobs, het die geld ag-tergelaat en te voet by die bos naby die BlueDowns-landdroshof ingevlug. ’n Soektog isbegin. “Ons het ’n helikopter gekry om metdie soektog te help en het een verdagte opge-spoor,” het Jacobs gesê.

Die verdagte verskyn vandag in diestreekhof van die Blue Downs-landdroshof.

“Dis ’n ernstige misdaad wat gepleeg is,”het Jacobs gesê. Volgens hom het die verdag-tes hulle Sondag as gewone klante voorge-doen.

“Hulle het net by die kontantkantoor inge-stap, en die geld gevat.”

Die groep was glo almal netjies geklee.“Sodoende smelt hulle in met die res van

die klante,” het Jacobs gesê.Volgens die polisie was dit ’n gesteelde

voertuig,” vertel Jacobs.Volgens Jacobs is die roof by Game die eer-

ste voorval van sy soort by ’n groot ketting-winkel. “Gewoonlik is dit selfoon- of drank-winkels wat geteiken word.

“Dis moeilik om die soort misdaad te be-kamp, juis omdat die misdadigers netjies ge-klee is en soos ander klante lyk,” het Jacobsgesê.

Volgens die polisie se jongste nasionalemisdaadstatistiek het rooftogte by onderne-mings in Kuilsrivier die afgelope jaar toege-neem. Luidens die statistiek is altesame 28rooftogte in die gebied by die polisie aange-meld in vergelyking met 17 in 2013.

Twee polisievoertuie en ’n polisie­helikopter was Sondag in Blue Downs bedrywig, waar daar na vier gewapende rowers gesoek is. Die mans het nabewering ’n winkel by die Zevenwacht­winkelsentrum beroof. FOTO: RICHARD ROBERTS

Page 2: Tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014

2 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014NUUS

All social grantenquiries can bedirected to the

SASSAEerste RiverLocal Office

Contact Number021 902 8600


Photo gallery

Exotic cars strut their stuff at the parking areaat Grand West on Friday as part of the RogueRally.

CompetitionWin tickets to see Albert Hammond live. Also,nominate your domestic worker for Hirsch’s“Domestic Worker of the Year” competition.

Photo gallery

Springbok rugby players signed autographs andposed for photos at Sportsman’s Warehouse inBellville on Thursday.




Die VGK Sarepta se wyk Silversands hou opSaterdag 4 Oktober sy jaarlikse kermis.

Die komitee wat gemoeid is met die be-planning, beloof dit sal vanjaar nog beter asverlede jaar wees, het ’n gemeentelid, Jef-frey Smith, gesê.

Verlede jaar se kermis-opbrengs is ge-bruik vir die oprigting van ’n kombuis. Die

gebou word gebruik ten bate van die ge-meenskap, het Smith gesê. “Vanjaar wil onsdie opbrengs gebruik om kaste in die kom-buis in te bou,” het Smith gesê.

Daar sal vleis, hoender en vis gebraaiword. Koek en poeding sal ook verkoopword.V Kontak Jeffrey by 082 783 4635 met navrae.

Kermis by VGK Sarepta se Silversands­wyk

Komitee neem seniorsop parlementsbesoekDie Wesbank-gesondheidskomiteeneem op môre (2 Oktober) veertigvan dié geweldgeteisterde gebied sesenior burgers op ’n toer na dieparlement in Kaapstad.

Die toerskedule is van 9:00 tot14:00.V Enigiemand wat die groep wil steun, kanEdith van Wyk by 078 601 6618 kontak.

RICHARD ROBERTS@richardjohn_rj

The Kleinvlei police station has itself recent-ly fallen victim to crime.

This follows the theft of Telkom telephonecables near the station on Thursday 18 Sep-tember, which resulted in the station beingcut off from the outside world. For more thana week now the station had been unable tomake or receive telephone calls, the policesaid.

This week phone calls made by the publicwere redirected to the sector police cellpho-nes as an interim solution. These cellphoneswill be used to relay crime reports to the in-dividual patrol and sector vehicles, CaptainGladys October, head of the visible policingunit, said.

October said the recent cable theft haddealt the station a huge blow.

“It is very frustrating because our admini-strative personnel now have to go do theirwork at the Mfuleni police station,” she ad-ded. She said due to the cable theft, policeare unable to assist members of the publicwith their queries regarding ongoing crimecases.

“The community members call us andthey request to talk to the detectives regular-ly, but we cannot do that now,” she said.

She encouraged residents to refrain frommaking enquiries until the situation is re-

solved. The police do however encouragepeople to report crime incidents to the cell-phones made available.

“We want to use the cellphones availablefor crime related cases.

“We ask that the residents supply us withas much information as possible,” Octobersaid.

The police issued a notification last weekto inform members of the public about thecable theft. The notice reads: “Due to cabletheft the telephone system at Kleinvlei poli-ce are being upgraded. The upgrade will lastfor approximately two weeks. For all com-plaints contact radio control on 10 111.”

According to October, Telkom indicatedthat the cables will be restored within thenext week.

In May this yearTygerBurger reported onthe increase of cable theft in Kleinvlei andBlackheath.

As a result, several residents, businessesand schools have been affected.

In response to a media query a Telkomspokesperson said this is a national pro-blem.

If an area suffers repeated theft it becomesnecessary to look for an alternative solution,their statement read.V Residents can call he sector cellphones on either082 522 0521 or 082 522 0544. Alternatively con­tact Warrant Officer Peter Daniels on 082 522 1773or Sergeant Romano September on 082 522 2611.

Police station cut off due to cable theft

Kleinvlei police is investigating a cash intransit heist that occurred at the Grand Cen-tral Shopping Centre recently.

The incident occurred on Saturday, 20September around midday.

According to captain Gladys October,head of the Kleinvlei visible police, securityguards were busy loading cash in the ATMmachine at Capitec Bank when four un-known males entered the ATM-room.

“They fired a single shot in the air and fledwith two money boxes,” October said.

She said the suspects fled the scene in twoseparate vehicles.

“One of the vehicles was recovered soonafterwards in Beverley Street,” Octobersaid. She said the vehicle was reported sto-len.

“The money inside the vehicle was also re-covered,” October said.

According to October the money was da-maged when the robbers tried to open theboxes.

“A spray was released which made themleave the money behind and flee,” Octobersaid.

No arrests have yet been made.V Anyone with information can contact the policeon 082 522 0521 or 082 522 0544.

Guards robbed ofcash during heist

RICHARD ROBERTS@richardjohn_rj

Kleinvlei police this week said that they areinvestigating cases relating to the law onusing explosives, following the bomb attackson three houses in the area.

One house, it has been confirmed was at-tacked by means of a petrol bomb. Twoothers, it was said, was attacked by use ofgrenades.

The petrol bomb attack on a house locatedin Mimosa Avenue, Kleinvlei occurred aweek ago on Wednesday, 24 September.

The attack at the house belonging to an al-leged gang member occurred at about 19:00.

Captain Gladys October, head of visiblepolicing at the Kleinvlei police station, saidno arrests have been made yet.

October said the motive for the attack isstill unknown.

It has however been established that the

attacks are gang related.“Only the curtain inside the house caught

alight and burned,” October said.No one was injured.“The attacker just walked past the house

and then ran away.“Some people saw what had happened and

we encourage those individuals to come for-ward with the relevant information,” Octo-ber said.

Julian Unthank, chairman of the Klein-vlei Community Police Forum (CPF), saidapart from the attack in Mimosa Avenue,two other houses were also targeted the fol-lowing day – Thursday, 25 September, inwhat has been described as retaliation at-tacks.

Kleinvlei police on Monday said that for-tunately no one was injured during these in-cidents.

“Grenades were thrown in Miller Street,Melton Rose, at two different houses,” Octo-

ber said.She said no property were however dama-

ged.“The people do not want to talk,” October

said.She said the grenades were found on the

property.She could not provide more details.Unthank said this week that the CPF are

concerned about the violence in the area.“This weekend alone four people were

murdered in Kleinvlei.“It is young children that are shot, they

are also the ones approached to join thegangs,” Unthank explained.

October said last week that gang fights ha-ve been ongoing for some time between rivalgangs, the 28’s and Dixie Boys.

She said the area had been plagued bygang related shootings as a result of the con-flict between these two groups in Kleinvleiand the nearby located Melton Rose.

October also said that the police managedto confiscate a total of eight firearms in thepast month.

“The people are complaining about theshooting in the area.

