uew-llm-nt- ax sf szjy jy jw ww smmjiitiaaa laiij

im - - - - - - mu ll Will I I II P I 1 PPail l IWi lMTlllaaiaWalMaTIalaaWllhaWIl IMH II Ml aaa 1 PUKLISlfED 1IV THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO Limited lit cry Wcdncxtlny llorntiitf U FIVE DOLLARS TER AKKDM TJrjBLE IX AMAXCE foreign MibNcrlbrre 003 III Adlaurc Vblcb ioduef poitage prepaid EDI TOE it AX AG Er A T ATKINSON ROBERT CRIEVE Office fimttlr lmUiugMenkmtSUvpflinrt When tho Sea elves np Her dead- I sin looking back tbroaftu to days and weeks That lie in The ehadoayland of yon An awaiting rlrit eUreaad eiakr Viit- - pint of dead years gone beta Neaks anlh a atwu of monriifol etitaa In a voice that carrM ike eoaad ofteare And Ucbtlor mie taaetr in t pasalaaate eyea ll open the Ami of the borlej real Th- - ind la atoortas an from tbe marM Tbe etar are btnloj down on Ore Ma llel the Mind In bleak and the tbral 1 cold And ih oil j of iln tbey spek to we I or the wind once toyed with a attlca lees Aad the fta one ebonc oa a ablntlr face And bow can a fatlbfal toreerow4eos Or a new lore lake the old loves place Tbi rot I vwirlinc up to my feet Mneinc He monody toft abd bn Hat the sons of the sea Is deadly eareet For I mind how It ilea me year ac e had been parted I and the Willi many a hundred mile between And now she coming acre the sea Jlt Ibe sky wan bine and the mree wmiiaea l mains- - and yet bc never came alpelinr and yet we met no more Mt heard me not when I called her noaae Tlioojrh the dead atlcat hare heat me on thai ehon mi liri tbotfsh ayeje bat dreary see 1 htc is hope in my notb way where I tread That over the tea tbe wilt tell to me In the day when Ihaaeaetiec p her dead TAe trpwy Miacellancoxis London has 120000 foreigners An eighty ton gun costs X100T3 Sow York State lias 11000 hotels There are 10000 jiolicomen in London Tliwo ara 01000 lawyers tho United State Several jails in UioSoalh aro williout occupants Knssins last war with TnrLov cost her iiltontS00000000 A new Ohio law provides scats for girls emiiloyed iusiorots Jlinto bteel is the Miry latest for can- nons ¬ being extremely tough There are more than 2500 lady phy Mcinns in the United States There have been nine wars in Uuropo within tho last thirty years Zinc tombstones are tho latest novelty They arc cheap and durable The aluoof all thoKold in tho world is estimated at SG000000000 Soineliody has discovered that tho Old Testament has 2725110 words Twenty five years comjileto tho round of a well carod for canarys career Tho eating of horse flesh is becoming more extensively practiced by Parisians The value of wood used annually in coopcrago in the United States is 33711 770 Tho entire literatnro of Abyssinnia it is eaid does not includo more than 100 vol- umes ¬ There aro G2332o Odd Fellows in Great Britain anincreaso of 3S3i during the last year Tho healing power of earthquakes is a wibjecl for discussion in tho Spanish ined ical iiress Yoc may tako tho greatest trouble and by turning it around find joys on tho other side Smoking dnring service is said to bo customary in some of the rural chnrches of Holland There aro over thirty Mormon churches m Colorado sixty in Indiana and about seventy in Arizona Tho number of mules attached to tho hearse denotes tho respectability of a fu- neral ¬ at Itio Janeiro Make people happy and there will not lie half the quarreling or a tenth part of tho wickedness there is Citron raising is receiving attention in Florida Tlio fruit pickled in brine is worth S150 a ton in London Joe Veri living near Iclaluma Cnla died lately from glanders the disease 1 mg contracted from a glandered horse 1L 31 S Myrmidon has been commis- sioned ¬ to proceed direct to Australia to carry on surveying operations for the Im jierial Government The Myrmidon sails tliis month May The railroads of India have zenana cars for the use of native women Lady mis- sionaries hate tho keys of tho cars and travel with them improving thoopportn nity of teaching them tho Gospel A telegram from Brussels states that King Leopold has formally notified his acceptance of the title of Sovereign of the Congo Stales comprising the territories of the AVesttrn Africa Association Thonumbjr of medical colleges in tho United States and Canada is stated to be 130 Of medical students thcro arc 12000 of whom 10000 are regulars 1200 aro homoeopaths 730 eccletics and 50 physio medicals If tho paternal ancestor of your be throthod enters tho parlor at 2 am with a doublobarreled shot gun retire polito ly It is not necessary in this case to be formal in making your adiens All for mality may bo postponed on account of tho weather 1ius DL never left his palace after the entry of tho Koyal troops into tho Holy City and Loo X1XL has followed his pre decessors example For fourteen years the quaint Papal equipage of white mules and rod halberdiers has never once been seen in the streets of Koine A lawyer walked down tho streets tho other day with his arm taxed to hold a lot of law books Why I thought you carried all thatbtuffin your head obserted a citizen I do replied the young lawyer with a knowing wink these are for tho Judge of the District Court Xcw York city has in her schools an aterago daily attendance of 129545 pupils and the whole nunilier of teachers employ- ed ¬ including principals was 3152 A regulation has just been adopted by the Board of Education of that city forbidding tho employment of married teachers in tho sbools The effects of inhalation of fumes of strong ammonia on tho system aro deaf- ness ¬ and catarrh In some instances the troubles aro very serious indeed It will induce lung disease if there i any tendon cy to weakness of tho lungs The most valuable remedy is to inhalo tho fumes of btrong glacial acetic acidwhich reacts upon the alkali ammonia Tho celebrated Lnglish physiologist Dr Carpenter nas proposou a suosianu ally new version of the germ theory of diseases Ho belioves from observations based upon tho mutability of bacille that the same germs may produce different con- stitutions a theory that is corroborated is not confirmed by recent observations which show that tho bacteria of typhoid fever and malaria aro of tho same descrip- tion Helen of Troy was over 40 when that famous elopement took xlaee-- Ten years after when the fortunes of war restored her to jlenolaus he received her with love and gratitude Cleopatra was past 30 when she made tho conquest of Antony and Diana deJPoicticrs at36 and for many years afterward was considered the most beautiful woman at the court of Henry H of France Xinon de lFncios received a declaration of love on her SSth birthday Tho Uriel Till and Metal Jietiar reports a new use of class for shingles It is claimed that glass roofing is at once bet- ter more durable and cheaper than slate The glass is usually opaque but may be translucent or clear as desired The ex- posed ¬ parts of the shingles aro corrugat- ed ¬ The shingles lap at the- sides are closclv interlocked and ono rivet suffices for a pair of shingles It takes but 150 of these shingles 8 by 12 inches to cover a square of 100 square feet the waste is so small whereas of slates of tho same size 300 aro required Poor German tutor Know you what I do when I hunger have Then draw I at home onmvslalo with chalk a white sausage When I right severe hunger have draw Ttwo Then dnnk Ionco from my mug of boor eat a piece bread and rub from Uio sausage on the slato a piece away Then dnnk I again oat again a pieco of bread and rub again from tho slate a pieco sansaire away till the last jnorsel away is So picture I myself t--- r- - MMTti if S 4 W A A amV fefl fAtr Nil fl Uew-llM- nt- A Ai wav Jk ammV ik jk aaaama 11 flli i1vfeavVaiar wjh Xal AiTf M ssKw Ax ASJy M sJr fatASx Jmmm rfa ii S5k M Sf P irrfS ill 11 rsivla u--- JflH t Jt 7a aa tnr lv t tin 9 IIH e i azr Erm rrmmml Ifaai aval xeafi an J na Vie- - cm nal ara T xa flM 4 nesea nil ll 11 ffl II a til aMf Itlffl ttW LJftll tilS il 11 CrrtfCaia taA Bfl wm ill avP 98 1 ffiJt h m - vnfa tin fair 119 aYyA nar til aar rkircM Is riBfl i8 3 - am ma ig fit Ifl Mil 18 EH MM 4M WTO 1J Wfl MS it Ifl 31 k HL 11 sZjy ww ww ww w www ww jy ww Jw w ww VOL XK No 211 HONOLULU WED3STErlY MAY 27 1885 - WHOLE No 10113 in I have the sausago really oaten Be- hold yon it is all only imagination on tho world There arc ssys tho Atturican Maduiutt 29227 locomotives of all kinds belonging to the railroads of North AmoriiM accord- ing ¬ to tho most reliablo official figures Reckoning the lifo of a locomothe at twenty five years it ought to require tho construction of 1100 locomotives annually to maintain the stock of engines A great many locomotives kept on tho motive iiower list are doubtless ont or service but making all free allowance for this the figures indicate that in the last year tho renewals of locomotives have been far bo low tho necessary requirements Many of tho engines built do not represent main ¬ tenance of stock but arc called for by new roads and extensions And dont yon skate little girl ho asked as he sat down beside her Oh no sir But you can learn I guess I coiild but I dont want to And yon come hero just to watch tho skaters Oh no I come to watch 3Irs- - It Whos she Shes papas second wife- - Ho dont want her to come but she will do it And why do you watch her Well papa wanted her to promise that she wouldnt lean on any body when she was skating with cm that she wouldnt flirt when she was resting but she wouldnt promise and so I came to watch her Tho short marks are when slib Ioaus and those long ones when sho flirts And yon show them to your father Yes and he dates them and puts them away and by and by holl have enough to get a divorce on and rcarry somebody who cant kate AVInicexpcrintenlinsawl studYinxtlic tiurcli or the Frcncli snMiors Mr Marcy ln denioti strBlwI that low liecls have a fnoralle influ- ence ¬ on Uio pace which a person walk- - ami that tin rytlim of tho step lias an important iiiflaencc on Uio apcetl The nthm was stud- ied ¬ li means T an electric liell actuated by a pcmlnlnm of variable length to enable the sub ¬ ject to keep exact time and tho distance trav- eled ¬ was record oil on the odorapli by electric signals sent alons a wire every fitly meters traversed It was thtn found that tho length of the step increases until sixty five steps jicr minute are taken it then increases until seven ¬ ty -- five and afterward decreases as a higher r tlm is roached Tho speed of travel increases with tho acceleration of the rythm up to cijliUi five steps per minute and decreases at higher rvihms Business Ccttiis r x aiaiis Auctioneer and Commission Merchant 1031 tjnein Street Honolulu ly A s itno A Co rarocTESs aad deue in Grouornl 2oxrG2xixxclxso 1009 Comer Queen and Kaahurjum Streets j ii t jiciA rvii v ukotiiic GROCERY TEED STORE and BAKERY l orncr King aud Fort Street IIouolulu 1013 ly W- - K CASTLE ATTOIUVBIT AT XQ W and Xoiary jnblir Attend all lac Cuurt of tbe Itrly Kingdom ly i itn iscitiAiii v UirOEIES AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1017 IlonoluluOatauil I 1 EDWARD PRESTON Attorney and Counsellor at Law ly 9 Kaalium nu Street llonolnln lirjTi jonrx r it atcuisoum 1HP0BTER AND DEALEH IK GENEKAL HESCHaKDISE 1UE1 QueenStrcetIIonululuil I Ir JNO A IIASSnGER Agent to talto Aclmo trlcdcmcnts to Con tracts for Ealior ltfc Interior Office lion lulu ly S M CARTER Agent to take Acknowledgments to Con- tracts ¬ for Xibor onlee ni ill E C Kililjournc Co- - corn r of KuLu maun and tjneen ticct Ilonolnlu 11 I 1011 ly W NOCTON Q E XOUTON Store drove Ranch riantatlon Dealers n Choice ro eerie ana ITouston sua ueneral 3lcrcuauaie lfcc ly ion n IAiv K0TAKT PUBLIC aad COKMSSIOJiEF of DEEDS For the Slate of California and New oik Office at tie IlanL of Eifhop A Co Honolulu 1041 ly 3AWTTTTOIJ HOTEIi J An us iitiiiii i iiiiiihie CORNER OF FORT AND HOTEL STREETS HONOLULU The bet Ae Wine and Liquor constantly on hand lire Lncry stable attacueu loine tioici iv iiiiii i jticiirtM oa ATT0EHEY AKD C0UKSEL0E AT LATA W ill attend th Tent of Court on tin other lIand lonr to lend on lonrugc of Freehold CS OFFlcE No 2L Mirchant St -- door from Dr Slanunald VXZ 3m EMPIRE HOUSE J IfLDS Iropnilor irmu xiiiaM AMiitrit sritinrrs CHOICE ALES WINES AND LIQUORS iV 3 tT 1 31 WllllSKY 31 t t 1 S Dental Eooms on Port Street OOlie in Ilrew cr IHcl corner Hotel and Fort trtct iii J Lnlrancc iioici oirct i J U KAWAINUI Agent to tako Aclsnowlcdgments to Labor Contracts For the Dislrul of Kona Ofhce Mcrchsnt fetrt a oppoelte Sailors Home cLava srftEcHBL 102 u WKuinwr ivii ti iitvir a ro Scgtr Factors and Commission Agents Honolulu li I iwi W A Kiuit A P IsTin os KINNEY PETERSON ATTO H TTIStZ Si JV TC Ij JVTV OFFICE So 15 KAAlirJIANV STREET 1108 Honolulu II J ly HOLLISTER CO Drugrgists Tobacconists WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL SUNuuanu Strccl X cor Fort A Merchant St 1033 L A THURSTON ATTORNEY AT LAW 1M9 No 33 Merchant SI Honolulu II 1 tf M S GRLNBAUM CO iMrorrrens or General Merchandise and Commission Mer ltsS chants HonolnlnH I IT M S GRINBAUM CO Commission Merchants No 124 California St- - San Francisco Cal IQia ly MRS Dr N B EMERSON LADIES AND CHILDRENS PHYSICIAN Offict and Residence Corutr of Fort and KaLni streets UrTlCEHOlIlS rJ0tolI30 X ls toSr Jt lo i TELEPHONE I49 EJ f AlOAG Importer Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise Ami China Good in the Flie pioof Store corner Kinj ltta and Nunano Street ly eVsJcunha Iltftoil CVTixxo Doaloi- - UNION SALOON In tin rear of the Hawaiian Gazette building 1VII No a Merchant Street- - ly A W PEIRCE CO SHIP CHANDLERS COMMISSION MEECHAKTS auexts ron Ucaads Usn and Comh Lsnce TT Terry Darls Tain Killer lew No 40 tjaeen SU Honolulu iy WILLIAM ATTLD Agent to take Acknowledgments to Con- tracts ¬ for Labor In the District of Kona Islandof Oahuat the Office of the Honolulu Water Works foot of Nuuanu street MB lj crcn uitoiv- - AIIORIfEY AKD C0TJKSELI0E AT LAW NOTARV rt BLIC And Airnt foraldns AcLnootedgMent of Instruments for the Island of Oahu 10IT Campbell Dloclc Merchant St Honolulu ly W AUSTIN WHITING Attorney and Counsellor At Law AnLto UVc AcVtiowledrejnents oT Instruments for the Island of Oahu J03S No OKaahnmann Street Iloootola lyr j av- - ciicna Commission MrnlMUt aud General Dealer in Dry Goods Oroceries Hardware stationery Patent Medicine Ferf umeryasd Glassware iaa WAILPKC MACI ly ex coosi host urwiaa liwibm a cooke Successors lo Lcwees Dicssoir IMOEXERS DEA1ERS IK ITJMBKK And all Unds of BuUdinj Material Fort street mi if Ilonolnlu D H HITCHCOCK Attorney at Law and Notary- Pntlic Has opened n OSce inilo whereste will promrtly attend to all business entrusted to him Will attend M the Terms ol she Circuit Court and ill also attend the Local Circuit Courts in Kau JOSS SUBTETISG DOSE PKOJttTLT ly Buaiiifss Cnrts illttljJuitiU tTarlis H iUcclauicnl Carts 3iistirantc ypticts I3ISSOF cfc CO BANKERS IIOXOInC I IIA1VAIIAXISIAMJS DRAW EXCHANGE ON IHHBJUK OF CALIFORNIA SUN FRANCISCO sr Tnctn 1GEXTS IV rT Vnrk nitou Inrii KtSSRS R M ROTHSCHILD 1 SOUS LONDON FIUKFOKT-OX-THE-MAI- The ConmorcUI SanVIni Co of Sydney London The Cctnmercial BanLinj Co of Sidney Sydney Tho Hank of ew Zealand Auckland and tu Iranches in Christchurch Danedln and Welllnston The Haul of XSritlsh Colomblilortlnil Oreson The Azorc aod Madeira Island Stockholm Sneden The Chartered Hank of London Anetralla and China Ilonjrkong Yokohama Japan AndtranactaGeueralBankineBuines 1013 ly A ROSA ATTORNEY iT UW AND NOTARY PUBLIC Ojfiet iritk the Aitornev General AJiiotatti Halt 1035 llmiHlii 11 1 ly II HACIilIXIl CO GEKEBAL C OHHISSIO KAOEHTS 1I Queen Street Honolulu II I ly i a sciiAiriK nc to Importers Commission Merchants u Honolulu Hawaiian Island ly iaim A CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Importer of andDealears In Hay Grain and 1055 Gersenvrroducc Honolulu 11 1 ly L A THDRSTON Stock and Real Estate Broker 0t No J9 Merchant St Honolulu 11 1 tf ERANCIS M HATCH Attornoy ot Xininr lorj No 11 Kaahnmann Street lyr -- viiiik v co Comer of Fort and Cucen Steel Honolulu nmher Faisti Oils Nails Salt and Building luaa ly JIa Urialsof every kind KW McCHESNEY SON DEALERS IN Leather Hides Tallow AXD COMHIXS5I01V MBItCITAjrTS AGENTS FOR Royal Soap CoxrjLjoy- - lfrS No I J jo en St Honolulu II I ty C HDSTACE Formerly with II F Holies Co Wholesale and Retail Grocer 111 Kins Street nnder Harmony Hall Family Plantation and Ship Stores supplied at short notice New Goods by every tcamcr Order Tom the other island faithfully executed re- - TjtLEnioxE xo no ion ly S J LEVEY CO Wholesale and Retail Croccs FOltT STKEET Honolulu II I Fresh Groceries and Provisions of all kind on band and received regularly from Europe and American which will be sold at the lowest market rate Good deli crcd to all part of the city free of charee 1ST lsiand orders roiicited and prompt attention will be given to the same 1U3I ly E P ADAMS No IG Qnccn Street Honolulu II I STOCK REAL ESTATE BROKER xexsek or THE HoNourix STOCK iioxb Excuakoc Stocks and Bonds of nil kinds Bonglit nnd Sold on Commission Kf Tel phone No 72 IDS ly C BREWER COMPANY LIMITED citcril Mercantile Coiiimiit QUEEN STREET HONOLULU uT or orncrrs 1 C JONEsJB ITetldenI JOSEPH O CAKTEIi Trcasurern IIENIIV MAY OIBECTOBS Hon UIAS I BISIlor Hon II A I 1013 Iv THE WESTERN HAWAI INVESTMENT COM IiXlUZTllS Money Loaned for Long or Short ON APPROVED SECUKn J- - Apply to W L GR1 OFFICE Bcavsr Cloch Tort ilrect IYONS LEVEY i AUCTIONEERS GENL COMMISSION DIE Heater Clock Qnecn Street Honolu SALE OF FCRNITUHE STOCK KEAE and Oeniral Merchandise projicrly attent Sole Agents lor American and Ki 10Xi MERCHANDISE J E WISEMAN Real Estate B roller S Employment 3 Ilfnt Koomp CotU Ilonset and fell at Ileal EtUte in aU parts o the Ktodom racut found for tboc tctMni work in all tb braiiclicif of batine connected with these XsT SBLesalDocamcnis drawn UllIsC IlooLt and Accoonts Kfpt and general office w o actfd Patronage pollened Com nil si Ions moi Honolulu II I TXIIIO Ii ikvviis X Ce Late Jasion Gheex Co IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCH AND AGENTS TOB MojdBud the Liverpool Underwriters Uriiib and Fortipn Marine Insurance Comi And Northern Assurance Company W U 3ivivitiAi v co IHPOUTEBS AKD COMMISSION HEECH BEAVEIt BLOCK Corner ol Fort and Queen Mrcets Honolulu I acests ron Tlie llapow and Honolulu Line of John Hay Cog LiveriOot and London Tack 1UC liailpn 1 lauiaiiun aui The fepencer IMantatlon Illlo llakalau llantatlon Illlo M irrlecs Tail ateon huar Machinery The Tuuloa bheep ltanch Company Importers 1acletsi iiy iia IHCON ot uenerai iiiefcnaiiL FHOM FJiAXCE ENGLAX1 GE11MA i A UNITED STATES No 5e Queen Street - Honolulnil iiviiva linos WHOLESALE GROCER S16andS18 Calif ornla Street SA rHAIUIaCO I Cj7 liirticnlar attention paid tonllinsandehlpp Island arderi 1WJU JAMCS 31 IIOSAIIKAT f Attorney and Counsellor at Law f Special attention paid to the negotiation of Loan J Convejancinj and all matters appertalninjrtoltca Estate Notary Pallid and Commlasloner of Seeds For the States of California and 2Ccw York far Office Ko 2Mcrcbant St Honolulu II I 1U J ly JAMES BRODIE VETERINARY SURGj Con MILLEK AXI BEItETAXIA ST OBieIlonr froraTtoS Uto2 Jlo6 Ice vBoxXSX Telephone SI rOrdera may be left at the TaatLeon Stable ICO ly a I O IIAII V r LIMITED IMFOEIZES AMI DEALEES IK HAEDV rions Paints Oils and General Merchandise OFFICE US WmAV Hall President and Mai LC Abies tsccclary and Trea Wm f Allen Auditor Thos May and E O White Directors ly 101a Corner Fort andKlngStf THOS i TIIK v M ixrotmxa akd aisrwatWKa STATIOKEE KEWS A0E5T B00K BIKDEE AKD PAPER BULEB Merchant M Campbells Block A Fort St near Hotel Honolulu Oahu II I Also Pablishcjof the Hawaiian Almanacand Annual and Hawaiian Directory and Calendar Ac Th MerchanlelreetSlore The Fort street Store will wiibedToted to General embrace Fine stationery Stationery Blank Books Books Artists Materials we and Binding Depart IToysand Fancy Goods inenta ItH ly X CASTLE AIHIBTOX castm v tjooiii SHIPPIH0 AKD C0MMISSI0K MEECHaUTS IMPOBTEIIS ASD Dealers In Coneral Merchandise Xo SO Kins Street Honolulu II 1 AGESTS FOB The Kobala Sugar Co H Halstead or Walalua ThellaikitfurarCo The Alexanders Bald win Plantations Uamakaa Plantation The Hitchcock Co Plantation A II- - Mnlth Co Ho-- loa Kauai J MAIexanderUalku Mani IUnutlon The Union Insurance- Company of San Francisco The TJew England Life Insurance Company of Boston The Blake Manufacturing Co of Boston D M Westoua Patent Centrifugal Machines rheXew Tork and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants Line Honolulu and San Francisco Dr Jayner A Sona Celebrated Medicine Wilcox A iibbe Sinper Manufactaring Company and IMS Wheeler Wilsoua Sewlue Machines It DR S ERNEST CRADDOCK vLate Scholar and rnzmaa Clinical Sortry and Mrdicine Kins Collf e Londoa PHYSICIAH SURGEON 12i Tori Street Honolulu Office Hours 9 12 am 25 pm 78 pm i7Sm ed c rowe -- ffK TELEPHOKE 55 Honso and Slim Painter Paper Hanger So m 1014 ly No 107 King Slrert llonolnln - JOHN NOTT Importer nnd Dcnlcr in Stoves Ranges sletals House Fnrnlsbins Goods Crockery Glas and China Ware Practical Mechanic Honolulu II I KIM It MRS A M MELLIS F iOilonnLlo Drcii and Cloak Maker 101 Fort street Ilocoluln II I 1011 ly J M OAT a CO SAILMAKERS Loll In A F Cookes New Flre 1roof Eulldin fool of Nunann street llonolnln II I 53 Flacs of ai descriptions made and repaired PIONEER STEAM Candy Manufactory and Bakery Practical Confectioner Paltry Cook and Baker 1033 71 Hotel gtred between Nunann and Fort 2 ly J EMMELTJTH CO 7o 5 Xnuanu Street TinsmlUss and PInmbors Bealers In Stoves nanres Tin Shei t Iron and Copper Ware kcepcon stantly on hand a full assortment of Tinware Galran- - Ised Iron and Lead IIpe India Kubbcr Hose 4c 4e 1055 ly i vn-i-iAJ- IHP0ETEB MAHUFACIDEEE UPH0LSTEBEB AND DEALER IN FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Furnituru Ware Itooms No CI Tort St Work ShopjUt th old sUnd on Hotel Street Jf Orders from the other ltsnds ptomptly tttendedfo 1013 ly HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO e pi STCAJI UMIIXKS SCCiAH 31IIIS 2lj Hollers Coolers Iron Erajs and LeadCastlnc Machinery of Evory Description S- - Male to Order Sa Particular attention paid to Ship Blacksmithing AS JOII lTORKeiecolcdonlhehiirtetnotlce IICI ly NF BURGESS Shop on Kins street opposite Hoses itimMephrn on all kinds of buildings When re- - V ind Office and Store filled np In the latest East cr ttTl- - Itcpalrinj of cery description done In tte bet possible manner and at reasonable rates 10J ly BROWN PH LIP PRACTICAL PLUMBERS GASFITTERS AND COPPERSMIT No 71 Km Mre t Honolulu II I House and Ship Job W - tST IlIOMITLY ATTENDED TO u Bath Tubs Vatcr Closets Wash And all Kinds Plumbing Good loia ALWAYS ON HANI NO 10S IOIIT STItKirr Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS o 1VOKK 1INIalIEI IN WatcrColors Crayon India Inlc or Oil Photo f XTItc Onlv in li tijL ynatf SS II t VK si fJ f -- 11 a IWC JAifrom flrstlass rnanu Y d will be added to from Is Balkee iard Tables oIUbmeQl where Iotcth urtldpjite UBS n Francisco ISU THE r apers on File FFICE OF THE ercliant car Paper Iens InK iJirectoric and information on hand C It BUCKXAND Editor ct Proprietor l W S T Merchant HAWAIIAN SOAP W0EKS GREY CO g3gige 3IaDuracturr and Dealers In ALL KINDS OF SOAPS Lelco llnc Street lkonolnln Beef Mutton and Goat Tallow u anted Orders left a Holies Coe Qnera Street will meet with prompt alt tention HP ly JliTnOPOIjITA3l 3IAKKET CWALLER Proprietor Xvlitg Street Honolulu Choicest Meata from Finest Herds Ridge House SOUTH KONA HAWAII rpiIE UXIJEIISIGNKD REGS TO JL intorm tie mblic that hla wellinown House If nated two miles from Kealakekua Bay at an deration of 1100 feet la aain readr to recelrr rieHors Hirsea will be Trade at the landing for thoc who order them DAT1I llOLSE in connection with the eetablisLmrnt 2T3ofxi ca 7 por XT7ools luct Em A A TODD Stamped Envelopes TltE IKXOinATIOKS OF 01 4 and lo Cents caibe purchased at the tnatnrir in naitttllt frrtm Anr fA ABC thmUaUd nTeiopei Persona redlng on the other lalanda can VBocarethrra from the local Poftofflea also domestic prd lorelrn reply carda fifjjtgir u jgNTERPRIS JLANING MILL ALAKE V NEAIt QIXF N STREET C J HARDEE Proprietor Contracting and Building Mouldinis and Finish aln lys on handC WttPALE Hard and Sort Stovowooil Cat an Split lu B CEO LUCAS BsP eONTRACrOH S BUILOtR ssssssfHeT PH ttI ii l ii riu JlUHUluiu oiuum iiaiiiug mills m Esplanade Honolulu II I 9B 11 tnurjures ill kinds ol ntini iininirK KruixirM r K Window Frames i - sjsf Blinds Sashos Doors1 And all kinds of Woodwork rinllt Turning Scrol and Band Sawing A II HINDS Of Planing and Sawing Morticing and Tenanting ORDEltS PllOMlTLY ATTENDED TO Ami Worlt Ijiinrnutccil ner Orders from the other Islands solicited HonoIulnJIay3lS81 ion lyr J D LANES LiTE WORKS itiirr MAimriir orerTf monuments s Tombs ablets Hurblo Mantels Washstand Tops and i Black and White Marblo 0RK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MATJB TO ORDCR - LOWEST POSSIBLEEATES ills mill IlenilMono Clcnnnl mnl feuA S LSL w oua TiTTfO MORE tr av Full dcription nd pntst can be obtained by application to W E ROWELL Honolulu mil lj Sole Acnt Hawaiian Ielandf TELEPHONE No 65 ISAAC IyIOORE in tiuiiamj sruii7r imi OID IjIC3rin IIODSB ETOIU1 CHOICEST SELECTION OF FANCY CANDIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Cream Opera taramcK Marsb mallovrf Sogared Almond AIJ Contour Citron Jelly Jc tiaatcase MIccp ltwe and Lemon Unm lrop C C Nonpar el andIlrHllantConTerfaUonLonffenMlntLfrtensri Spiced Chocolate Chocoute Crnma and Fancy and Plain Mixed Candles Also SUTb Iecarjf S S Almoafi Draiili HlbtrtB Etc Mconcc AdaiJ Oam Sprnce Cam 1nze Juxec The nbovo Candles Rota lied at fjJn per lb ng- - C AIL AXD TUT Tjrtfitu Ciar Clyarettci Tobacco IlollisUr A Co a faoda Vattr CJlocr Ale on Ice and a foil line of lOVJ FAMIXV GUOCEBIES jrJ Mr L B KERR HAS JUST RETURNED From Great Britain And will soon open with a SELECTION of GOODS s citable ron GENTLEMENS WEAR EMBRACISb THE Latest Styles And Purchased by Himself 100 in Person ICNOWLES STEAM AND VACUUM PUMPS HAVE JUST TirEUXJJEKSIGNKD Boston a fall as- - BorunCBf icezc cejeoiaieo iiimpi nuicu aic teed lobe cheaper and tetter than an other style of pnmp imported We call the attention or piantan par dcuhulTtolheYacrmmrcmp which U lesa eompM tateaanamoreaemcaiNeiBaa ouerpsKp 0 Jm C BBXWZRk CO SKT - -i- a6-r r atiir -- r fr w t Boston Board of Underwriters A QEKTS for the IIirallata lalnmte J ICTil ly C DHEWER t CO riilladclpbla Board of Indenrrilrrs for the Hawaiian taUnrla AGENTS CDIlSWEItJiCO r a soiiirni noartlof Undern rlterft Acent of Drct den Board of TJnderwriterf Asent of Vienna Board of Undervrltera ClalmsapilnptlniuranceCoinpanleflwItliln tho jsrit dlction of the aboye Boards ot Undenerttrra will haro to be certified to by Iheabore Agent to make them ralid ion ly Insuranco Notice AOEST FUR TIIK IIItlTIMI For TI1K Marine Insurance Uorapny limited ban receired in tractions to Iteilnee the Rntet of In anrance between Honolulu and Porta in the 1aclBe aat l now prepared to Utue Tollei a at the loweel rate with a epeeial reduction on fr tehl per teamera TIIEO II DAVIES 103 Sly AscntBrlt For Mar hi Co Limited - iivtiiiinii- - iiRKnrm riEE INSURANCE COMPANY CMlKIlSIUNrn IIATIXtl llirN Ap ¬ THE Asenla of the abore Company are Pre to lnture rtsks aalntt Are on Stone and llrlek landing and on 31 rrehaulle atored therein on the mofttfaroraole term For partlenlar apply at the omceof Willy F A SCHAEFEU CO HAiYIBURC IYJACDEBURC PISE INSUEANCE COMPANY OF nAMBUHO liiLmM HEnciiA5inisKFEnsi- - 1JTUSB and Machrnary Inftred alnt Plro mt the most faronble terma A J ArfiKi A nt for the Hawaiian lland IU IT ORIENT Insuraaoo Company OF HARTTORD COOTfECTICPT cash Assets jahuirt misu si4ii894i Takes rlshs against Loss or Hamaro r Fire on ltuildinirs Merchandise Machinery and Furniture on farorihle terms A JAEOER lOoo Acent for Hawaiian Islands WASHINGTON FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS CajhAsseU January 1st 18S4 - - 3159333034 Takes Illslca against Loss or Damage by Flte on Huildlnss Merchandise Machinery and Furnltnra on rarorahle terms A JAEGER JUG Asent for Hawaiian Islands The City of London Tire In- surance ¬ Co Limited CAPITAL t 810000000 UiTAIIMSIIMI AN AIIKMnr AT HAVIMi for tho Hawaiian Islands the under signed is prepared to accept rlsLa aeainst lire on Dnlld lussrMcrchandise Furniture Machinery on the most farorablc terms Losses 1roinptly AdjnHtcdantllafalilellcrc r o iiEiUii lau ly Aent for tha Hawaiian Islands pCFlJNOOH ENGLAND l mmmiim g5OOOiOOO A JAECER Agent for the Hawn Is LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE CO Assets 31101000 Claims Paid 88714000 rvrAitiiHiui ax auikcy ix llonolnln for the Hawaiian Islands and the nn derslsned arc prepared to write risks against FIRE ON BUILDINGS MERCHANDISE DUELLINGS On farotable terms Iwcllliirltliknrricclllly Detached dwrilUizs and contents Insured for a period of three years for two premiums In adrance oiiw iirouintlir nilliMleil nltil iinrnblf here 1017 6m I1ISII0PC0 GER3IAN LLOYD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin J o Tl T u N A General Insurancejompany of Berlin rpm Anon ixsuitAXCi cojiiAMrs JL hare established a General Ajrcnry here and the undexsixned General Agents are authoiiacd to take ltlMi nalimt tlic Ilnncer il llic Nenn nl tlie 3It Renonnble ICnle mitl on Hie 3Iot rntornlde Term 1M ly FASClIAEFEIttCOOeneral Aaents PRUSSIAN NATIONAL 1IIS IUXJalaOe OOJlapjiy r NTirrnx Intllnl t llilcliiiiiiirko Ouuuno rpins uxjiiwioii iiavino L Iften annolnttN x rrnt of tho aIioti Comuaur tnr thai Haivniiiiti lulaniU Ik nreDttred to nccrnt rinks szftlnft lire on MnlMInx Fiirntiarr Mrrchaodlfle TrUacvrnir jaiiitxc on ino most hit rmntr icrmn OSSES PB3MPTLT ADJUSTED AND PMA31E HERE IIJIICMCXhCIINCIIIEK HOI ljo At Wilder Co General Insurance Compy For heat Illver and Land Transport or DRESDEN TAVIG ESTAULISnilU AX JL zoncr at Honolulu for tho llawaltan Inland b onderetnrd General Arnian author lawJ to take against tho Danger of tlio Seas at tbo Moit Rcasonatlo Rates and on tlio Most Favorable Terms F A SCIIAEFEIC CO ARtutfortliP ltawallan Itlanda VILDER CO Honolulu Hawaiian Inliuiila Vcn W Jl A jCiil or the mutual Lile Insurance Conipy or SC1I YOIIK Largest Safest and Most ECONOMICAL LIFE INS CO IN THE W0ELD Cash Assets over 890000000 err For Information concerning the Connanjr and for Itatea of Insurance appl j to WILDER Jt Co Uenl Aa cnta or J E1WSEMAN 1S Iro Mollcitfas Asent SOUTH BRITISH AND HATIOHAL FIKK AM 3IAHIXK INSIIUANCE COMPANIES OP WEWZEAXAND CAPITAL 520000000 Unlimited Llabilltr of bhtuhohltt Jiiolujr Joint Iolicy IIstId rvUbltsbed an Aijrnc at Ilonolala for tbe Ilaw allan IiUimI tbe aoGriirnctl tt lin iiarcd to ac cept rifks aaint Mre on ifalldlo MrrcbaodtM rurniiiire juacaiaerxAc an luemwi larnramvtFTra Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pay- able ¬ Here Marino Xllaki an MerchandlaaXralcliti and TraaaarBt at Current Ratea C U BEhUEIt TA Arent for Hawaiian Inlaade Tit A H 8- - ATLANTIC FJRE INSURANCE COMPANY or iiinniitu Capital of the Company it KeserreUefclisaaarkC0WO tbclr Ite Icearanee Companies WMAflf ToUl Hetchimaik llf7rJn NORTH GERMAN FIEE INSUEANCE COMPANY or iiAJinrnt CapilaloIttieCompanjAIIesenreneicbsnarEMa1u I their Be IntnraneeConinanlea aU4ljo Total IUIeaiBarl 00 OIimSlCSEnWKtlIlAI All CVTrt TIIK the atMrre three companies for the Hawaiian Islands are prepare4 to InaareBalldlnzs Faraitare yerthandiwandrProdace Machinery M aIoSitar and KlceIilU andreistlaln tbe harbor azalost loss or damaze br flra jm the moat farorable terras JUO tr II IUCKFELU CO FOR SALE Fowlers Patent Tramway 13 pound Calls II pongd Halls WithPatent Steel Sleepers 0z3o Oars CrWli leaoldlc clofoa eosslnmtat ire C EEEWSn A ro Fon JOB WORK KXECUTJSD IN neatest itjcill at GAZBTTEomcB e3s - Jnsimtittt JTotuta UNION JHSUflftllCE COMPANY OF SAN PltASCISCO IMrxrlaxo IHCOKPOBATED 1805 CASTLE COOKE AGENTS 19S For tlio llwlln Island I H0BTH BRITISH AND MEKCADTILB Zasuranoo Ooxapnn7 f msnov i Ktinunoii Established 1800 CAl irAl c 200000a Aceanlatetl and lareated Fvnd IOOTSI ratui rMinrtsitisrn have nrEx O awpslBMd AOISTS for tbe Sandwich Island aad are tlhariaed to Insnre agai nat ftra un FaTtaM Terms rr takes la aaj fart of tbe lataada aa Stow and Wooden Bstldrsuta aad aferehaadlae stored laere in Dwettlat nansea aad Farnitare Tlsaaar Coala Mpe la barWwrthorTrlthoatearsoaaarasiderrepalr B UOsTrSCIILAJCOKR A CO liKn Aetata tvt th rlawallao lslaadu flew England Mutual Life Insurance Co Or BOCT01 mu tsiimiiiiiAriD issb The 0Ule Purely Mntwri Lifn VirarMsws Cfeiii th Uniletl Statu FoUciei Itttted an thnoat farorabU lercu liknninlrOftXonroriilnreilNn IteierfJhii tEAfc aainiaAKtijr 1 Aonnal premioni conttnaaa Poller t yeara 3 dars i Annual premiums coatlane Pollej 4 rear 1 day 3 Annual premlnms cnntlabe Poliry a jear 97 days 4 Annual premiama cootinne Pollej s years 1 days 5 Annaal premlnms continue Pulley 10 years M days jOjsaotis 9X31300000 Iie tnll llirnnzh lloiiolntn ARenry S40j000 CASTLE a COOKE AGENTS 1UU FOR TIIK llAWAllAS ISAM THE PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Ol IAIiroKIIl Desire to call the aarticalar attaatloa of ererybady TO TIIMIR Tontine investment Policies 1 Which contain the Indlspauble Clanae So Itestrletlon oa Trarel or Raratemca Pree from Oasjrer of Forfeitare AICO The Jlcposlt KniloiTinrnt lllcjr anil Ihf Mutual Iiirestmcnt Inllrj Tbia laonao the moat reliable Compaalea extant baa no aaperlor and feweonala lettlaa all Claims promptly acta honestly aod fairly by a l K For farlker Information write to or rail on It W LA1SI 1065 Ueaeral Aent for the llawallaa lolaada E O Mall Son II3IIT MD iiai i nut a ii a s n it Tin ivat Halls Steel Plows inttlng from In tr lr tn HALLS HEAVY STEEL BREAKERS ie H II and Inrb HtMi NKW MIR OF Halls Steel Eock Breakers y n ami Inrh Cunt tiuing ili the nlvnntacn- f ithr nnrakrr anrl n imlrpr ot new mprTnint all mad by ibe iuiat momm plow COOffti WTOTJ3S AMI RANGES or AU SIZES i KITCIIEJ AND HOSHEHOLD LTEMBtL ot all kinda PAINTS AMU OlUJ of all kinda IUUItlCATINO OH beat stock hi the mntkat KUliOSENE OIT Downera NooJy A Ltntral KIIiTKI IUVTKU WAUB frora ltel A Barton BOrII HIIVEH WAKE fmm the Gotham Co FOWDEIIS all kinda from ruin iwdor Worka CAHUIAGK AND MACHINE HOLT llla 333LUC HASBWARE A Sjtlemlltl Atwortmontt LKATIIKIl Of All IIPHPrliitloiw tWT Ont JooU of tli If J quality r buokt forea hmrc Iwn n orprtlcnar wrrrfrrotr cuumwn and KUIENl ti OUR NEW OUGRIPTIVE CATALOGUE which wftlll prm fitanjr nti npon appil cation or rail anil XiimliiBoirHjiI itlJ MtM kof oid AT OUR WAREROOM3 cornrt mt rort Drl Khurfrrti Hon ltaii Iv G J WALLER BUTCHER TOWHE FRONT I HEAT BOl To the Honolulu Public CSE Beet Veal MUTTON POKE FISH kKPT ruB 1 DATS AFTEB III ISO KILLID BY BELL COLEMANS PATENT DRY AIR RETRIGERAIOR Uaaraataed to kees loaaer after dailetrr than FRKSH KILLKII iIAT To be had la any rf Mil WALLEjr HARKETS Metropolitan Market Oa Max Street Meal for sale al I day City Market Oa Haaaaa tftreec Hotel Street Markt O Hotel Mreet Enreka Market AI tka Flak Market Hawaiian Market Oa Maaaakea Htrael Ohinese Maiket On Meek Mreet Beef aad Pork car Taaaklaa the pobile for out faaora I solkil a eoatraaaaeeol Use aaaM W60 1 CJWALLER Wo want tho Public to under- stand ¬ that tho Union Peed Company Is Heady and Wllllna to Faralakai tke HAY OATS BARLEY BRAN c Se IT MAY BED AT THE LOWEST RATES As e want to make room for a Larva Stock oa tbe ay Mr All orders prapUy a treaded to Oooaa delrered tees tzr Tolophono No I70 I 41 ExptdiUwtr Bacwtd at ika GaztHa Ofic Trnrn ov JV2trTaKtra7Xa3CCs TEKSSZT - - r if too rr a rriL Laiij n llrfCeJm J 2 SMMjiitiaaa Carta -- be W fir aaHtrtltjAiawl bts sTftSlll foVebra ademtlrameals akajMg- - uk ik7T vba Trdsd la ao resuiasnl Amorlean adrertmsaaeaw o Srlt1To bykkaueaaareatF foreign lrotrtlsanft9 W1XUAMS Diaosr C8 SlilppInK anil CohbIssIob MtKfca tf nn m California Street 5a Tamtt lr TVH CEOSSKAH sao COMMISSION MERCHANTS IIS Clinmber Merut- - Jftror Tork JtVerrava Caslto Cooke tad J T Vatnkom fco yr Unallan Comnl and COMMISSION MERCHANT tttCaltforata M 9 Fraaetoeo Cal 041 Boon o a H CEO F WELLS 1418 and 1420 Market St Smn Trmawiovat WHOLBHAU Jb ItaTAIL DSALSIM5 SELF PLAYING INSTRUMENTS I Parlor Orcasolroae Haarel OrelMrtlrooe laitooa JN AateloArratfor JialkaoeokaadStafa ly way Plaaw for tbe Haarmaa beaatta lot aacaaan a mrro Lraaoaxr o anoaiaai BIJtOIIAJI P1XXO GEKERflL COMMISSION MERCHSSTS lUPORTSr A5 PKALK25 It C30 2T 33323 OrnCE No 323 California Straat 10 HaS FKmCleH0 CAL IF DR JORDAN CO rCTlIS OF lUrOFKSsJOR ItiruuiioIarlrrirrlior n Jfa aem of taatoorr Caa W rraMftrtl aF Inter ttaa 311 tseorj Sao FraaetKir t ifonla oa tk KlbSETH UH- - MANHOOD SRHINAL WKAKSrast DIMKllOsTItB SKIT ViT ALT lISKAfKt OF MIX BIKiK HEMTOS SSirOF tiam 20 CKSTH DR J COUIS BROWNES CH10R0DTSL Tilt ORK1N L -- sd oLT bKNltXS Adter lo InTalidr -- It j wtvk t rt ro bcabinElvrp trr f torn ht4toci rrttot ttvm fmim 4 Ttii4 la calm aa umsm tfc wwrj t nrtMTaKI aiafB- - imnsriw w reff tatt tiir frrttatifta vtc vftW Im4v w i pmTailr jourarif itb ib melr Mm4j dwrtwr vdbrDr J ulllt Btiti ilsto AfWrjjJaprJ aMaSV t m hicb be tan afcm oi t ituinwiMirs wi la attmitiva by tbe rrufriu to V tha rr t nwnnti and valaabl teaitJy e - rjlw t rrrtJ VULOROtt5KIthr bitrmJ rriba ConatapUa Brjtliii Atin ULOpMDTSK mu llkf chim ta IHarriMra tu U Ibe ooly petir In brfr nl Dyi rauty CliLUKOUTNR iffotaall att h t il altar a a 4 Bptlcpay HyatrrU Iai pi allot ami HfNwata CHLOitUDTNK l th tly jili la fraHa Hhumatim Uoit -- ntfr THtt Vfafl4lW Ac Vimi Svamra liL CbaaaW lt4l cal Hall Mlmla Jaansry 5 lWL J T Pawaatart Sai 3 a fiMrl tr t Mttmmmhmty wl Dear Mr -- Wi raabnff lil opiHtftaaity of aayrat tmal nt yoa upcta hr wtd- - rfl fpuiUlmm tale tHJj eatewtt aaadlcUf r i r CUtWrara baa rai Bxi fur Htlf nimi m Ili4aau at aH om tb Baal At a rrawJ- - crffral atllHy mm at qaMt1 wbtbr a tMrttrrlo iifO tr4 im rmmiTT aad waihall batadtr amr of itla tta a paara La every Aaglo IaJiao hoax- T - t taada - MrflouTmnoa rrltjU U ta lb a We baaor tad ladcfae froaa Ihrtroalr faa brf awaaia taVrra TT la i - Will DC lial CTBIirwirnt i tfu aii xvipi asim nrowae vanjnaiijnr m wTairTiaaoiB i p4MOi Cranp- - a aljia ihc mr rr f aad a ffnal rHatlrr that Hue fiirt awtrraa iumi aaaTTaiion uarm mn ira ii awnwi hir a nnd rrn in thr irKtrr l rrtbi CaftaM a eraltair - ha wltni ri n- - nfpartjy caattr tajr power r har a v r m wm t laediciap ban t ullt IWmi - fr iatn icMa thatitldldly ibrt jnrl itfwa a - tda weoe tolhr airtifr nitio ami ib pcM a 0 opinlnn tbat th uhmutu f j mfct tlMi Brow or la a DaitBEK Tit Ht r riira ta raar or tb hkit t r aiB mn rf AUK K W ar- - sir fiUniiT ir- - jbt Memhrmf ibr Hhrr nt -- i Btntaa H Bserllne it r rrr- t l trt- - CXITION icr habrriir -- atatrd itiat Dr J t id ltrnn lavrntor of hir 1jrn bat ih daai Frmat - li ntwrani i IMUttlrtl to fr lisl li fn nrr it rc Wvtaf aadaMMadlt tit ry rn 4rfa intra wbara a July 13 1H SollinboUKf at - Sl - - 4 eacb NonoUsranin witbtwt lr Jt UaBrowap at biafTMlriH ia- - imiHiant taaa Ifretwhilmlif niltral i t mi - coaapaat t atlt bottle Caution lu w tf f I irti r laaHiUa Sfwe Maaafartarr V T DAYKKrulVT - Kaaaall ivot Blnawwbttry JiJATJRGOi m f Stationers and News Dealers IfnwnllNia tnia tt ItlarkaTTtrvlifUttfla Haw laat Batalaad Muhf a Fit i a STAT IO 3ST EEY Auii nun ii viy nt ttt ft lotter Faer Note l r IimiI t 4P aa inn read aad aamsa b ia rn tiaio a taase Jleaaoraadaai nL 1 ii aW lIAM IttluHNi Fall rpoiiil llif d ttniml I ft iMisriMiHi Baaher Iirr- - I il in fact w a InaaanaV im 11 IOST OKFltK TrTTKI hCAtEtS I1IIM AltTKI mllrrH I fnf Jt WtHlot In 4art ntt jisd W lal rtrrrciiit whiti i rnri In ftoails piitt ntii sn1 r loir ltK ll MI tnam Int i1 lab am oaa ARXULI Wrillni flml laqojrt hi1 i at A ias UTAFFoltll in n il aiai Fztcii rfonl loa JIllllatK i iiii- - i i l ff t Vnrlmrv fttle JtAMVNfHIV I1IM1IIS I 10alsfll hoanil ihI half Wmu loillfMll Kiiirtl at Bl liaoal asae vaotaz rir liSl lllIIUMl ih r i rrlllr AaffHratle I nrll sj taril Faae Iiiil- - lfo roaell i lilt tlVlMI rtllltl j111 il mM HH OVaoil FffT HAVI Ml Ki twaai urtrrf FLAT1SH I UVt ind mnn A fll IiMOIAllJI niMiHH iin- - arrty TIMS MMKS wii i4Uhl ilun iz rT7srtrl Tax Inrltatlon Paper Bnrclopes to aaatch Ball rregramaM tarda rvactu aad Taoo U MKSi CAB1M IETTER PE2S3E3 1JZZ k EBAIi boon aadaallsraos lit si IIAIIJtawla tiltllt H aa4ftOBC tlOIIHS IIIItTIIKtV IltlllrH i ocucr umtu Aad maay hr r irurl iw nHmnqa lo mraaasa taa miltltllTIIlll r ird tar any For a Faaor or alacaihe miiilir si ttavr Atao f all tfco Local fan at M - Haillii rX aldoo Firstly I Ibrr tr baaaf aodswlai aaaaaara at for t mu r oarafK I tl - K HBIWIll n l HKI JinilJKIt STAMP l8KN1f t aad Agra for Ibe Bacyelapi Ha aaitaoaira tar- - All Islaad order tt4 PraasrJy -- ix J U OAT Jr CO tan If uaa rtar11obekMiai REMOVED TO 82 KING S7 AKRAFT Watchmaker and Jeweler - ASK 1XALKR IN Musical Instruments IVaftlBaa b brr that mm aaa twtwTd fNaj aj Wira Blnck u S3 KI SO TBBET a i4is tbr atae of Mr J T Walerao km baa afga M Larfr aad Bl flat A0timtm wi GOLD SILVER WATCHES OlOOKs EltO Fro Ctabrat4 Vaaar A Splencid Assortment of rtae Jewelry In Gold Silvr BKaly ammatod oltb Freaaoao Mw AH la Heat make of Ml SICAl I5TltXW -- a od MJHt A Great Variety of Gurk HrTacattratloaaf - tanbaaoof oa V Hatha la aultealar i eal lb Kk sct pe eaaolag eloawaora aaw DE E COOKITCH oertcx xsb mmmw CORNER RICHARD BSREIAlitt 5TS arfeKatwf toWa 81B S 1s ftC 17 iti l ll M a