“The provincial office had for this reasonmade more police personnel available toKleinvlei police in order to help stabilise thearea when gang violence flares up,” Octobersaid.

She said the extra personnel are made upof officers from the police’s Tactical Respon-se Unit and Operation Combat.

“The deployment are continues,” Octoberadded.

According to the latest police crimestatistics released two weeks ago, mur-ders reported at the Kleinvlei policestation have decreased from 34 murdersin 2013, to 33 this past year.

These staticstics only include crimes re-ported before April this year.

Kleinvlei houses targeted in bomb attacks

Praying police Members of the Kuils River police cluster held one of their daily parades inHappy Valley near Blackheath last week. Officers from Kuils River, Kleinvlei as well as theMfuleni police stations congregated on an open field in the crime ridden area on Wednes­day, 25 September around 08:50. Police parades are held each day. Other areas in whichsimilar parades have been conducted include Wesbank and Kalkfontein near Kuils River. Herepolice are seen praying during their parade last week. PHOTO: CAPTAIN NOMATHEMBA MUAVHA

Page 3: Tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014

Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014 NEWS TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs 3




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Kleinvlei officer, detective constable Makaziwe Tshologwana, bid farewell to the community lastweek by donating lunch to the elderly at the Eerste River Home for the Elderly Group in ForestHeights. With him is founder and owner of the home, Willie Nel and Magdeline Monding. Seatedare Joan Hendricks and Danie Smith. PHOTO: RICHARD ROBERTS

Top detective bids farewellRICHARD ROBERTS


AKleinvlei detectivewhohad recently beentransferred to the elite police unit, theHawks, said despite his promotion he willalways harbour a soft spot for the communi-ty.Detective constable Makaziwe Tsholog-

wana, former member of the Kleinvlei de-tectivebranch,was transferredamonthagobut says he will always remember the com-munity whom he had grown quite fond of.Tshologwana had several successes du-

ring his investigations in the area, especia-ly when dealing with crimes relating to do-mestic violence, abuse and stolen property– successes that had helped sew the trustbetween him and Kleinvlei-residents.He said as a member of the provincial or-

ganised crime investigation unit, his newmandate will be to assist police stationswith investigations.“The investigations I have done in Klein-

vlei were very successful and the communi-ty had helped a lot with some of the cases.“In some of the investigations, many of

the people involved became my family.On Thursday he bid farewell to the area

by paying a visit to a local old age home. Hevisited the Eerste River Home for the Elder-ly Group in Forest Heights where he servedup lunch. He also donated a bed and printerto the organisation.“I enjoy giving back to the community.”There are 19 seniors staying at the home.“I noticed that the owner of the home do

everything out of his own pocket,” Tsholog-wana said. Willie Nel, founder and ownerof the home, welcomed Tshologwana’s ge-sture.“We are very happy and thankful for this

donation. It is always heart-warming whenpeople make such donations,” he said.Nel said an extra bed in particular are al-

ways welcome, especially for someone whois frail. Thebedwere given to the eldest resi-dent, 97-year-old Magdeline Monding.He added that he would miss his collea-

gues at the Kleinvlei police station, astation regarded as one of the leading detec-tive branches in the province. ”I am lookingforward to the new chapter of my life. I willwork just as hard and will give it my all.”

A total of 356 suspects were arrested in theKuils River police cluster this past week.The cluster comprises of the Kuils River,

Kleinvlei and Mfuleni police stations.Spokesperson for the cluster, Captain No-mathemba Muavha says the police perfor-med several disruptive operations in thecluster which resulted in the arrests.A total of 86 houses were searched for

drugs which resulted in 92 suspects beingapprehended. Muavha says nearly 100 litersof alcohol were confiscated. Mandrax ta-blets with an estimated street value ofR1 400, tik with an estimated value of R3 270and dagga worth R1 600 were also confisca-ted. The remainder of the suspects were ar-rested for crimes relating to culpable homi-cide, murder, attempted murder, commonassault, assaultwith the intent to cause grie-vous bodily harm and drunken driving.Other crimes include the possession of a

dangerous weapon, malicious damage toproperty, house breaking and theft and thepossession of unlicensed firearm.Muavha said 80 of the suspects who com-

mitted less serious crimes were kept over-night and released on fines. These crimes in-cludepublic drunkeness and riotousbehavi-our.

Police nab over 300suspects in one week

Page 4: Tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014

4 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014NUUS





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Die Stad Kaapstad se departement ekonomiese ontwikkeling het ’n wykstoewysing vansubraad 21 ontvang om werklose lede van die gemeenskap tussen die ouderdom van18 en 35 jaar die geleentheid te gee om gedurende die tweede helfte van 2014/15 virleerlinglisensies en rybewyse opgelei en getoets te word. Die departement nooi dusbelangstellende individue uit om die aansoekvorm te voltooi en die vereiste dokumentedaarmee saam in te dien.

Aansoekvorms is vanaf Donderdag 2 Oktober by die subraadsbestuurder, kantore vansubraad 21, hoek van Van Riebeeckweg en Carinusstraat, Kuilsrivier, beskikbaar.

Die volgende dokumente word vereis wanneer aansoek gedoen word:

1. Volledig voltooide en ondertekende aansoekvorm2. Geldige afskrif van jou Suid-Afrikaanse identiteitsdokument3. Bewys van adres (munisipale nutsrekening of ondertekende beëdigde verklaring)4. Ondertekende beëdigde verklaring wat bevestig dat jy tans werkloos is5. Bewys van jou opvoedkundige kwalifikasie (minimumvereiste Graad 10)

Voltooi die aansoekvorm en plaas dit in die betrokke aansoekbus wat by die kantore vansubraad 21, hoek van Van Riebeeckweg en Carinusstraat, Kuilsrivier, beskikbaar is. Diesluitingsdatum vir aansoeke is Vrydag 24 Oktober 2014 om 15:00.

Jou aansoek sal ongeldig wees as jy nie al die vereiste dokumente insluit nie of as jy ’n afskrifvan die aansoekvorm gebruik. Slegs een aansoekvorm sal aan elke aansoeker gegee word.Let daarop dat die getal plekke beperk is. Die Stad se amptenare sal lede van die gemeenskapbillik kies in ooreenstemming met die minimumvereistes.

Kontak Girshwin Fouldien, tel. 021 417 0649 of selfoon 072 067 0384 of [email protected], vir meer inligting.



Empowering women to be leadersTo mark Heritage Day, Women in Lea-

dership (WiL), a non-governmental or-ganisation in Elsies River, hosted a wo-

men’s empowerment conference to comme-morate the heroines of the past.

Women from Eerste River, Belhar, Bellvil-le, Delft, Mfuleni and even from as far as At-lantis converged at the St Faith’s Church inElsies River for the conference under thetheme: “20 years of democracy and women’sempowerment.”A host of guest speakers ad-dressed the gathering about law and socialjustice, gender equality, food security andsafety at schools among other topics.

There was also a strong focus on empowe-ring women so they in turn can empowertheir communities. One of the guest spea-

kers, Western Cape Regional Head of the De-partment of Justice and Constitutional Deve-lopment,AdvocateHishaamMohamed, spokeabout women, the law and social justice. Mo-hamed said it is important for women to re-flect on where they come from in order tomove forward.

Continuing to fight for what’s right“We are a country with a great story to tell,

a story of struggle and victory and a commit-ment to work together to foster nation-buil-ding and social cohesion,” said Mohamed.

He brought to attention the struggles wo-men faced in 1954, when hundreds marchedin Pretoria in protest against pass laws.“Those women were not only fighting for poli-

tical emancipation but economic empower-ment, equal representation, access tojustice and land rights as articulated in theWomen’s Charter of 1954 and reiterated inthe 1994 Women’s Charter for EffectiveEquality. The right to employment withequal pay and possibilities of promotion inall spheres of work, equal rights in relationto property, land rights, and the removalof all laws and customs that denied womensuch equality. [The Charter] further de-manded paid maternity leave for women,childcare forworkingmothers and free andcompulsory education for all South Afri-can children.”

Mohamed said just last month the Justi-ce Crime Prevention and Security (JCPS)cluster engaged with thousands of womenfrom across the Western Cape during theirWomen’s Month programme. “Womenmade their voices heard on the challengesthat women still face today.

“Through our various interactions withNGOs at workshops and community imbi-zos the message received through the inte-raction with the community was clear: de-faulters of child maintenance must bebrought to book.

Still have a long way to go“We were also informed that the reasons

for the high withdrawal rate of domesticviolence protection order applicationswere because many women, particularlysingle mothers, feared further abuse at thehands of the abuser on whom they are fi-nancially dependent.”

However, Mohamed said two decades af-terSouthAfrica’s first democratic election,there has been a marked increase in the re-presentation of women in Parliament andgovernment and the private sector becauseof the unprecedented body of laws and poli-cies that have been introduced. “As wespeak today women judges constituteabout 30% of all judges, nationally. “Wo-men also make up about 41% of the totalmagistracy and are also represented in theJudicial Service Commission and the Ma-gistrates’ Commission.

But he added that when it comes to wo-

men in management, we still have a longway to go both in the public and private sec-tors.

Doctor Wallace Mgoqi, Commissioner atthe Commission for Gender Equality, saysthe rights of women need to be respected andthat gender equality needs to be maintained.“We need to strive towards a society that isfree from all forms of oppression,” Mgoqisaid.

Women in Leadership project coordina-tor, Matilda Vantura said she was gratefulfor the government and the private sector’sparticipation in the event and looked for-ward to a successful working relationshipwith all the stakeholders in the future.

Western Cape Regional Head of the Depart­ment of Justice and Constitutional Develop­ment, Adv Hishaam Mohamed during hisaddress on Women, the Law and Social Justice.

Page 5: Tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014

Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014 NEWS TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs 5

More than 30 swimming pools across the ci-ty will be open as of today (1 October) forthe summer season. These popular publicamenities are frequently visited by both yo-ung and old from across all communities.While Cape Town’s beaches draw thou-

sands of people during the summer season,the city’s swimming pools also enjoy a gene-rous share of visitors.Over 150 lifeguards will be on duty at the

various pools, with additional lifeguardsappointed during December and Januarywhen usage is at its highest. Belinda Wal-ker, the Maycomember for community ser-vices and special projects says: “We would

like to appeal to all pool users to obey theinstructions and guidance of lifeguards andCity staff. A lifeguard’smost important roleis the prevention of drowning incidents, butthey also serve to teach pool users aboutwa-ter safety. Our municipal pools should beplaces of fun and recreation – without anyfear of irresponsible behaviour that can pla-ce other bathers at risk.”The pools in the northern suburbs that

open today are: Bellville South, Ruyter-waght, Ravensmead, Morning Star, Good-wood, Delft, Bonteheuwel, Parow Valley,Parow North, Elsies River, Bellville andBlue Downs.

It’s time to swim, but stay safe

TygerBurger and our sisterpublication People’s Post,have secured a sizzling line-up for the first Hot SummerGroove at GrandWest Casinoon Saturday 6 December.This concert is all set to be-

come an annual event. Thisyear, Alistair Izobell, Emoand Loukmaan Adams,Blackbyrd and Ramaine Bar-reiro-Lloyd will all be takingto the stage, accompanied bythe band Take Note.Consummate showman

Izobell needs no introductionto Cape Town audiences.With a healthy following,tickets to his concerts usual-ly sell like hotcakes.While Emo Adams is well-

known for lighting up the stage with his an-tics and smooth moves, his brother Louk-maan also has a special flair with his sultryvoice.The popular all-female trio Blackbyrd

will belt out all their hits, including All for

me and I feel good today. Andthe cherry on top is definite-ly Ramaine Barreiro-Lloyd,known forher brilliant inter-pretation of Tina Turner inthe Barnyard’s productions.As an added bonus, wewill

be giving away a car at theshow.Your ticket serves as your

entry, so don’t miss out! Upfor grabs is a FAW V2 1.3worth R100 000.This car comes with all the

bells and whistles includingpower steering, electric win-dows, radio/CD player, re-mote central locking, airbagsand air conditioning.A service plan and a three-

year guarantee are also in-cluded.Since it is the season of giving, we’ll also

be donating R5 of each ticket sold to a localcharity, to be announced shortly.V Tickets for Hot Summer Groove, ranging fromR130, are available from Computicket.

Time to get your groove on

Ramaine Barreiro­Lloyd,

It’s time to celebrate our beloved furryfriends as we gear up for World AnimalDay on Saturday 4 October, leading intoInternational Animal Week.To celebrate, the Cape of Good Hope

(CoGH) SPCA is introducing Furry Fri-day on Friday 3 October.Help the SPCA raise awareness of the

plight of thousands of animals in need,and show your love for animals on thisFriday by wearing animal print.You can also get creative and adorn yo-

urself with a pair of ears, a tail – or evensome whiskers!To support the work of the Cape of Good

Hope SPCA, purchase a branded ribbonfrom our Grassy Park premises for onlyR10 – and encourage your friends and fa-

mily to do the same.The CoGH SPCA will be celebrating

World Animal Day at its Grassy Park pre-mises (on the corner of First Road andFrist Ave, Grassy Park) all day until 17:00.Everyone is invited to pop in for a tour

of the facility, a clearance sale at the chari-ty shop and boerewors rolls will be on sa-le. So whether you’re at school, at homeor at the office – show your love for ani-mals and raise awareness of the thou-sands of animals in Cape Town who stillneed someone to protect and care forthem, every day.V For more information on how you can supportthe work of the SPCA, contact the Fundraising De­partment on 021 700 4141 or email frrecepti­on@spca­ct.co.za.

Fired up for the SPCA’s Furry Friday

Page 6: Tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014

6 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014NUUS




Die Departement van Gemeenskapsveiligheid nooi organisasies/gemeenskapsleiersuit na ‘n openbare vergadering vir die areas: Kuilsrivier, Mfuleni en Kleinvlei.

Datum: 21 OktOber 2014tyD : 12h00 tOt 16h00Plek : Van riebeeck Saal, kuilSriVier

Die uitken van Veiligheidsbehoeftes en -prioriteite (VBPe) is ‘n grondwetlikeverantwoordelikheid van die Provinsie en is daarop gemik om seker te maakdat die regering in voeling bly met die veiligheidsbehoeftes en -prioriteite vangemeenskappe.

Die vergadering gee jou die geleentheid om:

• Jou veiligheidskommer te deel met die Minister van Gemeenskapsveiligheid, dieSuid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens en ander rolspelers;

• Met jou Gemeenskapspolisieforum (GPF) en Groeps-GPFvoorsitter te praat; en

• Die veiligheidsbehoeftes en -prioriteite van jou onderskeie gebiede uit te wys ente bespreek.

Daar word van organisasies/belanghebbers verwag om twee (2) mense te nomineerom hulle op die VBPe-vergadering te verteenwoordig.

Bevestig asseblief, ter wille van logistiek, jou bywoning teen Vrydag, 17 Oktober 2014op 021 483 6370 of [email protected] SMS VBP Kuilsrivier Ja aan 35395 of registreer jou organisasie op onsVeiligheidsdiensverskaffers-databasis by www.westerncape.gov.za/dept/community-safety. Let asseblief daarop dat spasie beperk is en sitplekke slegstoegeken sal word aan verteenwoordigers wat hulle bywoning bevestig het.

“Veiligheid is Almal se Verantwoordelikheid”Saam vaar ons Beter


The annual religious celebration of Eid-ul-adha (the Eid of sacrifice) is only afew days away and this year Qurbani

will take place between 3 and 6 October.The Cape of Good Hope (CoGH) SPCA

would like call on those planning toslaughter sheep or cattle to follow these gui-delines to ensure that the animals do not suf-fer unnecessarily.According to the Animals Protection Act

(No.71 of 1962):V All animals must be confined in such a

manner that allows them adequate space,ventilation, shelter, food and water;

V No animal should be picked up by itsfleece, dragged, chased or prodded;

V Animals should be restrained humanelywhile being transported and when beingslaughtered;

V No animal should be tied by its legs withbailing twine and crammed into the back ofcar boots or laid on their sides at the backof bakkies;

V When due to be slaughtered, animalsshould be laid on their sides and not on theirbacks to avoid distress. Animals should alsonot be forced to stand or kneel duringslaughter;

V Knives used for the slaughter must alsoremain extremely sharp so that theslaughtering remains as humane as possi-ble;

V Only experiencedpeople should performthe slaughtering. Inexperienced, lay per-sons who attempt to perform the slaughtersoften cause horrific trauma and pain to theanimal.