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Post on 27-Feb-2022




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Page 1: Uew-llM-nt- Ax Sf sZjy jy Jw ww SMMjiitiaaa Laiij

im - - - - - - mu ll Will I I II P I 1 PPail l IWi lMTlllaaiaWalMaTIalaaWllhaWIl IMH II Ml aaa 1



lit cry Wcdncxtlny llorntiitfU FIVE DOLLARS TER AKKDM

TJrjBLE IX AMAXCEforeign MibNcrlbrre 003 III Adlaurc

Vblcb ioduef poitage prepaid


Office fimttlr lmUiugMenkmtSUvpflinrt

When tho Sea elves np Her dead-

I sin looking back tbroaftu to days and weeksThat lie in The ehadoayland of yon

An awaiting rlrit eUreaad eiakrViit- - pint of dead years gone beta

Neaks anlh a atwu of monriifol etitaaIn a voice that carrM ike eoaad ofteare

And Ucbtlor mie taaetr in t pasalaaate eyeall open the Ami of the borlej real

Th- - ind la atoortas an from tbe marMTbe etar are btnloj down on Ore Ma

llel the Mind In bleak and the tbral 1 coldAnd ih oil j of iln tbey spek to we

I or the wind once toyed with a attlca leesAad the fta one ebonc oa a ablntlr face

And bow can a fatlbfal toreerow4eosOr a new lore lake the old loves place

Tbi rot I vwirlinc up to my feetMneinc He monody toft abd bn

Hat the sons of the sea Is deadly eareetFor I mind how It ilea me year ac

e had been parted I and theWilli many a hundred mile between

And now she coming acre the seaJlt Ibe sky wan bine and the mree wmiiaea

l mains- - and yet bc never camealpelinr and yet we met no more

Mt heard me not when I called her noaaeTlioojrh the dead atlcat hare heat me on thai


mi liri tbotfsh ayeje bat dreary see1 htc is hope in my notb way where I tread

That over the tea tbe wilt tell to meIn the day when Ihaaeaetiec p her dead

TAe trpwy


London has 120000 foreignersAn eighty ton gun costs X100T3

Sow York State lias 11000 hotelsThere are 10000 jiolicomen in LondonTliwo ara 01000 lawyers tho United

StateSeveral jails in UioSoalh aro williout

occupantsKnssins last war with TnrLov cost her

iiltontS00000000A new Ohio law provides scats for girls

emiiloyed iusiorotsJlinto bteel is the Miry latest for can-


being extremely toughThere are more than 2500 lady phy

Mcinns in the United StatesThere have been nine wars in Uuropo

within tho last thirty yearsZinc tombstones are tho latest novelty

They arc cheap and durableThe aluoof all thoKold in tho world

is estimated at SG000000000Soineliody has discovered that tho Old

Testament has 2725110 wordsTwenty five years comjileto tho round

of a well carod for canarys careerTho eating of horse flesh is becoming

more extensively practiced by ParisiansThe value of wood used annually in

coopcrago in the United States is 33711770

Tho entire literatnro of Abyssinnia it iseaid does not includo more than 100 vol-


There aro G2332o Odd Fellows in GreatBritain anincreaso of 3S3i during thelast year

Tho healing power of earthquakes is awibjecl for discussion in tho Spanish inedical iiress

Yoc may tako tho greatest trouble andby turning it around find joys on thoother side

Smoking dnring service is said to bocustomary in some of the rural chnrchesof Holland

There aro over thirty Mormon churchesm Colorado sixty in Indiana and aboutseventy in Arizona

Tho number of mules attached to thohearse denotes tho respectability of a fu-neral


at Itio JaneiroMake people happy and there will not

lie half the quarreling or a tenth part oftho wickedness there is

Citron raising is receiving attention inFlorida Tlio fruit pickled in brine isworth S150 a ton in London

Joe Veri living near Iclaluma Cnladied lately from glanders the disease 1

mg contracted from a glandered horse1L 31 S Myrmidon has been commis-


to proceed direct to Australia tocarry on surveying operations for the Imjierial Government The Myrmidon sailstliis month May

The railroads of India have zenana carsfor the use of native women Lady mis-

sionaries hate tho keys of tho cars andtravel with them improving thoopportnnity of teaching them tho Gospel

A telegram from Brussels states thatKing Leopold has formally notified hisacceptance of the title of Sovereign of theCongo Stales comprising the territoriesof the AVesttrn Africa Association

Thonumbjr of medical colleges in thoUnited States and Canada is stated to be130 Of medical students thcro arc12000 of whom 10000 are regulars1200 aro homoeopaths 730 eccletics and50 physio medicals

If tho paternal ancestor of your bethrothod enters tho parlor at 2 am witha doublobarreled shot gun retire politoly It is not necessary in this case to beformal in making your adiens All formality may bo postponed on account oftho weather

1ius DL never left his palace after theentry of tho Koyal troops into tho HolyCity and Loo X1XL has followed his predecessors example For fourteen yearsthe quaint Papal equipage of white mulesand rod halberdiers has never once beenseen in the streets of Koine

A lawyer walked down tho streets thoother day with his arm taxed tohold a lot of law books Why I thoughtyou carried all thatbtuffin your headobserted a citizen I do replied theyoung lawyer with a knowing wink

these are for tho Judge of the DistrictCourt

Xcw York city has in her schools anaterago daily attendance of 129545 pupilsand the whole nunilier of teachers employ-ed


including principals was 3152 Aregulation has just been adopted by theBoard of Education of that city forbiddingtho employment of married teachers intho sbools

The effects of inhalation of fumes ofstrong ammonia on tho system aro deaf-ness


and catarrh In some instances thetroubles aro very serious indeed It willinduce lung disease if there i any tendoncy to weakness of tho lungs The mostvaluable remedy is to inhalo tho fumes ofbtrong glacial acetic acidwhich reacts uponthe alkali ammonia

Tho celebrated Lnglish physiologistDr Carpenter nas proposou a suosianually new version of the germ theory ofdiseases Ho belioves from observationsbased upon tho mutability of bacille thatthe same germs may produce different con-

stitutions a theory that is corroboratedis not confirmed by recent observationswhich show that tho bacteria of typhoidfever and malaria aro of tho same descrip-

tionHelen of Troy was over 40 when that

famous elopement took xlaee-- Ten yearsafter when the fortunes of war restoredher to jlenolaus he received her with love

and gratitude Cleopatra was past 30

when she made tho conquest of Antonyand Diana deJPoicticrs at36 and for manyyears afterward was considered the mostbeautiful woman at the court of Henry Hof France Xinon de lFncios received a

declaration of love on her SSth birthday

Tho Uriel Till and Metal Jietiar reportsa new use of class for shingles It isclaimed that glass roofing is at once bet-

ter more durable and cheaper than slateThe glass is usually opaque but may betranslucent or clear as desired The ex-


parts of the shingles aro corrugat-


The shingles lap at the- sides areclosclv interlocked and ono rivet suffices

for a pair of shingles It takes but 150

of these shingles 8 by 12 inches to cover

a square of 100 square feet the waste isso small whereas of slates of tho samesize 300 aro required

Poor German tutor Know you what Ido when I hunger have Then draw Iat home onmvslalo with chalk a whitesausage When I right severe hungerhave draw Ttwo Then dnnk Ioncofrom my mug of boor eat a piece breadand rub from Uio sausage on the slato apiece away Then dnnk I again oatagain a pieco of bread and rub again fromtho slate a pieco sansaire away till thelast jnorsel away is So picture I myself

t--- r- -MMTti if S 4 W A A amV

fefl fAtr Nil fl Uew-llM- nt-A Ai wav Jk ammV i k jk aaaama 11

flli i1vfeavVaiar wjh XalAiTf M ssKw Ax ASJy M sJr fatASx Jmmm rfa ii S5k M Sf P irrfS ill 11 rsivla u---

JflH t Jt 7a aa tnr lv t tin 9 IIH e i azr Erm rrmmml Ifaai aval xeafi an J na Vie-- cm nal ara T xa flM 4 nesea

nil ll 11 ffl II a til aMf Itlffl ttW LJftll tilS il 11 CrrtfCaiataA Bfl wm ill avP 98 1 ffiJt h m - vnfa tin fair 119 aYyA nar til aar rkircMIs riBfl i8 3 - am ma ig fit Ifl Mil 18 EH MM 4M WTO 1J Wfl MS it Ifl 31 k HL 11sZjy ww ww ww w www ww jy ww Jw w ww

VOL XK No 211 HONOLULU WED3STErlY MAY 27 1885 - WHOLE No 10113

in I have the sausago really oaten Be-hold yon it is all only imagination on thoworld

There arc ssys tho Atturican Maduiutt29227 locomotives of all kinds belongingto the railroads of North AmoriiM accord-ing


to tho most reliablo official figuresReckoning the lifo of a locomothe attwenty five years it ought to require thoconstruction of 1100 locomotives annuallyto maintain the stock of engines A greatmany locomotives kept on tho motiveiiower list are doubtless ont or servicebut making all free allowance for this thefigures indicate that in the last year thorenewals of locomotives have been far bolow tho necessary requirements Many oftho engines built do not represent main ¬

tenance of stock but arc called for by newroads and extensions

And dont yon skate little girl hoasked as he sat down beside her Ohno sir But you can learn I guessI coiild but I dont want to And yoncome hero just to watch tho skaters

Oh no I come to watch 3Irs- - It Whosshe Shes papas second wife- - Hodont want her to come but she will doit And why do you watch her

Well papa wanted her to promise thatshe wouldnt lean on any body when shewas skating with cm that she wouldntflirt when she was resting but shewouldnt promise and so I came to watchher Tho short marks are when slib Ioausand those long ones when sho flirts Andyon show them to your father Yesand he dates them and puts them awayand by and by holl have enough to get adivorce on and rcarry somebody whocant kate

AVInicexpcrintenlinsawl studYinxtlic tiurclior the Frcncli snMiors Mr Marcy ln deniotistrBlwI that low liecls have a fnoralle influ-


on Uio pace which a person walk- - amithat tin rytlim of tho step lias an importantiiiflaencc on Uio apcetl The nthm was stud-ied


li means T an electric liell actuated by apcmlnlnm of variable length to enable the sub ¬

ject to keep exact time and tho distance trav-eled


was record oil on the odorapli by electricsignals sent alons a wire every fitly meterstraversed It was thtn found that tho lengthof the step increases until sixty five steps jicrminute are taken it then increases until seven ¬

ty -- five and afterward decreases as a higherr tlm is roached Tho speed of travel increaseswith tho acceleration of the rythm up tocijliUi five steps per minute and decreases athigher rvihms

Business Ccttiis

r x aiaiisAuctioneer and Commission Merchant1031 tjnein Street Honolulu ly

A s itno A CorarocTESs aad deue in

Grouornl 2oxrG2xixxclxso1009 Comer Queen and Kaahurjum Streets j

ii t jiciA rvii v ukotiiicGROCERY TEED STORE and BAKERY

l orncr King aud Fort Street IIouolulu1013 ly


and Xoiary jnblir Attend all lac Cuurt of tbeItrly Kingdom ly


1017 IlonoluluOatauil I 1

EDWARD PRESTONAttorney and Counsellor at Law

ly 9 Kaalium nu Street llonolnln lirjTi

jonrx r it atcuisoum1HP0BTER AND DEALEH IK GENEKAL

HESCHaKDISE1UE1 QueenStrcetIIonululuil I Ir

JNO A IIASSnGERAgent to talto Aclmo trlcdcmcnts to Con

tracts for Ealiorltfc Interior Office lion lulu ly

S M CARTERAgent to take Acknowledgments to Con-


for Xiboronlee ni ill E C Kililjournc Co- - corn r of KuLu

maun and tjneen ticct Ilonolnlu 11 I 1011 lyW NOCTON Q E XOUTON

Store drove Ranch riantatlon Dealers n Choice roeerie ana ITouston sua ueneral 3lcrcuauaie

lfcc ly


For the Slate of California and New oik Office attie IlanL of Eifhop A Co Honolulu 1041 ly


The bet Ae Wine and Liquor constantly on handlire Lncry stable attacueu loine tioici iv

iiiiii i jticiirtM oaATT0EHEY AKD C0UKSEL0E AT LATA

W ill attend th Tent of Court on tin other lIandlonr to lend on lonrugc of Freehold CS OFFlcE

No 2L Mirchant St -- door from Dr SlanunaldVXZ 3m


irmu xiiiaM AMiitrit sritinrrsCHOICE ALES WINES AND LIQUORS

iV 3 tT1 31 WllllSKY 31 t t 1 S

Dental Eooms on Port StreetOOlie in Ilrew cr IHcl corner Hotel and Fort trtctiii J Lnlrancc iioici oirct i

J U KAWAINUIAgent to tako Aclsnowlcdgments to Labor

ContractsFor the Dislrul of Kona Ofhce Mcrchsnt fetrt aoppoelte Sailors Home

cLava srftEcHBL

102 uWKuinwr

ivii ti iitvir a roScgtr Factors and Commission Agents

Honolulu li I iwiW A Kiuit A P IsTin os


OFFICE So 15 KAAlirJIANV STREET1108 Honolulu II J ly

HOLLISTER CODrugrgists Tobacconists

WHOLESALE AXD RETAILSUNuuanu Strccl X cor Fort A Merchant St 1033

L A THURSTONATTORNEY AT LAW1M9 No 33 Merchant SI Honolulu II 1 tf

M S GRLNBAUM COiMrorrrens or

General Merchandise and Commission MerltsS chants HonolnlnH I IT

M S GRINBAUM COCommission Merchants

No 124 California St-- San Francisco CalIQia ly


LADIES AND CHILDRENS PHYSICIANOffict and Residence Corutr of Fort and

KaLni streetsUrTlCEHOlIlS rJ0tolI30 X ls toSr Jt


f AlOAGImporter Wholesale and Retail Dealer

in General MerchandiseAmi China Good in the Flie pioof Store corner Kinj

ltta and Nunano Street ly

eVsJcunhaIltftoil CVTixxo Doaloi--

UNION SALOONIn tin rear of the Hawaiian Gazette building1VII No a Merchant Street- - ly


auexts ronUcaads Usn and Comh LsnceTT Terry Darls Tain Killer

lew No 40 tjaeen SU Honolulu iyWILLIAM ATTLD

Agent to take Acknowledgments to Con-tracts


for LaborIn the District of Kona Islandof Oahuat the Office ofthe Honolulu Water Works foot of Nuuanu street

MB ljcrcn uitoiv- -


And Airnt foraldns AcLnootedgMent of Instrumentsfor the Island of Oahu

10IT Campbell Dloclc Merchant St Honolulu ly

W AUSTIN WHITINGAttorney and Counsellor At Law

AnLto UVc AcVtiowledrejnents oT Instruments forthe Island of Oahu

J03S No OKaahnmann Street Iloootola lyrj av-- ciicna

Commission MrnlMUt aud General Dealerin Dry Goods Oroceries Hardware stationery

Patent Medicine Ferf umeryasdGlassware


ex coosihost urwiaaliwibm a cooke

Successors lo Lcwees Dicssoir

IMOEXERS DEA1ERS IK ITJMBKKAnd all Unds of BuUdinj Material

Fort street mi if Ilonolnlu

D H HITCHCOCKAttorney at Law and Notary- Pntlic

Has opened n OSce inilo whereste will promrtlyattend to all business entrusted to him

Will attend M the Terms ol she Circuit Court andill also attend the Local Circuit Courts in KauJOSS SUBTETISG DOSE PKOJttTLT ly

Buaiiifss Cnrts illttljJuitiU tTarlis H iUcclauicnl Carts 3iistirantc ypticts




sr Tnctn 1GEXTS IV

rT Vnrknitou Inrii



The ConmorcUI SanVIni Co of Sydney LondonThe Cctnmercial BanLinj Co of Sidney Sydney

Tho Hank of ew Zealand Auckland and tuIranches in Christchurch Danedln and Welllnston

The Haul of XSritlsh Colomblilortlnil OresonThe Azorc aod Madeira Island

Stockholm SnedenThe Chartered Hank of London Anetralla and China

Ilonjrkong Yokohama JapanAndtranactaGeueralBankineBuines 1013 ly


Ojfiet iritk the Aitornev General AJiiotatti Halt1035 llmiHlii 11 1 ly


1I Queen Street Honolulu II I ly

i a sciiAiriK nc toImporters Commission Merchants

u Honolulu Hawaiian Island ly


And Importer of andDealears In Hay Grain and1055 Gersenvrroducc Honolulu 11 1 ly

L A THDRSTONStock and Real Estate Broker0t No J9 Merchant St Honolulu 11 1 tf


Attornoy ot Xininrlorj No 11 Kaahnmann Street lyr

--viiiik v coComer of Fort and Cucen Steel Honolulu

nmher Faisti Oils Nails Salt and Buildingluaa ly JIa Urialsof every kind


Leather Hides TallowAXD


Royal Soap CoxrjLjoy- -

lfrS No I J jo en St Honolulu II I ty

C HDSTACEFormerly with II F Holies Co

Wholesale and Retail Grocer111 Kins Street nnder Harmony Hall

Family Plantation and Ship Stores supplied atshort notice New Goods by every tcamcr OrderTom the other island faithfully executed

re-- TjtLEnioxE xo no ion ly


Wholesale and Retail CroccsFOltT STKEET Honolulu II I

Fresh Groceries and Provisions of all kind on bandand received regularly from Europe and Americanwhich will be sold at the lowest market rate

Good deli crcd to all part of the city free of charee1ST lsiand orders roiicited and prompt attention

will be given to the same 1U3I ly

E P ADAMSNo IG Qnccn Street Honolulu II I


HoNourix STOCK iioxb ExcuakocStocks and Bonds of nil kinds Bonglit nnd

Sold on CommissionKf Tel phone No 72 IDS ly


citcril Mercantile CoiiimiitQUEEN STREET HONOLULU

uT or orncrrs1 C JONEsJB ITetldenIJOSEPH O CAKTEIi TrcasurernIIENIIV MAY


Hon UIAS I BISIlor Hon II A I1013 I v



Money Loaned for Long or Short


OFFICE Bcavsr Cloch Tort ilrectIYONS LEVEY i


Heater Clock Qnecn Street HonoluSALE OF FCRNITUHE STOCK KEAE

and Oeniral Merchandise projicrly attent

Sole Agents lor American and Ki10Xi MERCHANDISE

J E WISEMANReal Estate B roller S Employment 3

Ilfnt Koomp CotU Ilonset and fell atIleal EtUte in aU parts o the Ktodomracut found for tboc tctMni work in all tbbraiiclicif of batine connected with theseXsT SBLesalDocamcnis drawn UllIsC

IlooLt and Accoonts Kfpt and general office w oactfd Patronage pollened Com nil si Ions moi

Honolulu II I

TXIIIO Ii ikvviis X CeLate Jasion Gheex Co



MojdBud the Liverpool UnderwritersUriiib and Fortipn Marine Insurance ComiAnd Northern Assurance Company W



Corner ol Fort and Queen Mrcets Honolulu I

acests ronTlie llapow and Honolulu Line ofJohn Hay Cog LiveriOot and London Tack1UC liailpn 1 lauiaiiun auiThe fepencer IMantatlon Illlollakalau llantatlon IllloM irrlecs Tail ateon huar MachineryThe Tuuloa bheep ltanch Company



iiy iia IHCON

ot uenerai iiiefcnaiiLFHOM


UNITED STATESNo 5e Queen Street - Honolulnil


S16andS18 Calif ornla StreetS A rHAIUIaCO I

Cj7 liirticnlar attention paid tonllinsandehlppIsland arderi 1WJU

JAMCS 31 IIOSAIIKAT fAttorney and Counsellor at LawfSpecial attention paid to the negotiation of LoanJ Convejancinj and all matters appertalninjrtoltca

EstateNotary Pallid and Commlasloner of Seeds

For the States of California and 2Ccw Yorkfar Office Ko 2Mcrcbant St Honolulu II I

1UJ ly



OBieIlonr froraTtoS Uto2 Jlo6 IcevBoxXSX Telephone SI

rOrdera may be left at the TaatLeon Stable

ICO ly a


IMFOEIZES AMI DEALEES IK HAEDVrions Paints Oils and General Merchandise


WmAV Hall President and MaiLC Abies tsccclary and TreaWm f Allen AuditorThos May and E O White Directors

ly 101a Corner Fort andKlngStf


ixrotmxa akd aisrwatWKaSTATIOKEE KEWS A0E5T B00K BIKDEE AKD

PAPER BULEBMerchant M Campbells Block A Fort St near Hotel

Honolulu Oahu II I

Also Pablishcjof the Hawaiian Almanacand Annualand Hawaiian Directory and Calendar Ac

Th MerchanlelreetSlore The Fort street Store willwiibedToted to General embrace Fine stationeryStationery Blank Books Books Artists Materials

we and Binding Depart IToysand Fancy Goodsinenta ItH ly



Dealers In Coneral MerchandiseXo SO Kins Street Honolulu II 1

AGESTS FOBThe Kobala Sugar Co H Halstead or WalaluaThellaikitfurarCoThe Alexanders Bald

win PlantationsUamakaa Plantation

The Hitchcock Co

PlantationA II- - Mnlth Co Ho--

loa KauaiJ MAIexanderUalku


The Union Insurance- Company of San FranciscoThe TJew England Life Insurance Company of BostonThe Blake Manufacturing Co of BostonD M Westoua Patent Centrifugal MachinesrheXew Tork and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants Line Honolulu and San FranciscoDr Jayner A Sona Celebrated MedicineWilcox A iibbe Sinper Manufactaring Company andIMS Wheeler Wilsoua Sewlue Machines It


vLate Scholar and rnzmaa Clinical Sortry andMrdicine Kins Collf e Londoa

PHYSICIAH SURGEON12i Tori Street Honolulu

Office Hours 9 12 am 2 5 pm 7 8 pmi7Sm

ed c rowe --ffK TELEPHOKE 55Honso and Slim Painter Paper Hanger So m

1014 ly No 107 King Slrert llonolnln -

JOHN NOTTImporter nnd Dcnlcr in Stoves Rangessletals House Fnrnlsbins Goods Crockery Glas and

China Ware Practical Mechanic Honolulu II IKIM It

MRS A M MELLISF iOilonnLlo Drcii and Cloak Maker

101 Fort street Ilocoluln II I1011 ly

J M OAT a CO SAILMAKERSLoll In A F Cookes New Flre 1roof Eulldin fool

of Nunann streetllonolnln II I

53 Flacs of ai descriptions made and repaired

PIONEER STEAMCandy Manufactory and Bakery

Practical Confectioner Paltry Cook and Baker1033 71 Hotel gtred between Nunann and Fort 2 ly

J EMMELTJTH CO7o 5 Xnuanu Street

TinsmlUss and PInmbors Bealers In Stovesnanres Tin Shei t Iron and Copper Ware kcepconstantly on hand a full assortment of Tinware Galran- -

Ised Iron and Lead IIpe India Kubbcr Hose 4c 4e1055 ly

i vn-i-iAJ-



Furnituru Ware Itooms No CI Tort St Work ShopjUtth old sUnd on Hotel Street Jf

Orders from the other ltsnds ptomptly tttendedfo1013 ly


e pi STCAJI UMIIXKS SCCiAH 31IIIS2lj Hollers Coolers Iron Erajs and LeadCastlnc

Machinery of Evory DescriptionS-- Male to Order Sa

Particular attention paid to Ship BlacksmithingAS JOII lTORKeiecolcdonlhehiirtetnotlce IICI ly


Shop on Kins street opposite HosesitimMephrn on all kinds of buildings When re- -

V ind Office and Store filled np In the latest Eastcr ttTl- - Itcpalrinj of cery description done In

tte bet possible manner and at reasonable rates10J ly




No 71 Km Mre t Honolulu II I

House and Ship Job W -

tST IlIOMITLY ATTENDED TO uBath Tubs Vatcr Closets Wash

And all Kinds Plumbing Good





WatcrColors CrayonIndia Inlc or Oil

Photo f

XTItc Onlv in li tijL



II t



fJ f-- 11


JAifrom flrstlass rnanuY d will be added to from

Is Balkee

iard TablesoIUbmeQl where Iotcthurtldpjite UBS

n FranciscoISU THEr

apers on FileFFICE OF THE

ercliantcar Paper Iens InK iJirectoric and information on


Editor ct Proprietorl W S T Merchant


GREY CO g3gige3IaDuracturr and Dealers In

ALL KINDS OF SOAPSLelco llnc Street lkonolnln

Beef Mutton and Goat Tallow u anted Orders left aHolies Coe Qnera Street will meet with prompt alttention HP ly


CWALLER ProprietorXvlitg Street Honolulu

Choicest Meata from Finest Herds


rpiIE UXIJEIISIGNKD REGS TOJL intorm tie mblic that hla wellinown House Ifnated two miles from Kealakekua Bay at an derationof 1100 feet la aain readr to recelrr rieHors

Hirsea will be Trade at the landing for thoc whoorder them DAT1I llOLSE in connection with theeetablisLmrnt

2T3ofxi ca 7 por XT7oolsluct Em A A TODD

Stamped EnvelopesTltE IKXOinATIOKS OF01 4 and lo Cents caibe purchased at the

tnatnrir in naitttllt frrtm Anr fA ABC thmUaUdnTeiopei Persona redlng on the other lalanda can

VBocarethrra from the local Poftofflea also domesticprd lorelrn reply carda





C J HARDEE Proprietor

Contracting and BuildingMouldinis and Finish aln lys on handC

WttPALE Hard and Sort Stovowooil Catan Split lu B



ttI ii l ii riuJlUHUluiu oiuum iiaiiiug mills

m Esplanade Honolulu II I

9B 11 tnurjures ill kinds ol

ntini iininirK KruixirM r

K Window Frames i -

sjsf Blinds Sashos Doors1And all kinds of Woodwork rinllt

Turning Scrol and Band SawingA II HINDS Of

Planing and SawingMorticing and Tenanting

ORDEltS PllOMlTLY ATTENDED TOAmi Worlt Ijiinrnutccil

ner Orders from the other Islands solicitedHonoIulnJIay3lS81 ion lyr


LiTE WORKSitiirr MAimriir

orerTf monumentss Tombs

ablets Hurblo MantelsWashstand Tops and

i Black and White Marblo



ills mill IlenilMono Clcnnnl mnl

feuA S LSL

w oua TiTTfO MOREtr av Full dcription nd pntst can be obtained byapplication to

W E ROWELL Honolulumil lj Sole Acnt Hawaiian Ielandf


ISAAC IyIOOREin tiuiiamj sruii7r imi


FANCY CANDIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONSCream Opera taramcK Marsb mallovrf Sogared

Almond AIJ Contour Citron Jelly Jc tiaatcaseMIccp ltwe and Lemon Unm lrop C C Nonpar elandIlrHllantConTerfaUonLonffenMlntLfrtensri

Spiced Chocolate Chocoute Crnma and

Fancy and Plain Mixed CandlesAlso SUTb Iecarjf S S Almoafi Draiili

HlbtrtB Etc Mconcc AdaiJ OamSprnce Cam 1nze Juxec

The nbovo Candles Rota lied at fjJn per lbng-- CAIL AXD TUT Tjrtfitu

Ciar Clyarettci Tobacco IlollisUr A Co a faodaVattr CJlocr Ale on Ice and a foil line of




From Great BritainAnd will soon open with a

SELECTION of GOODSs citable ron


Latest StylesAnd Purchased by Himself

100 in PersonICNOWLES



BorunCBf icezc cejeoiaieo iiimpi nuicu aicteed lobe cheaper and tetter than an other style ofpnmp imported We call the attention or piantan pardcuhulTtolheYacrmmrcmp which U lesa eompM

tateaanamoreaemcaiNeiBaa ouerpsKp0 Jm C BBXWZRk CO

SKT - -i- a6-r r atiir --rfrw


Boston Board of UnderwritersA QEKTS for the IIirallata lalnmteJ ICTil ly C DHEWER t CO

riilladclpbla Board of Indenrrilrrsfor the Hawaiian taUnrlaAGENTS CDIlSWEItJiCO

r a soiiirninoartlof Undern rlterftAcent of Drct den Board of TJnderwriterfAsent of Vienna Board of Undervrltera

ClalmsapilnptlniuranceCoinpanleflwItliln tho jsritdlction of the aboye Boards ot Undenerttrra will haroto be certified to by Iheabore Agent to make themralid ion ly

Insuranco NoticeAOEST FUR TIIK IIItlTIMI ForTI1K Marine Insurance Uorapny limited ban

receired in tractions to Iteilnee the Rntet of Inanrance between Honolulu and Porta in the 1aclBe aatl now prepared to Utue Tollei a at the loweel ratewith a epeeial reduction on fr tehl per teamera

TIIEO II DAVIES103 Sly AscntBrlt For Mar hi Co Limited

- iivtiiiinii- - iiRKnrmriEE INSURANCE COMPANY

CMlKIlSIUNrn IIATIXtl llirN Ap ¬THE Asenla of the abore Company are Preto lnture rtsks aalntt Are on Stone and llrlek

landing and on 31 rrehaulle atored therein onthe mofttfaroraole term For partlenlar apply at theomceof Willy F A SCHAEFEU CO



liiLmM HEnciiA5inisKFEnsi- -1JTUSB and Machrnary Inftred alnt Plro mt themost faronble terma

A J ArfiKi A nt for the Hawaiian llandIU IT

ORIENTInsuraaoo Company


cash Assets jahuirt misu si4ii894iTakes rlshs against Loss or Hamaro r Fire on

ltuildinirs Merchandise Machinery and Furniture onfarorihle terms A JAEOER

lOoo Acent for Hawaiian Islands


OF BOSTON MASSACHUSETTSCajhAsseU January 1st 18S4 - - 3159333034

Takes Illslca against Loss or Damage by Flte onHuildlnss Merchandise Machinery and Furnltnra onrarorahle terms A JAEGER

JUG Asent for Hawaiian Islands

The City ofLondon Tire In-surance


Co LimitedCAPITAL t 810000000

UiTAIIMSIIMI AN AIIKMnr ATHAVIMi for tho Hawaiian Islands the undersigned is prepared to accept rlsLa aeainst lire on DnlldlussrMcrchandise Furniture Machinery on the mostfarorablc termsLosses 1roinptly AdjnHtcdantllafalilellcrc

r o iiEiUiilau ly Aent for tha Hawaiian Islands


l mmmiimg5OOOiOOOA JAECER Agent for the Hawn Is


INSURANCE COAssets 31101000

Claims Paid 88714000rvrAitiiHiui ax auikcy ix

llonolnln for the Hawaiian Islands and the nnderslsned arc prepared to write risks against


DUELLINGSOn farotable terms IwcllliirltliknrriccllllyDetached dwrilUizs and contents Insured for a periodof three years for two premiums In adrance oiiwiirouintlir nilliMleil nltil iinrnblf here

1017 6m I1ISII0PC0

GER3IAN LLOYDMarine Insurance Company of Berlin

J o Tl T u N AGeneral Insurancejompany of Berlin

rpm Anon ixsuitAXCi cojiiAMrsJL hare established a General Ajrcnry here and theundexsixned General Agents are authoiiacd to takeltlMi nalimt tlic Ilnncer il llic Nenn nl tlie

3It Renonnble ICnle mitl on Hie3Iot rntornlde Term

1M ly FASClIAEFEIttCOOeneral Aaents


r NTirrnx

Intllnl t llilcliiiiiiirko Ouuunorpins uxjiiwioii iiavinoL Iften annolnttN x rrnt of tho aIioti Comuaur tnrthai Haivniiiiti lulaniU Ik nreDttred to nccrnt rinksszftlnft lire on MnlMInx Fiirntiarr Mrrchaodlfle

TrUacvrnir jaiiitxc on ino most hit rmntr icrmnOSSES PB3MPTLT ADJUSTED AND PMA31E HERE


General Insurance CompyFor heat Illver and Land Transport

or DRESDENTAVIG ESTAULISnilU AXJL zoncr at Honolulu for tho llawaltan Inland

b onderetnrd General Arnian author lawJ to take

against tho Danger of tlio Seas at tboMoit Rcasonatlo Rates and on tlio

Most Favorable TermsF A SCIIAEFEIC CO

ARtutfortliP ltawallan Itlanda

VILDER COHonolulu Hawaiian Inliuiila Vcn

W Jl A jCiil or the

mutual Lile Insurance Conipyor SC1I YOIIK

Largest Safest and MostECONOMICAL LIFE INS CO

IN THE W0ELDCash Assets over 890000000

err For Information concerning the Connanjr andfor Itatea of Insurance appl j to WILDER Jt Co

Uenl Aa cnta orJ E1WSEMAN

1S Iro Mollcitfas Asent



CAPITAL 520000000Unlimited Llabilltr of bhtuhohltt Jiiolujr Joint

IolicyIIstId rvUbltsbed an Aijrnc at Ilonolala for tbe

Ilaw allan IiUimI tbe aoGriirnctl tt lin iiarcd to accept rifks aaint Mre on ifalldlo MrrcbaodtMrurniiiire juacaiaerxAc an luemwi larnramvtFTra

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pay-



HereMarino Xllaki an MerchandlaaXralcliti

and TraaaarBt at Current RateaC U BEhUEIt

TA Arent for Hawaiian Inlaade


or iiinniituCapital of the Company it KeserreUefclisaaarkC0WO

tbclr Ite Icearanee Companies WMAflf

ToUl Hetchimaik llf7rJnNORTH GERMAN


CapilaloIttieCompanjAIIesenreneicbsnarEMa1uI their Be IntnraneeConinanlea aU4ljo

Total IUIeaiBarl 00OIimSlCSEnWKtlIlAI All CVTrtTIIK the atMrre three companies for the Hawaiian

Islands are prepare4 to InaareBalldlnzs FaraitareyerthandiwandrProdace Machinery M aIoSitarand KlceIilU andreistlaln tbe harbor azalost lossor damaze br flra jm the moat farorable terras


FOR SALEFowlers Patent Tramway

13 pound Calls II pongd Halls

WithPatent Steel Sleepers0z3o Oars

CrWli leaoldlc clofoa eosslnmtatire C EEEWSn A ro

Fon JOB WORK KXECUTJSD INneatest itjcill at GAZBTTEomcB

e3s -

Jnsimtittt JTotuta



CASTLE COOKE AGENTS19S For tlio llwlln Island I


Zasuranoo Ooxapnn7f msnov i Ktinunoii

Established 1800CAl irAl c 200000aAceanlatetl and lareated Fvnd IOOTSI

ratui rMinrtsitisrn have nrExO awpslBMd AOISTS for tbe Sandwich Island

aad are tlhariaed to Insnre agai nat ftra un FaTtaMTermsrr takes la aaj fart of tbe lataada aa Stowand Wooden Bstldrsuta aad aferehaadlae stored laerein Dwettlat nansea aad Farnitare Tlsaaar Coala

Mpe la barWwrthorTrlthoatearsoaaarasiderrepalrB UOsTrSCIILAJCOKR A CO

liKn Aetata tvt th rlawallao lslaadu

flew England Mutual Life Insurance Co

Or BOCT01 mutsiimiiiiiAriD issb

The 0Ule Purely Mntwri Lifn VirarMsws Cfeiiith Uniletl Statu

FoUciei Itttted an thnoat farorabU lerculiknninlrOftXonroriilnreilNn

IteierfJhii tEAfc aainiaAKtijr1 Aonnal premioni conttnaaa Poller t yeara 3 darsi Annual premiums coatlane Pollej 4 rear 1 day3 Annual premlnms cnntlabe Poliry a jear 97 days4 Annual premiama cootinne Pollej s years 1 days5 Annaal premlnms continue Pulley 10 years M days

jOjsaotis 9X31300000Iie tnll llirnnzh lloiiolntn ARenry




Ol IAIiroKIIlDesire to call the aarticalar attaatloa of ererybady


Tontine investment Policies 1

Which contain the Indlspauble ClanaeSo Itestrletlon oa Trarel or Raratemca

Pree from Oasjrer of Forfeitare


The Jlcposlt KniloiTinrnt lllcjr anil IhfMutual Iiirestmcnt Inllrj

Tbia laonao the moat reliable Compaalea extantbaa no aaperlor and feweonala lettlaa all Claimspromptly acta honestly aod fairly by a l

K For farlker Information write to or rail on

It W LA1SI1065 Ueaeral Aent for the llawallaa lolaada


iiai i nut a ii a s n it Tin ivat

Halls Steel Plowsinttlng from In tr lr tn



Halls Steel Eock Breakersy n ami Inrh

Cunt tiuing ili the nlvnntacn- f ithr nnrakrr anrln imlrpr ot new mprTnint all mad by ibe

iuiat momm plow




PAINTS AMU OlUJ of all kinda

IUUItlCATINO OH beat stock hi the mntkatKUliOSENE OIT Downera NooJy A Ltntral

KIIiTKI IUVTKU WAUB frora ltel A BartonBOrII HIIVEH WAKE fmm the Gotham Co

FOWDEIIS all kinda from ruin iwdor Worka


HASBWAREA Sjtlemlltl Atwortmontt

LKATIIKIl Of All IIPHPrliitloiwtWT Ont JooU of tli If J quality r buokt

forea hmrc Iwn n orprtlcnar wrrrfrrotrcuumwn and KUIENl ti OUR NEW OUGRIPTIVECATALOGUE which wftlll prm fitanjr nti npon appilcation or rail anil XiimliiBoirHjiI itlJ MtM kof oidAT OUR WAREROOM3 cornrt mt rort Drl

Khurfrrti Hon ltaii Iv




To the Honolulu PublicCSE




Uaaraataed to kees loaaer after dailetrr than FRKSHKILLKII iIAT To be had la any rf


Metropolitan MarketOa Max Street Meal for sale al I day

City MarketOa Haaaaa tftreec

Hotel Street MarktO Hotel Mreet

Enreka MarketAI tka Flak Market

Hawaiian MarketOa Maaaakea Htrael

Ohinese MaiketOn Meek Mreet Beef aad Pork

car Taaaklaa the pobile for out faaora I solkil aeoatraaaaeeol Use aaaM

W60 1 CJWALLERWo want tho Public to under-


that tho

Union Peed CompanyIs Heady and Wllllna to Faralakai tke


AT THE LOWEST RATESAs e want to make room for a Larva

Stock oa tbe ayMr All orders prapUy a treaded to Oooaa delrered

tees tzr Tolophono No I70 I

41 ExptdiUwtr Bacwtd at ika GaztHa Ofic

Trnrn ov JV2trTaKtra7Xa3CCsTEKSSZT - - r

if too

rr a rriL Laiij nllrfCeJm J 2 SMMjiitiaaaCarta -- be W firaaHtrtltjAiawl bts

sTftSlll foVebra ademtlrameals akajMg- -uk ik7T vba Trdsd la ao

resuiasnl Amorlean adrertmsaaeaw o

Srlt1To bykkaueaaareatF

foreign lrotrtlsanft9

W1XUAMS Diaosr C8

SlilppInK anil CohbIssIob MtKfca tfnn m California Street 5a Tamtt lr


IIS Clinmber Merut- - Jftror TorkJtVerrava Caslto Cooke tad J T Vatnkom

fco yr

Unallan Comnl and

COMMISSION MERCHANTtttCaltforata M 9 Fraaetoeo Cal

041 Boon o a H

CEO F WELLS1418 and 1420 Market St Smn Trmawiovat



Parlor Orcasolroae Haarel OrelMrtlrooe laitooaJN AateloArratfor JialkaoeokaadStafa

ly way Plaaw for tbe Haarmaa beaatta lot

aacaaan a mrro Lraaoaxr o anoaiaai



lUPORTSr A5 PKALK25 ItC30 2T 33323

OrnCE No 323 California Straat10 HaS FKmCleH0 CAL IF

DR JORDAN COrCTlIS OF lUrOFKSsJORItiruuiioIarlrrirrlior n Jfaaem of taatoorr Caa W rraMftrtl aF

Inter ttaa 311 tseorj Sao FraaetKirt ifonla oa tk KlbSETH UH- -




Tilt ORK1N L -- sd oLT bKNltXS

Adter lo InTalidr -- It j wtvk t rt robcabinElvrp trr ftorn ht4toci rrttot ttvm fmim 4

Ttii4 la calm aa umsm tfc wwrj tnrtMTaKI aiafB- - imnsriw wreff tatt tiir frrttatifta vtc vftW Im4v w i

pmTailr jourarif itb ib melr Mm4j dwrtwrvdbrDr J ulllt Btiti ilsto AfWrjjJaprJ aMaSV t

m hicb be tan afcm oi t ituinwiMirs wila attmitiva by tbe rrufriu to V tha rr t nwnntiand valaabl teaitJy e - rjlw t rrrtJ

VULOROtt5KIthr bitrmJ rribaConatapUa Brjtliii AtinULOpMDTSK mu llkf chim ta IHarriMra tu

U Ibe ooly petir In brfr nl Dyi rautyCliLUKOUTNR iffotaall att h t il altar a a 4

Bptlcpay HyatrrU Iai pi allot ami HfNwata

CHLOitUDTNK l th tly jili la fraHaHhumatim Uoit -- ntfr THtt Vfafl4lW Ac

Vimi Svamra liL CbaaaW lt4lcal Hall Mlmla Jaansry 5 lWL J T PawaatartSai 3 a fiMrl tr t Mttmmmhmty wlDear Mr -- Wi raabnff lil opiHtftaaity of aayrat tmal

nt yoa upcta hr wtd- - rfl fpuiUlmm tale tHJjeatewtt aaadlcUf r i r CUtWrarabaa rai Bxi fur Htlf nimi m Ili4aau at aHom tb Baal At a rrawJ- - crffral atllHy mm atqaMt1 wbtbr a tMrttrrlo iifO tr4 im rmmiTTaad waihall batadtr amr of itla tta a paara La

every Aaglo IaJiao hoax- T - t taada -MrflouTmnoa rrltjU U ta lb a We baaor tadladcfae froaa Ihrtroalr faa brf awaaia taVrra

TT la i -Will DC lial CTBIirwirnt i tfu aii xvipi asimnrowae vanjnaiijnr m wTairTiaaoiB i

p4MOi Cranp- - a aljia ihc mr rr faad a ffnal rHatlrr that Hue fiirt awtrraa

iumi aaaTTaiion uarm mn ira i i awnwihir a nnd rrn in thr irKtrr l rrtbi CaftaM a

eraltair - ha wltni ri n- - nfpartjy caattrtajr power r har a v r m wm tlaediciap ban t ullt IWmi - fr iatn icMathatitldldly ibrt jnrl itfwa a - tdaweoe tolhr airtifr nitio ami ib pcM a 0opinlnn tbat th uhmutu f j mfct tlMiBrow or la a DaitBEK Tit Ht r riira taraar or tb hkit t r aiB mn rfAUK K W ar- - sir fiUniiT ir- - jbtMemhrmf ibr Hhrr nt -- i Btntaa HBserllne it r rrr- t l trt- -

CXITION icr habrriir --

atatrd itiat Dr J t id ltrnnlavrntor of hir 1jrn bat ihdaai Frmat - li ntwrani i

IMUttlrtl to fr lisl li fn nrr

it rc WvtafaadaMMadlt titry rn 4rfa

intra wbara a

July 13 1H

SollinboUKf at - Sl - - 4eacb NonoUsranin witbtwt lr J tUaBrowap at biafTMlriH ia- - imiHiant taaaIfretwhilmlif niltral i t mi - coaapaat t atltbottle

Caution lu w tf f I irti r laaHiUaSfwe Maaafartarr V T DAYKKrulVT -

Kaaaall ivot Blnawwbttry


Stationers and News Dealers

IfnwnllNia tnia tt ItlarkaTTtrvlifUttflaHaw laat Batalaad Muhf a Fit

i a

STAT IO 3ST EEYAuii nun ii viy nt ttt ft

lotter FaerNote l r

IimiI t 4Paa

innread aad aamsa b ia rn tiaio a taase

Jleaaoraadaai nL 1 ii aW

lIAM IttluHNiFall rpoiiil llif d

ttniml I ftiMisriMiHi

Baaher Iirr- - I ilin fact w a InaaanaV im 11


AltTKI mllrrH I fnf Jt WtHlotIn 4art ntt jisd W lal

rtrrrciiit whiti i rnriIn ftoails piitt ntii sn1 r

loir ltK ll MI tnamInt i1 lab am oaa

ARXULI Wrillni flmllaqojrt hi1 i at A iasUTAFFoltll in n il aiai

Fztcii rfonl loaJIllllatK i iiii- - i i l

ff t Vnrlmrv fttleJtAMVNfHIV I1IM1IIS I

10alsfll hoanil ihI half WmuloillfMll Kiiirtl at Bl liaoal

asae vaotaz rirliSl lllIIUMl ih r i rrlllrAaffHratle I nrll sj taril

Faae Iiiil- - lfo roaell ililt tlVlMI rtllltl j111 il mMHH OVaoil FffTHAVI Ml Ki twaai urtrrf

FLAT1SH I UVt ind mnn A fllIiMOIAllJI niMiHH iin- - arrtyTIMS MMKS wii i4Uhlilun iz rT7srtrl Tax

Inrltatlon Paper Bnrclopes to aaatch

Ball rregramaM tarda rvactu aad Taoo U


IETTER PE2S3E3 1JZZ k EBAIiboon aadaallsraos

lit si IIAIIJtawlatiltllt H aa4ftOBC tlOIIHS

IIIItTIIKtV IltlllrHi ocucr umtu

Aad maay hr r irurl iw nHmnqa lo mraaasa

taa miltltllTIIlll r ird tar any For aFaaor or alacaihe miiilir si ttavr Atao fall tfco Local fan at M - Haillii rXaldoo Firstly I Ibrr tr baaaf aodswlaiaaaaaara at for t mu r

oarafK I tl - K HBIWIll nl

HKI JinilJKIt STAMP l8KN1f taad Agra for Ibe Bacyelapi Ha aaitaoaira

tar-- All Islaad order tt4 PraasrJy --ixJ U OAT Jr CO

tan If uaa rtar11obekMiaiREMOVED TO 82 KING S7

AKRAFTWatchmaker and Jeweler


Musical InstrumentsIVaftlBaa b brr that mm aaa twtwTd fNaj ajWira Blnck u S3 KI SO TBBET ai4is tbr ataeof Mr J T Walerao km baa afga M

Larfr aad Bl flat A0timtm wi


OlOOKs EltOFro Ctabrat4 Vaaar

A Splencid Assortment of rtaeJewelry In Gold Silvr

BKaly ammatod oltb Freaaoao Mw AH la Heatmake of Ml SICAl I5TltXW --a od


A Great Variety of GurkHrTacattratloaaf - tanbaaoof oa V

Hatha la aultealar i eal lb Kk sct peeaaolag eloawaora aaw

DE E COOKITCHoertcx xsb mmmw


arfeKatwftoWa 81B S 1s

ftC 17

itilll M


Page 2: Uew-llM-nt- Ax Sf sZjy jy Jw ww SMMjiitiaaa Laiij


rriiListtfcn uvTHE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO Limited

liter lYcilncwduj- - 3IornltscU FIVE DOLLARS TER AKKUM


tWclcn NuhscrlbcrH bGU5 lit AcUaitrrTblch IaelQjfiHHtagtiirer ald



Offkr Vnzefir IttiMotMerekatUtjvptnrst

When the Sea elves tip Her deadI am hwUn hack tkrosii4beys Mid week

Thai He in The pb4ewj bed T jortAn awnttnj aplrU ttrad apeakr

1 tii jiim of dctfti yean fimc brrntuk vtth nsnoar of movniful tifffaeIn a volte that carries taeroaDdofteatnd ttcatinc tti ban in tt MMlaate9ea

t ut tnrooa or ine tan TearIn- - wmdilaWewluiip from the wartd

Tnt Man are ehtnitix down on Ike teaHat thewtad 1 blrak and ikv1WtaM

Aa4ftaml of pain 1 hey rpfctaiattor the wind oner Uyed with a villcn Ire

A ad tar rtar one ehone oa a aalatlr fnwAnd how can a fatthfal kwesrawJe

Or a new lore take the eaff finrV place

Thr mm l vwirllar no to mjr fretingiiij it MOBi4r aeft and hm

Bui the aoaj of the tea t deadlr MrrrtFor I nlad how Hslew ae year C

H e had beeu parted 1 and heWHti many- a hondred mile beta erf

And now anrwa mrnliti acrnM tin maOh tbekT biocawil ike ware were fteea

t nn- - and vet he never caneUrciin and yet we met no awelsr heard me not wbea I catted her naaacTlitHirh the dead tet hare krari we hat

hmtti Ui Uwuxk wyejeWl dfamiaee

1 m rc i hope la j pathway where I treadTbtt wer the Ma ta will Mil to me

Id the dar wttett the ea jrei pker4rad7a strawy


London Las 120000 foreignersAn eighty ton gun costs 10075

ew York State lias 11000 hotelsThere are 10000 jioliceinen in LondonThwo ar H0H laAryws in the United

Slt- -

Several jails in the South mro tttfiootoccujwnts

Russias last war vrith Turkev cott heralxiiit SOOCJO0O00

Vnew Ohio law provides teats for girlsemploy ed m storet

Hinlo bteel is the ierj- - latest for oaunons being eitreuiely tough

There are more than 2500 lady phyMcmns in the United States

There hae been nine wars in Kurojewithin the last thirty veins

Zinc tombstones aro the latest noveltyThey are cheap and durable

The value of all the old in the worldis estimated at fG000000000

Somebody has discovered thai the OldTestament has 2728110 words

Twenty five years complete the roundof a well cared for canarys career

The eating of horse flesh is becomingmore extensively practiced by Parisians

The value of wood used annually inccojerago in the United States is 337U770

The entire literature of Abyssinnia it issaid does not include more than 100 vol-umes


There are G23323 Odd Fellows in GreatBritain an increase of 383 1 during thelast year

Tho healing power of earthquakes is aeuujecfc lor uiscussiuii juluo opamsn meuical prefas

You may take tho greatest trouble andby turning it around find joys on thoother side

Smoking during service is taid to bocustomary in some of the rural churchesof Holland

There are oer thirty Mormon churchesin Colorado sixty in Indiana and aboutseventy in Arizona

Tho nunilier of mules attached to theL orso denotes the respectability of a funeral at Kio Janeiro

Make people happy and there will not10 half the quarreling or a tenth part oftho wickedness there is

Citron raising is receiviusr attention inHonda Tlie fruit pickled in brine isworth 150 a ton in London

Joe Yeri living near letaluma Caladied lately from glanders the disease being contracted from a gland ered horse

1L M S Vyrwidon has been commis-sioned to proceed direct to Australia tocarry on surveying operations for the Im-perial Government The Mifrmidon sailsthis month May

The railroads of India have Eenana carsfor the use of native women Lady

have the keys of tho cars andtravel with them improving the opportunitj of teaching them the Gospel

A telegram from Brussels states thatKing Leopold has formally notified hisacceptance of the title of Sovereign of theCongo Stales comprising tho territoriesof tho Western Africa Association