The CoGHSPCA advises those who are in-experienced, but want to partake in Qurba-ni, to contact the CoGH SPCA Inspectorateon 021 700 4158/59 or after hours on 083 3261604 for referral to such establishments.Members of the public who wish to per-

form Qurbani at their residential premisesare urged to ensure that animals areslaughtered humanely by an experiencedperson and must obtain permission fromtheir local City of CapeTown environmentalhealth office.The SPCA strongly discourages the

slaughter of cattle in places without adequa-te infrastructure to adequately restrain theanimals prior to slaughter.The Muslim Judicial Council (MJC), the

Halaal Trust and local farm owners have on-ce again collectively committed to ensurethe 2014Eid-ul-adha isheldnot only in accor-dance with theMuslim religion and culture,but also in accordance with the law.“We would like to extend our gratitude to

the MJC and farm owners for their willing-ness to work together to ensure that all ani-mals are treated with respect and compassi-on during this time,” said CoGH SPCA in-spectorate manager and spokespersonMoyo Ndukwana.SPCA Inspectors will be stationed at Qur-

bani farms to ensure that animals are sacri-ficed humanely andwill encourage and offerto pre- or post-stun animals to facilitate this.Theywill also bemonitoring the transpor-

tation, handling and housing of the estima-ted 5 000 animals destined for slaughter aspart of this festival.

SPCA calls for humaneslaughter duringupcoming Qurbani

It’s time to celebrate our beloved furryfriends as we gear up for World Animal Dayon Saturday 4 October, leading into Interna-tional Animal Week.To celebrate, the Cape of Good Hope

(CoGH) SPCA is introducing Furry Fridayon Friday 3 October.Help the SPCA raise awareness of the

plight of thousands of animals in need, andshow your love for animals on this Fridayby wearing animal print.You can also get creative and adorn your-

self with a pair of ears, a tail – or even somewhiskers!To support the work of the Cape of Good

Hope SPCA, purchase a branded ribbonfrom our Grassy Park premises for only R10

– and encourage your friends and family todo the same.TheCoGHSPCAwill be celebratingWorld

Animal Day at its Grassy Park premises (onthe corner of First Road and Frist Ave, Gras-sy Park) all day until 17:00.Everyone is invited to pop in for a tour of

the facility, a clearance sale at the charityshop and boerewors rolls will be on sale.So whether you’re at school, at home or

at the office – showyour love for animals andraise awareness of the thousands of animalsin Cape Townwho still need someone to pro-tect and care for them, every day.V For more information on how you can support thework of the SPCA, call 021 700 4141 or email frrecepti­on@spca­ct.co.za.

Fired up for the SPCA’s Furry Friday

Page 7: Tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014

Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014 NEWS TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs 7

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The art games have begun in all seriousness!Budding artists between the ages of 10 and

13 are already creating masterpieces underthe themeThe Tree of Life for an art competi-tion hosted by TygerBurger and Lindy vanNiekerk Art Gallery.To give every participant a fair chance, the

artworks will be created at the Lindy vanNiekerk Art Gallery in Eversdal. The entryfee is R50 and includes all art materials.Parents/guardians must book a specific

time slot beforehand. These slots are week-days between 09:30 and 12:00 and 14:30 and17:00, and Saturdays between 10:00 and 12:30.The winning artist will receive a R1 500 cashprize, R500 framing voucher and a R500stationery voucher.The runner-up will receive a R800 cash

prize, R300 framing voucher and aR300stationery voucher.The artist in third place will receive a R400

cash prize, R200 framing voucher, and a R200stationery voucher.The competition ends on 16 October and

the top ten finalists will be announced onTygerBurger’s website and contactedtelephonically before the prizegivingfunction,whichwill also beheld atLindyvanNiekerk Art Gallery at 114 Kendal Road,Eversdal on Tuesday 21 October.All paintings by the contestants will be on

display for public viewing at the gallery from22 to 25 October.V Enquiries: Lindy van Niekerk Art Gallery on 021 9751744 or [email protected]. Gallery hours are 09:00 –17:00 on weekdays and Saturdays from 10:00 – 14:00.

Painting the big tree of lifeKleinvlei CPFmembersMauretteDolman,JulianUnthank andCharmaine duPreez metwith schoolprincipals lastweek toaddress crimein the area.PHOTO:RICHARDROBERTS

Principals fear for safetyof their learnersRICHARD ROBERTS


Ongoing violence in Kleinvlei, it came tolight this week, causes some school child-ren to stay at home out of fear for their safe-ty.AllisonFebruary, principal ofMeltonPri-

mary in Kleinvlei, was addressing fellowprincipals from the surrounding areaswhen she explained that children are livingin fear because of the violence and that so-mething needs to be done. She said the ab-sentee rate of her school has also risen, ha-ving a detrimental effect on the children’sacademic performance.February were one of the principals who

met with the executive committee of theKleinvlei Community Police Forum (CPF)at Melton Primary on Thursday to discussthe way forward and possible interventi-ons. Julian Unthank, chairman of the CPF,told principals that crime are out of controlin Kleinvlei.He said one intervention that should be

considered is to encourage the police to pa-trol more regularly near schools.

Unthank said crime and violence seemsto be getting out of hand and that the policecannot deal with the situation.He also said the crime situation can beco-

me worse in schools, especially highschools.Gangviolence is aproblem,he said,and schools are often in the firing line. “Itis therefore important for the police to in-crease their visibility,” Unthank added.Another intervention plan he said, is to

introduce programmes for the young ones,especially during the holiday season. Forthis, the CPF are planning to involve theNPO the Chrysalis Academy in Tokai.“That way we can prevent the situation

from becoming like Manenberg,” he said.February welcomed the idea of introdu-

cing programmes during the holidays.“Even if it means that we open up theschools during the holiday,” she said.Harold Hickley, principal of the nearby

situated Blackheath High School, said hetoo fears for the safety of his learners.“We are sitting on a ticking time bomb.

The crime and violence starts in the com-munity, but it spills over onto the schoolgrounds.”

Page 8: Tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014

8 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014NUUS

The vibrant Cape Towntownships of Langa andGugulethu are set to beco-

me the centre of attention withthe recent launch of the LaGu-Gu Tour – a first for Cape Townand a welcome development forthe local tourism industry.City Sightseeing have partne-

red up with Kgomotso Pooe andhis dynamic entrepreneurialcompany, to add a new stand-alone tour to their existingCapeTown offerings that allowssightseers a personal, in-depthand unforgettable tour of CapeTown’s townships.“This is one of the most uni-

que township tours on offer asit allows flexibility for the tra-veller,” says Claus Tworeck,CEO of City Sightseeing SouthAfrica.“Many township tours give

the opportunity to travelthrough a township byminibus,with our LaGuGu Tour travel-lers can hop off at the variousstops along the route and spendas much time as they want inte-racting with the township peo-ple and soaking up the culture,while always under thewatchful eye of one of the locallytrained community chapero-nes,” he says.

The LaGuGu Tour taxis, inthe form of branded 15 seaterminibuses, departs from CitySightseeing’s tour office inLongStreet – with the first tour lea-ving at 09:00.Stops along the route within

Langa include the old dom passoffice – nowa township heritagemuseum, Brenda Fassie’s hou-se, Sobukwe Square – the placewhere the Langa Pass Marchstarted in 1960, Langa HighSchool – which was the firsthigh school ever to be opened ina township; the Old Beer Halland then a look at the N2 Gate-way housing development.In Gugulethu, sightseers will

be taken to theGugulethuSevenMonument – an anti-apartheidmemorial, theAmyBhielMonu-ment and then on toMzoli’s Res-taurant where a drink, a mealand some fun relaxation is onthe cards.For the sightseers who prefer

to stay on board for the entiretour it is a 90 minute round tripthat will return you to the LongStreet tour office.V Buy discounted bus tickets for all theCity Sightseeing tours online by visi­ting www.citysightseeing.co.za. Con­tact City Sightseeing on 021 511 6000for more information.


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Eid ul AdhaThe Speaker and Members of the Western Cape ProvincialParliament wish the Muslim community of the Western Capea wonderful Eid and Hajj Maqbool for all the hujjaj. May Allahaccept all your prayers, fasting, sacrifices and acts of worship inthis month of Dhul Hijjah and on the Day of Sacrifice. Ameen.Eid Mubarak.

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LaGuGu townshiptour launched


Twee plaaslike akteurs en ’n skrywer isdeel van ’n nuwe televisiereeks, OnsStories, wat op kykNET uitgesaai gaan

word.Die reeks bestaan uit 20 alleenstaande

kort films, wat die verhale van Suid-Afrikase bruin gemeenskappe vertel.Elke storie kom uit ’n ander skrywer se

pen en speel op ’n verskillende dorp of in ’ngebied af.Van Uitenhage tot die Kaapse Vlakte, ver-

tel Ons Stories verhale oor families en diedinge in hul gemeenskappe wat hul lewensbeïnvloed.Twee van Elias P. Nel van Kraaifontein se

stories is as draaiboeke vir die reeks ver-werk.