The number of medical colleges in tho I

United States and Canada is stated to be1J9 Of medical students there are12000 of whom 10000 are regularsv1200 aro homoeopaths 730 eccletics and50 physio medicals

If the paternal ancestor of your bethrothed enters the parlor at 2 n m witha double barreled shot gun retire polite-ly


It is not necessary in this case to beformal in making your adieus All formality niay be postponed on account ofthe weather

1ius IX never left his ialace after theentry of the Boyal troops into tho HolyCity and Leo X1IL has follow oil his pre-decessors example For fourteen yearsthe quaint Fapaf equipage of white mulesand red halberdiers has nover once beenseen in the streets of Itome

A lawyer walked down the streets theother day with his arm taxed tohold a lot of law books AVhy 1 thoughtyou carried all that stuff in your headobserved a citizen I do replied theyoung lawyer with a knowing wink

these arc for the Judge of tho DistrictCourt

Xew York city has in her schools anaverage daily attendance of 129545 pupilsand the whole numlier of teachers employod including principals was 3152 Aregulation has just been adopted by theBoord of Education of that city forbiddingthe employment of married teachers inthe shools

The effects of inhalation of fumes ofstrong ammonia on the system are deaf-ness and catarrh In some instances thetroubles are very serious indeed It willinduce lungdisease if there is any tendency to weakness of the Inngs The mostvaluable remedy is to inhalo tho fumes ofstrong glacial acetic acid which reacts nponthe alkali ammonia

Tho celebrated English physiologist 1

Dr Carpenter uas proposed a substanti ¬

ally now version of the germ theory ofdiseases Ho believes from observationsbased upon the mutability of bacille thattho same germs may produce different contUtutions a theory that is corroboratedis not confirmed by recent observationswhich show that tho bacteria of typhoidfever and malaria are of the same descrip-tion

Helen of Troj was over 40 when thatfamous elopement took place Tea yearsafter when the fortunes of war restoredher to Jlenelaus he received her wjth loveand gratitude Cleopatra was pasf 30when she made tho conquest of Antonyand Diana deJPoictiers at 36 and for manyyears afterward was considered the mostbeautiful woman at the court of Henry Hof France Xinou de 1Encios received adeclaration of love on her SSth birthday

The Britl T9t and Metal Eater reportsn new use of glass for shingles It isclaimed that glass roofing is at onco bet-

ter inoro durable and cheaper than slateThe glass is usually opaque but may betranslucent or clear as desired Tho cxjKised parts of the shingles are corrugated The shingles lap at tho sides areclosely interlocked and one rivet sufficesfor a pair of shingles It takes but 150of these shingles 8 by 12 inches to covero square of 100 square feet tho waste isso small whereas of slates of tho samesize 300 aro required

Poor German tutor Know you whet Ido when I hunger havot Then draw Iat home onmyslato with chalk a whitesausage When I right severe lungerhave draw I two Then drink I oncofrom my mug of beer cat a piece breadand rubfroni tho sausage oa the slate apiece away Then drink I ngain oatagaina piece of bread anlrub again fromtho slate a piecsausaie awaytill tholast morsel away is So Ipicture I myself


Jfir- - J J mmmmg m


VOL XX-No- -2U

in I have the sausag really eaten Be-hold you it is all only imagination on theworld

There are says the American Metdunut29527 locomotives of all kinds belongingto the railroads of Xorth America accord ¬

ing to the most reliablo official figuresReckoning the lifo of a locomotive attwenty five years it ought to require theconstruction of 11C9 locomotives annuallyto maintain the stock of engines A greatmany locomotives kept on tho motivepower list are doubtless out of servicebut making all free allowance for this thefigures indicate that in the last year thorenewals of locomotives have been far be-low


the necessary requirements 3Iany ofthe engines built do not represent main-tenance


of stock but are called for by newroaus ana extensions

And dont you skate littlo girl hoasked as he sat down beside her Ohno sir But you can learn I guessI could but I dont want to And yoncome here just to watch the skatersf

Oh no I como to watch 3Irs B Whosshe Shes papas second wife- - Hodont want her to come but she will doit And why do you watch her

Well papa wanted her to promise thatsho wouldnt lean on any body when showas skating with em that sho wouldntflirt when she was resting but shewouldnt promise and so I came to watchher The short marks aro when shfe loansand these long ones when sho flirts AndySfisbow tbem to your father Yesand he dates them and puts them awayand by and by hell have enough to getadivorce on ami marry somebody whocant skate

Wliilo ixuciimentini awl studj inj the marchol lire irencli suKiior Mr Mnrcy lino demon ¬

strated that low heels liarc a fdarablc influ-


on tho pace which a ierdoii walk- - amithat lira ry Ititn of the 6tep has an imjiurUiitinfluence the FpeeO The rytlim was stud-ied


means nf ah electrio hell actuated In aendnlniu of variable length to enable the sub-


to keep exact time and tho distance trav-eled


was recordod on the odogranli by electricsignals sent along a wire every fifty meterstraversed It was thin found that tho lengthof the step increases until sixtyfive steps perminute arc taken it then increases until sevrn-ty-fi-

and afterward decreases as a higherr thin is reached The speed o travel increaseswtlli the acceleration of the rythru up toeiglilh five steps per niimile and decreases athigher rythms

Business tTnrts

i X AWAMISAuctioneer and Commission Merchant1081 taecn btreet Honolulu ly

a cienojt- - V CoutroBTEn Aya oealkcs in

Gonoral AlorclaaiicUao1059 torner Qneen and Kaahnmann streets ly

ii iiiciivii V itKOriitcGR0CEHY FEED ST0EE and BAKE BY

Corner Kicc and Fort btrcct lloaolnlnlOHly


and Noury Publir Attends all the Courts of the207S Kingdom ly



Attorney and Counsellor at Ia7ly 9 Kaaliumanu Street Honolulu 1US


HESCHAKSXSEWH Qnin btreel Honulclu 11 1 It

JNO AHASSINGERAgont to tafco Aclrnnwlcdcmcuta to Con

tracts for LaborMtC Interior Office Hon lain ly

S M CARTERAgent to talco Aclinowlcdgnionta to Con-


for LaborOlSce uith K C Fisbboarnc tCo corntr of Kaahu

manu and 0ncen stiect Honolnlu II I 10B lyc NOttTOX c SOUTON

W SOKTIW A JOitore trore Eanrh riantatlon Dealers in Choice Oro

eerie and IroTisions and Oeneral Merchandise1926 ly


For the States ot California and vcw ork Office atthe Bank of Cl hop Jito Honolulu lOWly


The best Alt- - Wine and Liquors constantly on htmlIQ33 Ilrcry Stables attached to the Hotel ly

ititiititir r JtitjiitiATT0KNEY AKD C 0UKSEL0E AT LA W

Will attend the Tcri of Courtson the other InlandMouy to lend on MoncaKis of Frctholds JTS OFFILE

Mctxhant bl doors from Dr fetanirmw aidsUC3 Sm


iiumi MiAiiMiitini ritiirrsCHOICE ALES WINES AND LIQUORS

lwffl ly1 ji wuiTasrv ji i t i s

Dental Eoomi on Fort StreetOffice to Brewers Block corner Hotel and Fort Mricts

lBOly Entrance Hotel Mrei 1

J U KAWAINUIAgent to talxo Acknowledgments to Labor

Contracta1or tlu Dislnrt of Kona Office 3tcrcbsnt Mrttopposite Sailors Home 102 It


tvli i ivir vScgar Factors and Connission Agents

Honolulu n I IllW A KtV2ET A P PaTEnoN


18 Hunolnlo II I ly


Drug gists TobacconistsWHOLESALE AKD RETAIL

S Nuuanu Street A cor Fort t Merchant St Jtt3L A THURSTON

ATTORN EY AT LAWlots No 33 Merchant st Honolulu II I tf


General Merchandise and Commission Mer-it


chants Honolnln HI ly

M S GRINBAUM COCommission Merchants

No 121 California St- - San Francisco Caltow ly


oflict and Leidcnce Corner of Fort andKnkni strets

OFFICE IIOIRS IOM to It Wa r l9to3r aloss -- TELEPHONE I4D JTJ

c AroseImporter Wholesale and Eetail Dealer

in General MerchandiseAnJ China Uoods in the Fire proof Store corner King

ltd and Naaaaa Streets ly

ecunhaTrtatnil Ctrixto DoalorUNION SALOONlit the nar of the Hawaiian Gaaette buildingmil No J Merchant Street ly


aacxrs rocBrands Guns and Bab Lances

1MA ttxj iim 1 miu sviiiec

No 40 Qaeea StHonohilo lyWILLIAM ATJLD

Agent to take Acknowledgment to Con-tracts


forLahorIn the Dlnet of Kona Island of Oahnat the Oaieeofthr Honolalu Water Works foot of Nunaan street

ins iy



And Agent for aklncrtne isUBOotoana

IOC Campbell Block Merchant St Hoaolala ly

W AUSTIN WHITINGAttorney and Counsellor At Lavr

Agent to take Acknowtedtesnents oilastmtaentj forthe Island of Oahs

ffes No o Kaahumaaa Street HoaoeaJa 1 yr

j GinrisCommission 3Ierdanl ami General Dealer

in Dry Goods Groceries Hardware StationeryPaten- Melclns Pert amery and


loc WAILUKC SIAri ly

bobt urwxns c si oookx

LViili Jt COOKESaccessors to Lawaca Dicxsox

IMOETERSTJEAIERS IS LTJHBEilAnd all kinds of tlsMln Materials

Fon Street Itfia ly Iloaelnm

D H HITCHCOCKAttomcxatLa rr suid Notary Public

Ua opened an OJ5ce inTJlIo wherete will promptlyattend to all business entrai fed to aim

TVn inmil all the Terms of the Circait Coart andwill also auend the Local Circuit Conns la Kan




Knssmt aiix

Business Cnrtis

isisiEiojp dj coTBANKERS






The Commercial tUnllng Co of SjdnfJ LondorThe CoMiaercUl Deatlos Co of Sjruoey Sydney

The Bank of 2Cerr Zealand Ancklsad aud itsHiaticbee la ChrUtchcrcfa Dancdin and Wellington

The Hank of British Colnmtiarortland CroonThe Azore and Madeira Iriandg

Stockholm Sn edecThe Chartered Hank of London Aastralia and China

Hongkong Yokohaui JapanAnrttrnMCajeneralPinklngBainecg lots ty


Offier with the AUwrie CenemU UiMani Halt1035 UonttHU II I ly


101 Qaeen Street Honolulu II I lji a sciiiiiik v to

Importers Commission MerchantsHta llonolnla Ilaaallan Islands ly


A4 Impartcr QtMmlDeblears in Hay Grain and-- mt OeoVfa-l-rodnc- e llonolnlnil 1 ly

L A THURSTONStock and Real Estato Brokerioi No 38 Merchant M Honolulu II I tf

FRANCIS M HATCHXl ttox xioy t Ira w

iOtJ No 11 Kaahumann street lyr

viiiii v coCorntr of Fort and Cucen Steets Honolulu

amber Faists Oils Sails Silt and BuildingItaly JIa tariali of every kind


Leather Hides TallowAzxixt czxvrc s

AOKTS FORRoyal Soi CompyIQJ No UQuren St Honolulu II 1 ly

C HDSTACEFormerly with B F Bolles Jfc Co

Wholesale and Retail Grocer111 Kln btreet nnder Harmony Hall

Family Plantation and chips btorcs supplied atshort notice New Uoods by ircry steamer Orderrom the other islands faithfully executedrg-- TELEPIIOSB Xo 11B 10U ly


Wholesale and Retail GrocersFOUT bTIIEET Honolulu II I

Fresh Groceries and Provisions of ail kinds on handjand recetred regularly from Enropc and Americanwhich will he sold at the lowest market rates

lioodsuemcTrd to all parts or the city free or chargerr lstand orders solicited and prompt attentionwill be siren to the same HJOt ly

E P ADAMSo 16 Queen Mrect Honolulu II I


lloSOLCLC STOCK i liOD xtIIAAOEtStocUs and Bonds of all kinds Bonght and

Sold on ConxnissloUaHTTtK phone No 72 1055 ly


icncral Mercantile A Coiiimiioii AgentsQFEEX bTREET HONOLULU II I

ut or omcEKsP C JONEbJn President and ilanascrJOSEPH O CARTEh Treasurer and SecretaryHENRY MAY Auditor


Hos CI1AS- - II IllbllOP HoNHArCARTEIL1019 Iv



Money Loaned for Long or Short PeriodsON APPROVED SECURITY

iT Apply in W

OFFICE Beater Block Iortbtrect




and Omeral Merchandise properly attended toSole Agents Tor American and European


J E WISEMANReal Estato BroLer Employment BureauIlcut Rooms Cottages Houses and sell and leases

Real Estate in all parts o the Kingdom Employment found for lho e seeking work tn all the rationsbranches of bnslnes connected with these Islands37 X B Legal Documents drawn Bills Collected

Books and Accounts kept andgencraloSlccworktransacted Patronage solicited Commissions moderate

Honolulu II 1 KBa

niio ii ivviis v CoLaTE Jaxiox Geeen J Co


iND auaxTs ronLloyds and the Liverpool UnderwritersBritish ard Foreign Marine Insurance CompanyAnd Northern Assurance Company 10 1



Corner of Fort and Queen Mreets Honolulu H I

acexts ronThe Glagow and Honolulu Line of racketsJohn Hay Cos Liverpool and London 1acketsThe Waisapa Plantation MauiThe bpencer Plantation lllloIlakalau Plantation lllloMlrrlccs Tail d Watson Sugar MachineryThe Pnnloa Sheep Ranch Company 101

IIV11A ltKONImporters of General lYIerchandise



No 58 Qaetn blrett Honolulu II

WHOLESALE GR00ERPis and 21S California Street

S A X I K A I I Js C O

rxr Tartlcniar attention paid to filling and shippingIsland orders lUg ly

JAMES JIJIO tSAItltVTAttorney and Counsellor at LawSpecial attention paid to the negotiation of LoansConreyancinganaallmattcrs appertaining to lteaiEstate J

Notary Pnblio and Commissioner of HeedsFor the States of California and New York

raT Officr No 29 Merchant St Honolulu HIlttiOlr


COR MILLER AND BERETANIA STOOce Hours from to 3 IgtoS 4 to 6 Pc

- Boa XXX Telephone SIxrorden may be left at the rantheon Stable



IMPORTERS AMI DEALERS IN HABDftPlows Pains Oils and General Merchandise


WsaWHall President and MaiLCAbtee Secretary and TreaWaar Allen AadltorThoa May and E O White Directorsly 1 Corner Fcrt and King Stf

TUOS TIlKtMlxxpsirma axo xixtTAcrnaso


PAPZB SULEBifercbiini bt Campbeir Clock JtForitL near Hotel

IlonolQliOitmt 1IIAlK IiibHliciof the Havatlan Almanac and Anniukl

and Hawaiian Ulnctory and Caltndar de1 SeixbantttrMt Store The Fort pirce Store will

wii beticToted to Ccccral embrace Floe fctationerrSUtionerT Blank Books Book ArtUts llalc riilfNew and Blading Depart lTojf and Fancy Goodmenta vxsj ly






Dealers in General MerchandiseNo SOKIccStrett HoDOlaln JI I

OENTS FORThe Kobala bzT Co R IIUMcjd orWalalnaTh Haltd SncarCoThe Alexanders Bahl

wia riatitaihHtjIlawukva nantatiea

The Hitchcock J Co




PJlnUtlcnA II th Ho--

KaaalJ MAlesxnderUaikv


The Union Isfarance Company of San FrancltcoThe Xew England Life Xn nrance Compaay of BostonThe Blake ilanufaetericj of EotonU X Wetanf ratratO otrircil MachinerheNtw Totk and llonolnla racket LineThe MerxhanU Lue Honolalu aid San Francisco

Jayner i Sons Celehrated MedicineWilcox IHbV Stnnr Manufacturing Company andoii Wheeler X Wiltoai Sewia Machines lr


Late Scholar and Pnzman Clinical Sorrry andMediane Km J Colle e London


Oiilce Hours 9 12 ara 2 5 pm 7 8 pmlil7 3x

IMBMHraaM Braiifr iasWRMasssnEnSto1 iimmStPtXSfSSSSSSPms9tfffenmmJB f-

aar- -

bra Coloa





illnljanical CartsED C ROWX

House and Sign Pointer Paper Hunger tea10B ly Xo 107 Kins Street Ilonnloln

JOHN NOTTZmportor and Scaler in Stoves RangesMetals Iloa FnrnhlnrUoodi Crocaery Gbtftand

China Ware Practical Mechanic Honolulu II Itoil It

MRS A M MELLISFfuhicnablo Dress and Cloak Mailer

101 Port street Ilonnloln II I1011 ly

J M OAT CO SAIXMAKERSltl in A F CoolcV New Flrc Proof Bnlldln foot

of Xnoann treet

IlonolntnII IW Flaca of all descriptions made and repaired

PIONEER STEAKCandy Manufactory and Bakery

Practical Confectioner Pastry Cook and Baker102371 Hotel stre t between Nnnann and Fort 2 ly

J EMMELDTH CONo S Nnnann Street

Tinsmiths and PI manors Dealers in StovesRanres Tlu Shei t Iron and Copper Ware keep constantly on hnnrt a fall assortment of Tinware Galvanised Iron and Leid 1Ipe India Robber Hose Ac Ac

1KO ly



vtilepbTtnnn Va U mt St WorkKhonatthe old stand on Hotel Street Jf

Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to1013 ly I


STCIM iXiiKS SlCSAll MILLSjJTr ItollrrKtCoolerr Iroo ErMnJ LcatlCutlncs

Mchlncry of Evory Description5 JlaJe toOrJcr 56

Particular atteatieu paid to Ship BlacksmithirgAg JOII VQRKicntctlpnlhghorlftlnotlcp lttJI J


bliop on KInp Mrcct opposite Itoscnstimaip hmonall Uoils or building AVhrn rc- -

i In tl Office d antl fcturcn fiitcd up in the Iatct liatcrurtjh- - Ktpalrlne or cfry description done Intu bct ntittslMe raaom r and at reasonable rate

1WU ly



No 71 Iii btre t Honolulu II I


Bath Tubs Water Closets Wash

And all Kinds Plumbing Good


so ids liiiiT sritKirrLeading PHOTOGRAPHERS o


WatcrColors CrrtyonIndia Inlc or Oil


She Only Complete Co

Isliinil VlciiS1crns Shells





Blank Book Mr


Ruled and BoWith Neatness

Cm- - Blank Books MasaiBound in Tsnons Styles ae

27 Merchant Stton


00N0HI- -


New Goods r

Chinese a- -







will I











nds and the

bovc Saloonsshments

p m under thejail Ckf tie CvUlntES OF

indirs Sundriesfrom flret clsss inaoiiwill be added ti from


ard TablesolUhment where Iota-articipate 105S

liansji FranciscoIND THE

apers on FileFFICE OF THE

ercJiantO Paper Iens lna Directorie- - and information cm


Editor ProprietorfM6 S F Merchant


GREY COManufacturers and Dealers In

ALL KINDS OF SOAPSXjcIco King Street ILonolnln

Beef Motion and Goat Tallow wanted Orderr leftaCollM Co Uoeen btrect will znret with prompt alttentioa 1013 ly


CWALLER ProprietorICln Street Honolnln

Choice I Meatc from Finestirerdf





TIIK CXDKItelG XKD IJEGS TOthe Pcbitc that hia well known Ilonse If

nated tiro mile from Kealahekna llay at an derationof 1IIW feet ts aalo rdy to recelrr Tleltorf

Ilorset will he n ady it the Itodm for tLocwhoorder them BATH HOUSE in connection with theestablithnicnt

33oanirct 7 per WoolilIm A A TODD

Stamped EnvelopesOF Tirn BEXD3ITXATIOKS OF

4 3 and I O Cent can be frcrclated alikePoetofiEce In aayqiantJty from ono to osethonaanUXhTefopei Icrsoa rridls2 on the nther Islands canvfecorxeUieiafnatheIocsllErtSl aIvdorietticprd foreign reply card J053


iHccljaniffti Carts




K J HARDEE Proprietor

Contracting and BuildingH3T3Ioaldln and Fiuiih ala ly on handa

FOKSAL Hara and Sort Stovowooil Cutnnd Split lux am



Honolulu Mean Planing Mills

Esplanade Honolulu li I

31anufacarea all htada ot

Mouldings Brackets -

-winuow i ramosBlinds Sashos Doors

And all kinds of Woodoik ttnIsB

Turning Scroll anil Band SawingAM HINDS 111

Planing and SawingMorticing and Tenanting

0RDE11S PROMPTLY ATTEXDED TOAnt Work tliiarHiilecit

Mr Orders from the other Islands solicitedHonolulu May 1SSI 10a lyr


J D LANEScisr i ti vjhti

mvWLE WORKSniiirr MAiinTtuisr

0RER0F MONUMENTSis Tomtsablets Marble Mantels

Wasltstand Tops andl Black and White Marble



IIIH antl llcntlMflllci tIcnncil nmlItoct

m the other Islands promptly uttendtd totun

3 THOMAS LACKNo 70 Fort St- - Honolaln


ing Machines and GenuineParts Attachments Oil

and AccessoriesAGrltT BOIt ilrll

tite Hew Home

Davis Crown Howe andFlorence Machines

Howards Machine Needles

all kinds sizes

Corticalli Silk

in all colors


Madame Dcmoresra Beliable Cnt Paper Patternsand Pnblications Dealer in

Iinr Pistols Guns and Sporting Goods

Shot Powder taps A Mnalic Cartridges


rjyllaving secured tl rrn of i lirslass Gnuand Locksmith and tknroivii Sliclnnr I am now prcoared to do work in ttii n - rnt prumjitncss anddispatch Island o m it i ioi

Is SnpercctHn all filter btcam Hollers


Economical of FnclXcs Iiiarjlo to Explode

Easier of Transportation

AND COSTS NO MOREOST Foil decription and pnett can In obtained by

application to

W E ROWELL HonolululUll IjZ Sole Arnt Hawaiian Ialaadf




FANCY CANDIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONSCream Opera 1 arimelx Marh mallows Saared

Almond AB Ron ton- Citron Jellr lec agzcMice Ito c and Lemon Onm Iirop C C Nonpaiieland IlrilUaatConnmatlnn LozneerMInt Luzenxers

Spiced Chocolate Chocolate Cream andFancy and Plain Mixed Candles

Also XTT Iecan S S Almond Brazilrllbtrti Etc Llcorirr AdaiH Gam

frprnce Uam 1rlze IJoic

The above Candies Retailed at 50c per lbca-- CALL AXD TRY TllEH la

Ciirf Cljrarette Tobacco Ilolltsur Co SodaWater tt Ginger Ale un Ice and a fall hoc of



From Great BritainAnd will soon open with a



Latest StaplesAnd Purchased by Himself

103 in PersonKNOWLES


ILVVE JirSTTimUXBERSIGXEI Uostoa a fall as- -aortmait these LCKWtll ramps srfairti areaacaateed to be cheaper and ketter than aa J mber atria afpcraplnportedttecajl tse attenttimof planters jk- -

itarij aac actinia rump waicn is ks cwajtaxed and noreserrieablellian othero




Jnsuraiuc Notices

Boston Board of Undcrn ritersOESTS for the Hairallan Islanits

lOBl ly

051 ly


Philadelphia Board of Undenrrllersa OESTS rOr the Hairallan Islands


r a oiiArrrn4 OENTofllrtnien lloarilflf Unilrn rlt erV Acmt of Dref den Board of Underwriter

A ent of Vienna Board of UndrnrrUnfClaims against Insnrance Companlrs wttkla th jarit

diction of the a bore Board of Undnrr1tmtlfkaTto be certified to by the abort At to aMtlwuhemTilld WW ly

TInsuranco Notice

UK AOKSTFOIITIIK HIUTIMl Forelm Marino Insurance Commnr Itmltsba

recetred instrnctiona to Iteitnrr iho Itntra of Insnranee between llonolntn and Pnrts m Ihe Pactie andIs noir prepareil to lsne Potlr s at the loweat rateswith a special reduction on fn tsht per learners

T1IEO II DAVIES101 Sly Agent Drli For Mar Ins to Limited

- iia3iiiijk ii iiitrninFIRE INSURANCE COMPANY

fxtnr DNUEnHiuxrrt iiavimi hccn aiJL pointed Aenta of tho ahora Company are preto Insure risks aralnst fire on Monc and llrfek

tuliainc and on 3Ierehan4lae stored therein onthe most faroraole terms For particular apply at the



l1L nitGS HCItCaA9DISE FrjR5If mm TDKEaad Saehrasrr InsaretiatralastiFlreMn

most farorlble termsA J AEtiEn A nt for the Hawaiian I


ORIENTZnaurnnoo Company


Takes risks aaaint Loss or Damaro by Plre onllulldfnzs Merchandle Machinery and Pamltare onfarorable terms A JAEUER

ltd Acent for Hawaiian Islands


OF BOSTON MASSACHUSETTSCash Assets January lit 1834 - Sl59555034

Takea Itiks against Loss or Damage by Fire onBuildings Merchandise Machinery and Fnrnltnra onfarorahle terms A JAEGEII

10M Agent for Hawaiian Islands

The City ofLondon Fire Insurance Co Limited

CAPITAL 810000000

HH1MI lSTAIlIlSIIKI AX AiiMJY ATfor the Hawaiian Islapds the nnder

signed is prepared to accept risks against fire oa BatldIngsAMcrchandlsc inrniture Machinery on the moatfarorahle termLosses Iromptlj AtlJtiHleil and Payable Here

c o IlUttlUltlXi5 ly Agent fnr the Hawaiian Islands

f I INSURANCE COMPANY IPfyLJTU i w Fijiyne nunnu run irt I


500000010JI A JAEGER Agent for the Hawn Is


INSURANCE COAssets 31161000

Claims Paid 88714000I STA IlIISIiril AX AUEXVY IN

Honolnln tor the Hawaiian Islands and the onderslncd are prepared to vrrlle risks against


HELLIGSOn faTorablc terms UwcIIliiIEUkinNiiectnlttyDetached dwrllUi and content Ineared for a periodo three years for two preralnms In d ranee ftrpromptly niljtiteal nil I imynljlo here


GERMATsT LLOYDMarine Insurance Company of Berlin

F 0 It T LT N AGeneral lnsuranceCompany of Berlin

X have eitahltihed a General Agency here and thunderpinned General Arntfl are anthoiUed to takeII I tii naltmt llic Dniiserot the heaint the

3Iost IIenonnlilc Intev nutt on thrHost rmornble Term

I0JL 3y j A fcCHAEFEUat CO General acnt


XiiMiiiiLiicc Ooinpjiyor hrirrri

XIKTABIiISsXEil aO lOjCmiilnl Ueleliainnrka ouuuoonrpitK rxuniwioxKO IIVVIXG

heen appoints aeot of th above Comuaoy forth lUivaliau litlamU i prepared to accept ri kaalnt Fire on JJniMlns Farnhare Merchandise1rodace Sn ar 511 II Ac on the raotit far rablc termLOSSES PR3MPTLT ADJUSTED AND PMA3LE HERE- -

II lMKMCNMltNEIDEIt100 i lji At Wllrh r A Vu -

General Insurance CompyFor Sea River and Land Transport


HAVING ESTAHriISIUn AXllonolnla for the Hawaiian Itland

thi mitltr irnil ttnerai Aeutiar aathottaed to take

Rlskn against tho Danger of tho Seas at theMovt RcaonabloRates and on tho

Most Favorable Terms


Aficntforthe Ilawalisn Itlandi

WILDER COHonolulu Jlaivallnn IsInmfsUen

- Agent or the

Mutual Lile Insurance Compyor SEM TOUIt

Largest Safost and MostECONOMICAL LIFE INS CO

IN THE W0ELDCash Assets over 890000000 I

car For information coocernlos liie Companr andfor lutes of Insarance apyl to WILUEK Co

Oenl Acents or3 E WISEMAN

IfrV 3m bollcitine Aaent



CAPITAL - - 20000000Unlimited LUMlity of rjharebolder lualas Joint

PolicyIlaria eytablicbed an Acene at Honolnln for the

Hawaiian I eland the ooTiffned prepared to ac-cept rlk airaioit fire on liufldlo MerchaadlneFarnltare Jlachioery dc on the mot farorable term

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pay-



HereMarino Risks on Marchandlaa Frelzhts

and Treasure at Corrant Hatesi u BEkUEn

XA Ateat for ItaoalUn IlaaalaTKA8 ATItXTIC

FJRE INSURANCE COMPANYor ntnnt1111Capital of the Company JtEerse UeicksaaarkanaVM

tbelr lte lcsaranee Companies HHMfHi

Total netchtsaatJc Wlgtofin


or iiAitnrituCapiulofbeCo3irfanTlIeserTeIUicksraarkBVs9Mri

- their Be lttsarance Companies aavjuiijui

Total RrfcfcsmarkaMICM

THE CyilEIWIUSEnCrjltUAl AtirXTSthe abore three conipsales for Ike Hawaiian

Islands are prepared to Insare Balldt s FaraltareMerthsnle ana Prodaee Sfachlarrj Jtc alaoSaxarand Clcc stills and resssla la the harbor against lossor damage by fire Aa the mots farorable terras- Via 1 II IIAUKFELU CO

FOR SALEFowlers Patent Tramway

13 ponnd Call It poiDdlUli

WithPatent Steel SleepersOano Oars

3WLi e sold to close aeotlgamestlCSi K BKEWEK CO



WHOLE No 1053

Jnsiirantc Tofircs




CASTLE COOKE AGENTSWg For th Hawaiian lslajida I


Znaurnnoo Oompnnyof ititnov ai rntMtcnun

Established 1800CAPITALAeesnaalatesl aad Ioreiesl Fvad

20000001097 I

rat m rxnrnsHisrn have nrcxA appsriasad A61TTS tar the Saadwleh Islands

aajd are aalhorlardtt Insure sanst Are an VarneaMaTernsttr Rfake take In any part of the Islaajda an tem

and Waeslsn Batldlrtcs aad aterrhuidiw stored thereIn Dwatttac Ilonsea and Fnrriture Tlnher t oala

hlpeta haraor with oessithootcaiftuaaoaander repairB IIOrrstnLAEtiBR Jk CO

loan Aaaata t r tha rJawallaa lalasria


New England Mutual Life Insurance Co

OF BOSTOI XiWijKintiontrrii tsai

The Ohlf Pur lit MtutiiLif hnrtmet Coihlie Pniteil Sla

Policies laieed ca Uia- - nort faronbla Tetnu jllvmnttlenfIwnn4faerllrireiSllHin

Islands InnM nremiam eontrnnoa Pnltcv 1 cn Idaya

t Annaal nramtama contlnae PoHct 4 vcan 19 d1 An anal premlamf eontlnn Policy 6jer3Tday4 Aannal imnttan coahuae Pollry 8 ysra 4 day5 Annaal premium continue Pnlicy It yean V day

jOLfcsfotis S13GOOOOOJlAtir- Pnltl tlirmtsh Ilnualnlti Acenry




Dvlrc to call the particalar attention of ervrybody


Tontine jnvestanent PoliciesWhich contain tbi Indfeuatable i laufee1

5o KeeHction on Trarel or RefldenceFre from Oantct r of Forfritar


Tho cHit Kmloumcnt Vnllcj ami theMutual iHrntment 1ollfj

Thl Is one o the tuot reliable Oomnaara extantha no inperior and fewtnaala Pf ttlea al CtalawproMptly act honevtly and fairly by a

C4f For fartter Infurntatlon write to or rll ooU W LAII

105 General Agent for the Hawaiian Ulandr

E Ol Hall SonliiaiiT isx

uw i roit is Mi ami oktiie way

Halls Steel Plowsi nttlny from In tn ir in


iAIit- - 1BW lixi or

Halls Steel Eock Breakersy II and la Inch

LiiiiI tiiilnx all the advaatace nf other Rraakrrs indnnmber of new Impeorrment all made he Ihe

1H1AT MtllUK 1LOtr to




IAINTa ANU JI l ol all kindLDUKICATtNO DlUS best stoek m Uw marketKKHOSEHE OIL Donern NonJaj Ltastnl

SILVER 1LATKD W ABB frotn ltesxl at Hartofl

SOUI SILVER VTAKE froru the OoakaUB Tn

POWDERS all kind from CnU Fuwacr WirkaCAUUIAGE AND MACHINE BUfrS allirixn

HiEBWAEEA Splantllcl Asswrtmeaiti

UUTHKIt Of All OMfrljiUoustW Oar Hood are of the bf Ti quality ar bonstt

for eaah are alwaya new Vorpartlcttjr wervferocrewtonen and HtlKNDS Ug him KSCMPTfUECATaLOCUE whkh w will riid tuany o npoa apllcation or call and i tamifnf rtr plrmlld Htork of flood

AT OUR WArtEROOTflS nnrt f fan aarKhicfreti Ilovilaiu WW




To ihe Honolulu PublicSB




Uoaraataed to keep longer after dallTaea thaa VMM8HKILLED HatATH To a-- hast la aar o


Metropolitan MarketOa Kiaa Street KeM for sale all dar

City MarketOa SVaaaaa Street

Hotel Street MarkettOa Hotel Street

Eureka MarketAt Iho rtsh Marlei

Hawaiian MarketOa Maaaakea ittraet

Chinese MarketUa Keek rk t Beef aad fork

Car Tkaakrax tae peblle for past faears I autlejt aeoatlaaasee of the setae

f CJWALLERWo want tho Public to under-


that tho

Union Peed CompanyIs UaajaciWIIIlnatararalshall the


AT THE LOWEST RATESA we want to oakr roosa for a Larar

aioek oa th way

XV All orders pr onpti atlcated to Hoods deliveredtag tay Tolephetio Ho l73 rr3as

VROtnl3JHMr JULtttEfcPOTTEn1 Exaesvd at ika fiuatta Oaka

fcafa Try 3 I rf- -

tiW- -HUM3 Ua t raeftr4 Lret 4 fwjkc

knrtr t CMaaiaiTMrdoritasia


t rt


zLjnjHaiiCte ttstasCataara

FMslataa yaaf

tJJJ- -Wtwajsaawaw mftfallvri

nlsiitrisrjaallraIiMiiminirrsatssMsaay tsaiivaarta

iorcttjn SwrtiscBKate

WILLIAMS DIM05DShipping and CoxbIssIsb Xtrckufef

CaHrvrata Peaatsewi


Clumarr Iilrest TartsJteissass CasWCkaU Waestkaaea


W SEVERANCEHawaiian Caoaalud


CEO WELLS118 1420 JUrkatStSn TTnmtm


SELF PLAYING INSTRUMENTSORksttnn MaalI Onstsmism VHmAasH1 Arratto jlatksnfs

Ptasw Hawallaa faasaKa

uatfaasr ataassam


latroimtas dkalirs

OmcX 323 CsUIrsla StrswtPBUICIIK0

DR JORDAN COierirs of ruorstteoKniCUUISaf rigsalsaasi

aaatassiT sanesttaVc31BieSTsa yraasPSaem

ahasrata KIJtTMAXIIOUD isUtniAL WKMltBmlilslDlsurTHIOIHEAtKsoa



A4kc iBTshsiQtrthinc hallcht wHffftajaqratxh mkbprotracttfd aviirorafo imwivgrBtatr ctmaiiti njrflisM ttmtwj

rdby loiUBpnn MfJwhich ULtWJPTk

adaaltted pniI--o- a

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AKRAFTOPTI CIANWatchmaker and Jeweler

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Musical Instruments541aaa tae pohllr laat a ka reoosd rsaass Taosyair Bhsrh Ii11SO MnUtBT sdhttsaa taa nor

of Mr J T tTafrasasu wker a hwa qtiusLarfe aad ElraMtt Aaostsaot tGOLD SILVER WATCHES

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A Splencld Assoriraeat of FrAt

Jeweiry in Gold SilvBrBlehir awaataat wMh rrwissaa Moaw Att thw vat

stakes of HI 1ICAL ISerrRCDtiyr o htaat

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btdtaa la puticalar t raOod ta lata Mark W- l- -caaslai rl ewhw wmj




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Tb newt rwitwdunr tite EaroiHVU ituhrtaglio reallr not tacific iu cltaracterTie full in the English tocks is an extwlrsait liatrooieteir ntl that ioints to foalTYttwr As inw all aloiir brn I

taw ie sowUiiug wrong with the llusMtui accotuitj-- and from th ltw t telegraaiN it aiiers that the somethingwroaap was very iniortant A notelarwught down to the teanter jnt beforeIvarioK vrhieh we have had access to ftatesthat tlte funds had fallen J below whatka been rrpnl4ihed in the newspapershere from the San Francieoo newspaperslite iraxl accooirts will jirobaUy arriveby Mr Wandeubargs steamer which isdue to morrow or the next day and mayhave a day or twos later news

A uktwckt worth looking at is 1eterthe Greats will iwbltshed in this isnoIt will if readied show how carefully tlionouarcii al the tloase of Komanoa havefollowed out as much as lay in theirpower the precept of the practicalfounder of their fortune To those whoknow anything of the history of ltussiaaud anything of the traditions of its wonarehs the Tchm or ruling class and itsdown trodden people it must be latentthat the precepts are calculated to keelnp just the kind of rule which has beencarried on for years the principles havebeen relaxed somewhat the nation liasbeen injaart educated and the resojt hasbeen nihilisni War is the only thingwhich rid the nation of nihilism theref orowar is being sought for by the governinenl

Auaik reeors the soleuin Heinorial Dayt airt first by Uic Korthern Jtates of

Aatranca and now observed throughoutthe Aitrerioan Union for the purpose oflat iug tioral oiTerings upon the gravesof those who fell in the war of tiro Greatltriiellioti and not forgetting now thatthe bitterness of that war has passed thosewho fell npou the Southern side

It is a day of tender rettiiniscences toall the friends and to the survivors of thosegallant dead And it is the high lirivilegeof Americans that in these islands aloneoutside of Aineriean territory their greatMemorial Day is sacredly observed

lNa haiK they buikled better than theyknew who started the observance of thisdty for if we do not greatly err its ten-dency is to bind more and wore stronglytogether the different sections of the coun-try


and to foster national loyaltyWhat American could hear or read las

tor Cruxans brave and inspiriting wordsin his last Sunday evening Memorial Ser-vice withoat feeling strengthened in hislove and devotion to his country and inhis hope and faith in ite institutions anddestiny T

Better than all the address to which werefer was a rebuke alike o the offensiveSpread EaghssnT whieh some wrongfully

style Americanism and to those weakknwd iieople who profess to have lost con-fidence


in republican institutions Yes itis to an underiving faith in true religionand in the fundamental doctrines taughtby the Sermon on the Mount that onemust needs look in order to feel an assur-ance that Itepttblicanism in America willnot prove a failure

If the George V De Long lost in Houolulu of the Grand Army of the Kepubbe had done no more than give occasionfor such addresses it would deserve wellof its adopted as well as native land

All honor tv the memories of brave menof the Sooth and North alike who fell inthat great struggle each side fighting indefence of its own convictions

O v Sunday last May 2ith Queen Vic ¬

toria reached her sixty sixth birthdayThe daughter if the fourth son of GeorgeIIL tho probabilities of her accession tothe throne were in her childhood apparently remote Her mother the Duchessof Kent for her father died when she wasbat a few months old watched over hereducation with singular wisdom and itany now be added with singular successJustin McCarthy says She was wellbroHght ap both as regards her intellectand her character her training was exce-llent She was taught to be self reliantbrav and systematical Prudence andeeoaaomy were iucakated on her as thoughshe had been born to be poor

She succeeded her uncle William IVon the 20th June 1S37 just over eighteenyears of age and therefore has entered

pan the forty eighth year of her reignMay her Jubilee be celebrated two rearsbefiee with undiminished splendorutrougttoat uiai rjHpire wnereon uie sunnever sets

Through ail those years Her Majestyhas never been a cypher or a partisanEarnest and hardworking courageous andet always stvrificing personal preference

to pabHc good Queen Victoria has as perhaps a rare if not a solitary instance

5 shown the world what a ConstitutionalMonarch may and ought to be

With the accession of Queen VictoriamanyoW things passed away tndnewtook their places A few days after heraccession a Mr Montefiore was electedSheriff of London and one of the earliestKnighthoods of the reign was conferredon the noble old gentleman whoso hun¬

dredth birthday was not long ago cele-brated throughout the civilired world

It is impossible in the space due to amere birthday article to sketch tho barestoutline of the events of Queen Victoriasnagn It is sufficient to say that HerCabinet Ministers have alwaysbeen thosemen in whom the public had confidenceHer Ministers have always been the expo-nents of public opinion tor the time

Social impurity was banished from herOrart andtifncia impurity from the pub¬

lic Eerrioe Hot a little nerve determina-tion


and tact were ittired to change theOoori and public service of the Georgesto those which will satisfy modern criticsand for thosr chaiigesQieenVictoriaispersoBiUcnaracterismainlytolieUiaiked

The British Empire at the present eminent though threatened from without isat unity Jti thin

A4 ww

Thfroator Britain of America and Anstralia vrill concur in tlio prayer

God Save the Qciex

Ox the fourth pago of this issuo will befound a most interesting account of ourgreat natnral wonders the crater of KiFaii and the summit crater of Mokauweo weo Tho writer Rev E P Baker hasmuch experience in Hawaiian mountaineerinr and thU record of his last ndventurous trip reads with as much crispnessas tho accounts of Alpine climbing to befound in the celebrated Peaks Passesand Glaciers Tho trip was pel formedon fool and the fare must indeed havebeen hard It reqnired no little pluck tosleep soundly on tno noor ox we jioaruawcoweo crater with tho stifling fumes ofsulphur around and the feet warmed bytho steam escaping from a crack in thelava floor

It speaks well for Hawaii that she hassuch adventurous spirits here Mr Furneanx the artist was equally adventurousbnt his record is on canvass while MrBaker remembers the adage lUtra ttripta

warThe reverend gentleman has his own

views nion what the Hawaiian Volcanoes

are about and simulates somewhat un-

comfortably about their eccentricities intho future

These views are worthy of attention forthevaro not the crude undigested viewsof the casnal traveller but are the resultof vearsof patient study thought and in-


on tlio spot He has seen bothof our craters iu action and in Quiescence

he has even experimented with them aswitm sshis baiting Madame Pelo withan iron wire Descriptions such a hisare more valuable practically than theword jrainting of the accomplished literateur The account will le read loth athome and abroad

The jiatier is a valuable contribution toonr knowledge of the mountain crater andwill 1k the more valuable as showing thocondition of the great cup should the cal-

culation prove true that another eruptionis due either during the fall of this yearor the beginning of next

Mr Bakers theories will very likely callforth comments from our scientific menand we will gladly give space for them toput forth their views

The damage done to the wXtwingwall of the second Xnuanu bridge has beenrepaired and to a cursory examination appears to lie a sausiaciory tnecn oi uiSnlastautial it is and as well put togetheras can be expected of prison labordirectedby non jiroie sionai sujvn isiou

But the mere patching of the damagedmasonry leaving tlio causes oi me uam-l-- o

to reneat their action is not exactlyintelligent engineering work The causesof the recent breach in tho wall exist nowand will again produce tho same effect ¬

or worse if not provided againstAny one looking up stream from the

Pauok side of the bridge can see that thebed of tho stream has been diverted veryconsiderably from the position it occupiedwhen the present bridge was built Thostream has in the course of years cutitself a new channel seteral yards wauof its old one Tho consequence is thatduring a freshet the whole volnmeof wateris hurled in full force against the hollowcurve of the wing wall by w Inch if it standthe strain it is violently deflected at littleless than a i4ht angle and forced to runjntraUei ntk A rwtfirojr tkr Mttgc for several yards when it impinges on tlie opposite wing wall and - again turned at aright angle before it can escape under thobridge

The inevitable consequence of this zig-zag track of the flood water is perfectlyplain to any one not connected with theGovernment superintendence of PublicWorks and was abundantly illustrated bythe effects of the water on tho occasionsof the last two great freshets That ofApril 1SSI was received by the wiitwing wall which withstood the strainhurled the waters on the opposite wall anddestroyed a slight brick fabric on the samealignment burst into the Pauoa valleyroad moved from its stand a woodenshanty at the corner of tho Xunanu andPauoa roads anil sent its contents spin ¬

ning down the former some three hundredyanls

Xor was this all The waters pent upby the tortuous course which they hadbeen allowed to assume by neglect oncepiled up against tho eastern or Pauoa sideof the bridge till the timbers carrying theroadway were assailed and the fabric it-

self in imminent danger At the sametime the rorresponding timbers on thewestern or Waianae side of the bridgewere scarcely wetted then there was a fallof at least three feet actually nnder thebridge and occasioned solely by the obsta-cles which the stream in its present bodmeets with before it can escape

In the freshet of the 10th inst the watercame down again on the iti wall whichgave way under the strain and had it risento the level of ltlorlastod a little longerthe tnasonrr of the bridge itself wouldhave Kvn attacked from the rear andprobably thrown down

On Sunday eveuing last a freshet camedown raising the surface of the waternearly fonr feet in about twice as manyminutes the damage had just been repairedbut still the flood had to make two sharpturns before it could pass away under thebridge

The remedy is obvious to any one notblinded by xat sinecure salaries Theoriginal but now choked bed of the streamfor several hundred yards on the Pauoaside of the bridge should be cleared outand the masonry at the foot of the existing wing wall built out m the depthof its curve to guide the water into thechannel it ran in when the bridge wasbuilt

If this bo not done one of three thingsmust happen in the case of a flood suchas that of April 1SS1 or a few incheshigher or a few minutes longer --eitherthe n mt wall must give way as it did afortnight ago or tho opposite wall mustKO and flood the Pauoa and Xnuanu roadsas was partially effected in fi or if bothstand their combined obstruction mustpile up the water until it carries away thebruise itself

The breach made less than three weeksagol was exactly anticipated and pointedout as inevitable soon after the freshet of1SSL

The hist Legislature voted G000 for aSuperintendent of Public Works SS000 fora Civil Engineer 1500 for travelling andincidental exxvnses value received apatch on a breach caused by neglect- - --letthe Superintendent of Public woiks dosomething show himself outside the payoffice

The subject of the population of theseislands and the exodus of a very valuableelement of the population was shown by avery startling table which was publishedin the Gazette of April The fact thatthr artizan class was leaving the countryin large numbers was then forcibly shownand strongly commented on The subjectcalled forth general comment the BulMiaquoting our table in full and Mr Marqueswriting an excellent letter on the subjectwhich was published in these columns

To day Mr Marques again treats of thesubject of population He however refersmore to the necessity of something beingdone by the Government and the landowners for the purpose of inducing la-

borers of European extraction stavim inour midst He undoubtedly hits a veryimportant nail on me Lead ween lie pointsout that unless the Portuguese have theprospect of acquiring homesteads theywill leave and he makes a startling revelation when he states that they are alreadypreparing to leave and nave subscribed tosend forward an advance agent to spy outthe land in Mexico

The country at large has spent verylarge sums of money upon Portugueseimmigration and the planters have beenput to very large expenses to support itThis they have done willinirly in man vcases they have been grossly imposed nponerea tmu w t-- jiai e ext uiis aieu instancesin these columns where decrepit peopleunable to do a hands turn of wore haTebeen put upon the generosity of the planter

We asree with Mr Marques that itwould be rise for the planters to try andset aside some land for their Portuguesesettlers or else enter into some arrangement for co operative wort bv whichmeans the laborer might see chances ofadvancement ahead Bat the planter jtvnot be expected to do the work of the Gov-ernment


and it is the Government whoseparamount duty it is to provide the incencentives for keeping the Portuguese here

As has often been pointed oat in thesecolumns there are two sets of interestsinvolved in the question of immigrationThe onr the broad one which is tho dutyoi the Government the increase of thepopulation The other the narrow oneis tho supplying of laborers to the plamV

- v- - - jIb V v laT- - - j T t5 r -- -

ing interest This it is tho duty of thoGovernment and tho planters to attend tofor without tho planters tho prosperity oftho nation would cease and tho Government would sink along with them

Xow wo cannot expect any one class intho community to saerifico themselves for1ia nl mvL Thormovdosoof their

own free will and get little thanks for itbut wo have no right to demand it of theniTho planters pay their taxes regularly payprobably a larger proportion than anyother class in tho commnnity and whyshould tho bnrdcnof keeping populationbe cast npon them only Tho sugar in-

dustry keeps tho whole of us alive with-

out it theso islands would bo a very poorcountry indeed Wo all need populationand we must bo content to pay our quotatowards it As a fact wo have dono so

Here however comes in the duty of thoGovernment They are or ought to beunfortunately just how they aro not thoguardians of tho public interests It isSio fafy of the Government if it is thonfrrrrf of tho planter to keep populationhere Tho Government say they have noland We reply that is a fiction they haveland Wo behove thev have lands aboutwhich thev know very little lands whicharo not even surveyed they have never

tho land question thoroughlySreintotruo inwardness of tho case isthat they would rather havo Asiatics ontheir lands than peoplo of European ori-


The present Cabinet desire Asiaticsare happier when they note by everysteamer and sailing vessel tho eflux offree born Europeans than ever they wouldbeTto soo such a population pouring in

What wo wish to see what every truolover of human progress wishes to see isthat tho Hawaiian Islands shoulrVbe sottied from the West that tho Hawaiianrace should gradually amalgamate withtho West hat tho present rulers of thonation seem to desire is that the Hawaiianrace should be swamped by the teemingEast

The Portuguese are a bulwark againstthe Chinese If they stay here and mul-


they will supply our labor marketthey will adopt our system of educationthey will assume our manners they willmake good citizens But from tho Eastwo can expect nothing of this Who everheard of a Chinese educated as ho mightbe on the best European and Americanplans being anything else than a thoroughChinese Scratch the Bussian and youfind the Tartar said Talleyrand Veneertho Chinese never so mnch and tho Chinese will show throngh all educationaldisguises

The remedy is of course to pnt up a bul-


of non Asiatics The only bulwarkis the Portuguese Forewarned is forearmed Seeing that what theso peoplopropose to do is now definitely stated avigorous effort should bo made to keepthem There was no difficulty about find-

ing a few million acres of Crown Landwhich is really public land for Mr Sprock ¬

ets but poor Pedro and Gomez may gohang before they can get half an acre toput up a small cottago on Let the Por-tuguese have a chanco at tho unoccupiedGovernment lands they can be found easyenough

If the idea of providing homesteads oneasy terms to tho Portuguese were prop-erly met the labor in quest ion of the futurewould be in a fair way of being solvedA few years of struggle would come but intho end wo should have a stock of sturdyhome mado laborers of whom wo wouldbo proud

Let the Government lands then bo un-locked and let tho Government tako up thosettling of families on small lots and vig-orously


help Let the planter do his fairand just proportion nay even let him doa little more Tho question has to bo motthat it has not been met is fairly the faultof our present maladministrators Thoplnntor has no business to bo asked to doall You might just as well ask house-holders to provide annuities for servantsbecause they happen to need them andthey aro difficult to get What is good forthe whole body politic should be providedby thoo who aro supposed to look after itsinterests

NOTESfar Jour tta FabritttHts tie Sttrre in a recent

number says Germany will during the next campaign put into work 1340100 tons of beetrootthe yield of which thanks to the good quality ofthe plant to increasing extraction of sugar frommolasses and the constant improvement in theprocess of manufacture will attain the enormouspercentage of 1075