Liefde vir brakkie’n Hondelewe handel oor tannie Petronel-

la, wie se lewe tydens die apartheidsjare singegee word deur haar liefde vir haar kleinbrakkie, maar haar lewe verander wanneerdie besluit geneem word om al die honde inhaar gebied te skiet.Aalwyntyd is die verhaal van twee mense

wat oor die kleurgrens verlief geraak het in’n tyd toe dit teen die wet was.“Dit is van uiterste belang dat al die sto-

ries binne die Afrikaanse taalgemeenskapvanuit eie perspektief vertel moet word,” sêElias. Hy sê alhoewel daar voorheen al goeie

stories vertel was, “dit bly op die einde bloot’n blik van buite”.June van Merch van Bellville is een van

die akteurs wat in Aalwyntyd te sien is.Sy sê dis belangrik dat die stories in hier-

die reeks empatieke insae moet skep watversoening teweegbring.“Ons uitdagings omnet te oorleef is soveel

meer intens en ons het nie meer tyd vir me-kaar nie,” sê sy.

“Die reeks gaan gul ontvangword deur on-se mense,” sê Ivan Abrahamse van Belhar,wat inAs EkHuis toe Kom enBekkies Gevindte sien sal wees.“Onse mense hier, veral in die Wes-Kaap,

is mal oor hierdie tipe storie, veral met dietaal ook,” gaan hy voort.

Impak van die doodAs Ek Huis toe Kom ondersoek die impak

vandie dood op ’n familie, terwylBekkiesGe-vind ’n genotvolle verhaal is oor ’n man watbaie te sê het.Ivan sê Ons Stories is vir hom belangrik,

omdat dit rêrig die stories van sy mense ensy gemeenskap is.Elias sê sy eie gemeenskap bly die bron

wat sy stories voed. “In ons vreugdes, nooden lyding, maar ook in die onderdorpse ge-skinder vind jy stories wat die volle spek-trum van menswees vertel,” sê hy.Hierdie formaat van ’n klomp films wat in

’n baie kort tyd geskiet word, is volgensMNet se Karen Meiring nie nuut nie.Liza de Villiers, vervaardiger, het die mo-

del in Nigerië en Kenia raakgeloop, terwylsy besig was om ’n dokumentêre programoor die filmbedryf in Afrika te skiet.“Mense wil hul eie stories sien,” sê sy. “’n

Mens lag lekkerder as dit jou ma is, as wan-neer dit iemand in ’n Amerikaanse komedieis, waarvan die karakters effe verwyderdis.”Ons Stories word vanaf môre (2 Oktober)

om 20:00 op kanaal 145 uitgesaai.

Nuwe TV­reeks oor bruines

June van Merch van Bellville is een van dieakteurs in Aalwyntyd.

Ivan Abrahamse van Belhar speel in twee filmsin die reeks.

Twee van Elias P Nel van Kraaifontein sestories is in draaiboeke verwerk.

Page 9: Tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014

Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014 NEWS TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs 9

moet jy ons Sakegeleenthede-Konferensie bywoon, wat aangebied is as deel van 'ndinamiese transformasie-strategie.

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UWC celebrates 105 PhD graduatesThe University of the Western Cape (UWC)this year celebrated an extraordinary achie-vementwith their 105 PhDgraduates in totalfor the year.Last week UWC conferred a total of 745

graduates in September - including 38Docto-ral Degrees, 133 Master’s Degrees, 141 Ho-nours Degrees, 281 Undergraduate Degrees,95 Diplomas and 58 Certificates.In March 2014 UWC conferred 67 PhD’s.Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, Chancellor

of the University of the Western Cape, saidthis 2014 Spring Graduation is extra specialas the late Imam Abdullah Haron was ho-noured.Makgoba went on to thank Professor Ra-

mesh Bharuthram and Professor BrianO’Connell for their service at UWC. Profes-

sor O’Connell and Bharutham are retiringthis year.Prof Bharuthram has published more

than 100 research articles in journals of in-ternational standing and has been a visitingprofessor at the Central University, Hydera-bad, India and the University of California,San Diego, USA.UWC’s research output and quality has

improved dramatically during the last fewyears and the institution has received natio-nal recognition of excellence for several pro-grammes.Under Prof Bharuthram’s capable leader-

ship, UWC continued its effort to improvethe quality of its post-graduate offering, evi-denced through improved graduation andthroughput rates, and the University has

made considerable progress in the develop-ment of research niche areas.In theperiod thathehasbeenDeputyVice-

Chancellor, UWC’s research output has in-creased by more than 200%.UWC’s achievements in the national con-

text indicate that the University is, sixth inthe proportion of full time academic staffwith NRF research ratings, fifth in the pro-portion of academic staff with PhD’s, se-venth inpercentageof income fromresearchcontracts and other forms of third stream in-come and 5th in terms of universities andtheir research impact measured by citati-ons.UWC has to date been awarded 11 SARChI

Chairs, occupying the 4th position national-ly with the University of KwaZulu Natal.

Themain aim of the SouthAfricanResearchChairs Initiative (SARChI) is to strengthenthe scientific research leadership and capa-city in South African universities.Makgoba said thatwhenProfBharuthram

retires at the endof 2014, hewill leavebehinda University with a growing number of ex-cellent academics and research units, andan institution that is respected for the quali-ty of its graduates and that enjoys wide re-cognition for the impact of its research.Prof O’Connell on the other hand, has

been a professional educator for 44 years,serving as a teacher, school principal, Rec-tor of a Teacher Education College, Vice-Rector at the then Peninsula Technikon andSuperintendent-General (SG) of theWesternCape Provincial Education Department.

Abraham Walker(73) se huis inKalkfontein, waarinhy grootgewordhet, is verledeDonderdag deur ’nvlammehelverswelg. Abrahamwoon al 60 jaar opdie stuk grond indie gebied.


Gesinne dakloos ná brandRICHARD ROBERTS


SeweKalkfontein-gesinne is dakloos ge-laat nadat die sinkhuise waarin hullegebly het deur ’n brand vernietig is.

’n Pikswart rookwolk kon die betrokkedag oor ’n afstand opgemerk word. Die oor-saak van die brand verlede Donderdag op’n oop stuk veld in dié gemeenskap, kan eg-ter nog nie vasgestel word nie.“Dit het alles binne 10minute afgebrand,”

het ’n inwoner gesê.Die sewe sinkhuisewasaanmekaar gekoppel.Met TygerBurger se besoek was rommel,

beskadigde meubels, swart sinkplate, stuk-ke klere en gereedskap al sigbare oorblyf-sels.“Ek was by die huis en het televisie ge-

kyk. ’n Rukkie later moes ek die kinders bydie skool gaan haal met die bakkie. Ek wasnog nie eens drieminuteweg nie toe ’n kindna my toe aangehardloop kom en sê ‘Oupa,Oupa, jou huis brand’,” het Abraham Wal-ker sr. aan TygerBurger vertel.Met sy aankoms terugby syhuiswas daar

net vlamme. “Ekweet nie hoe dit gebeur hetnie,” het hy gesê. Volgens Abraham woonhy al 60 jaar op die erf en het hy as 18-jarigemet sy ouers daar ingetrek. Abrahamhet syhuis met sy vrou, sy seun en kleinseun ge-deel. Die gesinne het hul yskaste, stowe,DVD-spelers, TV-stelle, tafels en stoele ver-loor.Abrahamhetmet trane in sy oë vertel dat

die gesinne nou geen heenkome het nie.Hy het egter Donderdagaand by sy dogter

in Kuilsrivier oornag en wag nou vir bou-materiaal waarmee hy sy nuwe huis kanbou. Sykleinseun,AbrahamWalker jr., wasten tye vandie voorval vanaf sywerk op padhuis toe.“Ek kon op ’n afstand sien alles is weg.

Alles is vernietig,” het die kleinseun gesê.Gerty Snyders, Abraham se buurvrou

wat al sewe jaar lank daar woon, was ewegeskok toe sy by die huis opdaag.Daar word vermoed dat die brand in haar

deel van die huis ontstaan het. “Ek het nieelektriese kabels of kerse in die huis gehadnie,” het sy gesê.Snyders en haar dogter, Melicia, het ook

Donderdagaand by familie oornag.“Ons het alles verloor, ons identiteitsboe-

kies, All Pay-kaarte en geboortesertifika-te,” het sy gesê.Gemeenskapslede het Donderdag gehelp

met die opruiming. Die Stad Kaapstad serampbestuur-afdeling het aangedui dat hyboumateriaal aan die gesinne sal verskaf.JustinWildebees, ’n gemeenskapsleier en

lid van die Kalkfontein-gemeenskap-ont-wikkelingsforum, het egter ’n beroep ge-doenopgemeenskapsledeomdie gesinnebyte staan deur eerder klere, kos en kombersete skenk. “Die mense het letterlik alles ver-loor,” het Wildebees, wat op die toneel waskort nadat die brand uitgebreek het, gesê.V Enigiemand wat wil help, kan die gemeenskapsfo­rum kontak by 083 365 2202.

Page 10: Tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014

10 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014HOOFARTIKELBLAD

Wat jy ook aldoen in die spelvan die lewe, doenjou beste.– NormanVincent Peale

Duimpie tussen die reuse: Bryan Habana staan met sy babaseun, Timothy, in sy arms tydens die sing vandie volkslied voor die Springbokke se rugbykampioenskapswedstryd teen die Wallabies Saterdag op Nuweland. DieBokke was met 28­10 baas. FOTO: CARINA ROUX

[email protected]|Faks: 021 910 6501|Posbus 747, Bellville 7535|Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woordenie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00

Kyk, hierdie tannie loop al soin die 60 jare en met haarmoet jy nie sukkel nie. HierdieWindows-skelms wat my soamper elke dag bel, het mydarem goed die hoenders ingemaak.Ek het vir my ’n fluitjie

gekry. As ek die foon optel endie vriendelike dametjie sê –natuurlik in Engels – “goeie-môre, dis Jenny”, dan sê eknog môre, maar as ek hoor dis’n persoon van Windows setegniese span, dan blaas ek sohard ek kan op die fluitjie ensit die telefoon neer. Dit hettwee keer geneem om hullevan my rug te kry. Op dieoomblik is ek al drie wekelank vry van hul ongewenstegebel, maar maak hul weer diefoutjie, is ek reg met myfluitjie. Mense, koop vir julle’n lekker raas-fluitjie. Daardiemense sit met oorfone. Dinknet hoe raas hul koppiesagterna!


Fluitjie gereedvir inbellers

Baie dankie aan CompassionateChristian wat empatie metslagdiere bepleit (“Churchshould ease suffering”, Tyger-Burger, 24 September).In die paradys was geen

diereslagting nie. Met diesondeval het alles skrikwekkendverander. Na die sondvloed hetons Skepper die diere as kosaan die mens vergun, maar Hyhet toe al die diere bevrees envlugtend vir die mens gemaak.Baie onskuldige diere is vir

mense se sondevergifnis geslag,

totdat ons Skepper self in syseun vir mense se sondes geslagis. So is alle diere-offers ge-staak. Liewe medegelowige, onsverwag ’n nuwe hemel en ’nnuwe aarde sonder bloedvloei.Halleluja!


Onskuldige dieredeur mense geslag

The letter “Blaffende honde isverveelde diere” (TygerBurger,24 September) refers.I am experiencing a similar

situation. We are at the pointwhere we have had enough. Inmy case, an elderly lady livingon her own has a dog which isvery attached to her.What we have noticed is that

when she leaves the house, sheputs the dog outside – some-times she leaves the doginside. This obviously dependson how long she will be out.The dog will not stop howlinguntil the owner returns. Thesound it makes is like it’sexperiencing excruciating pain.The very first time we experi-enced this, we thought some-thing had happened to the ladyas the dog howled throughout

Look after yourdogs, please

the morning until the next day.Then we noticed she was notthere.I believe it’s about how a doghas been brought up. If youhave a dog that lives with youinside the house – that is itssafe haven. When you leave adog like that alone at home,you’ll have a dog that will pinefor you until you return. Pleasethink of your neighbours andmake alternative arrangements.


I am as shocked as everyoneabout the article (“Dog shotdead, airgun bullet lodged inheart”, TygerBurger, 24 Septem-ber).I believe the person responsi-

ble for this cruel and dangerousact committed a criminaloffence. Whatever firearm wasused (with expert accuracy Imight add) the intent was tokill. I would pursue the matterfurther and not let him getaway with this heinous act. Hehas caused untold emotionalharm to a five-year-old boywhose pet dog meant everythingto him and the rest of thefamily. I hope they catch you.You deserve to be punished.


The dog killer mustbe punished

In response to Colin Sutcliffe’sletter “Traffic cops never seenin Durbanville” (TygerBurger,24 September). I agree withwhat he says, you hardly seeany traffic police anywhere. Afew weeks ago, a couple oftraffic officials set up a speedtrap in Durbanville and when Ispoke to them regarding thefour-way stop 100m down theroad, where people very rarelystop, their response was: “Sorrywe are instructed to speed traphere.” So what they weresaying is that they are notpolicing, but collecting revenue.If you go into the trafficdepartment to report anincident, you are asked tocontact Goodwood as the trafficdepartment in Durbanville isonly for licensing.


Cops collect revenueinstead of policing

I am responding to the ridicu-lous letter from Edwin Kanne-meyer (“No more learners atschool crossings”, TygerBurger,3 September). Scholar patrolteaches children a sense ofresponsibility. Isn’t it timechildren learned to toughen up?A little rain never hurt anyone.When I was at primary

school, I was very proud to beon the scholar patrol, whichwas run like the army by MrBrewis. Parents need to lettheir children learn from theseexperiences.


Scholar patrol isgood for learners

Uitgewer:TygerBurger word uitgegeedeur WP Media en is deel vandie Media 24­groep

Verspreding:TygerBurger Eersterivier/BlueDowns word elke Woensdagin die volgende gebiedeafgelewer: Dennemeer, DevonPark, Greenfield, Kleinvlei,Melton Rose, Fairdale, Rustdal,Stradford Green, Gaylee,Brentwood Park, Camelot,Delro, Electric City, ForestHeights, Fountain Village,Hagley, Heath Park, HindlePark, High Place, Highgate,Hillcrest Heights, MalibuVillage, Rotterdam, Silver­sands, Stradford, SunbirdPark, The Connifers, TuscanyGlen, Wesbank, Nooiensfon­tein en Wimbledon.Totale verspreiding: 27 968

TygerBurger het twaalfverskillende uitgawes vir dievolgende gebiede: Bellville,Durbanville, Parow, Good­wood, Brackenfell, Kraaifon­tein, Kuilsrivier, Milnerton,Table View, Eersterivier/BlueDowns, Ravensmead/Belharen Elsiesrivier.

Totale verspreiding: 285 531

Vir enige verspreidingsklagtesskakel 021 910 6500 of e­pos:verspreiding@tygerbur­ger.co.za

Kontak ons:Nuusredakteur:Marana Brand van Hulsteyn0021 910 [email protected]:Richard Roberts0021 910 6549richard.roberts@tygerbur­ger.co.zaAdvertensiebestuurder:Garth Hewitt0021 910 [email protected] advertensies:Quincy Noble0021 910 6527 of0083 433 [email protected]:00860 11 7520www.tygerburger.co.za

Korreksies:Volgens die redaksionelebeleid van TygerBurgerverwelkom ons voorstelle enkommentaar oor die koerantse inhoud en stel onsbeduidende foute so gou asmoontlik reg. Stuur asb.inligting oor die regstelling vanfoute in die koerant aan dieombudsman van Media24 seGemeenskapspers, GeorgeClaassen, by george.claas­[email protected] of skakel021 851 3232 of 083 5432471. Lesers kan ook klagtesoor die inhoud by diePersombudsman vanSuid­Afrika, mnr. Joe Thloloe,aanhangig maak. Skakel indaardie geval gerus 011 4843612/8, stuur ‘n faks na 011484 3619 of ‘n e­pos nanakhanyim@ombuds­man.org.za or johanr@om­budsman.org.za