The canal which connects Cronstradt with thecapital St Petersburg has been opened It isnearly IS miles long and the width at tbe narrowrst point is 2V feet The canal is narigable for vessels drawing less than J0 feet ofwater AU vessels drawing more water than thismust lighten sufficiently at Cronstradt and canthen proceed Operations on the canal were beganin 1SS and the total cost was about JO0CW

The affair of the lsiAortEspUci n small paDer iu Cairo which was suonresKed at thn rpmjsrof lurd Wolseley for publishing an incendiaryiiuuiuespuy iue usual nas come to an enu nthe French Nation has acquired any prestige byits action in relation to tbe incident it is not vis-ible


to tbe naked eye The selection of the timefor making trouble when so old an allr as Englandwas on the verge of war reflects little credit onFrench chivalrv and friendshirx Then after lhrrntening to send her fleet to Alexandria and actually

iiuurawio ner agent irum lairo the itepubucis satisfied by an exchann of visits between theEgpytian Gorerument and its officials and by thereopening of the printing office while tbe obnox-ious


little paper remains suppressed

Serions Aspects or the Population Question

ItSome friends bare expresed the opinion that I

bad a tendency of viewing the population questionunder exaggerated colors while 1 consider on thnc ntrary that it is difacult for any exaggeration oflanguage 10 ma ii appear more gloomy tnan it isin realitr For tbe edification of mr oDtimistic re ulers I shall therefore add a few details to thosecontained in my last paper And first about theJapanese

I said previously that if not better treated theJapanese here will do I ought to have said aredoing their level best to prevent any f urtlier immigration of their countrymen This assertion towhich 1 challenge a denial is proved by numeroussigns nd rests specially on the facts of the Jap ¬

anese being a very susceptible touchy kind ofpeople and of their clinging together on tbe principle of the admirable Swiss motto One for allallforone Ifoneof themagincs himself slighted they will all side withhim whether be be right or wrong and as theynearly all knovr how to read and write they arenot tardy in formulating their grievances in writing One recent fact I know of and of which theGorernment here can hardly deny being cognizantwill illustrate the point One Japacew recently imported considering himself abused immediatelysent a written complaint to Japan having readilyfound over 200 of his countrymen here to endorsehis grievances and to twefc him with their signatuns Even supposing that his complaint provesgroundless one may readdy imagine what a disastrous effect such a document as that will produceon the population of Japan where it will certainlybe published This alone might be enough to prev ¬

ent any farther immigration and as this is not anisolated fact but on the contrary as the Japaneseemphatically express their dissatisfaction in alltheir private letters it is more than probable thatthe much tooted arrivals shortly expected willprove to be the last if strenuous efforts are notmade to conciliate our Japanese immigrants

And further as the Government cannot ignorethis state of things it is really pitiful nauseatingto see the official organs crowing so much aboutthe few hundreds now expected and trying tothrow dust in the peoples eyes aboutthe true importanta of the Japanese immigration movementThey want us to believe that it contains tho germof something important for tbe country andshamelessly want to lull us into a false securityabout it when the probabilities arc that not oulytins iauuigratiou will soon stop bat that tbe Jap ¬

anese already here will leaveas soon as their contracts are out The only way to keep this valuableaddition to our population would be br enablingthem by grants of land to start on small farmingfor their own account Bat I shall at some futureday treat more specially of the government landsand the farce of the homestead law

Now about the Portuguese and this question isnot less gloomy than the other As a rule the Por ¬

tuguese are well treated on the plantations butnevertheless they hate tbe contract system and Ican say without fear of possible contradiction thatthere is not one of them who does not sigh for themoment when he will be able to terminate his engagement They came here to ameliorate theiroonditMo to assure a better future to their famHies with hopes of arriving some day at the desiredcoal of owning eocne land but not will the inten¬tion of working all their lives as hired laborersTbeir disappointment at fifrfif qo available landsxs great and another of their greatest causes ofdi octent is the rigid and unwise enforcement ofthe Sanday law an important question on which1 intend to dwell shortly more than I can do nowThen they have also special causes of irritatioaI know for instance of one planter whose nameought to be banded down to posterity but whom Iwill snare that honor who has caused mneiiVicilrment bv his interpretation of the contractswhich call fur ten hours of field labor or twelveuvula ut wuuvr uwr ue argues luax inoaa twelvehours can be counted at his pleasure from fourin the morning to four in the xfternoon or fromnine a iu to nine p m just as wen as from teap ra to ten in the morning and clever HawaiianJudges might be found to endorse such lunaticviews Another cause specially ia the damp datrids ia Hilo for exam pie ia the scantiness of theirdotiiisc which results in their being speedily anduniversally affected with liver cotaplaxutau Theconsequence of this general dissatisfaction will beas I said before that at the expiration of their timeall those whose contracts are shortlycoming to anend will not renev them rmlrK nnlwtortj- -and outside of the enticements offered to themfrom Xew Zealand and Tahiti they hate been pre- -paring for miking their future movements anlftm ttmncimnHct rf tun I can here give an ex ¬

ample of their silent preiuratiori3oI which tbeplanters are probably unaware One of tbezahappenins coma time ago to be rjxsg over to Mexicoa kind of subscription was made to give him aterse for the ncrnrase of mahlir hfm a jabout ia the Mexican States for studying thew CUJ K s kj u prospects ariucti itcocw offer to those who might go frrsa here withtaeirtaraiUeAxMliftlarernrtrTTTrasfrrva must exrject to see mrxfj a mmW tHtnMexico at the cost even of charterurg astro toearn them over

-- F rv Kit I 1 -

sfa-t-r- f it-f

Vnw l ho nlmtrrs most not circc t to b able toemit an more Urce batches ot rortacnfse lramlcrbdU from their Ulintic Islands ornot onlj ai inthe caue ot the Japanese the population there la dlsKustnl bj the unfavorable reports ent from herebot also t he whole current ot emigration has takena start lommlt Amea as late papers naveairaiuTtated Moreover I think 1 can safelj My that ont

siJe of the changed tendencies of the populationthe policr of tbe lortncueso Gorernment them-selves


has undergone n complete change thejare no longer favorable to anj further immigra¬

tions to our Islands bcro but seek to promote andfalidtate the emigration of their people towardstheir African possessions specially towards loanda the interior of which has been found extremely fertile and blessed with a very healthyclimate

The morale of all this is that as I said last weekthe planters mtut not depend for their futurewants ia the labor line neitheron the Japanese noron the Portuguese unless thev change their policyOf courseyis a rule however discontented with theirposition and treatment ere the Portuguese likethe country and the climate and the majority ofthem would gladly stay it allowed better termsor if the Government or what would be wiserstill if the planters would help them to settle ontheir own account They might be giren smalllots ot land and yet still lend a more willing andefficacious aid to the plantations Therefore thekey of tho situation seems to me to be this i if thoplanters wish to retain white labor nvraijalone will do it and they must study the ways andmeans ot realizing this change If not they willvery soon bo reduced again to the irresponsible andirrepressible Mongolian and perhaps that is whatsome wish ltut further views on the populationquestion 1 must postpone to a future occasion

A MiBqcra1 S I must apologize for some very awkward

misprints iu my last

MacerationHonolulu May IS 1SSS

Editor GAzmrc Since my remarks upon im-provements


in sugar manufacture were publishedin the April number of tboi7citfrV JoalAjr andthe Gazette I havs given further considerationand investigation to the subject and my convic-tions


are strengthened that of tbe several methodsof extracting the juice of tho cane Xmmth asit is conducted on the VToiakca plantation is thebest for us here at present Bat its advantageswill not be fully realized without a double or tripleeffect to bring the consumption of fuel within tbetrash production of the plantation as at Waiakedwhere the trash has been found ample when thegrinding has been continuous for al iHees andwhere the introduction of the double effect hassaved to the estate the TiCO tons of coal requiredthe last ear to take off an etA ton crop before ad-ding


the double effect Of the maceration processthe latest authorities Sjmi- - Grwiri onrf lliKutug ly Ijxl liVjifrr HnHimliK Wt says Thissystem raises the yield of sugar from 91J to 11 tper cent on the cane It received au award ofitOXl from the General Council of Guadaloupe in187G

This is equal to 174 S rr cent on tbe amount otsugar The increase on the return f juice isIGjCG t J Mr Young estimates the 80437Imperial gallons standingB06 IS equals SG1GG lbsof sugar Gt37 atSJJ7 equals 430111 gallons at102T and each gallon at this density has in it by

lMt 2JE7 lbs jrui sugar equals 9121373 lbsof pan sugar I assume that the tables compiledfrom careful chemical analysis are correct Theallowance made by Mr Vouug amounting tolOCTS lbs for errors and waste would seem toleave his estimate of 15X per cent incrtan a verysafe one

The chemical analysis ot tbe juice since madeshows it to be of good quality In that as publishedsugars were as followsinvert rarar from Ut crushing 3 roll milllnrcrt engar frorad crashing 2 roll millIolarixatfon of juice from 3 roll millPolarization of juice from 2 roll mill

sEcoitn KxrxrrxrNTInvert engsr from 1st crushing 3 roll millInvert sngar from al cruhlEg - roll millPolarization 1st 3

3d - S





It may be said in general that cane juice con-sists


of about SI per cent of water 13 per cent ofsugar 0C per cent of organic matter ami 04 of in-


mineral and further that about 05 to0G per cent of the sugar in the juice of ripe canesmore in unripe ones is nncrystalizable P SO

Tbe analyses giren above shows a much smallerproportion of invert or nccrystalizable sugar thanthe nuotation cires and I am told that mmo nfthe 1st sugars analyzed as high as JSS which isextraordinary for a raw unrefined sugar

The iItTsion weAof probably extracts more oftbe sugar from the cane than any other methodbut it requires I am told continuous dav andnight work and requiring a ton of water for everyvju oi cane Luaaes lue uem or inei verv expcnsirelty Governor Warmonths statement the shredderhas done good service but with a good two rollmill of slow motion with or without the the ajplication of hot water with its solvent power itseems hardly needful white it adds to the cumbrousness of the machinery

Upon the whole it seems to me that the threeand the two roll mills with tho double or tripleeffect and uaeerath wilt better meet our wants atpresent than any other method of which I am in-


Much has been said and written about thegreat yield of sugar obtained in the HawaiianIslands They are fertile and the soil well ndaptedto the production of cane but erroneous ideas areentertained on this subject derived no doubt fromthe publication of tho extraordinary jields in ex ¬

traordinary cases whereas the lighter and morecommon yields are not often spoken of Planta-tions


depending on the raiu suffer some seasonsfrom drought and perhaps most earstosomeextent The crops of the irrigated plantationsare more uniform than the crops of those planta-tions


depending upon the rain for their supply ofmoisture but these also suffer iu long seasons ofgeneral drojght as the supply is diminished fromthe fountain head From records before me ofdifferent plantations irrrigated and unirrigatedsome of them extending through a series ofseveral years I find that n crop of one half to onefourth of ratoons and three fourths to one halfof plant cane yielding on nn average of 2 to 3 tonsper acre is a good crop Thero are cases of atleast on large field aventging oue or 7 tons and thewhole crop in this case was irrigated and averagedover5 tons per acre in another case over U tonsof sugar from plant cane was grown to the acreupon 170 acres of unirrigated land in 1S7S Atpresent prices it requires a large crop to pay theunavoidable expenses of carrying on a plantation inthe most economical mannertndany improvementincreasing the income without a correspondingincrease of expense will be welcomed by everycitizen for it will help to save from wreck thatindustry so vital to the prosperity of the country

To illustrate the saving from the triple effectI will quote from tho work before named bysome actual figures obtained on two similar estateswith sugar and syrup of identical quality andvalue and under equally able management Onthe estate using open batteries aud a singlovacuum pan tbe labor negro was as follows 17hands at centrifugals St nt batteries I at r tennmpan and engine b collecting fuel t at steam boilertotal s woriuug is hoarsadiyl0U hours oflabor

The second used a juice heater defecating andsubsiding tanks a triple effect and a vacuum panand employed the following labor 12 hands atcentrifugals 3 at triple effect 1 at vacuum 1collectirg fuel 6 at steam boiler 3 engineers t atdefecators 2 at scum tanks 2 at syrup tanks 2 atmolasses tanks total 40 working 13 hours adayoU hours of labor Each factory turned out13 tons of 1st and 2nd sugars per diem

This shows a saving of 18 bands and over onehalf in the hours of labor see page 271 and thatwithout noting the saving of fuel by substitutingthe effect for tbe open train

It is probaMe that the trash would not alwaysbe sufficient for fuel although it was found so atYaiakea as long as the grinding as continuous

every day but in some conditions the trash hasmore consistency than in others The trash alonefurnished fuel for taking off the crop of KohalawiuLauuuu cv auo iau nouses were ntieuby the trash from S00 clarifiers of juiceThis year it takes the trash from 1200clarifiers to fill the bouses and the trash fuel hasto be supplemented by coal or wood but even withtbe liability to require some additional fuel as Ibefore said the double or triple effect the 2ndtwo roll mill and maceration seems a great im- -pucujcufc over oar present metnous and tnemost feasible one for us The author beforequoted says pige 143 It seems to be on unde¬cided point whether the saturation or the extracrushing should be credited with the increasedyield of juice Probably both assist but it hasbeen raised from GO to 73 per cent by nrrioiy ile- -

He eauet fimiwfiavwithout the applicationof hot water By the ordinary use of the 3 rollmill without shredding or slicing the cine I havebeard no claim of increase of juice beyond 10 percent witnont the application of hot water butour author claims 16JW Mr Young in theioHfer JsWaiV in his record makes the increasefrom 2nd mill and maceration to be loj per cent

Allowing lOper cent to be added due to theeecondmill there remains about 6 per cent to be creditedto the maceration And if as at Waiakea Thereis abundance of trash fuel to do oil the workthen the 6 per cent is richly worth saving If thetrash is found insufficient for fuel then it becomesa matter of calculation whether the 6 per centsaved will anything more than repay the cost ofthe fuel required to eviporate the water added iathe maceration

It would not be a difficult question to solve IKlbs of coal being required to evaporate one impe-rial

¬gallon of water weighinj 10 pounds 1 I0Olbs of tliy tratk iu evaporating capacity are equalto 1 lb coal or about one half and Ir iraah iaixMt S5 per cent of the weight of green trashfmm rka t knit Sit a a 3V taui aauui per cent ipnn me zroImiIiif enmiatonrfi iMfri rhBmir i7ue3destrojtij ih reratiaina asar which ifrT wriEu nnu enecuveness or tuefuel To illustrate tbe variable quality of trashfrom the same plantation in dtnVrant n t Afferent times In 1S79 Kohala Dlantation had 1trash houses each 20U feet long by 21 feet wide anddivided into 40 rooms Two uf these were fnil afthe commencement of taking off the crop of overtons When throngh three of the four andseventeen rooms of the fourth were fnll showingthat an increase of about 70 per cent in quantitybesides tke whole of the fuel used for the cropand Mr Williams aiys We do not use onepound of coal or burn one stick of woodIhere were Si ac rest nf nlant n- - iof ratoons Trash only was used for th nm nfle40f LS00 tons hot thla aar tho- - - j iuc occiuaPHi me iraso irom tne same number ofclarifiers of juice is onlv two thirds of what it wasJIar Mr-- Cbjpia informs U3 and hehas had to burn coal in part Tbe last years cropconaute5 of f53 acres of plant cane and lUnt rat-oons ¬

By these examnlca we rr hat Iha -may be ample for plantation need rt nn tm inot so at another but I presume the quantitv willusually be found sufficient if the heat is econo- -u4m ua auc ucst manner

Yours truly s X CxstxiP S May 23d Since writing ih iHrireceived from Papaikau plantation the followingV tifSS lcty of the- w iwww poaaoaoi canecarelulivweighed and ground directlacd the trash carefuUr

raP1t V BtTAlneed of the latter 213 IbLonly23 of trash and leaving the unusual amountof H60 percent of mice on the weight of the cinek5 chums 72 per cent and the authoritrwcichl have quoted for the new and impnivedniachinery claims GS per cent Tho experimenterat Paprukon says the cane was fair and Ion2jomted and not woody and trash not dried

S2TCIlesidenU at the upper end of Emma street werestartled on the zooming or tbeSlhins- t- by thelooj report of a pistol fired within the dwelling

T baa Ignario a Portuguese mer¬

chant followed by the srTtams of a woman Alew zuoments afterward tie excitement of onlook ¬ers wxa further added to by the aprrancn of aman running rapidly from the spot towardsPunchbowl --Murder most foul came into the5odrLtT pfctatorbuta hasty investigationa penedthe iidea and fie4 the informationthat the fleeing biped had made a show of comlJSiK5c dHcIurginz a blank cartridge255X bis uttempt to commit selffrightening ha wife nearly to deathJco searched for found and lectured byWepaty Dayton for distnrbinc Ihe peace of therjajmrrmrraad th tad mtmrtip diTpTsycdzdlxirtirriiedtohadoriiiale


Temperance FanaticsWCT r iIter rhillipa Brookes aaiii rcetntlr Never

shall my voice or pen be used againtt tbe so calledtemperance fanatics If ever a causa Justifiedfanaticism It is the cause of tcmperance Veryfew people In this world like to be called fanaticsand few njoy tho epethet rrewwrr espedailTwomen let there are those who in view of thegreat evils of Intemperance are willing even to becalled fanatics if they come by tbe name in theirefforts to do something to arrest the evil Theevil they are fighting is not a little thing it ishard to make headway against it even with a devotion to iU reform wCQ scarcely falls short offanaUmsm Intemperance is the most commonvice of Christn countries It rolls along like aralghty flood and a handful of earnest men andwomen are attempting to lift up a standard rgainstit Tho very inequality of numbers and the nnequalness of the battle aro enough to make themfight with the desperation and devotion of theSpartan heroes of Thermopylae Xo one in Chris-tian


countries causes such misery wrecks so manyBright lives is so insidious in its beginnings andm hopeless and fatal in its end and at Ibe samotime has so many respectable supporters and apol-ogists as the drinking habit To know the num-ber


of men drink Is ruining even in this imallcity of Honolulu is enough to make oue fanaticI haTe in my mind fivo young men possibly nit ofthem under thirty years of age whose futaroapromise to bo tbe dark ono of the coutirmedd unkard They are lntelligont and adapted tothe business they severally follow and tbreo ofthem aro known by their euiplovers to bo menabove the average in ability and business carwolty And yet because iutoxievnts aro an articleof licensed and rxonmon intrclianilise because itis so easy to get all thj drink the diseased appe-tite

¬of the habitual diunkard craves in a word

because there is not a i nMrfioH of idl salo of intoxicants these five young men are going fast toruin Ihey cannot drink with moderation Thefirst glass makes them mad for more They haveno will power to abstain under pressure cf con-stant


invitation from friends todrinkand lt tutliberty pf somo who car use spirits with temper ¬

ance should be infringed thero is no law whichwould save these and others lifco them If thgreatest good to tho greatest number were theprinciple on which laws were enacted n prohibit-ory


law wonld be passed tho very next legislatureThese young men nroalroadv like ships ttrandedby the storm It is any wonder nt sight of bucliwrecks of what might have been noble usefulmen there should be found men and women fight-ing


against the destroyer with almost fanaticalearnestness Thero are boys iu Honolulu tu davwho if tbe present liquor law exist will in n fewyears havo to pass the same ordeal of temptationunder which these young men havo fallen Willthey prove stronger There is no assurance thatthey will They ore not of better blood cr bettertraining They will bavo no more

Itwill beforthe iuterestof tho saloon keepers of ten vearshence that somo of tho bojs of to day shall bemore than moderate drinkers that they ehall bobeavydrinkcrs and drunkards Can any motherafford to sit still for fear ot being called n fonatiaand run the risk of its beiug her boy nho shallsupport the saloon keeper If anything couldmake a mother fanatic ft ia that which threatensdanger to her child Where liquor is legally soldany boy might become its victim And so sincethere is danger to the young in it and stuce it de¬

stroys men body and soul and ruins tbe happi-ness


of women and children and because liquoris such an unmitigated curse to tho humau racethere are men and women against it with all theirmight

With inalace to none in their heart they workwith an enthusiasm whieh the matter demandsand with a noble unselfishness What does itmatter if they shall bo called fanatics and reform-ers

¬by those who do not understand tbem and by

those interested in the liquor businessthe end of tuci efforts will crown their work

Tciu JiPtrtiscincuts




Engineers For 1885 6


ic Engine Company No iOn Monday Evcng June 1 1885

Pollicn atoclocta and clotcat 9 oclock

5S SI The scleral Comoanjr SrtirtarM are hereby roiutvttil to liaini In their lists of members In soixletanilin before Vi oclock noun of altl day

rEUOrtDEU HENRY SMITHChairman of Election

JULES ASCII iI L AliTHAliT f Tcl-r- -

10ft Jf



Jilt UK DILLINGHAM I - lnlrtntc4 me to oQer

for PriraicSiIf nrjon nf hi bpleniltd

WOODLAWN PROPERTYOn Beretania and Bingham Sis

LOT NU I la 111 feet front anil Jut fwt lin willa Flue llinsc an 1 Uut BaililiDgs Mable CarriajreIore 1c upon It anil U the prupertv lately uccnplntbj Ken 4 A Crnzan The llonfc la companittrcljriicw Is In fine onler anil will be open tor inspectionfor any pervmi ilealrlc lo Tlew H The npset priceiur mi spieuum piece oi property will beii5M

One Fourth Cash Balahce in 1 2 and 3

Years with Interest al 7 per Cent

LOT No a U ft ljr au ftLOT X 5 lj S3 ft by S ftLOTAo Iirtby3IiriLOT So 5 l 7i n by a ftLOT So 6 la 7 f kyJM flLOT So T Is N ft by ftLOT So Is wl ft by al ftLOT o l SI ft by au fl

Uiil npon the mqc terms a forpayment can be very a11r wet



npacl price tO W

apet price 191 Ul

opt price 10GUnpaet price IJll U

npaet price 131 H

npMt price llwHO

npaet price lU llupset price IJW1

Lot o

A plan of these lots can be seea al tbe aaction rona

The new Tramway for which a Charter recentlygranted by the Legislature will brio tab 1 ropertrwithin 15 minutes of the Post Ofice and will natiirallyincrease Us nine We inrlte an examination anil In-spection or those Lots as they are well situated andrery desirable




i jw are fofft rio fmm poor healthor Unaitbinz en a ted of icttettUkechcr for

Hop Hitter will cure -

If 7Hftre9mptaMztf jroa feeiwest anilat lOJ W UJ

irni withosl eleariy

IIoi IUttcr MH1 Kevive 3011If Toaarr allioitler adhae orrr- -tw Tonrvelf with Dtutoril

daticf or a 31 other worn oneand work

1 that

roarWHO care

Hop Ultcr trill KcMore jouIf job tie a man of Utiava or

laboartr weaLeaetl by the traia oftoot errj tUj date or a man of letJr toflln OTtr joar midnight work

Hop Hitter trill Mrcnilicn ranIf jftaarefiafferlBff from OTer eatfas

iJtalrinkln- - any iodltretion ordlt- -0100 are too jbz and --rowfn tooUt as it often the care

v Hop Hitter- - will Uelierc toilIf jon am In the workshop ot taw

farm at tbe drsk anywhre awl feelthat your ytem needs ctcaatlog tocvi- - or ftiinoUtlo- - without tmoxicat- -

Hop Hitter I what you nccilIf ytw are oH aa4 yonr ifcJ thin

and Impure pal feeble joar oenrrnnvteadr utd rr facaltte waning

Hop Hitters trill clre yun new IITcanil Visonr

-- HOP BtTTEIU i an Htrcut hmtthy and refreftftloz Sam ia far ktrroomdrlnktflniMttre water etc render- -

In- - then harmlw and weetenig themoaiu ana ciraaiia itsr r

Cleanse Purify and Enrich theBlood withHop Hitters

Antiywe will hare no slckne orsnlTerin r doctorbllic to pay

HOP DTTEIalait tWaatHeaatand Refreshio Flafoortes for

ick tbom drinks and impure water resi4eriB tfceharmless twretcafn tne monti and cleannn- - thestomicb

W Tar Sale bytttt 1 ItOLLlSTEi A CO

to Dr ajer for baring iaSrodsced Arera Piflinto tte Celestial llaxpixv called tbem SweetCoriaSeedaT mtry appropriate ovtzscl Tbejare sweet they caxrT and axe therefore thu roostproSuUflaeetUasicktoAncaniaTfitiru -





iVttu bnirtistnttitta





DUE JULY 1st 1885

FrntiUin Stovo Coal in CasksDMs Crashed Sngar

Cases Fraiers Axlo GrenseCases Hoo Handles

Rbls No 1 RosinCoses Wheelbarrows

3STBST TRUNKSllav Cutters Flax Packing

J Bbls Wilmington TarWilmington Fitcb

Bales Navy OakumCs Ex Lard Oil

Grindstones Safes

FARMERS BOILERSBbls Dairy Salt Cement

1 J nnk 2 inch Ox BowsCs Axs and Pick Handle

Canal Barrows Kgs NailsBbls Ex Trimo Pork

Cumberland Coal in Bulk

Manila Cordage Sisal CordageOak Lumber White Wood do

Walnut Lumber Ash LumberEastern AVhite Pine Lumber

Refrigerators Cs Tin Tomatoes

Electric and Downers Kerosene Oil

Ketchup and Cod Fish BallsCase Clam Chowder

Fish Chowder and GhcrkiusCases Sausago Meat

Cs iluckins Tome to SoupCs do Mock Turtle Soup

Cases Iluckins Ox Tail Soup


Backets Lime Wash BoardsCases Chairs Cotton Waste

Cases Yellow Metal SheathingKgs Yellow M Sheathing Nails

Bbls Twine Riles DuckHide Poison Linseed Oils

Cases Turpentine Cases of

browjst sojpA Bbls Mineral Paint

Mammoth RockersBook Cases Assorted

Extension Top CarriagesCases Curled Hair

Drums Caustic Soda



The Extcntoi 4 of the Will of the 11 OX II

iMUMii manor

OFFER FOR SALEThe follow n Valuable Ahupuojs and

Parcels of Landscosirnibixu

HOUSE LOTSIn Honolulu and Kitensi e

Properties on Hawaii

and Maui

EjT facilitate the purchase of these Land byI dtp tun tbe Trustees will allow one half the tmrcliac money of pnrchasvS oyer One Thousand Dollarsto remain on mortaeat percent per annnm netpayments to be made in one two and thrc years

car Deeds at expense of purchaserThe abore sale will take place unless prerious dis

posed of at the Auction Koonia of E I ADAMS ON

15tli June NextiurN iv noonjir oinu

Valuable Buildings and Lots on West side ofFort street beinzpartof LCAoDto Heirs ofDoaz Mahanc

I Lotl Comprises store and lot now occupied byALbmith rental 31 per month

2 Lot Comprises store and lot now occupiedby Mrs T Lack rental 73 per qnartcr

lots iv icalilhil nooiiir3 Valuable botue lots in Eaulawela on school

street West of the bridge across the Waikahslnlnstream bein part of Apanaof LC AT7I3 toV Kama ma In

I Lot A on raauka side School St containing Idof an acre

i Lot B on mania sfde School bt containing CMof an acre

6 Lot C on manka side School fat containing 3G I0Pof an acre

7 -- Lot D makal tide School St conlalnlnz SU 10U ofan acre

fi Lot E on makai i Ue School St contajnlu WM0of an acre

9 Lft F on Lnne leading from School bt containingtS lU of an acre

10 Lot G on Lane leading from School St containingIMOOot auacre

II Lot If on Lane leading from School fct containingan acre

12 Lot I on Lane leading from School St containing2 Uof an acre

fAXDS IX MTAMj axd WA1KIKIIS Kola land in Tahoo Waiklkl on the road to

Wait I pan of LCA M13 to Keooi Ana atdcontaining 77 acres This portion of the awardlies alonf tbe Walalae ICoad makai side

U S Und In Walaka Waiklkl near the KamoIIItllChurch apana4of LOAI ES to Nakalcootain-faz-MJacr- e


A pan a 3 of L C A 771 to K Keellkolanl adjoins theirorernment lands of Kanalo and Kahlkinul andcontains 3KU acres Land Is now nnder lease toManael rico at JIOO per annum and Uzea Leaseexpires Jan 1 IS


171 ntme lot and balldins In Keopo called InII he apaua 3C of L C A 771 to W P LelelohokaValuable lot on tbe sea shore containing 1 15 Wacres Former residence wf II It II Rath KeeltkolanL Z torj Coral Dwelling and Wooden Cot-te- -

1S 2 Iloose lot and baildlns 10 Keopo callrdjvaaTpa pana oi u - wi nowoccoptetl

byCblnamen a a store reUtUper annumcontains ttlX of an acre

19 --J Iloiise lot In Keopa near tbe ProtestantChurch Apana 37 of LC A 9373 contains 13 iinof an acre

20I House lot In Keopo calWd SiumaIu or Ke--piB Apana 33 of L C A 937J conUlos 20IW ofan acre

215 House lot in Honsanla Apana 7of LCA9671 contains OaVIU of in acre

22 8 Jfonse lot In Ilonnaula called Papa ApanaW of L C A OT71 containa IMW of an acre

277 IIoas lot In Lanlhan called KaopnaoaApana Co of L C A H77I valuable lot Bear thelanding contains 77 11 of an acre

21 --4 House lot in Lanihaa called -- Laloha paaaIof LC AZtTLContiiBsH IOiofanacre

iaMt IJt HOXA HAWAIIAbipaa of Kaoko fa X Koni apana II of L

C A to to Lot Kanebamtha tno coiTeo and pastare land wm twoUrzeandraluableflslt pvadsNow cadrr lease to the natlTea at tail per ananntLease expires Jan I IS

20--- Ahnpaaasof Uoaaloa land2iaXKoBajpanar O of L C A 7713 10 V Jkamamalo flne coffee and

pasture Land 3fow nnder lease ttnatlfct at 1131per annnm lease expires Jan 1 137

273 Abupmaa of Xnpa 3 In Kailoa Xorth Konaapana 5 of L C A 77U to V Kim inula couUlus

acres and fnclodes a smalt Ikkisc lot on thesea shore called Filiate 0 Hole

24 1 Land In Aahaukcac S KaUaa K Kona beinzSTapt I7tt to J Kote and eocUlalnr tt I s acressuitable for pas tare orcnltiratlon

29 5 Atopnaaof Laatoa I in X Kona bela awna IofLCXTJIStoUKeellknlaaL

3- 0- Ahupnaa or Ulesalon 2 la Kallaa 2C KonaVlnx apana SofttA TTlfi to 3 KecIlkotaaL

ai 7 Ahupaaa of Ifonokaa la X Kona apana 9 of LC A 13 lo V Kantaualo coaUIola Z7 acrestimber and coSVe Sand Sow nnder leass to 4 wKahuuaaraa at m per aanau lease expileJan 1 13B7 J051

Ho matter what josr feeling or ailment iaAtnfriwn CtVa Hop Bitters win do yoa coocLFroTBftaiJieeiulieTtiieioeat



Inter lslandSNCoTICKKTti TO THE

VOLCANUaDUKTrltrannowheltaU at h

oraceoftho Inter tslaiKi SN To Tnnttp leavlnffHonolula p tlm io1 of w- - II ALU will belanded at Punalttn hrnrr by lUllrasnl to Pabalawhere Horses and Uaides mil ho In attendanev

Bythlsronte Tonilsta ran make tba roeftd ttlp indays stvlnr 1 days to rlslt hr Votrano

TICKKTj Frit THE UOlND TUIP tnelndlorHorses Uniri Board and Lodgin 9

For fnrthT partirnUntmqtir at thr ofttro of

Inter Island S N Co HonoluluOr to J V i llllVN Vrw lli a 101 J

Steamship CompanyJf IM X X J3 U


Vlll leave Honolulu each Tuesday at I P M for Lanaiua uaaiaca Maivrna annkona ixawainae iaanvahochoe and Htlo Lrare Illto Thnrsdasa At noontouch In at the same ports on retBrnarriTlnsbackSaturdays

PASSEMIGK TiaiX from Nllll wlU lTe eachFriday at I P M ti conoec with tho Ktnan at Mahukona

TheKinanWILLTOlClIal HtwokaUand Paauhanon uotem trip Tor Iasiieneers if a starnal Is made from

steariierlikelikeLORENZEN Commander

Leavr Honolulu rrTj Monilay at I P M for Kannakakal Kahaliit Keanai rwri other wek Hneloliana Klpahuln and Nun ttrttirninir will top theavjfc jwiis arriTin ibck rinnij morninz

rr niili and p ioni


Will Itfavtrarv for Pit ui inKoliolaleleUokalaKukalm Houoliina LritpiliotiH Itiknlan and Onamea


Will IcsTr rijtilirly fT smu ort- - i the SLebua


Leases Honolnln earh Wednesday for KannakakalKamalo Pukoo Jloanui Hlawa Wallan Peleknnnand hauupspa returmnx leaves ruROorriuaya iufor Labaioa Leaves Lahalna Saturday for Pnkoo re-

maining OTtr Snoday arriving at Honolnln Mondayevening

CDTlTc Cowpany will not be responsible for anyfreight or packages nuleas receipted for nor for persocal biSTWf unless utainlr nurked Xot responsiblefor money or jewelry unless placed In charge of therurser

All possible care will W taken of Live Stock bat thecompany win not assnme any rise 01 acciuent

SVU L J WILDXR lreskientS II KOSK Secretary

OFFICE C jr ner Fort and iuren StreetsHonolaln Sept W 11 10


OF Tilt



Steamer W G HALL- IVInlxxlaxii

BVTJCS Commandrr

Will run regularly to Maalaeu Maul aud Kima andKan Hawaii

Steamer PLANTERnrniTiooi

tVMEKOS l DmandTmLtarracrtrrTUESDAV at 3 j m for Nanllialii

Knloa Zlevie anl Walmra llurolnff larva Xawiltwill ctrSATlnKVaI4v m nrritln at Honolulu every auada at a ui

Steamer IWALANIFREEMAN Commander

Will run regularly to Hamui Maui and KukuihaeleHonokaaand Paaibu Hawaii


latares every SATtTRDVY at H a m lor WalanaeWalaloa Uahu and llanatct and Kilauea Kaaal returning leave liana lei every TLFSDAY at I p mand touch n atWaialua and Walanae every WUNESDAY and arriving at Honolnln same day at I m

Stmr JAS MAKEEWE III Commander

Will rnn rejrolsrly m Kapaa Kanai

Co OFFICE ofth Company foot of Kilanra Streetnear t lie PMSaWharf

J ESA Secretary T R FOSTER PresidentHonolnln January 3 1WCV Rftl a


For San Franciscothe M irMiin vrrAMMin




On or about Honda Jane 7


rut sriKicnii NriiAMHiiii- -

ZEALANDIAniiBii coyjyiAvniitOn or about June 13thf 1885

For Krebt and Passat apply to10U 2c II IIACKFELIi A O AseutsGoods lor Nhipmeut per steamer rau now

be Stored Free o Clinrpelu lite Fire prooftrnrclione near Ihe temer triinrf

Commissioner Sale of

REAL ESTATEBy virtue of an order of ale Kj the Hon L Met oily

Flut Aoclat JaUrr of the huprcne Coort Itauedon the lilt day of April 14 the nndenHrn d willtell at Pabljc dcu jh

On Thursday May 28la X O ritt WVtXk

At the front door nf ih Court llooac In WallnkaMad all tbe rfxht title asd iotneitt which JOHNi A iv laiepr MaKawmo le eeaaed bad of In of tothe following

PARCELS OF LANDSilole npm thr llaad of Xil tia

LOT Xa 1 Laad la Keahaa Kala Mikawi ieattibej la Hofal raleal 9iIIOtanulaKanaiisblH deeded brLealnt Ketak a KtkaUthereon

LOT3ro3 Lai la Hal ot Uanataapokv Maulformerly ttloDEef to PaMpalemlaiolasan area

ot tiro Aerta lth EaHaUaa taereon Ced ttonAdnlnlrtralor of Tafclpa to Kataa

tW Laod la Kaaaaakta Uoaoaila Xaaldncribed l Bajal ratal un iriM A

OlaalorjtafalcxtSKUre awe or I lXert

KIT lfo I Uad la Kaanaaluae lloaaaoll MaolcootalniBiraaareaf sri lo ItoraliPateatSosesioLaal Deed from Lhl la Kaailar

tOT 5tiBd In thf IklHu of PaUoooolairM1 anlahrr aa area of TosjS1J Paaaaaal lo Kaaaa Tillplete adjoiB So-- lj

raTPIrlK uif tchaTT arro ai ine eioenie or par

iyi4uivjViycuTcKs- -



7rfiS iS1- - fnI totnnienelB r m the

SrtS Wrfneaday tho Sth Jlr55atroOT PerOrdrr r A SCUSZTBB







egat flbmtlistttonl

SVVKEitr COURT O P TUB 1XAIn tb aurtttr of Ike Baakrajo

of II 1 HART and ELLIS X IIAKT laialr Matbalet In llofiolaia as Itart BrottHT tTrfarr- - MefaStrJ

A i CartarrlfM Mealoc the iMlhfif f fuiil baukrapt eUtahaTln2flMbhaoaamtahtfvnDr ia otaneBt of two dlrtdeod t tin rredtf3 Toile therebj lea thn hwmalj for a wttltaico faeh aecocal and for a dtMbme from hit IuMUit c

Ailjn befen the aronMMTJailea WKhSBNDAY the 101b i f of Jaae sail at in oYloea a m alKblch hearloj aiijr pernn latr th iy apurar andeonlrttiBaaamt

llf order of taf CoartI1BNRV SMITH Ihuoty lltttUonoUloMayanhntn jautm

SVlMtKM rOUItT OF TUB ITAIs PmMi- - In mmtfe oftho HUte ot LKONAHD K flTTKN t BwaAloOahn drerated Inlntato Brr- - Mr Ju ito AntOn rrillnj and allae the arlitii ot DirM XeXla

Irr of llooolalaCraliaalleffinsthal lroaar4 rattanof aald llooolnin IM lamtair i n afamaaaon tho lilh dar of onaioer l i and iarthat LellM r AiImlnMrailin r Krani FllallnxaIt l ordered ibatTUCIttttMr ihr nh ilar of JanetDmt lUoenxk aa nl lirrt j lamolaMfor hearlnc W petlltaa aeor ihr Id MkIn Ihe Coort tUxwn of thta Corrt Honalnhl at wtkhtime and plare all perwn crmeafliwl ma

ho ean0 If anj Ihej haie wVy aid rtettrawihJaMnot be grintod and thai Ihl nroVr he pSbllehed In theKnrllh loroe In Iwo neeraotre loan of Iho7Tkli niiBr nnblliheil lallonolala

Dateil llonolala II I Ma JWb 4 D iaUB5J II AlSTII

Alley Jattre linreata IaottHaaarHann nepnle nr WW aSuiMuaiK cooirr or thk uaIn rrohale la tho tnataar at tatKlUle of JlLIlM L llKIIAHIloV f WaiaaaVOahn deeeAred lotearale Brforr lr JaHrc ateCnllj

Un readlnr and fillnff thr petition nf Mra AaraifKlehardMHi of Walanae Oabu widow or the dataaaoallelnstbnttlalla I Rtthardoon iate of untWafanae Oatin died Intoatate it lloiiontlr on ta 9tk 4mJof Mr A U Iet3 leavtajr proprtr uiihln tlw BsarfrUan llanda andpraTln r that IftiT of Admratatnrlion Lane to II A Ividemann nt II m Itiln Uahn

It I ordered that WKDNSSI 1 tho llli dae JaneA 11 ISO at IJ oetoefc a in - anl horab r Iappolntedforhearini eald petition ifon the aaidChh fJattlce In tae Conn lloom of thlj loort at lloaolalnat which time and place all peron eooct roed mar

hae hr the aaniorhonld not bo gnnted and that thi- - order br pahlUhe lla Ihe Hawaiian and Sl hh lansaa na for three a--ceulre weeha In the Aaoa oa and Hawitai na rrinewtpapers In llonolala

Paled llooolnin II I Ma ath A D lolAwSksirK JfcftLLTJnsllreSapremefoartllKt SntTB Ucptr Clrrt tun tSU1MIKMB COtritT OF xTieITa

In rrobate loEtateofESUIAKALELEONAIAXIuarenPBWMjdeceated Order appolntlnc smr for ITobale of Willand directlns publication of notice or aaie

A document pnrpnrtinf lo be the la Will aad Telamrnt of Emma KalelconaUnl deceased havta ontho ISIh d r of Mar A t ltn been preaented tOMbtIrubate Coort and a petition for the rVibate thereofand for fnan or Letlera Teetamentary o IrtaaaarJ Cartnrltht Senior of Honolula lattiij been liedby him

It 1 hereby ordered that Tr KSO the Ik day olJone A l f at Waclxk a m of sard day at lbCoort Itoum ot Mid Conn at hlolanl Hale In aaMHonolnln je aad the aame I hereby appointed tbtime for pro ring Mid Will and licartn aid aranHcatlon nhen and where any pr on lntirefeBaay aapear and conteil ihe raid ill irl tho naaUaiorLrlter Tertamentarr

It farther ordervd that notirt thrrrnf be jriTtm bypublication for three aocertr- - nhj iQ the TJavau0lxTntl newpaprr printed and

twbllhed In llonololaDated Honolnln May 19th t KB

A F JfDlAttet Chief Jnatlreoflhe upreme CourtHiittT Hnmt Ueptr Clerk iwt uMortsa-c- f- Notice orintention to Fortclyw

is iiekeuv oiviathat portoant In a power of Mle conialnatl la acertain morticaze deed dated the th ilay of HetttambecA D IrWJ made by S M Kinlmakalchna of llannla I htadof Oahn to Stephen Spencer of London Saarlandrecorded In the omee of the Reniiitmr of ConveyanceIn Liber m folio Ill aad llCaad lot a breach of thcondition In Mid mort rafe deeil contained that alland singular the land tenement ami neriaitameateIn aid mortgage deed contained tnd lecrlbed willafter Ihe time limited by law he old at public auctionon acconnt of the breach of the condition a herein-before mentioned

The premdee In Mid mnrtgacr il scribed b09 ailthe tlzbt title and latere of ald S H KintmakalchnaInauil to thoae wo certain piece or parcel of landHunted In aid llauula beltct taro and kula laad aad

containing an area of 3 acre anl tnon parllenlarrydescribed In lloyal 1atent No M19 L c Award So SlTi

fTBrUES iPIM KH MortiroceeJ M MoxinnaT Attorney for ttortraeceluted Honolulu May Jtlh 1W aa

JIort5a5CcsotIccorinleniontoKiTleVrOTICE IS HHUEJIY CJIVKX1 that purtnant to a power of ale lontalnNd ia acertain mortgag deetldatitl the kJd day of October A

D 15T3 made by Kahakal of W uilni I laud of Uahato Stephen oeneer of London KnUou reiorded Inthe offleo ot Ilegtstrar of Cn rnnce in liber fttfolio lUand IW and for a bnarh of th uoilltlon iuaald mortafe deed contained that all ml iDenlar tbeland tenement and hereditament in Mid tnortfaaedeed contained aad decribed will after ihe time limi-ted by law be old at public auction on account nf thebreacn of th cuadltloa a hereinbefore mentioned

The property In Mid mortuac Uribcd helnsaitnaled al Kawalloa In oaid Waiafra aui blnc laroand knla land containing au area of 1 uv acre andbelo the lime described m Koal rnfenlMo lHIUCAwfrd No OS lo Kahakal

STBPIIBN HorttanrJ SI MoxiannaT Attomi for Virt aDated May Wth last u-

Mortgtureeu Notice of Intention tflFofeetoIS IEICE1JY JIVEM

that puranant to a power f a ntalned In aceltala mortfaze deed dated ihe Ath day of July AD 1SW made br W S Klhlklki r llonululn Ihuivi olOahn to Stephen Spencer of London Kaalaad recorded in the ofllce of tbe Kecitrar of i otieeyancva inliber 3 folio m anil SKI and fur a breach of tbe con-dition Ill Mid mortgage deed contained that all andlobular the land tenement and hi rrdllameala Inaid mortgage deed contained ami ileKriked will

after the lime limited by Ian t old at pnblicauction on account of Ihe breach of t u- oudltiim ahereinbefore nreutioned

Tho property lo Mid murtgaip d Mnhed lieini ioatcd at Klklbale In Mid llouololu anl contalnlnir anare of Ti lW of an acre and more particularly dererlbedladeedof WC l aike Marshal of the Hawaiianliland to the Mid Klhlklki dated the 191b day of Deeember lt7 and recorded in Itber Won fotii rW STKH1RN SPEJKBB MortBan- -

J M MontnniT Attorney for XorteaieDated Honolnln May UHh IWTi luvj uJtartsaSfC Sotlte or Iiitentien to iwkImMOTICE IS JIEIIE1JY JIYBNXI that pursuant to a powi r of sa contained la 4certain morlgage deed dated December IM ImSiren by Samuel Kekinl guardian of Alfred and WeirKaupena of Honolnln Iland of Oahn lo alar hLower recorded In ihe oace of h Reltrar of Conyejance In Honolnln In UooK S3 page fin aad forbrrach of Ihe condition lo said mortgage deed tontimed Mid mortgagee Intend to foreclose and tbalall and lingular the laad tenements aad bcredlta- -

1 L1 Piro contained and deaaribedwin arter the pnblicatloo hereof for three t onecntleweek b adrertlied to be sold al Public Auction athe Auction room of Lyon Levey In Honolnlnupon SATCHDA Y June inh 19K at 1 X or Mid day

The property In Mid - deid dcKrlbni coaliils of two parcel of land Orsl parcel being Ituatodoa ort treat In Honolnln and being part oftao laaddescribed In It P ISIS parcel two being land at Uamo- -w1kkl- - Wol an acre ileKribnt la KP ItKlo hbne MAKV K LEWEBat

WtLUanK AlTi rAttouey for omrager5Dated Honolnln May lllh lwr lotl H

Mortgagee Notice of Intention to Fortlewand of Sale

fX ACCOJtlANCE AVITJI A IOV- -1 er of Mle contained ia a certain mortgage mad brKabaumanu k of Moaaalua Island of Oahn toStephen Spencer dated lath day of May vfm re-corded In tne offlc of tbe Registrar of Conreyaacna ialiber on folio t and 1IM Motire i hereby aimthat Mid mortgagee Intend to forecloe atd laorakagefor condition broken and upon said fore kaaafntaTllMil at Public Auction at Ibe Salesrooms of LmLerey la Honoluln Iland of Oahn on HATTaVMTtho 13th day of Jane it at l u of Mid day thepremise ai tleecrlbcd in Mid mortgage

1h mortgaged property to be a iM conelat of allthose cettain premlaea In Moanaloa Island of Oahnaforeeatd eonuiolag no area of bMiai Acrea oaecribed la Itoyl Palenl Xo D aim all that certainpiece of land In Pnako Lafcalna Island of Baal con-taining t rowl and perch deicrlbed la lloyalPatent So 3WI sTEPHEX SPESCEK

J M Moxaiuut Attorney for Mort ageeompuiu jaj ua ioaa ua a

Mortgagees Notice of Intention to Foreekweand of Sale- -

ACCOUDaVXCE AVITIl A vowrrot Mle contained In a certain mortgage made byKameo w and KablkKklher buabaaiTo WaiaaoleIland ot Oabn to Stephen Spencer dated lth dar ofNovember Is recorded In tne offlce of the Eeelnrarof lonreyaocea in liber on folio ra 4 XoUco bhereby giren that aid mortgage Intend to forecIoMMid mortgage for condition broken and upon whInrlore will ell al Public Auction at tne aanraroom of Lyon Lnwj ia Honolulu of OaUsaon MATUIUJAT the Mth day of June ltKilTo ItMlddaylhepremlMaadeacrlbedln aid laortcage

The MM pramlM being llnated In said Watakolfand coniltlng of tbe following parcel- - of Laad afcrI Ten taro patcbe and knla area iUluu acre avorepartlrnlarly deaulbed la lloyal Patent No laM to aeole Ot the faider of uld Kameo J Tw laropatcbe and knla area W WD of an acre more articularly described la Hoyal Patent o to Malnlflthe mother of Mid Kmeo wX

STEPHEN SPESCaUtkIortgagr- -

J M MoaiaJUT Attorney for Mirtzaio ettnAll foi taa rj wm w mi K

HortgageeV Notice of Intention to Foradoseauiu di oaie- -

riv aVtcoitUaVxcK with a rowJ er of Mle eoaurned la a certain mortsmBV araaW brjoii unia or tralMe Iland of Maul to Deraanaa Aic inn tit nT zaumh vi win uaj ni lernarrr inni rraaMeavIn tli office of the IWiuu of Coareyaace la Haer Won folio 39V3 Xotlce nerehy given that Mid aartgazee Intend lo forecloae Mid mortgage for i rnvdigakbroken and npon Mid frrecloaurewlll wllalPahrteAncllon at the Salenroom of Lyona A Lvv ra Havaolaln IsUnd of Oahn on SATCRDA T t lata dafS WJt a M- - M r- 4c premlae a dKrlbed in Mid mortage

a n fMsuil leBIBg t linMl ID MIO W aC BOMunUinlng an area cf 310 acre and being lb Mandecribd In Hoyal Patent Xo TW5I t AaelIB Inl tSt l Ham In ik U tl- - Trffi

Lo1 iml n11 the Wh of March UfR aaat 2--niii Iiiu j itn UIWMn wseiaer wua 11 Ihat wadlying ontlde of aad new to aid iioore meatkaMd mm

e T-TT a roau a la asaaatnov-- IICIUIA VS A WIDEMAMg

tllllUf Attorner for Mort ertMnar tin nay jib lag lnOIJlIlKaf V ffllftr p nv -2 BgSlhJfc J- - r i mnj -- m Bain iat oj JMgMuiH IU and dlreeila tMkuttlU 2t j JIitfFhYVatMi tar ths t u em aT

l0 Perelra allaa Uantirl ottSdHonolnln barlnz b a IM hy --aid Xnmi 8vSrerryIt I bereley ordered that UTED3E8DA T ttW Ittbday of MATT A II 19 at oclock a V nr MM

Hale la ahl Honiara be aad Ik mom I aaauWaSpointed the time for proving aald WiU and felrrtancaaMappllcatioa when and wfre 5Ir3tflSXSg wfK

JlinllfS e Uat taerW be gt ea a

Dated ifoolIa II I Fehraary ua wjjJAWItEaclJMcCI LLTAKe Justice of the Sisreme Toarallt Sxmi Deputy Clnk mn

HAssignee Notice

AVINO UKirN- APIOIlVTHlf AS- -algnee of tho Ebte or J 11 Brtme Jr aaanV

mpt aotlee If brebygraalautailaaawtrudaaafabor Etal are nayaal t mo at my wnaee enrsrl

liunop av vo uaaia avaaaaiasan screesW It PA EKE AMlaneHenelllfyMltt6

NOTICEANIJ AFTlttTIIIS IlATK TU hnoxoLixc ice wosks compast iu tHref ICE it AS LOVC SATES a any other rmir

noIalalToT ivtiwi jam

LhsBiiS fkf1 W- - t4MJt 1 i

eif ft


Page 4: Uew-llM-nt- Ax Sf sZjy jy Jw ww SMMjiitiaaa Laiij

KI- -





jm vblcxc xar a ssMrrr laa virtual ae has beea melvtal freta Sib

Krm ao rettltve Is th statu J tic snjir rairteiNroad aa attlraaxB there t a errata T snBehtnr

i hri at the eJenda f Jew price which have cee ratem f remt tinie just sinners wilt hive hart HlUe

nprnsin m it turtri here aitle rrrairrrcTtctw Hawaiian erer of ISO is ahriay in M fna- -row Tttt eloek anearvt harnces race is aBttalar

km bright trade bttr ejaret ih to iadleatloea af amicreac MerrJaiatsCTncraUy arc ttreadiis the eventsib fcartarM tlrrif dartnr tie crastr vtartrc lb coottaned catreess In trade srtih rents aaad ether expwatetrmatntas t atwrrt frralrat in jocd tlaan eaaalar

warranted anjapoattiea thai seele MtUcemils at illbe tet araxaptry u bI mil

The t K AUU arrived from Sis Fraacieco oniKr inst ibb UK r M S S Ri Janeiro and thKsral laaaaracr iQff I Iewett are dee from tornee orthe Nk test The Aaaatedl U advertised t Mi atawne eBtBalttprox fr Ma FxaAdHBv

By Iter arrival ef tat straxarr sjiirarda is rnvt heretare lwl we arete treaty t Jlttart tiiuuIMaBBud A Ce talest aaa attarthtr eoanmiTctal rae

lirratar which r BrmwthwretSax Fxasokbv May IXh tx

M UAH --tr local Battel U still la a wit bbmuMcrodtttoe eaarex W2nc betweeB thataolte

arcs Oa itt Ht hfL the Aaaertcaa Krsaery ttdarrd n prarra lit-- foe all Vaaraa aaat Ht farPuwdgad saa shaft at this aariUac their pdtw atSinrf at He Mltay CaUarnJa Krtaera

KatTta arjr--- T asawmeanect a alt la bktat i ami lM4B4aa4 wcaacaftarlkvaBarkrtrnatf aa ttatMaauoB firanWr tat MH tanker a4- -

rwvuca aaataaw art una aad ntHat aa4 ahaaiHibr Kaar llarfc buuBti has Wi a tittle aatwta raMad

aiTaatt a ana aaaaay vr aaali rraaYaa asdaaacw nf May Tla a faltewTbcu --KBre a riaj nil aaavlr tarn has

he aa aWvacvaf 4eaaaa4 Tartar tavw- - aaa taaaartM i raatraratlTrlf Mtid lk tat hr Iharaai aa4 rxciM4 a4Tkxa Tnca Kaiw aciad

Mruau kon M u lawmfd In 4aaaaaa4 h aAnand ttattaiKaniakt bbmctH a tor rkt SalarrcBwtfeamalXialxaaMbraaaitr ottlxxt taithn aBTaariac prtcn- -

Co ax raaiarT 4Marai aaa uln hac Wcaaali arxj aJlr rraua ifart hM taaUca

tia imutt u tawrrat haiaHnraar- -Latrt eaaie aTW9 im4kte that r

tii traattahrBitrfaiyaBa0alaaat fnaal l tw t ratr rr cvat aa4rr at jFaar tar rattt ravvTu Birltivrtarrslth She tad that IhcUenaaah icauc ha ntc4M the trse lr paraaeat ant ttatleaf thr taatrth ha caaH aa antra bibu at allif - TtrrtcaiBarfcr4aa4taaaBtaaaafeaciBg

vac laaa Hvr irta CaW Criraia awut iitSSr MarMthSScLuatn caaaat af aaaae 4ar iraata ateeta U fcA

nil Ifc M rgaUlMJcraev tttr kat thr leUaaiac aataaee have taLea

met the Stralb had Maa lat t-- Tth i 11UI i all far tl per teat teatKKE brace ear last reptwt aa taaaeaaeaaflst ha

takra aaarr ta thu artieat a few aaiea have Bees ataaeat scaaahtvf hat tree tran caa ahtaia caaceaeaaaa tht isarr Ikaaaact tixht ae aew crap rice rs

rUXtVU i Extra Faaulf JIW Kl ItoraaV irEAN JUJu w r rr tea Ick- -

BJLa- O- llJTcilljaaatiliol M UtKLK f rer aaa thkAT rairJlJW bmUUJE chake UahSiJ hKiehaaraLlHS-st-ee- hhll H hTtK--attu- cal aaattm ra KaaafC are aw at

i trfal aatB earrAaheat has ai illaiii there aUeAiuencaa aaarketharemariipiialVltatraptaaacUure riaaMerrd amfararaMe tar aa averatviehi A

at- - baeiaeae ha tahea place ta eharten artactaairrltuaaveMf at 8Ta ta37 aa CaraU Kaatilar and

- U rriHKr hn Wve4 XarketaaktLXClUiE Lqaiataah4ariht IS Nea

ioraaiat i i


arTiTedMi --W AiaBBeaa Alaree Iwa aa traaciaia

Ami a Aataaaa traai Xmaftle N f Wr- - Am batat Manr Wlaheteaa 8ach tat S IT

aU -- Aat hk rateatSailedOaiaa-- Ne

hrtae W i lrala Taoatr tar aa Fraahajiiiiaaata - r

S Bar htT Jt raeter

Veaaels in PortAat baajH Kareha LeeAmi acar Wat Beateau SieheaaVteraBraaakAat bajae arehaVat kk Cej aaa Hantwat AIibm4b MeeseAai aa AataaaaAm attar Mare Wiahieaama Barhar

IMPORTSFram as Fraaeiaca per Alaaaraa Xar tJarsv at

aMtrti tl mnhaaae srvwitfcnt araJaca etcrrvai Scartle S W per Aataraa Mar


tvt aa Fraacuco per Fureet t2eea 3lay 2S Carga--ajar rice atolaaeee aa34 hhla aiT taeetxa rafae5C- aaaieatu valae r JiSJi

I aa Faaeica per XraKa itay 3i -- tar vtagar Tataeii at arrjtJCLJe


1 rvflt fraa Fraacuco ar laaaraa May i Hua fraatJarker w J mni eerraat 3tra Paei eaamLHa 3 chililrva aa4 aatre Mia arah alac JJ FatK r Fraf J

PJralLj AJexaaater Flehr 1 C Stttwacht lBrajT AJnaaarrW AlthaiaaaXWsJaBa Aleuaaer L

i Lickr Mua Jt Aleiaaaer i WaJter aa4 arife VT bVrm troas wifr aa4 chikt Xlse K A Wara Ker E

JtTdan wtfr aaa aaagrhtre 2kn Jale Tavvrmler Xth Ifcliaa Vl X Jbvwa- - A Loareaaerr Mi F tUedHik hlr F LeOeM 31 r L C Bizear Xt LocilrAlexaader Jtr aeftea chaler Jlr t hesebarecsamad 9f ateerae

tar ta Fraacueo per Faret Uaeea Mar F Iear-- H Wippeaer arite aa4 chili K Lraat M W Osj

J S Hratlt 4 Laraea W tiQ L LjmaaFrvaa ataaaakaa par lomUmi Mar W eact

liint Xn 4 Flaaer Xkx Malaea Itbt EaarathaFrata Hawaii aaat Maai per Elaaa Xar SI Boa Ui kter W V Haraer r F R Barn Mea W K Camtfe

aataaa ti E BadtaraVoa J Ketaharat J A Xartla 1I Uuai Capt arkriaTKWaraerWXCathhertt Ba las C Faatt J H Walpailaai Sl L Wetuyre Mrs Ward Xr Ceaxiae

F raa Xani lad Xoietii per Diriikt KarSl CaptD Twatejr 1 KeUU X1J fUi Lr Mr AUaaa aadHd Xim t aaa t F FheipeW I Learie Kee Father

Ht HaUer X ZecJer F reVaa Jlacfe Jarsaad chlMrea Xn E Batcheaar K Wathridcr

t mat baa Fraacxaca per Xanr WlaaJeaaaa Mar SThru Dasta aaad ante Kb X Baataa JitM MKarrhII it Burtanfiet C J aha ana

Frvoi Kaaai per Flaater Xaj fa4 U Secaer UaaH A 4taaaa Cat E W Farrta Aac Drier W E H

H Marth Xre Haipeea A OTaavher J

ivr XVakai and Xaat per Xikefihe May 3 ajeoXrtiht J tiapaiC F Phelpa X Fatca

BORNAt Kaaraihae Hawait XaaAh IMS to the wtfe cf

Xr jtiti Beii a aaa

MARRirnM ITH AHAIAO-In wtb7 KoaaTHaaratZ Xay

lib v th KT L Deaha Mr Uaaava VT MmMi- - haru Kjuuuu both of V oatfiaia

Island Boys Abroadtruai a catalopw ut Ot JlatUieVs Hall Sac

Mateo Cala- - tuitOy forauded to the Uazzrtztntfrestmj lacta rdatrre to tte fUEttajn and studiedjf boys me pattots reside oc tfaete UaaadjiSoMatised Frua tbe atateaaets arhtcit appear inthe paatphlet at as laamed that Hmy Tarum Jramoogthe gxadsabar ciajj of IS Enrotled icthe Caaiet cst tia vrtuci the foothfal soldiers irettaur maaeted m tse ictncaciesj of UptonslactKtC by eapabae dnfisuLers are foosdtenaaxeii of Uevrgv C ABetv Tbocaas P Corasiizatahtx C Doarseu Bidard L Gohaaad ITisceK KaUnatBaole Fticce Ed A KetesbooEi PrinceOand KaaraaanaAoa Harry Tortoii Jr asdArtssr C Tartoc sii of these yoas ceatieawnuwttadiac the three priscea haTinc recexred pceparatorr mstractMm at St Albarss Cotleje uUna catr Aft a menrber of the

Harry Tartoa Jr y ecdor eerseaatThe corps of 3ajdeti h ditided iaao tvo iaf aatxycotspeusseav A and B and a gam dtiaenment Ineiaariaiir A Harry Tartoc Jr kocda the warrantof a 3rd sergeant and in coapeny B tiss seondcocporalBCup ably aBed by A C Doitett Apacied s jaad consisting of two cuEtmfeiimed ofhoerg tec aotKorawifesioned ofStgra aad eereBteenpn rates has u capable exponents of military

fereeejit Harrr Jr corroralTartonA C Dowsett iil pririte A C Ttirtoc- - Tie linnutvaicmeaat nas oc rts msster roll corporal AIDovseit tutQrr and Prince Kawaaanassa and AC Tsrtoa as eassoeeen In school irradeii theboysranaa foiWTs there bets stxfadea beNden the preparatory the --first beint toe lowesteradeand the atzxh tne nishest Harry lnrtoaJr 5th Arthx C Xttrton 4tn Alex C Dwwsett4tn Prince Ewannakoa and Bjeaard LGtIUland 3rd Frince Ketaahoca and GeorsC Alleniai Pnace EaJanatnaoie and T P CnwmmnxfaatraBary

It n proaerbial that all wort and no nlayaaakaa JackadaU boy so Saint Mattaewa Schoolat baa Mateo like c Al bans Scaoot in Honoteltibbbs ttat base baa clsb and loot ball crab andgoeseven fartner than the local iastatnm by the addttana of a btcjcie crcb and q iois cldb EnrolleiaBoatm at the athletic cine that ecdeaTor to keepthe boosd nit tall within the presented dtamoncare A C Tartoa and Harry Inrsos who respecQTeiy nil the poeitxoas of first and second bauemenThe AreaorN is the coirnomen ctTen bythefaotoaU pbyers to their deb and arson thekickers are foead A C Ilowsett K Lt Uuandand ACTsrton TrHawanantjiioit dabis captained by Harry Tattoo Jr and has crewcuaiaktB of Prince bawashnaliDa A C- - Dow ettaad The bicjde dab or as theraaaaersestahueaocslycaHtriesiraefTes Jans SocciWhreimMi has antonsst its Btembers PrinceFftrarhoHBg PrrnceKawaaatzsabao Prsce Kalanianaote and T P Comntsns

At May Sth u the efcaaaz oaty of the Easterfcesftoo at St lUctoea Hail aiadte pntjabiethatf aoeaeot the lads will taatrtptotherrKlandhsaaae dsrtK the vacation wfcaeri ecsces before theTrmaty 6en teems i Jaly aid aaat aa hopedthat they w aat beasaniisos toteaae asgoada reeard of tnetrdeinscs at Msdy orpU as the Gizetxkta preased to msie the records pebbe- -

Gaxettea Hilo LetterEcrroat Gazirrxx Oaapaixce foroe hjoawnnrTd

astnt white caps aad trowsers liito sose tmrearsce- - On rainy days the color offsets the sacdspetlerkS with cod eSect A pecrSar nenat-t-o- a

of the corps at that wnlen eafls them in fromtasfet doty at 9 p m After that hocr the rdshthawt may name fnU tmdistarbed sway HowererHrao tsta cfmet tzttie hanuet en the whore and themuet sertoos wont the poucetnan has to perrocrawocid seem to be the lassoint ef anoccasraealstzsj calf aad practxetas the statracary handKdete

Hi Baacow s steam aawmH after one breakdews is cow at work turcisc Koalecsntta staetabie ramber Thewhierand datter rrenanpthat earner at tne Trrmsce m a rxeertat EosnnerP S Apasa draws the Iocs totnemiu

The acboocer ijaawaa CasawVaaa saned on the 19thwttacaxcof 331 tons of snsar from Faparkottand VTazsakn and 3J0 hides 3fisses Eratsa andXrHy lwnin from Hat if 9 cp ts her to25an Praccsucu

Methtats a bit of personal Ieelss crept mto theatatermmt rectrdxntr the withdrawal of the proeecstmnrnthe Crown Comrirwtn-a-r- s case at thesate Etnrg of the coort here in the item refrrrrssthere to m the Hawan note- s- of yonr issue of theSthmar This notice ts but fair ta the piamtiJrsattusiey tn aabl cae Enoch sai

Tie prsssdirtt and secretary of the HnoTeleBtseips Company learens foraweek They so toKawathae thenrrtrwriTTgcTeaaadrngpiicttgtIaeJi fssxt temtinss to Urmrnrfs

Oar strwU are sutxewhat drier dasty in spotsJ Aaooo

Amocs the late cews item u a dispatch datedfrom Bnisrport Cocx Mar I Jttacsx that onetjrrwia Jazsen a sailer had coofesued to the

m 2uarofaClaTarBCotaxxoresraanilthat sailJansen had ntied laainospau m rxooouus in3 r tart Duir nt icn dry has failed toibtaaanriScaXioaof the ssuersent as BetchtxC S Coosal iidualey w UT jhxjuooki meKesideittPiyiaciaiialQsesaEniniahosriUl hadaayivnowieii sottOBOeainoisnesaEcaiexueenraf tst artch eralfeasrori There rS rrobaalysooie mfiifalnr in titer jsamarof thesailflralalsothe place of nmtft

JBJrrrmiTjfirfnipngcf the raost eatsajaaandTet most Besjected slxaeasea of this coontrr can bexradrly cTcedbjr theoseof HirpBitni Setttrejna ret Ce aaTerpac aeni

fl J j TftfcjSSj l


TbenUaswminsscaratT ot UawaiUn Treasory sotrs

MrrcLodceKorwiUraret at their fastisHalt Kiss stmt tomorrow ermine

Aoetionrer llorcm well sell towliT at Ihe Paci¬

fic NBTiGatron Cos wharf a lot ot okl salts

The Pair in aid of KunmakapiU clinreh will notopen until Friday the SHh inst at S pm

Tfae llaaaaa will sail at noon on the 1st proxnett Moedsr lor San Frac isco

llobert Anstin one of the enstocus officers isrerwted to l diaKtroady ill at hU resideace inIalamn

Taanas are doe to the Merchants Exrhaat ofSan Francisco and to Pcrser Sctton of the llaaaeata for late papers

Tbe bark JaMn sailed from this vrt for SinFraoctsce on the Wth inst ottryias 1197 bacs ofs aKr raloed at TaVKaVn

The Fair in aid of Kanmakapili Cbnrch has beenpostponed from ThnrsJi erenins May Sf th toFriday eTeninc May Sith

The nsttal Gospel Temperance meelinj will beherd rathe Testry of the Uethet ctrarch on theerrauoK ot tMinrusy the JJUta tnsu

The bark JFartar Vera sailed trues thisjiorti mu a taaaEiacas mi uie oiu ansa ariui a caru

of doratnic pmieets raln d at 71 AJOlThe MokarneiSagar Oe kxatted at liana Mani

the slockhoader In which are nearly all Hawaiiacts has accepted a charter ot iarorporatron

The baakrapt stock of J 11 Brno Jr was tsoklby Messrs Lyons i LeTrv on the Zard inst theroods rrinctoE fair prices about 3C0 bsiniraaliaed

Mr Thaaraas S Kay manacer of the Pacific Sanar MiH Oo cires notice in this issne of intentto prajseeate all trespassers upon tbe lands ot thecaantraany

Messrs C Brewer d Co present to notice anadTetbetueet of i oods eipected by the fatoritebark Amy Tmyrr doe at this port from Bostondnri4t Jaly

Jodce Austin has set the date of June 1th furtbe beannc of the petition reaatire to grantusleatecs of administratioa in tbe estate of the lateLeonard It Fattefu

San Francfcioo adrkes state that the schoonerGitmmv present in that harbor has been

basest by Messrs Allen and Bobertson of thiseat- - for the sum of iXJ

A haMTT freaeet is reported as harinf takenplace in Karaeobe Oahn arashing away the bridgeat that place and laying waste sereral hnedrvdacres of rice and sss ar land

Messrs Lyons and Letey the aoctioeers haretwo special sales of fomitare tars week one to dayat IS Kimc street and the other on Friday the2Hh mat at No 3 Kawaiahavo lane

An arteaaan well with only depth of eSErrteenfeet bst from which pcre cokl taer is obtainedis reported as ha Tine been sank on the Governstart lands at Waisloa this island

Hon Sam Parker Hawaiis Commissioner tothe New Orleans Exposition retaraed aain to bissatire isles by tbe Jlataaears on the ad iast MrParkers lamrly accompanied him borne

Half a troth is worse than a solid falsehoolThJ r 1 has been arsrams npoa a half fabthaolUtelyandacorapleteoaeinsoriiecaaes Whon the msser in the teoce that coerces the wtiter

Ihe O S S ataiawedri armed in port here on the3ndtrast 6das aad hoors from San Francisco

She rroTaebt mails and newspaper dates to the 1Mbmat a arie number of passenger and a full carxo

Anterior Services commemorative of DecorationDay were held ia Fort Street Church on the erenios ot the Slth inst Pastor Crczui preached alorcioae aooress arm lave cnorat service was a speml feature

Mr A J Cartwrisht executor of the estate ofthe late Thomas Csmmins notices persons topresent their claims --cainst the estate within sixrnorrths from May STth otherwise they will beforever barred

Kev H S Jordan the new pastor for the Conizrecational Church at Kohala Hawaii arrived bythe UtaraaeelM On last Sunday the reverend gecttteman preached ia the BetheL a large cooErevation being present

The weather during the past week has been ofthat character usually called rasy and durin tbe prevalence of which sweiterine humanityershs for a breeze from the arctic seas Tbe mer ¬

cury has indicated cC almost daily

Sunday the 24th inst was the Ch anniversaryof tbe birthday of Her Majesty Vretona Qseenof Great Britain and Ireland and Empress ofIndia Consolarnags were displayed and someof the vessels in the harbor dressed snip

Next Monday June 1st is the day set for eteotioa of engineers of the Honolulu Fire Depart-ment The present Board Chief Nott 1st Assist-ant


Wilson aad nJ Assistant Mossarrat willprobably be re eteeted by a larse majority

The report comes from Haaalei Kaaai that acaptain of one of the coasters running betweenHonolulu and that port is in the habit of bring-ing


liquor np in his vessel which he trades oi tosatires for bve stock Complaint will piobabtybe made to the employer of the captain

The members of the Hoaolila Yacht and Boatdub held a meetimr at their club rooms at noonof the 3Std inst Beyond tbe election ot candi-dates to laaemberseip aad the acceptance ofresaamatioaso traportant bnsiaess was t taasacted

A match at target shooting took place at Olymuic Halt mc street oa the Skd inst betweenMefers P OSalhTun aad Hugh Hastie Theweapons rifles distance a vards itr u Buurraawas the winner by 10 points There wai quite acrowd in attendance

C S Minister Daggett will probably be relievedby his successor in othce on the arrival of theJforrf due here oa the th prox ConsulMcKixdey wrS probably remain a month loager inotTeoe fats saaccesoor not being due until about theend of June

A Chinese laundry situated on aunanu streetopposite Kakm street was burglarized on the earlymcarniag of the ithiast and a number of laandned paeees conststinc of white shirts collars cnjfsand cnxtcrren s ctotamg was stolen jo clue asyet to the robber

The band gave a concert at Emma Sqsare onthe afternoon of the tScd last which was verywell attended The programme costaiaed be-


other numbers two new selections Bemiatscences of Meyerbeer by Godfrey and a waltzSammer Evening by WaHtecfeL

Last Sunday was Wait Sunday so called fromthe white garments anciently worn by the newlyBaptized catecfaemeas to whom that sacramentwas asuallv ad --tri mstered on the vigil of Pentecostand aspropnate services were held in the Somanjataouc ana Angacua uainearats

News was received by the I S X Cos steamerPeafr which arrived in porthere frora Kauai onthe Stth tost that aa extensive conflagration hadoccurred at the Lihae plantation on the 19th instby which over atty acres of sugar cane were des-troyed


The cause of the fire was accidental

Mr WOSmith of this city having decided tolocate in Sail Francisco for a time for the benefitof the health of his family has opeaed anomceat 111 California street for the procticc of hisprotWioe the taw aad will he pleased to attendto any business intrusted to hiat by has Isladfriemls

The braranrine Ctmml aad barkeatise Dunreery were expeeted to leave Saa Francfaco forthis tiott withxa a few hours of each other on theISch mst There was some talk of aa ocean racebetween the two Tessess to this port aad some betsbad been raade on the resart the beingthe favorite

Mi and Mrs Charles Turner the lessees pro ternof the Music HaU have very generously placed thebunding at the disposal ef the Grand Army of tfaeKeprrbbc for the everarg services connected withthe celebration of Decoration Day Those ser ¬

vices wiH therefore be herd at the Music Hall onthe 33th inst

The first recularcarne of baseball of the seasonof 13 was plaved at the Becreatioa grounds oathe afternoon of the 3rd inst the competingnines being members of the Honolulu andBenedict ciubs The game was entirely one

sd the Honoaulas hi the r3t innings making a score of 11 runs aad winning the garce by atcxai of T to their opponents o--

A brass eauman howitzer was taken up fromthe sottaca of the harbor by the scoop of the steamdredge oathe afternoon of the 21st inst Thecan bears the inscription on the breech EgatiteLiberte and the letters 1 - are os the bodyof tbepmece The sppusrtioa resirdiaff the findK taut it was a boat gua beioaging to a FrenchwsTTessei

Ihoo Botrcuanlt the dartiacaBbed author dramattar araiatorrsraaHitioned as to arrive tnJuaerjcingnas a dramaae company with him to playdfxring a short seasoo This prospect is rndeed atreat ut store and Hoaotaia people may weSrestassured that rf Mr Bocdcault does brin a eonpany savaT eomsaay will well be worthy the patron ¬

age of the rjaxbrxc

Mr S D Fuller the new secretary of the Hono-lulu


vocne Mens Chnstiaa Association arrived bythe steamer Aii Jm He attended the regularmonthly meeting of the Assort Hon held at theirhaul on the 3rd inst and after being elected avotmat member of the AsjociatioQ delivered ashort address The members were present ragoodly Qumber to greet their fellow worker

About Ttua on the 2nd inst fire was discoveredby police omcer Kaapuiki tn a hocse srtaated mthe rear of Eawaiabao church-- He imaiediatelysbooted for help aad with the sw iatanre of MrW3iam Herricx and others succeeded After xstnfabom frfit in sebdeing tte fiaaes and with-out


givmg a general alarm The cacse of the fireis unknown tfsdaxaage about ilX

H K H Princess TfrigBk tam teM the firstreceptioa m her al arraiag resideace at PtUma on the af teraoon ef the Hit rest TbeBand was statissed en the grounds aad playeda number of choice select oca darisc the reeeptioa hours Tbe Prmcess received in per¬

son being however assisted ia providing for thecoofott of the many caaexs by Mrs C B Wrfcoaad Mrs JuxdasKaae

A few strokes of aa alarm of fire were rungfrom the bell tower at 35 p ra on the 2nd matthe cause being the of a kerosene lampwhich a native had throws oa the Soar af hishocse i near the Kin nakspifi church in fit ofXaer the ffime Cf tim lamp irrymrrritti rr wrthne oil and njtingatealrvely Mare The fireas quenched before any great damage was done

aad aaacrriseaTiauuKthealaxmTaceerJieas

Mcer Eevnoiis nl the Board of Health petasthe rnstracticiat of Taptam Jotn Brown

has been searching the city very thoroughly forjdinderrd horsjs ami rrpj ts aathe resalt of hislabors that there are few- if any cases at present iatown In the outlying districts to which he acow grvinchaspecalattTOtitri the iavEHtigatama pursaed aader greater BSarties suspectedcastatsed anfmalff beiag fount ia almost laaccesaibtepiacei

Sews is gecxired by th Jraaif of the death-- irnmigitmij rf Walter Teste the brother of llrs CUreace Ifirfirlarj liefrT Mrs Hflrrsrfrfi aaa zecervevt preiams raticifjai rf the ilasgsrous condition cf health ottie din lied aaat had anas forward ta Cahfotsis

to visit him and thrr were at the bedside of theyouaj nun when he died Deceased wa la hisMia year aad was much belored by thosewltohadtbe pleasure of his acqaalataace

OathotSihinsL several exents took plice alKariolani latk the rrloclpal laing a X mile dtshbetween Agnews - CornweUs Mtnd Eand M lies Australian Filly woa bl Maud E byahead iai13 TheotherevcatswereafootraceotLW yards betweca J Simms and F Cameron woaby the latter in 21 seconds The final heat was atrottiag rase betwrea Thomas H and SidSperrj won by inooias 11 la two stratguiheats

Tbe anuaal uieetiag of the Mission ChildrensSociety was held oa the 33rd iast at the residenceof Kev A O Forbes After the reading of thensnal reports hid been finished tbe election ofofficers lor the easuing term was proceeded withresulting as follows President Frank Vf DamonVice do Y WHall recording Secretary VfJForbes eorrespoadiag Secretary MissMAChambcrlaia borne Secretary Miss S H HillsbrandjTr sarer E Oscar White Directors Mrs It FDillinshsm and Kev S 11 Bishop

The JtBaaraita asasaal brought back to Hono-lulu quite a number of people well known to residefils who bad finished their sojourns abroadamong those best known are Mrs Paul Neumannand familr Miss Sarah King the Misses Alexander Mr and Mrs Gilbert Waller S T Alexanderand family H Kenjes and L A Dickey MrsTavernier th wife or the well known artist MoosJuUs TUTernier and Mrs A Chesebroush wifeot Cbesebroajtb of the weltknown firm of WilliamsDiraond A Co were also passengers by the vessel

There has been quite a series of carriage accid ¬

ents lately at the znd bridge X uuanu road LastThursday morning Mr Henry Chiles cuschmaawas thrown oat of a brake the horse stauibliDgand cutting its leg Later lathe day a party ofyoung ladies were likewise thrown out On Satur-day


evening Dr Craddock and Herbert whiledrrringcptttebill were ruaiatoby a horsemanwho was galloping furiously down The man wasthrown otf and staaaed and his horse injuredOnly slight damage was doae to Dr Craddocksvehicle

Between tbe hours of S and 4 oclock oa themoraiag of the faith iast a police officer stationedat tbe corner of AUkea aad Merchant streets no-ticed the smell of burning rags and on investiga-ting


his search was rewarded by tbe discovery ofa fire in a backroom ot an unoccupied buildingsituated oa Allies street opposite the Mutual Tele ¬

phone Cos office The oQcer quickly extinguish-ed


names aad without giving aa alarm The ragswere saturated with coal oil and the fire was un-doubtedly


of incendiary origin though the objectaimed at aside from tbe destruction of the build-ing


is a mystery

A new steamer built in San Francisco for MrF Wundecburg of this city intended to run onthe Morokal route was launched ia that city dar ¬

ing the past month being there christeaed tbeaVtT Cfrrefeiaaf After the vessel had hadmacht

nerv placed ia her aad a successful test was madeof tbeir working qualities the vessel was

in accordance with Mr Wcndenburgs or-ders


and now bears the name oFVams J fAiar

sri f one of our oldest aad best known citizens Oatbe 13th inst a successful trip was made at SaaFrancisco The vessel was advertised to Iearcthere for this port oa the lStu iast aad maytherefore be looked for on Friday next

The monopolist contemporary makes mmywhen a bit of general news was given relative t6 anew store being erected ia Hilo by Spreckels CoThere was a vein of gentle satire when the humbleiooal of tbe Gitttte was dragged iato the fullblaze of the P C- - J editorial ioor little itemwritten in the wiks of Hilo it fairly blushed atthe prominence given to its unworthy self Modestas a daisy it hang its huad it thought it had doaesomething wrong but a little reflection cast itsthoughts on the tact that the great philanthropistue the gigantic cuttle fish had managed to fit

up bis bank not with the labor of the Artisans ofHawaii bat from San Francisco where the pricewas severed dowa to the last ceat Truly a greatPhilanthropist I thank thee Jew for teachingme that word

la honor of the occurrence of the birthday ofHer Majesty Queen Victoria tbe band gave aconcert at Emma Square oa the eveaing of thetSthiast to aa audieacethat completely filledtbe spacious grounds Tbe programme the numbers oa which were exceedingly well renderedmany of them receiving special notice byheutyhand plaudits was as follows

raar iMarch Kate Brttaata GwlfrrrOvertare Festival BachWant My Qaeen CooteGaaartfaeaa Victoria Faratrr

Eteile OaalsiavetfeetlaeeairABTXX

Selection Piaafore SalliTaaWattl WalBuaaaav BergerXarch Kala Ulateal Berzer

Uaarail reset

HlwuxTwo of the daughters of Mr Lehman of Haka

lau were passengers by the Emma Chmtiim yes-terday


Messrs Hitchcock Jt Co shipped by the EmmiCfaaai a San Francisco XO tans of sugar andtheHii- - k - Co 100 tons

The thw eted schooner rwwa CtmiiMtfWm Mtsou master sailed from Hilo for SaaFrancisco on Tuesday May 19th with full cargoof sugar and two passengers

OPIUM SEIZURES37000 Worth Captured In 36 Hours

There has beea considerable of a flutter in smuggiing circles during the past week consequentupon the capture of two lots of opium which weresurreptitiously introduced into this Kingdom con-trary to the tenor of the law made to govern traffictn the deadly drur

Ihe first seizure was made oa tbe morning ofIhe 21st inst by special officer OConaer of theMarshals department who from information received had cieTerly worked up the traces of a ship-ment


of suspected packages brought by the 11 GInr marked C W K and stored ic a warehouseoa the esplanade near the Likelike wharf OfficerOConnor having located his suspected goods ob-tained


the necessary warrant and a search reTealedthe fact that the suspicions originally engenderedin the mind of a very capable and energetic enstorus omeer were correct tne packages tour nattertabs said to contain butter containing nicety one

drag being securely held in position by as DeputyDayton expressed it very good samples of Fotrero mud7 Tbe entire shipment oa the entryi made origiaally by one Chow Wing Kee and whomthe customs officers state they are unable to identify was seized and taken to the folice stationNo more opium was found although a discoverymts made that there were fourteen tubsof similarcharacter to those seized presumably containinga total of 1271 more tins of opium gone no oneknew where nor has their location yet been

Tce customs officer on duty and who impartedhis saspicioas of the goods tr tbe sharp poticareoreeentative feels somewhat chagrined at themanner la which the coctrabani goods slippedtarocga cis angers ana no less nonplussed aiathe special officer feel when baviag as he thoughthoused IS tins of opium to find upon going togather them in that over thrte fourths of his cap-ture


had disappearedAc arrest was made ia coaaectioa with the

find but the person a Chinaman has been released tbe case against him being mi prosd

xbe secoxd srrxcurOn the mornm of the 23rd insh the sasnicioas

of one of the customs officers John Markhamwere directed towaru some kegs saia to containbutter lving oa the Oceanic steamer wharfmarked A K aad which had been landed thatmorning from the steamer JfaaaeVa Havinglearned a lesson bvthe famx vat made bra brotherofficer on a former occasion he kept his snspicioasto bimcell and acted instead prootng tne suspectedpackages and proved that his suspicions were wellgrounded He then reported the matter to tbePort Sarveyor who formulated a plan to capturethe smuggler A short time after discharge fromthe vessel the contraband goods were called forand duly delivered to a drayman Upon departurethe dray which contained other goods wasshadowed by the Port Sarveyor Meeting CaptainMehrteas en route the customs official asked forBis assistance informing him of thecatare ot thecase Captain Mehrteas deTised a plan whichboth followed out aad as a result succeeded in notonly capturing SCI tins of opium but alsa took intocustody the consignee Ah Koi and three otherChsnese

The value of the two seuaresy thus madeamounts to over iSt and the captures will pro-bably


increase the local value of the drug

In Mezaoriam

AcarorcHna to established custom religious ser¬

vices were held at Fort Street church on the eTening of tteSithinst commemorative af the manywho had given up their tires for the preservationof the American Union daring the dirk days ofthe Rebellion of lstH 5 The services are conned --

ed with the celebration of Decoration Day May30th i on which latter occasion under the auspicesof members of the Grand Army of the Republicthe graves of the dead are decorated

The church was filled to repletion at aa earlyhour by memrjers of the congregation and visitorsseats la tbe body of the church which had beesreserved for the members of Post Geo Da Lmgand their escort the Hocolula Bine alone beingvacant At a few mrnutft before the hour of comroamcanc the services the Post and escort arrived

The interior of the chorea was plainly dressedthe soiemaity of the occasion warranting the presentatsoa of symbols indicati ve of special characteref the services Sarmouatiag the organ was alarge Anaerrean flag and a picture of the Bird ofFrcmdom hang from that lofty pinnacle Thecnotr rati was draped wtth the American tailors asalso tfae gallery On either side of the palforxahSfeeboutTuetsof IrBes were placed one al standiwg beautifully apparent on the right hand sideof the pulpit-- In front of the pulpit was a photograph of Lieut Geo De Long and farther formeda stand of bayonet ted muskets Pastor Cruzanthe Chaplain of the Post conducted the servicesthe foUoVrirtg being the order of exercises

oasesOrjraa VotnalarjDaxaaeay t Ftaaclavocsuan- -atii nana lQMTeliTe

or xxzzcrazs


ri - -

MrXyreia II JcaeaCMttr aad Coozresatioa

CaanradeJ ACrszaateat treat Chair

i Faalaa 117 Err W C Xerrftt

aad Broars aad Xeeanay Xeadiawa BudfiardToraer aad Taraattay

Na Teataaaent Laaaoa ft Peter Zit TCoaarade J A Cream

Hraat 0 Seal Beweata Thy eatatac lUadHallasi Caere- aad CaaarcawtlaB

Prayer KevWCXerrlttBeapoataa CBtMraaPrav He lawtaCaerta

tfrpohr X eadaaaes Haaattord aad Bfawa- -Aamaaaacaaaaata- - Cesrsde J ACraraaBnta -- XrvCowerry tt af tlh

Xhetraaai CaaazreaaraniXearoefsl Sersama Camradc J A CraaiaQaarCettr Beat SoaaDrT Sat Xexil3Ui

Haadforf aad Braara aad Xnars Hill i TiradtrjHraaa Lard while brail Uaakiaa EMU

CherraadCansretrxtlocDaaaaaiaa BW WCXemUOrxaa Beeeaataaai Xr Xyraa II Jaaea

The coral atirvicea was exceMeatly well renderedbyaHxa Hacford Mrs Brown Misses Castle McBryde Benton and Atherton and Xestrf TamerTarclary HaR Castle acd Brawn Pastor Crazacsermon takes from the weeds of Frtrrerha 1ULwas listened to with the dose atteation it deserreufrora eoxazaeceeraect to dose

His Ex the Araerieas Miatstar Besidect aadlady C S Consul MrKTnly and His Majestystfjawimma Eirpjwtdgrnthaaerawaargl tftfoHirwing nersberj of the the Post Dr N BEoerson James T White K W Laine K JGreene J F Noble 5 M rteagsa F L Clark WH Plaa Jaaa Austin C H EMriige O C tanJ S Lorejoy W B McAHrster Jotn Boss JSmaasarj Jr J Scnth- - W C Wilder VT H WB-H-- a

O C ftwliams and L AcSerAt the rJoa of the turnea the sgxgrcgntun

remiirrf m place wsilt the Post and their eicarlretinal tha peal of the ensra added fc tfa martialti peararxe of as icteraattsg CaaL

Bt amatairaliBByip jfBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHBwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnwJBwwwwwwBJBnlBSBmaaaaaaaaBV


Per O S S Alameda Sates to Mar 15

ENGLAND AND RUSSIALosivX May It The cfgotbtions which hare

lieen rvsumtd ia London between Kassia andEut md rcspeclg the Afghaa question are mak-ing


satisfactory progress Some further explana¬

tions are stdl necessary from both sides beforesatisfaction ot the general agreement alreadyreached can bo sreared bnt it is sot believed thiswill delay the final adjustment M Lesaar Chiefof the Knssian Oommissioa of the Afghan frontierquestion expects at any moment to be instructedto proceed forthwith io Asia for the work of dillinitailng the frontier

In the House of Commnas this afternoon Glad-stone


stated that he did cot know whether Knellsaaswer coaceruing the Afghn froatier agreementreached by Lord Granville Earl of KimbetlyBaron de Start and M Lessor and submitted tothe Czar for approval had yet arrived la LondonNegotiations between the two Governments con-tinue


Gladstona said and the Government isunaware ot any further ltnsiian advance Thelatest telegrams received make no mention of anyadTance

A dispatch from Ttipal to the jAiil Ttltjropksays that the people of Afghanistan expect thatEngland will avenge the defeat of the Afghans bythe Hessians or iadematty the Ameer for his lossesTbe dispatch also says that Galatani a Sarakh istbe head man and represents Itussian rale lalenjdeu

Consuls cp ntal at Wj tut declined to 06 1516New 1oKk May H The Iiwi London cable-

gram says Ice 7 laara this morning declares thatmen of all parties are agreed in thinking some-thing


is wrong tn other words that a peaceablearrangement with llussia is eten now cot certainThis warning by the Tiax probably signifies thata bint has got out of the contents of the dispatchesbrought hereby Coudie Stephen and that theycharge the Hessians with aggression and with thelrretsion of letters acd telegrams ot correspondents of the daily papers The especially inspiredUnify --Vm strongly asserts this

Vicrxa May II A dispatch from St Petersborgto the Viftitnat tVrfvjaMHi7nrKi says The basisof the Anglo liassian agreement appears to consistin the abolition ot tbe central zone in favor of adirect boundary between Bussia acd AfghanistanBussiac Government circles think this will securelasting peace a neutral toco having been a con ¬

stant cause of discussionSimla May 11 Theoew Arghaa frentier line

starts at a point north of Zulfikar and runs thenceeastward to Charaara BhieL From the latter placethe lice exteeds northward down to the Knshkriver to Gauzit Khan and proceeds thence eastwardand south to Pecjdeh and Kalioja Sahl

Traimiv May II Colonel AlikhanoS whocommanded the Hussions in their attack on lenjdehisatMarTwithtSXXltroops The Kassians havetwo battalions of infantry and tW cavalry withtwo batteries at Sarakhs They haTe strong out-posts


at acd ZalfikarHookou May It The llussian Minister at

leking is much concerned orcr the Knglish occapatian of Quelparet Vladirostock Is closed toforeign vessels unless brought in by a llassianpilot

LctiiroN May 13 Condie Stephen bearer ofdispatches from Sir Peter Lumsden to the Govern ¬

ment says the British Commission stated forTirpul directly after the lenjdeh battle Onreaching the Faropamisus mountains a terrificsnowstorm rendered progress slow and manycamp followers were lost The defeated Afghansretr aled by another rocto via Maranchak andBala Murguab Pcnjdeh valley is a most fertileoasts and lovely country with splendid pasturelands Ia springtime the ground is literally car- -peteu wiiuuuaen

A dispatch from St ietersbarg arrived lastnight and lliron Do Stael immediately bad aninterview with Earl Granville It is surmisedthat Russia has accepted the convention

Sr IlrrtEsBCKo May 12 The Imperial Councilof War h is ordered the transfer of military acd me-dical


stores at Krasnovoisk to Askabad and haveinstructed the Commissary Department to getready to equip 0130 reserves Articles for the for-mation


of a steamboat company for operation onthe river Oxas have beea submitted for approvalto the Council ot the Empire General Anaenkoffhas started to pash work on the TranscaspianBail way

Tbe irciiUsciae to day publishesa lengthydispatch fr ru General Komarofl in which he ex-

plains more tally his actions and gives more de-tails


ot the incidents which led up to the battlebetween the Kussians and Afghans on tho Kusbknver on March 30th In this dispatch KomaroxTreiterated everything he had stated in his formerdispatchvs regarding the unexpected progressivemoTemei t of the Afghans and claiming that thelatter were the aggressors

London May 12 In the Uoaso of CommonsGladstone stated that the agreement which hadbeen reached by Granville the Earl of KimberlyBaroa De Staet and M Lessor respecting theAfghan boundary had been forwarded by BaronDe Stael to St Petersburg for approval BaronDe Stael and 31 Lessar Gladstone said acted asHessian plenipotentiaries in the conference whichresulted in this agreement and Barou De Staeldesired to have it stated that Lord Granville theEarl of Kimberly M Lessar and himself hadagreed to draft an agreement and that he BaronDe Stael had forwarded it to Kussia giving ithis support

New Yoee May 12 A dispatch from Muhedsays that Colonel Stewart and aaother Britishofficer will go to Herat for the purpose of examinlug the fortifications and giving tho Ameer anyneeded adrice ia regard thereto

London Mar 1L Gladstone aanounced in theHouse of Commons this aftercooa that he wasabout to present to the House some most import-ant


news in regard to thu foreign policy of Englandic her relit ion with Afghanistan Gladstone thenstated that an arrangement had been effected be-tween Earl Granville Foreign Secretary EarlKimberly Secretary for India Baron De StaelKussian Minister to England and M LessarSpecial Kussian Agent at London in regaruho theAfghaa frontier The arrangemect was satisfac-tory


to Her Majestys Government and Earl Duffertn Viceroy ot India He hoped the arrangement would be made subject to a convention withKussia

Lord Harrington Secretary for War statedthat a decision had beea reached by the Govern-ment


in regard to the Soudan which practicallyinvolved the abandonment of the advance oaKhartoum He said that the Government hadresolved to make Wadyhalfa themost advanced

Edition of the permanent defense of Egypt Thetroops would be withdrawn as soon as the

Nile rose It is expected the rising will occurabout the end of May The withdrawal of thetroops iavolved the abandonment of the advanceto Khartoum This statement was received withcheers from the Government benches

The Government has co intectiou the speakersaid of evacuating Saakim until some arrange-ment


can be effected for holding it agiicst hostileArabs either by England or some other dvilizednation At present Suakim could not be held with-out


a fight Osman Digma El Mahdis chief lieu-tenant


for many months post has been besiegingtbe place aad has frequently declared himself de-


on driving the garrison into the Bed SeaTherefore the holding of Snakira wa3 a militarycot a political question

Henry Chaplin Conservative member for Midlincolnshire asked how much the Government hadspent on the Khartoum expedition and if the sumwas greater than the fJLVVVC0 mentioned in the

ooVXAMQQ as the sam requested for th Soudanaccount

Gladstone replied to this interrogatory and saidthe Government had already spent a great deal ofmoney in the Soudan but were unable to say atpresent whether any portion of the 22TjGG0would be saved Gladstone then moved for thesecond reading of the Consolidated Fond bill the

ooXJOOCO credit He urged his motion in aspeech ia which he declared that he was unableto understand the differences which existed on thissubject between the oppositioa and the Govern-ment


He urged tbe House to avoid anr unneces-sary


issue just cow a3 it would be the duty of theHouse topass judgment on the conduct of the Gov-ernment


No sooner had Mr Gladstone quit speaking thanthe Conservatives opened upon him and his Gov-ernment


the bitterest attack within their power tomake ThiswasledbrLardGeorgsFraacisHamilton member from Middlesex Lord Hamilton 13

bting strongly pushed forward by the Tories astheir leader m the Commons He secured the occasioa for making his attack by moving consideratioa of tfae amendment given notice of by SirStaflord Northcote present Conservative leader inthe Commons oa Friday This amendment is oathe second readme of th Consolidated Fund billfor a fresh Tote of censure a gain t tbe Governmentand concludes in the following words

The House having shown their read htess to votesupplies refuse their assent until informed of thepresent policy acd purpose far which the money tobe granted is to be applied

Lord Hamilton in moving consideration of thisamendment said The Bight Honorable Marquisof Hartingtoa Secretary of State for War has justmade tha most extraordinary statement which everfell from a Minister in this House After announc-ing


their intention of taking Khartoum the Gov-ernment


has announced to cight the abandonmentof the Soudan after having murdered GOOD or 10000men Yet the Government expects this House toacquiesce silently in its policy The greatest dan¬ger to the country u thu iacapadty of the men inoffice Conservative Cheers The Governmenthas surrendered every oue of the questions betweenit and Bussia Tbe Prime Miaisterbas altogetherabandoned tbe attitude by which the Governmentobtained the vote of credit Tbe great objection Ihave to the Premiers policy is that from the veryday he assumed office until now be has shown araKdmess to saenrke anabody and everything tosave bimielf Crwa of Hear HearPJ

Cnamberlaia Fresident of the Board of Tndetaunted Lord George Hamilton with inconsistencym asking for information from the Governmentthat eould be relied on Chamberlain said theHouse would be suable to adequately judge theconduct of the Government cstil all tbe papers inthe case were presented He contended that theobject of Sir Peter Lcmsdens mission had tongreat extent been achieved Ha was glad to aadLord George Hamilton advocating the propositionthat so faith should be placed in Bussia and thatthe only course was to go to war When the gen-eral


electaons come the Government would remindthe oppositioa af their policy and it would thenbe sees whether the eotmtry was tired of peace

Lord Hanultoas motion was defeated by a votenf 23Hto2et The ma jority consisted entntly ofLiberals The Parcellites voted with the minori-ty


The House received the result rather listlesslyXuxtrjediscasHton a dramatic arid cacilicgrh

ddeat cccarred The Duke of Argyll was matinga fpeech defensive of Mr Gladstones policy onEgyptian matters when the solemn body was etartIedoctof aUrxepriety by a piercing shriek Thacry came from Baron Dormer Liberal Hesprang to his feet and then sank to the floor Itwas soon aeen that the baron was xsafitandnnenosdoss Doctors were summoned and theysucceeded after much tabor ia restoring him toconsdoasneias The baron was soon afterward removed to his home

It is reported that the Government inordertodose the bargain with the PamefTites for tbeirsupport to vote the credit to morrow have prorcued to increase tb grant ivt regxsrratioa ex-


ia IrelandSr PtjxasBcaa Hay II It is reported that

Prices Lobaaoff Uaatowski Kcsaiaii Embassadorto uitiia is about to succeed M De Giers asForeign Minister Pnaea Lobacoff Bztlcraniiwas armratorasd froo Vienna last March to advisetho Boatias Gorerumcsa 3 regard to the Afghanfrontier tjasstion and be known to bold stressaati Fnghsh views

OaxauMy 1J- - Th railway flint which hascera collected for that Kauiia tree fapta the Cau-casus to the Black Sea has been diverted to thaefflostraetiurt of a strategic tiee fmm VladikaakasatoFetrrfiii on tha Caspian tea

It is reported that a rerraacect garttaoo of ifCOmen win be stationed at SebastopcL

SiTa Tcix May II ThelTriW Moeejw spe-cial yj A3 extremal tare feeling prevail inErilitary dirts becasas war H pott paced ManyGeamh epeil deeUzi litis rnagziiseat eppor- -

taoHy Is now lost The feeling is so billet andwiuc aprcati mat toe uzar uasDea adTliod tovisit Moscow for a few weeks to calm tho excite-ment


BtxLCt May 11 The Kaiser will accept the po-sition


ot arbitrator Tbe question seems to nar ¬

row down to this Did either Afghanistan tho allyof England or Hnssia intentionally break theagreement as to tbe neutrality ct the militaryforced daring the boundary crgoUatioasT

Lqstxs May It A SI letenburgh dispatchsara that theCronsUdt fisetisot bnt little nsaand that Hoisiis naral strtn cth has been greatlyoverstated

IcsTxa Mav U Th IWy Yr believes thaiHartingtoa will on Monday announce favorableprogress la negotiations oa tha Afghan frontier iaTerr way acceptable to tho AmeerSTFrrrssECEan Maria The Wmil diSl

Pitrrttwre thinks that Gladstone may antidpatoalt Stafford Kotthcotes motion ot censure with asurprise fox both his opponents and friends

Vixsiu May 11 Huaslan war preparations areoinbated It Is reported that ltossla has forbidden the employment of any Englishmen oa thefeats ia Afghanistan

The Montarrne Tnrner ConcertsITie second concert of the series was given on

Thursday evening last The house was well filledin dress circle and parqnette but the gallery wasjery thinly represented We believa that badSaturday night beea chosen for oca evening of theperformances the houses would have beealazEerSaturday night is tho best paying night in anyplace and is e rpeciallv so here

Let os leave business The concert opened withLapparition delicately played by the QuiatettaClub They members ot the dub did further goodworkasKccompacvistslaterinthecvening Somacriticisra cf tbe club has been made it Ls curiousto cote that the last IfAemwuw ma tes exactly thssame criticism of the orchestra of Carl KosasCompany when plajlng for the new opera --WfiWiat Drury Lane so that our amateurs erred ia goodcompany

Mr lorners sung Her name Blumenthalwas well received Mr Turner was in good voiceacd he worked up to the bold ceding of the songwith brilliancy and dash He was followed bv theChoral Crab who tried to sing Gotal mghtf Goodnight beloved and did cot succeed Some un¬

dowered aeddtnt occurred which threw tho voicesflat and the eflect was not good Such things willhappen to even more experienced choirs so thedab need not despair indeed the mala voiceswere used for the At istim chorus later in the evenIngandtheysanKadmirablyintttneandtims Thetimo of the Jfrrre being inflnitelv more catchythan that of Good night beloved

AYhen Miss Montague stepped on the stage itwas easy to see that she bad thoroughly establishedherself in the affection of her audience The piecechosen was Verdis Ah Forso a lui from theopera of Traviata this is a grand aria in the floridItalian style whkh shewed the command that thosinger bad over her voice its compass and powerAn enthusiastic encore was pleasantly respocded toby the Swacce Kiver which was most pathetic-ally