Terwyl aksieontbreek, salmisdaad gedyDie jongste misdaadstatistiek wat onlangsdeur die polisie vrygestel is, bevestigmaar net wat al die landsburgers toene-mend ervaar: Misdaad is springlewendigen hier om te bly.As misdaad ’n amptelike ekonomiese

aktiwiteit was, sou finansiële ontleders invervoering geraak het oor dié bedryf.“Groot groeipotensiaal met uitstekende

langtermyn-vooruitsigte vir ’n ongekendebloeitydperk,” sou hulle kon sê.“En daar is niks wat die voortstuwende

golf van misdaad in sy spore kan stuitnie – ’n uitstekende beleggingsgeleentheidvir dwelmkartelle, sindikate, bendes,inbrekers en smokkelaars,” sou hulle konbyvoeg.Waar ander bedrywe geknou kan word

deur stakings, brandstofstygings, wissel-koerse en swak bestuur, het dié misdaad-sakemodel nie sulke probleme nie.Veiligheidshekke, hoë mure, diefwering

en alarms is eenvoudig nie bestand teendie skerp breine van die onderwêreld sestrategiese beplanners nie.En die polisie, wat tradisioneel dié

bedryf se grootste groeidemper was, sewiele is aan die afval. Trouens, die enjinis ook aan die oppak.Nie dat dit altyd die skuld van die

getroue geregsdienaars is nie – daar isbaie wat hul werk steeds met ywerverrig. Die groot sondaars is die regeringwat weier om te erken dat ons diemisdaadstryd in die land verloor.Die dringendheid ontbreek om iets

daadwerkliks daaraan te doen. Ons hetnóú aksie nodig!


SMSV Ek stem saam met Claire en Fernandooor die blou sakke. Dis ’n skande dat daarso gemors word. Ek bly op ’n hoek in Dar­win­weg, waar vier mense op Dinsdag 26Augustus skoongemaak het. Daar lê negeplastieksakke met letterlik een graaf volsanderige gemors in. Hulle tel nie rommelop sypaadjies op nie, net wat teen die sy­paadjie in die straat lê. Wat “Dankbaar virdie mense” nie besef nie, is dat dit ons iswat uiteindelik moet opdok vir die uitga­wes wanneer tariewe en belasting styg. ­SKE, Kraaifontein

V Please remove those awful speedbumps with the metal bumps from theunderground parking at TygervalleyShopping Centre. Even though one drivescarefully, the damage to my car is for mypurse! ­ Cathy, Durbanville

V Yet another biker has been killed. Motor­ists have no respect for bikers or scooterdrivers. As a coloured scooter driver Ihave been targeted many times. Please,I ask you to be more tolerant. ­ Ronald,Kraaifontein

V I need to thank the three gentlemen,misters September, Jantjies and DeBoom, from the City’s Parks departmentfor assisting me to change my tyre whileI was limping my car at a snail’s pace tothe garage in Louis Thibault Road in Edge­mead. As they said to me: “This Cityworks for you”. Thanks gents – you mademy day! ­ Anonymous

V I don’t know what catch there is behindSanral’s beautiful edition of pictures. Isthere perhaps plans of tolling from thenorth? ­ R.J.

V Die CapeGate­winkelsentrum moet op­hou om sekerheid op te skerp en eerder’n nuwe maatskappy aanstel om die werkte doen. My broer is daar beroof, terwyl ’nwag om die draai gesit en rus het. Is diewagte dalk kop in een mus met die ro­wers? ­ Teleurgesteld

) SMS’e kos R1.50 elk. Stuur die woord“Tyger” gevolg deur jou boodskap na 45527.

Page 11: Tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014

Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014 ADVERTISEMENT TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs 11

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12 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014GEKLASSIFISEERD

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14 TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014GEKLASSIFISEERD



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Page 15: Tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014

Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014 SPORT TYGERBURGER Eersterivier & Blue­Downs 15

Durbanville sensei in top form

Learning the moves from sensei Graham Turner in Durbanville back from left are: Sean Verster,Gareth Carrick, Hristo Metev and Jason Burger. Front: Tristan Brand, sensei Graham Turner andMnathi Magubane.


Durbanville sensei Graham Turner isno stranger to mixed martial arts(MMA) and has been on the mat for

the better part of 20 years.He recently met up with Nathan Raaths

from Johannesburg, who was awarded ablackbelt at theDeLaRivaBrazilian Jiu-Jit-su.“I actually started communicating with

Nathan on Facebook.“It was about a month ago that he invited

me up to Johannesburg to come and trainwith him at his gym.“It was a total new experience compared

to what you see in MMA fights, where youalso train without a shirt.“With the Marcello Monteiro system you

train and fight with a gi, which is the sameclothes that guyswearwhopractice karate.”“It changes everything because you can

control much more of the movements andmomentum by holding onto the gi of youropponent.“It’s always exciting and a challenge to

learn and expand your knowledge in the dif-ferent forms of MMA,” said Graham.

Because of Graham’s years of experience,sound technique and work rate, he has beengraded to the high level of purple belt andwill be graded for his brown belt in a fewweeks under the watchful eye of Raaths inCape Town.Graham and his students do their MMA-

training on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sa-turdays, and gi-grappling onTuesdays,Wed-nesdays and Saturdays.“I’membracing the role as a teacher inhel-

ping students find their path.“It gives me great satisfaction to see how

these students grow in stature and find con-fidence in themselves and just becomingmo-re positive individuals.“I’m also excited for Nathan to come down

to Cape Town in the nextmonth or so to hosta seminar of the Deliriva system ofMarcelloMonteiro Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.With this style of training, and in specific

with the upcoming seminar, wewant to helpand nurture people from all walks of life, notjust serious fighters who live and breatheMMA.”If you are interested to get join

up, contact Graham [email protected].


Die Westcliff Bulldogs-toutrekklub ishard aan die oefen vir die laaste driekompetisies van die jaar.Dié klub sal wil voortbou op die puik

vertonings wat hy vroeër vanjaar behaalhet.Tydens die Westelike Provinsie en Bo-

land se junior toutrekkampioenskap hetdieWPseB-span (280 kg) ’n bronsmedaljeverower, terwyl dieWP seB-span (360 kg)skaflik gevaar het en in die vierde plekgeëindig het. Die 320 kg-span het die sil-wermedalje ingepalm.Die SA junior kampioenskap, wat ook

vroeër vanjaar in George gehou is, wasuiters suksesvol.Die 280 kg-span het ’n vyfde plek uit 24

spanne behaal en die 400 kg-span het ook’n vyfde plek uit 10 spanne behaal.

Die hoogtepunt van die nasionale kam-pioenskap was sekerlik die 360 kg-span,wat met silwermedaljes huis toe gekomhet in die afdeling waar 17 spannemeege-ding het.Nou word daar gefokus op die drie oor-

blywende kompetisies. Op 18 Oktober saldie klub by Botha-kelder (Breërivier)deelneem. Die daaropvolgende Saterdag(25 Oktober) by die Hoër Jongensskool indie Paarl en dan die finale kompetisie virdie jaar op 1 November by Paarlskool,waar verskeie spanne deelneem.Die klub oefen elke Dinsdag- en Don-

derdag vanaf 18:00 op dieHoërskoolWest-cliff se sportvelde. Kinders tussen die ou-derdom van 7 en 12 is welkom om by dieklub aan te sluit en saam te oefen.Kontak Deon Klue by 072 222 8499 vir

meer inligting of omby die klub betrokkete raak.

Klub wil voortbou op sukses

Die medaljewenners van die Westcliff Bulldogs­toutrekklub is (voor van links) ArmandAscaray, Kian Drotskie, JP Coetzee, Gunther Jordens en Anton du Plessis. Agter is DiaanKlue, Dylan Hayman, Deon Klue (afrigter), Josh Shepstone en Juan Watney.

Ajax Cape Town will be calling Cape TownStadium home for the next three seasons.Last Thursday, the City council approved

an agreement with the Urban Warriors.Mayoral committee member for Tourism,

Events and Economic Development, Gar-reth Bloor says:“We are pleased to have reached an amica-

ble agreement with Ajax CT. The team hasa huge following of soccer enthusiasts andwe are excited that the iconic stadium willbe their home ground for the next three sea-sons. This is part of our commitment tobuilding an inclusive city by supportingsport that have big fan bases in our commu-nities.”As part of the agreement, the City of Cape

Town will carry the stadium’s direct costand specific service costs for the games.The income accrued through ticket sales

will be paid to the City until the estimatedR3-million direct costs have been recouped.The expected sale of 57 000 tickets will ade-quately cover the event costs.According to an official statement:

“Should there be a shortfall, Ajax will con-tribute anamountup toR270 000 towards theshortfall.The historical data of the last three sea-

sons’ ticket sales reveal that this is indeeda viable model. Ajax CT and the City willshare income generated through sponsor-ships or income streams identified by theclub.”