The next cumber brought forward Mr Yarndeywho played Ernsts Elcgio a favorito piece withour music lovers He rendered the cotes withgreat feeling acd delicaoy acd enthusiastic ap-plause


called him occo more to tho front when heptayeu me genua sootning melody AbschiedOnce more Mr Turner stepped forward and sang

A Itomany Lass This took the audience andhe received a hearty encore which was respondedto bra song with an Irish ring to it It is a charm-ing

¬Girl I love which was sung in a genuine rol-


style that suited tho musicMiss Montague then gate the best piece artistic-


on tho programme Thomas Mignon Thisis a most exquisito bit ot music and was Bung inthe stale which oniy a great singer can sing Itwas the more effective trom knowinc tho snnnrpssed power that was there Honolulu has seldomif ever heard so artistic a rendering cf a trulyexquisito song

T ho first part concluded with a well played pianoduet by Miss Castle acd 3Ir G L Babcbck

The operatic selection in costume which coacladed the performance was tho Tower Scene fromIlTrovatore Miss Montagus sang and acted thedespairing Leonora in a thoroughlr svmriatheticstyle Mr Turners singing of Manricos everpopular --an tne la morte was wonderfully goodand the curtain fell upon a thoroughly pleasedhouse


A very enjoyable concert was given on this even-ing

¬Miss Montagus appeared in thrco numbers

The first It was a dream This we rememberher singing five years ago and tha Toice had lostcoce of its freshness the delicacy ot intonationwas the same there was no improvement it is impossibta to improve ou the cnimproveable Aaencore called forth Somebodys Coming whichwas sang most archly and winningly InthsSthnmnber tho house again heard the gifted lady inAmbrose Thomas Polonaise from Mignon ac-companied


by Miss Alexander This displayedwonderful powers ot vocalization the runs weretuneful every note even in the presto passagescoming true Again in the Quartette from Kiggoletto the same clear voice rang out blendingbeautifully with Mrs J Browns Alto Mr TurnersTenor and Mr Yarcdleys strong bass

Mr Turner was cut ia good voice and h is balladsinging might have been improved on Blumenthals Message was not what oce would harewished it to be it lacked delicacy that delicacywhich is so thoroughly the charm of Miss Monta-gues

¬singing Possibly the singer was striving

against an unsatisfactory accompaniment Thesong received an encore and was responded to by

Come into the Garden Maud which was sungwith an tlau that carried the house To theseventh number Mr Turner sang Haifas Didstthou but know with considerable force

Mr Yarudlevs violin Morceau was well re¬

ceived We would like to hear him play unaccom-panied


he would fascinate an-- audience TheAmateur Musical Sodety redeemed their reputa-tion


the singing of Hash thee my Baby waswell done and displayed the ot the clab ti rendersoftjtnd tender music

The Quintette Club acquitted themselves as theyalways do excellenly The piece chosen was aConcerto by Uauptmann a cleverly bitot orchest-ration


thoroughly well plaredThe first part closed with an accurately played

piano duett Felsenniuhle performed by Mis3Carris Castle and Mr G L Babcoek

After the usual intermission the curtain roseupon a very pretty scene shewing the toot of aGypsy Encampment with a lake beyond Andthen appeared ia pretty costume Arline MissMontague and Thaddens Mr Charles Tomer Aportion of the second act was given commendngwith It be Dream and concluding with the duet

Tha wound upon thine arm Mr Turner inter-polating


When other lips from the third actIn opera these talented artists are seen and heardto advantage Here they are thoroughly at homeand one understands why tney became so popularIn the colonies The Dream was charmingly sungwell accented as to words and with tho cAiV of atrue oreratie singer Tbe final duet must behighly praised the accuracy with which tho voicesblended in such passages as the rans before thofinal pm mso being specially noticeable To-morrow

¬evening a fresh crocrammc will be ciren

particulars of which will be found in tho advertis-ing

¬columns cm which occasion Mrs Joha Fair

has kindly consented to sing a Io and a duet withMr has Turner

Tbe British Benevolent Societys BallTbe Annual Ball of tl is Sodety was given last

evening at the Hotel Tbe diniogroom was beautifully decorated for the occasion Mr UensonChairman of the Committee of Decorations havingdone excellent work Tne did lmeatatioa was lightand airy suiting tbe room a handsome motto

God Save the Queen worked in piamerias andand scatlrt geraneunia was placed over the Iloyalseats Among tbce present were His Majesty thePrincess Liliuokalani the Hon A B ClegbornHis Excellency Bollin MDaggett SI Feer a num-ber of the Consular Corps and a number of ourprindpal dtizens

The ball was a thorough sueeess the supper wasexcellent and served ia that easy style which is soenjoyable a grett contrast to the hideous andcostly scramble of last year at tbe Mostc Hall TheBeception Committee consisting of Messrs AMrKibbin T If Walker W Lishraan W H Bairdand Chas Crazier performed tbeir duties cicelyand the floor was roost admirably managed by MrHenry Macfarlane wIm thjogh tie had a man-agers


committer to support him fiirly needed noassistance he was a host in himself IJaiant onefor the llntbh henevoieat Society



Ills aa oatee with Xeatr IliahopX Co cosaer of Me-rchant aod Kaahamana directs aad he wit be aleaaedo attend to aoy imaiaeas rstra ted to him HC7 Saa

SIR W C PARKEHisanOficeover Xesar Biahnp A to BaalccorarXertaaal and Eaahamaca SJt aad arill Be happy toattend to any baaiaeas tntraalsd Io his care 03k Cm

Nrm Htctrtistiiiciits


So H IsEiforB Mret Siu Fibcico CalllKt fnTmp a Pand I at Co Dailtiigr I

NOTICET A COXCIIKE OF HOXOjUILLa O hn hereby scaeawee to all caacavaeat that I

have bc reapeeaibilltv for aar debts or cuaacraarau ofCALlMAot Kasaa Haass A COSCIIEE

Iloeaialw May ma ISC Hag laa


A SO APTKI THIS DXTIZaar Banaa ae aeraaata feauad treaeataataa aa aaa

of Ike PACIFIC alCAB XlLL COsLaadaleitBarowaad ar leaacat foi aay parpflaa arbafarar will hacnaarcsted arxaardraz to taw THOB S KAY

Xaaazer P If X CoKakaiaaatr May 3Bth US lata laa


ALI IKIS jOXri KOUJ TUIis--p-Usjif- lx

ob live

Lands of Alaenui Kipahulu Maui

Wtil Ix prtMcKSrf iKCvrltK- to hv IMS H






aia TooxaoajrcT van i aaavarrar


moHSETS coossuicEs soucrroas iqyo--cates BDaons rasramEBs c

V3rolTICe--lIawa- Ula Ille adjaaiaisz Paa4aSca- -taonsf

Execntors Notice to CreditorsHavixg AFPoiJrEr irs

Ctttrt Eaccatars of the Iaat tVllt efBZSBT MAT late af llsawaata deceaaad we ttrriitVratify all cudlters al taa Eatate of said Beary May Kpmeat rhetr clatsal ataly Tevftad to a bb aaad Xfeaelata wttUs six zaettfhs frest ttti date or tT hefonner tarred TOM XAT

f c Jtrsea JEEzecstarief the Ian Win at liooj Xsy deeeaaad

UoofaIsStkAfnil3 MO ft

aIBaSS1j -i- taatC-fl




iLVtm 3uiicrtstmtiit3

PostponedTHK l Ain

CllCIlCIIwlilchwuadvertlardtollteIX ATD OV KAtTMA

Crli laursaay sxa la rusTronsii u riirliiATu fflthl itaat al 1 p mpr AUMISSlON TWKNTT FIVK CESTS nItaait TKlt OIU1K1E

linn leiKTiaa Oao w lHLua IVaro Dxtt op Cat O A It

llcainc My 55th 10Kaawwf Order V it

I rruaBt to Oeaeral Outers No 1 of Drpirtmtntnesa tfairtrrs ttirecilBctMobarrvucear xemailalHay the ComrsiJes ot tats rau will aairmbls at theIoat Koora on KIbc street SATURDAY NEXT JUy

tu aa a a j aoarp la aant cioicea oiaca naiswhite rlores and badges

tl Under the escort of the ltonalalaTMflealba FSaatwill take op the liae ef mirth it 1 3 r M tar theXanana Cemetery aad there decorate the craves ofus naaa

111 The line of March wilt ba from the Peat TtaaAialong King street to Fort up Fort to iietetaaia alongiKirtaDu ia nuna ineiico np nnsna to ine uewtelerv

la The colamn will be termed a followslat Tha Royal Hawaiian Band2nd The Ilooolala ftlCraSnl Uro W DeLong Pant 0 A ILtth Invited OnrstaUh Those In rarriircs and tho pnblle geoarally

V Comrades of ue Pest American clujess aadhlendt of tae orcanlaitlon are ramestly solicited Inmake toeh contrl nations of floral designs nawersferns and green lares as may be ueetnl for decorative

on this occasion and to send them to Iheoat Boost on King street early in the forenoon of

Alemortsl Day where there will be some cane to recelra them Parties who And It inconvenientio deliver their ooril contributions at its intRoom wtu please rail np by telephone Henry Tllrbbard The Ameilcan Express Co telephone NoSS not later than II AM on Saturday and an express will al enco b despatched to fetch thrm

VI The Post will assemble again on tB evening ofXrmotlal Day at the 1ost Room at 1 N aharp andthence march under tha escort of tho ilonulaln IHaeaalong King street ta the Mnsle Hall aim It will per-form appropriate rttnal and participate la pahllc rxerClsea

VII All solilers and uilors now in the service oftho Catted States or who have been honorably dis-charged mere from are cordially Invited to assemble atthe Post Room Bad march with the Tost In the proces-sion

By order of X B EMERSONTost omaaader

JAS T NOBLE Adjutantmatt rcrKLCnaaiSnt Major



in this city on Monday Mar ilth ISS9 the tnlUiwloeomcera were amy eircieu

1resldent WLUretaVlccrresldcnt JX iVrtehlTreaanrer Alex McKlbbinAuditor 11 r ttiea eatnnSecretary II V Xlat

Signed II XT MISTICS1 It Sreielarv

Xotice to CreditorsrlIK UXDEKSIGKED HAVINGJL been daly appointed Execntor ot the last Will andTestament pt TI1UMAS CUMMlNSdecoaird lite ofAYalmansIo Island of Oahn notice Is hereby given toall persons to present their claims against the Estateof said Thomas Cncvmlns daly authenticated wbetheesecured by mortraco or otnerwlae to the nadersiKaedat his office on Kaabnmana street Honolulu saidIMhn within mix months from the date hereof or theywill be forever barred and all persona indebted tosaldEatateare hereby requested to cake Immedlatpayment to the undersigned

llited Honolulu Mayftth 10A J CARTWKHSIIT

Kxrcntoc of ths list Will and Testament of ThomasCammlns deceased llast im

Corporation NoticeNOTICE IS 1IEKE11V GIVE

meeting held In liana on tho ISth divotnay i5oi tne sabacrlbera to the stock or the ilokaeanl Sngtr Company it was voted to accept theCharter ot Corporation granted to them their asso-ciates and successors on the 13th day of March 1S3under ihe Corporate name and style uf tha MUKAENCI hlUAK COMPANY and that said Corporationonder said Charter thereupon organised Itself andelected the following otneers

JKIIannna PresidentC K Kakanl Yice rreaklentPKawalka ManagerHenry Z Kalpo SecretaryWCAcfal AuditorW H Cnmmlars TreasarerCK Kakanl - I HoardlKiwalkn - otWH Cammlngs J Director

Notice Is further given that In accordance with theof said Charter No stockholder anal be

able for the debts of tho Corporation beyond tbeamonnts which may be dn upon tbe share or sharesheld or owned by thrm 11BSKY Z KA1PO

Secretaryliana Maul Mar 134 ISSa 10SS it


21 --aFOR SuSLIj33

llATiasiasiaboatcomplcted two 27ft Scri Voxnfor the itonnr coaet of III Jo Uawal on tbe modl ofthe KInaV Itoau eo highly tpproteii byUit Klnjand othfrta 1 am now prepared to fill a similar order toparties deairln- - the Mine These Br xe sold at aprice consUtent with any imported and a far at atimDcr In one piece Is better than one jointed In pieceand betn close together they are comparatively

-- titer and stronger The main object gained U theiritrenrth Ushtness and flexibility Our terns kaecaand timbers are all Ivst Oak steam bent tbe tatterbein In one piece ronnin- - from ganwal to jrnnwalwith hcary aprons and iiead trools fastened Hd byscrew bolts holds a sqaarecaalked rabbet 0r facilUe for balldins are such as we can sire about anymodel or shape to a vessel and da plicate parts of anyvessels we have bnlld can aliraj be famished at tv

few hours notice If sofllcient ladncement is offeredThere are four of the Boats now open for Inspectionto Interested parties will be sold finished or otherwisewithout paid patty or bill paper The terms are cjk

EST Aintnal Telephone No anHG On hand and for sale Whale or Scut Coats

Oak Mem j Knees and Timbers all shapes snd sixesAlso beveral hundred feet of finished Oat itUch-lt- -

tltue Chaln Cattens sold per foot m quantities tosmt and tbe only track In town fit to carry a Coatwithout cnckinn and straining her can be Irooxht orturca at me enterprise aiiiu

t3Ly laitIc3 on the other Islands requiring Materialsa Boat or Scowbollt or repaired would do well to com-municate with - J A DOUEi

IU3 IIonnlQlii





Bc to direct Public Attention tu their R





PIS- -


Without Which N one are Genuine

frXealcr- - and tuer- ar hfieby raution againstinfrtnzctnente of tUUK i COS Trad Marks andimiUtlotaS of their maniifaftorc

ItOBT CXTTuSAt lorn ey for Clark A Co

Ifonoinlo i3d April lr ItBB ly

Winslows Club Skates

THE VIX7iAiD a c v s c andX other Oood WrkSlatrs Prices Kadseed Sendfor Catalogue WIESTEIt t CO So 17 Sew Montgomery Street San Francisco CaiforBla ttfar a

MARSHALS SALEviirruK ofa vrinr or kxk

rattoo loed out of tbe tiaprewe Coort on theZ7tH Amt of April A V lw aiititit JANE S HEEDAdnnfswatnx of the tt of H If lleml dreese4taettalait in fnor of MS GBIXUALH CO pUinUS tot tbe sam of n39jn S have levied mptm andf lull ejpor f it the OM Caitow Houc Wharfin nonowla Island of Oahn at tt ocl k aoos of

Friday the 29th Day of May A D 1885

Ta the htahest Wdctar all the riefct Utie and ialrraatof the saM Jane S Iteed Adaaratslratiix ataeeaatd defeadaat la aad to the rattawias property aaless aaldladraaawt latrrcat coals aad arr eaavaaea be iaralrmaiypaid

List of prot rtr fur sale -

STEAxYTKR W H REEUJWith ail her Tackle Apparel and ronHiee

J If gOPEK MarsaaIloaalala April Otto Kaaatd

Ex Forest Queen45000 CALIFORNIA


Red Wood ShinglesPtr FOB SALE BY

HHACKFELDCOIartnersliip Xotfce

TIIE OJJEIWIGSEI KAyBTJiISX day favK4acartaeraaBaafafatnrs

I Xaaaca aad fetldeseea or taa parraars Java DPiruJrBt Kaawiloa IsltBd of liaaall Jsha Uaapar f Kahaaloaaai Keaa Idaad of Hawaii

5 Nature af tha hssfaeaa of raeh partlMrship Irt--

rr savt Stock Kilarazt rimnn KAHAXLOA EASCILPtatia af baarasHBf Ike partarrshtp feaa aai

the lalaad f Uarall - JtlHS P PARIS JJLJOUS JA3PAE

UoaaBlaiasr 3MIA



V aavl- - mo a - avaTrUa afJa aVafas an nu 13UBI1IJ V3 k1jisa otHOXOKOHAL- - aad IIOSULCA IlteBd ef Msalwast Ihe sam reaaoved by Jama tat last-- ar tar ealllhe takew ap for trespass a4 aH peraoaa wiaitarzcrazl2 rfxhts will aeply to aae on the tcamtaes

JOs C HOWIE llsoajTHoaalaa Mill Miy Hh US IMrTlal

BROWJNT o tv oolmgvttetf tti DeaHni Is

Ales Wines and Spiritsat snKriieiix

If Kertaaat lmt epTXtte the Post 0SCMfT Iteceislaf If I tje



dilution Sfllta

Household Furnitureaat

On Wednesday May 27thAl 10 ocler a at at IB ItMldeaea of MnH Me

LS tN l RlBf stmt



TWO BEDROOM SETSB VT Ettaaisteai Wauat TaMa aad Chairs

Croaterj and Qtawware Mstttnt MiltreM

Kitchen Stove and Utensils EtcThe anal aasartn nt of HwiaehoM raraltara

ITOJIS A IBVBT Aaetlwaeers

Regular Cash Sale

On Thursday May 28tht li m at Satetrootn will te M at Anetltm



Barrels Salmon Sets Batnrj itarne- - Ac Also

Lot of Household FurnitureLYOXS i LBVKY Aaelloneera


Furniture at Auction

ON FRIDAY MAY 29thAt lt oclock a u al IheKriidrncr ofMRlVKS

So 3 Kawaiahao Lane In the rear of Kawala- -hao Church ton account of departure we

will el the Bo tire


Two Cedar Bedroom SetsI Imitation Rosewood DadruoBa Set I ImitationII W Dedroon Set Bed Loann Hair Ctata

Loaeiee Mshosaay Cealra Table Itava

Lace Curtains CornicesIt V Extension Olnlae Table TaStra Jt chainMatting Steve and Kitchen Utensils LaatpaCrockery ItclBreMilaaaware Hoae Tools Jte

LYONS Jt LEVEY Atctloaeers

DysDinesATivcTiillyorlrrof Hi Eieillrary the 5UMSTE1 of lh

INTEltlOIL arr a 111 rll Ii Auction at oar Vail room

On Saturday May 30tht I n Kb ntton the

rollowing Described BuildingsI The Ooe Mwy Wooden imihtisnc coaslstlnx

roosnts sofcled aad paJttted and flooted with loagneaad KTooie luaberj with ahelvltts and windowsand roofH wtth galvanised Iron

2 The bUMa aad Vanfcrs all cosnohrtc for W honetooted with svantavd Iron the iraase la i tterfeci

order well Disced and well sapptled with Ironfn Uers

The abova Baildldrn arr sttnated on ths Philtufrantlac the Laaalilo ilwme and lately ocenpted by taJioaniea Iouce rorce

3 THeWuod o Jtaildlne n Mer hant Street iWelyoccupied by the Gaelic Cumaierctat Advertlsetwalso at the rear a hel roofett and lined with ral- -

vaniseu uoo1 ThaWeodta Uaikllua ihi Merchant Street lately

occspled by Kawainnl Bros adjoialas the newIvi ice awtivn

CsfTerBis Cash and the Dalldief to be renoredwithin 15 days frtBi day of sale and all rabotah to bvcieareu np aao earteo away

LYONS X LEVEY Auctioneer

MortgageesNotice of Sale

11 direction of Stephen Spencer the atottjtasceenamed In a certain mortemge made by Kahaataanm KofMoaaalaa Island of Oahn to said Stephen Spcarrdated Uth May IbT reconkd la the otSea of the HttIstrar of Conveyances ta liber oa foHoa 108 snd Vnwe are iniracieu to sen at ravrje Anction

ON SATURDAY JUNE 131985 at oar Salesroom at t aoew

The Dronerlv xoeciled in atd mortntir as followsconflaatinjr of all those certain premises In MMMklnalelaattotOiha aforesaid eontaiatnitaa ares of 3 6eUUacres desctlbed la Iloyal fiteat No Hi Also allOut eerUIn piece of land ta Pnafca Uhshu Island vf

11 an conuininr i roou sea n pertnes uesenoea iaJtoyal latent o 3381

tXTTenas cash deeds it tbe expense of parettasefFor farther partleatars iaqotrw of

J M MOafSAHRATAUoraey for HmiwHf or to

LYONS Jt LBVET Auciloaerrs

MortgageesIVOTIC JQ r 8AJQJG

By ilifcium of Stephen pener thr niftigafe enamed- n a certain mortnize made by Kameo w aadKahthl k herhnsband of Hatahrle Island of Oabat said Stephen Spencer dated 19th day of Novemberifffj recorded in tne ofice of the tezitrar of Conveyances in liber TO n folio- - and BS ws are tastrncted to sell at Public Auction

ON SATURDAY JUNE 13AtottT Salesroom at tnooa

Tbe piopcrty specified tn said flawrtsage as followsHitnated in ntld aasaole aad CAsatattajr of the rHlowing parcel of land via I Tea tsro patches aadkals areaSeyIsJaerea taore partlcatarly described lalioyai Patent I MS to Xaeote k the father of ssldKasseo S Twotaro patches aad hats area 5 HW ofaa acre am oarttcnlarly described la Royal TateatNo Hal to ilalnie w the mother of said Kameo w

Terms Cjub Deed st tbe expanse of pnrcbaserFor farther SarUealan ennnire of

J M MOSSAHMATAttoraey for Xor Igsjcee or to

LY05S A LBVET Aacttoaeers


By dln rtini nf 11 A WidcmanUalb mmixxxrr uadId a err tain mitrtzaae made try 4oala Ohis of Walhreladandof Ma to raid It A rVtdeataa date 9la dsvof Xnvember 11 recorded la tbe dce f thtrar or t otsvrranrer in nsr v un isikm iw a bwc ar- - tn ltnctcd to at Public A act inn

ON SATURDAY JUNE 13At oar alestrotfais H ti noon

The propetlr d crlbed a said awrtaaye a folknraSltaatcd ia Wlhee and coatainlng aasreaofS tacres sad beta the same describe la Koysl PateatXo 9 L C Award So aad that wera coatered ttk aohU JfMU Atai br L4- - w bv dd dated the flStfe

day March ItfTCtorrtWwlth ad that land lyUjtoatside of aad aear to mH above sseatlswed sad dea- -cribed pretne4tdaefaKWaraau laad xtvca hycII Lowers to 4ml Ohls la exd sage for s trtp of thepremise stescrlaed nadrr sld iloyal PaUat So 4CAsaid strip txiss ased far a road st Use prsaeat tlae

Terms Cash Deed at expense of anrelwarr ForfarUwr nartlealars eaalre of

Atloraey for Mortgsree e ioLTOHS A LtVer Aactkiaere

Mortgageesaar C4 -n wj jIbU m ws Wajijj jb

Bv direetioo f Marr K Lwf the SMteaaxe namedla errtmim tantttrm aaad bv lsmal KeUal Kaar- -

disit nf Affrt sad Mele Ksspoas f Hoaalafa Ismavdor oalis to sata xary n iawsts astro vewusarr esasWWB Kcorftd Io tita odfea of the KesrJatsaar of Coavev- -

accs m iiiff as paxsjj urease lotraetd to tell stCUDdC ABCM

ON SATURDAY JUNE 20tiaVia ear fiaksrooama at boob

The proprir sprtlaaal la aald amortjBaaw aa foUewermeirtlac of tara ftareets itt aaad Tin aaraaf aarlaaT

allaa1 oa fort aueat ia JfaSMlala aaat Basac tH afvr uaa oeaenaeaa ia aaoraa raanaa uat raavaa aara

briasr laad at Haaaokaaao aTalUBi araaSlsOaf aasere rmerlaaad ia Rofsl faint Wt Kaaaw

Trvaaa LaaB- - umaqa exoawae of Barrehaaav Forronnrr partiraaars eoajBHe n

vaaaijs sa AfraiiAtttaraay for tCeviaaaaae- - or

LYOJ n LBVET Aactbmeft9

Administrators NoticePIIE CNDEtlrJlOXKO HalVIXGX br-- diilr app rlatad ArtsslalMraKw of the Jtstata

of Chas rHa mate of MawolaJa daxeaaai all prroaaahasiax dahaaasalBat tha aald BataM are aratlaVad thatIsmry aaaut Mraeal MM saaaa daly vaaisaaL aad wtthsawtarr seeeeera the aadrtitreot arlUaht rtz saaarthafawai date af this aallaw m chef artll ha tarevae aarsasLaad all aeraeau tsdeBtaat te said Bstata ace reaaaelsflto raika laaaaaaOate jiatawwi ta bh aar ataea Kathaauaa Strart lloaoaara W C PAHKKAaaSBBlaaraMr at aaMaftaaa raia Am aaa

ii oasiata uf n raw raei at


-t- aCCClaIW TO


nrimtHardware Agricultural ImplemcnlJ Paints

Oili and Varnishesw






rarwkahlai llmts WIJJM aad TniaafrtlWt tVaeral JtrrehaavaTaa

notice 1

i TraatSfeOU aad

TtVAIaAHA OF KatMA KADAIX U keniij arr allt that A CaatekM nf IIaealaUaiaaaaooMTaaiav f laoar tat aad baal--

Jata4Kiuu imteu c alajiaKrjtl JUMllHb tWi A imtf

utiion Siiifs- -



Stock and FixturatOn Wednesday Hay S7tM

VI It an ea tha smilsea Twill sett theSTOCK AS0 riATUItESa the

Blue House Cofee SaiooRCwHratlai of TaMea Caalrs Crockery and etaej- -

wtra OVin Tehieeo Pipes Irsa safe Ktr

S 1 ADA3I3 Aartncrs

37iLlJ3 2333T

Sails at AuotionI

On Wednesday Hay 37181

At tf tlMkrieaoa the PACIFIC SATHJATIOSCXlHPASYWILtRK toot of aaaa Street I wtsell a hat of Aerated

Canvas SailsC P ADAXa Asaerr

Regular Cash Safe

On Friday May 29At 10 a m at aaa Salearwxai Hare Street t will

aelf at Patriae taction

White and Brown CottonsCASS1MERES

Prints Dress GoodsMens aad Yvath CrolblriT ka tVarat A Satat

FRESH GROCERIESCsae Chairs and Loancee Setter and Stools

FURNITUEE Etclso at tt oclock noon

One Very Fine Bay MaraTyearsoM kind sod rentla la every way

Sellable for family Baa will be siarraated wllhoattrack viee nr blemish

K 1 AtlAIi1 Attelr

JTtai uptrtisrmtnls



TirfeThe 3Umifcni ut of this Sh tv- r v determined ts

have- taty m

HORSE SHOWThtayeer II will bebekl at KAftOLANI


Saturday Jure 13th 1885

Pma rKoctoak A M to 1 clock P H sabjrrt


I -- rrtlas dsalrlBC to eahlett I loaves avast dallarror saall their ratrlaa to 1 8 VrBBB bMBlvaav by a

1tkak P M WBIISBSUAY taaHth day of J aaaAn ratty taw of Jl l tot oath aaMaMt raast be BW

WrorataseialBiicaa be receivedEntrlM ahoaiM suia the eUa of laa eiklMt by asv

her naataa aad aee of jefraal In sad iiam

i Mo Horse wiH be allownl n bo nhlbllrd aalesaIt shall have hern dalv ralereit aad It caanot b removed from the sroaads aa rora the haer of alealaj theShow sicapt by prmlln of the BuaarMa

a lBcauelheralaall aa BoeamBCtitaaalaaBrclaaaa false will not b awarded anlraa th ail aihlbltbaC la the oololon of th ladirca nOearacty naaitavlear

4 a oar eahiblt hall lx- - iwanlr a Balsa in norIhaaoaaclaaa

a Aalasala which Bavo ukro Htaaa at areriotlitthews of ihtm Kiir are aot HanaalMaiL

a Whera tha arord - aatlvr jpoaira It ahall eaaastraed te aaran aa aalaaal brsala this Mad il IrresBretlvo of prdlera

--Tb rlabl to aaaead la SeaWdata brtaaa jlraaBaCsra lb aaiutvs arm ehwd la rarvad ay lk Ikaardof Maaateaan Btaad prlaaaalll bajtaaa in aecerdaacawith tha oeesBlary aHHIy f IVa Society


I Beal iBsportad Slallloa fa cawrtaaw aeea sacoaid baai laBDattsd Stallhni tar earraairr asa Deal taj sorted itaalUaaa Bat alt a

l iood best iawarstal Stallioaj Car draft aaT IVrst laaaawaBi fcataa faar sa aa netoad oal taBfaasjcd SUIHm far aaddta a7 8altaip0rladaars Bsat iKrawtad Mara and foal Poet l ba

Brat laaBorlrd laekto-- Beat Inaoaarled carrlaar siilraal bjrsa or raa


II Best native Nlallou t ia tainair uav araar I jra aidIt Sreoad beat native ritalllna for ranaaara vr I

Ct feat Mtlve SiiIiii for aar iwrnaar t jrara oldaad over

ll rlacoaidheml aatlvr talion tor any Bawvoja daU Bast aaUva SUIIIon for aaj oarimaa aaaVr Bad

ova t yeai s oldl 8aat beat natlrr Walllina for jay awraan aadar

4 aaat trm a yw oh17 Beat native Stalliam for aav pnrpoaa aavdr a aad

over X veara oat19 Baat aatlvr HtalHiB for sbv pnrnoar aaaVs i years

oldn ekcoad at naliar Stalll ra fm aajr warvjaw aader

tyearsoadJ8 Hrt narlva Mare aad Foalzl Saaoed best aatlva Alar aad llU -- Third beat native Mara aad FoalXS laWI native Fllrr yaarlrasir iiilf ka tl Bill vrarllma3a Baat BaUva Filly over f jaar oW al aad ra neaoaai aeaa aaaaavv riirj oara iiaarm ww wr

J Itsat native Ftl ovrr years aad aaatarlaj Kaaoad bast avattar Filly irarr i yean sfct oeder

Baataatla MamB Baat aalr of aatlar earrlarr llor oaer an old1l Bat hair of aativ I oil or Fllllr aaiaVr 4 yra oldtt laaeaand brt pair -- I natia- - I It ar atlltr aadav I

aearaoldM Beat aatlar aaddlr aalinal Ili or Starrat Saeaad beat natlrr addlr animal Ur r or Msrr30 Beat Balls rarrlatir aatmal Uorae or Hareaa BeliaiBortlrarlagtjlliii tbaeoaaghljred Beds- -

srrae araat br furalabl

Bora TVi any aasamals rvhlMtrfBBBat b aiaowo warn rraired y the Uaaaearm

Tha larz hailatiant aad saah Bans af the namsds asare aaat reaaalrrd for th itara Ishaaar will apta lath Baasitt tea eaklWt aar aalmala aat aarraea ntaaafactarau laaleaaBta Bat thai asay k atarad thereA eajBasBlltaw f the iMaaay arlH taaaavvi and rrportvana thraa If lary ahall be aWaaed aaSaaraHy smrtky

Admission Fee Twenty Five Cejnts

raParrtm In har-t- of raalMts free MBS

BISHOP COSSavings BankThe Undersigned will Receive Money at

Ik Cwinrt flant rmAra thaMICH aailia wain wyiwi a

Following Terms

Ob aaaaa of Five llaadaad IMIars trr aadrr fraan oanman thaw will nay hetarest at the rata Frra oer

easts aeraaTaaas feasa date af raraipt as ail saau thatsassli have raaaolard oa daaosH thnw aaoatlw or Lavahawa or deposit three awratha at th Hear of auUnjaa the yearly ercranu Xo iflterat will b tonpaledia rraettowa of Holiara ir for frartiaB of a raarnth

We latareat arlll br allnwad oa saeaay withdrawsatlkla larre aaoaths Iron dale of deposit

Tkiriy dava aMie avut b tiara at tha Bank af aalatrataoa v willartraw any nswiy aad Ih tirooallorePaaa haak t b prodaeed al the aaaaa llano

9 BKasay will a paid racepi apaa lb Draft of larIlCfaMHM aetosapaoled by lar pawprr tots book

Os tlaabstday f ptMJbar ef rath year tha atMala will b aaada ap sadtlaMat ss ail seau that

saasn has reaaalaad on deptHH Ikrea bvobUis ef Borasad aw paU will b eradtsad ta thadepiasllers and fremthat date form Barter the prlwaipak

Se of aaara taaa Ita IIsMrrd IMaara alll toracafitd aabyect t ipeelal aaTaetneaL

TtlJakvelcM ovary day la thawr exceptBaeday anal IIoBdaya

teat pra aieriur au


AtWrlT HllAHIieKBP Oifka a 13 HoajlaiW fCar oi i tyirts

Mr aaashrrz 14 fS vet aWNtessfa J SporiSjtCewiaatsafsraadsaatua iaralsli aawrna atl- -

-- Llfnttt5tSetaSaW aWWr wryatwm a

ife F I- - QuxaBtM4

WSWKrvllK tfIBIJSIGSKttAr3OT3EfI J4JT i al t Stac WrtartaaTrf3 stqt Ti rsZLzrz

mi mM KauttM m ka pelH Btldii to 9Utt irt- -

jjjtWMfBrti yaafaAzalea oiaaa aaoos SI2HslBsiJli

II o

Page 5: Uew-llM-nt- Ax Sf sZjy jy Jw ww SMMjiitiaaa Laiij



A- the Stock ol theUndersigned has Recehcd Large Additions

Which are Now Open for Inspection and SaleBUck Dee Skin IVtt

Rack Frock and PrCoatsand Vests

Hk lkasoia -

AJtJ TttccI -

White Umr Duck SuitsWait and Col --cd Mm

liner Collars and CaffsSilk and Wool Undershirts

S3k and Wool DrawerVrfonMd S3k IAerkirt

India Gnat A Lawn CoderWta Jat Dkawata



arHstjsk Silk Balbngganaw Catten

r mas


Knrrthatg ra Gold Jrrir w A thusS ver

at ntiefc be sW as to as CMStstett with times


THE- -



DressingGets AVrappers

Totrds something new


Brushes Soaps J

Hectic Brasses1Mb

and CottonUdKS lisle Sit

RsAbrtgcan awi Cottoa

iUtors andPocie

Cattcrr fStrops




varsetrofBoots and

Ewrttopand Valises

Wj Silver dwaper everStf--- r



M f late bole

Spring and Summer Millinery Goods



On Saturday Monday and TuesdayApril ISth 20th and 21st


Regular Graduated Physician of Harvard UniversityWeaatKMijt tpicfaJiv rui b lad filleted guenlj that fee tfiH ivmfaBa to

truat carve uii arri- - vt aupvnkaleii anftii p LaesaoJ Gentlemen rereeobsthat prucnatjuk w ia f C pi rjaie ami be beatai It matter not vbit yosr troabtasamv at eua ami if a ir rumv wutaK I wjU cost too oothinc J cvotuaec sorhtam mri Mti urii - iw tKxtjr eaiuadt raar r to ess ea Toe e

tft ih - i trll tm tlt f t t wdl t nafctuJtr a sales be cuoSiieit ot

Dr H Johnstone Speer is a SpecialistFk al Nertws Biswers Fnm Vkateer They be Brought oa

Tar a uaj tae ic t taati lo t vao in soiarmc from bo ot near isd otrroaiii a ai wlaim u Ac it a a suatt ibe naast aecooai foe Ttwe are miaram vtw d tut daOealST ocxaat tbe ae Dr b win ssanatN a cvrfect rare a all saefc

m aaa a eumpl k nnfemUie f ta pornoa sad aerras pr5HO KS S wlKlfc4xadCtcr

Consuttton Free



Thorough Examination Advice S5JOSSTOXE

Bcncaaia scar Niaass Hrasistc


ORGS PERFUMESHoyxs einaa33 Cologne



Vanity Fair Tobacco and Cigarettes

Prom Kimball Co Rochester N Y



Sevr Crood hj JLate ArrivalsFROM SA2f FEANCISCO



To 15K JitoliB at IillTBST 1 ATEgGOODS

Suitable for PlantationsGountry StoresOrFAXIUES rrfr HtW at Slwrte t Notice anI with

tactiM U lrlMaers AtteHtiw i Called to

r m proved faris JPL O W

X wt


-- rfMacfciPsjiBi u oJkli3iiVlJiiilJlamrtfcritmAumftktaiicam ftfcte rArtavalBnii-rJiaM AjImki Xns i w am rai bls hkim imiih abT i

Lan Uarr aj Lun bdi Kilx pu rtTfc aea


Latest Improvements in Shelf Hardwaretotlu UIXII Tj Lm Bt


Sa4 ffi riitf4 r a Ltna sk

ctb rt3Lnc ru


jtiiifcinik i

feuliS 27 i S3




-- JSX


ps assi be




Urff Satncrau Hese


S k

use ies UoldWare


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STAFLE GROCERIES Gofeiei Gate Star i Sofeifine Flonr

Por Kerosene Oil Te Offer TEE PATACE and Gnaranteit cannot be beat for quality price also THE

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The Ck apt Oood New Harea Orsan Co Parlor Orzaas


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PATilMT HOTICILTTrnEKEAS A FAXEST Is--I f u4 to Xia sorr JC Jrrl in tiw aotb Janur ijk a Uv 3linicrrtlu Eaoror rater u itws

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rVllK CNTEESICSED la READTa BrtaXMwtaarexfahBtt tcjim f ce

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The Ascent of Mauna Loa



Camping at Night In tho Pit oftho Summit Crater

An IntrUnc ArcvmBl t tk Trip

lhLVlWwu3ti Mv J5S3

KcrroHxrrrK I fcare been jittWinj alittle whaia Ike Ust to or tbrt yttU thejotias ia jtioB trachias awl Tisitics tlfwo ggrlucal pon le iIiaJ oflUwiii trkic war l written down u of allciWre lk awt neaaiVaU ia svrcnl atwH a scwatiicaUv lb raoit important theenters WJaelrsf Kibnti mi Moiajwuovaa

Takaaism of KiUsea ii dearlr leu inthe unseat this it has been in the past Toaav aothiac af Tears s whea there were inKaaea the with UVe directlr orsler theenter nil oa wfciek the Volcano Hoes cowStaa4 aae two wles distant the osth UVe

aad Hilemaaii aloes with pHpelcal Bows

iW aaowreas vest boles here there ancaere Htatagljr areonliar to all ac

cocati there ere in that ease crater noleageraco than 1SST 3 two lakes io Tijoroes cfentmi oae of them bmiis- - op all thebase aad the other ererr boar asd a half in

MdNERNY r11 tfce oa aad Tent cf the







pretew w aca 9iaBiiaiir u ruujr toicaaie detaoastratton now left at the far famedTokaak cester

All of which is not sajiag that Kilasea isoc Hs war tc sore estiactios as a Totcano inthe no dtstaat ratare the real tact Kin thatjast as alt fire disappeared from the Kilasealakes ia 1 bar aher a maile retarcedthither so the saialler asocsi of scbtemneanbeat at present iisats- - frora this farsocs ori-fice


star be followed or the isssance therefroat of a larger araoaat ia tie time to comeWhile we canaot lorecast fatare volcanic ac¬

tivities on the oee hand neither can we fore-


en the other hand the lack or cessationof soch activities Ierwdicttjr seems to bea featare pertaiai-a- to mat vclcanoes andKilattea which does not seem to be a periodicvolcano at all but be after all tlowlr csctllaiwc between a greater and a less degree orinteoaitv Btarkwg its activitr

Ib Jaae 155-- 1 spent several dart besidethe new lake atchroj its aoveisenU asdfood that the cooled crest oa the surface ofit was then breafcng np oace eTery hoar anda half alawet to a nuoQte this same crustthat is gave wr eTerr boar and a halfbcike into fragseets plssged into the fierrmass lneath and was resulted while a newand fresh crast imaiediatelT proceeded to forraia its place The molten lara of Halcmasxucthe other lake had at this same date Jane

too Msch heat poanng op from it toallow the formation of a crnst oa its surfaceeiceft to a Terr United eiteat

Watehiog these sose lakes ia April ls5almost three Tears later 1 noticed ttis changethat whereas the new lake in Jane 1552broke ap everr hoar aad a half ia April ISsiit broke onlj- once ia three or lour eeks andwhereas Halesaaatan ia Jose did sot breakap at alt the amount of heat emitted from itsot allowing the fecsutioa of a crest cpon itto be broken op this saae HalcBiaamaa inApril Iif5 broke up once ia aboct taa bocrsiu heat baring gone down in the interval ofthree vears so as to be about equal in Toloae

d inteBsitv to that of the new lake in JaneI5S

o that Ualeniaeaaa liAavol itself afterahgether the same fiihion in Irfi as thenew take did ia 1SS2 it did cot The heat ofthe new lake in 12 seemed to be quite evtnlrdiatribated throagh its entire mass while thatof Ualemaamaa in 15S5 seemed to be concen-trated

¬ia its interior areas the resslt of which

diSereoce would natural v be and wj thatwhile the new lake in 1 552 used co ramonl r lobreak ap all orer its sarface aad with mochharlv bnrlr aad deEsoastratioo tie periodicbrsakracs ap of Utlesaatzaa three veais laterwere Bestir confined tertsooterpenpiery thecentral portion of tho surface cf this sometake by reusoa of the intense aad contisaossheat given off ftont it beiaj kept broken npnearly all the tune jastos its whole scrfaeewis kept broken or ia the same war threejears before Aad the April 1 53 breakingsap of the salad crast of Haleetaaaiaa I foondfarthei more to be akng plaeeqoietly tamelrand almost witLoat oloerratioa altBocgb iuJaae 1SS2 breaking ap took place fisarativelr speakiag with abip lnpharr aadthe Ware of trumpets

A ejM y- - of awitea lava ia process ofcuolmg no matter how huge will crast overand the crast remain wholly ssdMtsrbedgrowing thicker aad thicker natil the wholehqaid nam beneath become solid rocks whilejet a luU of kva a mass cf molten lava thatb whicn is receiving frcn below ccctiarulaccession to its caloric is the form of saperheated steam gas or atmospheric air willcrmet over indeed bat then the crust thisformed wflt nt tot aajr length of time remam miistrbed the uprising- throogh thefiery lioaid beteatlr of superheated steam srgas tending to upliit the crast above it nntaat length the tension occasioned by the aatasomWa to each other of the elasticity of thesapetheated steam or gas cossed beneath3pd the dwmward pressiire of the rocky cratrwuiig its fall weight on tie cnwaiiog pris ¬oner below becoming tco severe to be endared any longer the crast sives way tieconfined gises below of coarse cconot riveway which giving way is seen to tae placesomewhat is follows A fragment of tie crastwhich has already cracked etTfreta the tssiabotj m observed to tilt np acd plonge intothe fiery sea beneath ccoled lava having- agreater specific gravity thaa molten avo--Then the neat adjoining fragment nniapportedas it a on one side follews sair and then asother another aad still another tie processcoming to an end only waea all the oUernathas gone down and been remejsed and a newand ihm crast has tee fennel tut take theplace of the old thia new antf iMa crast aftera while becoming old and thick and ia itstarn going- the way of its predecessor

Xolteo lava may be and often is so hot asto forbid the formatma oa the snrface of itwhen that sarface ceases ia contact wjtk theatmosphere of any crest at alt cr so hot as toforbid the nrmatsn oa its sarface of anythingmore than a very thin ami fragmentary crnsror of a decree ef heat to allow the formationon its sarface of a crast fear or six inches iathickness whicn serves to imprison the elas-tic

¬gases beneath rratH tie tension becoming

too great they treat tie atony rovering overthem Bak fast tie status cf tie new lake in12 isc of Salemasnatx in I fpJl-- or so realthai what with the relief the tecsioa beneathis able to obtain throagh sundry cracks orTent hole it may te the crast oa the sarfaceof re very seldom or almost never breaks op

T haTe repeatedly thrown iron wire into themolten Ian of Eilaaea the wire thrown intothe aew hke first reddening then embeddingitself m the crast aad so refosing to be drawneat ajram to report its cocditicnr that thrownax Haw im mi in with a fragment of rock at ¬tached to the end of it as a sinker pallingdown down and down is if a hage fish hadhoU of bait at the end of it and presentlythereafter baranag on- - while tfcatthrewa intothe present vent hole rf the new lake largefence wise rosed m aboot five minotes amithat too at a distance somewhat above thesuites lava Xow the fasten point of malieahle iron K99 Centigrade c 2312 Fahnaheir So that the teraneratare obtaining t tiesarface of the molten Java of Kilaaea a notless than 3040 Fahrenheit while htrw machabove that figure it may be eannot now be afSraied t Mr W S Terry of Hilo has repeatedly melted both --a and pahoeboe ntietacksmis forge

Bat Bat more than twenty or thirty milesdwtiac from EBaitea another Tafeino

pbecsmesa of heat ami eruptive tornwhen it does so exhibit on a much vaster

ami zrasder scale thaa anything- ever beheldin the crater usually visited by tourists a- n-

ttfcer Waip I say ftr wnSe the argumentat a bstmgaiaaed haTimn Toteinist aningmnes one rait on tie supposition ef themolten substance eoMtitating- ir having apraeertionaiTy greater speerae graTtty tieshorter eornma of lava ternunatng at Elaaawoakljaalance ten thoasaad feet longer colamatermroarmg- - it Makaiweoweo there u not ashred of evidence forthcacirsgs sa far as Iknow dbat the sufpesitmn m qoeatiaa ia accanfisgtn fact The JTauoa loa asd EHoneafciTaaare apcorecdyjustaliie Xerther dotie twircestera ef aetrvity seem to sympaxhtzewjii each other ra any shape way or mannerAJS tie facta at the case oceeaaibte ta ra nrlntto this ilea as tie true one that Mauna Ionami Eflouea have sesarote ccckzta of lavabeneath thesr and ors rherefore as volcanoes

nseiTes separate ami witaaat Srrmii ecoaeetzen with each other

I rscSne la tjitrik indeed that besides beinguiounci ihii aeparue vctcaaces a ihi amiMagna Loa ore nr moantoisa as weltEBaaeaat first Tiewieema Eks an adjunctcrarersjtaatedattieiaaeafHaanaLoa Tiecrea 1 5 E spur of this latter moanraia scciEageat at about Sve HVnirr- - fet above tie aeaaS E sour in which ia ciserrai thumirrnfa aaaea or caa U be deraed - a peraengmng ap Bade ef tie Vocaao Hcttse aniilajiacha course first 5 E sal then giadaaliVswmgiag rauraf sa tie S W makes his way-- tare samcat of ITjuna Lia and keep asccntrinijearly all tie time Sj wiS need ia pniinigover thus r3ateta itxcxoi Terj iTigJtfTiatall imwtm- u fto w f- - VWIU CE21LAOUiarkhaft datasee AMI tfitr weald ira ta show i

Kilurra ta be an aujnncl crater cAijr locatedoa tie Sank cf a great mountain of which itvroold eem to bo put aad parcel

Along tie straight lino hoxrevtr and oa thoother hand cona tctiog Kilauea and the auntnit uf Maana Lea is a very Rrtat deprrsaionOoinr from the Volcano House toAinapnnpper road the aneroid 1 had with mo afSraedthat there wa an area of land directly oodcrneath an imaginary straight lino coanctinstrie walls of Kilauea with those ot Makai¬

weoweo fior hundred feet lower thin thoVolcano House Kilauea presents moreoverthe appearance of a small mountain by itselfas seen from the cittern side of ilanaa Loa

the same appearance likewise wheaeheld from the divide which no crosses in

traveling from llonoapa to Xaileha A tractot country too there is belonging lo tho gen¬

eral Kilanea elevation and mircining the loadconnecting Kcauhoa with the Volcano Housewhich is much higher thin the walls of Kitaaea and higher too than the country imme-diately north of it From this elevated tractone can by no possibility proceed to the sumrait of Mauna Loa without making a veryconsideraUe descent on the way

So that Kilasea can hardly bo anything elseas it looks to me than a miniature mountain

a mountain perhaps and as it his has oftenoccurred to me to think when on the groundia process of formation And so regardingthe Kohala mountain at the oldest on this isl ¬and as it doubtless is Mauna Kea as tienut oldest and lluilalai which erupted inll as the nut and Mauna Loa as tho nutwe haTe Kilauea as the youngest of tho seriesand not yet built np and complete Theseseveral mountains lie along in a line runningin general from W to S K Volcanic ac-


indeed to far as it has manifested itselfen the Hawaiian Islands section of the earthssarface seems to have held its way and iseven now so doing along this same generaline Kauai which volcanically and geologic-ally

¬is the eldest of the Hawaiian group Oa

in Man and Hawaii are all located in a JTT and S direction from each other whilethe latest and only present volcanic activity oftins region is connneu lo the a r or Hawaiiend of tbc zronp

The npjifting at present taking place at theaoor ol rulauco is a ptienooicnon likewise andas well pointing ir anything in the name di-


the uplifting referred to being but thebeginning of a process as it will occur to al ¬

most any ooe to surmise which by the timeit is complete will have upreared a considerable mountain oa the spot wbere the opt if tingforce is exerted For white the fact towhich Mr Jordan of the Volcano Houserecently called mr attention is a significantone that the interval of 17 and a fractionyears between 123 when there was a nowfrom Kilauea and IS 10 when there was a another flow was followed by an interval ofabout the same length at the close of whichin ISC another small flow went forth fromthe some source and that 1SSJ 6 is the timetherefore according to the foregoing preced-ent

¬for still another flow from Kilauea to set

forth oa its coorse while all this is indeed so1 cannot help suspecting that what Kilauea ifabout to do is to build itself np rather thanto pour itself abroad

I statted April 1Mb from the VolcanoHouse to make the ascent of Mauna Loa tak-ing

¬with me as attendant and guide John

riumohiapoa Fes Panaa Puna Leavingcar horses atJAinapo and proceeding thenceoa foot a few hours climbing brought us intoa severe rainstorm which lasted two dsysand compelled zs to remain housed for thatlength of time in Unlock shooters campwhich we very opportunely found on the wayThereupon the storm having measurablycleared up we resumed the ascent passingoat of the region of cloud at the height ac ¬cording to aneroid of 7000 feet and enteringinto and thence forward until our return tothe tame elevation continuing in the regionof clear sunshine and cold S K and S and SVT wind The outlook for some five daysthereafter afforded us upon tie upper surfaceof tie clouds below wis grand beyond des-


In immense masses like colossalbasks cf snow do tie Tabors of the lowerheavens lie stretched along in almost endlessperspective an occasional mass in tie far dis ¬tance resting above the rest and seeming anisland in an Arctic sea And excepting a fewbrief hours the territory of clouds below wasabsolutely without rift or rent reTealing whatwas concealed beneath jr Literally was myvision shut eff from earth beneath and shot opto heaven above- - And this same brood asbroken dense and deep covering of cloudwhile it was pouring down storm upon thosebeneath it for it rained below mot of the timeI was ibove was poarioir np dorr andsanlight to those that were above it12500 feet according to aneroid brought usto patches of snow while the upper plateauuf the mountain was cuvered with snow inlarge though not continuous masses Walking on it was quite easy and safe on account ofits Cersg frozen ami stitt Une night near thesummit I passed in a cave hung with iciclesoverhead which I broke eff put into the cof-fee pot asd with spirit lamp transformed fromsclid into liquid

Oa that April night apoa upper Mauna Loawith snow and ice all around and the summitof tie crater utterly devoid of molten lava tosoften the asperity of the cold the water inmy canteens did tut freeze hard it did notfreeze at all altboagh oa a June night iathat same locality with no snow and icearound except in deep crocks and the summitcracks and tie summit crater boiling withrcolu o lava to wfy tie rigor of that upperair the water in the canteens of a certainpoetic prcae anchor so that author ofSnnsdid freeze hard a statement regarding whichtie conclusion is inevitable that either thecold ot that Jane night was exceptionallyscarcely less than miracakasly severe orelse we hove here one more instance ofwhich our tine furnish too many alreadycf an aatior boring ia view in writing readaility rather than reol ity three hundredpages of printed matter rather thaa solid factsjust is they are An elevation of 1W0O feetabove the level of the sea does net exempt awriter of strong imagination even from theobligation to tell the truth and that tco despite the fact that side by side with tmtbfabebced u tie more sensational and thrill-ing

¬asd that palmed eff in place of truth not

one reader in a thousand may be able to detect the Irautl To portray the Hawaiian realmas a more beautiful Arcadia than it really- - isis not the part cfeither good sense or genuinekindliness That down right falsehood in--adTertestly ami innocently recorded in tieinterest of evangelical piety in Fire Fountainshas done mare hurt than all the multipliedtruths that book records wilt ever do good

The sight of Mauna Kea which I gainedfrom tie rcsxmit of Manna Loa revealingsnow quite low dowa en the former mountainalthough there was very little on it when Ileft riilo alcu with tie large amount of thesame where I then was showed me at aglance that tie storms which detained me twodays in camp hod brought a snow fall to bothMauna Kea and Mauna Loo

I struck Mokuaweoweu at a point near itseastern re entrant angle that crater being iatie shape of a figure 6 the two loops ef whichore uasepanted by dividing lines Reachingthat spot on tie eastern brink cf the craterwhere it was located all that I saw cf Com ¬modore Wilkes encampment not covered npwith uaw were two sticks half a dozen nailsand a broken bottle And calling oat to Clamafiiipca as I descried tie spat and its reltcrs Wilkes Encampment his loccnfc replywas My grand fat her as indeed he is com-monly- reported and believec to be by andamong- - Hawaiions generally ljeticallv fittingit most surely was that the grandson shouldguide ta where the grmdfather encamped aadpractically fitting as welf since faithfulnessasil efScisiCT tit this case went along withpedigree Like a true Hawaiian did this guidecfnune repeatedly lead the way through tiethickest t with unerring accuracy I havehad him with me an some five separate ascentspartial cr complete of Mauna Loa and he bosbrought me out all right every timet makingta doing ir scarcely so much as the smallestblonder

To the IT E of the Wilkes encampment utie highest portiaa of tie eastern will of Mokuaweoweo moantiBg which tie needle of tieaneroid I had with me swung ta its farther tleft hand limit fruficatins the height then aadthere attained to be 13 100 feet above tfi -

tie height of Mauna Lna oa given by scien¬tial measurement being 1364a GaingsrillJT E alone tie brink of tie crater I om m- -t - i - - Tme eracii wnerein ice is anil to Le foond alltie year round from whicn that point in thewall ef the crater U qaarfdy reached wherein ccnseqaence of tie breaking owi of a portacf tie rocky rampart tie descent rata tieenter though fearfully precipitous is stillsomewhat less thaa perpendicular and wherealone if anywhere except perhaps at a pointat tie extreme north end cf tie crater iamonberxtgs can make their way front tie brinkabove to tie floor below Despite the factthat it was almost Eke gning dowa the side ofa house we staTf essayed tie descent loweri-ng- ourselves slowly and carefully over andamens hage blocks of paicehoe Twe thirdcf the way frnm top- to bottsra brought us totie tint bench which was cues a molten laketxmiiarto iiaJemaamaa the which crossingswe earae ta tie rmainrag third of tie descentwiich we acccorcBihed onfrwith ranch rr3irladen on occcust of tie tortuous steepness ofuib coarse we were cempeuea ta pcziue-- taBad aanel-ves- after we had made this batifmrrnT co lie floor cf tie rnirry cr centralportjoa ef Motnaweawea j wali cf a raileover tie irrmcta jaftcetiog beseatit cur feetbrcugaty to tfat Ifmitaf area a qaartec ef amile arraaj ceraaga of ti socrca wHelt we

ere ttacderr srn teeradbt wtftii im Vami steaai are ccrtinrralTr ntaafrar-- Baibintpceitn wfcrrriiTiretotariiIpLsruujtnrses pcaxjsgsp arcraid ss and mear fieiaronid ix jitass fi rer a- stcasa craci irey iiraacS sunset spread enr fclaiietx fir npose

and then ami tiers tying down vrero s - irtin whole night long despite the fart that ata little distance from where a uoke and steamwen issuing hogs banks cf snow wero rorosing in icy coldness and tho crater walls aboutus wero beautifully ami grandly festoonedwith snow Howevtr in consequence of llioreflection from the snow beneath and nroundns of tbo brilliant sunlight during the day-time


shining on it cur eyes during tho nishllime Vegan to be affected with incipient pptlialmia while our head in consequence i fthe light air we wero breathing were in thetnoroing affected with incipient vertigo bodilyfeelings which warned at that too long a stayin the place where we then weie wonld bennadvisable although we nevertheless 1Jstay where we were long enough lo go t an 1

ciwviy cwuuuo an inw more iinporiani c ntents of that far fatd chasm The positionwe occupied during tho night wo spent in Mokuuweoweo was just opposite to awi beneaththat point in its western wall wbere MaunaLoa reaches its loftiest elevation and thedepth from the brink to llw bottom the cra-ter


is tho greatest a position ju t 1moi oh uearllie ccntcrof the enter measured lextliwicat well could be without an actual nurvey lodetermine where exactly the center is Scieitifie measurement makes the aoor vf Moknaweoweo to be S00 and 1040 feet below thelevel attained by tbe ugliest prtivi of itwall

Climbing out of llokuaweoww thoughless trying to nerves was more ttymg tolimbs and lungs than letting ourxivedown in however we got out at last andspeedily tliervaf ter began our descent fromthe regions of sjrr to those ot earth

The out look upon tho clouds below fromthe height of 12000 feet which greeted myviewupon tho morning of my la t dayupon tho mountain gave me no tuiallalarm it being evident from what I wthat a heavy storm was raging beneath astorm which I felt sure would ere Ionmount up and sweep tho top of the motintain for though it was fairweather whereI then was only cold and windy an urjperstxatum of clouds rolled by the wind intothe form of smooth curling lines such asI had sometimes noticed prior to snowstorms in ewxungland was being ilnvenonward from tho b YV to meet the tradewind clouds from tho X H the two wtsof clouds presenting a very angry appearance at tho placo of meeting and overlapping Down the mountain we made ourway as rapidly as possible striking thestorm about three oclock iu the afternoonand travelling from that time onwardblinded with tog and drenched with rainHowever thanks to a kind Providence aadthe skill of CorumodoroWllkes grandsonwo alighted upon our old trail much sooner than wo expected and wen in campdrying ourselves before a rousing tiro be-fore


dark The storm proTed to be as Isurmised might bo the ease a prolongedtona of the severest type

Tho present condition of Alokuaweoweois tho same as that in which I found itwhen I visited it in 1SSL That particulararea of the floor of it where I spent thonight is not smoking any more now thanit was then perhaps not quite as muchThisfar fameu crater has not been in acondition of activity since May 1SS0

a trememious mountain Alauna lioji in-deed is its length from north to southbeing scarcely less than thirty miles andits breadth being even greater than itslength the slope of this enormous plateauof rock extending from Hilobayon thewindward side of Hawaii to Kealakekuabay on the leeward side When thisgigantic mountain mass will send forthanother flow and where this next flow willbreak out whether Atoknaweoweo willcontinue to be active from time to time asof yore or instead lapse into quiescenceallowing subterranean volcanic forces togo on accumulating in volume and intensity until at length the mountain unableto endure the strain any longer the wholetop of it is blown off and the summit ofManna Loa becomes a fecund and largerHaleakala all these are questionsto whichthe only suitable or even possible responsewe can make is to confess our absoluteignorance Only this much we do knowand way affirm regarding the whole matterthat the transformation of the summit ofMauna Loa into a second and a largerHaleakala will be apt to throw the sntrarmills of Hawaii slightly out of gear andpepper the sugar lands of the island withvolcanic ahe s and even granite boulders

Fhe easiest method of ascendinfr MannaLoa is bv means of horses from AinanoThough not steep the way yet is long andtedious Rnch after bench of ancientpahoehoe has to be mounted and traversedand the last one before descrying thewestern wall of Mokuaweoweo the ascend-ing


mountaineer comes at length to feelnever wiH break into view and be sur-mounted

John Ulomahiapua 1ea has never guid-ed horses to tiestimmit of Mauna Loaalthough of his ability to so guide amounted party I have no doubt How-ever


persons the extent of whose inclination to put forth physical exertion is togo out on a picnic or achieve a pleasantholiday excursion are hereby recom-mended to defer ascending Mauna Loauntil such time as for the sake of resultsthey may prefer painstaking to pienicingand severe and even exhaustive effort tosweet and easy recreation

Edward P BakekPopulation and Vote

The Philadelphia Pnu has prepared atable showing the per cent of vote to pap-ulation


in the several States and vote forrepresentatives Xorth and South Fromtins table it appears that in the North theaverage Tote for a representative i 5L507while m the South it is onlv 24747 Thusit takes 10000 more votes in the Korth tocount as much and to exercise as muchinfluence as in the South In Pennsylvania a representative stands for 32fc voteswhile in South Carolina he stands for 13S33 Iess than half as many That isone vote in South Carolina counts morethan two votes in Pennslyvania In XewTork the average vote for each district is2L32S while in Mississippi it is 17116still less than ooe half In Ohio 39230votes elect a representative while inGeorgia there is one for every 1L245 votes

but little more than one third Illinoiswith an average vote of 3343u for eachdistrict rtgainst Alabama with 19101 andinuiana wim avt i present tne samesharp and striking contrast In shortthrough all the central States of the Xorththe vote for a representative is abouttwiceas great as in the central States ofthe Soritn so that a voter here countshalf as much and exercisos half as muchpolitical power as a voter there Thenorthern States with a population of 3073217 cast 7039508 votes and the southem States with a population of lS1994flOcast only a30L031 vote j

It is reported from Philadelphia thatthe strike of Kensinrton inzraw earnet- -weavers which has teen going on fortwenty one weeks has been practicallyrnueta an agreement cexng signed bycaammittees representing the weavers andmin owners ne agreement providesthai the price of weaving shall be o andoj cents per yarn wmen is a compromiseoi one nair a cent tne reanetion obitolwinxij and o cents It alsothe weavers not to briiKr arrv of thof the Knights of Labor into the millsand ta abide by the same regulations asformerly and provides that bereailer alldisputes about wages shall b determinedby a Board of Arbitrator composed offive rmmufacturers and five weavers Thisis practically a defeat for the Knights ofLabor The strike has heen a very erpensive one In wages the weavers havelost about 38fl00 and as seven thousandpeople were thrown out of work the tnralwage loss will not be far from L5XtyCiGO- -


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lturrocks Lone Cloths and other brand- ofhito Cottons Iubleached Cottons

Print new stvlrs fast colorslUcaEhed and itrown Cotton 8 to 10 quarterltrown Linen Drills While Linen DuexCrown Canvas lilk t CM French Merinos allGrades Viater proof Tweeds Orer Bine and


Satins Silk Hibbons VelvetCnion and Cotton Listados Linen and CottonHandkerchiefs Whito and Colored ShirtsMerino Undershirts and DrawersLadies Underwear Linen and Cotton TowelsMl qualities and styles Yictnri LawnsWhite Moleskin Check MolrsainImit Laco Edgings and InsertionsISrooks SM jK Spool Cotton Cuitn 100 jdSiwI Cotton Tickirc Blue DenimsMoaquito Netting W inch

Rubber Coats Leggings

Korso HBXEvnl otsBed Blankets

All Siaxs Weights tonalities and Colors

Velvet TapestryRugs and Mats



Merchant Canvas

Filter Press Bags 22 x 36We make this one of our Specialties and

hate a Full Stock of

Sugar Rice Coal BagsWhich we are selling at Bottom Prices


AMmiQm WUkQt3 5 and 7 yard

FLOOR OILCLOTHSExtra Heavj Assorted Widths

Ladies Gents SaddlesASDSVDDLERY

A complete line which we are sellingCheaper than Ever

Iron BedsteadsGalvanized Buckets


Tea Kettles SaffiePansAssorted hires do Frj Tans

Butcher Knives Knives 4 ForksCTin Plate Sheet Lead

Galvanized Water Pipe i to 2 in


C0REUGATED ROOFINGSt Ginje 6 73 and 9 ft Lengths Galv

Screws and Washers Galv Hidging

Yellow Sheathing Metal and NailsAnnealed Fence Wire FenceStapIes

Wire-- Plant Guards and Arches

STEEL RAILSWith Fish Plate BolU and Spites

Portland CementFire Clay Fire Bricks

Both Square and archLump Rock Salt

Fishery SaltEnglish Belting

3 to 12 men widthsAS ASSORTMENT OF


WorcesUrihire Sauce Fruits JamsCream Tartarcjua apuxa ci rc ric2 We have also ju3t received an asst ofi


Bleached Brown Cottons27 to 3J inches vide

Fancy Prints Blue DenimsCanton Flannels Mens Womens and

Oiildrens Hoots and bhoes size amiStjks adapted to this market


Shelf HARDWARECrockery and GUssirare Oos Picks Shovel

Plantation and Mechanics ToolsHOBEY CO

Portatolo SnglnoBt n p udenr


Testoca 02at3inGorsages Soap tvo qualities in boxes of 21 Bars

and Ol liars

Best Welsh Steam CoalISO


Special NoticeThf LoriiTieTifl Proprietor of tfec


r w lafarm lit potnw aad UM paMIeerally that


A NEW TACT0EY BAEEEYOft x asscfe iBoro xamrfe3lewlifeatawfarall

ooctactsw 4 in coatawu varsm oracr

He ii zio w Prepared to Waanfartgro

Choicest Pure CandiesJla4 win lwj k mi ao44 W DvReisnf

Vanilla Chocolate CreamsCocoannt Candles

Rich Hagat a barsSopir Hoauted Almonds

CEEAM CAHDrESgTeat varietySoft Marsh Mallows

Cum Drops andCum Fruit Bon Bona

Of adeacflKiA All tAM RiKseXatU fmfc aadpro KOKwecan ser tmn si w czbu per raoa

BJCHWtB5l5 till BF THE FJJEST FUWal ai fliM wj mi aUaC x4 a7i aiA


Home - Hade Mince MeatFor SJ M sa t B U fxt Fe t4

Taulitu t pktte far yrrvfovf IBferU pirwagYtrj Zepttiftfs Ho3a3sr

PrKttol CafeTtsfT Fartry Cctkcar tbe oid tnrxxo n Buret tr


0A03 r

h 9rQ OJ




Ptiitrat 5UwrJi8tiutnln

JftrtimtoSCO Qatar Sranrr Bur rxurcrsco Cax

Od3ctc4tir0iiaanirtetuiaial8urneBS lIulltilMlnitHrsVTns Oldeat miuiiii In the CwtM Atatm 1

f uiuta Ka nruBrcK perlfct nxiaM andirwiMurrmustairoakiiuKi HiI

r Iho Ult nkla xiii1

netionaora HtML II V

r r atwoiiiaar or m utuia iwro 1I XlOaLll ThrOttH 1la lliMnnaiwnr i tih -f rxiVwttf tram lb antata n m i

S2MB iMMtacynmi Lessee Dray 1U4 Pfcvtviil Wank Fill UaaitX1JJ U a I

KtssyoitJlttuer uj cuts tpHdHijfuUi iJI rohff nIdJlfJlrHear30IJmntTHlnwfvsnlTTVH1I cl -- fciP tui4 vxtacrirMtfisamson Ut oM arotwa rrifctan Iiiiwcn iisvtuuiju tABua aiys iitnaraMjaa maTHn nimn mivrruiiI iiuffliL whralnconrrnlattDTtMi thocttr tor Lfwtmavnt msot tnfw

I caa rftTOttTf rrwIWibTtiprr krTniInJI Hrtl rt4aiViU ft rTwiui wbo prn ttt who fcttnUoa talrtMitttarMa Mtf AlnrrtstiniuMpTlctarMUiroosbotit MMIaultttrr vhaci tretr kMVJ Di tMd amirdr H mrd in Dot tot A and lIxprlcico mk bU

onuini 01 nrentn innsiriaiaMit r -4raKawrmjCmlWVDOfiafTjaSianiT lTjr VJDOflRlCUHn IlTfJ I

ivni wwrtwj nnngcinBi damwura HTauuni moo Iinning itic arwarrmrvteiAitjWMKiin XTUUur anmnrsuo Ictmij trrBini a n irtntr wii iWTTwwiroriTiiwwwiar i

I uamrias ra twi rami LAllOrnCS JitWlTB ijautj irDITt IlAxtti4iMMtMarTTiiititTtHiiaiuiiiitiitwir Man II wuw4VUJkUJUiUJIIiuMiun3 J

DfL UEBiaS MXDEHiin CiSMJW KY1CDSAT0SbTrniMsraUyivmstssUlIinaAirUTsP J

vr nmuuifnai uaw niUKtra rnrrKS WO ihhhs mtauiairi taw wnni BXaSViaa aUM RatOS I

crT7Tjr -- IM iMiiMaiiniMisnmiiiiiiJsii Piaaail ka


7H wry fimmt wj rsrjivfus- -lrW law CMMlkMUMt ii t rr s rm ii sin nrarr nuia i t

T rMntn tftusaairaafmBiai4 aai mmim fTVrmm mmri rmmn Ift a iW aeml CJIUtMLiEnia



107109 111 FREMOIffTScj33 Franoisoopinjiiv iucK3unLs





iLvisor- rarim t710 iacr i apaniy un auj b Jiftni ItnpttiTcmt nU r now tin ntan l to ix rrrlojBJCiuceJiiiiSiiiwu t or Toroiicnnrfis ana IVrfrctlon of tnd Th tirhi at thneJlllisMRtolpoandcr JlirchanUblc Jiici fnm llX wonUof raddj aicunlm taooautvor the PaddT whica

1 loan tbat of aj other Mill By these Lite ra and meats She ProprletM

Is enabled to Largely Reduce the Rates the Hulling Cleaning of Paddy

thi jiaw or iiuiiiM2 ronAM HAUMJ IT CIKINKO ATTI1KNX MILLS

Tin ioiiMiM4 nw in vajiilit StllXTlorJtjr of Work at hrf tan vranciKU

Untt niiiiii IbcjicIU oT MerrhaiilabJe Klceof StoSpfrccat

3nl-Nn- In- In Itntc Tor ItnlUn ind Cliniar4lh rrrburv nnl ia Uaalftrof

Rice3 ih tuirurmily huiI Clmiillurof rackajrs

22 PirArru


advnt4Ii ikamImotKAMIJKU

Olh IwrLlAbllllyCutlrilrrluni

often rtrnunl Rkwith ssfarrarcoSill Hltrr ciwajs

mand ovrr Ilrancd purtlcalartjr


General CommlsIoxt Merchant and Proprietor of thoINDIA MILLS San Francisco Col

mhI IB rldaaaiaaiaMal aBBaOaaBalalsBsB


At the Old Stand No 8 Kaahumanu Street


PLUMBING in all its branchesartesian Well Pipe sizes

Uncle Sani Medallion lUckmonJ Tip lop Flora Grand lnzeXe Derby Dolly Gypsy Qacen Ianser ArmylU usizeiMicrial liockuanor Oak and MuviGalvanized Iron nd lor Iron Ware and IIjii


JkniarprtfAorkthrr tmrivatlfd



amom imiit




1alacc Contest

aiaifnei Alinedi tclime Charter Mmule Inwxi IinndrvConpcr Bodn ltances Granite Nickel


Galvanized Water Pipe all sizes and laid on

lowest Rates and Soil Pipe

House FuIilishing Goods ail kinds

KUODEB UOSE HIZES GILIDESand InmpB rwtern rara Sheet Coprr IadIad Tin PUt Water Onsets Marble and Bowls Enameled rHands

Chandeliers Lamps LanternsVjavfefMEs VKVSSHS TiuTOg

HOLLISTER Olarge Invoice of the Celebrated


Wc Have Especial FACILITIES for Adjusting TRUSSES

Hollister CoCor Fort and Sts 59 lunanu StCRYSTAL SODA WORKS

Our Gocdi are JUknawltdgtd tbe iZtttHO CORKS

We Use Patent StoppersItkHmttMiUt Ttmlln Cm mo

Ginger Ale but ourstUILDHES CBT FO

OURSODAWATERniJL ait r ntuCtnltt taan pus ut Ottn ii

The Crrrstal Soon vrmita- -

rowrjij Hosrotnrif rS-- CVRXi ZLZeEBZZ IS 50298 -- J

tTltTUtZw4rSl VL- m- - v wttrsiiiimjTa13Cj4S55 i




ScralftUjtit-ll- - a






V lb


STREETviTKli a k iviiiii- -

xrvatet chins

lUHlh from SIiltSiiirll mconplalsffl of In

tow rttAND The IlnfrM It conv

TUnd la

Jfc ffl

Mayltival Orr Wren 4 liartrr

LKcroia1lnu d

Iron atCast Iron lead

VLL VXDLift Forca Galvanized Iron bivetPipe hlabs Wb





--Vov-y BoatHay Grain SecWHICH l OfWUtD AT THIS

Lowest Market Pricesmo narrau fta T0 m n m

Aurxm ran tiiijPadflc Mutnal lito Insnranco Company

or auniHUAgeat for tteH00VEBTEIEiH0SEf

ccmttiKSJcmzR or dtxxwrtfR cjutoxxm



feslL- L

Bmiimtimissm - abfaEfcAafea












Page 6: Uew-llM-nt- Ax Sf sZjy jy Jw ww SMMjiitiaaa Laiij




t in



Gazette Sap piemen May 27 1885FOREIGN NEWS

Lomvv ilT i -- In th House of Comwwa rviniuc to tie Mtbiect of nQinivttun of ivounuBxtoo betTjneeo Eaclanduai Kbmsuv Ubaioae tail tbev wo2d bomocfe Iirtaxt bvth mart fall and Martksvwlcdcv tviucJi the Govwaansit nowkcea of the Avevrs views inee tW

satevtent Mwwc mm aad EkI Doavriat lUvnt ltBch and the Taluabk tcfe

grawhic utfbanstioa vFatkk had sines

Kick Hob Sir Cfcarfcs OOke lntMtof w Local Govvnmwot Bosvnl anMwcdfareGTayBst that it m

mrenttTv is the itvt of the eoaatrrAat the Hotfee ja ocenl at one wiA the

A axaafcr of awiaivri at ooce pot intnqeHUoa to the Gwmaiit coocwb

CWi tntTorthiiheo of the reports brhutti Sir Peter LoBedec and Ueaerat KoaarC

Gladttone aaewered ib detaiL tUtmjis sabfrtaaee that the fcpate of theIVfdeh iaodeBt had aeror Iwet a qaeo- -

w e tzmj oi bbj oacer cat cuewajet eooeeraea fee hoax of the twoUoTwmoenfc avoired ik the Xarct azrv- -

aaeot It was aot in the power of eitherpanr K uu asreeseat to reoder it anyk bat fafitcMBtlr dear

Lord Randolph ChorehilL the toobOaerratiTe leader acur arue aadiaaoefaed into a batig asaalt on theGvtvraiBeitt The aigi ant jast aadeoe behalf of the GoTecasaeot was tetriUepieee of Bewfor thots aBxioB forthe frkfetr of the TKrc Eapire TheGTemBent cried oat his LordshiphasuMieabacowardhr sarreeder of

etery past at issn to Bnta I peatlrfr that as a revolt we haTe lott ladiLord Kaadoih cosbaatog said liat heprotted agauet the coadaet of the Goterumeat at sabaittinj fee tote of credite Xoadav hjt tnthoot giriag the flightt tafaeatwe of their pobcr aad the

iact point at seae with BaWia Ihetatter he cootcaded had bees for a lonetsio breabog the areemeBt of 1ST3 wHfcw pect toeeatralAsia Is regard to the

oajif ijonl LAarcsul iBtevi tnat toeKosNaas loacr aso ptd the boaadarrwt cii thej- - had proeifced to retct asth- - ngutful froaber hae of the AateerckQLiuoo la 1S53 a series of pfedpeewere Tulnatarilir giTea by Rttsia eoacenucg the booactary and all of themhad been deifb jraterr brotec

Henry Laboocswre Badxat wndthat the Tote of credit be redared S5i0tO

to 3MKJXX1The iBotkn wa rejected by 79 to 29

The majority mctaded fee CoatHerTatiTeleaders The Iameflite voted with feeminority

The Speaker then pot the aaaia quetL --tkT0teof credctof 5fl00lC0

STeral aHBabeib qoettweed Gladstonebat they faded to eat any farther infdrBiatioii

Sir Randolph CfexrcfciB tai he fearedthat when the news should become lowrm Incha Bneiand woaM hte aQ fee respert vympafey and ioyaky of fee aatiresHe J vLared feat the history of Rassasuepxatioot with Kadaad was a recordof treachery fraud aad fakhood

Benartniwnns the acttoK of fee Govern-ment


ui the present xtatatr and fee asehe sacrifice m the Soodaav it was capossfc to repose fee shrirtest coafideore infee OorornaKct and tt was farcical toKiflueiu in fee pnent Tot He rplurwi the jiafeters who were deartBewith the present shs tonmemfcerfeepaet perfidy rfassia and feeir datv toEagad aad IndaaLoad cheers

A nuboB tn adjoarc fee ikiise waseeativwi- The Tote of endtt was then agreed to

hyaToteof ltoajLosrws Xay Utadtrmr in fee

Hans of Comaaoa this evemac wasasked hexsr it was thai LoBsden was recaBed front fee Afefaaa fronter by Sarciand whSe General Komarofi was re-tained


there by Bassia and if these factsindieate a eoalessjoc of wron on Rrlaatfs side is fee Afcfeaa cfcptrte Gladstone stated feat there was no relationbetween the case of Sk Peter LmasdeBaad General Koeaaro The latter wasnot reeafied becaBse he was fee conv

of the Rnseiaa forces vh3e Sirtincapacity Laasdiffi the PWEiser said had

not teec recaHeii bet had eje eocsBftedapoe the subject and m eocfonay wifehas news had been retjaestedreturn to England as it had beec dsckfcdto carry oe ia Lucdcu future cotcrauaka

with Kassia al3 fee mam potassin fee fgfrftn fronter lrae deptae BothSir PWer aad Orioeet Staar had beendirected ease Lacdan

SrasocHay L th HahatTs maarcbecsGaaaj saore darisg ewsry dy LastSi

aaeT soiz pEiafcncp8fifeeqratametBsurainre aaie aan inarrsagB tolaeatiea We iaieod a gsaid agahuit aewrcvMUBfja baagafe arfeish cadet leesfair at the Bar asi wash the aceepestcemae of haspraved tefceifisadTaaCagsaoa Bat fceari ran ia minii aaier ailohe ruTTtfHataaw aad aca the taae aaatafed m the cpiswuof the Qiief Jviiiee aadaa we farther fied ihest m ite reoud f evideace we maatasd lialde tramp rtiiin be

the parUea was than zsxxnsoBaahUTio elect at the-- endeace ta to cctmcce cstnat Keased eoM f vsry hijh ax sisInterest ia a property watch fcna Che fcepcafeltadTtaJiWfttaasirtTidcodsaad placedbim under cscsuerable SaiHciea He hadprcrnsaly a j3artiir ir a scmsal anautSOyuW olakich may aaaf hadnever beea paaf asy parr for SWM wasazaSsat Qua as 3i3 Uu annular waachawed the ftancatraa barely ssua 3lrKiua

of tar aamcat aad the- reaiajaferwaa getd by Tote wfaeh remaaed mpudaad via aiHcd tthe asuamt efts scrtgag

vea iheeecand ijjarter the aaleof wtttauw csisBfers Sstricy aanle the

vaaaoaaftaeprugertraa jtteateataancy the gresemfgnacr ef tae

atroEgjy raiaBia s fact that tievafirarias tSai lira ahars was Id far wsrzraasfo- exaassratei

We areofaaHy cf cpiaieB that KcEearelascBsitase was set to- a oessu csmnm

--i -




they surrounded Lambouk ami Otadand kept np a havy fire on both places allnight The firing was howeTer madefrom too long a range to bo effective Another forward movement by the Britishtroops i expected to take place to morrow

Losdox Hay L The Government hassent orders Dover to cease charteringships of small pattern for transport service This is believed to foreshadow thestoppage of all war preparations

Lassos Hay 4 The FVrtuytttr Smttepobbshes an article by Charles Williamsa Soodan correspondeat sabstantiallvproving the incompetency Sir CharlesWifcon and fee virtual slaughter of Gotdoc by his negligence The matter is tobe brought up in Parliament in a day ortwo wife the probability of a court marhbl iajtu uaanes ijerestonl and manybine jackets are willing to be witnesses

Sr PnufcKK May L Seventy Sis- - I

ters of Chanty have been ordered to joinGeneral Komaroifs army to aid in caring 1

for the wounded Of this number thirty j

will go from St Petersburg twentv nvefrom Moscow and fifteec from Odessa J

Losses May 4 In the hous Lortlsthis afternooc Granville to inquiriesstated that England and Russia had agreedto renew negotiation in London concerning the Afghan frontier question and thata meeting the Seomination Commissionhad been arranged in detail

is now learned says a London dipatch that Russian cruisers have beenstationed for some time past at convenientpoints in the Pacific Ocean in readmessm case of war cot the ocean cobles con- -SeCuBgr r Ttfnri witl Cmna TruiA KmAustraha

Ko May t At T oclock SaScrdar eveslag a aew opeuaccane tteide of Xt Yesaviasar the Terre del Greco twelve kSoawtentoo Naples Lava iowed aboadaatly from

the av austh while the jraad crater oaljhriched reddish saMte Scteafiae abserverssaid ia the iiniiai that was ao eatdaaerer bat there was a poak m Terre delUcto the site of which has bees severaltarns covered first ta 1601 when snay thosaads penshed asraia ia Jane 1794 destroytag the cathedral cflardfs and boases aadlast is I Jtl The iahatxraots who wttaosedthis lut ereptrau say that the present appear ¬ances are like the bepinoiog of that oo

Paisti via Galveston Hay 5u OnSunday night last a fracas occurred be¬

tween some Jamaieians aad national soldwrs at Culebra The latter were disarmedand afterward retired After procuringreinforcements they returned broke intoth barracks where the Jaaiakians wereseeouir and in the movt bftriiAmn manaer killed twenty five of them and wounded twenty others Only one Colombianwas killed and none wounded The Jamaicians are leaving in szeat numbers Theirdeparture w31 delay the work of the eanaL

Sas FsAScitco Hay 5 When Bear Admxral John A Upshur arrives at this portwhich he will reach some time this r inthlhe wiH have completed forty years serviceand will beestrtled to retirement BearAdmiral HcCanley wiE take his place oefee Paeiar stafaoc

W Yoas Hay 5 Early this morningtwo buHdinizs os 55 and Attantw ave¬

nue Brookryn fell ia with a crash Thebuddings were let out with steam powerxor various manuiactanng purposes togefeer wife i building in fee rear and allwere itesoyeo

BobTOS Hay 4 James B Osgood i Oxfee wett known pnbrishers have failedThey have made assigniBCBt to RobertHorse Jr-- and have called a meeting offeesreredrtors tor ae lsn instant

Qocafio Hay 4 oon SheriS Honcbett of feis city has just received wordfrom Hr lcsoot tnat a cmbskkieurred between fee boops and fee striking quarrymen at feat town the awraiBgand feat two strikers were tiled

Sas FiAScrsco Hay I General IrwinHeDoweQ ied at milmght

One of th most popular prejatSow as thatuariaeiT ig pre eaawauy the proper nd fixthe rafaatiTe seoatach and siagafarly eamngithe natastSe taete aseally rebels at this dietStiii is us not mfixqaeatly Hobaoas choicewut the anlacky jsangsier He nest eat eatmeal or so sspperiefa to bed yovhwevrra fneod baa spoken for mat DrBarthtawa recorded tathe Catity md Gniai Secori

Peter had VlK employed in a psrr Ud- sfl JerKaa staHacka arefen ttt iFimittmt afl T u

vn to


to to






oldbe he


tfrimrpn i

farwa- axa














The adaV hat the Scotch ataaae to eat suchof it bat mere as so aataas so sabjeet to mdlgeeeosas racy

Xaoy of the darkest days m ansbiry haveborae the choicest fraat ta the gtory of Godaad the good of ana It was a dark ay when

Ial pnaaci ia tie bttDmess Ejyptbahaadsex Had it bees tea bfttK Iiraet wwiihave reatedinVmif ia giypt oat af mehaadaa caeae tar saas the Hessnh It was aekric da when the asdest hcava etaweat

Sfe at Bee i ny castes was sttsee

Isiparter vThcIrnle and EetaHBealeris Ceaezal Utrciadiic

aCajaaawibtmpgrfaiAroorstorggocawr Stoaabat aai SaaaaaSerraCr to


Rotoll VVialo DonlorLxioi saxooxLa Ji rax rffte Hawaa 6aaetto bwOvlazW 5 S 3feskaat SBel ly

JL RT Pr IKfXfcCO- -isg cHAyaisaa cmrnsioa a r tcrrajaSrsaii a waajt aait Baib Lanrtfif

Ptuj Daafet Paac SaferM Sa iri St-- Baaaioia IT


Asaialta tai AekaarwXcdcsasta t Cahtracts arXar

faebi Oiatrirxaf CaaaIabuiaVarOBka t tke OSes aAm Enaalaia Water Warka Eaot af Sanaaa scset


1TX023XT AX3 CCgJiaLUlS IX UfwsarcxBX fesuc

Aaal r t tar g AcksawiEeaicatowf taauaiseafaEuscae Ealaajfaraiaa

DC CaapoeCliagteIrtaaaLst gaaarolg Ifg ACSTET UHXXLSU

AttozBcy and CbssscQar At LatrAxest tst VaSr AcSaawfeiraear eCIaatzamealafisr

tan latent aCGaapat saaaaaasiaaxStstrSimaair tjr I WC

T -a - r

f --jj

itAvmt or Aviwmw2OMeaaTaanraillSistiSf S Taaf- - lIgt titn1MB iaaaantaa Jjm nil AaLltV Mm k iMm mm ndarfl ana 0tl 1QW I-- Tin px atofiima 11 inn fln ijg mm g r m af u aa 13asT tmrrw fa - -- -

T A- jrt ja -- - 34 j j- - 1 ljrasj atNIA H

J4 4 a1 i - j itiife 1 1

l fc a rfT a k r m wi m I

aujMi Boston noard- - v - of UnderwritersJ - - CfW 4 L a a a a a KTS hr th Hawaiian IUmla

tviwa- - r - I IULr Philadelphia Board of Underwritersiijrm il - - a g JFNTe for Ihc Hawaiian llanls- xasi-S-aiwS- - 4 S A wily o nitKWEKJt co

r Mwac J St I- 3v 531 sk aJ a V L K IlltKS STREKT

x V - r Proprietor

L a V - VT fed Building

v - letoiwal - i ISort Stovwcwd Cut

- - - I




bythede-Trmfanif- e-

bat oat of tint day casw Panl Ilwasaditkl I

daywben the persccutica that arwe anint jgrncml UtrhStllntSSttpheo rarapol tho disciples bet ens of itnme the worWwhleprtjchisc of the Gospel RFNsflN Rl PtItwasadirk div whi the rnritos findinir Ollll I 11 UUno rest for the sole of their feet sailed fromthe Old WotH but ont of it cans AmericaIterkesi of all djvs was that on which tho suahid hu face froto the Divine Man expiries onCalvary yet all oar hopes aad all oar haappi- -oesj cook irom laat car- -

rntrol -- Utrrrtisrmnits





Thursday Junt 11 1885


Hawaiian Jockey Club


BtIe KACE-Hlf-- Kik auk esta to aUijMtaraice

2 QUEETS PLATETaoTTTNb BACE Uileant5t karaxM he iin 3 tat Hlitu btrt Hm mIt

3 HAWA1TA5 JOCKEY CLUB CUPA sWEEPsTAKK at t lidii cap t wok toe

two timwtutiT tsMK3 by tag m peroa oe mitetut O0a 111 tkRTU4a StlllBMliUllIUmclwiac l fee at uk Mat t tk Soraair at theauiaa JocttjCtB vMin I pmra ta iijitimmt tiul loquca u to tte kiUa Xttlulri x MKi MLlltlHtv Je


iSWiSPSTAKSf nfarni 1nil Mk vpa u all Haoabaa kmi





XibkttjKjt J in 3


KlSSI- - KACS XOr 45ot MNmi vtigktforaztofflm toaB Bavl


BTCMSe KACE n atili iuk frw tx xMweioat far aee


TaOTTIJi OK xai riKtto all bancs tftjat ban wnmc fteun tiuec miemtoaia to iztfe to raoi wasa


anrSlSU BACS lBk matt avcateallfasm erf

10 KAHEHASCEEA PLATEBTSSEtG ZACE tadieibja epcatoaB ittor ace

AMHIaciaw tec tcaB a a aMSat to the snMirjAaft yrsf wis b jms a or aetore Jmac 1

AH rsaanz tun to c aseartawraltoef Ike HawaSazJeeaafClKS

ah rwrmrgaraa ma liUMine totoe roaw at xam

EacrkM daw M a a ae Xanear Jik ita xkScat at CO SVUSEBL Mntur wirlt to mn--

Ctoa at races Sm 9 aait

C 0 BERffKK Secretary

NOTICEPROH VT AITEH TIHa DATEX IIiLaafewffisaaacttKCKiat O railat Sack Xeaaa kuuait at nuntds at fcer tafarc


aaatataXnE9aKaKS taw Ea

caeds scatlFaaaajeaaetbe vrztx


Alao rajifiekaroaT tka KlwlWn tniaaraatAaaaasaaaHawaaaaTITiiitoij aaCatoaaUrXe

T Ttarawaatalnirtfaia Ike feet ecut Saw wiOwaU W awaoato to ftrwf iraaawrace Yfa suaaezraSrilianiij2Pew ia

Bk MaBnb ArrMe JtUerfaiatMaarw varaaan Kiacj faautwe ly

a a caaeaa xCASTLE JL IOOKi


Dealers in General Merchandise3 31 Eia Sanaa BaaaiatoEL

AfiXXTSFOBTi Eakala saur C 8 Hiiatfiif arVTataataTaiiSaikaSaearCa PfaarasaaoTkaAirzuatf Baa- - bwta Plaaaiakuu kmSasaa

Hamana Pkuaatkaa 1 X HrraTufTgwlkaTaeaarkracA XCa a Xtrf

PtaataawoTie Caua Iaaaaaaee Ceesaaa- of j rnaeaa toTaaairEaSsaieljeataaiiraase CSmaaaraairinKOftTk SUto Xaaalacradae Ga or EoatanOl w WcGnra racraeGorriessal Xfrkzaearao Seat Tart aad Baooiofa Facarc LtaeTke JTereaaata Iaae BacMcaia sail Saa TraaoariiEr JaTaar A Smts Cafetrat- - XnriciacWIfitoxascHM a Sggar Xanaf Ktariay Caoiaaay aasi3C Wkisler Waoaa Sewta Xacktaea- - I

TITZO VV JT COTaiprWra at Baar to

Ales Wiiies aiid SpiritBag Trawvrtatr

U JTcrrSaar SaSaat appKiC Qe Teat Offlca

Smtsilta K L J7




Homoeopathic MedicinesRICKSECKERS

Unrivalled PerfumesProprietors and Hanafacturers

or THE

Maile ColosneA2D





Bat r stavus TatsGro W Taoarnis



Jos31 Gisaaafi SictscTTor Icunt

TotalSorplna - S 27J01S 01Tar atttatiaa tt tat paklic Is caJIrl to a NwTeatniv in Life Insurance adapted a tali Ceta

paaj Uw lfi of IxlmMiil Pokt focprtd-t-t- jtb saate prratims artrtorere taujnl far wJteie Life

rJlri Tkete pelirk BoirJcifaie ia tie AanuliirtritarlM at sirjtojuai arefakJccttotarjLiuicaaMtts aca Corfrltare Law

Cask amaakr aai raid up unnut ratan raaned a avrrj- pUrr

rsajJil exalaBatorr of tke Sew Fcitere auj- tad aa afpiicatbm at Coataaars Offer



la akMfaatlr Sca Forfellabte ftrr Two FimrnU

Eaajnple for Non Forfelturo Planlaaand age ajcu 3 jan Eadowaatstt PUa far


At ta mai - Tear J W Ta - MS TV

J a imJ - MIS llts- Ufclll lBSJ - 15 1JSa - Mtaes a

JJ - wu sjkink - usm ajeBe - iiu tama - ubtrn tesja - xiivt ajaima - asm ria - una ijma - uaa niIsBb - liPDrt tjBOi3ta - ijn -iatk - vi ipti

fat Mtnr aai nbnaal ptamaaxt a- - Ktatr lbe miacra bj tacrraaiay aaaail Jutrialtatt attaryaaarir Aprcatunisraatuduf xai fall lofarautianwin be giro br ta Aavnte



Fireworks I

Nth ca 4th


Mb Rockets Colored21b Rockets Assorted

21b Meteor Rockets6 Star Roman Candles

Bon fti Liaiu T uaax TanliES FO SALE BT


OXAyilVITEKTinaDVTILTIIEier KTB M As LOW rates aa hj rar eas warITiMiaaliiSawlaatist igsj

GREY COJTaaafactirT BfS Dealers la

ALL KINDS DF SOAPSLt IXInsr Strctr Haaotmlaav

Bf Xttmi avad G7afio wattt Orfer ifl jr


LlJ C WALLER PrcDfletcr


THE UDEKsK3EI BrZGs TOA-- afarat te ramie raar a wen fcawa Boose faatadtanoaxSaafsnei EKuaaafPEsBav aaaa aferastaceriteclarais rnaiti la ncMtrw writer

Sanaa srlS aa rMfar lu Uawce far tkoaevaotarawr Ifcai-- BiTH UOCSE n caaaadioa aKk tkeatiMfakaicat

lioxax cl S7 lacnr WocltA-- A-- TODD

Stamped EnvelopesTHE nE trtnlTI05r3 OF

ISSatIOC3Ucaar7orckaMt starPvtefkclfx sfaritnaaocr frans aae a ea tkosaaatfEaveasites raxioua reasatar oa taatierXtSaaEaeaaeaucara tkeat fjoat tke beat Pastaflfcaa- - alaw deaxaaaeprltoralssrepfTearis st


J rianing Mills

xinplulu II 1


Sashos DoorsIceVawkriBlak

p Band Sawinghis or

in and Tenanting


inrnntrcilUad KllltHra

lOta Ijtr




able Mantelstnstand Tops andd Wnite Marble



eitue Llraurtlautle

ii MOBDttT attcatlrd to3

KAS LACKTionololn


s and Genuinehments Oil


pr anatinesi

Hachine Needles

tds sizeslorticalli Silk

in all colors



a Cat Paper FatierasDwIarU

FGwodstap A Mttalir Carttlda

E STOVESisucslerricesof arirl Class Goa

lMechaBlc lianoirpf- -wiia pnjmpiarss ana

ilcd 1D1T

PBaj laBssaaWl HH

other atcus IioiltrIT IS MORE


b to Explodesfer of TraiLrportaUonS NO MORE

ad anccs eaa be btained by

JOWELL Honoluluka Areau Hawaiian Islada

IOKE Xo 60


IF ALL DESCRIPTIONSlela Maisb asallowi awaaredlaCItrask JaBr Ice ewasrazlOwaa Draaja C Saassstrlelraa Lawsaawra Stfait LAaenarsrsL Cawcaaace Creaasa aadIn Mixed Candiesj f-- S Aiasatula BrliilsUeaaica Aastes Coaarsa Fnxi Bwacs

1 BetaUed at SOc per laB TMT TBEit taaeest Hamster C s vlsbe aa itaaVa fall iia at



3Trom Great BritainAnd irfll soon opes witH



Latest StylesAnd Pnrchafiedby JUmself

in PersonKNOWLES


TIEE TrXIEEaIC3fE JJ4VEJfoTper Asr TsTaac fraai oatsaa SaJlasaortascsstaeaeceiesfsscif Txaa waica at zearantcrffcs be rata j r sort lKr taaa aay ester asrfe effomilmfccud KstHtVautXkmafftmerpafciesfotaUswVaxasairaat vMeb U saae uatjauzert aasT Bore eerreabe raaa duressISSXs CSITsVZXaCO

r a M3iivrrrn4 UKNTomrtmen X1nrtif UntlrwrltrrX As at pf trrdtn tloird of t7ndtrwrltrr

Acti or 1 nn Ddnx or unacrwtumiCIlw4 1ot IninrBfCotnMTf wUJahi lv rlt- -

tHtTrCn at the aboTe Daint of Unttenrrttrr Ul hittn l crrtlf ra to by th bOT tnt t mV HwinTtllJ 10O ly

Insurance NoticoTM1IIK AOKNT FOR THE HUt rttH Kor--t cHm Mailne IntOTknt- ComnmoT lUmltMhatmvr4 lfiractloat to Iteitnr iir ilitte of Intqranc btwa Honololn and Port tn tht lfiaen Jltior prtparrU to tfsti rollct1 at lb lowril mlfwltU 11 irnrlil tttlDttlon on ftldlt rr ntfamrr

UU 91 JtlllaU II UAII

AcratHrll lr Vtr In Co

iiaiiiiicii iMtrni xFIRE INSUEANCE COMPANYriiiivMirjiiuMr iiivino iilcxaf- -A polatrd Arrnta or the atare Compaux n P

Himl to Insare nsVa a ilat fire on Mlon anJ rtrlrkllnllllnK9B0d on Slerehauillafi storrd tbrrrto onthe most laroraola trnn ForpanlralsraarplT at tharret 1031 Is V A SCUAErSU X CO



3tniiAMiHi- - s fitsiTUBE and Xacnlnrrj lasarrj aralast Fire oa theBoat fATorsM trrtns

A JA111KU AirtitfortbiiltiwilUnlliaJlu IT

ORIENTXiiRurnnoo C 03jaX5tmy


T tl ffinl Lot or by Ftre onTWiWtnt MrrthantltiMullatrTr and Fvtmllartj cmfirorabtr terms



Dmr- -

A JAKUKILAsent for IIalUn IUnl


OF BOSTON MASSACHUSETTSCata ajuajaagary lit USt S15D5W034

Tatra Rlshs arllmt Los or Dims br Fire onRalkilDz MrrcbaailiM Macblnrrr aad Faraltora em

TOrablr tttmt A JALOEKUBS Asrntrorllawallaa Ilanils

THe City ofLondon Fire In-surance


Co limitedCAPITAL 810000000

HAIIMi LNTmMIKI A aUEMT ATfor the Uawaiiao Islands the nndrr

sinnl Is prrpaml to arr pt riRs aralast lire oo BatkilnrlVrirhaadlsr rnroltarr Machlaerj on the mostfarorable trrms

Lots Iromptlr Ailjiitctlan J lajable HcrrO O BCKUCU

1CC5 it A rnt for the Hasrailaa Islaads


I cvprcvxi I

- laniiMsaTsassaieal

150000001A JAECER AotI forlhe HlWa Ia


INSURANCE COAssets - 531161000


Ilooololq for the llawalUa Islands and the anderliiea art prrparrd to write tlsas aralastFIRE OX BOLDIXGS JIERCJUXDISE

DWELLIXCSOn fotit4lrnn DwrllliipriiknSicrinlUjDUchriiwrUU2inJcosieitdlDarfd Xor a pfiiod01 larKTtan loriwaprcmmms in taTince iw ipromptlj- - niJatMl uil nnynble here


GERMAN LLOYDMarine Insurance Company of Berlin

F 0 It T LT N AGeneral insuranceCompany of Berlin

Alios 1 sum mi iojipaxienThe establisbrd a Grnrral Azrary brrr and tbeonderslTard General Agents are aataonzed to takeItlki alust the Dansrrs ot the Nea at tbe

Jtot neasonable Ilate auilou til3Ioat 1ntoralfle Terui

Im lj f A Stt HAEFEK CO Centra Azeats


1iiiivliico Compjiyorsrirrri

nfjn-jxuxjim-i- 1013apllnt KilrtMuaark 9100000piIC CXIJKUalGXKU IIAV1XOX hen appolctnl aeest of tbe aw ITospaay forbv Hawaiian Islands Is prepared lo accept risks

armt Iirr oa Bldil Fnrailarr VercaattdUaPrjducr iaar Mila ontbemoel fas rabletersasLOSSES FiUMFTLT ADJUSTED JtID FJTA31E HERE


General Insurance CompyFor Sea River and Land Transport


UAVIC tTAMalIiil AXilmofn tit b Jlawatla Ilaoda

lb- - 7Dirrincl rnrral Acrcts afraathoiiaed toukaRisks against tbe Danger of tie Seas at the

Most Reasonable Rates and ontheMoat Favorable Terms

t A SCIIlEFEB X COlac ly Ajnl for Ue Hsttaiian I land

WILDER COITsftnoIula Hawaiian I tlxtiiU ieu

- ttnU orttieMutual Lile Insurance Compy

Largest Safest and MostECONOMICAL LIFE INS CO

IK THE WOBLDJCash Assets overS90000000 I

rar lafcasatloa coaeerair the CoesnarAKlforEaweoflasanac apply to WILDEK A lo

Oaal Azaats or1 E WISEXAS

Ifl las ittriUae Agaat



CAPITAL 120000000rIiaaiteilLUMIityaf gbaralMidaTa lisiar Jaiml

PatterHaria- - established aa Areae at Ibroolsla tar tk

Hawaiian Isbsa4a the aaeWslaacd la ftreaarad an aceae risks aaaiast rire aa BaiMleza iCTebaasFerauare If ackiaary Ac oa Ue moH faraeaWe ansaLosses Promptly Adjusted and Pay-


HereMarino Risks on Merchandise Traiznta

and Treasure at Current RateV u DEfcOEE

a-- AxaattarlUwallaa Utaatt

TltA3 ATlASTICFIRE INSURANCE COMPANYor HAjinrniiCaastal at Of amataj A VwrseBasthsBark tiniw- Ufetrea IassranraCocsoanlea lmfijfjfjo