Ajax takes over stadium

General entries for next year’s Cape TownCycle Tour closed after just eight hours.Entries opened at 14:00 last Friday and

closed by 22:00.Recently renamed the Cape Town Cycle

Tour, the race attracts cyclists from aroundthe globe.“We are delighted that the newly renamed

tour is still as popular as it has been overthe past 37 years, even though we are com-pletely takenabackby the speed atwhich en-tries have sold out,” said David Bellairs, adirector of the Cape Town Cycle Tour Trust.

“We understand there’s still a great de-mand for entries and we will investigate thepossibility of freeing up some corporategroup entries to accommodate individualswho were unsuccessful. An announcementin this regard will be made by the end of themonth.”The 2015 editionwill take place on Sunday

8 March. Organisers expect about 35 000 rid-ers to line-up in Hertzog Boulevard to tacklethe picturesque 109km route. Cyclists stilllooking to secure a place in next year’s eventshould visit www.cycletour.co.za.

Slim chance for Cycle Tour entries

On the run: The City of Cape Town, in partnership with Central Hockey Club, the Western ProvinceHockey Union and the South African Hockey Association, hosted the Youth Hockey Festival atVygieskraal Hockey Complex in Athlone on Wednesday 24 September. Here Aneeqah Carlsen (inyellow) and Ian Olifant battle for possession during an under­11 match. PHOTO: RASHIED ISAACS

Page 16: Tygerburger eersterivier 1 oct 2014

SportPage 16 | Woensdag, 1 Oktober 2014Onder redaksie van Stehan SchoemanTel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: [email protected]

Tel: Office Hours 021 591 0006Cell: 082 749 2417 • 082 582 6303 • 082 400 4004


239 Voortrekker Road, Vasco Estate, 7490


A/C, P/S, R/CD


A/C, P/S, R/CD


± R2 950pm± R2 950pm2007 Toyota

Avanza 1.3 SX2007 Toyota

Avanza 1.3 SX


A ction was the order of the day at thefirst Engen Volkswagen Cup race du-ring the penultimate round of the nati-

onal Super Series at Killarney on Saturday.During the first lap, 15-year-old Sheldon

van der Linde moved up two places intofourth place behind Daniel Rowe, Shaun LaReservee and Dewald Brummer.

Brummer then took over the lead until hewas passed by Rowe on the penultimate lap.Although Van der Linde made it into thirdplace, he was less than half a second behindthe winner when they crossed the line.

Behind them, no concessions were madefor “ladies first” as Andrea Bate and TasminPepper battled it out before finishing ameri-torious sixth and seventh.

Van der Linde made no mistake in the se-cond race that he (just) won from Brummerand Pepper. Masters Class leader MatthewHodges didwell to finish fourth overall afterrolling his car onto its side during the firstrace.

John Fourie (Alcohol Killer BMW),increased his points advantage in the firstheat of the Bridgestone Production Car cate-gory when he avoided the Audi S4 threatposedbyHennieGroenewald (SasolRacing),Michael Stephen (Engen Xtreme) and Gen-

naro Bonafede (Sasol Racing).Stephen bounced back in the second race,

which he won comfortably over Fourie andGavin Cronje in the second Alcohol KillerBeemer, with Simon Moss (Engen XtremeAudi S4) in fourth place.

With unmistakableV8 sounds, flaming ex-hausts and characters like Ben Morgenroodand the rugged Roelf du Plessis at the wheel,the Sports and GT events were made for theregulars.

It was only right that Ben should win thefirst one, although his Mustang was relega-ted to third in the second race.

AlanEvewas the leading sports car driverin both races.

RobertWolk andNicholas vanWeelywerepitted against each other and shared the ho-nours in the single seater FormulaVolkswa-gen category. Scott Temple and Kegan Cam-pos achieved the same results in the Formu-la F1600 class.

The Midas Clubman class victories wentto Danie van Niekerk (BMW 325), John Kir-sten (VW Polo), Alex Johnson (Audi quat-tro), Basie Burger (VW Golf 1), Rick Klop-pers (Ford Escort) and Brendan Moore (VWGolf 1).

The next round of the Power Series, whichwill be sponsored by Wingfield Motors, isdue to take place at Killarney on 11 October.


Faves stay on track

Mathew Hodges emerges unscathed from his Polo after putting it on its side during the firstEngen Volkswagen event on Saturday. PHOTO: DAVE COLINS


’n Tygerbergse rugbyspan sal eersko-mende naweek die eerste houer van diePresidentsbeker in die WP se nuwe uit-klopkompetisie word as Durbanville-Bellville en Belhar mekaar in die eind-stryd in die oë gaan kyk.

Nadat dieMaties en Ikeys hulle aan diekompetisie onttrek het en ’n ander gun-steling, Hamiltons, voorverlede week opverrassende wyse deur Belhar uitgeska-kel is, gaan dit die Tygerbergse publiekwees wat Nuweland Saterdag ’n nuweaangesig gaan gee. Klubrugby vind dees-dae selde plaas by die WP-hoofkwartier.

Toe die Durbies en Belhar mekaar inJunie in hul Superliga-bepaling aange-

durf het, was die Durbanvillers met 34-10heeltemal te sterk vir die span vanAccor-deon Park.

Maar sedertdien het Belhar sy speldrasties opgeknap – waarvan die jongsteoorwinning oor Hamiltons dan ook ge-tuig.

Durbanville-Bellville kan sekerlikhierdie slag ’n groot aanslag van Belharte wagte wees.

In die B-afdeling van die Superligaspeel Milnerton en Villager in die eind-stryd.

Toehierdie twee spannevyfmaandege-lede in hul ligabepaling teen mekaar testaan gekom het, was Villager nael-skraap met 23-20 die wenner. Gevolgliksal ook dié eindstryd ’n taai een wees.

Durbies, Belhar spook dit uit


Die o.19-krieketspanne van nege Tygerberg-se skole neem van Saterdag af in die Suid-Kaap deel aan die Hoërskool Punt se jaarlik-se toernooi.

Daar is 32 spanne betrokke – ook van skoleso ver as Windhoek, Bloemfontein en Kim-berley. Afgesien van ’n reeks 20/20-wedstry-de lyk die Tygerbergers se program van vol-dagwedstryde soos volg:

Brackenfell t HS Sentraal (Bloemfontein),Charlie Hofmeyr (Ceres) en Outeniqua (Ge-orge); HS Bellville t Nico Malan (Humans-dorp), Somerset-kollege t Sentraal; Table-view t Langenhoven Gim (Oudtshoorn), Da-niël Pienaar (Uitenhage) t HS Strand; DeKuilen t Glenwood House (George), Langen-hoven Gim t Somerset-kollege; HS Tyger-berg t Despatch, Brandwag (Uitenhage) t Da-niël Pienaar; D.F.Malan t Landbouskool

Oakdale (Riversdal), Nico Malan t CharlieHofmeyr; Durbanville tWorcester Gim, Dia-mantveld (Kimberley) t Dirkie Uys; Stellen-berg t Winterberg (Oos-Kaap), WorcesterGim t Hugenote; Milnerton t Reddam Con-stantia, Winterberg t Oakdale.

V Ses Tygerbergers is ingesluit in die WPse LSOB-span vir die jaarlikse saamtrek van14 Suid-Afrikaanse bonde vir leerlinge metspesiale onderwysbehoeftes.

Dié toernooi waarin die WP die verdedi-gende kampioen is, begin Maandag inBloemfontein. Die Tygerbergse spanlede isAdenWilliams,Delang Jongkind, Tristan deWet, Ivan Steyl (almal Jan Kriel-skool), Wi-ann Pretorius en Junaide Erasmus (albeiWestcliff). Buiten Danie Nell, die WP seLSOB-voorsitter, word die span vergeseldeur Lorinne Ascher (bestuurder), CharlesDenyssen, Grant Conradie (afrigters) en Ru-zanne Nicholas (tellinghouer).

Nege Tygerberg-skole deel vanHS Punt se krieketaksie

Wen titel: Matthys Laubscher (links) staan hier by Kancho Royama, internasionalevoorsitter van Kyokushin­kan, en Romano Mento. Matthys het onlangs die ope gewigstitel viro.17’s van Japan in Fukushima gewen. Die twee karatekas van die Welgemoed­dojo, onderleiding van shihan Hennie Bosman, bly reeds sedert Februarie in Japan vir intensieweopleiding.