Tal Baieksauffc tKJtUftn


or iiAnnrctiCaattaloftaeCweieeByA asrrreeUksaaraUni- taeirSa IaaarsaceCoxapaalea M KJJUttfJta

aVstaaaarfc UpOptl

Tim xrsntzjanGstLOczsrnxtxuKxttae aVrr tkxse cotapaalea far the IlawsHsa

lasaada arc prrsarol to fasorCafldiisJaraHftreUTtMiltszdrryUcr XaeMaery At alMBwjarsaul9eXUsfaa4sessaUla the harbor szslastfaseoasUaaaae by a sm ta asoac fssoraM Ursa

tz iy n juctrzLD co

FOR SALEFowlers Jatent Tramway

ti foad Raft If fwaeiSKtiJa

WithPatent Steel SleepersOono Oars

aTaVVTi seaait9cl4ae4asf2aasefC CggWCB CO

A9rrrsifx caeiw scatfrfceeaiaa hxsaa OBat



CASTLE COOKE AGENTS1093 Far th Hawaiian lalanila 1


XAamixrnxxoo Oorupnnyor ioiiir Avn entxnenarrEstabliehod 1800

CLtriTAIActnmaUtfU ml Inmlnt Fenii

C 3000000l073l

uxnEiLHMiMcn hvvi iierxftpIMtlnteU AtlRNTSt tot Ut tnJwtfh Iilindi

Had ar awthorlitNl fo tttdMtintt flrf on fATortblIfJWI

Tfr ItUk Utvet tn tax Tt of th tUa4 en Mahntl Wootlrn ITnlMlnxK nJ VrnhindltorfU ittrr

tn DwrlUn Hoonet 4n4 Pniitr Ttmoer CoShtp In hirbor with orwtfeot uro or anttcr rtptr

ie iiorrscnuvKOKu Jfc coKW AgynU for tht IUwtUn IUoln


New England Mutual Life Insurance Co


IXOORIssRATKD lI31h OUUat runty MalunlLtfe fmuraxca Co in

tit bnitnl Sntet

Pollcisi luatd ea tae nett faverable TamatKaamplrorVoiirorrllnrenis


I Annual prrmlam eentlanaa Peeler 3 jrars Sdsja3 Anattal prrnlnma rootlaue IHilsej 4 jrare ISdaja3 Anooal prrnilams canttnea rollry h Tears 37 dara4 Annsral prrmlaaa cMitlaa rottcy yrara 4d daja5 Annul prantianaeaallnne Tolstj 10 yeare M days

AssotR 9X013000001lar lnlil tlimncti llouolnln Aanry





Drslr lo call lh partlcalar atlrnUoa of tTtrybody


Tontine nYfstment PoliciesWblth conUIn th- - iMltspatabl Claase

yo Restrktlon on Travel or nsaldrncrFne fraa Dinger of Forfeitare

AL0The DepoMt Enilonmrnt Toller and the

Mutual liiirstuicnt PoIIcj

Tbi tsoneo the mo t reliable Com pa q lea extantha no anperlor and few ennalt bet ties all Claimspromptly act hey and fairly by all

IT For farther intormailon write to or call onK W IAINE

1K General Vrentforthe llawafUn Island



Halls Steel PlowsCat off from In to IS in



Halls Steel Eock BreakersII 15 aad 1 Inch

Contalninz all tbr adranues of otbrr Dreakera andnombrr of new ImprnTrmenls all made by the

okeat jioiim PLOW CO

-- m hi sain- t-- -- CTVW T




PAINTS AND OILS of all klndeLU11KICATIMJ OILS beatstoekinUwtwirketKKKOSENE OIL Downern Xoondaj i Laatral

SILVEI XLTED WAIIE from lteed Uarton

bOLID SILYrlil WAUE rrom tae Gotham Co

POWDEKS all kuula from Cain Powder WorksCAUKLICE AND MACHINE BOLTS allwiea

HARDWAREA Splendid Aortment

LEATHER -- Of All Docriptfonsrlaroodu or ibr te fl tytmj f Mftt

for ta arc iiway irw t nr pmrtitolnrw w rt IVrot remtumwtw oJ FHIIDH 10 OUR W OaCRIPTlIECrITJtLOGUE lch v iu --J lo j mm p alfutto or nil and txutlur onrSpfraitM Stock ttootAT OUR WAREROOMS corner of Foci t4KlB trria Hoopla a Wil




To the Honolulu Publiccs




Gadrsataral ta kcaa loarar after delrserrKILLED MEATbC T I-- kaA a



Metropolitan MarketOakla Street Vrai fsesaWsfldlf

City MarketOa SsVaeeav Staaet

Hotel Street MarketiaIlMetrbewt

Eureka MarketAlkVeWsaMasket

Hawaiian Market0aatakrHwi

Chinese Marketua rsk Mraet ef aad Pset

a- - Tkaaktaf Ibe nabite tatyiH UtaaMeoaflaaaaee tbesaase V



ofwfr C J WALLER

Wo want tho Public to understand that tho

Union Peed CompanyU rUijfi Wimei to raralsh all U


AT THE LOWEST RATESAs ire weal In teeke i ttfat tat a Lara

eHcfc Oar tbfarvafiefUnorwotty attended Oexfa dallreredJ nr TrJleoriono Ko l7JtviBOitxnnts ttAsarvPnnxtRn resd a rt OsKSte Oaas

Iwaei urn Mli neo towHMKwan1IH 3ft Ml 43 WfirtM UMllBtt Mt9uwj

a ftesleese Card Tr fir eerH jiMiai tMM tbase miss tUU ef ft

j atirenSn

jitniiatewksnaHVarjliraarltlr- II II IdfTIHH -

ike reared t or ilea wilt Jfl7rlaaraeiTan In tketrrmilium fscrlelkMiMje mad bTankllIeelnerUeeatrifasUatpe M

fortign trotrtiatmatts


Shipping and Commission Jlrrchinltl CallforaU glretl aa rriatUtotyW- - H GROSSHAlT BEO

003I3riSSION MBKCHANTS1 Chanhsr trt t Xear Trh

s7rrarr Cslt Jt Coota and J T Vjt rtoaselyr

H W SEVERANCEIlairallan Consnl and

COMMISSiaN MERCHANTSltCaUforTiU St 5aa rtanelseo

Room Jlo a





CEO F WELLS118 aad 1420 Market St San rnaeieeo


SELF PLAYING INSTRUMENTSTarlar Orthrstrone Mantel Ortllrslrone Clarloaa

Ae Also Mole Aernt for JUthestirk and Slrlaway Flanoa tar Ihe llawalUa Island Bwt

aruaim a jtito uvnatav a arroaaabinquam t pnrro- -



COITHHOmCE Ko 323 California fitreal

low aia irtvscisco cal iy

DR JORDAN COTLTlIJs OF IROFESHOIRiniRltorrarls rrerrlatw at Masnrmof natnroy Can oe eonsalird bylalln umta 211 Qearyst aa ITtarlsro





aVJIc U IqtiIWj f yon wlh to obtain quiet ttfrhlnsIp frrofram batltbrfllf from pain amiansnUh to calm and asanas th weary acftlojt ofnreiratted dleae InTisorate tho ntvrono media andrecttliteU0 ctrcnUtlnx irstema of the twilj jo willpraTlda rouneir wtth that manrellona remedv dimed by J Colli Browne f late rm7Mrdleat

whichwhli h he rate the nana of tlILOBODXNC and






It admitted bj the proff mIoij to be the Biwt wondnfaland Talaabla remedr tret dltcorered


la the bel remedy known tot CoshtConmmpUoQ Dronchllts Aithraa

ClILORODVNK actatlhe a charm in Dtartbaa andU the only ipeclfle In Cholera and PjeenltrT

ClILORODTE etrectnallT cnta abort alt attack ofEpllepey HjHerU ralplution and Kpaan

CHLORODTNE lathe only pomtT tn NeuraRhenmatlain UotCance Toothache Stenlnstii

Tmm Sitae Co PharmacttitlMl CbratUta If tillcal Hill Simla Jaonary B ISWt To J T iHtcapottKa- - as urrai itnvivii prrei- - iiioomtnnrr ub3oVnt Sir We rnbrtc ihit opportunity of rtimtvUalIns Tan opon the wltjf pnatl lYpotaUoa Ihia Jutlj

- t AjtBlad Tas f ePavltla TrjaaaeaaHa rklMaaulwBiCIltTUnt IMCUIVIHV ai vuinaaivue e vuruivuaiiha raniM for HJf ttotonljr lalllsdontan tnittlto rr tbe Kail Aa a remedy for Rrnetl ntlllly mattqatlon whether a belter Is Inporteil Uto tb eoaatrrand weball lw slid It bear or Hafindlnx plate Inetery Anjlo IndUn borne Tbe other bTattda wearory to Mr ar bow rtlexated to the nattra baaan aad

Jadgln from tbctnale wetanertbelr nrjoorntbtnwttl be oat ttioctent We coala tntjltlply InfUaeeotlinjtnttwm of tbe vxtraontlnary eOcacyot Dr CollliUroirnesf Chlorftdyae In Dlarrhva and DyHBlcTTSpamCranp5earalitatbaVomUlBzof PirciieUKyandaaa seofraledttTe that have octaied aftdcrovrBrrtonal obtvrratlon darlos many year In Choleraic

and even In the mere terrible furma ef ChoferaltMif we bare wltaeated tt rorprUIasiy tonlrvllIdjc power We bare never nted any utbtr orn of tblrmvutclBe than Colli Browse front a Ann CeaTtctloathat It I detvdely the hot aad alto from a inn of dtywe owe totbe rofeIon tnd the public a wc aro of

thai the fobflltatkm of aay other thantoEUsrowne U abiuituTi Btiiea or nmr rat

TART Or TBB CKXIIT TO rKXtCXlBia US JrTflVTaukk We are Sir filthfally yoazi 9yms7e fe CoMrraSTioniaeriarm Society of Great Drttlin Hit

xeelkftey the Viceroy a ChrmWt

CAUTION - kr ChaiKelr Sir W Paje Woodttated that Dr J Co Hi ilrowne wa nnJoabiedlT theIaTentasr of hlorwlyn that the tory ofthedefeadaat FrevaMS w delfberately aatrae wbltb hererrelteU to My bad been aworn to lee The TlaieJalyltIMI

80M In bolt let at llUdM iOd d aad 11each Coae senslae wlthoot the word Dr JCoIlie Browne Chlerodyae oalhe Governmeat it an pOrerwhelmlag Biedlcal teetlinoBy aecompank each

Caatloit Deware of tfrtry and ImltaUoasSole MaBafactare J T DAVKNPOBT M Orett

Raell Street Dtooaubary London tm fan

cutrol bvertisenunts


Stationers and News Dealers

Ifnnnllnn Unzelli IIk37 TlerrhnntaiHave eJat JErceived ex Marlpota a Fine

altarortnieat of


Letter raper9ele Paase




hy Uvreeta Mocked or hj IJalrrMmetiiHeei Btsela Aa


BoltPlrIMN1 AWUHBaaters Large Baakara Jmill

la faea w tun laksUnda for all


CAKTEirs CmnHwJ Corln A IVrhlttaaearl Masse 5k psats

CAKTBKS VTBITISO fLtiOla laerU alaXe H ale cvaea



fak iU pH Klsstl A roarsiiHiasiai

ia iMtts rwnu H orals A conJTAHOKIT t tn sjaarla aasl

jiiiiuiiJIASV1 tulT DlMtUft






atwypals rrffainl Ikla ta paa 9



aa ami aoaaafeu MaeMsee Boltla

HaB fait bwsad aad aalf aswa4leal I fall boan4 and kalf knead

Maea Cssiisr PaperPCHN 110LIKII t la neat aarkstrs

Aatasarle Feaell Crlz FncliaraWra Feaclla W Idas rraells Ae

IIUkWIMO IMVKKl atalaasytasoaalsdMsalla Detail Paper

ESVlLUIttl IMiluaasaeledPLAYIXOCAHDSi roeadswraer ApUla

II CM tt A J D UJIIMHIUM hree rarl tjTIME OOOKt atawttd GaauaH Laarls

Hklppsax TazToerlst Taja

Invitation Paper tz Envelopea to nwteoBall Proaraaaass latna Pneil tad Tassels


LETTEE PEESSES LAED2 tt 8MAIXKahker Bands all slars



Aa4 asaaj otker artlelee too neawiaea t aseattoa

fap MCIWtJtIPTlOva rnrlrrd faraejranfzaFaiwr or Mseailas paMtwrf at aa llse Also lorell ta Lotsf Psp r aad Kasuiaeslestdea BrooktVlas Fsaallj Llbrarj esc ajwere ats feaad aad specialaaeibissaatfetordeT

a-- SPECIAL Onirr Umtrai tat BOOS ETi


KKD RUBBER STASIP AOEXCY Iaad Ajteate fan lae Kneveiepedfa Erluaaic

XV All Island orders tlwd Prataetlf sV

J M OAT Jr COMSt if OMene Block SSKmsatsL



Watchmaker and JewelerAID DEALER II

Musical InstrumentsXottKe tho pWM- that he haa reatATerJ front aaiiKlTa kJi iv M Klia hTRErr JoiBlBj the ftoreof if r J T WteihiWM where he has epeoed ot a

t4rjr aad JSteiaat Jtrffat of


OlOOS E3tOrrsti Celebratsd afaasrs

A Spfencid Assortment of FleeJewelry in Gold Silver

Una awaalrd wMb PrrasM lo AM b


A Great Variety of Curiesrtr-- TV atfccetlon of feteadla nrtbasera aad be

ladsra la ositleIar Is ssHrd Ul Ikls Hk lrffcr Mrtkaskar elsewkere imiir

DB E GQQX WSilorrifcE ASD HKalliriiCI


tffrKltir MOCTK

Ws 8mlIll1S t

rjiKilrl v waaalaMal- -Bf- T- - TTfTni I i lillll HIT ITWTiTfflir ilTITTsiaililmMiwiTriMwrnt riiir TTiriFii lrnnnnriiirrili TPilini iniir SrXSttMMseBMttr






Page 7: Uew-llM-nt- Ax Sf sZjy jy Jw ww SMMjiitiaaa Laiij

ai3BSct i

iic-- jtaeaffaofcSeaev rvang- - ta 5a txcAerisas use eigB niat andUl HU S abave ata allna air siras by rin-m- ij-

LJflil tmintriidla tSiir cnffry X came rrn aaul uj Siumf Ji

wicfi Siac pnmc m Cfta IToandy csacius voerir


Ui m Tii Innlnlll

Hi Tamim Political Tvotosxrat APolicy of Elm tie Anvtlan

aad WarThe ioUotric is the test of the famous

will of Feter Qw Great of Italia Thbtlocamtzi eras caoJklefltiUy lepoe ittxl isthe hznvb of the Abfc de Ifernt Ministerof Feceisa Affairs in Hoi and also ittfeese of Loais XV See the -3- fenioris-oftfce

CkersBer 2Ban 1ik1iA copy is afco to bo toaaX in the tBpai

maiie archives of Franse awl a tranerirtef this appears is the vohtme lolitiqred k Bom is ea Orient jatr Victor Hi rpego fnwt which tbs tkxtuoent istaken

la the name of the Most HoJt ami Indivisible Trinity we 1 f i jdmng TurksEaFeroraadAatwrat aU jronKurope dfrod her ofler share

alletc to our sneeeswjrsto the throne and government of the Hasskmoatioc

Gcd frost who we derive oor existenceaad to whont we owe oor crown havingcoestaatlv enlightened 0 br His spiritard sastaiaed us by His divine help allows rae to kok oe the Russian people ascaSed acoc hereafter to boil sway overEurope My reason foe thus thinking isteas tae tisropean naaoce nave mosuy



to theyOnce

sold ofan


others kind

sTT flA

and bootyeither with

States orback

fntnre7CTT to



their theirs state ace ocim-- w tin -

or they l PPW kind of orthea they wJl 1 easih M will

ad by many that you will havesiroer and whenvigor tmti laaeo enemiesshall have full xtjx Persia

and vigor I on fstoreof eastern and ajiiegiSiBited Black and Seas

tries as a pencdicalmonn- -i- - vou must make

sseot inna to Can of and to

The en to stare with themfrom north as gn- - a If them

reid the --SHe wiucn at certain tlj ascocas to then prideandambitioji make

I to crash other then crushfosrd as nvutet I leave rtariTW wffl leave ft y issue

wfaidl gg doubtfuLltustriaaad its waters wflTover in abe East and a part

ow is spite dams by of Enrotnwettihaadsfifouxdetceniintsonlyfcncw vrv If which is not hkery both refusehw to direct iu coarse This is resor I fcftve them following





them make I

trees I these waftgmrahaaolwalhjtjtffalejlTpf0gHag4idEKss aiai rai- m - - i tleasTve moment KUsSia wtu KiBg

Law to i onI nation in a of tt y two fleets

war so as to iave soidier set from Aaovunder aiM iot wot i otj1CT jj ptst of

eneptiscwheE ten usancesnet alkwr it-- Keep us

rces csoee for attackBy tHsse means you will ready wareveE tTn peace Thi- - l for Ae

tht fatote aggraadLusteui of

every meaoi j

from t

cotEtries oers rimeswar azd Isarxsd of paateithss Bosiaa the 1

7aataces eejoyed 1 other witk--

aSowisgtfeem to lose any ofwr2iBttataOTarxefcortHropBistofOeciiywmcacocniryDeniE

DrviuePoIandDyeseitaeeivatowin day

keryeorrtfeBMteJane 1S3T

lpennaaeBaToeaUb xntc

start them for

TaSaemuBfeaiyotteanfromosyotESrfe5to be

by her suae tehavea pretext saifaiezhen tms seror



fccrease toand our

enfist vtreanst

Esciasi DHniTing as for herasiiafefflenj ory powwr that can

ormhw pnine

any EseEanwt aadpcEiiraetapus find her andestathkKwtteahrrmeemantfisrs and ourstfim wSailiEpsrfctmgthfiarggvigatMeamlcuiiiwyicifc

yiLLwEisBdyiUEpiBBEsanmacarihraioiErtte and


JLptBciacfiaserapagaaifetoCmstaztacjfe and

rsr wnleoBtrac

a5yat war wnih Turfanmetsse w3m Btfafcfish

ftw getVrrtrtLnLJ

Sea neotsary scwalfemeiit of toe iJanof lVrsia penetrateeetaUWa if portable ancientof through Syria ami malevoor way the

of worM yoncan do without the England

X and carefully keep upance acquiesce in herof doonnatinir over Germany tametime clandestinely exciting against her thejoaloay neighboring provincesendeavor that of 15nia should becalled for by one and the that byexercising of guardianship over thecountry you way for governinghereafter

ITiind if tnina Ban intbt twest for in baBfeaing the

of Knia ofdescendants the Ute conqoest ol

bv war herthe of Europe by giving

a which yon will take atperiod

yourself and assembleyon the united Greeks ato

the schismatics whichscattered in Hungary Turkeythe Pound Make yourselves

centers and layreached old bordering ninnurbicthty are estabrUu a rdyahy sacredit atarafljv smalt the Greeks

tsdiiaby etwjoered JP be jo friends scatPaMr

tfcs ktter attained ife Sien severed and Turstrecgtfe took the kpT eonmrea Pound subjusated ourisvaion coon- - the SaKic

by the north 1 TOefeordained by Prolidase who jgoprtioas separately and dfccreieiy

SzzanBM regenerated the Bamac Versailles thentien by barbarian invasions that TfaQB theigraDS of men the are universe one of

of rnmi be otherwiseferifids fertilize the impover- -fcfcedfcmds Egypt by its deposit Uojjt the in

Bttssia srnYing one by engagingItysHeeessors itahrrge kj strule the of

sea destined tofer62ae the unpovmsheii possestkuaL of nH the great

of opposing erected


Bussia you mustmstrue--lB-r for and

give eountfesW thetnr

of the the Jewtefc people dJcwrn her asteinbled GermanyKeepthe Bussfan state sajoetime considerable

coefenaf witthe one ofalways aims y fa Areaanget

of thethebaa sift of the

thbest momentbe for

fci tfc ofizierest of

TT EEdeavor by possibletobrinsia nefchtoring crvirized

of Europe in ofmen intames

grrizg tfca people adeoaassrae














the man--


the the



with Arctic hordes under the con¬

the from the Black Seaami the Baltic by the Medit ¬

erranean and the Atlantic theywill on while Ger--

will already navetbe xaasenet of Europe thevnki a bkm- -

5T Tans Europe and to

rmiiAnscerat of all the

Qiua ar Jrf

w w it y x 6et aeverthetew thatHer lfciW prorfaaned aad

IV irfr1 rriirii- card there awer fee nobtBty hp- - r i w j aSki to tod itsoasfo navem Bgthtattx eriamaecdw Oalhaoe

itmiw is t et j ti Csaal iitiiin hrid xt Ike

5orfeaBS into ofiee ft them fairrt - f it was

tosflWBEltmse JlBECi7aeiwivKir AcamaiuuiKCH Man cthey can to tfee hat rfthe Privy Ceoa- -

estabned tiwre Ifsowes SSeaStiee appease drirJk- - tkI tga aw BtmiBa 1cwbb cneavn io uac --j --w

Teea3Lrecato in ietail aB that has been Qtntea addressed a tar llaat

cater thac lbT Swe f paerallyfawn

Aicaaf attackedbr

T aceauapfck Qen-r-mJi- -

fenm Swetfee SwedeBDinanark caretJaHy ap their rival

Arwsjscheote as wivespriaees Gsrmaa prineehses as to

Jamiry draw mutualBxtereste efceer pnwasatmprfaes is Gtuua to

VTL navyshe

ex e dtfrcftifBaent of snkaeomcifirml affiaaen- nu in t

etfcut wntdrf fa1 gold

a intcDarsiBrrwirrm feet

towanfcttft Brftie toward

TTnuwkiitis wi

ahaH there tea sowerngna wirM CBnwuueutiy b

ometmas tapPseua- - dock

f Bfaefc Sou entire pirnsX wcririr

bngHasten decline

the Persianthe commerce

the Levantthe IuUies are

emporium there

Austria ideas





theat uonstanuno

ule ratine a forancient

her portiona

Attacharound all

disunited areor

chief supportof


in youth

the westera





propositkiBa of





loadedvoy armed fleets


invade France sidemany oeen ravaaeu on

other countries eanouereiiuewiU eaeOy pase under

Eithoot strikinGought




aadAeIqr Uw

efenno Kinfbring

tgwnitasaefethaeas --Tietaria



eakcrpnMBV Alcaaasnaa war OmtanBasMtbaUfv sauBad altanarb the

OtS nmnwas always







can he

rf Bagbad sever wean emaaUy asy blalenaea ejxepcmg oaEy at aer camtaitina wbea

iezxot Weatniinmter Abbey m croneand M there mveactd with pejryfe aad wfaeo

Ii visit Parliament when A m attired JB

red Jfcefaw aB i j


Importer Dealer in-

Ladies Misses Gents

Boots fc Slioesoe Tae r Jita utii iEi

Smi rftwf4 tic ijn aKra7 wateit cem- -air aeamlMl a a wliSc wm ir feu f

botrmt aa WW h if i in aw Bar i -

eo uf Tteierf-- v V Cvrml ra poiMate

gum jiidui- - iriiff ie aa Jadm n taEiMxf awl3aim g n 3Ttnr Urtlum rt k jr wriRtt KXECCTKirrr



To and



Scntiul 3ltocrft5tintns

BUHACHThe Great California


Positivo JDCftH

Flics Tlcns Cockroaohcs Chiokeu

Lice Etc

HBKMLE5SSHuman Beings Animals


the lluue Uanleii CoinerTatory


Buhach InsufflatorFar lli tritir the IlRhatb



113 aail 113 1orl sire HonolnlaWEI

JTWaterhouseivrTEsiMirriN r rue

Following Goods Just Received

EX LiallSBITAiBlack Trencli Merinosladies sad Girt abra

Ltxs skotn n sukiVxa mA Gal BwtT

Embnidenil CUUk TaMe Oners

Ladies Gents UnderwearWoolen jCotton Shirts

iiriK ssu aT orWhite Linen Shirts and Collars

Wn Dir bifLsdie Htt inxaed aad OtIMOktrtck rafcer

JEdginss and Insertionsi fic tor


New Designed Prints

English and Ameiran Goods

too jrnuioitTii jictriov

Frank GertfiHeads of Families



STOVE COATiUt ivi iMi 11 nca fer r r

Wholesale and Retail- Dg ii iBaiTtatiT Mttitr

S F C3AHAM A CO3 aittyigjai

Tliina3totaT- -

IrfOaaUaOi tafcat5Jga I mmmmmmmmmm

Central CliwrtiKmrnls

P- - DALTONNo 92 King Street

iucrmaca oltcil It iiruuAv jioI auport of tho

wka for iudiv yojim karw awi

Plain Talk Pays Always

Pens Kt for aajrr wrntca riant fBiTTordh pie every clftA of ttw rttuniatiiljr from ih hUkcstUk Ih 1uhI 4wm to tkv humble r Ibr nntklWC

mmi km cam My thai kn tut umt- - he orTcrft im hthj --t i ii v V m ual

pl hU ku4 dik pl 4 cI bl n wl

1C to Site iHHMVt work Cioi malrril orl llr Tlwttar Mhth trnvfiiw Uonr In tfac II aval iu lte4 UX ALWAYS ON II ND

Single Double HarnessExpress Harness

Plantation HarnessWhips Spurs

Chamois SpongesBrushes and

Everything Requisite for the Stable


English Sydney SaddlesSaddle i oths DaaV l u avsj

c W hst tie hi poi ot Dv caa uiAit- - llfcl



OI THE TJTIXX STATESNo 120 Broadway Now York

ESTABLISHED IStjUiatt Pailcis uu m1 ih- - bi Plant oo- - Mfcich

wcSaW tmmd dm b departirei caaiamujc ftiB bo yt in uc U oUkt coipmii pg to litwffMt ud 4MCBHI7 f the POLICY HOLDKlW

Tmift rinHiMij y be amftrlf- ouietl tie Ptoacer iaM of the MiportBBt lnornccjeronn and far Mm

tmtm m well mmnj othn it cow tnuuncta thlliXiiit jearlj bumeii itooe hj rr oor cunpuiy IntncwoffM- - Picte an both


AaKtiDtcaiaMLUWIrtle -

Sew Totk maa4ard

SKW ASSmAStiWbk ptaas coaspare vttb other


IipUTile nrtttmt or Jl irt ijkni teadid iccrrrHrmYK pampi n par


J ijJIloU 14


- -

9 1159iati09 TjJ


baad 3t will



la Sheep RtttxUuid Toritj Binding

THE STAKDABDITWTITrelMtr i IlSMOVrordiIjTXiX 3O0O KoeraTlao i Sew

UtosraDblral ItUtkHurrIll f Tl iaivt in Ff mt oe -


SftiSOl tijlramilrUd uli iBtalUtatdsciiniOWJn



u 1m-

OTHCllllW aail MJIIKILST fcjretjcal rUaJftii Inctirfjereataat

OurVrU X



It b aJI airiur aeta a lailix im xj ta

TnuiMte RH 4 xvniivl ai lo ibam ifrli elutMK

iirok A t EauL Uazi aB erctJut woeH fV Tr4 7Wbm Im

A IJBRAKY Df ITSELFTha UHliancbl th f euuertUam i brijcf4 be tl lanc4

i It if u rfti Mirf rlaMiyiyfiiirtT to th te SMtafyayertaMta aa i eat fepei n iffmitoa



jiutkwrnit bvm KeKkataaratjUaealieir b lusun iiiale4 - tIJBJ

TMa BVBUautk WifOtim


r ii tnutmuCtuliatpaarOerTCaemauaij

Cketr IU luaraa Coapuiln SjWMHS

Tout Bitl3k HtBBrfVHKixiiiuisiicearBAiafirTTK1 rek tVn rkr mJ tm Ilavaliaa

Jfilto fUmMii b U jW aitl0nMire t i rriat trrn

ly M Har KrLD uVSUMVLHat II43CHIUIPOTTER aatat4 t ti OtailH Otaty

KEN LUNG CHONG CoVanma chocoate Creams Cor Fort and Merchantrrj Sts 59 JffmianaSt






Page 8: Uew-llM-nt- Ax Sf sZjy jy Jw ww SMMjiitiaaa Laiij

I I a

Gazette Supplement May 27 1885LATE FOREIGN NEWS


Ntw jot May lV Uvcl raXlaVtocX Ul tughra - 1 a aeel MtU4


ruotkin 11 abouMm their roied by K lnt

i tb court- patrH iHininiiv nu hv idxsi t Utl m bvt twkr tt airtj v lb

Xitr a Mux 1W cnovtx ti y tl

3imi ilb M ibuvil a1 cviM iolj nxvOk vitttrekr IV dim ttflr lVil mkJ rt

wtttt Bxrsx - tbat b i U taro Jua- -

waa ThtheTSTUC

im cam jwi for

esr aaJ fear Ihe and willIhe

otUttl tare rwrt vif Ked


TrimI si Tb

so ofwsl cea


be of but

Mi VkHot the coor

lorwho of

to nrinc

asd oiieec

cilm her and foe

of anastt

the ot the

ktk awave

Itthe ot th

Sa wasthe next lx



extra thisdoe

wiU xrV As awe


the urp seat aray

irt this were


mau theaiatcfc

bat ru


S6e- - thLit




beare not




rib inaec

fhss ofhatetcj by



lOnkA W lnlhHou at th right nt iatnlnMton andtermvn Mr an dispatch luvealigallou in frtratnal wherein no

General i atM the Hon of

wlS nmiMnJ to day ml Mr StaffordTh rb Is flight n of

ji frinc occasion herW Mae 13 A ilU wlcL rum te forthcoming Lnbouclif

ma MtSn thought thcQonn prorldan55 crltMSusto Vhl iedTWiiu dtlren annuity ft was 3K

BSvllhnart w probably fatally stabbed auibush J lylut of lb UoUw succeeded at thin inAiiMiuiMn m

YwlKUyKvkrJ t 0IraV

3kflavvJ taiMtl6vliHtisetulil




Qt uifuM tatlr - tday swing- - -- If Ton iUingniMn S

Par ri mcr Jn iwux wir hnM iruK4vl him ftlbr vomm nd rhiMrvnaj nol t

immiuumtuuuiij Jtikuwum


ana ntlnnl Will b fttit Ihnw HMMs sk l k lalun llilb Miter orSSLiiMJ ntkL Mil a th jttt tbeSjuaan on lVrtnJ fc eent ohr uSuWr jins he to ait inarprwilrw Io tradu Kal wkal MI ail EilWITlrVl IB BF v a 1

wti lYr tte iEiU wir thai the wiiwttMiii n ana m oTewiw external commercial reHtlona

VSSS1S i ahreaivv th of towrtiTr rrr iWrrnuiaf iu- - iMOj acvepu EnKluhcommnT eipenaea

bu tiiHeTvmu scl a uunste rebel wvr a to Herber rrceleIwawl tJ pnr recoed other trdin rthtiVUUUfewaU Tiji W JIv U W nisht that rannliria nesvUlins wth Italianthe lnudeat a cvuudeiiss the antK OoTernment an altrrnatiTe acheme for

KiACvt I v Hay It- - tstsawaj icoriI CWIector occupation th httor th ereutwro wv w - a licxn m n ex - w wi w rVKiwmrBi wua iwwfMUhl--xl rtkailUMl roSftSfttatXttl is - nTrwJa i wwtvwww

-- - um tnikk rrM anxitaiM ixvu oi oiac - -SSc7lSjl to enter aid we reMd rett forUfioaUona and defeat aTof MaaBadf thcU thatthnceUa nt lf- - Th IttlUo journal JWiTbitnnltmt ThAvcwrKviedaaiKaardd lridest tosixy appointed Ferdinand F

astie aal cat l depctte were bantered to Dafal ork to United butt CVnnl atid brufi ad were sieea to under- - Haxr

Kaadtat tkeewcoM b wij dealt ita U Gevwse V Latcrotv recently appointedtbey rseared o do S ceoace h ar- - fo jM iiuasier to ltBia quCtiied atWK ti taea ad crowd deternuned lytMrtoieai TeeteKUy

T Mr Lamont acceedcwArhaiuMttcoaiNe Cheeland mlr iltwoixMayl irvoi x a aaii Yooac Hooipart lton rioni OfItAaMpiis Uew Matte Chruaaa met Atlanta Ga itarct between such hib partie could not

w arrested m Ortnotj wtttoat consent CrownKHUiai IMWIM promL iCa Ul JUOTWOa 7 T J in sureimuliiwb2erit S tdma0diactwair l Jhmatcn for Kins

adauaKered o piwpectir bndsnxa althooch anSsCT1 ltahaa is boarmiiwreally ancrac Mad CVoiruae hoce tofiord Hemes was m ItuUdehu braoeuaed fee Ettiofe Jarc and

keardtroKiatLoadoe It fadot bndMr W alter taaox MuweUwfco front Medaefctk a ramefe a theesfc aottume haubees heard JoooaMtMM MawvBIrvwiMjiiiw aad kawte beOef that cuaapaaiua awrderedaaavwiMKawwaadecureet mUmc tnew Lord

bric assaawd k irplj to

AHASta G May At to Jyfs w saoaotlaacraatiooal Vcaaa Men s

ISnsaaa Assocaataic Fraaetecu choeaa phwe f o tnatw a T

AKixia GiMayH AbKpaBwpoasoaMd lo dwy at a at Tattetak Falls7jkraicaaciMaioahaB atadeBthe cir creajibevMrv ar nenauT

N Ycaa Hay t A fV4 WasluaKtoaiJ x feaasoc slater Oregon ayai s

wry tfit aether jOeraorwStMltaa 3Kiua saauaer toettctaCaedstrkeauorusacceedhna haeo the roa appxBled aautIn mi ii j when XeicfctHar mcaia

Xaw Yoas Hay a meetracof Hiht3 ctk lastataae states at Goarsteadaday Lwaseoat Grds

Ecxuawrs raised ria paper s tier SeaLc Decern- - w henna heu tji rib at coawtrT at--

- MntsrJL7

-- a betweeaIt Ta t aew froaa

tnaa cuswutwd th foikwtaic reCuaaasiaar w iiWy

VesMHKr Weorf thraash x


i iMrTteti sh ssaexIhreewer

heoxc with boutfThere ft inrntriraiOB pronsioria

at fronciteceat wmd boaiaeis

Th VTewilt

ttfoa heme reportha xNcedvwB ta caccreat as cxl piisv wexbi

paiaaat fcmeif tc ta ceisrsarrsetier S s

hiliery xaycstmc farsfeer cocw tPffrr

Itasua etser etereed c jaat- z

9Mitty orwtax iawmi w c Ami-- E Hi j i


W fetfretwaT ttlitSl 3

TititfcajiUJ HXlxajlZ uucwwi EBS

si ac a asesazuccetv

arttxBj rgT to

xmonas o wBTTrraetfOiBir

Trsar7the hFxae tfta

hud etw


Ontwi lhl cwUlnwwHon Omuu read official persona

trout lUtouch which chargedM -- liar Loxivx 13 in

iff iUiMnU Th Common tuoTdsplendidly r in tu wmled lb granting annuity ilW

i wv -- v v k w lttric on M oftxxiriro f flat marriage r th

vjwHBK w May Itatonch feu fallenttvui aiinoily

bayonet Minister MortonAt lvu


la Oumm1 Muklletau iuth ivrsisl in

wuln rklkln -1- 1 thprisoner Th in rivto it hi

bvXbw it wviM fimt lArtan

bBBUM aax u rhillnui iHutLh 111 tl ftmlnltinnrjmriueat atuek iaensajeaWW

If an of


J thai concernini

T lvMecras of th ea 0 In


of th

ew bla tfc

of thmarme

Ue- - mu







At th








stcarcwhole at kW sabeody roled bytbltOittcrr w for carryiaa

Th iadicauon ar the wrater wheat cropthe Laired Mate show a falnss at atrr with the estmate for ApnL

wtuck pet the crop at 65 per a fall jidd I

1cuMay1S KetweealS and II echvSatcht a hywderwuc injection coataiaiac are

drops ot aorpan adauaKtered to GeneralGnat ThM qaaatrty ot optaM asaallT aeaIrahvK cKKteat paut la hts throat so th

abt to 4ep bat was not th caseitMat Th darmK the daytalked K much to hi Tisilor hi aooadaymi was chdly throat swollea httte

la rateas osoal opaaisot prodac the osoal reealu

foaad ao steep aata 3 o dock this moraine Vtthat aoarheetept continued to so with

waofate- - caul 9 odocxtkasaKmuiar At 9 oeloct he dressed

tacasxz awvilmz of throat is to daraortCMbh la th wordGrant Father h not so well aaoiais Jymday laofamg

Nr Yoax May I- S- Ihe Cmmmtmti JraUetaatys aaie about ceoed

a be dmotry maaeacud by th An KaaiiWht com ar larsty aSecndby th Wetea dfcsptlefcee concemias wintervralec weeal which for the momenttr not oeiutsh on th crop

wathaes pcotectwa xrned the vili VTassisarox Mar the sapennteodenrs otim ri Feiieral powers ut this United btate at sae New

OruaaadrTliUdeJphMhawbwEaathoruedto a ot steamersTote soain

VTix Nteiu

cefredthuaftecxuin bu


sdrvr ot the ataadard aawoess at ofite troy fa otBxwari

aecntrfw at tram both baaxs of Ntw Toax May li Th rVtf WajtrngtonnJ rhi trml to eskstar below- - rcaIiis Tie repKX that PreiaKcl

Serrr cabw not qraci enflwh Jred th oCce Eesfeter tk toaia- - and whas- -

boatbarricaded beef xmi

pienayami frddec aad oocfcok brtrhter

expect Am uprsCrtxrcJerraaithrasetTap

asset Bel ad Tie thatKt mrJaxd VTinaxpeir ail

wyAsfioctbiresis who

wai he wxfixt


was cetare


oa tnifc



leers- -

fifeeE oopxsizaaTote wft




hw4 JSialo0vn

lAUUUi TOttVAntt



cuaatKt Men

WKnu prWnt

thatot will





Hb hadaad puta thatdai The

and dohea and


aad otthts he


frecaiatmaaarlet here


raect asU ISuuauc nas been

NewVar uKmmM


of Treasury




lw rateper sums and

ireher has

rati ba were


dtbtks dee to the that thdVlegatioB aa waited upon the Presides andformed era that provision oabt to be made forRoeecrxss who ux ned of an incoeae and sTted tee orSce of th Healey ofCatiforBta aUte that Romctxjis wiHSet th peace

Srccvrosji Ii Ttii creo Elsie isoldithe tnadsteai BMdisstsaTea arciesere After Tanoos r aterafrratmrs rscreeeat- -atneof the lypeweSfwr jumped orer the mnr

on Thist2e loorut

tfcaa xsccAedouttcesptrtrailistsattempced th aad begged

for merer- - AUtb oocer Oa

ti3 MxyH laca tady laaar went rato hntenes TheJ rofmrr- - wxs hroeEx aad the room was

la the were focad raasx wart and--TSSai Jocaalawrxi cufcibrtatanr Ta is the Banpaeraaha whies had been coacealed aader

eta of tiieidresoceiaenaitaecahjseprvectciKjSSniertaiiEdmaaiisUr sxi riiscsco May News an beettrecetTed

art froex TxhEx ef Asril Sa aaaoancroz th

js jfbrfririj cr after tBeuv ulz- tsmMa

H FTttJtzSaiiciairitwyyjtMSaV UXMi2iftiajaTiiJcfli



tooifisbe as

sz she-xSeai







awas h







so A



ir Oides f li

tSsrttf tke jiip vtieii braitSt latent TUfc tt daKase1fees ait sseecuy r owsrsil air pattc to sea

ZSrw Tffitx Mar 11 JL Tr BraizvoortCcc2 omiaiTT t t fced of

BoiiTX Jae a DivMsh aador vta died mPnrnlnTr g Ja TTtrr Ti coafetiEioc exptazsa


cots- -


csSed Tnr liter afesisssceo rojwwy tfe ssoien

stessateat iafcvi

Vrr Toax Jfar 12 X sari thaiii azcos cax tbs estate at

Kkx bcrsed otchoiief bursfid

May It A eahfeg V th Putfrwcx Lasdaa says The details Cceretas Aac wrs zraalfy ettteti hp

Ghf ifof wig aaaeusg 6fee

Ls Asuauss Hv EI- - A asbfaaeti am sas the emftwerasr rh sepprcsaas of

dacraeier aad tnal tadss nhuiH larr

tb Uoum u CVmiuun lbi tlnimThe Initricatt Kihibltlon Id b lu UmJonIsm ia b U ttlfU t lUrlKCMntt Kensington

Uwrost M vy I Sontiiticn r iwoilms withjioiie fLBABK IIKeoeral

contract railwaj


jvjbubjj rcsx MiflBArnm nna ami ncjotturlUxmrrwrp oppcMra to luiuui occnpuncy ofnnw viilJS7quarrel mUitary






approre tne occupation or hJirT bj ItatrSciKti Maj 14 Tb rrsade of Gnardi haa

been orderedN May IS A ca from London

ot May I3h mj Society circle in Kome arcacitatrd over a acandal in hish life lrince Tor

Mayor of tiara u lethrothed to lnnceauaovbter ox Jerome arvleonrWiE aXaooi Awocutwa at contrartinsiluweU wSeUI forte mfc th th

The sroaad In refqwlww


























dignity tmrinj been acqairedby the purchase ofcertain Ttneyard and other Uuds which carriedwita tneoi a princely title Th prince was fanou1t eorased and to Flurenc where heroamed a woman who had formerly been hi mistree He her to Home and has installed her a Ihe of his hooxnold in tbpalace municipality

Th outlook for Kusidn wheat is poorbpaia has lenouaced th cxed duty on wheatFerdinand Hitler the Gemma compoeer and

pianist b deadThe German Keichstac baa Toted to mas the

daty on wheat 3 marlsThere w a XUV re at Chatham England

on Monday nsaatM De Freycntct has assured a committee of the

Frvach Chamber of Depnues that tb diScoUyropecnaR th upemH of th Ssec Canal willbe amicably settled

ot uanningrum aad rnrtoa for alien-ed


complicity in th recent dynamit outrace vas i

reeuid May at Loadoa The eeidwnctalenwas a repetition of the testimony adducedat tb prelimuiary IrmL

Chiwers Cttaacllor th Exchenuer ha an--Bonoced that aboat 3 VWX of the credit ofSOVJUAHUJ aad been alrsadT absotbed

Ootidie Stephen bearer of dispatch from SirrnerXrfsmsoi baa armed in lamdcn

rh annooacemeat of th appoistiventof Herbert Bfemarch as Tnder Secretary of Ger-man


rorearo Vfairs wis made May 12The German Keiehefiac has to rats th

daty on oaU and brly to IS marhsestaonsiieaveeaiy nn

and llarcelotMviun


weodoi sCsrhtry




BoMcras fact



Eecorder fsranaregeceralfr damared


sf cc




hea from th SoadanIJjCu Kgyptian be added to the Egy-ptian


army alraadr threZuoraxs May Ii Tb saltan ot iUmihar baa

protested against German encroachmenU histerritory and has appealed to th treaty rowersm regard to the matter German cajonratjonagents r actire on coast at present nItalian man of war has amTed on a confidential

Oaxxrumsarxz May li M Neitdo KsdanKmhasiloc to Tarxey is tilt iigoroosly presstag th Tatxtsh GoTemiBeot for an early paymentof tne war tsderantty owing to Kassia

lostxa May 11 White Cross hue Delciansaaiser Wrrta with a general cargo abacastarted from Antwerp on Ann Sd for Montreal

exrche at th letteevrs and irrxbbed the spirit who senhoi Scaary Cape Breton Saturdayproeea c Beynotas agat xooowetl ta is ra szeamer ot mat one waiea nas oeen

Mizyef were Eiicbt raiafcd by East xaii waA tie dbarfcers ht wrthra many yearskis4

kjn TM2b




adxna ver






Vnxix IUt 11 A BrneU dupdlcfa to the

uuifey ttas beHt apomtei GoTtroor of tJie Concacat Herr aKCchhJ to Bonitaj will be

cxsde 3miiir Cocitzsit sod Hert XeniHsmsttc of Finance ot tfeat own

tezLTSt Kar The Mug HoUand u affuC from bMAae of tfc kidnej liu lHoeM uSiniicas for earnest feri oathe qseooo oftiw isooB-- In Lsxmbsrs UKrefore cotas

m to toe the qcUgo the dfObdDole of ISaarts vbo nwld be eoutieti to theaccetoc as a meolwr of the Onspe fanulj

Tbert so doebe that Emperor W tOaici n3X sspport tfee etaiau rf ibe

Bosez ILir It ts reported tat Jcies FerrjFruaSb rrexer bas obtained a eerttister- -

tsw with t rope aad has porai ed rafor the srpoft ot the eJers the ewssse

Srr ftiitiT Tr f i i SBfe --co ttrfCcriroCCiwaXaitolTwaKaa feoos to streocthec tJt Conraedat if btaUtJvaJiraiKsartersaiatefeaiiiti Sa --rt UOa 2 cs t m Bsaspart rwtorsd to Cardoal CxAti moo a atftt r taftr iiKstjara 3MwijE fseoat oC u rrx cr re the lOjw to aot to

2r7d-r-c- c Eiaada ealrixfroci h iasec ws goc He c as airefaect Cardinal Czaeki baa th eareu j ajf iSJCLO EKsnztW jc tii kf aad the tb- - Pojw aad it m expected that he win raflaceVfhSsa9D2XSititBLidAmtt- - orr vaj adraoceti by xactrcHed tznznztx Cafdnal Jaeabm Papal Smihatt of State vboseSMftjK iiti tten piiti s Csiced ifiatw foe saass that he had coBLmeud The eoo rttestna is nU be soifoabie uheu te- -

Hfafcal iaMl 1lfHlvu- - a4JaaHX W 7I wajQJtiUVtftAttM X LXJ WJftaSaS t fTTl plT TTTj Tf I

ir bn fen jr natie conqretad dedto hofefec 13UT eay deterasmeSfe sh amtmiH2S

ot fife

a shtfhaw fee --

saae er ahare feeea seavoc nx ottraytffi














lettertHf TTtaoe

rceastr tirewer afcto as

EUROPEANMtt Taax rrr

of tb new-htat

abaadottssest ofaaaes aaect- -

tTl nunihnsuu It


or Inuluiivi


Knitteuiaa rruic







thuoom wdl





try11-- of

front of




szaae- - oceaytyrTsy

Saastssax Haj 11 It is reported oa coodasthornj that rereoxasiTe3 of Fraoeeasd ChmahttVtt Mcoed a protocol of peace at TientoiB

daymax oc irerataBya rat oc enseoaat aa x xaroraaaeLortiOEi adnceis

scijcs May The Egyptta3 troop at Kasataaicn8ti1edtoeardocAfs to renee tbtrfeasor The Goeemor of Kisiila refect all ap ¬

peals of the jwijK to attteept to oape froiathe ton

Lessor May IT Ta area eorrp9sdai ataoerpauais to xjoaaealjeEs1cIJlit-ter-c3cxfiBaww- M Saabs are tttfatiamt

rC iljc itteTCnnnof EsaJtiatf aaapfoeatspseaalisrsesEi eiawefwmg the arbttrxry Blew ue

StSSSSw j- T iB Je f O I- T a - - - T t ft C -


raillurj enorhli om ilhtlehn to npPfJthat lhj nr nol permit to nJ lippntn w nt mt

IoNwyMdll TlieMji Ui btlJlbt tbe Iritti Lairl bo nfpottiJ h JtfTrtnmut on lb Eth iniL In iftlna InetTtlr mufnJnirnl to tb Knallh UrpWtMtKin

ot otfr bill which rroTiJM lhl lbeolorrrcitratloc liunU b eluirsnl to In rrwwnryImtMi of to IuotI mlM b droilJ wsiiut tb OoTernnwnt lo raorrow on Mir

Iip motion to intt thaw rroTtdlnBlb jprni of lh rKtriUon b chunrnl to inTrtntnri Ih CKTrnnM oooildttt th mltJof tttAl iniportituc ml if lb notion U ftiiriwtb remit nuij l rr crtt rareell b inaa ilioni whip to bU followen to b urewnl t tbuiTiuon on tai motion m niunta mi u

Wimtl tbtt liuiflHWUI UtUUn IUP1H HUII UVti U H

n3WtoaJ7 Th grleTAnco of th PiirncUlKi that th kmrnmtnt irtof to sin an aorane in reaped to tb proTialon of fainl

r r iwnttuuniNo i the recltratlon la


























LowoeMayll ThAnl expect Uiatth Manjuia of HartlnRton tVcretary for Warwill announce in th lions of Common lo daytb definite wllbdratal of lb ltritiah troop Intb boodn and th abandonment of th expeditionto Khartoum

Catao May 1- 0- Adtic reclTd hr lU thatKaaaala wa U11 holdlcc out acninst th rebls onApril IVth

Coitx rrortJC Mae 10 Fehml Faaha apeoial TorkUh Enroy to Eugland faild to effect anarrantement with Hrusland for th occupation orth Siodan by Turkey becaus he claimed theright of Torley to corern Cairo

Loxpot May 10 - rbr waa a serious disturbanctathe Ticinityot Tottenham coort road aboutraidnicht on baturday Four or fir men who hadbeen ejected from th European Club ralaed thecry that they bad been swindled and asaaulted inth clubhouse A mob of roushs quichly collectedand amashed in the windows of th building

Lownoic May ta Earl Drby Colonial Scrtarr replrinctoa itroojj request from thoGoTemment of Sew Zealand to tb hnglish Gorernmentto annex the bamoan IsUnds on th cround thatth naUra chief wished a union with Englandcut a dispatch on Januarr Mh annonncins that

th German Gorernment had siren ample assur-ance


that it would respect the independence ofSamoan If therefore t concluded NewZealand should unfortunately send a CoJonlajSecretary to Ntmot Germany would be justifiedin annexing th islands In lrerour ot NewZealand then sogcested a an altemAtlT a treatybetween England Germany and mriea to respect th autonomy of th island

JTcro 3ilBtrtirniicntfl

H MAY COKeceire by rrtry tenr from Frtocitco

WHITAKERS STAR HAMSDope t Bareu mukr4 Beef nii ttlmoD BxaRed ReniD 4hftri l ream t hreae ew

r Lbrrc Toaac Vmfrlra theee DatchBen rU t u ambu River H Jmon

Half Barrels and Kits Salt Salmon

Kl 1 Xw MkrrrlKec latch llerrincs

1 1 Falrtlank s lnt X 3 and tori pallBis Huacle todah JDS each

Hlf and Uoamr Bbl M PerkJaarter bole toraed Beef

Half Bbbli Boll BauerKexs bill Sdged Ratter W each

Cs Cod Fish BallsCases Clam aad Pish Chowder

Uahy s Corned TaaiweUkbys Loraed Beef

Llbbj s Baaekae Pic FeetRichard A ReMaeo s Polled UmU

Large Assortment of Table Fruits

i dot la Caw Jaaw aad JelliM t da la Catnie aad aaeaie Meat Veau aadj da la Cas YaawlaMe t a ia Cae hutAsORTJtEXT OP COSBIJIBSTrl

Teas in Great Variety Old Kona and

Ground Coffee we make a Specialty

V ale prepare a cheap CoeVe Tor Phwtslloa at


Goldea rtle aad El Dorad PloarMeals Bna OaU Brae

oroond aad Waal BarleyCracked aad Tot Cora


I- - SB Fort ti Hoaolal HBS


OT IIAJIBCKGCaptUlflheCiaipaB7BeserTe KlchaurttXWXI

their Be Iaewraae C


was MroEZ oiej to the of th or


CaaitaleflheCtheir B laerae Co

Befehsmark ITawrw

redaettm tJiittniWln BesehaauikMatapaalee IDM

Beieaeaurk ljajflTIIK CVDEIftlGXEIJlEtlKtl UOlTH

th there tan cearaaat for ta HawarlaaIataaa are mumi le iaeareBtlKgai FafaUai

werajaery Miwaaniaaaneaaie al9MarBat Hill aad Tew1 i the harbor aratat imaaate hy are ee the atee faeorahle termly R HaCSTBLD A GO

lTPTAJBlXXJCfJcrjLTlatkee tmtl lad Tarter BlaOm
